I i ,'t All. I liaow. . . . , . - . Tin following line dy Alio Carey art Tory sweet and beautiful I ' Her voice ii sweet and low i tier faca No words cm null appear, For il looked out of heevm but long enough To lean a shadow In lo. AnJ I only knew llitit I in the face, AnJ ww the shadow full, And thM alio carried my heart away, ' AnJ kee it; ihnlisalL . .. Love' or thb liiuu. Tie utiJccnyln;: aridities of religion Lnvu, ' like) unseen liouaeholJ gods, kepi watch liy llieir hcnrili-aiJna from gancttitioti, and llieir lie lief in ilia Ilili'o i connected with all that U holiest and uVarptL iu filiul ond parental lova. A common piece of wood, the. mean est article of household furniture, i" prid, when it it a relic of one lemlurly beloved ; but tlio pi-aHnt of Scotland lias a rolio of departed ufll-oiion that lifts Lin nature up to heaven, wlieu lio takes into Lis reveren tial hand " The bij Ha' li b!e, once h';s father's pride." Llaekteood't Mag, Wins Education Digins. A moilier once asked a clergyman, when site should begin the education of her chill, which she told him was then four years old. "Madam," was t ho reply, 'you hnvo lost three years already. From ilia first smile llmt jfami over tho infant's cheek, your opportunity begins." J' No Ti.mk." We coinplain that e lave "no time." An Indian Cliitfof lie Six Nations once said a wiser tiling l lien any philosopher. A whito man rcma i k- d in his lieu ring that he hnd not time 4nnuh. "Well," replied II d Jacket. prtilHy, "I suppose yon have all there it' lie U the widest hii J best iiihii who can crSwd the most good actions in .now. Emetitn. A Bigot. Tho celuhnued Juhn Foster thus describes a bi(rot: " lis sees religion, not at a sphere, but a line, rind il is u line in which he is moving. Ho U like nn Af rigan buffalo sees riht forward, but nothing on the right or left. Ho would not perceive, a lejrion of angels or devils at the distance of ten ) arils, on llis one aidj or tho othur." Grace Greenwood, in speaking of u -certain and loo faaliionuble kind of pHrentnl government, iu her lecture at the Melodfon, recently, told this refreshing little story : A gcntliMnau told his I i i Lie buy, a child of four 'years,' to shut the' gate. He niaJe tho request three linies, and the youngster paid no sort of attention 13 it. I have told you three limes, my son, to shut the gale, said the gentleman, torruv. folly. And I ve told you ret time'," limped the child, ," Uiat I won't do it. You must be 'Stupid." Cleveland PlaindeuUr. Jf2TDr. Franklin said: "When I see a. bouse well furnished with books and newspapers', there I seo intelligeot ' and well informed children ; but if there, are no books or papers; the children are ignorant, it not prolligale." tWfJrton your heart to sympathy, tut -close il to despondency. Flowers open to receive the dew, but they shut against the .rain. ZjTDo pood to tout friend, that lie mny bo( wholly yours; to ynijr enemy, mai tie-may Decoma Vo"r trieim. j, c j-i ) 1 1 " - i ' . jRTllo who marries a pretty face only; is like a buyer ef cheap furniture the, varnish that caught the eye will not endure tho lneside bliize. ittT The mean anniinl full of rain on the entire surface of the enrih U Putitnatcd, ac cording to Lieut. Maury, at about five feel. IVhoIcsalc and Hciail STOEEI RE you going to Oregon City to buy Goods t J.X. It to, you would probably like, tu know whero you can liny tho most and best fur the leant mo ney. That place is BROWN & WOLFS establishment, oppisite Gibeou's Saloon, and no mistake. We have just received a lieivy assnrt mcntfrom San Francisco, which, having bought low, we are uuio 10 ecu in such u way that our prices tdtull spoak for themselves, without much pulling. We have " C ENTL EME NS CLOTIUSG, . of every description, nch a sack t frock roats, Mglaiiitt UilninJ, juckt-lK,. yean, pauta, cmvutH, tinu nliitlH, n.llurn, diawerx, uuiler elm Ik, auvhes, .vverliaulii, and nil kinds of India-rubber clothing. -HISO, nu kiiius oi ... DE.ir.aooD s, frenoji, LiiKlmh, American, u furniture enlieos, RiiiHlianui ol all cnloi-a, ull wool uud hlf wool do Iuhii4, I'Veiich, 'Uiivlieli, American merinos. alpacas, eillrwoMiil, all eolors, nil wool and hlf wool piuuiN, eiiK and woollen uliuwlx, niigt or Jou- uie, catiiiueies, l urry s xlylo ol Urofd goods, vel vets, limeya, janes, brown i bleached uliecting, oil cloths, Irish limna, bilks, cambrics, tilk 4 velvrt bonnets, roan's, sleeves, cliemist lles, elginy, rib lon, lulkl's, glgvcs, hosii ry, needles, pins, hooks, -eyes', perfumery, lmir oil, jewelry, bruoeie Is, boots, hoes, rubbers, hals, cap, m cordeoiis, cigars, to baecqj pipt's, aud about U1Z oilier articles loo mi liieronj and too chei;p to p;iy fir adverl'siiur. Norf thi fact Is, as wo ore pennaiienlly loen'tr,!, we are desisuus af doinif business on suoh twins 4hat we shull not be compelled te ' sell oll'nl cost,' but we iniend, by quick sales and small pmlils, to live uidJel livo., Udies and ceiiUvnien are a vways Volcome, aud will be promptly waited on. V tl .v ' " r Ueuiemtier, ncuirmtier, that eur store in opposite Oibnn' Snlnon. ' Tit no tnuilile to show our goods, and we can hvat I'orllrtinl all the time iu prices. If yon doubt it, call and satisfy yourselvis that Micro is no hum- Jougjiug iv tuo matter. " -. " - 'UROn'V &. WOLF. OregSrtjCKy,fiel.;9, Hfoa.f T' ' 'Umg New Arrangements. n.YVlSfi formed a copartnership wilh Vr. rOlTl.K I'O.V, recently Ir.uii Ohio, we are now prepared to practice medicine iimii more extended srnlo than I have hitherto been able to d. I am also largely increasing the circulation of my medieinet, and hope ere inauy months to apply all the importsut points in the Tertiiory. , W.D. UUTt JIl.NS. Lifayttte, June 10, lSjS. jnf , " If n yard TiivlocV CYCLOriiUIA of Modern Travel,,D( Swan's Three Years1 Ue.ldenee oa the North West coast for snlf at the CITY KOOK STORE. SAX.DS; Paraaparilla.iB any.iuaalitv.atibe oitEuox t i i Y i)iti;;.vr,,i;K. HAIN PUMPS-pric. reduced-for sal. br nif2g - C. POPE, jr. r rlASU paid tot LAS' D tt'ASHAXTa v. I t . I1WL.LA.NO T)A V ' GOLD MINES AT HOME! A. rtOi.UND. t. DAVi HOLLAND & DAY Ilsre juslepvneil a new fc spleudid aawrtnitut ef $ B '9 At the old stand t F. S.$ A. Holland, OtTOSlTE tie. Absmeihy's brick store, where Uiey ono br found at all Uin-s ready to wait on vuslniuer. . Tliey are now ptriiMiieut. ly locut.J, and ho)e by siricl aiu-ntiou le busiueas to ineril a liberal share of patronage. Their slock in p irl vousisU ef lUe following ar ticles: . : Uiughiims, Inwm, delaines, pr.iils, meiinos, llxnnels, alpacas, blrarhrd domestic, -wool plaids, damask silk dross goedi, - hosiery, wlii'e sh'rts, cluck do., ' hickory shirts, over a under do., shawls, flue fc coarse, satinets, ' " b!k, brown, a white linen thread, r.hbous, artificial Dowers, C'oaiV tfiol cotton, -. BOOTS SHOES, of ull kindi and litti; ALSO E. Bosloo syrup, CI. nmied syrup. sugars of all kinds, tobacco, curie, tea, uails, salt, candles, , and a thourand oilier tilings, too numerous to Mention, all of which they will sell as low as any other house in Oregon I'iiy. . 'lhey will pay cash or goods for all k iuls of produce, such as buiier, eg.?, clilckein, or hIiiio-1 any ill infr the farmers have lo k II. 'I here is no tiling like Irving. So give them a triul. Au'. 7, ISid. BEFORE AN 17 AFTL'R USING DU.JAVUit tilUHEUH S.liGUlFIER, Or Invigorating Cordial. What though the snn in beauty sh'ne, And you have cuiiillo.a hoards u' oeaiih ; What llioiili llie w ir d ill, u I was ll.iue. If you but want the blessing, lleultli. tin Honest Ippcal! To all with bad or falling health 4 RE you languid, in-mmi ile, restless, appetite il po'r. diy.bii n bad, hii J pains in the limbs body hick, aud hcnJ I Uead. r, much of this is canted from cold caught mi.villiiiHy or. in seven cases out of til, slug!liueiN id' the I ver an I blood, ainl waul of natural pcrHpimtiou, in.lunre tion in the use of fiod and diiuk, ur from a dry new in the uinHMhere which is a (cry unheal thy part of Ibis climalo many of the awful, vio lent, and su.d u deaths tlial occur liere must be attributed to lb s. Now, reader, I have made this my study lor many years, and I do assure you that my Dlt. MKHIU.K S LX lUOUATIMi CORlilAL. SAN'UL'IFIKIt will cure these causes it will iusure animation of the liver, blood. alii brums it stiengtlieus the nerves, aud K Vcs lo the Burlertr a hilitiiess of spirils, a menial and bodily feeling of strength thut is deh"ijtful. The many respectable persons who huve been benefit ed hy and ceililnil to itsoxtrdurdiuary quulun-s in curing any of I lie followihg diseases, must suiisfy all but the self-w.re und ignoruut skeptic lya- p psia, or Hid bvsIioii, loss of inusouluror boilily slrenglh and in. nliil energy ; fi ver,ii!;ue,orRh.lls ; rheuinulie, neuralgic, or other pains; depletion and weukuess of Ihu natural fmiRtions, debility from disease, dMiputioii, too much doctoring, de bauulicry, and oilier causes; In ease of exciieuieiit f.oin conslaut iuUmHrruuce, and where delir.um tremens has occurred, I have seen it change the sulli.-rtr in hull' an hour lioiu the nuut horrible slate to cahiuiess aul placidity. It ean, indeed, be conscientiously recuiiiniciided lo ail sulU-ring, anl the propi-.elnr tegreis deeply that it is necea. siiry thus to vdverlise ii, in order that its merits may bo known. Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional Weakness, etc., DECLINE OF NATURE. TUEMA- TUHEor NATUK L WEAKNESS OF THE FUNCTIONS. NER VOUSX ESS, WE KNESS, CONSTIPATION, WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION Dr. Webber's Sanguifler it a divine remedy. See ajiducito ijr certificate. case of OWIUs, Ague Tremors, general ilvbUUy & 111 lienltli snun curetl. Mr. I'liuh Weeks, who arrived from Panama March 2d, completely proslrale, weak, and scarce ly able lo move; hud the l'.iuaina fever three months ; had pains in the bones, chills, no appetile, slren'lli or energy; he used M eliber's Loriidl two weeks, und fell to strong and well that on the 17th he went to the mines, whero he is now woik;ng. SAKSAPARILLA AND RITTEIt DU1NKERS, UEAD! ; Df.es srn, ami (ioou FaiK.vu. I berewilh in form you that I have taken in seven uionihs over sixty bottles of Sarsnp.ii.lla, liilleis, and oilier rvuiedics for coiiliiined lysHpiiu, Weuknesa of llio cIickI, iiid gestiou, and u mi neral feebleness of my ayetem. wilhnut gett tig any p jrtn.ular relief. Two hollies of your. Col dial have benefitted me so much that 1 am a ditlereut being, flvuse lo send two hollies more, which 1 feel sine will elTeel a perfect erne. If this will beuetil you or the ulll.cled, you ure at liberty to pubhsh il. i'aKiitaic LiK'Ki.i, House I'aiuter ' Price reduced lo 83, two lor S.i large nuurt botili a, tjoid by every respectable Druirgisi iu California, and Oregon. 1'AKK L. WHITE, Sau Francisco, Agents. 1 Caution! Beware of Counterfeit!)! O liny noue that has not tho siirnntures of T. Jones and Jacob Webber M. I), on the top of each wr upper und blown in the glass ol each bottle. Lore lovea to k'ssllie lip Uiat apart unfurls . ' . Wh le, glistening, snowy leelll, like spotless pearls; Such b iniiIi, such leeih us ever Love would sun, Are made by L Hunt's Jamaica .Soup Teeth Hoot. And the tvorst hair soft, fine, and dark do-tlive, Touched by Joaea' Corul ilair Kestorutive Aud pure clear skin is given, from winch defects clone ... . . When washed wilh Jones' Iiuliun Chemical Soap. U" These really beautiful prcpa rations lor ibe treili, the buir, and skin, are sold for J.'i A Stl eents each by all druggists ill C'nl.fornm and Oregoo. . Who wants a shaving soup? a beautiful shaving oap, , That lathers liks cream, aud heals sore skin, Aud all soreness, eruption, or uu -burn makes soon eh'P" From the lace or the hands, or the brow or the ehln? Such is that fine ernolient skin purifier, Jones' Italian soap, (price reduced to j ceots.) Hold by nil dnipji-ls in Or, gun. dec-.'5 AN. assortment of Itiblee and Testament for sale at the Repository prices hy C. TOPE. Jr. SI1AKEU Sarssparilla.ai the ORKtioN t TY lRUC STORE. " 1 ...u...,o. nini.ii anuarcv I HUSINKSS CAKDS. W, T. HSTLflCa. W.O. JOIISS.IK. Matlock Johnion, ATTOItNEVS Jc COUNsKLOKS AT LAW, AnJ Sulicitort in Chancery, WILL promptly ailettd to any business which may be onuimitled to their professional clisffe before the Ulairinl and Supreme (Courts. (HH.-e in II (lilleld's buildiiig. iininedialely op. poslle lh Main Street House. Oregou City, March 7, IS57. 47y JOnN R. M ERIDB, ATTOaNKY HII OlIVNaiLoa ST LAW, Lafayette, Yamhill County, 0. T., WILL faithfully attend lo all business an trusted to his professional cars, Wm. 0. Dement K Co., WIIOLEri.VLKand retail Denlera in CJ mer les, Provisions, Paints, Oils, lloois and Shoes, Crockery, Slc. Oppoeiw the l,snd Ofllce, Main St. Or. ro'u City. June I, 18,'iS. CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER in Hardware, Oroeerli-a. Dry O'K.rlf, Clothing, lloois Sl Shoes, .Medicines, Ilookt and Mtalinnerv. Main-st0n'ann City. April 21, Ir.'i7-Itf . S. IVIilwaln, Mfueturer, Wholciale and Retail Vealtr i COOK AI IAltI.OIt htovi:, TIN A COri KS WAIIK, lunllWtSS, AC, MaiuSt., opposite Main Slrrvt Hotel, ' OREGOS CITY, 0. T. Steamboat aud jobbing woik atteuded to with dirpitih. Oidrrs from the country promptly filled, je? T. CUAUMA.N. A. WAR Mi It. . Charman & Warner, GESERAL COMMISSION MERUIIASTS WIIOLIUMLC A aKTAIL - Driili'ra hi Dry Cioods, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Qbtw.care, JJnnls, SIivm, Puint-i, Oil, r., (nlhnir Cie-jiruof Riick Main smear, OHIiniJM CITY, ORKOoN. , . , 1 . Time. WF. HIGIIFIKL I), WATCH-MAKER Persons desirous of Setliu total work dun unl do well to j;ive me u cull, as my whole time .s de voted lo the rcpairiul of C'hrouo.iieter, Lever, Duplex, and llunioulul wulel.es. Au nssurliuriii of Jewelry on hand Jewelry made to or J r, and repuired. i Prices to suit the times. 1 urn lliaiikful for past favors, uud hope Iu i(ive satisfaction in fill are. HjT Located at the old siaixl. opposite theTel euraph Olliee, ORLGOS CITY. Kb. 2. A 3)mgs, Medicines, 3Paint3, Oils, X'J and Dye-sto-13, attlisOlti-AiO.N CU Y UUUU STORE, sep!5 Main Street, OreaouCily.O. 'P. J. C. AINSWOKTU. WJl. Umr.B0r.FF. ai.swo:;tii & d:ei:doziff, WIIiW.KS.VI.K AND ItBTAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING, ; Loots it' Short, and Crockery, In the new Fire-proof Eriek Maix stueet OKF.BON CITr. . ' Dlt. I). D. STEPHENSON, Hat Iii moi-ed next door to Holland db Dai' . TRF.TII FXTRACTKU r Y Kr.F,CTRrlT7. t. La FOOKST. J. SI. BACON. LA FOREST & BACON, General Dealers in Dry GooJ.-j, T. A DIES' FANCY GOODS, Grocery, Crorlicry, ;i;is-vai', BOOTS, SHOES, .Jc, At the old ston l of La Farest French Store, OUIiUON CITY. Reading for the Million. S. J. McCOItMWK HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT TIIK FRANKLIN SOOX BTOIIK, FIIONT-ST, rol'.TLAND, OIIKUUN, A Choice selection of Popular Disiks, News papers, Magazines and Funey Stationery. Among the books on hand will be found works on Temperance, Agriculture, I lorlicultnre, His tory, Poetry, lliorrraphy, Medicines, Keligion, Science, School Books, Itoniiiiices, eVc, &c, tkc. ILTSubscrilions received for Harper, (iruliam, Gudey, Leslie's, or Putnam, ul l4 a year, io age free. Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in any part of the Union. Remember I lie Fruiiklin Book Store and News piper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. W. D. Kutchins, Tt. ., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFFR3 TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio; . Prof. J. Knst, " Prof. Courlney, La Fayelte, Ind. ; Dr. W,. Armstrong, Fiiiilley, Ohio j J. Fisher, M. U.. Tilhu, J. Chamlierlin, M. D., Tiffin. " Dr. It. A. Wright, .Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Peon. ; Prof. J. liiown, N. Y.; Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwankie, O. T. W. 1). Hutchiiis' liulsam Wild Cherry.. Jayue's Expectorant " Alterative Ayres' Cherry Pectoral $1 2.-. . i s.' 1 S."i 1 23 aud a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all times.'- And I nut making arrange ments In mituufaclure my Uulsaiu fur the lungs, from the Oregun cheiry. auglo HIWV1M1, HIlUlPtllJIMI, Jtc. milE public are lespcctfully iitformed that the X undersigned have opened a SIIAVINO SA LOON opp.iMte Messrs. Uibsou ti Putter's Bill iard Saloon. ' Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, ij-c. dune in the latest and moot approved style. Also, Hooi-blackiug, light jobbing, etc. Gentle men's bed rooms tuken t ire of. and nil aiher hiii ill jobbing done on the chcapcsl and most e ediliuus icniis. jiu-i oi. iiiu.iid i) .lull. .1,111.30, lSjti. Miiaet., Oregou City. Jos. Barstow IS by himself, and would rcsiu-clfullr say In his friends and the public generally that he is tkuukful for pisl patronage, and willconiinueliusi ness at the old sluud, and w ill ever be ready lo show his Goods to those who may favor him wiib a call. Come one. come all, both great and small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewheie, und examine for yourselves his spleudid and select stock of . . . . DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS. CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKER, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Slc. Slc, llaia.Xails, llroouis, Ac., and almost every thing pertaining to a C'lieral line of business. Al! kind- of country produce takni in exchange. Country fr ends wiil find it to their advantage la give me a call. ' Cnneinali.Sept. 6. SAVE YOUR DOLLAIIS! As teell at your Dimes f IF yon want GOOD articles at the lowest pi sible prices, call at CHARLES PttPE'S store, on Main strew, where you will find a large assortment of COODS as (heap us they can bo bought at any store is Orejon City. Dec. 5, 'il. TUST RKCKIVEH at the Orejun City I)ru J Store, direct fioin .New York all I San trail msco, fresh supply of DRUGS. MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Family Mediciura, tVc, Ac, which irilt U nlil as loa fur rasa as they em be procured in tho Territory. Call and eiamin fur yourselves, an. I j;el an Almanac for IHiU, (ratis. TAVNK'SAIteislive, K)ecloraiil, and Pills, Cod Liver Oil, Casior O.I, an I HWeet Oil, at the OlIEtiO.N CITV 1I!1'(J STOIIK. chant's (iaroliuz Oil.ai ili OUKtiOX CITY 1KU(1 8T0HB. nilll'SSICS, rlalit and b-ft and double, and Ab 1 domiiial siippoiiers, at thn OltF.tiON CITY DRl'O STOIIB. , 1)t' Uli WIiiib lrad, raw and burned l)iiil'r. Cruine. (ireen ami Yellow, and oilier pniiils, utihe OUBl.ON CITY DIIDO STOUE. iTiiilr't'MEKY.al the , oi:k;on city nr.t'o store., GIUKFKNIIEUO MKDICIXESi OraefeuberifSursiipirilla. I'leriusCullmlieun. Oyseniery syrup, cousumplivs but hi , P.le Dillllllelll, " Ili-ullh Hitlers, l-iyc Lotniii, Ac, A.''. , To be found at III- iirenev of the Coinpiny, Ot B OUEOON CITY DKl'O STOKE. HA Y.MAN'S Dyspeptic F.lixir w.irruiiled to cure the dvspepsia t it A rweived und for saleul the OHEGOS CITY DRUG STOKE. DU. Uuysolt's compound etlruut of Sarsupai ilia und Yellow Duck, nl the sepis oiti:i:os' city nvc. stoiib. 0 I.ll Ur. Jacob Towneeud'a Suisniaiill, al the OUEOtlX CITY DUUU Sl'Oltlv. It. J. Ayres' celebialed liherry IVcloraln r coughs, coiils.nud ooii'Uinplioii.at the - OltEOO.N CITY DI1UO ST'OllEi- 1AL lLAXL'S oclehruted VernlifiU and Liver Pills, OllEOON CITY OIILO STOIiii. D ll.Tjwusetid'sSarsupiirilbi.al the ' OKI'UiON CI IT IMUU STOIC H. IEi:l'VIAN Felirifujre, for Hie cure of fever and ague, fee, tic , just leceived uud fursale at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. For Sale at tho CIlY BOOK STORE rpllE fullowinir works X Mujjic Slulf. by A. J. Davis; deal Iron Win-el, hy J. li. Uiavsa; Dred, iu 4 vols., by Harriet Ueeeher Slows ; The Home Cyclopedias, of the World's Progress, " Useful Arts, " Europe, " eOirup!iy, . r Pine Arts und Literature, " l!iorup'iy,k!0. .". Oct 3. ; Land Warrants PURCIIASiiD UY .Ian. 24. W M. C. DEMF.VT ,t CO. jLAX StEU-lorsale at C. POPE'S. To Ihu Afilu'lfd. DR. HllTCIIIXS' CELKIUIATED BAL sain of Wild Clu-rrv. with a variety of his other popular Hulmintl Medicine; are now lor ilium CHARLES POPE'S, Ore?o City, and al JOSEPH UAUSroiV'S, Caneamh. 47y PACIFIC UICIVEPaSITY, Purest Grocc, H'ashinjloa Co., Oregon. Rev. S. II. Marsh, A. M., President, Rev. II. Lyman, A.M., Pro. Mathematics. THE collegiate year, consisting of one term of lime mouths, will commence on tho 2ud Weduesduy of .plember. ' ' It is the design of Ibis Institution to furnish a thorough uud complete collegiate education. There is u Lihrury of 1U0U volumes fur the use of the students Applicants for admission to college must huve a knowledge of I lie common English brunches, and have studied Ihe uueieut luiiguaes so far us to have rend perilous uf Lrcsar uud Cicero and Ihe tlieek header. , The tuition fee is $33 per annum. , . . Students fitting fur college, as well as olhera wishing to pursue collegiate audit s wilhout enter ing upon liie college course, will be under the iu sanction of the college teachers. The full term of 1 1 weeks iu the preparatory department commences oallie 'J. I Weduesdiiy of September, tuition, so per term. 1 Tualatin Academy, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Ilr.v. Ccsiiisg KiiLbs, Principal. The full term will commence on the Sd Wed- nesdity of iS'cpletnber. Tuition in the common branches, .$G in the higher brunches, per quarter. Slliy Selling Off at Cost, An Extensive Assortment of J CONSISTING IN PAIIT or DRY (lOGIhS, (JliOCKEllJS, HARDWAKK, DRUG. MKDICINKS, BOOKS, STA TION Ell V, tc. GIVE us a call, and we will give you lunnAi.vs. Clld. POPE, Ja. J. C KINUM.KT. . E. T. RE lis, liI(sM:V & RECS, . PORTLAND. OREGON, jiANnrACTurtKua and impoktkks or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN d ENGLISH SADDLES. Ruszy, Carriage, and Team Harnett. Bridlet,' Martinttult, Whip, Linen Hmte-Cucert, Biaidet. Curry-comb, Fly-Net, Brutice, and Cirangle. . . , r SADULEIIY HARDWARE, California Saddle-Tree. Stirrup, and all Unit of Goad ieyir at a jirtt-clast establishment. Work made to order, and repairing done with care and on reasonable terms. ID" Shop ou Front street, betireeu Washington fc Alder. (l.p 4, '5H. Ploics and Waeom I CD I KEEP always on baud STEEL PLOWS, warranted to Hour, and cood WAGONS. . 1 enn aluays be found at my shop. opposite McKin- lay a, re.uy 10 make plows, iron wagons & bug gies, to sh.ie hor.es. or do any otlnr kind of w ak iu my line. I keep a large assurtmeni f horse shoes and na'ls, eiiher lo sell or to use mvself. I can shoe a horse us soon and as well as Ihe best o: them. If you doubt it, come and see for your selves. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, Oct. 9, 1 2Glf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! TTfE have just received 40,1)00 Havana Ci v T irors, a Ixi a lurge quantity of tobacco Natural l.af. liuffilo cli p, Piide of ihe Union. aul many oihrr lirands. .4lo, PIPES of all kiuds, Mircnrs, Ac, .Ve , al nnr store. DANNENBAUM JACOB. Dec. 4, 18jH. . Banc's Arctic Expedition, : RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN- WAR, aud olhes iuiercstinj works, for sale at the , dc 8 CITY BOOK STORE. v. s. mail Licra Oregon City and Portland Daily Packet, lannla Clark. Jusiaii Mvaics, Muster,' Will run dally, (Suadeys excepted,) lu lbs above named trade, leaving Oregon City svery day al 0 o'el.s-k, . at. Heluriilng, will leave Portland at 9 r. M.) Iiinehiug at all iiitenitedinle points. For Ib llht or pussuge apply on board, Dally tin , Dttween Portland und Oregon Ci'y. rpllE new alerii-wheel strainer J E X PRESS, Ja. SrANii, Masler, will run between Ponlsnl and OrsgtinCiiy daily (Sunda)S exerpled), lenv. Imr POU I'LANU at IU a. m., aud OliECON CITY al 4 P. at. Jn'y '-'-V U. S. MAIL LINE"! Portland uud Aalorlu. The Snlen lid Slrumer mutiaomsD ju. WILL cuulinue In run regularly between Port I uud uud Astoria, ti Vancouver, TWiea s WKKK, leaving Pnrlland on Monday and Thursday moruingsof each week for Astoria t and Astoria fur Pcrlluud nil Tuesiluy and Kii.lay inorniugs, limeliing Vancuuvks,St. IUlkks, IIaimkr.Catii LAsr,e.,eaeli wuy. For fn-ighl or passuge, ' apply to . It, HOYT, Master, jelG Oral lloyl's Wharf-biuil, Portland. , New Books! rpllE subscriber has just reeeivrd a large as L sorliiienl uf HOOKS, direct from New Yoik, among which are the following: Alison's Uisl. of Europe,! Vmrrienii Institutions, Sillimati's do. . jILivesnf the Signers, lieniocraey in Am.ricu, llahrlon und Nineveh, "Land und Lea," "lkek and Port,' "Sea aud Sullor ," 'Ship and Shore," Three Years in Callfor.. llaiiiel'Rlopeilia, Cyn. of Literature, . jb'gvplnndlln Holy Land llucliau s ram. rnys u., Mnineronoi in iuijiur, Manual of tine Art, Lectures on the Arts, Travels in Peru, Polar Kegions, .Muhuu's Philosophy. Auc't MonusterieS, CIsMce IJiography, IViuvian Antiquities, (,'lHlee F.struets, A variety of Poets. full) copies of Sanders' Spidler, Sid) " Iteudors, SIM) MettnlTey'a do. S.'iO " Welistei's Dictionaries. Davies' Algebra, Xewinau's Ithetorie, " liemnetry, Day's do. B.. union, Purly1i t'niv. History, " Surveying, Omidrieh's Piel. U. S " Legetidre, Mmiteilh'e Oeograpby, " Arithmetics, ' Little Siieaker,'1 Tliwnyia's do. S. Ameri4a Speaker. At.S'i, ' AZVosh Supply of Jt3tIonory. Dav llouks, .luiiruuls. Ledgers, Keoonl Uooki Memoiuii'lums, of ull siles, Oiures, A c., Note uud Leller Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ac, Slc Eraser Knives, Erusiva Uiibher, (Jiimiiieil Labels, Fuber's Pencils, I.N K, in quart und pint hntllca. WllOUiS.W.P. AMI KKTAIL. CHAULES PoPE.Ja. Oregon City, August IH, IrTili. Medicines for Sale, iy CHAULES POPE. Ja. CJANDH" Sursupuiilla, Peek's Wild Cherry Hit Jcf lers, llaJeuiuu's drops, llr.indrc.llis pills, Ue'i pills, Perry's tennifuge, Cipodeldno, Cum Cam phor, (iuui Arabic, llrilish oil, I-ourlia, Hot dro, 3d prepAtutuiu, Itoinun eye bulsum, Halley s pain extractoi, La.lunum, Puregot ie, Oil uf Pepper mint, Esssiices, Cumsiliuii Powders, Carter's Pulmonary llalsoin. Sulphur, Epsom Salts, ecu. Aprii 21, Ii7-ltf Groceries . BY CHARLES FOR SALE POPE, JR. CJUtiAll, Suit, Coll'ee. Tea, Syrup, Chocolnle k9 SturckySaltirntw, Cieam TiwLii, Sal Soda, Carli. Soila, Pepper, Spice, Aluut cWsax, Cap perns, ete. Aprii 21. Ir.'i7-ltf Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES .POPE, JR elCASS and 1 1 on Units, Screws, Locks and Latehes, Hammers ami llalclttla, Axes, Orawitig-kuives, lluntbiuws, Curry Coaiie, lloni" llruslies and Cards, (iun Locks, (nil Cuss, Wo. I Cardi, Chest llnii.lles. Planes. e ladies! "W7"0U will find an excellent assortment of Dren JsL und Ronnet Silk, Satiut aud Velret; also U'innet Trimming. Ihtiery, Glare, Lace and Ribbon; Table Cloth, Counterpane, etc., at the sioreof CI1ARI.ES POPE, Jr., (Main-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) wlWre may be found almost everything in llis litis f Dry Oikm!: Such as Print", Ginghams, AJptteuay Xerinna, Plaid Liuseys, Muslins, Snttinetls, Jeans, Flan ueia, Sheetings, lied Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Hailing, etc. Oregon City, April SI, 1957-1 tf JUST UECEIVEI), at (he Or, gi.ri CHy Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran cisco, a lurge assortment of "Drugs, ' " Chenileals, ' Patent and Family Medicines, ull of which will be sold as low or lower than they can bo had at any oilier pluee in the Territory. Coiinlrv merchants will find it to their interest to buy here instead of Pnrlland. Call and tee. Oregon City, May 9. le'57. Painting. XJTCIXG permanently located in Oregon City, It I tnko this meiliod of informing the citizens ot una vi ttiily and the adjutuiiig country that I uui always prepared 10 no HOUSE, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGN PAINTING, on the most favorable terms. Having followed the business for many years, I am conhMent thut t can irive entire sutislaction lo my customers. ID Shop one door above the Oregon Cilv Drurj oiore. C lUUaltAY, Sept. 1 1. 18.-.8, , . , 22 Baptist Books. "TT7'E EXPECT by next mail steamer riqoan. I T tity of the American liaplist Publication Sochty's Books, consisting of Fuller's Works, liuiiyau s do., 1 he Psalmist, pocket, pew, and pill pit s.xes, and a yariely of other works. We will slate that we intend to keen a com. plete assortment of the Society's books. Orders for single hooks, or by the quantity, will be promptly filled. Churches and libraries furnished al the lowest price. . JOHN A. POST. Oregon City. Aug. 21, 185S. A. Rossi. a. IIUKLET. WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS, . OREGON CITY. WE beg to iuforrri the public of Oregon and ' Washington thut wo have completed pur jEr'an-gxjritersuss bcv BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers. Engines, Grist mill, Sawmills, and all other kinds of machinery. Our business connection with tha Eastern Stiles tho great convenience of our locality tlie superiority and numb, r uf onr machines the use of water power instead of steam, and the per fect knowledge of all branches of our business, wiH enable ns to compete with California. Inviting the public lo g ve us a call, and to favor ns wilh their patronage, ws promise to execute their or.leis eii the shortest notice, aud At Sua Fraueirc) Price. ' A. UOSSI A CO. June 19. lrV.8. lOyl WK WILL PAY CASH or TKADE fe good WHEAT at Ihe market ariee. - bctIS CHRMAN d WARNER j 1 - - - - rBBas-- A.fiTTBIff'PTfiSaT h m AAAXXJ threshers7reapers 'iw.mnjia' yE have w oneway fromth.K To Arrive about il.o U,t , '4 ' ' A SUPERIOR LOT ot the above.inenlMiueil inucluues. Th ,'' all of Ihe latest luiproveineni,, ,j .1 1 hesitation iu sayi.,c ll,.t w. bell.,, ,h,m sioHT vf.un.tt nnuniitr.si T now broughl lolhiscoust. They wtn hw-.,'i, tnder our own supervision, li.,i. ,n tll "Tulr lions ueeessaiy lo render th.u, saiukl. 6J couuliy, las' .TI.TIIl:ESIIEl:.Scolu.to,l,0(fotr' t six-hurse mers (ruilwsy and sweep) i,h , 'M tors and every eassnll.l cmmu,ttci imZ miidiin. ""wattiH). OurKEAPEIlSandMOWEIWar., li ', rnaehine. .uiiatdo f, ei,, mewi,,, l liav unrLt fr.As.s ls.- i.. FP'lf a.., ,nv ,ul)r iKSf,. w.t" ' Miihuut rukwj or. iu other wora. out i. - w raker Xa AddiUon to tho Abofe' " W s have, lo arrive al tho same li.,,,., , MJ,W; r A GllWl'LTUllAL IMPLEMENT j VIZ' 1 ' Peoria rimes, X 8, . ' ' ' '! JJoslon Clipper 'lutes, ' '' ' ' Eitentiun Cultivators, Uraprrine Grain Cradle, ' ' Scythes und Snathe, ' ' Straie Cutters, , Jlay Prestet, Hay Fork, and Raker Horse lluket, ' Wheelbarrow, ;i 1 ' Shoerlt, Sptiu CIDUE MUU, . BARK MILLS, 4 TANNERS' TOOLt , Also, a select assortment of . , .'j" SJIITIIS' A.NU CAIII-KNTKHS' TOOIJ, , With many other articles not hers meatless XVt would say to our customers sad the poM. generally, if Ihry are iu want ofauy uf llniksta eicuiioned anien s, ily will do well t,t.iU and a ours before purchasing elsewhere, as we sradiu7 mined to seV U)V FOR CASH. We wmilJalsauikl tbulouc Machines srs belnr mpnlly sold lo arrive. IWtwrsWlaiiaWan,,, of them before too late. If ir,frri,, .Hucluse. delivered iu PorllauJ, if ei.'iwd be furs iriiij " Wm. C. DKMK.NT ife CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, "oi. Oppoiitt Lni Ot I Oppoiitt Li QJl,, . WM. C. DEMENT ife CO., OFFER fur sale the following jrodi: 1 dot mill suwa, 7x0 fret, 2 " Xeut do 2(1 " cow bells (superior), 10 hand l-d axes, . 10 " without do 10 11 handled do, asi'd sijrra. ' -.I 10 " js.tato diggers, I ., I 10 ' .Aimes' spa.les, . 2d " curry coaibs, 5(10 lbs wrapping twine, : ii . 100 I It packing, . ; , 500 feel I It h. iig; INDIA RUBBER GOODS ot all Oiegim City, Jan. 13, IM, , Wm. 0. Dement & Co., 1 WHIII.KSALK it RETAIL .? I Dealers in Groceries', Hardware;. Boots & Shoes, Crocke y, kc, u TENDER tUeirlhauks to their aumerwsessv turners fur their past liberal patronage, aadW licit a csulinuanes of Ike same. . They lake pleasure in ioliiniiias. the nublie Ikaf they huve now o Ilh aj lurai ml deairsUs' stock of Groceries, Itmiturme, Butt and Sheet, Crockery, aud Boat Slum, to which they are mukiiii; csuelisnt additions liotn Hew York sad San Francisco, purchased for eab only, and snr ennliled to sell ul lower prices than any other state a On goo City. Jau. 31, lHi7., BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 0 REG OX CITY. , , J. B. D LAX PI ED '' WOULD respectfully inform his old friend and Ihe public generally that be is by himself once mote, and has uow on hand LAKUB A NO VTI1U. SKLECTED STOCK Ot BOOTS AND SHOES, . which; he will seU oo tba most leasombls termsv MAKLV9 AX REPAIRING-' will still be oVae erder, Mid on the shortest - ce. Water-proof Past Blmtkivg kejl owhandi . t Ori gon City, Nov. 6, IS TEACHER OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL tllUUiOiX CATV, oauo lis will also Instruct olassei in instrumental sr vocal music, or both, in different sections of country, when desired. July 24, 1858J.;, , HOLDER'S X. si SPLENDIU PRKMIUM PIAN0; FoltTES. . a win o, aoBca rs. jicosr.sHiSTi ( KOUUKTS A SHAUTLE. . 22' a a b is'nmvMM TatnUslones, OliellsK. W4 8Ptrt, t MA RULE MANTLES, TABLES. Counter Tops, Firt Fenders, Grates , . Hearthstones, and Steps, ( , a ISO BUILDING STONE. OF ALL SCRIPTIONS, DE-.' . i-'m Shop on Front sL, 1 st door above ths 'Bridge- BOSTON FAMILY- Price, CITY BOOK STORK. At the Kg DOZ. thunib latches. chsap,t OUt ' WM. C.PEMfcNT.1 NOTHIMG TO WEAR, and . . ,,. Nothing to Say s Husband versus W ifei at crnkt "1 OREGON CITY BfiOKSTOKBt W. P. Barns, - WAGO AND CARRIAGE MAKEI, OBEOOIf CITY.O.T. 1 . . . A'ssta ST Strict stlentioa paid w rapeiran, - , factien to patrons warranted. BRICK o(t, 1 aeP19 , ' WM.C DEMENT, 4 CO' 6 tfDB$si-n of Enilaad " C. POPU. ' A fACAULAYS History ilJL sale by Tv- J w-y IL Cgood'sIndisChols1roir.Mi'r '"7, peas lnoiagoe OKliGO" CI