I Gtl)c rcgou Cirgus. V. I.. 1 ,., KIUTOR. OHEOOW CITY I SATL'KUA V, HKPTKMJJKIt 21, 1859. Hoa4. Wc notice that the lute heavy rains lure suggested to our fumicrs tlio necessity of doing up their hauling before tlio rainy star.on seta in. 1 here will moot likely be several recti yet of pretty weather for business, am all who can do no ought to lay in their supplies while the ruuds are good. We would also (nicest to a few ni'Mi who k.' ferries, that it would be to their credit if they would dig down the banks an J make their ferries a little cadet of access. There are some ferries whero, through the shiftleKsiiens of their keeper, it in almost iiujiosiiMc to pull a load from the boats up the blinks. Itepiiblirans of course ore too enterprising to need such advice. Mr. Taylor, who keeps a furry on the roud leading from Puylou to I'ortland through the gap of the Chuliulem inoiiiituin, has not only worked down the batiks at hid f.rry, but ha kept a hired hand working tho roads for mili-H each way fiowi his f rry, till the Taylui's furry road is now considered much the best way leuiling to I'ortland on that side of the river. .Mr. Taylor is of course a sound Uepublican. .Sectionalism seldom bother their heads about roads. Boats of Senator Brodcrick I lAtt Mlact la Orrioa. A corresjiondent of the I'ortlund Xewi (whorawetaketoljeH.M.t'randaIJ,h.) Dm hktwkkj tiikIIon. D-CUnourn f - . 1 - - 4 it - . ..1 f I II in an account oi a inp to uio cauuam gw. jltK AM) jrWiE JmnY.A Tcry scriou- mines a few weeks unco, makes mention oi,,.i owljrrcd on the 13th Inst, between tli the lead mines on fcantiam, which are rotjol)i jj q Urwkrick, Senator for Califor generally known to Iiavoao existence. JlcjM;i nnj t10 jorii juvij (J. Terry, Cblel Efu-tite of the Supreme Court of that State " It assumes the form of 'sheet lead,'iTh. ,,.,; n.n.-j niP. 011 t,o 13th instant which will easily be understood by any oneQ , , . . . . , '.I t. rtl . .1.. MU'llMIl B ll'lfllici vuiu.u well V H'A II, III conrcrsunt with mining. The vein of inin-fl .. ' , . .....!. cral at this point is fitefrtt thick; it yield J tiutuui ravine on me rancn or Mr. u i ninety per cent, of lead and silver, there bc-iin Sun Mateo county, two miles from tin ing an unusually lurga per cent, of silver! lividing line between tho counties of Sai .so h is sa ... .7 ,,, ,u para iwi h ana M(tU.0 n(j glin Krflntiw0i 'fuc. wt.ro BC I v 'mi II im Kinilh niim in ln thn frlTI American that discovered the lode on this 8 0,nPnitd hJ iMr TCe0ll(1,. fur?'01". 81,1 Fork. The same we is found on the maiiifll,'0"t seventy friends. The ground wa Fork ten inches thick. On the .South Fork a nenuircd off the principals posted, and thr t . i-i i . . . . n i am crcuioiy unarmed (by .Mr. Lary, i,oa,vor.l n-ivei. Tim WAnri.m 'hrtt r..(rxli. ...M... ... .. "i I . o I e iiaiiiinuuiuuiBirea.il, biiu II Hiiowu w wi.iv.:i..l n.,1:,. , , a man of truth and reracitv) the Me i'lj , , . ' 1 u": u"luu,-p "F',; e(W.Ml.i(k-thc depth' is uiiknown.-i'1'5 mB ,0 Le ,Iuno w-twecn tho wor.il Of the relative extent and richness of these a ''f " ""' tin word " two." At the first mines, I leave the reader to Judge fur hiiii-fllirc Mr. Broderi. k received his antagonist'. aelf, when I slate Unit In the Galena niiesim j tic right breast, about two loch a sheet ten inches thick, fifteen feet hijhj . . , ,.,,., , ... and yielding seventy per cent, of lead, wn J"l,0Te tl,e wLllc l"s l,tt" str,,tk t!" considered a 'magnificent fortune,' and I l-'r0,1"( fvct tfotince of Judg. have known men to make $:i and $4 i.er'f I'erry. Mr. Urwlorlck reeled and fell, iiny out or a sheet only as thi.-k as my Iwhcn Judge Terry left the ground with hi: This Me undoubtedly extends throu-h thcti'1" l,ous0 of Mr- Le0"1'1111 Hask. ll, at whole rungo of the CWadu inouiitains,!'"111''' I'oint, where he received every pos niiining norm aim soum, as you cuu trace .ib!c attention. i.tufrow tutaa-Th Mrtn.u '',i oiih efforts arc making to prevent the 0 Tl.t bark S.a Nymph arrivfJ at Viou.ri. on , niilwavs oi. w1., i... ., ....I. : i- J7 .Lim r.-..m l.iuwr K.dlir. I 1 -j-.- HUJi UULS.IAa..- Hie peoide of this new 8tuto seem not , ' r ))( tM'imwi Mwg Hf e..,y from in the oltempt is yet uncertain, a v H '....! -.i.i. ..i, ,.;;. ii i . '.. . , f . .i i.i. i i. ii . tv from tin Ihiton Journal. rf sob War Drbl. lover well satisfied with their admission without provision being niudo for tlio heavy -.)enditiiro they bad previously Incurred 'jii account of their lute Indian war. If the rcss of that Statu reflects anything like- the eutiineiiU of the jROplu there, the puyment oi tlio war ueoi is coimiuereu a iiniiier .inn .. more Impnrtniit to them than their admin iou Into the Union us a sovereign ritato. In fact it seems as tliouih it was only with a view of hastening the recognition of their l. bt by CWress tlmt they fiuully acceded Rto the proposition for a Htute organization ifter liaving repcotcuiy ueciueu uguinsi u it the buliot-uox. Jluveii a voto was unauiuiousl . i . . the Conmioii Council, Iiistructlrtcr tl .1 policu to enforce tho State lawi ,.. . iha llrilifh CiiluflWl uflh Mill imUilll I li lln arrival ef 111 bark s J vmiill. niee. eiiniiniiiidrr, in 40 dyi from Hung hung-, we Into (lis I'liiiit-M M.i.l to July yid. . , u i.... .1.- . I. .(..III. from Wit 1IU W naw IIIV hhwmhui mihiu- 11 aiI I .. , , ,.L thai s n.w difficulty haj occ,u.. will Mliju-t tl.ro.igliot.t their Jurisdiction. llt Tiiku l orli Ml the moutli of J'ciho nvr on llif CIWL'KKiT JjOO t AHIN. On the M..l.n ir.il. aa-hUL fs.ai.ilti.! In lliA Infill .Irf.'rlt uf I- ...I II. ( 19 rt MM ,1 K m . U" III llnl.sli fm en with Iha loaa nil four or fiva Inindinl men In Ilia action war tnalva Ilrilli.li (run Is.uU nioui.lii.f Ihnv euns, with about I.UUU mm acta ally .ij,'i;e l under Ailmirul Jlopa, ami a small Krcneh gun tmal with one irun in ll.a alrin, 'i'lia llriii'li Iwt 4 ''l killed and wuundtd. '1 In fir-t lljllnlliim of Maiiiira wliich landed WO trontr lul 1.3 killed slid woumlrd. 'I'll ClirNcpcake tho Stato w, Upoaiij t their jurisdictinn U CaIIIN. Ontha flr. in the total defeat of 0,d Ohio IUilroad, not fur from Ja,.L (as uf five 11.11 buata, , ' "USOS, hi. "D ictiiicsiice, says nil exchange pnrKr .i;n Htuiiils tho liumblu log cabin, eighteen b twenty feet in size, built and oectipied nil he lived in the district, by the fur-famH David Crockett. Its logs are fast dee.. !fi.t ninl 1? ii I'iiii S1111BA1....L s. IlesiKK.ting the legit imncy of this debt hs.ls.il k;;led or mwii.K, and 31 w.ii.n l.d. No . ' , .. ... . ' Ul)t 0 ... !-. r, ... I. L.. 1. 1 .. . 1 ,.r . 1.. 1..1..-...... i,i. traveler passes it without an eainritui . Anoi T OiiK'io.v. We will pul.lish next week nil editorial about Oregon, its advan tages, resources, iuduceui'iits to emigrants. Ac., Ac, designed more particularly for the benefit of renders in the Kuslern States. We intend to print a large number of extra' iiuiubirs, to supply tho demands of those who may wish to procure copies to send to their friends in the Fast. Upon the receipt ol tweiily-livc cents each, we will mail copies to any address that may be desired. The extra edition of liic Argus containing our article on the same subject last wiutcr, was soon txhuusteil, ami the article was repub- l.slied unt.ru :n some of the Atlantic papers. and no doubt found a greater number of readers and contributed more to the benefit ofOmgoti than uny similar publication since the settlement of this country. it as far as you can see nlon? the side of tlic mountain, which is a irood 11111 nv miles It is easily distinguished by the different color of the rocks. The ope'ning and work ing of these mines would be of mora real benefit to Oregon than the discovery of theT ritnrsi jrnm mines 0 fai.rornm as it would give permanent employment to a tun nuiiiuer 01 tradesmen and fanners." Mr liroderick died on tho 1 6th, about hero ore differences of opinion, Luscd as a .'eneral thing iijkmi the conflicting reports, official and unofllcial, concerning it. Hut like our New Fngland, and nearly ull oili er portions of the United States w hen first settled. Oreifon has doubtless been the scene of conflicts, some of tlx 111 bloody, between the citizens und the Indians, which have been the prolific source of a va?t deal of suf fering and misery, and by which many val uable lives have been lost, and much pro perty destroyed. To what extent theso Indian difficulties liavo been provoked in former times by the citizens themselves, nr whether provoked ty them at ull, we have not the mains of de ckling, lint if we receive us good author ity the statements of some of the most prom inent Democratic politicians and ofliec- holtlers, and the leading. HemoiTuttc jour ueh e.ieu.ir aa the CliincM, emiiideriiig Ilia cir look upon tlio lllltuble roof that shells cuinalanec under which ll.a attiick touk place. I ... , ,1,,, . , .. "'lt'fi Out uf.m..lll...di..ir parly ef 80 the Frfiich had 0110 of ,l10 truwt prcseiltotlVej nf iViiiericuu piuiiccr ciioritcier a hero and nil honest limn. Xeur it Is a railroad iu tion, called Crockett's station; aroin,t perhaps, will rise a town to bear and n.' l.'i killed or wounded. Tlieltrit.l. .Milliliter, Mr. Briioe, and M. dr Hoiidwlon, Freucli Aliui.trr, refuHif to aea the Cl.ii.ei C01.1u.iwi11i.er at Muineliue who upl'iiIh led the treaty with Iird Etin. 'J in y arrived at I'rkin. Mr. Ur.ica delayed nil the bwl inouieiil nt J Ion); Koej, and only arrived wild llie I'rrnch ami A.i.eriean Minitieraal tl. IVilinon Ilia SOIh, litre ilia Inaiy w.w lo Im .ifne.l al I'ekin on the Will. Finding it drVrnded hy fnrla, p li e, iron bun and cheina, Ailininl llnpe fnuud il difficult to p.in up me 1 ifiik n. 1 nry wera 111101 i.if.i tlmt Hi. Allied .MniKlrtt would be re.e.v. il ul the tiorll.ern rnlrance. (jiivernnr (iinrral llaii arrived at luKiiwillj "4lli, ninl win a Irll.r I lie dnv hi ft Tr, dial the Kinrn rur had iipiHiinlrd himself and die l'rovii. i.irj'rraiurertorreive all the Mill iter. al lViho, uinl ciiiiiliict them to I'rkin : hut iinf.ir Innately III leitrr did nl emu to hand till the ii'nh, alter the bcu'oii had coni.i.rnci'd, when it petuiite a mime as fuiniliur to his men as that of Jackson. country. l3r lilondiii, thu great tight and sLk rope walker lias a competitor In another frenchman, uc l.avc, who crossed the Gen. ncseo river, ut the Fulls, on a yerysla rope. Ho walked across it, stood on en. leg 011 it, and laid down on itsotno huj. dred ami odd feet uboro the fonminir car u'lllIIU- . I-rilllWl IttilStf MU- a-.""! LvuiiiirnbtU. BIII'll II .1 11. . . W " I o'clock In the morning. Tho announce Enals of that .State, mid the officiul reports of WM,V0 'x''f ih Adimr..! 10 append reiit-Keciing his position as unconcernedly Indian .Snperintendent ; " """B1" " ns 11 no nau ucen sitting in bis easycluir atinjaj auv tIJItUHIl-. KIIUIB Ul IIIUI tlllll .i nent of his deuth iiroduced a deenand iren Il'iciicrnl Wool and ral doom thromrhout the .?,. in sn.,Bl,'l"iw relative to the war of 18fj5-.10, for I'rancisco the several Courts that were Ii at home. fiAS WoitKs. I'ortlund is uboiit tobe iigiiien up wan gas. We see by the papers that .Messrs. II. I), (iivtn k Co. have ul- ready coinuipiiced laying the foundation of thegus works in thu north portion of the 'ily, which they intend lo have in operation the coming winter. J lie Acws speaks of tho arrival in Or . . r - .... ioh 01 11 person bringing with him a pat eiip'd apparatus mid composition for the inaniifiietiire of gus on a small scale, for stores, dwelling-houses, shops, or hotels. 1 he light this apparatus produces is clear mid steady, eneh burner giving n light esti mnted ns c(iia to iibuiit ten or lilteen ndu- iiiiiutitic cnmlhs. The apparatus is small easily put up, nnj easily removed, mid the expense of burning is estimated at one cent and three fourths per Imur for each burner, Invkni.i.uuks. There is mi i),niT,t tlmi Itrtlreaaeat af Father TlVaall. W. 0. TVault, the Nestor of tho Or egon Democrat press, has taken leave of the editorial chair. His valedictory ap pears iu tho lust number of the Jackson- ville .Sentinel, and no doubt bis numerous J1 wcr(J li'"pcd in mourning; the shfppin; friends will be nffected to tears on reodiu it. It was written by himself the follow ing sentence proves it: I "Siif.ir aa the piliiirnl hitiry ef Oregon i. cmii eriied, die nicint i.f , henliuel and the li niuvrnlic purlv a. it liu. lH.cn. i. ....... ..... ... .... likdy In le heniifi, r." i We are sorry in parting company with ! Father T'Vault, but wo assure hitn thuM we will endeavor to keep his memory be-l fore our renders by pnbliidiinsr once a renr 1 his celelirate.l il. '.l..':.irnii r.t ll. ... . v.. vl ulu Di.tt.erv . 1 1 I ... ... I uiuiiini daCKSOIIVIIIe. W 1 li' 1 wn I11 en !.' ready presented annually to them for three' years. This alone is worth the subscription 1 price 01 me Sentinel, and is a fair sampli of T' Vault's style. It follows: " Tim who love wen. ry, cannot but be de ll'flllilil liu 1 i.iln... 1L.1 .. . , . wiiiuir in, . niiri nn .1 .lMLt....ll v; ii.led on die miiiai.ee of .0 im,ng ,le e "f .Lo"., the beautiful plain enlenper-ed with 8r,,ve,f -..-......,, aconrmig m.iber .nil funlierun l Pie niiiunmuu rormuur llie ea.iern ri.n of the sr, at 1 Vul.ev tif an iv.n ... .).: .. , .. " .Jf ih. do,,, 1, iia..tfIllff in lK. ,,rilon ov tlu. ; J Or lite 111 I.. fl. ..in .. .1' t- i,. . . " "lonirm rci:e iimb iu. C"Mi n rnyi. will. (iernin,il -1.. 1... .... 1... . 1 r..- ... ,. , ' .., ,,,, UJ W,1U1.0 , ,ho : es.sion, adjourned In respect to the memory of the departed Senator. The foreign Con -uls hoisted their flugs nt balf mast; tin iciuiiiio iug 01 ine l nitcd Mates was, hoisted at half-mast over the Custom-house; 1 he civic flag of San Francisco was hoisted, 'in like manner over tho Cily Hall; all the ngiiie bouses carried their flags at half-mast which pnv is now cljimed, it would seem tlint no cause whatever for Mu wur ever existed, but that it was deliberately brought 'on by mercenary men for the sole purpose if crcatuir a dcl.t nguiust tho United .Stntes. AVc do not assume that these alle gations and reports arc correct, or that they ire not; but they are certainly of record, and it must be expected will bare more or less weight with Congress and tlio account ing departments of the government, and ulso with the public. Take lor instance as testimony .1.. ; ,1. 11 1. 1 , ,.. ., ,ri June mi iimilll.ru us U.-SWU.UI.V, HID ua- m tho harbor diephtyed like evidences ofjU, Statesman, which ought to bo as r. lia respect for the memory of Air. IJrodcrick.Rblc as any, from tho fuct of its being the ind a large number of private stores nmlioHiciul paper of the territory w hen the war Iwelbtigs wore the sad bad"es of laineutn-lt0(;c,irn;"' 08 ll. w mv r Ult' htj,t,' wus lion and woo. ijuiuu mociiiei organ 01 me territorial r... , , . , r. . M'..ecuiive. ttenud column niter column 1 tie funeral was to take place on Sunday.i iie(i n.j,i. -.iitori.,1- .r.rn.snon.U.w.n n,i 'he lStll. Col. K. D. lkkcr Was to deliv-KreliortS Ulion this siibieet. nil evtreimde .1... r the oration in the plaza. Vc, &o The publication of the Sentinel will be 1 .-.u.i...eu ny u. li. J' rentier & Co.. ami n' lieretorore will advocate Jo Lane mggensin. The Inillana and the F.mlgrnnts. I'rnm Ve T W I II... ; .ill ..... v. (, , ihcii. um cm Lrra . .... . . .... . 0 1 pioni i;oigo county, Wisconsin, to whos nolo book wo havo had access l..nrn ome particulars ofintcrest. It seems Cant VV'll.... I....1 I... rc . ' i.uu iiiii ni-u me iii-iuiiy 01 salmon k-'iiunciiitory of the war, and openly charging Ejeertain named citizens with inciting the In tldiatis to acts of hostility ngninst the whites liery. On tho morning of llie 2'lh, at iluylieht, an nt tempt wo. inadv 10 pnae up the river, but il woe fnund inipawib'e. After I r. m , Ih .ijjnal via run up iu prrHira luructiun. uone win aecn ill the 1 orta fur the eiglil Imuii pievmua. Tl.o 1 'lo ver, will. Admiral, pu.l.cd up clone to llie fir.l bur lier, when, no sooner had he arrircd there than the l.l&ata dia;ini,eitre,l mm it kv m-tmn .... .1.. K'h.ilrof ll.a guue opeued fire. It it a. evident thai j011'! If18. it was not ordinary (.'liinene anillery. J or in hour, die bonibiirduieut win kept up, but with lit tle effect on the mud walla, though every t'hii.eie al.ut (old. After 4 o'clock llie fire waa ul.i.ol a.' Irnced, when llie brder wiu given to land. Out of I.iiwiiiiu tthu lamlej, owme; In die deadly Kre am. ump uiuu, uui iuu men reuciiel the (Inches, I'ridic'ea of nilor Wire perfuruhd. but wiihout ,.r. feel. The order wna givta to retreat, when nure u. r. l;m,i ll,,. :n ..1 ....... The Corrouinadel wa. nude a Ic.nnorarv hn..,l till .liip, and the acene on her deck wn. im.Ii; l.r. r b.e. The b'Krf ia uuivcrnal d.at Kurnp.au nunnel tlie f..rta o well a. Chine.. Men with etose criippe.i nmr on.l Kuunin features were teen. 1 wo urm. Done nllout ... the nver had in.diitei, 1.0 y u.uvi.au leuluren, il.oush in C hinese chain. 1 he Americana lent a Kcncmun ;iiin,.e hy . .. r.i.uii aieamnr eiiine 01 me u-t ii.lu ucuoii. irom tlio large m)'N,n..d after it wiw over. ftir The relative strength of tint licuu and Democratic parties iu tho coanty of St. Louis, Missouri, ns shown bv il.. cent election, was as follows: Ilimnhi;. Z 'Z VPi J'f'-ratic, 5,137-RcpubW tor me sole purpose 01 creating un opportu nity to trump up a public debt, and in every particular, fully justifying General Wool and Mr. Pulmer iu representing in their tibseqticnt reports to their respective dc- tver, 011 the yOlh of July. rrUiMSt inRl)ttrtnent8 at ttshington, that the war was erbul advice and written vnmim. rnn.m'n evcT respect an intended fraud upon the ubscqticntly posted nt the forks of the mml tltVIeral treasury. it tho Malheur crossing, a pnrty of emi-fel U"cr circumstances, whatever 'grants consisting of twenty-five men an!lj",uy bure ',0 tl10 ,rutl' 1,10 premises, iwo women, and six wni-nns nml t,..,..- tl1'10 people of Oreeon ore indebted solely to by Inking ih men on board and (renting them k llilly. 'flier are loud in iiruia.a of ilio h ,.:.. i ine i.m'r.i. The llrilh and French M niatrra hud returned in Hia.igl.ae. The Anieric.m remained in the .win. it. qu n on has been made nn the tier rrnorC.ci.crul of India fur asaieluncs 10 fo.ee the pavuge. a. 00k his trace up tho Malheur on thn l-il f A tigiisf, This road they found vcrv bail 01110 of it indeed, the worst our informant iters ho ever saw nttcmnted bv a team lor miles the ground being so covered by u, in 1 ui sing or etiarreu iron ore ns to bo in- imiiIp. .lust at 0:10 of these bud points, ns uc uuiit was ueseentlinira one- steen hill -on tho 10th of August thev' Were fireil 1 1... t v . I "I'"" "J mutatis, ami ono Aides Andersoi J oitiuud is inset i.y a puck of scoundrels journal. .... 1 - whose olijeet is robbing d plundering.- a short time since-a low,, that has lately On lust Monday night, almttt 12 o'clock, a sprunir up iu tho mini.,,, r..,,t ....1 "J pile of shaving, and rubbish was collected off in a rhapsody h0t lt womlerfufad under the store of I'. ! imkenstein. and set vnnee in civilli.i;,,,. ti . . ... . . Oil fir,', but was r..rl ..I.. . . .. L..:.. 1 " Imminent ' ; umuu-u-u uy 1 1 aicciiTS 0 sre i.iemn.il I,.... .. V 1 .. .. 1 .1 ,. .. . . ; I . . "v uis-i " 1 l" '-v.ij, nno me nre cxtingmMietl. Played, or rather tin. '1,,..; . r .... - In n moral point of view, it is a mutter of TVM ,,m,y wounded at tho first shot. A douiit whtthcr tho change of editors will 1)0 for tho benefit of tlio readers of that The editor visited Williamsburg1 1 any About the smite time an attempt was niudo to lire a building iu another part of town, 11 no men were discovered 01, the tops of stores tit mc viciu.ty of Vaughn's. We nro not iu favor of vigilance committees ns a general tiling, but we think that iu the caso of house-burners n dose of ' vigilance committee' would effectually cleanse community of theso rc. hvls. J.atk HtoM tub Fast. The steamer l.rother Jonathan arrived at I'ortland on I uesday night, bringing dates from New ioiktot!ie2l)lh Aug. The mail steamer .Northerner arrived on Wednesday. They bring 110 news of importance from the Fast. 11 . .."' r.MiciiAnoN.- .Several families who have just crossed the plains have passed tliromrli Oregon City on their way up the country to settle. I .y report 11I.011I two hundred wagons ns having como into Oregon and Washington. As a general tiling the stock driven across look well. 1...1 .1 "" iticmscives-in a manner hi,rl,K. characteristic of Oregon Democratic edit-'l ors generally. Ho says: tt-Hi!"..)V"ia"'sl""'B y,,u c:l" e" S""1 whkv hi V 1ll1.u111.burL' vou ca 1 .1,. i....rc 1 . c'i"!:::" t c r mki c K-'ll. .Ulu IU . lalllkhnnr . .... ii . ly,... Wilhamaburg w came nearer dwhe-i 1111 when die waiter lm,l,i r... .1 . o,,,.., , .. ueHTi a run. kiritiish was niaintniticil for some, bonn the course of which it is believed three In Initio I. III-. I It .. ...no ni-m allien, HieaUWIIIIO, It Was leented prudent to make a retrograde move uetit uml come in bv the w.iv nf 'jWulla; to do which it was necessary to ..iiiiiiuii mo wagons. . This same party, two davs beforo th..v were attacked met Mr. A. J. iWwiii, 1 ne iiovcrninent Express, and his coinnun Hill. .Mr. TriCA hn.l linen c,i,U,,l .... oinided and assailed by some thirty Indi-i ins on a sago plain, nlmnt mm l,,ir.iH ... . .. : w..iiji jiniics 10 tno west of the place where he was. net. j ti consenuelice of the l,i.,l. -,!.i . "'n'. ...m, owever, prevailing nt the time. th nissed their aim und they escaped unharmed fith the loss of three pack animals. Vor.'l inniitelv, a mule frciuhted with tl,. ...:t - - ' ...... v.au 111111, mil sonio little provisions, lied after them no. was secured. Dalits Journal. jt ho chief men of the dominant party there ior me grouiid-worK or all opposition to the liouidntion of their debt, cither in or out of Congress, of which they now complain. They may havo been misrepresented in the matter, but this htirdly seems reasonable, since they have rewarded and endorsed by their suffrages the very meawlio were first and loudest in their denunciationa of tho war and of the citizens connected with it. We nro nwaro that the inline Demucratv possesses a charm hard to overcome or re sist; but tlmt it should constrain men uny wliero to so disregard their own personal interests mid those of tho community iu which they bye, as to confer upon men The CoxniTioxs. Tho Iluntsville (Al- uimmn) Democrat, edited by J. W. Clav brother of United States Senator Clay, of thut btutc, thns explicitly states the condi tions upon which Alabama will support the nominee of the Charleston Convention: " Xo nominee of the Charleston Conven tion can obtain our sunnort nnle. tho t.l;.t. form adopted slmil substantially recognize n.u (.u.iM.iuuoi.ui rigiits 01 tno Mouth on tho slavery question, ns laid down by the Supreme Court iu the Dred Scott decision, to wit That slavery is recognized in the constitution, mid that it is the duty of ev ery department of the federal government congressional, judicial, und executive, to guard and protect it, and unless the antece dents of the nominee nro such ns to justify the belief that he will be n safe custodian whom they knew had already basely be- of tho rights of tho South under the con- nun grievously wronged tllCIII Stl I KlUUllOII. ' greutcr power to do them individual hnnn inrttho publican injury, seems utterly in redibie. Oregon may form an evcentinn but as a general rule, men in these days arc not apt to "kiss tho hand that them, or to do particular homage to those wno wiuuiiy and maliciously misrepresent ind malign them. Notice. Tlieoiinuil I'l.ir.if the Linn Couut. i... turul S.:iy will be held iu All.ai.v. .... o.t ...A 0.1,1. .r ........... i -iu v, t. j'tn.-iinrr. Iliui. IF. (Jmvar ia expected la deliver II. aJJ,'"- Join, IU.iwa, Sec L. C. A. Society. Not Ire. Ah I propnee toeluee my bunineaa In tlii. eity it an early day, I respectfully rnpteat thoae in lditaj In me lo nuke p .ymcut, with aa little delar M l'7libl"- a t A. Ibufci Or. gun .ny, S p-ember 10, JS.j9. Notice. Ther will bo a ouartei Iv meetimf nf il,. llrcthreu h.-ld in JSulein nn ll.a firm Sn,,.l, ..j Sunday in OctoVr, IS.MI, in the Chri.tian cl.ur.L J. Ksxiivra, I'rea diug Ii,r. HcwltiK Circle. The tudiea cnlliieclrd with tl.a Vim rn.. tienal Church in On-ipm Cily, take thia ..ppmuni ty lo inform die public thut tl.ev orgiinijj.1 a So,vii.L' Circle, fur die nuruM. rf J. miiig 'a ilefrivin" the eincusea nr .1,. .......i. Tli. y ure n.nv ready to ncoiva work fmin r.ml.. men ur ladies, which .-hull bo nrm.n.ilv ,,,.,1 n...i. ejccuted on rcueonub e leriiia. Any gciitfemrt mter!ed in the object may become hunorarr iiu nihers by Paying an annual aubscriplioo af 52-00. Any diuiatioiu will be arutcfnllv receirL. March Sfi, 1859. ' W"ar Multnomah Iiodeo Mo. 1. 4 I. fc A. M., hold.it. alaled coinniunici. 1V I ons in tlio Sona of Tempeninoe Hull, on die Saturday pteevding die J.-u Moon ia euk mmilh. lireiliren in amid !,,inl, .... i.,,j ' "Hen I. V. W. Wf.K W M 1. W. Cbaio, Scc'y. 13 ' MARRIBS: twenty . , ' fur tht Argu: Asrleulluial F.ir, Vatnhtti f.0i,y. The annual fair of tho Yamhill f'n,,,,... agricultural Society will be hel.l I.. M.Ji na.- I .Mmvillc ,u said cot.iity on Thursday ami i.'uuy tno iwenty seventh and eighth dnvs of 0,.i,,l.., iu.-.n I... ' .... i miliums will ho awarded horses, entile, and sb 'llv .ii'i.i. 1.1c lam. Mr. .Mi wain the other evemti ' set tm ft hr.ln.ni;.. t . Harvey, near his mill, for the of supplying water for Mr. Harvey's resi- deuce. The cistern in the street, containing about l.litlO cubic feet, was filled iu som thing near thirty six hours, through a sup ply of pipe an inch in diameter. The. .h ive- ipo is three inches iu diameter. This ram I'otiglass patent, and will raise water feet lor every foot fall. As it stands now, it will carry water ov.t tl... l,lrr - - - . . ..v. ...t(,, 1 hanks. e are umhr ol'liutions to Taylor .1 llalstim, ng-nts of Tracy A Co's l.' ........ . .... 1 . . 1. . au.i to j.r. Mecie, for Lite pajKrs. IM... I . -j 11c uiie rams have caused a slight rise iu the river, so that llte Kxire.ss came our i.ie t mekainas rapid jterdny. .Nsw 0.M.T.yU.r A lUlston have just received a large and iplondid lot of new goons. Advertisement will week. for the be: t torses and cattle will be divided into l two-vear 0I1U v,.,.rl;.. .. .1 . . . . , ,.,.,,111-. U1.U SIll'Klllir en,,,, ..f .1. .1 . V . . V . " I'"". . nurses, and yoke or oxen; slice. ui.iute, ami mutton. ALn the products of the farm, orchard, dnin-fj nnu nouseilOM. Co!tlt..:lti..u am I .. ",u lUllllCU 0 1 I li tnr nii. Classes. I ....... . . r.ierytiimc Intended f,.r vl.n,;.: I entered I.y 10 o'clock a. u. of il, J propriato da v. Stock will be exhibited on tl,- fir.t Vn address will be deliver,..! n t. Iy of the Fair. I A written statement of the m. J rsmg, Including pcUiKrw. producing, and' """'.ruc.unng, will be required i IlKTPUXEn. .Mr. Millnn Klo. nn ,.i itizcn or our coimtv. was in tn-,. lay. Ho moved to'California about a yeat 'go, expecting to find in Clime..;,. ti, u,. paradise, for which all tho sons or Ada in are niniy serening; but niter a short trial of the Klvantages and disadvantages of the gold- n liin.l .1.1 ? .. -. ...v. v vui.tiuueii 10 reinm Ir. lit tr.. .:.i .1 .. w vmi-kuii. "c iii miiKo ins future home in I'olk oumy. i 110 case of Mr 111 :. n... , tuundreds who becoino dissatkiil u-;t). n on, and never fully oi.iireeinir. tt. i,ni;.J ... I 1 , 1 I ""v uv.mn "ml mK of tins State, until they uivn in,.,,.. . .1....: '., . . . . .iiuic iiirougn llie lusty mountains of ih r,..i,, .if.-.... , .I..:, r ! "u.i., uiiu uiuirirni c.i laiiuiiig tlirotlir i t in siv.i.,.1,!.... t o - ---- "-vtvisniii omi y 1 "''crs journey to California. Thei '"y return satisfied with Oregon. Press l'lear next tiT Apples ia the San iWUeo mar ket bring from six to twelve cenU a pound. Oris Tiy!or, IX, , w;n pi,. our tiuil fr .!n.r., 0, at case. Kurmers, mechanic ami n...-..,, tend an.) h,;.. ...... ... ' '' Wa. Ilt ssKv, ) Tuov vs Owm, I Ex. Co; AmoS. Watt, ) Yamhill, Sept. 12, ls,VJ. Fief. The Press say, the house of Mr ' "Jervert, in Coast Fork burncj to the ground week lw-f. t'..i uc ,oss was atKiut $1000. The folk, irom nome when the firo begun. J: ' - auowanowr it or ir nafl Indian Atrocities out 8nulh. I The Yrcka Union of the 2Htl Aug. snys; We havo ,'ust heard that Umilies havo been destrovpil 111 lllf t l it'Ori Valley so completely exterminated, that no trace can bo discovered of them tlu.ir goods, or their cattle. Three davs arm two industrious settlers worn in 11 nip md nuA a little before, two others fell victims to the uends, who huve never censed thpir nt.n,.;. lies. One of tho men kilh.,1 Dnrno a ...If.. - -I "VM.v.i u Hue and a helpless family; another left n sister whoso distressful outcry wo heard whilr! passing along the street. -Now, whet, white men cnmmtt m,.r,,.. 'hey are hanged by the neck till they arc dead; but when theso red-devilsoni. ......,l .. .. . n -,v l,u""r)-i iue iiiroatsand mutiliite the persons ot women kSA correspondent or tho National Intelligencer rccoinniends that a nntional conveutton or the Whigs or the United States bo held on tho 4th of July next, at Richmond, Baltimore, or Philadelphia,' Air the purpose or nominatinar candidate. " ior tho olhces of President and Vice-Presi. dent or the United States, or, ir separate nominations be deemed inexpedient, v..o purpose 01 selecting from among tho candidates already in the field such may bo most eligible to to a majority of mo ii tug party. France. The Paris correspondents nf .1.. T . , mo j.onuon rress announce that the Em peror Xapoleon was about to proclaim a 1'oiu.ca, amnesty throughout the empire, The omnesty would include Gen. Chat.noe. nier, Ledru Rollin, and Blanc, the extreme "Tuuiicans 01 the revolution of 1848. lingindi- in his .Mr. Franco was .quiet, and every tli iou mat the Emperor 1 professed desire for peace. Kl.EiTlox IN CAUFORXIA.-The return. 0 far as received indicate the success nfii... I'cuoeratie Mate ticket bvniaioritiesmnr,. e . . ' b B om o,uoo to 10,000. In San Fran- wro, the I cople's ticket, with the exception iiwi ujieriiitcndcnt, had a lar" ontv. and eliililivn tlmv n cutoil i),.,i 11,. t Itnmnnelv ., , ,1.. n. " . '"! "'"it ",v . """D ""wror was sincere they mny steul and decumn will, fl 1...n. in,. pleiuentof murder. V, e would advise a different not tV lif ter and complete extermination nf" pests of the road, nud terror of thn etti. uicnts. There arc about four hundred of them; they have committed scores or mur- '.crs tuev nave pu.w..i Fatal Dlel at Sak Andkeas. Sept 16th, at seven o'clock, a. h., fire miles from ban Andreas, a duel was fought between r. leicrson Uoodwyn and Col. Wm. Jeff uaiewood. The weanona nH ww4 "vie lines: rgc ma I-ay Senator Drown, s late Larbjcne siKech. used lan.n,,,, ' '. he following character: " The Pemoerat;, party was being abolitionized. It refuseil trt fli'Lnnti-11..l,M al. .l..x m """"ii c uuty ot l-one-ress to proicct slavery m the Territories. II, roclaiined that the only lioiieof tlie Sontl, r II x'cmocracy was to make a fi-ht in th, harleston Convention, to iro th..r 'lined to have thoi. : . 1 , - "" .ivruicu III "ocreeuortheparty.or burst the concert, l iu a row. He ila. heretof. ISCd mme.isnrnl,t rflo. .i:.... . . --r - nccnuts res,; they deserve death; you might as Z V f 7 ' At the first fire Dr" well treat with rrril ...a ..... " Uoodwyn fell, mortallr w,i..j .., j.-.j 's. forbearance with tlinm i. :.. auont two hours gftonn..., rn... . . . .umamty to the industrious and enter- delayed great bravery and ZZ .rtsing, who, at peril of their lives are ad- manlv LLL T lancing civilization. The Stromr nrrn nf -oicuneni is tor protection of theso uio- leers uliittl.A ; ; u.. .. ... tad no doubt, as thei IIiMSI KA.I. .II 1 .1 wuruuea llie partv on al; aT The Suta IK I .. I - - 11 ttiLrniiPii great Qsfous. that the Northern free ..e.aei.1 womj ia . 1 lrit d not, why then ap Tth.,oa-h.oltf5reattfniIlIeofDon)o;v m 1 aim u.oar ih a.m.. v vviur.ii w ninders. rS" tl.ir. v. i?.i 1 ..w.v -.iict-ii nm. r.'lnrn.l I . .1 I IlieerS! wllntlinr II k..u .. .1 . ., ; . ,'. , " " ""-r l"ui tucse men hhould be murdered, one by one, and that It heir bones should he trnnA I- i. ogs or that these long endured marauders iimum uc cut to pieces?" HoiSTOX's CiuxcES. Since the eh-Wlnn .ot Uen. Sam Houston to the Gubernatorial Chair of Texas, with a certainty of his r. untwine U.S. senate, it ' whispered lll.lt PrM.. T.. I .... '. iiuuh uucuanan will look to lexns for nn cnvnco, t... . ...vv... lue articles in the.V V. Herald, urging Gen. Houston's .ioni...a,,on, it is Iwliered by some, em, -ttcu irom the AV . tn iTo. hailow the President's views. man.y deportment. Dr. Goodwvn am universally respected. aT C)n tlia l:li instant, he If. I i..i- :.l Mr. Jiime. X. Hale to Miaa Eliiabet'h M. KhieaiJ, On the l.t iiuuant, by Rev. E. P. Ilemlrraia, r. li. r. Owen lu ill IHXt aflllin IiiTlnaia all J I.uno eounty. ' On llie Ssith ult:nio,hy Rev. D. BiiM,.y,R,r D. X . J.o3aorlh, of Folk coanty, lo M, Murtha A. loolt, ui Ijine cmiiity. H.0'.,.lln;i"th ulli,l,o.by Rev. J. L. Rarriali, Mr, JJ. II. Rnb'ierta to Alias Alary A I'owtll, .IU Al .rion county. k On the SSth ultim,!, I.y I,nnc Staala, J. P., rnyienM. Collins to M. Klizubetti Bh.ke. a Mi. allot DISD: At iil'UV.-l ('IpL. ISfli.l Oi l . .L. nra n, Itlanthe. fifth ilmmlu-i..,f':- a ..jm.. alw It III,,) j,. nr,,j 3 yi.a Bni 5 ffl imli l-Kinoium pnprw plruse eopy.J Inthiacilv.Si.nl ISO. ll':i.:-. ! i T . nr . . iif.u.ii, m.ani am a. 25 day ' Vu,hetlM WWr, S'i yiarinl On the Oth illMtnrit. V11T:. Tr t- it !. f... r ' main linrtCT aclUglj. IB" fam .on of J. Kcllog, ,vi j wef k. ,,, fl, l no luneralai'rrieea r uii.n. ... a.i,r..il. morning Sep,, mi., by Elder Fon Mn rpe code of weeping friend, and relative Tin boily waa then hum. m .1.. j .. . li.w ,,n,l h...,.;r... in, " - ,""S"C)"',"'" , new urrm Kelo raattdluje morning of the re.urrection. . liter It TAYLOR A RALSTO. WHOLESALE AND retail rnr.Mtnn in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner of Main and Filh Streets, OREGON CITY OREGON. I. FiailO For Sain 9t a-tamallia "pOR CASH, wheat, cattle, or anything el X inquire of J. N. Gtl, E.iSene City, Pn k!.li" ?ttrla l"' ?' 3-A- r Orra Citv. September 24, 8i9. Notice and fore- Capt. Hudson, who assistrd ,:he Atlantic telegraph cable, believe that neorealiw near Trinity Bay. ..!!.,.;. "ill I underlaid and eventual). I ,to work. ' T.. o oindav yiEsnojr.-The question of observing the Sabbath oceordin-r to the on 11 1 tciicr ot the Uiblc injunction, is now "-i...g earnest attention in various nlnnr. -New lork ,s endeavoring to stop the vend- T. W tUe SalJbatl,. 1 St. Louis -.laueipma.Uuc.nnati.ChieagoandPitts- B au considerably stirred on the gen eral subject. In Philadelphia, on the q two or permitting the running 0r horse rail- w-u. on me Sabbath, the ..Wot... r !... I i . ' "" -..uuy ooservance have been sustained by a strong legal decision, but have to contend ith a violent opposition. In r;t i ji , - "wwimaii. the dwussion takes a wider ran ,,i . committee or citizens, appointed at . BnM!- mcet.ng. bas been commissioned to devise some plan by which a better n!, , the day may be secured; .bo . of missionary vls.tation. At Chirac I e"i "'uu- S hereby iriren In .11 il i. -t. t . 5. L,n" ccT8 COLLECTED, aiJ re willmir to Datrnni,. .. .t.. i L... on hand, and will devote nw .in,. .nJ . "!?y 'H "?diu8 to the wme for tbe.n. I pMf -c. io uo as good hard danning aa can be im by any one. and it ih. . .L l C I i ' , uoi onnEinea- lul. 1 will aind mv frin P . . I . - 1AIISUW.1 (Nil ("""I tour (wllh . co.nend.te.-m..ouickly'). Gtm, ve your .hoemine are a, joir aervic . JIy termi are moderate. .iffi, M"'a "reet immediately 'ft Me Vuboi,', ntu vcagon-ehop. 0rpg'' C"y. Sept. 1 7, 1S59. S3w NEW STORE, l.ND New Goods! CIIARLESTOPE, Jr, TTAS opened , Dew .tor on Mala at" Bridge Ufa"' 'ftkt ilia renda and the pubIio ,re nt!l to "I d exam.ne b -ock of goodt i,,, ml, GOOD ASSnnrvFvr nr Groceries., Drj GooJ. Hardware, Jieaieines, fcc, &cn Mf iick are ,ff,i t,,f r task Oregon Cily, A ojtot 20, lgj9.