15; 75: VI"" vl 1 .... ...... V- ,-.,, e rt 00 to IT.50: imtutowi 75: outs U''m T " ' " - I l i.i.u ' r.l. i... 1. 1,. !,! Oil,.. In Imcon IJIIUCr, Menu, MLHVM, J.W 15 to 10c; eggs 8Dc, y Katie ! htriby given lo ill tin f hrittisn ., . . . ... . i . congregation la uregon mat, owing 10 circum stance not necertry lo mention, our Stale meet ing will not bo at Sulem lliii fll, but to tub it Monmouth, Polk county. All tho congregation tlirougliout lit Hut ar earnestly requested to send delegate ti sM niedlng, uumuer r uitm bora composing ohurohes, Ite. baid mealing to Include tli Sd IrJa Pay in September neit, and lo begin on ThuraUy alou 'clock. J. K. siuariiv. t MuNilouTir, folk county, June, 185V. Mnltnomah Lodre No. 1, AY. & A. M., Iioldi in staled eominunica- lion In th Sum of Temperance Hall, an th Saturday pieocdiug tli Full Moou in each month, lirothreu in good Handing ar Invited lo attend. W. W. awn, v. m. D. W. CaAio, geo'y. ; ... 13 ' W Tl re gular meeting for llila month will tike place Saturday evening, Bsptemoer lu, MAB.B.XHDI In Portland, Sept. I, by llov.T. II. Pearne, Mr. tiaonaa w. liorr. rurser or auatner iui preia, to Miaa Luov Collin, daughter of William Collins, KM. George, th hen'ty Congratulatlaniafid brat wlahea of a host of friend go with thii announce Ibint May your htppinea equal your good Da tura and obliging politene! BXBDl ..nrtnu flW lioittl .WllOllf. ft I 111 At Oregon City, August 37, 1859, after an ill ' naa of six daya, of inllainraalion ef the bowels, i CiuaLK William, Infant son of Rtr. 0. 11. and 5 N. II. Atkinson, aged eijiht and a half months. . '; alia this oounty, week before last, Mrs. Tsvlor, T?ife of Iter. Thomas Taylor, aged 67 years for '. rnerly from Illinois. Condolence and Congratulation AGAIN CALLED FOIL 1 am brought un der the paiuful yet glurioui necessity of agaiu drawing ou the public for condolence and con gratulation, for the good reason that my aeceud wife is dead, and, with all the bad luck, I oertainly have mure good luck than any other man on earth. I have married th widow, auothur beloved ester. I am happy. Your truly, . buatmirr, Augnst, 1859. Slwl Notice. . MV WIFE F1LCITK having left my bed and board, 1 hereby warn all persons not to trust ber on my account, as I will not be respons ible foe any debts contracted by her. JOS. E.CHENETTE. v Oregon City, Sept. 3, 1&9. 3 1 w3 , Order for Appearance NOTICE is hereby given that Noah Lambert, administrator of the estate of It. K. Ran dom, deceased, tins thia day filed hit petition in the County Court for Clackamas county praying for an order to sell the reul property belongiug lo aaid estate. It is therefore ordered, that all persons interest ed in said estate appear before moon Monduy, the third day of October. IH.'9, at the utual place of holding courts in aaid comity, and now cause, if any they have, why an order ahould not bo grant ed to the administrator to sell the real property be longing to the estate of It. E. Random, deccated, 'topay Ilia debts and charges outstanding against the estate. ROBERT CAl'FIELD, Angut39,18:;9-3lw Comity Judgt. Ma aajasmx, Clackamas County, Oregon. THIS tchnol is situated on a delightful eleva tion of land, just three mile south of Ore gun City. It three termt for the' year will com mence at fellows : 1st turin, on the first Monday of September; 2d, on the third Monday of No vember after which there will be a vacation of two weeks, when the third term will commence. Each term will coutuiu eleven weekt. FACULTY. Rev. E. CASTwamtiT, Principal, and Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. F. A. Writc, Teacher of English primary classes TUITIOK. Settlement must invariably be made in advance for tuition, at the following rates: In lot and id Keadera, and Primary Arith., $4.00 Practical and Higher Arithmetic, English Crumumr, Geography, Writing, &.C., 6 00 ' Higher Mathematics, Nat. Philosophy, and Latin, $1.00 extra for each branch. ....... lilAKOINO. Extensive arrangements have been made, du ring the summer, for the entertainment of stu dents, at the residence ef the Principal. Table expenses and room, per week, $3.00. " ' r' ' ATTENDANCE. ' Ko ttudent will be allowed a eat for a lew time than half a term. Any one having paid, wishing to vacate a seat the laat hall' of the term, will have one half the money refunded. Profanity and the uae of tobacco positively for bidden on the premises. MUSIC - Gratuitou instruction will be given to a clan in vocal music. Aug. 27, 16S9. : Mr. Post's School. I HAVE concluded not to build thit season. I shall open the school in WASHINGTON HALL, on Monday, HerTBHur; 12, 1859. We shall endeavor to advance ns rapidly at pos sible all those who will nee proper efforts to acquire knowledge, as we desire that every person of the tchnol shall receive nn equivalent for all paid ut. Trice of tuition according to tire studies pursued. Every effort possible will be made to furnUh board to those from abroad at very reasonable rates, as we wish to hold out good inducements to all who may wish to avail themselves of our instruction. JOHN D. POST. Oregon City, August 27, 1859. 12m4 ' BOSTON FAMILY w. , Jnst Received, At th '' ' 1 ' CITY BOOK STORE. NEW... STORE, 'New Goods! CIIARLESTOPE, Jr., HAS opened new store on Main street, JVenr the foot ef the kill, North of the little Bridge. Hia friend and the public are invited to call -, . examine hi stock of goods, consisting of a r- GOOD ASSORTMEXT OP Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Medicines, tfec, fcc, AU of which mre offered cheap for cas t t . Oregon City, August 20, 1839. -For Sale Cheap ! A VALUABLE STOCK AND WOOD TWO MILES and a half west of DALLES CITY, Wasco county, Oregon. A good gardes aud cornfield ar among the improve ments. An abundance of water, a rood spring aadcxek. Inquire of THUS. SPLBRY, .ng.6,18j9-17wi Dalle. VOTIUSC TO WEAR, and Nothing to Say i . Hosbaad venue Wife ; at xT . OREGON CITY BOOK STORE Petition. IROM th Land Law, and all f It curve awl bleaMuga, WO twMHivh the! L'ucl bam, to deliver ut ! Fiom al and her half of the claim, O, our grist Uncle, deliver ut I roni our on Jim, and lilt third wife, in J their dowry, U, merciful Uucle, dlivr us! Frum my ttrvaut Hill, and hit bMhcr Jim, and their share, U deliver us! From soft Words and plraxiut mill, from forced lean aud false fears, U, our giuidiiu Uuelej de liver u I Home aay llial bad head, a bad heart, and th Land Law( will mak t bad woman but, from a good head, a bad heart, and that law, O, merciful Deliverer, tnatcli us! From slinking baud with Old Jo, there i no deliverance I X. La Favittk, Yamhill Co , Aug., 18.19. SOwl Public Said NOTICE IS 1IKUEDY OIVEX, that on Monduy, the ilh dttr) of September next, 1 will anil at public auction in front of the Court house iu Oregon City, in Clackwna county, Or egou, so much of th hereinafter df.ciibid parcel or lot of land a may be neceMary for the pay Hient of the County, Hehool, and Hlate laxe due thereon and unpaid for the year IMi7, together with costs and vhurgea and accruing cost and charge thereon, vil: certain lot of land situated in Oregon City and I. inn City, in the county of Clackamas and (Stale of Oregon, numbered and described a follows, being returned u uuu-ret- ideuli In Oregon City, no. er vol, ILot'K. atfov.vf er tax tti 45 90 70 31 8 62 90 (7 30 l9 30 71 90 70 48 79 30 83 48 85 60 8". (i0 89 60 92 60 97 CO 98 90 103 90 117 60 123 00 145 90 Linn City. 1 : S2 10 4 1 2ti 5 78 6 1 00 8 13 ! 11 48 13 18 12 28 14 CO 19 98 23 18 23 18 : 5,6,1 4 1.2, 7,8 5,6 4 1.9, 3.3,4 7.H 2.8 of 6, 4 1.2, 3, 4, S, 8,7,8 1,3, 3, 4, fi, H.7.S 1.3, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8 4,8 1,0. 7,B 1,2,3,4, 5, 6,7,8 1,2,3,4,6.6,7,8 1.3, 4, 5,8 1,3,3,4,5,6,7,8 1,4, 5, 7,9 2, 8,9 3,7,8, 9,10 8. 9 3,4, 5,6 1 2,11,13 4,5,6,7,8,9 1.3 10,11,12 4, 5,6 Said title will commence at 10 o'clock A. M and contiuua from day lo day until all are told. F.S. HULL AND, Vlerk, by A Holland, Deputy. Oregon City, August 15, 18o9. 19w4 To Rent. A DWELLING HOUSE, with a garden spot hnviuz 30 bearing peach tree, and 1011 apple, pear, and cherry trees, a fourth or them bearing. J hi place is convenient to a goon school, being a half mile east of the Oregon City Seminary. Wood nun work on the place will be taken in pay fur the rent. IT For further particulars, inquire at the Argu Office. May 14, 18.'9-5m2 jLast BROWN Notice. & WOLFE, BEING about to dismlre partnership and close up tho business ef the firm, are Selling off their stock at Cost ! They hereby givo notice to all indebted to them to come forward and FAIT VP f or their accounts will be put into an OFFICER'S HAN US for collection. 1 hose to whom we are indebted will present their bill to ns, when the same will be paid. N. H ROW N & CO. Oregon City, Aug. 13, 18o9. lfitf Notice. State of Oregon, Couuty of Yamhill, . In Jutlice't Court. tr0 SAMUEL BEST: You are hereby noti- JL hi d that a writ or attachment ha been issued against you, and your property attached, to satisfy the demand of P. S. Field, amounting to eighty- seven dollar and fifty cent (87,50), with inter est and costs, rtow, uuless you appear belore Wm. Hussey. of McMinville, Yamhill county. Oregon, acting a a Justice of the Pence for' Mid county, al his office, on the 24th day of Septem ber, I8j9, at 2 o'clock r. M., judgment will be ren dered against you, and your property sold to pay the debt. Dated this 27th dayof July. 1859. P. S. FIKLD, Plaintiff. Ang. fi, 1S39. 17wl OREGON HOSPITAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. Hawthorne, A. XVI. Zroryea, Physician. Ifly SUROEO. First Premium, 1841, '42, '44, '92. CHARLES J. HOLDER, GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES. THESE PIANOS are made of the best ma terials, and warranted to stand in any cli mate. Tuning and repairing promptly executed. 0. P. NEWELL & POST, July 30, 1859. y Agent; Oregon City. Complaint for Divorce. Stale of Oregon, Clackamat County, ei. Henrietta Plamondon, pltf., r. Simon Plamondon, deft. rPHE said Simon Plamondon i hereby notified ,dX I that unless ha appear before the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fur Clackamas county, to be held at Oregon City in said county on the first Monday (the 5th day) of September next, and then and there answer the complaint filed against him by plaintiff in th office of the clerk of raid county, the same will be taken for confessed, and it prayer granted by the court. AMOUY HOLBROOK, Aug.6,1859-17w4 Pltf 't Attorney. Island Mill Flour. rpiIOSE who wish to set the GENUINE L ISLAND MILL FLOUR, will please caU at the Mill, at Charman & Warner's, Oregon City, or at Allen & Lewii'e, Portland, as the second handed Island Mill sacks have beea bought np by certain individual, and refilled with inferior Hour. A. J. CHAPMAN. Island Mill, Jnly 23, 1859. 15tf McJIINNVILLE COLLEGE. THE FALL quarter will cam me nee August 17, and thf winter session ef two quarter, November 2. Term ar $6, $3, or 8 10 per quarter, acoerd ing to studies. Room can be bad ia College building, if they are taken aeon ; from 5 to $7 per quarter. President, Gao. C. CiAJioLia. Professor, Jena H. Hall. Olher teacher secured a th school demand. All book for thetcboel will be kept for aJ ia the college building ar in Iowa. MeMiaviUe.Juryt, ieS9. 13mS PAPER WAREHOUSE, til i ' ftniiaoino Blrocf, SAN FRANCISCO. 133 I Oll BALK 12.000 n'nina PRINTING paper i 3IU4K 34x18-. 2i4 9 13 t!x-274l il3-V4;lU-2.lx.l2 mid 9x 32 r INK ami JSL'l'EIl nkw. 2,000 rwuiH Finn mid superfine JJook l'upi'r. 94x38-40 Itw., 44 lbs., 4i lb., and SO Iks. NKW A VINf. nOOti IXU!. Jitghtbody'i celebrated Netri and Hook Inkl, iu keg;, and tin, from I to lUlb. packuge. Printer'! t'.aras nail Card Hoard. Cohen' and Smith &. Peters' card and cord board of every stylo aud quality. Straw tti Manilla Wrapping Paper. Double Crown l'alm Straw iu bale of 12 reams) Single do ilo S.'i ream. Manilla Paper. I.ix20 18x27 2ux30 2lx 30 2Cx38 and 3tix40, superior article. Medium, Demy, Flat Caps, Folio Tost and Letter Papers. A large assortment of Carew aud Plainer A Smith' Ltdgnr and Writing Papers, by the cs or ream. liEO. J. DltOOkS &. CO. July IB.IS.'.J. I4m3 REDINGTON & GO. WBOLBSAiB DRUGGISTS, lOT CLAY STREET, SAN FHANCiSCO, . O FFER TO THE TRADE A FULL, COMPLETE d DESIRABLE STOCK OP Drugs $ Jledicines. Having recently made business arrangement by which one at our firm will reside periniineiilly iu New York, we shall at all lime have Hie ad vantage of puiChurpg at the Lowoil Hriceit and be Certain of having FRESIt AND DESIRABLE GOODS. We shall consequently bo euubled to offer induce ments to the trade throughout CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON TEUUITOUY, and UiU HSU CULU.MUIA. uurqukled by any other house on the Pacific const. Purchaser are respectfully requested to favor us with their orders, und we feel confident that our long experience In the IlRL'fi business in California, and our present complete arrange ments for purchasing In the Eust, will enable ua to give full satisfaction to all. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE " ' REDINGTON & CO., ', W'holceale Drusgiete, j2m3 SAN FRANCISCO. 't Smut in Wheat TO THE FARMERS OF OREGON i YOU that have SMUT in wheat, will find it much lo your udvantage to thresh your wheat before or after it hae gone through a sweat, as a grout deal of the smut will bo prevented from getting on the Brain. - A. J. CHAPMA &r 11 X TTTTTTC Island Mill, July 23, 1859. BSXBBIt COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. CALENDAR fOR TUB VEAtl859-C0: THE College year commence the first Monday in September, and ia divided into four quar ter of eleven weeks each. The commencement is held on the 4th of July, when the yearly vacation ensue. Profeeeore Nathanikl Muuson, A. M. Levi Rowland, A. M. TRItMl or TUITION rr.K QUARTlai Common English iirniiehes $ 5 00 English Analysis, Higher Arithmetic, Book keeping, History, and Elementary Algebra 6 00 Natural Philosophy, Botany, Geology, and Chemistry, Intellectual and Moral Phi losophy, Rhetoric and Logic 8 00 Elementary Geometry, Surveying, Algebra, Higher Mathematics, Latin, Greek, and French Language 10 00 Convenient arrangement can be made for board at reasonable rate. ' Hook used in the school can be obtained at the College building at cash price. Bethel, roik co,, July Ino'L I'im:i Protective Union. DIV. No, 593, N. E. P. U., still continue op eration in SALEM. These favorable to the objects of the " Union," living within trading range in Polk, Linn, and Marion counties, will please make known the same, by letter or other wise, though they feel unprepared to invent stock note. Payment of Mock hereafter engaged may be made conditional that ten thousand dollars be sub scribed the coming year, ia all, making fifteen thousand. . ' Hard times'' are open us, but this i only an additional reason for freeing labor from the need less tax of speculation. Wm. P. Pooh, C. HOEL, Agent. W. PonTia, Director. Willi Dunaoak, Salem, June 4, 1859. 8m2 Notice. THE undersigned beg respectfully to inform all parties indebted to them in their Oregon City Hooks, that, new winding up their bunoe in Ore gon, they have authorized A aoav HoLaaooa, Eaq., of Oregon City, lo eoiUct laid debts. ALLAN, McKINLAY at Co. Oregon City, May 31, l8i9. 8 Dissolution Notice. THE copartnership heretofore existing between Char! Albright aud John Eppioger, in th Batcher business, waa dissolved tha day by mu tual consent. Tb subscriber Will elL up the bueinea of the late firm. CHARLES ALBRIGHT. Oregea Cty, July !,, IHO. Hit . . Cclcbra t c u OREGON CITY SEMINARY. FRANCIS P. HODGSON, A. M., rxiNfint, assisted by competent teacher. OAi.taoA rox 18.19: iD Term commence May 2.'l; 3d, September 5; 4 ith, Notember 21. TuiTioit run txxm or ilkvxn wxixs, Primary Peparlnient 8 5 .10 Common Kucjiali branrhe C Higher Kngli.h aud Mathematics fl fill Ancient A. Modern Luiiguago,vxlu,(ach 3 00 Oil painting, extra i i. 10 00 Drawing, extra ....,.,. .., 9 00 L'se of Piano, for praetk' 3 00 Instrumental Music (Piano) extra IT Tuition invariably iu advance. This Institution, Which hut beeu In successful operation One year, nlTirds superior facilities forth young of bothtrXe. It Is supplied with a good philosophical apparatus, maps, library, and piano. A few boarder can accommodated In th Institution on very moderate term. Ihuird ran also bo obtained at reusouxbl rate in the vicin ity of th Seminary. For further particulars, addrearth Principal. May 14, I8.'i9, SmS Corner Third and Water etreete, opjHieite the Feny Landing, OREGON CITY, fplIE traveling publio ar resiiectfully JL Invited to give ine call. The Oregon House i Ilia most ph antly located hotel in the Slute, aud has been so arranged a to make it one of the most commodi ous houses ill the country. THE TABLE will always be snpplled with the best that the maiket affords. -Good accommodations for ladie and families'. I'atext: Board and lodging) per week ,.$7,00 Dourd, without lodging, per Week b'.UO Single meal i0 Night' lodging ... , ' M ' 1. 0OEII.M, May 1, 1839. , Proprietor. DRS. G. A. & ADA M. WEED, Itygeo-Metteal (ar Water-Cure) JJAVING located at mi j. MLd 3R1 imm 9 We shall bo happy to attend to calla, both in town and country. MKS. WEED will give special attention lo OBSTETRICS, and diseases peculiar Id women and children. ID" We mnke no use of drugs( bnt rely entire, ly rjHrj hygiino npplidnceo. Patient at a distance visited oh reasonable term. They may be consulted personally or by letter, free. ' May 7, 1859. STOVES, STOVES, At Portland Prices ! B. lUXLWAXN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Main Street, opposite the U. 3. Hotel, OREGON CITY, IMPORTER OF COOK, Parlor, and Hex Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper, Planished and Japanned Ware, lloiim-furnishing Hardware, Force and Lilt Pump Rubber Huso, Hydraulic Rams, Lead Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Cauldron Kettles, limes Ket tles, Skillets and ilake Ovens, Cow Hells, Sauce Paus, &.O., Sic. Also, MANUFACTURER of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every description. Sicambou! and Jobbing Work done at the low est rales. apltiy For Sale : FOUR VOL.HG STALLIO.tS, BY T1MOLF.ON, nut of fins mares, aud a few PURE UI.OOI) SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. S. W. MOSS. Oregon City. July 2, 18S9. ni3 Soots and Shoes! J. B. BLANPIED, Opposite to Sch ram's Saddler shop, Main street, OREGON CITY, WOULD aay to the public that he is iu the constant reoeipt of Boots and Shoes of the latest pat terns and styles, which he will tell aa cheap as any other establishment iu town, if not cheaper! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' WEAR ALWAYS ON HAND. Makln? & Repai AND JN SUPI V April 30, 1S59, a. Repairing done to order, SUPERIOR STYLE. Great Excitement! Franco and Austria At War ! ! THE undersigned wishes to Inform the people of Oregon City, and the public in geuerul, that ho is at peace with all the world, and keeps constantly on hand A FINK ASSORTMENT OF Boots and Shoes, of all eorte and eitee, which he will tell Cheap for Cash! Ladie and gentlemen, you will do well to give me a call before buying anywhere else, because I have the best and cheapest boots and shoes in this niarket ; because I gel my boot aud shoe Direct from San Francisco, and can afford to sell cheaper than those that buy in Portland so that I defy competition. If you will but give me your patronage, I will guaranty that you can buy 6oof and ehoee of me cheaper than of any other hoose in town. ' -Remember the place, and make no mistake t - "RAGLE BOOT AND SHOR STORE.' J. MOONF.Y. Oregon City, July 16, 18.r9. jy?? GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NE XT DOOR TO MR. CAU FIELD S STORE, N F. Al THE B1IVII T N.Bv Family Medicine prepared in the moat careful manner, and always on hand. Oregon City March lf&9m Notice IS HERERT GIVEN, that CHARMAN It WARNER have placed in my hand for collection all accounts, both by Bote and book, (under the sum of one hundred dollar,) prior to the 1st of July, IS.'.9. CUoTS will be saved by immediatei settlement with me at my office in Oregon City. J. M. BACON, July IB, IH..-Mtf Justice ef ihe reae. To Ike Afflicted. TkR- HUTCHINS' CELEBRATED BAL. XJ worn ef Wild Cherry, with a variety of hi other popular Bottnicml Meduinee, ar now for sal at CH ARLES POPE'H, Oregon City, and at JOSEPH BARSTOW-if, Cm. 47 J. FLEMING, (AT THE POST .OFFICE BVllViya,) OREGON CITY, HAS on hand aud for sale, a wallelected as sortment of , Books and Stationery, comprising, in part, the following I Family lllbli aud 'IVs- Cap, letter, and not tument, piper, Downing' Frnit. end PeusA Peu-htdrn, Fruit Trei of Auicr- Sand & sand boxes, lea revised edition, Tissue paper, perfontcd New MiuHinio Trestle. boarJ k drafting piper Hoard, Mitchell' and Olu. y's Mnsoniu Manual, Geographies aud At- Odd Fellows' Manunl, lur, Quinliy's Mysteries of Mason' Farrier, liee-keepiug. D.idd sCatll dt Horse Livingstone's Travels in Doctor, South Africa, Kane' Arctic Expire, (lunn's I loin. Medicine, lions, Sanders' Old and Ns Dlink Book II Dill Pa- Sie!ler & Reader, per, Thomson's Arithmetics, Gillespie' k, Davie' Fulton & F.atiiiau' Surveying, Hook-keeping, with Mules and slute pencils, blanks. Dr. Ilollick ' Works, fli'il. hlue. A bib luk. tie.. Ac. all of which will be retailed at price corresponding Willi me iiiiifs. tr Don't forget the place! Il It ' OPPOSITE LA FOREST BACON'S. ALSO, FOB SALE, Dr. Moflatt'a Tills and Phoenix Hitters, ami tho Graefenberg Medicines, which are recommended to those who wih to lire til I they die. May 14, 1851). a m a a t ? y ai PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Oppoeite Geo. Abernethy $ Co.'e Brick Store, OUUUON CITY. THE undersigned are prepared te take like nesses, such a inbrotypes, Melainotypes, Pho tographs, or PICTURES ON PA TEST LEATHER, suitable for lending in letters, all ef which will be executed in the LVTV.HT ASD XK.VTf.ST HTVl.r, AND ON SltORf NOTICE AND R KA SONAJILJi TKRMS, CROUPS and LOCKET riCTURliS Uiken very low. ( all and examine our pictures, and judge for yourselves. Kooiiis oppositi Abernethv & Co. brick store. HOLLAND & DAV. June 11, 18.19. Stupendous Excitement ! ! LY McMIXVILLEI t " There is a tidk in tho aftkirs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." THE palpable meaning of the poet ts, that by culling ou S. C. ADAMS just note, who Is selling oft' his largo and well assorted stock of DRY. GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKKRY, tiC, kC, kC, AT COST, yon can lay in your year' supply at such LOW RAIS8 Dial you can't fail to get rich at it. Ho is Closing out his present stock at very low prices for Hi entire stock must be sold immediately. Come one, come all, and ceme eovn. You can buy a dollars worth At Portland Wholesale Prices! such as the best prints ut a bit, best ijtmlity, plates, cii and snucers, Ac, at six hits per set ; nails, A No. I, at 13 lbs. lor a dollar; brown sheeting at a bil, Vo. &o. ; best itmlity uf luiliea' shoes at $1 to 81,2.1, and everything ill proportion, only perhaM cheaper. t$T All persons knowing themselves Indebted, will please come forward and settle up with cuah or notes, aa my books must be cloned. a. (J. AUAMd. McMinville, June 4, 18.19. 6w3 Great Inducements EUGENE LA FOREST'S. WE take this niethinl of informing tho pub lic that we believe it best fur purchaser and seller that A'O CREDIT be given; we therefore commence nn entirely new system. We will not sell our goods on any other terms than for Cash or Country Produce. We have a large stock of GOODS consisting of GROCERIES, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, w . r , HOOTS (J- SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware. Now litten lo o for a moment er two Whil we use our effort in convincing you , That paying cash down for whatever you get I better thau buying goods on a credit. You will find by reading our advertisement Thatw purpose selling for at le;ist urn per cent Cheaper fur cash than we could on time i Thi is certainly better, the buyer will find. Here ladie can find all they mayrequirek From fill (Ilk dresses lo plain bonnet wire S The gentlemen also can here be rigged out , . Y ith hue doe pant, vest, alnrt, and a coat. Th fanner lino should here come aud see If w have not got good ugar and cotie, Tea, rice, March, tobacco, salt, ami soap, Nails, cups and saucers, salaratus, and rope. Come farmer, try ut, and then yea will e If we do not do just a we agree ; We promise lo sell good at price below, With freight only added, which is right you know. For fear you forget just where we reside, Post A, White' Book Store i oa the east aide ; La Forest & Bacon is the name of the firm, Our motto, small profit but a quick return. Bring en your cash, your eggs, and your butter, And if it i raining don't elop for the weather. A II indebted lo us, jeu come along loo, The cash we are needing, your custom also. OaauoaCiTT May 14. 18.19. Kane's Arctic Expedition, Rl'SSKLL'S I KIMEAN WAR, and other interesting works, for sale al the d-e 2 CITY HOOK STORE. JUST received, the latest sfyfe of M.l 4 ssT in BONNETS, Leghorn r,d drew Data. AINSWORTH V DIEP.DORFF.' ,swii .'jt jrii" rrenrrontr "i Lyon'n Magnetic Powdero, or Flea Powder, ! W'l'W i'ttrny Garden Inserts, Cockroaches, Bed' Bugs, Fleas Ants, Miths, and all penis of the eermin kind. ' Th tininrtauc of a reliable article of this kind la iiHMlimabl. In warm weather all nature team with these annoying foe. This powdir is th ou ly article ever discovered which will (iterminat litem. A company of botanists, front Ihe Horti cultural Society ut Pirii, While amidst Ihe ferns of Asia, observed that all insect lighting nwn a certain kind of plant very soon dropied d'J. Thi fact wa madu use of to guurd their ulght camp from these intruder. Iuniitiiir uf the plant Were brought hm hy Mr. K. I.yun, and found positive insect destroyer in every npri. ment. It I (imply a powdered leaf, chemically prepared to resist th elfocl of ag and o.iinU Medal and Letter Patent have been obtained from the governments of Kuglnnd, France, tier, muny audltussin, from the World's Fair, and nu merous medical aud hurtieu!lurul culirgi and so viet irs. Lillet from thi President ef the Vnited Stnlei. "KxKdtiTtvn Mission, WaiiuauTON, 31st Jan., IHSJ. Mr. F.. Lyon, Dear Sir I I have Ihe plensur la Inform you Uiat the lloynl oouiniissiun of tli World' luir, at London, have awarded vou a Medul aud Cerllllcnte for tho great vuluu uf your Magnetic Powder, Ac, Mil. LAUD FILI.MOItR. Ch'u." The above waa accompanied by a ccrtifical of Prince Albert. T IS FREE FROM POISON. Nw Y'oan.Octobirl, 18 Etnnnuel Lyon,-Di ar Kir I We have analyse ed and tested your Maguetiu Powders, and uud them perfectly harmless to maukiud aud doiucstia animal, but certuiu death when iuhid'4iugi ant and insect. J. II. Ciiti.Tos, M. D., Chm, I., ltatii, Prof, Chemistry, JJe .pltali Mr. John L. Rome, Superintendent 41 Me N. Yi Hospital, say ''he hasexp.'lled ull the liugl, ants, roachea, moths, etc., with Lyou Powder, aud lindait of imineiue value." , Every gardener and housekeeper must have a direol interest in an trticlu of tin kind. Itefnr. ence can be made to Ihe Astor, St. N.ehola, and Metropolitan Hotels; to Judge Meigs, President' of the American Institute) James Oordou lieu-' nett, Oeu. Winlield Scott, Cyrus W. Field, L. M. Pease, of Ihe Five Points Missiun, Ac, iVc Judge Meigs says, " This discovery of Prof. Lyon is of national importance. Tho Farmer' Club have tested il thoroughly. It will dottmy locust,; grasshopper, ant, moths, bus, and all vermin. Garden plant can be preserved, and house made pure." r Kate and mice cannot be Mnrlird by a nowJer, and are killed by a Maun trie 1'itu. Ordir Ilium through any merchant Tli I .yon foWiler Rill insect in a irice, ' But Lyon's Pill are mixed lor rat and in ce. ' Follow direcliiHia, Use freely and thoroughly. Da. A. II. S l'ICKLK, Agent, Oregon Vitu. . SMITH l DAVIS, and Da. WtiAttlCK. FOItD. enM, Portland. PARK A, Will I IC, San Franasr. 8m1 ' SALT, "The inosleitrnordiuary chemical dis covery of modern lime is the Aoliphlugisiio Salt. Il act upon Ihe blood pieuisely in ihe sum maimer aa the vaccine matter operate in the pre vention of maliKiiiinl di.eiuw. Il cures only dis ease which are iiifluminutury lu tluir uuiure. ' rirst, Intlaminiitiau or the head and Ihioat, siiotl as bruin fever, fin, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas, and catarrh. Second, uases of iiitlumiiutlon In the chest and ubdoiiien, vil.: Inflamed lung and liver, pleurisy, dyspepsia, asthma, gravel, piles, esa. Third, iuftaiiimutiuu of Ihu extremities aud skin, lo wit! rheumatism, scrofula, ulecra, scarlet favor. Venereal unci cutaneous affections. Thlr ehomiual coinhin iliou is n puworful and iiulauln lleou ill it etlecls, that the dose ia only wlial will adhere to a quill dipped in the Suit and held lu tho loniruo for one minute. The uiont asUiuudiiu roi lilts have invariably followed it usu iu the Atluiu lio Stutes, and thousand of teitim.iu.als a lo ft virtue can be furnished, if required. Th pro. prietor ask not, however, for Faith, but is willing to let the Salt abide by its works, cuufUaut that it will never fail. It ia nut un III drachm uuckuiics. price Two J Mime, and will be forwarded by mail, ; post paid, to any part of Ihe country, upou receipt , uf that sum, addressed to KKDINU TON Si CO., San r raucisco. r ull direclidii accompany each truckage. As soon n a sunkieut supply can be oh tallied, it will ha for sale by Druggist generally.- F. Coggawell, M. 1'.. ditooverer and proprietor. Sole Agent for California and Oregon, ItBDINGi TON Jc.Co., Wholesale Drugisi, Sun Francis. ' co. DR. A. 11. 8 TEKLE Agent lor Oregon City. Kboumatistn. i In all case of Inflammatory Rhettnmlism, whether acute or chronic, Ihe Antiphlogistic Salt, discovered by Dr. F. Cuggswell, of lloslon, is a sure and infallible result. In New England, where this disease is very prevalent, the S.dt hua never been known to fuil in eli'cctiiig a rudiual cure, and of giving permanent relief, Uheuiiia tism ia almost invariably caused by influiniu.itiou and Colds, uud the peculiar elluvt of this niudiuiiie, . as its numo (Ant'phlogistia or Auti-inlhimuiutory) signifii, is lu reduce iullaminalion, and balance Ihe circulation of the hloud, and rhe lluid of the buly. It doe not profess to bo a gran I panacea, but is c.ilcul.iti'il exiircsdy for ull iheu.io ef an iiillaiumutory nature, and is thus a perfect substi tute for blood-letting iu all il forms. It is for sulo by all l)ruggista. (lenoral Agents, Kkoinotoji it , Co., Whulesalo 1 )rug'iui, Sail Franoisuu. Bronchitis, Aithms, Catarrh. TIioho diseases, aud other of a similar ohurnt tor, canned by cold and iiiflaiiim ttiun, yield reud ily and certainly to the effects uf Ihe Autiphlogi. tio Suit. It is peculiarly betieliciul in all d.seases uf thia nuturo, aa they aru invarilily caused by a len iency of blood to the heuad and throat, ami Ihe certain result of tho use of this medical salt -to rednce iiifluinmation un l equalize the circula tion of the lluid of the b idy. It is also remarka bly efficacious ill ull iiiflainatory disease uf the chest and abdomen, such us Piles, flruvel, Vene real, Dyspepsiu, Pleurisy, ore No better evi dence of the value of this medicine can be given than the fact that, although It ia now two yuan since it wa first ollorcd lo the public, the discov erer has been able to answer but a small portiou of hi order, and it i only within tho last two month that il could be obtained at any price ill thi Statu. For sale hy all Druggist, tieuerul Agent, Kkiiinuto."! & Co., Wholesale Druggist, Kun Francisco, Agent for Oreguu City, Da. A. II. STEELE. 47m3 Lost, A SMALL POCKET-BOOK or wallet con taining tho folluwing-described notes: One note ou John Isom of Linu county fur $IUoU, hearing ten per cent., and payable to me on or be- fore ihe first day of April next. Also, one note on Wm. ('. Stewart for ;44.',5', bearing data Nov. 6, 1H5S, payable lo me ill three years, and drawing ten per cent, interest from date until paid. Also, one note on Joseph Kubiuelt and William Vawler (middle lettera uot recollected, if any) fur $97 and I thi ik some cents; said note wa given about dan. S, IU39, payable I think iu thirty days, drawing fifteen per cent, until paid. All persou are cautioned against buying any of the above notes. Tie finder of the (amu shall be compen sated on delivering them to me. II. F. WIIITSON. Munmouth, Polk eo., June 1H, 1859. 10wd , Administrator'! Notice. NOTICE 1 hereby given that the undersigned hasbseu duly appointed administrator of' th estate of Jane O. Moore, widow, deceased, late of Clackama county. All persons indebted lo said estate ar hereby notified lo make payment, and all person having claim against th said deceased must present them In Ihe undersigned at but residence in Linn City in aaid couuty within un year frum dale, or they will be forever burred. JOHN T. APPEIWON. June!tt, 1659. Ilw3 - llityaril Tuylwr'a CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan' Three Years' Kesidenct on the North West coast for sale at the CITY BOOK STORE. The Fincit I FRENCH confectioneries, such aa gum drop,. Frondans, mottoes, coxpiai. camv, almonds rock eaudy, Ac . at Dc 13. CHARMAN J McKI.VNEY'B. i