The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 29, 1859, Image 2

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    Eljc rcgon Clrgus
W. I.. ADAM,
SATURDAY, OCTOMill 29, 1859.
Tlie Pressure.
This season Is I he first sinco 81 S lb
our citizens have reully been hard pressed
to get hold of money enough to answer thf
actual necessities of life. Ill I nionev
was much scarcer tliati now so scarce that
wheat sold for thirty nuts a bushel, tlic
finest work cuttle for twenty-five dollars
yoke, mid everything vise except merchan
dise in proportion. Merchandise was then
higher than now tlmt Is, if a few bolls or
domestic, a few pounds of " trail-ropu" to
bacco, a little sugar ninl Kandwich Island
coffee, a small lot of nnty augers, ono set
of cujij oad saucers, nod a few second-hand
atoves, could Ijc culled merchandise. Thw.c
goods were confined to Oregon City, and
Jickl ul such prices as j . h - 1 tliern out of
the question with most of our fanners, who
rcauuy auspieii themselves to cucum-
stances and learned to do without what it
was iiiijio.oiiWe to oUuin. A was well
iitisfied to cat on tin dishes, use peas for
voffee, chew home-made tobacco, wear
buck-skin pant and moccasin'!, as long as
his neighliors all did the same. A t thai
day, nobody thought of complaining of
"hnrd times." All seemed well satisfied
when they hud enough to cut, although
their tables were often destitute of bolh meat
and bread boiled wheat, otnujcs, mid
eas answering for the whole bill of faro.
We knew Immigrants of 18 IS who made
.rails all winter, and tasted nothing but
ibrcad and watf for weeks, yet thry were
ihnppy and contented to toil on nml look for
a good timo coining. Now wo havo no
idea of recommending a return to the prac
tices of as a specific against hard times,
but the man who remembers how happy
lio wus then, destitute ns he was of all the
luxuries of lift and of even many of the
necessaries, ntny well stop and a-k Liinsi If
why ho slrould bo miserable now when his
bams ere full, his orchard loaded with fruit,
nnd nil the luxuries or lift- uro to bu ob
tained in exchange fur his produce. If n
man Is out of debt, he hits nothing to fear.
Hut those of us who are iiim-h in debt, as
very many of us are, find it difficult, with
Hie present scarcity or money, to satisfy the
demands of our creditors, and pay our
heavy taxes uselessly imposed upon us by a
premature Slate organization, voted fur by
til,. I. nu u ...... I- l . I I- I . .
uv mime in oeuevo nv Uiiiision
;und other hungry office-seekers that once n
; .State and a six-million war debt would be
emptied into our laps, the proceeds of five
.hundred thousand acres of land stud'ed into
our pockets, ami nearly every thing else
added that a nuin wants. The fact is we
have now a State organization in full blast,
tanners enough to work up all the hides we
can furnish thctn. We have One woollen
factory that scarcely finds employment in
working up all the Wool that Is produced
from what few sheep we have. Will Mr.
Jones, wlio goes to Portland with a load of
flour, and fuils to cash it to pay note duo
next week, feci much relieved by being di
rected by an editor coming out of a saloon
to go and put np n woollen factory? As
to brooms, who, besides the editor of the
Corvullis Union, would huve supposed that
a ruun could make his board raining broom-
corn In Oregon? Now it tukes capital to
rear manufactories, and before capital seeks
investment here we must have a heavy pop
ulation Qi.J cheap labor. When wo huvo
the people, we shall havo ehcup labor, ami
money r;nj:iot bo loaned at a per cent, that
trrlMHIit rrrfrrrarr. ArrMal f UrB. Hrolt
'fhe lost l'rexs contains more than a col- Lieut. Gen. ftott cume up on the Xor
umn, partly In reply to our brief remarks thenicr lust week, and stopped ut Vancou
commending Edward Hates, and partly Jus- rer and Portland. He was received with
tlfying its editor's action In the last Itepub- appropriate honors at bothplaces. The old
lican .Convention, In relation to the useless hero wus received In ran I raneisco with
and mischievous resolution concerning Mr. a iicrfcct ovation forty thousand people
Seward. It Is neither deslruble nor profit- turning, out to wchomo liiiu. He pro-
able to discuss the matter at length, but coeds to Fun Juan Muud, having been
tho editor of the Press will excuse us for entrusted by the Government with our In-
i '
saying that if ho had observed his own rule leasts In that (iiiurter. It Is said that
" not to act up and defend the claims of any
particular individual, in preference to any
others," he would not have Introduced, par
ticularly in the manner and at the time it
wus done, a measure of which a large ma
jority of the delegates disapproved. It Is
well known that the resolution caused our
candidate more diflieuby than anything else
tho Duke of Cambridge, of the English
Army, and cousin to queen Victoria, has
been sent on a similar mission by the
Hritish Government,
keeps it confined entirely to the channel of in the ennvuss. He was culled upon to de-
me oiiiccs are all filled by a miserable s
ofdirt-culing loafers whom vc shall have to
support, our luxes nro heavy, our habits ol
l:vmg ore yearly increasing our general ex
penditures, and we have little money in the
country, with n fair prospect of huvinir less
Kvery boy In Oregon knows, or ought to
Know, where our money has gone to. Du
ring a four years' residence in this ,-ity, VP
huvo had n good opportunity to witness
the ebbs and Hows of Oregon prosperity.
'The Willamette Hiver is tlic great conduit
'that has drained the life's blood from Or
egon. Kvery winter wo have witnessed
steamers going up loaded to their guards
Wv'tll llllt.,M-f ...I I I 1, n:el comin
i.- .i. ... .
Men on mi average w.lli ul nut hall euoiHi
produce to pay for the goods thry took np.
The other half or the pay rons'sts hi ca-h
which our runners had managed to pick up
;by selling a little fruit or u few head or
Ibecf cuttle.
A few mouths of activity in such kind m
rlo Is enough to drain ' the country of
neatly tho last dollar. We huvo not only
Imparted merchandise, but thousands o'f
'dollars are sent off every year for provis
ions. The citizens or Portland have been
'nting eheese, potatoes, cabbage, ami other
wegeUMe shipped this full from California,
and within the hist ft w days a large quan
tify of wheat has been brought up and of
fired in market at a figure which hns re
duced the price of Hour materially. Sov
ill lineal :.ti L I...... M .t .
i i un inis to He rem
emeu: W u have bem amused in ni.kiii"
ip several Oregon journals lately mid read
ing tiieir wise saws upon the remedy Tor
Hard time. Their remedies arc nil good,
or will bo when available, but thry are be
yond tlie reach or the musses, and loo re
mote altogether. The man who is weighed
down under a terrible pressure in tho mo
Hey market wants the speediest possible
remedy. Our wise scribes snv. " We mint
top imrting iron, and go to working our
iron miuis; we must stop importing leather
and tan our own hides; wo mu-t'stop i,!
inming woon.ns, uii.lput uji woollen f,
tones; we liiu.t cease sciulin
rooms, nail jjo t0 raVicr
-Now it ,.,VlfM that ( ,' iroll
mine requires a heavy t-;.j.itul. ami if a raj
ituli.t, after making his li-ures. con. bi.lrs
that, with the present hi,;!, ,;,.cf u10r
nu me worm of money, he cannot rrod
Iron here and com,te ,;,!, yMX
i.i: i. I., i -- ii. '
...-... ...u.on. unor low ,! ,!,; (!(.ir
ironas-uuiiasf for a trifle, 0r what use
Is it to ride up to the gate of farmer 15 who
WU astride of the feme, with a long fcoe
studying how to raise fbtrrn dolLrs to pav
liis taxes with, and point him to the iron ore
of Chebalem raountHin is t,.m.i. r...
traffic. The remedies proposed are all in
the future, and they will come along in due
time by the natural course of events they
annot be forced. The only way at pres
ent is to understand our rtul position and
future prospects, mid prepuro for the worst
as best wo can.
Fruit, which has hitherto been our main
lependence, is now dull, and it will not be
many years till fruit will be shipped to Port
land from California. Unless new gold
mines arc opened, or the recently discovered
ud in. ucs can be mudotopaya large num
ber of laborers, or something else of the
kind turns np to briti money into the coun
try, we shall soon be in the 'short rows' in
a pecuniary point of view. Wheat is the
staple production of this country, and we
ure inclined to believe that it is soon to be
Hie farmer's main dependence. With the
present prices of lubor, wheat cannot bo
made for less than a dollar a bushel, yet we
huvo no idea that wheat can be sold for that
price again soon, unless in ease or a light
crop. The present prospect is that prices
will continue to decline hero until they
reach tho scale or prices in tho Eastern
States. Labor must conic down to prices
in tho Atlantic ami Western States, or
farmers must stop hiring, and depend en
tirely iipoii their fumily forces far producing
grain. TIkv must tro to work tliemcelvn.
and mukc every boy that is able to hold n
plow walk into the field and do something
in the way or producing grain. The fact is,
our farmers haven't yet raised more than
hull" the grain they might have raised on an
average. A. who has hitherin Krtlfl ft! i!t n
hundred bushels of wheat n year, must herc-
afier sell two hundred. He can do it if he
Hies urounil a little faster, nml then not
work halfns hard us men nrc said to work
in Massachusetts. If wheat should full to
fifty cents, he will make ju.-t about as much
money as he has heretofore done when
fend Mr. Seward, or to admit that lie did
not approve of a portion of his doctrines,
though the Convention bad Inconsiderately
justified them, and the consequence was, to
SorniKits Ciii ih ii. We notice in ulute
number on the Pacific Methodist, Sun Fran
cbco, in the Conference Proceedings, that
Oregou hus been attached to tho California
Conference of the M. E. Church South,
under the name of Oregon D.'stiict. The
following are the appointments:
Oregon District O. Fisher, P. E. S
em, John I;. 1'iirchnrd; Portland, M
but, t urry.
ourccrtnin knowledge, that many votes were Chiinpit; Independence circuit, John
thus lost. 1 litre are always soiuo people Kolbe; lorvalhs, supply; hugene City, Jiv
who can never "let well cnoueh ulone." ':oU. 1r".w.,"i L"'l"lni "IWi
and our nsrlv in 0.-enn I,.. . few nf Hmi .... . M '? ' "'IW
' " ruirie il. fiunii v: lnm iil . simii v.
stamp. If Mr. Pcngra had confined the J-i-li
expression oHiisown preference to the sheet Aiiitii t i.Tinst Why is it that Clacka-
ho edits, it would have becu nil right; but n,a" t,oun,y lm" 110 Agricultural Society?
when, after a Convention had made or- " 8 ll0tlce 111111 tll,,ro one "' l,lary "n'r7
rangemenls to adjourn, and half its mem- ol,lcr county in the State, and we should
bers had left, supposing that nothing more jU('b'ci fr01" proceedings of tho nnnnul
would be done till tho next session, he nn- '"cctings, that much good is tho result both
dcrtook to saddle Lis privato views upon lo "ie funner and to the country gencr
the whole party, he did in our judgment a refcrcuco to another column of
foolish, and as it has proved, an Injurious "I1S '''' l1"!'. H 'i!l be seen that o
thing. Neither Mr. Pcngra nor any other ca" "M "CQn '"d for the purpose of
iiiuii in Oregon can exceed us in commend- Jeltl,l l'ie Mends of agriculture together
ing William II. Seward's course as a natri- ""J organizing such a society. Ily nil
ot and statesman, but our admiration docs "lconsi '' our farmers turn out next Kat
not niuke us blind to tho truth, and wo urJa.T. n',n or Old Clackamas
know very well how difficult it is to bring "'""'Id not bo behind her sister counties in
to the support of such a man tho masses of "lls niattcr.
the land, varied, sectional, and cor.fletiiiy u . ... . . ., ,.. ..
w jo. me nun unii oi u. c c.rcuit
varied, sectional, and coeUcting
as nrc their interests, and especially when
his opponents so wickedly and readily mis
represent Ins position upon thoso points in
regard to which there is peculiar suspicion
and jealousy. If he u nominated and elect
en, nu n in quite us earnestly ns any
Court In Linu county, Wheeler, who shot
Lilly, ut tho Forks of the Santiuni, lust
spring, wus tried upon an Indictment for
murder in the first degree. The evidence
showed that Lilly hud previously threatened
" heeler, ami also at the time of the killing,
I!..t.iil.K,.it.. ... r...-i .. it
HUKarnu mav iail, aim w i , .ri,m ,.Kii,t vvi,..l... 1....I
our anxious desire that the days of thepres- rcason t0 bdi(;ve ,lmt Tilv ,.,...
cut ruling corrupt dynasty may be n bercd
und finished, makes us wish tho nomination
of our party to bo such that no reasonable
opponent of this loeoroco administration can
object to it.
This alone has prompted us in tho ex
pression of our preference, and ir wo nrc
mistaken, our error is an honest one. We
can see, in common ns we believo with the
New York Tribune and thousands of other
inlliieiitiid Republicans, enough in the abil
will look for. It elsewhere; Thev wilt
0,irfreaJ, tin farmer Governor who lives near ,crhnps, nominate Douglas outright It
'aJ-lini river. n.aaV ' p-wa utk m SatorJay tt.iM .....,- ,,(P .., fn.
lt in tl.- city, awl, lwSb w. d.J noi hear il, wo ,lelrest to
Irsrn llial lis Mtfird lii sudiencs tlmt he would , ' ...
J far i-rnstur if Uifr ualifir.l cmlj be i IK'U H becomes tlie Jlepiibhcon p,rty
circled. Wo lnvt nui l-nl, howev.r, that miy adopt a truly national, conservative piafc.
Icnly wa conviucnl tint Ii had any mon iialiil- form, and pluce thereon sound, reliublc m
canon, than iiy olhrr nisii iiiOreuu rsorpt Utl- S. ..,)t nro..u!m t..m .
.MKmitb or Jo U... tod. of whmn thoh cv0UoM n,,,,,,, "
niiied li.ilir a om curcnwi, w rrjmd m fur , ""'"iraijon of
uiw 0." Car ia.ll thai In 0' .Irictlle(, ,
...,e.m,a. Uat,'iP .rail., (lis .s-U.-vrrnor lm. mil ''""'r? Oll.CC8-l.loro the puoi(.
the el..t of a e!.ai.oo of .acre.., even If hi u"y service standing armies to ennVfc
con: J t lect Soiis-on IIIsiiii inn, and had iinloyal subjects against partisan con.
keiirrl at home, nhrro o know In con "put tmcts the protection of all natural!? I
VUf JiiB out...,...,- dIxclrtf BuJ 0.Ml iMr di((franch. 2
ut home or nbroad n more strict enforcfr
ment of tho sluve-trudo luws and the ?..
ud i'iillivatiii( li farm ilun in liarangu n; ihe
mveril,'iii who li l'n loll in cn'y out if ciiriioiiy,
Im-.iii- tiny wiimlrr what In Ihr world he mailer,
and who will forji't by nml rlrciion that lliere U
well a innn In Ureipin. (I. oilliyc, Coverinir, you
area clever Mlow in your way, but you't he
aguinst filibustering a more liberal pdicy
towanl Mexico, Central A morion, and other
weak States in favor of protecting slaver
where it luwfully exists, but asing all con-
Nkw (joons, Those inwuntof new and stitulionn! melius to prevent its extension
cheap goods, would do well to give Hrown where it does a denial of thena-
k Hroiher a cull. Heed their ndvertia'- tiomdity of shivery nml its self-extensioB
ment in another column. under tho Constitution, and a denial that is
can exist except where n people have hn
posed it upon themselves in the free adop.
lion of tiieir S'lnto constitution in favef of
pwlkal popular sovereignty which will
enuiilo tlie people to select their own olli-
l or llii Argui.
En. A t:cs: I can see util'lv in the lu-ar-
tv shake of the hand, or in other forms of
salutation, but in wearing particular articles
of dress ns a sign lo theconimiiuity that we cers and adopt their own constitution tint
huve lost one or all or our friends, seems to n! ,,,,1, amh 10u,j Lo , '
inn to lie not on v im-less lint in ils- f . . . ""'eiuaf
r. I do not question the pood sense or " " ul1 cs""" i tl.o Westeri,
kind heurts of those who conform to the co"st '10"111 be t,cvntt'J f'w constroction
custom; some of mv esteemed friends are ' m gwnt raeilic Kailrond and finnlli.
among the number. Many, it is true, feel the Union forever ? And unrm tl.i. J'
that Ihey might almost as well be otttof the ,ut;.. i.r..,, ... .. .. ,,
world us out of the fashion. , "s lno
i:i..bteiis ure proper enough: mid where ,'"""r" J"lles 01 JllSS01'" tho Hon,
n business house is closed in consequence of - ''-"iks of Massachusetts, pledscd trv
ilea in, there is utility as well ns touching forward tho great national entcrpriie by all
ueaiiiyinine use ot u.o ueutn einiilcm nt constitutional means, nnd tl.rrrl,. " '
tho windows or doors, slating to customers
that " We have lost our frieud and can do
no business to diiy.''
iui i lie 1110111-11:11:; orcss looks to me in
ubnut this light: n loving husband loses his
harm him, and warned him more tlmu once
not to advance, before hu shot. Jud-p
lioise instructed the jury that the old com
mon law rule was obsolete in this countrv
tlmt a man was not bound to retreat before
using the means of defence in his hands i
order to prevent bodily harm, und if they
believed Wheeler hud good reason to smi-
trate tlie energies or the nution in a lauda
ble enterprise, which will forever quell the
agitation of tlie sluvcry question, foster
national urnsneritr ppim.iit il.n n.i. .c
wife; he puts crape on Ins hat to show pro- UIlton nlld g(l.ell(!,t,lcIfc tlle ,0V8 f ; ,
plo that he is sorry. How long shall he ,-, ,- K , nt ln
wear it? Six mouths? A year" The sll,ll,"ms- "'' cramped ami crippled, and
iticstion is pertinent, beenii:e most men and 1,0 p0. p0 'ollfr as party devoted to
women believe in second inrrrriuircs csne- the iiernetuution nnd evtensinn r Bn
hilly when put to the test e.VDericnec and
it would bo out of placet, go courtin- L , . ,"W;"TO 11,0
whilfiinthohuliilimcntsofiTiei: Tin red "" f tho m,t!on to
eoiitru.lietion in tlie ideas of grief ami new asc I""'!10-, msteud or developing individ--love.
To a stranger's eye, crape at nine l,al I'rogrcss, national j)ro.-ierity und Indus
inontlu looks just as fiilemn us nt one. try, and elevating the character of the b.
Mum lire tiino tie nxeil nt one year? A
new hat must be bought; it would not look
well to take the index of mourning from the
oiu one. j no new hut aftonls n goo ! ex
cuse for the clinnge. Purllv from the ex
teriinl sign, mid guessing from the internal,
I read it for him in about this way: " I lost
my wile; 1 have mourned for her, as you nil
iinvo seen ny the tlress ol my hut,-1- now
toon.- vjii hi a new nur; i imvcqnit sorrow
wheat wus a dollar. In the next place, we ity nnd integrity nnd positioner Mr. Rates
"MI..I ceononn.o n little. We must buy Ho
ming oui what we absolutely need. We
don't mean that we should become parsi
monious and stingy, Imt frugal. AVc must
have a plenty of the good things or lire as
wo go along, for wo havo only one life to
live-but by looking around we cun find a
good many little leaks that can be stopped.
In the next iilace. after
by patient industry, resolve that the pro
ceeds of your rami shall pay for your store
supplies, or you will have no store goods.
Patronize only the merchant who will pat
ronize you. You had bet ter put your foot
into u bear-trap tliun buy nf a merchant
whose only terms are 'cash.' but who is
willing to hook you and ' wait awhile' for
what you need. The whole secret in tret-
ling smoothly through tho pressure till bel
ter limes come along, Is in slicking right to
business on your own farms, nnd hi making
the products of your labor buy whatvou
want outside of w hat you produce yourself.
Try it.
to ftiggcst and recommend his claims to the
consideration of the party, nnd we still in
sist t..nt Ins merits are to-dnv infinilelr
nbove nnd beyond those or Fremont, when
he was nominated in 1S54, If the Tress
cminnt sec or appreciate them, it may be
ineiuiiiioi us ignorance, or stupidity, for
which neither Mr. Hates nor the Argus is
As to the pervonn? innendoes in tho nrti
cle referred to, they are unworthy of notice,
miuit sort of thing suits Mr. Pengra, lie
is welcome to indulge in it; but he must re
member that he can neither control us nor
the parly to which he professes to belong.
"The Statesman Consistent. "Under
tins caption, Hush this week nttenn.ta In
justify his course in relation to Stool's
nomination, nnd quotes from himself three
years ago w hen Hrown was n candidate in
-Multnomah, whose nomination, thon-di
nominally Democratic, Hush insisted "was
not binding on tho party, but that it was
tlie duly of Democrats to refuse to support
'"in," Ao. Wo could see tho force and
point of the Statesman's selfdcrenee if the
editor had followed his own advice to the
end, but unfortunately for his consigner
be broke down just where he ought to huve
-stood up. , ur Slm,t w,lc)i B(
cordinir to his own slmn m,.. it i.;. i... .
fc, "a ins uuiy
ns a Democrat, if ho believed his own alle
gations against Stout, " to refuse to sup.
"rt him." Consistency cave wnv to ..
other influence when Hush forgot his own
teachings and his just complaints gai,lst
Hie tricks and frauds or the Convention
wallowed all his brave words, and voted
ior me i
Cot.. Chapman's Letter. Wc publish
in s uiuigent document, not because we ad
mire its egotism, or dictatorial spirit, or be
lieve its absurd and illegal threats can be
enforced, but as our readers ore anxious to
fee every thing that concerns or is supposed
io uuect their talcs, we mnko room for it
It is a grcut thing to have a little author
ity even though it only confers tho power to out opponents, to puy oh old
grudges, and to refuse to give surveying
i outruns to any except toadies, and take
tiiem awny from all who owu themselves
and don t belong to Jo lame.
Jo Lane's Chances. The late election
in Oregon, notwithstanding Stont curries
nwsy the certificate, has badly damaged Jo
tomes prospect for the nomination by the
tnariestoii loiivenlion for the Presidency.
The Wushington correspondent of Forney's
Press, under dute 0r Sept. I j, in speaking
or Presidential candidates, suys:
' Ai mallin now ,t.nnd, neither IWUe, AVi.e,
1I..III.T. w l,n-ckinri,e,, ran rei.tihe ,rrKt
:, "." io iaii upon tiieir alioulilrra.
' ' feHodblahlo Ci.n J0 Lane of Ore-
UOIl aiinp:ir.-.l ia k o. l r-
,.. i . .J l in.wn mverite, nti.l lie was
.7 ' ort.,f Imiiibiijr harj-eiihr
. , rrruon III Ul-emn lttJ 1rtttv -f.
feelually A hi, vmrn,lu ,. 1 rt" ef
pose Lilly would inflict great bodily iniurv W, nnd now, young ladies and vounz wid-
H)on him, the killing was excusable hoini- IWS' out, 1 ""i after a wile." .Must
cidc. Tho jury wus out a very few min- ,0l"' I1?"' . l;nW off that monrning
....,.. . ' . budge feel a Ii t c nshumei of i insclf if 1
utes before bringing in a verdict of ".Vol have r.,l ii,n ,.,.. ,.!.- . v ' ' I
uulit3r' first love of mv heart. I to-ilur rmit. innnrii.
ill? for-VOMT f Imvn iiu.iii.ii.i.t ...I...I..
J'l.usmxs Isri-n. 1 lie materials for yir, the eustoiiiurv time: I form-t mi,-
the publication of the Oregon Democrat, a Pnl-byc, wife; I put on a new hat, unci an!
on lor new conquests."
not labor lo show our
grief. Where thero is sorrow it will be
written strongly enough upon tho inner
man. Xor do I believe in the habit Eome
lolks luive or drawing on n long face every
time a deceased relation is spoken oC. lies.
pecs and Iwe lor the dead do not remiire
it ns a duty. If it cannot be lulped, it is
well ; but it is better for us so to cherish the
memory for tho dead Unit our thoughts of
I llt'Ill U . 1 1 r:lTfim irii.i i .I,... ........ il .
profitable-more so than dfcinz cold, to think of E it
W . .1 .... " . '. ... i . ., ..,w u.,ui
v- hum uiu compaiiv wi II De siieccssfu " "a PPT III ; leir new imni. II. ,f
i-riii-l A uuV I.i. .1 f I
r,.,T ti i... i v . . V ") eiisiom, i nave loved
urns ny me i:ig srenmcr aim sorrowed or von m. irt n.;. i.
nom (.alifonna is not very fivorable to l"-st onv; but now, no lomrer
those who are shiiping njiptcs below. Tlie . A ,a''-v Gently inquired Tor some article
f.yi-iiu ir,u;iin:ng. hat does that
menu?" imiuircd a person Biicin, ;.,
such matters. "It means''
marked another, " the article needed when
you are just half done mourninc "
I l . ... r.
viiMuini Llistom JIow nflen iln run
Jo Lane orgnn. the crank of whii li n-Mi 1,
turned by Delusion, arrived on the steamer
Northerner, wc learn, lust week. We un
derstand tlmt the first number will be issued
as soon as possible by Mondny week.
&y Tho Pacific Lead Co. are prospect
ing the iNintiam fend mines with the desk'n
of working them if tho ore can be found in
sunieient quantities. Mining lead is very them w.ll r,i
price of apples, nt the lust advices, was
ranging from only three to five cents a
Kecoki.eb's Court. On Wednesday of
ii.:.. . ii r- . . - . - ............ nurii no von
tins week an old friend, Hugh Kerns, hav- f"7 ay simplicity of nffection, und
nig- inuuigeu rather freely in the use of
Dad whiskey, became a kclk too noisy,
whereupon tho Marshal took charge of him
until Thursday morning, when he was
brought before Recorder Ilacon, and Cued
five dollars and costs.
on" for
broom corn."
Jo Lank axo tiil- iir. m. .
fct. Louis P.ejmblican, one of the most influ-
''niia Know Xothimr. who wa I Ji "7 l.1; W
Homiiiutctl foM? to ltb... ... ,. I,' . . ot A'u"o'3 Jute maiu-
"mctl1 Pty usage and wishes. We
bopc hcreufler, that Mr. Hush will reme.n
ertlut consistency require, courage and
Ii-lehly to principle, to the end.
festo in Harper's Magazine, favors the
fTucticc of " smoking onf candidates, savs-
nti,-l doctrine, from il,. ,u ..-..... L, ' ?
r a . ..-; ... '. ".. T .
il,.. I , 7 ' """"'"ey. Souw of
... ....... llP, , aivert oihrnwottld cut
a contemptible figure in eurh .n .ocufon."
K. la' -a A
nara uoies : as to leather, we have now
Anmv.u. vr the M ui..-T!.r'.t
Xortlierner, will, the Kasteru mail .rr;.....i 1 ." Meat!k ,.f '.,,:,. t., ,h. .
at Portland on Priduv or Ut wrek brine ; 7.""" T?''r',!'0'k' neh-
' ' io tncdiiiof: -'.
September. ve arv im(.,,Us, ,0 Tr;u,T j And when we hear men seriously talk of
IVs I'xpress. .nd to Taylor ,t lUlslon, i J Un ,s a for the Presidency,
"fe""a " f"r. i"r late paers. I v "MmJ t the loss of national
Thanks. J. W. f xtf ns- I once would not have ..rmitted
uews dealer in San Francis.,, . i .. J . , ' "B lm& " to be
times. Almost .11 H,l, : ' " . ""r 10 ""didates
,,, . . ., .- Mimue head or this
'or Ike Argus.
ProcroIlBss of the l.lun f. Ulble HorlMy.
Tho otnimd meeting or the Linn count v
Hiblo Society was held at the Methodist
Kpiscopal Church at Iirownsvillc on the
IStli day or October, 1S59,
The meeting was opened by nraverlir
r vi-i ... . 4
licv. u ii.son isiuin.
Aiier nsicmng to an able address bv the
Kev. Mr. Roberts or Salem, the mcetin-
proceeded to business by electing John A
Diiidap President, nnd Xatlian Hull Secre
tary of the meeting.
After which, the minutes of the last an
nnal lncetincr of the Soeietir
The officers or the Society being absent
there was no report made t6 the meeting '
Hie next business of ll, lilAStlillo ..... . A .
:-.,..t... . . h io
w ho wished to become members or the So
ciety, and also to raiso a contrihnti t .
subscription for the -i,l.,.: i ... ,
HoIvHible. -tonne
Tho amount subscribed was
tho amount or money paid was $29 j3 '
The followiii!? ntliooi-. ,i..i i ' . ,
f.,r il, " "v,t u"'.' cll'Hl
mcre it into hritlo's colli. ImimUs n inn
When I lose mv friend, h t n.i nl..n. o',i
don't trouble mo about fixiti-r mv .lmca i
suit others; and when I get over hit sever
est trial, then it isuotwnnli n l,;io i i,:
lliesonrc my notions. Mr. Kditor .....1
you may lay them before your "numerous
verniers;" trusting that ifuol.odv is converted
some one of like faith may be consoled with
me tiiotignt oi having, at least, one brother.
r . , ... Salem.
October, Itth, ISofl.
lion ns the friend of humanity and the for
of despotism. This- platform nnd tfliero
men will unite the grrnt Opposition and!
force the negro lovers upon the defensive.;
Ihey wdl be compelled to put nn with Jim
Green to muke n show of favor to the Cen-:
trul Kailroml, or Sam Houston nnd the-
Southern Pond. And if not these, then'
they will have to fall buck upon Dickinson)
or Dullas, with the vain hope or carrying:
Pennsylvania or New York. Once place?
these sectionalists upon tho defensive, and
they arc lost, while the friends of national
progress will flock to tho standard of the
champions of constitutional liberty nnd the
interests of free labor. "Carl."
Removal f Removal I
II em ova 11
rpAKKS II, is method of informing hit frieuda
X uuil I lie inlil:o genu ully ilmt ,e
lo a house ura.'y
Opposite liis old StantT,
where lie lum coimiience.l biminera with liia bro
ther un-Ii.r tlie slylo of
Brown & Brother,
who w.'ll alwava Ik- biuv to h..:. -i r
friemla and ciutcmemiu iho way of .how-inn! hem .
Goods of the Very Best Quality,
wliicli, ilrtVlnrf horn Uw : v r .
Ihey art- i,W u Hell n. cheap a, can be told in
I orllaml. We wj n..o cousiuiilly receive
boods by Every Steamer.
Their utock cousist8 of
John Smith, ,f Albany. President; D
h., or Lebanon, Vice President;
John harrows, of All.anv. Seen..,,,., t . '
v Ls, seiner with full tlW ZlZ VC'
ramrs S,ilir. . - . i ' IJS " r'fcllt J Cass were in
rajH-rs. Sulivan Ls always ahead f the'dav
lonn barrows. 0r Aiimnr t '
r ah'... .'.-".vwyjoas.
. .., , .i.iuut, ircasurrr.
L-.veciitivc Coinmittce-Kov. Thos. Con-
Hi ft!!owiii:
V " l:lal"- ""f unanimouslv ndonted"
ncMiive.1, Jhat the Executive ',
resolution, introduced bv
rag unanimously adopted':
X the FvfwMitiv
nj'ttec be instn.eted to emplov if practie
a 'ie a suitable iiersou to continue tho .v.
PTC rs can be Lad by writing to his address. ridieu!. ZZJ, ZuZ 12? f Li
Sn FraiHisco-and sending the rash.
and di
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
Nathss IIh l, Sec. Crrv, Oct. I!. Isrif
J-.u. Isn't it trcrucintiiigly n.
ierennff to read the Portland papers and
a few others from the op-country? How
verily they compare with so many ill
natured children making mouths at each
other to keep even! But, nside from nil
joking, is this tho time for puerile discussion?
It becoming m these great dispensers of
mtciu-mce to waste auspicious occasions
petty quarrels? y0 doubt their numerous
renders begin to believe the contrary
It will be remembered that the rnn.iTnr
i.ane & to. treacherously defeated G rover
m convention last spring-that their pet
Lansing Stout, wm nnm;,,..(.i ...i r ,'
" ' W......UHU, uuu jinny
indignant opposition. Carj't this be done
again? T ill Hush and his frie,,,, r:,.
the fast, or forget the selfishne. nf r'.n.
n demanding the vote of Stout to be taken
tost, that he might sacrifice Douglas'
We think not; and this is not all Dou
glas ttm beucnfatd at Charleston. Lane's
"bating rnends will accomplish it. Will
the Little (Jiant's friends tamel t.,l,n,;t
ti,., . ' ...
""'c 'rages.' c opine not.
ow let us look a littlo fnrth., Tl,-
Lane fire-eaters will not likely build a verv
pertinent platform, but make it as evasive
s pos.iu,e. Put this will not entirely re-qu-te
the indignant Douglases. They will
denial something tangible, and if it can't
be found in the disunionisU' platform, thev
7- .....
. rrncn, i.i.j,,,,, Aironean, t faniltui-c calico.,
giiifhiiiiisof B!l colors,
all wool nml ,f wool de laiiwn,
i reneii, r.iiBnn, t American mcrinoa,
nlea, wort.-d, all colore,
all wool and hlf wool plaids,
eillt t woollen shawls, si git ordbIe,
Perry's stylo of dress (roods,
eaulmirtes, velvets, linseya,
browa 4 Mraelitd sheeting,
Jar, oil cloths,
Irish linens,
earls, slervrs, chemiiieUes,
edging, ribbons, hdkfs, gloves,
hosiery, nred Irs, pins, hooks, eyes,
perfumery, hair oil.
boon, hoes, rubbers,
hals, earn, , ,
-".-jr,BiM:ac2ra.9' '
ICI Ag '
sack frock roan,
raglaiis, tahaaa, jackets,
VMts, pains, cravats, r
tine shirts, collars,
drauers, undershirts,
"krfiadibbThr.7. -
3 31 2t 21
Cigars, Tobacco. Pines
to m.7,8 T"r""y f 0,t""rticle. too namsrow
Z ?.U:,"T bnl by."- -otice i. t. in-
, ,"". inai we are boond to sell rood
l.0aTr',i;y,H" bC,b01U1!,i, ;'n .oTt .
ca and , 7 " d:,b"d' e h" " -9
men will always be welcome, and will be waW
on with promptness. U
To the farmers we would say,
Look for the sign of
and don't t..Telowlltj;,Joo?iveiMifi)L
ALL KISDS OP rr?nnr-rr- f . r . .
J AMS, prervrd frul... brands etc,