' OiiEon City Maiikkt. Whent f lal.10 lour 10.50 to 17.60: potutucH 75; ouU 62 butter, fresh, 20c pm-ked, 20c : hneou 15 to lOi-j (fgH 2.r)C ' In Oregon City, June 0, nl the resideni-e of Win. Smith, by Iter. I). ItuuVdge, Mr. Nathaniel li.ll to Mre. rriKllln mrlpy. SXBD: In Oregon Clly, June 10, Ih5'J, Mr. John It ouuld, formerly of Indiana, aged .id yean. I l3T" Kvtiuv.llu (I nil.) papers please cpy, To tie Voters of Clackamas Co, If elected, I will acrvo as COUNTY ASS- ESSOIt for ilia Milling yenr, Juno 18, miU SEP IIUELAT. C 'DM ADAJIS Si rKllKLNS -WTlLL be in OREGON CITY from til 17lll ' VV . to the SSth of June, for iho purpose of radioing SS1YTXb-.TB.2'. . All persone wishing FIUST-CLASS OPER ATIUAb, will cll at weir orrica ova ua. btbi.'i nana roi. Dr. Adams will confine liiuiKlf to III cleansing Ukf filling f ll'o teeth) lr. Perkins to pine work. Ullice hours from 8 to 13 a. h., and from 1 .1 P. M. June In, lo.vjwl , (LATE U. S. HOTEL,) OREO ON CITY. . - i . J. J. BATES PROPRIETOR, 'fTMIIS well-known eatablishment has TL iut been llioroimlilv repaired and b refitted. Every attention will be paid 10 he aocummndaliou of traveler ami boarders. No expense has been spared to make (hit heuso convenient and pleasant. ' O liood accommodation for famillei and Indira. 'A genteel landlady always iu attendance M car for the welfare of female gueala. I ha lav bio will always bo furnished with the bcei that the market ononis. Oyater and gain suppers got up ou abort notice, ad in goo I slyle. Give ua a call and judje fur yourselvoe. June IS, IH.19. lOy C. Ml'llltAY, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL fhtp nearly oppaiite the Methodiit Church,- ORKUO.N CITV. April HS,Djj3". ltf Notice. I HAVE tbia ilny ao'd all my int. rent in the firm of I.a Fokkst & Uacon to E. I. A FOR JfST. I therefore infurm all whom it may con- ceru thai 1'- I.a Forest la alone rcepons.ble tor all 'akbtadue from the lule firm of La Forest & Hu- awa. J. M. BACON. . Oregon City, Juno !.', 18'ifl. ItHf Lost, XI. luiiiiug thu fulhiwiiig-dcacribed note! One Byte ou John Isoui of Linn county fur $I0UU, bearing ten per cent., and payable to in on or be fore Ihe lint day of April next. AIm, one note urn Wm. C. Stewart for f-M-Vll, bearn.g ditte Not. 6, I85H, payable to me in three yt-ar, and dtawing ten rn-r cent, inlenut from date until paid. Abo, one noin nu Jirph R..binett and William . Vbwter (iiii.idle letlera lint recolleclrd, if any) fur $'J7 and I Ihi'ik mime ui-ntu; kid uute w (liven about .lau. A, pay.ibie I th nk in thirty duy, driiwiiiif fil'u-fu p. r crut. until pad. All pewnn nro cautioned ui;aiii4 buying any of lite above liulea. The fimlrr of the fame ihull bo uonipeu aaUd 011 deliveriui: them to me. .- . H. F. WIHTSON. Motimniitli. Polk Co.. Jiiiu- 1, IK.i!) lUwil Plows i and Wagons! v Blacksmitliing of all Kinds done ' to order. 1' KEEP alwaynon hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to tcour and do a good work as ay othera in the Slate. I cau almt liiruifcli you With WAOONS. I can nlwaya be found at my hop, opposite MiKinltty'a, reiidy to ahoe your Mrara, or do aiiylli.ug iu tlie lino 01 my iiiihiiifi (All and J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, April 1G, 1859. ltf E lliiL'h liurm in 1848 bormwrd $315 of J mo, and nfterwnrd wruuge.1 ine onto!' it when J.Wiuitd it. ilheti worked 44 dnya for him at fjltl a day, which he aim wronged meoutoK For a4U-arre lot iu In li.nm, he told me 4 lota in Mult nomah City, wh ch he al'ierward gave to A. K. Wait. Tin-re wrre 20 acrieuflimd in Indiana , put into hit hau la by John Coe:ello, which he CBurtio) tried to wrong Coetello'a cliildrt-n out uf in Ihii country, but win 11 he went to Ft Woyius he nu t with David II. (Vdrick, who prevenUd him from doing o. And many other like nutiona Hugh Barna did, wh'chl have not t'nif to enumerate. LAWRENCE UVUNS. June lfc, 1859. 10wl A i21 SJ 31 IT 3f PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, Oj'potite Geo. Ahcrnethy t Co.'t Brick Store, ii'." " OUEGON CITV. t . . - THE nndenignei are prepared to take like. Iirasea, audi as 4hitrotypes, Melainotypes, Plio r t , . tographs, or PICTURES OX PATENT LEATHER, mitahlt for $ending in letter, af f wbjch will be executed in the It VI EST AMD X EAT EST STYLE, J AND ON SHORT NOTICE ", REASONABLE TERMS. GROUPS aud LOCKET PICTURES tukeu wry low. Call and examine our pictures, and judge for yourselves. " ! llooirw opposite Abernethy & Co.'s brick store. f HOLLAND 4. DAY. !june ll.lfr.9. 1 Come, Let as Keason together." ALL persona holding, or interratrd in the pay rwnt of Oregon War Scrip, are requ sled to aevt at Eugene City, Lane Co., on Monday, the th dayof August next, for the purpose of tak:ng into consideration the beet means to urge upon Congress the payment of the same. 1 " JOSEPH TEAL. ' . A. B. FLORENCE, J AS. HOOKER. A. ZIF.DER, D.WELLS, JOS. WATr, GEO U JONES. 9td June 6, 1859. I ' Sale of Land. NOTICE in hereby given that by virtue of an order to avi directed by the Probate Court in and for Yamhill county, Oregon, I will offer for ale le the highest bidder tnt cash at the store of Williams tt Licpeaeott in Daylen, in said county, an the third 3) TvasoaT of Jult, 1859, between the heena as" one and four o'clock, P. M , the W sawing described tiact of land, belonging to the aAioor beiraof John 8. Prirgle, deeeaaed, to wit: ne Iiuodred and aixiy aeree lying in T. 3 and 4 aT. R. J W,aad being the eoulh ba:fof Net icatioa Ke. ll4C "2ba land ia uni nprnred ; title good. ' ' THOMAS K.WILLIAMS, v PajtoajJanelciS. 8wJ ; Ouardan. - Iiyou'8 Magnetic Powdera, or Fli-a Powder, IV 'ill uVrs (Jar Jin I meet; Cockrovhtt, lied Itui, lien, Auti, Moth; and all puti 0 tlit termin kind. The importance of a reliable arliola of this kind is inealiuiuble. In warm wenlherall nature terms with llisse auuoying fix This powd. r is the on - ly article ever uiscuverea which win vAirniiiuuia tin-in. A eoiiinany of bolauiais, from the ll.irti niiltiiral Hwlely uf I'uris, while amidal the ferns of As a, observed that all insecta lighting Uwu a eerie n kind of plant very soon diopiied dead. This fenl wua made u of to guard their niglil camps from these intruders. Quantities of the plant were brought home by Mr. E. Lyon, and found a iMiitlve iin-ct 'l'r iyer In every vxperi. mriit. It is simply a powdered leaf, chemieally prepared to resist the etleet of age and olimatu Medals atnl Leltnra Patent liuvo been obtained from the governments of England, France, tier many and Kuuia, from the World's Fair, and nu merous inej.cul and horticultural colleges and so cieties. Letter from the Pi taiJent of the United S Intel. 'ExKcuTtva Mansion, Washington, 3 1st Jan.. IS.iil. I 'r. E. Lyon, Denr Sir : I have the pleasure In infurm you that the Roynl commission of the World's Fair, at Ixindoii,' have awarded you a Medal and Certificate for the great value of your Magnetic Puwders, tit. MILL AUD FILLMORE, Ch'n." The above wa s accompanied by a certificate of Prince Albert. IT IS FREE FROM POISON. Nr.w York, October 1, 1858 Rmnnuel Lyon, Dear Sir 1 We have analya. ed and tested your Miignetia Powders, and rind them perfectly hurmless to mankind and domestic animals, but certain deuth wheu inhaled by bugs, ants and insects. J. R. Cuit.-oN, M. IX, Chemist, L. IU111, Prof, Chemistry, N. Y. Hospital. Mr. John L. Rome, Suiierinteudeutof the N. Y. Hospital, says "he haiexpvlled all the bugs, ants, roaches, moths, etc., with Lyon's 1'oivder, and finds it of immense value." Every gardener and housekeeper must have a direct interest in un trticle of this kind. Refer ence can be made to the Aator, St. Nicholas, and Metropolitan Hotels; to Judge Meigs, President of the American Institute; James Gordon lieu- nett, (Jen. winheld Scott, Cyrus W. Field, L. M. Pease, of the Five Points Mission, A'c. Ac- Judge Meigs snys, "This discovery of Prof. Lyon la nl national importance. 1 lie rentiers Club have tested it thoroughly. It will destroy locusts, grueshopiers, ants, mollis, bugs, and all vermin. Curden plants cau be preserved, and houses made pure ' Rata ami mice cannot be reached by a powder, aud are killed by a Maunktic Pill. Order theiii through any merchant lis Lyon a lowder kills insects in a trice, Hut Lyon's Pills are mixed for rals and mice. Follow diieclinua. Une freely and thoroughly. Da. A. II. STEELE. Aireat. Oremn Vitu. SMITH &. DAVIS, and Da. WEATHER- FORI), Atml: Portland. PARK 4. WHITE, San Franeiaeo. Pm.l Melodcons. rilllOSE who wUh to purchase MKI.ODKONS X can have them of ua at from 15 to ill per cent ciiKAFKa by paying CAS If, than they have been bought of us heretolore. If wuuted ou ctedit, the articles can he had at 50 per cent, an v.iNcs aa our former rales. POST & WHITE. Oregon City, June 1I.1859. Stupendous Excitement ! ! LV McMIXVILLE! ! " There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." fllllE palpable mcuuing L Calling uu uf the poet is, that by s. C. ADAMS just now, who Is sellinsr oif his lanre and well- assorted stock of DRY GOODS, A It DW A RE, CROCKKRy, kC , fcC, kC, AT COST, you can lay iu your year's supply at such LOW RATES that you can't fail to get rich at it. Ho is Closing out his present stock at very low prices for His entire stock must be sold imin-d ntrly. Come one, come all, and come soon. You van buy a dollar's worth At Portland Wholesale Prices! uch as the best prints ut a bit, best quality, plates, cups and aaucers, 4Vo., at six bits p, r sel ; nails, JNo. I, at 1.1 llis. for a dollar; brown sheeting's at a bit, ate. &o. ; best quality of ladies' shoes at I to 1 ,a.i, and everything iu proportion, only erhaM cheaper. rig All persons knowing themselves indebted, Will please come forward and settle up with cosh or notes, as my boukd must be closed. S. C ADAMS. McMinville, June 4, 1859. 8w3 SberUTi Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the 4th Judicial District uf the Suite of Oregon, in end for the county of Clacka m is, aud to me directed, in favor or Samuel Laughlin, administrator of the estate of Silas Da vis, deceased, against Jasper W. Clift, for the sum of one hundred and eighty-one dollars, with inter et from the !!Gth day of May, A. D. 1858, together with casta and accruing cots, and fur want or personal property to satisfy said execution, I have levied upon, and shall proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the thirteenth day of July, 1859, all of the right, title, interest, claim, and demand which the said Jasper W. Clift now haa, or wh:ch he had on thu 7lh day of May, 1859, n and to all that certain tract and parcel of land situated in said county of Clackamas and Slate of Oregon, end uow occupied by aaid Jasper W. Clift, and bounded as follows, to wit : The west half of the south east quarter of section two, and thu west half of the north-east quarter of section two, 111 townuhip Iwo south, rauge two east, Coutainiiig one hundred and sixty acres. Sale to take place at two o'clock P. on the premises. A. HULiCU.viB, Sheriff ofClacknrn as county, June 1 1, 1859.9w4 by Ls.wie l)v, Deputy. Sheriff ' Sale. XTOTICE is hereby riven that I will offer at 1.1 sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 19th duv of July, 1859, at 3 o'clock p. m. of aaid day, at the dwelling-house of Edwin F. Stone in lamlull county, state or urrgon, the following escribed real estate, to wit, being in Yamhill and Polk countiee, range five west, tuwnship six south, and sections two, three, and eleven, commencing at the nut i-wcst corner of Jacob Comegy's land 'aim, in sect 100 three, and running thence south 0 dee. E. 3721 polee alone the eastern line of M. IS. Uurke'e land claim, thence north 70 deg. . 1 83 poles along the north hue of John EadeV and claim, thence north 90 deg. W. 2721 poles to the south line of Jacob Comegy's land claim, thence south 7U deg. W. lb polee along the south line of said Comegy's land claim to the place of beginning, including one half section, or three hundred and twenty acres, more or lees, with all the privileges and ai purtenancea thereunto be longing or ia anyaise appertaining. Said aale niade by authority of an execution to me directed in accordance with a decree of the District Court of Yamhill county, Stale of Oregon, lo foreclose mortgage and saijfy a judgment in aaid court gainst Edwin F. Stone and m favor of Samuel M. Gilmute, together with tlie coete thereon. HENRI WAKKi.., June II, 1859-9w4 Sheriff Yamhill c. To I be Afflicteel. DR. HCTCHIN3 CELEBRATLU BAL aam of Wild Cbemr. with a variety of bis ether popular Botanical iledieinta, are bow for l at CH ARLES POPE'S, Oregaa City, aud at J'.VITU BAKSIOWf. Cf-eni. 17y IHCRMAN KNUKLlaKOIrr. ADOLril sMrilSCH. UVtTAY HrilSCI. BRANCH OP SAN FRANCISCO Cigar & Tobacco Store, 1 Wa.hii.gton 8ret, b. Iween Front and First- rOKTLAIVD, ENUELURECHT A MAYRISCII BROS., lmmrltr und Dmitri in Havana Cigars and Tolmcco, "1 IfOt'I.D rrieelfully announce In the public V V that they have oiened a liouso l the above place, where they will do a WHOLESALE BUSINESS iu their line ou the moat reasonable and fair terms, And at San Francisco Prices. 3S' Wo ''"o )llvo a house open at Nu. 7 Front street, Sun Francisco, aud are genual agents for Havana. Portland, Juno 4, 1859. 6ml Protective Union. DIV. No, 593, N. Y. P. still continues op. eralion iu SALEM. Those favorable to the ohjecls of the " L'n'oii." liting within trading range in Polk. Linn, and Marion counties, will please make kuoa n the aaiue, by letter or other wise, though they feel unprepared to invest stock now. Puyment uf slock hereafter engaged may be made conditional that teu thousand dollars be sub scrilie.l the coining year, in all, making fiiteen Ihouvuiid. 'Hani times" are Umn us, but this la only an additional reason for freeing labor from the need li ra uix uf speculatiou. Wm. P. Puuh, 1 ' C. IIOEL, Agent Wm, PoRTKa, Directors. Willis Dunaoan, j Halem. June 4, 1859. Fm? To Kent. 4 i) L garden spot having 3U bearing peach trees, and IU0 apple, pear, and cherry trees, a fourth of them bearing. This p'ace is convenient to a good school, being a half mile east of the Oregon Ciiy Seminary Wood mid work un the place will bo tukeu iu pay for the rent IT For further particulars, inquire at the Argue Office. May 14, 1859 5m!) Notice. a MIE undersigned beg respectfully lo infurm nil . parties indebted lo lie ill iu their regn City Ituuks, that, uow winding up their bueiuess in Ore gun, they hnvcuulhorixeil Auoar HoLnaooK, Esq., of Oregon City, to collect said debts. ALLAN, McKINLAY & Co. Oregon City, May 31, 1859. 8 Notice ! A1 settled on or before the first day of July next. CHARMAX & WAUM Kit. May 25,1859. 7 Notice! i LL thoe owing John (1. Gibson, or Gibson XX. & Potter, must settle their accounts before the first day of next July, or same costs may be added. GIBSON & POTTER. May 38, 1859 7 Notice ! At those indebted to N. Brown Si. Co. will please come furwurd aud settle their ac counts without delay, or the same will be put in an oll.cer a bauds for collection. N. BROWN, N. WOLFE. Oregon City, May 08, 1S.VJ. . 7 OREGON CITY SEMINARY. FRANCIS D. HODGSON, A. M., Paixctr.L, assisted by competent teachers. cai.kndar ma 1859: 2D Term commence! ftUy 2.1; 3d, Septembers; 4th, Nocember 21. tuition roa term or klkven wkiks. Primary Department $ 5 50 Common Kuujirh branches C 50 Higher Fjiglih and Mathematics 8 50 Ancient & Modem Languages, extra, each 3 Oil Oil painting, extra 10 (III Drawing, extra 3 00 Use of Piano, lur practice 3 00 Iutrumenlal Mu.-ic (Piano) extra. IT Tuition invariably in advance. This I ifclitution, which has been in successful operation one year, aflords superior facilities for the young of both sexes. It is supplied with a good philosophical apparatus, maps, library, and piano. A few bourueia cn be accommodated iu the Insiitution ou very moderate terms, lluard can also be obtained at reasonable rates iu the vicin ity of the Seminary. For further particulars, add rest the Priucipal. Mav 14, 1859. 5m3 J. FLEMING, (.IT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING,) OREGON CITY, HAS 011 hand and fur sale, a well-selected as. aortinent of Books and Stationery, comprising, in purt, the following: Family Bibles and Tea- Cap, letter, aud note laments, Downing'a Fruits paper, and IVi.scZ Pen-holders, Fruit ireea of Amer- raud 6l sand boxes, ica reviaed edition, Tissue paper, perforated board a drafting paper Mitchell's and Oluey's Geographies aud At- kuwa, Mason's Farrier, Dndd'sCattle at Horse Doctor, Kane's Arctic Expira New Masonic Trestle Board, Masonic Manual, Odd Fellows' Manual, Quinhy's Mysteries of Bee-keeping, Livingstone's Travel: iu South Africa, Gunn's Doin. .Medicine, tions, Sanders' Old and New Blank Book & Bill Pa- Sie!lera Sl Headers, per, Tlmmenn'a Arithmetic, Gillespie' Sl Daties' Fulton & Eaj-tiuan's Surveying, Book-keeping, with Slates and slate pencils, blanks, Dr. Hollick'a Works, Red, blue, At blk Inks, Ate., Ac, all of which will be retailed at prices corresponding with the times. I O Don't forget the place ! it is OPPOSITE LA FOREST d BACON S. . . ALSO, rOB SALE, . Dr. MoffiittV Pills ' and Phoenix Bitters, and the Graefenberg Medicines, which are recommended to those who wirh to live till they die. May 14. 1859. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an execution, issued out of the Circuit Court of the 4th Judioial District of the State of Oregon ia and fur the county uf Clackamas, and to me directed, in favor of Hugh Barns, against Lawrence Burns, for the sum of three hundred dollars, witn interest irum ins um day of September, A. L. 1856, together with ' and accru.og costs, and for want of personal prop erty to satisfy aaid execution, I have levied upon, and ahall proceed to aell lo the highest bidder for cash, en the sr.va.vru dav or JULY, 1859, all of tlie right, title, interest, claim aud demand which the aaid Lawrence Burn now haa, or which he had on the 24th day of May, 1859, in and to all that certain tract and parcel of land situated in aaid county of Clackamaa and State of Oregoa, and aow occupied by raid Lawrence Burns, and ac tually embraced within hat enclosures; the same being a part of the land claim of aaid Hugh Born, No. 51. and heretofore "ld by him to aaid Law rence Burns. Sale to take place at 2 o'clock, t. ul, on the pram ae. June , Ir A. HOLCOMB, CLevfTCU.xame Crnir.7 EMPIRE MVwlcsalc and Retail STOKE! VKE you go'ng to Orsgou City lo buy Goods! If so, you would probably like to know where you van buy the most aud beat for the least mo usy. Thai place is Drown & Wolfs, establishment, opposite Oihion'i Saloon, and no mistake. We have jut received a heavy assort, mem from San Francisco, which, having bought low, we are able lo sill In such a way that our prices shall speak fur themselves, without much puffing. We have GENTLE M UN'S X . H .W J at OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SVCII AI sack L frock coats, ruglaus, tiiliuna, jackets, vests, pauls, cravuta, Hue shirts, Pollers, drawers, under shirts, sashes, overhauls, and all kiuds of India-rubber clothing. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF BEY French, English, American, 4 furniture calicos, ginghams of all colors, all wool aud hlf wool de laiuee, French, English, a American merinos, alpacas, ailk worsted, all ciilers, all wool and hlf wool plaids, silk a woollen shawls, single or d'ole, Perry's stylo of dress goods, cnshmeies, velvets, linseys, browu at bleached sheeting, janes, oil clulhs, Irish liuena, ailka, cambrics, SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, scarfs, sleeves, chemisettes, edging, ribbons, hdkfs, gloves, hosiery, needles, pins, hooks, eyes, perfumery, hair oil, boots, shoes, rubbers, hate, caps, accordeons, 3 a a a a , rf . BRACELETS, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and about 35 other articles loo numerous aud too cheap to pay for advertising. Now the fact is, as we are permanently located, we are desirous of doing business ou such terms that we ahall not be compelled te 1 sell oil' at cost,' but we intend, by quick sale aud stnull profits, to live and let live. Ladies aud gentlemen are al ways welcome, aud will be promptly wailed en. lUraenbrr, Remember, that our store is opposite Gibion'a Saloon. Tis ne trouble to show our goods, and we can heat Portland all the time iu price. If you doubt it, call and satisfy yourselves that Ihcrv is uo hum. bugging iu the mutter. BROWN St WOLF. Oregon City, AprilS, 1859. S1116 Great Inducements LA FORES BACON'S. WE lake this method of Informing the pub lic that we believe it best for purchaser and seller that AO CREDIT be given ( we therefore commence nn entirely new system. We will not si II our goods 011 any other terms than for Cash or Country Produce. We have a large stock of OOODjt consisting of GROCERIES, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, Crockery, Glassware,' Hardware, Now listen to us for a moment er two While we ue our efforts in convincing you That paying cash down for whatever eu get Is boiler tluu buying goods on a cred.l. You will find by reading our advertisement Thai we purpose selling for at least ten per cent Cheaper for cash than we could ou timet This is certainly belter, the buyer will liud. Here ladies can find all they may require, From fine silk dreeses lo plain bonnet wire ; The gentlemen also can here be tigged out With fine doe pants, vest, shirt, and a coat. The farmers also should here come and sre If we have not got good sugar and coffee, Ten, rice, starch, tobacco, sail, and soap, Nails, cups and saucers, sularutus, aud rope. Come farmers, try us, and then you will seo II we do not do just as we agree ; We promise to sell goods at prices below, With freight only added, which ia right yuu know. For fear you forget just where we reside, Post At White's Book Store is 011 the east side ; La Forest & Hacon is the name of the firm, Our motto, small profits but a quick return. Bring on your cash, your eggs, and your butter, And if it is raining dou'l slop fur the weather. All iudebled tons, you come along too, The cash we arc needing, your custom also. OreuonCitv May I I. 1859. Boots and Shoes! J. B. BLANPIED, Opposite to Sch ram's Saddler shop, Main street, OKEGON CITY, WOULD soy lo the public, that he is iu the constant receipt of Boots and Shoes of the latest pat terns and styles, which he will aell a cheap as any other establishment in town, if not cheaper! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' WEAR ALWAYS ON HAND. Making A Repairing' done to order, AND IN SUPERIOR STYLE. April 30, 1859. 3y GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office NEXT DOOR TO MR. CAU FIELD'S STORE, N til THR BKKWEt T. N.B. Family Medicine prepared in the moat careful maimer, and always nn hand. Oregon City March 3, 1859m3 orafidWWssss'O MRS. TAYLOR will open a SELECT SCHOOL for the aecommodatioa at a lim ited Bomber of pupil (say twenty -five) at her res idence in this city near the Seminary, 00 Monday. Faa.23, 1859. Tiaaw Primary acd oemrooo English, per term of eleven weeka j.00 Tuiusn payable in advaace. Tab 1?, '59 CLAP.K3A t. TAYLCB. Cornir Third and Water atreiti, oppoiiti the Ferry Lauding, OREGON CITY. r 1 nit, traveling puhiio are respecting a 1 Invited to give me a call. f ; The Oretioii House is the most ptces-.iL nnlly located hotel In the Slate, and lias been so arranged aa lo make it one of the msil eonmiodi uus houses 111 the country. THE TABLE will always be supplied with ins tiest thai the market shunts. Good accomiiiodiilinua for ladies and families. ratcxs: Board and lodging, per week (7.00 lloaid, wilhuut lodging, per week u'.UO Single m al .Ml Night's lodging 50 J. HOKUM, May 7, 11-59. Proprietor. STOVKS, STOVES, At Portland Prices 1 S. MILWAXHT, WHOLESALE AND P.ICTAIL DEALER, Main Street, opposite the U.S. Hotel, OREGON CITY, IMl'ORTEIt OF COOK, Tartar, and Box Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, aud Copper, Planished and Japanned Ware, House-furnishing Hardware, Force and Lilt Pump Rubber Hsn, llydrnuho l'ams, !,ead Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Cauldron Kettles, Bras Ket tles, Skillets aud Bake Oveus, Cow Bells, Sauce Pans, He., Sto. Also, MANUFACTURE!, of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every description. Steamboat aud Jobbing work done at the low est rules. eplliy BOOKS! BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED, at the CITY BOOK STORE, a lurge assortment of B O O K S, CONSISTING OF Standard Keligious, Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &c, &c., &c. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. Oregon City, Apl 30 POST A WHITE. MU8IC!MUSIC! YE have on hau l a largo assortment of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, embracing the following: Prince's ittcloDcotiG a largo assortment, of the following kinds : Niue 5 octave, piaiie-cased, Two 5 do. do. double-reeded, One 5 do. do. double bunk, One 6 do. do. Two 5 do. portable. T.GILREIIT Si UO.'S CELEBRATED 3? 2 A M 0 3f besides a large assortment of Guitars, Accordeons, Clarionets, Flutes, vra) aOtTZlm POST Sl WHITE, Oregon City, Apl 9. At the City Book Start. SINGING BOOKS! New Cute of Hicm : JUST received, 101) copies of the New Lute of Zion. Feb. !2ii. JOHN A. POST &. co. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGOy CITV. I AM now earning nn a Saddler's and I lur. lies maker's shop iu this city, and huve con stantly ou hand the best of Ready-made harness, saddles, bri dles, lmlters, martingals, and everything in my line. I am also ready lo make to order anything in my line that may be called fur, un a short notice. My motto is, Make a good article, and sell it cheap. I solicit palrnfj age at home and from abroad. My establishment is nearly opposite Churman Sc Warner's Old Slund ou Main street, J. SCIIUAM. April 3, IS59. 5linii Es7iXTADA ImTweed, ' Hygea-Medtcal (or Water-Cure) 3 2ri3U33&a3. II A VINO located at jtV. M J jtV 9 We shall be happy to attend to calls, both iu town and country. MKS. WK.i: I) will give special attention lo OBSTETRICS, aud diseases peculiar to women and chi'dren. ir We make no use of drugs, but rely entire, ly upon hijgeint applianeei. Patients ut a distance visited on reasonable terms. They may be consulted personally or by letter, fro. May 7, 1859. Administrator'! Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE is hereby given, thai, by virtue of an order issued out of the Probate Court of Clackamaa county, Stats of Oregon, under the seul of said court, and lo me directed, I will on Monday the 97th day of June, IS59, on the prem ises, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and the setting of the sun of tho same day, aell at public suction to the highest bidder for oaah, all the right, title, and interest of N. J. lauuli, deceased, la the west half of aaid 1-amb's laud claim, containing oue hundred and silly acre, in township two (") south, range two (U) eaat, adjoining the claims of Benjamin Smith and James Coaoii. Terms of sale, ail months' credit, with approved security. JOSEPH CHURCH, June 4, I859-8w3 Adm'r. Wanted. f HO sonic man whe will take cattle in payment, a i w ii kivg jud oi maaing, nauiuig, ana lay- iliff un ten nr nfln Ihnnutid ila M 1. ail milee weet of Lafayette, Yamhill county. iiiay , injiw v. 1 A DA .11. ftst tn a-1 T.i Ia.i. rlYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, aad ,u .-t., V ... .. . . vr owao s i nree i ears iieaioence on ineoru West eoail for Bale at the CITY BOOK STORE. JAMS, preserved frails, krsndied fruits, eta., at CHARMAN a McKINNKY'S. CASH paid for LAND WARRANTS, br KOLLA.VP PAY. rr r- -r - '- - asaaxs'swaecaj SALT. The most extraordinary chemical dis covery of modern times Is the AunphloglMie Suit, It nets upon the blood pitci.ely in the same manner as the vaccine matter operates in the pre vention of melii;niMil diseases. It cures only dls. easea which are iurlammutory In their nolure. Firl, liill.imiii.ition of the head and throat, such as brain fever, fits, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas, and catarrh, fteeond, case of inflammation in the chest and abdomen, vis-1 Inflamed lungs and liver, pleurisy, dyspepsia, asthma, gravel, piles, io. Third, inflammation of the exttemities aud skin, to wit : rheumatism, scrofula, ulcers, scarlet fever, Venereal and cutaneous affection. This chemical combination ia so powerful ami instanta neous in it. tfi'cols, that the dose is only what Will adhere to a quill dipped in the Salt and held In the tongue for one minute. The most astounding re. suits have invariably followed its use in the Allan. Ua Slates, and thousands of testimonial as to ils virtues can be furnished, if required. The pro. ptieior asks not, however, for Faith, hut is willing 10 let the Salt abide by ils Works, cniifideiit that it will never fait. It is put up In drachm pneliiigrs, price Two Dolluis, and will be fart aided by mail, pint paid, to any purt of the country, tiin reee'pi of that sum, addressed to HE DING TON & C'l ., San Kruncisco. Full directions accompany each package. A soon as a sufficient supply can he oh. mined, it will he for sale by Druggists ganendly. F. Copgswell, M. D , discoverer and proprietor. S.ile Agents for California and Oregon, KEDINO TON 4. Co., Wholesale Druggists, Sun Francis, co. Dr. A. II. STEELE Agent for Orejon City Rheumatism. In all cases of Inflammatory Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic, (he Antiphlogistic Sslt, discovered by Dr. F. Coggawell, of Bisuon, is a sure and infallible result. In New Englaud, where this disease ia very prevalent, the Sail hss never been known to full In effecting a radical cure, aud of giving permanent relief, liheuma lisin i almost invariably caused by Inflammation and colds, and the peculiar ell'ecl of this medicine, as its namo (Ant phlogistic or Aiiti-iutlatninuloryj sicjiifls, is lo reduce iiilliiiiim.ilion, and balance the circulation of the blood, and rhe fluids of the body. It d ics not profess lo he a grand panacea, but is Calculated expressly for all diseases ef au iiidummnlory nature, and is thus a perfect substi tute for blood-letting iu nil ils forms. Il is for sulo by all Druggists. General Agents, UKniNoroM Si. Co , Wholesale Druggist, Sun Francisco, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh. Theso disenes, aud others of a similar chunu ter, caused by colds and liillamm ition, yield read ily and certainly tu the effects of the Antiphlogis tic Suit. It ia peculiarly bcnclioial in all d eeasea of this nature, as ihey are iuvanhly caused by a tendency of blood to the heaad and throat, ans the certain result of the use of this medical salt, lo red nco iiifluiinniition and equuline the citciila lion of the llu ds uf the b aly. Il is also remarks, hi v efficacious ill all iiirliimaliiry diseuaes uf I he chest and ubdom.il, such us Piles, Cruvel, Vene real. DvsneiMia, Pleurmv, iVC. No bettor evi dence of the value uf this medicine can be given than the fact that, although it is now two year since it was first ollnre.l to the public, the discov erer has been ub e lo answer bul a small rart.uii or Ilia orders, and it ia only within the lul two months that it could be obtained al any price in this Stale. Fur sule by all Druggists. IJeiierul Agents, Kkdinuton & Co., Wb.lesalo Drug'ists, San Francisco. Agent for Oiegou City, I A. II. STEELE. 47m.'l W. WEATHERFORD, IMPORTING St WHOLESALE DRUG-GIST," NOW receiving et clipp-r ships Archer un I Itohiu Hon I, and soon lo arrive by alipp'r Ocean Telegraph, Neptune Favorite, Challenger, Winurd.uul Lookout, d reel from New York, the LAIWEST ASSORT M IS Nl' 01' D It U G S, CHEMICALS, PJ1WTS OILS, Ever Imported to Oregoa! purchased for cah, comprising a full ossurliiieut of Patent Medicines, 'direct from tho m inn'ucttir.irs) inchi ling every article usually found-in u drug slorc, Window Glass, (French and American,) Druggist Glassware, Fine Faints, (Ground, Dry, and in Oil, of ev ery Variety,-) Itcd & White Lead, Various lirands, Pa!nt and Varn'sh Brushes, (large varlely.) Coach, Japan, Black it Fui'rtituio I a r n i s h c s , Boiled and llaw Linsood Oil, Burning Fluid (a superior article) l urpi'iiuin;, Alcohol, Lard, Sperm, l'olnr, it Machin) xD w ma 9 Fine brandies & wines for medicinal purport; GRAEFENBEUG Family Medicines ; Gracfenlierff Manual of Health, Vi ... f new euiuon;; besides many other article too uumeioua to mi- lion. Thankful for past favors, an. I soliciting a con tinuance f tho same, I respectfully invite deolera in e.n and namine my stock, and judge f.sr them selves aa to quality and pricea. My arrangementa fur direct importation from dealers and manufacturers in the East are such that enable me to sell goode cheaper than any other house on the northern coast. Sales-room, h ront street, oppo site Upper Wharf. vv . w L.A I iir.nrcivA PORTLAND, O. T, March 12, 1809. js JUST received, the latest ityU of nu aT ii BONNETS, Leghorn aad straw (lite. AiTMvrtRift at DTtmnvRFF.