The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, September 24, 1859, Image 1

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Vol. V.
No. 24.
art paia, uniett aunt option oj the pumuner.
K Bot of ttummer-Ttae.
Villi lbs breath of flowers panting,
Cornea the breeze,
Anil tho birds their loves ore chanting
t lu tlx tree ;
So Ifcnow that summer re'gnelli,
Anil thai while her throne remaiiielli,
Every heart ia full Hint draioelb,
J o)i hke then.
I can luten to the thrushos
At they ting t
I cn quaff the life thnt guehel
From Ilia spring;
Hut I ennnot tell the measure
Of my heurl'e suprcmesl pleuure,
As it grasps the lavish treasure
Which liny bring.
Gentle ojtlritof the summer,
Stay, oh stay I
Thou will fiud no welcome warmer
- Hence away ;
Nowhere will the fields be greener,
Or tho dimmer kin sercner,
Gladuess purer, pleasure keener,
Hearts more gay.
Evory eummor ii a whisper
l'Min the all-pro
Where fruition' golden barvoit
lain store;
Where joy lloweth like a river,
And the winter cornvtli nevei,
Hut a glory shineth ever
Evermore !
From the Dublin Unioertity Magazine.
The Lent Victim or (be bcoulsu Halites.
A tsui rroav or the ikvkntkentii centukv.
A Scottish maiden! What a pleasant
vision do not these words call up. Who
that hus ever kept his twelfth of August on
the northern moors could fail to be reminded
by them of some bright-eyed Highland las
sie whom ho has met at curly dawn of day
crossing the mountain stream barefoot, with
her plaid thrown over her fair huir, and her
clear voice singing out an old sweet ballad
of her native land; or haply, if ho has had
nn entree to the honirs of the Scottish aris
tocracy, they will bring before him some
yet fairer picture of a pure pale face, where
eyes of n blue, tender us the morning sky,
spoke of a noble uud truthful soul within;
und he lias learned to lovo the race that
once had such deadly funds wfth his Saxon
ancestry, becuuse of tho "glumoitr" cast
n round him by tho golden-haired daughters
of the land.
Hut very different is the real picture of
that Scottish maiden of whom we arc about
to speak; nor Was she any vision of the fan
cy, but a terrible-reality, whom all men
knew nnd feared throughout broad Scot
land, two hundred years ago. A dark and
stern lady was she truly, and one who
brooked no rivals for they whom she once
tmibnieed wcro never clasped to mortal
heart again; nnd the lovers whom she pil
lowed on her bosom slept a slue) that knew
no waking. Tew there were, even of the
bravest, who did not shudder somewhat as
they saw her keeping her unchanging watch
through storm and sunshine, beneath the
shadow of old St. Giles, the principal church
of the northern capital ; and oftentimes,
when they saw how the ground beneath her
feet was stained witii blood they muttered
curses on the "loathly maiden," that had
none io ileum so many a giinnni dcoi.-jsJ
Yet to some, this easily lady (which wasN
none other than tho public guillotine) ap
peared to have attractions, such as many a
bright-eyed damsel might have envied; for
it is recorded of the noble Marquis of Ar
gyle, the last who died in her embrace,
when our story commences, that ho ran ea
gerly up the steps, and exclaimed ns he laid
his head upon the block, " This is the sweet
est maiden I huvo ever kissed." This say
bur nf his was often rited nnd tlm world
wondered what hidden pang had so darkl
ened lire for the gailant noble, whose hom
age was courted by the fairest ladies, that
hu should die with words of such bitter
moaning on his lips; but when, some yenrs
later, the maiden pressed with her cold
hand tho throat of him who proved to be
her latest victim, the strange and tragic
circumstances of his death obliterated all
recollections of the marquis and his -dying
It happened, singularly enough, however,
that these two, the Lord of Argyle and
ICcnelm Hamilton, who succeeded him on
the block, had been in life the deadliest en
emies; and by a peculiar chain of circum
stances, which we will now proceed to de
tail, the death of the ono caused that of the
It was about a month after the execu
tion of the marquis that Hamilton, whose
race, so closely allied to the kings of Scot
land, was even prouder thnn Argyle's,
found himself compelled, by political busi
ness, to pass a night in the little town of
Inverary, close to which stood the castle of
the same name, which had been the heritage
of his dead rival.
Never, perhaps, did any one approach
that beautiful spot with greater ill-will than
Kenelm Hamilton; he was a young man of
peculiarly fiery and impetuous disposition,
of whom it was often said that his love and
lik hatred wcro alike to be dreaded, so ar
dent and pas.sion.ito was he in either ; he
was the second son of the noble family of
Hamiltons, between whom and the Ar
gyle there had been a deadly feud for
.many generation past. "ever, however,
had it burnt raoro fiercely than in the time
we write, when the families had been repre
sented by the marquis who had just been
compelled to lay his lofty head at the maid
en' feet, and kenelm, with his wild and
angry temper; for his elder brother was an
idiot, who bore the family title, but lacked
the wit to defend their honor when assailed.
Deep had been the hate between Argyle
and Hamilton, which even the new-shed
blood of the former had not availed to
quench; for, in addition to the old clan fend,
there was a quarrel between them which
had fearfully embittered their traditionary
hatred. The Marqni of Argyle had been
betrothed almost from boyhood to his cous
in, the Lady Ellen Graham, and although
their engagement had been a matter of fam
ily arrangement, he loved her well and truly.
Lut not so the lady, however. She had
not been consulted when she wm bound,
while yet a child, to the marquis, and with
the true feminine spirit of contradiction, she
r?o!ved to chco3f for herself, and aecrt j
thooddresse of Kenelm Hamilton, who, "Here, Elspcth," said Campbell uddross
by some unlucky 'chnncc, liud fullen in love ing the ilnro in tho bronil Scotch of those
witli his rival' bride. duys, which we will not attempt to repro-
Their wedding was even now fixed to duce; "hero is a gcntlemnn cold and bun
tuko place In a few months, and this cir-j pry; come and see what you can find for
ctimsUnco, flo doubt, explained the lust j his supper."
words of Argyle, which wcro destined to Huiuiltonlistcncil anxiously for the sound
be cveu tho nicuns of one day bringing his
enemy to the arms of tho sumo cruel maid
en, whom ho himself had embraced witli so
much fervor. And now tho recollection of
that last bloody scene was, doubtless, heavy
on the heart of poor Hamilton as ho rode
down tho mountuin path wuich led to In
verury Castle, and the little villugo which
lay at its foot. It was a cold and gloomy
night; tho durkness was intense, and the
wild north wind went shrieking and howling
through the pass as if it bore upon its wings
the souls of those who had expired in some
great agony, while tho dark Scotch firs
stood up liko specters among tho bleak grey
rocks. Truly, it was an evening on which
the stoutest heart might gladly seek a shel
ter, and Hamilton was fain, though solely
against his will, to rest in tho domains of
his enemies. This had been no part of his
intention when he set out on his journey; he
hud then been accompanied by two of his
retainers, and he designed to have passed
at a little distance from Inverary early in
the day, and to have lodged for the night
in a castle at some distance, and bclonginir,
ton kinsman of his own; but, unhappily,
that morning one of his guides had been
thrown from his horse nnd injured so se
verely that his lilo was despaired of. Some
hours wcro spent in conveying tho wounded
man to a resting place; and Hamilton,
whose mission udinitted of no delay, was
obliged to leave him in charge of his com
rade and push on his road, although the
short December day was already closing
iti when lie started again.
He rode us rapidly as he could, but the
durkness soon became so impenetrable that
ho repeatedly lost Ins way; and when, at
lust, the lights of Inverary gleamed through
tho driving mist and rain, he felt that it
had become a matter of necessity thnt he
should rest there for the night, as his jaded
horse was stumbling ut every step from sheer
In these turbulent tunes, when every
man s hand was against his fellow, there
would have been considerable risk in a
Hamilton venturing into Inverary, nnd es
pecially this particular Hamilton, had he
been known; but Kenelm trusted that the
darkness of tho night would prevent his
being seen by any ono but tho landlord of
the inn where ho meant to sleep, to whom
he was personally unknown, and who would
not be likely to suspect that a solitary
horseman, unattended by a single retainer,
could bear so proud a name.
In this supposition he was proved to
have judged rightly. Kenelm rode unmo
lested und entirely unobserved through
the little town, the streets of which were
in fact almost deserted; ns the tempestuous
weather had driven all the inhabitants into
their houses, nnd he saw to his great satis
faction, that even tho door of tho inn was
shut a sufiicient proof that no guests were
expected at the " Argylo Arms " that night.
The landlord, a Campbell, of course, and as
sturdy a Scot ns ono would wish to see,
himself came to the door to welcome tho
stranger, nnd after sending his tired horse
to the stable, ho ushered him into the huge
stone kitchen, briefly remarking thnt he
must be content with such cheer as the fam
ily provisions could afford, for that he little
expected any visitor on a night so " mi
ll umiltnn assured him thnt he was not
disposed to be fastidious, and having thrown
off his dripping mantle, nnd disencumbered
himself of his heavy riding boots, he sat
down on the oaken settee opposite the huge
fireplace; while Campbell went out to see
that the horse was attended to.
Left to himself, Kenelm began to look
around him, and lie was much struck by
the scene which presented itself within the
room. The huge Drcplace, which was filled
with wood, sent a bright and ruddy glow
over the whole room, and lighted up with
a bright glare the figure of a young woman,
who sat on ono side of the ample hearth,
and who was tho only other occupant of
the apartment besides himself. There was
something very peculiar in tho appearance
of this girl, which riveted Hamilton's gaze
in spite of himself. Sho sat perfectly mo
tionless, excepting for the rapid motion of
her fingers, which she was employing in
knitting; her plaid throwa back from her
her head left her palo face exposed to view,
which was marked by a singularly frigid
yet by no means vacant expression. This
was caused in part, no doubt, by the fixed
stare of her large blue eyes, which never
moved in their sockets, nor brightened with
a sparkle of life ; it was evident thnt she
was stone blind, while there lurked certain
lines around the thin, compressed lips,
which seemed to indicate that she had all
the cuteness, amounting almost to cunning,
which often characterizes persons thus af
flicted. The countcnanco was far from beautiful
scarcely even pleasing yet it impressed
Hamilton with a sense of power such as we
often feel, and yet cannot define, in the
presence of person nnknown to ns. She
gave no sign of being conscious of bis pres-
ence, bnt he felt she wo aware that he was
in the room; and, as he continued to watch
her, sitting there in her strong impassive-
ness, an indefinable feeling of shrinking
and dread took possession of him, for which
he could not account. He had been think-
ing of his rival's bloody death, and it struck
him that the implacable "maiden" who j
had taken Argyle' young life might be fitly ,
represented by this wicrd damsel, who sat j
there so lite a uuna nexoraoie wic, wcmv-i
..- . -i i it i - .i I. r
. ... ... .? n. I
in" a web or inevitable doom.
The gallant knights of those time, whoj
feared neither death nor danger, were prone
to superstition, and Hamilton, hotrblooded '
and impetuous as he was, proved no excrp.
tion to thi rule He was, therefore, heart-
noil io una ruic. nc , ,
i!y Clad when the inn-keeper returned and
broke the ominoo silence which oppressed
him. i
of her voice, feeling us if it would be a re
lief to hear her speak ; but she never opened
her lips. Sho rose up, however, tit once,
and began to move about in a strange me
chanical manner, her blindness becoming
more apparent as sho guided herself by
touch, while tho staring, glassy eyes seemed
to him absolutely ghastly, as she passed
near him. Sho placed some oatmeal cakes
and dried fish on the table, along with a jug
of whiskey, and then returned to her plucc
by the lire, where 'she sat, immovable as
" Is this your duughter?" said Hamilton
to tho iun-keepcr, as he invited him to draw
near and cat.
" My only child, nnd blind from birth,"
was the reply, uttered utmost with stern
ness, ns it the subject were painful. " EI
spcth's not like other folks, and you had
better tuko no heed or her."
Humillon took the hint and said no more,
while ho plied himself to the rude faro set
before him with a keen set appetite. Nor
did he spare tho whisky, which was won
derfully cheering ufter his wet ride; nnd
when ho had finished his repast, he felt, ns
ho suid, like a new man altogether. Fill
ing his glass again, ho invited Campbell to
join him, and the two beirnn to converse to
gether on the events of tho day. Kenelm
sat with his back to tho blind girl, and as
she never moved or spoko ho soon forgot
her presence altogether, and hnd well nigh
forgotten, also, the necessity of concealing
his name und lineage from tho-e retainers of
his foes, when ho was startled into a sudden
remembrance of his position. Alluifing to
some political event, ho mentioned that he
had been at Holyrood tho day before.
' Yo como from Kdinbro', then,' suid the
inn-keeper, kindling with a sudden fierce
ness; and clenching his list he struck it on
the table with a violent blow, exclaiming,
" Curses on tho bloody city ! the city of
murderers! and may the lire from heaven
come down upon it and consume it!"
" Amen!" said a deep, stem voice, almost
at Kenelm's ear; and he started involunta
rily as ho saw that it had come from the
blind woman's lips. Something, too, in the
sudden passion of Campbell had stirred the
angry blood within himself; and, whilst an
involuntary instinct told nun what tram ol
thought hnd thus fired the retainer of Ar
gyle, he hnd much ado to hide his own an
tagonistic feelings.
" You speak sharply, Master Campbell,"
he said, nt length. " The capital of Scot
land is beholden to you in truth."
" Ay," said the Highlander, bis brow
growing red with suppressed rage; -but
why should i curse tho stones though they
are stained with the blood of tho noblo Ar
gylo. Rather let me curse his enemies who
drove him to death his bitter foes, who
made his life so dark to him that he was
fain to break some petty law that ho might
die. Curses, then, I Ray, upon the traitor
Hamilton who stole his bride!"
" Amen!" the deep voice answered, but
Hamilton henrd it not; his fiery passions
were aroused beyond control; he lorgot all
but that ho had been called a traitor, and,
starting to his feet ho advanced towards
Campbell, saying:
' Man, do you know of whom you arc
" I neither know nor care," said the inn
keeper rising also. " But I say yet more:
not only curses upon him, the traitor, but
upon her his lady light-o'-love, who would
have brought a stain upon Argyle's house
had she become his bride!"
This was too much. lu another instant
Hamilton's dirk was gleaming in his hand.
" Villain, unsay that word!" ho thundered
out; " she is as pure a driven snow."
" His lady light-o'-love!" repeated Camp
bell, with a mocking smile, at the same timo
preparing to defend himself; but the furious
Hamilton hnd closed with him ere the words
had well passed his lips one fierce strug
gle followed, then the Highlander fell heav
ily to the ground, ns his assailant plunged
the dagger into his breast up to tho very
hilt, exclaiming:
" Die, then, with the foul lie in your
One deep groan ono strong convulsion
of the stalwart limbs, and Campbell was a
Hamilton stood transfixed, while his
boiling blood gradually subsided, and his
passion cooled in the presence of death.
The whole thing had taken place so sud
denly, that he could hardly believe the liv
ing, breathing man he had been talking to
so amicably but a few minutes before, was
lying there, murdered by his own hand. Dut
suddenly, as he gazed, he felt his flesh creep
with a strange horror, as he saw the soul-
i.ea rtf fha tilirlil nmiilnri nrttiirnA.I
wards him. a she knelt ou the floor hv her
,l.o full,. .Wm d,. IM eor.
... ' . i.i ji.i li . '
wim b step bo sieanuy liihi ua nun nut,
heard her. Hamilton drew back, shudder
ing, from the fixed stare, so dreadful seemed
the expression of hate on her white, ghastly
face; but, as he receded, she crept towards
him on her knee and laid her hand, which
she had steeped in her blood, on his, till it
bore the same red stain, and said in a low
stifled voice: "Yon have murdered him,
and you shall die for it. None saw the
murder, for my blind eye saw it not; but
think not to escape; the vengeance of lieov-
en will track you out one day!" Then,
flinging np her arms to heaven, she ex-
claimed: "My father, oh, my father!" and
fell npon the corpse with a shriek so wild j
anu p,c...g, u nau uuu im .... i
,i . ; . . i i ; , . .., :r .
must nave wruug upon ine ears oi every ,
person ' the town, and reached even :
throngh the massive walls or Inverary i
That cry recalled him to himself. He
must escape right speedilv, or another mo-,
. . . .' ' , . . J
ment would see him surrounded by thow
wbom it must rouse; the instinct of self-
preferrarion at occe took the place of er-
i-: : k tr :i . i. . .u. -n , .
ery oilier feeling, and with one bound he
darted to tho outer door, opened it. rushed
in it.. .i.u i ..i i i ...
,v.,"""'..,wun in. u.w, """""l
saddle or bridle, and tho clutter of Ins
horse's feet, as he galloped away, was all
that the inhabitants heard of him ns they
rushed to tho Inn, whence the blind girl's
shrieks were still heard echoing.
Hamilton never slackened hi rmcc till he
had laid ten miles between him and Inve
rary. In those day tho course of justice
was ns stem its it was suminury; and he
felt well assured thnt the present Marquis
oi Argyle, the youngvr hrotlier of Ins rivul,
would never rest until he hud found out the
murderer of his rctuiner. esneciullv when
he heard from Klspeth the circumstances of
his death; and, ir ho succeeded m his
search, the services of tho " inuidcn" would
right speedily be culled into action for
Kenelm himself.
When nt last he ventured, tinder cover
of a dark fir wood, to stop his furious
course, ho began to consider the best means
of avoiding discovery, with no small anxi
ety ns to the issue. His best hope was in
the fact that none hnd been present during
me murder unt tho Wind girl, who could
not identify him, and that not n simile in
habitant of 1'iverary hnd seen him, except
her dead father himself. He was now not
very fur from (he house of his kinsman,
whero ho originally intended to have passed
the night. The time ho had spent so fa
tally in the inn nt Inverary had not ex
tended beyond an hour, nnd the rapid pace
nt which he had traversed tho last ten
miles hud fully brought him to the tunc
when he would, according to his ordinary
style of traveling, have reached his desti
nation. Ho therefore resolved to proceed
thither nt once, ns if he were only arriving
from tho villugo where ho had left his ser
vants, and to trust Unit no one would ever
suspect him of having -inndc his unfortunate
detour into the domain of his enemy. This
plan succeeded perfectly; he was expected
by his cousin; und next morning his ser
vant joined him, having left his comrade
doing well ; so that no doubt was for a mo
ment entertained that he hnd deviated from
the road ho had been expected to take, and
hehadonco more started for Edinburgh
before the news of the murder had spread
beyond Inverary. Nevertheless, when the
fact hnd become known, it created a great
sensation, chiefly owing to the peculiar cir
cumstances or tho case a murder commit
ted by an unknown assassin in the presence
of ono sole witness, and that one deprived
of the power of seeing the murderer, was,
even in those days of bloodshed, a striking
event, nnd tho mysterious escape of the
criminal seemed altogether uniiccouiitablc.
Tho Miirquis of Argyle, who was at his
castle on tho fatal night, left no stone un
turned in his efforts to discover the perpe
trator of tho deed; being stimulated to
unusual activity in the search by the stiong
suspicion ho entertained that the assassin
was in some way connected with the family
of his foes, the Hamiltons. This he gath
ered from the conversation between the
murderer and his victim, which Elspoth de
tailed word for word; but it afforded no
clue whatever to the actual individual, and
Kenelm himself was never suspected.
After a few weeks of useless investiga
tion, the search was given up, but the de
tails of the murder were carefully recorded
by the court of justice, and the Lord of
Argyle declared that, if ever m his lifetime
the assassin was discovered, he would
bring him to the scaffold, lie tho intervul
ever so long. El.speth found a home in the
Marquis 8 household, after the good old
fashion of these timrs, which recognized a
cluim on the part of the clan to find u ref
uge with the family of their chief, and ken
elm had, to till appearance, escaped with
perfect impunity.
Yet he, guy and rccldcsa na ho aeemod, waa
aecrclly haunted by one dark forebuilin;', which
never left him night or day. t'umpbell wna not
the liral mau he had aluin in the course of hia
atonny career; hut he wua Ihe first muii he had
murdered lUo tint wheae life he hud tuken other
wise than in liwiurabla warfare ; and ulrcudy Iho
unfailing retribution of actuul crime had com
menced in the deep secret of his heart. Wherever
he went, alone or iu crowds, from the hour when
the low, eolemu warning of ihe blind girl came la
him, ns he etood uilli h a feet dabbling iu Ihe blond
of lu r father, ho heard that voire ringing ia his
ear, anu idling mm mai vengeance wouiu surely
find him yet, and the sleepleaa justice of Ihe Invis
ible truck him out when least he looked for it.
Not even the jny-bell, on hie wedding mornine,
could drown tho ominous whisper in his soul, nor
the awect tones or Hie gcntlo J.ady hllen, while
lie murmured her bridal vows. Still was it
sounding there, when the feeble cry of hia first
born spoke of new ties to make life sweet; aud,
later anil, he heard it through the firing of Iho aa
lulea that greeted him aa ainbassador ou a foreign
ahore. Years passed on, most of which were
spent at one of the continenlul ccurta; und when,
at last, he returned with hia wife aud family to Ed
inburgh, Ihe murder of Ihe innkeeper had not
been thought ol by any one lor a long lime paaL
One day, about a nioulh alter hie arrival in the
Scottish capital, Hamilton waa walking along Ihe
most fashionable part r the old town, where the
houses of the nobility were chielly lo be found,
when hia attention waa attracted by a fray which
was going on in the etreeta between two young
such a eight was by no nirana uncommon
in tlue daaj but the fury of the
lads was so
great Unit it waa evident aome eerioua miachicf
great that
would ensue if they were nut eeparuted Hamil
ton, whose rank in the city entitled him lo inter
f re, at once rushed in between them, calling to
them in a loud voice lo desiht inuncdidtely trom
further quarreling, and, with a firm grasp of his
strong hauda ou Ihe shoulder of each, he suit them
reel ng to Ihe opposite sides of the street
The affair had collected a considerable crowd,
and Hamilton's rank nnd position were well
known as he turned to resume Ins walk. One mo
ment he stood there in all hia proud prnspeiiiy, re
ceiving the homage of the people as hia right, and
acarce bendinz hia lofty hd in acknowledgment
of it the eunahioe of a bright auminer aky, "Give her?" replied the editor, looking op va
etreaming down upon hie noble and commanding I euMiy o, I will five her a puff."
form, ecemed bat to typify the brilliancy of hia j "
,nd ti.e vengeance that h-d ao long
tracked his steps unseen laid hold upon him with a
worldly prospects, line moment he etood Ihna,
"e"'Jv. " '-'"" ''
j j ... .l- .... -t i, i . .
-.--. . ..,:., r..K
"7 ,7 rM
w,ii Laoi?n. we"! turned 'Vuie "fto" i
whence it appeared to have arisen, and ihere a j
aght preeemed iulf which cad the ...telyj
'" prow p... no ne.-no.enae. ci,..o. ' . I
On the h gheat al.pof t he .tone at. r wh eh ed III France, where, SIIICC lSlG, the law dOC ,
, tU doof lU M u '
ieaw , uu, hagg.rd-lkiUg wo?.B waa and.not I"1 aiTorco UBJer an" cu---;
mg: her arm. we.-e euutrtthed toweri H.m itanc whatever. ;
i nJ ht :'. whan glawy vat-awry showed
' ""7 ''" t,,m"i 10 '" V him
wan a linrrib.e luumpli ae ah atmeki-d out lu
,,,,,., that were heard f...nj.
(ones that were heard far and near: "Seize hiiul
seize that man, whoever he may be ; be is the
murdeier of my father'. I know him by ha
voice '." Many of Argyll 'a M.iiueis were amongst
the croud, and the Marquis him'lf hud been
drawn to Ihe window by the noise of tie quarrel.
All knew Klapeih Csmpt.ell, the blind wonuia, an I
lemembered her father 'a myaterioua murder all
could lealify to die acuteneea of htr sense of hear
ing, and to the repealed expression of her long ng
iles. re thai she might hear the Voice si the aeiu
so long sought in vain, for aha remembered Ihe
full rich tunea thai had called on her father to uu
any his words one inalant ere he (ell a roipo, and
she felt certain she should know them agaiu if she
could but once hear Ihe murderer speak ; aud
now, after the lapse of all this years, the well
known voice hnd struck her ear, aud again and
again she screamed out: "Seize bim! seize hin!
I know he is my fulhcr's murderer!" lu another
nu ment Argyle waa confronting llamillou, too
thankful to have audi a charge established against
his ancient enemy. 1 he people crowded round,
nnd if any hnd been disposed to doubt the blind
woman's recognition, Hamilton's own awe-struck
conscience set a seal upon it. truth, fur he attempt
ed ne defense, but kept his appalled look still fixed
upon the blind woman's ghusily luce ; he Id his
hands full at his side, and reclaimed:" ll is Ihe
hand of God, and 1 am lost I"
lie spoke truly he wns lost indeed. Argyle
speedily brought him to justice. The blind wo
man's evidence was unquestionable, nor did he at
tempt to controvert it ; it waa as If the very blood
of the murderrd nun hud risen up to cry lor ve u-
geance; nnd ull men deemed U a righteous sen
lence which doomed him to Ihescafi'eld.
Not mstiy days after that briL-ht morning wbeu
he stoo l, as it seemed, on the p uuacle of lor'.uue,
with admiring crowds around him, lie found u.m-
self again the center nf a lurgs asrmb!ae, the
iibjicl of interest lo all. The deadly " maiJcu''
had bri n prepared to r, ceive another victim, and
ut her feel tho noble I .inly Kllen Hamilton aut
weeping bitterest tears, ns she suw the lover of her
youth die lite b:ii.l of lur rlpor years, led up lo
die. They let him pause one instant to take leave
of her.
" .My Kllen, do not weep," lc said; "line is
but the wo: k of (I oil's unsloepiug justice. I ever
knew that 1 must d'e fur that rash deed. The
bl nd woman's voice has haunted me through all
these years, as it seems mine hus haunted her.
Klie told me vmg uuce would overtake me, and
it ia come mere ful it is that il meets me on the
scaffold, nnd not iu the li'ta of belli" He kissed
her pale lips, and piowcd on.
Still nearer lo the fatul ninidrn stood the hi nd
woman, who had murdered him as surely ua he
had killed her father. Ho lnid his hand on hers:
' Mls eth, you are avenged," he auid; "I am
uIkiiiI to die I Now, let your liutroj puss awuy,
and pray for nie!"
" 1 uill," sho answered, and tears fill from her
ai-litlrn c es us he priced on to suffer.
In another instant Ihe " mui.iin ' had dour her
woik, uud the last of her victims lay slaughtered
in her terrible rinbraro.
The iiistriiini nt of death thus alrnn"e1y named
wus never used neain. It waa etqierM ded by the
more modern fashion of rxeeutinu criminals; and
It mny be seen in Ihe Museum of the society of
An iniinrrs in Kd nbiirgh, Willi the d;itk stains ret
corroding on the fulal knife, w hich wcro left there
by Ihe blood of him who, in very deed and truth,
was brought In justice by the siguul retribution we
have recorded.
Tin; Value or Timk. ''We aroufraid," aa'd
some viMlora to llnxlcr, " that we break in upon
your timo." " To be sure you do,'1 roplled the
dislutbid uud blunt scholur. Uranus, to hint as
gently aa hn could to his friends that he was ava
ricious of lime, contrived to place an inscription
over tho door of his study, which could not fuil lo
fix their eye, intimating that w hoover remained
thcie must join in Ilia Inborn. Tho amiublo Me
Inticlhun, incapable of a hursh expression, when
he received the.-e idle visits only noted down the
r'me he had expended, that he Infill reanimate
his industry and not lose a day. The Into, el
egant, H,elicul Mr. Ellis, on one of these occasions,
at hiacounlry-housn, allowed a literary friend that
when driven to tho last he usually made hia escape
by a b ap out of the window.
Tin: lliui.K in i nc Kkig.n or Ei.uni-.Tii. A'
that great time of rcl:gioiis conflict every one read
and knew Iho Ililile. It was the whole literat.ire
then, as it almost is now, of the poor their story
book, their teacher, their encyclopedia, their ttu
gedian, their week-day preacher. It had never
been a sealed book ; but etill it waa then sown
bioadcust over the land. It was the storehouse of
artists mid designers, Tho great manor-house
pictures were taken from it, so w re Iho church
window sialics, so the legends for cups aud chairs,
so the scenes for the stilT tapestry, so tho poems
and the pageants. Nhakspenre drew fmmthe Hi
ble, so did .Marlowe, so did Spenser, ao l)u liartns,
ao ever) biily. Athrnaum.
(37 On the field of Hid.Vrino, 1'runcie Joseph
in miiI to have altlrcej an angry rrpronf to ono
of hia uhlcKt OiK'ials, who iimluiilly broke hia
word serous hia knee and threw tho piecea at hia
feet; the Kmperor burst into loara and holdout
both hia Imnila, brgj ng pardon for the ofTenae he
had given.
f5f"The rillaburg Gazette haa reached ita
73d annivenviry. 'J'lie firat copy waa iaaucd iu
July, 7G, and it wa not only the liral pupor
printed in I'illa'Hirg, but ihe firal one weal of the
AIN ghany niouiilaina.
IIiei.e I'aoMiaKB Tlay are like the btama of
the aun, ttliich all ne aa freely in at the window of
a poor inan'a railage aa Ihe rich man ' palace.
I' 1'mt 0110 f ''ie editor! of the
l.ewi!urg Chronicle, when aboy,ain afler com
mencing to Uurii the printing buMncra, went to aeu
a prrncher'a daughter. The next lime he attend
ed meeting he waa conalilerably aatonUhed at hf ar
ing the miuiater announce na hia ttit : " My
daughter ia grievously tormented with a devil."
f,y An iibnent-minded editor, having courted
a grl, nnd npp'ied to her father fr peruana on to
marry her, the old man aaid :
" Well, you waul my girl. What kind of a
' ment ill j ou nwke? what will you give her?'
T!ie ciric Tribunal of the Seine
has iust decided in a case " Madame X
vfrtun t,e Mayor of the 10th nrrondisse-
ment," thut a foreign woman, legally di-
vorad in 1,,r 0WD country, cannot during
her Liiiband'a lifetime although he is al.-.o
for,.i.rn(r contract a fcond marriage
nnd other kinds, done to order, on short i.olu e.
Waterloo. The great French writtr
Michelet, embodied the univer-al feeling of
France, In one line, when he wrote the cm
phutic words, at onre a Lislory and a
prophecy, " France Inn no past, but "a
terloo." Iu 1810, when Louis Xupokou
was brought to trial, before the chamber of
l'eer lu Paris, for hi invasion of Fram e
at Uoulogne (the affair of the turned cigle,
which would not alight upou the Napi.kou
columu) he defeuded himself very impress
ively, and said:
" I prcscut before you a principle, a cause
a defeat; the principle U the sovereignty
of the people; the came, that of the Em
pire; the defeat, tliut of Wuterloo. Tho
principleyou have recognized, tho cause you
have served, tho defeat you wished to
avenge. No! there is no difference be
tween you and me, and I will not believo
that I am destined to suffer the penalty of
the treason of others. Representing a po
litical case, I cannot accept n judge of uiy
wishes and of my acts a political jurisdic
tion. Your formalities deceive no one.
In the struggle which is commenced there
is only a vanquisher aud vanquished. If
you are tho men of the vanquisher, I do not
expect justice from you, and I do not want
your generosity."
BC"Tiie Liberal (loveruineut of Mex
ico, through their agent iu tho United
States, have just concluded a contract for
tho supply of Mluie Hides, and cannon
nnd ammunition to suit them. These are
to bo forwarded to Mexico by the 1st
September. It is not yet known hero
whether American volunteers will bo ac
cepted, as Lerdo had not arrived, aud tho
character of his instructions, therefore, not
ascertained. Theso warlike stores may
supersede the necessity for extraneous aid,
except as to competent officers, there being
a KuhVicucy of Liberals ready to take the
field as rank and file.
Mn, Dallas ivtiik I'aiu.iamkntIIoise.
The London Evening Mail, lu relution
to tho opening of l'urliamcnt, says of our
Minister, George M. Hullns:
" Conspicuous among them nil, in his
plain evening dress and snow-whito huir, is
tho American Minister, Mr. Dallas, a strik
ing type, if we may so call him, of tho situ
iile institutions of tho great republic which
lie represents so well."
Tho Loudon Slur Buys that n luto
sale of ancient muuuscripts, autographs,
ke., Millon's receipt of the publisher for
the purchuso money ol " Paradise Lost,"
was knocked down at the price of l;i,
ton gentleman who bought it on commis
sion for the United States. This receipt,
in Milton's own hnud-writiug, is now on its
way to Philadelphia.
ZWrTho high church people of Scot
land liavo been shocked by the second
marriage of tho Jiishop of Edinburgh,
Primus of the Scottish Episcopute, three
days after his consecration. Ho wus sixty-nine
years of ago and married a widow.
It appears to be a ruin, or a custom, rath
er, of the English Established Church that
its ministers shall not marry twice.
fay There is ninny a sermon, says Ueech
er, that has altogether too much ornament
ation for good. If I recollect right, thero
is never uu urchin that is to be whipped but
who would not prefer that all the leaves
should be. left on tho stick. Dut those who
have experience know that if you want
to nitiko tho child tingle, you must strip
off tho brunches.
SkuT In the early history of Harvard
University corporeal punishment was one
of tho common moans of correction the
tutors chastising the stmlciit.1 at discretion.
I'y the college annuls it appears thnt when
one Thomas Sargent was publicly whipped
iu the hall, the exercises wcro opened
and closed with prayer.
California Lioness. The Courier says
that a man named Nobles, living about fif
teen miles from Shasta, on the Sacramento
river, succeeded in killing a very large Cal
iforuiu lioness.
fir Extraordinary as it may appear,
snys an exchange, a piece of brown pnprr,
folded and placed between tho upper lip
nnd tho gum, will stop bleeding of the nose.
Try it.
sWjrNiue guns of rilled ordnance, on
on trial at Fort Monroe, havo been found
far superior to tho smooth bore, after a very
severe test.
To MuNn Glass ok China. With a
small camel's hair, rub the brokeu
edges of glass or china with a little carriage
oil-varnish ; and if neatly put together the
fracture will hardly be perceptible, and
when thoroughly dry, will stand both Cro
nnd water.
BetT The New York post says it is uu-.
derstood on certain conditions, which have
been duly considered by personal friends,
that SicVles will voluntarily surrender his
claims for representing tho third Congrci.
sional Pirfri't.