The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, March 26, 1859, Image 3

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    Scattbhatio!. W hour ihdt on the
arrival oftlit mail last YVednesdAf l'ir
wr r received at the Repsicr ' offluo' in
this city from the Drparlmeni nt Washing,
ton Citr, Informing lh occupant thai no
money would be paid for ntra dork hire,
' at onenan was ible to do all the buiinrst
of the office. Vwi lliis, the clrrkt'who
had keen comfortably insliilli-d were per
milled to go ihr-ir way. When the Ho
publicani are in power, ihry will appoint
a man to office capable of attending to ilia
buinee blimmlC Uuleia that it done, w
ahall noi get our putonii for the next eighty
ycara. ,.
Dorni.AH County. A friend In writing;
from UoHclmrg, under duto .Inn 30, saya:
" Republican principles' nro beifinnlnir to
occupy a prominnt place- in the mind of
a large portion or the citizcua or this county.
Fifty coniia of the X. Y. Trilmuo ore ta
ken nt tliifl post ciflico, a dwt which causes
Dcmly, Martin, Mother, & Co. to be affect
cd with a presentiment that they aro about
to retiro from tlio public crib, and the
place they have disgraced are to bo filled
by more honest and competent nan."
ojTlioXcw York Tribune saynthat
Win- L. Ooggin, the opposition candidate
for Governor in Virginia, la a ninn or char
acter nud ubility, and bore a port in the na
tional councils when. Virginia was better
represented there than alio has been of lute
year, He served in tlio House of Hepres
entatives from 1839 to 184'), and from
lKl? In ISifl when ho una I...I.I,.,. 1.. :
' . ;
imnll ninjority by his Democratic opponent.
IQrh is stated in tlio rhiludelphin
Press that the Democratic candidate for
Mayor of Lancaster, " the Homo of Much
aunn," wns cleeted by cursfully refusing to
connect ' bin uame with that of Mr. Buch
anan, as the opposite course would have in
sured liis defeat by a heavy vote.
(mild Den niiM Colvillc On Monday sev Mlllcra from Colvilb Valley, arrived with their
pack lra;ni for spr'ng supple. Antonio Plant,
.loaejili Koberla, LohVur, and others, bring aeroral
hundred ounce of gold dust Tliey reort moie
anovr on Ilia road than aver before, ao Into in the
sesson. ' The Iiidirnson the route aie al present
quiet, but the prewar' of a m'lilary force at Col
lide ia needed to iueure i I fur the fuiure. ZWr
Mimical. The Miswuri Iegialuture liaa na.Ur
advurtiat-mntit a bill for the eipuUion of free lie
groea from that Slate within a year, or the alterna
tive f tliitr cbowiug nianlera and remaiiiiiig aa
tave. IVtitioua are in circulation re.uealing the
Iiejiflatura to pmh'bit the iiitruduciioa f any
more eleven into the State. There ia alwi a alniNg
era la.ipau'oa movement al work, and the counsel
ing puljn aeeni to be a:roliuj for llw aiipmuacy.
t'r tit A i gut
Yhm W ill oa Sioaalaatal
Mu. Editor: The time is near ulkaml
hen wo will be expected to incut m con
vention in order to nomiunte our rnndidutu
for Congress. And now I would ask your
renders if they have mude up their minds
to turn out, every man of them, to the con
vention, and also to - the wlln aucl whom
you intend to nominate 1 X'ow, my friends,
I mil inclined to think that the most of you
will sny, ' Well, I am a laboring man, and
have to work for a living, aud therefore I
have but little time to spare for studying
politics or attcridins conventions; and, as
this is a backward spring, we will be hur
ried with our work; anil, besides, there is
likely to bo enough politician and office
seekers at the convention to d nil that is
necessary, and likely I shan't go but if I
Ao go, 1 will cudcavor to select such persons
for olTicc as I think ho'd Kejmliliciiu prin
ciples and will be true to the party.' Now,
I have never made any very great preten
sions iu political matters, or in anything
else but, as one that feels interested iu the
welfare of our Government,' aud especially
of the troducing chfs of the inhabitants
(for I belong to that class)', I w)ulil insist
on their attending the conventions,: and be
ing careful to select competeut persons who
will serve the people, and not such as will
mnketiie people servo ' them. We hare
left these "matters to politicians and office
seekers, long enough. If the peojle want
to rule, they must attend to the govcrn
went, aud see that tliey have faithfid ser
vants, or they will be ruled, and that rig
But we come back to the question,
whom will you nominate f You say a man
that is qnaliGcd and of Republican princi
ples, and one that will stick to the party.
The two first arc indispensable for a good
servant, but the third is higlily objectiona
ble. Herein lies the secret of the corrup
tion of the Democratic party; they nomi
nate men that would stick to the ' partv,'
let it go where it would.. Let me tell you
that I was a Democrat long before I was a
voter (hut not a modem Democrat), and
many a bitter pill I swallowed in sticking
to t'.thc party, . I thought, when I was but,
a boy. 'tna would k a pol't'ctni"Lnpd'
vas well' posted in Hie politics of the day,
and understood the wire-working iu politics,
before I; was a voter, And now IcCme
advise you again to attend to your own bu
siness, and select men that will stick to Re.
publican principles, if the 'party' goes to
the bugs. If the Democrats bad dona
this, they never would have fallen, but their
motto was to choose the most 'available'
maa, that wouJd stick to the party.V re,
gardless of tho Interests of the people.
Uow often have I known men put into re
sponsible offices simply beoauaa they had
worked for the party, and would work for
it, and he used as tools to swindle the pec-
pie. Jiqt enough now; let's go to we con.4
vention, and namioate Republicans, and
cH them, ta serve the people, and not th
party. M. P. Owsk.
tS" He who gives a trifle -meanly,
mfaner than the trifle, '
Okeoon City Market. Wheat flal.25;
flour 0.:0 to $1.60; potatoes $1 ; outs 02;
butter, fresh, 80c packed, 0c: bacon
13 to 10c. . . ' '
Hrwtaf Circle.
The ladle connected with ill First Congrog.
tinrul Church la Oregon City, ink this opportuni
ty to inform tin public Ihit thjr havt recently
orutiixej a Sewing Circle, fur III pur of as- In defraying the exjnses of the church.
They r now ready ta ncoive work front gentb-J
men or ladies, wliieli shall be promptly nnd neaily
(xeculcd ou reasouabl Itrmi. Any geulltiu.u
Interested ia III object may become liimoniry
im lobar by p) iiiff n amiual subscription of
Sj.uO. Any donations will be gratefully reeeived.
, Stcrtlury.
Mreli80, IM9. " " " - ) .
, i
Heat f Teatperanre.
The Miiii-tmiuul session of In Grand Division
will be lii-ld in Oregon City on Momluy, j4pril 11,
lt!S9. A punctual attendance ia requested.
By order of tli U. W. I'.
In Marion oo.. on die 2Slh ull.. bv Itev. 1-'. 8
Iloyt, Mr. Itolierl I', of Washington Co., and
Mi Ella Zi-br, of Marion oo. ,
A l Spring Valley, I'ulk co., on tliv Slih ull., by
NcliKin Wulliiifr, J. 1 Mr. Kdmay Dune and .Miss Ann l'lullipa, all of Po.k co.
On iliti ,'ld of January, Mr. George Robert
Bright, (formerly of Washington Territory), and
At at Lda Morton, nf Lexington Ky.
On tl.e lllili hut., by Her. W. S. Lewis, Mr.
William and ,li Sarah C. Wiudle, all of
Jlullnomnh co. ,
March lot, by Her. C. O. (Word, Mr. Samuel
P. Dorsey, of Klamath eo., California, and Mini
Mury June Wallace, of Multnomah co., O. T.
On the 21th of February, by Kev. Jem More
luiid, Mr. Hubert L. Mutrie and Ucniietta Wing-
field, all of tuickamns oo., O.T.
March 7th. I8..D. bv It. Mock.
Ean. Mr. I.
Lurh, and Mine Henrietta Miclalop, both of 1'ort-
land. . i
On tho 21th of February, 1859, by Davie Ev
an, Eaq., Mr. Klielia Ward and Miaa Suruh Anu
Trice, all of Jiukmn cov
in L un coumy, March 10th, by Rev. S. G. Irv
Iiir Mr. Daniel licit, or Curval.ia, and Miaa Mary
Eliubalh U'nunn, of Linn co.
' At Fori Steilocooin, Kebrunry Slat, by Rev. Goo.
W. hloan, Lieut. J. B McKibU a. L. 8. A., for
merly of rilbburg, Pa., aud Miaa Jennie F. Young,
of lluinptnn, a. ' . .
Near Albany, L:nn Co., on Thursday, March
3d, by Re. Tlioma Condon, Mr. Robert Foater
aud Miaa ll.innah Frowman, both of Linn cu.
At Tunay Point, Clnltop co., March 2d, by Rev.
Lewia Thonipaon, John Looinla and Murllia lUy
nioud, daughter of XV. W. Kiiyimiud. , . .
Al Iho ieii!euce of the biide' Cither, In Lane
county, by J. It. PhiliM, Lm., Mr. John M. Morse
and Miaa Caroline M, Knox, all of Lane co.
Of cniieiiniption, after a eevera illueaa of over
three monilm, in the hoiv of a b!eed immortality,
oil the II1I1 Mnrvb, Itf.V.I, in the 5(ith year ol her
ago, Nancv ('., couaorl of Joa. 11. ltii, of 1'o.k
county. ' '
UlcMcd are llw dead that die in the Lerd.
At Vancouver, W. T., ou the 1 1 til In!., Eliza
beth Hall, daughter of Wellington Hail, aged
arxmt 8 ycara.
.Near Sirncer'a Butte, Till nut., of wlioopiap
cou'h. Ixiuiaia .lane, duiighwr of George a4 Mar
tha Ueiuhurdt, tgei 2'.i moniha. .
On the I lib ull., Alice Lillian, infaut daughter
of Mra.XK.Hurd ol Olympia, W.T.'t 1 "
In l'orilnnd Feb. ii'id, of coiiaun.p.ion, . Mm.
Mury A Lewis, aged 32 year,
Iu I'orllund, on tho 1st inai., pftcr an Illueaa of
four nvuitha. Judy, wile of Jacob Conner. .
Iu Corvullia, on Sunday oveniu j, 3Cih ulU Mary
Serena, daughter of Johu L. Kline, in the
year of her age. . . . , . , ,.
Nrur Monroe. Benton county. Feb. 21th. Em-
m.t Ahnedav daughter of K. F. aud Sarah Itniuea, r
aeil memontlia. "
In Portland on the 10th Inal., Clmrlca Kdgnr,
anu of Julio C. and Elizabeth Canon, uged u
months. '- ' '! ' 1
In Linn eo., Amnndn C, wife of Jesso A Mc
Gee, in the 35th ve.-ir of her ago. .
In Marion co., on the 14th mat, Anh Eliza,
dauchter of Edaon Kinia. v. nireil on year.
In Yamhill coualy, ou tho bill inet., of typhoid
fever, Irving A., aon ot John V . and Mary 1 . elwl'
Mi. aged 3 year, 9 moniha And 5 ilaya.
On the l'.'th inst.nt Etiiri lleCitv, William lien
ry, iufunt anu of Stukely aud Mury E. C Elanrarlb,
of vongralionortlic Itmgi. , ., cj
Clackamas Republican Convention.
There wdi bo a meeting of th Republican of
(vliickumaa comity ut the lOiirl-lioute on euitur
duy, April 9, at one oclock r. H., for the purpoae
of clinoaing live delegalea lo r pretent Ihia comity
in the ttrneral eoiivculiou lo be held iu Saleui April
21 , a also lo transact audi other biwineaa ua may
come before lilt convention. Allanch citlena na
have putriotiein enough to row llie r couulry, re
aped tin) coimtitutiou, clinjr to lh Union, deaire a
wholesome Coverument, who regard freedom aa
national and alavery ua aeelional, and who are op
poaed to the Adm niatrulion and the Salem clique,
are moat reepuctl'ully invited to parlicipul in lira
miel ng. Let no lukewurmnea deter any ma
from couiiug. TImi gathering alo; in of ailional
rg, political faualicim, diauuioniam, and nation
al bunkruptcy, evoked by the parly fuleely called
Democratic, ought loalir up an eiithiiaiaam iu lie
breuat of every patriot that will result in immediata
and determined action.' Come along, friends, and
let ua have a rausiug convention.
, W. L. Adam, , i
'4. S. niNCAaeoN,
1 - C. W..Uvant
Ca. Caaa. .
V. t ' .,' i i '.. !
ltenioa liaaty.
There will bo a inaa mceiing of the Rrpu'oli
etina, and tlioao oppoBed lo t to preaeut adniiuiatra-.
tiou, held at the court-house in Corvallia on Salur
day, lit 9lh of itpril, at 1 o'clock T. M., for the
purpoa of clioofiiug delegate lo the Republican
Slnie coaieuliou, and to transact ancn other buai.
neaa aa may be iiecesaary in organizing the Kepub
liean parly of Benloa catity. The frieuds of tli
cauac are urgently requested lo attend, ,
i . Wasklaewa t.aaty. '
Then Will be a convention ef the Republican
of Waaliington county at IlilMwro on Saturday,
April 2, fur the purpoa f npnsintlng delegate to
the Territorial convention, aud to Iransacl tuch
otlter buaineaa as may be bmnglil before the eon
vention. ' It ia extremely desiroaa to have a full
attendance. - All peraoua opposed to (ha preaeut
Administration are requested lo meet with us.
Th committee would recommend aa a baaia of
representation that each precinct send on dele
gat, and an additional on for every lwuty-liv
voters. i CS.Sii.VKas,
r r r- Wj. II. lraTn.-
. " t .7 Ai lln-u, H'P- Coj Com.
A a bUaa'Coaaiy. J
Ther will be mass Hepublioan convention of
Linn oounty held ' ot Albany oo Friday, April
15. for th Dnrnose of selecting sit; delegates lo
atlead tb Territorial ooawMwa to be held at So
lam April 21, and for In parpns of transeiing
such oihct buaioN u way ooo befar lh aon.
By order of the Republican county commit!.
" ' Johk Con i, Ck'n.
tektlcaa Caii". ' ". '
Th Renablicaa county committee of Marion.
county deem it expedient lo call a maaa meeting
of Iho Republican and all other of lb county
who repudiate in present Aomiuisimoou, uj
eoort-houa ia Salem, on Saturday, April 16, to
umrnale candidates for conuty officers, and ap
point delegates to the Territorial convention.
Rrhttca f rl..
There will be aTOBwrtie of tho KepeWieans
of Polk oooaiy o 8tnrday, April lb. I(WJ.
I .l las. ia aominat eounly eaadiaata and ap
IpoiDt delegate It lh Territorial convention, eta.
ri. u TvmmnAtA that or-cind meetinas be held
oa Frfdsy, April J9, tor appoin-jog -
the eoonty enrentton, ano max tp p.u-.. .
entitled lo five delegaiea. Dy order of the coun
ty committee. . WAI, W, IIOONK, Vk'n.
Tli Itcpiiblicana of Yamhill county, and all
Ihoa opHwd to the prreent Adiniuiairalion and
lh domination of the Sa'em cliipie, will hay a
meeting at Ihecourt-lmua In Lafayellv on Tuea
day, March iltf, 1 859, lo ilrleatea lo the
Itrpublicun convention at Salem April 111. Turn
out, and lei ua liav a full atieiiaWe!
.1. V. Cowi.,
OuvKa Monax,
Cao. L. U'onue,
Kri. Co. Cum.
t'.lattaa 1. Reaubllcaa ta neetlag.
Tli eleelori of Cliilop coil my, ho are in fa
vor of the great cardinal priueiplra of the Itcpnbli
can party, the non-eiieu-ioii of alavery, aa oppoaeil
to lb great oreraheilowiiig dogina of tli Uemo
oralio parly lb uimertal axieiuion t alavery,
even aaainal lh aooere gu will of the people, a ex
emplified ill the deciaion of III Dred bcolt caae,
am1 iu the l.ecom,'ton Kan-aa poliey of the preaeut
ailmiuiatrution ar riiiueMed lo meet in maaa
meeting, lit the Court ilium in Aatoria, on Matur
tluy, the 9th of April, IojU, at I o'clock r. ., for
lh purmM of, electing a delefftil to the Terrilori.
rial llapublicuu conveutinn, to b held al Salem on
Thurailay Ilia Slat day of April, lM.'.D, fur the pur
pe of nominating a deleiat lo Coujreaa, and a
Territorial I'riwu lurpector, to be elected al the
einuiiif J una election. Oilier bua'ueaa i f Ilia na
ture of mora fully orgauitma Hie party muy be
Y. W. PaiiKRB,
John Jkwktt,
Ciit'a. riruvaKi,
It p.' Co. L'wiimitttt.
GEO. A. NOBLE, & M.D.,
Office NEXT DOOIl TO Mil. CM'-
N BAR T II It D K E V.' C S T. N
N. n. Family Mrd'ciiie irru n-d iu the moat
carrful iiiumier, aud aiwuya on hand. .
Urtgen Ciy March -.'0, !Hu9in3 (
Meat Market.
I HAVE formed a eoporlnemhip with John
ErriNGKa (commencing tliiaduy), for Ihepui.
puaa of contiiiniiu ih0 hniohcr and muiket buai
neaa at my old tlund. Wo will keep constantly on
baud the beat i i .
Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, itc, ;
that the country afiorda. - Wo will aluo p.iy the'
Wo are permanently located, aud intend lo do
buaiueaa iu a way that will j unify our Irienda iu
patronizing ua Come along, ami lot na have
your regulur cualom. It will pay vou In do ao, aud
uomaiake. ALIJKIUI1T Jc. ElTlNUEIt.
Ore;;.. ii City. .Mnrcli 17, Icj.'iSI.
Land, Land !
IOR SALE. 420 acres, adjoining Xorih
Balem. Will be aohl iu iweiily-rive, lifiy.
n ud one liundred acre Iota, or ua muy beat auil
bnyera. Inquire further of lh underaigued, or ul
" Th ProtectivH Uniou" aloi-e, Salem.
Mach 111. )8:!iin6 BAWL PEXTEU.
Xn Justico's Court. ,
Ttrriltry of Oregon, County nf Linn, it.
TO M AUKS i. UOLUSMITII, late linn nt
llioKiii-ville in II e uitK-a U cvuo.y: Vou
are hereby noiilie.l thai a writ of aluichiiieul baa
beea lewd againat you, and your credit attached
U auliafy the demand of Henry II. Spaiild nir.
amouotiug to nine dollar, with, iutereat and co-la
of u I. Now, unless yim aball apiear before Da
vid D. Gray, a Justice of the Peace in and for
raid county, at hi ollice, on the i'M day of April,
JB.iil, jiklRiinut will be rendered agaiual ymi, and
your credlla collected to pay lira debt, tluled
(lib 3d day of March, 1859. ' '
4wS ' -y .. .'. - . i ' Hiaiiilin". .
Administrator's Zfotlee.
NOTlt;C la hereby iveu thai lei tela of :
miuislrnliou huve been drained to the under-
s gnd by the Probate court nf t'lucknmas county
on lh rslule of S. R. Oglctby. deceased, lite of
said county.' jlll persoua iudebled to an id vetntu
are requested to make immediate piynieiil, and all
having claims against said ealate aie reijuesled to
preaeut them to me within the time pre.crilied by
law. ' .! M. M. OWEN, Aim't.
March 111, 1859. - i 4!iw3
Administratrix' Wotico.
NOT ICri ia hereby g.Veu Hut le.tera of ad
miiiislratlnu hate been prouied lo the under
S'gned by the Pmbale court of (laekuinus county
oa Ibe ea ale of I'eler R. Wifsnni deceased, late of
s.h4 comity. illl persons indebted lo said estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and all
having eliu'ina against said estate are requested lo
piesrtil (hem to me within the time prescribed by
M ireh 19, ISSIMMwH Adix.
SAIiT.Tlie most exlrnordinary chemicnl din
cuvery of modern limes is the Aniiphlogislio
Suit. It nets upon the blood pieuisely in the an me
manner as the vueciua matter operate in the pre
vention of malignant diseuses. It cures only dia
easea wliieli are iariaminalory in their Halure.
Firsd, infliimmiiliou f the head and llimat, such
ua bruin fever, fits, headache, neuralgia, eryaipal',
and cnlarih. Second, eases of iiitlummalion iu
the cheat and abdome, viz.: inflamed lungs and
liver, pleurisy, riysieia, aliina, gtuvel, piles,
'&!. Third, iiifluiniuatiua of the extremities and
akin, to witt rlieumatisin, ar.rofula. uleera, scarret
fever, venereal and culaneou alTeclKW. Tbia
cheiiiiod comliioiitieii is so powerful and iuetanta
neoua iu its elli cla, that the dose is only what will
adhere to a quill diipcd in the hull and held lo the
longuo for one minuie. The most astounding re
sells have invariably followed ita use iu the Atlan
tic Stales, and lliousanda of tealimouiala na lo ita
virtue can be furnished, if required. The pro
prietor ask t, however, for Faith, but is willing
to let the Salt abide by its works, eenfideat that it
will never fail. Il is put up iu drachm packages,
price I wo Dollars, and will be forwanlrd by mail
post paid, .to any part of the couulry, upon reec pt
of Hint sum, addressed to KKIJINU TOJi CO.,
San Francisco. Full directione accompany each
p.ickage. As ronn as a sufficient simply can be oh.
lamed, it will lie for sale by Irnigiwts generally.
F. Coggswell, M. D.. discoverer and proprietor.
Sole Agents for Cafirnia and Oregeti, KUDI.NG-
TOIM Ot.lo-. Wholesale I Iriigwis, pmi rrancs
co. Jja. A. U. 8 TEKLE Ag nt tor Oregon City.
' BJaenmatism. ' 1
- lo all cases of luUaimnuiory Rheumatism,
whether acute or olironio.tb AnuiW"iriiic halt,
discovered by Dr. r."'Cogjswll) of llostnn, n a
sure. aud infallible resilU . Iu lS'ew .England,
wbr tin dtseasa at very rn-valeul. tb S.,ll has
never been knwn to fail in elti-cling a radical
cure, cud of giving psrmauent relief. Uheuma-
tisin ia almost invariably caused by1 lunamnuiliou
and 0"lds, and th effect of this mediciue,
as ita name (Ant phlogistic or Auli-iutbimmalory)
signifit, ia I rrduc inflammation, and balance
th eiroulalioa of the blood, and rh fluids of th
body. It de sot profess lo b a grand puaacea,
but ia calculated exprrs-ly for all diseases ef an
inflammatory nature, and is thus a perfect eubti
tute for Mood-letting i all it forma. 1 1 is for sale
br all Druggist. General Agents, RtwxfcTon at.
Co, Wholesale Druggists, San Francisco. '
Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh.
Theeo d'ieae, aad others ef a similar chars,
ter, caused by eolds and inflammation, yisld read
ily and certainly lo the efTeeto of ibe Antiphlogis
tic tialb ' Il peculiarly boet'iciaJ in ail d ansae
of thi nature, as tliey are invanbly eaused by a
teusWacy of blood lo the beaad aud throat, and
the certain result of ihe use of this medical salt is
lo redoes inflammation aud equaliz llis circula
tion of lbs fluids of the bidy. Il is alio remarka
bly efficacious ia all ibfLiusfory diseases of lh
cheat and abdomen, ueh aa Pile, Crave!, Vene
real, Dyspepsia, Plenriay, e. N better evi
dene of tb value of this mediciue can be given
than the fact that, although it V ra w two y-a-a
si see it was final offers! It li s public, ii.e diwov
erer hss beea ab' to answer but a small pt.rt.oo ef
bat orders, and il ' only wilhio lh hut lw
inooth that 1 eoaid be obtained at any price in
thi Bute. F. sale by al Vrvrptto. General
Agm, Riotrrrt CV, Wholesale Drngzisu,
San FrancBJCo. . Aat f Or'gtm City, I- A.
H. STEELE. ilm3 1
"V'OW rrce'ving en clipper ships AH,er and
Xi Itohiil llocl, aud lo arnvs by clipper
Ocean Telegraph, Neptune'a Favorite, Challenger,
Wizard, auJ Lookout, direot from Nsrt York, lb
pjimxs $ OILS,
Evor Imported to Orecon!
purchased for cash, compriaiug a full oasortm ut of
ratcnt Medicines,
(d'reel from the mnnu'acturera) Including every
article usually fuuud iu a drug stora,
Window Glass,
. '(French nnd American,)
Druggist Glassware,
Fine Paints,
(Ground, Dry, and in Oil, of ev
ery variety,)
Red fc White Lead,
. Various Lrands,
Paint and Varnish Brushes,
(large variety,)
Coueli, Japan, Black it Furniture
V a r n i s h c 8 ,
Boiled and l?aw Linseed Oil,
Buminjf Fluid (a superior article)
Turpentine, .
. ! Alcohol,
Lard, Sperm, Polar, fc Machine
Xa ac JaTs N
Fine brandies & wines
' ; for medicinal purposes;
Family Medicines ;
Graefenberg Manual of Health,
' (new edition;)
besides many other articlta l uuinsreus to meu-
lion. ......
I Thanlifiil for pat favors, and solioiling a con-
tiuuance ,.f the same, I respectfully iuviie dealers
In call and examine my stuck, and judg Ibr Iheni
selves aa to quality and price.
.ily arrangemenu lor direct impnrialroa Iroin
dealers snd manufacturers in the East are such
that tuahl me lo eell Rood a cheaper than any
other house on the northern coast.
Sales-room, Front street, oppo
site Upper Wharf.'-''
PORTLAND. O T, March ItKftjel
Sale of School Lands.
T1Y order ot the Hoard oi tlomiiy tomniissien'
JD era for Yamhill conuty, I w II off r fur side to
the highest bid ler al I lie Court House ill Lufuv-
el le, ou tho FIRST MONDAY of April next,
all the Cotninou hchool Ijimla (or wtinh a de
scrip! ion call be obtained from the Laud Office)
lying iu suid county. Sule Willi be between the
hours of ten a .. nnd four r. M., and cunliuue from
day lo day until all la ouered.
JESMS One third cash in hau l, the re
maining two thirds In lie paid in two year, fur
chaser will be required lo give their uoles with
approved security drawing leu per ceal. interest
per milium.
fMip'l of Coin. f-ehnMs.
Feb. 8. 1S'9. 40
Hello There !
EAVE on hand on of lb largest aud best'
elected stocks of
ia tho market with a large lot of .
. consisting, iu part, of the following:
COfiO lbs . K. sugar in blf bbls, R&D,
4H00 crushed sugar, - . '.
40)10 ' eotlee,
SUltO ' soap, Hill's and Castile,
lltoO ' eitra lea, green aud black,
. 1U0U Carolina rice,
CUO gals syrup, S. F. refined and E. Boston,
all dux ass d spice, iu glass,
50 ' ' case g'axls,
SO cans p'eklea, hlf gala,
80 pis fruit,
10 prune. . ,
. SO boxes raisinswalnut and a'meads, '
1 0 ease tobacco, aas'd,
150000 gun csis, U. D., sod sntl-eorrosive,
80 gross matches,
100 sks Liverpool salt,
300 I bis flour,
Together with a general assort me at of
Crockery,' Glassware, : Hardware,
Earthenware, Cutlery,
Farming Implements,
' sad gentral osmrtment f
&c., fcc.
and WfKiL.
Black - smillriHfj
TO DO IT, AT Tills'
W1Q'V MXini
March .1, lHi'J-47 R. N. WORS1IAM.
Iron for Saio.
IUAVF.bniigbl all the IKON belonging lolhs
firm of Allan, MrKmlay f Co., snd will con
liuus the business at their old stand for Ilia pre,
eul. Tlusj wishing to purchase Iron, will find II
lo their iulcreat lo call oa me.
Oregon City, Feb. S, ISj1. 4J
MRS. TAYLOR will open a SELECT
HCIIOOL fur the arcominodaliou nf a hiu
it.i nnmliernf puia (soy twenty-five) at her res
idence in this city near ll: Semluary, ou Moauav,
Fits. SS, I WD.
Tas Priniry snd common Knglisli,
per term of eleven weeks Jj.OO
Tnili"ii pavabl in ailvnne.
Feb. 10, ;i!. tLAUISSA E. TAYLOR.
1 LI. peraoua lioldiiig bumla or deeds for Iota iu
JV. lh lwn of l.afayolla, Yamhill county. Or
egon, ar required In leave lh No. of the block
and lot so claimed with the Contiiy Auditor, al
lua ollias In'jvatl, previou to Ilia first day of
April, IK.'.1.
liy order of lh Uoard of (' Com.
Fli. 8, IHoD-I.'ik J Auditor.
)rinc(0 ittcloDcons
WE expect by the clippers , Nonpareil,
and Mweesilnk, a larifn assortment of
tlieae celebrated MELODEUN-S, eonaistiug of
the following kinds:
Niii 5oct.iv, piauo-coacd,
Two S do. do. dnuble-reeded,
On 5 d. d. douhlt bsuk,
On C do. do.
Two i do. portable. .
I'rrwna wishing any of th fbov Melodeons
shniild apply immediali'ly, rillirr iu iernn or by
letter, as wo have a number of Ihem already ua
gaged, aud are receiving orders all Iho lime.
V would also slat that we have received from
Iho manufactory at liillllilo an aasnrtineul of
UKEDS, to replace broken ours. Mioi.ld any
instrument puiciniaed of ua gel out of n p iir in one
year from the lime il ia bought, we will replace
lb reed with usw ones freo of charge.
A Is on hand aud for aula cheap, one of
s?,a ash o,
which we will guaranty lo have come from Ihe
wurehoure of said linn j and, furthermore, will
warrant Ihenime for one year (in complunce nil
th rnjiiett of a ctrtain party in Oregon nntl if
nid jiory en get rtrtijicatt front Ihe firm if
T. CI illicit J- t's. that the piuno did not tome
from their honJe, irs will gire Aim ( inttrn
ment). JOII.V A. POST St CO.
Un.-i.-an City, Feb. M, ISM.
& 2. TelOVNT,
Fashionable Tailor,
riAAKKS pleasure in informin-j the eitl-vjj
JL teiut of thiscilv and vicinity thut he has
op,ned a TAILtlll SIIOI' between tlieJLL
City UiKik 4'iore and Oregon House, where he in
leada lo carry oo tailoring in all ila branches and
iu Ihe luteal and moat fashionable styles.
II keo consmully on baud CLOTHING of
all LtnrlM. Una Inil hmivn nm eMa'lti.rta
and vesting, which Ii will manufacture cheap for
ST Particular attention paid to cutting gar-
Civ him a cull before going lewlierc. 44y
Greatest Inducements
Dannenbanm Jacob
"ITTOUI.D inlorin the ciliena of this city trtd
T vicinity that lliey oro eliiitj on Uicir W.U -ter
sleek at
to maka room for large stock of spring goods.
W have on hand French neriuoa, plain at lig'rd
Knglish merinos, all wool nnd hlf wool di liiine &
plaids, midiaira, silks, latest stylo of winter draws
and ladies' cloaks, embroideries, cellars, ribbons,
jewelry. oV &. Alnue of the largest slueka
of geiillemcu'a CLOTHING, fine cloaks, coals,
pants, vesta, flannels, liuseys, winter shawls, boots,
shoos, Ac.
Lcdies and gentlemen are politely Invited to call
before I hey Hirchiise elsewhere, sad we will satis
fy them and no mistake. Thankful for nist fa
Vnrs, we solicit full share of patronage ia the
Oregon City, Feb. 5, IsiH.
JVew Gold Mines !
A3 jtut returned from Cnlifornia with
Boots . and Shoes,
which lie will sell '
Alto, s tmM atnrtmtnl of Shotmahttf finding:
He solicits III palronagu of Ihe people of this
city mid the public jn gueral. Ileiug eulirrly de
voted lo the boot and shoe business, lie will keep
constantly ou hand a fine amorliiient of ladiisaud
gentleiiinirs wear, of all sorts and sites.
Indies, give m a call before purchasing any
wh' te else.
Lo n4 forget th pliice two door below Gib
ton's Saloon, in the new building.
Come one, come all, both great aud siii'l', five
m a call, for I have boots and shoos to fit you all.
My motlo is, Small profits ami quick rslurna
I also keep Miller's aud Masou's Bucaiaa fur
stl. - Jan. !l, lb.'9.
Xcu) Cute oi 2ion :
JL'ST received, 100 copies of lb New Lute
of Zio.
Feb. SU. JOHX A. POST sV oo.
JAMS, preserved fruits, brsndied fruits, sle al
At well at your Jjinxet !
IF yo wanl GOOD art! ;les at the lowest pn
sible ari.. call at CIIAKLK FOFE'8
slore, on Mia street, wbr yoa will find a Isrgs
sseortnM nt of G(XDt ss cheap as they can be
bought at any stor ia Orsgan Guy. lise.S, '17.
BnvnrsJ Tavlor'
CYCI-OPKUIA ef Modern Travl, snd
Hwaa'sThic Years' Uesideace en Ibe North
West iWsuls a h
ANDd' farsaiiariila.i lb
T 1ST rersived, the lalrif itytt or Sn.L 4 sat-
I ta BONNET.-!, la-gbern srd i-sw Vs.
!.- w l il vtaavvyMr.
m tiii
Hw riro-Froof Brick,
Fading perfectly tecurs against fir, w will now
Offer Greater Iiulueemen'i than ever
lolls public V ir coiiNlanlly In receipt of
selected with tb greatest rare (aa I prlc and
quality), and ir confident thai our facilities will
rnabl ua 1 oiler aud nil g 00C1
(freight on), and would sdvls all thos visiting
this city Is purchase too-ls, to xam'u our sloca
and pnee before purebnaing elsenher.
We have, and arejiisl reeeivlug, an Invoice of
ma mm
coiisisling In pirtof lh following arllclee Coche.
co, Pacific, Medley, Cnur-ilf'ro, Kprague, Philip
Allen, Fall River, Mrrrimsc, Hiigga.nnd liumrr
oils oilier cboie PRIM'S, all tale syi'e ; Eng
lish French merinos, Lvour cloih, inoh ilr and
other Debaz b ae, wool, eV muslin da laiiira,
black, blue, nutlile, & pink merltins, fancy plaids,
j:icnnet, book, swlas, At mull muslin, latli.-a t in's.
seia, collars, luiais ctskiris, mesa uounni u
niiugs ,. Freurh it. domestic ginghsms, Frt-uch
lawns from IJJ lo 2ie, blue, mixed, ii grey sail
list, wool Sc cotloa jesua, coilonude, blrsehed and
brown sheeting fiom 3-4 to 1(1-4 Wide, brou-n ami
bleached drills, denim", hickory shirting Silesi.l.
marine, browu, and Irish linen, uankeru, d'aMir,
aud crash, a large lol of luru lluead luce
and rdoing, hosiery, dco.
Dine, black, and brown clolh eouls ; 10 loi bllt
ctolh Vests, & dot while soil bull' Mataeillea do.,
velvet and satin do.; .IU doxsnliiiel pains, doeskiu
and fancy casalmeie do, 30 doi merino id cotton
undershirts, grey, blue, Sl bl.u k clo'h over conn,
with g -ueral asaorlmedl of genla' fiii uialiiiig
flOOrS if- SH0ES.-M, hoys', nd
youllis iMMjtsj 'lailiea', misses', and ohililren's mo
rocco, goat, kid, and naif Congress boo;, with '
willioul heels; ladies' l.'il sl:piei.
Iti and Java coffee, bliw-k aud green tea, N O .
China, llalavia Island, t a1. reliued, and crushed
augur, K llusloo, Clal., augar-lioiise, a golden yr
up. sslt, 5 to 901) lb sks; I Oil kgs nails, assd sues;
Hill's pale, chemicnl, a English s.ip, soup pw
di re, iowder, shot, a led; yeast wwder, sulere
tin, cream larlal, einoking cliewinj lobacen,
green earn, peae, tomaloet, tlram and blaekher'
ri'i. Iu il lb tint; spice, pepper, and csssiu, peerl
barley, mancarsni, vermicelli, corn slui-ch, alm
onds, walnnia, llnuil nuts, raisins, Chili peachea,
dried fruit; m.ickerel, in qr 4 hlf bbls; sunliue.
A fiiieaaaorlinenlsf
20 crales assorted ware,
40 doa steel picks,
SO Dun h a Hdla 1;oea.
Whin Lead, Oil,ud Window (Slats;
with a variety of oilier articles usually kept.
IT W will pny cash fir wheut, llnur, bacea,
boiler, eir's, and almost ever; tiling the tanner
lias lo sell.
Oregon City, April 1C, lfl.'8.
Jmcw Attraction!
i u maasT.
i. H. oon.
TTTOl'LD Inform the ciliaenaof Oregon Cily
V and vieiuity that tliey h ue ent. red iut
copartnership, and iulend keeping a general supply
of everything iu the
Dry' Goods,
Grocery, Crockery, nnd
Fancy line,
and will be hTy bi sec their old friends call ape
llirm, end n ut prnnn-o ai nil times in sen mem
liirals as oheup isi any other houso III town, our
nuitto lipiu '
Siniiil' Profits ami Quick Returns.
We would also say to ihe .
rk. X2W MS BC W
(Ihe bone snd sinew of th land,) we intend keep,
ing everything you may require in the fVrsrery,
Crorkerf, Vkthing, Drf Uoodt, llimtt and Shut
line, etc., which w ofll-r at such prices aa will ba i
saliifaclory to you, Wa also wish In eiehnng
oui goods for your produce, and will (live you aa
much for il as lbs market all'urds. Coin aud try
us, Do nut forget I lie place, but ksik for the (igu
of fcs Ferret f Bacon, aud then corn in.
We would any to the
Ladies (God Bless You!)
When you wish a siiieiii article of dress goods or
finn y articles, d not Call lo call upoa La Foster
A Uacoi, where you will always lind them, and
will receive their grateful Ihauka fur your pat
ronage, '
Young Men,
( Future ' Hope of Oregon, )
here la the place to snply yourselves with a supe
rior article of clothing ill which lo
Get Married!
and, after you ar married, In GET YOUR '
Come one and all, bulh yoiiti and old, '
And see if ws the Itulll have told ;
Her is llis place to spend your cosh,
And get good goods instead of .
Oregon City.Jau. I, IS.VJ.
Horse Shoes !
at Troy, N. Y. huve Henry llurdeu'a Im
proved lloran-Klioa Machin'ry now iu moeesai'iil.
ofieralion and are prepursd lo enectils oidiva for
HORSE and MTLE SHOES of any weight
and piillern. at a pric but link) aboi lh price
of Mors shoo iron.
Thoqashlyefth iron used in (her shoes is
warranted ia every respect. These shoes hsv
been pprvd of, and ar oaw used by lh U. M.
Government, lnsivly, a also by many of lh
piineipil slags sod ommbus companies and beae
shotra in lh eounlry. These shoe can be pur
chased through th principal Hardware and Irnu
stsre i Il fulled rjtates.
Orders sdJreessd t lh nibseriber St Troy, N.
Y. wdl receive prompt aiieuiaia.
WM. F. liUKDEN, Agent.
Pel. 9. jH-y.
New Arrangements.
HAVING formed a copartnership with Vl.
I'OI'I'LETON. reuenllv from Oil 0. w sre
now prrpiirtd lo prsctice niedici.m Us.n a iiioia
tesded scsls Iban I has hitherto b-eu JI lo
do. I am ala lvly increasing lbs eh-euls-ion
mMlieinM. mnA hone are miUV BOOUtllS III
supply all lbs important ihbIs ia the Territory. .
11 ' ... .1 IIIII'l'IIIILW
Lifiiuetti, June 10, 18X. 'f
STanu'i Arctic UZDedlUon. '
Rl'HStLL'8 CRIMhAN WAK, aud other
iuloresliog works, fr sale t Ihe -
At 4 j VIII nwm. ci"m
YSrt paid far LAND WARRANTS. If