I" 1 V I .' I j i . Ml, I m tirif-,vy.V Mm m - In , mm : v. m ty Th following ibsrt poem It nigadi-d by tlit Ilia loot m the holiest rene of lb VaJnai Lit u In tiUnt adoration yeara After the Godhead Tru Sun-tnrnor j Who all illumw, who tresis ill e'tr, From whom ill earn, t whui ill must return, Who.n ri iovok lo gui. our in a It and fill, la ear slow progress toward hit holy leal. JT M Pailanca and perseverance" il I said, " will remove mountains." Sir. Isaac Nfton says ibnt in litis couth's the main difference Iwi ween himself and other. It it saij thai, "Carlyla hail ju.t conijleliil, after iufiiiiie laliur, or of the thr vyl. Uinei of hit llislir nfihe Involution,' which ho I' fl riiii'il mi the lub'o while ha went to be-J. Next morning lift auiilit in vain for ih manuscript, anJ hail well tiigh concluded with Robvrl Hall, whu was once in a similar predicament, that the davit In I run awaj with i:, alien the Pcrvaot girl, on being questioned, confessed that the haj b'trned ii tj kindle I lin fire. Carlyla neither siampeil nor rami, but aat down without a wird mh! re wrote il." JTsT It it cuiuinonlv fail, that " Revenge is !;" but it can only be an to tl.O'e weak urU tli fit are capable of b-.arinj an injur. An elevated tninj ia superior to injuries, and pardon them. The Einpe. ror A'lrian, nifetinjj a man wLo bad in lulled him a fwre he came to the govern ment, aaiJ lo him, " Approach, you have noihing to fear ; 1 am an Emperor." This ia an exam la well worthy of bring imila tud by tlioae who are jailed lo return good for eil. Enjoviio tub Passing IIoui. Certain Lill-joy Hb"ut lit o X. lit up fr hit in struction a bonfire of lliorn, and aa the lramhlna btazt-d, arid cracked, aud went on', a deep haa inornit was sot to about, Sit trunvt gloria mundi.' The merry Pope, bending- over the ember, and rub Lin hi hnoda, replied, " L5ul while ilia pasting, give u leave to warm our bunds, at il." It is a tri:e anccdutP, but not with out iu tiiural. 3T " My dearrt Maria," wrote a quite affectionate huban-l to his wife, a airong minded womao. Sho wrote back: 41 Deareti, lul me correct either your grain mar or jour morula. You address me ' My dearest Murii.' Am I lo auppote, you Jiave other 'dear Maria ' " .XT" A wit being told that an old ac quaintance was murrirtl, exclaimed; "I urn uU'l to har il." Rut r-(1''cting a mo ment, ho added, in a tone of compassion and frgivene, 'ianl yet I don't know why I should be ho never did me any barm." . Why should cinolinu be ftbulNhed ? riecnute it introduces all sons of women into the mos' fashionable eirelvt. Honor and riches nre the Iwo wheel npnn which the world ia moved ; yet end Jomj disconteol rolls wiih them. JEW FIRM, & JYew Goods ! TAKK pleasure in infurinir.i; the retldeula of OREUOS CITY and the puMic generally llut lliry liave roriiird a a-partnenhip iu the AND FAMILY GROCERY BL'SIXESS, At the old Hand of I', C Star man, where they will keep mi hau l nvi rylliing in their line of biminew, and nflhe very beet quality.- No puint will be egmred to give entira wiiifa:iion to -all who may feel di -d to tric lliem a call. From Vwi renidence In iliin plai-e mill eieri ence in Ihia buninem, lhey feel qualified to any '4hal lli!.v call and will give ealinfuelion to all who mar e fit lo patrnnite them wilh Iheir oruew. S. B. All or. I em Will bo tiled wilh a much proinpliiena and fuiriieim a HTooaal presence will secure. PARTIES FL'liXISHRI) , 'ilh everything iu our hue on 11 us shories. notice. WEDDINa CAKi2S MADE TO ORDER. Oregon ('ily : Dec. IS, I8."i8. KJUPIHE Wholesale and Retail STORE! , . A HE yon go:nj to Oregon City to liny Coojuf If no, you would probably like luknuw where you can buy the inoal uud heal fur tlio leant mo ney. 'J bat place la BrwOWN & WOLFS etntiliihinerft, opp wite Gihson't Saloon, and no iiituke. We have jnt received a henvy assort mont from 8. in I'runcinco, wliieb, having Ioiij;lit low, we are ub!o to'aell in tuch a way that our pricre thai! fpoak fur themaelvee, without much puiTinj. We have GEXTLEME.Y8 CLOTHING, of every deacrptinn, tuch at tack ft froek VoatM, J-ilglall, lnhiiaa, juckeu, Vettt, paula, cravuta, iinethirta, rullnn, diawert, tindor tliirlt, eaehee, over Imulu, and all kiudt of India-rubber clothing. Also, all kiudt of S&T'OOODB, French, EnIi.b, American, ft furniture calico, fj'ughamtof all culora, all wool aud bif wool de lainea, French, ICiigliih, ft Amenc.in meriiiua, alpaeaa, a.lk worsted, all colon, all wool and hlf woui pla.Ue, tuik and woollen ahawla, aingle or dou ble, cathiiieiee, IVrry't itylu of dreiw gnod, vel vets, linteyt, ianee, hrowu ft bleached theetinff. oil clot h, Iriiih hncua, tilkt, cambric, silk ft velvet bonnelt, eearl't, tleevet, cheinincilet, elgiur, rib bona, lidkfa, gluVea, Ivxicry, needlet, piu.-, hooks, eyee, perltuunry, liair oil, jewelry, bruccleli, boon, ahoet, rubtMrt, lmtt, cap., ucconleiinn, citara, to bacco, pip'-a, and about 32 other article too ou niCoiii and loo cheap to pay fur advertiiing. Now the fact ia, aa we are permanently located, wa are detirniu of doing burmeaa on tuch ternit that wa ahall not he compelled t ' Sell offal coat,' but we iniend, by quick ealea and email profitt, lo iiva and let live. Lad'ee and gentlemen am al ways welcome, aad will be promptly waited en. Remember, Kf member, that our store it eppotile Oibton't Saloon. T, no trouble lo thow our gooda, and we can beat l'nrtland all tlit lime in price. If you doubt it, call and tat afy youreelvca that tbero ia do hum buggiug ia the matter. DROWN V WOLF. Oregon City, Oct. 9, 18i8. Sm6 ' fftper Banglnrs. "VfCW LOT, juat eweaived, aud for ml by aag U TUOS. XB,1S(W. GOLD MINES AT KGMEl k. UOIW9. ' - ' t. Dr. HOLLAND t DAY; j . Have jutloKBd a ntw A lnlid awrtmrnt of At th old Unnd of P. S.f .i. Holland, OPI'OXITU ( Ahrrneihy's brick atora, wlierr ihry can lit found at all innra rrariy le Wail on t'uaiouwia. Tli'y ar now rm (urnt ly IveaU-d, and hop by tirinl aiu nlHi I buaiueat lo iiM-rit a liiwral hara of pilroimf. 'I'hf ir iiock ia pirt i-oim.u of Hi fulloiii ar liclm CiuiKhi DH. lawM, delaines, pr utt, nieiioo. tUiiiicU, I. a! acw, blrachtd dineat'e, ' j Wool fui, damakk tilk drrM (oadt, bjiirry, whi t h fl. ih.tk do., hickory thirit, iiT ft uudvr da., ahawU, finr ft voariw. mIiik-Ii, bik, hrown, ft while linen thread, f.bbum. artilicul d"W-ra, Ctmlt' oo( tallon, if e. BOOTS $ SHOES, .' kiudt ni tixtti ALSO " .'. - , E. Bfwton ayrnp, . t'aJ. riiiurd ayrup, i sugart of all klndt, , tobacco, t-olfee, tea, , naiU. tall, eandlea, and a thon'snd oilier lliii p. to nuini runa to mem'on, all of which Ihey will tell as low aa any oilier bona-in (r. jniiOiy. , I '' 'lhey will pay uih or goi for all k'nd rf produce, tuch aa butler, f e.-a. ehickeiH, or almct anyiliing lha furmera hnve to nil. Them ia do lliinif like iniuj. giv them a trial. Aua. 7, IbieJ. BEFORE AXD AFTER PS1XG DR. JdCOli ithiilSLK S SAKGUIFIEB, Or Invlgoratlag Cordial , What thnuh the tun in hnuly thine, A nd you have e iunllona hoarda ol neailh ; AVhat tbmir;li llio world all, a I wat Ibine. '. If yoa but want tilt hleaaiu, Health. ln Honest Appeal! To all with bad or falling health- ARE you languid, inauunate, rettleaa, appetite po r. digi-ali-n bad, and paiua in 'he liinb.i, body back, aud headt Reader, much of (bit it caused from cold caught uuwitt'mgly or, in aeven eatea out of Un, elu.'giihneiei of the I ver and blood, and want of natural perxpiialiou, Indiscre tion iu the line of fnoil aud rliink, or from a dry nets in the aimo-plicie wh'eh ia a very unheal thy part of Ihit climate many of the awful, vio lent, and suJib n death that occur here mutt be attributed to lb a. Now, reader, I have made thie my eludy lor many yearn, and I do aamre you that inv Hit. WKIlltKKS INVIGORATING COKMAL SAXGt'IFlrSR will cure Hkm cauaes it w'll inture auimaun of the liver, blood, aud braim it tlreiigtheui the liervea, and g vet to the aufierer a I'gbtneJt of apii itt, a nK nlal and bodily feeling of iiemtli tliut it Hcli'i tful. The many l epeclable peraoiia whubave been benefit ed by uud certified to itaoxli aurdiuary qualiliea in eiirinj any of ilia following da-eaxui, inuat aalisfy all but the telf-w e and ignorant tkeplic la p paiu, or ind'gealioii, luat of miiaciilar or bodiiy Hreuglh and iu. ntal eiieriry ; fcver.ii);uc,ornh tlx ; rheumatic, neuralgic, or other paiua; d-pleiiuu and vveuknett of llio natural lunctiiuia, debiiily from dueaae, ilimipatiun, too much docturiii'', de bauchery, and other caiiM-a: iu cuae ol' eKeiiemeut fiom coiiatanl im uiperance, ami where dolir.uui tremens h-n occurred, I have teen it change the tufl'erer iu half au hour from the moat horrible atate to calinneaa an I placidity. Il ran, indeed, be coni-c enlioualy recommended to all tutTeriiig, and the proprietor legrete deeply that it it nccea aary thiia to udveriiae ii, hi order Ibal its merit may be knowu. Inteniperance, aiul DeLauelieiy, Cou.-ititutio:nil Weakness, ttc, DECLINE Ol-' NATURE. PRE MA TH RE ok N ATU 11 L WE K X ESS OKTIIKI-L'NcriOXH. NER VOL'SSKSS, WEXKXESS, COVSTII'AriDN', WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION : Dr. Webber's Sanguifler- if a dii iiis rtmedy. See aJiintiU dj- certificate: K cae nf Chills, sne Tremors, (tenerat tteblllty Ai tit health ttoun cured. Mr. I'riah Weeks, who arrived from Panama March 2d, completely imwlrate, Weill, and eearce ly able In move; had the P.inauia fever three nioiitha ; had pu'ns in the bouca, clulla, no appetite', alrenutli orenerrry; be used Webbers Cor.lial two wceke, and tell to strong and well that on the l?th he weut lo the uiiuea, where ha ia Uuvr working. . . . SARSAPARH-LA and hitter DRIXKERS, HEAD! . 1 Uee art, and Good Fhiknu. I herewith in form yon that I have Liken in veil moulha over sixty boll lei of Snraau.ii.lla, Killers, aud other reiuedica for continued Dyapcptiiu, Weakneaa of the cheat, indigealiou, nud a geueral feebleness of my ayaleiu, without getting any pal t..;ulur relief. Two hiillleaof your Curdiul have heuelitted me ao ilitleh that 1 am u dillcrent being. Please lo tend two bottles mure, which I leel ems will effect a peneqt cure. : if thie will benefit you or the ulll.ctvd, you are at l.berty to publitli it. i'acuKaiu Lulkle, House Paiuter Price reduoe.1 to $.1, two lor largo quart botlh s. . Sold by j.evi-ry respectable l)ritgg:M in Cjllifomiu, and Ureun. PARK ft WllPl'E, San l'ranciaco, Agents. ' i Caution! Beware of Counterfeits! O Buy noue that has not the signatures nf T. Jones and Jacob Webber M. I . on the top of each wrapper aud blown in lha Kit of each bottle. IT LOOK OUT!! XI arc.. ' ".! Love loves lo kiat the lip thai apart unfurls Wh te, glistening, tnowv ieih, liknapollea pearl-"; Such b oulh, Such teeth at ever Love would suit. Are inadu by Ln'unt'a Jauiaica Soap Teet-li Kuot. A nd the worst hair tofl , fine, and dark do't live, Touched by Junes' Coral Hair Keatorut.ve Aud pure clear akin ia given, from which defects elope When washed with Jonea' Italian Chemical Soap. ItT These rcalir beautiful preparations for the leeih, the hair, and skin, are audi for 'iS ft 50 cenU each by all druggist in California and Oregon. Who wants a tlitving soapT a beautiful ahaving eoap, That lathers like cream, and bonis tore tkin, Aud all soreness, eruption, or sun-bum makes soon elopa From the face or the handt, or tha brow or the chiu' Such i Uial fine emolient skin purifier, Jouea' Italian aoap, (price reduced lo !ii oeols.) Sold by all druggists ia On-pm. decv5 AN asaortmeiit nf Itible tnd Teatauieubi for sale at Iht Kepoailory price by C. rOPE. Jr. ' S TIAKER 6araapnrilla.at the ' tltK(i().X t ITT PKl'lt STORK. CASKS "eramptoi' Modal" Tebaems at sep H'M. C. DtHUhJ 00.' BUSINESS CARDS. W, T. TUC. w.o. jonaauN. SUok A tTohnaon, ATTORNEYS ft COUNSELORS AT IAW, .Ami SoUeitort in Chantrry, WILL promptly attend to any hualueaa which may be eomniittrd to their profneuonal eliare b.lore the Uiatnrt and Supreme Courts. Orn e in II fhliehl a bu lding, hmuediaUly ett- pntila Ilia Main ft reel Horn. Oreg.ptt City, .Msrwh 7, ICS7. 47y JOHN R XvTBRIOS, tTToaasv and envaasLoa T lsw, l. fayHle, Yimkill Cotia'y, 0. T., WILL faithfully atl.nd lo all business in truated lo his professional care. Wa. 0. Dement , Co., WIIOLCSALKand retail Dealers ia Groer ies. Provisions, Paints, Oils, Roots and Show. CWkery, die. Opposite tha Laud Office, .Mam St. urcgou Lily. Juu , 1855. CHARLES POPE, JR, . DBA I.EIt In Hardware, Orocerii.l)ry Goods, Clothing Boots St Shoes, Medicines, Rooks ' and Stationery. Main-t.,Ore!ro City. April 2I,1HS7-Ilf , S. SSilurain. Manufacturer, Wkoleeale and Retoil Dealer ia C'UUH AID l'AIIMK STOVES, tpi ft corrss wask. iiabuwass. c. Main St., opposite Main Street II el I, OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat aud iohbiuir work attended to wilh dirpilLh. ' . i Order from the country promptly filled. je7 T. CH AMMAN. ' ' i . i A. WARMER. - , Coalman 3l Warner, . GENERAL COMMlisON MERCHANTS ' r wuouialc ft asrrsiL 1 " - Us'tslvr Iu Dry Joatd, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glautrart, j liuolt, Short, Paints, Oil, d'c.', InUialr fire-proof Drick....... Main rraeeT, I OREfiON CITV, OBKOo.N. , ... ' Time. WF. IIIGHKIELD, ' ' Jts . . )VM TCH-UAKER. ifjjj Person desirous in' gelling good work done m ill d well to give inu a call, aa my whole time i do. voted lo tha repairing of Chronometer, Laser, Duplex, and llaniotital watches. An nasortmetil of Jewelry on bund. Jewelry made to order, aud repaired. Prices In suit the times. I am thankful for past favors, aud hope loi(iveuliafaolion in falure. i ID Located at the old aland, nppueite thu Tel egraph Oirwe, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. Drag's, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dye-stuffs, at the OKKUON CITY DIU'G STORE, sep!5 .Vaiu Street. OregonCily,O.T. J. C. AI.NSWOBTH. W.U. D1ERDOKFF. A-SVOTlI & DICRDORFF, WHOl.tSAI.K AUD RETAIL DEALERS IX GROCERIES, DRV - GOODS, CLOTHING, Loots ct Short, and Crockery, In the new Fire-proof liriek Main street ';:;'. OREGO.t 01TV. '. ' ! 1 1 ! Dll D. D. STEPHENSON, Hat Honored next door to Holland dc Day. TRBTH FXTRACTKI) BV ELECTRICITY. a. la rostsr. 1. U. SACOK. LA FOREST & BACON, General Dealers in Dry - Goods, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, Grocery, Crockery, slasvurc, BOOTS, SHOES, ift At the old ttund of hi Foreet French Store, OU'KUOX CITV. ' Beading for the Million. & j. Mccormick HAS CONSTANTLY UN IIA.NU AT TIIK PSANKLIN tOOX . . STUIIK, PKONT-ST, ror.TLANU, OHKUON, . - A Choice selection oi Popular Oookt, New puporT, Mugaiinea and Fancy Slaliouery. Among tho bouksoti hand will be fouud works ou Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, Poetry Kiogruphy, Medicines, Religion, faience, School Rooks, Romances, Slq., ire, Ac. ILTSubaeriplions received for Harper, Graham, Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 4 a year, poll agt free. iT Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in any part uf the Union. . Remember the Franklin Hook Store and New. piier Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. W. D. Hatcains, BS. D., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. E EFrT.S TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio; ; Pro!'. J. Kost, " " Prof Courtney, La Fayette, Ind.j Dr. W. ArmairoiiL', Fm.lley, Ohio : J. Fisher, M. 1).. Tiffin, " ' J. Chninberliii, M. D., TifTni, " Dr. II. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Psnn. j Prof. J. IJrown, N. Y.; , Dr. O. Kelloijg, Milwankie, O. T. W I). Iliilchins' Ilulsain Wild Cherry $1 25 Jayne'i Espectoraut 1 25 " Alterative M. 1 25 Ayrca' Cherry Pectoral 1 25 , and a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES; kept at all limes. And I am making arrange. nieiils to manufacture my Balsam fur the lungs, from the Oregon cherry. , angl5 Jos. Barstow . IS by himself, and would respectfully say to hit fiiends and Jhe public generally that he ia thankful for past patronage, and willcoulinue busi ness al the old stand, aud will ever be ready lo thow hit Goods to those who may favor him wilh 4 call. Come uue.eumeall, both great audsmall, aud givehiin a cull before purchasing elsewhere, and examine fur yourselves his spleudid aud seleet slock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS.SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spieea, 4c, 4c, Halt, Nulls, Ki ooiiis, 4c, and almost every thing pertaining to a irriierul line of busiueaa. All kind-of country produce taken in exchange. Country friend will And il lo their advantage to give roe a call, j Ciiiiemali,Spl. 6. . SAVE YOUR DOLLARS! i As well as your Dimes ! IF yoa waut GOOD article at the lowest pn sible priees, call at CHARLES POPE'S lore, on Main street, where you will find a large assortment tat GOODS aa ehaap aa lliey can be bought at any tor ia Oregon City. 1 see. 5, '57. i Bayard Tijlr' CYCLOPEDIA f Modern Travel, and '. 6 wau'a Three Years' Residence on the North West cuast for aula at Ihe . - - . CITY BOOK STOKE. SANDS' Sarsaparilla, in auyquautitv, at th OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 1II AJN PUMPS price reduced for sale by ) mm . C. POPE, Jr. JAMS, pro served fruit. braat!id fruit, l, at VIIARMAN d McKINNSY'S. TfiaT MMrriVF.n .1 iho Oreson Cllv Drnf fj Store, direct from New York all j Han Krsif CM.., a fresh supply of DRl'OS, MEDICINES, Paleul Medlclm-a, Family Medicine, Jro., eet which vnll he told o ton for tosh at they ton ke procured in the Territory. Call aud eiamiua for yourselves, and Rel au Almanac fur InS'J, gratis. JA VXK'rt Alleralive, Expectorant, and PHI. Cod Liver Oil, Caatnr It I, and Sweet Oil, at the OltEUON CITY DRUG ISTORK. MKXICAN Miwiang l.iiiuiieiil, U. W. Mer, ehaiil'a tiaruliug till, at lha ORKUON CITY DKUO STORE. rpUL'SI, rbhl and left and double, ami Ao X duiuiual aiipMriera, at Ilia OREt.O.N CITY DRt'fl STORE. 1)C'I.I While Lead, raw and burned Umber Croine, (iraeiiajid Yellow, and oilier pilule, at the OREUO.N CITY DRUGSTORE. OtRKL'MICRY.at tha JT OREtioN CITY DRUG STORE. : GR V Ii F F.N II K Ity MlvUICINESt UraefeubargSurenparilla, Uterine Calhulieon. Jjyseniary syrup, eousuuiptiv balm, ' Tile Ointment, , " Health liillera, 11 Eye Loliun, Ate., sVo., To be found at Ih agem-y of the Compnnv, at E OREUON CII'Y DRUG STORK. nAY.MAN'S Dyapeplie Elixir warranlcd to oure Ilia dyspepsia iual received mid fur aaleattbe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. (jiiyaotl's compound extract of Sariuparilla and Yellow Dock, at I he ep!5 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 0 LD Dr. Jacob Townarn.i's Sarsaparilla, at the OREUO.N CITY DRUG STOKE. It J. Ayres celebiated Cherry Pectoral fi.r cuughs, cobla.aiid consumption, at me OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. M cLANE'S celebrated Verlllifnn and Liver Pills, OREUO.N CITY DRUGSTORE. i) R. Tuwnaend'tSara:irill,at th OREt.O.N CITY DRUGSTORE. PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fevir aud ague, Slc, 4cc, jiwl received aud fnraale at tho OREUON CITY URVG STORE. MOFFATS Life Bitlert and Pill, Beruard' Dysentery Syrup, Wiatur's Ualsam or W.ld Cherry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. For Sale at the CIlY BOOK STORE THE following works Magic Stair, by A.J. Daviaj ' Great Iron Wheel, by J. Ii. Graven ' ' Dred,in 3 vols., by Harriet Uceoher Stowo The Homo Cyclopedias, of Ihe World 't Prog rest, Useful Art, " Europe, " (ieoraphy, " Fine Aria and Literature, ' Biography, Ac. Oct 3. Land Warrants sURCIIAStD BY .Ian. 24. WM. C. DEMENT CO. L.X StED lor talent C. POPE'S.. T I lie AHUs-U'd. Dn. innrciiiNs' celebrated dal sain of Wild Cherrv, with a variety of his other popular Botanical Mcdieinei, are now lor ale at CHARLES POPE'S, Oregon City, and at JOSEPH IJARSl'OVY'S, Canemuh. 47y Selling Off at CW, . An Exltnsier Asuortment of M)W GOODS, CONSlaTINO Lt rAIIT or DRY (ioOUS, UliWERIKS, HARfitVAKK, DRUGS, 5IKDICI.NKS, BOOKS, STA TIONERY", IcC. GIVE us a cull, und we will pi re Tim aOAMS. CHS. i'OI'E, Ja. i. C. SINGl.tV. . E. T. KtLS. PORTLAND. OREGON, MAXWACTvaKnt and luroaTKss or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN .J- ENGLISH SADDLES) Bitftny, Carriage, and Tram Unmeet. Bridles, Martingale, Whipe, Linen llorte-Cocert, Blanket: Curry-comht, Fiy-Nets, Bruthcc, and Circuities. saddlery hardware, California Saddle- Tre en, Stirrups, and nil kinds oj Gouds kept at a firet-clais ettublithmeut. Work made to order, and repairing done with care and on reasonable terms. ID Shop ou Front street, between Washington It Alder. eep 4, 5c. Plows and Wagons ! I KEEP always on hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to scour, aud good WAGONS. 1 cau always be fouud at my shop, opposite McKin lay't, ready lo muke plows, iron Wagons 4 bug gies, lo shoe hor.es, or do any other kind uf Woik iu my line. I keep a large assortment uf horse- l,.u.a nail. aIiI.ak In .alt a. ... ...... ..IT f cau shoe a hurae aa soou and aa well us ihe best of Ihein. If you doubt it, come uud see for your selves. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, Oct. 9, 1858. 2(itf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! WE have just received 40,000 Vienna Ci gars, also a large quantity of tobacco Natural leaf, liufTalo chips, Pride of ihe Union, aud many other brands, lao, PIPES of all kinds, Matches, 4c , 4c., at our store. DANNENBAVM 4 JACOB. Dee, 4, 1808. , ' PIONEER Trunk Factory. J. W. CULLEN & CO., Yamhill street, between Firet and Front streets, PORTLAND. OREGON, TyilOLESALE & Retail Manufacturer and Coinmiaaiou Dealer in all kinds of - , Trunks, Valises, Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, Martingals, California and Oregon Saddle-Trees, Block & Hoop Stirrups, "Whips, Spurs, Bitts, and every description of Saddlery ware, Trunks, Saddle, or I lame, MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. All order pertaiuing to oar buaines will receive prompt attention. ID Consignment received on the moat liberal lennt. Country merchants wishing to lay in a stock of TRUNKS, wooi.l da well to give us a call, a we will try lo mpp'y them oheapor than they eaa pro-ure them eieewhrre. jan2jm!) The rinest FRENCn eonfecunuerias, such as gum drops, F roads ns. moUim. cos dial rinr .ImnnH rock candy, 4e-, at ' r ITe- IS. CM A KM AN t JWeKIN.NFY S- tr. s. ma.tl luts. Oftijon City uud Portland Doily Packet, sfTisi Jennie OUrk, Z5sPz&, Josiaii Mvsita, Master, v Will run daily, (Sundaya esceited,) III the above named trade, having Oregon City every day at 0 o'clock, I. si. Returning, will leave Porilaud at 3 r.M., touching at til inlernieillate points. Fur freight or passage apply ou board. Daily Zilne Belwem Portland and Oregon Ci'y. 1111 E naw stern-wheel steamer . js;f , EXPRESS, m&AlSZ.. Jas 5tsaxu, Matter, will run between Portland and Oregon Cily daily (Sunday cepied, leav. iui PORTLAND at IU a. ., and OREGON ClTYatO.). JulyW. U. 8. MAIL LINE. Portliaiid uud Aalorla. I Th Snleii lid Steamer , JsXnltnomah knsoucS "T TILL eoniinue to run regularly between Port 1 V land and A.toria, at Vancouver, twics wck, leaving Porllaiid on Monday and Thursday inoMiiiiee of each week for Astoria 1 and Astoria for Pcrlland on Tuesday and Fiiday niorniii(s, touching VAacovvaa,ST.IIsLSNs, Kaimss.Catii UHST,iVo..each way. r or fivivlii or paaaago, apply to - R. IIOYT, .Master, j16 Orallloyt' Wharf-bosl, J'orllaad. Slew Books !; mllF. aubscrlber hat tust received a laree X sortiiienl uf IKKIKS, direct from New York amoinr which are th following : Alison' Hist, of EuropeJAmericin Inslttulions,' Silliinaii s do. Democracy in America "Laiidundl.ce," . "Sea and Sailor," Live uf the Sitmt-r, llabvlou and Nineveh, h'Deck aud Porl," Ship aud Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Three Years iu Califor.. ('ye. of Literature, Kgyplaudlhe llolyLand Ruclmii' Fain. Phyt'u., lirdnerouSl'ni Engine, Manual of Fine Arts, Anc't Muuaaterie, l-i-tun aoii Ihe Arts, TnivU iu Peru, Polar Regions, M a han't Philosophy, Choice Biography, Peruvian Autiipnlics, Choice Elrala, A variety of Pot-la. 5U1I copies uf Sanders Speller, .100 " " Reader, 3o0 McGiiffey' do. 3.M) " Webster Dietionnrie.' Duviet' Algebra, Newiiiau'tlthelorie, " Geometry, Day'a do. " Bourdon, Purley't Univ. History, " Surveying, , Goodrich"! Pict. U. S., " Leirendre, Monieith's Geography, . Arilhutelict, " Little Speaker,'' Thomiauu'a do. N. American Speaker. . ALSO, i A Fresh SnDDltr of Stationerv. Day Books, Juurnafs, I.eiicer, Record ltouka, Meiuoranduma, of all aixea, Diaries, 4 e., Not and Letter Paper, Envelope, Pen, 4c, 4c Eras r Knives, Erasive Rubber, Gummed Labels, Faber' Pencil, lK, iu quart and pint battles. ' WMOLKSAI.K AND RKTAIL. CHARLES PorK, Ja. Oregon City. August 16, It-jG. Medicines for Sale, by CHARLES POPE, Ja. RANDS' Sursapaiilla, Teok'a Wild Cherry liit- Ky ten. Dalemun a drons, liraiidrelli s pills, I a h s pills, Perry' vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam uttix. Gum Arabic, British nil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparutii, Uotnan eye bulaoin, Dalley'a palu extractor, Lbu.Iuiiuih, Par.-!.-oi ic', Oil of IVpier. mint, Esaeuces, ComiHiaition Powilera, Carter's Pulmonary Balsoin, Sulphur, Epsuiu Salta, iSio. April 21, IS-ii-ltf Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR 1UGAR, Sub, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate 7 Sfureh, Siilerurut, Creuin Tartar, Sal Stala, Carh. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop peras, em April VI, In.u-lll Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR 'BRASS aud linn Butts, Screws, lawks and JLV Latches, ll.iiiiinoi aud Hatchets, Axes, Drawiiiv-kiiives, Handsaws, Curry Combs, IL Brushes and Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cups, Wool Cards, Chest lluudiea. Plane. Ac Zsndics STOU will find an excellent asaarlment of Drees M. mid Bonnet Silk, Satins and Velrett; also Itnnnet Trimmings, Hwiery, Ohirce, Lace aud Ritilione, Table CUitlie, Counterpanes, etc., at the store of CIlAKI.rJS rt)n-.,Jr., (Maiu.st., opposite Abernelhy't store,) where may be found ahuust everything in Ihe hue of ttt'f laoori: Such as Prints, (iinghams, Alpacaa, Mevinr Plaid IJuseyt, Muslins. Sultinetta, Jeans, Flan- ii'is, Sheotiiiga, Bed I.ckiug, llieWuiy Stripe, Cotton Batting, tie. OrcgoujCiiy, April 31, lSST-llf JUST RECEIVED, at lha On gun City Drug Slure, direct from New York and Sau Frau- cUco, a lurge asaorlineat of Druys, Chemicals, Patent and Family Medicines, all of which will be sold as low or lower than thev can be hud at any other place in the Territory. Country merehuiila will 11 n d it to Iheir interest to buy hero instead of Porllaiid. Call and see. Oregon City, May 3, 1857. Painting. T)EING prrmanenllv located in Orejon City, At I tako this iiieihod of informing the citizens lot his vi.-inily and the adjoining country thut I am always prepared to tio HOUSE, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGN PAINTING, on the most favorable terms. Having followed the business for many years, I am confident that I can cive entire aulisfuction to my customers.' ILT Shop one door ubove llie Oregon City Drug otor. J. AIUKKAx. Sept. Il.13.j8. .... . , , S3 Baptist Books. WE EXPECT by next mail steamer a quan tity of Ihe American Baptist Publication S-Kiiety'a Books, consisting of Fuller's Works, liiuiyuu s do., 1 he Psalmist, pocket, pew, aud pul pit a tea, and a variety of other works. Wa will state thai we inleud to keep a com plete assortment of the Society's books. Order for single book, or by th quantity, will be promptly filled. ' Churehe and libraries furnished at the lowest price. , JOHN A. POST. Oregon City. Aug. 81, 185S. A.aosai. a. husli. CTXX.X.A1UC2ITTE IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY,- WE beg to inform lh public of Oregon and Washington that we have completed our . yt-sx-m ttu,w mm-c: ar.'Woj BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boiler, Engine, Grist mills, Sawmills, and all other kinds of machinery. Our business connection with the Eastern Stale tho great convenience of our locality the superiority and number uf our machines) tha use of water power instead of steam, aad Ihe per feet knowledge of ail braucbea of our bueiuess, will enable us to compete w.th California. luviiing the public to five o a call, anrtto favor ua wilh their patronage, we promise to eieeute their order on the shortest notice, and At Siiii Frauctan Price. A. ROSSI 4 CO. June 19, 18'9. lOyl JUST received, the latest ttyla of ttu. aT fs BONNETS. Leghorn and straw lata. AINf WORTH DIERDORfr- THRESHERS, REAPER a N it WE h",Bowo;,t.r,rf"-'i' T Arrive nberni )0 1. ' . A SUPERIOR LOT at Ihe tliove-menlloucd niscliiaes. Tlie-..-' all uf lh. latast Impmve,,,, and w.', h...tliuu It. aaylui that w. bsliev, them "wu I llHT ffcRVKCT MACtmM now broiiKhl In Ibis coast. They , coarueUJ under our own .uwrv,.lon, ,H,, , ,. -r4 ; lion neceraaty to tender litem Viitabll fa, .ts cuuiilry, '"r The THRESHERS e.nK lw., fj ' KS-bora powers (railway and ,.,,p)( ilb rj lUin , mg very raseulial eonveuitiic. k,... ., , IIINCllill. "wine Our REAPERS and MOWERS machines, suit. Me i,f either mowing oriesT,? seonAlna, ,y ..n. in .o i our bones, with mZt without rakeai or. in nilin . ..U.. ' 7 u self.' Xn s&ddiUon to the Above J V have, to arrive al th aaiut liine, lha fol'lawitg AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,, vi x: - 'i Peoria riovs, X 8, ' Dolon Clipper Plows, . , Extension Cultivators, (irajurint Grain Cradles, t Scythes and Snathe, Strate Cutters, ,' Hay Presses, t Hay Forks and Raktt ' 1 7or flutes, t Wheelbarrow, Shorels, Spain,1 CIDER MIL Li, BARK MILLS, 4 TANNEJtSTOOU' , Alao, a select assortment 0f SMITHS' AND CAKPB.m' TOOLS, ' ! Wilh many ether article not hurt meatieatat Wa would say le our eustoraer and the pabli generally, if they are in want of any of IbstWte liieutiourd arlicl. s, they will do well to call aad at ours before pun-basins; Ue herr.tos w areilttv mm. d to sell LO .V FOR CASH. Wa would also adJ lhal our Machines are Wis. rapidly sold 10 arrive, littler tall aud areas toe-, of them before too lute. If pr.ferrrj, .Machieta delivered ia Portland, if engaged before arrival-' Wm.C. DEMENT k CO., ; Oregon City, Jan. 30, '08. Oppoiite Lad OJua WM. C. DEMENT & CO., ' OFFER for tale the following goods-. - -'A 1 d.n mill saws, 7x8 feel, , 3 " Xrul do SO ' row bells (superior), 10 handlrd axes, . . , 10 " without do 10 ' hamlled do, ast'dsitet, ' HI 41 potato digger, i ID Ailiiea'spadea, 2ll " curry combs, ' ' 500 Iht wrapping twine, 100 I R packing, , 5110 feet I It hellii,,;; 1 INDIA RUBBER GOODS of all dettn'tw '" OieBim Cily, Jan. S3, : . Wm. 0. Dement & Co., - WIIObKStALG Si HUT A It t. Dealeri in Groceries. Hardware Boots R Shoes, Crockey, sc., rpENDEIt their thanks le their unnwroaaeaae X tomera fur Iheir p ut liberal patruiiag, awl at la.il a coutiuuuiice of the tame. They lake nleaauro in iiifoimiur Ihe puhlie lhaS they hove now ou hand a lares and d.-sirsW at.ick of Groceries, Hnrditnre, Boots and Short trockeru, and Boat Utoree, to which lhey are mukiiig constant additions from New York aof San Fraueiaco, purchased for cah oulv, aad tr enuhleil In soil at luwer price thau auy other stsre Il tJregnu City. Jau. Jl, I8J7. ' BOOT AND SHOE ST03E OREGON CITY. J. D. BL A 1 PI ED 1 TTfOCT.D reapeclfnlly inform his old friend W aud Ihe public generally that he ia by: hinntelf once more, aud haa uuw ou baud A LAK0K AND WBLL SELSCTFD STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES, , h'ch ho will tell on tha most rcasonubl term' -MAKING AND REPAIRING- will itill be dune to order, and on the shortest - ce. Water-proof Paete Blading kept on hnd. " Oregon City, Nov. 6, ISj8. j?. s?. aaaai TEACHER OF ' VOCAL b INSTRUMENTAL He will also instruct clar in inttrumeotal r. vocal muic, or both, iu difftrcal section or ia country, when desired. July 24, li7- . N. continues Imt "0L,D SPLENDID iXZndtfM A NO- FORTES. al.VIH B. SODESTS. "COS F.SHASTU. . ROBERTS & SHABTLE, Dealers ia ' n ARB 18 ISOlillTfflTS,' Teaawaloaea, Obeltatt. aa . , sal nf ' MA RULE MANTLES, TA,t r Counter Tops, Firt Fenders, Grttst, - Hearth-stones, and Steps, ' BUILDING STONE, OF huu , SCRIP HOWS, Shop on Front t., lit door aboum ""- , BOSTON FAMILY '. 9rit 919.09 ' CITV BOIJIISTOR, 50 M''rS NOTHINOTOWEAR,hingtoSyt Husband Terro. Wif l STORK OREGON CITYJOOKJTOKB WAGON AND CARRIAGE .MAlfc, , OEBOOItCIU.O.'- ' a-j-R.ri.1 attention paid t lepairiBf. ' aad fM j ItU- ' faeticitt U patrowi wfrnud, BRICK. a. vnu saw" fllfl I -AsbIvI B. WVWWaWW sr - . 'XY.DEMBNtTVcO. sepis ef EiiglaaJ c. pop. M ACAULAVS Hitury nktby . . J. . Dr. TVR. Osgood s ladiantastn' .s: