The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, July 09, 1859, Image 2

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    l)c rcgon &rgu0.
W. I.. illUMH,
SATl'RDAV, JL'LV , 1859.
Oregon In noted for iU politician, and
those- politician are more noted for their
iiumlicr than for their sagacity. Dr. Mc
Uride told un some fire yean ago that he
thonght about half of the voter In Oregon
wore oflico seikvrs. At strange ai this
may nm to some, we are Inclined to think
the Doctor' estimate more nearly approach
ed the truth than one not accusomed to
clow observation might have supposed.
Such, of course, where it attache Itself to
the dominant purty make very stubborn
material in any country Tor an opjiom'tion
party to operate on. The power of an is-
ine I it meaning, and the measure of it
meaning it the magnitude of it import. In
other word, the ower of fames in influen
cing the masses k measured by the manner
In which th'-y affect the people. If all men
sustain the same relation to the result of an
Ime, it influence uion them will be much
the same. If A ami 15 are neighboring
farmers, equally intelligent, and both alike
acting with a view to promote their ow n in
terest and benefit the community, they will
be vyy likely to take the same side of an
imjiortant Issue just a noon as it i sprung
that is if they are unbiased by party prej
udivo. Hut if A happens to have an cilice
in profpect with a $.000 salary attuclied,
he will be very apt to tuke the side that he
think will be able to give him the office,
whether that side be right or wrong while
H, who Is not ambitious, will be likely to
kill his neighbor's rote on election duy.
We are uposing that Iwth men are bless
ed with only a fair average of conscience
and moral principle.
With this view of the material that has
hitherto made up the voting element in this
country it will readily be seen that to change
our politicul character so long as we were
a Territory, dcjicndciit on an Administra
tion that disuse the patronage which kept
tho wheel of our Territorial government in
motion, was an uphill business, to say the
least. Our relations to the General Gov
ernment being changed, the influence of ex
ecutive patronage is measurably weakened,
and the Hcpniilican party has a much bet
ter chance to witness hereuflcr tho working
of the omnipotent power of political truth
than it has hitherto had.
Another difficulty that tho Republican
party in Oregon has hud to contend with is
me conlticting views or politicul policy that
havo all along obtained in the ranks of what
is generally termed " the opposition."
While the Democratic partv has been bless-
ed with an abundance of oflicc-seckers, tho
'opposition' has beeu literally crawling with
shrewd politicians that is, in their own es
timation. Owing to the conflicting coun
sels of this multitude of would-be party
managers, the opposition party bus, up to
the present your, been most bun
glingly managed. Those who have been
laboring for several years to consolidate the
fragmentary on I disorganized oimosition
Into a permanent organization with a tan
gible platform of principles ami a cenerul
system of party conduct, have met the most
violent opposition from this kind of noliti.
cinns, who have every year becu " beating
iiic, I'.ncu one of I hem has ultvnv
New fnm bs EatU
The steamer Pacific arrived at fortlond
(haft If ar aliniilrl liarttiftfi t amlfit
I It ! not known certain! v whether Lomn
r a jraio hi vote rur O'uvi. i - i , . . , . . . , I
Indeed, to such a. extent was this kind of or Stoot is elected to Coogreas-the Tote on Thursday morning to, bnnging news
talk Indued inthatcert.fnoartle.n.le. being fry close. The following Ublt from tha Extern Mate. to imou ..,
few weak-minded Republican believe that ow Btjarltfci of the two candidate. The news I of no great Importance.
Zattlo inXUlyf
Th. Itnt l.attla baa been foUL'bt it MoH'
dofnir himself an Inlnry bv to the evernl countie those south of the Ei.ectiox. Tho election in LHo. ti,9 battle was fought on the 2 1st
ituinoinir One at Ieat on country told Calapooia mountain being reported merely! Virginia on the 2utb of May resulted in the 0f May. The French accounts lay that
I ' I .. . ... n I . . , . . . . lii.. i,..i.:.u. KnilA atrnnir limine (Ion
Governor, by. reduced Majority-prob-
T....V ' j.tL.L i J Marshal Uaragnny d'llillier, and were
MJ. ro Loots,
Mti. rvi Stoit,
Clalaop, 90 Colombia, 9
Muliannh, KK Wuoo, 119
Wuhinjlon, IU To 30
Yamhill, H Man, 119
Mum, "M Ikuun, - . Sul
Clacaiiruu, I I-an. 3
I'rnjiqua, , . SI UmhIu, - .. ... 16
Tillrok, 4 Jaeknon, 447
Jwphias, $25
Coom inJ Currr t hi trd from.
better if be would stay at home and not
stump at all. Ife had heard Stout men say
to often, what we heard them constantly
blowing, that "Logan was all the time
making votes for Stonr," that they bad re
ally got to believe that such was the fact.
Now the fact is that Logan didn't make
votes for Stout, but for himself and so
. i : l . -t l .i . i i
ior mm uunng tue canvass, in canvassing ,(,. rn-n;. i-
' T"J.. UTl M Rer. O.Fiher, of the Southern Methodist
unue, we were to u tuat Una county wa ni. i. x.- . . n i
, , . . ' 3 Church, which be request all paper in
the place where there ouirht to be the most n . , . . t- , , , .
, , , ,", Oregon ' friendly to religiou freedom' to
....,,,,u,,luiii.iUn, .... .... t, ,..
Miinln.,Mnirn. C ...( I.. . I . I O
jonty. Consequent y we devoted more t rp i
' , next week. Two year ago we opened our
' , IT " .,mk -- column o the use of the Mormon mission-
ably less than 5,000,
lanrely Democratic,
ine igisiaiure is ... . . . Hilion af(r
For Congress, the , fiflrce commt 0f four liours' duration.
Democrats have elected all except Charles The Allies, ini'liidinir some riedmoiitese
J Faulkner, who Is beaten by Alexander cavalry, carried Monti-bello, but did not
uumuc ine AUBiiiaim hid nunuiuii non
L a k L.....i. t Knt a o (inn
I t. . . . .i I TTk f ... I M HOIvU UJ "V ,UVV W i,uv.
,3;8 moua Uisirici, me regular iemocr.uc no...- Bn(J tigt of l)0 Frenti Bt fi00 ,0 70()( of
iuee, by Uanlel U. Uejarnctte, tntiepenaenr, wl0(n nany wcre offlccrlli wo hundred
' .. , anti-Buchanan Democrat: Paulu Powell, Austrian, Including a Colonel, were tuken
t notice In I . , . ,. ' . ... ..... .:....M
Union a communication
rMT.iUp T)pm hr Shelton F. Leake. Inde- prisoners,
from . . ' . . . The Austrian account aimtilv states that
penuent uem.: J. n. oainner, regular i 0: ,. , ., .
r ' ' . I film. Slfulinn lirmliml n-iru'nnl a fm'niinnin.
Dem., by John T. Harris, independent
lien, btadion nnsticu forward reconnois-
ance by a forced march toward Liglis and
Dem.; and Floyd, regular Dem., Montebollo, but after a Lot fight with
by Elbert S. Martin, hide) ndcut Dem.
Great Torxado ix Iluxois. May 20,
French force of superior strength, retreated
behind tlic J o in jterfei t order.
I lie actual strength of the French is not
... . i . j i i
a icrriuie storm ana lornnao passea over a tMc ICl.IK)rt. . ,... BBmbere(i trom
tAotiMt t fiMiM aaii ni 1iiiw Mtitla I tt rr i ' t nun 1 . ... a me
ther. The sectional. raised the bowl- ,ric4 wLo wcre Cguring in i, and damage to life and property. Mrs. Richard cavalry.
1 hey re making vote for Stont-they're w do not frt, ;ke cosi tuem iDst Rout, .son of Jacob VanZant, Samuel
nakmg lots of vote for Stout!" They Bn . ,m- nf BV, Brown. Jonathan Carlisle. Jacob Sample A Sardinian
and wife, and a Mr. Thomas, and a Tortu- Mtn-me Ml oi li e .aruiiuan army, uu
w Iriiimi (!fi.r- dl'r(jen- Cliialdiui, foned a possoge ovei
t von apiif pitiinnti ifivn sa r. 1 1 1 I
.........-..... loiun-w, Methodism,
irignieiitu a lew ixigan men nearly out or
their wit by making them believe that the
result of our labors there would be
bulletin ulso announces that
........ . . ii. t ii.i. iiii.ifiui. iiin'rii i.iiiiBnipa nv.r
u. ti.. .... i..4 i... i it., iruese bov. were ki eu. About Dftv are .. . ... ; . .i . '
AJ UV n.J, nUBW (JIU UCVUUIB VI VUV o - - i m SeJ,a ,UttnX ttlC AllStrittll tO f C it.
Hnnnt I W mt 1 1 H mnimdul 'II,. I . . . . lJ
or kvex rir.sDREn majority for Stout
whereas, if Adamt and Mc Bride had
itaytd aieay Stout couldn't kavf pot over
tiirke HiNDHEo majority." We heard
T?J it
H...V.V..W luin vi iuiiLicui jjuuey
from some men, we determined to finish the
work we bad begun. We did o, and left
Linn county, defying the sectionalism there
to roll tip three hundred majority for Stout
if they could. The poll-books show that.
instead of six hi ndreo, Stout has carried
Linn by one hundred and nineteen majority
and we now believe that if Dr. McBride
Facific Metbodiist, the organ of the South- wiousiy, r not mortally wounaeu. i lie other trifling engagements are reiwrted,
era Methodist Church in California? lias 8,orm '"tC(1 but Bve mmutM, with but Gen. bad entered Gravcllona,
it become di.rusted with the Ar and little rain. on the I ledmoiitcse side of Lake Muggiore,
o - - . c f i . i n.;ii. it nnn ...... I.!., -l. !..!.. . .
.in.,n,l .,..,..t- ... ti.. w..i.!i-c ....!. ai. ""uu """ U"J'11 "emu rcvoin-
v....0,.,tt UIC " 7b. . . J , .""U",CJ tionary. His purpose is to push into Loin
months. e hare no use for it. however, opinion upon the claim of the St. James J mice A a no Icon and a Rnmll Frrnrh
on our books onlr at tho re- Catholic Mission to the ground at Vuncou- rorce arrived at Lcuhorn, for the pur-
(juest of the agent and corresponding ed- ver, Washington Territory, occupied by the !P"fbil 01 "l,i,ort"'8 ' Surdiinun
itor, who was in Oregon lust full and wiu- mission church, schools, and other buildings, n ' .. " r, ... , ,
Ipr tmnin Ir,, K .1- ..A .J .11 ..I.I..U !.!.! .1.- .!i: . . " "ivu-vi-
miuiijii mc uiuu uuu iaiu on an vi numi uiu niiuiu me uimuiry reserve urgr nau entered the Adriatic.
tne Hunt or subscribers to the nigger-driving established in 1853. In that opinion bo
sneet. Jle called at our residence w hilst holds that the church has a clear title in nil
In Allwny, Juii30lb, by IUv.TboiniCoZr
Mr. Hugh N. (lir)fi to Mim Cenldia M. IW
bHh of Albany, Linn county. i
On lh 30ihof J una, IHj'J, bjr Wm
pletou, J. I'., lit. NUrwa Huriurd, of Un ciZ
lo Mm IbiM Ann, dauglilir f Clvia flj!
July I, by It. C. C'rawfurd, Mr. J.H n..
k.r, uf W. T., to Mim KliMlxth W h.tilL8
Linn Oily. "", f
In Pwilmid, June 30, by Rv. P. JJ. ChinL.
Iaiu, Mr. F. II. Siinmom to Mm Mtrv K wlT '
At llio rmiiicnoo of Uu brido'i hlhtr.
by Ittv. O. W .Bond, Mr.Th.niMj. fl.;
M m I'ainelia Jiim Uillusjii. all of Lin oetlr
In EuLrii t'iiy, on (he !i:t. ult , it th. r-uZ'
ofKotMrt Hetd, by Kiv. II. K. lliuM, Mr. gZZ
Cllinna, lo Mia Rebacea M. lialull,!! of Z.
In roriUml, June 20, by IUv. W.S.Lowii U.
Ilen7 Korlou Ui Miw Abida II. gurr, allof'j
Al llio mlilf neo of th bridt'i IkuW I. .i
fiirk of Santiam. Linn oounly, Oreson, o th a
of June, Mr. Jama lator,f C'aXfuraia, I
On Sunday, th 39th of May. at D.llu n.
county, lly C. C. Cram, Kw., Jam K. BoawhaZI
to Mix Sarah W. Walkr, both of Mario oumZ
In Corvallia.on th He .1. A u.I'
na, Mr. Julm liarlou lo Mia Jan Melllr.. l...
of Linn county. 1
In Jaekscinvill, June 17. a daurhtrt i. i
Vln Purtlund, on Monday murnioi. Jum iT
3.t. A . V. Willn. 7,
where there has been the least work done
and it will be so to the Day of Judgment.
J udicious publications and judicious speeches
never nave injured and never will injure the
Republican cause in this or any other coun
try. Agitation is just what we want, and
uiscussion is just what kills sectiouulisiu and
defeats its candidates. They told us just
ueiore tne slavery question was submitted
Turin. Mnv 24 Tim Anelnnn niinl
i ...i . . . . . . . .. . . I - ..." ' . "V..W...
" wcre uhsciu, ana aimosi ingnicncu our tne grounds, buildings, and Improvements Uyulni lias removed his headquarters to
' better half,' who, at first siirht. took him which wcre occupied bv tho mission at the (iurlusco, and has everywhere ordered the
to be a Border Ruffian from the plains of dates of the acts organizing Territorial P6?''1' ) SjvuP tl,eir arm"i nnuVr Pin of
Ganbuhli has made 4T more prisoners.
Alessandria, .May 24. The wounded nt
Montcbello have been brought here.
Marseilles, May 25. Some Austrian
Mormon polygamists served us almost in but wcre held by other parties. The effect P0Mn ''"ve arrivt'(1 h'-
of this will be to irive the church undisinrlw ..." . ' !' ''V ."T "CTU u,,"7 ve-
, . are rcjiorwu in Lonibordy.
ed possession of the improvements which It A' Kiiicr Ferdinaml wa
now holds, but will not allow It to appro- 0,,(1 Francis II. had usisumcd the reins of
pnate all the buildings erected by the Hud- 80tueiii.
uiir.Ar UIIITAI.X. I'u itica dill. pnnno
I k an... huf ....nn 1 . 1 ... I n . t n . . ... I
and ourseiriiad stayed a few dovs lonccr i ... '" .7 v"-b" u nusu.iigtan;
in Linn, Stout's n.a ,,ritv wnnl,. ,L S',C. Lnht ,ICr a!,0,llsl'n"Dt ery 'tural, but that the claim does not embrace lands
ku than a hundred The fact is the see- i" 'S a,1Tarance bore a rr at those dates, were neither actually
i:ni ... .. ..' ' . Inr" to llls mission. The or-'an of the nor constructively ocennied bv the mission
'jvinj 10 iiiil'i- ui an me counties
tlic same way, a year or two ago, as that
of the Southern Methodists has lately
numcly, requesting an exchange through
one of its 'missionaries,' and, finding the
nutriment furnished by us too strong for it
polygamous stomach, becoming disgusted
reiusing to exchange, and Dually 'wiuking
out. It seems to us that the Southern
that it wouldn't. ,tn i ; .ii .1 . 1 'c"lul"MS wgm w nave a medium of
time when, in aeennl,,, .h ' 'I"0'ntionaI com.nunicntion' in Oregon,
Tiews of policy, we were r'r "uwe they buy up the ' traps'
n...i . . ; ., . 1 6'"t,v oi
-i.u iuiiiout into mo ranks of tho poor,
sniveling pro-slavery fanatics, we were con
stantly meeting some poor, terrified, cow
ardly iooi, who would hold both bauds up,
mi, nun teem ciinitcrmg and knees smi
ting together, exclaim "Adams, don't
agitate ! for GmV take, don't agitate! I
If you do, the Democrats wilt vote for
seemed to imagine that he had studied out
tlic very plan on which to do it. Their
aggregate of plans summed up several score,
till conflicting and visionary, which of course
precluded the adoption of any of them
but, ulW thuir thorough canvass and ex
plosion on tho corners of the streets, there
has generally been quito a unanimous opin
ion among mem Hint the policy to be nnr.
med wo to do nothing, but "just let the De-
nioeracy tight it out among themselves."
This year we have succeeded in partially
perf cling an organization that looks to a
distant future, and have made the fight with
a candidate ri ingon a straight Republi-
can platform. The result of this election
imU satisfy all that weJiave last notion
at least by taking a step in advance. The
e.unpaigu that has junt closed, while it has
wen a great improvement on past ones,
has lucked much of being what it ought to
imiowrn. lucre
the defunct pro-slavery Standard in
1 ortlund, and set up an organ of their own.
Lelnnd might possibly be induced to edit it,
and it could thus take the place of the Ad
vertiser, winch is without doubt the ablest
lilack Democratic Know Nothing Trosla
very Stout sheet in Oregon since the de
mise of the Standard the Times beine
.... l.l , .. .
Hlavery!" We told them tW , " T "nw.tBe '8S H'bbcn
was. when we i.i,.n... . .7 l"e tomll,s Uuion bcil'S on the
us, o "reti,, bin T l eZ, r 7 POi"1 f 'Itieki,,K the buckct ' und ,,le Sf
on lvo7y I 1 w ! ?! tinel Wng too far South and too little ac
the one hundred and nlJtJJJ "T !fSt ',JCCtl0ni
Stout h, Lin,, county to show whit ra,i Z t
0 . jnvimicij .ucuiuuisuc read
ers, who would tako it more 'jist to save
the tuion than to be at tlw trnnM. nr
"U'JIV vs
'spelling out' the reading it mMit contain.
One drawback, however, would operate
agaiusi Iceland's being selected as
ee still does. The fact is that every evil
must bo broken down by resnkwee. Won-
flPolilnu . I.. .1 .
luust ii ovennrown hy retistante,
sectionalism must be defeated in the san.o
scriptural manner, and if you want to defeat
the candidates of the miserable futilities
who call themselves Democrats you must
" rtntC them. That's so-and the noliti-
emn who thinks otherwise hasn't sense
enough to nut n noli!
. , - " - vaw uvwa U uiu
linVA AHienn .. T . 1 Tk I .!. i .. ..
Stnt m. Vp...1u ,l,;,.l, - -...,. witi.ii i,oru i uimerston and ' oo n:K. ou.idmg or io town,
, .,v luu , , m - Kns.i.1 f . ,l..r.. AIc.Miuv
sous Bay Company, or by the United
... i , . .. . - " .vivuv ui ine
"""J"- yenf .Ministry is anticipated ou the meet
The fullowiinr l.-lter li.u t.nn t,.n,l,i it.. "ff Parliameut.
editor of the Memuhis fTenn TtulUi.. L RiN'CE--Thc Monitcur announces that
r... -..Mr-....:... '.. . . ' ranee adheres to the Abolition of nrivn.
. .. i
a neutral
Knltnomah Lodre Ifo. 1.
Ar. 4 A. M., hold It tatd eommnple.
liominth Soni of Tmparsine IlalL
the tint Saturday mecdimr Ilia Kull IM IT
each mouth. Urdhren in good (landing an i.
I). W. Cuaio, Seo'y. "j '
iW Th alalrd mooting; for July hapnaaiai
Saturday, tho 9th. 7PPS
Ooitar Mcuio. '
THOSE dwiroua of loaniinj 0 "PC"n,
GUI TAR, will hiivo an Oiportuulty taoaai
at a coal which thoy might "atick in Ihair y
aiuoo who undoratanda th inttruinaot aod.
takea lo any that ha cud givu antiaraotion la thai
..;. mi uiu KKzwn Mm uoa SToaa.
J"'y !. I :! 13w4
THE FALL quarter will commence Aarat
I7,ndlh winter aeuion of two quanm
Xemw are $6, 88, or $10 per quarter, aeowi.
mg to alu liea.
Kmriia can be had in Collefo buildinr , If uhi
are takni auon; from 8.' to 07 per quarter.
Prtaideul, (ieo. C. Ciundlik.
Piluciuul Teacher, John II. Hali.
Other kachera aecured na the aohool rlmaa4
ah uouki ior i nc acliuol will be kept for aalaia
'77'1' W1"ue wen tlmtnatu- tearing, and the principle that
vi.ui urn uui uo iiurciv saie in imir covers enemies coods
. . 1 ... . , ...... I KM . . . "
reiymg upon ineir naturalization forexemn- 1UC Iieror Napoleon is nt
tion from military service during the exist
ing war:
Dkpartment op State,
WiarrrvnTAu tan If lorn
To Mr. Felix Le C'lere, Memphit, Tenn :
Sir: Your letter of the 13th i,
been received. In rcDlv. I havn tn .into
that it is understood that the French Gov-
School Notice.
IN nnawer to the frequent Inquiries made of
I will ray thut I am iuti ii.linjf to nut a
bmldihi near Oregon City for a permanent Kauai,
A fitacan.
u.m. .uiivio, e went to allctiza to
view tne position of the French vuneunrd
aim mc inurse oi me i o. Jlo paid a
to the Kintr of Sardinia lit Opoimintirt
All Austrian ports, with the exce)ti'on or
Trieste and Anconn, were in a state of
uiockaao oy the French. The French
fleet before Venieo had already taken
ernment claims military service from all na- Z? J TC8st'ls in 1 rench men-of-war
lives of France who may be found within T uef." 8cen ncar 'ltttro the coast of
on a pluu auitahle lo the wanta of our new Stan). '
I expect lo have my arrangement all made T
Ilia lira! of Octuber i.,..k.. r.. .
Slalea). Our inraua ol inairuclinn. our anna. '
lua, maps, bidki. and llm I
Ho paid a visit oflU school, will be audi aa will compare faror
f :. hlu ui.K . a. m .nl I ... .1 . n
... -7 .uui on me coat, am Met "
aa will recommend Ihemoelvea to all whs m '
coino tn aohool to learn. Further Dartirulaia mn
be obtained by inqtilrinc of the aui.-.i-. v.
ticu'ar attention will be given to tho wiioan
wih to tench. J. fj. POST.
urt-Ron i.ny, j my v, l,S.i.
its jurisdiction.
mny be foimd within
Your naturalization in this
mi. t . .
. .... - - ... .. , , . .la'AHnn., ii... . - , .
country will not exempt tou from tbatcluim . C , -""-'r' vtvk&ks to nave re-
if vnu KhnnM rni..n.:;t. :. .i.j.i.... "UDle "onnatiou explunatorv of!.'.
if you should voluntarily repair thither,
i am, sir, your obedient servant,
Lewis Cass.
mys erious proceedings. It says the mo-
I..VUI, uie rrencn troops cross the Ticino
the AlKtrinn ifnnt.o ...Ml .. . '
Tho Tn,1!nnni:. t . --"-'-,-,,,,.,,.,. ulrccUy on
uuiiiuui suys inai jir. I 1 uns. XVUSSin Will then mi n A..c(r:
Frederick Rusch, of that city, a well known the. reward of what looks like treneh.'.rv i
n...1 . . . I to hA VnMn.;. -...l n... . .
..u jjiojpcrous prouuce-dcaler, who went : . u,,u " u"ucl"i. rue cross-
to Europe some six or ehrht woet. '"s.01 l"e .llclno Wi" c regarded as an in.
a visit to bis old home and feinn.. " , ..nWrit?!". nd ou that
.u, nuuiiur i 1 1 1 : i ii in i tiibd u onn i ' . -i i
operate ately on bis arrival in P,l. . .....r.,, Th. Pa .l... . " ' '1 .'""7. W1 1 act-
, ... - "w""u --- 1'iuuiTus to snow tne mcen-
vuuui u ui rniiRpriiit titni inU 11.. i i uvp rn a. h-nm.xt... .. t . . . .
I,. i .... I i "u hiu ariiiy. ana IS I .in-au uuir c uira nst Aann.
tllO new Orirail' his known ri...m..... - . Pnn nA .1... ... .. "fa,,'nnl' "I0-
, " . , ,o.".o unu mere to serve out his three venr . '. . " 'Va " is disposed lo n uce
revolvers and Arkansaw ' toothpick.,' nec- as a Prussian soldier. "",,llClt ,alth in its ''rormation. V
w 4 '-v..w aiiiiuat
universal impression in Oregon that Le-
land liasu t ' sand in his craw.'
Miuwlav T i,- . .. . . . . v. ,u . . ..
that he voted for Stout but .t n, .,. e lMt t"e office of """y'orce which the court for the KT g . l"e 8,ave trade- ery S,
' - ...w mine , n iiwriiiiKiinonr nr in.: y- nwnn,i ... .r tt. . .... . iaat. m ,.j il. ....
, Guiana in ureLron I " - m win was attended iinr n nic uiectmir to onior w t
f- Selling Off
"Jej-KM'sjtjsxa j
Dannenbanm dc Jaeah. .
INTENDING to eloae up thiir buainen, an
ni.w onering at coat a HEAVY STOCK of
eomitting, in Bart, of
Calicos, lawns, delaines,
all wool delaines,
McCurvcr told us last
MitM hii nwutnti.. i I ineeiiiifr fin fh 91.. ..l. i .. . ni. in k....a i
, .wvu.ij nnuen a letter (under u"" lo express tne pub- - s'iHiica,
the instmitinn nr !.. n . .. I lie sense reo-nnl!., , ., . . wool and hlf wool paids.
.r t" r -. CT,ut " 10 iue cM.r:z? . uns.B 01 we ,ate .
viivv iiu I. ii it i r fiima
Ii.... 1 I V ....
- , . e ' woum w elected, as he has been removed fmn, si..A . t,..,...., the term r,,o., n... 7.." . Shnrkov pm.. ' "; i
WOuld be Ullfavor. ..A .... c. " . " " " - ... , , 7, " 1 T ' Af' 7 ' 7 O"IUb0n:
.uu .1.. L r r.p.nrij.HAihi : . . . lit ii nnn. a mm. i .. I wpm nnNiui
uvuviaiouiut-cisaiso v iuuie icngtn on tne relative r-,
thought Stout's election
" ",v i"vieui ui our war debt, mt i t. i
. I v ui IC1IIUTLU-
uv fcuf w iuii s eiet-tiou wouM emtifv
IWi, he wouldn't vole for Loiran That iB Dwco.ti
tii cm K,! i.a.v.1 f .. d i . . . I DiMnivrutirt Cf.,,l-.i 1 ... ..
uu ? , ijv i wii-i i Mir rsrniir imr f. t i 'mhv hJiuiiuiiiii isnPi n-irn iin ,..
. , . v-ivmi, wu rn';u .iiitii n i -vi n t.ii iui la&UK I
roW be i.l.! ... i...i., ., of lust WednemUv fi.i . , , UP'B10I "I the I'rcsidcnt
. . , ' O' nut I a . ' e..,vM IU
lei.i-utid voted Tor Stout so thut Logan uusluesK' KamiJ ' money, and
summer 4 winter ahawla, table linen,
bonnets, flats, fancy ribl)bont,a!lkin,
embroiderie of all kmdi,
collar, aleevea, friii)fe, '
kid gloves, ladie enU'.
imA'.v.' . .l:u , ,
houldn'l be elected, as he didn't leant Lo- b,e. I,ros')Ccti 11,8 '"micdiate future,
fourth the stumping there ought to havt
been. There ought to have been oi
'ttsn t more thun ono-
01 0l,r n"W nd judicious apeak,
crs called upon by those whose right it was
w uo so, to make a thorough cauva.of
tmeKumas, r0ik, rH,nlon
la, and Jackson counties. We could pick
at least half a ,o,.,i men in our ranks of
sufficient talent and discretion to make good
ranvarwrs-meo whom wa should not be
afraid to trurf to advocate our cause any
wheremen who, had they beeu active in
the last canvass, could have increased Lo
gan's vote nt least five hundred. There
but little work done in Yamhill county,
for example, and I.on' vot fi ll tin A tiitn
dred short or what it ought to have bee n
aud what might havo been had.
This year after we L.J rrfected an or.
gunuatiou and got. eaudid.ite fairly in the
7 " politician, who have
Ltherto kept the opposition disband
xc-pt what was done by the raudi
tUt others must ' Ii i.. -Vi 7" I
ly ipak to IVuiocrat and .h....
gun elected, because Hush wanted him elect- M!iil,ed m causes for its Onal suspension
!:,:.,'JVri,:,.""M?r a"d IW nf,
l,"ut cousisicnry ior von. On the nthov I.P,nKii .. n. . . .
band, we bear that Hush voted for Stout
I.. .a I t At . '
uUl nvpra tnoi Logan would be eh
lie didn't want Stout elected becau
.I....! ..
fTIII'llf.l. Wf.lll.l i 1. .
v . um .aiie i on nnA .a ... .
and McCarver linii.. ...;.... r . ""7 ." "'gveuu.e name
... . , ' . . gan "U .Meara." If the finde
The Wbitr savs
.noved-to Eugene City, probably, "thoritj of the Governor of the Territory c 7v l fude Sharkie. Wm. Gentlemen's Clothbe
!' a ... "'I. ""Tery decided applauded, which nlainlv XJT""V J E W E I, R V
iSSf- 'rMrt ith the conservative B00T3 & s"OE3, CIGARS, TOBACCO,
J'tpet, Matchet, 4c, de.
Ladieaand m-ndemA... .u... -.ii .!. u.
fore you lose th chance of getting rJ bw'
--K-.. v-Mjr, juiya. inau. i wins
ALL iudebled to ua mint aettlo op in fonrlaas
day, or we will be compelled to pot oar if
wmnia into an olficer'a hauda for collection Al
mc having clairru againat ua will plea piaml
them to u. when the aam will bo paid.
Jaly 3, 1850. i2irj ;
1. Tlmt !. n- .. . .
unfnvnr.. " - ' iue i erntory - -oi mamtaininir the n-,nf
. znz rp the right
mrt rf :.: Mt""" ,or lue Wfl01e or a ITTn'i " "l" M ' introduction
i i ...v niuir. I vi uu n irmiwi a .1 ..
"b6" m ieuuce me price of
2. That there wa nn . labor "
rn. ik ' . .. "IT"".'" occasion
vi mc uix-sci cc 01 tllO (mi,,,. n 1
,.- ., " at x rovo.
LiVM rfSC"e of tLe Poners in Mixico.-Santo Anna has been recall-
or Stout, .gold ornament at Salem. It i,0f the stody LaU been attentped, It the du- V U faTw,
heelectetl. shape and size of a $50 octagon piece with J f the d ot of tbeTudge to Government we s 7 J i " "
sleeted, cons. u .,., r.. o. ? " " " l"9 Dntl 'U "end it to
u,t lo "l -j.
uiae, iremocracy and
SleCarvfr's black Democracy would be, be
way of Timn!
a rn... ... n t.- .. .'
' " irooP8 ought not to have been ' ' "cu- "ou was t0 him with 1
It to TfOVO Without II.. . 000 men
i rovo without the
r, nor kept there against his
th. a. :. . . . "curreuce or
w-tter acquamted with Itlackstone than
we are.
fSuuCUT-'r ith. tPing the ire of some Pemccmt
over our rrr
ikal Our fr!....l TJ..1. r:
" n-iuury, we are sor
TJ to tar, ms to have lost confidence in
our sincerity. He told u. a few day, ago we made in tU A 2,
several weeks a mm!., n...... ..
mu lu ntuoiun wigwams for Stout
-u .rn.M more against Stout than any.
thinrr that h.,t Iw.n a..... . ..
- " uuuc uurmg ine can
vass, lie said that it had made a hundred
vote for Loiran in tho w; r ..
" - -"wi wuiiirv
rouud him. We told him that we made
ine statement just as we heard it from Hull
and how should we know whether Hull 'J.
tended to carry out his declared purpose or
ou l ne ract is that we hardly ever qnote
Penioeratic authority now-a-d. ,ffk..
rataand wherever we
Ia7w,' U I 'mntdJ I to lull out with o. for
Tfi'rt.,: . Han Genera,
....i ri,:".' ",u ' 'ee principles -emuiy, now in sess on at TnHl.n i:.
trinket i m,.pl. ..-I. - , 77 been in many w.rU eomnric O
-. " gin, aim more csiremely unfortunate ' J r ' uo ,uu"'iors, z,324 churches
than its mtriusic valiift ill k ...;.i r. :.. ' and 250.000 rh.,w.t, i '
"P'uiwiu ine Vn-l- v . .. . . ' miuim-m. mere arA
-Ji tbat it has been , "5 Wh eDtitW .end
infnrmod J tol,i. n . .
Bch or rRo,sr r.Tu-.- autl7 that disnatche. " ".TT 6 lue ueneral Assemb'7-
- - r. c c UL.n . ' w UUl uy
.t5. .uiss latncrine rn.ti.n v"'" lu "ie .Mason, at rriB Drvrn n- xr
brought a suit against Mr. Henry Sh . 8trnctinS to intimate to the PrpnA r.- der onr obituary hM,t i-T, e11rec?rd'. Dn:
.. . ' - . .. . . --"- it: .. ' ""i me death rr
viiiuicnL mar n r. . . hum vmpm , . , . . . . -
fulfilling his promise to marry her after drWD
visitinir her a counle of vp. n notsufft
aflWKM 1 1 n. . I rrnniAnf I thta i '
; . ' f;"uw,mB 01 Loan, for not V ." case UernJny should be STlI c nreIict of the "thor
",tu ,ue "r, this Government will of th. Zr T 1 nner- and """h
ITer any interruntion o, th. . ,??.,'"tnte P- Bton Key. She
were hut 4100 nnrt .u. , .6W the Ilamlmn, T .. ,U "7" . .H,M " l?00d old 8 tMm
IU imjatJ render- "reinen steamers, now na loved by all who knew her ff7;7 e.. . carryintr the I'n M e... . mn,. p,.., U mw Der- a-
, --- - ..uuuiu. oervetl I " " --w matig, so long I iuoy i .
him right.
Thanks W'e are under nlilimtinn.
- -) vita
IT. Stteel. nf il,: :.- f . .
w late tastcrn Da-
.S those steamon il .'.
vurrr artic let mil.
traband of war. The Frenrh n.K..... The Baltimore Patrint .t...
now m .New York, is said not to look unfa- ne hundred ,Dd emancipated nejrro
, ' uju lUi, remonstrance.' Dis- mence Tor Liberia on the
patches have alx gone out by the Persia Metih' inance with the wishes of for-
. ulIlvan. San FranmaM k.. informing .11 .k. n :. M' mer masters.
.applied us, nsoal. J"L:,,:T"rWm turoP.
" c7 7 ' ,UB PnToof the United Hmi.. T,-
.U1L-V 4 . ... .1 f . - '
ui maintain tne Strict. K.oiToa or th a
late Kastera papers.
AmaaTMaisr.-TI. r.n
MeMrnrtUe TWle,, .in M TTTfc "
Tk inimetaj ia wiur nlvi . c. .
lGra Pa... .1.
1" "r. City oa Fridaw .. """f0"
S- The Government 1. -T, ... . il'rT- f 'eoBauhio. nrl'.l
For Sale: :
BT TIMOLEON, out of fin. maru, aaa
Oregon City, July a, 1859. ird
(LAriS l. S. HOTEL,) , , ;
A.J.BATES DDnexvnil
mu.a . t. .
I we-owB eaUbliahment haa
rafiniT v "'"""eh'? repaired and
T. E,,'y ni'o will be paid taj
v ""o'ninodation of traveler. aDd boardaav--Ao
.pei, ha. been to make thW
convenient and pleoraut.
Gf d '""nmodation for familiea W
ariiee. A ranteel Un.11.. .1 ... Lai
IJ can, for fcr, Qf fenwl4 ,
mM ITS" to 'Dn,ih'd wiU beat lfca"
market afford.
Oyvtar and nm. .
! rod ;r ' " ".7
Give n a r.ll A . . . .
Jan. IS 1R " " 7""
A ui
U on
lei th
aa Wn
C97 and
SMt Ja
c. nrRRiT.
Hh ,K iav,., fa, m .J.
aeor ?mi(( A, MetkotUtt Ckwtl,'
. roar
April l,lPi5.
fIO aoe
fop ten
ata Bbi