The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 08, 1859, Image 2

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    l)c (Oregon Clrgus
o&xooxr CITY J
Abnatlaablt I
It is positively eulrajjcoui and Intcler
Lie! we mean, tin way in which our Ma
rion of Mexico it treat i.d Ljr jieojile in the
State. Head tlm following from a Ht,
Ixuii letter to (he Fan Frahciwo Jiullttin.
Old Jo's friend will probably be thankful
that their idol amJ muter ban t!ie credit of
siijieriority, even if it ii in (lie somewhat dhv
crcditnMe respect of having " superior qaat
iflcitioni for making I bad President.''
Tliia hal eminence will, however, commend
Mm to the bulk of his part, and if it ii
on! uuderstoo I that be will become pliant
tool in the bands of the craft demagogue
who engineer the Ico Foco party, hit
chances will improve or tht nonination.
" Wbilt Preaidanlial matters imm alamtota-
tit aspect, as they hat dun iu Uw east tf Via,
Uity hart now aal thea Iran fcal t here
tot which will fnihtl with a laojh fcf every
tear lti otwilit Wm miat'TiUM. Mr. Hub
anin, the etory goee, a ia fetor of ri lingtJwr
Itrnaral Jo Law, iif Or' f far lb wcraw,
ami if moting might and nun ( ooctairate
Democratic support oo kit favnrit. Tli mar l
Inra. If not, Mr. Iluchenan l,i:J b adtised to.
wards lakioj precisely oh a tl.p. Tht '
York Tito, I Mini it ru nl lo say (list h
had an far otndoot IVrct ia l'rei I. ulial misdoing,
that Ilia couirast Iht Admimstraiiou of tlie
latttr rrfpretablt. Our prtirnt eircutirt, Hurt-
lore, thoulil hart an ryt to emit raeh taring grace
lor hit otra mitmenegenienl ( fxii ic attain ; and
in auch twit, it woul.l ba tiree Jingly rutienai in
Inin lo iruli for Oea. Jt ec-n-ii. r or ni..kinja
bad President, no maa alive, p fha;, liaua superior
qnalilicat ons. Give h m a cIiwiit, and ba will rb
nixa and palish Iht pajjee of our publ e history In
a pitch that II totgliw the dingy b ack nut upon
tbrin by J. II. 4 C'ou.pviy."
Assksshknt roii Clackamas (.Visit.
John Thomas, Esq., Assessor of tin's coun
ty, baa completed hit labors fur thin year,
and informs tu that the whole assessment
of projwrty in thd comity amounts to$l,
402,7" I. A Tho rate of tux ban been fixed
by the County Commissioners ut seven
mills county tax, two mills State tax, and
ono mill school tax, making in all one
per cent, on llio properly assessed thin
AcciiigxT. The atcumcr Col. Wright,
whilst pomj np the Columbia near the Uma
tilla, broko Iht inuiti cylinder, and was
obliged to return to the Dea Chtitra, where
alio ia nowr lying. A new cvliiuh-r waa cant
on Thursday at the Willamette Iron Works
of Howi k Co. in this city, and will be fin-
whed off in a frw dav.
farllc nallraa4 trallta.
The dclcgotM from thewveralconuticain
California, and from Oregon and the T'rri
tory of Washington, imMed iu San
Franciw o, fiept. 21, and oranired temj-or-orily
l-y j'io'iitinjj T. J. I'ryer cluirtuan.
The following oani'-d g.-iitlemrn apjwartd
ai deleffntm from Oregon: T. J. Vrjtr, A.
P, Ankeny, J. Rainfall, J. II. Knaj p, I.
M. Starr, tVnter . Terry, I. (.amp, J.
M. IJIowom, Lot-Cir.. W. II. r.tor.
J. I). Walling, Ceo. Wai:;n?, Wm. Nk.
Tho. II. I'earne, Tho. Warier, tio. K'
Te, Joynt, IUIj b (Jrwr, IJ. M. II irx-h,
a. n. IIilxk.
The CooTnti)o wm ilwrtiy a?l.'rnL
permanently organized ly te cKt'on of
the following ofEctn:
Presiilot, Jlii. UiJwell; Vioe rri.'vienu.
h-Jwirl InU-r, of aJim'tno T'rr.tory,
Aki. P. Ankenr, of Oregon, Ir. L. S.
linden, of San Jorjn'n, tl'o. W. Crane, of
MouUrn-y; Set-Mary, Ir. W. IIa!, of S m
FrancJco: A'tant Secretarie, 0. II.
Thomai, Ilen S. Wrll.
An(f'rt wu luajle to more the !ltin;
of the Contention to Sai-ratnentn, which
wu oji;tod ty .Mr. Dryrr, and the nt-
olutioo wai ind' finitely potpoticd.
Jlr. IVarne, of Oregon, off' red tlie fol
lowing resolution:
I!rJtd, That anr nwn.b-r of llie Coiitrn'.ioa
vlmniar bate iii oriiuiioo of tujs'""'i rrlalinr
loibf oub.ret of Iho I'anfic ili!, b intilr I to
luliuiil ibr aanw lo llit lunrtaiioa al Lit cirliitt
Iliu molution was adnptrd after in.rl-
.1 1 1 . Ml ....
inc woru " uixuuieniary ' iiciorc "m.or-
The Convention then adjourned, on mo
tion of Mr. Dryer, till next dny.
On fc'cptciiihcr 21, Col. Crockett, of fan
Francieco, aiibniittcd the following resolu
tion with i ricw of eliciting the acntintcnt
of the member of the Conn ntion:
Rmolrol, That in Iht opinion of ili convrnt'on
tht WM.rrn ttrminut of Iht Pacific Haillaul ahould
be at Iht cily ef Nan J-mm-iaca
II believed tlmt California should put
her shoulder to the wheel, ami build that
jwrtion of the road within her own Territo
ry. It was not neecseary to diwum the
eostrrn tcriiiinua of the road at the present
time, but if a western terminus was Agreed
upon, there would be a reliable Lania to
act upon.
Mr. Dryer regretted tho introduction of
the resolution, as be thought there was oth
er and more imjiortaiit biuincfs to be trans
acted. He did not know that lie shoclJ
opKse the location, as be was convinced
that the terminus would be on some part ol
the bay of San Francisco. Why should
not the merits of the Northern route be
considered? Ho would not vote at urgent
iJittr fr Ut an-R-l C I4U
ttxtllllln. I
Tiie AJnrliH-r of ti. t!i inetajt ar:
"TI.roag!i th k u.iu'iof Tr-y Jk Co.
Kxprvw M.VLiir !r-.m t!ii IWitt w lnim
that jert prior ta tiiu Jiipurutn of tliu bout,
Mr. Person, tin- U'm-niiiieuC L".i;jr,"oiimii,
bjJ rriJ at tii I'u.'Ii h bfinr'iig Ue tt:utr
liag inti:i;'gni-tf tiiat t!i tiidiniM Ii! -npua
o'cwKOceil ht.i.ti. Iliiviiig P-wntly
k.ikd a i' rt tn'.u vi ifii -i r wh in
pa'u? thfif.'') 4im i".'ii VfN:iJt!: ird
U.jiiJ.'. Ti I i4-:t wcwvi.d in carry- i vip.Vmtioti.iu which lie bad gained
in- ctT vw Lviu tV are r".ed ""a t'f1.-"!'''! scowk-uge 01 inc conn-
... . '.. trv t) . trnr-ed.
to tare tn.Vi w.'.a every m-i..y. r. Gm,.;j.,, ym fo, ,aJ
IVr.ui tit iUl at ft-veril w.:i tr- .i ilt Muiluii'scniitp, and rewrtcd
rij, a:J bad one of L Is ctttics kilLJ. Cap- ail tiuivt among the Iilockfcct and other
taia Wallrn's co.r.mmd is reported t le ia , InJiatw. The varions tribes are siid to be
, r, t r f.e I.-i I.. ; "ioi:y awaiting the arrival of tlie expe-
1 : dition on the eit sde of the mountains.
n eniigmnt train is reported tn mute,
.rtlr.l.Va80noaar..edlllua. A I'OIXTKn M:IIMiix.m ... 7 ...
XV. I,e n.lvirea from Lieut. Ml.lh.n. In H W.. "Ul
- - .i, . a l . r. .11 i i.ia fiiiii nil if fPMI 111.
of the Fort Ileutoii Wagon Ilo.i.J i -
lull invine
KxncUition. to the I-'tlt Scptemlxr. At
that date h was enenmped twenty-six
milnea-tof Ca-ur d'Ah-no Mission, n ml
tiw work Icing vigorously pushed for-
Vt eump wu about ten miles from the
innnut of t.w U tter IJ'Wt .ilnuiitain, ami
Licit- M. write that he boiied to reach
tj f'...'t v( l't mountaius by the 1 is tta of
Mr. Kec'e ha I rctunied from an exten-
and sorn? of the settlers think of locating in
the Hitter Hoot countrr, where it is mid
I great iuduccme-i.ta arc offered for S'.-ttlu- or iiitetitp-rnnce, with misery mid prematiiru
. metit. death ili.irytr i Magatint,
Lieut. .Mullan, notwithsfaniliiig ap-
mmii, -pt., idi.
E;. H cx-K.xeeliencr, Geo.
F.. C-irry, Itte candidate for the 1. Sj. Sen
ate, ij by no means content with tho restitt
of the "combinations and circurns-tances"
which prevented bis election to that high
pwit'on, at the ca!M session of our I's-
lature. Having d tcrmineel, like Delusion,
to take time by the forelock, lie La an- KxoitMoi's Iumioratiox Anticipatkd.'
nouncl bis Intention to address the people ' The Sacramento Union contains the follow-
at various points in the State, in this month j in telegraphic dispatch from Carson City,
and next. The campaign, in purunnce of! dated August 29, the figures in which m:i.-t
his proclamation, w as r.ctied in this place be taken with n largo allowance:
' lit anber, irrnve, trniiiiTalei" TiTfa U.S.
I. There ure three compnuions with
whom you should id way kccji on good
1. Your wife,
2, Your stomach.
'A. Your conscience.
J I. If von wish to enjoy pence, long life,
mid happiness, preserve them by temper-
uncc. i litem .crimen iro.iuccs:
1, Domestic misery.
2. Premature dcutli.
a. Infidelity.
To make these points clear, I refer you:
1. To the Ncivgute Cub-inlnr,
2. To the ho-pituls, lunatic asylums, nml
3. To the imst experience of what you
have seen, read, and suffered in mind, oesiv,
and estate.
Reader, deride! which will you choose ?
Temperance, with linppiness mid long life;
E'r I ii" J'emocracy is a disunion Mr
ly." Hon. . I,. iincev. n'inr.r.1
"v me i
distinguished leaders of tho g0lll1(
prehensions of others, is still confident of
rrtirlniig tlie II. Iter lioot country In t.iuc to
winter. JJ ill:i Journal.
on ycf terdity, Ifurc an audiene-c of perimps
one hundred prrsotis,
the Governor pleaded guilty to the soft im
peachment of desiring to succeed to the
place of one of the Oregon Senators, nud
aDked the pcojile to elect members to the
Legislature with a view to the fact. Strange
to say, however, lie did not inform his hear
ers whither he wished to " rotate" old Jo
or DcIiikoii out of place. Justice requires
that be have tho benefit of his statement
that he had " no pcrsomd ttling, like his
comj,tlihrii, to gratify," or past crimes to
cover np by the endorsement of tho people.
The reasonable inference from the remark
would be that he desired the election of (.
I j. tuny, and d;d not care a "cu' who
;s coilcngue. hwn do you favor, ' get csit of the wnv.
PsfiTil'n IiIvkr. Several of our citizens
have returned from that stream. 'J'hcv re
port a fen- tracts of laud uloug this river
us exceedingly productive. llii great
trouble is, tin-re is not enough of it. Smith's
river puts into tho Unipnua below Scotls-
burg. Tide water runs up it some distance,
rendering the st renin nuvignble for a con
siderable distanco up. The valley is nar
row, nn I the surrounding mountains ure
high nml wooded. Eugent City I'rett.
Co.Mri.K7iox ok tub G'bkat Ka!t::i:x.
the number of persons who will yet arrive Tho completion of the steniuship (!rent
"Judge Crane Ins just retuniej from a
trip to Cnrsou, and np the Humboldt. lie
With a frunknes-s always to bo admired, ' "f"' ?' ,!,e ''''ort of J""'r". that
m ross tho Phiini for California, Oregon,
nnu Washington nnd evada Territories,
between April and December, will not fall
short or 70,000. Somo 20,000, it is be.
licved, will locate in Nevada Territory.
The stock of all kinds will amount to 200,
000 somo of which are of the best blood.
The immigration to Oregon and Washing
ton is verv Inrge.
IJrilain was formally celebrated, August 8,
by a banquet, given on board, which was
attcndal by many of both Houses of Par
liament and a number of most distinguished
engineers and scientific men. The engines,
both screw and paddle, were set in motion
for the first time, and the result waa satis-
iem ft.
mocracy, givea as bm remuii fr '
Democrat, .that thn nicusures of tl j,
mocracy nro cnlciihitcd to produce dUunJorT
Ram. A correspondent of the Garden,
cr's Monthly s.tys: "I tried the effect of k,
troduciiig Into the entrance of their Blim
u..n i..-,n, ui liming plpce, . .
p.cccs or chloride or Iiuh.., or bleaching m.
tier, wrapped in calico and stuffed Into th' -
entrance holes and thrown loose by t,m
fid into the drain from tho iom , j
drove tho rat.i away for a twelvo monK I
when tlcy returned tu it. They J (
nL'iiin trentcil in tho sanm nmnnn. r.. . I
" mill ligg
effect. 'J'he euro was most complete, r
presume it was tho chlorino gns which' dij
not ngrcu wiiu incir oisacinnis."
Coiivh Ct Kii bv tiik TixcTrnE np !.
in nr. Drs. Vnrgcsnnd Wages state In
the Zeitung for Med. mid Chir., that painu
ing iuvctTato corns with tincture of iojin,
ihrco or r.7tir tiiiH .i ii day with a cainel',
hair brush will remove them In a very short
t;ine. When the corns arc situated hetwff,
the, tho tincture of ioiliuo sioul, h
mixed witii glycerine, nnd the Tmti
lluid be prcud on sonii German timler
which latter m then placed between toes '
Luitdrm famed.
tlr" Women nro created lmirrt-viT and
half angel, nud t!;o nngi.- prt soars lo
Heaven from the marringo nllar," tot
truthfuriy n-marlia smug wisu philosopher
lint he elms not add that it is because it
that point, she meets the other bulfof W
nei( nut in c, nmi men inis uc mrthcr
for the ungelix.
me i
Jndge Crane confirms the news f the f"ct"ry iu l,ie very 'g"ft degree, awl far
massacre of the immigrants at Sublctt's
Cut-Off. One of the Shephard brothers
will be here to-morrow. Tlie Mormons
nnd Indians robbed them of $800 in gold.
A Mormon named Davis confessed, at the
Sink of the Humboldt, tlwt the Mormons
and Indians committed the massacre. The
, people at Humboldt pave I i n wnruing to txmt rm in koMi
' rmt ml rT IT.a ...nH IT. ...Tit I I. I
jiu nni . e nerc in n
wr..n T ... ri..T..n...t t. .. tl
"a- "wu. wtuimi; j irn uim. jmige (.mil! p-aves lure in a
Iii presenting reasons why Le should It ' fcw 'J r"T Walker River.
preened to othen, the shaker indulged in ! , .Ho!li"Kv ,rain Pa?fcd t!,ro"c.r'' lc
. i , . . . . . ,a j tliis inoniMig.
autobio-mphy; g-.vmga h.tory of his ap- f
premiership aa l editorial career, conciu Ud ! ?lrr. I'I;"GK. A line, substantial new
with the lot'; ciit.'oii tjat mcntuHy and ire. j ''n,,-'1J MnX ,J";lt ncr0M RS"e river,
it be, wa, :., g.ft of gab. JmJtnla.'h, conn. etc,!, it will U nM a .i, r....,
he towered af.ove h'is competitors in his Et-1 tures of the sort in Oregon, ft is nroiected
-om I it.miK River. Albert Anncr-
son, a younir man of this cilv. ul.o upnt in 10 terminate the road at San FruncVco
river about fifteen months a--o. Ho wlicved that the resolution, if it unsstd.
would ue a Iircbrand, and would intirf rc
with the judgment of the capital:!. He
reached home on Wednesday of this week.
Jlo looks well, but says he hud a pretty
hard time of it. He says but few of the
iniiiera are making more than enough to
live on, and numbers ore there who cannot
get away. During the winter, the snow
where ho was, on the river, was about two of tu'- t'rovkctt was carried.
feet deep, but further up the country it was .A rol"lio" w" "1''H1 dial iht rvaiJent ap.
from four to six feet iu depth P"'"1 comin'l""! of i t. prtWrt a memorial lo
lonifrwa, irliing forih die advantug,, f ,18 p,0.
Xkw Stkaukb. Messrs. Smith. Pease k J It''rJ toilwUuvernnKtit, ie.. nud ,k.
A Company have lately compli ted a steamer '"' c""Er'" et California and Oregon
of light draught to run on tho Upper Wil- I":llio"."CIM rf land, wl;.rrv ii
lamctto. She is inleml, .' n. r... " " "'ma ""ll,n our "". H ".fltof
- I v,l ; Ill iiilrrnal
carrying freight. V c learn that she started
r trial trip
named the Moose,
ness iu Laving been a!I through the war of i from so!';' T01 olmtinents nt each end, to
'55and':0. The Governor referred to bis I .tlie river'!l Rnd cr(K,0 ' sincrle.
pilgrimage to Washington under this head,
aim Having i.antcd the 3d Auditor the
"S!o:igh of De.-poml," verily aflirnicd that
he desired to keep the war accounts out of
was for disregarding all local miestioiis: it " . 10 Ua war act01
would be time enoiiM. nfw tl.. . lsJ,u "uu 'WrtcU them
had discussed the other details.
After some further discussion, thcnictiou
il.ij.rovriiif nt fiind 0f Si,,.,-
1'lle cluir ai.iniiifi..l il, A.H.. .
t.:..i n.i . . " " " '"!".'. cn
.... ..iU. mi,, mi jiinrsdiiy lust, and in- conmmte ; T. II. 1'iarne, 11.8. l'iicl. T.fS
direction; how they came to get into the
same he did not sav. but thonir lit snmelinils
was to blame. Wlio is it, George? Who
knows but that Mr. General Order No. 10
had something to do with their sad fate.
Mmtlli, His Kxccllcncy may or may
not be (pialified so f::r ns we could infer
from his speech, unless we assume that good
morals consist in always voting the Demo
cratic ticket, which he affirmed was his fix.
The probability is that such was his estimate
and that the whoio wa.i included in his pc
tends to proceed to lingeno City if tho l'"'1"1'' Z M'mtpom.ry, and Jn,lc. I.nnler of euliar fitness politically, I this part of
present stage of water will permit. She is '''""f" Tt- . his speech the Governor touched very ighttv
named tho Miin 1 co"111 """M reoluiioa thin ih
iiAiuiR 1'iiKi.iiir. The steamer Relief,
C'upt. Cochran, returned on Tuesday from
lorvnllis with eighiy-flve Ions or freight on
Wrd, the largest loud ever carried by her.
The price of freight ut present on tho l
Vt iiiuinette ui $12 per ton up, nnd $T
irom torvallis down, and $! froni Salem.
G raits.-Mr. I). C. LTtourette this
week handed us a basket or Isabella grapes
raised by him on his claim near town.
They appear to be be tter flavored than the
California. Mr. Latourette has about
twenty fivo bushels on hand of his raising,
lie has our thanks for the present.
olution that die eonun.i.
let of At b iuttrucitd to ret fr;, ! ,1B ,,,.
rial lo Cong.-,. t ,,r,-rerott.-o of iht eonventiun
lor inc I ovft all other rou:aa.
n,.r.. i ...
- ".i: mo qnraiinn. tho eonrem
aiijourneU to Ihiirtdny, on motion of Mr. Dryt
upon the nigger, in some common place rc-
miii'Ks upon the laws of nature, soil, climate,
supply and demand, &c., and failed to en
dorse Dred Seolt Decisions, Lccomptou
Constitutions, or Riichunnn Administra
tions, and proceeded to stuto that ho was a
worshipper ut the shritio of popular sovcr-
Fanr.Applea are being put j
U;uitdles ut this plueo
California. Messrs. Ainsu-ovth .t- ii-... fW"T tll'lll0(l Congress had any now
dorfhavo scut off about seven hundred !!" pslatc f"r Tt-prltori.-s or establish
... I if . ''
nroad ppan tlie body or tho afrenm. Jn
time we exjiect to see a very promising aet
tleuicnt at this point. Sen duel.
Fatal AccinEXT. A Frenchman, whose
name, we were unable to learn, met his
death yesterday in a most allocking ninnner.
The deceased wits engaged in digging a well
for Sheriff Duncan, who lives upon tho out
skirts or tho town, und in arranging a blast
a premature explosion occurred, which so
frightfully lacerated the unfortunate ninn
tlmt he died in a few minutes. Sentinel,
SrjHember 2 1.
Goi.n Di-st SftirjiKXT. The following
amounts of poltl dust were forwarded by
Express to San Francisco per steamer For
wood, on Thursday:
11 11 11 a
iy uens, t argo ev Lo 11
r rcciunn iV LO cooo
ana .Mews. Chnrman & ytTun nml
two hundred and twenty-five bushels this
week. The returns by this steamer si,
that the price or apples is down in Califor-
being only from C to 1 cents.
" Oregon City presented a livelier np
pcarance this week thun wo have noticed
this year. The number of wagons rroin the
country was greater, principally btdeu with
fruit intended for shipment.
B-aT Pleasant Howell and ('h7d!er.T,..
alngi, who were convicted at the late term
of the Marion Circuit Court of larceny
hen lodged in the PenitenCary-Howcli
for one year, and Jennings for nine.
Mail Aitmvtn.-Tlie IlMlniT raMM
wtia me m.i,i, ami the llrother Jonathan arrived i.rmging news from New Or-
icans ,o M-pt.l2th. The news i, !,.
TiuM.-T1.77;MireiB 1M
laid us under obligations for literal file,
or papers by ut stea,m r. Taylor A 1UI.
"ton, agents ol Tracy A Co., have not for
gotten ns in that line.
The'-Kiuirof Air g;,,, cnt(,
Ulument.t Washington Hall in this citv
one evening u,ia wk. His feats of lege;
dcuum aPlH.a ,0 ,,,,4se
W0,ul; r 1,1 -rUWh from the limited num.
U-r o( pr-at niMy of ,,g
could not bo performed. The Emir- -u
oo hia way up th. valley, and MpfcU ,0
return Id a few days, ,j gif , Mt)ihn
fcraianee, wbca h. will place a htdy'a ,,Vwi
! any bank vault, safe, church steeple or
ny otW plac, i0 ,owa lDn, milJ w
the aodietw. ,d he Kmiumg in the
rooui atltbe ti,.v iu.dela.uf which lie
)nm.i.v f.i forfeit oi hundr.d dollars
Territorial governments, nnd characterized
nil such legislut.on in tho past as usurpation,
nu rcierren to li;S .Message on the subject,
rcondorsing (l,c view therein presented.'
Rut the true reason for the taking this po
sition appeared when tho speaker asked
with great interest, " What can the
do if any other doctrine prevails? If Con-
rested a fewdnys ago above Eugene City.
Wf Judge Terry has been arrested for
mo Killing of Senator llro.l. rict n,t ...
a . l ""M4 V,1 on bail, tho bond being fixed at
f.wu. Jt is general. , ht tha,
icrry will leave the State.
- i ne steamer J. Clinton, Capt. J. D.
Mdler, continues to run. in crm..P.t;.. .:.i.'
me uoosier, to Dayton.
Wy-Tho new Masonic Portland
s dedicated on Thursday evenin- lt
An address was l.i. a ir.... ... ..' , ., .
Eso .ofthi,..!.. a. . " . rrm hr "r lw rule,nd
, " '"""- -"aster, wuicii we mo Territories will be free h t
.,, rf ,,,., ,0 m ,B,, t,,,,;,,,,;!:!
' "''J of Mr. Curry ifnothiiig more. He
RKc.mnKn.-We learn that Fruit and fi"aI,y Vrovmm:, that he was bound to
Mills, the convicts who escaped from the CA 'cr 'rons!i oo this doctrine regardless
Penitentiary some time since, were rear- uft!lc C0"lWs. Further, politically
he was m favor of a rnilm.,! .."
continout, but decniintr it somewhat ,ini.f.
ful us to the speedy completion of that nc
tcrprise; tho various overland mail rontes
should bo sustained nnd encouraged. In
commenting on this point the PUSS
Co. caught "scissors," being denominated
" pampered monopoly," Jte., Ac.
LUJ, there was nothing'to please the
ikcr. Ho regretted tho differe-nees in
t-J-The river has been ntMne'on,,. . : ' tt 8"'S that they Were on ac-
of the late rains, so that the ii..ii..r.., .i.i COm,t of """-Ions-and not of nrinel.
""vivt'lim LU id,,, T n. - . .
lo rorvallis, but the water is W;,.:-' '"""'"on.ess.ou! Who
. 4 ...... I " "O
8i iii;ie low again.
f Prof. Felton has written a Mr,., i
the Roston Courier, denying that he is a
Spiritualist. He concludes his letter thus:
"Judge Edmonds continues to writ hi.
pucriic m the New York Tribune
but I have never heard of a man. rt,n.'
myself, who has read them. Xnho.1, i,.
the Judge believes a single word of them;
and, aiuce be affected to think that Mat
licld-a atrocious English doggervhi cauic
from the eloirant In:. ... . i.
i-i-i 1 -nenaniler,
which he could not powldy have Klieved
I cannot sup, he believw i tlfm ,,;,.
st If "
i vu.u ut-
tong 10 snclt a party?
Tho would-be-Senator closed with a brer
appeal in favor of burying the tomahawk
and having a general smoke all around
over the joyous event of his election. '
Totl1' 28.71
Making a total of Express shipments for
... (l.i I, ! ii .' , '. .
...v. iu ai ii.iiinsiii in epiemiier, ol ?y,y,)0
iiivna uazene, ?cjt. 17.
Sy Thomas Carter, Es(., who has jus
iiui.i.uu irom a trip east ol the Cascades
1 1 pons Hint settlements nro being made
iiiiongiiout tlio Lmatillo, and other valleys
tlmt tho settlers are ileliirl.ted u:ii, i,o
uuiiiuo nun country, nnd that in n few years
i..u ....miuis oi mac reg.on will rorm no
small item in the grand total of the products
w. it.i, i.'ian'. iavciit!ieF.
Homicide. A homicide occurred at the
Des Chutes, on Sunday, the 18th hist, the
rinlll,ll.l.,, J ...1 1 '
i'"'"ul""s oi widen, so lar ns ascertained
are as follows; It appears that one Henry
ivunig eieceiiscd, had accused Timothv
Dnscoll of stealing some things, and had
sworn to take his life. He was seen to
have a pistol in his possession while miikin
his threats. Driscoll repeatedly avoided
him, not wishing to have a rencontre with
any person. Kniiier. on the ml. i,,..i
. , . " -at i iiitiii
persisted in following him, and finally eamo
" "' iiireaieneti ins lile, wher
tll.nil llr'cfll r....i .1 .
i , ...cuinrco snots each one euect. .Mr. Driscoll immediately
upon he occurrence of the deed came to
the Dalles, nnd ilclirem,! i,;......ip
proper authorities. Examination twin
...... nomscuargeu on ground or self
defence. Knnitr died nlmnt .;..!. e..i
lowinghc is represented to havebeen n
unu uangerous man. Dalles Journul.
beyond expectation. Lord Stanley pro
poseeltlic toast of success to the Great Ettst-
crn, and painted, in glowing colors, the mar
vel her success would accomplish. Rur-
mll, tho Engineer, nnd Scott Rtk-sell, the
I.iiilder, were toasted: but tho former was
The slip urcsfiitcd
a beautiful and finished aspect, being almost
rcatly for sea.
IST Mr. Louis Wolfe called at the of
fice of the Madison Courier lately. The
editor of the Courier says that Mr. Wolfe
left the United Stntcs early in the spriitjr,
on a visit to h's mother in WiMrJear'nirg,
Ccrmnny. On his nrrivuf tlicro he was a!
Icircel to remain five (lavs; then he had lo
flee to prevent impressment in the nrn;y.
He called on llio Amcrenn Consul at S;uff
gardt, who informetV hii that he e wild d i
nothing in the nay of prot. ct'on; and then
inc toiisl titlhed of " Democracy and
Cuba," brrjied tlie luiV'd Slates woulel ac
quire Cttbn before he got home.
Mr. Wolfe left Germany in- iSfiO; when
the elra.t for young men aged twenty-liv
years was made, he escaped. Whta the
retpiisition was made lately upon the youth
or twenty-seven, he was called Tor, nnd had
he been Gve days Inter in getting to Wurt
cmiiurg no would now be serviii" in the
army, instead of being a free citizen or the
United States who, by Democratic inter-
protat.ou, is only free while he remains
where he
a- A tiienibcr of the Xorth Carolina
Legislature nmele a decidedly good " hit"i
short time ago. A bill was pending whid,
imjicwel a Cmio fu- selling rimmr t0 frc.
gro"s, to which ho objected, on the ground
that "such a law would make thciu mora
decent Ihnn tlie whircs.'r
ln llio Irilh Sent.. I. S. R t,... p ....
ic.iil.ii.enf the's fill her, Mr. Samuel 114.
c.m.M,. ,IUt Lorum llurker, all of Multuouua
tiuiiHii i,. iuwwiiT.wcgcaKaaaBaaBaM
Ii. l.ii.u Ciiy, mi th,. i) h Imiiini, CniiinN.,M
of Tlio-.ii-w .1. unil .Mary Miller, ujjt I tiglu nnnbi
mi l pih;ceid.iv.
Tlie American clipm-r
wsiers tHige, at Vi
Mill tons burden,
hip North.
HAYM.ER A Ml- .r
M- ; ' 'luuin 0
.....vsuor,, came passenger on the last steam
er to Oregon and pa.sscd through this place
on Sunday of Inst week, on his wnv to visit
his sons in Polk county-Stephen and Isaac om gentleman is almost ei"h
ty years of age, yet he is hale and active
and has trav.Ul !.:. i .i-. . 1
,, ,, "" lu 'K "isiance to see
jMiuwpDwn to manliood, audi
vested with its resnonsihim; .f...
Visit, Mr. Slants, the el,W .1 ! .1 . "
tun. to his home on the Atlantic side. The
th. -;e"iser says " .Mr. Staats had
r n,f. W."5 "!' Pnest on
... v.iMuuui, me iirst American
rtcamboat that ever glided over the waters
Th. pi " D,,llt UJ Ro Fulton'
The Clermont was launched i
' bnrneti to the l-just fifty, T
' ' ona. She was a1ot th trip from lew York toZ
Her 'ca was intende.1 1 of one hnndmd .n,i - -1::7 .
P'e. The cause of the " I tin nL. "Z i .lwk'. or a Ion
mmor.,1 t L . . --h."un is iiu
in Missouri. Slat,
Z7rV nr! ginated with the sailor, ' Ocf. 4.
"i. ."Mini, wnn who;a theen.liln l. i
fcoZ: ' .T? T.rT. "B Mature or
TC 1 U'Ttccu " men nf
-v, ,,., ,uclll could write his
' name.
A i.
i .i mm. OTATR.SMAN. V0 prCSUIIIC uu.iii aouug i.rntvn is elected to Con
ess in me r.un jistr;ct over Jewett, his
urouicr i mocrat. Personally we commit
..Into v, I! l if .
.. ..... ,,, , ntuicr jiaster Jirown
tior ne is iiaivlly old enough to be en Id
.Mr. upon Ins success. He is a youth of
H.iM....l-..i..n e... ... i-.. a . . . . J
.....1.1...JIU nnu tmaiiues ot ntil.cct, nnd he
... .imionoieiiiy nave uiirilliant career un
less his bad politics shall be fl efttml, I.,.,
OIOCK tO llllll.
.Master Rrown of course will not rut-., h:
seat i Congress nt the next session, for lm
w.ll not be of the aire rcnuired bv the P,,,..
t-fiii. t.- i ... , .. .
, "eimucrsiunu tiiatho will not
luesent liMuselt at tho bar nf thr. ..f
ll .:n . " ""i
an mi next year. Jlo convinced a good
many of his political friends, by his in.rp,,;.
cms arguments in the canvass, that if elected
he could take his seat next n i..inr i,i .;.i.
II a . , , .., WWK IIUH
nil h.s ingenuity, ho couldn't convince
For our own part wo are wWi tlmt T!,....
. . 1 ...UVJIUtlll
s elected, and we are glad that he is n Mas
ter instead of a Mister, for we wool,! ml,
sec any district 111 Kpllt!U'LP linrmi.n,nKt.l
during the next Congressional session than
represented by a loeofbeo, however clever a
fellow personally. Louisville Journa?.
The Pra.ic Debt. A "Banker," writ
ing in the Courier and Enquirer, estimates
the amount of the State, National, County,
City, Railroad and other corporate debt of
the United States, held in foreign countries
nt fitliia 1 -14 ....
i,ul,urcei anu lorty millions of elol
lars! The Courier says this is too lare
oy at least one hundred millions.
TT .
ivo3SlTir.-A letter in the Birmingham
g.) -ournai states that immediately
on the receipt of the news of the peace be-
'" rrancc an(l Anstria, Kossuth lost
ZIS oundaryof
. . T CCD nimsc'rand the impe.
rial iloctinta ... . 1
tions from h:s late ally, Xapoleon III.
ti r-:..i .
M..,smm lonng tells I,rs fonnr
some serious truths. He in a ,ate
-'".on 10 lliesainU: "ifanrnf - -MI
exchange your last bushel of wheat'with the
-ores tor ribbons and erw.. l
-nor tread. And, with shamrced
ness I say it, some will take th w
to the distillery to buv whisl-v .,! ,1...
their bread."
Administrator's Sa!o.
"V"OTI ;K i h, rchy (pven Hut iu punmaactif
1.1 Ml UT.I.T Of till. I omily ( ;llr C'IiiIhimi
CJiiaty ni.-,d? on the 3.1 dny" of Octubtr, I8i9, 1
w.ll tell nl pub! ic auction on Tukiiav, tiik
I'AH.eNovmiuKH, 1S.V), utini o'clotk A.a.rtl
the rent eslnti of K. K. liuiiilmn. ,V ,h-J a...
die IniiJ oli. hi. kmiuH ua It cliur.lwn'a I'.Sirr
("la in, coiit iiniii; thrto hmiclro.l an I tiirliitra
ui-rea, mora or leas ultv nt ll.n umt lw
)!uen ono lot in the to-va r.f M.lwnnkio in awl
c inily knwvn in thr Kli., lot nn.1 il, brnaJ
aale ahull be ix uiuuihi ernlit ilh m.nrond
ir"v- M)AII LAMUKttT.
cl. , 18.-9 Cfiiv-l AWiiV.
fiHHIttrFm SAW.
"TV VIUTt'E of nn ian,,l out if
It ll.e circuit court of ihu limnh diaurict
oi ilir Slate of Oi-r-oiiii ia mil f,r (w o,,m,4
'h CR.niiu-, nml to nx .liirfel. in favor of iVjl
linn Flaherty npiinat Will urn r-tnno, for Ilia hub
of ,.uo lumlrril unci Ihim ., doilura nml fitttn
cents, will. int from the tcvviilh ihiyofStp
ten frer, 59, log. ther wiib eoala nml accruinf
co.ts.iin l for wan: of nidi i. at pei-noml pmprriT
tosi.ti.sfyH.Mlex.eiitou, I ha.o levil un..niftl
Icill procnr.1 to fell to lll liiirhmt Strl lor f.,r mA.
mi Ihu Xi.ntii Uav ok XovKMiira, ISfe), all iW
right, Ihlt-, nud inicri Kt whieh tht an d Williio
Siune now i:if or which he had on the Tthdnrrf, IH.V.I, in awl .. tl.t prtin met
im.l par rl of lun, Mtn.ue.1 in Mti.l eounlv of tlaek
nin ia nn i State of Oregon, lhc.mme being apul
o' the Inn. I . la ni kuo-wi nn.l ,1. Ki r,,ni.,l ,.ik.
I'latu nml surveys of the 1'niieJ SiiIIm X
51 in lnvi !ii thren aninh r rawfp two eait if
iIih W.lla.neiie hemmiioir t
fourteen (I I) liaiiis toulh a.el c.veuty-livo bi
(lre.l:ha (,.JJ) chaiiw wmt liom the u. nt of ia:e
fed on Willi the east hounclury nf cluini Xo. 51 ia
V" !' snu h 01 r""S X"-tK0 '"'
tht Wiilamc U ini r'dian iin.l ll.e lint betn-auKe-
'..lis livi- f.") an. ei 'lit IHi ,.f tl,. r,.:j .. I
ah". and raiio, them e .u:h 31 deg l," t
twelve ehaina nn.l (if v nine linka ei- Ml. iIimm i
with (W ilef. :i(l in, weii seventeen ehaim nnd i
twuity-ax links (IT.i'Gi, thence norlli 19 dif.lS
in ti. east t-ihteen chains an 1 aixty-eiehl link"
(IH.tiCI, ihcnee liJ .!.. :m
chains and ten links (4.111) l the place nf b-ia-
iff. containing hrieeii norland ninalv-one hoii-
drehhs(i:.y). sae , ,ul(0 phlca 3 t-ci
P. si on Ihe jirrmisc, oy rni'd ain'li day of Nuwin
". I39. I KlVIM DAY., lr,9.".lw,) Pher.irClackaiauCa.
Cassias M. Clar. v, .t.
it,,, ,i ,. . .. -' c -"-unties
U the bird, T,t;ng his thirty acres of
irmt and r.lensnre trronnd ...
Z .-"-".,U0 raterpillar, lnd
BY VIRTL'E of an rx-etit'on ifsufdouteflkt
circuit ronr! cf the fnnril, i,li.:nl Hinlrict
Ihe State of Oc.'on in an.l for the conntvof I'M
amat, and In me direclod, in Tnvor of II. C.l.
nru and Jnlm linen, ngainat John O. Gibaoa mi
" ""Re, for tho 8i. m of eleven hundred ni
ehty.five dollars and .,nt. wilb '
terest from tho seventh A
tojolher will, costs and nccru'ng costs, and
want of eullicient rrnnnnl ,.r.wrtv ct Joha C.
G.bson to satistv tnid exeeniinn. I Inn. levied tV
"d shall proceed to sell in th. hiirheat bidder
wish, on the EioiiTit J)av of Xovebb, J859,
the right, title, interest, and cluim which Iht aii
John (. Gibson now has nr a-l.leh h. Imd to tb
evenlli day of September, 1809, in and to all t
certain tract nnd parcel of land aituated in Orrf"
J-'ly, andd.rgnatad in tht plat of aaid city at
No 5 in block N.).4.-,and tho oodivide.l ootWf
of lots X. 1 and 8 in block Xo. 15. Then at
.nf no o. cnpant on taid lota, aale will lake plaJ
Ihe Unirt-hoiise door in Oregon City, al J
. oa tht raid e ghth dny of Xovtmber, I85-
Oci- 6, 18.i9. 20 Sheriff Claokinaaaf
' una well-knnu-n ...mlu...
rZ.V bwB l'rotighlT repaired and W.
rehtted. Every attentmn will be paid IcXt
ne accvmmodi.iin. ..r . i i iu.nbta.-"
" . i . , r jci. in mw.-
i!l have no objeetion to atrrpping ia OrfJ
City oo aoeoont ..r ,u. ' r "
The TaKli. .L.rt l. Mtatil
the niiest at, I,, j niti tritb
very be that ,he ,n3rket '
" invite the Datmnn. .ji th. mthlui. aat
'Weiid that rw ocr jjiifiti
" al be furnished ,th the latest oar-raof uVdaJ-
October 1, lg;9. S
Th3 Finest
IIJEXCn confectioneries, such aa ftm iftf
trtndans. mortis, rnani.t i-.Br.aiaaaaa
a-- f :
m u.ic year.
rock cattily, Ar . at