""J Cur M akkit. Vnt, $0 to . PiicEi or Oiikodk rBontcr Jo0BBl F.m S.-II...U., from XOe to ,UPT J X to lie l.tr.l, l-rreU. Be lo . ... Hto We: butter. 10 to (counted), 60 to Me; K,0OHU2icto3,.i flour, $5 50DerbM;wb' Ue to 1 1 pt-r r lfc-,n iV'i: :ZiV M to Me! flunK 6 5 00 to JiOtlllll) si 60 to I ,"u VT ! elite. . . iselaw my bu.lne. In tliii city al I iwiNwlfully rrquert that Imlcbi.J x. o. o. r. fto. Low N- 3 n,"w ' ,h1,,i' nm" . -I!litth Land Offic!, on Monday viun; of '''PU-k Brethren ill good standing nr. iumed .1 WM. IlltitlUOUFK, N.U. j .5 30 bul Cam No. H, I. O. O. K.. hold llicir l.e nmwf on lite lot end 3d Wediwday Sffii n"",",',, '"" 10 rri"" Oiy- 'I'll Koieliu i" e01 """'"It 'n,',,", '!.M-i- - jVu A.rnr.s. BSultnomah Lodge No. 1, A P. A A. Mm holdi in Muled commnnicn lions iu the hous nf Temper.Hico Hull, oa ths Bilurday piecidin; tli Full Moou in rach ,h lirollireu in good Handinif nr.- invited ZZl . W- DUCK. W M. U. W.Csaiu, Secy. 13 The next gulr iniet'n; bo on Sal wiy evening l"U",y T, ISb'O. HcwUR WrU. Tin Win connected with tlio First Cotigregii. laud Church iu Oiegn City, lake this ..pporluiti- W iubrin llio 'l,itf thai Iheyliav r.ceiitly Mianited a Se'2 i:'re!e f"r P"V of as ssiing ia defraying ibe npeiisMuf ill church. They ari "'y 10 orK rr"'" C""'' n(n vr Udies, which shall be roiiiilly mid ueaily siecutcd n reasonable term. Any genlieincii litsrealed in tin "bjtxl in.iy become lii.ion-ry ..k.,. bv Bnvini mi onniml nlwcnil.mi of M0. Any duiwtiuiu wlH bi nitifiilly rn.-eiied, Mireli !5. ISS9. GOOD morEllTY for SALE! 3m mcJ-TanBCJ! T WILL 8ELI. FIVK DWELMXG haiiwt, on lurgo aud i-uniiuudi.iui -. JKK-IIOL'SK, and on 'K mni.JL all htiidtuiiu-ly iluiite.l IX CANK.MAil, aud ia fnod rru.ir. AH the dwelling! but ou liuve l. Ion well frnvvd. 1 think il unnrcrnary In finlirr 4iciibe Hie pmprrty, ai no one will. buy without wfiiijf Hie nam. Any our during llit rah, ami willing to t-i'ula:e. cm liuvr a bareiin to tuit liunwlf. I have nimlr lip my aiilld to M'll. KAMUbli U.AKL.litv. Cantiiiuh, Pee. 3, lbj'J. 3t Dissolution. rPlIE ennnrttiemliip lifietofore t x'tlinj un.ler X thr haine and il.Me i.l 1 eyair & iiumiiin, n hut div d.MuKiMl hv iiiuIuhI cmiKriit The Uii'i Ht mil be conlinurd hy Mr. J. It. Kalttou, who ii iIm lullmriwd to if tile all accounla. CHIS TAYLOR, J. K. KALSTO.W Oregoa Cily, Deo. I, IrtMI. Notice. T1F.USOXS knowing thnnmlvr. iiid.-Llrd In JL thi late hnn of I uylnt Sl Ualatnn, rilh.r hy noil or book account, will pleune call aud aetlir tin nma hy the fiml Hay of .lauuary, lttlil). All notnmd kccouiiIi unpaid alirr lliut datr will be placid iu the liaud. of uii nflinor for rol Itctiou. J. It. K ALSTON. Orrgon City, Dro. 1 , 1 3.'i9. 34u3 Lqnd for Sale. "jTOTICE i hi reby (riven lliut, by older of the i.1 County Court of ('larknnmp cniniiy, I will ell at puMic tale the LASD CtAIM of N.J. ud t'lmrity Liimb, deceumd, In the hiylioit bid der. Said claim embrace! three liuudrcd and twenty avrci, niluatrd in towuahip two loulh, iu nnge three east, iu Cluckainiti coiiuly. Sule to take place at tlie court-liouap door in (.Irrgnn City ea the tnenty-fuurth day of December, 1 S.jD, Iio tween the hmiri of 10 and 'J o'clock. Terms of nle one half duwn, the remainder in two yvara with ten per cent, intercut. joskhi ciiuncii, Dec. 3, 18.19-34w3 i4dm'r. 31 ill Scat and Land. I HAVE an excellent MILL SEAT, eur riiundrd with excellent TIMBER, which I Would like to hare improved. I will giveaiome millwright who wishes In inveat in n Haw afllkor grift mill, or bt!i, a frond chance. The locajtiou (one of the very heat for ai-lling liimher-n itvel way lo tiie mill teat, no hilli lo pull over,' and handy to heavy aettlomenli. 1 with alto to nil half a tection of LAND wear by. The place ii iix milei weal of Lafay tli, Yamhill county. W. L. ADAMS. Xov. 25, IS39. 3tftf ADXiMSTllATORS NOTICE. TOTlCE ia hereby giveu tbut leliera of ad XI miniairalion have been granted to the uu dertigned by the county court of Clackamai coun- . eu Ihe estate of John Klingler, ilec'd, late of aid county. All persona indrbted lo euid eatale re required lo make immediate payinenl, and all iraoM hiving claims against mid estate are re laired to present them to me, aworn to aa the law dirccla, within one year from tliii date. JAMES OFFICER, Dee. SI, 1839.37w3 fmiitlr(iror. Administrator's Notice. "V-OTICE ii hereby given that letter! of ad Xl mini -trillion have been granted to the under signed by thi county court of Clackamai county, n Ihe estaie of Joel Larkina, dccrand, lale of asid county. AH persons indebted to laid citato e required to make itu mediate payment, and all persona having claims against laid i slate are re quired to present them to me, sworn lo as the law du-eeta, within one year Irom thii date. RACHEL LAIIKINS, Not. 5, 1 SS3-30m3 A dminiitratrix. Dissolution. TOTICE is hereby givea that the Mpartner Xl ship heretofore existing under the name and a u ' F-Ckarmt 4 UcKinnty, wai difcolv- by mutual consent December 15. 1809. The ewinen willbeeoatinued by F.Ciuaii, whoii otlioriied to settle all account!. Thiaje iudebted 'e reqnoatcd to nuke immediate payment, and all eebtacontrieted in Ilia name of the firm before "ee-15, 1859. will be paid by mid CH4ini. ,. CHARMAN & UcKINNEY. Oregon City, Dec. 24. 18S9. 37w3 Bmnt in Wheat TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON: VOU that have SMUT io wheat, will find it A much to yonr advantage to Ihreeh your Heal itor, ,jler it g (t tirougk , neat real deal of tba smut will be prevented from fiUia, oa the griia. A. J. CHAPMAJf. b'aad Min,Jnlyrj. 189. I5lf TWE eopartoership beretofore exiatiBf betweea : v A1Uril' d Jb Epp.nger, ia the elnf bo-inuss, waa diaMlved that day by no waieoEiaot. Too sabxriber will salt! op tba "en of tielau firm. n . CHARLES ALBRIGHT. f T i' HWXtlrt I). IIODUSOV. A. M . Vnwtnu, ul4 by eoiiiucli Ml IhuIkii. fpilE !d iUrlr w;lliniiHnrt Xo. Ul, SJ, Tliii Innliiuilon off. n fc lilia fur llio yminf iiwriir lo my cli..l in III vi.'iiiiiy. Il it tuu il rd Willi uillliiw IIMH, .h lo.i'nrj elirm. uul 'j-t rial ita. w hImi fiirnwlixl null 1 Kuu I'm iio mid wll wU'lrd l.ilimry. Hiodtnti lll In nilvmicrd i fat u ill. ir irili will l.lmii, ai, d ui fati-r. So Mudiul will b a.lmlt Ird fr a li.- (fl linn half a ii4rir, and di du.'li..i. will um b niailn fur ilmiirn, ttft in caxiuf ulienn illiir. Vouuf ill' n drlr.iia of boirdiiif III. iiim-Ivm cm ii Im accoiii.iiudalcd wilb ruoma iu llir t)rmiuary tiuiulinif. N. II I Vclnl ailnn'on will h p d Hut quart, r lo ViinMiihii. Tliuilriiriniriii nil! In nihlrr tin dirrciioii ul a miut iruiiMn. In. Miucii.ni will b givrn tjruU l.i Hi nvmlioni f lliirli"nl. Nu. .1. k.'.Um,3 UrrSR WZLXiAMSTTZi Transportation Line! 6TEA.MKII OXVVAUD, " M'UTHIMv, " UKI.!I.K. " fcl.K. WIIKX Ida it ii f of walrr prnnlla, cm of lli.o li will Irava CAXKMAII for ltV.I.Ms TWICU A WEEK. Kur i:L(li:.K CITY unci a w.k. 'Mi. publ.e will In adviH-d uf Ilia? regular data fniarliiiK. tT Muri lra.it w.ll be run if tin buaiuva dc. ni.uiU it. F.nglit and al n'ml rttn. . l llKtl. WVOAXT, Vr,.n City, Nor. I, in. ll ii.it Agtnt. Iffon-Rcsldcnt Notice. rpO Dlt. JOHN EVANS! You ara hereby JL iiotifi.d thai Abel Eudry hat lhi t'.y cm ini'uctd an act on on the chancery aid. of Ihu cir ruil eouit of the Stale of I rrguii for CUekuiuai coiiuly, aga n-l you, in wh cli lie aerka lo ubiain a judguirul up iu Iwo .roiniiiy uries irvrn bv you iu hun on. fur x hundred Julians md inter- lal al litre peri eul. x-r iii.mtli, daird Auau I 5, IS.IH, nil.l due twelve mom ha niter dale : III. sill er fur lghl hundred dollars, an I interest al Iwo and una hull per cent, per iiiunlh, payable half- Jiarlv.dule.l Setil.uilrer 14. I sit), and due eiih- la. u inoiiihs afur dale and also l funcliaw iwo cert a u muilugea Ukiii cerlam hitidt lo you be longing iu raid county uf Clxckiiin.il, rxeculrd ny you nt the lime uf g ving mini uoles, aa aecurily for III paymeul of pimcipil and inlenn according lulhrir coiidiiiona. Now uulesa yu aparar iu mid court oil the firit Mou.l.iy of .March, a. u. I 00, and answer lb complaint in .aid action, tin lama will be taken for couC-iawd, and the pruyvr Ibereuf will be granted by Ihe cuurl. U ilnea my Inind aud the sc.il of laid li. court, aflixed III Hull dny uf December, a. D. IH..9. F. S. HOLLAND, Cltrk, V. C. JoiiMsiN, All'y for I'm niiir. 3jiu3 Kerosene Oil! THE ACIV YORK KEHOSEXE OIL CO. (EsTAULIIIIKII S j) 1 NNOUXCK that, hav'uir made great hn iL prnvemeiila ill Ihe manufacture of Kerosene, Ihev are now euab'ed to "II' r II In Ihe 1 raue nt A REDUCED PRICE. The attention of consume' ii respectfuMy called to the subjoined luhle, lite re-lilt of a pholonieliical pxaniiuiition, by Eu'o N. Kist, ljq, of New Yo.k, Chemist, and dated Feb. 3, IHvt. ; a I s - 5-5-15 : rii . . a s ; u u a' M B'j .ira jtl' 1 v IS u, li V- b -x r t. Intent ly of Light, j.. a i- w ii u . ; it ii K y.iatitnyof I.il'IH i V '.i r ii J. frmn an equal llfr meisiiieofOl. io- - rilce of I he Oil oo te ia e per Gallon. ts S t. of ,n r1""' - i. -i 3 to - amouiit of Light. 3 s o n c Reliable orders frqm the Trade, by Mail or Tel egraph, filled, on application lo V Aunir'A.i, njinii, 93 I'enrl St., A'ew 1 or. KEROSENE is also to be obtained at Ihe Man- nraclureri' prices, of all the New York Wholesale Drugg atSji Cirocim.Canipheue and Hunting Fluid Manufacturers ami Dealers ill Lamps. JV. D.KEROSEXEu tlit Irude murk of Ihe Ktronent Oil Vit., and all nertont art eautionri againtt using Hit taid trade mark fur other oilt. December J Mi, lao'j. ou:iii.i GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office , NEXT DOOR TO MR CAU- FIELD S STORE, Ji R A It IHE B K E W B S Y. N.B Family Med'cine prepared in the most careful manner, and always n hand. Oregon City March U, iBjam i Notice TS II 1 WARNER have placed in my hands for colle.-lion all accounts, boih by nolo and book, (under the sum of one hundred dollars,) prior lo the Isl of July, I&j9. COSTS will be saved bv immediate aetllcuicnt with me at my " if miitti office in Oregon (Jity. J oi. oaluh, July 16, lo9 I4tf Justice of the Peace. O KEG ON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. 3. C. Hawthorne. A. ltt. Zroryea, PursiciAX. lfiy SsvttoiDH. For Sale : FOl lX YOIMG STALLIONS, TIMOLEOX. nul of fine mares, aud I'UKP. DI.UUII SOUTH DOWN SHEEf. S. W. MOSS. Oregon City, July 2, 1839. ni3 c .VSHaaid for LAND WARRANTS, by ....... h.V LIST OF LETTERS rem lining in Ilia To Office in Ongjn City, ou Dee. 3lat, 1859. Boiker S M Kahn Sim Boucher Mnniicr David Kreitmar John Brown Cbarlei Lyman Aibi A Lasaaser James H Morin I'ierra Mounts M L McGramh.im Alexander Northrop Nelann Powell Rev J J l'aiaheley Joaepb J Picket Wm(U 8 lenrice) Purdy Wm Piasley Stephen L Smith Hiram T.ylor David Taytof Jamea Warren H and T K Warwick Thoaita T j. rLEsnsG, r. m. Barnes Jacob Byrd John B.alock Jlin P Bemi A Y Cromwell J Cromwell Clowes Jaa or Jai Forrest i Dow Simon C FfcmoyThoa O il am VVm Holmea Winilow C 2 H tm' T B H in Jacob Hays A A Jom D O Joxes WiS B TAYLOR & RALSTON, j WHOLESALE d UF.'t AIL PEAI.ER-1 IN General Merchandise, ate now In rareipt of NSW OOODI selected with much earo in ISun Francisco. rB luva just received Norlhsnier and IT lliullier Joiiiiihaii, Fieikli, Eii.h.h, A1IEI1ICAN I'ltlNTrf. bleaeliid ahe.iiiiga and lon nlolhs. plain 4 barred niualin, do do snip muslin, Victoria lawn, brown lieelmga a ilurnuga, h ekoty strips!, dauiliu, drill mini snips UUta. IRISH LINENS, linen dan.i.k, while damask, ublo covers, Ru. tian Iwwela, and crash, v i. . r. i. n, while, yellow, rd, grey. 4 blue, pljin and twill. l, pla n 4 figured saliuela, janes, eolloiiadea, w.ul liiiMy-beuuliful Mile bluukeU, win. ,ru, v.ue, s, g'.y Iloilcrrt ladies', mlsws', and children's brown, elate, and miied ho gculs' and bo)' wool aud eullon inn noav. YxwU and Shoes: n larg .r g.-uts' fine, me lium, and eoirse lioots 4 slows, L-di.-a' an I iiiismV caif sh'w, gailrrs, 4 slippers, Imivs' bo .la 4 shoes, child, sua' shoes, lauuy mill pl.iiu. Ha r die arc: rocket knives, prunin? and bud ding kuives, knives and forks, scissors and shears, butts anil screws, strap hinges, door locks, variety of styles and patterns, nana saws, tenon saws, compass saws, bench planes, chisels, au gers, auger bitts, axes, hatchets, hammers, shovels, hoes potato rakes, brads, tacks, finishing nails, cut nails, wrought nails, horse nail, etc. era-He r2 msz nciiai:!! oiigurs, co:tce, lea, syrup, salt, spices, soap, Map ponders, ran. lies, sulcrulus, yeast powder, cieam lunar, sola, tul aoilu, iinlign, clothes p tut, scrub btush.-a, paiul briishel, brooms, dihl lirushea, Its ml ImIIuws, woodeu p.nlt, a aali tubs, aud wash boards. 1K1IJVTS $ OILS: White lead, red lead, Ven. red, Prussian blue, chrome yellow, chroma green, burnt and raw um bel, yellow 4 black paint, Vandyke brown, T. D. Sienii aud assorted colored smulli, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Polar oil, lard oil, fish oil, lat.::er' oil, Chiua nut oil, Ac , Ao. We will be receiving ly every iteimur addi tions lo our present exlcnsive stock, and FARM ERS and oibera will find il tn 1 heir advantage 10 call and examiue our roods and prices hel.ua buy ing elsewhere. Terms, CASH. TAYLOR . UAl-S'l'ON, Corner Main d Fifth nil. Oregon Cily. Ocloher I, I rj.'i'J . 25 EMPIRE STORE Out Jlgain. tl. WOLf. L. SIIOIKIUIO. WOLF i SHOENBURa TAKE pleasure in informing Ilia citizen! of Ora-giMi Cily and the putilic generully thai they have formed a copartnership, und are now doiii'r bu-inem al the OLD AND WELL-KNOWN STAND, The Empire Store, and are aupplied with a NEW AND SPLEXLID STOCK Of All Kindt and Qunntitiet of miY ctoods, both aa to their prices aud varieties, aud can of fer greater ill luyemeuii Ihau ever bvlon lo their ftieudi und eustomera lo Pay Them a Visit. They now have, and will constantly keep on baud, a well-aelected assortment of dry goods at Great Bargains ! sucii ai American, French, English, and Furniture prints, Gmffhams of all colors, French, English, and Am erican merino, all wool and half Scotch plaid; delaines, all wool and half, figured or plain silk and woollen shawls, double or single ; alpaca, figured or plain ; pologne de cheery velvet, casi meres, linseys, brown and bl'chd sheeting, drilling, janes, satinet, hickory, Irish linens, H11.H. A.XD STR.VW IIOSSETB, Ribbon: trimming of all tort; oleetet, eollare, cliemiielteo, edging, black and white lace, vide or narrow, ferfamery, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS of all tortt, CAPS, OI.Nrt.EMK.l'l AND lOVl' CLOTHING, OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. and very beet quality, luch ai overcoat!, frock and sack do., riglana, talmas, jackets, pants, vests, cravats, shirts, uuder thins, drawers, overalls, JEWELRY, . and many other irliclei. in large quantities, all of which having been purchased al low prices, can be sold accordingly, to the enl re satisfaction of all who may favor them with their patronage. Here ia the place, und we arc on hand To wait on our customers, all angers & friends: Willi pleasure lo receive, and a henny desira To give hargaina alike tn all who inquire. Remember the " Empire," liemem'ier Iheitand! Remember Ihe bargains Your money will commind ! Remember the quality, Remember the price, O remember the " Empire,'' The great, good old place. K.B.-We will receive by every steamer a rood supply of the abova articles. November 5, 1859. 30 Notice. ALL persons indebted lo me are required to a. I tie their account! by tbe 1st day of January, lebO, orekn they ihalib put ia J. M. Baeoo'a hands to collect, in order to setilemy swnaccannta. CHAKLKs Al.nKluul. Oregon Cily, Dec. 17, lo59 36:w3 Island Mill Flour. fPHOSE who wsh la get the tr.Li.-r. I - - .. ..... ... aitd :ll -I .-II X ISLM Vlll'L, rU"UR, will yrv at Ilia Mill, at Charmaa Warner a, Oregon Chy, or at Allen fc Lewmi. PorUand, aa tbe mc-oikI- banded IJaad MiU sacki have le-oi bongni 10 07 certain individual, aod refilled :th inffior floor. ml avu wi i Bxf i ml A- r- VWIJ'Ai'. Waad SW1, July 23, 1559. 1W K E L I. Y ' ri TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Main it.,0fpotiteOt$. Ahrrnethy f Co.'; OREGON CITY. 100l ROOMS FI IT ED L'PwIih IJT CLEAN aud comfortable HEPS, V for Hi !(! al aceominudal.on of iliiJii Iriivslutf puhiia. Our IUNINU HALL ia Hi ylaral in Oregon, our far good, and charges reasonable, Hmgl meils, oy.ier nippers, and nippers for parlies got up on short uolici, iu Ih uiateil man lier. rilCMi Ilmrd per week, wiihoui balglng, t)5 00 " by lb day, and Iwlgiu-, I 50 Single meals, 50 Night's lolling, Jo Ocl. fi, I rl.,9. fi. D. KELLY, Proprietor. Q1. 2xDIt, LATE U.S. HOTEL.) OREGON CZTY. BRIDGES f MANN PROPRIETORS. rTMUS well-known establishment has aw ji.es oren iiiorn.iriny repaireu aim 1 relillrd. Every atteui.on will be uaid to.1 Ilia accunimiHluliou nf traveh-ra and boatdera. No etieus hn been ipared la mike lliia house coiiveiiient and pleasant, so lliut travelers hereaf ter will have no objection to imjipiiijr iu Oregon Cilr oil ae.-ouiit of the h it els. J0 Table, parlieuUrly, shall bo got up in Ih. butat siyi. ,,n be alw i supplied with the verr nesi tnal me liuiKel alt ir.lt. W inviie ihe paironago of ihe public, and we iniriia inai nu one shall go aw.iy il aaaiisficd. THE READING ROOM Will be furii'ahe.l with the luteal papers of tlieduy October I, 1859. 25 C$mtr Third und Water ttrtttt. oppoiitt tht L r 1 arcrry maiming, OREGON CITY. rill IE Irareling public am resjieclfully A. iuviled In give me a call. Tba Oregon House ii the moat picas-, autly located hotel in ihe Slate, ami ha been so arranged aa to make it one uf the must cnuunodi- oil houses 111 ihe country. litis I AULE will ulwayi be supplied with till best thai Ihe inaikel alfbrils. ItoOJ accommodnlions for ladies and families. raion: Hoard and lodging, per week ..$7.00 Hoard, without lodging, per week 6.00 Single meal Jll) Night's lodging 50 J. 1IOEI1M, May 7, 1859. Proprietor. Dr. II. Adolphus, Offlce-180 tt 161 Montgomery st, Four Doort from Wathingtitn, SAN FRANCISCO. FOR THE CURE OF Chro n i c Diseases. DR. ADOLPHUS has devoted the last ten yean of hii practice to the can of Chronic Diteaeet, such ai Ulie uniatisin, Gout, Private Dienes of very description, no matter from wit Hi cuiii, or of li'iw luiii? atitnd inrr, in bolli nexct, Weakne i in (lie Back, and all other Disea-p of ili Kidney, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Sunifula, Paralysis, Stiff Joint 1, NERVOUS AFFECTION, con'cqtiencps of youiliful follies, and .ill other complaints nf long standing- that thi human system is subject to. Ladiessutlering with d.seaset peculiar In their tex will he treated with Ihe utmost care and secrecy. They may most confidentially ap ly for medical aid, either hy let ter or personally ; I hey will be sure lo find speedy and permanent relief from niliV-ring. Through the enormon success the l)r has had, especia ly in the Ireutment of the above dis. asea, be ia enabled lo prom se a upeedy aud h rmanent cure, where medical skill can p.aibly ell'ecl a cure. Although Ihe Dr. waa always nveraa lo advsrliiinir, he bnd ut last tn su'iimt to the many request of his numerous pitients ihroiighoul Ihe Stale, who consider il as justice to Ihe atiH'i ring who can be benefited hy his treatment and advice. Thousands uf patients iu Oilii.nna huve ben saved by bis mode of trealmeul, and will certify ila superiority to any other they have ever been treated by. The Dr. never ua-i mercurial or min eral pu sons; he bus more efficient substitut. of the vegetable kingdom. He will never expect p.iy where he does not elfi-ct u complete cure. Medicine and medical advice sent lo all parla of the States and Territories 011 the Pacific coast, af ter receiving desciiptiun of the disease and ill symptom!, either in English, German, Fren.h, 01 punish. Coriiuftatien, ly letter, or perionally, FREE. N I) W- STORE, AND New Goods! CHARLES POPE, Jr., ,S opened a new store on Ma:n street, ear the foul nf the hill, North of the little Bridge. His friend and the public are invited to call and examine bis stock of goods, consisting of a GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Medicines, fcc, vc, All of which are offered cheap for caih. Oregon City, August 20, 1859. Protective Union. DIV. No, 53, N. K. P. V., slnl continue! op eration in SALE.M. Those favorable to he objects of the " Unmn, ' living within trading range in IVk. Linn, and Marlon counties, will please make known the same, by letter or other wise, though they frel unprepared to inveat stuck ma. Payment of iiock hereafter encaged my be made conditional that ten thousand dollars be aub- eri'ied the coining year, in nil, making fillern thousand. ' Hard times" are upon as, but this ii only an additional reason for freeing labor from Ihe need les tax of speculation. Wat. P. Puoh, ) C. IIOEL, Agent. ', PotTia, Director. Willis Dcxaoa, ) Salem, June 4, Jb59. fni? JYotice IS hereby given to all those who wish to have Iher ACCOUNTS COLLECTED, and ara willing lo patronua me, thai I am constantly on hind, ind will devote my entire time an I en ergy in mending tn the nine for them. I pledge myself la do aa good hard dunning at can be done by any one, and il that will not bring the need ful, I will send my friend I'ATTCasoa on a vtsnin lour (wilb a eonje-nd- me-quickly). Centa nave year shoe mine ara at your aamea. My term are m-aJerala. . f JT 0c an Main itrati, immediate! oppo site Dubois t ait wag -. J- M. BACON. J. P. Oregon Chy, Sept 17, 1859. 2JwS JL'bT received, the latest style of wls iT nr BjNNETs, leghorn aod straw flan. ARfBTVORTH U PJtRpORFf. i AIKSW0RT1T&MERD0RFF. T E ARE NOW OPENING II IN THI XVew rire-rroof Brick, A MUG It AND V,KI.I.-ASllHTK0 tTOCg OF GtiSKRA I 3MRCUAXDISK. Feeling peift-clly secnr against fire, we will now OfJ'rr Greater InJuermenli than ever to tin ptibliu. We are constantly In receipt of GOODS selected with Ihe greatesl ear (aa la prices and quality), and r confident that uur facililiei w II 1 iijUI us lo oiler and tell gauds AT PORTLAND FRICE3 ! (freights on), and wuuld advise all Ilia visiting Ibis eity la purchase goo I. In examine our slock and price! before purchasing l,-wliei. We have, au I are just receiving, an Invoice of consisting iu pari of Ihe following articles Cof he co, Pacific, Dudley, t'oiiealeuo, Sprague, Philip Allen, Fall River, Mrrrimae, llrigga.nud liiimer 0111 other choice I'ltlN TS, all late styles; Eng lish i: French merinos, Lyoueso clolh, mohair and mher Debazei bruis, wool, At muslin d laiuei, black, blue, purple, & pink llletinos, fancy plaida, j.ir.iiiei, hook, swiss, & mull muslin, ladies eitib, seis, collar, hdkfs iV skirls, di'eas A: boiinel trim miliga, 1 reach fi. doineslic giughatiis, Fieiieb lawns from l-'J to 251, blue, mixed, lc grey sati net, wool iV collon jeans Colluiitid.-, bleached aud brown sheeting from 3-4 to ltl-4 wide, brown and bb iicbed drills, deu.tn-, hickory shirting ; S.lesia. murine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, d aut-r, and crash, a large lot uf liueu aud thread lacei and edging, hosiery, &n. MEX'S tf BOYS' CLOTJIIXO. Blue, black, nnd brown clolh cuts ; 10 dot blk clolh Vest, 5 dint white am) bull' Marseilles do., velvet nnd latin do.', 30 dox satinet pants, dunskin and fancy eassnnere do, 30 dox merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, k. black clolh over cnute, with a g. urr.il assortment jof eula furuitliing goiMta. BOOTS $ SHOES. Mens, boys', and ynulhi' boots; la lies', misses', and children's nil rocco, gnat, kid, aud call Congress boats, with JL without heels; ladies' kid slippers. 2S(0 IE i:i223 Rio and Juva cofToe, black and green tea, X. O., China, lluluvia Island, Cal. refined, und crushed sugar, IC. I lost on, Cub, sugar-house, 4 golden syr up, sail, 5 to 2UU lb ska; IHU kg nuila, usmImz.s; Hill's pale, chemical, 4 English to ip, soap pow der, powder, shot, 4 lead; yeusl powder, sulera tus, ci rum turlur, suioklnir 4 chewing tobacco, green corn, peas, tomatoes, straw and blackber ries, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, auJ cassia, pearl barley, innccuroui, Venn celli, corn siarch, a'in ouds, walnut!, I lrar.il null, raisins. Chili peucliea, dried fruit; mackerel, iu qr 4 hlf bbla; saidines. A line aasori unlit of CROCKERY $ TABLE CUTLERY t 20 cratri nssnrlcd ware, 40 dos atcul picks, 20 Dukh 4 lldla lioes. White Lend, OH, and Window Giant; with a variety of other articles usuully kept. IJ" We will pay cash fur wheat, llur, bacon, butter, egs, aud uluiost everything Ilia farmer has lo sell. Oregon City, April 10, Ib.'.S. Mr. Posts School. I HAVE concluded not to builJ this season. I shall "pen the school in WASIIINO I ON HALL, 011 Miinuav, StriKMiiKn I.', I s;.i. We ahull en leaver to ad vane m rapidly aa poa ablc all those who will use proper eli'ort lo acquire knowledge, as we desire that every person of the school shall receive tin equivalent for all paid us. Price of luil. on according to Ihe studies pursued. Every effort possible will he mad. to fnrin-h bourd to those from abroad livery reasonable rates, as we wish to hold out cood inducement lo all who may wish 10 avail themselves of our instruction. JOHN D. POST. Oregon Cily, August 27, 1S.'i9. I3tn4 licmoral. Dr. XV. D. lUTCIim HAS removed his office to the city of PORT LANl), nil First street, between Yamhill and Tn) lor atrcets, cast side, one d nr south of Dr. Hawthorne'! former oilier, un I oilers hit profns ional services lo nil who favor him with a call. I will my tu my agents in the Statu of Oregon, that 1 still continue to manufacture my medi cines, and will fill orders for llieni on short notice. DR. E. POP PL ETON Will reman at LAFAYETTE, and can be found al the old stand of Hu ritiiiNS fi, Pom.KTuM, one door north of Abbott's Hotel, day or night, w hen not piolessimially engaged. All those knowing llieinsclv.a indebted to me ire requested to coma forward and iclllo with Or. I'nppleton at Luluyelte, or with me in I on- land, immediately. W. 1). HUTlJII.NS. Fortland, Sept. 10, 1S.W. 22 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. PROSPECTUS. VOLUME FIFTEEN BEGINS SEPT. 11, H.r0. MFJ3HANICS, INVENTORS, Manufacturers, ami Varmrrti. THE Scikntific American has nmv reached its Fourteenth Year, an.l will enter upon n New Volume on Ihe 1 llh of September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued iu this country, and ilhas a very extensive circulation in all the States of Ihe Union. It ia Hut, as Home m gilt suppose from its t.lle, miry, abstruse work on technicalscience ; nn Ibe contrary, ii so deals with Ihe great events troiug on iu the scientific, ne-cliun-icnl, and industrial worlds, ni 10 please and instruct every one. If the mechanic or unban wishes tn know the best machine in use, nr how to make any ubiiance employed in Ins Im.Miic-a if the house- wife w shea to get a recipe fir making u good color, itc, if the inventor wishes to know what ia going on in the way of improvements if the manufac turer wishes lo keep posted with the 1111111, and to enjoy tbe beat faciliuciiu Ilia husinesa if Ihe man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar Ih the progress ma le in Ihs chemical laboratory, or in the construction of telegraphs, stratnshin, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other muehinei in I appliances, both of peace mid war ill these desiderata cm be found in the Scikn Tinc American, and not elsewhere. They are here presented in a r. liub'e nnd interest n form, id.cp'e l to the comprehen-in of miii'lt unlearned in the login r braii' iies 01 science aim art. Terms: On-Copy, .me year, ; one cony six months, $1 ; fiveoopici, six monllis, $1 ; ten cop ies,! x months, $H ; ten copies, twelve months,."); fifteen copies, Iwehe m inihs, $U2 : twenly copies, twelve months, i'.'B, in adtsnee. Sneclmi-n oopiessent gratuitously for inspection. Piata-e stamps taken for subscriptions. Letters should b-n. reeled to MUNN CO., 128 Fulton St., New York. Messrs. Musis A. Co. are ex.ensively engaged in procuring patent! for new inventions, and w, 11 ad vise inventora. without charge, in regard to the n ivellv of their improvement. C. .Til It II A V, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL Sknp nearly opposite the Mctkuiiat Church, ORE'iO.f cur. April 1. K Itf Clark's Commentaries-, 0 XE COPT, for sal at FLEMINU'ri P.OOK STOBK, at lh Pa Office, Oregon City. Sana's Arctie Expedition, TlDSSKLl'S CRIMEAN WAR, and otbr IX laioraotiaa works, for! at th doc 55 tity itooK STO-aav J. FLEMING, (AT THE FOI? -OFFICE EUlLDIXft,) OREGON CITY, HAS oil l.sml aud fur sale, a wsll saltvlr'd sa wn tin. ul of Books and Stationery, comprising, In part, Ih following! Family Bible! and Tn- C'ip, letter, aud nolo tauienis, uK-r, Downing' Fruit and l'ei s.V li-k"ld.irs, Fruit 1'rei-a of Amer- Hand A. aiud boxes, lea revised edition, Tissue paper, Durfuratid New M isouio Tiesll. bnarj 4 drilling ppr lloarJ, Mitchell' and Oltuy's Masonic Manual, OcogriphUi md Al' Odd l ellowa' Manual, l.uvs, CJuiuby's Mysicriis uf Mason's Fairiar, 0 llee-krepitig, Ibidd'sCallle 4 Hers Livinirslune's Travels In Duelor, . Suulh Afiica, lune's Vrctia Exp'u- (.iiiiu'i I loin. Medicine, lins. Sand, is' CHd and New lil.iuk U ioks It Dill Pa. Si-llers & Kcu'Ui'S, s.-i, Thumsoii'a Arithmetics, tiihsspiv's k Vavie' Fiiltou fc Eusliuau' Surveying, Hook-keeping, with Slain and slate p-ncil, blauks, Dr. Ilolhuk' Woiks, Red. blue. &. blk luk. &C, 4d., all of winch will b retailed at price gone spoudin with Ihe limes. tT Don't forgel Ih place ! It is OPPOSITE LA FOREST & DA69N S. ALSO, FOR SALF, Dr. Moffatt's Pills and Ploeaix IJitters, and tha Gracfcub)i Medicines, which are recommended tu lliut w ho w ish lo Lvs till they de. May 14, 1!Jj. lioots and Shoes! j. b. ijlTnpied, Opposite to Sebrnm'a Sjd ller shop, Miinilnal, OREGON CITY, WOULD say to l!ie pubtio tbut h il la the coiistanl receipt of Boots and Shoes of the ktast pvt tenii and stylet, wh'ch ha will sell ni cheap as any other etaLluian.it. in town, if not cheaper! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF A 17 AT WEAR ALWAYS ON 1IMU. MaUii? Ci r.opairin? done to orJor AND IX SUPERIOR Sl'YLli. April .lit, 1S53. Bv loticc, Fresh Oijslcrs, DIRECT from Slmalwaler llay, cautt on hand ul the FASHION SAIOOlf. i'a uiliea can be supplied. JAS. r. iiuxr. Oregon City, Nuv. 5, lSe9. 3uial MeMlNNVILLE COLLEGE. '111110 FALL iiiiirtur will notnmeiita Aigl L IT.undllio wiu'.or aosiuu uf tw fiittsrij November 2. Terms ate fi, 3, nr 10 pr qiluftsr, rd ing to SHl Hen. Uooin can be bad in College buildfug, If (asy are taken soon ; from $ lu $1 per quarter. ' 1 r-s.ui iit, (.to. (;. I. hamuli. Professor, John II. Hall. Oilier teachers secured us the lohoul dinianJi. All hooka for llic school will bs kept fur sal ia Ibe unllcge hui'd 113 nr in town. Alu.Minville,July9, I.j9. 13ui3 rirst rremlum, 1311, '43, ' '3. CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTE 9. TMF.SE PIANOS are niado of tha boal ma teiiuls, and warranted lo stand iu asV cli- mute. Tuning and repairing promptly executed, (J. P. NEWELL & POST. July 30, 1 BiU. y A; euts, Oregon Cily. Great Excitement! France and Austria At Wp1I fill I M utirlerstiied wi.-lies In inform Oil pvnpl JL of Oregon City, unit Ihe puhlio in general, lliut he is ni nuca wild all Ihe world, ani fcr- const.iully on hand A FI)VK .ISSOHTMK.NT or Boots and SIioos, of all saris and sites, which he will sell Cheap for Casi! I.adics nnd iren!ln-tten. von will do u-s'l lo uivm mo u call heloro buying uuywhiMO else, beoAiiso I have the kest and crtEArFr' boots and shoes in lliis markft; bectttse I get my bjot.i and shoes Direct from San Francisc, and can a iTrr l to sell cheaper than 111 we (hit liny in t'urll mil so Unit I rfely coinjielilien. 11 ynn will bill o-ivn me vour nnh-oninrs. 1 will s-ossantv rs - - - j , - - . - that you can buy boots anil emei of tna chaffer man 01 any uuiernnusu ill io.vii. Remetniier the place, and make no Mistake: " F.Ar;t,E CUOT AND S1IOK STf)t5.', j. artONnr. Oregnn City, July I li, 1859. jt59 Eeadinij for the Million. .V. J. M.-.CORM1CK HAS COKITAKTLV ON HANI) AT TIIE PRAKEt.li' UOI iroiir., rsoNT-sr, runrLANU, OKEaeK, I Choiue selection of Popular Ilnoks, NVas U. paperu, Magatiues and Fancy SUtiaaery. Among the books on hand will be fotlnJ work on Temperance, Agriculture, llorticuilurt, II- tnry, I'oelry, liiography, medicine, KeRjpon, Mcienne, Sclionl Books, Romances, Sit., Ac., Af. ITTSul)!ript:oiis received for Harper, (.rahans, GiKley, Iilie'i. or Putnam, at a yeir, fotf- a 'e free. UT Subscriptions received for any newipper p iblisbed in any part of the Union. Remember the Franklin flook Store nni K'owa. paper Ag' ncy, l'roiitslrect, Portland Oregon. To Itic Afflirtccl. JH. HUTCIIINS' CELERIIATED BAL I I ..m nt WilH Clhorrv. with a variety of Ins other popular Botanical Mediciura, ar now for sals at CHARLES POPE'S, Oregon City, aul al JOSEPH BAIUSTOW'S, Canemnh. 4Ty BOSTON FAMILY asraaa saiisuas Just Received, At the CITY BOOK STORF Notice. TZF. firm of I Foreat It Bseon hiv ing been dissolved by mutual consent. I hereby innwm my frirfj. and ciitiorrwr lb.it I aill raininu but ae ,t lb osi stand. E. LA FOlltf T. Orejsn Cu; Jima lM.