, . Al Eva, Low hug lb folda of aVksDios; cl.uds, With weird lad moving forms, An' from each eloudjr rninarst Descends lb oic of storms. ' Bat ovist th darkness llisre are rent Through wbub tha tun ia gleaming, A ad la life's shadows there ara rift. Tbraogh which God't lov. ia burning. A CunrruN'i Kxpkrirnci. When Dr. Msrshsm was a young man snd at Lama, ba u frequently the subject of daubti and fears. On hit return from In dii, after nearly thirijr reir' residence) and labor tbern, Win. Jay aaid lo him, " Wall, doctor, how abiut the doubu and f.arif" "Havo'l hsd lima for iLem," was tha answer. AINSVYORTH yyE ARE DIEROORFF. OPENING Piayii.- A good anther says, with a quaintncte which haa a touch of real au Jimity : Prayer ii the rope in the belfry we tull it, and it rinpe the bell up in heav en" and an it ia. Keep that bell moving. Pull It well, and though the bell ia up ao hih that you cannot hear it ring, depend pon it, it can be heard in the lower of heaven, and ia ringing before the throne of (iod wlie will aend answers of peace ac cording lo your faith. Flow-cm. The terrestrial stars that bring down heaven to earth, and carry up our thoughts from earth to heave o ; the po- eiry 01 tna creator, written in beauty and fraffeBv " lie who does not leva How. jermno writer, uve of God." Another German writer defines toman aa something between a flower and ao angel. Error. A man should oover be shamed lo own he haa boon in the wrong, which ia but aaying in other word, that lie Is wiaer to-dny than ho was yesterday. Tope. HRAniNO the Sckipiusp.. Jt is impossi. lie to persevere in the hahii of meditating on Scripture without wearing down the edge of ain. Sin will either give a distmtu lor the liible, or, which Qui in his mercy grant, the liible will, through the teaching of the Spirit, give you a disgust lor sin. Pindar. fraffev " lie who does nc VW ldwi( Tieg, a Ge "has lost ill fear and luv Idleness. Said the distinguished Chatham lo his soo : " I would have in scribed upon the curieinsof your led, and the walls of your chamber : ' If you do nn rie early you can never make progress in anything. If yoo do nut set apart your houra of reading; if you lufTur yourself or any one cUt to break in upon them, your dare will slip through jour hands unprof. liable and frivolous, and really unenjnvcd by youraelf.,, J ' tW In everything tljat women wriie there will be thousands of faults nninst grammar, but also to a certainty always a charm never lo tat found in the letters of into. Madame de Maintmon. NOW IN Till Zfow Tire-Proof Brick, A MHOe AND WELL-ASSORTED IWK OP GENERAL MERCIIAXDISE. Feeling perfectly tacara agaiml fire, we will new Offer Greater Inducement) than ever to tha public We are constantly in receipt of GOODS selected willi the ereeleal care (aa to pricei and quality), and Ira confident tlial our fscilities will enable ui lo ollrr and sell goods AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freight! on), aud would advise all thoaa visiting tliia city ta purchase goods, to examine our slock and pricei before purchasing elsewhere. S e have, and are juil receiving,' an invoice of consisting In part of the fallowing article Coche- co, Pacific, lladlcy, Conealegu, ripreguo, I'liilip Allen, Fnll Itivcr, Merrimac, llriggs, and numer oua other choice PRINTS, all late sty test Kng liuli i: Krriich merinoa, Lyoneso cloth, mohair and oilier Dehaze ; braze, wool, &, muilin de laines, black, blue, purple. &. pink merinoa, fancy plaids, jucouel, book, ewies, tt mull rnuslin, ladies imb. eta, collars, Ii-lkra at skirts, dress ii bonnet trim miuga,!. French 6c domestic giugbaiiia, French I lawna from K' to 35c, blue, mixed, ic grey tali I net, wool k cotton jeans, cuttoiuide, blenched and browu sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, denims, hickory shirting ; Hi tenia, marine, brown, and Irish liueii, nankeen, diaper, and craib, a large lot of linen aud thread lacra and edging, hosiery, dec. MUX'S If BOYS' CLOTIUXO: Blue, black, and brown cloth coals ; lOiloi blk cloth until, 5 dox while and buff .Maraeilleado., velvet and aatio do.: 30 doz satinet pants, doeskin and fancy cassiuicre do, 3U doi merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, It, blaek cloth over coati, with a gcuerul assortment of geule' furnishing good. HOOTS SHOES. Men', bnya', and yeutha' bnola; Imliea', miwa', and children's mo rocco, goal, kid, and calf Congress boots, with & without heelsj ladies' kid slipper. Kio and Java cofTt-e, black and green tea, X. 0., I China, lluluvia Isluud, ('a), refined, and crushed i sugar, IC. IloKlon, Cul., sugar-house, 4 coldrn sir- I up; suit, 5 to '.'Oil Ibsks; 100 kgs nuils, usdii..s; Hill's pale, chemical, t English se:ip, o.ip pow ders, Kiwdcr, shot, 4 lead; yeust powder, salera tin, creuiu tartur, amoking i chewing tobacco, preen corn, prat, tomntntt, Urate and Hacklier rie, in 2 lb tins; spice, pcppi-r, und cawia, pearl kirley, iiiaccnroui, vermicelli, com slarch, aim- onus, walnuts, linuil nuta, raisins, Chili Much dried fruit; mackerel, in jr it hlf bbU;surdiucs. A hue assortment uf CROCKERY .J- TABLE CUTLERY: SO crates assorted ware, 40 i'tt steel picks, SO Duleh it lldla hoea. mv firm, & JYcw Goods I fpAKE pleasure In Informinr the residents of J. UKEUUX VITY and tha nubile generally that they have formed s eo-partnersliip iu Ilia .'Km.'aTfVSSclK.'Vas AND FAMILY GROCERY BVSISESS, At the old eland uf F. Charman. where they will kerp on baud ever) thing in their line of business, and uf the very best quality. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction to all who may feel dl-r d to give them a call. From lng residence In this place and experi ence in Ihia business, they feel qualified lo say that they can and will give satisfaction lo all who may see fit to patronize them with their orders. . II. All orders will be fille.l with as much promptness and fairness as personal preseuca will secure. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything in our hue on the shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES r MADE TO ORDER. Oregon Cily Dee. 18, 18.'i8, tV A little wrong done to another ia great wrong dono to oursalrr . The sever est punishment of an injury ia the ton sciou.aM, of having i0.la ii ; and no man sullori mere than he that is turned over to he fains of repentance. tV Conceit, nmro rich in mllr ll, ia words, brag. f his substance, not of or nanism; they aro but beggars who can count their worth. BUSINESS CAUDS. M9?T-.f.t I' " 'In.T'Z-.TZXZ"!' zr. HKOWX Al WOLF, WU0LESALK A3D METAIL DEALKIIS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY - GOODS. cmTHivn Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cups, ifcc. OKKGON CITV Dli. D. D. STEI'JIENSOX! Hoom above Urowu &. Wolf. Oregon Cily. TKRTH nTSAPTKI. a. u roaKsT. KMirTntriTy. I. M. S4CO.V. ; KUdKNK LA FOREST . Ocncrnl IValcra iu Dry . (j0()(iH . LADIES' FANCY GOODS, roccry, rokor), OluMvii'rs BOOTS, SHOES, fa., ' At th ,ld. , and of U fW-iWi Store, OREGON CITV Whit Lend, Oil, and Window Glass; with a variety of other articles usually kept. ID We will pay c.tsii for wheal, Hour, bacon, butler, eiri!, aud almost evervlhinir the fanner has lo sell. Oregon City, April 1G, 18.'.8. NEW GOOD8: JYctc Attraction! E. LA rOBEST IT Oil. D inform the citizens of Oregon Cily 1 and vieinily llml he iuleuds keeniiii' a ren. ...i p.. .r ... . ... .. ' " o v.u, url3 u, eierj wiiug III lie Drv- Goods. - ; (i roccry, Crockery, and Fancy line, and w:il be happy l,i sec his old fiicndscall upon him. and will promise at ull limes to sell them goods as eheup as any other house in town, his motto being SiiKilliYofit.s and Quick Returns. We would also suy to Ihe A- MS HX We, (the bone and sinew of Ihe lund.) we intend keep, ing everything you muy require in the Uroeeru I roTtery, Vlnlhins;, Dry f.W. lhoteand S,,,, nae, eic, wn.cn we oiler ul such prices as will be I ausMciury 10 you. e also wish to txehulwo our g.Kls for your pro-hiee, and will giviMou as much fur it us llm uiarkel nllbnls. Con e u'n l Iry us. Do ui 0, ge, ,10 ,,aCBi (,, )uuk fur . ' of l.a turret . lhcon, and then come iu. " e would sny to the Mw Gold Mines! IN OREGON CITY. "Engle Boot and Shoe Store, J. 31 00 N E Y T TAS just returned from raliforuia with a J.JL LA ROE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, which ha will aell CHEAP FOIt CASH, WHOLESALE .OR KETAIL. , . Alto, a email aisortment of Shoemakers' findings. He snlirils the piilronniro of the ncoiila of this ciiy ii no we puiiuc in general. IJeuig entirely de voted lo Ihe boot and shoe business, he w ill keep constantly on hand a line assortment of ladies and gentlemen's tvrar, of all oris aud sizes. Ladies, give me a call before purchasing any where else. o ivil forget the place two doors below Gib son's Saloon, iu the new building. Come one, come all, both great and small, give me n call, for I have hoots and shoes lo 111 you all. My motto is, .Small proliu and quick returns. I also kerp Miller's and .Mason's Dmcki.vo for . Jan.il), ISoO. EJIFIItE Wholesale and Retail STORE! k RE you going to Oregon Cily to buy Goods' J.X. If so, you would prooaiiiy lias v auow wiirre you can buy the most and beat for the least mo ney. J list ptacs ia Brown & Wolf's, establishment, opposite Oibson'i Saloon, and no mistake. Wo have just received a heiivy assort men! from San Traiieisco, which, having bought low, we are able lo sell in such a way Ihut our prices shall speak for themselves, without much puffing. We have GENTLEMEN'S err: x rm." n :: exa-aj OF EVERY DESCR1PT10S, sucu ia sack 4 frock coats, raglaus, talmas, jackets, vests, pants, cravuta, liue shirts, collars, drattyra, undershirt, sashes, overhauls, and all kinds of India-rubber clothing. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF. k. soasl. a. nuaur. ' wzxiLamstth IROJV WORKS, OREGOS CITY. xxje t ln(or,n "' n"b"e r 0'r"tt. tni V Washington that wo have completed our arr-er mjm us mwLr9 BOILER. PATTERN. BLACKSMITH, V AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers, Kngiiiee, Ori.t mills, Kawmills, and all other kinds of machiiiery. Our business eoliuecnon wun wis r.i Slalea tho great convrniellee of our locamy tha superiority and number of our mucliiues me use of wnler power instead of sleam, and the wr- f.ot kuowleilca of all branches of our busluess. will enable us to compete with California. Inviting Ihe public to g.ve us a call, ana to luvor with their patronage, w promise io execute their orders on the shortest notice, and At Bun Friiuvl'co I'rirrs. a. nossi it co. June 19, 1S:8. IDyl U. S. MAIL LimT Oregon City . Portland Dail p , ' CTjn Jennie oi.rk 'l . . . ' -'in Will run d named Ira. o'clock, 4. BEFORE AND AFTER L'SING SADDJLERY AND HARNESS-MAKING, On EG OX CITY. I J A.il now earn ing on n Saddler's .ind Har L liens maker a shop in this city, and have con alanlly oil hand the best of . Rwidy-ninde harne.3, saddles, bri- , dies, Jialters, mnrtiiiErals, and Fverytliinv in my line. I nm slo n-ndv in iu u,uer auyiiimg in my line tliat may be oalled for, mi a short notice. My motto ia, Make ijoou onicie, anu sen u clienp. J solicit patron age at home and from abroad. illy establishment is nearly opposite Charman k ii urners uu stand on Alain street , . J. BCHRAM. April 2,18m. 5im J. cai.xswoitiii. WM. UlUliUllliFF. AI.tSWOIITll A Ili:itIIOKFF, WlinLRSAI.K A.n IIKTAIt. ' DEALERS JX GROCERIES DKV . (iOOI)S, CLOTHING, Boots ,f Shoes, and Crocktry, t lt .pror Uriek Main axaaar OHKUON CITV. Ladies (God Bless You!) When you wish n superior ankle of dress goods or fniii-Y articles, do nol fail in mil ....... I . V - .. " ... ..a runnsr ., wiiore yu will alH-nvs liud them, end wi.l receive their grateful thu'nka for your i.t. ronagc. ' 1 BOOKS! BOOKS! TIW tlECEIVIil). at Ihe CITY ROOK M STORE, a large anorlment of B 0 0 K S, CONSISTING OF Standard Religious, Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &c, &c, fcc. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. Oregon Cily, A pi 30 J. t POST. French, English, American, furniture calicos, (iughamaof all colors, all wool and hlf wool de laines, French, English, a American merinos, alpacaa, e.lk worsted, all colore, all wool and hlf wool plaids, silk a woollen shawls, single or J'blc, ferry a stylo of dreae goods, cashmeres, velvets, linseys, brown a bleached sheeting, janes, oil cloths, Irish linens, silks, cambrics. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, auarra, sleeves, chemisettes, edging, ribbons, hdkfs, gloves, ' hs)iery, needles, pins, hooks, eyes, perfumery, hair oil. boots, shoes, rubbers, hala, caps, accordeons, 3 in -7 ai a. a t , BRA CELETS, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and about 35 other articles too numerous and too cheap to pay fur advertising. Now the fact is, aa we arc permanently located, we ara desirous or doing business on such terms that we shall not be compelled to sell offal cost,' but we intend, by quick salee and email profits, to live aud let live. Jidies aud gentlemen ara al ways welcome, and will be promptly wailed eu. Remember, Remember, that our atore ia opposite Gibson's Saloon. Tie no trouble to show our goods, and we can heat I'nrtland all the time in prices. If you doubt it, I can ana satiety yourselves that tlicro ia no. hum. bugging in the matter. BROWN &. WOLF. Oregon Cily, April 23, 18.19. Sin6 DR. JACOB WEBBER S S.INCUIFIER, Or Invigorating Cordial. What though the eun In beauty shine, And you have eounllosa hoards of wealth; What though the world all, all was thine. ' If you but want the blessing, Heullli. An Honest Appeal! To all with bad or falling health. 1 RE you languid, inanimate, restless, appetite BOOT AND SHOE STORE, UJiEUOX CITY. J. D. BLAH PIED WOULD respectfully inform his ukl friends and the irablic cenerallv ihut lm i ho i.:.ie .... ,1 j uiuncii uuue more, nnu lias uow ou Hand LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OK BOOTS AND SHOES, which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. -MAA'IXG AXD REPAIRIXG will still be douo lo order, and on the shortest notice. HVrr-proo Paele Blacking kept on hand. Oregon City, Nov. 6, 1858. Mclodcons. f I1IIOSE who wish to purchase M EI.ODEONS J. enn have them of us ut from 15 to 81) per cent ciiEArr.a by paying CASH, tliuu they have been bought of ua heretofore. If wanted on ciedit, the urticlca can he had at 50 per cent, ad- u uui lormer ruica. n . . J- A. TOST. Oregon City, June 1 1, 1859. pour, diffcalicn bad, aud Pains in Hie limbs. body back, and head I Reader, much of this ia caused Ihxu cold caught unwillingly, or, in seven eases out of ten, sluggishness uf Ihe liver and Wood, and want of natural perspiration, indiscre tion in the use of food and diink, or from a dry ness iu the atmosphere which ia a Very unheal thy part of this climate many of the nwful. vio lent, and siiiMrii deaths that occur here must bo attributed to tins. Now, reader, I have made this my study Tor many yeura, and I do assure you that mv J)U. WK II It Kit '8 INVIUOKATIXU ('OKI)IAL SANGL'IFIKIi will cure these causes it will insure animation of the livnr. hloul. and brains it strengthens the nerves, and gives io me sunerer a iigiitnesa or spirits, a mental and bodily feeling of strength that is delightful. The muny respectable persons who have been beuelil- ed by aud cerlilivd to its oxlraoi Jiuary qualities in curing any of the following diseases, must satisfy all but the self-wise and ignorant skeptic dys- opia, or muigesMou, lues oi musculur or bodily i.eiigui am, iiieimii energy ; lever, nguu, or chills : rneuinuiie, neuralgic, or oilier pains; depletion cones oi ins naiurul luuctiuua, debility ..uui uikhp, iiiMioaiiou. loo m ien nonliirino .u t. I I .1 . - . uairciierj., aim oilier causes; in case of cxcileine ut irom cunsianl lutempbrunce, and where delirium tremens lias occurred, I have seen ii chun.m H. ... ..... K aunerer in half au hour from (he mast horrible siaie io cuiiiiness and placidity. It nan, Indeed ne conscientiously recommended i ii ii:.,: and the proprietor reirrote deenlv that il is ne..! sary thus to udvertise ii, in order llml Ha nierita may ut Known. ' Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional Weakness, &c, Ul'XLlNIS OK NATURE riiUMA- 1 U llli or N ATUR L WE A K S E S3 OK THE FUNCTIONS, NER VOUSNESS, WEAKNESS, CONSTIPATION. WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION Dr. Webber's Santruifler w a aiunt re wftfy. Stt ajidacit$ .( certificate. w. E. T. RC9, 0 II T'CMAN- A. WaKNKK, Charman A Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS , WnoUaiLI 4 aiTIIL Donlfrs In lr, oola, CMp lMtart cWbr. Glautnn, Hoot,, Shoes, Paints, Uih dc la their Dre-proofDnck Main st.,., vnuti.i my, OKtiioN, Y o u ii c- M I'tittire IIojio of Oregon, ) here is Ihe place lo supply yourselves with a aupe nor article uf cluihiug iu which to Get JIarricd! aii.l, after you ire married, to GET YOVIt OUTFIT FOR HOUSEKEEPING COME ANli7 SEE US! Come one and all, both young and old And seo if we Ihe truth have told ; Here is the plare to snd youroash, Ami gel goed goods instead uf Hash. Oregon Cm, Juu. J. C. KINUSLKT. HIHUSI.KV A BEES, PORTLAND. OREGON, iMMrr.vcTiiRKna and luroaTKns or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN .J- ENGLISH SADDLES. HitZtu, Carriairr. and Tmm IF....... n.:.u.. , . . c',.,, . ' 'i uriu.es, ...i.riffan, imiyw, L,lien Horse-Cooers, , Blankets, Curry-tombs, Fly-Nets, lirushee, and Circingles. SADDLERY HARDWARE, California SMlo-Trees, Slirrnps, and all kind, -j u, u jirti-ciast establishment, ork nude to order, and repairing done with IT Miop on i rout street, between Washingtou . T. MATLOCK. W. C. JttlBL..W mauocx x Johnson, AtlVllJtia Jt mt Solicitors in i"A.,.. Jl eh isiouil iBe. iu iih,j..u-. zr" i' 0,,"v P-i..lh..M.ii;.Slree,riurk Oregon fny, M.ft.h 7 , SJ, ALL KIXDS OF Black -smithiiuj "ITfE have on hand a largo assortment of MTTSXCAI, INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, emnracing tie following: Prince's iUdoDcons SINGING BOOKS ! Jfcw Cute pf Zion : JUST received, 100 copies of the New Luta of .ion. feb.Sa. JOHN A, POST. C. Til It KIT, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL -Shop nearly opposite the Methodist Church, OREGON CITY. April 16, 18:0. . j,f daily, fSundaye excepted,) H , .7' ide, leaving OregoM Cily , " . m. Hemming, will e... 7. S HI , 3 Mt., tnucliing at all liilcrincdiutcpolm, Fur freight or passage apply on h0d ' : , Daily Lin f Bclwten Portand and Ortno ; VIE nw stern-wheel steamer EXPRESS, 4CS Jao. Rtsnu, Master, will run belwsea Pem and Oregon City daily (Hundaye oxeeuJT, u Ing I'OUTLANU at 10 a. and ORp, CH-Yat4F.al. . ' ' Jaiy- u7s. mail LiNBrrrr I'ortlitiid and Astoria The Splendid Steamer vi ' i ' Multnomah grM i WI LI. eontinue to run regularly beTaeesfl I land and Astoria, v(4 Vanooaver. Twm t wr.its, leaving Horlland on Mondayaud Taeajsvl nioruiugsuf each week for Astoria t aud Aa!? for l'crtland oiilueaday alid Friday iiieralj toinliing VNcoi)vr.a,ST.HtLraa,ll4ii,u,(C J WMKT,lc..each way. For freight or passa-I. apply lo , It. IIOYT, JlasTw,. jelG Oral Hoyt's Wharf-boat, JWuaa; ' Titnn ' . J" HIGJIK1ELD, a. WATCH. MAKER. W Persona desirous of getting irood work iaML do well to give mo a call, aa my whole tine is 4, voted lo ihe repairing of Chronometer, Lata Duplex, and Uoriiontal walehee. , 1 An aaaorlment of fiue English WATCUll ' as also Jewelry an hand. . , , ' CLOCKS, with weighla to llicm. 'r Jewelry made to order, aud repaired. '., : Prices lo suit the time. I am lliaukfutfot aasi favors, and hope to give auliafactioi in fetors. ' O I.oi ated at the old stand, opposite IkeTsl eL'mph Offioc, OREGON CITY. f,. URMOVAL. ' ' l' f (iEORGE C. A .LET, ,'H . ' IX buslnesa in Wall at. fur the pat lwsaty.it, years, has removed to No. 4 13 BraaS. war, one dour below Canal at., wbera lis L. just opened a new stock of . Watches and Jewelry of entirely new untl beautiful styles; also, SILVER AND PLATED WARB. lit is constantly receiving the luteal UtIm si watches and jewelry by every steamer direst tna the luunulacturera ill Kuropo. , Watches cleaned nasi rrmirer) ia the best aw. ne'r bv Ihe finest London nod Ucaeva WorkiaM (;i:ORt;E C. ALLEN, Importer af Walebri and Jewelry, and manufacturer of Jewelry, ttelri cases, and silver wure, whulcaale and retail. 4li Itroadway, ouu door below Canal alrtet, A'H I YORK. .pit, For Sale at the C11Y ECOK STCEI fllUK following works i j r J. Magic Stall', hy A. J. Davia; , , Creat Iron Wheel, by J. It. Craves) ' t Dred,in Uvula., by Harriet BceeherSUei; i Ilia Home I yclohdias, .r ii.. W...M'. n " " Useful Aria, , , '' Europe, t " (i roruphy, . t Fine Aria and Literature, f. " lliogrnphy, A-n. Octl 1 Baptist Books. EXPECT by next nmilsleameraelai. V V tity of the Auiericaa Haniist Pnhlini S.ieicty'e llooke, ponsistinj. of Fuller's Wars Uiinyau a do., I he Psalmist, pocket, pew,aadaa. pit sizes, and a variety of other works. We will slate that we intend in stun a aaia. plete aasortinent of the Swiety'e books. Oiim lor single books, or by the quantity, will it promptly filled. Churches mid libraries (uruiiid ! at the lowest price. , JOI1X A. POST. Oregon City. Aug. SI. IK.Vt. . Plows and Wasomll COrXSEI.OlIS AT I. AAV, cilors in Chancer,, WILL promptly IP1 , . , . " may be commiitej to tl rir nr.,r. JOHIT R M BRIDE, STToaaav axn c.ns.u,, tl Ltm WUfoylte. Yamkill C.,,, or,.. l.L f.ilhfully t,.nj , , bl-i -" b pn.fe.ion., oar. a-a aosaava, a C4SHI0V. . Honcnrs a co.. vet,w ee ia OARS IS HOIOTsm Taasamaes 0hMl4Vv , 'J4'lSI MARBLE XAXTLES, 7b7es Counter Tors Firs r,Hdefs, G r.tc, OPPOSITE THE UNION MEAT M IR ET, OREGON fi?T. M.b5,lS.,9.47 K.N.WORSIIAM. '.WHOLESALE AND KPT I ir C1GA11 STOUE! ' T1 " V? . at iHir store. a large nseortme.it, of the following kinda: Jme octave, pmuo-cased, J'o5 do. d double-reeded, One S do. d, ,i.,i.i. u...l ' On. K .1.. j- --" Two 5 do. de. do. do. do. portuble. T.ILBERT & CO.'S CELEHR ATED P 2 A M S, Reading for the Million. J. McvoKMICK aaa cmmsrii ua hno v rua raixiLia aoox (uiitar: bssides a large assortment of Aceordoons, Clarionets, Flutes, .srz:. 0"goaCi.y,Apl9. At th, wjw't,,,, Notice. THE firm of La Forest k Bacon having been dissolved bv mutual consent. 1 l,ri. ;r..... Ill V fri.ilo .....1 ....... lm vusmiuere mat i win continue busi ness at the old staud. E. LA FOIt EST. Uregon City, June 85. 18.11). SCIENTIFIC AMERICAlT TROSPECTUS. 0ZUUE FIFTEEX liEGIXS SEPT. ii, 1850. MECHANICS, INVENTORS, Manufacturers, sad mi.r. c . ' . . pciKXTirio Ajtaatcxs has now reached it. .rfeea(a Year, and will enter upon a Kew olumc on the 1 1th of September. It i. th, only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the State, of the L'nion. 1, is ut, Z " h .oppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on -", on inocontruiy.it ao deals with he great evenu going ou in the ecicmific, mcchon. ical, and industrial worlds, as to ..lea, i everyone If tha mechanic or artisan wisl.e. to know Ihe best machine in use. or how l, ,i' ""o r.UHW, Riie Trrranrs. aeneral mutiny in I, en I ill ,, i.u,...i. Mr. ITi.li.1. ...t i , r. ..... nuu arnvcu irom ranama ...ic i completely pruslrale, Wuiik, and se-arce. y auie io move; Had Hie Paniinm fever th I'oon'm me oones, dulls, no ayelite. ...rnKiu ur energy; lie used Wcbber'a Cordial two weeks, and felt so strong and well that on the ..in o went tu tne mines, where he is now nvraing. SARSAPARir.r.A AD BITTER W5IXKERS, HEAD! Desr ara, and Coou Fkikno. I herewith in roriu you thai 1 have tnkeii aixty bottlea of Sarsap.irilla, Uilters, B1,d other remedies for confirmed Dyspepsia, Weakness of tlio chest, indigestion, and a general feebleness of - . "iinoui gelling any particular relief. . n. uu, ui jour voruml Have benefitted me much that I anr a different being. Please V , wl"ch 1 feel '" . per eci cure. II till, wi beuelil so to will you or .Blacksinitliing of all Kinds done to oi-der. f I KEEP altvays on li.nri STEEL PLOWS, warranted to scour und dio .m.l uk t any oilier, in the Stale. 1 van also furnish m with WAGONS. I can alwav. k. r.,lui .. - f shop, opposite MoKiiilay-s, rei.dy to sliosjtsf horses, or do unyihiiiis iu thu lin at mv k, 1 Coll und see. J. W. I.KWIS. i Oregon City, April 16, 1859. J if Stupendous Excitement ! I f IX McMIXVILLE ! ! ' ' I " There h a tide iu tlio affairs of ! men which, taken at the flood, ' leads ou to fortune." f THK palpable meaning of tht peat is, Hal If culling ou : substance employed in hi business if the h, WITH WimIia. ... . - ... ... . . ' "P " o., if the inventor wishes n, l . on in the way of improveineuts-lf ,10 mn. turer wislies to keen uosleJ with ,i. " . . en ov ,he beat k;: i" " "'".? ' . -"aw- .M mm mtSUIHAN II thai Ir... the afflicted, you are ut liberty to publish it! - u.iii 1.UCKLB, iiouse I'a titer Pi-ie. reduced to $3, two for So-lnrgTolrt bo lefc Sold by every respeolable Drugg?,, , hautraucisco.Agciiu. Caution!13e ware of Counterfeits! icZa ...7 ! r,u . " W Of T. wr,n ::t"r.u" .u?" u ? " e.cu ""JZ ' ?,'?01 eot battle. 0? LOOK QUT.'.'j Wh7.ior,'okiM,,',lipUmUr8rl''ni 'nite.tlistenini.. snnuiu i..k kl . Such b. earth. -S,h 1 . .:'"! L .T"e"'l'l Ar.,nadubyI.fotVj;n";m.srTrV!!:' Atasl tl . s . . aissu mi 1 'll M iVeU' fr0ra defect. nen s. c. roaa, vaoaT-sT. ronn .v, 4 rh.ucea.-heti.a .f Popuu, DL'ILDIVC ALSO 2JLS ALL Uicipea, Reltnon. onue.o.,ee. DE- ke - Frart U i tZ. . J"0."- ewe. Aiou the book. .J k.Z.i 'Zt "'""'ry- Soienee, School lU.k- li.-.... irSuK...;; . 7'" I ",8u.kr'P"a rrerired for IT-a-ypertuf the Faioa. r w smm 1 ik. k , ' rauana Uom Su,. v, any Bew.p.p,r FOKTKS, I rAly,rrM,Hr,rt.rUVgtr 3ie7. a. 3, aaaaa,, --"-r.s ur 0CAL it IXSTHITMPvtat v-xjii enwheade-red.ri C-1 P. X t. sn f t..: 1 . . . . " -. iiimuc ill 1 lapnnmi.in 1-1. . raiiroaut, rt'ttpon. n.U'sam n.,.1 . .1 , , all these dr.aVro can be found in the Sc?iT wnoAsjawcaa, and no, siSer. They here presented in a r..li;,kl. .4 . .. ? ,re adapied u. th. aompreh. S feS nth. higher branches of eoienoeand art. 4 .Jn.l . T c ,Up ' VM J'"- ' e copy si. niontbs, $ ; five copies, an months 44 i ' ws.su months. S . Lnl...: . zT ' 4 ' ,en 40P a. : : - " V "T i"ive months. u.KrHHIH'S. IWS1V m.mtl.. 4-M . ' ' twelve months. .7.7" ' ntatS "P'ea, Specimen cpiesseat gratuitoosly f, r.-tVe mampe taken for wbaeripuona ""P"" Letuirs should be dieted to MUNN 4 CO. MlW. M 4 Corf:,?.' 'tlif " Vb' peacnnngnuJ.ewJ'ia via. laveatora. mh.. .1 r' ' dlad- a-vlty o tl-iHneVu,' " 18 TOTIMXG TO wfiiCTal HusUad verso. Wir. . ,0 Say: OREGON CITY BOOK STORE I'i'imi ikrei '" " . live uohed by Jones' Coral Hair Restorative- ' elope " 8'VeU trm hich defch washed with Jonea' Italian n,mii c ITTTI,..- .n.. u..... . ooaP- MTh.rh. li : !U" "P"" 0- lb. -Hy.,,druiUl Who want, a .having soap T , beaulifu .. elen. f ' ' ,Un-buni make, soon 'r '"''''""''"'''''Mheoliin' all druggist. ju Ore,,. UJ ,!soLd by - nan't nllOUa? lai iH tlw rLExuib premie a n u QASH paid !tt ityD M JMjjmTbv V HOLLA.NP DAY. 0 Machine-made Horse S1iop.j ! pwed ilo-sLvfr. M peralion and sr. nZ j ' ,n ueseful HORSE "iWri" -dera for Pattern. Cf'?"' . T . "" -"aeninery now in successful execute order, for & of anv l... ...... . ' "-'s" "florsho; i... ' U1U """t price The quality of tha imn i.'.l . arrantcd in V. ' bee. anoem; '' a 'ZnV l nr have Govermnea, "7.7 TT ' ,h U- .1 ' 1 -" " oy many of th. princinal .1. j -. sho.r. i, IV"rn, comP"l J "orse ched bri,h . j;.4Hn7Znd P" Wore. iB th. United Sutea. ann ,Bd lm Y 0.m7wdre"Ml 10 ,he -briber at Troy. will ,.o.,T, prompt ,entj,n lry' Oct.9,lS55.r.WMrBl'RIE.V,,. ADAMS j 'nf noie, who h selhnw 0ff his large and veD ' assorted stock of ; DRY. GOODS, HARDWARE, Cr.OCKERy, 4.C., kC, kC, ; AT COST, you oan lay in your year's toper al f uch LOW BATHS W f you can't fail lo get rich at it. ' Ho it i Closing out his present stock f at very low prices for . f WMC niMTMLj' I His entire stock must ba sold immedistehv pome one, come all, and corns soon. Ytacu buy a dollar's worth , r At Portland Wholesale Prwes! , 4 anoh aa the beat prima at a bit, best quality, paH f cupe and aauoers, &0., ,ix biu p:r a ( sA . i '. " o011"! browa saeeuses . Sit . c, n- be,t ualily of i ' ,n evorythiug in proportion, ear jar All persons knowing themselves iseVWat j will please oorne forward and settle up with sa i or uotet, as niy books must bo otoaed ' f w 8. C ADAJ& ; McMmvilla, June 4, 1859. 8wJ i JOIIX W. CULLEN, i -Front street, foot a Commcrtial WlsrJ' PORTLAND. OREGON. ' 'JirAXUFACTURER and WHOLESAli ' i-Ti. & Itetail Commiaaion Dssltf i all kia ? Saddles. Bridlps TmnVa czA i California and Oregon V Saddles, Valises. and every deacriptiou of and Saddler's Hardware. Aeent for th. ul, .r la r-.t:r.nl Ssi- dle-Tree -- AJt kiUll Of TniSV-. l-.i: .J. laa MT&0' ivepairing don. with ncatuesa and darnlea. Consignmsnts of Goods Solicitel N. B I .m ullin. .ar ij l. .1 nS- ? I " 'J s j c t in TO li e' ci Vol h. tr h "bo al PU t tht ttict ' dot the cro "intii ' kk..o fiim tlio tnts the .hhat W Tcr! , mnyi that "irien you ppr i atljui 1s cei ';encfs !,yenie wj1 A 'tnd ( tote ii kt gai ttbe bi f Tr. Cllisiti ' Pbren 'eelio Jtbe re Am . .liiief t ."fore hi officer, lontmi "C bas '"Acquis ; jpee wh i ot C I Ikj, w you see I toph . At!; Jbarentl' ' With sa 1 lhatof ' bat the Terythi -ver to tne size I J ed rates, and will take ia .zc'h.ag. eithaf eaak merchantable produce. t . JOHN w, crixi Jnh- 5, 1953, jea - ,