tsfT " Th Uni baa aw fully earn when lh falsing ol Coynes bom and Spanith eallle de i fay la Um VVlllamil VaUey.'' Orrgtis Farmer. With all due deference to the Farmer, we luggcut that the railing of cattle that $n part Spaoiih doti pay iu the Willum frtte Valley. Our observation, a well ai thoae of other stock ralncra with whom We bare conversed, bare led ui to beliere that inch cattle are equally handsome, equally u good for milk, and more hardy than the Improved itock. . We noticed that cattle of tbli description came throngh the last winter in lair condition, while the ' Durhami,' and other Improved breeds, with full blooded American)), gave up the ghost in despair on the bleak hill tope, or laxily ilid down to die . In the muddy gulcliw and grawlese frfine. Mr. Win, Frailer, of Marion jpounty, who had taken considerable palm t Improve hii stock, informed us, April 21, flat notwithstanding he had fed some four handred doien of sheaf oats and wheat, his cattle had continued to die up to within a day or two of that time, when he had lowt ttsween fifty and sixty head. We hare regretted that, the Spanish blood had so (jectually disnppeared from the couutry, we believe that a Spanish cross pays the .fcest here of any other. We are, however, willing to hear the experience of others on the subject. JJf A geoss, a few days since, attempted to By vr the barn Hubert rollock,r ferry towiuliii, Clarion county, P., wbeu the wind drov il upun ha lightning rod, which penetrated its nsck aiul lulled it iiiaUutly-Vacy' Prut. Yes, and another bird, an obscene one, called 'sound goose,' or Buchanan Democ racy, tried to fly over the great granary of the people of Pennsylvania on the twelfth .of lust October, but was driven by the 'storm' of popular indignation upon a po litical lightuing rod, " which penetrated its neck and killed it instantly." Let the two geese be buried in the same grave. - Clatsop. A friend writes from Clatsop .'that the Republican cause is brightening up in that county, and that Logan and Matlock will probably get a respectable majority there. 1'okti.and, May II, loua. Ed. Anal: It is reported here thut Stout owes his nomination to the manage ment of a great Stcanwbip Company, who liave sought to control the politics of this coast for many years, on account of their claims before Congress. He has been their attorney ever since he has been in Oregon, and if they expect to induce the people of i o i i - t i i,:Mnyt ......... ..HUH 0ko.bC IU SCIIU IIICII IIIICU Bgl-lltA lu 'Washington to look after their interests and Assist in keeping up me present monopoly f the Mail Company, we ought to know it. I have no objection to an attorney's '"employment by anybody; that is his own business; but when a company to which Oregon owes so little as the Mail Company wants us to send their counsel to Washing ton, I think we should look about and Gnd some one who will have no duties to per forin except those which will promote the Interests of Oregon, Yours, &c . Anti-Monopoly. Lebanon, May 7, '69. Ed. Arris: Dclnzon spoke at Seio last Friday, and at Lebanon in the evening. The principal topics of his harangue 'were, Dclazon Smith, Lane, Bush, Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Republican party, Logan, aud Stout, In regard to himself, he said that he wanted to he Senator, for he had worked amazinely hard to eet Oreiron admitted, and that he was in the good graces of ' Buck and the Cabinet; also bow be took Senator Hale down, and used him complete ly up; with many other wonderful feats beyond number. He said that Lane had done his whole duty, for everybody he saw said so; and those he didn't see sent him word that he stood the fairest chance to be the next President of any man in tho na- ' tion that the President consulted him on ev ery important subject. Poor Bush be gave particular thunder. He said that G rover and himself wrote every editorial that ever appeared in the Statesman in favor of State troverninent that Bush was eternally slanging somebody or other that none es caped that he packed him on his hack lor sixty days last year, and barked for him, for he was a dumb doe and couldn't bark for himself a perfect draw-back on the arty always opposed a tstate government, le said that nine-tenths of all the political enemies he had made in Oregon, he made by upholding that mean Bush. He took the advantage, as all such men do, to slur Logan in his absence; said he was devoid of principle, and mean and treacherous. (If be is meaner than bmith, Uod help him.; Looker On. Suicide. A squaw, one of the wives of Indian Charley, hung herself last Wednes day to a branch of a tree not four feet from the ground, and also strangled her two children by tying a cord around their necks and binding them both together. The children, by prompt treatment, were saved, bnt the mother was too far gone to restore. She most have shown great resolution, as ber body rested on the ground, and no marks of a straggle were seen. She cut np ber dress, with which she made cords in stead of rope. The cause appears to be tome family qnarrel. Charley is well known in town, having been brought np amongst the whites, and resided in Oregon City for ten or twelve years. Dr. Barclay says that a resort to such extremities is not uncom mon among Indians. Popular. Upon enquiring at McCor mick's last week for a copy of " Captain Gray's Company," ths new work by Mrs. Duniway, we were told that not a single copy was to be had, as the first editioo of one thousand copies had all been sold. Another edition will, however, be ready in 'a few days. It seems that the disparaging - notices of some of oar hypercritical eo tem poraries have not very materially injured it with the public. 9" The Legislature meets next Moo- - sis j at Salem. Accident in Portland. Last Monday two young men, Joseph Jamleson and Frank Howard, were badly wounded by the premature discharge of a cannon which they were loading, Jamleson bad bis right arm broken in three places, his Jaw bone shattered, two fingers torn from bis right hand, and his right eye blown out. How ard had an arm broken, bis luce badly torn, and one of bis eyes shot away. They were engaged In Bring a salute to tne iurn Ycrcius. 19 Dcluzon Smith has our thanks for a copy of Vico President Breckinridge's ad dress on the occasion of the Senate leaving the old for the new chamW. tor By reference to our advertising columns, it will be seed that an experienced teacher wkhes to tflko charge of a school. 19 Coff-e is becoming a scarce article In this section, aud now commands 22 cents a ponud by the wholesale. 19 The popular steamer Onward, Capt. Jamieson, wilt leave Caoemah for Salem this afternoon at 9 o'clock. 19 S. J. McCormick, of the Franklin Book Store, Portland, has onr thanks for late papers by the Brother Jonathan. Oreoo City Market. Wheat $lal. 10; flour $8.50 to $7.50; potatoes 75; oats 62; butter, fresh, 80c packed, 20c; bacon 13 to loc; eggs sue. Hewing t'.lrete. Tlia ladies connected with tha First Congrega tional Church in Oregon City, take this opportuni ty la inform Ilia public- that they have recently rganiied a Hewing Circle, for the purpose of as eieting in defraying ths iipensee of the church. They are now ready to receive work from gentle men or ladiea, which shall be promptly and neatly executed on reaeonable lerme. Any gentlemen interested in the object may become honorary mimhere by paying an annual aubecnptioa or $3.00. Auy donation will be gratefully received. , aecreiary. March 36, 1859. MA&liaSi By Re. Neil Johnean, on the 5th inst.. Mr. F. M. Shepherd to Mix Lucinda Jane McKre. fly the eaine, an the Bill, Mr. J. W. liar- rett to Mis Amanda Welch, all of Marion county. At Salem, on the ?d Mutant, by Id v. J. W.Sel- wood, Mr William J Beggs, a slant editor nf lha Oregon Statesman, lo M.ea j. Byrd Watson, all of Sulem. At the bouea nf Solomon Shattnck, on the 5th inatant, by Khler E. Barton, Mr. Stephen M. Har riatoMiea Virginia Sbatluck, ail of Washington county. Un board steamship rtorthcrner. on Mesas from Aeteria lo Portland, by Rev. liiehop Upton .otl. Mr. John lloyd, ef Cape Hancock, W. T ., to MimUIivm A. Johnson, or rrankiort, Mama. At the reaidenceof Mr. John Friar, by Thomae Humphrey, J. P., Mr. Wi.liam Tucker, to Miss Mnry J. Landera, all of Waehing on county. 8XSD: At Cathlamet, W. T., April 29, Mra. Julia, wife ufLakan Stillwell, Eaq., in lha COih year of har age. School Wanted. AN experienced TEACHER wiahea to take charge of a avhool. Bi-eidee the bmnche uoually taught, he ia well qualitied to teach Geom etry, Trigonometry, Practical Surveying, Ac, fee. Apply at the Argua Office. May U, 'I9-w2 ftr' 11 i i u iveuu 1 DWELLING HOUSE, with a J.- gurden P't having 30 bearing peach f .j ..... i " j -i lti tree, a lounn 01 tnem Deuring. TliiKpUceiacoiiTenient loa gnodachool, being a half mileeaat of the Oregon City Seminary. Wood and work on the place will be taken in pay for the rent. ST For further particular!, inquire at the Argue Office. May 14, 1859 5mJ OREGON CITY SEMINARY. KRAN'CIS D. HODGSON, A. M., Psinciml, aaaihted by competent teachers. CALkNOAS roa 1859: 2d Term commences May 33; 3d, September 5V 4th, November 21. tuition roa TRaM or slevcr wnaa. Primary Department , 0 5 60 Common Knglwh branchee 6 AO Higher Kngliah and Muthemalica 8 60 A ncieotA. Modern Lnnguagea, extra, each 3 00 Oil puinting, extra 10 00 Draw.iig, extra 9 00 lae of I'iano, lor practice 3 00 Instrumental Music (Piauo) extra. XT Tuitiou invariably in advance. Thia luuitulion, which baa beeu in aucceaaful operation one year, aAurda auperior facililiee for the young of both eexee. It ia supplied with a good philosophical apparatuj, mapa, library, and piano. A few boarders van be aocommodated in the Inaiitution on very moderate terms. Board can also be obtained at reasouablo rates ia the vicin ity of the Seminary. For further particulars, address the Principal. May 14, 1859. 5in! J. FLEMING, (AT THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING,) OREGON CITY, ir A8 on band and for sale, well-eelected as- tortment of Books and Stationery, comprising, in part, the following: Family Bibles and Tea- Cap, letter, and not laments, (per, Downingja Fruits and Pei.a & Pen-holders, Fruit Trees of Amer- Sand lc sand boxes, ica revised edition, Tissue paper, perforated New Masonic Trestle- bonrj e drafting paper Board, Mitchell's and Olney'a Masonic Manual, Geographies and At- Odd Fellows' Manual, lesea, Quinby'i Myateriea of Mason 'a Farrier, Bee-keeping, Padd'sCaUle Jt Horaa Uvinastooe'a Travek in Doctor, South Africa, Kane's Arctic Eiplra- Gaaa's Doni. Medicine, tioas. Senders' Old and New Blank Books It. Bill Pa- Spellers it Readers, per, Thomson's Arithmetics, Gillespio's It Dairies' FortiHi dc Eaatnaa'a Swreyiog, Book-keeping, with Slates and elate pencils, blanks, Dr. Uolhck'a Weeks, Red, blue, otblk Inks, tui., etc., all of which will be retailed at prices corn spending with the limes. T Don't forget tha place ! il ia Or POSITS LA FOREST 4) BACON'S. AIM, roa SALE, Dr. Moffatt's Pills and Phoenix Bitters, and the Graefenberg Medicines, which are reconiiuended lo thoae who wish lo Eve till they die. May 14, 1859. NOTHING TO WEAR, and Nothing lo Sayt Husband versos Wife ; at OREGON CITY BOOK STOKE. Great Inducements AT LA FOREST & BACON'S. WE laka Ihit method of Informing lha pub lio thai wa believe It beat for purchaser and Mlltr thai NO CREDIT bo giveui w therefor coiiiiim nee an entirely new system. VV will not aril uur gooda on any older term than for Cusli or Country Produce. M't bar s larga Mock of OtfODaf consisting af GROCERIES, CIOTH32J3, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, BOOTS f SHOES, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware. Now lUlen to us for a moment or Iwo While we ue our cflurts ia convincing you Thai paying cash down for whatever ou get Is belter than buying goods on a credit Tou will find by reading our advertisement That we purpose selling for at least ten per cent Chenper for cash thau wa could on timu This is eertaiiily butler, the buyer will Hud. Here ladies can fiud all Ihey may require, From riue ailk dresses lo plain bonnet win ( The gentlemen also can here be rigged out With line doe pauta, veet, shirt, and a coat Tha farmers also should hi re come and era If we have not got Kod sugar and colTee, Tea, rice, starch, tobacco, nil, and soap , Nails, cups and saucer, salarutus, and rope. Come farmers, try us, and then yon will seo If we do not do just aa we agree; We promise to sell goods at prices below, With freight only added, which is right you know. For fear you forget just where ws reside, Post It White's i.'ook Store is on the east aide ; La Forest & Bacou ia the name of the firm, Our motto, small profits but a quick return. Bring an your rash, your eggs, and your butter, And if it is raining don't slop for the weather. All indebted tout, you come along loo, The cash we are needing, your custom also. OkSuosCrtt May 14. 1859. DRS. G. A. & ADA M. WEED, Hygeo-Medical Physicians. J JAVISG locnted at tm A. Ks E3 aT 9 We shall be happy to attend to calls, both in town and country. MRS. WEED will give special attention lo OBSTETRICS, and diseases peculiar to women and children. Patients at a distance visited on reasonable terms. They may be consulted pemooally or by letter, free. may i, may Corner Third and Wafer tlreet; eppotitt the retry Landing, OREGON CITY. rpHE traveling publio are respectfully m luviieu 10 give me a can. Tim nntunn I Iniise is the mast nlcas sntlv located hotel in the Slate, aud has been so arranged as lo make it one of the most commodi mi I.mimm la. fl.a niintnf. TUB TABLE will always be supplied wilh me best mat me niaraei anoras. Gooj accommodations for ladiea and families, ratcts: Board and lodging, per week $7.00 Board, without lodgiug, per week 6.UU Single meal .50 Night's lodging SO J. BOEHM. May 7, 1859. Proprietor. Wanted. rpO some man who Will take cattle in paymeut, L I will give a tub of making, hauling, and lay' ing up ten or fifteen thousand rails. My place is six miles west or Larayelle, umlnil county. May 7, 1809lf W. L. ADAMS, BOOKS! BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED, at the CITY BOOK- J STOKE, a large assortment of B O O K S, CONSISTING OF Standard Religious, Miscellan eous, and Poetical works, Waverly and Dickens's Novels, &c., &c, &c. Stationery, of all kinds, etc. Oregon City, Apl 30 POST Js WHITE, . Boots and Shoes! I B. BLANPIED, Neil door to Schram'a SstlJIer shop, Main street, OREGON CITY, WOULD aay lo the public that he ia in tha constant receipt of Boots and Shoes of the latest pat terns and styles, which he will rail aa cheap as any other establishment in town, il not cneaperi A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' WEAR ALWAYS ON HAND. aSakinr ell )L-pairing done to order, AND IN SUPERIOR bTi'LE. April 30, 1859. 3y GEO. A. NOBLE, A.M. & M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office -E-VT DOOR TO MR. CAV- . FIELD'S STORE, Nil! THS BISWSIT N.Bv Family Medicine prepared in the most careful manner, and always on hand. Oregon City March 36, 1839m3 STOVES, STOVES, At Portland Prices ! a. MX&WAxxr, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Main Street, opposite the U. S. Hotel, OREGON CITY, IMPORTER OF COOK, Parlor, and Box Stores, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper, Planished and Japanned Wars, Hooss-furaishing Hardware, Force aad Lilt Pomp Rubber Hose, Hydraulic Rama, Lead Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Cauldron Kettles, Brass Ket tlee, Skillets and Bake Ovena, Cow Bells, Sauce Fans, aVe., fee. Abe, MANUFACTURER of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, ef every deeeriptioa. Steamboat and Jobbing work dona ai tho law. eat rales. ap!6y NEW im'ntuncfm'mVfQt sale by sag 14 TH09. JOMNSOX. EHIPIHE Wholesale and Retail STORE! ARE you going lo Oregon City la buy Goods? If so, you would probably like lo know where you can buy lha most and best for tha least mo. nsy. Thai place is Brown & Wolf's, establishment, opposite Oibttn'e Saloon, and no mistake, wa have jusi received a neuvy assort ment from 8a Francisco, which, having bought low, we tre able to sell in such a way that our prices shall speak fur themselves, without much puffing. Wa have GENTLEMEN'S -m." IKK :V (a OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, such aa sack s frock posts, rsglaus, talmas, jackets, vesta, panta, cravats, fine shirts, collars, drawers, undershirts, si sties, overhauls, and all kinds of India-rubber clothing. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF 7 4m French, English, American, k furuilure calicos, giughama of all colors, all wool and hlf wool de leioee, French, English, 4. American merinos, alacas, silk worsted, all colors, all wool aud hlf wool plaida, silk a woollen shawls, single ord'blc, Perry's stylo of dress goods, . cashmeres, velvets, liuseys, brown a bleached sheeting, jnnes, oil cloths, Irish linens, silks, cambrics. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, scarfs, sleeves, chemisettes, edging, ribbons, lidklk, gloves, hosiery, needles, pius, hooks, eyes, perfumery, hair oil, . . boots, shoes, rubbers, hats, caps, accordeons, 3 a a 2 a ir BRACELETS, Cigars. Tobacco. Pipes, and about 375 other articles loo numerous and too cheap to pay for advertising. Mow the fact Isras we are permanently locairu, wa are desirous of doing business on such terms that we shall not be compelled to sell off at cost,' but we intend, by quick salee and small profits, to live and let live. 1-auies ana gentlemen are al ways welcome, and will be promptly waited eu. aleaiember, Hemcsaber, that our store ie opposite Gibeon'i Saloon. Tie ne trouble to show our goods, and we can beat Portland all the time iu prices. If you doubt it, call and satisfy yourselves that there is no hum. bugging in the matter. " BROWN &. WOLF. Oregon City, April 93, 1 859. SmC MRS. TAYLOR will open k SELECT SCHOOL for the accommodation of a lim ited number of pupils (say twenty-live) at her res idence in this city near the Semiuary, on Mondiv, Fee. SS, lt59. Taaua Primary and common English, - per term of eleven weeks ,5.00 Tuition payable in advance. Feb. 19, '59. CLAUISSA E. TAYLOR. Order for Appearance. NOTICE ia hereby given, that Joseph Church, administrator of the estate of N. J. Lamb, deceased, has this day filed his petition in the Probate court for Clackumas county, praying for au order lo sell Uie leul property belonging lo said estate. Il is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me on Monday, the twenty-third day of May, 1859, at the usual place of holding courts in aaid couuty, and show cause, if any they have, why an order ehnnld not be granted to the administrator to sell the real property belonging to the estate of N. J. Lamb, deceased, lo pay the debts aud charges ouHanding agaiust the estate. ROBERT CAUFIELD, April 2.1, 1859-2w4 Judge of Probate, MR. POSTS SCHOOL. Notice. THE subscriber will re-upen his school on Mon-J-u Anril 0-, IM.'ill. Nnmher limited to 35 No pupil received for Ices than one term. Only those wno will ue wining io exert iiiciuscives iu learn, desired. Tuition. Q 10 for a term of 11 weeks, payable in advance. Board 82.50 or $4.25 per week. JOHN D. POST, Oregon City, April 9, 1859. 52w3 t LIST OF LETTERS remaiulng in the Xm. posl-onice at needy, which, ii not taaen om by the first ef July, 1 859, will be sent to the dead- letter omce : Ja met M. Brown, Cyrus Leyda, William Custard, Ira Moody, Joshua Root. April 30, 1859. J. S. VtXSOX, P. M Zn startlce'i Court Stale Oregon, County of Yamhill, oi. TO FRANCIS CHASE: You are hereby no. tified that a writ of attachment has been is. sued against you and your property attached, to satisfy the demend of Johnson Halle, amounting to 56.25. Now. unless you shall appear before Harvey Higley, a Justice of the Peace in aud for aaid county, at his oflire iu Pleasant Valley pre cinct, on the 1 lib day of June, 1859, judgment will be rendered against you and your property sold to pay the debt. 1 lated the bth day of April 1B&9. UA1.L.C, w4 Plaintiff. Painting. T) EING permanently located in Oregon City, Jj I take thia method of informing the citiwns of thie vicinity and the adjoining country that I am always prepared lo ao HOUSE, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGN PAINTING, on tha most favorable terms. Having followed the business for many years, I am confidant that I ean s?ive entire satisfaction to my customers. ST Shop one door above Ihe Oregon City Drug Store. t. latuuAi. Sept. 11. 1858. 2 New Arrangements. HAVING formed a copartnership with Dr. POPPLETON, recently from Ohio, we are now prepared to practice medicine npon a more extended scsle than I have hitherto been able to do. I am also largely increasing Ihe circulation af my medicines, and hope era many snoatha lo supply all Ins important potnia in in lemunj, W. D. HUTCHINS. Lafayette, June 10, 1858. 9tf For Salt at tha CITY B00Z 8T0RX THE following works Magio Staff, by A. J. Davis; Great Iron Wheel, by J. R. Graves ; Dred, ia 8 vela., by Harriet Beecher Slews Tha Home Cyclopedias, of the World s Progress, Useful Arts, Europe, Geography, " Fine Arte and Literature, Biography, die. Oct J. Xaae'i Arctic Bxpedltkm, RUSSbLL'8 CRIMEAN WAR, aad ether interesting works, for sal at the dee 3S CITY BOOK STORE. jtiusicijirsic! yjjiyrE have on hand largo assortment of 2OTSXOAL XWBT&VMEZIT OF ALL KINDS, embracing tha following t 3rincc'0 Ittcloiicons large assortment, of the following kinds: Nine 5 octave, piuuesased, Two A do, de. double-reeded, One 5 do. do. double bauk, One 6 do. do. Two S do. portable. T.U1LRERT de CO.'S CELEBRATED t besides a large assorlmeut of Guitars, Accordeons Clarionets, Flutes, mtKa) Xb.X2e POST & WHITE, Oregon City, Apl 9. At the City Book Store. SINGING BOOKS ! New Cute of Ziou: JUST received, 100 copies of the New Lute of Zion. Feb. 3d. JOHN A. TOST & oo. Iron for Bale. T II AVE bought all the IKON belonging lo the firm Allan. MrKinlay A Co.. and will con tinue the businew at their old stand for the pres. lit. TIksw wisiiing to purchase iron, will fiud it to their iulerest to call on me. JAMES MOrrATT. Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1859. 43 SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, OREGOX CIT1'. I AM now earning on a handlers and llar nese maker's shop in this city, and huvo con stantly on huud the best of Ready-made h aniens, saddles, bri dles, halters, martingals, and everything in my line. I nm also ready lo make to order anything In my una mat may no culled fur, on a short notice. My motto ia, Make a good article, and sell It cheap. I solicit patron age at home and irom unraia My establiehnient ia neat ly opposite Channan Jt aruer'a Old Stand ou Main street. J. SCIIKAM. April 9, 1859. 5 1 mil The finest IRENCIT confectioneries, such aa gum drops, . Krondaiis, motloBf , cordial canuv, almonds rock candy, Ac, nt Dec. IH. CI1AUMAX T J" J"J? REMOVAL. GEORGE C. ALLEN, IN business in Wall si. for the pal Iwenty-two years, has removed to No. 4 IS Ilroilfl war. one dour below Canal at., where h bus just opened a new stock of Watches and Jewelry of entirely new ana ueautiiui styles ; also, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. II In (.niialnntltf rfMiniviiiir the latest stvlea of watches and jewelry by every steamer direct from the manufacturers in Europe. Witches cleuned anil rcpaireu in uie nrsi man ner by the lineal London and Geneva workmen. GEOKGE C. ALLEN, Importer of Watches uti.l J..r..lrv. finil nmnuliif'tiirer of Jewelrv. watch cases, and ailvor wure, whole sale and Mail, 415 . . ....... ar.jnr If roadway, one door bolow uanai street, J r. rr YORK. apl By Ordinance Ko. 35. To Regulate the Granting of Liquor Licenoc. Src. I. Be it ordained by the City Council of Oregon City, That it shall not be lawful for any pomon lo sell spirituous or malt liquors within the city limits iu less quautities than one quart, With out first obtaining license therefor in accordance with Ihe provisions of this ordinance. Sec. S. Any person desiring to procure license to sell sprituous liquors, shall give public notice that at Ihe expiration of ten days he will apply to the City Collector therefor. Such notice shall be in writing, and given by posting tne same at three of the moat publio places in Uie corporate limits of Ihe city. Sxo. 3. At the expiration of ten days from the lime of giving such notice such person shall present to the City Collector a petition signed by a ma jority of tue legal voters of Ihe city, such majority to be detariiiinod as follows: If there bo no re monstrance against the granting of such license, the names presented upon the petition shall be deemed a majority ; but it a remonstrance be pre sented at the time of presenting such petition, the applicant for license shall procure us signers to his petition the names of an actual majority of voters of the city, to be esuiblishod lo the satisfaction of tho City Collector, within three days after such application. Sr.a. 4. Any applicant for license, who shall comply Willi the two preceding sections, shall be entitled to receive the same upon paying Ihe City Collector the sum of two hundred dollars per an num, or in the same proportion for a less period ( protided that no license shall be gianted for a less period than six months. Hue. 5. Every person applying for license as aforesaid, before receiving the same, ahall execute lo the City Council a bund iu the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with two or more good sureties, conditioned that he will keep an ordeily house; that he will not permit any unlawful gaming or riot ousconduct in or about his house ( lhat he will not give, sell, or otherwise dispose of spirituous liqiuirs on Ihe first day of Ihe week commonly called Sunday ; and the violation of any of the conditions of suoh bond shall subject Ihe offender lo a fin of not lees than twenty ncr more than one hundred dollarrs. to be recovered upon complaint bofore the Mayor or Recorder and if such person shall fail to pay any such fine assessed against him, and lit costs, he shall be imprisoned one day for ev ery two dollars thereof uutil it is discharged ; and any violation of the conditions of such bond shall work a forfeiture of the license granted lo the of fender, and he shall be debarred from procuring license for il month after conviction of the offense. Sac. 6. It ia hereby made the special duly ef the City Collector and .Marshal to complain of all persons violating this ordinance. Sic. 7. The City Collector shall, at each term of Ihe District Court in the county of Clackamas, return to the Grand Jury thereof, ihe names of all persons who have ob'ained license of him since the preceding term of Court, and the time of the ex piration of any that may have been determined during the vacation. Sau. 8. This ordinance I take effect ou and after its publication. Adopted by Ihe City Council of Oregon City, April 7, IBJ. W. C. JoHneoa, Recorder. Bayard Taylejr' siYCLOPKOIA of Modern Travel, and J Swan's Three Years' Itesideocs on the North West coast for sal at Ihe CITY BOOK STORE. T Ibe AffUrlc4. T"vK. HUTCI1IXS' CELEBRATED BAI. I I m af Wild Cherrr. with a variety of bis User popular Botamral Medieinet, are now for aleatCHAKLKS rurrH, Urtgoa Vity.oM I JOSEPH BAR6TOW8, Crme. 47y SAT.f -The moat extraordinary chemical dk covery of modern limes la lha Antiphlogistic hall. It acts upon lha blood precisely ia the ssrne . manner as lha vacoina matter operates in Ihe pre- . venlion of malignant diseases. It ourcs only die eases which are inllammalory In their nature. First, hifliiminatiou of Ihe head aud liiioal, suob ; as brain fever, fits, henduche, ueurulu-is, erysipelas, and catarrh- Second, vasea of iiiliammalion hi Ihe cheat and abdomen, vil.i inflamed lungs and liver, pleurisy, dyspepsia, asthma, gravel, piles, Ao. Third, inflammation of the extremities and akin, to will rheumatism, scrofula, ulecre, scarlet fever, venereal and cutaneous afteciions. Thia ; chemical combination ia so powerful and inetaula aeous in ill effects, thai lha done is only what will , adhere to a quill dipped in tha Salt aud held to lbs tongue for one minute. The most astounding rs. suits havs invariably followed its use in the Allan 1 tie States, and thousands of testimonials aa la he virtues can be rurnlshed, If required. The pro. prietor asks not, however, for Faith, but ia willing to let Ihe Salt abide by its works, eonfUiut lhel. il will never fail. It ia pnl up in drachm packages, price Two Dollara, and will be forwarded by inail, post pnid, to any part of lha country, uxiu receipt of that sum, addressed to UEDINUTON Jt CO., San Franoiaco. Full directions accompany each package. As soon as sufficient supply can be ob tained, It will he foraale by Druggists geiicmlly. F. Coggewell, M. D , discoverer and proprietor Hole AeuU for California and Oregon, REDING TON Jc. Co., WholeeaU) Druggists, San Francis ca. Da. A. 11. STEELE Agent for Oregon City BJieumatiim. In all cases of Inflammatory Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic, I lie Antiphlogistic Sail, discovered by Dr. F. Coggewell, of Boston, la euro and infallible result. In New England, where thia disease ia very prevalent, Ihe Hull lies never been known lo fail in effecting radical euro, aud of giving permanent relief. Kheurna , lisin ia almost invariably caused by inflammation and colds, and the peculiar ell'ecl of this medicine, as its name (Antphlogistio or Auti-inflammstory) ignifiia, ia to reduce iuflummation, and balance lha circulation of tha blood, aud the fluids of lha body. It does not profess to be a granJ panacea, but is calculated espressly for all diseases ef aa inflammatory nature, and ia thus a perfect substl lute fur blood-lelting in all ita forms. It Is for sal by all Druggists. General Agents, KiBixuTua ia Co, Wholesale Druggiste, San Francisco. Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh. Theso diseases, nud olhera of a similar eharaa ter, caused by colds and iiillammatiou, yield read ily and certainly to lha effects of the Autipblogi. tic Salt. It is peculiarly beneficial in all d esaset of thia nature, as they aro invaribly caused by 4 tendency of blood to Ihe beaad aud throat, sna the certain result of the use of this medical salt to reduce inflammation and eqnalixa tha circula tion of the fluids of Ihe bxiy. It is also remarka bly efficacious in all ilifuiinalory diseases of ike chest aud ubdomcn, such aa Piles, Gravel, Vene real, Dyspepsia, Pleurisy, &o. No belter evi dence of Ihe value of this medicine can be given thiin the fact that, although it ie now two year siuce it waa hist ottered to lha public, the discov erer has been able to answer but a small portion of his orders, and it ia only williiu tho last tw lllllJll lis ih it it oould be obtained at any prioe ia this Slulo. For aula by all Dmg,'isis. General Agents, Kkoikuto & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Sau Francisco. Agent for Oregon City, Da. A. II. STEELIi. W. WEATHERFORD, IMPORTING & WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, "TOw receiving ex clipper ships. Archer and . .1.:.. ll.uvl H un.n lo arrive hv elioneni Ocenu Telegraph, Neptune's Favorite, Challenger, Wizard, auJ liuoKout, uireci irum new via, m LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF D R U G S, CHEMICALS, PJ1IJYTS Sf OILS, Ever Imported to Oregon! purchased for cash, comprising a full assortment el Patent Medicines, (direct from the manufacturers') including vr article usually found in a drug store, Window Class, , (French and American,) Druggist Glassware, Fine Paints, (Ground, Dry, and in Oil, of er ery variety,) Red & White Lead, Various hrands, PaJrit nnd Varn'sh Brashes, (large variety,; Couch, Japan, Black & Ftirnituro Varnishes, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil, Burning Fluid (a superior article) Turpentine, Alcohol. Lard, Sperm, Polar, & Machine Fine brandies & wines for medicinal purpose GRAEFENBERQ Family Medicines ; Graefenlierg Maniial of Health, (new edition;) beid many other article too numsroo t essay lien. Thankful for past favors, and soliciting a eon linoanee of the earns, I respectfully invite dealers to call and examine my stock, and judge for them selves a to quality and prices. My wraageueuta foe direct importation (root dealers aud manufacturers ia Ike Ee er sock !l,i .o.Ue me to sell goode cheaper luM aay other bouse on the nor idem cast . , Sales-room, r ront street, oppo site Upper Wharf. 1 W. WEATIIKRFORD. PORTLAND, O.T March IJ, HJ9. jal JUST received, the latest otylt of sill a ar Ol BONNETS, Ixghorn and straw lets. AIXSWORTfl V DIEKPOUFf,