t 3 ? MWceiiafty. Tito Financial UufornuT state tlmt tlio present UritUb l'urlintucnt is comjjOHfd of 25 representatives of tlio uriotocratic in herent, 208 rprcsqiitatic of the military nJ navul interests, 119 rqircsuntativcH of the legal Interest, 27 reprcsentutivvs of tlio taoMJ Interest, 00 representatives of the ptreuntilc and manufacturing interests, and 43 representatives of miscellaneous inUrcsts. The clmppnrul upon the hills near I'lu ccrville, Cal., presented a novel peculiarity the post season. The seed-pods, which uro tbout the size of a marrowfat pea, are Just cow ripening, and as fust as they matured they shot themselves off with a banging poise, liko miniature hand grenades. At tnidday, when the sun shone fairly upon a thicket of tho bushes, the popping was in cessant, and as each bulb exploded, the seeds were hurled into the air to the hlght of fiftocn or twenty feet. Col. James Glover, of tho Overland Mail Company, Informs the Oallutiu (Tenii) Examiner of the existence of a remarkable Spring 280 miles east of El I'uso, on the rond leading to San Antonio. It Is fully 150 feet in diameter, and has been sounded to the depth of 8000 feet without finding bottom. '; At a triul of reaping machines on tho Emperor Napoleon's furm, near St. Cloud, on the 19th of July, tho first prize for for eign machiue was awarded to an English firm, and the second to on American ma chine by Cranston, implored by Brood of London. A pretty girl attended a ball out West recently, decked off in short dress and pants. The other ladies were shocked! She. qui. ctly remarked that if they would pull up their dresses about tho neck us they ought to be, their skirts would be as short as hers! A correspondent writing from Niagara Falls says that where the Suspension Bridge originally sagged only two or three inches miller the weight of a train, it now s.igs ircarly twenty inches. Tho general iin jiressinn in the neighborhood is that this great work of urt will one of tlieso days give way and fall into tho river. Visitors now walk over the bridge, instead of cross lug in thtf trains ns formerly. I A table compiled from official docu ments gives the number of Free Masons in the United States as 211,538, and tho in come of the Lodges as about 1,450,000. ) Tho State of South Carolina is taking a census, and in seventeen parishes tliero is a decrease of over 5,000 whites since 1855, while tho blacks have largely increased. Fixnixu Drow.veo Pkksoss by Qiick en.VER. A correspondent of the Troy Times gives tho following narrative of an occur rence at Shrewsbury Lake, Vt., ns coming under his own observation: 1 " The hike is noted now on account of the death of a young man, a conductor ou t!ie Rutland and Iiiirlington U iilroad, who was drowned in it a short time ngo. At the time he, with several others, were play ing, rocking tho boat, making it " (Tp wa ter" when, unluckily, they were swamped, and this young man, the l-st swimmer in the lot, was drowned. After a long ami almost hopeless search afier tho body a very novel idea was suggested, which, after trial, proved successful in lead ng to the discovery of his whereabouts. About three ounces of quicksilver was put into a lo if of lirown bread, well baked and thrown out Into the lake. Tho loaf was discovered to move directly aguinut Ike wind; soon it stop- lied, whirled around several tinns and sunk, bn,- :.,.., . I.. .i . ti. i IVy immediately rowed to tho place and threw out the grapplers the first time they liooked his face, tlie second time the hook listened to his boot, ami he was hauled into the boat. When he was found the Vratcr was 70 feet deep. In his pockets were a largo silver watch and a considera ble quantity of silver money which caused t'io attraction of the quick -silver, and led to t'te discovery of his watery grave. Tlie ac cident, place, and singular circumstances connected with tho sad affair render it re markable. OitKfjoy Cm JlAnKEr.-Who.it, $la 1 12; flour, 6a7; potatoes, 15c; oats, $1; butter, 33c; bacon, 13a2Jj; es, 30c. Remotal. I Dr. W. D. HliTCims HAS removed hia oit'ne to the city f POUT LAND, on First alreet, between Yamhill and Taylor etroeta, cast side, one d' or soath of Dr. Hawthorne's former oifice, an I oilers hia profits eional services to all who favor him with a call. I will say to my agenta in the Stato of Oregon, that I atill continue to manufacture my medi , eiues, and will fill orders fer them on abort notice. 5 DR. E. POPPLETOlf ,AVill remain at LAFAYETTE, and can bo found at the old aland of HuTRiiixa Si. Poftlkto, ' one door north of Abbott's H itel, day or night, I when not professionally engaged, s All those knowing themselves indebted to me ' are requested to come forward and a. tile with I Dr. Poppleton at Lafayette, or with me in Port- land, immediately. W. D. liUrCHI.NS. 1 Portland, Sk ft. 10, 135J. 22 Sheriff's Sale. Vt VIRTUE of an execution inaned out of fJL) the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for i the county of Yamhill, and to me directed, upon a judgment rendered in eaid court in favor of i Wiyman C. llenibree against Clayton Richard- eon for the eum of $350,00 debt, and $13,75 j costs, together with interest and accruing Costs, . mal for want of sufficient personal property to sat -; isfy aaid execution, I have levied upon the fullow-'- ing described real estate aa the property of the ' aaid Clayton Richardson, situated in the county of I Yamhill, State of Oregon, to wit: All theinler I rat he baa in and lo lota Xo. ( 1 ) ooe and (2) two iu i block Xo. (13) thirteen iu the town of Lafayette; also block No (2) two in the town of Amity, con I taining two acres more or leas, together with all the improvements, privileges, and appurtenances I thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, consisting of a dwelling-house and other out I buildinza. The above described real aetata will I be sold at pubi c auction for cash to satisfy aaid ; eeolion, on the premises in the tnwn f Lafay I ells on the 14th day uf October, 1359, and on the premises in the town of Amity en the 1 5th , day of the same month, at the lioor of 1 o'clock f si. of each of said diva. I HENRY WARREX. I Sktrif YmmkiU Ca. 1 J Lafayett. Sept 5,1 S&3. 23 i j Clackamas County, Oregon. rilHIS aolmol la situated nn d llghlful elnr X Hull ul land, ju t Hire Inilu auulh of Ore gonCiiy. Iislhr.e terms Tor Ilia year will com inence aa follows t I at term, on ilia liral M on. I ay ol binti mlwr I 'Jil. on liio Hum Monday of Wo winker l after which there Hill ba vacation of two week", whan llio third trin will commcuee, Each term will contain eleven week. HCUl.11. r.f . R. Ctwiiiiit, Principal, and Profraaor of Mulhemulica and Anturul Science. F. A. Whit, Teacher uf Euglish primary classes Tl'ITI'iK. Settlement must luvariably ba made iu advsnct for tmlioii, at Ilia following rales; In 1st and ii Readers, and Primary Arilli., $1.00 ' Practical mid Uglier Anlliiiietic, English Orunim ir, Uoography, Writing, Ac , 6 00 ' Higher Mathematics, Xat. I'liiloiiliy, and uiiiii, f i.uv extra lor eacn uraiich. iiuaoisa. Extensive arrungcmeuls have been made, da ring llm auiiniier, fur the entertainment of slu di iila, at ilia residence of Hie Principal. Table expenses aiid rooma, per week, $'1.00. ATTKMMVCK. Xo student will be allowed a sent for a less time lliun half a term. Any one having puid, wishing lo vacato a seal tlie last hall of Hie term, will h:ivr one half the money refunded. 1'rufdiiily und the uae of tobacco positively fur- uiuieu ou iuo premise. Mimic. (Sruliiitoui Instruction M ill be given lo a clam in ruc.il inume. Aug. 87, IS.dl. Mr. Post's School. T HAVE concluded not to build this season. X I shall en the school in WASIIIXU TOX HALL, on Mdniiiy, hKirKMiiKa 12, IW59. We ahull endeavor lo advance aa rapidly la noa. siblcall lliose who will ux proper ellbrla toacipiire knowledge, aa we desire that every ieraon of llie acliuol .hall receive an equivalent for all paid ui. Price of tuition according t.i the studies pursued, Every ellbrt possible will be mude to furnish bor.rd ti those from alirnad at very reasonable ralea, aa we wish to hold out good inducements to all who may with to avail themselves uf our instruction. JOHN D. POST. Orcgoo City, Angina 27, IS59. 12in4 Order for Appearance. NOTICE i herrhy given that Noah Lambert, aduiiiiiatrutur of the eslale of It. E. Run- iliiin, deccuKed, Ima thia dny filed Ilia petition in Ilia County Cnurt for Clackuinn can in y prayini; for an order tu acll the real properly beloiiyiug to auia emuie. It in Iherrfore order, d, that all iktmiis intrrext. rd in ia'd eatnte an;ear before moon Mond:iv, the thir l duy of Octuber. 1H,",!), at llie uaual pluce of holding coin-In iu .iid county, and a iow cuiue, if any they Inve, why an order ahould not bo grant ed lo llie udiiiiiiiatriitor In a ll the real prni erlv be loiigiiiir to the eslule of 11. II. Kaiidum, deceuned lopay the dcbla and vhurgca outatuiiding ajuiu.l Hie eatulu. r.OBKKT CAUFIELP, AuguatS!),1Sj9-21wl County Judge. fiOSTOX FAMILY Jast Received, At the CITV.OOTv STOKE. Notice. nillR firm of La Forest & Ducnu Inning been X diwclved by mutual consent. I hereby in form my Iriendu and customers Unit 1 will continue hum. iii'im at the old aland. K. LA i'UUUST. Oregon Citv. June 35, 1859. For Sale Cheap! VALUABLE STOCK ASD WOOD T lVO SULKS and a half west of DALLES CITY, Wnyco county, Oreirnn. A pond garden uml cnrnlit'ld are unions the impruve. ineuln. .4 ii abundance of water, a gool spring ttncJcnek. Injure or 11IUS. ist'l.UKV, Atg 8, lSj'.l-ltwl Dalles. Notice TS HI-RKIIY GIVEN, tlmt CIIaRMAX Si X WARN 1)11 have placed in my handa for culle.-tion all accounts, bolh by note and hook, (under the sum of one hundred dollars,) prior to the 1st of July, IrO!). COSTS will be envi-d by immediate settlement Willi me at my Ollice iu Uleg.m Cily. J M. HAUUN, July 16, 18."LI-l ltf Justice of thu Peace. Administrator's Notice. NOTICK ia hereby givon that letlen of ad miiiiolratioii have been grautcd to the uu dersigiied by the County Court of Clackamas county on the estate of Christopher Engl-, lute of sa d county, deceased. All persona indebted to mi l estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persona huviiiir rlnima ngaiust said cftaie are requested to present them lo me at my residence withm one year from the dale of this notion. WILLIAM EXULE, June 25, lSall-llwd Adm'r. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. I'Rasi'l-.CTUS. VOLUME FIFTEEN BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1959. IVlSCaAWIS3, INV33WXORS,. MannfacturerH, antl Vanners. rrillE Sciisstii'io AmeiucaN has now reached X its Fourteenth Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the 11th of .September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in thia country, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the States of the Union. It ia nut, as some might siipjiow from ils title, adry, abstruse work on technical science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, mechan ical, and industrial worlds, na to please and instruct every one. If the niechunio or artisan wishes to know Ihe busl machine in use, or how to make any eubxtauce employed in his business if tlie house wile w ahes to get a rncifie fur making a good color, ice., if the inventor wishes to know what ia going on in the way nf improvements If the manufac turer wishes to keep posted with the times, and to enjoy the best facilities in his business if llie man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the progress made in the chemical laboratory, or in the construction of telegraphs, steamships, railroads, reapers, mowers, und a thousand other machines ami appliances, both of peace and war all these denideruta can be found in the Sciex tific American, and nnf elteichere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adap'ed to the comprehension of minds unlearned in the higher branches of science and art Tit ms: One copy, one year, 2 ; one copy, six months, $1 ; fire copies, six months, ? l ; ten cop ies, six months, $8 ; ten copies, twelve months, $15; fifteen copies, twelve months, ; twenty copies, iweive months, in adcance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously fur inspection. Pta?e stamp taken for subscriptions. Letter should be directed to MUXN .J- CO., US Fulton it., .Vex Yorl. Messrs. Mos it Co. are extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and will ad vise inventors, without charge, in regard to tha novelty of their improvements. JL'ST receired, the latent $tylt of silk asr ia BONNETS, Whom and straw flats. AIXSWORTU A. D1EKDORFF. Kane's Arctic Expedition, E L'SSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and other interesting works, fnrnle at the dee 25 CITY HOOK STOKB. AJOTHING TO WEAR, and XI Nothing to Say : Husband rernis Wife : at OREOOy CITY BOOKSTORE. ASH paid for LASD WARRANTS, by ! HOLLAND DAY. Ctrntr Third and Water ilrreli, ojipotiti tin Ferry Lauding, OREGON CITY. rlillr. traveling pub.iu are rexpeclfury a X invited to give ma a call f Tl. 1 1........ 11...... .1.. -..wt ..1 ' anlly located hotel in the Slats, and lias been so H.I.MII.....I .... I. 1. .... t .1.. . - I! " " II WIIW UI IIIV IIIIPSI 04IIIIHUUI oils houses 111 ihe country. THE TAULIi will always be supplied Willi llie best that the iniuket alliird.. (jooi accoiiimod.itioua fur ladies and families. raicxs: I'oard and lodging, per week $7.00 Hoard, without lodging, r week li.uli riingle meal HM) Xight'a lodging ill J. UJlill.M, May 7. Irjg. 1'roprietur. GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. Ss M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NF.XT POOR TO MR. CAU F1ELD S STORE, N EAR THE 11 K E W K B Y. N.n. Family Medicine prepared iu the most careful maimer, und always on huiid. vregon Vity Mar.'li iH. lN.i9ml Island Mill Flour. milosE who w'sh to cet lie GENUINE L ISI.VNI) MILL KI.Ol'i:, will please call at the Mill, atCharuiau (e Warner s, Oregon City, or at Allen & Lewis's, Portland, as Ihe second handed Mau l Mill tacks have h. e'i bniiht up by certain individuals, and refilled wlih inferior Hour. A. J. CHAPMAN. Island Mill, July S3, 1R5I). 15tf McMINN VILLE COLLEGE. THE FALL quarter will commence August IT, and Ihe winter session of two quarters, KHiwmner a. Terms are 0. S3, or A 10 per quarter, accord ing to studies. Rooms can be had in College building, if they are taken toon ; from j to 9 1 per quarter. rr.suient, dro. i;, l itAxuLtu. Professor, John II, II all. Other ti achers secured ns the stdiool demands. All hooks for the school will be kept for aula ia the college building or in town. Me.Miiiville, July 9, IS59. 13m5 Oil EG ON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. J. O. XXawthorno, A. XVI. Loryea, PiivitciAN. IGy SusatoN. rirst Premium; 1841, '43, '44, '52. CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES. rpilE.E PIANOS are made of the best ma. X terials, and warranted lo sluud in any cli male. Tuning and repairing promptly executed. O. P. IS G WELL & POST, July 30, 1859. y Agent; Oregon City. Last JVoticc. BROWN & WOLFE, BEING about lo dissolve partnership and close up the business of the linn, are Selling off their stock at Cost ! They hereby givo notice lo all indebted to them to come forward and FAV XJS I or llieir accniiute will be put into un OFFICER'S II A A US fur collection. I hose to whom we are indebted will present their bills to us, when the samo will be paid. X. BltUU'N & CO. JN. wuLrlS, Oregon City, lug. 13, 18.59. lRlf ToIUmU." 1 kLLI.Mi IIIIU.-SI., with a V ff.irdensnol bavin? 30 bearinir neacb hi Irees, und IUO apple, pear, und cherry Jj-' trees, a luurth ol Ilium bearing. This place is convenient ton good school, beinc a half mile east of the Oregon City Seminary. Wood and work ou the place will be taken iu pay fur the rent. IT Fur further paiticulurs, inquire at the A ririis Ollice. May 14, KS59 Smi Boots and Shoes! J. 13. BLANPIED, Opposite tu Suhrum's Saddler shop, Main street, ORISOON CITV, WOULD say to the public, that he is in the constant receipt of Boots ami Shoes of the latest pat terns and stylus, which lie will sell as cheap as any other establishment in town, it not cheaper! 1 FILL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES WEAR ALWAYS ON HAND. Making- di Repairing; done to order, AXD IX SUPERIOR STYLE. April 30, 1H59. 3y For Sale : roilt I'OVftG ST.4l.LIO.XS, B Y TIMOLEOX, out of fine mares, aud i few PURE HLOOD SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. S. W. MOSS. Oregon City, July 2, 1859. m3 Mclodcons. T 1IIOS1-: who wkh to purchase MELODEOX8 can have them of us ut from 15 to 'JU per cent, ciieapkr by paying CASH, than they have been bought of us heretofore. If wanted on ciedit, the articles can he had at 50 per ceut, au VANce on our former rates. J. A. POST. Oregon City, June 11, 1 859. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby givuu that the partner ship of .1. G. Gibson and Robert Puller in Oregon City, under the name of Ulbsou Sl Pot ter, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2 1 til day of January last. All dchts will be paid by aid Gibson, aud he is entitled and authorized tu collect whatever ia due to said firm. Robert pottep Oregon City, July 13, 1859. 14ml Notice. State of Oregon, County of 1 aniliill, In Juitiee'i Court. TO SAMUEL BEST: Yoo are hereby noli tied that a writ of attachment has been issued against you, and your properly attached, to satisfy Ihe dernaud of P. a). Field, amountioz lo eighty- seven dollars and fifty cents with inter est and costs. ow, anleas jnu appear before vvm. ilusaey, of .Mc.Mmville. Yamhill county. Oregon, acting as a Justice of the Peace for said county, at his office, on Uis 2llh day of Septem ber, 159, at 2 o'clock t. , judgment will be ren- errd agaiost yon, and your property sold to pay the debt. . lied this 2lh day of July, lr-59. P. 8. MELD, Plaintiff. og. 6, 1859. 17w4 Tu lUe AUUrUd. DR. HL'TCHiXS' CELEBRATED BAL aam of Wild Cherrv, with a variety of bis ether popular Botanical Medieinei, are now for s at CHARLES POPE S, Oregon CUy, and JOSEPH BAKSTOW'S, Cantmti. 47y PAPER WAHEII0USE, Kniiaomo Klrc(!tt BAN FRANCISCO. 133 I?OU SALE 111,000 rouiiHPRIXTIXU ' pan t : l 34 IH 3'.'4il ) 13 , ' itCxt'J S4l-8i'.1 aitilK-aixil'. and 22 ,31 IT.NEanu SUPER kkws. 2,000 renins Finn unl superfine I5ook i'uper. 24x30 (0 lbs., 44 lbs., 4 lbs., and 50 lbs. M'.SY AMI UNI'. U)UW lWH. Lightlndy'i relehraled Neva and Hook lull, la ke,' aud lint, from 1 lo 1Mb. packages, Prtatrr'a I'.ards anil t'.ard Itoanl. Cohen's and Hmiih & Peters' surds and card boards of ewry style and quality. Straw tfc Manilla Wrapping Taper. Double Crown Palm Straw in bules of li renins; Single do do 25 reams. Manilla Papers. 15x20 ISx'J" 20x30 !4x JO .uiJS and 3bx4U, sujieriur article. Mcilimn, Demy, Flat Caps, Folio 1 ost and Jit:tter I'aiKM's. A lares a.sortineiit of Cnrew and Plainer it Smith's ledger and Writing Papers, by the cose or ream. lif.u. J. 11 ROOKS CO. July Ifi, IS59. 14 ni3 REDINGTON & CO,, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 10T CLAY STREET, SAX FHANCiSCO, "VFFER TO THE TRADE A PULL, COMPLETE .J DESIRABLE STOCK OF Drugs ij Medicines. Having recently made business arrangements by which one or our In in will reside permanently in Xew York, we shall at all times have the ad vantages of purchasing nt tho Lowest I'rlcci, and be certuiu of having FRESH AND DESIRABLE GOODS. We shall consequently be enabled to off r induce ments to the trade throughout CALIFORNIA, OKKtiON, WASH I.Nti POX TERRITORY, and BRITISH COLI'.MIIIA unrqualed by any other house on Ihe Pacific coast. Purchasers are revpeclfully requested to favor us with their orders, ami we feel confident that our long experience in the Iiltl'O btisinena in California, und our present complete arrauve- nients for purchasing in Ihe Eust, will enublo us to give full satisfaction to all. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated RF.DINC.TOX &. CO., Wholeeale Dru'jsinti, j2m3 SAN FRANCISCO Smut in Wheat. TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON t YOU Unit have SMUT in wheat, will find it much lo your advantage to thresh your wheal before or al ter it ant gone through a eu-eiif. as a great deal of the smut will be prevented from getting ou tha grain. A. J. CHAPMAN". Island Mill, July 23, 1859. I5tf BETHEL COLLEG r ATE INSTITUTE, :ute. CALENDAR FOB. Til K YKAX 1659-00; THE College year commences the first M mday iu September, and is divided into four quar ters uf eleven w eeks each. The commencement is held on the 4th of July, when the yearly vucation euxtiea. FrofesKort Nathaniel Hudson, A.M.; Levi Rowland, A. M. TERMS OF TUITION PER QUARTER ! Common English Brunches 5 00 Englili Anulyais. Higher Arithmetic, liook keep'n', History, and Elementary Algebra C 00 Naturul Philosophy, llotiiuy, Geology, and Chemistry, Intellectual ami Moral Phi losophy, Rhetoric aud Logic 8 00 Elementary (ieomelry, Surveying, Algebra, Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and French Languages 10 00 L Convenient arrangements can be made for board t reasonable rates. Hooks used in the school can be obtained at Ihej (.allege Duiidingal casli prices. Veihel, Polk ca., July 2:1, I nr,1. I5m3 Protective Union. DIV. Xo, 593, X. E. P. U., still continues op eratiou in SALEM. Those favorable to the objects nf the " L'liion," living within trading range in Polk. Linn, and Marion counties, will please make known the same, by letter or other wise, though they feel unprepared lo iuvesl stack now. Payment of stock hereafter engaged may be made conditional that ten thousand dollars bo sub scribed the coming year, in all, making fifteen thousand. " Hard times" are upon us, but this is only an additional reason for freeing labor from the need less tax of speculation. '. P. Plan, i C. HOEL, Agent. Wm. Porter, Directors. Willis Di naoan, ) Salem, June 4, 1 U59. Prni Notice.' rpilE undersigned beg respectfully to inform all JL parlies indebted le them iu their Oregon City Hooks, that, now wmding up ths r busiuess in Ore gon, they hare authorized Amorv lIoLaaooa, Esq , of Oregon City, to collect said debts. ALLAN,McKINLAT dtCo. Oregon City , M ay 3 1 , 1 ts59. 8 Dissolution Notice. rpilE oopsrtnersh p heretofore existing between L Charles Albright and John Epping-rt in the Hutcber business, was dissolved Una day by ins tall consent. The subscriber wdl settle ap Uis business of the late firm. CHARLES ALBRIGHT. Oregca Cty, July 23, ). 14t v -ii' M st ' i ,awm r g-rHy ',fV-3 mm J. FLEMING, (.IT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING,) OREGON CITY, HAS on band and for aale, a wtll-selecled as sortment of Books and Stationery, comprising, in part, tho following: Family Hiblcs and Tes- Cap, letter, and note laments, paper, Iowuing's Fruits and Tvusiic Pcn-liold.rs, I'ruit Ire.-s of Amer- hand at aainl boxes, lea revised edition, New Miuouio Trestle. Unard, Masouiu Manual, Odd I 'allows' Manual, tjuiuby'a Myaivriea of lies-keeping, Livingstone's Travels in 'i'iasue paper, pcrlornled board tdraltun paper Mitchell's and Oluey's Geographies aud At lases, Mason's Farrier, I bidd's Cattle & Ilorso Doclnr, Kouili Africa, Kane's A rclio Exi!ra- tiolM, lllank Uooks Si Bill Pa. Gunn's Doin. Medicine, Sanders Old and Xew Spellers Sl Readurs, per, Thomson's A'llhmelics, Gillespie'i it Daviei' Fulton & Eastman's Surveying, Hook-keeping, with Slates and slate p -ncils, blanks, Dr. Ilolhck'i Works, Red, blue, Si blk Inks, Ac, Ac, all of which will be retailed at prices corresponding with the tunes. IU Duu'l forget the place ! It is OPPOSITE LA FOREST $ BACON'S. ALSO, FOR SAI.R, Dr. Mollatt's Pills ami Phoenix Hitters, mid the flraciunberg iMedicinos, which are recommended to those who wish ("live lil I they die. May 14, IH59. mqTaT & aYam. weed, Uygrn-Hrdlral (or Wnlcr-i'.urr) II AVIXG located at a4 is : We shall be happy to attend to calls, both iu town and country. MRS. WEED will give special attention to OBSTETRICS, and diseases peculiar to women am! children. ID" We make no use of di ti'", but rely entire ly upon hygeim appUaneet. ruticiila ut a Uislunee u-iled on reasonable terms. They may bo consulted personally or by teller. fret. May 7, 1859. STOVES, STOVES, At Portland Prices ! B. MIL WAIN, WHOLESALE A XI) RETAIL DEALER, Main Street, oppaiilo the U. S. Hotel, OREGON CITY, IMl'OKTElt OF COOK, Parlor, and llox Stoves, Tin, Sheet iron, and Cupper, Planished aud .lupniiued Ware, House-furnishing Hardware, Furco and Lilt Pump Rubber 1 1 new, Hydraulic Rums, lad Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Cuuldrnu Kettles, 1 1 ram Ket tles, Skillets and Hake Ovens, Cow Hulls, Sauce Puns, etc., Ac. Also, MA N I' F ACTURER of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every description. Meuinboat and Jobbing work dons ut the low. t rales. nplfiy AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Opporite Geo. Alternelhy if- Co.'s Brick Store, OREGOX CITV. THE uiulcrslgnej are 'prepare I to lake like nesses, such us AmljpotypoH, llt'lahiotypcs, Pho- togruilis, or PICTURES ON PATENT LEATHER, . tuitahle for lending in letter!, all of which will be executed in the LAT KMT ASO XEATKST MTV1.K, AND OX SHOUT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERMS. GROUPS and LOCKET PICTURES tnkcu very low. Cull and examine our pictures, and judge fur yourselves. Looms opposite Aburuelhv St In. s brick store. HOLLAND & DAY. June 11. 1 "9. Great Excitement! France and Austria At War ! ! rill IE undersigned wishes tu inform the people I of Oregon Citv, and the public iu general, that ho is ut pence with all the world, und keeps constantly ou hand A PINK ASSORTMKNT OF Boots and Shoes, of all tor It and litet, which he will sell Cheap for Cash! Ludic and gentlemen, you will do well lo give me a call beluru buying anywhere else, because I have the best and cheapest toots and shoes in this market ; because I get my boots and shoes Direct from Han Francisco, and can allord to sell cheaper than III ise Hint buy in Portland so that I defy compel il mil. If you will bill give me your patronage, I will guaranty that you can buy booli and tW of me ehenper than of any other house in town. Remember tho place, and make no misluke : " EAGLE BOOT AND SIIOF. STORK.'' J. MOONEV. Oregon City, July 1 6, 1859. jyii9 C. !1 1 II It AV, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL Ship nearly oppatitt the Mrthodiet Church, OREOOM CITV. April 1G, 1859. Itf Administrator'! Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given to all persons inter ested that letters of administration have been issued by Ihe county court of Yamhill county to the undersigned, upon the estate of James M. Craves, Isle deceased. All persons havina claims sgainst the said estate arc hereby notified lo present them, duly authenticated according to law, within oue year from this date, to the under signed, ut his residence iu said county, or they will be forever barred. CHARLES B. CRAVES, July 16, 1859-Uw4 Adm'r. For Sale at the CITY BOOK STCRE rpilE following works J. Magic Staff, by A. J. Davis; Crest Iron Wheel, by J. K. Graves; H red, in SlvoU., by Harriet Ueeeher Stew ; The Home Cyclopedias, of the World's Progress, " ' L'seful ArU, " Europe, " Ceogrsphy, ' fine Arte and Literature, " biography, Ac. Oct 3. JAMS, preserved fruits, brandied fruits, etc., at CHARMAX f McKIXXEYU. Lyon's Magnetic Powtk-w, or Flon Powder, Will dettroy Garden Inieelt, Cockroir.hu, Bed Bug; Fleat, Antl, Molhi, and all petti of the termin kind. The Importance of a reliable artiole of this kind Is inestimable. In warm weather all nature teems with these annoying fnce. This powder is the on ly article ever discovered which will exterminate them. A company of botanists, from tho Horli cultural Society nf Paris, while amidst the ferns of Asia, observed that all inseota lighting upon certain kind of plant very soon dropped dead. Thia fact wus ninilo use of to gtiurd their night camps from these Intruders. Quantities of Ihe plant were brought home by Mr. E. Lyun, and found a positive insect destroyer iu every enperu uieiit. 11 is simply a powdered leaf, chemically prepared to resist the ell'cct of age and climate, Medals and Letters Patent have been obtained from the governments uf Engluiid, France, tier many and Russia, from the World's Fair, and uu. meroiis medical and horticullutal colleges and so cieties. Letter from tin Pieiident of the United Stutei. "Exxci'Tivx .Mansion, Wasiiinhton, Hist Jan , IH5J. Mr. E. Lyon, Denr Kir: I have the pleusuin to inform you thai tho Royal commission of ihn World's Fair, at London, hove awurded vou a Medal ami Certilicute for the great vuluu uf your Muguetic Powders, Ao. MILLARD FILLMORE, Ch'n." The nliovs was accompanied by a certificate of Priuce Albert. IT IS FREE FROM POISON. Xkw Yobk, October 1, ISjS Emanuel Lyon, Deur Sir i Wo huve analys ed and tested your Magnetic Powders, and find them perfectly harmless to mankind and doincstio animals, but certain death when inhaled by bug.', ants and insects. J. R. Ciiii.to!, M. I) Chemist, L. Rim n, Prif, Chemistry, X. Y. Hospital. Mr. John L. Rome, Superintendent of the X. Y. ILispilttl, says' he has expelled all the, bug, ants, roaches, moths, &o., with Lyon's Powder, aud finds it of immense value." Every gardener and housekeeper must have a direct iuture.it in an trliclo of this kind. Refer ence can be mudn to the Astor, St. Nicholas, and Metropolitan Hotels; to Judge Muigs, President of the American Institute; James Gordon Den nett, lien. Winlield Sc.ilt, Cyrus W. Field, L. M. Pease, nf Ilia Five Points Mission, o., Jkc Judge Meigs s.iys, "This discuvery of Prof. Lyon is uf national importance. Thu Farmers' Club huve tested it thoroughly. It will dettroy locusts, erumlinnueni, ants, moths, bugs, and uM vermin. Ciirdcn plants can be preserved, und houses nude pure" Ka's and mice cannot be reached uy a pivvaer, and are killed by a Maunktic Pill. Ordirthcui through any merchant. l is l.ynu s Powder kills insects in a tries, lint Lynn's Pills are mixed fur rats and mice. Follow directions. Ut freely And M-jroiig.l.'y. !. A. II. S I'EELE, A'unt, Oregon City. SMITH Si DAVIS, and Da. WEATHKil- FO RD, Ageuti, Portland. PARK Si Will I E, Sun Franeiteo. 8m3 C? AT.T1 ..The mixitextranrdiiinry chemical dis- ij cuvrry of modern limes is the Antiphlogistic Suit. It nets upon the blood pieetsely in the same manlier as ihe vaccine matter operates in the pre vention of malign. nit diseases. It cures only dis eases which uro iullaiiiiiintory iu th.-ir nature. rirsl, iullammaltnn of the head and thioal, sueli us bruin fever, fits, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas und oalurrli. Second, euses of iullmnniation in the chest and ublouicii, viz.: iullaiuod lungs and liver, pleurisy, dysp asia, asllnna, gruvel, piles, &:. Third, iiillumiuution of the extremities mid skin, to wit: rheumatism, scrofula, ulcers, scarlet fever, veuereul and eutuneons atTections. This lieinieal combination is mi powerful and instanta neous iu ils ellcots, that the dose ia only what will lliere to a quill dipped in Ihe Salt and held lo tho toiwuo fur one minute. Ihe most nsloun Ini-' re sults have invariably followed ils use iu the Allan- tic Stales, and thousands or testimonials ns to its virtues can be furnished, if required. The pro nrietor asks not, however, for Faith, but is willing to let the Salt abide by its works, conli lent Hut it will never fail. It is p it up in Uruchin packages, price Two Diilluis, und w.li bu forwarded by mail, post Haiti, to any Dart of the connlry, uiion receipt of that sun;, addressed tu KEUlXti TOX & CO., San Fram'soo. F'ull dirwliona accompany each package. As soon ns a snlli oieut supply can be uh luined, it will be forsulo by DriigistB goucrally. F. Coggswell, M. I)., discoverer and proprietor. Sole Agenlsf irCaliforniaandOregon, REDIXU TOX .Sc. Co., holesnlu Druggists, Sun I'raiiom- CO. DA. A. IJ. Si t'il'.l.tj .g lii;orurignin. ny Xliioaniatism. In all cases of Inflammatory Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic, the Antiphlogistic, Sail, diHjnvered by Dr. F. Coggswell, of UohIoii, is n sura und infullible result.' In Xew England, where this discuss is very prevalent, the Salt has never been known to full in etl'ecting a radical on re, and of giving permanent relief. Rheuma tism is iihiinsl invariably paused by iiill imiuation and colds, und the peculiar client of this medicine, as its numo (Ant phlogisiiu or Aiiti-iulluiiiuiiliiry) signifies, is to reduce niHnlninolie.il, and balance the circulation of the blood, mid rhe lluids of the body. Il does not profess lo be a grand panacea, bill is calculated cxpresdy for all diseases of an iiitlamiiiatory nature, and is thus a perfect substi tute fur blood-letting iu all its forms. It is for sain by all Druggists, flriwral Agents, Rkdinuton So Co , Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. Broachitis, Astlmn, Catarr'a. TIicm diseases, and others of a similar charai ' ter, cuiDed by colds and iiillatmiiilion, yield read ily and certainly to the clients of the Autiphlegis tic Salt. Il is peculiarly beneficial iu all d seasi s of this nature, us they lire invuiibly caused by a tendency of blood to the lionod aud throat, un t Hie' certuiu result of the use of this medical salt to reduce inflammation and eipialia the circuh tion of the llu.ds nf the h idy, Il is also romarka bly elliciieious in ull iiifl.imutory diseases of the chest and nhdoiii ll, such us I'dss, Cravel, Vcim reul, Dyspeisin, Pleurisy, Sin. No b-tter fn dciiee nf the value nf this medicine can be given than the fact that, although il is now two years since il was first ollered lo Ihe public, the discov erer has been able to answer but a small portion o' his orders, aud it is only within tho last tv- . months lh.it il could lis obtained at any price i this Stale. For sale by all Druggists, (ienera! Agents, Rkdiniitov & Co., Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. Agent for Oregon City, Its. A. II. ST EE LI'.. 4"3 Lost, i SMALL POCKET-IIOOH or wallet eon -J. taining the following-d.-sflribed not'-s: On- n.ils mi John Imoiii of l.inn nollntV fur llltlOUO. bearing ten per cent., and payable lo me on or b fore the lirst day nf April next. Also, one lin o on Win. C. Stewart fir $ 1 15,511, bearing da'o rsov. i), iji, payanie to mo in inrou yeais, an i drawing ten per cent, interest from date until pii I. Also, one note on Joseph Rohinett and YV'illlai Vawter (middle letters not reeollecled, if any) f. r L'7 mid 1 ihi'aV some cents ; said note was give i sliout dun. 5, IH59, payable I think in thirty day drawing fifteen per cent, until paid. All persons are cautioned against buying any of the abovo notes. The finder of the same shall be enmpsn sated ou delivering them to me. I!. F. WHITSOX. Monmouth, Polk co..Juno 18, l9. HJwJ Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that llie undersigned his been duly apjwinted administrator '. tha estate of Jane O. Moore, widow, deceased, late of Clackamas county. All persons iudebte . lo said estate ara hereby notified lo make pay men' , and all persona having claims against llie end deceased must present them lo tin undersigned si his residence in Liun City in ssid couuly with n. one year from dale, or they will be forever barred JOHN T. APPER.SOX June U:, IR59. 113 Hayiird Tit) lor' CYCLOPEDIA of Modem Travel, and Swan'a Three Years' Rea.deuc ou tbe.W; West coast for side sl the CITY BOOK STORE Tho Tinest I .FRENCH confectioneries, such as gum drc,. Kroudans, mottoes, cuihhl cinbt, almoi. . rock eandv, he-, at Dee. I?.' CHARMy d McKISNEY'6-