i-iuv u-au-t. OB, 1110 II Till MASDB W0BTH TWO IN TM SU, There sre two little songsters will kaowa la the T1..lf nix are I-f lave, tnd 0- IId-l ! JHtve will eoroo lamely, tnd perch on tout hud, Bui O-IIed-I will mock you must owiy. I-Hbvs, at trot flit, ta less fair to tin eys, Bit bis worth is by fsr mors snduriug Tbu t thousand 0-1 lad -Is that tit far tad high, O roots and so tree to alluring. Fall many golden egg this bird will lay. And sing on, " Be ufiewry ! Im cheery I" Oh, merrily thtn will the day glide sway, And twat ahall jour sleep be when weery. Bui 1st O-iIod-l but sncs take your sye, Aadaloagiagleeatcbbiuouesoelteyra, IIs'll (iff you m comfort oor real tiU you die Life-long lie'll tormeut you and tease you. He'll keep you all day running np and down bill, Now laying, now ranting, now creeping, While far ererhead, Uiie sweel bird, at hu will, Wilh hit bright, golden plumage it sweeping. Then every wiei man who attends to my song, Will otunt hi I-llsve t eboios treasure, And whene'er tn O-llad-I eoniea flying along, Will just let him fly at hit pleasure. from tho German. MoTneis. It nothing In life deserve to be considered at one the eiouiiite bill tici pre-eminent duly of a mother, it it this 1 wa'cb 111 oiwning iipotiitisn ad ctutciiy of favorite child; to discov er lb earliest budt of thought j to feed wiib useful truiht lbs inuitiiirenestofi young wind; te direct the eye, yet nntullird wilh the vraer of contrition, 10 bounte ous Benefactor ; to lift th little htndi, yet unstained with vie", in prayer to ibe Fa ther which is In Heaven. Bui so it is ; the child, m toon a it is released from the boudag of th mine, and need no longer careful eye lo look after it ttept nod guard it from external injury, is too often surrendered to instructors, some of whom r employed la polish the urfeof lb lharacler, and regulate tbe motions of the limbs ; others to furnish ibe memory and accomplish the imagination ; while religion get admisiion as ins etn sometime in a Saturday's task, or Sunday's peculiarity, dot how rarely as a sentiment ! Their little heart re made lo flutter wilh vani ty, encouraged 10 pant with emulation, per suaded lo contract from parsimony, allow, ad lo glow with revenge, or reduced to ab solute numbness by worldliness and cares, before they have ever fell a sentiment of lvtioo, or beat with a pulsation of sor row for an offence, or gratitude for a ben efit, in the presence of God. Believe me, mothers, you have no righi to expeot ibat the sense of religion will b infused by the labor of others. When parents have cas ed to be teachers, religion has ceased to be taught. ; Women a ho are charming to men are common enough ; a far safer test of rue ooauiy ol character is, that a woman should be admired and lovvd by women. tW Salt and vinegar held in the mouth will relieve tbe severest toothache in short tune, unless it proceeds from tbe ttomacb. tW It ha been urged as a reason for a aecotiU marriage with one' wife' sister, that you avoid having more than one moib er-in-law. uuw ik line a sieve ; you may tee inrougn ii, out you muat be considerably rnuuuru upiore you onn gel through It. BUSINESS CARDS. DROWN dk WOLF, niiuiicALK Anu KKTAIL DEALKRS IN STAPLE AND FA NCY DRY-GOODS, CLOTIIINO, Boots, Shoes, Hut, Caps, &c, OUEl.ON CITY. ' DR. D. D. STEPIIKNSOiV Room above Ilruwn 4V Wolfs Oregon Cily. TSRth umarTKii fly M.KCTltinTr. ji.UntiKST. , j. u. .ico,. LA FOREST BACON, General Dealers in Dry - (Joods, ' LADIES' FANCY GOODS, Oroocrr, Crot-kory, Ulnaa-wiire, ' BOOTS, SHOES. &t . At the eU Hoad of U ForettFrtnck Stmt, ' OKKCOX CITY. J.C.AIXSIVOBTH. WSI.UIKBUOKFF, AI.1SUOUTII & IMCRDORFF, ' WIIOI.ltSAI.tt AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING Hoots tf Short, ami Crockery, me new r ire-pronf llrk k MAinrrasiT OKKliON CITr. - f i t-C,U,,M!' A. WARNER, Cniaruua A Warner. CEXEtAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS wnoursAts 4 atTiL IHalen In Dry tisjods KIM.ng, mrdwrt, Crtxkerv. Gl.mwart, . Hoot; bhoet, I'aintt, Vitt rfe mut nre-prool unci juj 1IN STtttT, OkgaON CITY, OKIUON. W.e. JOHilSiiN, KaUock dk Johnion, ATTOHNEYS A rODNKKLORS AT LAW And Solielhtrt in Chancery. ' VV.J.' 1 10 ny which Oregon City, .Mareb 7. I M47. 41y JOHN" R M BRIDE ' ' """d ' his profeasiuual care. A..aosiars. a r... KOULKTK CO.. ns To.baU.ea, okell.ka. ,M MAUL MANTLE'S, TaITes, Count To, F,r,EmJrrt,Gr,,ot, Urtk.ttot, and Slept, also , Jl S?' onLUh0 STO.VK. OP All he ov-nirilUAJ, rnsTi & v I r.i,,n..,.. -f Kronl at, Mdeorsborethe AINSWORTH&DIERDORFF. WE ARK NOW OPENING IRTHS Tfow riro-rroof Brick, " A LABOR AND WSXL-ASSOKTED STOCE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly eecur sgaiusl Are, ws will osw ' Offer Griatir Inducements than tier to the public Ws srs constantly in receipt sf GOODS elected with the greatest care (as to prices and quality), and tre confident that our facilities will ensble te oiler and tell foods AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights en), tnd would advise all those visiting this city te purchase gooda, lo examine vur slock and price before purchasing elsewhere. We htve, tnj) tre jnst receiving, tn Invoice of censiiting in psrtof the following articles Cliche ce, l'avifTc, lladley, Omesteifo, Hpraguc, Philip Allen, Kail River, Merrimac, Hriggs,and numer ous other choice PKI.YIX, ail lateitylet; Eng lish I: French merinos, Lyoneee ololh, moliair and mhr Debate : braze, wool, 4. muslin de lainee, black, blue, purplu, A pink merincs, fancy plaids, i . i L : g. ii I ' umk lUCniei. Dooa. iirian, a. iiiuii mumiii, ipjiw vw sets, collars, hilkfs dtskirta, dress Jc bonnet trim mings,! breach & doineetio ginghams, ire no a lawns from l!ll to 35c, blue, mixed, dt grey sati net, wool A cotton jeaiw, cottonadv, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting ) Silesia, marine, browu, and Irish lineu, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of linen aud thread laoea and edgiug, hosiery, &o. MEN'S Sf BOYS' CLOTIIINO : Blue, black, and brown cloth coals ; 10 dot blk cloth Veals, i dot white aud buff Marseille do., velvet and satin do. ; 30 dot aatiuet pants, doeskin and fancy caseiiiu-re do, 30 dot merino and cotloa undershirts, grey, blue, aV black cloth over cools, with a geuerul aseortmuat of genu furuulung goods. BOOTS it SHOES. Men', boys', aad youths' boots; lailiee', misses', and children's ms rtecu, goal, kid, sud call t'eugrees suets, with II without heels; ladies' kid slippers. Rie and Jnva coffee, black and green lea, Tf. O., China, Uuluvis Island, Cal. retiued , snd eruslied sugur, K. IluHluii, Cal., suirnr-house, e. golden syr up; salt, 5 lo 2UU Ibsks; 100 kgs nails, assd sixes; Hill's pale, chemical, 4 English senp, soap ier deis, powder, shot, . lead; yeast powder, solera tun, cream tartar, smoking 4 chewing tobacco, green corn, pea; roitaiots, itrou sad blackber riet, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl hurley, maccaroni, vermicelli, corn starch, alm onds, walnuts, limz.il nuts, raisina, Chili peaches, dried fruit; mackerel, iu qr 4 hlf bkls; sardines. A fine assortment of MOCKERY f TABLE CUTLERY 1 30 crates asaortcd ware, 40 dux steel picks, 0 Dutch 4 lldla hoes. Whitt Lead, Oil, and Window Glau; with a variety of other articles usually kept. IT We will pny cash fir wheat, Hour, bacen, butter, epgs, aud almost everything the farmer has to sell. Oregon City, April 16, 1858. NEW V I It M: Jac Attraction! I. M MtKtT. . J.n. I.W01S. LA FOREST & BACON WOULD inform the citiiens of Oregon Cily and vicinity thai they have entered into conuriiiervhip, and intend keeoius a ceneral suinilv of evirything iu Ihe Dry -Goods, Grocery, Crockery, and Fancy line, and will be happy tn sec their old friends call upon them, and will promine at all times to sell llirin goods ss eheup us any other housu in town, our iiiulio being Small Profits and Quick Heturns. We would also my to the .'7lv. mbb'': as gust, (the bone and sinew of the land,) We iiHe.nl keep, illif everything you may reunire in the Hmr.r Crockery, Clothing, Dru tiuailt. lluottnnd .,,. line, etc., wh.ch We uIKt at such Dricee as will h satisfaulory lo you. H'e nlo tvwh to L'Si'hanirft 'a iu, jriiur pni'iuee, anil will give you as much lor it as Ihe market nllunis. Come and try u. Do nol forget tliu place, but luuk for the sign of .o Furett Bacon, aud then uoiiie in. Wo would any to the Ladies (God Bless You!) N hen j ou w.sh a superior article of W goods or iu... , n.ugic, ,10 uni iuu 10 can umn I.a purest a. Lon, wuere you will alw ays liu.l them, alio will receive their gruteful thanks fur your fat ......gv. Young ( Future Hope 31 0 n. of Oregon, here is the place lo supply yourselves witb a SUM' vi viuilllllK IU WHICH 10 c i u a r r i c d! aim', alter yon are married, to OET VOIR vnrn run UVUSEKEEPINQ, COME ANl7 SEE US I Come one and all, both young and old, And see if we the truth have told j Here is the place lo inwud your cosh, And gel gn4 goali im,ipJ of trash. Oregon t'il),Jau. 1, ISotf. ALL KINDS OF Black -smithinq Tnea .0 ,... . . ... l"-'" "B.l.1. AS VK KNOW HUW yj TO Do IT, AT THE OPPOSITE THE VNIONVKAT lit HET, OREGON CITY. March. S.1&.9-47 II. N. WORSHAM. elML WHOLESALE AND RETAIL maa. CIGAlt STOllE! IfTff k. . . . W- ' '"' reeeirea 4U,ntJ0 Harana Ci- N i L..r u..i.. " T . ' TOioco- nH an... ..!. .. Z. '" nioa, .-..1 n.i. KUI IVCD H. I'PiH f ,L- ...., -rr Dianas, .low. flPKS t .11 , -.w,. ar, e , SI our slon. Beading for the Million. s. J. Mccormick coamatLV on s.auiT ths ruxnnuu x , raoHT-er, roaruitD, oateoa VI n.ace s.-levtiea of Popular Books, Xews papers. Madelines aud Fancy kui,, Among ,h. bo,Ju hand will UZai wirks 1" , .I- culture, lloructtllure, II. .1' ltn. Medico RelisW m puhlhd .. ,By p.r, of lh, l W jlr s aey. r.wl si, rartknj Oref. tT bo JVEW FIR1I, & v-'tUWcw Goods! 1 11 F. CIIAKMAJ & WtKI.l.tKT TAKE pleasure in Informing tbe resideut OREGON CITY and the public (tenerully that Ihey bavt formed co-partnership iu the ,JIAltt.n:aT.Ti'a AND FAMILY GROCERY BUSINESS At the old tland of F. Charman, where they will keep 011 hand everything in their line of business, tnd of the very best quality. No pains will be spared to give entile satisfaction to all who may leei uixpisK-o io give mm, van. From lonif residence in this place and eneri ence in this business, Ihey feel qunlilied to say that they can and will (five sutisfuoliou lo all wh may see lit to patron lie them Willi ineir orders, X. B. All orders will be filled with a. nine promptness and fairness as personul presence wil secure. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything io our hue on the shortest notice WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City Dee. 18, le'8. Mic Gold Mines ! IN OREGON CITY. " Easrlo Boot and Shoo Store. " J. MOONEY II AS just returned from California with a Boots and Shoes, which hs will sell CHEAP FOIi CASH, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Alto, null ainrtneni of Shomnker finding!. He solicits the patronage of the people of this city and the public in general. Beiug entirely de voted lo the boot and shoe business, he will keep constantly ou hand t line assortment of ladies aud gentlemen'! wear, of all sorts and sixes. ' Ladies, give dm a call bufur purchasing any where else. Do nut forget the place two doors below Gib sou's Saloon, iu the new building. Come one, come all, both great and email, givs me n call, fur I have boots aud shoos to Ik you all. Alv motto is, Small urutite aud nuiek return 1 also keep .Miller's uud .Mason's Buckinu for ale. , Jan. '2'J, 1M9. Greatest Inducements EVER OFFERED IX OREGON ! Bannenbaum dk Jacob WOULD inform the citizens of this city and vicinity that ihey arc aeUitKi uS their win ter stock at REDUCED RATES! to make loom for a large stock of spring goods. n t have on html r reach merinos, plain & hg rd English merinos, nil wool and hlf wool delaines & plaids, mohairs, silks, latest style of winter dresses and ladies' clou Its, ombroideries, cellars, ribbons, jewelry, ate., fee. Also one or the largest stocks ofgemlemen's CLOTIIINO, fine cloaks, coals, panls, vests, flannels, liuseys, wiuter shawls, boots, Slltt, dtC. r. Indies and gentlemen nre politely InviteJ to call before they purchase elsewhere, and we will satis fy them aud no nestake. Thankful for past fa vors, we solicit a full share of patronage in the future. DANNENBAUM J.1C0B. Oregon Cily, Feb. 5, lS.'.O BOSTON FAMILY rrico, - . S79.0O At Ihe CITY HOOK STORE. SrVI1 U 4 tXtZWl NEW-YORK mm IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR PUItlFTING THE BLOOD, And for the Cure of , BcsorcLi, MaactKut Dbiases, Stubborn Clciim. KimuATiim, CiTAKioua Kaemoss, Drsrtesu Livia ConruiNT. Baosciirris, Salt Khbcm CoNsoaeno!,, frvu 8oRM) EnTsiraiAs ttiiALi CoiiruiNTs, Low 01 Ares trra, fiarLu, Bilm, Usnkhal lltBILITT, Afl, wioer Ui well-nitrllnl r,ult on drvl D.u,ul.rli. MSaj HiMnt from an In, pun. ,I. of tl.o bl.Mvt As a SIU srrit, .nufc.,,,!, , ,, h th7thr "art utM pr,rr.l. of .wltelaj J, ,, ZmJ1 stores Tie npLllty wilt .slea u liuin'i HEALTH AND STRENGTH ejler this triple luflncnc Ii surrrialna tUch new nuw l of lis slMlU.no. j ant w. ava ualr lo point u lb. 2Z. .al.. lu"-n, of maliltu.M iho C. SptaSl Aaother Care of Scrofula. u . . Taov, S. T, Bpt. t, 1SS4. B- .U O'aMemea,-! h.v. : '. aasi anucn s at u M offsiDslv te mw kutw kind of nwa cla. lh.1 r.m. . T.V" .?.T,I7 stnolsr don. t 'k.. IT "',f,H,' """S fompLUlT euM m. ltonln. S0..BI UM MUI. r.ll.lT. ,lh th, tUf 'u,'"?f 1 nmala rnu.fallr .oar SAKAtt A. J. POUUIAJt. sale Droatoh. Sa m' VoiSLK.Zv'' "" Tt ml, . PFwnT. KITTLK Co, H JOHSMOV OOIH.N. M.rr..llw: R H MeiT7u?Sc Kbii CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS. wnpuua as mar of latiaa- Tseth. Um put KNeuJ. ' ' r..if a s srsi " i kini '"t8 ck- R 'HHow Onmu(Mni4 D..STKELK.of the Orego. City Dr., - agl f these med , Oa. .f my ei who tuu'bi 7uM of a uunsj ntai 1 Trunk Factory J.W.CUIXEXcfeCO., Yomhill ttrett, betvtin Fint and Front itrtttt, PORTLAND. OREVON, 117II0LESALE ds Itetail Manufuclureni and Comiiiiwon Dealers iu all tiuos 01 Trunks, Vuliww, Harness, Sad dies, Uridlt'rf, Martingalu, California ami Oregon Saddle-Trees. ' IJlock it Hoop Stirrups, Whips Spui-s, J5ittt, and every description of Saddlery ware, Trunks, Saddles, or Harness, MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. All iwd-rs pertaining lo our busiuess will receive prompt alt. nlion. . ITJ C'onsiguinenlJ received on Ihe nwet liberal Country merclianU wishing to lay in t stock of TIIIjXKS, whUUI 00 wen 10 give us siwi, wJI try lo supply lliein oheaper than Ihey can procure Ihem eisew tiere. jau.i... TEACH KK Or VOCAL INSTR UM ENTAL OREUOX CITV, - - OKKOOTl. lis will also instruct classes iu instrumental or vocal music, or both, iu different sections of tbe country, when desired. July 24, lB58y. i1 I U, SPLENDID FOUTES. , . PREMIUM PIANO BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. f. B. BLAKPIED WOULD respectfully Inforse bis old friends aud Ibe public generally that ht is by himself ouc more, and ho now on hand LARGE AND WIX SELECTED STOCK 9t BOOTS AND SHOES, which ho will sell on the most reasonable terms. MAKING AND REPAIRING will still bs donj lo order, ami oolite shortest no lice. .... Water-proof Paste Blacking kept ou band. . Oregon Cily, Nov. 6, ma. j J. 0. KINUSLKT. K. T. ttZS. KlffCSSLEY dk RIvI'S, PORTLAND. OREGON, suiiurACTUttai and mroiTtat or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN 4 ENGLISH SADDLES. Bnay, Carriage, and Team Harnen, Bridle; Martmgal; Whipi, Linen Hort-Cotert, Blanketi, Curry-coml, Flo-Net, Brutket, aud Circingle: SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddle-Treei, Stirrups, and all kind 0 beoas Kept at a Jirot-elati enabtuhment. Work made to order, and repairing done with care and ou reasonable terms. ST Shop ou Front street, betweon Wasbingtou Alder. aep. 4, 'iS. Plows and Wagons, 1US I KEEP always ou hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to scaur, and good WAGONS. 1 can always be found at my shop, opposite McKin lay's, ready to make plows, iron wugous & bug gies, to slais hones, or do any other kins) of Work iu my line. 1 keep large assortment of horse shoes and nails, either Is sell or to use myscll I can shoe a horse as soosj and as well us "the best of them. If you dnabt k, feme and sec for your selves. J. V. LEWIS. Oregon Cily, Oct. 9, 1856. 2kf SCIENTIFIC AIMERICAN. - ' ' rBosi'Kcrus, ' - ' ! VOLUME FIFTEEN EES INS SEPT. 11, MB CHANT C3, INVENTORS, j Manufacturers, and Farmers. , , rplIE SciaxTiric Ajikhica.h bus now reached X its Fourteenth Year, and will enter upon n New Volume on the 1 lili of September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it hits a very extensive circulation in all the Stales of the Union. It is not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, nbstruso work on technical science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the greut events o'ng ou in the soienlifie, meclian ical, and industrial wurlds, as to pleaw aud instruct every one. If the mechanic or artisan wifhes to l" U0!" macnine in use, or how to make anv ." v" "T1") "is uusiuess it wis Douse. ue wishes u. get a recipe for nmkiuj n good color, ., me 1111 ciuor wi.nes 10 know wiiat is going on 111 the way of improvements If tl,.. nr... turcr wishes to keep posted with the times, and to t t ' "wiuiasis ins uusinesa 11 tlie ntun of leisure and study wishes tn keep himself familiar with the progress ma.lo in theohoinieul laboratory or m the construction of telegnipha, stoamshiua' railroads, reapiTa, mowers, and a thousand other ntachinet and appliauoes, both of peace and war til these deiideratt can be found in th Scitu- ..no mkican, ana not .ieArs. They are here presented in a rehabls and interesting form, adapted to the oumprehension of minds unlearned m the higher branches of scieuoe and art T"Mj-"e WPX. one year, $3 ; one copy, aia .months, 1 1 fire cpies, si months, $4 ; ten wr lea, a s months, $8 ; tenoopies, twelve mouths, $ ,v fifteen copies, twelve montlis. S2-J . tie.i.i.. a..;..' twelve m.mtli toa ; -j 7 ' r ' Specimen copies sent gratuitously for iiwotja; rostaite stamps tuken for subscriptions. Letter should be directed to MVNN 4 CO., . J8 fuUon sf., JVei. York, meaars. Mom St. Co. are extensively engaerd in procuring patents for new inventions, and srdlad- rith0cl'Tro, ta rssard lo th. noisily of their iinprovermnts. CUcluaiM Coanty, Oregoa : THE second term of eleven weeks will com. mence on the 2d Monday iu April. ' -lit rtevm. . ' "'. Rev. E. CABTwaiom, Principal, .d Profeiso, of 31tbentics tnd Nataral Science. tuitioh. Settlemeat must ihssiubly be tnti, ia ,dv,nct for tuuioo, at Uit foUowin rales : . vvnx in 1st snd 2d Readers, and Primary Arith., 14 00 Pr. and Higher Arithmeta 'English ' Higher Mathemaucs, Kat. Pk.lcsophy, Z Ltun. I1.U0 .iu. for each brar!' ATTUIDACI. ' -.. half the JTy Indulgence ia prea.y, or the ess of uUctu (MO. Cratsitoos ioatrariinn ..n i . PIONEER QA6H u4 Im LAND WARRAXTS . HOLLAND de DAT. a. HulLtr. A. toast. WII.LAMBTTI1 IRON WORKS, ' OREGON CITY. WE beg to Inform the publio of Oregon ud Washington thai w hvs ceinphled our irf V J mrM 9 WIS wX.'o) BOILER. PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and sre prepsred lo build boilers, Kinrioea, Crisl mills, Sawmills, and sll other kinds of naichmery. Our business connection with the Kasteni Blales thn great convenience of our locality the superiority snd number of our machines the use of water power instead of steam, sud the per fect knowledge of all braiieh.s of our busiuess, will enable us lo eompte with California. Invliing the public I give us a call, and to fuvor us wilh their patronage, ws promise 10 execute Iheir orders on the ehort.'et police, sud 1 At Sun rruiii'lfco I'rirw A. KOSSI it CO. Junslfl.'lSJS. "'y' BEFORE AND A FT Kit USING DR. JACOB WEBBEH'.S . SANOUJFIER, Or Invigorating Cordial What though tbe sun in beauty shine, And you ImscountloM hoards ol wealth) What though tho world til, all was tliiue. If you but want the blessing, Health. Jin Honest Appeal ! To all with bad or falling; health. 1 flE von laniruid, inanimate, restless, aptielile l. poor, digestien bad, sud pains in ihe limbs, body back, aud head Header, much of this is caused from cold caught unwittingly or, In seven cases out of leu, sluggishness of the liver and blood, and want of nulural perspiration, imliscre. lion in Ihe use of fowl snd drink, or from a dry ness in the atmosphere which is t Very unheal thy part of this climate many of the awful, vio lent, and sUud'U deaths that occur here must be attributed to this. Now, reader, I hwre mado this say study for many years, and I do assure you that mv DR. WKBHKR'B LHVIGOIUTIXU COKlVlAL 8ANUUIFIKK wiU cure these causes it will insure animation of 111 liver, blood, and brains it strengthens the nerves, end gives te Ihe sufferer a lightness of spirits, 1 mental and bodily feeling of strength that is delightful. The Many respectable parsons who have been benefit ed hy tnd certified to its extraordinary qualities in curing any ef the following diseases, must satisfy til but ths self-wise tnd ignoraut skeptic dys pepsia, or hidigestioa, loss of muncKlt or bodily strength and mental energy ; fever, a;rue,or chills j rheumatic, neuralgic, or other pains; depleliou and weakness of the nutural funcliuus, debility from disesss, dissipation, too much doctoring, de bauchery, aud other Causes; in case of cucilement from coustaut intemperance, and where delirium tremens has occurred, 1 have seeu it chance Ihe sufferer in half au hour from the iiuhI horriMe slate to calmness and placidity. It can, inderd. be conscientiously recommended In all suffering, aud the proprietor rrvrels deeply thai il is ueces- sary thus to I'dvotthi ii, iu order Dial its merits luav bs known. Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional eaknes-s, Ac., DUCLIXE OK NaTURK, I'lIU MA TURE on NtTUR L WEA KXES3 , 0FTI1EKUXCTIOXS, NER- 1 VOL'SXKSS, WEAKNESS, COXSTII'ATION. WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION: Dr. Webber's Sanguifier ir udiiint remedy. See ujfidmitt if certificate. ease ef Chllla, Xpwe Tremors general ileblUly At III lM-altknnu rureil. Mr. Uriuh Weeks, wIms arrived from P.hmkws March 3d, completely proutrMe, wcik, and scaa-e-ly able uiuvej had the Panainu fever Ihree muntl; Imd pains in the bones, cluJIs, no atioetile. sireugm or energy; lie tucd tVvhlier's Corlial two weeks, and felt so strong and well that on the lth he went to the mines, where he is now working. SAUSAPARII.LA AND RITTSR . ; DRINKERS, HEAD I Dm ra, and Good Faitm I herewith in form you thai I liavs lake n in seven monlhs over sixty bottles of eUrsap-mllu, Jiitlers, aud ulher remedies for coulirmed Dyspepsia, Wrukness of the chest, indig'C'tion, mid u generul feebleness Of my sysiem. without gelt.ug any pit hcuhtr reliof. Two bottles of your Cordial have benefitted me 10 mueh that 1 am a ditfrrent being. Please lo seiia iwo bottles more, which I feel tuie will eneot t perieot cure. If this will henelil you or ...v ..vnu, jg are bi noerty lo publish il. F redkric Luckue, House Paiuter rnoe reduced to $3, two lor St:, large quart bottles. Sold hy every respectable Druggist in ".."u.,., u vn-gon. rAKti ft WHITE, ban traucisoo, Ageuta. CautionJ-Boware of Counterfeits! ST Buy none that has not the signatures of T. Joues and Jacob Webber M. D. on the top of each .rr. .uu u.uwu iu uie giasa ol eneli bottle. . . , . srEboK ovTuj 11 , vi Leva loves to kiss Ihe lis il.ni . -n..u W bile, glis entug, snowy teeth, like spotless pearls; huch b eath, such teeth as ever Love Would suit Are made by Lafout' Jamaica Soap Teeti ItooU aou I" worst Hair soa, fine, and dark dors live, lsucbed by Jones' Coral Hair Restorative And pure clear skin is given, from which defects ' stone Wheq washed witb Joues' Italian Chemical Soap. . ?T.T'"?e "lly """t'ful Pfeparntions for lbs teem, the hair, and skin. a r... en mm., k. .a a',. '"' " "v ceoie "i " urujg.sis in v-anioruia and Ore sgoa Who wants a shaving soap? t beautiful sb aving That lathers like cream, and heals sore skin. Aud all soreness, eruption, or.un-burn makes soon From the f or the ha.ds, .', lb. brow er ihe chin? Such is thai fin. .l: Italian . m-iT" J "T. " B or,nr. Jones' ii j -r " ,v,"e w 23 OeOtS.) all drurzisl in Or. . Sold bv deo!S Maciunemade : Horse 1 Shoes ! f .Troy- N- Y. have Henrv BurA.--. V TbscsalityrfUi iron used in tbew Aae. U -..u,es m every respect These ohoem hsv. moved of, and ars How used by V S pnoopal stage and omnibus companies and bone hh"V" These HZ cTbe p stores ia the United States. . Oniired te Ihe eubKribe, st Troy, X Y. will receive prompt auenW , ' Ort.9,' lsi.y.HM F- W,4gen,, 0 0 u. a. mail LiNa1, ; "1 drapm City and Portkud Daily Path L s, jrBnie Clark, ' 7 JwwH Mvaioa, Masur, Will run daily, (Sundays ocepted,) in lbs tb; named trade, leaving (Iregon tlly owry dty M , o'cUk, . . Uetuminn. will loavs Purtltnd at S rat., tiuchlng at til iiiltnmdinle polnla. Fur freight or passage apply on board. ' ud Daily Xiln Between For tland and Orrgon' City MINE new stem-wheel steamer 1 ' ' T E X P H K S S , . , J P! Jas 8nsu, Master, will run batwssa PsrtUtt and OreonCily daily tSumla)s aacHed), l. inir POKTLAJIU at iw a. una ukki0N UTYat4r.il. July"., TJ. S. MAIL LINE. A porllanif nud Ailrli,-ji The Splendid Stetmer 1 TLL'si jktultnomftb - WILL continue In run regularly between Pon. laud uud Astoria, ris Vancouver, twici I wrss, leaving Portland on Mouday and 'i'kuradtt mornings of each week for Astoria 1 and Astor for I'crlland on Tuesday and Frhlny mornings, touching VANOovvta,8T.IILKNs, lUisitt.CtT, watt, die, each way. For freight or ptsstge apply lo U. IIOYT, Mastsr, 1 jel6 Oral lloyl' Wharf-bait, rorllt;'i .' , Time. ' '' 33 W F. HrGIIKIKI.D;: 1 '"'-JK , 1 WATCH-MAKER. rersont desirous of gelling good work doue i do well to givs me a call, as my whole lime it is. voted lo Ihe reps'liuf es oiironssnsier, MVe, Duple, aud lIoriUl watohe. ,. Jewelry made tooroVr, and repaired. j Prices lo suit ths times. I sm thankful far pas) favors, and hope lo give satisfsetioa Id fulurs, D la sted at the old stand, opposite IheTsk egraph OHoe, OREGON CITY. Fsb.t i W. 9. Hotchlni, M. JO., . . t LAFAYETTE, .0, T. "PI EFFRS TO ' ' ' . : t XX l'rof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Prof.J. Kost, .s. Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Imfci Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Obii' , J. Fisher. M. D.. Tiffin, J.Chtnilwriin, M.O., Tiffin, Dr. 11. A. Wright, Metico, Ulno-r . , Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Fein Prof. J; llrswn, 1. Y. i Dr. U. Kelloirg, Milwa.0ue.Ol 7. , ; , W. D. llutchius'UsdsssWilCbsrr-... Juyne's Kxpecioewal.... ..... Allenitire Ayrcs' Cherry Pecloml. aud. a general assortment of 41 . I ii . I ii BOTANIC MEDICINES,, kept at til limes. And I am making arrange liienls to manufacture my Balsam fur the liMfSy from the Oregon cheiry. . , ugli 31 cit Market. i T JL Ern.iois (cnmuieiieiii thisduy), for the put. pose of continuing' tho histcher anil market busi. ness at my eio)standt We will keep cooslaully at hand the-beat ' , .., Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Ac., that the country tlfords. We will aba pay th HIGHEST MARKET CASH PRICE FOB CATTLE, SHEEP, and HOGS. Wo are permanently located, and Intend te ts business in a way that will justify onr friends in patniniihig us. Come atone, tud lot us halt vsur rriruhvii etMtiun. Il will us von to do so. aad'. bo mistake; ALIiKlUll f St, EPPlNGfiR. "I Oregon City, March 17, 18oi. . RRMOVA L-J.."i.' GnORUGC. ALLE.T, IN business in Wall st. for ihe past twenty-two years, has removed to io. 415 DruiloV way, one door below Canal el, where b basi just opeued a new stock of , Watches an J Jewelry of entirely ' new and beautiful styles; , r also, SILVER AND PLATED WARE.' lie is rowi neatly seveivift Ihe luteal styles ef watches and jewelry by every stsiuiist direct frsoi the iiiauuluciureni in Europe. . I Watcbes cleaned aa.l repaired in ihe best man" av ky the finest London and Ueurva, vsorluneii, CEOHUE C. AI.LK.", liBBortero Walohea. and Jewelry, nud iiiunuliieliirer of Jewelry, waleln cases, and silver ware, w lielesale and assail, 4l5 llrouslway, sue. dour bsiow Canal stvst, NEWT YORK. qplby For Salo at the CUY BOOK STORK fTVlE following works X Magic Stuff, by A.J. Dovisi i it Oreo! Iron Wheel, by J. II. (.raves; Drect, i ivola., by Harriet Ileecher Stow; Tlie Heme Cyclopedias, f the- World's Progress, ' '' - IWM ru. .. " ' Eujope, . . . ,, t eograry, v .....', ' Kino Arts attj Li'leraftrw, " Hiography,Ao. OclJ.' ISiiynrd THtlor1 CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travsl.-and y Swan's Three Years' Uesldeuu oo the NeruV Weal outst for stile at the CITY BOOK STORE- Baptist Books. - WE EXPECT by next mail steamer a quan tity of the American Baptist Publicatisai SiMjuty's Books, consisting of Fuller's Werks Bunyuo s do., The Psalmisl pockel, pew, and pl pit sues, and a variety of other works. We will state that we Intond to keep a eeni plete assortment of ths Society's banks. Order for single book, or by the quantity, will be promptly filled. Churches aud libraries furnished at the lowest prioe. , . . . JOHN A. POST.. Oregon City, Aug. 21, 1853. ' 1 Land, Land! F"R SALR diaOaerOi, adjininr X.rth fealem. Will be soul in tw.iv.fi. CDs. and one hundred acre lots, or as may best si hllVakM Imi.: (.-al . r buyers. .uijuiiv ..inner ins UMIersigBMl, t Meetiy Union" stoea. . . i rnaective Union March 19, 1859iu6 SAM'L PENTER. Ailminfarania wu.. "XJOT1CE is hereby iriveu that letters of al X nu ant ration have hMn mmJ i. k. signed by ike Probate conn of n.i.. . on the et4.t. of 8. R. Ogleaby. deceased, lata ef aid county. A pemms indehil -M are requested to make immediate payment, aad all having claims against said estate r. rMinMuJ Is. " m in. iimn ins lime prescribed sy law , . M. M. OWEN, Adm'r, ' Mtrch 19, 1859. , , 49w3 jsVlminlrtiatrtf ZfotiM. TOTICE is hereby g,en that letters '! XI ministration have been granted lo tbe iiibV signed by the Probate coon ef Clackamas eeeiaiy en the estate of Peler R. Wilsos), deceased, kale eT said county. penou indebted lo said esute tre request. d to make Immediate payateat, aaal all H ..,u agaiusi saia estate are renal present them to me within Ihe lisse Breeeribetl by u .' EUNICE ANN WILSON, ' March 19, 185IM9w3 ' i , Aim s. To ike AffltclsMl. . - "TbR. HUTCIUXs- CELEBRATED BAU J- sro of Wild Cherry, witb a yariel ef ki' other popo ar Botanical Meiienta, ars new r !'.!?ARLE8 WEJ, Oregon Cilf.ud t JOSEPH BARSTOW'S, CaJmai. 47y NEW LOT,K'e"irtd1or kT '' THOS. JOHNSON. JAMS, prewnsd fruila, branded fcnils, t HA1;MA-V 4 Mc KIN NET'S-. . 1 nil : io I I (J,l