3 - 3 tr (J i. 1 El)c (Oregon CVrgtiG. W. I.. AlUMrf, rniTOR. oksoozit cxtvj SATl'llDAV, OLTOIJKH 22, m,19. 1 bt Itlfferrare, It wns only a few mooni ogo tliut tlie IUv. .Mr, Stewart came to Oregon as an MiilnHiirjr flit from California by tlia M. K. Church .South to build iiji the Democratic party and pn pure tlm way fur an orgaui.a lion of I'ro Sl.ivcry M tliixjiitiu among us. Mr. Ktcwurt wus ait 'ajiosllo culled ami wiit,' nut of (Ju l, lint of Uio benevolent buyers mid sell, rs of t!.; wul ami bodies of men, who arc Irying lo got to heaven by flogging niggers, raining cotton, voting the I f niiKTuti ticket, mnl guurding with tli I'lirsc nml bowie-kuifu the interest of .South cm .iieinoiiisia in ji'xui. .Mr. &. cnuia among us fully imbued with llio spirit of the 'grcut head of the Church South,' and deeply impressed with the necessity of insk ing a Villain' in tha M. K. Church ulreudy here, by 'ngihting' the liigg'T (pieMioil, in order to 'lengthen tho cords nnd strengthen the stakes' of tlic grcut church that In ' routed urn! grounded' on mch ' chief cor tier stones' us Jo Lane. 1 luring hi mission lu re, ho traveled iilone and on foot from KClllcuicnt to settlement, trudging through ruin mid mud from home to house, ferreting out such wished to commune with a M. J!. Church that recognized slave-breeding as u divine Institution. Although the grcut majority of our citizens hud no sym pathy with his mission, ami regarded him as ii nmon-strw k fanatic, .Mr. Stewart wan t'fcrywhcro hop!tiibly received. As he approached the gate of tho yard fronting the humlile enhin of the Free-State settler, (he liltlo oiies were Kent out to keen the dogs from lacerating his calves, tho door was thrown wide open fur his reception, til drenched overcoat was hung on an n proprinto peg by the good housewife, his muddy legging were (.lowed carefully in a corner, and his old hut was hung up to dry, while ho was invited to monopolize a Muz lug fire, scud d In the family nrm-chuir, at South thus coolly treated liy men profess ing to pos'CM the real unction of genuine Texas Methodism, of course raised the ire of the missionary propagandist. They at once decided that while liishop Janes and his friends had on the rohes of Texas Meth odists, the unction that pervaded them was tho unction of Massachusettsthat while the 'roice m the voice of Jacob, the hands were the lisnils of Ksau.' A coun cil was Immediately called, consiting of Southern Methodists, mid outsiders of the ' biwr sort' who sympathized with them, and it was decided thut such heretic, as liishoji Janes could not le allowed to re main in Texas to give him a cup of cold water, or allow him a ' pone' of corn-bri ad, or a hitu at a 'erueklin dodger l fore leaving, would he offensive to the great head of the M. K. Church South, mid wan of course out of tho question. 'Away with him! away with him!' 'Jtirk him! d n him!' was heard reurlxrating through the air, odorous with tho fumes of whisky, rent with ciin.es and blasphemy, ami sanctified with the 'A mens' of broad' chested Southern Methodists sporting u bowie-knife at one suspender button and a revolver at the other. In appointing a committee to wait on the llishop, it was thought best that the 'earth help the wo man' consequently a levy was made upon the profane crowd to attend a few select ' divines' in communicating the decision of the mob to the Jiishop. This valiant coin- m'ttce, armed with deadly weupons, entered llio iin cling-liuiisc wlulu tliu U.nhoii was engaged In tlic morning service, and made him stop to hear the decision of the pu- laeo that 'ho must leave the country, or llmj iroultl Artie blind.' The JJi.shop, of course, had no desire to mingle his own blood with that of hicerated niggers, to be offered 'as a swcct-smcllinir savor' tiiiosi tho altar of the M. K. Church South. He thought his body ought to be ofF red as u living sacrifice, while his Southern brethren wished it offered u.i a deud one a differ ence of opinion on nn 'essential' mutter which of course led to a separation. Now all this was done down in. Texas, the hind that has lately kindly eondeseendul lo send Hie expense of the tomfoit of the little urchins, who tvero made either to stand and pcrstiudo us to adopt the doctrine, om-k or slow tliniikcs away m tho cor- practice, and sacraments of the M, . ner. The fat pullet was killed, stuffed, and Church South. Our readers will contrast baked, the bee hive was robbed, tho cholc- tho treatment thesu emissaries hay received est jar of sweetmeats wns fathomed to the at our hands, with that they w ve liishoj noiiom, ami the poor in:ss..mary was fonji JfteS j Texas, and they wj bare before mniiiy mviieil lo scat hunsoir at a tablo them a fair representation, b? slave-riildii. groaning under a variety or good things, Texas morality, liberality' urbanity, and and allowed lo lick the dishes clean, even Christianity, on the one Amid, and those of iu mo iimuiihs piece. As tho clock freo Oregon on tho other, struck nine, ho was liirhtcd lo the best . - 'si.iire l.e.1' i.. tl, I..,,,. i .11 ..1 .J h-or 1lhc Grand Division of the atretcl. his rlnumai;.. mr ,!.. J Temperance for Oregon held Us an llMlagaUhea Uraartarr. We uiulrrstund thut the steamship Co lumbia, besides some three thousand boxes of apples, carried away on her lust trip the carcasses of a District Judge named Deady, a Senator called I.anc, and person bear ing credentials as t member of Congress, who, while a Know Nothing Representative In California, was known is Lansing Stout. It rained when they left, and part of the following night, probably because the weather sympathized with Oregon in losing for a time so much moral worth and lofty ability. It us hope that wo who are left may sustain properly the burdens now im posed upon u, which wcro formerly borne in purl bv tlc sc eminent iieniomiges. What t!iey will du abroad for Oregon, time alone can tell, and probably it never will bo known, For themselves, however, their past history proves thut they will manage moiit craftily. Lauo may contrive to be Locofoco candiduto for tho Presidency wine folks are green enough to suppose that tho Charleston Convention will be so foolish as to nominate hitu. If they do, It will be chiefly as an experiment, and lo tee how much Imposition the party will stand. As to .Stout, those who know him best proph esy that ho will como back as bold uud black n li'-publicnn as any one, If that should next year be tho strongest side. In the St. Louis correspondence of a Sun Francisco paper wo notice tho following, which wo copy to show how easily tho gen tleman can shift his position: Orpin U'Ciion hnn lo attriclrj miu li atli iiliwi on lliia siile, ami allhoUL'h Klnut troll tlie crriilicnls, lb cluMiieaa of cunlml makes 11 a . iiuUicau v.elnry. I ho iJra of Stout tnriiiiiff ui a i.fC'inip'nii Iviiioenit wipia purliculurly riuli. jiuraij 1110 K'.oii 01 1110 Luiil'irwa lxiiituro, in I sill, llm wnltr of thia ml Ihrouvh il all, within tirol-itm tiioinkol uiiHingniout. nellliora nirinlirn the llullcrinj of lliftfuitleincn when the I It iiKK fula ajirunj tha anli-llaiisa rewilul:na. Sluut wns no of lliow who wanted lo crush Iheui out, ainl nn trr unit rt of a itra tried to get a MitMl lute. lie lia la front IJltla 1'alla, New Vnrk, and ilis hainrlin;' nolhino; Up y thiil la IH.MJ bia vin a h e wire drcldeilly Nuriliera ill teudeney. 111a ai uicic couiiini pi en aio latter iiia the lirmo. r.iia fne iAnn to admit Oregon, on tlie ground that they therrhy helped toieeure nnolher Kepidi ic.in ;iii;reni.in mi l the tleciion of a l(ruib.iean.J reaulenl. 1 heir ultimatum now ia, . 'ii 1 .1 Itaailaa aa ska Hlaverjr QaeMtaa. dart tills WCi K, wiieu tuuru w.u i.v l....t Senator Douglas is out with an article in for miners lo go by steamer to will,!., u lew the Septemr number of IIur,r'. Mugn- the hands on zinc, on "Tho Dividing Line between Fed- l)fl r)))(.r (;0m,jt river that tho stcuiner oral and Local Authority Popular Sov- ('ol. Wright will not be ublo to run any t. ,. tl.n Ternlnrieu " Tt la on flair- mnr till the Water rises. TIlC Water llUS orato defense of his ideas upon the question fall''" toor three feet since ff;' o. ... .... it- broke her cylinder. I dont believe they 01 nin.erj , wv ..i.uo.a, -" ,... -1..., . w,m ,ottt can do. Jtow tends, as ho lins always done, that Con- r ft jiS)tli0 w, l0 acttled In 0 wet gresa has no authority over the subject, but 0r two. Those who run tho steamer eem that it Wongs exclusively to the people of to think from whnt they have seen on the m:....: ti ,... river t int sno win iiiuko iiib rn 111 n" the Territories. The gives the following comprehensive synopsis of the position occupied by tho National Democracy according to the views of Sen ator Douglas in his recent article; if there is tho reported depth of Lkx. iiii inure free eitalea till the im.IiUmI equality otlha ftk'Uilu the eleeturul col ee ia b.ilunced tVaih Ih.jir'of tha North. If (Ireean had voted a liar UiO I1B lo.e'V. nil IVOIlLI atlll Im lni,Mlrinw .1 oiii m:ss.oiiai,es to icacn ocmgnieu urcgoii,J niaaioa.'' Water; Water. Tho boys who attempted to run their sail boats to Colville, have " fizzled out." They had not the proper kind of hnnd-bont to run ' Dot.las analyzes the National Dc.noe, upper riwr. They report t ...pus- , i .1 1:1... sin e, or next luinir 10 u; uui mai me. n.ev iniu ii.rec seeis; ii.oni; nun, nuu nun- , , 1 t ..ir I. -.1.1 tl... ; ..rn...,,,.,. r must no iiiniirauu numu now m.iij iiisiij (nut film" i t m utij i numiw vi 1 I. local law- those who.'liko Gov. Wise, i.ro- Am wh" (luirn tlinf tlm (iiiti Pkrnlilit.lir'4 if in Ilia 'IVrrilories. and who demand a Con- rW,'' V'"Ut' (rressionnl sluvo code In tho cveut of the Ki. Aimia: Among the general routine Territorial legislature refusing to protect of duties devolving on our County Cointiiis- it; ami thoso who, like hcimtor Hunter, doners, the subject of Toll bridges, Ferries, the President, and the Governor of Ken- j y. , fc , ora.0okcd, stiliition in the Territories, but who would W'"tcw merit Ia due to the cntcrirlso of rely exclusively on the Judiciary for its building toll bridges, establishing ferries. protection, llio uhsurd position of the etc., in the early getllciuuit of liny country t iiru c ass nc . ciuot.siruics in anow mg u.ui Dnd lmr k,;limU mn.r tlie payment of 1.1 is. u uui.iui ii l il l its l vi niw iniiiwt ll Jl Illl iv .ti m ,t l "i I a II only such powers as tho Territorial Legis- ",lls for,l,ls n,c mJ bp-ll 18 lmt to wc" luttires confer on them. The Judiciary kown tl,ut il,e7 ore. neverthtlcss, a grcut could only extend protection through the interrupt. on to the tree and licuithy inter medium of the h.ws; and if protective change of trade between town and country, form of Hunter and Uuchnnuii is blown I'er'y f th away liko a feather, mid Popular Sovcr- Wo nre unfavorably situated in this re ciguty is brought face to face with the doc- sped, with the Clackumus toll bridge ou tho . ' """'"''7'7P'"on- cast and the Linn City ferry on tho west, I led in M isc. llicsn ho combnls br an ... vi,.,.,i...t :..i ,i: .... coininniKting tlic wholo comiuerwal and o- the relations which subsisted betwern tUeM intercourse of two large sections of Government of Great llritain and tho Co- country with our city. I would, therefore, loniul Governments." respectfully suggest to the County Conmiis- TlIK WiAT.ir:.. Tl.n nrnan.if full ! S0ne tl,llt if tho tolls OH ClackuilWI brill limbs between snotv-whitc sheets' ami left ! lnet'li,,g ttt Vort,m 0,1 1,10 ll,h i,,st- to snore just us loud ns ho pleased till a gentle lap at his door reminded dim that it was late breakfast time. Several cups of dot coff'o being dispatched, and a good supply of ham ami eggs stowed uway, he was kindly sent on his way rejoicing, with perhaps I nth breeches pockets stuff d with tread, cheese, a dolled egg, nud a piece of cold pudding, which the considerate house wife hud provided us a noon dny refresh ment ahilo he sat upon a log by the wny jiidi. Stewart's journey over, he departed in iirticc lo California, nml his favorable rc- w in me goouiy iu ml he had been sent to p,V out induced three other hungry Texans to resolve foilhwith to visit a land (lowing with such good things, and strive to enter into (he fruits or other men's labors. Preaching nigger whipping iu Texas only brought them corn-bread mid bacon, while, from ' liro. Stewart V r port, a 'preacher' got chit ken pic and pudding iu Oregon, no matter what he preached. These three missionaries have now been holding forth in this valley for nearly or tpilto half a score j of moons without let or hindrance. In- il.n,l ..f t... V.. - !.. .. . . ' n" ' uu' Ht Imve other thoroughfare in Oregon Kuim-mi uiouiui incut on the bread of life, they give them stones; instead of eggs they ileal out pro slavery scorpions; yet, in lieu of all this, they have been kindly fed, clothed, nml protected in delivering'thcir political diatribes. Now all this Is right all Just ns it should be, just ,ls it ,vuvs j,.,, been, and nw wi IP) j,, ft ne whore flee speech, a five rress. ami frJ school arc a part of our 'domestic insti tutions.' Now let us see how they do things down In Texas, a land so illuminated with the blaze of nigger whipplng glory thut the Conference there thinks that three of the ' lesser lights' can be put under the Oregon bushel' without visibly dimming lite efful gence of Southern Methodi.Mii In Texas, liishop Janca is called upon lo preside at a Conference of the M. K. t'liiir. la ia Texas. The Conference Is composed of what iu any other part of the world than Teva- some similar slave-breeding sc. tion, would j h be considered as sound irthn.h,v f.,.t.., - JUS. 111V m hs's. I. ut in Texas, the land of ink,:' . 11-U.cll III su. Last Mondav Tho time of holding the sessions of the Grand Division was fixed on tho fourth Wednesday of April and October. The following officers wcro ehcted for the ensuing year : G. W. P., W. P. Hums, or Oregon City; G. W. A., Fouc Wilbur, ofSilverton, Ma- non county ; G. S., W. L. Chittenden, or Portland ; G. C, C, II. Hall, or Portland; 0. T., P. . Hatch, Oregon City ; G. C, It. U. Nixon, Dulles City ; G. S., II. M. Hodges, Santiam Cjly ; P. G. W. P., A. Ilolbrook, Oregon City. Messrs. A. Ilolbrook, Thompson Ward, W. P. Hums, T. H. Pearno and Fonts iiutir, were elected Keprcsentutives to tho National Divls'on. The Grand Division adjourned to meet at Oregon City, on tho 4th Wednesday or April, lSKiO. SritKKT IstcanvKMEXT. Kvery ono will be glad to hear that tho contract for grad ing .Main street, between Fourth and Fifth has been given to Mr. Athey on the same terms ns tho other contracts, wc suppose W hen this work is finished tho improved part or .Main street will he superior lo any ...I .1 i . 7 Mii.i. llcuNKn. Wc understand that the saw mill of Mr. Charles Clinic, on Clear creek, about ten miles from town, wns burn ed down ou tho night of Tuesday of this week. Loss estimated at two thousand dollars, Dm.t stox's P.i'Ki!. We loam that the UmdJjailillxl at a puxiicj!irturu4M Oregon Democrat, which is to be the or gan of the Jo Lane pro-slavery sectional ists in Oregon, will make its apperanco in a short time probably in two weeks. TltK Il.l.l-STRATEn Ptl.tJltlM Al.MAXAC. We have received from the publishers the first number or the Illustrated Pilgrim Al manac. This publication originated as'an auxiliary in the construction or the natlonul monument to the memory of the forefathers t Plymouth, Mass., and is intended to be a permanent annual contribution to the pur poses of the Monument Society. 1 1 is inib- d by A. Williams .1; Co.. lJoston. v Vanford . W IST Wc see by tho papers that Albert V J.llledsoe, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Virginia, has been unani mously elected President of the University of the State of Missouri. A better selec tion, wc think, could uot have been mude, Mr. Idcdsoc, several years since, was Pro fessor of Mathematics and Astronomy in lite Vulrorsily of Mississippi at Dolly Springs, nml, while there, published a work on the Moral Government of God, whicJi has been adopted ns a text book in some or our theological schools, if wo are not mis taken. IIo was at one time an editor, and previous to that a preacher Presbyterian, wo believe. Ho is a man of uncommon parts (his ' Theodicy' will attest that), and of varied abilities, as his numerous callings in life will show. There is a peculiar fitness in his being called to the Presidency ol the Missouri Lniversity. That institution is under tho control or lirc-entcrs. ISIcdsoc. himself, will not shrink Trotn eating fire, if the occasion demands the consumption of a reasonable amount of that clement. A number of years ago Mr. Ulcdsoe was edit or of the Illinois Journal, at Springfield, a violent but able political paper of tlie Whig school in politics. Tho present Genernl Shields of Minnesota, then of Illinois, took oll'cnsc nt something done by Abe Lincoln (the same man who scared Douglas so bad ly last fall), and challenged him to mortal combat, Lincoln, who has Kentucky blood in his veins, was not to be bucked out by any Paddy, and promptly accepted the of fer of buttle, and choso broad swords as tho weapons, determining to hew Shields to tho earth. About that time a certain cidedly tho mast favorable ono we nave dad t0ctl,er ilh lhosc 011 t,ie ft'r,y ,0 L!nn since the year 15U5. Tho early ruin com- vily, could fcc abolished by any equitable meuced in August nnd moistened tlic ground mnm avoi(,illr.' injustice to any party, the enough to sprout grain. In September we ntlvalllni'fs would bo great to both city uud hud many heavy showers that wet the co,",try- Scmo I'daiige, at least, ought to ground thoroughly and raised the small 1)0 nm(le- Tho tolls, us they now are, arc streams several feet. The weiithcrditween ,0 ,K'UVJ for ,hf timf aml llt'"a' llia,,y of showers was very warm, nnd tho conse- 0l,r Cillzt'"3 10 ,"c l'"""7 hose business iiucrcsu wculil require them to come to town, arc often prevented from coming ow ing to this cause. They cannot afford to pay the tolls, and are therefore obliged to stay away, and suffer whatever lo. and in convenience it may cost them. This subject it of momentous interest to rpicncc is that grass has grown beyond nil precedent. The green gruss is now as high we belicvo as it generally is by the 20th April. The weather tins been remarkably favorable for sowing grain, nm) tlic farmers arc 'Improving tdo golden moments. We believe more whent will bu harvested nrvt summer thin has yet been cut west of the t,,c comn,u,li,.r. '" ' well worthy the seri- Cascades. To SiMitiTi Ai.tsTS. Uclicvers in sp'ritu alism will no doubt l.e much interestid in reading the letter of Prof. Felton on tdc first pnge of this week's paper. ' ons deliberation of our Commissioners. The people on the opposite sides of both rivers are alive toils importance; they feel the burdensome restrictions they hnvc hitherto labored under, and with which they have still to contend, and are willing to second Gn.vi-E.. Mr. Peter A. Wcisa litis pre- any plan which would be deemed just and sented us with a bunch or grapes of the Is- C(lil')lc Tor their removal. abclla variety, which aro larger and better Mincer Posts. A few words on this than thoso brought here from California. s,,,,j"cct mny suffice. To tho anxious and They were raised on his pluco ut tho mouth '0IMf,J traveler (in nil new countries, and in of the Tualatin. Ibis one in particular, thero are doubtless many such) who for the first lime, perhaps, is wending Ins weary way along roads over Portland. The well-known Metropolis ITni..! :.. l...ii i . .. . miming ina neitiy wuy uioug roac s ovcr- ilotel in Portland, is maintaining its for- ci,,i . . ,, . . , ,. , . mergood reputation. It is n; in the SH lta Tr f handsof Messrs. Vansyck.e & O'Neill, who ? 8"11 ...:n ... ... .. ., . . .. .. l,y other roads npiinrctitly as we boatn. nm see mat tuoso who tavor tliem with a call aro well cared for. Colli by other roads apparently as well bcattn and as l.kcly to lead dim to his desired rest ing place as the ono he is on, what a con venience is a finger-post ! It meets the eye ns the face of u friend, saying, " Thcre is the way; walk ye in it." Such sentinels lire ymg man was journeying j)i ary enterprise and reliable. Democracy, the f ,aWl "s minS '" ,,lbid in presfiice of church is progressive nn.l UH itriHi11.. i crowd of seven or eight hundred roiu another sacrament, whieh, bciug a saving ' 0IUf twenty-five or thirty of whom were '..malice, is or course not to be nevted 1 " ouwturbauce tovk place. Vr. I.y those who would enjoy the 'life that ! 1V"r,lc "1;,Jtf a fcw remarks in bcdalJ now is, or that which i to eotne.' liishon ,'0,(H, r"to might prove Janes and his brethren, while they were not I fa,ll,ur.T warning against indulging in vio? Uisposeu to (ptest on the right of the Church ! '"K'f of Pass:on- H !d it was not his South to ' hold communion" in their own' '",l'",;n ,0 teethe life or Stump thedis way, were inclined to look nmn the ' ordi-1 c,mrrc of t,,f 8,m MnS ccideutal. About nance' of uegro-w hipping M , notK-n. j ,0 Jie. fl''t that ha would do so at peace tial,' If indeed it have an? claim to a place ' wil'' an,, nmn- Al ,lle inclusion of among the sacrament at all. To wi1' l,ril.Tfr b7 Mr. Prne, the drop fell, and WaV. I the road he heard a singular noise which fouu.H like 'whack w!iack,Trhack-cty-clack.' Having a great curiosity to know the occasion of this oiitlundi.-h racket there in the heart of the woods, he tied his horse, and made his way through the underbrush iu the direction wheuce the strange sound proceeded, which seemed to increase iu in tensity, mingled occasionally with the sound of a human voice, which appeared to be giving tlircct.ons about some matter, but ii a tone almost unintelligible to him. At last ho emerged into a little opeu spnee in the thicket, and was utterly astounded on be holding Lincoln going through the broad sword exercise under the direction of the Kev. Mr. llledsoc, who was to act as his second iu tho approaching duel. Bledsoe was thus imparting the benefit of his studies at West Point in the art of fencing. It is needless to add that these belligerent gentle men were as much astonished asthovoun sti r who popped iu upon them like a young evil, as ho was. Iho duel, however, dir? not come off. the difficult v Iwinir j - r ....... i bly settled. l.Iedsoe will do for Missouri from the Indian Caunlrv- Ulscovertcs, Ac, Dfs Cjhies, Oct. 10, 185!. T-'n A nr-t-a rm i..-. 1 I mn.tli ......'.. 1 1 .1 I ... umiio, ii iiv.u uui. i noun any I "- '"h-h-ii in nun iiiruuguout tins conn thing about that massacre, tho Portland 'y, and, in short, throughout the State, paper tell of as having occurcd near Grand 'K7 would cost but little, and would, dot- Hondo lut. ly. Wc mado considerable in- ertheless afford such advantages to the rpiiry about it, but find there is no fuunda- wayfaring citizen as can be estimated only tion iu tho report whatever, except it be, those wbo have felt their necessity, perhaps, that there was a few cuttle nnd 1J,lt these subjects may be sufc?y referred horses taken from tho immigrants about tlie thoughtful deliberations of our intcl- Grnnd Konde. Tho expressman's name bgent County Commissioners, who will do was not Pearson, but Price, so I am told. tlic ucst that can be done in the premises pultry hhllling, or who regard aim or tliem. selves o being very digh in the nd. morality, will bt caught iu this loa, degrading, public-demoralising practicj My liumbdi prayer Ii that tlie free, ij ligeut, nml Independent people of tlii, pr. duct, and not only or this precinct hut every other precinct within the i,nUof thii our young Stutc, mny look i itt, lilgher than tho doggery for men to place In a,ltl,oriy- KxcKiJiioa. Tcmperanca Hill, Oct. 1, 18iii. ftrlurn of fa til. Watlea'a Umtn,, Cupt. Wallcn, commnndiiig Ida y, lloud Kx)edition to tlm Valley 0f t Grcut Salt Luke, orrived in this cilrontlH morning of tlie l.'llh lust. The Cant,;!! reports his command on tho I'matilli ill well, and making their way to Fort Dall.i by easy marches, where the cmploycM to be discharged, mid the animals wintered for early service in tho spring. The dr. goon horses nnd puck animali iftfr , march or 11)00 miles, aro in icn good condition. Lieut. Sweilzcr nnd tho mounted men were dttnched at the Umatilla, andirrircti nt Walla Walla on Friday "th Inst. Tho immigrant havo nil imssed ir.i. into the settlements. With tlic exception of one mun dcing wounded Iu tlic Jlluc M0Un. tains (sinco recovered) not an Occident r liny kind ha duppencd to tlie emigration this scuson, on t.'ie Oregon roulo. Four fiimllic consisting of four women, nine men, and fifteen children, tho lust of the immigrant, were brought in from (Joo Creek by Ciipt. Wullen's command. Tlir. or the families were, furnished with proria. mini nun inuispuriuu uy I lie gOVefllDieit having been found in a destitute condition' Cupt. Wullcn reports llio distance front tho Salt Ijiko Vulh'T to steamboat lablin on the Umnlilii 52.') mile, or twentr-eirht day's travel with loaded wagon, ever a good practicable road, with wutcr and grsi nt jitopcr camping intervuk The only had road that the captain had to pass over is between tdo Unmtilla uud the Dallei. Dalltt Journl, . Fatal Accmiixr. Mr. Harnct Ilii.tgard of Polk county, wan found (lend, wild his neck broken, in that county on Saturday lust. He had been In tho store vf Mr ('luff, in that cwmly, trading, nud started home in his wagon. J5etwceu the storoattd his homo his body was found in the road. He is said to have been intoxicated, and it is conjectured thut he fell from tho Wngnn upon his head, breaking his neck. Ie aves n family iu Polk county. S,ie,n Oct. 19. ' $3T Murchetti. tho mnn who lillorl Yundull on French Prairie, was an Indian, instead of Freitclimun. He was exnmhirii before justice Purdy nnd required to nppear at the Circuit Court in the sum of $1000. Jteguvc nniui. Mate-iman. Williams' Ciikkk. The ininiin? ditch was thoroughly completed on Saturday last. to its tcriniiius on Whisky Creek, There is ut present a scarcity of water, bat a few ,l..,., -o i .i . ' . a .mi w.iiremeuy mis. j UDWaiiorU ullicient water tosuimlv the wants of nm forty to fifty miners, all of whom nro doing well, und daily making good wastes. With water plenty in thut section, Williamsburg wdl become one of tho most thriving, lively towns in tiie county. Already tl.cn i a good dcul of business transacted there, and the prospccla arc fluttering. With Iho rains, miners will flock in, trailers nnd om- 'is win settiu there, and wo would not be urprised if in a year or little morn it umaM 1)0 a considerable town. Sentinel. A FoitTCNE.-Tho Vreka Union say it reported that Van Clioate.latcof Yrck nnd who invented tho printing telegraph, das been offered $'.0,000 for tlic riirht in the State of New York, nnd hulf as mucli for California. An express comes in to day from Captain Archer, on tho Okanagnn. Reports that very rich gold mines havo deen discovered on a tributary of tdc Skimilkimin. It cn ires quite a stir around dere, as considerable re- Iin nop Is placed in the report, preparing to go, Yours, &c.. All UTS. among tnc sacrament at all. To trt A 1 a l,ril-Tfr b-T 5,r- "e, the drop fell, and ' tilur-bonored usage' of the Democratic ! Blch l'lH'r"l to be instantly killed. party aaj a racratnetit of tbe M F PL-,rrK ' i--..S?" ' ' . V1 '-l i vearcn t- Wm wdl appear net week. ' kkii.vs icurKRANCK HotsE. Ilf ref erence to the new advertisement Iii this week's issue, it will be secu thutilr. K. D. Kelly has opened a new boarding house in this city. He will be remembered as an old resident here, having been engaged in the same Wines in this city scTerufycars ago. Iu T.fl he went Fast, but after two and a half years' exerience in tde cold cli mate of Micdigan, he made tracks for Ore gon again in a hurry, crossing tde Plains in sixty days. He guarantees satisfaction to !! who uiav favor him with a call Qrng-M.nns and Justices. Ed. Anct-s: Knowing that you arc al ways pleased to dear of the advancement Several nre ofiv:iial!on. nd morality generally, I will write a lew act?, which arc well known to It is said that Captain Archer wrote mJf"d others, and then leave your in down advising persons not to go this win- tcllib'cilt readers to judge bctweeu civiliza ter, but wait till spring, as provisions nre lio" ai"' downi';gbt heathenism, scarce, and that some difficulty may be ex- In Silverton precinct, which lies twelve IhnJTn th r Imli""S this Vi"U'r. ftbo,,t miIc3 "orth-cast of Sale"'. ' Marion county S wnlyr etwomeuwhofilltheomee of Jut Some are bound to go and see about it any . 1 10 1 eace' 0,19 of wlloni (u ' said way. to bit shame) stands behind the counter of tang.e-.oor got Mock h.tley's broth- bis own filthy doggery, and administers Lis XIZlZl M r" -etch, in one of the former. Forty horses were offered ."I"' " neXt holir he Vniih to ad to settle the offair, but Stock said dorses ,u"li'iter j,lstice to this same ensnared tic- wou untuo to settle the death of a "tyee's" M11". or to some other person whom . , uviimi- out me man mmseir would do. 1 heard to-day that Stock's party found the murderer of bis brother, aud so mutilated him that it is very likely he will make a die of it. and thus settlp tlm nm.;.. Tho whites don't interfere in the affair, cx- crpi ti oe a tew who try to sooth their K E L r, Y ' S i TEMPERANCE HOUSE, Main tt., opposite Geo. Abnnctkj $ Co.', , OlilSGON CITY. frrW"'3 "KO 1'TwhB alj ', I LKA.V hii. cmfirlalile liED.S, ffSfit lor l lie e.-iec:al aecuintnodut.oti of ilia.1'.'". ' IravtihiT piihiio. O.ir DIXING HALL is ih. f,r:,t in Oregon, I our f,irKo ,(l, and clmrget rcnwniibla. , Niijle menls, oyster nnd aiinnf M, l-nrl.e, got ,,, hn,, M, ils,b, 1 ner. raicissi ivtm .or week, witllotit IihJ:i3, ftj OH " I the day, and lodijiiig, lit. Single tncala, jq Niuht'i loilyinij, 50 . Ool.2J, 1H.-.9. E.p. KELLY, Proprietor. ; Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hewtiy (jiveu iU tl.c partner!iia lieretorwe ..v, l? unA,r ln0 r,awe ,3 It- of j!r..n & o!fr has b d; , d b mutua counaiit. . Orepon City, 25, 1S39. ISBOWX, ULrE. S-Snil nm, or 10 some other person whom ho wishes to retain as a customer. Is it an uncontrovertible fact that man is on the retrograde? If it be so, merciful Heavens, rhpi'k linn In 1. " ,u ' "tuugraue movement, ere ne precipitates dimsclf into woe! ims man was elected nt the last Jm.n great deal of such busi..P ;. r. Section, on the Democratic ticket f t;,.i-.i ... in s country selling liquor to w",ca succeeds by whisky influence) and in nitmns. I almost know a ew nr t-nm-- lci thon r. .. . . self. One I toot f .u " " ,lcr l,ie el"on he r..i V (" stoopca so low as to n-rill.B t1A .tIo ,. O--"- mv nana VI U. irretrievable wounded feelings by administering a little "tangle-foot" in exchange for a horse or Ions of cheap whisky were bought and put into a teu gallon kee and thre of tobacco, with a quantity of pepper, were boiled up together into strong t, .n..i. to fill tho keg, and sold, iu all probability to the Indians. Judiresof whM-tr t vvoiwir 'pow- ally took a " whiff." but said it m emu oaa wntsky." . ... u" u u,n7 uoggcry with his presence. This looks as though civilizatiou and refinement were increasing with a vengeance. Tlie idea of a man whom the people have entrusted with so responsible an office en gaging in an occupation which ought to v k. ' . . . I.- -. . . . c ua.u iiiiq enmarp nn hm K... 1:. uiukc me w a nnri.fnrmi mm f t. :. l : . . I III I " v.mM vi IIIC .iu lain, nvit rilUllun IO Wet flu. rrm,.,l rl..pn..c. M..V ' " . - vnm bu J uiiuu. inches, this fall little or no fmt .f e have rather dull time at a change is hoted for It mnnr in quence of tbe new gold mines on the Okan- is ridiculous an occupation which no man with a spark of moral prin cipal will engage in, and I thiuk that I am justifiable in making the assertion that no man or set 01 men, who regard in the least c , Kotiec. County of Clackamas, Ut In Juttice't Court. x TJt BUCKN' Y. ar. her,., J- notified that a wri, 0f attaclmen, ha.beaa. atufy the demand of Kogene LaForeat, amoui.1. ' mg to twenty dollar. a.l it,rt NJW anleaa you .hall a,..,ttr before V,n. P. Burn., . Julie. . 1 ufT !f ttnd ror ,"id 'u'y. l.i...ff.oe on the 10.1. dl,y of December, 1633, jadgmeut will be rendered ai-nina. .j -"I JOUr uiuuci.T nlil to pay the debt. . ret Waled thia 2;d day of October, 1859. " 3?,r4 EUGKNE L.V FOREST. ' - FINAL SETTLEMENT. XTOTICE la herein: .1 l '.'.. ? Dn ay0e; d,nil"tfor of the estate of Jo epn R. rayna, deoeaw l, hw filed hi. account ia the County Court of Va,h oolln,yi StaUiof Or eeon, f, , fin8 cmeot oftlui e ,hi, j, 10 . Bolify all persona intnr.i..J i., 1 : J id matter w,U lake pl,c. in tl.e county court, aforeaid, at the term to be luld on lha fint Mon day m December ue, at Ufayetle. iu -A county. AAUOS PaVVR. . Cct.I3, 1SJ9. S:w4 Adm-r. w. c. JOHNSOIS1, ATTon.VEV & COlNSELOtt AT L.VC, And Solicitor in Chaneeru. - TTriLL promptly attend to any baaineae which elurffe bvfore tha Datricl and Supreuw C.U. Ol5-e in II chS.lda bnlldinir. Pite the Maiu Street llous. reoii;,IT, October I. S59. The steamer Co,. Wright I, (ofthe iM CASH paid for LAND WARRANTS, ay." HOLLAND n Y. . . .... r