treat H.ei. Tuning la bslmy end esol ii (lit Wit, Lulling lh golden bright meadows lo frit, TwinkU lik nlver tin star ia th kis, Graetleg th w litUs (lumbering ye j bwMlly slscp! Sweetly sleep 1 Tby witch lb goad tngtli is J'ariM1(p. Now ill li flowers irt gon to repr, All Ui inl incna-upa peacefully clots, llloasorns rocked l.ghtly va evsoing'a mild brM, Drowsily, dreamily, swinging lli tress. Sweetly sleep ( Bwcel'y ehepl Thy watch Ui good angel ia raradi karp, Wie litll lves, by tli light of III DIOUB, King lo my darling t lullaby mien, lli from yur eell in ll cup of lli Hewer Wavs h ni a gol.ltn ilnam all id nighl hours I Hwsstly ep ', Hwrsfly l p I Tli watch lli good (ngrla in J'srsdiss keep. Wsava hint a rosy, and wear him a mild, llesrenly rtpriiiulmis, lha beautiful child, leading iu slumber llial ft lilil hand, t ar hiiodieanilaml, iha magical land. Sweetly sliep,' Hweslly ileepl Thy wstcb Iho good angala is i'aradia katp. Sleep till ih (lower ar opening one mora, Slp till lha lark in lha morning aliall aoar, Hlp till Ih gulden barjla' heavenly chime Fsslally welcuiuea Ih morning' prime I Bwaelly sleep! riwsetly sleep I Thy wskb lha gJ angel 10 Paradise heap I From the German. AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF, ARK HOW OPENING t T I Tlli Wew Tint root Brick, A UEOB AND We7,L-S0STED ITOCC Ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly aeenrs sgshift lire, w will flow Offer Greater Inducement! Mar tver (o tli public We ar coiiilaully In receipt of GOODS selected with Ilia rrealeat car (aa to pricaa and quality), and Irs confident that our facililiea will enable ua to oiler and sell goodt AT PORTLAND PRICES I (freighleon), and would edvis all tlioa visiting Una cily lo piumas goo la, lo eiemin our alock and price before purchasing el- her. a nave, ami ar jui receiving, an invoice oi 9 The Wohld. The world; It it all title-, pa;' ; there ara no contents. It ia all vex ation, in K'Mlinjf, in keeping, in losing il ; and wlieihar we get or lose, we, art at til dissatisfied. It ia only a leilioiis repetition oflheaaine things. It will wield umoaup port or consolation when we most want il in lb horroraof guilty mind, and in the approaching terrors of death. Il is tickle, variahln, and unstable e the wind : it is aiwiys fiukie, always changeable, al ways unstable. There la no steadiness in Its honors, riches, pleasures ; it ia all van iiy, all a lie forever tttjiand. Mentation oh tiie Wohd op Gnu. Jfy conliiiilul mo dilation on the sacred writ ing", a man as naturally improve and ad vances in holmras a a tree thrives and flourishes in o kindly and well watered oil. All the fruit of righteousness shew tliemwlves at the proper season, as oppor. lunily calls for l he in ; and hie words, which re to his actions whii(ihelenvetarelollie fruit, all sot on the ground, but preGiable wen as ornamental. Home, 1118 llEAIIT AMD TIIR ToNGUE. The cure of an evil tongue mutt he done al the Heart. 1 be sei'-hls and wheels ara there. nd the dock strikes according to their inoiiun. A .'uilelul heart inakea a guilo ful tongue nnd lips. Ii is the workhouso Whore lathe forgn of deceits and slandom. nd the tonguu ia only ihn outer shop uxpy are vcnieii, and the door of il. oucn ware as it made mhin, ucti, and no vmcr, can come n.lsit)liton. RhFUUE wT.oi-BW.lhi. poor relief '"Vif"' 'l,"osl ever"'i"8 'er iuiii aurrow lo v In I lie ilul rnrn,.ri ,,f air mmz conalating Id part of lha following article Coe ha co, 1'aoific, Miidli y, Coiiettetrii, Hprague, I'hilip Allen, hull llinr, Merriinac, llrigg, and Burner oua other choica PRINTS, all lalt tlylet ; Eng. liah i: French merino, Lyoneae cloth, mohair and oilier Debate; braze, wool, Sl mualin de laiura, bluck, blue, purple, Si pink merino, fanny plaioV, jueuuel. book, awiaa, tc mull liiulin, ladii a iiuli. ael, eollura, Ihlkfa A-ikirli, draaa de bonnet Irim. niinga, r reiich & d'nneniie ginirhaini, rrem li lawnt from l!.'j to blue, tuned, ic grey anti net, wool ic cotton jeano, coltouauV, bleached and brown herting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and bl. aclied drilla, denima, hickory ahirlinir ! Kileaia, marine, brown, and Iriah linen, nankeen, diaper. and eraah, a large lot of liueu and thread laces and edging, hoaitry, die. MEN'S $ BOYS' CLOTIIINQ : lllnc, black, and brown cloth eoal ; 10 dot blk cloth vceta, 5 dnx while and bun" Maraeille do., velvet and aalio do. ', 30 doz animal panto, duenkin and funcy caximiTe do, 3) dot merino and enlloa un.lemliirli, grey, blue, It black cloth over coal, with a gi'iierul aamrtuu'ill of genie' furnialiiug gooiN. UUQTX J- SIIOES.-Vtn'i, bojV, and youlha' boota; Indiea', niinea', and children' nio. rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congreaa boota, with At without heela; ladira' kid alippera. I'io and Juva coflee, bluck mid green lea, 5. 0.. China, llulavia Ixluiid, CaJ. refined, and crushed augur, K. Ilualnn, (,'ul., augiir-houae, i golden ayr up; aiiit, o to vuu lb aha; tuu kK noil., uewl aizi; llill'a pale, chemical, a Knirlieh aonn. aoun now- di re, powdor, .hot, fc lead; yeast powder, aalera tua, creuin lurlor, aiuoking t chewiiiv tobacco. green torn, pea, tomaloe; ilraw and tilactber rie; in 2 lb line; sjiice, pepper, and caaaia, pearl uuney, niaccnrom, veriuicrlli, com alnrcli, aim- onil, waluuie, llriuil nuts, raiiine, Chili peaches. drii d fruil; innckcn l, in i)r a hlf bbla; aardine. A lino aestirlmciit or CROCKERY J- TABLE CUTLERY i 20 cratea assorted ware, 40 doz ateel picks, SO Dutch 4 lldla hoe. While Lend, Oil, and Window Glasn; with a variety of other arliclea usually kepi. u l iie win pay cabh lor wneul, Hour, bacon, NEW FIRM, fc JYctc Goods! F. CIIAR.1IA t lVcKl.tMCY rilAKB pleasure In informing ih rteijiuta of x OKEuux cu r sud (he publio generally thai they have formed eo-parlnenhip in Ih AND FAMILY GROCERY UVSISESS, At the lid Hani f. CUtmin, where they will keep ou band (vrrylhing la their line or business, end or the very beat quality, n pains will be spared to give entire mlafaatloa t all who may iei ditp.k a to give mem a ran. From ni residence in this place and (iperi enc in I hi buainess, they feel q'ulitied lo say thai tin y can and will glv satisfaction to all wh may eel ni lo patronize them with their order. N. 0. All order will be filled with aa much promptness and fairness a personal praaeucs will UMPIfltE a, soeai. R. nustaV. XJ T T. Z. BrX 9TT11 Wholesale and Retail IRQ$ WOUK8, a v a i nttk'nnv city. S J varaatJ a "f TfB bef to lolorm Ih publie of Ore go. and T T Hi PARTIES FURNISHED with mrylbing lo our hue on Ih tborteat notice. W D D ING CAK MADE TO ORDER. Oreironaiy Dee. 18, 1S.".8. JYcic Gold Mines! IN OREGON CITY. " lnrrlA Ttvit ami Kl.a Cf.n J. M 06"n E Y TT A3 juat relumed from California with a XX LARGE STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, which be will sell CHEAP FOR CASH, WtlOLCSALE OR RETAIL. Aim, a imnllaiior (merit of Shoemaker' finding lie solicit Ih patronage of the people of Ihia cuy nnu inr piMic in g-oeral. Being entirely de voted lo the boot and alio business, be will keep constantly on hand a lino assortment of ladies and gentlemen's wear, of all sort and aizea. Ladies, give rue a call before purchasing any where els. Do nut forget the place two door below Gib son a auioon, in the new building. 1 RE you going to Oregon Cily W buy Goods? 1. Ifso, you would probably use in snow wnire yoa can buy Ihe meal ana Deet rorui iat mo ney, mat place is Brown & Wolf's, establishment, opposite OUnn't Saloon, and ne mistake. We Have Just received a heavy assort ment from Han Francisco, which, having bought lew, w are able lo sell In such a way that our prlres shsll speak for themarlv, without much putting, wanave GENTLEMEN'S aLiorruxw OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, sveu ss sack a frock eoal, ruglaua, tuhnaa, jacket, vasts, pants, eraval, buusliirit, eullars, drawers, umler shirts, aaabee, reihaaia. and all kiuile of India-rubber clothing. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF .'s.hingion that w liave completed our BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, snd are prepared to build boilers, Kuginea, Grist mills, Sawmill, and all win r kinds of machinery Our hnsiiiess connection Willi III States iho great convninee of our locality Ilia suieriority and number iif our inachinea Ilia ua of wnter power Instead of ateain, and Iho per- feot knnwledg of all brauchca of our buaiueaa, will rnabl us lo eompela with California. Inviting lha publie to give us a can, ana lo lavor us with their patronage, wa promise te execui Iheir or.lera on Ihe liortct uoliee, and At tau Franvlsc Prlrca. A. ROSSI A. CO. June 10, 18.-.B. IQyl UEFORE AND AFTER I'SING U. S. MAIL LZitlL Oregon City and Portland Daily Paefy tnZTJtt. Josisu Mvaioti, Maattr ' H ill run daily, (Sundsys excepted,) in ,s tb,L named trad, leaving Oregon City every dayiii o'clock, a. m. Returning, will leave Pertlaii 3 r-M., touching at all intermediate pointa. For freight or paeaaga apply o. board. Bally Lin ' Between Portland and Oregon Citf,' rilllE new "tern-wheel steamer . -mm 1 EXPRESS, Kasteru ia. 8tsho, Muster, will run betwsea Penlsu Ifl French, Euilish, American, a furniture calicoa, giiilihemeor all colors, all wool and hlf wool de laine, French, Kngliah, American merino, alpaca, lk worsted, all colors, all wool and hlf wool plaids. silk a woollen aha wla, single or d'ble, rcrry a style or dress gooda, cashmere, velvet, lineere. brown a bleached ehaeting, jane, oil Clollis, Irish linens, silks, cambrics. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, scam, sleeves, chemisette, edging, ribbon, hdkf, glove, bowery, needles, pine, hooks,syes, perfumery, hair oil. boot, shoes, rubbers, bat, caps, accordeons, J 3 3 2, 21 ? 9 BRACELETS, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and about 375 other article too numerous and too cheap to pay for advertising. I ow Hie Inct la, a we are permanently located, 4 niil Come one, come all, both great sod small, giv we ar desirous of doing bumness on audi terms me a call, for I have boots and shoe to fit t ea all. itly motto is, Small profits and quick returns. I also keep .Miller s and .Mason's linen. for ' Jan. 2!;, KjiS. SADDLERY, world: M well might a tost and wearied bird, suapenrfcil over I ho abyss of thetem. pesluotij ocean, seek a resting place on its hoaving waves, as the child ufirouhle seek place of repooe amid the bunding cares iiiKnicniitig pienstires ol earih and nine. t-jmng Orcgou Cily, April 16, H:8. AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGON CITY. Ihat ws shall not be compelled Is ' sell offal cost,' but we intend, by quick sale and email profits, to liv and let live. J-adle and gentlemen ara al waya welcome, and will be promptly wailed on. nrmrmlier, Remember, Ihat our store i opposite Gibion't Saloon. Ti no trouble lo show our (roods, anil wa can heal Portland all the lime in prices. II you doubt it, csll and satisfy yourselves that there is no hum. hugging in ihe matter. BROWN & WOLF. Oregon Cily, April 33, 1809. 2m6 DR. JACOB WEBBER S SANOUIFIER, Or Invigorating; CordlaL What though the sun in beauty shine, And you hare countlos hoard of wealth ; What though tho world all, all was thin. If you but want the bleesing, Health. tln Honest Appeal! To all with bad or failing health- ARE you languid, inanimate, rest less, ttrpclitt pour. oVcslicn bud. and puins in ihe liinhs. body back, and head 1 Reader, much of Ihia ia caused from cold caught unu-illinaly. or, in seven eases out of ten, sluggishness of the liver and blood, and want of natural ixrvpuulioii. iixliacre. lion in the use of fowl and drink, or from a dry. neaa in the atmosphere which is a Vcrv unheal. thy part af Ibis climate uiauy of Ihe awful, vio lent, and uJ,l, oV alh that occur here must be attributed lo Ibis. How, reader, I have made this my study for many yeurs, ami I do amure you Ihat my UR. W K lilil; ICS IWIcnil ATI i: vUUDI A L. NANUl'IFIKR and Oregon Cily daily (Sundaja eice(Hed), fc. ing POKTLAND at 10 . at., end OUECOX tlTyaHrn. Jerytl 17. S. MAIL LINE. Portland an el Aitrla, ' The Hpl lid Steamer Multnomah WILL continue to run regularly between ra land and Astoria, ei'e Vancouver, twici, wkkk, leaving I'rlland on Monday and Thartaaa nwrnings of each week for Astoria and Aslsi for IV.rlland on Tuesday and Friday mereiags, touching Vancouvss.St. lln.r.a,Itiirs,Civs UXST, dJC.eaeh way. For freight or paaeag. apply to R. IIOYT, Master, " j16 Oral Hoyt'a Wharf-boat, Portlaad, Tlmo. WF. II IG II Kl EL D, . WATCH-MAKER. 1'erMns desirous of getting good work dona do well to civ me a call, aa my whole lima Is aa. ruled to lha repairing of Chronometer, Lvrr. Duplex, and Horizontal watuhe. An assortment or line Anglian, WATCHZM, a also Jewelry on hand. CLOCKS, with weight te them. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Price In suit the times. I am tliankfulfer nasi favors, and hope to give salisfaolioa in future. IT 1-ocated at Ihe old aland, opposite thTU egniph Oilioe, OREGON CITY. Fk.t. , VT, D. Hntcnlna, M. 9., LAFAYETTE, 0,1. REFERS TO Pmf. A. Curtis, Cincinnati. Olils) I Prof. J. Kost, i ' Trof. Courtney, La Fayette, Ind.; - Dr. W. Armstrong, Fiudley, Ohioi J. Fisher, Al. V.. Tiffin, J. Chamberlin, M. !., Tiffin, " Dr. Ii. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohioi Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, feee.t '' Prof. J. llrown.N. Y.: Dr. U. Kellet'g, Milvraukie, O. T. W. D. Iliilchins'ltubiain Wild Cherry 41 JJ Jiiyne'a Exvetloraat J gj " Allemtiv.. jj Ayres Cherry Pectoral 1 aui a general asaortinenl of " BOTANIC MEDICINE . kept at all limes. And I ana making arraage. nieiila to nusmifjclura my Balsam for the luara, from the Oregon eheriy. augli NEW GOOD8: JYcto Attraction! E. LA F0BEST m a JIIB IJ,trrv LlFK. A lnilr Iif,. n.,,i TWTfiri 11 i,.r.... ii.. , r. and ill coiiimiliiion and viciuilylhal he intends keenini seen- in ihe service of (Jud Hn him, is wnhotit doubt ihn most plena, .ni and cunlorlnlilo life that nny c:m live lu this world. M, tuelh,m. BUSINESS CARDS. ert -. - - ... . UItOU . A OIA WUIILRSALR MU RETAIL DRAt.KRS IM STAPLE AND FANCY VK .(JOODS, CLOTIIIXG, Hoots, Show, Hats, Oaiivtc, ORKfJON CITY. DK. D. 1). STKPIIKNSOX, Room above lli owu & Woir Oregon Cily TBKTII SXTItrii:i) HV Kl.lirTRIriTV U rU'K"T' U. SACO.V. EUOENJSLAFORM Ciciicml Dfnlcrs in Dry Qmh LADIES' FANCY GOODS ' rocri, I'rorkfrr, la-Wa'ro, iMl. I, . . . . "' ""'' J I FortFrenc Store, ORKiiOY CITY. - I.C.AI.NSWOKTIt. vZw1. ai.w oiiTn"AiirKioKrr, WIIOf.KS.W.K AND RKTAIL DEALERS IX OltOCRUK'S DKV - GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots ,f Shoe, and Croekrry, a wis new rire-prouf ltruk eral supply of ever) thing in Ihe Dry 'Goods Grocery, Crockery, and Fmicy line," and will be hannvlnsec his oid fiimds ell n.,. i.: j ...:n ..... .. .' ' promote ai on tune to sell them goons aa viienp ua any other house in town, his mono uein Small Profits ami Quick Returns. We wou!d also say lo Ihe O K .'vaief (the bone and sinew of ihe land,) we intend keep, ing everything you may require in the f.Voreru, ( roekeru, Ctuthini!. Ihu (iotul.. ;t .... line, eic, wn en we oiler at such prices ua will be eulif,.olory lo you. We also w ish to exchange our good, for your produce, and will give you aa much for it as the market nllorda. Come and try us. Do not forget the pu(.e, bt Ul, for ,lt .j.,, of La harem .f- Iheon, and Iheu come in. Wc would snv to Ilia T AM now earning on n Saddler's and liar- X nets maker's shop in this cily, slid havo con stantly on hand the best of lieuily-niaile harness, saddles, bri dles, halters, luartingak and everything in my line. I am also ready lo make lo order anything in my line that may be nlled for, on a short uoliee. Jly motto is, Make good article, and sell il cheap. I solicit patron L'c at home and from abnnd. Aly estublihnient ia nearly opposite Charman & Warner's Old Stand ou .Main street. i. SCIJKAM. ApriJS, 1859. 5m8 .. .AUm stsikt OIIKtidN CITY. T-"!. A. WARNKR, Charman ttt Warner, 3KK'vn . w "bi'Bfr.w, 1-V.VMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOI.KSl.a h SST.UU O. iilois lu Dry iioods, Cfefiiatr, Hardware, Crocker,,, Uhuuure, iiimj, Shoes, J'uints, (jilt, de., Ia their fira-proof Dock Mus.t.zst, ORBUON CITY, ORRUON. ' w.o. Johnson. XttaUock di Johnson, ATTORNEYS & COUXSKLOKS AT LAW -Iiif Solicitors in Chancery. "llflLL promptly ., ,0 tny tt..,M which V nuy b. co J ,0 ' f0""'1' Oir.e. in .ghli,.d-. building, i.n,..ed, or Pos'le Ih. Main Street House "n"'""U ' "P" Oregn City, AUreb 7, 57. Ladies (God Bless You!) U hen you wish n snnerior article at dran W. n. fancy articles, do nut mil lo call upon I. eWre a lufon, wnere you will alwara find them, and will receivo their gruteful lliauks for your intl ronag!". Young Men, ( Future llojie of Oregon, ) here i Ihe place to supply ymirselvrs with a supe rior article of clothing in which lo BOOKS! BOOKS! m JUST RECEIVED, at the CITY BOOK O STORE, a lame assortment of II O O K s. CONSISTING OF Standard lvelijrious, BOOT AND SHOE STO E, OREGON CITY. J. B. BLA1TPIED "1 TTOl'LD respeclfully inform his old friends v v and the publio generally that he ia by vuuo inurn, nnu uaa now ou hand A LARGE AND WELL SKLFXTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, which he wili sell on Ihe most reasonable terms. MAKING AND REPAIRING will still be done lo order, and ou the shortest , nee. H'ofer- Orcgon will cure Uicm causes it wiftanuTe aoinmtinn ,.r i:.p ij and brains-it strengthen lha nerves, aud gives T'J.RWTfS'ft Jf- tftffT lolheeuflereralighineiieofM.irit..ameiilaland W&iVUi0 Jto $AW&k1L bodily feeling of trength thut is dehgl.tlul. The . . msny respeVkUe persons who have been benefit- R R M 0 V A L . ? " ed by aud certified lo its oxtrsordinary qualities in CilCOItU J C. ALLE.T. curing any of ths following diseases, nmsl suii.Cv -rv k i n- u . , .. ... .11 but th. .elf-.:.. .,! uotaul T T ftVS?'""'? peii. or indisestio. i. r .. i..,..Z, ,.. -1- '"" h" reiwd to No. 4 15 HroaeV .irenglhandinenlnleuercvi fever.nmie.orrl.ill-, .Wn' '' ll,,sr Cnnal at., where he ka rheumatie, neurnlgie, or oilier puins ; depletion 7roo Patte Blacking kept on hand. City, Nov. 6, 1S58. Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &c, &c, &c. Stationery, of till kinds, etc. Oregon City, Apl 30 POST WHITE. Get Mi d! a rric ,' . , 7 v1" ,re mrri"l, lo GET YOl'R furi run HUUSEMMPJXG. COME ANFsKE US! Come one and all, both young and old, A ml aeo if we the truth have told ; Here ia the place lo speud your cash, And get good good instead of trash. Oregon Cit), Jan. 1, 1S..9. ALL KINDS OF Itluck-smithinq 1 lVl iLl . . a ". "M-l- AS W K KNOW M TO 1)IJ IT. AT Till! HOW OPPOSITE TE TIIE f.VO.V MEAT MiR. XET, OREGON CITY March 5, WJ i' R. X. WORSHAM. JOHN R MBRIDE, " COON. ,10. lt Llm Ufaut, Yamk.ll County, O,eK0, ILL faithfully au.nj u ,, buW " 'r'Jtobprufe,,! ears. " S.SuaTS. . ,.., ........ clD- s. o. Mooas. ioui:hts t'O., V fieri Cau.i..T... r- .7 1 JAil't-S, ! lemperan Hearth stones, J Slept, nr-nntv- -v aiU.Mi OP ATI SCRIPTI0X8. ,lJr.Ui.ih,.lir,Jt.,.;rt WHOLESALE AND RET Air. CI (JAR STORK I 1ITE have just received ,000 Jfurane Ci- snd many other brandi .l. P1PES . ,' kinds. Msrciirs. e. Ae . a, iJH " 'f M i. C. aiN.I,l.EV. K. T. SEE. iii(.sLnv a nci:s, PORTLAND. OREGON, MNUKACTUE AND IMroSTEa or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN .J. ENGLISH SADDLES. iffffy, Crirrine, mid Team Harnett, Bridles. Martinets, II hips, Linen Horse-Covers, Blankets, Curry-eomlis, Fly-Nets, Brushre, and Cireingles. SADDLERY HARDWARE. tniornia Saddlt-Trees. Stirryns nnJnlt t.-j. oj Goods kept at a first-clats eslabluhment. IV... I. ....J. i ... mane loonier, anu repairing done with care and ou reasonable terms. tT Shop on l'rout street, between Washington " . sep 4, '5S. have on hand a largo assortment of MUSICAL XNST&UMBNTa BOSTON FAMILY Price, . S78.00 Alll,e CITY BOOK STORE Clackamas County, Oregon. THE eeind term of eleven weeke will com inence ou Ihu 2d Monday iu April. JMCUlTr. Rev. E. CRTwmmiT, Principal, and Professor of Hittineniatie and Antural Science, TuiTiojr. elllement must mvariubly be made in advance r i union, ai me luiiowmg rates: In 1st and 3d Render, and Primary Arith., $4.00 ' I r. and Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, Writing, ic., 6 00 i.Hjuer muiiieiiiutics, iat. Fliiloaophy, and s-uiiii, 9i.uu extra lor each branch. ATTENDANCE. Va !...!... .:tl L. -ii , ' oe auoweu a seat Tor a less lime ...... ..on a icrrn. Any one having paid, wishinn lo vacate a seal the last half of the term, will ...... , money reiuuiled. Indulgence in profanity, or Ihe use of tobacco. "in ue a Dur ir coudiliou ngaiust the occupancy MUSIC. Gratuitous in.ipi.AitA.. ....ii l. . . ... ..... , m (TiTm to a class in Z -March 2d, I85U.51 and weukuess of Iho ualural fouclions, debility atcbc'S Ulld Jewell'V of entirely from disease, dissipuiion, too milch docuniiio, de- , i i i.-. 1 a l ' bauchery, and olher causes; in case of excitement De,V 011(1 UCttUtlf ul Styles SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TROSl'KCTUS. VOLUME FIFTEEN SEPT. 11, 1359. BEGINS DE- iJp.sKivat Reading for the Million. s ' mormick .ro..,r.w-.T.roRTuo.o.uU!, " . "O" and F.,v S...1 1 Among the books on hand ..Ii k. r- iwwuo worms Iry. iw,. l!i.traphv mVI e ,e B! Kcieae. School I' .'f' trSuS..Hr,i,7o,T.r2r;i1le- U''' r - OF ALL KINDS. embracing Ihe following: IJrutfc 0 ittcloicous a large assortment, of Ihe following kind Wine 5 octave, piano-cased, Two 4 do. de, double-reeded, One 5 do. do. double bank, line 6 do. do. Two 4 do. portable. T. CilLOERT tfc CO.'S CELEBRATED SP S A W a. ' ' - " SS7 . , bssides a hires sswrlinem of ("iiitai-s, Aeeordeons, Clarionets, Flutes, POST A WHITE 0Cuy,Apl9. At th. City Book Stars. MECHANICS, IPTVEWXORI, Maaefaeurers, and Varmert. I i?.'?T"!f S"" hM reached vT "v r T f. . ' "Hner upon tin. eon . Z l!'uw h in .it . ; .. ' c,r"e circulation m all Ih. states of the Union. It is not a. .)m m p-hl snnrwMn r,. :.. - , . -".no te..l, l.i , " -' """ruse work on eehmca science ; on th. contrary, it oo deals with .on'r:"1-'--'-. kw .1.. k... i : wi"" to . w, ur now iu maK anv I aubatance emi, W.J n i.:. l.. .. .. ? I ' ouainose 1 wie house- lie wiahea to get a fur making . good color. o., if the inventor to know what is rroino on in the way of improvcmenta-lf the manufac tun r wishe. to keep posted with the times, snd to , uc"1 ieiiiiieain hia businesa if nwn ....... r.,.s.t Kisiicis uieoiiemieal labnralorv or in Uio oonatrunimn r ,.l t. . . . . r.ii...i. ' 'rB'-r". aieamsnips. rallroadi mao ,r.S"Wriri r.-ccived for aay aeirw-n,, published ia aay part of the I'.ioa KeserlriJ.KrankhaBoe4siee.,rJr.- Mr rnev.rr,,.,r,,177 TEACHER nv VOCAL tfc INSTRITAfFVT a t - -. A -e.Ja.XJ roaa., rearxr mower,, ,d . thounnd other I'hine and ann aneea. twh r , u .i ' ewnsiu was . " . ,ou,"J in he Scirx -.v n..i.ji, ma nor eieAer. Thev ir. here preeni,l in ..i:..s... ... . "I mn adao-ed to th - .i""': ".""ng form, in the hin, .'" .'l -Tr.. n".na' nkmei .-..vu7ui m:wnc nnd Art. I seskka.. i . II will also instruct claaae vocal nu.o..r ' ZZ-' -mntal or n, IH u.uereoi country, wheadeaired. C. P. X. T. spix rOKTES. t section mf ik. JulyS4,lS5tly. continue la tr.-t. KNUID PREMll ll " A J Sw." m0n,h' mom.; S fifteen eopies, moniht ejo . , ' , . U' t elv. $-:s, in .rfe7. ' ",3r P.Zr.Z.TS", (or inspeotio. 1 asr "ps taken for subsenpuoti. Letters should be directed to AItV.V.V Me CO- ,'-8 Fulton st, AVer York Men AV r- . " x. . ivsi TT JSraass . procuriBf psienuforn- ; ."J "peed in viao iav.n W .i.K. ur. J 0 fee LASDWARRisT tv of their improremeni. B rS HUad verw. Wif. to 6T OREGOX CITY BOOK STORE (torn constant iiilemiierauce, and where delirium urinous mis aeeurrea, I liuve seeu il change the sullerer in half au hour from Ihe most horrible stale to calmness and placidity. It can, indeed, be conscientiously recommended to ull suffering and the proprietor regrets deeply Ihat it is ueces aery thus to cdverliso ii, in order that its merits may bs known. Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional Weakness, ttc, DKCLINE OK NaTURK, PKHWA- 1 UKliort NATURAL WEAKNESS OK TIIE HUXCTIOXS, NER- VOUSXHS3. WEAKNESS, CON'STII'ATIO.V WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION Dr. Webber's Sane-uifier is a rficine remedy. Sec ajijucits f certificates. A case or r.hltU. Aene Termor.. ,...i debility A; ill UealtU soon cared. Mr. I'riah Weeks. l,n Cn... 0 ..... .March 2d, comnletelv nroslmi. I, ly able to move; hud the Pium, r.... .1.... months i had pains in th. bones, chills, no appetite, strength or energy, he used Webber's Cordial i l , ' eo Mro"C Wel1 "' on the 17lh he went to the miues, where he is now n i ft my. SARSAPARILLA AND RITTER DRINKERS, IJEAD! Dssa sra, and Good Fkieno. I herewith in form y,,u that 1 have mkeii in seven months over sixty bottles of Sartiarxirllln. Kin... -..J .i. remedies for confirmed Dyspepsia, Weoknens of Ihe cheat, indigestion, nnd n trenerul feehl.... r iny syitem. without gelling any particular relief . n. ,our vomiui benefitted me so much that I mn n diUirei.t ui send two bottles more wi.i.k I H. i ..... . .or . "...v.. . ,rCi suie win the afflicted. yu are at liberty to publish it. fiiEDEmc Licklk, House Painter 1 rice reduced to SI i,. i,- s-. i botil,... SnW k.. ..r... ' " . Y. .' Mu"i -tthlornin, and Oreiron. 1aRI wifn-r. San Fraiicisco, Agents. 1 Cautionl-Beware of Counterfeits! CT Buy noue that has not the signnlures of T one. snd Jacob Webber M. D. on ,. r i. wrapir aud blown iu the glass of each bottle. "U'LOOK OUT.'.'jx Love loves to kiss the lip that apart unfurls kB . enln8-'nowy l"lh, like spotless pearls; oucn bieulh. siii-h ,!. - ' r. ' Are made by Lafont's Jamaica Soap Teeth Koot. And the wt hair soft , fine, and dark does live, louched by Jones' Coral Hair Restorative And pure clear skin is given, from which defects When washed with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap 77 ,V wawiiui prcparat oris for lb - -j 65 , amorni, and Oregon, Who waiit. . .having, , Unm ( That lathers like cream, and heal, sore .l!n u an soreness, eruption, orsun-burn mukesn rom the face or Ihe hand, Such is thai An. Italian soan. rnriee i all druggist iu Oregon, 'i t i ii ii also, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. lie is constantly rcceivine the latest style el watches und jew elry by every steamer direct frssi Ihe niuiiulacturera in Kuroiie. ' IV... -I l I I 1 1 , . ' Girunrii aii i repaireu in ilia ueai mea ner by the finest London nnd Geneva Workmea. ; GKOltGE C. ALLKN.Iinporierof WalekM nnd Jewelry, and manufacturer of Jewelry, watsk cases, and silver ware, whoh sale and retail, 414 llrnudway, one duor below Cunal slrcst, NEW YORK. .nit. For Sale at the CIl Y EC OK SfCt THIS following works Magic Stall', hy A.J. Davis i Great Iron Wheel, by J. K. Gravest 3vuls., by Harriot iiceuher Stews) The Home Cyclopedias, of Ihe World a I'rogrcss. " L'seful Arts, - " - Kurope, , j Geography, Pine Arts and Literature, ' ? Hiugrnphy.itn. Oetl. Baptist Books. WE EXPECT by next mail steamer s teas lity of the American ltaptist Publicatie Siienty'a Books, consisting of Fuller'a War Btinyan do., The Psalmist, pocket, pew. and sal pit sizes, and a variety of other works. ' we will state that we intend to keep a CM ptele SKsorlment of the Society's books. Orasre for single books, or by the quantity, will OS promptly filed. Churvlie. and libraries furnishes" at Ihe lowest price. . JOHN A. POST. Oregon Cily, Aug. 21 . 1S58. i New Arrangements. HA G formed coparlnership With Bt. 1'01'1'LETON, recently from Ohio, ws are now prepared to practice nie,ilfi... m..n . aaais : extended acale Mian I !,. kiii...... .ku i. . i ' " iK.ii.iii, p i e. 1 am also largely increasing th circulation ; of my medicines, and him .iU m supply all Ihe important points in tho Territory.. : ' v. 1. HUTI HIft MMjayette, June it), 1858. 4 ; f I V Jlf Plows and JVagons !: Blacksmithing of all Kinds done to order. i T KEEP aln-ayaon hand STEEL PLOWS, X warranted to scour and do a rood work as I can also furnish ys any others in the Stnt. wilh WAGONS. Ir. k- ...j.. i - "" VD IUUIIU mj. t shop, opposu, MeKinlay'a, ready te sho yen t Horses, or do anvihimr i.. ik. u... ie u.:.-. k 0ree" Cily, April lfi, 1859. J. W. LEWIS. Ill' Is, or the brow or the chin? 'rT'1'" P""'', Jones' reduced to 35 oeutsO Sold by 0 dec35 n Machine-made Horse Shoes! TofZr WkAN' AILFACTORV, . - .r ii , ..ursvaiioe iron. ie quality of lha iron ..-J -".iiiura beea in these shoes is have "err respect. Thn. .k - -ri "ru sua are now naod k .k. ti D overnmen exclusively, a, Uo bv man. r'.k Pnacipu, stag. lnd om J; f th hoersia Ih. eonntrv. TlJ-T." ho'M Petj.i.5e.y.WMFBl'RD.. Land, Land! p BALE , MO acres, adjoining Vort SiIr". A ,ll be ,od j ,,w,,;,, Utj, Md one hundred acre lot., or ' , S . ,1"JUI" fnrther of th undersigned, ef at Th. Pro eotive Union" .lore, Salem. So3i,,a SAM'L PEWTEK JOHN W. CULLEN. - -Front street, foot of Commercial Wkf-i PORTLAND. OREGON, lrAiXJ;FA,CJURER -d WHOLESAU -1T-L at Ketail Commiasion n.t.. :. .11 b;t BadaJes. lind loa TV!- California ajad Oregon Saddles. Valises. od every description of . SAJttBlLElffijT and Saddler's Hardware. ," dleeV M'e r Adlm, C,Iifon,;i RstlSri "I1' " Vale. made te rr. 1-epainng done w, th neatness and dispatch. Consignment, of Good, Solicits. V D. -I Mm ft . I . . . JW. -j ... j .TT ,n oll " 4U Mr. 1PM. JIIXW-or ! I Trunks, pA- i c t t 1' 5 h Ic si & at lit oil B lui tlx COI CCJ am th! ont er i not eon pin side one 16 i lliot A iioli! an a ripe' was mum in tli Frar usual swea my tion I by u fore befbr el np, knott kind i 'lfi thoU or fru pies o he is ' has be Lin fruit a shake ' thero i er the and fil can be Tcry In . handlet ; almost . 1 bruit can sb: after hs iweatin r We nd plai variety, are una riably n ' rery inc :or the s . haadle i Fraockc over es Toice of erhcreae, , tip iu tiei can be iic, chec ' Thep nd aett upon tlae 1320 of fruit i chipping i or initials ttencil is i fttrnee't ni which the; cannot be d ail at: ,7 AMS P f""". Waadcd fraiu, .te-e CHARMAN f HeKI5T