Cais sire. Sptllbtuad withi their cert, my brt, Ar (Wttlett kid ttiat over u( Or beam It buna i Ihty apart Bdeel, witb folded wieg . Spring leys bsr Matting htaJt M til Tbt aarth I I bUntm. ! Krery thing Bretthe tgsl Tbay pus lilt (asUrsJ eMail, wiUi Mdd wing. Yt have tlit word, beloved tM, Tbt magic key f Opeaing I 0 girt Uwm larks t mot ning sua Etrtb, beavta of yon tktll ting. Lomniltt Journal. "Tun ark all Chawoti." So nidi Christian My of ilm loiluring ptim that hastened brr dissolution. Andto cm I lit trut disciple f Chiitl stv of til of hit if- Diction. lUvid could thank God for them. Tltoy brought him back from bit waoilvringt. Withuut ihtnt ba rrii,jh have lot bit toul, S.mliint our paint re tljariutt iniitcj, 111J in idem we go up where necl'iuila are between u and I'ara (Jitt. gome of tin Christian' twecte, momenta are when rucking t aint and tri. a't, if born with true furliiudt and pmitnct will oolftiily bring mi to our journe) ' ad, but will iwce'en our retl thai rati lint rt maim fur the people of God. Oh, bow well and tweedy will we rail when we ara permitted to eiep from limit eharioia ef pain to lb embrace and boaem of angel and God our Savior ! Roll swiftly round, ye whitlt of lim, And briuf Hit welcome day." A BxAiTiruL Thoi-oht. A friend writ. ing to ut of ti-go of trouble that bad tten long endured and had ended well, made 1 It at rrft'':lion : but, bad we known all, we might have taken our trouble at the idem lake alter nate cloud and tun. I read a good If XI the thnr day, in I lit verso where " Mary tiood without, weening at the eeiiulchre." VWeping," in Ilia hour algrettea! power ana iriumiiii, her Lord then arisen and right by her I (low often we grieve in iuo nour ot unknown triumph. Repose. That undisturbed repot, of wnicu we are to lentcivui when duty or necessity ooiupol u to abandon it, it pre. cisely what wo long to exchange for a alale ol excitation, at toon at wn may pro. long u ai our own ploasuro. Only my to a man, iirinaia at reel," ami you instantly intpire him with a love of labor. Very few ro latinfiud with the mode of life they lead j if it it easy, iliey find it monotonous'; Ifaoiive, Ihfy complain thai it it arduous ji it very uiiuculi to find mm that ii conijilutoly taiifid. SWA Hindoo Comal tid to a Christian lady," Vour Itihle mux! have been wriiien by vnmnn, il contain 10 ninny kind ihlrjy about in. Our Shatter ey noib ing but what it bird ami cruel of ut." tV Kinploi niPiit. which Ualun calls "nalure'i physician," is 10 einential tohil man happiness, I tint indolence U justly con iJcrcd at llin 'mother of miarry.' fJT It ia much better to have gold in the bmid than in I lie heari. AIN$WO?tTH&DIERDOHFF, WE ARE NOW OPENING IN TMI Jfew Tirt-Tnot Stick, A LAICI AND WII.L-AMOITED ITOCK Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly atear if ilea! fin, wt will atw Offrr Grtatrr Inducements than tr It Iht public. We are eoattaolly in rtetipt ef GOODS ttlsetrd wilh Iht grtttett rart (tt te price ead quality), and ft eonruliiil Ibal our faoililitt will raablt ut la offer lad uU ftnil AT PORTLAND PRICES I (freiglili to), and would tdvitt all that vititinr line eiiy It purehut fronlt, tt ttmiot our Mtca and priei't before purt'tiaaiiif elo where. 9 eoneitline id pert of Iht followinf article Cncht' co, I'avitic, lladliy, Coneeteiro, Kprague, Philip Allen, rail (liver, Merriinao, llriggt, and numer- out oilier choice i'KI.VIH, ill lalflyleti lieh i: Krrnch merino, Lyoneet clolh, mohair and other Debut) brau, wool, tV muslin dt lainea, black, blue, purple, Il pink merinot, fancy plaidt, jaconet, book, ma, At mull mualin, ladice cmb. tela, eollara, bilkla otaairlt, dreet dt bonnel Irim nnug,1 Kreoeh II doinnMie ginhiiie, Freneb lawna front IL') lo He, blue, mixed, 4 grey sati net, wool ot colloii jeanis cottonnde, bleached and brown heeling frun 3-4 lo 10.4 wide, brown and bleached drills, dennne, hickory shirting ( oilesm, msrint, brown, tod Irish linen, oanketii, diaper. tad crash, a largt lot of liuta aud thread lace and edging, hosiery, 40. MEN'S tf BOYS' CLOTHING: Blue, black, aad brown clolh coats i 10 dot blk clolh vesta, 5 dux while and baft" Marseilles do., velvet and tatia do.! 30 duiantiuet pants, dorikia and rancy caasnnert do, Jll dot merino and cottoa undershirts, grey, blue, At black cloth over coals, with a geuerul aasorlnieat of gents' furnishing goods. BOOTS j SHOES.-Slta't, boys', lad youlha' boot; Indies', misses', and children's mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congresa boots, wilb It willinil heels; ladira' kid alipuer. tli and Java cnfTre, bl.irk and green tea, Ji. O , Lliina, Ualavia Islund, l m rehued, and crushed ugar, K. Huston, C'al., tiigar-hniisr, t gelden syr up: salt, 5 to 800 Ibsks; 100 ktp nails, aaMtsib; mils pale, chemical, 4 r.iiginh soup, soup pow- Den, powder, shot, lead; yeast powder, sslrra tua, cream tartar, aniokinu; s chewing tobacco, greet corn, peat, lomalott, tlrau and iacater- nee, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, maccaroiii, vermicelli, corn stnrch, tlm- onds, walnula, llnuil aula, raisins, Chili peaches, Oru-U iruit; mackerel, in qr 4 hit bbls; tardme. A hue assnrlinrnl 01 CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY 1 20 eralea amnrlcd ware, 40 dNi sleel picks, V0 Dutch 4 lldla hoes. If7(7 Lead, Oil, and Window Qlatt; wilh 1 variety of other articles irnally kept. IT Wt will pay cash for wheal, flour, baooa. butler, egifi, and tlnioat tverjlhing Iht farmer baa lo sell. Oregon Oily, April 16, 1858. NEW FIRM, fc tVctr Goods! r. CIIAK.HA.t A McKI.'V.'lEr fpAKE plsurt In Informing Ih rwidtutt of x uasuw.-v Vll l aad tht public gener et-ptrlutrship 111 iht NEW GOODrS: Jcw Jill radian ! C II.Va AND FAMILY GR0CZEY BUSINESS. At Me d tland of P. Cktrman, whsrt tliey will keep on hand everything la their lint tf business, and of lh Very bctt quality. Ho peine will bt spired to givt entire satisfaction tt all who may leel dip d lo give theni a call. From lung residence In this plici and txptri- tnct ia Ihit busines, Ihey feel qualified tt say that tliey can and will givt satisfaction It all wn miy fit It patronise them with their order. N. B. All order will be filled with a much promptnes and fairussa a personal presence will secure. PARTIES FURNISHED wilh everything in our line on tht shortest notice. WSDOING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon (,'ity pec. 18, I8.".8. Jhc Gold Mines! IN OREGON CITY. "Eagle Boot and Shoe Store." J. MOONEY XT AS just returned from California with XX. LARGE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, which h will sell CflEAP FOR CASH, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Alto, e null aitortmtnt of Shotmaitr finiinii. lit solicit tht palronnse of the neonla of this city and the public in trneral. Itemr entirely de voted lo Ih boot and alio business, he will keep constantly 00 hand a line assortment of ladies aud gentlemen 'a wear, or ill anrla and sues. Ladies, giv m a call before puixhasing any where rise. Do not forget the place two door below Gib sou's Saloon, in the new buildiinr. Come on, com all, both great and small, giv me a can, lor 1 novo ieote and slioe lo til you all. My motto is, Small profits and nniek ret ions. I also keep Miller' aud Maaou'a Umckino fur ale. Jn. 20, 1809. EMPIRE Wholesale and Retail STORE! ARE you going lo Oregon City te buy Goods 7 If to, you would probably lik to know where you cm buy tht most and beat for lb Itaal mo ney. That plac la Brown & Wolf's, eetehliihment, opposite Gibion't Saloon, and no mistske. Wo hav just received a heavy assort, mentfrom Han Francisco, which, having bought low, w ar abl lo sell in such a wny that our price shall speak fur themselves, without much puffing. Wt htvt GENTLEMEN'S Of EVERY DESCRIPTION, SUCH At tack 4 frock coals, raglent, talmas, jackelt, vests, pants, crtvnta, tine shins, collar, drawers, undershirt, sashes, overhaul, and all kinds of India-rubber clothing. ALSO, ALL KINDS OP French, English, American, furniture calicos, ginghams o all color, all wool and hlf wool da Inines, Frr null, English, 4 American merino, alpaca, ailk worsted, ill colors, all wool and hlf wool plaida, ailk 4 woollen shawls, singlsordlle, Perry's atyle of dress good, eashmeres, velvets, linsey, brown 4 bleached sheeting, janes, ail cloths, Irish linens, silks, cainbrica. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, cans, sleeves, ehemisetlea, tdging, ribbons, hdkfs, glovet, hosiery, needles, pine, hooks, eyes, perfumery, hair til, boots, shuee, rubber, hat, caps, iccordeon, A. teasi. .uvaLir. TJ. B. MAIL LIIfE. nrXiLAMIsTTll Ortgon Ci fy a nd Portland Daily P.. . . jljlfril f .rTiss1 aic, MMhf( n O vm V CITY n rB" 1 , ep,eg,; )n ,) uv.i mm. named trad, leaving Oreaoa Citv ...l.b . ll.lnrnlniF. 1.... t, ." M ... . v-,-. . soriaKJ. 1 - . iMMn. ,1,. nuh he or ureroD ana 1 a u ...... hiH,mj . - 1 aa&oeg w imwi I 1 J I r. si wkhm's " pawl, 1 f Washington 1111 w naie coiiipi- For freight or passag apply on board. BOILER. PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, ... orenared lo build boiler, EuRinet, Grist- mills, Sawmills, and ill other kiwle of nutchiuery. Our business connection wilh iht Kaslern Cify. Dally Ala a daj-j ,i r f I MIC nW rrMwii-a7 iraiiuvr X. EXPRESS, mltiSss Ia. 8tho, Mutter, will run belwn r..i.., I . . . . Jll.. l. " ""HI Rtatsiho ereat eoiivenienc of our locality- anu " ""I""". "sv, " . 1 ; ft III I l.A i 1J Ml IO A. M.. Inri f OIL...... the auperiority and numb. r ot our inaciiines in. -- m.vs uat of water wwer instead of steam, and the per fect knewltilgt of ill branches of our business, sill ensbls as lo compel! wilh California. Inviting Ih public lo give us a call, and lo favor u wilh their patronage, wt promise 10 txicuio their orders 011 th shortest nonet, ana At Sou Fruntlsro Prlrea. A. ROSSI A. CO. Junt 19, 18J8. lOyl July a BEFORE AND AFTER USING w. BUSINliJS CAltDS. TA 1' LOR die II A LSToVj WlloLKS.tLS AND amil. flKALERS l! GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main ,J Fifln Slrrtlt, Onr.GOM CITV, OR BOON. IN UKOH.ll ft WOLF, WIIOLKSALK AMU RETAIL UKALRRS STAPLE AND FANCY DltV-GOODS, CLOTHING, Jioota, Shoes, IhU, Cnjw, tto., OREtiON CU V. bit. D. l). stkhiknsonT Room ahova Hi ,iwn 4 Wuir Orrgon City. T." tlTntrTKIIv mXTRIHTV. a. u roansr, ,i Z"..T! EUGKNK LAFORKST OfiM'rnl Dfitlcrs in Dty - (ioods, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, ' rccrj, Crurkcr)-, lilifM-nurr. HOOTS, SHOES, .e., Allot oli,u,l f ln FomtF,,nt Slon. OREGON crrv. 1. C. A I.NS WORTH . WM. BIKKOnKPI'7 AIIKUOlIi ll A im:itlOKFF, WHOI.RSAr.K AND RKTAII. DKALKRS IS GROCERIES DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, Hoots Short, nnd Crorktry, lath new Fire proof )ri, k Mia sTmT ORKdON CITV. T.CIURMAN. A.WAR.NKR. Channan & Warner, ummission MERCHANTS ' WIIOL.l. 4 MTAIL Itonlfra In Dry Cio .!,, CItlkiHgJMwan, Vmktrw. Glauvtr., Hool,, Ahars, J'ainls, Oil, J( Inthsir flie-proof llek Maw era.T OltmiON CITY, ORKtioN. ' W. T. SUTI.OCI. . W.O. JOIINSuN, Matlock c Johneon, ATTOKNKV3 A COUNSKI.OIW AT LAW : And Solicitors in Vhnnrrry, "ItrilX promptly ,) to any bitaineaa which T mnv be eoi iuA . .1.-.. , Offiet hi ,11 ghllchf. building, immediately ott posite the .Maui Street House J 1 ""M-"" Cny, Murk J, 1857. 4-y ! . LA FOREST "ITrOL'I.D inform Ih ciliaensof Oregon City and vicinity that ht intends keeping a gen eral supply of tvcryiniiig in tht Dry 'Goods. Grocery, Crockery, nnd Fancy line, and w II be happy In sec his oid friends call upon him, and will promise at all limes to sell Ihent goods a cheap as any other house In town, motio being Snmll Profits ami Quick Returns, W would also say lo Ih (Hit txiiie and sinew of the laud.) we intend kn. iug everything you may require in Ih Oreesry, fieesery, Clothing, Dry (lootl,, Bmttand Skot line, etc., winch we ohYr at such prices as will be .i.i.K'iury 10 you. a also to exchange our giwds for your prodiico, and will give you as Muu-ii in, mm me niaraei ononis. 1 nm mh.1 i.u ... I. . . .11 ..... , iui (ni mo piaca, out look fur the sign of ,a fores d Baron, aud then com in. a would sny to Ih Ladies (God Bless You!) When you wIkIi asnMrior art it Is of dress gnotlsor ..... j ..i.t.r., uu uui urn 10 can upon l.t roattsv & ltro, where you will always find them, and ,v.riTo uieir grateiut thanks for your put Young Men, ( I'utnre Hope of Oregon,) nere is ins pine to supply yourselves with a aupe ..... Ul CIUWIIIIK in wnicti lo Get Married! atirt, alter yon are married, lo GET YOUR vnrii tun IIUCSEKEEPIXO. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY, I AM new carrying on a Saddler' and Har nes maker'a shop in this citv. aud have eon. slanlly on hand the best of Rendy-mncle harness, saddles, Lri- dies, Halters, martingals, and everything in my line. I am also ready to mo 10 oruer aiiyimng 111 my lint lint may bt called fur, on a short notice. My motto ia, Make a good article, and sell it cheap. I solicit patron- go si nuinv ana imm aoroati. My eslablinhmeiit ia neatly opposite Charman x 11 artier a Uld aland on Mam street. I. SCIirtAM. April 3, 1 859. SlmS LT 3! ,2T Hi 2i a T BRACELETS, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and about 35 other articles loo numerous and too cheap lo pay for advertising. Auw the fact ts, as we are permanently located, wt are desirous of doing business on such terms that we shall not be compiled to sell offal cost,' but we intend, by quick sales and small profits, lo iivt ano lei nvt. Ladies ana gentlemen uro el- ways welcome, aud will be promptly wailed on. Remember, Urmember, that our store is opposite Gibion't Saloon. Tit troublt lo show our goods, and wt can heat Portland all the time in price. If you doubt it. can ma sulisty yourselves (hat there 11 no hum- bogging in Iht mutter. BROWN & WOLF. Oregon City, April23, 1859. SmC DR. JACOB WEBBER S SANGUIFIER, Or Invigorating Cordial What thouxh the tun in beauty shine. And you havt countless hoards of wealth J It hat Ihongh the world oil, all was thtnt. If you but want Iht blessing, Health. An Honest Appeal! To all with bad or falling health. ARE you languid, inanimate, resiles, appelil Watches anil Jewelry of entirely uoi.r. diicslien bad. and pains ia tht limbs. I 11 . 1 . 1 CITY aid t. u. TJ. S. MAIL LINE. Portland mid Aalorla. Th Splendid Steamer Multnomah TTTI LL continue lo run regularly brtwsc p,rt. V T land ana nsioria, ia aucouver, twici , war , leaving I'ortland on Monday and Thursiit momincaof each week for Aaloriat and Ast-i for 1'ertland on Tueaday and Friday momins. tonching ViNcouvia,ST.IILeNt,,CT,. tA)T,o:e.,each way. For freight or passsg,, apply to K. HUT T, .Master, jtl6 Oral Ifoyt't Whurf-bont, I'ortlaad. Time. F. HIGH FIELD, . WATVII'MAK ER. AtV Parsons desirous of gelling good work donaTZol do well to give me a call, aa my whol im Is voted to th repairing or Chronometer, Ltitr r. 1 , 11 ...I I Lupiex, ana nonminsi .i,irs. A n assortment of fine English WA TCUE.1 a also Jewelry on hand. CLOCKS, with weights to tlu m. Jewelry made to ordi-r, and repaired. Prices lo suit the times. I am thankful for asst furor, and hope to give aatisfaclion in future. ST Located al the old aland, nnpotiit IkeTsL egmph OttiiM-, OREGON CITY. Fen. ?. RRMOVAL. GEORGE C. ALLCT, IX business in Wall at, for Ihe pat Iwrnty-twt years, has rcmured to No. 4 IS Broad. WMTs on dour below I'nnul tt., where he ku just opened a new stock or BOOT AND SHOE STORE. OREGON CITY. COME AM) SEE US! Coma one and all, both young and old, And see if we the truth have told ; Hi re ia the place lo spend your cash, Aud gel good gooda instead of trash. Oregou City, Jan. 1, 18i9. ALL KINDS OF Black -smithitw iu.o, A.i hLI. AS WK KNOW U TO 1X IT. AT THE HOW OPPOSITE THE UNION MEAT 1M KET, OREGON CITY. March 5, 18..9 -47 R. f), WORSIIAM. JOHN R MBRIDE, attoiii. a u coeaaiioa t Law, ' Ufoytttt, Yomk.ll Cnnty, Oron. W1.1"1 U!,hru"y ' all buaineu.D ' bis profeasioa,! . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE ! IT t hv just received 40,000 lUrom Ci v . .,U Santity of Ttis.cro N ural leaf, ltff.kl eh ,Vvu7o7 and many h,r bto, A PIP F T? EOOKS! BOOKS! TUHT KECEIVED. at the CITY BOOK. fj STOKE, a large assortment of D O O K 8, CONSISTING OF Standard J. B. BLA PIED WOULD respectfully inform hie old friends and Die public generally that he it bv himself once mora, nnd has now on hand A LAnaB AM) WELL SELECTED STOCK OT BOOTS AND SHOES, which he wili sell on the most reasonabl term, MAKING AND REPAIRING will still b done to order, and ou the shortest no tice. Werer-proo Patte Blaeline kent on hand. Oregon Ciiy, Nov. 6, 1858. JOHN W. CULLEN, Front ttreet, foot of Commercial Wharf PORTLAND. OREGON, TirAXUFACTURER and WHOLESALE 11J. & Retail Commission Dealer in all kinds of l'OU9, I Religious, Miscellan- Saddles, Bridles, Trunks, L and Poetical works. California and Oregon C-- vaveriy ana Utckens's rsovels, &c., &c, &c. Stationery, of nil kinds, etc. uregon City, Apl 30 J. A. POST. I. c. Itausi.tir. I.T.IIH, Kisi.rv dk REUS, PORTLAND. OREGON, ixurcTiiaaaa and istroaTE or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN d ENGLISH SADDLES. fliigcy. Corriagf, and Team llarnttt, BridUt, Miirlinfalt, n nipt, l.mcn Hortt Coeert, BUnketi, Curry-combt, Fly-Nell, Bruthet, and CircingUt. SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddlo-Trttt, Slirrupt, and all kindt oj uooue .eyii at a Jirtt-clatt tttublitkmenl. Work made to order, and renuirini dona wiih care and 011 reasonable terms. CT Shop on Front street, between Washington 4 Alder. eep4,'58. nmici music! "yyE have on hand a large assortment of OF ALL KINDS, mbracing the fnllowiug: Prince 5 ittdoDcona a large assortment, of the following kinds; Nine S octave. urans.csd. 1 wo a do. do. Out 5 do. da. On 6 do. do. 1 wo i do. portable. T. (J1LRERT & CO.'S CELEBRATED oauuies, causes, and every description of and Saddler's Hardware. Agent for the ale of Adams's California Sad die-Treat. All kinds of Trunk and Valises mid le order. Repairing don with nealii.K and dixpatC.1), Conngnmtnf of Gmdt Solicited. N. B. I ant selling off my old atoek at reduc ed rate, and will take in tgolmige either oath or merohantablt proJuoe. JOHN W. CULLEN. , 1859. j,88m9 SINGING BOOKS ! Ncm Cutcjf Zxon : JUST received, 100 copie of the Nw Lut of Zion. F'b- 2li- JOHN' A. POST. body back, and head? Reader, much of Ihit it caused from cold caught unwillingly, or, in aeven casea out or ten, alugishnea of th liver and mood, anl want or natural perxpuulion, indxcre lion in th use of food and driuk, or from a dry nes in Ih atmosphere which ia a Very unheal thy part of this climute many of the awful, vio. U'lii, and suuiim deaths that occur here must be tttriboled to this. Now, reader, I have made Ihit my study for many yeure, and I do assure you inai my Vli. hlillH( S IVIUOKATI.VU UOIiUIAL SANUL'IKIKU will cure Ihea causes it will Insure animation of the liver, blood, and brain it strengthens the nervet, and givet 10 ine tunerer a liglitnest 01 spirila, a menial and bodily feeling of strength that is delightful. Th manjcrespeeiablc persons who have been benefit- ed hy and certified to its oxlrturdinary qualities in curing any of Ihe following diseases, must satisfy .11 .1.. if , . . . . o uui me ana ignorunt skeptic dys pepsia, or indigestion, loss of muscular or bodily Birrngiu ana menial energy j icVer,ngue,or clnlla j rheumatic, neuralgic, or other pains: uVolelioii and weakness of the uaturul functions, debility from disease, dissipation, too much doctoring, de bauchery, and other causes; in cuse of exeiteinnit from constant intemperance, and where delirium tremens hill occurred, I have seen il ehaui.s lha aufierer in half aa hour frein Ih most horrible slate lo calmness and placidity. Il ran, indeed, 00 consc emiousiy recommended lo all suffering, and the proprietor legrela deeply that il is neces. sary thus to Advertise ii, iu order thai its inerlls may b known. new and beautiful styles; also, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. He i court a ill ty receiving th latest styles tf watches and jewelry by every steamer direct fren th manufacturer in Kuropt. atehrs cleaned and repaired ia III best nag. ner by Ihe finest London nnd Geneva workmen. , GKUKliK U. ALLICn, luipnrler of Watcliea and Je welry, nnd nianiifnclurer of Jewelry, watch cases, and silver ware, whoheale and Mail, 415 imodway, one door below Canal alreet, .it IV 1 UK K. aiilhv For Sale at the CII Y BOOK STOBE THE following works Magic Slnir. by A. J. Davis ) Creal Iron Wheel, hy J. It. Graves t I) red. in 3 vols., bv Harriet lieeelier Slaws: Th Ilomd'yeloncijias, W'orld' I'ms " Utful Europe, (ieography, fine Arts and Literature, Hiograpby, A. Oct 3. of the I rngns, Art, Baptist Books. WE EXPECT by nest mail steamer a quan tity of the American llnntist Publicstlon Society' Books, consisting of fuller' Works, Bunyau's do., The Psalmist, pocket, pew, and pul pit ie, and a variety of other works. W will tal that we intend to keep a rem- plete assortment of th Society's books. (wrirm Intemperance and Debauchery. "? , ,v-?' bf lhe i"iy. he 1 .c""ul"c,; promptly Klled. Chnn hea aad libraries famished vonsuiutionai v eaKness. .vc. 'owv,x v,ct- r Qregoo Chy. Ang. 21, Dl.ULINE OK NATURE, I'RKWA TL'RKo NATITKI. wpi K v i.- OK TIlEFUXtTIONS. NER- PloiCS aild vukj&a i.s, VKlMiSS, CONSTIPATION, WAKEFULNESS and EXUAUSTIOS Dr. Webber's Sanffuifier I t iirine remedy. See afftdutitt .J certificate: JOHN A. POST. 185. Wagons I SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. PROSPKCTUa. VOLUME FIFTEEN BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1359. double-reeded, double bauk, biads, Match ks, i, 1W4, 18J8. ands. Aoo, PIPES ot all V. Si I falir tat Meat VAN NES BALM JACOB. a.a.aottTi. w ...... . . a a. Mooaa. IlOnCRTS ft CO.,, ot,,Ukl MARBLE MANTLES, TABLES, Counter Top, Firt Fenders, Grate,, llatrtK stones, o4 Stejts, ALSO trf 1 arvi . uoilui.u iu.e. OF ALL SCRIP HONS, bop Injl '.., l.t doer abovtlh Brid;..1 r- Reading for the Million. S. J. McCOHMICK si co!isT!m.v oa HsNn at th rALia aooa rota, vaoar-tT, nituss, oatooa, tChoiet selection of Popular Books, Sow. papers, .Magasine and faaey 8lalionrr Amoog th book oa hand ..11 k. 1 1 'j.. 0 Temperance, Agriculture, tlortieoltur. Hk. .oe.ry, niography. Micio Religica, Seieoet. School Books. Romance ..., Ae trhubeeriptioos rceid for Harper. Graham, -odev, Leslie s, or PuUam, at f 4 a year, aw, age free. ' r IP SuUeriptioas rveeired for any newspaper published ia any part f th f.ioa. Remember the Franklia Book Stoe aad Xw P"per Agency, Iron! street, Portlaed Oregeo. besides a lores assortment at Guitars. Acconleons, Clarionets, Flutes, :) - J. .4. POST, Oregon City, Apl 9. At Ike City Book Start. 3iDe?. a..aaxraij,, ttALIIfcK OK VOCAL it INSTRUMENTAL He will tsj imtract elaasn. i. .., vocal moe,c,ar both, ia dfferenl aii .k. Jury 24,IS5dy. country, whea desired. P. X. T. SPL1 cenliaoea to SPLENDID KOIiTES. mpert PRE.M1LM HOLrER"S PIANO CASH r! fV LAND WAMRAXTS, bv HOLLAND rAY. MSOBAincS, ZlWIlJYTOaS, Maaaraclarert, aai Varmera. THE ScuxTiric AattatcAX has now reached ita tourteentk Year, and will enter upon a &ewohni)eonthe 11th of September. Itisth nly weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has 1 very extensive circulation in all ihe Mate of the L'nion. It it not, a some might suppose from ita title. 1 dre. slsorus. ...k . technical science ; on so dealt with s.., ...nit going on in the acientific, mechan ical, andiuduetrial worlds, at to please and instruct every one. If the mechauic or artisan wishes to know tli best machine in use. nr I.... n.i.. ... substance employed in his businees-if the houee wite wishet to get a nivipe fur making a good color e.,-if the inventor wiahea lo know what ia going on in the way of iniprovemenla-lf the manufac turer Withes lo keen ousted with ih t... ..J .. enjoy ihe best faoilitica in his business if ihe man Ol stu.U. ...1 l -.k.k ' -.',"""'-pniniseii lamiliar with the progress made in the chemical laboratory or in the construction of telegraphs, steamships railroads, reaper, mowera. and a thousand other maehinea aud appliances, both of peace and war all these desiderata can be found in the Scim Tine Ammicax, and not tltewkert. They .re here presented ia art luhla and adip-ed 10 the eoniprtheri..B of minds unlearned ... ...v .1.(111, uraucocsoi scieaceand art. mlfh? 'aTT"' Cup y'"' i py. aii mootha, $1 ; fiveoopiva. ax moutha. 11 . et, m.wtlBs S ; w. efue twelv. rooatht, 15; fifuna cop,e. twelv. m.a.tlw. . ' twelve months. ia arfetae. SjKTimen cw sent gratu.tou.ljr fo, inspection Pootw atamp. taken for ubacripuona. Letter should be directed lo JkT.V.V 4 CO, Mete. Mc 4 Co. ar exieasmly engaged ia proearingpalentoiorBew inreauont, t.d wiUad. JLTBlV"M'r'"r" fJ in BONNETS, LrWa snJ ... it r.rtllt. Acne Tremors, general ocniiuy ill beattk toua cured. .11 r. L nuh eekx. who arrived from P.,n.m March J.I, complelely prostrate, weak, and scarce. ly able lo move; hud the Panama fever il.r.. months ; had puiinin the bonea. chills. DO imwlio. r energy j lit wed Wvhter'a Coniiul two weeks, and fell so strong and well dial on the 17th be went tv the Dimes, where bt it now working. SARSAPARILU AND fMTTER DKIXKERS, HEAD! Dr.a era, and Goon Fkimb. I herewith In form you that I havt taken in seven month over sixty bottles 01 Sursapiiillt, Uilters, and other remedies for aonlitmed dyspepsia, 'Vauknes of th olitst, indigestion, ond'o geiieral feebleness- of iny sjstem. without getting any particular reliefs . ,v uu.ura 01 jour oruiui nave btneflttcd me so much that I am a dilferent being. Pleas to iu iwo Dome more, which 1 leal suit will effcol a perleot cure. If this will benefit yon or tli nttlifOiwl ... . 11 ... ... ' .... -... v.-.., j..u mo 111 niieriy 10 puniitll It. FattuBaio Lucaua, House Paiuler rrioe reauceil to two for 8;,,irgo quart UJ ,,vr respeciaoie Uriiggut in Cahiornia, and Oregon. PARK , WU1TE San hritiirituiit A ........ Caution!-Be ware of Counterfeits! UT Buy noue that hat not the signatures of T Jones and Jacob Webber M.I), en lha lop of each wrapper aud blowu in Ihe glass of each bottle. HTLOOK OUT.'.'jx Love lore te kiss the lip that apart unfurls While glurtening. snowy teeth, like spotless pearls; uch b euth, such teeth aa ever Love would suit, Art made by Lafom't Jamaica Soap TeeHj Root. And tht woret hair soft, fine, and dark doea live, touched by Jones' Coral Hair Restorative And pure clear skin is given, from which defects I eiope When washed with Jouet' Italian Chemical Soap. ftls 11. II a ... . " j ine.. reaiiy neautilui preparations for Ibe k k . ,1 ? ' ' M "M 85 50 eentt . , ... uruggi.u m i-aiiiornia and Oregon. I thaving soap? a beautiful shaving Who wants That lathers likt cream, and heals tore skin. And all soreness, eruption, oreun-bura makes ao elope r .kI. .. . u" o' ne handa, or the brow or the chin? .11 a ". r:r" """ceo w m ceal.) Sold bv tlldruggiutiuOrigon. j.e 7 0 0 AIXSW0RTH 4. PIERDORFf! Oct9.15i?.T. Machine-made Horse Shoes! T,LEfS?Y4TKASD,JfAILFACT0Ry. r c-oiiua iiiacnmerv nam i. Tfcuhiy of th iron oaed in thee. shoe, it oZV'Ia":'1' T',t- The" . os 1 approeed mr b ,h v Governmenu excluTely. .. .1. by ,. of the baera . lb. Tbew -tetT'i.Tr ,h' Pioc;P" d Iren tore ie in. BltHj jju Y r1,1"1 " at Troy, X. 1 . UI receive prompt attenti..a. M.F. BtRDEX,,,,. Blaclcsmitliing of all Kinils done to order. I KEEP alivnyeew haur) STEEL PLOWS, warranted to scour and do as trend work a any 01 hers in the I can else furnish yoa with WAGONS. I can nlwuvs be f.iund at m shop, eppnitt McKiiilay't, reudy to shoe year horses, or do anjlb nj in Ihe line of niv bnsinest. Call and see. J. w. LKWIS. Oregon City, April IS, J?59. lit Great Inducements EUGENE LaVoREST'S. WE lake this method of infoiminj the pab liu that we believe it best for pwithusef and seller that NO CREDIT be given we therefore commencu nn entirely nvlravaiam. Wa will nc! ecll our goods oa any other term than for Cash or Country Produce. W have largo itock of GOODS consisting ef GROCERIES, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, -"T XaeOtXJNCHSBt) BOOTS d SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware Now listen to ut for a moment or two w bile we ue our effort in convincing voir that paying' cash down far a,k.,....T. t I belter than buying good ou a credit. You will find by reading our advertisement lhatw purpose wiling for at least ten per cent Mieaper for cash than we could on time) Thi i certaiuly better, the buyer will Bad. Here ladiet can find all they may require, if rem fine tilk drees to plain boonet wire ; 1 1 he gentlemen alto can here be rigged out lib fine doe ptnta, vest, ehirt, and a coat. Th farmer also should here eome and tee If wt have not got good togar and coffee, T ea. rice, elarch.tobacco, rait, and aoap, il, cup and saucer, talaratn, aad rope. Come farmer, try oa, ,nd then you will see u uo jusioa we agree; We promiee to tell good at price below, W ilh freight only added, which ia right yoa kae n!Lf?rJ?forr",jMt where 'ede. Pott 4, V. h.te't Book Store it on the cast tidt t Latorett 4. Bacou ia ih..m..r,k. Our motto, email profile but a quick retara. ' Bring en your cash, your egga, and your hotter And .f ,t u raining don't ttop for tht weather. All indebted to us. to,, .1 . ine cash we are needing, rourenatom alas. vskwos rTT .May 14. 185. Notice vARr.R hara nlmrmA m- k..j. r eolle-tioa all acoounu, both hy note aad book, (onder Ibe eum af eue huudred doll ara,) prior to the 1st of JuIt. 18ji fOsTS arilt ba "ed by aettlement with m at ml office ia OreavMi City. J. M. BACON, Jo!y 16, lJ9-Utt Jie, of the Peace.