1 condition. Id his opinion ami it ia of rrrat value we are to Imvo a jriiiiTui Indian war all through our southern prwirie country, while in Arizona there in coin jileto Jinorganijintion; inlht mukog right, and criino vtitlki uiipuiiuislicd. Tlie Ma jor's opinion of the southern mail rout orer luiul, as at present rnaimged, in not very fluttering. I'kksoxai.. Tlio Worcester Spy Icnms from an authentic source Unit after llcv, Tlieodoro Parker arrived at Havana he had a relapse, and his case looked more unfavorable. The Rev. C. II. Spurgcon has abandoned his contcmiluted trip to America, certainly for the present year. .Richard Cohdun, the well known states man,' distinguished for his efforts to secure tlio repeal of the com laws, reached Boston on Suturday in the Stunner Cnnuda. Ho is on a second visit to the United States, having been in the country some yeurs since, before he became so well known in the po litical world. It is understood that his visit is wholly of a private nature. .' Richard II indolph, a cousin of John Ran dolph, of Roanoke, died in Miami Township, Qliio, on tho 31st of Janunry. Tho de ceased, who was as ecceutric as his more celebrated cousin, was an old batchhlor, and had resided on the Randolph tractjOliio, for twenty-five ycars. Ho leaves a procr ty, mostly in laud, valued ut $80,000, to be expended in the purchase and freedom of the slaves now owned in the Randolph family, and those, with the'r offspring, for merly owned tiy the Randolph family, which slaves are to be set free; and if tho estate is not exhausted in this purchase, the bal ance to be applied to the use and benefit of said slaves. A Hong Kong correspondent of the N. Y. Journal of Commerce says that Mr. Harris1 successful efforts to secure full tole ration for tho Christian religion in Japan were the result of instructions given him by the late Secretary Marcy. . European papers state that the King of Sardinia is about to marry again, and that his choice has fallen upon the Russian G rand Duchess, Maria Nicolnjewna, the eldest daughter of the Emperor Nicholas, who was born in 1819, and is the widow of Maxim- illiau, Duke of Lcnchtcuhcrg and Prince of Eichstadt. who died in 1852. ' Death ok Hon. Henry S. UEVEiy Missouri. The St. Louis DemocrajCau nounces the death of Hon. Henry SyOeyer, Late U. S. Senator from Missouri. He expired at his residence in St. Jkouis. He was an old line Whig formerljbut support ed Mr. Ruehannu for the Presidency. He was nearly seventy years ago. It was but a few days previous that ex Senator nannegan, formerly U. S. Senator from Indiana, died iu that city. H . - : - Nebraska vs. Kansas. Iu the Scmte, after closing the Executive session, Vice Presideut Brcckcuridgc presented a memo rial from numerous citizens of Nebraska, protesting against the annexation of a por tion of their territory to that of Kansas. Judge Lecompte, of Kansas, has been removed, and Judge Petit, of Indiana, appointed in his stead. Peoobess of Spain. Spain, which lias been making such lively demonstrations against Mexico, and holds such confident attitude of defiance towards tho Suited Status in regard to Cuba, is really more powerful and progressive, nud is a much more formidable antagonist than is generally supposed. We gather the follow ing facts. Spain has progressed rapidly during the Inst few years. Her population in 1850 was reported at 12,108,77 1; in 1857 it was 16,301,851. Its revenue in 1852 was 11,379.274; iu 1857 it w:w 18,120,314. The total tonnage in 1850 was 244,854; in 1857, 349,762. Its imports and exports together were in 1851, 11,857,559; in 1857, 23,677,851. Iu 1855 the number of miles of railway opened was 130; in 1858, 456. PS" The Pope is accustomed every year to bless a sword and a pot, and to send them to the monarch who has best deserved tliem. This year tho chosen of His Holiness Is Francis Joseph of Austria. Adulteration or Suoa. Th New York Journal of Commerce Melt that the punter of Louisiana have been in Ihe hub t for many years, of tiling a small quantity of lime with the cuue juice in the mulling of sugar, but eometiui when too much was added, the ios whs greater than the gain, the color being injuied instead of improved, and the brightness of the sugar deatroyej. Not long since ao ingenious Belgan chem at uis eovored process by which the light color of the juice is protected from the change ordinarily pro duced by contact with the atmosphere and also prevented from suuring as rapidly as if left in its natural state. The process consists of a slight infu sion of sulphate of lime, and its use has greatly improved both the yield and piarence of Louiei and sugar, and uutil recently this gain bas been supposed to be without any corresponding disad vantage. Within a few weeks there have been whispers of doubts in regard to it, and the com plaints hare become quite geueral among Ihe gro cers in that city, that the sugars thus apparently improved, do nut keep as well ; not only do thry change color, but the waste by drainage and evap nratwo if said to be very greatly enhanced in con sequence of the new process Not ouly this, but the refiners have made the discovery hat the su gars do uot crysulise as well, and would yield aa they would formerly to the same Wright. 1he Journal hesitated about giving pubheity In these complaiata, aot knowing buw much of it might arise from prejudice, but the result of some recent iperimeats baa satisfied them of its truth, and the unpoHaaco of the interests involved certainly cal for farther investigation. It ia said that the Cuban planters have made arrangements to introduce the same -process, and it is there (bra that they call public alteulioa to it, so as to develops the whole troth be lore any farther progress is made ia its e tenstoo. . 'iii Fowl or Wavs Mr. Stephenson, the build. rof tho Eddystoo Lighthouse, found by aotnal experiment that the fore of the breaker at BeU Rock LighthowjOff M the Atlantic sieV, was equal to throe teas to ths square foot A boulder pre senting aqaara yard of resistance; to the wavo would have the force applied to it, after a long groiiiufaw.. smrin, of twsnty-sevso Ions ! WInj can woaJsr that rocks are frequently removed, eso up an in clined piano, by the s.mple jel tsrribls power of disturbed water. Ths IUruaue or Lamas. Tha Boston Journal saysl Ths recent award of the committee on ths Burn I'rit Poem, In England, lends la provs the o'd niaiitn that ths realm of letter is republic, ami not a monarchy or an aristocracy. The author of lh succcwiful perm was Mia Isabel la Craig, young lady of Minburg, who boa for enm lime supported herself by her pen. till w not present at I lie Crystal I'alace meeting, and did not learn t! hur auecess till tho announcement had gone nearly over fko whole kingdom. The ebsn ceiofayoung ricatahwoman carrying away the prite f.tm sis hundred and Iwra y-one competit or, some of wlio n held hyh place In III literary world, probably seemed to her so desperate, that ihs did not think it worth while lo attend III aJ judicata. The neon J poem ia the estimation of the judge was written by boy of fifteen, named Myers, and m coiuiderol truly dtraordiaary perloruianc. Thus two persons, by simply having fciir play afTorded lo their genius, guin a world-wide ce'sb rityata bound. Whether thry csnke. pit.de pemls upon the sain qualities for which they are indebted lo lh position they aln ady occupy Neither lh insolent of wealth, III decreet of power, nor lh numb.? and malice of rival sun ef fect them iu tlie least. They can lake lh benefit, of the ' Autocrat's' sesurunce, thai if they hiive real genius, the world wants them mora than they want Ihe world. TUui.k Heaven, M the republic of letters' eiists, eien in the midst of political and leligiou systema of iueqtialily and oppression. 3T The earth i believed, by astronomers, to have not two motions only, but three. On round its mis, by which we have day and O'ght aimthsr round ths sun, which bring sum uer sal wliitsr The third is most remarkable, f Ihe earth, and al tlie other planets, with Ihe sun, art moWcg with great velocity, at the rate of a hundred and fifty thousand miles a jsur, toward a star in lh coo sUllatioo Hercules. tJJ" t is estimated tliat there will be taken from the water of V.rgiuin, during lh nine month end ing with June next, no loss lima 8,8'J8,4'j3 bush els of oyster. If White tribes ara said to have been recent ly discovered in Africa, at Ihe head waters of the Nile. They cem In b reniuaul of Ihe "Church of Ethiopia." OssiriCATION ANO I'lTirCTIOM.. Figuratively aneak.ng, when a man's heart oasi ifiee, that la, turns to bone, he dies at once ; but if it petrifies, livets loo long that is, tun a to stone, be invariably for an useful puipwe. For ia iti Hpvlag Me. Come, let us nine our notes of praise lo linn who ru'ea above To Him who brings the pleasiint spring That fills our heart with love. From hill and g'adea, the dismal shade Of winter pine uw.iy, As dawns the spring, on xephyr'a wing, With warm, congenial ray. In bud and flower, iu cloud and shower, Returning rpr'ng we view New robes she br.ng of verdant ling To dres the fie.ds anew. On hill and lea, on shrub and tree, Her mantle may be seen On lawn and mend her carpets spread With hues of br glileat green. She conies, O yes, she comes to bless, And love utid joy impart; She comes replete with music sweet, Enrapturing every hrurt. Springe warm, bright mys, and sunny days, Give now as rapturous jo; a, As in our youth, wheu love aud truth Mudo happy girls and boys. Though childhood' duya and boyish play lluve swiftly glided o'er, Each spring we greet, gives joys aa sweet As thai hich passed before. Then let us all, both great nnd small, Our he.irtfelt offering bring, And ask tint we niny live lo se Aioilier happy spnng. P. W. GltXETT. Astoiia, April, 18.'i9. s Cuv Market. Wheat to $7.50: potatoes 75: butter, fresh, 30c packed, 2Uc 15 to 16c; egpj 20c. Aoonat Trmuerouce Heel I ax. The Oregon Temperance Society will hold its next annual meeting at Forest Grove on Tuesday, the lUth day of May, 18j'J, at 11' o'clock a. u. O. Dickinson, Sec'y. Orefoa Bible Hoclelj. Notice. Tho annual meeting of tli Oregon Bible Mociety wdl be held nt Forest Grove on the 1 1th of May. lSj!, ul H'l o'clock A. M. The sec retaries of the couuty societies will please send 111. ir annual reports to my address, Salem, Oregon, without delay. Danikl Haolxv, Sec'y. Orecna Tract Hoclcty. The eleventh annual meeting of the Oregon Tract Society will be held ut Forest Grove May lit, at 1U o'clock a. at. G. H. Atkinxon, Seo'y. Odd Vetlawsl Celebratloa. The fortieth anniversary of the I. O. of O. F. In the United blat.s will be celtbraled at tho city of Portland on tlie 20th of Apr I, 1859, by Samarium Lodge No. 2, Oregon Lodge So. 3, and Columbia Lod-o No. 5. The mmibere of Oregon Lodge No. 3 are re quested to meet at their hall iu Uregon City on lh morning of the 26th nt half past eight o'clock, in order lo be in readiness for Ihe Jennie Clark, Brethren are requested to bo prompt at the hour. All brothers of Ihe Order in good standing ara invited to participate with us iu tbe joyous anni versary. By order of Committee. Kewlat Circle. The ladies connected with Ihe First Congrega tional Church in Oregon City, take this opportuni ty to inform the pub.ic that they bar recemly ergunixed a Sewing Circle, for the purpose of as sisting in defraying tlie expense of tlie church. They ar now ready to r vo work from genii men or ladies, which shall be promptly ana neatly executed on reasonable toinw. Any genl.euien interested in the object may become honorary number by paying an annual subsenpt-oa of iiUO. Any donauvn will bo gratefully received. , iWeiary. March 26, 1859. BSA&KXS9: On the 17tbiot,attho house of Ben. Ma. I, by u.- iid J P . Mr. David Mail to Miss MaaSAKiT Euiasxtu Moax, all of Clackaows county. In Portland, on ths 3d inst, at the house of Mr. Stkxel, by Bev. W. S. Lewis, Mr. Ch-rlee Calvert to Miss Josephine Moorland, both of Clackamas. l$y tV. U- E. Diaiue, hi vies iwmvumw w. nr l-i Ui Thnnia Allan, of Contra Cans. 1T.,HIIWllii'"- " ' . California, to Miss Vashti Ann Uuuter.of Corvalns. At Empir Ctty, I ouse Day, fee. x, iojo. oj A. N. F:ey. Capt. W. H. Harris to M Marga- ret Romsns At the same time and place, by UN ao,B.tMortitoMiaCbrsarUmDs. At Eaatport, Cooa Bay, March iwh, I859.br MonUanU bitpooda, J. P, .Wm- D. L- F. Smnh lo Mia Mary Luso. JTssJCO Hour SlTSQ oils 02; J uucuu ,4 DIED I In I'ortUnd, of consumption, eollie I'iib Inst., Eliiabstb, wile ofjoha C. Corson, spd twenty two year. In Portland, April 9, aflsr brief llloee, Henry Neevss, sfd 6i ysar. lo Winchester, April I.Barih J, wife of Hm R. l-ane, aged about IS years; and alo, no the nth inst , their infant daughter, Sarah Ikll, sgd on week and one day. In Marion county. Marih 30, IMJ'J, Mnnh M , wife of .las. It lleauehsmp, and daughter of C. II. 4 lllioda Waiksr, gsd 1 7 year I mouth sad 17 days. On Sunday, March 2", In lh Forks of ihe flan tism, of coutumpiiori, Mrs. ,M art ka Clspdc, for merly Mr. Dyre, aged alnul 3H yeis. In Portland, on Monday, llth iat , llmry II. Buynliio, of WiscuMet, Maine, aged It years. Ill llarriJiiirg. I.inn county, March 31,1'alher Ine, wifeof Or. Milium La.ur, aged 51 years. Wholesale and Retail STOKE! AR R you going lo Oregon Oily Is buy Goods ! If so, you would probably like In know where you can buy ihe most aud best forth least mo ney. Thai place i IJrown & Wolf's, rstahliahmrnl, opp oite Oilnon'i Saloon, and no mistake. W have just received a heavy assort ment from San Francisco, which, hnv ug bought low, we ar sbls lo sell in such a way that our prire shall speak fur themselves, without much puffing. W hav GENTLEMEN'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, UCN A sack a frock roata, raglans, talma, jackets, vesta, pint, cravat, tu shirts, roller, drawers, uu.ler shirt, suites, ovcrhaubj, and all kinds of India-rubber clothiug. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF Freoch, English, American, 4 furniture calicos, ginghams of all color, . all wool and hlf wool do lain, French, English, k Amerioen merino, alpacas, e Ik wort.), all d. !., all wool and hlf woo! pluuls, i.ka woolleu shawls, single or dle, Perry's style of dress goods, cashmere, velvet, hnseys, brown 4 bleached sheeting, janes, oil cloths, Irish linens, illis, cambric. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, scarfs, sleeves, chrmisclles, edging, ribbons, hdkfa, gloves, hosiery, needles, pins, heuks,eya, perfumery, hair oil. ' boots, slioes, rubbers, hau, caps, accord eons, 'jI 3 H 7. n a r. tt i. k r s . Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and about 375 other articles tooaumereus and too cheap lopuy for advertising. Now the fuel is, as we are permanently located, we are desirou of doing business on such terms that we shall not be compelled la sell offal cost,' but we intend, by quick sales and small profits, to live and let live. Ladies aud gentlemen are al ways welcome, and will be promptly wuitcd n. that our (tore is opposite Oibnn'i SnUtn. Tis no trouble to show our goods, and we can heat Portland all the time in price. If you doubt it, call and satisfy yourselves that there i no hum bugging iu ihe matter. BROWN & WOLF. Oregon City, April 23, I8.9. 2m6 Order tot Appearance. "TOTll'E is hereby giveu, Dial Joseph Church, sduiiuislrator of tlie oatate of N. J Lumb, deceased, has this day filed his petition in the Probate court fur Claekuina county, praying for an oider lo sell the leul pioperty belonging lo aaid estate. It is therefore ordered that all persons interested mid estate appear before mo ou Monday, Ihe eniy-tlnrd day of May, IH.i9, at the usual ice of holding courts in said county, and show cause, if any they have, why au order shte'd not be granted lo the adm ui.lrutor to sell ihe real properly belonging to Ihe eatale of N. J. Lamb, deceased, lo pay ine debut and charges oultauding against Ihe estate. ROBERT CAUFIELD, April 2.1, 1859-2w4 Judge of Probate. STOVES, STOVES, At Portland Prices ! B. MXLWAXW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Main Street, opposite the V. S. Hotel, OREGON CITY, IMPORTER OF COOK, Parlor, and Box Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper, Planished aud -lpaiillri Ivare, Iloose-furniiih.ng Hardware, Force and Lill Pump Rubber lime, Hydraulic Bums, Osd Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Cauldron Keltlea, Brass Ket Ilea, Skillets and Bake Ovens, Cow Bella, Sauce Pans, 4u'., Ac. Also, MANI'FACTURER of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, of every devcriptiou. Steamboat aud Jobbing work done at the low est rates. aplCy Public Bale. mHERE will be sold at public vendue at the JL late residence of J. E. Taylor, deceased, on the 2d dnyof MAY, ISiO, all lh real estate of said deceased, being one hundred and sixty acres, it being Ihe south quar ter of section e ght (H), township four (4) south, rang two (2j eat. Sale to begin at ID o'clock of raid day. Term one third cash, six months' credit on tho balance. W M. AUMPRiEhT. April 16. 1859-13 Adm'r. Xn Justice'! Court Slate of Oregon, County of Yamhill, u. TO FRANCIS CHASE: Yon are hereby no tilied that a writ of attachment haa been is sued against you aud your property attached, to sutisty the demand or Johnson llai.e, amounting to 956.25. Now. unless you shall app- ar before Harvev lliglcr. a Justice of Ihe Psac in and U t aid county, at hia ofties m Pleasant Valley pre- c net, on the llth day of June, IUSS, judgment will bo rendered arainet yno and your property sold lo pay the debt. 1 Isied the 6th day of April, 1859. JUllSun n.vi-br-, 14 Plamlin". MR. POSTS SCHOOL. Xfotice. THE subscriber will re-open his school on Moo day, April 35, I8.'a. Number linated lo 25. No pupil received for less than one terra. Only those who will be willing lo exert themselves to learn, desired. Tvmosj. f 10 for a Una of II weeks, payable is ad vance. Board tiM or 94.35 per week. JUHN D. POST. Oregoa City, April t, 1659. 52w3 NOTHING TO WEAR, and Noting to Say i Husband venue Wife ; at OREGON CITY BOOK STORE inj GEO. A. NOBLK, A.M. fe M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OfflM AfiVr POOH TO MR. CAU FIELD 8 STORE, N ft A i thi IIIWII t N . R. Family Med cine prepared in Ihe most careful manner, and always on hand. Ortiitn City March VI, 18'9m3 CUckamai County, Oregon. rpilE second lerni of sleven week will com. I inencu oa the 2d londuy In April. racuLTV. rtsv. E. CaaxwsioiiT, Principal, and Professor of Mathemaliv sn I Natural Scieue. Tl'ITI'i). Setilemenl must Invariably b made in advsncs for tuition, at lh following rate l In ll and 2d Headers, and I'r mary Ariih., $4.00 Pr. and Higher Arithmetics, English liramnwr, Geography, Writing, Ice, 600 ' Higher Mathematics, Nat. Philosophy, and Luliu, $1.U0 extra for each branch. ATTX0CX. No slu.lf nt will be allowed a seat for teas time lliau half a term. Any one having paid, wishing to vacate a seat the last half of lb term, will have on half Ihe money refunded. Indulgence In profanity, or Ihe ue of fo&acro, will lie a bar i r ouiiditiou against the occupancy uf seat MVSIC. Oialuitou iuatructiou will be given to a class iu vncul music. . M irch 28, IM.'i9-5l MRS. TAYLOR will open SELECT SCHOOL for Ihe accomimalaiion of a lim ited uumlier of pupil (ay Iwnty.fivs) al her res idence in this ciiy uear ll'.sSemiua.y, u Monpat, Fas. 28, l59. Txaus- Primary and common English, per term of eleven week $5.00 Tuili-in payable in advance. Feb. 19, '59. CLARISSA E. TAYIXiR. RRMOV AL. OCOItUE C. ALLKM, IN business in W.ll st for ihe pat twenty-two years, has removed to 419 UrwM(J ' ft on door below Canal st, wber b ha just opeued a new atock of Watches aud Jewelry of entirely new and beautiful styles ; also, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ho I constantly receiving Ihe latent styles of watches and jewelry by every steamer direct from the nianulaeiurera in Europe. Watches cleaned and repaired in the best man ner by the finest London and Geneva workmen. GEOKUE C. ALLEN, Importer of Watchc and Jewelry, and manufacturer of Jewelry, watch cases, and silver ware, wholesale aud retail, 415 Broadway, one door below Canal street, A'filV J'OlfrV. aplfiy SADDLEIIY, AND HARNESS-MAKING-, OREGON CITY. I AM now carrying on a Saddler' and Har ness maker shop in Ibis city, and have con stantly on hand tho best of lteady-niade harness, saddles, bri dles, Laltei-s, martingals, and everything in my line. I am also ready lo make lo order anything in my line that may be culled fur, on a ahort nonce. My motto is, Make good article, and sell il cheap. I solicit patron age at home and from abroid. My eslubliahmriit ia nearly opposite Chormun Si Warner's Old Stand ou Main street. J. SCIIRAM. April 8, 18.19. Slmil Xa Justice! Court Territory of Oregon, County of Linn, it. TO MUKS Sl OOLUSMITH, lalulirm at Brownsville in Ihe alor.ua d county: You are hereby uonfied thut a writ of altnchmeiil has been issued against yuu, and your credits attached t.' satisfy the dtinand of Henry II. Spuuldmu:,, amount. nj lo nine dollars, with interest nud co.u-1 of su I. Nuw, unless you null appear brlore Ua vid D. Gray, a Justice of Ihe Peace iu and fori said county, at hia ulKce, on the 2.'id dav of April.! I8."9, judgmeut will he rendered agaimt you, and your credits collected lo pay the debt. Dated Ibis 3d day of Mured, 1859. HENRY II. SPAULDINU, 495 Plaintiff Ordinance Wo. 35. To Rrgulatt Ike Oranting of Liuuor Licenee, Sue. I. Be it ordained by the City Council of Oregon Vtly, That it ahull uot be Inwlul Tor any person to sell rpirilumis or malt litjunrs within the city limits in less quuuliliee than one quart, with out first obtaining license therefor in accordance with Ihe provisions of this ordinance. 8xo. '. Any pcraou desiring to procure license to sell spirituous liquors, shall give public notice that at the expiration of teu days he will apply to the City Collector theielor. Much uolice shall be iu writii'g, and given by posting the same at three of Ihe mint public places iu Uie corporate limits of the city. Sko. 3. At the expiration of ten days from the time of giving such notice such pel soil ahall present to the City Collector a petition sinned by a ma jority of Ine legal voters ol Ihe city, such majority lo be delerminud a follows: If there bo no re mnuatrancu against the graining of audi liccoae, tha name presented upon the petition shall he deemed a majority ; but il a reinonatrain e be pre sented al Ihe lime uf presenting such petition, Ihe applicant fur bee use shall procure assiguers to his petition the names of an actual majority of voters of the cily, to be mlablishiai to Ihe satisiscliou of the City Collector, within Uino days afier such application. Sec. 4. Any applicant for license, who shall comply with the two preceding sections, shall be entitled to receive the same upon paying the City Collector Ihe sum of two hundred dollars per an num, or in Ihe same proportion for a lees period ; provided that no licence shall be giauted for lees period than six months. Sao. 5. Every penrnn applying for license aa aforesaid, before receiving the same, shall exeeui lothe City Council a bund iu Ihe penal sum of five hundr.-d dollars, with two or more good sureties, conditioned that he will keep an oideily house that he Will not permit any unlawful gamiiigor riot ous conduct in or atmul Ins house ; that he wiil imt give, sell, or otherwise dispuae of spirituous liquors nn lh first day ot Ihe week commonly csll.-d Sunday J and Ihe violation of any of the condition of such bond shall subject the offender to a fine of nut less than twenty ncr more than one hundred doliHrra. to bo recovered upon coinphiinl befure lh Mayor or Recorder; and if such person shall fail to pay any such fine assessed agsiust him, and Ihe coats, he sliall bo imprisoned one day for ev ery two dollars thereof uutil il is discharged ; aud auy V olahoa of lh conditions of such bund shall work forfeiture of tlie license granted lo lh of fender, and ho ahall bedebaired from procurir-g license for x moatli after conviction of tho orTeuso. bao- 6- It i hereby made Ihe special duly of tho City Collector and Marshal lo compiaiu of all persona vwlaung thi onliuaneo. Sko 7. The City Co.lecior shall, at each term of tho District Court in lh county of Clackamas, return to trie uraud Jury thereof, ihe name of all peroneal who have ob'ained license sun due tho preceding term of Court, aud tha lime of lb et pi ratios of any that may hav been detei mined during tlie vacation. tf xu. 8. Tins ordinance to lake effect oa sod after it publication. Adopted by tb City Council of Oregoa City, April 7, IB59- W. C. Jonmisv, Recorder. JHUSICJJflUSIC! w E hav on liaoii large assortment of tttUIXCLAX, IKMTSLVVaaiT OF ALL KINDS, embracing ths following I Prince's ittcloicotts large assortment, of lh following kinds t Nina 5 octave, piano-cosed, Two 5 do. do. double-reeded, One S do. do. doubts bauk, Oin 6 do. do. Two 5 do, portiibl. T.'JlLnERT it CO. 'S CELEBRATED PSAS! OS, beside a Uirg assortment of Guitars, Clarionets Flutes, fab.aC2) 0)ak.'aC2 POST WHITE, Oregon City, Apt 9. At thi City Book Stort. SINGING BOOKS! New utc of'Zton: JUST received, 1U0 copies of lh New Lut of Zioo. Feb. 2ii. JOHN A. POST St Co. Iron for alo. I HAVE bought all the IliON belonging to ihe firm of Allan, McKinlay if Co , and will con tinue the buainesr at their old slund for the pres. cut. Tinas? wwliing to purchase iron, will find it I their interest to call ou me. J.OIE3 MOFFATT. Oregon City. Feb. 5, 1819. 4 SafsXT.The moat extraordinary chemical dis covery of modern lime is lh Antiphlogistic Salt. Il acta upon tb blood piecisely in Ihe same manner as the vaccine matter operate iu the pre veuliou of malignant diseases. Il cure only dis eases which ara iullammatory In their nature First, infl iinin ilioii of Ihe head and llnoal, such a braiu fever, fits, headache, neuralgia, erysipelas ami catarrh. Second, cane of iiilloniomtion in ihe chest nnd abdomen, vii : inflamed lungs and liver, pleurisy, dyspepsia, asthma, gravel, piles, Ac. Third, inflammation of the extremities and skin, lo Wit: rheuinetium, scrofula, ulcere, scarlet fever, venereal and cutaneous enactions. This chemical combination is so powerful and instanta neous iu its effects, that the dose is only what Will adhere to a quill dipped in the Salt and held lo the touiruu for oue minute. The most astounding re sults have invariably followed its use in the Atlan tic Slates, and thousands of letiin m sis ns lo its virtue can be furnished, if required. The pro prietor ask not, however, for Kuith, hut ia willing lo let the Salt abide by its works, confident that it will uever fail. It is pill up iu drachm packages, price Two Dollars, and will be forwarded by mail, post paid, lo any pari of the country, upon receipt of that sum, addressed to UEUINUTON & CO., Sau Francisco. Full direcliana accommny each package. A soon as a sufficient supply can be ob tained, it will he for sale by Dmgisis geuemlly. F. Coggswell, M. D , discoverer and proprietor. Sole Agents fur Califo'iiia and Orrguu, REDIXU TON at. Co., Wholessle I Irugisis, San Francis co. Da. A. II. STEICLE Agent lor Oregon City. XLheumatistn. In all case of Inlljiiiinniory Rheumatism, whether acute or chronic, Ihe Antiplil igisiie Salt, distiovrred by Dr. F. Coggswell, of Boston, is a sure and infallible result. In New England, where Ihie disease is very prevalent, Ihe Salt has never been kuuwn to fail in ellcctiiig a radical cure, aud of giving permanent relief. Rheuma tism is almost invariably caused by inflammation and colds, and the peculiar effect of this medicine, as its naiuo (Ant phlogistic or Anli-inlluminutury) sipnifi. a, is to reduce iiiflummalion, and bulance tho circulation of the blind, and rh fluid of the body. It does not profcm to be n grand puuacea, but is calculated expressly for all diseases of an inflammatory nature, and ia thus a perfect subuli- tute for bl'KMl-lettuig IU nil Its tonus, it is lor sale by all Druggists. General Agents, Hkdinuton it Co, Wholesale Druggists, Sau Fran.'isco. Bronchitis, Aithma, Catarrh. TheiS) diaeh-ra, mid olliere of a similar charac ter, canned by colds an I influimii ilion, yield rend lily and certainly lo Ihe elTecls of the Antiphlogis tic Suit. It is peculiarly ocneliciui in an n seoses of this uulnre, as they aro inviaiibly caused by a tendency of blood lo the lieiuid and throat, and (.. - ..ill nt ilia hum i.f lliia niedirul aall it M in reilura inflammation and aaualixe the circula tion uf the Hu da uf Ihe h dy. It is also remarka bly efficacious iu all ilifl niialnry diaeusca of the cbesl and nbdoim n, such aa Piles, liravel, Vene real, Dyspepsia, Pleurisy, Ac. No belter evi dence of the value of this medicine cau be given limn the fact that, although it is uow two years since it was first offered lo the public, the discov erer has been able lo answer bul a small portion of his order, and il u only within tho last two moulds Unit il could lis obtained nt any price in this Statu. For sale by all Drugisls, General Agents, Itr.DinoTON & Co., Wholesale, Drugir'als, Man Franeiano. Agent for Oregon tit) , Da. A. II. STEELE. 4Tm3 MesU Market I HAVE formed a copartnership with John Errmoxa (commencing thiid.iy), for the (im pose of continuing th butcher and market hmi ness at my old stand. Wu will keep constantly on hand the best Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, tfcc, Ihst the country afliirds. We will also pay the HIGHEST MARKF.TCASH PRICE FOR CATTLE, SHEEP, uni HOtJS. We arc permanently located, and intend to do business iu a way that will jusliiy our n.etiu- iu pairiiiiiiiig us. Con along, ami kit lis huva your regulur custom. Il w ill pay ) oil to do so, and no in wake. AI.IIKIUH I & lil'I'IG t-K. Oregon Cily, March 17, la.V9. For Sale at tha CITY BOOK STORE THE following works Magio Stalf, by A. J. Davist. (ireal Iron Wheel, hy J. It. Grave; Dred, in K vol., by Harriet ileecher Slow Th Homet:yelopedisa, of tha World' Progress, Useful ArU, " Europe, (Jcography, ' Fine Arts and Literature, " Biography, Ae. Oct 3. BrtyHrrf Taylwr'a CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Hwan'a Three Years' Ites deuc on the North Waal coast for wile at the CITY BOOK STORE. Baptist Boolu. WE EXPKOl' by next mail steamer a quan tity of Ihe American llap'ist PuM'ratinn Siajiets'a Books, couatalinr of Fuller's Works. Buuyan'a do., The Psalmist, poeki-l, pew, and pul pit sue, and a variety of other works. We will state that we intend lo keep com plete assisjtrnent of tho Sairiety'i brnk. Orders for single book, nr by tha quantity, will be promptly filled Churches and libraries furnished at tli lowest price. juux a. rusr. Oregoa City. Aag SI, 1851. The Itnest FRENCH confectioneries, such ss gam drops, Froodan. mottoes, coastal, can or, almonds reek earoly, Ve , st Dee. 18. CHARMAN MeKIXNEYH. JAMS, pi ess i serf frails, brasdied froits. e., at CHARM AN a MKINNEY'tt JUST reeeived. the latt otylt ol S114. saT a BON N ETS, Lrghoi-a snd straw tats. AIM WORTH DIERPORff. W. WEATHERFORD. IMPORTING it WHOLESalLB DRUGGIST, NOW receiving t c!ipp r hip) Areher anal Rohm Hood, and su.ui to arriv by clippers Oceno Telegraph. Neptune's Favorite, Challenger, Wird, sni Lookout, d.recl from New York, Hi LM1GF.8T ASSORTMENT OF DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PJ1IJVTS ty OILS, Ever Imported to Oregon! purchased for cadi,omirsing a full asaortineut f Patent Medicines, (direct from Ihu manufacturers) including vrr article usually found iu a drug store, Window Glass, (French mul American,) Druggist Glassware, Fine Paints, (Ground, Dry, ami in Oil, of ev ery vanety, ) r 'ssri ; "r 1 Kcd tx wiiitc Lieaa, Various brands, Paint and varnish Brushes, (large variety,) Coach, Japan, IJ!;ick & Furniture ass -m famishes, Rt)!ld nnd Raw Linseed Oil, Burning Fluid (a superior article) Vi Alcohol, Lard, Sierm, Polar, & Machina oxb :: i m 9 Fine brandies & wines for medicinal purpo ses; GRAEFENBERG Family Medicines ; Graefenlierg Manual of Health, (new edition;) hesidss many other articles too ntinisrout to men- lion. Thankful for past fuvors, an.l soliciting a con linuance .f the same, I respectfully iuviie dealer tn eall and diamine mv (took, aud judge for them selves as to quality and prins. My arrangements lor atreci im;onaiion imm dealers and mtiuulucturera in Ihe Cast ar such Ihst enable me lo sell iw la clisauer than any ulher house on the northern const. Sales-room, b ront street, oppo site Upper vVharf. W. WEVrilERFOnD. PORTLAND, 0 T., March U, I-I.'i9. jel Land, Land! IDR SALE, 429 acr3S, adj.inin North 1 Sulilll. Will be sold 111 iweoty-hfe, fifty, and one huudr. d acre Iota, or as mny beat suit buyers. Inquire further of the umlemigned, or at " The Proli-ctive Union" store, Salem. March 19, ISiitmB 8AM L PUNT BR. Admioistrator's Ivlotica. NOTI;K ia hereby ifiven lh.it letters of ! minislritllim li.ive been grauisd to tlie under signed by the I'rulmtu court of Clackamas oounty 011 the ealule of H. It. Oglcsby. d"cascd, Isle of said county. Ai pi'rfcoin indebted lo snid estnte arc requested to nuke iuimndiate p lyincnl, and all having olainia against sa d eatale are requested lo present thoin lo ills ilhiu the time proscribed by law. M. M. OWEN, i4uVr. March 19, 1859. 4Uw3 Sale of School Lands. "Y order 01 the Hoard ui County Commissioie 1 J era for Yamliill couuty, I w II oX r fur sole lo the highest hid lor al Hie Court House in Lafay ette, on ihu Fill.il' MONDAY of April neit, all the Coiiiiiiuii School l.uli Is (of which a de scrip, ion call he obtained fnun tlio Lull I OlftVe) lying iu said count;'. Sale Willi be beiwecn th hours of tell i .M. and four p. N , and continue from d.iy to day until sill is ollerrd. 'J'icsjis Oue third cash in haul, tin re maining two thirds in be piid in two years. Pur chasers sill he required lo give their miles with approved securiiy drawing leu per ceul. iutsrsat per nullum. GEO. W. ELM Ell, bup'l uf Cow. behools. Feb. 8, IH:9. 4t6 Fainting. T)EIN(i permanently located in Oregon City, At I tako this method of informing the citiien ol his vi iuily and th adjoining cuuutry thai I am always prepare to ao HOVSli, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGN PAINTING, on tho most fnvorable terms. Having followed lh business for many years, I am confident that I can give entire satisfaction to my ciarlomers. IT rdiop oue door above ths Oregon City Drug Store. C. Ml' It It AY, Kept. 1 1, mn. 83 New Arrangements. nAVINO formed a copartnership srilh Dr. POPPLETON. rocenily from Oli o, ws ar now prepared to prscli' s medielna u n a mora eitended scale than I have hitherto k en ahle to d. I am also Isrjrely inors isiug the iu"co alioa of my medicines, and hpe i re many muiilha lo supply ail th imporlant poinis in the Territory. W. 1). HUTl HI.N3. Lofayette. JunoJtK ISM. 9tf Adallnlltatrix, WoUco. NOTICL nereuy g ven thai letter of ad ministration have been granted to the unoVr, sigued by the lYihale court of (Is. kainas county so th oral of Pater R. Wilson, deceased, hit of said county. A person indebted lo said estate are requeat- d I make imrrvdists payment, aad all having olaime sgiiiost said estate ar requested lo present thorn I me within Ihe lime prescribed by la. EUMCK ANN WILSON, Mreb 19, 16oU-49wi Adm. CASH paid for LAND WARRANTS, kj HWLU.O DAT.