. Ciakoio. Tlie popular itctrner Elk hu cbtnge4 tlie tlnui of her trlj Blie bow run to Uiuyctto ertrj Snturd-it, dud to Slera Monday and Tliunxluyi, leaving CMouiab t eight o'clock. Sim Intends to be beck on Tucwlayn nnd Frltlii- in time to connect with the Expfeu. ' ; ' Mbami.' This (liwBuo I quite proYa lout io Yamhill. It lino nerlouly broken in bpon the school arrangement at Me- JkUoTillo. InroniiATiox Wanted. Ii the Advo- cate itill alive T or ia It dead f We hare not tecs one for nix week. ' CoKRF.cTioNg. An article in lust week'a paper ahould have been limned U. Croaly, instead of Crouljy. The word 'enough' ahould have been stricken out of our notice, to' poets.' Wo did not Intend to Intimate that none of our contributions aro accept able. Correspondence. The communications of M. P. Oyrco, Davis k Monastes, and ' Titus,' came to hand too lute for this week. Tlicy will appear ucxt week. 8tihkmt AaaiVAL. Tha Onward, com rnaudtd by CapL Jaimena, arrirel at the Eugeue City leading yestsrduy.al I VJ o'clock, two and half tiaya from Oregon Oily. She had aevaral detayt on her way up, liking In and discharging freight She bringt twenty-three tuna of fre (lit for this place, and will tnko away sixty, mostly for the lioueo of J. L. llruniley. PtopU't Prttt. hmtae Hervice.-Bishop ScoTTwill hold III. Tina service at lha Court-room in this city oa Sun day, Fab. 13, 1859, at 10, o'clock a , luttT. Dwliop 8 oi itt will deliver a lecture Before tha Young Men's Litenry Aaiociation in tbia city on Monday evening, Feb. 14, 1859, at 7 o'clock, In the Meiliodiat church. SubjectThe Lo of Truth. Feb. 9. mDi In Champon, on the 2'Jlh January. 18.'i9. bv J. I). Crawford, Knq , Mr. Souinon Gali.akd to Mies ManiLiiDt Goodman, all of aaid town. Nrar Hrowntrille, Linn co., Jan. 19, by Rev. Wilson Bbvn, Mr. William W. Haiku, of 8ceU nrgh, to Misa Mr P. Ulaix, o:ily daughter of gaejuel Wain. In Salem, Jan. 19, by J. D. Boon, J. P., Mr. Wn. Baker te Mra, Mahala Grim, all of Salem. r By the Rov. John MoKinney, Mr. Reuben R. BknnCand Miai Clar'asa Baltimore, all of Linn eoanty. . " On the 23d Dec, by Rer. A. V. McCarty, Mr. B. F. Bonham and Misa Mildred A., daughter of John Baker, all of Sa'em. In Portland on the Itilh Dee , by Win. Beck, J. P.,' Mr. .lames Stuart to Mrs. Catherine Dalton, both of Multnomah co. Ou Saturday, the 4th Deo. In Marlun county, by Khler.John Sl'pp, Mr. .Mm S. Edes, of Port land, to Mra. Mary E. Davidson, nf Marion co. At the residence of Mitchell Thomson, Benlo:i en., on the I3ih Dec, by Iter. J. A. Hanna, Mr. Andrew Purdy, of Corvallis, and Miaa Jane, daughter of Rev. David Thompson, of Linn co. On the 3.1 Dec, by Eider It. C. Hill, Mr. W. J. Creech, of Tampion, to Mia Columbia Trapp, of Corvallia. - On the IPlh Dec, by ElJer R. C. Hill, Mr. C. F. Pbar.to Miaa Haniutb M. Leabo, all of Bloom lugtoe. At Marion Hotel, Sil.m, Sunday, Jan. 31, by Ret. A. V. McCarty, Dr. J. Siiea to Miaa Ange fine, eldest daughter of R. M. and Robiuct May. Alas at the sains time and piece, by the nine, Mr" A H. Bale to Misa Juetphiuc, third daughter ofR. M. and II May. Jll Salem, on the 2 Ith Jnn , by J. D. Boon J. P , Mr. Jamot Leath and Mm. Veronica Wilton, all of BAlim, Dee, .5 Illi, by C. C. Ro, Mr. Thomas lialdra and Mira Mary Jane Ternll. Jan. 5lli, Mr. Henry Humphrey and Mia Jane Burston. At the residence of A. G. Henry, on the S8tb Jaa. by Rer. John Spencer, Mr. George W. Man vlll to M;sa Adeline 11. Eottabrook, all of Yum bill eo. . . BORN: '""In Jacksonville, Jan. 18, 1809, a daughter to Mm- W. W. Fowler. DZBOt On the Slat ulu. Gitoaaa XV. Powell, young cat ton of- Iter, theoph.lua and Ruchel i'oweli, aged nearly six years. Very suddenly, near Plidsnix, on Tuesday, 1 1th - J t Mra. blcanor etephrna, wife or Uehjamin Htrphena, aged 34 years. - In West Tualatin, 13th Dec, ef croup, Florence Isabel, the only daughter of W. R. and K. J. Bar rett, agod 19 months, and 20 days. . In eialero on the 2Gth tilt, infant child of Mr. Van Tivhual. arod 3 duM. At Portland, on the 24 ih ult., infant daughter of A. C. G.bbi, agd about 6 werk. At hi residence, six milei from the rirer, oh the 'flOtk last., Mr. Jatnea Lootnis, 4.1 yours of age the 4lh darof July last. In Yamhill county, on the 6th inst, Robert F, Clark, aged 30. At her rividenee In TJnn co , on Sunday, Janu ary It, 1859, Mrs. Melissa Jane, wife of Adam S. liemiltoe, aged 24 yearn, 5 months and 9 days. ' ' Wanted. A SCHOOL TEACH Elt, who cornea well . recommended, can find employment in the Una City school by calling on either of the un dersigned. : . . J AS. MOORE, i.. . . V . V 1 R MILf.RR. Feb. 5, 1853 43tf Director. " " Iron for Sale. - I HAVE bought all the IRON belonging, to the firm uf.4Maii, McKinlay 4 Oe and will con tinue the business at their old stand for tha pres. ant. Those wishing te purchase iron, will find it la their interest to call on me. - JAMES MOFFATT. . Oregon City. Fib. 5, 1859. ; 43 " afrobate XTotiee. NOTICE ia hereby given that J. B. Preston, administrator if the estate of Joseph Hunt, deceased, late of Clackamas county, O. T., haa filed bit aeeonata for final settlement, and lha first Tsesday uf March, 1859, ia set for the hearing ef tha same. , KUOU.Hl tii riibu, , Feb, 5, I659-43w3 . Judge of Probata. (Greatest Inducements t EVER OFFERED IN OREGON! ' " " Dannenbaoni k aTaeob WOULD iofenn the cltizane af thia city and vicinity that they are eel Nog of their win tar stock at REDUCED RATEII te atake room for a large Mock ef spring goods Wt bare on band French nwrinua, plaia at 6g'rd Xagliah merinos, ell wool aad hlf wool delainee Jc Blaida, BMhaira, silks, latest style of winter dresses and ladies' cloaks, ombreideriea, eellaft, ribbooe, jewelry. e. Alee one ef the largeat atacka ofgeatlemen'aCXOrWAO.fine cloaka, coals, aaate, Tests, flaaaela, kaacys, winter alia w la, baota, Tldiee aad genUeme are politely hrrited ta eeH afcre tbey Mcehaaa ehwwbere, and we will satis fy Ua aai M aaiauke. Thankful for peat fa-v-irVwe tojieit a fuO share af patronage ia the fetarj. - - . DAXXE.YBA VM f JACOB. Oregea City, Feb. S, 1859 .... ' .Xaae't Arctic Expedition, -nCSSEIX'8 CRIMEA WAR, aad atbar YVwitnmtHi works, for sale at tk '- - - -4ee8 - CITY BOOK STORE. JYcw Gold Mines! IN OREGON CITY. J. M fJfJN E Y II A3 iut returnee from tVelifnnilA with a LARGE STOCK OP Boots and Shoes, which be will sell CIIEA1 FOIl CASH, WI10LESALK on ketail. Alto, small attar tmtnt of Shot maker S fading i. Ha solicit ilia natronaffo of lha omnia rj ill. city aud the public in gurel. Briuf tuiiroly tit rated to the boot and shoe business, he will keep eoiittiully oa band line aaaorlmeiil of ladies end gtiitltinun 'I wear, of ell anna and aiios. m mi .. . . Mia, giro roe a Tan before purchasing any where f la. Do 0t furtcl the uLiea laro dnsN h..lnw Clik. sum's Saloon, in Hit new building. turn one, come all, both great aud email, giro ins a call, fur I hare boots aud shaa to fit ou all. My motto is. Small profits and quick raliirna I also keep Miller's aud Muaou'a Blackiko fur ale. Ju.l. Ifti9. PIONEER Trunk Factory. J. W. CULLEN & CO., Yumkill itrtet, Ittwttn Finl and Front itrttli, PORTLAND. OREGON. WHOLESALE Retail Mauufaclurtia aud Commiasieo Deelers in all kinds of Trunks, Vuliscs, Hftrncss, Sad dles, lindles, JUartiiigals, California and Oregon Saddle-Trees, Block it Hoop Stirrups, Whips, bpurs, liitw, and every description of Saddlery wart, Trunks, Baddies, or Harness, UADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. All orders mrtuiuiog ta our business will receive prumK attention. ID Comigumentf received on the moat liberal terms. Country merchant wishing to lay In a stock of TRUNKS, would do well to give us a call, as we wdl try to aupply them oheaper than they can procure them elrewhere. jun2jm9 I. LA rODXST. J. M. SACOK. ' LA FOREST& BACON, General Dealers in Dry Goods, LADES' FANCY GOODS, Grocery, Crocker, Glitaa-wurc, BOOTS, SHOES, 4c, At tit cli stand of La FortttFrtnth Sttrt, OUEGON CITY. NEW FIRM: JYcw Attraction! a la ruaaar. 1. M. iaco LA FOREST & BACON a. WOULD InfilTni the cititenaof Oregon City and vicinity that they have entered into copartner-hip, nnd intend keeping a general aupply of everything in the Dry Goods, Grocery, Crockery, and fancy line, and will be happy to aec their oid friend call upon .1..... m..A n.:il iimm! j. a ll ItiiiaM trl bmII thm ir,, ...u ... r,U,u.v " - goods as cheap na any other bouao in town, our motto oeing Small Profits and Quick Returns. We would also say to the Tl,aR.aK:aTX.SB9 (the bone and sinew of the land,) we intend keep. ing everything you may require in the Ore eery, Crockery, Clothing, Dry Utodt, Boot fad Shot line, etc., which we otter at such pr.ee aa win no satbfactory to you. We also wish to exchange our good for yiur produce, and will give yotl aa much fiir it as Hie market attorns, thorns ana try us. Do not forget tho place, but look for the algu of La Forett 4 Bacon, and tiien come in. We would any to the Ladies (God Bless You!) When you wish a superior article of dress goods or fancy articlea, do not fail to call upon la Forest Sc. Bacon, whore you will always find them, and will receive their grateful llia'uk fur your pal rouago. Young Men, ( Future Hope of Oregon, ) here I the place to supply yourselves with a supe rior article of clothing iu which to Get Married! end. after you are married, lo GET YOVR OUTFIT FOB HOUSEKEEPING. . COME ANtTsEE USt Coma one and all, both young and old, Aud tee if we the truth have told ; litre ia the place lo spend your cash, And get goud.goods instead of trash. Oregon City, Jan. 1, 1859. A. aesit. - HtaUT. WX&LAM2XTB IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to inform the publie of Oregon and Washington that we have completed ur jEr"3'arJ3aar3 mMS9Ta) BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boiler, Engines, Grist mills, Sawmills, and all other kinds ef machiuery. n.. . kiuiiuM Mnnention with the Eastern Stata tuo rat convenience of our locality . . . i ' i. : ..... ,u. the superiority and numocr oi use ef water power instead ef steam, and the per- r- kunwU.lna nr ll hnKe.he of our business, will enable na to compete with California. Inviting the publie to give us a call, aud to favor na afilh their nalmnlira. wa Of on lis 10 execute their order on the shortest aotice, and At Sai FrMCiac Prlcea. A. ROSSI fc CO. June 19, 1858. 10)1 EC3T AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. JT. B. BLAKPIED WOULD respectfully inform hn old friend and the publie generally that he ie by himself once more, aad baa now on hand A LilOB ISO WELL - SELECTED 5TOCI OF BOOTS AND SHOES, which ha will atilaa lha Bjoat reeetaablo tana. MAKING AND REPAIRING will null be done ta ardor, aad aa the eberleot an tic. . WoUT-frmf PHt BlMkmg kepi ta oaaa. Oregon City, Nor. 8, 1858. NEW FIRM, fc JVcic Goods ! F. CII .II.1MX & WcKI.VtKV MVVKE plassur In Informinf the reaideute of OREGON CITY and the public freuerelly that lliey have feruwd a co parliwMnp iu the XBvm.VeS.KZmaX.'Wa) AND FAMILY GROCERY BUSINESS. At the aid Hand of P. Charman, whert they will keep on hand avrrything In their liu of busiueaa, and uf the very beat quality. No peiu will be spared lo give entire ealisfactiou la all who may fori di-pvd lo ive them a pall.' From king residence In thia place and eiperi ence in Ihi business, they feel qualified to say thai they can and will giva satisfaction loall who may n ill to patmuiie them wiih their orders. N. U. All orders will be filled with as much promptneaj and fairueas aa perwoal preaauce will secure. PARTIES F17IIXISI1I5D with everything in our hut on Ilia shortest native. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon I'lly Dee. 18, 18D8. II OLIDAY GIFTS at CHARMAN $ McKINNEYS. The Flnect IRKNCIl enufectioneries, such a gum drops, r'reiidans, mottoes, cordial caniiv, alnion da rock candy, dto , at Dec. 18. CIIARMAX 4 McKINNEY'8. JAMS, preserved fruits, brandied fruits, etc., at . CIIAKMAN 4 McKl.NNKY'S. BEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, Or Invigorating Cordial What though the aun in beauty sliine, And you have euuntlosa hoards ol wealth ; What though tho wurld all, ail was thine. If you but waut the blessing, Health. Jin Honest Jlppcal ! To all with bad or failing health. ARE you languid, inanimate, reailesa, appetite poor, digesticn bad, and pains in 'he limbs, body back, and head 7 Header, much of Ihi is caused from cold caught unwillingly, or, in aeven casea out of ten, aluk'giidiiicaa uf the liver and blood, and want of natural perspiration, indiscre tion in the use of fuud aud diiuk, or from a dry neat in Ilia atmosphere wh'uh ia a Very unheal thy part of thia climate many of the awful, vio lent, and auMn deaths that occur here muet be attributed is thia. Mow, reader, 1 have made this my study tar many years, and I do assure you that mr DR. WKBUKK'S INVIGOltATLNU COI1DIAL SANCiUIFIKR will cure these causes it will insure animation or the liver, blood, and brains It strengthens the nerves, and givea lo the surlerer a lightness of spirits, a mental and bodily feeling f strength that is delightful. The many rei-peclable persons who have been benefit ed by aud certified to its extraordinary qualities in curing any of the following diseases, must satisfy all but the self-wise and ignorant skeptic dys pepeia, or indigestion, lost of muscular or bodily atreiigth and meutal cuergy ; fever, ague, or chill ; rheumatic neurulgio, or other pains; depletion aud weakness of Iht natural functions, debility from disease, dissipation, tot much doctoring, de bauchery, and other causes; in case of oxcilemeut from constant intemperance, aud where delirium tremens haa occurred, I have teen it change the eufferer in half an hour from the most horrible alate to cahnnesa and placidity. It can, indeed, be conscientiously recommended to all suffering, and the proprietor regrets deeply that it ia neces sary thin lo advertise ii in order that itt merits may be known. Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional Weakness, fec, DECLINE OF NATURE, TREMA TUKEoit NATURAL WEAKNESS OF THE FUNCTIONS, NER VOUSNESS, WEAKNESS, CONSTIPATION, WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION : Dr. Webber's Sanguifler it a divine remedy. See affidavit f certificate!. A case af Chills, Acne Treaaara, geaerat debility sV IU heaim aoaa cared. Mr. Uriah Weeks, who arrived from Panama KUroh 9d. i-omnlrilalv nroalrate. weak, and scarce ly able to move! had the Panama fever three months ; had pain in the bones, chills, no appetite, alrength or energy; ha used Webber's Cordial two weeks, and felt so strong and well that on the 171 b he weut to the mines, wnere ne ia now working. SAIISAPARILLA AND BITTER DRINKERS, HEAD! Dcia tra. sun Good Fbiend. I herewith In form vou that 1 bave taken in seven monlht over sixty bottles of Sersapciiilla, Hitters, and olbtr remediee for confirmed Dyspepsia, Weakness or tb chest, indigestion, and a general feebleness of inv system, without nttinv any particular relief. Two bottles of your Cordial bave benefitted me ta much that I am a different being. Please la tend two botllea more, which 1 feel ante will effect a perfect cure. If tha) will benefit yen ef the affl.cled, you are at liberty ta tuonan a FaeDtaic tjucKua, Ileus ranjntr Prioa reduced to S3, two for 5 largo aaait bottle. Sold by every respectable Drnfl California, and Oregon. PARK a WHITE, San Francisco, Agenta. Cautionl-Beware of Counterfeits! JT Buy none that has not the signature of T. one end Jacob Webber M. I), en the top ef each wrapper and blown in lha glaaa of each bottle. Love loves to kiss the lip that apart unfurls uLii- ...in. .mwi iM,ih. likeSDOtlessamrlst Il'ic, '-'tu...(;i j , --- r . Such b eath, such teeth as ever Love would tort, Ar made bv Lafout'e Jamaica noes 1 eera noei. Aad the worst hair soft, fine, end dark doet live, Touched by Jonee' Coral Hair Restorative And pure clear akin ia given, from wbieh defect When washed with Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. pr The really beauuful pretairalioei. for tba ..h ,k. k.ir ,md akia. are told for !U a 50 eeult each by all drugg.aU ia California aad Oregon. Wba wanl a ahaviag ttapl a heaalifid shaviag eoap. That lathers like ereaas, aad beala am skia, A ad all soreness, ernpuoa, or aon-bara makes ataa rram tb face or lha beads, or tb brew ar the ehia? ..-a. ia that fine emolient skia porifier, Jooea' ItaHaa taap, fprio reduced t 25 eeata.) Sold by all draggana ia Urefoa dect DH. D. D. STJiPIIENSON, Hat Removed nrxtdoor to Holland & Day, TEETH EXTRACTED BV RLECTRIClTg, THE GENUINE ARTICLES! Prince iUcloiicou0 ! AND GILBERT ii CO.'S AT THE Dec. 18. CITY HOOK STORE. My Books Xttuit be Closed I ALL ho art indebted to me are reqauiied te call forthwith and settle up their account by by cash or note, a my book aro do d, which you will perceive by noticing the adverlisenieul of the firm of Ciiabmak a, McKinnrv. Those having accounts tgaiutt me will present them for pay ment. F. CIIAKMAN. Dec. 18. 1868. ROSTON FAMILY Price, Atlhe - S78.00 CITY HOOK STORE. O. A. tfc ASA Ta. WZB9, PHYSICIANS, OFFER their professional services to tha cltl xens of SAL KM aud vicinity. They will prnclice lha llyieo-Medical (belter known aa Hydropathic) system, believing all drugs lo be not only unnecessary in the succeselul treatment uf diseases, but injurious lo the consti tution of the patient, and relying entirely upon llygenio appliances. Speciul attention will be given lo Omtitnics, and thiae disease peculiar to women aud children, by Mra. Wain. Patient at a distance treated upou reasonable terms. HtrrNcn:-l)rs. R. T. Trail and O. W. May, of New York city j Dr. C. M. liourue, of Sau Frauciwo. Office- Citv Bool SToai, Salem, Oregon. August 7, 1858. 17 To All Who Desiro to Get Kich, TO LIVE COMFORTABLY! THE undersigned, dusiring In Irara the world in a belter condition than he fonnd il, ia b.ip py lo have it in his power to offer an opportunity lo quite a large number of hia fellow-ciliiena on the western coast not only to make a fortune but to live comfortably aud leave the tame blessing fur his children and grandchildren. To Ihi eud, I oiler for sale, at reduced price, at tha , WALNVT GROVE SURrtERY, ea the road from Salem to Oregon City, 16 milts from tht formtr and SI from tht latter, a large lot ef two year old FRUIT TREES of thrifty groth, warranted to be the variety I sell them for ; and should any one purchase, and his trees When they come into beeriug not produce the fruit they are told for, I will refund him hi money and be may keep the tree. I have all the best vurietie lliut hove ever been offered fur rale in Oregou ; to that you may have fruit the next year after purchasing, and may eon liuue to have fruit after that riuing "eiory month in the year.'' Order accompanied with the caiii addressed lo me at Buteville, will be punctually attended to, aud trees shipped (a any poiut from Curvallit te Astoria. The niujority ef my trees are winter varietitt, among which ia an abundauct ef WAile Winfrr i'carmain, Et. Spilxenburg, Y. 4 O. Newtown Pippin, Golden and Rox. Ruutt, Smiih't Ci der, and Winttap, M. H. Pippin, Baldwin, 4c KEILL JOHNSON. October 2. 1853. S5m3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! WE have just received 40,000 frirdna Ci gart, also a large quantity of tobacco Natural leaf, Buffalo chips, Pride of the Union, and many other brands. ii, PIPES of all kinds, AIatchks, etc., c , at our store. DANNENBAUM d JACOB. Deed, 1838. AUIH I. OStRTS. JACOt t. SHASTLf. BOOEUTS eV 8II AU1XL', 2S A & B L S MlWmiJTS, Tomhateaea, Obelisk, aai Spire, MARBLE MANTLES, TABLES, Counter Tops, Fire Fenders, Grates, Hearth-stones, and Steps, JtLSO BUILDINO STONE, OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS, FORTLAXD, ORKUOX. Shop on Front si, 1st door above the ' Bridge.' 36 TEACHER OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL OREUOM CITY, - ORKCOM. II will also instruct clasers in instrumental or vocal music, or both, in different aecliont of tht country, when desired. July 24, ISSely. GP. N. continues lo import HOLDER'S . SPLENDID PREMIUM PIANO FORTES. Auy person wishing one of those in strument can have it at the ew York price, adding fieight, dec, with 10 per Cent, commission. Plows and Wagons ! I KEEP alwaytea band STEEL PLOWS, warranted la amnr, aud good WAGONS. 1 caa aiwayt be found at ay ahop, opposite McKin faty'a, ready lo aaake plow, irea wagons II bug giro, la shoe lmnea, ai do any ether kind of work ia my line. I keep a large aesnnmeut of horse shoe and mils, either lo nil ec te use myself. 1 caa shoe a hone a aoaa and aa wed a lha beat ef Ihera. If you doubt It, eome aad see for your selves J.W.LEW IU. Oregon Cily, Oct , 1858. 2tf Selling Off at Cost, .rim Extensive Assortment of NEW GOODS, cojtimxo m fABT at DRY 0(XDS, GROCERIES, HllDWAtB, MOS, KIDICIMM, BOOia, IT- i tioneit, c. GIVE aa a call, aad W will give yon lAaoAwe. CIW. POi'E, Ja. New Arrangements. HAVING formed a copartnership with Dr. POPPLETO.t, recently from Ohio, we are aow prepared te practice nediciaa npua a snore ztebded scale than I bave hitherto beta able I Vb I am ala largely iacraaaiog tha circulation af my medicine, ead hope era essay mtoma t tnpplv all the important poiesa ia the Territory. Lafayettt, June 10, 1859- WJ(. DIKIDOkFF. AI.1SWORTII fc DIERDOBFF, vVIIOLISAI.1 AND RKTA1L DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY : GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots oi Short, and Crockery, In the new Fire-proof Brick Main traitT OBKOO.N CITT, O.T, AINSVYORTH&DIERDORFF. Wt E ARB NOW opehixo If in nit XVeW rire-rroof Brick, A I.AIOB AND WKI.L'ASSORTED ITOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure agaiuil fire, we will new Offer Greater Inducements than ever te the public. We are constantly in receipt of G O ODS selaclid with llit greatest car (aa ta prleet and quality), and are confident that our facilities w.ll ensble lit ta offer aud tell goods AT PORTLAND PRICES I (freights tn), and would advise ail those visiting this city le purchase poo ls, to examine our slock and prices before purchasing slsew here. W have, and art just receiving, in invoice of consisting in part of the following articles Coclie co, Pacific, Dudley, Cunestepn, Sprague, Philip Allen, Fall Hirer, Merrimac, Mriggs, uud numer ous other choice fltlNTS, all late ttylet; Eng lish i: French merinoe, Lyoneae cloth, mohair and other Debaze ; braze, wool, it muslin de laiuea, blnck, blue, purple, Av pink merinoe, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, awiss, (c mull muslin, ladies emb. telt, collars, hdkfs 6i skirls, dress & bonnet trim mings," French &. doinrslie ginghams, French lawns from 12) to 25s, blue, mixed, d grey sati net, wool & cotton jeams oultouade, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 lo 10-4 wide, browu and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting ; Silesia, marine, brown, and Iriah linen, nankeen, d aper, aud crash, a large lot of liuen aud thread lace aud edging, hosiery, & a. MEN'S If BOYS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, aud brown cloth coal ; 10 doz blk cloth vest, S doz white and buff Marseilles do., velvet aud satin do.) 30 doz satinet pauls, dueskin and fancy casaimera do, 30 doz merino and cotton uuderahirl, grey, blue, it black cluth over coals, with a geueral assortinunt of gents' furnishing goods. BOOTS 4 SyOES.-Mrn'e. boys', and youths' buota; ladies', misses', aud childreu's mo rocco, goal, kid, and calf Congress boots, with it without heels; Indies' kid ilippere. Rio and Java coffee, black and green tea, N. O.. China, Balavia Island, Cal. reiiued, and crushed sugar, K. Boston, Cal., sugar-house, a. golden syr ups salt, 5 to 200 lb aka; I OU kga uails, assd sites; Mill's pale, chemical, a. English atop, soup pow ders, powder, shot, a lead; yeast powder, salera tut, crtam tartar, smoking A chewing tobacco, gretn corn, peat, tomatoet, itraw aud blackber riet, in 2 lb tins; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, inaccartni, vermicelli, corn March, aim ouds, waliiult, Jirnzil nut, rsislus, Chili peachtt, dried fruit; mackerel, ill or A hlf bblt; tardiuet. A fine assortment of CROCKERY f TABLE CUTLERY t 20 crates asserted ware, 40 doz ateel picka, 20 Duleb A Hdla hoes. Whit Lead, Oil, and Window Glass; with a variety of other articlea usually kept. ' IT Wa will pay oaou for wheal, flour, bacea, butter, eggs, aud almost ever thing the farmer haa to tell. Oregon City, April 16, 18.')8. UST received, tho latest ttylt at sill a sat I in BOM NETS, Leghorn and etrtw flaw. AINSWOKTH It DIEUDOKFF. GOLD MINES AT HOME! A. HOLLAND. L. DAY. HOLLAND & DAY Have just opened a ntw & splendid assortment of At the old stand of F.S.Sf A. Holland, OPI'OSITK lie. Abernethy't brick More, wlioro they can be found at all times ready to wait on customers, i hey are uow permanent ly located, and hope by ttricl attention le busiuea lo merit a liberal share of patronage. Their alock iu putt Consists tf Hit following ar. tic let: Uinghamt, lawns, delaines, prints, meiiuos, flannel, alpacas, bleached domeslio, wool plaids, dnniask silk dress goads, hosiery, white shirts, cheek do., hickory shirts, over A under do., shswls, fine a coarse, satinets, blk, brawn, A whltt linen thread, ribbons, artificial (lowers, Coatt' tpool cotton, (. BOOTS $ SHOES, of all kinds and titett ALSO- E, Boston syrup, Cel. n fined syrup. tugara ef all kiudt, tobacco, collet, lea, uails, sail, caudles. and a thousand ether tilings, too numerous to mention, all of which they will tell at Itw as any other house in Orcffon Citv. They will pay cash or good I for all kinds of produce, tuch at butttr, egs, chickens, or tlmast anything the farmers nave lo sell. 1 here is no thing like trying. So give them a trial. Aug. 7, 1858. S. C. liNarLr.tr. I. T. (Itt, KISUSLCY & It EEH, PORTLAND. OREGON, HANurACTttit and mrosTKss or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN .y ENGLISH SADDLES, Boggy, Carriage, and Team llnrnttt, Jlridlit, Martingale, Wktpo, liinen llortt-Lovtrt, BUnketi, Curry-comb; fly Nile, Bruthtt, and Cireinglea. SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddlo-Treet. Stirrupt, and all kinds tj UaoMt sept at a Jtrtl-cloit ttlatiunment. Work mad te order, and repairing done with care and oa reasonable terms. XT Shop oa Frool street, between Washington A Alder. Sep 4, 'at. OMachine-Made Horse Shoes J rnilE TROY IKON AND NAIL FACTORY, JL at Troy, N. Y. have Henry Burden Im proved Horse-Knot Machinery now in tooceasful operation and are prepared tn esecute ordere for HORSE and MTl.E SHOES of any weight end patlera, at a prioa but Utile abate the price ef 1 1 arse the ima. Thenoehtyeflhe ima used In these shoe I warranted ia mn mnvl These shoes have been approved of, and art aow aeed by lb V- 8. Government, efelueively, as aba by maty of lha principal etag aad eramboe eompeaiee aad bar eheertia lha eoeotry- There atieae eaa be far chased through th priaoipal Hardware and Jrea atertt ia the failed HuUs. Ordere adJrM la th subscriber at Trey, .". Y. will receive prompt aueeiwa. VVL r- OUKlb-v, iigsw. Oett, 1Wy. CAoH pa-d ft IAND WARRANTS, by UdLUSD at DAY. I.C, AIMSWOITH. -1 rtm w wiu aiaJOswiBj ss EMPIRE Wholesale and Retail ST Oil lit . . ARK you going ta Oregon Cily lo buy Goods f If so, you would probably like Id know where you can buy the most and best for lira least me' uey. That pUct nt BKQWN & WOLF'S ettabliahuient, oppueitt Gibmu't Saloon, and no mistake. We have juat received a heavy assort ment from Han Franrisoo, which, having bought low, we are able lo tell hi each a way that ear prices shall epoak (or Iheauwlvea, without mucit puffing. We have GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, of every description, inch aa aack A frock roafs, rnglana, Uihuas, jackets, vests, pants, erevuts, flue shirts, collar, drawers, lin.ler shirts, tailitt, trsrliauls, and nil kinds of India-rubber clothiirg, Also, all kinds of R Y-GOODS, ' French, Engliuli, American, A furnilure calicos, giughamaof all colore, aU wool and hlf wool do- . laines, French, Kuglish, A American merinos, lilpscns, tilk wonted, all colors, all wool and hlf wool plaids, silk and woollen shawls, tingle or dou bit, eashmtiet, Perry's style of drrna goods, vel veti, linseys, janes, browu A bleached slieeting, nil cloths, Irish linens, silks, cambrics, silk A velvet bonnets, scarfs, tleevet, chemisettes, edging, rib bons, hdkfii, glove, hiii ry, needles, pint, lieokt, tyes, perfumery, hair oil, jewelry, bracelets, boots, shoes, rubbers, hats, caw, accordeoiK, cigure, to btcco, pipes, and auoul 375 other articlea ti o nu nierotu and loo cheap loKiy for advertising. Mow the fact is, as we are permanently located, wt art desirous of doing business on such terms that we shall not be compelled le sell offal eosi,' . but wo luicnd, by auick tales and email profit, la livt and let live. Ladies and gentlemen are ai wayt welcome, and will be promptly Waited en, tltaieiuucr, rUmraaliar, lluil our ttore hi oppotitt Oibion't Saloan. Tit nt trouble to show our goods, and we can heat Portland all the lime In prices. If yen doubt It, call and satisfy yourselves that there it no hum bugging ia Iht matter. DROWN It WOLF. Oregon Cily, Oct. 0, 1308. SGinG Farmington fcUorc 1 , THE aubscriber would respectfully Inform th public geuerally that he ho opened A NEW STORE AT FARMINGTON, On the Tualatin Rivert ' where lie inleuJs carrying on the Gvnoriil ffJvrrliuudiati ttutlitcea. He Will keep alwa) tun baud a gooj aworlinentof IBIet . eftr EBOejia; GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Hhoes, Concct Onery, Cigar's Stationery, d?c. Hit above will always be offered at tha LOWEST PRICES I For Cash or Country Product, U Please call aud set for yourselves, aud save your expenses in going lo Tertland to buy goeda, . Motto ' Small prnjlli and quick return.' THOS. BA1LEV. Farmington, July 24, 185S. 4.ood Ulit'ttl UitliK'd, TjlOR which the highest market prioa will ba X paid in cash or trade, ut the July 24. FARMINGTON STOItE. -51. 'tt.BiVI'UXiim rOKTLAXTS, o. v., 1 WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENT, trusses, ' Supporters, Shoulder Braces, '. , 'x Window Glass, Glassware, fin oi7, Pa ink, ground, colored, dry, dj Linseed Oil, Xealtfoot Oil, Tanners' Oil, Sperm Oil, Laid 0,1, Machine Oil, Bronzes, Vermillion, French, Chinese, and Gold Leaf, A intricun, Artist Mnteriuls, Brushes, a larqt variety, Furniture Garnish, Japun Varnish, Coach Varnish Perfumery, Burning Fluid, Polar 0,1, Camphene, With a full atitrlmciit of Gracfenbcrg Medicines ; In a word, I am now receiving a large assortment of the above, with a thousand other articlea t'.o numerous to mention (purchased last winter in New York very low for cash), In addition to my . former slo'k, comprising one of the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE AS.SORTMKNT3 ON THIS COAST.'! W. WEATI1ERFORD returns thanks for Ilia liberal patronage hitherto received, and respect fullyaskaa continuance of the same, as he wills. II AT HAM t'BXAICIHt'.O BUCKS t Dealer and consumers will find it to their advan tage to call, as the gooda must be told ta malt room for mora aoou la arrive. my-, 'M. CROWELLS CttaaoaaA Extract ef Harsaparltla, Yel low Deck, and ledlde at rataaaa AN invaluable remedy for inipurilire af tho blood, scrolulu, king's evil, trysipeloa, aalt rheum, eottireueas, jeuiidice,dyspia, atpiiilitic symptoms, swelling uf the glauds, ..-var Sous, pains in the bnues, rheumatism, piuiplea on tlm face, neuralgia, and ell chronic aud long ataadiuk diseeeee. Tliia article, ia il strongest and roust petfeel form, contains all the actiro aud well ealablishe.l medical properties of Saitaportlla, Yellow Dock. and Iodide of Potatta, a couinnatioa uuoijualed ia its curative aud streiiftlu-niug ericcta. Thou sands of eertificatee could be furuiaiied af il pow erful tffeeta aa an eicellsnt medicine. Koranle bv Vr. CROW ELL CO., Vtar- gist, 131 Commercial si., San Froncuco, and hy W. YVKATIItKr UKU, rtriiana. nyn 25,000 Ll Canemak, Apt 11. FEET OF FIR LUMBI-tl tain by UMI. BARSTOW 'UAKEil Sarseparilla.al tha OREGON CITlf llHt'O STORr.' CA.MKH -Cnrmaaa'o Medal' Tebaeeo a'.r O top U WU. C. I)KXEST it A,. ( 1 ' 'j. i il :4 ir 'di I)' '', I bi ",'- y. ?v I T.I... 'I' l' ii ; ft V:r V'V. It . ' I -.' ' V V! 'if 'A. s