t & - - ,1, i I iiimtrr I TT H MATT. TTwh . SOSSI. , I'.pllaph. Bol i Infidelity, turn pals, n.l die I Beneath lint flon four tlitping Infant! lid Hey art lh lost or hiiJ I If death's by tin, Iht tinn'J, (f lliay are hert I If bttveu's by works, in lietvsu ihey can't appear. Alt) rsseon, how depraved I Revere lh Dibit's sacred psge the knot's untied : Tbsy diej, for Adum sinned they live, for Jesus died! AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF, WEARS NOW OPENING IN Till New rire-rroof Srick, A MKbg AND WELL-AftSOIITED ITOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling- perfectly secure s gain it fire, we will new Offer Grtatrr Inducement! than ever to publio. We ire coiulilly In receipt of GOODS selected will) tlie greatcat care (aa to pricea and Noble Consiste.ict When Algernon Sydney wai told that Le might save bit life by telling a filinhood ly denying kit handwriting he isiil: When (id hi brought me inio a dilemma in which I muit assert a I in or lone my life, hegivrt I quality), and are confident that our facilitiet will me clear Indication of my rftity, which n iauie wetter anu sen ax roKTLAflu rtuczai (freights on), and would advise all those visiting tint city te purcliaae goods, to examine our tlock and price! before purchasing elsewhere. Me hare, and are juit receiving, an invoice ef to prefer death to Michood." The Dah.t Life. For my part, I am not o much troubled about my lutaro state about my prosent diameter in the flgul fa holy and heart searching God. To lira a holy, tc If. denying life, I conceive to lie of the Qrat Importance. It it dy the daily Uvea of Christians thai Christ itri trier honored or dishonored. Martha Whiting. all ilia Chris Peavee. I'rayrr drawi tian grncee into iu (ncu. It draws Char ity with her lowly train, Reprntanc with ber boly eorrons, Faith with her elevated eyee, IIopo with her gratpe.J anchor, Hun oficf oca with hor open lianda, Zeal liking far and wide to IjIpm, and Humility look. ing'u-IIannnh More. 'L lfi. JgATlTI.'liB AND ItEVKMKE. TimelyVld and faithful friend, but a moat revengeful and renioraolesi enemy. Like a deep-fueling and love driiring Ini man bearl, it trctnurra up a crntoful mem ory of kiodnen anil good service, and it lure, toonor or liter, to make payment witb tha addition of compound intarasl, Itut for every instance of neglect or abuie it takea certain and terrible vengeance; and none who Incur ita anger can escape its punishment, for, like death, time is inexo rable. 7 Kind words aro looked upon liko jewels on tlio breast, nover to bo lorgetten, and perhaps to cheer by their memory a long, aad life; whilu words ofcruultyor careloasncss are liko swords in the bosom, wounding and leaving scars which will be borne to the grave by their victim. I Jo you think there is any bruised heart which bears Iho mark ofsuch a wound from you f II there is a living one which you have wounded, hasten to heal ilj for life is short to-morrow may be too late, Hatino 1'boplb. Hnnnnh More said tn Horace Walpole, " If I wanted to punish an enemy it should bo bv fust. Ilinrr on him , the trouble of conilnnily haling aomebody." Time and Ktkrnity. There are two words which should lake up mtiuh of ottr thoughts and cares, time and kter.nitv: time, becuuso it will soon ha at an enil aod etornily, because it ail! nover come to an end. l.mkine. tW Persons who are always cheerful and good humored nrn very useful in the world 5 they maintain pence nnd happiness, and spread a ihankful temper Btiiongit all who live around them. tJT There is but one man who can he. lieve himself free from envy, nnd it is he who hns never examined his own heart. I BUSINESS CAItDS. 9 consisting in part of the following srticlre Coehe. co, Pscilie, Hadley, Coneeteifo, Nprsgue, I'll i lip Allen, fall Kivcr, Mernrnac, ltrigge,and numer ous oilier choice I'RINTH, all late styles i Eng lish i; French merinos, Lyoneee cloth, mohair and oilier Delist drain, wool, it muslin de laiues, black, blue, purple, A. pink merinos, funcy pleide, jiMi'iioi, uvun i iiwi, .,, .it. no, ,aii v...... collar", h.llifa oVkkirle, dresa & bonnet trim iningi,' French 4. doineslie (finnliuinii, Freuvh lawua from U'J to 9."c, blue, mixed, fc grey ami ne!, wool fc cotton ji-a", ciitloii:ide,bleuehed and brown elieeiing from 3-4 lo 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, deiiiint, hickory shirting ; Silesia, marine, brown, and Iriali linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of linen and thread Ucee and edging, lioaii-ry, ic. MEN'S If BOYS' CLOTH I NO : Illue, blank, and brown clolh couta ; It) dot blk cloth vita, i do white and bull' Marseilles da, velvet and satis do.; 30 dm aatinal pituts, dueakin sua lancy coasiriw-re do, JO Uoi merino and cotton umlershirts, grey, blue, 4. black cloth over coala, with a geuerul aaaorlmuut of geuts luruishiuj goods, HOOTS A SHOES. .Men's, bovs'. and youths' boots; ladies', miases', and childreu'a ane rocro, goat, kid, and calf Congresa boats, with It wilhsul heels; ladies' kid slippers. 2 SIS 22 12 2 3 ' Itio and Java cofTne, Murk and green tea, X. 0., China, Itstavia Islund, ('al. refined, and crunlied augur, b. liualiHi, Cal., sugar-house, s golden syr up: suit, 5 to '.'DO Ibsks; 101) kgs nails, oaadsius; llill's pale, chemical, 4 fnglii.li seip, soup pew den, wwder, liot, 4 lead; yeust powder, aalcrs tils, cream lurlur, sniokinif 4 cliewinjr tobsoco, green earn, peat, tomaloet, ilrnm autt litnckber riei, In 3 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl buriey, maecuroni, vermicelli, corn starch, aim onda, walnuts, llriull nuts, raisins. Chili peaches, aru a truit; maekercl, iu qr fc lilt bbls; sardines. A fine SKmrlmeiit of CKOCKKIIY .J- TABLE CUTLERY : 20 crutee nunrlcd ware, 40 dm strel picks, "0 Dutch 4 lldls hoes. While Lead, Oil, and Window Glass; with a variety of olhcr articles uimully kept. BJ Vi e will piy cash for wheul, Hour, bacon. butler, eega, and almost everything the furmer una io sen. Oregon Cily, April 16, lfj.',8. NEW GOOD S: JYcw Attraction! mow & woi.F, WHOLESALK A!U RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FA KCY DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoot, ir.'it4, CJapH, fa OllUfiON CTTV. DU. d. ).Tl:iiiHNsoxr in m rr i i n H W 4 i Oregon City. Knnmaluivo Drown Wolfs..,, TEETH EXTRACT!; I nv a. la rosKHT. n.ErTRtriTV. M. D.U-O.M. IXGWK L FORIJST Oencrnl Dealers in Dry . (Jootls, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, ' Croccry, risirkoiy, 4;iuss.,vurp, HOOTS, SHOES, ,f.e At tit sM trend L foreil-l'renek Store, OKKGOX CITY. 1. C. AIN.SU URTII, VM. DIKIiUORFF. AllUVO.'tllJ tV IMl ltnOltl r, WHOLESALE A.U fiETAlL DEALERS IN GROCERIES DRV - GOODS, CLOTI1IXG, Roots ,( Shoes, ami Crockery, lathe uowFiro-proufUrivk Mswaraaar OKEUUM cm E. LA T0SEST "lirOlT.D inform the citizens of Oregon Cily and viciiiily that lie intends keen ill!? i sTAii. rm supply of evcryDHii in tho ry -Goods, Grocery, Ciockcry, nnd Fancy lino, and will be happy tn aec his old friends call upon linn, and will promiae at all limes to sell them gooua as eiieup ns any other house in town, his motto beinir Small Profits and Quick Returns. V s would also say to the H8.B BOH (Hie bone anil sinew of tha land,) we intend keep, mu eviiyihing you may require in Hie Growy ' l oi-irr y, Clothing, thy f.W., Il.mlt nnd Shot line, elc, which wo olli r ut such prices as will be I raiiMjiciory lo you. We alao wish to exchange our g.xN for yur prodiiee, and will give yon us .mi. r..-1. .i i. ..... , . " J . ' "i mnraci iiiiurilri. I oino an I try ua. Do nut forget the place, hut liwk fur (lis sign of Ln Emit ,f- .iron, ami then come in. We would my to the Ladies (God Bless You!) When you wish a superior article of dren ann.l. or titiii.u iirt'olAa .1- r..:l ... n .. .. .. . , ....v,.., , ,,, cnll ,,m ,lA rKr )(M.v, wliem y,.u will slunva tind U1(,n, and wnl receive Iheir grateful lliauka for your nut louagK. ' V o u ii g M o n , ( Future Hope of Oregon, ) iiero imif ii.h n to aiipply yourselves with a nor urtinie ul cltiilninr in w hich lo Get JIa YEW FIRM, A JYcw Goods! r. cii tunAiv sic .ncKivtrr rpAKE pleaaiire In Informinf the residtute of and tlie public generally that they have formed a eo parlneraliip in the AND FAMILY GE0CERY DVSIESS, At tit old itnndof F. Charman, where Ihey will kerp on hand everything lo their hue of busmeas, and uf Hie very beat quulity. JNo pains will be spared to give entire seiiefaciion le all who may feel dipcd to give the in a rail. From loiu reaidsnce in this place and experi ence in Ihia butineet, Ihey feel quulified lo say that Ihey can aud will give saliafoclion to all wlie may see lit te patronise them Willi their orders. N. II. All orders will be filled with as much promptness and fairness as personal presence will occurs. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything iu our line on the shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. OregonClly pee. 18, 18.8. aV ho Gold Mines ! IN OREGON CUT. "Eagle Coot and Shoo Store." J. M 00N E Y FTAS just returned from California with a JIX LARGE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, which he will aell CHEAP FOR CASH, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ifso, e email anortmtnl it ' ShortnnUrt' findings. Ha solicits the pulronngo of the people of this city nnd the public in general. JJeing entirely de- voteu 10 me boot and alios busiueas, be will keep constantly ou hand a fine assortment of ladies and gentlemen's wear, of all sorts and sises. Indies, give me a call be fur purchaaing any where flee. Do not forget the plnce two doors below Gib ton's Saloon, in the new building. Come one, come all, both great and smsll, give me a call, for 1 have boola and shoes to fit yon all. My motto is, .Small profits and quick returns. I also keep .Miller's aud Muson'a Ulscsinu for sale. Jan."!). ISifl. EMPIRE Wholesale and Retail STORE! A PEvm s-aln to Oreunn Cily to buy Good a 1 J. If so, you would probably like lo know where you can buy the most and best for the least mo ney, just piece le Brown &, Wolf 's, tslsbliihnient, opposite Gibtnn'e Saloon, and no miatake. We have jo.t received a nenvy anon nientfrom Han rruneiaco, which, having bough low, we are able lo sell in such a way that our prices shall apeak fur themselves, without much pulling. We have GENTLEMEN'S CXOI'IMX.VGa OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOS, sicii sa sack a froc k roata, rugleiia, talmas, jackets, vests, pants, cravnls, lino shirts, collars, drawers, undershirts, saahea, overhauls, and all kinds of India-rubber clothing. ALSO, ALL KIXDS OF 1 !! French, EiizIMi, American, 4 furniture calicos, giuuhuma of all colors, all wool and hlf wool de lainee, . French, tinglish, 4 Ainerioan merinos, alpsens, s.lk worolcd, all colors, all wool and hlf woo! plaids, silk a woollen shawls, single or dlilc, rerry a style of dress goods, cashmeres, velvets, linseys, brown 4 bleached sheeting, jHiiea, oil clot lis, Iriali linens, silLs, cambrics, SILK AXD VELVET BONNETS, scarfs, sleeves, chemisettes, edging, ribbons, hdkfs, gloves, hosiery, needles, pins, hooks, syes, perfumery, haireil, ' boots, shoes, rubbers, bats, capi, accord eons, SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. J 3 37 SB Hi a T BRACELETS, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and about 375 other articles too numerous and too cheap to pay for advertising. Now the fuct is, ae we are permanently located we are desirous of doing busineas on such terms that we shall not be compelled te 1 sell off at coat,' but we intend, by quick sales and small profits, te live and let live. J.adiea and gentlemen are ways welcome, and will be promptly waited en. Iletaembcr, Remember, , that our store is opposite Gibson's Saloon. Tit no trouble to show our goods, and we can beat 1 ortland all the time in prices. It you doubt it, call and satisly yourselves tbut thero is no bum buggiug in the matter. BROWN St WOLF. Oregon City, April 23, 1809. 2m6 a. iiustir. WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to inform Hit public of Oregon and Wellington that wo have completed our jLTaTJ MLJXVMMJ2 T"We BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers, lingines, Oriat mills, Sawmills, and all other kinds of muchiiiery. tu l.u.iiiaa connection with the taslcru Btates Iho great convenience of our locality tin superiority and number of our machines the use of water power hieleud of steam, aud Iho per feet knowledge of all branches of our busiueas, will enable us lo compete with California. Iiivitinir the nublio to five us a call, aud to favor us with their palronsge, we promise to execute Iheir orders ou the shortest uotico, and At Kan Fruutino Prices. a. nossi & co. June 1!). 18.18. I"yl aii tstMsT tV. .J ajr2flaUffi 'Ujf and Portland Daily P', i I . Jonnl. oUrk , 1 Jositu Mvaiua.M.:, ' f ally, (Sundayt excepted,) (l ' f le, leaving Oregon City fer. , i. Keturiiing, will leave Pirtlsli ' hing at all liitvrmodiale point,. " I BEFORE AND AFTER USING wJ DR. JACOB WL1SDEICS SANGUIFIER, Or Invigorating; Cordial. What though the sun in beauty shine, And you have count Ions hoards of wealth J What though the world all, all was thine. Jf you but want the blessing, Health. Jin Honest lppcal ! To all with bad or falling health. A RE you languid, inanimate, restless, appetite BOOT AND SHOE STO E. OREGON CITY. AM now carrying on n Saddler's and liar new maker's fhop in this citv. and have con. atantly on hand the beat of Kenrly-made harness, saddles, bri- uies, Halters, niartingals, anil rverythine in inv me. I nm aim readv hiim.tr ... m... ... i i . . , , i" . ' I wmww auv.u, nMU IIH VII 1IUIIU nans ii, oruer UIIVUIIIKT in inv line thai mav h. . called for. on a abort ,,il. M ..,. f..i. A tARCE AND WELL '. ..-..v. .... iiwiiu is, i.iuac a good article, and sell it cheap. I solicit patron age at home and from abroad. Aly eslabli.hnient is nearly opposite Charman i nurncra utu bland on Main atreet. J. SCIIRAM. April S, 1639. , Jlmfl BOOKS! BOOKS! J. B. DLAHPIED T TTOL'LD respectfully inform his old friends V v aud the publio ceuerally that he la bv us now on Hand SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, which he will tell on Iho most reasonable terms. MAKING AND REPAIRING will still be dono to order, anil on the shortest no tice. Water-proof Paste Blacking kept on hand. Oregon City, Nov. 6, 1858. i sups- T-'. A. WARNS.. Charman tfc Warner, CBNEBALCOMMISSION MERCHANTS wiuiLrssLa a tai-ait, D'alr in lr tioa.u. rtt . I , . ' woming, JiarJicar Hoot; Shoes. la their (Ire-proof trick OltKUIN CITY, IIKKUoM, r r i c d! and, nfli-r you are married, to GET YOL'R OL Tl'lT FOR HOUSEKEEPING. COME AND" SEE US I Coins ons snd all, both young and old, And aco if we the truth have told ; Here is the place to speud your vnah, Ami gel cot.d goods iiutead of lrah Oregon Cily, Jan. 1, 1S.M). JUST RECEIVED, at the CITY BOOK STORE, a large assortment of BOOKS, CONSISTING OF Standard Religious, -Miscellaneous, and Poetical works, "Waverly and Dickens's Novels, ? e t tXC, tVC. Stationerv. of all kintk ffr. Oregon City, Apl 3D... J. A. POST. J. C. II.HU.I.BY. " K. T. sces iiUGM-.j-y & nrcs, PORTLAND. OREGON, UNuricTuarss and uiroa-ress or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN .j. ENGLISH SADDLES, tf";7irv. CarriaiFe. and Team 7?-.- 7.. iW.iriH?,i.'s, l'Ai., Linen Horte-Coeers, Blankets, Vumj-eimht, Fly-Nets, Brushee, and Cireingles. SADDLERY HARDWARE. California Saddit-Trees, Stirmpt, and all kinds vj uuaua yi ai a jirti-claas establishment. Work made to order, snd repairing doue with ib.c anu ui, rouKuuuuie terms. IT Shop on Front street, between Washington Alllef- ' sep 4, '5S. Melodeons. f nllOSE who wish to purchase M ELODEONS X can have them of us at from 15 to 30 per cent ciieapes by paying CASH, than they hove been bought of us heretofore. If wanted on ciedit, the arliclea can be had at JO per cout. ad vance ou our former rates. POST & WHITE. Oregon City, June 11,1 859. SINGING BOOKS ! Nciu ute of iott : JUST received, 100 copies of the New Lute of Zion. F. 2li. jQHy a. TOST. C. ITirUKAT, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL Shop nearly oppotiu the Methodiet Church, OREGON CITY. April 16, 18:.i). tf poor, digeatien bad, and puina iu the limbs, body, back, aud head I Reader, much of this is caused from cold caught umvittingly, or, in seven cases out of ten, slupgiahneas of the liver and blood, and want of natural pcnpiialion, indiscre tion in the use of food and drink, or from a dry ness in the atmosphere which is a very unheal thy part of this cliinale many of the awful, vio lent, and suJdi u deaths that occur here must be attributed lo this. Now, reader, I have made this my study for many yean, and I do assure you that my R. WKHHKR'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL SANGl'Ir IER will euro these causes it will insure auimatiou of the liver, blood. and bruins it strengthens the nerves, and gives to the sufferer a lightness of spirits, a mental and bodily feeling of strength thul is delightful. The many respectable persons who have been benefit ed by and certified lo its oxlrjordinary qualities hi curing any of the following diseases, must satisfy all but the self-wise and ignorant skeptic dys pepsia, or indieeeliuo, loss of muscular or bodilv slrength and menial euergy j fever, najue, or chills j rheumatic, neuralgic, or other pains: depletion ana weaaiicss oi tne natural runctions, debility from disease, dissipation, too much doctoring, de bauchery, and other causes: in caso of excilonmnt from constant intcmperuuee, and where delirium tremens has occurred, I huve seen it change the sufferer in half an hour from the most horrible slate to calmness and placidity. It can, indeed, be conscientiously recommended to nil suffering, nd the proprietor regrets deeply that it is usees. sary thus to udverlise ii, iu order llml its merili may bt known. utemperanco and Debauchery, Constitutional "Weakness, !tc, DECLINE. OK NATURE, r IiE. MA TURE or NATURAL WEAKNESS OK THE FUNCTIONS, NER . VOUSX KSS, WE A KX ESS. CONSTIPATION. WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION : Dr. Webber's Santruifler is a ditint remedy. See affidavits certificates. WillTund mimed trad o'clock, k. M 3 r.tJ., touc For freight or passage apply on UOerq . . .. Daily Lin j Between Portland and Oregon Ci7 ' THE new stem-wheel steamer . EXPRESS, Ajggj Jas.Stsano, Mnsler, will run between p(rk . and Oregon Cily daily (Sundayt eceui,d). l7 , ing POKTLA.ND at 10 . m., and OltEGfii' CTrYat4r.ii. J,,8 ; U. S. MAIL LINE. ' Porllanil and Aaiorla The Splendid Kteamrr Vim"' Multnomah . g-j t WILL continue to run regularly bstwtrt ttn. ' land and Astoria, sin VauooKver.TWici. wekk. leaving Portland on Monday and Tbarafe, ' mornings or each week for Astoria i and Aius, J for Pcrllaud on Tuesilay and Fiiday mortis,, j touching VNcouvra,ST.HatEis,IUiiaa,CTi, tAMaT,&o..eaoh way . For freight or passsn... ( apply to It. 1IOYT, Master, .! jalf. Orot lloyft Wharf-bont, PorlltaJ, J- Time. W F. HlOllKIELD, , IVAJ'CM-Jlflfirjl Persons desirous of getting good work i do well to give me a call, as my whole limsitav voted to the repairing of Chronometer, Let,, . . j ii : I UI-I..I.- ' ITUpteX, alia Jiuriaumui naivnca. An assortment of fine English W4TCH, at also Jewelry on hand. CLOCKS, with weighlato them. , .. ,a' Jewelry made to order, ud repaired. . ; , Prices lo anil the timet. I ainlhaukfulfsrpuL favors, nnd hope to give satisfaction In fatore, "T IT (.oeated at the old aland, opposite Us Tel. egniph Oiricc , OREGON CITY. Fekl , VT. P. natchins, XkT. 9., 3 LAFAYETTE, 0,TJ REFKRS TO " ' . - Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio; ', ' ' Prof.J. Knst, ' , , , Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Ind.( . . , . Dr. W. Ariiiatrong, Firtdley, Ohiet , ' ' , . J. Fisher, M. D-, Tiffin, ' J.Chainbcrlin, M. IJ., Tiffin, " , Dr. H. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohioi Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pttt.i Prof.J. Itrown.N. Y. , y ,' Dr. G. Kelloirg, Milwaukie, O. T. r ( VV. D. Hntchins liulaam Wild Cherry il H Juyne't Exiectorant a " Alterative I JJ Ayres' Cherry Pectoral tS and a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all limes. Ami 1 am making arraaji'. inents to manufacture my Balsam for the tsars, from the Oreguu cherry. aagli REMOVAL. " GEORGE C. ALLEl, .' IN business in Wall st, for tlie past twenty-tit ' years, has removed to io. 415 Uroa. ! 'ly, one door below Canal at., where ht kst just openeil a new stock of . . ., ... ; Watches and Jewelry of entirely ? new and beautiful styles; aim, SILVER AND PLATED WARl.' lie it constantly receiving the latest styles el t watches and jewelry by every steamer direct bsa ' the munulautiirera in Knroie. I Wutches cleuned and repaired in the best'mia- ' tier by the finest London nnd Geneva Workmea. f GEORGE C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches I and Jewelry, and manufacturer of Jewelry, walcb . cases, and silver ware, wholesale and retail, 415 ; lirnadway, one door bolow Canal street, NEW . YORK. sp!6v ' i ALL KINDS OF us, ( roektr!t,l,latsieaitt m c " 0 mack - smitiiHq " MitstrtesT. - a nvu . ...... . . . a I '.in. r.i.i, as v K KOW HOW J TO Do IT, AT TIIK W. T. BttTLOCK. -0. JOIIHiSoM. Matlock h JoUnson, ATTORNEYS Jfc COUXSELOIW AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, ' WILL promplly ten. to any business which may be c,.,,i,j l0 cl harg. before , ,!,. ,,i;lr;CI ...j J Olhee in 11 ghtiolJ'. bn.ldine. i,u,,, , 7 pasilethe Muiu S.reM Mouse ,,au'"i'h "I- vreg,.n my, M.,r, h C tl asaj.- H B OPPOSITE THE UNION MEAT iliR KET, OREGON CITY. March 5, 1839-47 R. N. WORSHAM. WHOLESALE AND RETilL CIGAlt STORE! "l KW. ' J- TTTK hurt illllt Te,A At AAA tr John n. M'bridb"7! j N",rHesf' utup! $ X?v "T.a.av tan ....M. M.t t " lf'ieti, amkilU't,ht Or.... "reuse. e (. lr W1 r4 - - J-iC0D- w ,rel to hia profeaa onal . ... trusted to hia prof. a. a. aotr.aTs. riassnr HOIIEKTS CO" " visit re in MA RBLE AfAS'Tf V. LVl -ISLES, V ANT LA'S r....... m . ' viranirr tops, tire AV. 7. 'lf Steps, nivmt... tiso w.4i.Ln.u artJXK, OF SCR1PTIOXS. Reading for the Million. o. j. M. i VRMlCK A Ch.uVa ...!....: .... - ' MUSIC! "E have on hand a largo assortment of IttUSICAl INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, embracmg lhe following: Prince's ittcloicons i . . a large assortment, of the following kinds; me & octave, piane.cased, Two 5 do. d double-reeded, One 5 do. de. double bank, One G do. do. ' Two 5 de. ' portable. T. GILBERT CO.'S CELEBRATED besides a Inrgt assortment of Guitars, Acconloons, Clarionets, Flutes, r. J- A. TOST. Oregon City, Apl 9. At the l ily Book Store. TEACHER OF VOCAL it IXSTIlimtfYTMT ' . M.4.1U : , Notice. THE firm of La Forest &, Bacon having been diawlved by mutual consent. I hereby inform my friends an. I customers that I will continue busi ness at the old stand. K. LA FOllEST. Oregon Cily, June 183!). SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. PROSPECTUS. VOLUME FIFTEEN- BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1850. MECHANICS, INVENTORS, Manufacturers, aid farmers. THE Scu.vrmc Abates- has now reached its fourteenth Year, and will enter upon a IWVoluineon the 11th of September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind how issued in this country, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the States of the Union. It ie not, as some might suppose from its title, a drv, abstruse work on technical science j on the contrary, it so deals with the great events going on in the scientific, mechan ical, and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If the mechanic or artisan wishes to .u u oeai macnine in use, or how to make anv subatance employed in hia business if the house wue wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, o.,-if the inventor wishes to know what is oimr on in the way of improvemente-lf the manufac turer wishes to keen raid will. ih. ; enjoy the best facihucein hia busineif ihe man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the progress made in the chemical laboratory railroads, reatK-rs, mowers, and a thouwnd other machine, and appliances, both of peace and war all these desiderata can be found in the Sciim. Tirio Aaics and not eiaeitW Tliey are her. pri nted in a reliable and investing km, " h' iuwgi jjueuce and art A aVI east of r.htlts. Ague Tremors, ernerat ucblllly Al 111 lieallU snnn cured. Mr. Uriah Weeks, who arrived from P,n.m March Sd.comuletelv nroslrate. w:ili. mnl ly able to move; hud the Panama fever three months; had pains in the bones, chills, no nppelilo, strength or energy- he used Webber's Conliul two weeks, und felt so strong and well that on the 17th he went to the mines, where he is now working. For Sale at the CI1 1 BOOK ST0E1 THE following works ilagio Stair, by A. J. Davis t , : Ureal Irou Wheel, by J. II. Craves Drcd,in 3 vols., by Harriet Bceoher Stews) Tht Home Cyclopedia., of tlie World's Progress, " " Useful Arts, ' Europe, ' Geography, " Fine Aria and Literature, 1 ' Hiography, Ab. Oct! . Baptist Books. WE EXPECT by next mailateamerattti. t tityof tlie American liaptist Publicalict f Sajiety's Uooks, ennsiming of Fuller's VVsrst, i Dunyuu's do., The Pialiniat, pocket, pew, and ptb pit sixes, and a variely of other works. . -c ,..i. I We will stale that we intend to keep a eetv 1 plete assortment of the Society's books. OraMf ! for single books, or by the quantity, wiS e ' ' promptly r.rd. Churches und libraries furni.Jrl" . ut the lowest price. JOHN A. POST. 1 iJregonCily, Aug. 51, 1S.W. SARSAPAIW.U AND HITTER DliLNKEUS, HEAD! Dees sm, and Good Fbie.nd. I herewith in form you that 1 have taken in seven months over sixty bottles of Sarsnparilla, Hitters, and other remedies for Coiiiinned Dyspepsia, Weukness of me cnent, indigestion, and a general feebleness of TTAVI VG formed a corarlnership with my eystem. without letlinv anv narti.,,! iur II i.noi.i ct.,v . . Two bottles of cone i:,.!-.!,;! ,.. i "".n7...j" " ' ""'. "'Vrom u,". j imrii ucitvutu-u mo so much that i nm a difl'erent beimr. I'l. ia New Arranircments. nr. we sis now prepared to nrael ice medicine nnoa a asm extended scale than I hi. v. I.;,l.-.i.. l... .Mu les more, u-hieli I i'..l ..... ...ai A.. l . . effect a nerft-nt ..... . ir i ol " . UIBU larKiy increasing the ereeieuee Telml, 1" f: '""neBliyoo or of my medicines, .,! hop. er.many meketa botr St i.! .Ve.e.Jnne 10. "r, - i V ' .(.cliuoib wriiL'giat in h , . 0 r- wuitb, Pious and mmonsl Caution!Beware of Counterfeits! CT Buy nous that has not t,e signatures of T. auu .racun vteuber M. II An ih. r..i . . . ... ."o ui ui eacu ii.. i a - . wrapper and blown in the glaa, of each bottle. -"'KSmiinilUr Ot all AinOS fiOM to order. send two bottle IT LOOK OUT.'! Lev. Jove, to kiss the lip that apart unfurls ' White, gl.slen.ng, snowy i,eth, like spotless pearls- Are made by Lafout's Jamaica Soap Teert Koot T.n,l!ll!,T0"? hai' r'' fi"'' tni A' J"" I've, leuched bv Jones' Corn ll.i. . , - ..c.ioiauve And pure clear skin is given, from which defects elope When washed with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. ID These really beautiful n.n , .. teeth, the hair, and skin. a,. E r.''or ,M each by all druggists in California and Orego" ; Who wants a slaving soap? a beautiful shaving That Uther. like cream, and heals sore skin. ' ' And al um,... . '"""i elope un-Durn makes soon From the face or the hands, o, the brow or the chin? . mat nne emol.ent skin purifier Jones' Italian soap, (price reduced to 35 J? Z alldruggisuiaoresnn. . ' f0'.bJ ; .0 I KEEP always on hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to scaur and An .. .A wnrt H 8"y Ul' h Stnte. I can also furnish Ita vmi. WAGONS. I can alwayt be found al a hop, oj.posite MeKiulay't, ready to thot yetl horses, or do anything in the line of my butiae CaM and see. . . , j, v jjtWW. . .Uregon City. April 16, 1859.- It .- Land, Land! , t POR SALE iaO aerei, adjoining Net X balem. Will be aold in tweuty-five, iSq, and one hundred acre loll, or at may beet na T."!?"-- ,n1ui'a further of the undertianed. tr al 1 ns frotective Union" store. Salem. March 19, 18j9m8 SAM'L PENTER. "on tta, tl i five copiee, month. 4 ; .0B! x montlw. f-S ; Uneopiss, twelvi ijoaths ffi fifteen copies, twelv. rrsihs, . lt,"'' twelve month. .. .j'.. '"'"v P'. O Machine-made Horse Shoes! . decS5 o .'JOHN W. CULLEN,,7r -Front street, ft of Commercial Yfhf PORTLAND. OREGON, .-- AT AfUFACTURER and WHOLES ALI 4.TJL & Retail Commission Dealer in all km"" Saddles, Bridles, Tranbi,A California and Oregon . V baddies,' Valises, wi leaaneraace. A.r-.,i... 1, j: . ' s vv k ' ""'""oeea, ae., e., ke DE- i rrt ' ru"",m' w 3'. fs- ion. ALL . . o:cos. voesl swum, bou,, in d rfersa. Vth. es..ry..he.derH. July SSMy months, $-.'8, 1, adtanee. Specimen conis vnt .Ntn.. t r . - I IWe .mp. rZsZ LetUrs should bo directed to MUNN 4 CO. 1i8F.,K.,A'ei.rsri. Messrs. Mcrxa k Co. are exterwrely eaglet aWfeaCrosI l.latd-j,,, SB. or. i Pobl-bed ,. 7",", "I1 -I ' sav.l. I tf , r-..w, H9 K ""'Bndt..-,j proconngpstenufnew inrenti-ns, aad 'sXf rise lataatm ;.k. -v ' u WI"W- miitTM,,.. . v X at TroT V v t AIL FACTOR y, "d .vary description of proved HL'L V. Im- aCi -- - I " ' "-nunse. te mMit HOI HFDm asouirs. without V.r .-' sa- - r-- ana osnwoue rum tS, 1 ,-m1--. cam, mron-n u,. . r lewe Ht Iba UniteJ Si.t " ,ron fUSJI pd fo, LASn WARRANTS, kr I HOLLAND A DAY. 1 VOTHIXG TO WEAR, ..d H-UMverWife-., to 6T' OREGON CITY BOOM STORE proved H.ri.'.Shoe M eVrn"AlL"e" lm: orairat inn ..I m auccemiu - h leae shecs caa ba .,. . wdl receive nromnt " lreT' A- and Saddler's Hardware, r i A7entC0rLha.nl. aF li '.r..,:r Kmi. dle-Treea. ' All kinds of Trunks and Valise, made t art's?. Impairing done with neatness and dispatch. j Cssgnmetff Goods Solicits. X. B. I am selling off my eld stock at rede" d rates, and will take in exchange either eat merchantable produc. . , VAiiv sar tyt T TV July 2,1959. ' ;.ooi ' i w Oct 9, ms.j. WM F- W'0EI, Age,,. I JAMS, preserve fmiu, hranfi frai ' CHARMAN s McKLVKITft