OiiKinvCirr Maiikkt. Wlir-nt flul.00 flour $5.00 to $7.00: iioIiUoch 7j; o,itnf I butter, frcnli, HIlc imekoil. 20c: bacon 16 to 20c rggs U3e, Notice, HTV WIFE FILCITK having left my bi J.tx and board, I horeby warn all persona nul to trust hr on my account, as I w.ll not be respons, jble Tor auy debu oonirnciea by her. JUS. B.CIIKNETTE. Oregoq Cily, Srpt. 3, 1 8.'.9. 31 w J Order for Appearance. "VfOTICE hereby ITlven that Nouh Lambert, : 11 Bdinimatratur of lh estate of IL E. Hun i dom, deceased, hiu this day filed hi petition in th County Court for Clackamas county praying for an order to hII the real property belonging to aid estate, It la therefore ordered, that all persona Interest, it in aaid male epiiear be lore me un Mummy, in third day of October, 1859, at the uiual place of holding courla In aaid county, ami liow cause, if ay they have, why an order should not be grant d to the administrator to aril tho real proi erty be. longing to the estate of K. E. Itandoin, deceased lo pay the debtaand charges outstanding against the estate. ROBERT CAUFIELD, . August 39, 1859-21 County Judge. Clackamas County, Oregon. THIS school la situated on a dolighlful elevn lion of land, jut thrive mile south of Ore gonCity. lis three terms for the year will com- ; rnence as follows: 1st term, on the hrst Monduy of Benlcmtieri yd, on the HUM .Monday or No. vember t after which lliera will be n vacation of ' two week", when the third term will commeuco. back term will contain eleven weeks 5 FACULTV. ' Tev. E. CAaTwaiiiiiT, Principal, and rrofeasor of ' i Mathematics and Natural Science. 1 F.A. Whiti, Teacher uf English primary classes 1 TUITION, Settlement must iuvaiiably be made in advance " for tuition, at the followiinr rules: j In 1st and 2d Render, and Primary Arilli., $4.00 i Practical and Higher Arithmetic, English . urammar, Ueography, riling, otc, ti til) ( 1 Higher Matliemalios, Nut. Philosophy, and LtUa, fl.uu extra lor eacn branch. ' SOXItDl.ia, Eitenslve arrangements have been made, du ting the summer, fur the entertainment of stu dents, at the residence of the Principal. Table expense and rooms, per week, fJI.Ul). ATTENOANCK. No student will be allowed a rent for a lew time than half a term. Any one having paid, wishing ' to vacate a seat the last half of the term, will , have one half the money refunded. ; Profanity and the use of tobacco positively fur , bidden on the premises. ,v MUKin. ,J Gratuitous instruction will be given to a class in ' Vocal music. Aug. ill, IBj!, t i f Mr. Post's School. j T HAVE conclude,! not lo build this season. :JL I shall open the school in WASHINGTON I llAI.L.on .MoND.VV, Sgl-TRMnK 12, H,,9. ! We shall emlcivor to advance ns rapidly as no ' aihleall those who will use proper etlbrUi to uciiiiro ' knowledge, aa we desire that every person of the school shall receive nil equivalent for ull paid us. Price of tuition according to the studies pursued ' Even- efl'ort possible will be majo to furnhdi board ' to thuee from abroad It very reusunablu rales, as ; we wish to hold out good inducements to ull who ' may wish lo avail themselves of our instruction. JOHN D. POST. ) Oregon Cily, August 27, 1S59. 13m! 'i BOSTON FAMILF Just Received, At the ' For CITY HOOK STORE. Sale Cheap! A VALUABLE STOCK AND WOOD 3. ' 'MVt.jTkJVtXtXZZWtLo) TWO MILES and a half west of DALLES CITY, Wowo county, Oregon. A good garden and cornlield are umong the improve ments. An nbundanee of water, a cool spring and creek. Inquire of THOS. SPERRY, . : .dug. G,l859-I7wl Dalles. Administrator's IJotioo. NOTICE is hereby given to nil persons Inter ested that letters of admiui'truthm have been ' issued by the county court of Yamhill county to (he undersigned, upon the eslulo of James M. (raves, late deceased. All persons having Claims sguinst thesnid estate arc hereby notified lo present them, duly authenticated accord ins to law, within one year from this date, tu the under- igned, nt his residence in said county, or they will . he furever barred. CHARLES B. GRAVES, July 1C, lSj9-!4w4 Adm'r. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that tho partner ship of J.G. Gibson and Robert Potter in Oregon Cily, under the name of Gibson & Put tar, Was dissolved by mutual consent on the 84th slay of January last. All debts will be paid by aid Gibson, and he ia entitled and authorized to Celled whatever is due to said firm, i ROBERT POTTER. 4 Oregon City, July 13, 18.)9. 14ml ' Administrator's Notice. "VfOTICE ia hereby given that lettera of ad niininlratinn have been granted to the un dersigned by the County Court of Clackamas Bounty on the estate of Christopher Engle, late f said county, deceased. All persons indebted It said estate are requested to mike immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to presant them to me at My residence within one year from the date of this notice. WILLIAM ENGLE, June 25, 1859-1 lw3 Adm'r. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. . jr. B. H LA SPIED TTTOULD respectfully Inform his old friends V and the public generally that he ia by himself once more, and has now on hand LARGE AND TTELL SELECTED STOCK OF J BOOTS AND SHOES, Which he ttll cm the rauet reasonable terms. m-MAKIXQ AXJ) REPAIRING rill atiat ha 4nc lo order, lJ en the shortest no- i U'tter-prmf Paste BUeiwg kept oa head. ; Oregon Cily, er.C, J838, C. Ml'RRAT, J HOL'SE, SION, AXD ORXAMBXTAL v aaa'saai, i twSkf nearly oppttife ti Melhoditt Ciurei, j 1 - CgEOO.N CIT1T. ;- April 16.18.-.9. Uf Notice. THE firm of La Forest ft. Bacon harisgbeea diaselnd by mutual aonacnt. I hereby inform asy friends aud customers that I will continue busi ness at the old stand. E. LA FOREST, t Oregon City. June 25, 1S59. TkTOTHING TO WEAR, and X Nothing to Bay i , Husband venue Wife; at j OREGON CITY BOOKSTORE JAMS, preserved frails, krWied fruits. etc., at . I IURMAN McfclNNEV . tAH paid fat LAND WARRANTS, by HOLLAND DAY. Public Sale. riCE IS HKRKIIY (ilVEV. that on Monday, the Xith day ( September next. 1 will sell at publio auction in front of the Court iiuuso in Oregon my, in iiai mtmas county, Dr. egon, so much of the hereinafter dvsoiibed parcels or lots of laud a may lie neeeisury for the pay. mrntof the County, Heliool, and Klsle tunes due thereon aud unpuld fur the year I(i.'i7, together with costs aud charges and aneruiug coats and churifcs therouu. vix : certain lots of laud situated in Oregon ('fly and I. inn Cily, in the county of i lanKnmus ana sinie oi uregan, nuinberecj and described aa follows, being returned as uou-res- Identt Or f yon Cily. NO. r LOT. 5,6,8 I. 9. 7,8 5,6 4 1,9,5 2.3,4 7, 2,8 i of 8, 4 1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 1,2, 3, 4, 5, (1, 7,8 1.3, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 4,8 1,6,7,8 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8 1,2,3, 4.5. 6, 7,8 1.3, 4, 5,8 1,2, 3,4,5, 6,7,8 In! LOCK. AMOUNT or TAXrs. 45 31 f!2 C7 t!9 71 70 79 8J 65 88 $0 70 8 00 30 30 90 48 30 ! &9 fn) ,i3 :: to 97 f,o 98 90 103 90 117 , 60 123 90 145 90 inn City. 1 ; $2 10 4 1 2U 5 ' 78 6 1 On 8 , 13 11 - 48 13 18 12 28 14 t',0 19 ; 98 S3 18 23 18 1,4, 5,7,9 1,9 2, 8,9 3,7,8, 9,10 8. 9 3,4, 5,6 1 2.11,19 4,5,6,7,8,9 1.3 10,11,13 4, 5,6 Said sale will oommence at 10 o'clock a. u.. and continue from day to dav until all are sold. F.8. HOLLAND, fer, by A. Holland, Deputy. Oregon Cily, August 15, I8j. 19w4 To Kent. 4 n ga, DWELLING HOUSE, with a irde n spot having 30 bearing peach trees, nnt! IUII apple, penr, und cherry irees, a icurill oi mem ueuring. i His puce is convenient to a goon school, be n? a half mile east of the Oregon City Seminary. ooo iiimi wora ou tne place will be taken in Pav fur the tent. IT Fur further particulars, inquire nt the Anrua Office. May 14. 18:,95m2 Last Notice. BROWN & WOLFE, BEING about to dissolve partnership and close up Ihu busiuess of the firm, are Selling oft' their stock nt Cost ! They hereby givo notice to all indebted to them to come forward nud PATT UP ! or their accounts will be put into an OFFICER'S HANDS for collection. Those to whom we uro indebted will present their bills to ns, when the same will be puid. N. HROWN A. CO. N. WOLFE. Oregon Cily, Aug. 13, 1859. Ifitf Notice. State nf Oregon, Comity uf Vanibill, In Jitttice'i Court. 10 SAMUICL BESTj You are hereby noli . lied that a writ of uttuchmcut has been issued ugainst you, and your property attached, to satisfy the demand of I'. Hi. Field, amouutiuir to eiirhty- seven dollars aud fifty oents 1987,50), with inter est and costs. .Now, unless vuii unpear before Wm. Hu.sy, of Mc.Minville, Yamhill county. Oregon,aciing ns a Justioe of the Pence for r-uid county, at his office, on the 34th day of Septem- r, I ?.!), at'J o clock r. m., tiidi'ment will be ren. ered against you, and vour properly sold to pav the debt. Dated this 27th dav of July. 1859. P. 8. FIELD, Plaint. Aug. fi, 1859. 17w4 OliECxON HOSPITAL. PORTLAND, OREQOX J. C. Hawthorne, A. M. Loryca, PlIVHICMN. lT.y SuitQEON. rirst Premium, 1841, '43, '44, 'S3. CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES. VIESE PIANOS are made of the best mi . teriuls, aud warranted to stand in any cli mate. Tuning and repairing promptly executed. G. P. KEWELL & POST, UST, ; mCity. ,,. July 30, 1859. y Agent, Oregon Complaint for Divorce, Slate of Ore gun, Clackama County, Ilenriette Plamondon, pltf., 1 t. imon Plamondon, deft. ) THE pa:d Simon Plamondon is hereby notified that unless ha appear before the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, to be lie hi at Oregon City in said county on the first Monday (the 6th day) of September next, and then and there answer the complaint Aled against im uv plalntlli in the otliee of the clerk of raid county, the same will be taken for confessed, and Is prayer granted by the court. A.MUKK JIULlSKOOh., Aug.6,18.")9-17w4 Pltf Attorney. Island 31ill Flour. fpiIOSE who wish to pet the GENUINE X ISLAND .MILL FLOUIt, will please Call at the Mill, at Charman & Warner's, Oregon City, or at Allen & Lewis's, Portland, as the second handed Island Mill sacks have been bought up by certain individuals, and refilled with inferior flour. A. J. CIIArM AW. Island Mill, July 33, 1859. l&tf McMINNVILLE COLLEGE. THE FALL quarter will commence August 17, and the winter session of two quarters, November 3. Term" are $C, $8, or $10 per quarter, accord ing to studies. Rooms can be had in College building, if they are taken soon ; from $5 to $7 per quarter. President, Gao. C. CiUNOLea. Professor, John II. Hall. Other teachers secured as the school demands. All books for the school will be kept for sale in lbs sol leg buildiug or in town. Mc.Miuville, July 9, 1859. 13m5 Melodeons. f nllOSE who wish to purchaw MELODEONS X can have them of us at from 15 to 30 per cent ciiEirci by paying CASH, than they have been bought of us heretofore. If wanted on ciedit, the article caa be had at 20 per eeut. ad takce en our former rate. J. A. POST. Oregon City, June II, 1859. SINGING BOOKS ! Nero Cute of Ziou : ITST r..:..,t lOO conies of the New Lute , J vIZm ' Feb. 3-5. JOHN A. POST. PAPER WAREHOUSE, NiiiMomo Mlroi-I, '. 133 SAN FRANCISCO. IXR SALE 13,000 renin. PRINTING pur ri 3lili l l8-.:i'.'! 2'j.;i wn 5.4I XH.1H S4.'lli 2'l:l2 and 22 j 3J HN'Eaxu KUPER mkws. 2,000 n-MU Fine mid superfine i.ook I'nper. 34x3810 lbs., 44 lbs., 48 lbs., and 56 lbs. SEW A.W VWV. IUiOK 1T4H. Lighllmdy'i telrliratrd Key and lluolt Juki, In kejrs aud tins, from I lo lUUlb. packages. Prlalera f.ards aud Card Board. Cohen's and Hmllh &. Peters' cards and card boards of every Kyle aud quality. 48 1 i;o ; Straw & Manilla Wrapping Paper. Single do . do 3 reams. Manilla Papers. I520 I8s27 2 3U 24x 3d !ili38 and 3lix40, anwrior article. Medium, Demy, Flat Caps, Folio , Post antl Letter Papers. A large assortment of Carew aud Plainer Smith's Ledger and Writing Papers, by the case or ream. UKO. J. IIKOOKS & CO. July lfi,ll:.9. u,3 REDING TON & GO,, CTBOLSS ALB DRUGGISTS, 10T CLAY STREET, SAN FHANCiSCO, jvFFER TO THE TRADE FULL, COMPLETE d DESIRABLE STOCK OF Drugs $ Medicines. Having recently made business arrangements by winch nno or our lirm will reside permanently in New York, we shall c' all times huve the ad vantages of purchasing nt the Lowcit Prices, and be certain of having FRESH AXD DESIRABLE GOODS. We i-ball consequently bo enabled looffcr induce ments to the trade throughout CALIFORNIA, OUKtiON. WASHINGTON TEIIIUTOUY, aud HIUTISH COLUMUIA unequalod by any other house ou the Pacific coust. Purchasers are respectfully requested to favor us with their orders, and we feel conlideut thut our lung experience in the IJRUU business in California, and our present complete arrange ments for purchasing in the East, will enablo us to give full satisfaction to all. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE REDINGTON &. CO., Wholemle Drnagitt, SAN FRANCISCO. jvSm.l Smut in Wheat. TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON.- "7"Oa that have S.MUT in .vheat, will find it I much to your nrlvantage to thresh your w neal nrtureor titer U im gone througka meat. as a great deal of the smut will be prevented from gelling on the grain. A. J. CllAl'MAN. Kland Mill, July 23, 1859. I5tf f 1 BETHEI, COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. CAi.exnAR roa tub year 1659-00: rrWIE College year commences the first Monday a in September, and is divided into Tour quar lers of eleven weeks each. The commencement ia held on the 4th of July, wnen me yeany vacation ensues. Profetmrt Nathaniel Hudson, A.M. ; Levi Rowland, A. M. TERMS Of TUITION Ttk QUARTER .' Common English Branches $ 5 00 bullish Analysis, Higher Arithmetic, liook-keeping, History, and Elementary Algebra , Natural Philosophy, Botany, Geology, and 6 00 Chemistry, Intellectual and Moral 1 hi losophy, Rhetoric and Logic 8 00 Elemenlarv Geometry, Surveying, Algebra, Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and French Languages 10 00 Convenient arrangements cau be made fur board at reasonable rates. Honks used in the school can be obtained at the College building at cash prices. Bethel, Polk co duly 3.1, 1859. 15m3 itinuessop- I Protective Union. TVV. No, 593, N. E. P. U., still emit AJ eration in SALEM. These favorable to the objects of the " Union," living within trading range in Polk, Linn, and Marion counties, will please make known the same, by letter or other wise, though they feel unprepared to invest stock noie. Payment of stock hereafter engaged may be made conditional that ten thousand dollars be sub scribed the coming year, in all, making fifteen thousand. " Hard times" are upon us, but this is only an additional reason for freeing labor from the need less Lax of speculation. Wat. P. Pioii, C. IIOEL, Agent Wm. Poster, Directors. Willis Dlnagan, J Salem. June 4, 159. Pm2 Notice. THE undersigned beg lespeetfully to informal! parties indebted lo them in their Oregon Cily Hooks, that, now winding up their business in Ore goo, Ihejr have authorized A host llol.ssooa, Esq., of Oregon City, lo collect said debts. ALLAN, McK INLAY At Co. Oregon City, May 31, 1K59. 8 Dissolution Notice. THE copartnership heretofore e listing betweea I Charles Albright and Joha Kppinger, ia the j liutcher business, was dissolved thai day by ma- I lual consent. The subscriber w,j settle up the '. business of the late firm. CHARLES ALBRIGHT. Oregea City, July iS, 1S59. ltf Celebrated OREGON CITY SEMINARy. FlUNCW D. HODGSON, A. M., raiNcint, assisted by competent teachers. calkndai roe 18J9i iJ) Term tommrnee May 33; 3d, Sevtemltrii mm ntn, ivovtmocT XI, tuition roa raax or LKva wii as. Primary !epartmeut , ft S Common Euulih branches 6 Su Higher P.nglih and Malbcmslles 8 Ancient & Al udern Languages, extra , each 9 00 Oil painting, extra 10 (Ml Prnwiiig, extra 9 L'se of Piuiio, for praetiee 3 Instrumental Musie (Piano) extra. IT Tuition iuvariahly in advance. This Institution, which has been in successful operation one year, n!Trds superior facilities forth young of both sexes. It is supplied with a good philosophical apparatus, nia, library, and piano. A few boarders can b eccommodaled in the Iiisiitul'on ou vi ry moderate terms. Board run nlm ba obtained at reasonable rates in the vicin ily nf the rteminary. Fur further particulars, addresrthe Principal, May 14, I8.VJ. ,rnn3 Comer Third and Water itreett, oppveile the terry lianumg, OREGON CITY. rpiIE traveling publio are respectfully s uinieu 10 give me a can. The Oregon House is the most pleas. antly located hotel in the Plate, and lias been so arranged as to make it ono of the most commodi ous houses in the couutrv. THE TAIILE will always be supplied with uie iiest mat the nmrnel attorrls. Good acvoniiiiodiilioiis for ladies and families. miens: Hoard and lodging, per week $7.00 Hoard, without lodging, per week ti.00 Single meal , J,0 K iglil's lodging 50 J. DOEHM, May 7, 1859. Proprietor. DRS, G. A. & ADA M. WEED, liygea-neoucai (ot Water-Cure) J.AVING located at We shall bo happy to attend to calls, both in town ann country. Mils. WEED will p-ive special attention to OBSTETRICS, and discuses peculiar to women and children. XT W'e mnke no use of drugs, but rely entire, ly upon hueeint apnlianret. Patients ut a distance virited on reasonable terms. They may be consulted personally or by letter, jree. May 7, ga9 STOVES, STOVES, At Portland Prices ! B. MILWAIN, WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER Main Slroct, opposite the U. 8. Hotel, OREGON CITY, : IMPORTER OF COOK, Tarlor, and llox Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper, Planinhed and Japanned "are, lloiise-lurnislitng Hardware, rorce and Lid Pump Rubber Hose, Hydraulic Kama, I'ad Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Cauldron Kettles, Rrass Ket tles, Skillets and Bake Ovens, Cow Hells, Sauce l ans, Slo., &.o. Also, MANUFACTURER of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every description. Sleuinboat und Jobbing work done at the low est rales. apt by For Sale : FOUR YOUNG STALLIONS, BY TIMOLF.ON, out of fine mares, aud few 1'URB I1I.OOI) SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. S. W. MOSS. Oregon City, July 3, 1 859. m3 Boots and Shoes! J. B. BLAISTIED, Opposite to Sehroin's Saddler shop, Main street, OREGON CITV, "ITTOUI.D say to the public that he is in the v V constant receipt of Boots and Shoes of the latest pat- ; terns and styles, which he will sell as cheap as any other establishment m town, u not cheaper! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' WEAR ALWAYS ON HAND. Making- 6t Repairing done to order, j.atim? a. AND i: April 3H, 1W, V Grca N SUPERIOR STYLE. 189. 3v reat Excitement! France and Austria At War ! ! THE undersigned wishes to inform the people of Oregon City, and the public in general, that he is nt peace with all the world, aud keeps constantly ou hand A FI.NB .ASSORTMENT OF Boots and Shoes, of all tort and lixei, which he will sell Cheap for Caahl Ladies and gentlemen, you will do well to give me a call beforo buying anywhere else, because I have the iiest and cheapest lx)ota and shoes in this market; because I get my boots and shoes Direct from San Francisco, and can afford to sell cheaper than those that buy in Portland an that I defy competition. If you will but give me your patronage, I will guaranty that you can buy boot und sAoes of me cheaper than of any other house in town. Remember the place, and make no mistake : ' " EAGLE BOOT AND SHOE UTORB." J. MOONEY. Oregon City, July 16, 1359. jv29 GEO. A. NOBLE, AM & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NEXT DOOR TO MR. CAU FIELD S STORE, It EAR THE BREWER T. N.IL Fsmily Medicine prepared in the most careful manner, and always on hand. Oregon City March ilfl. IS."9m3 Notice IS HEREBT GIVEN, that CHARMAN A WARNER have placed ia my hands for collection all accounts, both by note and book, (under the sum of en hundred dollars,) priar lo the 1st of July, l.",9. COSTd will be saved by immediate settlement with me at my office in Oregon City. J. M. BACON, July 16, lS.,9-14lf Justice of the Peace. To Hie Afflicted. D1 R- HI'TCIIINS CELEBRATED UAL- earn of Wild Cherrv. with a variety of bis other popular Bnttniral M'dictnrt, are now for eat at CHARLES POPL'S, Oregea CUu, aad at JOSEPH BARSTOW', Canemak. 47y J. FLEMING, (AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING,) ' OREGON CITY, HAS ou baud and for sale, a well-selected as sortment of Books and Stationery, comprising, in pail, the following! Family Bible and Trs- Cap, letter, and note laments, Downiiig's Fruits I'sper, and Pens it Pen-holders, Fruit Trem of Amor- (Sand & sand boxes, lea revised edition, Tissue paper, ptifor iled New Miwonio Trestle- boarJ fcdrailint paper Mitchell's and Olney's (Jcographief and At- Insee, Mason's Farrier, Ihidd'sCatlle A. Horse Doctor, Kane's Arctio Expire. lllankUooks At Bill Pa- Hoard, Masonic. Manual, Odd Fellows' Munuul, Ijniiiby'a Mysteries of Bee-keeping, Livingstone's Travels In South Africa, Ounn's Horn. Medicine, Sanders' Old and New Hie!lim & Readers, per, Thomson's A'iiliineties, Gillevpic'i At Davies' Fulton A Eastman' Surveying, - Book-keeping, with Slates and slate pencils, bluuks, Dr. Ilollick Works, Red, blue, A bill Inks, Ac, etc., all of which will bs retailed at prices coirraponding with the tunes, , U" Don't forget the place ! it is OPPOSITE LA FOREST $ BACON'S. ALSO, Ton SALE, Dr. Moffutt's Tills nnd Phoenix I Jitters, and the Graefcnberg Medicines, which are recommended to those who wish to live till they d.e. May H, 18.19. AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Opposite Geo. Abernrthy d Co.' Brick Store, OUKGOX CITV. THE undersigned ore prepared to take like. Messes, such as Ambrotypos, Melainotypes, Pho tographs, or PICTURES ON PATENT LEATHER, suitable for tending in letter, all of which will be executed in tho L. AT V.ST AND M. AT EST HTM.E, AND ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASON ABLE TERMS. GROUPS and LOCKET PICTURES taken very low. Call and examine our pictures, nnd judge for yourselves. Rooms opposite Abcrnelhv A Co.' brick store. 7 i HOLLAND & DAY. June H.18.,9. Great Inducements EUGENE LAJOREST'S, TTTE t.-ike this method of informing the pub T V lie thut we believe it best for purchuner and seller that NO CREDIT be given; we therefore eouum-ncu nn entirely new system. We will not aell our goods on any other terms than for Cash or Country Produce. We have a large stock of GOODS consisting of LADIES' FANCY GOODS, mc.Ta- BOOTS J- SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware. Now Inten to us for a moment or two While wo use our cllurts in convincing you I hat paying cnsli down for whatever you get shelter than buying goons ou a cred.t. You will find by reading our advertisement I hut we purpose selling Tor nt least ten per cent henper lor cash than we could on time i This i certainly better, the buyer will liud.' Here ladies cull find ull they may require, rom fine ailk dresses lo pbtin bonnet wire : l'he gentlemen also can here ho rigged out Willi fine doe pants, vest, shirt, and a cout. The farmers also should here come and see If we have not got gnodeugur and coffee, 1 en, rice, starch, tobacco, salt, and soap, Nails, cus mid saucers, salamtus, and rope. orne farmers, try us, and then you will aeo f wa do not do nut as we agree ; We promise to sell goo Is nt prices below, With freight only added, which is ri'blyoukuow. For fear you forget just where we reside, ost. & vv lute s Hook More is on tli cast side ; .a Forest & Jtacon is the name of the firm , Our motto, small profits but a quick return. Bring on your cash, your eggs, and your butter, And if it is ruining don't stop for the weather. All iuilelitcu to us, you come along too, The cash we are needing, your custom also. Obkuoniitv May I I. In. ill, I'ROSPKCTI'rt. VOLUME EJFTEEX BEGINS SEPT. 11, 15U. MECHANICS, INVENTORS, Manufacturers, and V'armrrs. IM1E Ncikntific Amf.bicam has now reached L its Fourteenth Yenr, nnd will enter upon a ew Volume on the 1 1 ill of .September. It is the only weekly publication uf the kind now issued in tins country, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the rHates of the I'nion. It is not, a some might suppose from its title, ailry,al"trne work on technical science; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going ou in the seinitific, mechan ical, and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. It tlie mechanic or artisan wiriiea to now the best machine in use, or now to mane any suhitanee employed in his b'isiness if the house- wile wishes to gel a reeiim lor making a good color, Ac, if Hie inventor wishes to know what ia going on in the way of improvements If the manufac turer wishes to keep posted with the timi-s, anil to nwv the best facilities in his business if the man ef leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar th the progress inartu in the.chem.ieal laboratory. or in the construction of telegraphs, steamships, railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other maehlnes and appliances, both of peace and war II these destdernla can be found in the Hcir.a- ric Aar.aica.1, and f elsewhere. They are ere presented in a reliable and interesting form, dup'ed to the comprehension of minds unlearned in the higher bran, lies of science and art. 1 ksms : One copy, one year, ?2 ; one copy sn months, l ; fiveoopns, sia month, $4) lea cop ies, s'i months, H ; tin copies, twelve months, $15; fifu-n copies, tweUe months, i'J'J ; twenty copies, twelve months, t-'H, in adtanee. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspection, srtam stamps taken for subscriptions. Lettera should be di reeled to MUNN d CO., Via Fulton tt., Net York. Messrs. Mux A Co. are extensively engaged ia procuring patent for new inventions, ad wiH ad vise in,entoes. without charge, ia regard I tit velty of tlieir improvements. Kane's Arctic Expedition, Il.Sstl.L'S CRIMKAN WAR, aud oiher a. iatsrcatiog works, for sale at Ilia dec M CITT BOOK fclORR. Lyon'8 Magnetic ' Powders, or Flea Powder, '. " 1 Will destroy Garden Iiwtclt, Coekronckst, Did Bugt, Flea. Ants, Moths, and till , petti of Ike termin kind. The Importance of a reliable article of this kind Is inestimuble. In warm weather all nature teems with these annoying foes. This powder is lh on ly article sver discovered which will exterminate tliem. A company of botanists, from Ilia Horti cultural Society of Paris, while amidst the fern of Asia, observed that all Insect lighting upon a certain kiud of plant very soon dropped dead. . This fact was mado use of to guard their night cainK from these Intruders, (naiititie of the plant went brought home by Mr. ti. Lyon, and found a positive insect desiroyer iu every experi ment. It is simply a powdor-d leaf, chemically prepared to resist the effect nf age and c'iinate. Medals and Lettera Patent havo been obtained from the government of Kngland, France, Her man)' and Russia, from the World's Fair, ami nu merous medical and horticultural college and so cieties. . , Letter from the President of the United State. "JixacuTiva Msnsion, Wssiiindton, ) 31st Jan., Ibid. Mr. ft. Lyon, Dear Sir t I have the pleasure to Inform you that the Royal commission of the World' Fair, at London, have awarded you a Meilul and Certificate for lh great valuo of your Magnetic, Powders, Ac. MILLARD FILLMORE, Cli'n." The above was accompanied by a certificate uf Prince Alherl. " IT IS FREE FROM POISON. , Nkw Youk, October 1, 1814 Emanuel Lyon, Dear 8ir : We have analys ed and tested your Magnetic Powders, and find them perfectly harmless to mankind and domustio animals, but certain death wheu inhaleiUiybujn, aula aud insects. . J .JT . , J. it. CiniroM, M. P., ChemlsV L. R Prof, Chemistry, N. Y. IIospltuL Mr. Jolin L. Rome, Superintendent of the N. Y. Hospital, say "he has expelled all the bugs, aut, roaches, moths, Ac, with Lyon' Powder, aud lindsit of immense vulue." Kvory gardener and housekeeper must have a direct interest in an trtiule of this kiud. Refer ence can be mude to tho Astor, St. Nicholas, and Metropolitan Hotels; to Judge Meigs, I'ren.leni uf the American Institute: James Gordon lieu- licit. Gen. Wiuliold Mcott, Cyrus W. Field, L M. Pease, nf Hie Five Points Mission, Ac, Ac Judge Meigs says, "This dixenvory of Prof. Lyon' is of national imporlann. The Farmers' Club) have tested it thoroughly. It will ile.troy locust,, grasshopper, ants, mollis, bugs, and all vermin., Garden plants can be preserved, aud houses made ' pure." ' ' ' "i Rat and mice cann it bo renohed by a powder, 1 and are killed by a M.iumktic Pill. Order Ukiu, through any merchant. "I'm Lyon's Powder ki'ls insects in a trice, t Rut Lyon's Pills are mixed fur rnis ami mice. . , Follow direclle ,s. Use freely and thoroughly. Dn. A. II. K I'KICLIC, Agent, Oregon CUu. ' SMITH A DAVIrt, and Da. Whi.VTHKR. FORD, Agents, Portland. . . , , PARK Sl Will I K, San Franeiteo. , 8m3 SAIiT.--Tbe mostexlrnordinary chemieal dis covery of modem limes is the AnrphlogHtio ' Salt. It net upon the blood piecisely hi the sum manner aa the vaccine matter operate in the pre-. veutiou of malignant d menses. It cures only dis ease which are intlummatury iu their nature. First, iiitlamm.ilioii of the head and throat, aueh as brain fever, fits, headache, neuralgia, erysipelay aud catarrh. Second, case of liiljammution in the chest and ub lomcn, via.: inllamed lungs and , liver, pleurisy, dyscpsia, asthma, gravel, piles, , Ac Third, inllamiuution of tho extremities aud , skin, to wit : rheumulism, scrofula, ulcers, scarlet fovcr, venereal und cutaneous atluctiona. This chemieal combination is so powerful an I iiistmila-, neoiis in its effects, thai the dose is only what will ' adhere to a quill dipped in the Malt and held to tin tongue for one minute. The most astnuudiug re-' suits have invariably followed its use in th Atlan tic States, and thousands of testimonials a to it , virtues can he furnished, if required. The pro prietor asks not, however, for Faith, but i willing to let the Halt ubiile by its works, cunfi Isnt that it will never fail. It is put up in drachm packages, priea Two Dollars, and will he forwarded by mail, : post paid, to any part of the country, inion receipt of that sum, addressed to KKDING 10 X ii CO., . Sau Francisco. Full directions aooompauy each package, As soon as a suflicient supply can be ob tained, it will be for sale by Druggists generally. F. CoL'gswell, M. D., discoverer und proprietor. Sole Agcnls fur California and Oregon, Rl'IDINU TON &. Co., Wholesale Druggists, San Francis-" co. Da. A. 11. STKKLE Ageut for Oregou City Khoumatiim. . . ', " : ' ! In all cases of Inflammatory Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic, I lie Antiphlogistic Salt, discovered by Dr. F. Coggswell, of Uoslon, is a sure and infallible result. In New Kngland, where this disease is very prevalent, the Salt hss never been knowu to fail in effecting a radical cure, aud of giving permuuent relief. Rheuma tism is alums! invariably caused by iiiflainmntion and colds, and the peculiar vll'eot of this mediuine, ; as its uuinu ( Aul pliloifistic or Atiti-iuilamuiatory) aiuuirics, is to reduce inflammation, and balance the circulation of the blood, aud rhe fluids of lh body, it does not profess to be a grand puuucea, but is calculated expruady for all diseases ef an Inflammatory nature, and iathnea perfect substi tute for blood-letting ill nil its formi It Is for sulu by all Druggists. Oeimrul Agents, Uk.oinotun it : Co., Wholesale. Druggists, San Francisco. Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh. Theso diseases, and others of a similar chanu ' h ter, caused by colds and iiillamin ttinn, yield read ily and certainty to ilio enecis oi ins luiiquimgis tio Salt. It is peculiarly bcneliciul in ull d souses of this naturo, as they uro invnribly caused by a tendency of blood to the heuad and throat, auu 1 1,0 certain result of the use of this niedicul salt. to rcilnee inllummutiun nn-l equalize the circula tion nf the fluids of the bidy. It is also remarka bly ellicncioiis in all iiiflamutory diseases of the chest and nbdnin n, such as Piles, Gravel, Vene real, Dypeisia, Pleurisy, Ac. No better evi dence of the vulue of litis medicine can be given ' llinn the fact that, although it is now two year - since it waa first ottered to III politic, uie uiscnv ercr has been able to answer but a small portion of . his orders, nnd it is only within tho last two months that il could be obtained at any price in this Ktule. For sale by ell Druggists. General Agents, Rkiiinotox & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Sau Francisco. Ageut for Oregou Cily, I la. A. II. STF.F.LK. 47m3 Lost, V SMALL POCKKT-HOOK or wallet c m tuining the following-decribed notes: One note on John Isom of Linn county for $101)0, bearing leu per cent., and payable to me on or be fore ilie lirst dav of April next. Also, one mil nn Wm. C. Stewart for 8 U'V1'1, bearing date Nov. G. IBM. navable to me sal three years, and drawing ten per cent, inleresl from dale until pai l. Also, one not on Joseph Hooineit ana niuiuin Vswter miJdle letters not recollected, if any) fur 897 and I think some cents j said note was giveu about Jan. 5, IH'9, payable I think in thirty days, drawing fifteen per cent, until paid. All peraou, are cautioned against buying any of Ihu above notes. The finder of the saino shall be compen sated ou delivering them tu me. Ii. F. WI1ITSON. Monmouth, Polk co.,June 18, 1839. lOwi) . Administrator'! Notice, NOTICE i hereby given that th wi(lwigifO ha been duly appointed digtuilx.'iir of " the estate of Jane G. Moor, wlowl deoaased, 1st uf Clackamas county, AH peraoii.t. indebted to said esbito are hereby ualifisd lo,uwk.payiiitnt, nd all person havum oiaiuu atfaiust th said deceased mwl fK smU liieui to, the utleisigoail at hie residence a Iwim City if aaid eoiity within, one year fruiA dale, W tlxy will b forever barred, lOiS T. APPKIWON. June if'., 1839, 113 Itaynrtl TnylorH CYCLflPKDlA of Modern iTavel. aad ' Swau'aThi.-e Years' llida.c en th North, W est ooast for aid at th CITY BOOK STORE. The Tincit ITHtKNCH annfeclionen, such a gum drops, Froadans, mottoes, coaniAL cs.t or, almond rock aaady, Ae-, at Pe ltj. CHARMAN McKIMNF-X'S. i i