The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, April 02, 1859, Image 3

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(.lira eacaawa.
From the , New York Siiii'i corn
pOIKlcDCCI , - ....
" The following conversation occurred at
tlto Whlto Houne tlio other day:
Haiti o Kouthcni jruiitlcmwi pnnont, 'we
can't go fur tt rcvkloii of tlic tariff ii'i out
of tlie qiawLion.' Tlio I'rttsiiliiiit drew up
fiercely and replied ver fiercely, ' (ientlo
nien, Vungrm will do us it plcawn ultout
tlio tariff, hut some provision mutt ho niiule
for an liirrenxed revenue. If tills Congress
will not iiiitko that provision, I liall most
certuiuly cull iiton another next summer to
do It. If Democrati will not seo to It thut
wolmvo clinngo upon the revenue princi
ple then I will take from the Republicans
change upon the protective principle!'
You cau rely upon the truth of thin state
ment." Tho New York Tribune' corresiwiitlciit
"Thorresidunt guid to-day that If this
CoiiRresi will not roto him mean to carry
on tho government nnd execute their own
lawn, lie will (co if the next Congress will
not do It. lie remarked that lie cannot
we how to avoid calling tlio next Congress
together In .August."
t&T Every woman is born with a mas
termindthat In to say, with a mind to 1e
master, if rIio can.
trSr Tho newspaper Is a sermon for tho
thoughtful, a library for the poor, and a
blessing to everybody. Lord Brougham
calls It tho best public instructor.
tf Many a man who tries to be eeccn
, trie, only makes himself ridiculous.
Ormos Citv Market. Wheat $lal.25;
flour $(5.50 to $7.50; potatoes $1; oats 62;
butter, fresh, 80c packed, 20c; bacon
15 to 10c
For thi Argtu.
' Down the mountain liila, lorreut
... KiMlie in it narrow ir.ick,
e -Thioughlhe plain, alilldecneurreut--
Couid it, if it would, go bock I
Had th river any ehooeing
. In in birth midei cloud mm! mow f
Jlut thou mc it, in refuaing,
When Dame Nature baile it flow f
No! tlio atretttn hud never cliooeiiig
What il onward truck ehotild be;
. . Nature g've it no refusing, , ,
Ilurla it downward to the ki.
M m ia amielhing like the torrent,
Having never choice to be,
But not alwaya like the current,
lu liia future letny.
lie muatchuoeo for gtiod or evil,
Marking out a path in life,
Serving God. or elm the Devil,
In a evaaeleaa, lifelong etrife.
44 Stumst."
By a Unit Sunday-School girl if Origin City.
' Repent,' ' repent,' the Snvior aaid,
In aeiH'Uia mild and kind,
In nil your worke by me be led,
' t Andmoreyyeahallfiiid.'
That God i lovo," the Scripture say,
And, with beniguant imile,
ile hear the ainner'a earnest prayer,
1V Vv And bleaaes hint the while. ,
Tarn, then, O turn, ye inner: aoon
You may be called awny
ie ready when tho Savior call,
I'mt you may die to-duy. I, a- a.
; n '- aaBSH"S""s"""j"""""""f
,. . , . Hewlaf Circle.
" TV lediei eeanceted Willi the Kirat Congrega
tional Church in Oregon City, take thi piortuiii
ty to inform the public that they have recently
rgnntred a Sewing Circle, for the purpoee of a
aetlng in defraying the expenses of the church.
They are sow ready t ncoive work from gentle
men or ladie, which rfiall be promptly nnd neatly
executed on reaeonable ternw. Any gentlemen
Intere'ted in the lAjeet y become honoriry
member by paying an annual wibtcr ptmn of
.U0. Any douutiou will lie gruli.f.illy received.
........ . , Secretary.
, March 26, 1859. ' .
' ' ' Moat nf Temperance.
Tie emi-oiiuiil mnhi of the Grand Division
will be held in Oregou City on Monday, .dpril 11,
1859. A puuctual atlcnduuee ia requested.
By order of tie (i. W. I'.
' W. V. SPENCER, G. 8.
At the Mideuce of the bride' father iu Linn
eo . on tho 2iih of Feb.. 18all, by i. n. ramn,
M. (J., Mr. William H. Ki to Mi" Tusm
E.PAuu,l)othofLiiineo. ,..
Oa the 15tli Feb., at Jeffor-on, by N. R. Doty,
J. l' Me. Jekev Coarud to Mi Kirana Aluieda
Caldwell, all JefiWwm.
T At the reaidencerf William Chnpman, in Jo
ephineoo.,on the 7th Marclh 1859, by M. C.
Jlarkwell,4. P., Mr. Philemon A. Oxmur, to Mim
Sarah F. Hall, both of aaid county.
Oa Wedneaday, 23d alt., by Iter. Rotlolphu
Wealen. at the iwidence of Mr. Solonvm SluU
Suck. Mr. John Wilwn, of Portland, to Mim Row
A Bartholomew, of Sonth Tualatin.
' In Portlnad, March 7th, by Uinliop Scott, Mr.
Wm. Hara to Mm. Julia U.d, all of Portland.
Oa Sundav, the 13th March, 1859 by J. D.
Hile, J. P., Mr. P. Shindle M.lick, iMia
Hariih M.' Annitrong, all of Vancouver, W. T. '
In Oregn Chy, on Wednesday afternoon, March
30, 1859, of consumption, Mr. Mar Anm Wait,
eoraort of Judge A. E. Wait, aged 31 year, and
13 day. Abw, on the morning of tho am day,
Mar Clam Wait, infant daughter of the fame,
aged 3 month and 28 day.
lu thi county, March 11, 1 859, JonM II., "m of
WV A. Eurk weather, aged two year and two
At hi reiidene on Deer Creek, Dongla CO.,
Feb. 2d, 1859, Rev. Jamee Barker in hi 33d year.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Foil
Office at Oregoa City, Oregon, oa the 31t
March, 1859.. . .. , . .
jtloatl Zachen
jlcken Fraaei H
Burn William 2
Burnett Mr Josiab A
Barn Caleb -
Braxe Jojia; ,W
Burmide Davil
Babou JeBeraoa T
BaraaJeaa " !
Ceaaell William
Coomb Robt
Carraa Thomas
Cook William
peaa'ueoa Joaeph H '
Fox William E
Ganboaer Geerga
Gathery Daaiel
Gambia Jame W 3
Gambol nni B
Greea Jame -
Gray Pal
" n
Karr John r
Kincaid Saml
Miller John
Minxy Daright
M'Phenon Johu
Order William .'X
Panoo Joha
Phillip Thomas J
Plamandun Mis H i
PawlJ B
Qnintoa Snrrelu
kubbert Jame I
Ruwe Freinaa
Raugh Mim Hauaah
Reed Dr.
Riehardaoa Phillif S
Robert it. B.
Robinaoa F W
Bobbin Dexter
Slowell Joha B t .
Smith M
Smith Mr Mehaaa
Traaedal Joka P.
Hay Mr Elizabeth J Tomb Wm F
Headcraoa lmw,i e reier
Jfeaderaoa Ker E P
lleaaea Jaaeph ..
HaUfG :
Win Gwrga
Willna Dana
eUAlX PUMPS price reduced far sal ky
rnraa - C POPK, Jr.
JAMS, ateeerred fraita, braxed fraita, et&, at
OUckamai County, Oreroa.
rPHE leciiBd lrm of elevea week will com
X uwnce an llw 2d Mondny iu April.
U. E. CiaTwaioiiT, Principal, and Profraaor of
Mathemalivi and Natural tteivuet. .
Selllrmrnt mutt lurariably be made la advane
for tuition, at tli following rale I
In I "I aud liJ l(.lei, and Pr mary Arlth., ( 1.00
' Pr. and llighar AriiliiiKiic, Kngliab
Grammar, Geography, Willing, Jte, COO
' Higher MaihmiM, Nat. I'liilowphy, md
Laliu, I4N txlra for each brauch.
No student will be allowed a seat for a lex time
than half a term. Any one having paid, within
to vacate a seal the laat half of tht term, will
have on half th money refunded.
Indulgence in profanity, or the DM of lakaeti,
will be a bar cr coiidiliou agaiiut the aovuiucy
of a seat.
Gratuitous Instruction will he given to a claa la
vocal March 28, 1 859 5 1
I AM now carrying on a Saddler' and liar
ne maker' rhon in thi oily, aud have eou
Manlly on hand the beat of
llcady-mado barnesa, saddles, bri
dles, baiters, martingale,
and everything in my line. I am alas ready to
intke to order anything iu my line that may be
called for, on a abort notice. My motto ia, Make
a good article, and ell it cheap. I solicit palroe
age at home aud from abroad.
My elbli.hnif nt i neatly pppntile Charmaa
Si Warner's Old Stand on Main (treet 1
AprilS, 1859. 5lm
GEO. A. NOBLE, A.5L it
N. B. Family Medicine prepared in the moat
ea refill manner, and alwaya on hand. "
OrrgoH City March 2S, 1859m3
. And for the Cure of
gmort'l.A, MxacraiAL lwAni, Piraivmii Vtrx,
Kiit.i UATiii, CtiTAauiM EarmoKK, Uvurk-niA,
CoN.tuiTiiiN, Fr.vKa Soiiui, EitrnrtxM,
'ta.Ui OiurLAiNTi, mm r Aitu
tirK, l'miM.m, Bii.tJ, HiiNsa.iL
1 ikhilitt, Ae.
Every nmavtnt vear Mii n and OHh f.rtlier ml
wliliT Hie well iiwriiwl n-ia'U 'l ilewrwl pufiilarliy
,f hi. Inmll.le M.lcltw. lirnvlii It lo l4 the mwl
edl' !. waHstlal IMII kwwii, fur ike enr of all linn
tueK MrlMitr fn an tin,iir fieie ,,1'the b)ul. AnamlW
iM'r'enl. lleile t l"'"le. It e,muli Hie tlintt ait
iielil r iiirkliie. It MTf. iiiirltliA nnd
lun. Tlr rMtil.Sly vtlti wlileli tlie imlliinl ivwiti i
un-lvr IliK triple InStvnee l irprllti Hues ne ewe l
itlrell m-Hiei! mruMieii i.i tile remlll im rerllllne
nf Ile evrellelir : Hint e h ''. ' I"'1"! to I'"
nni!meit le-llimwr f nintllli'H, wl bve eMHikurt
1 1 cUVrla, u euuvinee iliemlullty IWelf uf IU real lu.
Another Cure cf Scrofula.
Tuov. N V., Sept t. lt
Meur. A. B. A I. kii: Oenlieiiwa. I have S
nfr!v three yer Im tmnbtwl llli lliai dreirl !!
awSemnila: mneli w. Mint titTeillve H. HIT tiue-
Uti.l km.i iu mneir: unit "bulii nller lee tri.l everv
klii'l ir in.-ilHne III 11 turn liii'l.r my nuile. ulllnnil
iT.h-l One nf ihv neli:lil.r. lm bf lieea enre-l rf a
.Imllar nimilaliit' I'V UnrMi.willa. vlvlwl me to
make trial lit It. i"l I " iru'y y that II b-u di'ne mt
a w.irlil uf ipkmI, liavhaj rumplrtely eureil me. Ilnilni
list inv eililelioe im Inilnw "tliere ennllerly nfflieli-l In
Jiidi iiw uma remedv. witli tlie wine iwiufMiuirjf rwulu,
I h....aln un.iriillr enui-K.
rreiared ,n,l wld l.y A. B. Jt . MXBrt, W beta
ale l)riirflM. No. IIKI FaittHi-iOeet, New Wk.
(',.. .nil IIKUINHTON . Cm. fun ranehrtti IIK K
A OFKIN. M.ry.vllle: U. II M. DONALD C.Sao.
romenlii ; ami by lriigi.'let generally. .
Complain bo bit of Aching Teeth.
Tlie Prune have bee etlewively owl by IhniiaanA,,
h.e etiwrlenee h .Mie.l Hun the Aii'l)e lll lv
lmme,llal and permanent lm-f after Hie (Wmre n( every
oilier reniedv. a i ileaant i Hie ta-le ami aineiL ami a
trw api.lleatinna will enlire'v remove the pain ami ai-renene
from a dewyel tenth, m tint It may be HIM and re i.lired
aa neeful r. VTIien Uie ialn pnei fnn lli fee,
nrrnini the iniint arc d a b apparent iy "l"d, Una
Amtyn will ve a ifly relief by rubbing a f dmpi
oa tlie iart alfeeteil.
Prepnre.1 anil .old br . B. l. Wh,
aale Druuirlau, No. Iiw FulUin-etrMt, Naw l ark,
A Co, ami liKDISOTOS Ov. ean rrineiaee; Kl I
i COFFIN. Marvaville; K. II. M-DONALD C.k.Sa.
raiiMiiui; and by Dnimret- renerally. i f
tT Da. STEELE, of Ihe Oregoa City Drug
Store i agent for tlieae mrdicitie. ap2m9
Clackamu IRepublicaii CmTentlon.
There will be a meeting af the Republicane of
Clackama county at the Court-houae oa Satur
day, April 9, t ocle for PurP"
of choooing five delegate la rt preaenl Ibi eouniy
in th general convention to be held in Salem April
31 , aa akw to traiiaaet anch other bucinea a awy
coma before the convention. All uch oitiien a
have patriotiwn enough to love their eonntry, re
aped the conetiluliou, eJing to th Vuwa, deetre a
wholeaome Government, ha- regard freedom aa
national and alavery a sactional, nd who are op
poavd ta the Adminietratioa and Ih Sahxa cliqaa,
are moat reepectlully invited lo participal in the
meeting. Let n lukewarmnca deter any man
from coming. The gathering alarm of evetimal
rage, political faualieiem, diwaioniam, and aaliea
al bankruptcy, evoked by the parly falaely called
Democratic, ought ta tir ap aa enihMataani ia the
breaat of every patriot that will rraak ia immediate
aad determined action. Com along, frieada, aud
let aa have a reaaiag aoaventioa
. W. L. Aaaaa,
J. 8. RmxAaaoa,
C. VT. BavAirr,
Co. Ctm.
fAeaiaa taaiy.
Tbera will ha a maaa meetiaf of lb Reaoali.
aaaa, and lhaa opaoaed ta t le praeenl admiaietra.
tioa, held at tk Mort-aoaaa hi Corvallie aa Salar
day, th 9ih af Jpnl, at I a'eleek r. for Ih
urpaaa af ehooaiof dek-galea la Ih Repabiieaa
Slau euexaUoo, aad to traaaeat ueh other
aeaa a aiay be aceeaeary ia arganaueg th Upas
Ucaa party of Bentoa eoaoty. The friend of th
can are argently reqaeeted le altead.
Watklatum ry
Thara wiB ha eoareaOoa af tb Rrpoblieaiia
ef Waiigw eoaotv at Uillvbor Satarday,
April 9, lor llie Mntoa of anoainliiir daUeau. in
Ih Tirrllorial conveuiion, and to iranaact uch
other buaiuae a may be brought befor the con
vention. It ia etr.mely dirwi le lure a full
atleiidanc. All pemoiu npHMed to the praaeul '
Adiiiiiiialralion an rrqihitrd la meet with u.
Th coniniilie would reciHiiiiii.nU aa a l.iof
rrpreiK nlaliou thai each previnct (end ihi dele
gale, and ail addilioual ana for i vary Iwauty.ftv
ruler. , C.S. MiLVXaa,
, Wm. II, IIknmtt,
A. His a.. Rtp. Ci. Ctm.
l.taa t'.eaaty.
There will be a niaaa liepuldican cnnvvnllon ef
l.iuu comity held lit AlUny ou Friduy, April
li, fur the pnrpoae of ai d cling ail delegate lu
attend lit Territorial emiwuibia lit be held at He
lem April 31, ami for Ih purpuae nf Iranaavling
audi oilier buaiuea a uiay cum before the con.
ily orJer of III Republican county committee.
Juua Cuasna, Ca'a.
Rrpaalleaa Mats t'.aaveallaa.
Th Republican county coininiilee of Marion
county deem it eapeilienl to call a maaa nieelmc
of Ihe llepublican and all other of Ih county
who reiHHiial in preaenl AdmiuiatMlmn, at Ihe
euurt-houi in Salem, ou Saturday, April 10, In
nom oat eandidule lor county olhcera, and ap
point delegate to the Territorial convention.
, W. W.VUItKN, Ch'a.
UfabUeaa af rath.
TIi.m avtll ha a miiie..nlin nf lli TImil.lIBna
of Polk county im Saturday, April lti, IS.VJ, at
liana, to nominal eouniy eiiniiiiialr aud ap
point delegate lo thu Territorial convention, lo.
It ia reftoiiimenilaMl lliut nrarin,! nuiMliiioa lu. Iil.l
on Friday, April IS, for appointing dekgalee to
Ih county convention, aud that each prevlnet be
entitled t five delegaiea. Ily order of the coun
ty committee. WM. W. BOONE, Ci'a.
' Th Kepubreau of Yamhill eouniy, and all
thee oppraied to th preaenl Adminiairaiion and
Uie domination of the Salem clique, will have a
meeting at the eourt-lioua in Lafavelte on Toea.
day. March 39, loi9, laclmoa deleiiate I th
Republican eonvenikui at Salem April 31. Turn
out, aud lei aa have a full attendance I
, . , , ; J. W. Cowta, . , ,
Olivia Mouas,
Oa. L. Wood,
i - Rtf.Ct.Ctm.
r.tataap Vju. Repaatlcam tlaat Meetlag.
. Th elector of CUtaup county, who are in fa
vor of th great cardinal principle of the Republi
can party, III non-eileneinn of lvary, a oppoaed
lo tli great averahadowing dogma of tli Denio
eralic party tli univerval eteruioo ef alavery,
even anainat lha aovereign will of Ihe people, a ex
emplified iu lha deciaion of tha Dred Scott caae,
and in the l-ecomjilon Kaneaa policy of Ihe preaenl
adiiiiuiMralion are niineated la meet iu maaa
meeting, al the Court liniiae ia Aatnria, on Satur
day, the 9th of April, lltf'J, at 1 o'clock r. ., fur
the purKiao of electing a delegate lo Ihe Territori
rial Republican conveuiion, lo be held at Salem on
Tliutwlay lha Slat day of April, &9, for th pur-
poa of nominating a delegat to Congreaa, and a
Territorial l'riou liwiectur, te be elected at the
enauing June election. Other buaiuea i f the na
ture of mora fully orgauixing Ih party may be
VT. W. Paikis,
John Jkwktt,
. . Cha'. Stsvkn,
Rep. Ce. Ctmmitttt,
Meat Market.
I HAVE formed a copartnereliip with John
Errisosa (commencing thi duy)i for thapur-
poa of coutiiiuing ihe butcher and market buai-
nea at my old aland. W will keep constantly oa
hand th beat'
Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, etc.,
that the country afford. We will ak pny the
We are permanently located, and intend ta do
buamcat in a way that will juatiry our Ir.endr la
palroniiing ua. Com along, and lot ua have
your regular cuatnm. II will nay you to do o, aud
uo m'aiake. ALBRIGHT & KtTlNUEK.
Orerm City, March 17, 185U. -
Land, Land!
I7OR SALE, 4A0 ftCrei, adjoining North
. Salem. I Will lie aoM in twenty-five, fifty,
and on hundred acre lola, or aa may beat auit
buyer. Inquire fnrthr of the underaigued, or at
" 'I'he Protective Union" otore, Salem.
March 19. I8.V.I1116 SAM L PUNTER.
Adminlgtratrix' Xfotlce.
ATOTIUh l hereby K.vru Hut letter of ad-
y minietral'nn haw been granted to the under-
iened bv the I'nibate court of Claekainaa eouniy
ou Ihe eatate of Peler R. Wileon, deceaaed, late of
aid county. AH wraon iudebted lo Hid eatate
are requeeted lo make immediate payment, aud all
buying claima aguinat aaid eetala are requeaied to
piewut them to me within the lime preacribed by
March 19, 18.i!l-4!lw.l Aim'.
SjftXX ...The most rxlruordiiiary clieniionl dia
vuvery of rnodirii timea ia Ihe Autiplilngialio
Salt. It net upon Ihe blood pteciaely iu lite anrrie
manner aa the vaccine matter 0ieralea iu the pre
veuliou of nialiguant dinuiaea. It curr ouly dia
eaaee which are tallammalory iu their nature.
Firal, infliiminntion of Ihe head and thioal, auch
aa brain fever, fita, headache, ueuriilgia.eryaipelae,
and catarrh. ' tSecend, caae of inflammation in
Ilia cheat and abdomen, via.: inflamed lung aud
liver, plenriay, dyaDcpeia, elliina, gravel, pilee,
.to. Third, iiifluniinalinn of the exlreinitie and
kin, lo wit: rheumaliam, acrofula. uleera, acarlet
rover, venereal and cutaueou aneciione. inn
chemical combination kt ao powerful and inatanla
neou in it effect, lhat th doe ia only what will
adhere to a quill dipped in the Sail and held to the
tongue for one minute. The moat aatounding re
ult have invHriubty followed it ua in the Atlan
tic State, and thoumnda of teatiinunial a to ila
virtue ran be furuiahed, if required. The pro
prietor aak not, however, for Fuith, but ia willing
to let Ihe Suit abide by it worka, confi.leul that K
will never fail. It it put up iu drachm package,
price Two Dollar, and will be forwarded by mail,
poet paid, to any part af the country, upon receipt
of that eum, adUreaeed to UED1NUTON ft Co.,
San Franciaco. Full direotiena accompany each
package. A aoon aa a ufficient supply can be ob
tained, it will h forale by Druggiale generally.
F. Coggewell, M. D., dincoverer and proprietor .
Sole Ageniafur California and Oregan, REDIN6
TON at.C., Wholewlc Uruggiata, San Francia
ca. Ds. A. II. STEELE Agi at for Oregon City.
1 1. aiMinmatUm.
Ia sll eae of lurlainmatory Rhtamaliem,
whether acute r chronic, Ih AnliphliHrisiie Salt,
diacovered by -Or. K. Cograwell, of Buetou, i a
aura sod infallible reault. Iu Mew England,
where Ihi dhwaa i very prevalent, th Suit h
ever keea knowa lo fail in effecting a radical
cure, sad of giving permanent relief. Rheum-
Inun ie alinoal tnvanaoty raawea 07 lanaanniatraa
and evkJa, and Ihe peculiar effect of thie medicine,
a Ua uame (Ant pliwgwtic r Anii-iniummatoryj
iguifit, at I reduce inflammation, and balance
the eireulelioa of the Mood, aud rh fluid of th
body, h doe aot anrfea lo be a greed panacea,
but eleulatd eipreaay for all dateam af Ua
inflammatory aalure, and ie thu a perfect auheti
lute for blood-leUing in all it forma It i for aal
bv all Druggiet. Oeneral Agent, Rsamsrua k.
Co WhiaWI Druggad. Saa Fraaeiac.
Bronchitis, dUtbma, CaUirb.
Then diseaaes, and ether al a aiinilar cliarao
tor cawed by anid aad inflammation, yield read
ily and certainly lo th effect f the Aulipblogi.
tic Salt H ' peculiarly beneficial ia all d eea
af thai aaluro, a Uwy are iavaribly eaiawd by a
leadeary af bUd la lha baaad and tiiraat, and
ibaerlirltflliaa af Ibi mwheal aall i
la redece iuSammatioa and qaalia th eireul
tioeflh.flaid.o(lh.lwdy. Il ska. remarka
blv tGcKtoot ia all infUmalory daeiMee ef the
cheat aad abdotnea. auch a Pikva, CraveL Veae
real, Dyapapaua. IWey. ke,LUr
dene of th valua of that medicine eea be ftvaa
lhaa the fet that, allhoogh i i now twa yeas
ine it wa fina offered to tha public, the deejov
erer ha been abut to aawwer but a email portoa f
bat rder, and it m oly wilhia the haft Iw
month that it eoald b ebuiaad at ny prio ra
thu State. For kl by aH I)rarJta.ral
Aran, Riotaamw C, WboWle Draygial,
Saa Praneiaco. Agent for Or eg-o Chy, Da- A.
H.fTEEL. . , t . . 7m'
NOW receiving n clipper hip Archer and
Robin llooil, and aoon lo arrive by clipper
I teaan Telegraph, Neptuna'a Favorite, Challenger,
nuard, auj lookout, direct Iron Aew York, the
Erer Imported to Oregon !
putchaaed for caih, compriaing a full aaaortineut of
Patent Medicines,
'direct from Ihe manufacturer) including every
ariici uauaiiy round in a drug nor,
Window Glass,
(Frencli and American,)
uruggist ixiassware,
Fine Paints,
(Ground, Dry, and in Oil, of ev
ery variety,;
Red & White Lead,
Various brands,
Faint and Varnish Brushes,
(large variety,)
Coach, Japan, Black & Furniture
r a r ni 8 h c 8,
Boiled and Haw Linseed Oil,
Burning Fluid (a superior article)
Lard, Sperm, Polar, & Machine
Fine brandies & wines
for medicinal purposes;
Family Medicines ;
Graefenberg Manual of Health,
(new edition;)
beaide many other article too numarou to meu-
Thankful for paat favor, an l aoliclting a con
tinuance of the same, I reauectfully Inviie dealer
to call and eiamiu my etuck, and judge fur them-
aelve a la quality aud price. 1 - .
. My arrangement fur direct impnrlation from
jealer and manufacturer iu the Kat are (itch
that enable me to aell good cheaper than any
other houaa on Ihe northern eoaaL
Sules-room, Front street, oppo
site Upper vv half.
PORTLAND. O T. March li. IM-,9. jel
Bale of School Lands.
"TOY ortlerol the Hoard 01 t'ouiiiy toliimiaaiore
J) era for Yamhill cuuuty, I w II oflVr for aiile lu
lha hie-heat bid ler al the Court llouae in Lafay
eite.ou thu FIRST Mt'NDAY of April nrit,
all lha Commou School La 11 la (or winch a de
erip.ion can b obtaiued. from Ihe Laud OfAVe)
Iviiiu in auid county, ale Willi ne Between tn
houra of leu A .M. mid four r. M., and ounliuue from
dav to day until ail la offered.
Tcatia One third in hand, the re-
maiuinc two thitda 10 bn paid iu two year. Fur'
clianera will be required lo give their nolea with
approved ecuiiiy drawing leu per cent, iuleraat
per uuuuin.
' riup't of Com. Schmvla.
Feb. 8, 1S59. 40w6
MInUn Who t
- '
HAVE on hand one of Ihe largeal and beat'
elected dock of
in the market with a large lot of
eonaiating, ia part, af th following t
6000 lb 8. F. ogr in hlfbbla, R&D,
4IKK) ernahed augtr, .
4000 coffee,
SIW0 nap, Hill' and CaKile, :
lOtiO eitra tea, greea aud black, 1
1000 Carolina rice,
600 gal ayrup, 8. K. refined aad E. Beetoa,
60 dot aaa'd epic, in glaaa,
50 ea good.
90 eaaa picklea, hlf gal,
90 pi fruit,
10 ' prune,
. . 30 b'ir raiain walnut sad alnaeade,
10 eaaa tobacca, aaad,
110000 gua cape, G. D., and aaU-eorraaiv,
30 graaa malehee,
100 aba Liverpool (alt,
300 hbh Hour,
Together with a general aaaortanat of
Crockery, Glassware, Hardware,
Earthenware, Cutlery,
Farming Implements,
aad a gtturtl uttrtmnt tf
&C, &c, &c.
T.H. ir.. 45y
awl wuui
Bf . .chamak warn EE :
Black - smithing
wismv mmw.
Alil, UKLVUN t il l.
March 5, ISi9-47 R. N. WORS1IAM.
Iron for Sale.
I I! AVE bought alllh IKON belonging loth
firm uf Allan, McKinlau d Ct and will con-
tiuu Ihe buainoai at their old aland for Ih prea
enl. Tliiae wiahing t purchae iron, will fiud il
l their interval te call 00 me.
Oregon City, Feb. 5, 1 859. 43
AfRS. TAYLOR will open a SELECT
1TX SCHOOL fur the accommodation of a linv
iled number of pupila (aay twentv-liva) al her rea
idence in Ihia cily near the Semiuary, 00 Meaotv,
rKa.vfi, ivyj.
luauf I'rimnry and common Knrliah,
per term of eleven week $5.00
Tuition pavabl In atlviine.
Feb. 19, 'Su. CLAItlSSA E. TAYLOR.'
Xn JTastiee'i Ooart
Ttrrittry of Origan, C'eanf of Lion, li.
TO MMtKH Av tiOLUSMI'l'll, late linn at
Browuaville in Ih afbreerd eouniy 1 You
r hereby uotihed that a wtil of attachment haa
been iaauetl againat you, and your erediu attached
U- aaliefy tha demand of Henry li. Spauldmg,
amountiug la nine dollar, with mtereat and coat
of iu t Now, unlea you ahull appear befor Pa
vtd O. Gray, a Juatic or tlie I'eave In and for
aaid county, at hie office, on the 23d day of April,
IS.i9, judgment will be rendered gaint yoa, and
yaur credit eulleoled lo pay th debt. Dated
lliii 3d day af ftlnrch, I Bay.
495 Plaintiff.
Administrator's Moties).
NOTIOii ia hereby giveu that letter of a,l
miuiatralkia have beau granted to the under
fiied by Ih Probate court of Clackama county
ou tli ealel af 8. R. Ogleaby, deeuaed, lata of
aid county. All peraona indebted to aaid ealnle
are requeaied ta make Immediate pnymenl, and all
having claim againat aaid tetate are requeaied to
preaenl thorn to m within Ih time preaoribrd by
law. M. Al. Un t.H, Aitm r
March 19, 1859. 4w.1
Jrincc's iHcloicon0
"TTTE expect by the clipper , Nonpareil,
TV and Hwerpatukea, a lareo awrtineul of
the celebruted MELODEONd, eniling of
tb following klndai
Nin S octave, pian-caed,
Two S do. da." double-reeded,
One S do. do. deubl bank, .
On 6 do. do.
Two S do. portable.
rrana wiahing anv of th bova Mrloile
ahould apply immediately, either in peraon or by
letter, a we hav a number or them already en
fratreid, and are receiving order all the time.
We would ulao (late that we have received from
tho miiuufactwy at lluffulo an aaaortineut of
KKEUS, to replace brokaa one. Should auy
inatmnienl purehaard ef aa get out of repair iu oue
year from the time it ia bought, wa will replace
Ih reeds with nw one free vf charge.
Ala en band aud for aale cheap, on of
which we will guaranty lo have come from Uhj
warchoute of aaid firm ; aud, furthermore, wiil
warrant Ihe mme for on year (in compliant with
fa, rtquut if a certain party in Oregon nnd if
mid party con gtt a ecrlificatt from tht firm if
T. Oiiocrt d to. tkit Ik pinnt did ael come
from tntir kind; icitf giin kirn tki inaira-
mint). JOHN A. WST It CU.
Oregoa City, Feb. 13, I8.'9.
Fashionable Tailor,
TAKES pleaaure In tufnrming the riti-vli
icne uf Ihia city and vicinity thai he ha X
opned a TAILOIl HllOI" between theJuL
Cily Book Store and Oregon llouae, where he in
tend to carry on tailoring in all ila branch and
in the laical aud moat faahiunuble alylea.
lie keep conaiiiully on hand CLOTHIMO of
all kind, blue, black, and bruwn i alan caaincrea
and reeling, wlueh b will mauufaclur cheap fur
tT Particular attention paid to suiting gar.
Give bim a call before going ehewhere. 44y
Greatest Inducements
Saumenbaam skTaoob
"ITTOULO inform Ih eili.nna of Ihia cily and
f T vicinity lhat Ihey are selling on their win
ter tlock at
to make roam for a larce dock of pring good.
W hnve on hand French nierinoa, plain tc lig'rd
Knirllali tnerinoa, all wool und hlf wool delaine &
plida, mohair, ailka, Inteat atyle of winter dreaaea
and ladiea' cloaka, ouibreideriw, cellar, ribhona,
jewelry. Iw., Ste. Alee one of the largeat aloi ka
of tenliemena CLOTHINO, fine cloaka, com a,
panta, veata, flaunala, liuacye, winter iliawla, boot,
hoc, Ac. ''
Ladii1 and gnntlamen are politely invited to call
before they purchoae elaewhere, end we will aali
fy lln m and 110 miatake. Thankful for pal fa.
rora, we aolicit a full ahare of patronage ia Ihe
Oregon City, Feb.S, 109
New Gold Mines!
w Easle Boot and Shoe Store. "
HAS joat returned from California with S
Boots and Shoes,
which b will sail
AUo.i tmntt unrlment of Skoemnkeri' finding:
II olicil Ih palronage nf Ih people af Ihia
city and th Dubhaiia gneral. Being entirely de
voted lo the boot and eho baeineaa, he will keep
eonatinlly 00 hand a fine aeaortnient of ladie and
gentlemen' wear, of all aoru and eiie.
Ladiea, give m call befor purdiaeiog aay
where elae.
1 ao forget the plaea tw door below Gib-
aa'a Saloon, in th new building.
Com oa. ema all, both great and email, giv
me a call, for I have beete and ahorai to fit yea all.
My atone ia, Small profit aad quick return,
I ale keep Miller' aad Maaoa ' Bucaina for
.el. Jae-itV, Iti.
Nctu Cute of Hion :
TCST meeived. 100 amies af Ik ! Lt
(I fZJj.
r. 9. J0H5 A. rvsr ox eo.
J CUT raeeread, tb lasaaf MyU f U, aar
cs BONNETS, Leghee aad ftraw lata.
AlaSWDKTj iitaiwsr s
Itew rire-Proof Brick,
Fdling perfectly secur sgalml (lie, w will now
Offer Greater Inducement) than tver
l th puUio. W sr eowtautly In rece nt ef
teeli'd with the erraleat car (aa la price and '
quality), and are confident thai our facililie Will
enabl a ta oiler and nil good
(freight on), and would advit all thoae viailing
thi cily I pnrchaae goala, lo enamin our (tocli
and price befor purihaaing elk here.
vv e nave, ana are jien recuivmy, au iiivvn-e
eenaialing In parlof Ih following srticle Cocho
eo, Pacific, lladley, Cuueategn, Hprague, Philip
Allen, Fall River, Merrimac, Urigga, nnd nuiner
oim other choic I'KINTS, all late itytei; Kng
I Mela i: French merino, Lyonra cloth, itiohuir and
other Dehaxe braie, wool, A mualin de lalnra,
Mack, blue, purple, Av pink merinoe, fancy pluide,
jaconet, book, twiaa, &v mull mualin, ladie emb.
aeta, collar, hdkr at. aatria, oreaa 61 uuunei irim
minga.V French A doineelic ginghama, French
lawne rroni U'J lo "jc, blue, mixed, &- grey aati
net, wool A coilon jeaue, eollonnile, bleached and
brown eheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and
bleached drill, denim, hickory ehirting ; tiileaia,
marine, browu, and Irian linen, nankeen, diaper,
and oraah, a large lot of liuen aud thread lace
and edging, hoaiery, ore.
Blue, black, and brown cloth cnat ; 10 dot blk
cloth Vit, S dot whit and buff Maraeillea do.,
velvet and satin do.; 30 dot aaliuet panta, doeakln
and fancy caaeimere do, 30 dot merino and cottoa
underahirta, grey, blues ciotn over conn,
with gcueral aaaorlmeal of gent' furuiahiug
ROOTS J SHOES. Men'e, fcoyi', an I
youtlw' boote; ladiee', niiaaea', and childreu'a mo
rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congreaa boa la, with ds
witbtut hht; ladie' kid lipir
IIU . J 1 . m..iTua t,Uek atifl trrmen tea. X. O..
t'iliaa, Batavia (aland, Cal. refined, and cruahed
iugar, U. Boalon, Cal., augar-houae, a gulden ayr
tips ult, 5 to 300 lb aka; 100 kga naila, aaadin, i
Hill' pale, chemical, a Engliah iip, oap pow
der, powder, hot, a lead; yet powder, alra
1... .mim tartar, amokino k cliewinrr tobacco.
grre corn, peal, tomatoci, ttrait aad blackber-
riM, III i IU una; apice, pepper, aim comm, I"-"',
L...I. u.t,.:njlli. ejtrn atueell. allll-
INI, mj , iiiawuivtn, ,u.....vv..., .
ond, walnun, Hnixil uuU, ratn'na, Chili practice, '
. . 1 t . uie i.ku.
driea iruu, macaen-i, in a un ou, i-i.'
A lino aawnmenioi
20 crate aniorted ware, 1
40 dm ateal pick, 1
S!0 ' Dutch lldla hoe.
TVhitt Lend, Oil, and Window Glut;
with a variety of othor article uauully kept.
IT Wa w'ill pay caati for wheat, Hour, bacea,
butler, egg, and altuoat verjtliiug th farmer
he to aell.
Oregoa Cily, April 16, 1838.
JYcw -Attraction!
l. ts msssr. ' 1. . SAdos. '
WOULD inform Ihe oitiien of Oregon Cily
and vieiuity lhat lhy hv eutered into
copartnership, nnd inleud keeping a general upply
of awrything in tha
2.qi;h an a,
Br- Goods,
Grocery, Crockery, and'
.. ... v Fancy line,
and will be happy tn ec their oid friend eall upoa
Ihrui, aud will promiaa at all time to ll them
giwd aa cheap us sny other houao iu towu, our
motto being . ..... ..
Small Profits and Quick Returns.
We would alao aay to the
X.1S.IiaTIX3 XflKy
(th bone and ainew of Ilia land,) wc Intend keep
ing everything you may require In the Grocery,
Crtckiry, Clothing, Dry llooil: Bmti and Skut
line, lc, which w ofT.T at auch pricra aa will b
eatiafiiotory to you. W alao wih to exchaiig
our gooda for your prudiit'e, and will give you a
much for it aa th market aflurda. Coin ami try
ua. Do not forget tho place, but look for the ign
of .a Fareit dj- Bacon, and than coma in.
We would any lo the
Ladies (God Bless You!)
When you w'nh anpcrlor article of dreajgnodeor
fancy article, do not fail lo call upon La Knasar
A Bacon, wher you will alwaya find them, and
will receive their grateful Ihaului for jour pal
ronage. Young Men,
( Tut uro' Hope of Oregon, )
here ia th place lo miply youraelvc with s aupe
rlor article of clothing iu which to
Get'-Mar ricd!
and, nfter you ar married, lo GET YOUR
Come one and sll, both young and eld,
And ee if we the truth have told
Iters I the place to apend your caah,
Aud get good gooda inatead of traah.
Oregon City, Jan. I, 1H.'i9.
Horse Shoes!
at Troy, H. I. Have lieury tiuruiua
proved lloree-Shoe Machinery Bow in rucceaaful
orration and are prepared to evecute order for
HORSE and MTLE SHOES of any waight
and pattern, at a price but lilllo above Ihe price
af Hera alio iron.
Tho quality f th Iron wed in the ahee ia
warranted In every reaped. The ali tive
lieea approved of, and ar now need by the V. H.
Government, eicluaively, ea alao by many of thu
principul tge aad omuiboa eompamea and horsa
ahoere ia the country. Theea ahoee ean be pitr
ohaaed through Ihe principal Hardware and Iron
tore ia Ihe United Stale.
Order sddreaaed to the eubecriber st Trey, It.
y. will receive prompt amotion.
WM. F. BURDEN, Agent.
Oct 9, 185fl-y. '
New Arrangements. -
HAVING formed a enpnrlnerahip with Vr.
FOPPLETON, rcoUy from Ohio, we ra
UJ U aaaaiiiut niakiUISsaa filarial ft ITOTa
eiUoded thus 1 hf hitherto bwn W !
do. 1 am alao large I y increuinf th circulttuo
f my nH;i, hope r miiy montlu lo
apply all ti imurUot po nt in tht Territory.
rrti.. tun. :n. m:,. 9tf
Vana AVrtUa UlTMtUtlon.
RUHSfcLL'S CRIMEAN WAK, snd atn.f.
intereeliag work, for aal t lha '
rfM JJ 1 I T HWa given.