The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, September 10, 1859, Image 1

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- " ' i .IV
ADVKtlTISlNli IUTK8. . t ' .
Ont souart (12 lines or list, brevier pseturt) una
insertion, 13,00
" two Inssrlloni, 4,(10
Each subsequent Insertion, l,l0
fteawioablt deductions tu those who admtiae by
the year. ...
Ths rsorauToa ur tui ATtCt'S ii uarrv
to Inform the public that bt baa just received a
large stork of JOll TYPE and other new print
Inn material, and will he in the sr erdy teit ipt
additions suited lo all the n quh riiu nis of th't lr
Hlily. IIAMIBII.I.K, I'Or-TKHH, 1)1. AN KB,
and other kinds, dune to ordrr, on short notlrt.
BY I). W. C1UIO.
I TERMS Tki A o v i( if furnithtd at
Tkrtt Dulttrt and Fifty Cinti per annum, in
i aittnet, to tinglt lubtcribert Three Dalian
- inch If fuof of tin at ont ojietin advance
i When tni money it not paid in advance, Four
i Dtllan Mill hi charged if paid within fix
) - mtntSt, tni not dollart at I hi mi of tht year,
A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Interests of the Laboring Classes, and advocating the side of Truth iu every issue.
Tiff Dollar! far tit monthiNo eubecrip-
tiont received Jut a Ittt period.
fjfT Nt paper ditcontinued until all arrtaraget
Vol. V.
No. 22.
art poia, unieet at int option oj ine puouetcr,
1 IIIW Ulllt KM
I kaew i littU row,
- And O, but ware I blast,
Could I but bo the drop of diw
Tht lies upoa her breast!
But I dirt not look to high,
, Nor die 1 death ao fwrt
It U enough for mo to bt
Tilt dust about her fat I
Otitis of leolalry li litli.
Tbt following- very brilliant passage Is from
Blackwood's Msgaiine :
' " Such ire frirmeiitarr facta of their social ei
iatenee. as we cUrh ffliiupses of It in the ancient
hymns ond prayers of the Vedaa, iiut what of
tarir religion at mat enny umei A tneciesorsuu
worship rather, we should any, a worship of light,
alias in Its orbs and lis pneuomsna caina with
them from their home-land beyond the mountains,
arterwardi to be spiritualized in a far nobler wor
ship by the Brahmin on the Ganges. Can we
welder it the worship of light by those early na
tions f Carry our thoughts back to their remote
times, tnd our only wonder would be if they did
not ao adore it The aun u life as well as light to
II that if on the earth as we or tht present day
, knsw area better than they of old. Moving in
daiiling radiance or brilliant-hued pageantry
through the sky scanning in calm royalty oil that
passes below, it seems the very god of this fnir
world, which lues and blooms but in bis smile.
The seasons nra ths ebbing and flawing of earth's
lifs beneath the variance of his presence. All day
kt fills tht eye and gladdens the heart, but when
ho withdraws, and night comes, all droops, ens
tsacs stops, the world disappears. A mysterious
power then goes forth over tht earth, causiug all
things to sink into a trance a suspension of
Sleep does nut come upon man at night merely
because bis body is woaried, or because he can no
Men tat to work, but because drowsy sp rit is
Visa abroad, the very opposite of Hit exulting inllu
sues of the solar rays! Chemists cannot catch
od analyse that Influence, but it is there. Flow
ers fold up their petals plants droop their leaves
tnd the liru-spint of man, folding in upon itself,
Withdraws from the surface, and centers in the
brain and ganglia to rest and dream. Tho world,
tot, sinks out of sight; in the darkness it almost
ceases to be. Fancy those primitive Ariaus in
their upland homes, whore they counted time by
winters, or joumeyiug under tents in their new
found Indian clime. Theirs art none of those ap
pliances by which modern science enables us to
turn night into day ; fire smouldering lightless iu
its ashes is all that lingers with one through the
eWkness. lfhewukt up restless from his couch
during the night, or riso before the dawn, what are
the feelings and thoughts which fill his mind t The
World is gone from him. Instead of the many-colored
earth and brilliant sky, blank darkness Alls
his eye, and from out tho blackness things knock
against him objects which he cannot t, perhas
cannot comprehend very ghosts of a dead world
which once smiled around him. The natural or
accidental sounds of night come upjn him with
weirdlike influence. Perhaps, too, ho is coid, and
shivers in ths night wind as he stands at tho door
of hit hut. Iiut lo! in the far east a bcamiug ra
diance streams up from behind tho black circuit of
the horizon; sky reappears; and earth begins to
tremble into renewed being beneath tho quivering
light A few minutes more, and the sun, bis god
and benefactor of yesterday ay, nnd of nil the
yesterdays of his life shoots up grandly and in
danliug splendor into the sky. The upluuds first
Isap into view, like islets of light abovo a sen of
night; and down, down the heights comes the
sunny tide uf reluming day, till it overspreads the
whole plain below till woods nnd mreiims and
rocks aud verdant mends start into perceived ex
istence; and one by one the long shadows shrink
up and disappear, till the world slan ts clear and
shadowless beneath the tropid noon. lay sun. River
and cascade Hash and sparkle the green musses
of the woods wave like leafy seus b.rds uwake
nud sing the bounding deer nnd the bleating
herds are again in motion ; man's world is back
again, and elate with the sunny joy he resumes
the tabors of life. No wonder, then, thatSabaism,
thu worship of light, prevailed nmongst all the lead
ing nations of tho early world, liy the rivers of
India, on tho mountains of IVrsia, in the plains of
Assyria, early mankind thus mlored ; the h'glier
spirits in such country rising in spiritual thought
from the solar orb up to 1 lim whine vicegerent it
seems te the Sun of all being, whoso divine light
irradiates and purilies tint world of soul as the solar
radiance does tho world of sense. Egypt, too,
though its faith be but dimly known to us, joined
in this worship ; Syria raised her grand temples to
the sua; the joyous Greeks sported with the
thought while feeling it, almost hiding it under the
mythic individuality which their lively fancy super
imposed upon it. Even prosaic China makes of
ferings to the yellow nib uf day ; the wandering
Celts and Teutons held feasts to it am'dst the pri
meval taenia of uorihern Europe; aud, with a
aavagery characteristic of the American aborigi
nes, the sun-temples of Mexico streamed with
human blood in honor of the beneficent orb '"
Steadiness or PcarosK. It overcomes difficul
ties nut with a rush and a shout, but ont by one.
They melt away before its incessant pressure, as
icebergs before the steady radiance of tho aun.
It gives one the strength of a happy conscience.
A weathercock of a man, whittling about with ev
ery brtexe, cannot have truo steadiness of mind.
Self-dissatisfactlou worries mid annoys him ; but a
cheerful vigor nnd energy grows out of an iutelli
gent, undeviating purpose.
It gives dignity and honor to character. Men
cannot but admire the mind that marches steadily
through sunshine and shade, calm and storm,
smiles and frowns; glad of favor, but pressing on
without it; thankful for aid, but fixed on advano
ing at all events, bueh men establish for t hi
elves a character which cannot but bo teen au
It gives success. In any enterprise which it not
downright madness, such a man must succeed,
lit hat tht chief element of triumph over every
difficulty, and, if he is not an idiot, he will do tome
thing ia the world. lie will not reach his ends at
leap, but he will reach them. He moves not
rapidly, but surely. When yvu want to find him
bf and by, jeu will know where to look. Tea will
look at tht topmost rounds of tht ladder of sue
taa, mi you will find him about there somewhere,
Drwf . 9- F. Taylor, of tht Chicago Journal,
drawithefoUew'inglieaiilW pieturt iu reference
te the certain departure for that '' undiscovered
ceuatry": , .
. " Thtre is a dignity about that going away alone,
whioh we call dying that wrapping of the mantle
of immortality about us ; that putting aside with a
pale head the axure curtains that are drawn around
thia cradle of the world, that venturing away from
home for the first time iu our lives, for we are dead ;
then it nothing dead to speak of, and teeing for
eign tountriet not laid down on any mapa that we
know about. - Than mutt be lovely lands some
where starward, for note ever return that go thith
k ; and we very much doubt if any would if they
tJJ An ancient, impertinent fellow divide re
ntals beaaty into four orders, at follows ; '
Long and laiy, little and loud,
Fair and foolish, dark and proud.
Arrant rascal ! tht following is tht trut reading :
Tall and splendid, little and nsat,
Fait and pleasant, dark and aweet.
Or, the exact translation ahould be:
. : H'gh and beauteous. little sad witty,
Fair and lovely, dork and pretty.
The first version ia tht least complimentary, but
it reads ths best. '
tW Act sprightly and fcarkasly, sad yea may
defy the devil and all his works.
OitioiH or tux Pkaihikd-. Professor
Wither, State Geologist of Illiuois, lias re
cently delivered a scries of admirable lec
tures od his fuvorito science, We copy
from tho Gcnucssce Republic the following
abstract of liis theory on the origin and for
mation of the prairies:
Professor Wither adopted the theory
that atone time very fur back In its histo
ry -this vast country formed a portion of
the bottom of the ocean that through the
eruptions caused by the Internal heat, to
gether with tho labor and activity of those
master-masons, tho coral Insects, our conti
nent was raised to Its present position above
the water. To prove this bold proposition
he refers to the many indicia of salt wuter
presence, the frequent occurrence of shells
which legitimately otily belong to animals
of the sea the evidence furnished by the
rocks or the labors of zooplutes, unmistak
able in its development; the frequent discov
ery or the remains or monsters or the sea,
deeply imbedded in our limestone system;
the existence upon our system or huge
bowlders, the former appenages of irolur
shores, drifted fur away to the south-west
imbedded iu huge frames of ice, and dropped
down at length upon tho ocean's bod,
whence they arose with our continent. The
arguments, if nut quite conclusive, are emi
nently suggestive, and should open the eyes
of thinking men to the wondrous mysteries
buried deep in the earth upon which we so
lamiltarly tread.
1 lie existence of our prairies is accounted
for in this wise. Tho result of the ' drift sys
tem' was to give to this part uf the country
soil or unparalleled fertility: and, arising
from this were the very large grasses, which
are peculiar to this soil alone; luxuriating
and undisturbed, they grew to a great
height, and fairly wore the surface of the
earth with a thick, almost impenetrable
covering. In the autumn, when this mass
of combustible material was dry, how easy
for a sliart of lightning to send a confliigra
tion from ono boundary of the country to
tho other. The sprouting twigs of sturdier
growth would perish by the frequent occur
rence or these Ores, and henco the treeless
appcarunce of the West. To aid tho idea,
it is claimed that the Indians, when they
did arrive, which is supposed to bare been
long subsequent to the first prriud mention
ed, regularly burned the prairie grasses, for
the purpose of driving the game into more
circumscribed quarters, so that it might full
an carier prey to thetr arrows, nnd to lessen
the difficulty of traveling.
A Manly Speech. Gen. Shields, for
merly a Senator of initio's, aud recently a
Senator also from Minnesota, was greeted
on his return home with a public reception,
ou which occasion he replied to a compli
mentary address. In the course of his re
ply he mudo tho remarks which wo subjoin.
We confess, snys the National Intelligencer,
we have seldom read a speech of equal
length, or rather of equal brevity, with
more pleasure. It is in keeping with the
character of the galluut gentleman who de
livered it, aud we copy it for the gratifica
tion of our readers, who, wo are sure, are
ull capable of appreciating the independent
sentiments of tho address and the frankness
of their avowal:
There is one incident of my life of which
I am disposed to feel a iittlc proud, and that
is my immigration to this Stute. You ull
know tliat defeat is sooner or Inter the or
dinary futo of politicians; that every party
is bound to be, or outrht to be, defeated
somo time or other. Well, I met my fato
in Illinois; but while I had to submit to the
ordinary fate, I think I did not cringe un
der it like an ordinary politician. I never
stopped to solicit any kind of office from the
Executive, nor suffered any friend or mine
to solicit one for me. I suppose, if I had
sought it, I might have obtained some mod
erate office of Commissioner to the Sand
wich Islands, or to the Cannibal Islands,
or some other illuminated island. But, no;
I preferred to do what every man with an
independent mind would approve under
similar circumstauccs I put all my goods
and chattels in a trunk and emigrated to
Minnesota; and here I am, and here is my
home, aud hero I mean to spend the rest of
my days.
lmade my pre-emption, as you an Know,
on the Fairbault prairie. I paid for it with
my own warrant, the warrant which I re
ceived for my services in Mexico, the only
bounty which I ever received from the Gov
ernment of the United States for these ser
vices. And I will venture to say that I
am the first General of the United States
army who ever made his own pre-emption
with his own warrant. Now this, I think,
is a home to be proud of; a home which I
hold sacred because I purchased it with my
own blood. Theu why should I not be true
to that home and the fair young State in
which that home is situated?
When Independence Beix was Rind.
A correspondent, who styles himself " Ver
itas," inquires of us as to the correctness of
the story that as soon as Congress had de
clared the independence of the colonies, on
the Fourth of July, 1776, what is known
as Independence Bell was rung. He also
wishes to know whether " a blue-eyed boy"
stood at the door of the Hall and cried out,
"Tit rlnnrj! 'tis done! rin. trravbeard.
ring!" as a signal for the enthusiastic old
gentleman up in the steeple to proclaim
" Liberty throughout all the land," 4c, by
ringing the bell.
In reply to our correspondent we will
state that this very pretty story originated
with the ingenious Mr. George Lippard,
wlio cot it out of whole cloth along with
nthw fantastical embellisbmeuU, which
he got up in the name of history. The fact .
is, that independence was declared in secret j
session, and the important fact of the con-
summation of th measure was not made -
known npou the Fourth to any person out-
side of Congress. Toe r&uaaeipnia paper
published on tho fifth were silent upou the
subject, and tho celebration of the event
with the ringing of Independence Bell, Ac,
4c., did not tako place until the eighth of
the same montli. J'hilaJephia JJuUtltn.
TriE Father or tub Fokkst. Wo had
in our possession, a few days ago, a piece
of wood tuken from the largest, uud prob
ably the oldest, tree Iu the known world,
the Father of tho Forest, of Culuverus
county,' California. This old giant, now
fullen, measured 110 feet In circumference
at the bottom, was 400 feet high, and, by
couuting the rings of a cross section, is as
certained to hare been at least 3000 years
What a view of the dead past does this
old tree give! In its younger days It saw
the same sun thut had a few hours before
looked down on burning Troy and the
white tents of the victorious Greeks. When
King David was leading his warriors
against the Philistines, this tree had already
passed the usual period allotted to the life
of man. When our ancestors, scarcely less
savage tliun tho wolves with which they
contended for the subsistence which the
wild forests afforded, lived like them, in
deus, and caves, and holes in the earth, this
old tree hud already passed its prime.-
Une hundred generations or men are barely
sufficient to outlive the sturdy old Red
wood. ISelott Journal.
M&- John Tettit (d. d.), Chief Justice
of Kansas, seems to be at his old tricks.-
The White Cloud Chief gives an account
of "a recent visit uiade by him to the town
of Hiawatha, in thut Territory. His room
at the hotel is described as coutaiuing the
following judiciul documents:
" One keg of brandy, four revolvers, four
bowie-knives, three tlasks or whisky, and a
quantity of cigars and tobucco! When
the Judge started away, ho took ull these
things with linn m his buggy.
" He cursed the landlord, pouring forth
the oaths as if he were doing it by rote,
raving loud enough to be head over the
whole town, and giving vent to blasphemies
horrible enough to make the hair stand on
the head of a heathen!"
The Red River CouatryAnatiatton
A correspondent of the Toronto Globe
gives an interesting sketch of the Red River
country, now thrown open by the facilities
of travel:
" Our great drawback has always been
this that we are fur inlaud, and have no
means of easy and speedy communication
with the civilized world. This is the real
secret of the slow progress which the Red
xtiver country has made, borne attribute
it to the influence of the Hudson's Bay
Company's monopoly, others to the soil uud
climate, others to tho downright indolence
of the people; but I believe the great under-lying
cause has been the want of a good
route into, and out of, the country. This
would have helped immigration, helped the
exporting of produce, nnd helped the im
porting of supplies. A second remark I
wish to make Is this; this steamboat enter
prise has done more to Americanize us than
anything that has yet taken place. Seve
ral circuinstai.oes have turned our sympa
thies towards Minnesota, but this most of
any. Wc are beginning to feel that if we
are ever to get on, it must bo through con
nection with the United States. The route
by Hudson's Bay in its present condition is
perfectly unendurable; that by Fort William
and Rainy Lake, though a very natural
aud desirable route, cannot be serviceable
except at a considerable outlay. We are,
then, driven from sheer necessity to seek an
outlet by the lied River and Mississippi.
1 nave no sympathies with American insti
tutions per se, at least so far as they are dis
tinctively American; but if by so joining
the btales we can best advance our own
country, you can easily sec how strong the
temptation is. I don't say, nor do I sup
pose, that our joining the States depends
upon our own wishes. Still, it should be
the desiro of the Imperial Government to
receive a willing obedience and allegiance
rather than a compulsory one. Apart from
the spontaneous feeling which is springing
up in favor of the United States, you must
take into account the influence exerted at
St. Faul. Territorial aggrandizement oc
curs to the minds of some in the West as
well as the South of the Union, and if the
Oregon boundary dispute assumes any mag
nitude, it may prove to be part of a wider
A Delicate Rebi'ke. Mr. Webster
wrote, after continued provocation, to the
editor of a newspaper which referred to his
private affairs, and especially to his not pay
ing his debts. He said substantially: " It
is truo that I hare not always paid my
debts punctually, and that I owe money.
One cause of this is, that I have not pressed
those who owed me for payment. As an
instance of this, I inclose your father's note,
made to me thirty years ago, for money
lent to him to educate his boys."
tSf The frozen well at Brandon, Vt.,
has attracUd crowds of savans to that place
this season. Scientific persons in that
cinity ascribe the phenomenon to an iceberg,
and that originally, or at some remote peri-
od m the long past, that part of America
was the Lead or the sea. This hypothesis
is sustained by the fact that several years
ago, in building a railroad between Clar-
montand White River Junction, theter-
. ., . , .
minus of the Sullivan Railroad, the bones
of an arctic whale were found on one of the
highest points or land. All the land near
the well is frozen at a depth of a few feet
. , , , , . . .. . ...
below the surface. An interesting scientific
report on the subject is understood to te
Late from Europe.
By way of Tehuuntepec we have news
from Europo to July 80.
The Government of Denmark has ceded
the island of St. Thomas to the United
The proposed conference at Zurich, be
tween the representatives or trance and
Austria, to settle tho details of the treaty
of Villufranca, has not yet been held.
The Invulido says that Austria
and France may niuke whatever treuties
they please, but that iu fixing the lot of
Italy they are bound to ask the concur
rence of the rest of Europe.
It appears thut one of the results of the
meeting of the two Emperors at Villa-
irnnca, was a stipulation proviiliuir lor the
removal of the remains of Napoleon II.
from Vienna to Paris. A deputation head
ed by Prince Nopoleon will soon proceed
to Vienna to take the remains or the Duke
de Rciclistadt (Napoleon II.) which are
deposited in the Augustine Monastery, nt
V lenna, and convey them to France, where
they will be placed by the side of those of
his hither, apoleon I.
Italy. Advices from Turin represent
that the excitement which was at first cre
ated by the announcement of the terms of
the peace, lias considerably subsided, and
that comparative trauquillity has been re
stored iu most or the JUihan provinces.
It is reported that Count Walewski, the
French Foreign Minister, has submitted to
the neutral powers a plan for the Italian
Confederation, which proposes to divide It
aly into seven States, and gives the nomi
nal Presidency to the Pope, although really
the King of Sardinia and the King of Na
ples are to be the actual heads of the Con
federation, ond to exercise their functions
as exccntive Presidents alternately.
The Venetian Kingdom is to form part
of the Confederation, but to remain under
the crown of Austria.
It is said the Pope will accept, on cer
tain conditions, the title of Honorary Pres
ident of the Italian Confederation. The
Diet would assemble at Rome.
Garibaldi had had an interview with the
Sardinian commander-in-chief, Gcu. Mar
mora, at Brescia, and expressed his (Gari
baldis) confidence in the Jving of Sardinia.
France. The tenor of tho news from
Paris is indicative of a general feeling or
distrust toward and dislike or England.
The French steam navy is to bo increased
to 150 line-of-battle ships, besides 12 trans
ports of large size.
The Paris correspondent of the London
Morning Herald writes that the Lauding
together of France, Austria, and Russia,
together with the immense naval prepara
tions of France, render it difficult to disbe
lieve the universal impression tlint a great
blow is contemplated ngninst Enghind, nnd
that at an early day. This letter was
written, Jiowevcr, before the peaceful inten
tions of the Emperor Napoleon were geu
erally known.
Tho Emperor Napoleon is to make his
grand entry into Paris on the 14th of Au
gust, nt the head of a part of tho army of
It is reported that 200,000 men of the
French army are to be discharged on re
newable furlough, for the purpose of reduc
ing the army expenditures.
Enhi.and. The Ministry have announc
ed iu Parliament that they will not act on
any invitation that they may receive to take
part in a European Congress, until the re
sult of the proposed conference ut Zurich
shall be known.
In the Houso of Commons, Lord John
Russell, in making a statement in relation
to foreign affairs, said that Englnnd could
never be a party to any compact for forcing
the G rand Dukes of Tuscany and Modena
on the people without their consent. He
stated that lie believed tho Emperor of
Austria was desirous that tho people of It
aly should have a self-government.
In the House of Lords, Lord Lyndhurst
asked if the Admiralty were aware that
the French Government was arming its
fleets with rifled cannon, Lord Somerset
replied that they were aware of the fact.
In the House of Commons Dc Lacy Ev
ans moved the appointment or a commission
to inquire into the state or the national de
fenses. The motion was negatived.
The London Times urges the immediate
arming of the British Navy with the Arm
strong gun.
The debates in Parliament indicate that
vigorous measures will be adopted in the
prosecution of the plans projiosed for the
national defenses.
The London papers state that the At
lantic Telegraph Company has determined
to make the conductor of the new cable to
consist of wire twisted about six times the
size of the old cable.
Henry G rattan, the younger, is dead.
He was once member of Parliament for
Meath, in Ireland, and was the only surviv
ing son or the great Henry Urnttun.
Hpeerh of l.outs Mapeteea.
Paris, July 20. The Mouitcur contains
the following:
" Yesterday evening the Emperor receiv
ed the great bodies of State, the Presidents
of which, M. Tropling, Count de Morncy,
and M. Borocher, addressed congratulatory
lapecdn-g to his Majesty. The Emperor
vi-phanked them for their devotion, and then
explained the reasons for his conduct during
- of
j the gtraggie WM juevitably about to change
iu nature as well in a military as a political
' aspect. Obliged to attack the enemy in
front, who was entrenched behind great for-
'"J 0". hJ
neutrality of the surrounding territory, and
jalj0Ut t0 a jong and bftrren ww j
j foud 'myself in the face of Europe in arms
: redy to dispute our successes or aggravate
our . Newthcl the difficulty
of the en ten .rise would not have shaken my
( rMoIatio)i A the mm h(M, ot oot
; proportion to the result! to be expected,
i It wu necessary to crush boldly the ob-
I stacles opposed, and then to accept a con
diet on tho Rhino as well as on the Adigr.
It was necessary to fortify ourselves opeuly
' with the occurrence or revolution. It was
necessary to go on shedding precious blood,
' and at lust risk that which a sovereign
should only stake fur the independence or
his country. If 1 have stopped, It was net'
ther through weariness nor exhaustion, nor
'.I L. l 1....: 1 -
tiirouirn ruhiiuuiiiuk mc uuuic i-uum; wuicu
I desired to save, but the interests or
1 felt great reluctance to put reins upon
the ardor of our soldiers, to retrench from
my programme the territory from the Min
cio to the Adriatic, nnd to see vanish from
honest hearts noble delusions and patriotic
hopes. In order to serve the Independence
of Italy, I mado war against the mind of
Europe, and as soon as the destiny of my
country miclit be endangered, l made peace.
Our efforts and our sacrifices, havo they
been merely losses? No, we have a right
to be proud or this campaign.
We have vanquished an army numerous,
brave, and well organized. Piedmont has
been delivered from invasion; her frontiers
havo been extended to the Mincio. The
idea of an Italian nationality has been ad
mitted by thoso who comhatted it most.
All the sovereigns of the Peuinsula com-
?rchend the ' wants of salutary reforms,
'has after having given a new proof of the
military power of France, the peace con
cluded will be prolific of happy results.
The future will every day reveal additional
cause for the happiness of Italy, the influ
ence of France, aud tho tranquility of Eu
tope.' "
The Revenges of Napoleon III. An
editorial signed " C," and we suppose from
Caleb Cushing, In the Boston Traveler, con
cludes: "Napoleon, by the actual aid of Great
Britain, has baluuced the Russian success
of Moscow by tho reduction of Sevastopol.
He has, with the passive countenance of
Great Britain, balanced the Austrian occu
pation or Paris by the victory of Solferiuo.
Tho debt to Prussia remains to be paid off;
but above all that to Great Britain. Traf
algar aud Waterloo aro memories of rage
andshamo in the hearts of all Frenchmen,
and especially of all Bonapartes. And if,
in this respect, the turn of Great Britain is
to come, she will only havo herself to thank,
for the prescut powerful and proud position
of Louis Nntwlcon is her work quito as
much as that of his own genius. Certain
we may bo, that or this great drama or the
second Empire, tho fourth and fifth and
greatest of its acts are yet to come."
Mb. Buchanan's Letter or Declina
tion. The following letter from President
Buchanan, declining a renomlnation for the
Presidency, we find in the St. Louis Re
publican of the 31st ult., to which paper It
was telegraphed from Pittsburg:
Bedford, Pa., July .25, 1859.
My Dear Sir: I have received your
kind note of the 19th inst., with a leader
from the Post, and, whilst I appreciate as
it deserves the ability and friendship dis
played in the cditoriul, I yet regret that it
has been published.
My determination not to, under any cir
cumstances, become a. candidate for re-election
is final and conclusive. My best judg
ment and strong inclinations unite In favor
of this course. To cast doubts upon my
predetermined purpose is calculated to im
pair my influence in carrying out important
measures, and afford a pretext for saying
that they have been dictated by a desire to
be renominated.
With the kindest regnrds, Ac, I remain,
sinceroly and respectfully, your friend,
(Signed) James Buchanan.
New Style Envelopes. The Postmas
ter General has under consideration the
propriety of adopting in the preparation or
stamped envelopes a new stylo, just coming
into use. These envelopes aro so prepared
that black lines on the inside or the back or
the envelope, and invisible from without,
become patent on the front whon the envel
ope is pressed, and serve as ruled lines to
guido the superscription. Tho udditionul
expense of these envelopes, which aro got
ten up in superior style, is trifling, and their
convenience has commended them to the at
tention or tho Department. Conititution.
tSf A most extraordinary affair occurr
ed iu Jasper county, Indiana, lately. An
old man named William Haskins, aged kv
enty, married an old lady or almost the
same age, named Anna Mead. Tieenly
teven year before they were man and wife,
with a family of five children. Becoming
dissatisfied at the time, they separated, and
hearing nothing of each other for years,
both married again. But both being left
alone, after the deaths of their partners,
and coming together thus late in life, they
concluded to travel the little journey that
was left, together. So extraordinary a
case wc do not remember eVcr to have heard
Cire Fon Felons. Impure Carbonate
Potassa a specific remedy. Directions
Dissolve in boiling hot water in a teacup, a
tablespoonful ; when cold, wet a cloth and
apply it to part affected; let it be kept
wet with the solution till pain and soreness
are gone, which will be sooner or later as
regards the progress the disease has mado
when applied. A pure article of Haleralui
is a good substitute, if ' Impure Carbon
ate Potoswe' cannot lie obtained.
W " We learn," says the National In
telligencer, " that Mr. Joseph C. G. Ken
nedy, Superintendent of the Seventh Cen
sus, has been appointed under the act of
March 3, 1850, making ao appropriation
preliminary to taking the eighth census, to
bar the directioo of the work.
Hltteltaay. .
Miss Florence Nightingolo is to ex
tremely ill that the worst results are appre
hended. Her strength Is diminished sadly.
She hat been removed from Highgato to
London, but is now confined to her room. ;
The London Athcnaiura it very sav
age upon a recently published American
book. It says: " The preface is the revo
lution of a phantasmagoric Christmas holi
day wheel. The book is written as if with
a bowie-knife; It it all revolver, firing, and
Brlghnra Young lately tendered the
use of the Tabernacle at Suit Lake City to
Rev. Mr. aux, Chaplain in the Army.
and the lutter gentleman held Episcopal
services, Dr. Forney saying the response.
Tho Mormons did the singing, selecting tho,
psalm, "My God, tho Spring o "Vy
Joy." "
It is stntcd that there aroiioTty-siit
persons in England who have incomes of
two and a quarter millions of dollart a
yenr, while four hundred and forty-four per-.
sons have incomes ranging from fifty thou-.
sand to two hundred and fifty thousand '
dollars a year, and eight hundred and elev-
en from tweuty-five thousand to fifty thou
sand a year. . ,
The Imperial Police Department of '
Austria publishes au official statement of ill .
doings during three months. According to
thut report, the number of persons arrested
and imprisoned for various crimes amount
ed, iu that one quarter of a year, to 218,-
000, while, during the same period, 11,247 ,
houses wcro subjected to domiciliary search
and visitation. .' 'I "
A Washington correspondent of the
N. V. Tribune snys: "There is positive in
formation here thut Mr. Hunter will carry
all the Virginia delegates, and will probably
be the noniinco at Charleston."
M. Thiers is now staying at the coun
try-house of a friend near Churleroi, for
the purposo of collecting materials tor an
account of the buttle of Waterloo In his
next number of the " Cousuluto uud Em- .
A " Hoosicr girl" has been rcccutly ,'
discovered in Knox county, Indiana, who '
is under 20, weighs 110 pounds, who fol- ;
lowed and kept up with a cradle one day, .
neatly binding 1GU dozen largo bundles or
oats. She said she could easily have
bound 200 if the cradle could hare cut
The Cincinnati Israelite, the organ of !
the Jewish people in the West and South, -mokes
tho following strange declaration:
"As regards the Messiah, we In the tut
ted States aro satisfied with the Messiah-,,
ship or Washington,' just as tho prophet .
Isaiah was satisfied with tho Messiulisliiu of '
Mrs. Anna Pope, of Spencer, Mass.,
died July 14, at the great age of one Aun-
dred and Jive years. She remembered dis
tinctly many of the events ot the Involu
tion, which were history to all who sur- 1
rounded her; could describe the counte
nances of Whitfield and Wesley: saw
Burgoyne's captured army march by her
door with the triumphant American troops, '
and was accustomed to relate from her .
recollection many other incidents.
Mr. Buchanan compliments North
Carolina by saying that during his recent
visit to that Stato no man mentioned the
subject of office-holding to him, or asked an
appointment for himself or friends.
George Leith died near Montreal on
the 20th July, nt the great age or 100 yeurs
unci 7 months. Ho served forty years in 1
the British navy, and was in the battle of
Copenhagen. On the 5th he walked to
Montreal, three miles and a hulf, in ono .
hour, to draw his pension, and ou the day ,
lio died he was hoeing iu his garden, nppar
antly in perfect health. Ho died while sit
ting in his chair.
Since tho commencement of the late
war iu Italy, great numbers of Protestant
Bibles have been distributed to the soldiers, ;
even at Homo. A wide field for missionary
effort wos opened, and was well improved
by the Waldcnsian Christians and their co
adjutors iu other countries.
With the French ladies, " Fashions''
say, the "Chapeau Pietnontala" ia very
successful. It is of Italian straw, small aud
round, and the turucd-up sides are surround
ed by a black feather, which is fixed by a
bunch or roses without leaves. Black lace
is occasionally put round the edge, but a
youthful smile, it it thought, can dispense
with this addition.
There arc 511 lodges of Odd Fellowt
in Pennsylvania, with 42,542 contributing
members. The receipts of the order for tho '
year ending Juno 30 were $225,066 and
the amoutit paid for relief $110,076.
Nature seldom lavishes many of her
gifts upoujone subject: the Peacock has no
voice; tho beautiful Camelia Japonica has
no odor, and belles, generally speaking,
have no great share of iutcllect.
An Arizona letter stn'.cj thCoJ,
Bonneville, in his late vis'.', (a that region,
took the census of the American population,
west of the Mesilla. Valley, aud by includ
ing overland njail stations, made out a total
of one hundred and eighty The Mexican
population at the extremity of the Territory
is vry small and poor, iguoraut and rasca(,
ty, as a general thing.
The first case of sun stroke of which
we have any record it related in the Bible,
The victim was the little son of the Mm,
nammite, who, " being in the field with the
reapers, said unto his father, 'My head!
my head'.' And when he bad taken him to
his mother he ut onber knees till ooonj
then he died."
Hartford pejrs state that 10,000 ra,
volving rifles are now being manufactured
at Col. Colt'i armory, for tht tyitiab. qo