Tt Mr 014 Clack, r a. w. waia. My anolnl elock no longer tioka, Or takth not of time It bends are Mill, iu voio la mutt) Tlx voic that onco so resolul Bent forth it hourly chime. And slillness now i felt to be Like dittant (urge of the tea. My ueionl monitor of worth I Thy eilenc make me nd Tint measured tick do more 1 bear, But pulee beating in the air, And weariuen run mad Th skeleton of lime, fan breath, The prelude, a it were, to death. Come, ancient friend, no longer thus . In moody eilence laud i Cheer up ! and let your wheel go round, And gladden with your ailver euuud, Onoe more our little bud. Speak to our heurta, aud to u say, Thus, thn life' moment pass away. family Friend, London. t3T ' Generation after generation,' says a fine writer, 'have felt a we now feel, and their lives were ai active ae our own. The paued awajr like a vapor, while Na ture) wore the sstue aspect of beauty at when her Creator commanded her to be. The heavena aball be at bright over our gr.tvei as they are now around our paths. The world will have the same attraction for offspring yet unborn, that atie had once forotfrselve, and that she now has for our children. Yet a little while and all will have happened. The throbbing heart will be stilled : and we shall be at rest. Our funeral will wind its way, and the prayers will Vs said and our friends will all return, and we shall be luft behind in silence and darkness for the worm. And it may be for a short time we shall be spoken of, but the things of life will creep in and our names will soon be forgotten. Days will continue to move on and laughter and song will be beard in the room in which we died ; and the eye that mourned for us will be dried and glisten with joy, and even our children will cease to think of us, and will not remember to lisp our names. Then shall we have become in the lan guage of the Psalmist, ' forgotten and out of mind.' ' Paiextal Example. Example is a living lesson. The life speaks. Every action has a tongue. Words are articu ulate breath. Deeds are facsimiles of the oul: they proclaim what is within. The child notices the life. It should be in har mony with goodness. Keen is the vision of yoalb, every mark is transparent. II a word is thrown into one balance, a deed is thrown to the other. Nuihing is more important than that parents should be con sistent. ' A sincere word is never lost. But advice, counter to example, is always suspected. Both cannot be true ; one Is false. Example is like statuary. It is re ality. The eye dwells upon it; the mem ory recalls it, and broods over it. Its in flu euce enters the soul. Parental instruction becomes incorporated with the child's un derstanding, lie cannot forget it if he would. If it is bad, it curses. Let life, then, be an unblemished picture, a constant whole. , SW A lady of fashion stepped into a hop not long sinoe, and asked the owner if he bad any ' matrimonial baskets,' she -being too polite to say cradle. tW The heart of a young girl is like a nest where the liitle swallow chirps, ahows its head, tries its wings, and watch es the favorite moment to fly. t3T Why is a colt getting broke like a young lady getting married t Because be as going through the bridal ceremony. t3T Many flowers are expressive of the most delicate sentiment ; but which of them has thn heart of the cabbage 1 J3T Hope is like a bud clock, forever striking the hour of happiness, whether it has come or not. fJT" Why is a pretty young woninn like corn u a time of scarcity? Because she ought to be husbanded. QT My notions about llc, says Sotithey, are much the suiue as they are nbiut traveling there is a good deal of amusement on the road, bul, auer au, one wauu to be at rest. 3J Old maids nre fond of pears, but cnunot en dure any reference to dales. A Short Colloquy. Eiumi My dear friend, that woman has been talkinir uhout von airin ' She lias been tilling the awfullest limits you ever nenru ; wny sne ruiiea awny at you for one whole hour! Julia And you heard it all, did you ? Emma Yes, every bit of it. Julia Well, after this, just bear in mind that it takes two to make a slander ouc to tell it and oue to listen to it. tla Paddock's Book ot Plate and Il lustrated Counterfeit Detector for 183G, he says; " Hosteller's hitters are really what their name implies, a tonic aud gentiestimulaut, calculated to act upou the system as a medicine, and not, as is too often the ease, a mere invention uudur whieh to iudulge in tippling. We would not venture to make this atateineul,did we nut feel sure it would be corroborated by the willing testimony of thou sands all over the United Slates, and especially throughout the weateru aud southern purls, where oertaiu disorders prevail, which require such a pre scription. Wo are assured by a geulleman of lurge experience, who ia a 1 traveled man aud whose judgment and impurtialily may be relied upon, that ' Hosteller's Bitters' are a sure thing on Fever aud Ague, that scourge of our newly set tled regions ; which, indeed, has witliiu the past year, prevailed to an alarmiug extent in sections generally exempt." As there are several imitations, be cautious and buy none but the Genuine. Sold by Dr. A. II. STEELE, Agent, SMITH ft DAVIS, Portland, I (Won City. PARK & WH ITK, General Agent; 4m3 132 Wuhington it., Sun Francisco. fg-Dr. UaytuU Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsuporilla is now put up iu the largest sited (quart) bottles, and is acknowledged to be the best Sarsaparilla made, as is certified by the wonderful cures it has performed, the original copies of which are in the hands of the proprietor. Remember, tins is the ouly true and origiuul arti cle. The medicine, if used according to direc tions, WILL CURE, WITHOUT FAIL, Scrof ula, king's evil, cancers, tumors, eruptions of the akin, erysipelas, chronic sore eyes, ringworm oi tetters, rheumatism, pain in the bones or joints, old sores and ulcers, swelling of the glands, avphi lis, dyspepsia, salt rheum, diseases of th kidneys, loas of appetite, disease arising from the tue of mercury, pain in the side and shoulders, general debility. jaundice and costivenea. tW Th genuine is put op in quart bottle. PARK II WHITE, AW Agent; 134 Washington (., Sua Francisco. Da. A. It STEELE, Agent, Oregon City. 50 BBLS. fresh "Santa Crui'' LIME; i do. calcined nl.urtor r.iuJ nJ IU. by WM. C. DEMENT CO Paper Banrinri. NSW LOT, just ncmu-X.TSt Tor al by eef M TJi 09. JOHXSOX. BUSINESS CARDS. W, T- MATLOCK. W. 0. JOHNSON. Matlock tit Johnson, ATTORNEYS St COUNSELORS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, WILL promptly attend to any business which may be committed to their professional charge b-'fore th District and Supreme Court. Olfie in H ghlleld' building, Immediately op posite the Miu Htreet Mouse. Oregon City, March 7, 1857. 47y JOHN R M BRIDE, ATTOBKET AN D 'coDNSILO at LAW, Lafayette, Yamhill County, 0. T., WILL faithfully attend to all business a trusted to hi professional car. Wo. 0. Dement tt Co., WHOLESALE and retail Dealer in Grocer lea, Provisions, Taint, .Oils, Hoots and Shoe, Crockery, 0V0. Opposite the Land Office, Main si. urcgon City. Juue i, ibss. CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER In Hardware, Groceries. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boot & Shoe, Medicine, Books and Stationary. Main-st., Oregon City, April"9!, 1857-Ilf 21. BZilwaia, Manufacturer, Wholesals and Retail Dealer in COOK AND 1MRLOII STOVES, TrN a. coma was, hardware, Ac, MalaSL, opposite Maio Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, O. T. Steamboat aud jobbing work attended to with dispatch. Orders from th country promptly filled. je7 T. CHAEMAN. A. WAR NEB. Charm an tk Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLESALE ft KETAIL Dralttr Iu Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery. Glassware, Boots, Shoes, Paints, Oils, dr., In their fire-proof Brick.. Main stseit, OREGON CITY, OBEOoN. Time. WF. HIGH FIELD, WATCH-MAKER. Persons desirous of getting good work done will do well to give me a call, as in; whole time is do- voted to the repairiug of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, aud Horizontal watches. An assortment of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made to order, and repaired. Pricea to suit the times. I am thankful for past tuvors, aim nope to givesatisiuctionin luture. ILT Located at the old stand, opposite the Tel egmph Ollioe, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. n Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, fV and Dye-stuffs, & al the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, sepl5 Main Street, Oregon City, O.T. GUN SMITHING. EKING permanently located in Oregon City. I am prepared to carry on the business ol IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Those who favor me with their patronage, may expect to have their work done right. Those who leave GUNS at my Shop for repairs, and do not call for . them within nine months of the time set for the work to be duue, may expect to have litem sold to pay chnrgra. FERDINAND WILDE. June 27, 1857. limit) Beading for the Million. j. Mccormick HAS CONSTANTLY UN HAND AT THE YEANKLIN S00I TORE, FRONT-IT, PORTLAND, OaEQO.1, A Choice selection of Popular Books, New, papers, Magazines and Fancy Stationery. Among the books on hand will be found works ou Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, l'oulry, Biography, Mediciues, Religion, Science, School Books, Romances, Ac, Ac, etc. SZTSubscriptions received for Harper, Graham, Godey, Leslie s, or Putnam, at 4 a year, jos( are free. C Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in any part of the Union. Remember the Franklin Book Store and Nevs paper Agency, Front street, Tortlaud Oregon. OT. D. Biitchins, ZVX. D., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. EEFFlts TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio Prof. J. Kost, " " Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, InJ. ; Dr. W. Armstrong, Findley, Ohio j J. Fisher, M. D., Tiffin, " J. Chamborlin, M. I)., Tiflin, " Dr. 1!. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio; Prof. II, F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Penn. j Prof.J. Brown, N. Y.j Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwaukic, 0. T. W.p. Hiitchius' Bulsam Wild Cherry... ...$1 25 Jaj ne's Expecforant 1 25 Alterative , 1 25 Ayres' Cherry Peclotal 1 25 and a general assortment or BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all limes. And I am making arrange menu to manufacture my Balsam for the lungs, irom the Uregou cherry. auglo SU.YYINU, BU A MPOOISG, die. rpHE public are respectfully informed that the JL undersigned have opened a bllAVINU SA LOON opposite Messrs. Gibson &. Potter's Bill iaid Suloou. Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, (J-c. done in the latest and most approved style. Also, Boot-blacking, light jobbing, &o. Gentle men's bed rooms taken cure of. and all other small jobbing done on the cheapest and most expeditious terms. JUtia at TIIU.UAS WARD, Jan. 30, 1958. Main St., Oregon City, Jos. Sarstow TS by himself, aud would respectfully say to his X mends and the public generally that he is thankful for past patronage, ami willoontinuebusi ness at the old stand, and will ever be ready to show his Goods to those who may favor him with a call. Come one, come all, both great aud small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, aud examiue for yourselves his spleudid aud select stock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, nnd CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, &c., Sec, IIuts,Nnils, Brooms, etc., and almost every thing pertainiuc to a general hue or business. All kinda of country produce lakeu iu exchange. Country friends will hnd it to their advantage lo give me a call. I'Htiemali.bepL b. Extra Notice! WE WISH to iuform all who are indebted ... .1... tk.. in-.. ... o . w us uu iu Jlflll u.i ur vimiiEH next w shall close our books and accounts, and " crtmi easiness entirely: VY shall re laiu our books and papers for on month for the DuriKMM nf n..! I..t - r. ... ... I. : l. . : 1 1 I iwiiv. Hlir, WI1IVU IIUIV W- counts not settled will be l-ft with collection. We hope one and all will com forward and flrtsBM Ult Itiatir aiwiAiima ttrUU L. a. I m we iwuiilly Uke at ih market ratea, or niaka aitsfaclorjr MltlermnU with it. lr I n ir i u m t a m v vrrgna .liy, yiug. 14, IB.a - r.-. . . . . . , . SAVE lOUK DOLLARII As ttell a your Dimes I IF rotj want GOOD ariicle al th lowest ana. sihla nr'um I'UlDt i'd P IPL"S store, Main Mroel. where yoa will find a larg assortineat of GOODS as cheep a they eaa ho hoof bl at any Mar ia Oregea City. Doo.S, 'it. CASU paid It LAND WARRANTS, by HOLLAND DAY. PACiriO UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rev. 8. II. Marsh, A. M-, President, Rev. II. Lyman, A.M.,Vo. Mathematics. THE eolleglal year, consisting of on term of iu months, will cominuuc on th 2ud Wednesday of September. It 1 th design of tin Institution to furnish a thorough and complete collegial education. There I a Library of IUOU volume forth a of th studeut Applicants for admission to collet; must have a knowledgo of th common English branches, and hav studied the ancient lauguage so fur as to bav read portion of Csswr and Cicero and Ih Greek Reader. Th luiiiou fee la 832 per annum. Student fitting for college, a well a ethers wishiug to pursue collegiate studies without nler ing upou Ih collrgo course, will be under th in tiucliou of th college teachers. The fsll term of 1 1 weeks in th preparatory detriment commence on th 2d Wdiisdy of September. Tuition, S per term. Taalatin Academy, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rkv.'Cosmino Eells, Principal. Th full term will commence on Ih 2J Wed. nesday of September. Tuiiioo In th common branches, 00 In th higher brauchee, 04 per quarter. U6y JUST RECEIVED, at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and 8au Fran, cisco, a large assortment of -Drills, Chemicals, Patent and Family Medicines, all of which will be sold as low or lower than they can be had al any other place in the Territory. Country merchants will find it lo their interest to buy here instead of Portland. Call and see. Oregon City, May 9, 1857. The Oraefcnberg Company. THIS INSTITUTION (iueorK.roted by Ih Legislature of the Stale of New York, cap ital $100,000), was founded for the purpose of supplying the public with the celebrated GRAEF ENBERG MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies for nearly every disease, adapted lo ev ery climate. For familiea, travelers, seamen, and miuers' use, they are unequaled. All th medi cine are PURELY VEGETABLE, and war ranted to cure the diseases fer which ihey are sev erally recommended. The Graefenberg Company doe not profess to cure all diseases with one or two medicines. Our serie consists of ELEVEN diflWeut kinds, ad apted lo the various disease incident to the tem perate and tropical climate. The following com prise the aerie of Graefenberg Medicines: The Gractenberi Vegetable Pitts Are considered the standard Pill of the day, and are infinitely suierior to any Pill before the public. They operate without irritation on all the excre tioui, purging the blood by the bowels, liver, kid neys, aud skin. Itlursliall's tTlcrine Catholicon, An infallible remedy for all disease of the womb and urinary organs, weaknesa in the back, pain in brenst, nervousness, debility, etc In California and Oregon, out of more than a thousand cases where this medicine has been used, it has in no single instance failed to give permanent relief or to effect a certain rure. GRAEFENBERG SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. Ono bottle equal lo ten of the ordinary sarsaparilla for purifying the blood. A sure euro for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcers, dys pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutuuoou eruptious, Ate. The Uvera Blnnatata Ointment, Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swellings, scrofula, etc. As a pain extract or, it cannot be excelled, affording immediate re lief from the most excruciating pains. THK GRAEFENBERG DYSENTERY SYRUP. This extraordinary article ia a speedy and infallible remedy in diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, and the Asiatic cholera, if takeu with the first symptoms of the disease. It is pure ly vegetable in it compound. Graefenhcrg Children's Paaaeea, For summer complaint, and most diseases to which children are subject Its true worth can never be set forth in words, but it can be felt and apprecia ted by parent whoa children hav been saved. No mother should be without it. t'.raefemucrf Pile Remedy. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. With the Ointment, there are very few casea which cannot be radically and pcrmmenlly cured. A surgical operation for Piles and Fistula should never be resorted to until this ointment ho beeu thoroughly tried. It never fails. un.EFEMiEna eyb iavtiox. For diseases of the eye, ihia Lotion has no equal. It is a speedy and positive cure for inflammation of the eyes, wcukueeea,dimues and failing of sight. It wiil always be beneficial in acute intlnmnialinn of the eyes,und also as a wash on inflamed surfuce. GRAEFENBERG FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. A speedy and positive euro for this distressing complaint. Thueo Pll are composed principally ol Quinine, with other vegetable tonic, anti-spaa-mod io aud frbriluge article. Thousand hav been permanently cured by their use. Gracfeiibci-jF, Consumptive's Bul in Sovereign iu all Bronchial and Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, beyond all question, true that con sumption i a curable discure, and the Consump tive's Bulm is the best curative ever used. Uraefeaberg Health Hitter. These bitter nre skilfully and eleganily prepared from a number of invigorating, healthy roots, barks, herbs, aud vine. Aa invaluable touio aud health restorer. Graefcaberc Maaaal af Health. A handsomely printed volume of 300 pages, con taining coueiae and extremely plain description of all mauner of disease, their symptoms and treat ment Every family should hav on. Pric only aSrs'ilt. It will be seut, post paid, lo any post orliue in California or Oregon, on Ih re ceipt of 25 cents by mail or express. Address Itediuglou S Co., San rrancnoo. The Gratfenberg Medicine are for sale by all Druggists and spothecarie throughout the eoaatry. A. H. STliliLE, Agent, Oregon City. General Agents for California aad Oregea KKU1-"MUTUA at CO., Wholesale Druggist, No. 107 Clay street. Ssn Fraaciaeo. t UAKER Sarsaparilla, al th ) OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. CASES " Cramptoa' Medal " Tobacco at epl3 WM. C. DEMENT & CO.'S- u. a mail Liira Oregon City and Portland Daily Packet, Jusiah Mraioa, Master, Will run dally. (Sunday excepted,) In Ih above- named trad, leaving Oregon City every day l 9 o'clock, s. si. Returning, will leave Porilaud at 3 t. si., touching at all intermediate poinla. For freight ar passag apply ua board. Bally Xilnc Between Portland and Oregon City. THE nw mern-wheel steamer -EXPRESS, - iTC. Jas. Stsano, Master, will run between Porllsnl and Oregon City daily (Hunday erHd, leav ing PORTLAND al IU A. St., aud OREGON CITY at 4 r. Jn'y U. S. MAIL LINE. Porllautt and Aalorla. Th Splendid Steamer Multnomah WI LL continue to run regularly between Port laud and Astoria, si Vancouver, twic e a wane, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursday h week for Astoria i and Astoria for I'crlland on Tuesday and Friday mornings, touching VANCouvaa.BT.iiELENs, iuimbb.ath Lamst, dec, each way. For freight or passage, apply lo R. IIOYT, Master, jel6 Oral lloyt's Wharf-boat, Portlaad. JUST RECEIVED al Ih Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRl'OS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicine. Family Medicines, Ae., tie, which teill be sold as ton for cask as they can he procured in the Territory. Call and examine for yourselves, aud get an Almanac lor ipjv, grans. TIVXK'S Alterative. Rineetorant. and Pills J Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and Sweet Oil, at th OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. M EXICAN Mustang l.iimeut, G. W. Aler- chant s uaruling Uil.ottne OREGON CITY DKUU STOKE. mRUSSES, right and left and double, aud Ab- Qumumi iivrier, ni 1110 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE IyVHK While stead, raw and burned Umber, . Crome, Green and Yellow, and other paints, al Ih OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE, PERFUMERY, at Ih OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GRAEFENBERO MEDICINES? Graefsaberg Sarsaparilla, Uleriue Catholicon. Dysentery syrup, cnummptiv balm, Pile Ointment, Health Bitten, " Eye Lotion, Ae., &o.. To be found at Ih agency of the Company, at OREGON CI I T DRUU STOKli. TTAYMAN'S Dyspeptlo Elixir warranted lo XA. cure iho dyspepsia just received ami ror ale at the OR EGON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Guysott'scompoomlextraet of Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, at the sep!5 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 0 LD Dr. Jacob Townsend' Sarsaparilla, al the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. It. J. Ayres' celebrated Cherry Pectoral for coughe, colds, snd consumption, at ilia OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, H TcL A NE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver 1TJ. Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG 5TOKJS. D R. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, at the OREGON CITY UKUli slUKU. "QERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cuiy of fever X and ague, See., 4.0. , just received and toraal at the OREGON CITY DRVO STORE. For Sale at the CUT BOOK STORE THE following works Magio Stuff, by A.J. Davi) Great Irou Wheel, by J. R. Graves ( Dred,in 2 vols., by Harriet Bcecher Stow ; The Home Cyclopedias, of the World' Progrc, " " Usoful Art, " Europe, " Geography, 11 Fill Art and Literature, " Biography, &n. Oct. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. UGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolat r9 Starch, Snleratus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop poras, etc. April 21. IH.'iT-ltf Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR BRASS and lion Butts, Screws, Lock and Latches, Hammer and Hatchets, Axes, Drawing-knives, Handsaw, Curry Combs, Horse Brushes and Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Caps, Woe Cards, Chest Handles. Planes. A r land Warrants PURCHASED UY Jan. 24. WM. C. DEMENT CO. F LAX SEED for sale at C. POPE'S. To the Afflicted. Dn. HUTCHINS' CELEBRATED DAL am of Wild Cherry, with a variety of his other popular Botanical Medicines, are now for al al CHARLES POfK'S, Oregon City, and at JOSEPH UAKSTOWJS, Coiiemo. 47y SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TROSPECTUS. VOLUME FOURTEEN BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1859. MECHANICS, XJOT2NTOBJ, Haaafaclnrer, a at farmers. THE Scientific Ameeican has now reached its Fourteenth Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the 1 lib of September. It is the only weekly publication of the kind now issued in this country, and it has a very extensive circulation in all the States of the Union. It is not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on technical soienoe ; on the contrary, it o deal with the great event going on in the scientific, mechan ical, and industrial worlds, a to please and instruct every one. If the mechanic or artisan wishes to know the beat machine in use, or how to make any substance employed in hi business if the house wife wishes to get a rocipe for making a good color, etc, if the inventor wishes to know what ia going ou in the way of improvements If the manufac turer wishe to keep posted with the time, and lo enjoy the best facilities in his busine.ii if the man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar with the progress made in the chemical laboratory, or in th construction of telegraphs, (teamships, railroada, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machine aud appliances, both of peace and war all these desiderata eau be found in the Scien tific Aheeican, and not eltewhere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, adapted to the comprehension of minds unlearned in the higher branches of science and art Teems: Oue copy, oue year, $2 ; on copy, six month, (I ; five copies, six months, $4 ; ten cop ies, six months, $8 ; ten copies, twelve months, S 1 5; fifteen copies, twelve moniha, 22 ; twenty copies, twelve month, $28, in advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspectfoo. Piartag stamps taken for subscriptions. Letter should be directed to MVNN e CO., 128 Fulton st . New York. Messrs. Monn Jr. Co. ar exiensively engaged in procariaf pa ten Is for new iaventiona, aad will ad vis iaveatora, without charge, ia regard lo the aovdty of their improvement. FULL assert meal of Yankee Kotina at mh21 CUARMAN WARNER'S. D U. Osgood's IndiaCholagogo, aad Dr. Jones' American Chotagogoe, al the OREGON CITY DRCG STORE. Xfaw Books I ' THE subscriber has just relvsd a laftfs . sorlmsnl of BOOKS, dirol from Nw Yotk, amoug which are th following I Alison' Hist. of Kurop Alliance Institutions, Livee of th Signer, Hillimau's do. jteuioeraoy la Amsrloa, Babylon and Nineveh, Duck aud Port," Ship aud Shore," "Laud and Le. '. and Sailor," Thre Yearaiu Callfor.. Homo Cyclopedia, K'gyplandlh HolyLand LnrdneronSt'in Engine, Cyo. of Lltsratur, Buohan's Fain. Phys'l Manual of Fin Arts, Leatureeon Ih Art, Travels iu Psru, Polsr Region, Mnhsn's Philosophv, A no I Monasteries, Clinic Biography, Peruvian A iniquities, Choice Ertraot, A varisty of I'oete. SUU eoplss of Sander' Speller, 5(10 " ltdra, 9.')0 " MeGufley' du. S )0 Webster' Divlioiinrie. Dsvlss' Algebra, Nmu's Rhstorle, " Geometry, Day' do. Bourdon, Parley' Univ. History, Surveying, Goodrich' Plot. U. 8., Legaudre, Montelth' Geogrephy, Arithmetics, "Little Speaker," Thompson's do. N. Amsrican Speaker. ALSO, A Treih Inpply of ftattonorv. Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Record Books, Memorandums, of all aisea, Diaries, A c, Note and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ac., Ac, Eraser Knives, Emsivs Rubber, Gummed Labels, Faber's Pencil, INK', in quart and pint bottles. WltOLF.SALB AND R ETA If.. CHARLES POPE, Ja. Oregon City, August 18, 18S6. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMBER can leav their bill with Chasman II Waenee, which I will fill, aud deliver the lumber in Oregon t i'y, U.S. BUCK. Oregon Cily, Jan. 16. 1808. 4Ulf JUST RECEIVED a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS f SHOES ml Drr-Goodsof all Dcaerlpiloiii. We can now fill almost any bill a farmer may call for. Call and see. March 14. CUARMAN it, WARNER. yyE HAVE JUST RECEIVE! A HEAVY ASMIETNENT Of jsjM-jmmw tj rtaiase AND HAYK TUT Prices Down to the Lowest Figure Com in, those who want goods chkaf. n,h IX CUARMAN & WARNER. For the Season, AT CIIAKMAN & WARNER'S t TN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, JL we have just received, direct from San rrau Cisco, a good aud suitable supply of Goods for this Season of the Year, which wo ofler for sale al price which cannot be beat in this market Our stock consist in part of 400 Ih sal soda, SO boxes English soap, SO ' Chas. Hill's sosjt, 20 dox corn starch, 90 cases pie frail, 15 " pickles, 8 dox honey, 8 " lobster, 12 oysters, 20 hlfbbls NO sugar, 4 bhls Sandwich Island syrnp, 10 hlf bhls dried apples, 8 ril mackerel, 2000 lb slick eaudy, 500 ' fancy do. I ease Gallloisher toys, 1 " Gerirraii toy, 400 lb almonds, 12 Is 1 r boxe raisins, 6 whole boxes do., 48 prs good Mackinaw blankets, 2000 yd brown sheeting, 2000 " calico, Boot and shoes of every description. The above, with our usual assortment, we think render our stock complete. Call and see us. Terms cash. CHARMAN $ WARNER. December 18, 1808. Dxpvriciico Makes I'tirlccs. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods? WE wish to inform onr customer and the public generally that we have uow on hand, in addition to our usual heavy stock of Gro ceries and Dry-Goods, oue of the largest aud beat eleeted Mock of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered In this market, W also wish to soy that our good ar of excellent quality, nad that we will sell AS CHEAF AS ANY OTHER HOOSB 1.1 OBF.OON, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still govern onr trade " Quick ale and small profile." Our Mock of goods I now open for Inspection to all who will favor tie with a call. Call and ice, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell as low a any In the Territory, for cash, or produce at market rate. CIIAKMAN ct Oregon Cily, May 23, 1858. Medicines for Sale, By. CHARLES POPE, Ja. (RANDS' Sarsaparilla, Peck' Wild Cherry Bit f9 tsrs, Balemau's drops, Brandreth' pills, Lcs's pills, Perry' vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dalley'a pain extractor, Laudanum, Paregorio, Oil of Pepper mint, Essence, Composition rowder, Carter Pulmonary Balsom, Sulphur, Epsom Salt, 4o- April III, lBo7-ltr Baptist Books. WE EXPECT by next mail steamer a quan tity of Ih American Baptist Publication Society's Books, consisting of Fuller' Work, iiunyan do., Th Psalmist, pocket, pew, and pal pit sites, and a variety of other works. We will state that we intend to keep a com plete (sanrlment of the Society' book. Order for single book, or by th quantity, will be promptly filled. Church and libraries furnished at the lowed price. JOHN A. POST. Oregon City. Aug. 21, 1858. Bayard Tnjrlor'a CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan' Three Yeers' Residence on the North Wed coast for nl it the CITY BOOK STORE. s AXDS' Sarsaparilla, in any quantity, al the OKEUOW CITlf DKUU 6TOIIE.. c I1A1N PUMPS price reduced for ule by mrSB Xi. njrr., r. w E WILL PAY CASU or TRADE for good WHEAT al the market price. 15 CHARMAN WARNER. Xfotitt to Shipper. ON and after this date, FREIGHT will be carried aa th steamer SIZiS J " ral of " Ship' Measurement" No. 21, '57. C. E. SWEITZER. Cbartnaai dfc Warner HAVE ree'd a larg assDrtmeat at SHOES, embraeiaf aluidrea'a aad ladie sboaa, and Uaiiers, Bisskiaa, (ad Bootee: also puts' Itoota and she, and gaiteso at all dasenptisaas, ALSO, Cradle aad scythes, maths, bow, rako. forks, spade, and hovls. - ATVzarxozr, rAusssg THRESHERS is, wtknii AMU " 3IO mw JaHJ KaVaaV To Arrive about the Itu, j 4--L A SUPERIOR LOT . ot Ihi iabov-nintloued machines. Th,ji ' II of () latest Improvements, ind "JJ herniation In saying thai w Ittlitv. thntZ MOHT rWYEM MACMINt, now brought Iu this coast. Thsy eet-J. . under our own supervision, having all liona necesssiy to r.udol thsm .nlubTiT?! oouulry. an) Th. THltKSIIERS consist of twe. t-. , six-hun. rs (railway and sweep). wltkl'iJlr tore and every essential convenient aaiTE inacliiue. """nraaiyaj Our REAPERS and MOWERS aiaemakJ, sum.UIo fot either mowing Jil.hlf l h.y work from two lo fer hora,., J Taker 1 "' 'a M In Addition to tat Abort. " Wa hav, lo arrive al Iho ssm Umt, 1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS viz: ' Peoria Plows, X 8, v Bo-iton Clipper J'luws, Extension Cultivators, Grapevine Grain Cradles Scythes and Snaths, ' Straw Cutters, Jlay Presses, Hay Forks smd Rakes, Hirst Makes, Wfoelbarrowt, '" Shovels, Spain ci0aR Willi, BARK MILLS, TANNERS' fwit, Also, a select assortmtnt ef smiths' and CAari.iTEns' todw, Witfc many other article not her Mali! Wa would say to onr customers and Ik Ui generally, if they are in want of any of thssWv meatiniied article, they will do wU t call a ss our bslore purchasing latwliert,awaradslM mined lo sell LOW FOR CASH. W would sloo add Ibotoor Msohinesarsksiss' raiiMly old lo arriv. Bsller call aad reaie aso ot them before too late. If preferred, Maekiaas dsfivered in Portland, if eugaged befor irrifiL vvM. C. UKMENT k CO., Oregon Cily, Jan. 30, '58. Oppotits Land Opt WM. C. DEMENT A CO., OFFER for ssie the following gseds: 1 dox mill saws, 7x8 feet, 9 " Xeul do 20 " oow bells (superior). 10 " handled axes, 10 " without do 10 handled do, aariiiiM, 10 " potato diggers, 10 A iinee' spades, 20 " curry combs, $00 lb wrapping twin, 100 I R packing, 500 Teel I R beli.l INDIA RUBBER GOODS at aff tntips ions. Oiegou Cily, Jan. S3, 1(4. rarm for Sale for $1500. T OFFER for sale a half section of land situated about six mile east f f McDonald' ferry in Forks Saritiam, Lifts J coumynnd about twenty miles from 3atst The ahapt of the land rails It Well for rdu farming, and it is also one of tks test stock farms iu the country. Tit improvement includo las' hundred and twenty apple tree of Improv Ml also peach, plum, and cherry trees, all tt wkisll will soon be ia plentiful bearing. Th loatia If favorable to henll h, is beautiful and ptrasast l inie will no given on a part of im umsi al moderate iuteresl, or good stock taken for fsAi For further particular call on m at th '' Usisa Store," Salem, or address by letter. Infenaalis concerning it can also be had by calling a W.Lv Adam ot in uregew Argnt, Feb.27,1858-4tim6 C. HOtU . Ladles t YOU will find an excellent assortment f Drssf aad Bonnet Silk; Satins and KrU; akW tymnet 1 TimmtUffW, MMvmtmrj, trwec, urn. mmm Rikltsmt, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at Uaf store ef CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Mai n -st., opposit Abernelhy's lor,) when an tit found almoat everything in lb lia af Irf uooasi c V V.I -j. nin-L-ma AlhMlj Ufastaasb Oil Oil , i ni.-, v. . r Plaid Linavys, Muslins, SsltineUa, Jeans, rkaV neis. Sheeiinm. Bed Ticking, liickory ttripV Collon Baiting, etc. Orrgoo t:ily, April ai, ibji-ih XVm, 0. Ptmtat wnnr.KSALE ik IETAIL ' ' Dealers in Groceries. liuMfli Boou & Shoes, Crock j, , rwnx-i,&'n iiul. tknnka ta thiyr asMBafBSS SSS" JL toniers for their past liberal faixar,sssw licit a coaiinaaoc 01 m . .. Thv take olsasnre in IntormiawlaafaSjBsawa ..... -r , - . iney navo uow ou - t. stock of Groceries, Hardware, Boots amt mtm Crockery, and Boat Stores, to "f making conataat addition from Kow It am San Francisco, purcaeasd for eash "Tv?" enabled to eU st lowr price lhn say MJj " a Oregon City. "'' 7 r on m I. a & o; MeierIfl Of blaaioKxo -His ANNUALS, ALBUMS, ? O IT1 C A Works, .is., from 12 cats to TBE MOST M.B!tl ?r 1st Orta!-rriiaas To b. had at JOHMiyr ' ritv. Dee. 18. "ly yoz. ibtfcl.tA!! was. v. s""- - - , 0F Iha, OWJf Ch'rfy''t OREGON CITY DRCQ8TOR. WAGON AND CARRIAGE AX", .M onaow CltT,O.TM i CT Strict atteatioa paid t "T"1' faction tm patrons warraatea- BBICS.--tf m lOO.OCO'i pi w" n-DT'--- lQoyAMMAMjw OTHINO TO