HBBL-l-1 - - JVccri Gold Mines! i $ 3 1 WJORECOJT city. . ''V j vm o6"n e y HAl juet relnrned from California willi t LARGE STOCK OF " Boots and Shoes, ,f.r ' W,ich will .II' CHEAP FOR CASH, WHOLES A LK r . i OR IIKT.ML JHsa, small tseutmtnt of Shoemakers' findings. .'.'Hi solicits III pelronngo uf I he people of litis It dad Hit public in general. Heiug entirely de. MMesdla Mm heat and shot buahieae, he will keep aaaalaaily M band a line sasoitnieiit of ladies end ftnllamea'e wear, af all aorta ami eitee. Ladiaa, gir me a eall b.fure purchasing any. waer alaa. Da as forgcl the place two doors below Oib aa'e jlalaaa, in the new buililing. dMiH, come all, both (real anil small, give Baa a eeH, for I have beota and shrssi lo fit you all. I- Mjr mat 19 I. Small profit aaJ ajuiok return i alaa kcap Miller's aad Maaoa'e Ulackixo for al. e - , Jan.KU, 1859. PIONEER Trunk Factory. ; J. W. CULLEN &, CO., Yamkitt ilml, btlirmi First anil Front streets, PORTLAND. OREGON, WHOLESALE & Iletail Mui.iifuclnrcra and Coiiiiniutan Dealers In all kinds of Trunks, VnlisM, Harness, Sad dies, ladles, Martingals, California and Oregon Raddle-Trees, Mock tt Hoop Stirrups, Whips, 4d Itfy description of Saddlery ware, Truuke, Saddles, or Harness, liADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. ' jt . All atrdin ierlaiuing lo our busiuess will receive ; atowipt attention. I 'XT Courigiimrnta receive J on tlio moat liberal 4rw ' Country merclianla wishing to lay in a alock of 'TRUS KS, w.miI.I do well lo five lie a cull, aa we Will try lo eupply lliem ohruper lltau they can rocura tin in lewhere. jaii2jui0 ' Sheriff ' Sale "VTOTICE it hereby iven that in obedience In a certain eteviitiou issued out uf the D a rid ' Court for tn Second Judicial Dislr ct of the Ter ." litory of Orrgou, iu favor of Wm. Arinprical aganwl lieorg.- Utuom. Ir Ilia um of one linn- drrd and forty-iiiue dollars mil nineteen cents and accruing cost ($149.1!)), lo ma directed, I aurnineudiug nie to Ml all of the right, tide, ami Uteres! of licorjra (room in and lolho folt.. wiii(I , described attaclieJ property, In wit: Tha north '. half of the following descr.brd land claim, to wit : the went half of the went liulf of see. twenty-nix "(Jli), aud the earth half of sec. tweulyeveu (37), . and the E. half of Hi auuth-eiut quarter of ac. ; lwnly-atven (27), and the N. W. quarter of Hie '.amilhaat quarlrr of tec. Iwculy-eeVi-n, and Hie N. E. quarti-rof I lie auutlfweat quarter of aeclion Iweuty atvrn (37), all Mu iu Townfliip five . -(4) aouth of ranifeene(l)eiit,iitu.ilein Clucka- awacouaty.' Said aula tu luku place ou lha Slat day of January, WJ, at 3 o'clock r. M. of aaid day. at Ilia euurt-houe door in Ore c hi ( 'ity. .' r ' r 'i A. IlOLirOMB, . ". '. Jaa.8, 18J3-3J Shet f Claekamai Co. i ; 1 8le of School lands. ISV ordrf llie Uoard ol Couuty Ooimniwion I era for Yamhill couuty, 1 w.ll off r fur rule ! the liigheit liid.liT at the Court lluuxe in Lufay all, on .MONDAY lh ltdaj of February mxl, att the Common School Uu.la (of which dr acriptinn cull lie obtoinwl fti'in the LtuJ Ollk-e) I) ilia iu ml inunty. Sale Wiill be beiwecu the 'a.Hira uf leu "i four r. M., and couliuue from day to diiy until all u offered. ' " Tr.min-Nt! laudu will be ild for lew than five dollar per e.-re, one third iah iu liun.l, the re. ' Mahiiin; twu lliirdi t be paid in two year, l'ur Chaser Will be required tof;ive their nolei Willi ' bppruved wcuiiiy drawing ten per cent, iulereat peraauum. ...... fJEO. V. ELMER, " , Sup'l of Com. bchoula. roiT. 4. II. DACOM. 'IA FOREST & BACON, General Dealers in Dry - Goods, LADIES' FANCY GOODS, GrtMserri Crockery, Olrtw-wtirc, HOOTS. SHOES, Jil (At aW alaad I Fortitl'rtnch Stare, OUKGOX CITY. NEWf I R 'JYcw Attraction! cf. ta aolKtT. "' u-, LA FOREST & BACON TTTOt'LD infurmllia cilinenaof Oreson City nn riiinity lint Hify hure entered into eaeartnerAlp, and intend keeping a geueral autijdy af everything iu tha Dry -Goods. Oroccry, Crockery," and. Fancy line, r J -Ml L. kZ.nti in am their old friends call upon them, and. will promise at all times to sell them geedaaa cheap ua any other house in lawn, our aaeuo oeing i o ' . Small Profit and Quick Returns, Wf would alao aay to the (Iba beoe aad sinew of the land,) we intend keep ing aeerytbieg you may require in the Grtctry, Cntkery, Chlkitig, Dry Good, Boot! and Shut Una, etc., which wa off r at euch prices aa will be atisfaclory to you. We also wish to exchange aai gnods for your produce, and will give you aa Winch for it aa the market affords. Come and try M Do not forget IhO place, bat look for the i;n af L Foreit f Biutn, and then come in. We would a- l. - Mifts -.God Bless You!) Wliei yo wish a snperlor article of drew goods or faac articles, do not Tad la call apon La Forest k. Bacon, whepi yo will lwaya find them, and ... :.. it,.;, mtaful lliauka for Your pal- aui rw" a laoage. oang Men, Hone of Oregon,) Future hera tha plaea U supply yoorarhrea with a supe rior article af elotliiog in which ta ' " -Get Married! and. , Her T ar. married X. CET VOIR OVTFIT FOR HOUSEKEEPING. V.1 nn t I ' ' ' ( COME AND SEE LSI a,d Caaaa ana aad all, both young and old, i Aad aea If wa tha truth hat. told ,s - Ilcre the place ta rfend jour oah,s , Aad ret fond fol uniaad af trash. i ; ft Vl.7 Ian I IH.'.S. Ji ortnieiK of BnSle and TeataMteaaj it anh at the Repository ,r,c B,OfE Ji mW FIRM, 4fc JYcw Goods! F. CII.tR.TIAX V ITIrKI.mEV MMKE pleasure in Informinv tha reaideula af JL OREGON CITY and Ilia public ireuarully that thsy have farmed a OO'parliierthip iu Ilia Qoa'jpaa'jfaiDaaii, AND FAMILY GROCERY BUSINESS At tie old llmid of F. C liar man. where ihey will kii-i un hand evi-rylliiug In llirir line of business, and uf the very best quality. - So pains Will be spared lo give enlira salUlaoiion lo all who may leel dip d lo give them a call. r torn I11117 resilience in this place and experi ence ill this busmen, lliry frrl q'lilihed lo sav that llicy can and will give ralitfuclion lo all who may a e III lo p iirnniie Ihrm wilh tite r order. S. U. All orlers will be fiCe.l with as much promptness aud fuiruesa aa ieroiiul preseuce will sreura. PARTIES FURNISHED with everything in our hue un the shortest police. WEBBING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon t'lty Deo. 18, 1858. II OLIPAY OIKTS at CHARMAN .J McKlNNEYS. The rinest IRKNCII confectioneries, such na gum drops, Krunduns, niotloee, coauiAL c.iMiv, alniouds rock cumly, etc., nt Uec. 18. CIIAUMAN .ilcMNiMil a. JAMS, preserved fruits, braiuiicd fruits, etc., at CIIAII.MA.M d MuKINNEY'S. liEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBUER-JS SANGU1FIER, Or Invigorating Cordial. ' What though tha sun in beauty shine, ' Aud you have cuuullosa hoards of wealth ; Wliut thou the World all, a I was thine. If you but want the blessing, lleulth. Jin Honest Appeal! To all with bad or failing health. VR E you lunguid, iiiuiiun-ite, restless, appetite no. r. diirctlii ii bud, aud paius ill 'lie limbs. body hack, aud head I Iteud. r, much of this is caused from cold vaugiil unu iiiingiy. or, 111 seven case out of Un, alugifhuesa uf the liver and blood, and waul of niitur.il perFpirulion, iudissre- tion iu the life of final aud diiuk,w from a dry urns iu the ainio-phere wh ch ia a Very unheal thy purl of this cliinule many of the awful, vio lent, ami sudd' n deaths that occur here must be attributed to ill s. Now, reader, I have made this my study lor manv years, un I I do asue you that mv DU. WICUIIKICS INVIGOIt ATINU COI1DIAL SANUUIFIBR will cure these cunsei it will insure animation of the liver, blood. 1111 1 bruins it stieiiglhens the nerves, and g ves 10 the stillerer 11 liuhlrieKH of i-pii ila. a mentul and bodily feeling of strength tliut is delightful. The many lepecluhle peisous who have been bfiu fil ed by and ceililied lo ilsoxlraunlinary quulitUa in curing any of the following diecuses, must satisfy all but the aelf-w se and ignorant skeptic dys H ia. or iiurgestiini, limn of muHCulur or bodily Klrenglh aud tiu nlul energy fever, ugue, or clhlls ; rheumatic, neuralgic, or other pains; depletion aud weukmas of liio natural fmicliuiis, debility from il mease, dissipation, too much doctoring, de bauchery, and other cuusea; in case of excrement from constant iutcniperuiice, and where delirium tremens hue occurred, 1 have seeu it change the aullcrer in half uu hour I't oiii the most horrible slate 10 calmness and placidily. Il can, indeed, be coiiMsleiiliuusly recommended to all auffering, a 11 J the proprietor legreta deeply that il is iiecca aary thus to udvvrlise ii, ill order that ila merits may be known. Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional Weakness, fcc, DECLINE OF NATURE, PRE MA TURE 0 NATUR L WEAKNESS OF THE FUNCTIONS, NER VOUSNESS, WEAKNESS, CONSTIPATION, WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION : Dr. Webber's Sanguiiier ' a diti'iie remedy. See afidaute d certificate: ease of China, Ague Tremors, seaeval debility At tit health tooa curcil. Mr. Uriah Weeks, who arrived from Panama March 2.1, completely prostrate, weak, and scarce ly uble to niuvej had the l'anama fever three inoulln ; had pains in the bones, chills, 110 appetite, strength or energy ; he used Wcbber'e Cordial two weeks, and felt ro strong and well that on tha lth he went lo the mines, where he ia now working. . SARSAPARU.LA AND HITTER : DRINKERS, READ I ' Due era, ano Good Fsiksd. I herewith in- , I.., I l.uu iUat. in m-vmn months over lorin tiu tu". n. i.-..iu. f ..i.twilla- ltilleni. and other siaij uvuic. v. .'"-I- - ; - . remedies for confirmed Dyspepsia, Weakueaa of the chest, imi.gesuou, anu a pii .reM.- mv aystem. witliout getl,ug auy particular rehef- Two uollleaot your ioruiai no u....... u .u... r .. m. iH.rnt beinir. Pleasa lo mueii um, & ... - ..-.. -----m- - acnd two bottles more, which I leel aura will effect a perlect cute. It mis win oenem w . ' I - I I ... n..l.l at. It lbs uut.clvu, you are i i.uenj K,..-j. . FaiDKaic LucKua, liuusa raiuler Price reduced Ui $3, two lor j Urge quart bottka. Bo!d by every re-.pec.able DW ' California, and OreKon. l'AKK fc WUITE, San Francisco, Agent. Caution!-Beware of Counterfeits! Ti.... ,k.i k not the siriuilure of T- Jouea aud Jacob Webber M. I), on the top of each wrapper aud blowu id the glass ot acu oouio. Love loves to k'sa the tp that apart unfurl While, glistening, anowy teeth, like spotless pearls Such b eath, uch teeth a ever Love wookt urt, Ar made by Lafoul'a Jamaica JSoap Teeth Hoot. And Uia worfl hair soft, fine, and dark do-a live, Touched by Jones Coral Hair KesloraliVa And pur clear skin ia given, from which defect When washed with Jouea' Italian Chemical Soap. rr These really beautiful preparations for Iba teeth, the hair, and skin, are sold for itf a 5(1 eeule each bj all drogg" ia California and Oregoo, Wha waete a aliaviag aoapt a beautiful eheving aoap. That lalhef like eream, aad heala aar akia, And all aoreaaaa, erupuoa, ocauo-huni make eoeai Fraui thlTtooe or the haada, ar tha braw av the ehia? 6och is that fine emoTieut tklo aorifier, Jonea Iuluao.p,'rredatoe-ia.) Wd I by ; J! drur; jt hi On goa e,rJ3 DR. D. D. STEPHENSON, aau'aQU', Hat Removed next door to Holland it Day. TKBTII UTRACTHU BY ELF.CTBICITT. THE GENUINE ARTICLES! Prince ittcloicouG ! AND UILRERT ii CO.'S AT THE Dec. 18. CITY JIOOK STOKE. My Uoolii Must be Closed I ALL who lire indebted to me are rnjuinled lo call forthwith aud settle tip their accounts by by cash or note, as my hooka im cliiat d, which you will perceive by noticing the advertisement of tha llrm of CltAaMAN 4 .Mi'Kinnkv. TIim having accounts iiguinsl me will present llu m for pay unit. F. CHAIt.MAN. Dpc. If). 1MB. Strayed or Stolon, I.l'OM my plane, l.'i milea 8. K. nf Oregon City, a YORK of large red ONION one a pale red, white iu the face, horns standing up the olhi r a deep red, with soma little) while ou him, a urt of one hum broken ulT. Ear-uiarla of ei ther not leuolk'Cied. Otiv is five and Iho oilier seven )eaia old. They left me about fimr months s lice. Any person sending mn wora in I'regnn City, hy letter, of their whcrcahouie, shall be re w.truVI with 910. Dec.IN.Htt CM ARI.KS CUTTING, Ja. fiOSTOy FAMILY Price, - $75,00 ' At Hie CITY HOOK 8TOI5E. Short Notice! ALL persona iudebled to the undersigned are hereby nolifird lo call and settle on or before Ih 1st day of January or their rccouut will be put in our lawier'a hands (r collection. v DUSKN'HKKItY 4c BROS. Oregon City Dec. II, 185a. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! WE have junt received 40,000 fur ami Cl ears, also a large quantity of tobacco Nuturul leaf, Buffalo chips I'rido of the Union, and many other hrund. Aim, PIPES uf ull kiuds, Matciiks, ic , Ac., at our atore. DANNENBAVM f JACOB. Pec. 4, 1858. NOTICE is hereby given, that we, the under signed, have bought the interests of our for mer pari ue rs. FenuivtNo Hakteu and David Smith, iu tho firm of A. I'osai d Co., Oregon City. A. KOSSI, KICI1AUO HURLEY. D.c. 18, 18.13. 36 TEACH Ell OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL 9 ORl'.UON CITY, - - ORKUOX. He will also instruct clusw a in instrunieulul or voc.d music, or both, iu d.lVerenl sections of the country, when detired. ' July 24, lS58y. GP. N. continues to import HOLDER'S , SPLENDID PUEMIUM PIANO FOKTES. Any person wishing 0110 of iIiuko in struments enn have it al the ew Yo;k price, adding fieiglit, Arc, wilh 10 per ci nt. comnii-a on. Plows and Wagons! I KEEP always on hand STEEL PLOWS, warranted to icaur, and good WAGONS. I can ulwuys be fuund at my shop, opposite McKin Itiy's, ready lo muke plows, iron wagons &. bug gies, to shoe hones, or do any other kind of work in my line. 1 keep a hirge assortment of horse shoes and halls, either lo sell or lo we myclf. 1 can shoe a horse as soon and aa well as the best of them. If you doubt it, come and see for your wives. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, Oct. 9, 1858. Stitf Selling Oft' at Cost, An Extensive Assortment of mm goods, CONSJiiTINO IN taut or DRY (IO0DS, GROCERIES, , HARDWARE, DltUG, MKUICINKS, BOOKS, STA TIONERY, fcC. GIVE ua a cull, and wawill give you hcjains. CHS. POPE, Ja. New Arrangements. HAVING funned a copartnership with Dr. POPPI.ETON, recently from Ohio, we are now prepared to practice medicine upon a more extended scale than I have hitherto been able to do. 1 am also largely increasing the circulation of my medicines, and hope ere many months to eupply all Ihe important pouts i 'ho Territory. W. D. lIUTt III.NS. Lafayette, June 10, 185S. Dlf IN PROD A TE CO UU T, J A NUA It Y TERM 18.-.D. Order for Appearance. WILLIAM AKMPUIKST, administrrlor of the estate of J. E. Taylor, deceased, ha filed his petition in ihe Probate court for Clacka mas county, O.T.i priiying for an older lo sell the real property rjeiongnig 10 raio esium. ,i m r.. nr.iuru.l it,.,, nil ,M.rmuis inturested in aaid ta- taie appear before the Probate court of Clackamas county on Taefday the tilt day of February, 1850, and show cause, if any they have, why an order ahoald not be granted lo the administrator lo aell Ihe real property Belonging 10 me -n deceased lo pay thed. bta and charirea airaiust the estate. ROHEIIT CAL'FIELD, Jan. 6, 1859-39w3 Judge af Probata. Turn for Bale for 09,400. T OFFER mv farm, situated si nines X from Salem on the Uregon l-ity roan, r ...u 1, w.n,in 3tl urres. etiollt Sll of which are uuder fence and i in eultivaiioii. I have about 1 ,000 frurt Ireea or me enoicesi va rietk of applea, peara, plums, and cherries, half of which are bearing, and all of them thrifty and beautiful. There ia elo a comfortable frame hoo-e, a splendid well of water, and a r"d barn an the premier. The form is situated an the nor dera of Uke U Dish, ia well wa.ej-rd, and admi raWy adapied ta atork rawing, aad for fruit ar graiu cannot !j eieelled. Tuna will be given on part uf ihe nuney. For particular ref. r lo A. Stanton nrar Sslrm, to W. L. Adamaaf Oregoa CilV. or to m an the premisea. o;t.l6.18.8-28w5 J. W. STOVER. Ikaled rropotals. . WILL be received at the affiee f th C Aa ditor of Yamhill Canaty, up u 14 .'clock, M.. of tha first Monday i February, 1(158. for the furuahiag nwl.rial, and bwUing a fire proof Brk k Caort Hoom. at lha lawn of LaUyrtie, Yamhill eoaaty, O. T., at whwh place piaaa. aoeeihea tiaas, aVtaile, aad ed af aayiwal, dt., eaa be eeea. J. W. COWLtS, Dee. 5. I58 37w County Aad tar. vrOTHISG TO WEAR, aad r.oth'ns to Say: Husband W"e ; at OREOO.r CfTY BOOK STORE WM. DIEHDOgff. AIXSWORTII aV DIRRDOnFF, WIIOLItAJ.R A.tD RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, DooU & Short, and Crocktry, In Ilia new Fire-proof llrick Main araaiT OKF.OO.t CITV, O.T. AINSWORTH& DIERDORFF, WE ARK NOW OPENING I Till Hew rire-Proof Sricb, A LARUE AND WEI.LA5SOKTKD ITOCK Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure agalnil fire, w will osw Offer Grtatrr Indueemtnli than tvtr lo Ui public W ara constantly In receipt of G O OD S selected with the greatest ear (aa la prices and quality), and ar confident that our facilities wdl enable ua la offer and 7 goodi AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights ou), and would advise all Ihoaa visiting this city to pui chas goo-Is, lo examine our alack and prices before purchasing elsewhere. ,1 v nave, au.i are jini ivevifiiiy, u iiitvivv vi consisting in part of ihe following articlea Coche Co, Pacific, Hadley, Cnurslegu, Sprsgue, Philip Allen, Full River, Merrimao, llrigga, and numer ous other choice PUINTS, all late tt flee I Eng lish a-, r rench merinos, Lyone cloth, iiioluiir aud other Debate bram, wool, ot muslin da lainra, black, blue, purple, ft- pink merinos, fancy plaids, jacoiiet, book, swiss, (c mull muslin, ladies amb. sets, collars, h-lkli at skirts, dress o Donnei trim mings,' French &, domestic ginghaina, French lawns from L'J to 35c, blue, mined, Si grey sati net, wool & eoilnn jeans, colloundc, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, deu'tns, hickory shirting Silesia, marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, d awr, aud crash, a large lot of huett aud thread lace and edging, hosiery, ic. MEN'S 4- DOl'S CLOTHING: Illuc, black, and brown cloth coals ; 10 dot blk cloth Vests, 5 dot white and bull' Marseilles do., velvet and satin do 1 30 dot satinet pants, doeskin and fancy cassimere do, 30 dot merino and eulton undershirts, grey, blue, fc black cloth over coals, wilh a gcucrjl aaaortmcu! of geuls' furnishing goods. BOOTS d SHOES. Men'a, boys', aud yatitha' boots; ladies', misses', and chlldreu'a mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf Congress boots, with ii witliout heels; ladies' kid alippera. Rio and Java coffee, black and green U a, N. O., China, llalavia Island, Ca!. refined, and crushed sugar, E. Huston, I'al., augar-hmise, 4 gulden syr up, sail, i to 300 lb sks; 100 kgs nails, nsMl.ivs; Hill's pale, chemical, a, English soap, soup pow ders, powder, shot, a lead! yeast powder, aalera- tus, cream tartar, atnuking it chewing tubaneo, green torn, peat, tumatuct, etiaw aud blaekber. ries, in 3 Ih tins; spice, iiepper, and cussia, pearl barley, niuvcuroni, vermicelli, corn starch, alm onds, waluuta, Hrnzil nuta, raisins. Chili peaches, dried fruit; mackerel, in qr lb hlf bbla; aardiuea. A line assortment of CROCKERY d TABLE CUTLERY t 30 crulra assorted ware, 40 dot steel picks, 30 ' Dutch . Ildla hoe. White Lend, OH, and Window Glais; with a variety of other articlea usually kepi. U" Wa will pay casji fur wheal, Hour, bacoa, butler, egg, aud almost everything th farmtr has lo sell. Oregon City, April 16, 1858. JUST received, the lateit ttylt af bill sat is DON NETS, Leghorn and straw flats. AIXS WORTH &. DIEIiDOllFF. GOLD MINES AT HOME! A. HOLLAND. L. DAT. HOLLAND A DAY Have just opened a new & splendid assortmcut of 1 6 $ B 8 At the old stand nf F. S. A: Holland, OPPOSITE tieo. Abernelliy'a brick store, where they can be found al ull times ready lo wail ou customers. They are now permanent ly located, and hope by strict attention lo busiueai to merit a liberal share of patronage. Their slock in purl consists of the following ar ticles: y Ginglmnis, lawns, delaines, prints, mention, tlaiinels, alpacas, bleached domestic, wool plaids, damusk silk dress goada, hosiery, white shirts, check do., hickory shirts, over a uuder do., shawls, fine a coarse, satinets, blk, brown, a white linen thread, r.hbons, artificial Hi were, Coals' fmof co((on, dC. BOOTS f SHOES, ofatl kinds and sixes; ALSO E. Boston syrup, Cl. refined ayrup. sugars of all kinds, tobacco, coffee, lea, nails, salt, candles, and a thousand other things, loo numerous to mention, all of which they will sell as low aa any other house in Oregon City. ' They will puy cash or goods for all kinds of produce, such as butter, egx", chickens, or utmost anything Ihe fanner have to sell. Ther is no thing like trying. So give litem a trial. Aug. 7, 1858. CASH paid for LAND WARRANTS, by HOLLAND A DAY. I. c. amasi.KV. t. T. atrs. PORTLAND. OREGON, mauricTsatss and laroaress ar CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN e) ENGLISH . SADDLES, Buggy, Carriage, and Team Harness, Bridles, Marlingals, Wkips, Line. Horse-Cottrs, Blankets, Curry-tomb; Fly-Nets, Brvshee, and Cirtinglts. SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddlt-Trees, Stirrups, and ail kinds of Goods kept at a first-tlast eelabliskmtnt. Work made lo order, sad repairing don wilh care and on reasonable term. ITT Shop on Front street, between Washington a Alder. ep , o. Painting. BEING permanently located in Oregoa City, I take this meihod of informing Ih cilneue of this vi.-iaity and lha adjoining country that 1 am alwaya prepared to do HOUSE, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGN PAINTING, o tha most bvorahla term. Hsviag followed th busiiwaa for many years, I ant cvuk lent that I can give eaur aatwIacISM I my cuamener'. ST fcbop oaa door alwv Ih Oregon 'J,ir Drug Store. C. MUKKAY. Sept. II. 1858. Imi: Arctic lUpaxUtlon, pi tKLL8 CRIMEAN WAR, and alkr L t ioterealiag works, f sal at tha de2i CITY BOOK STORE. 50 BDLB.fnah " Baoia Crei" LIME: t da. calcined platter received and i tola by v r. pE.ME"T C9 , J, C. AINsWORTB. EMPIRE Wholesale and Iletail STORK! 1 RE ya gulag la Oregon City la bay Goods? il. If so, you would probably hk to kasw what )ou caa buy lha most aud keel for the least ma luey. Thai plac ia BKOWX & WOLFS establishment, ipadt Gibson's Saloon, and ua mistake. We bav jusl received a heavy assort. rn.nl from Ban Fiaueiseo, winch, having bought law, we ar able to at II in such a way that our prices shall spoak for Ihemselvta, without much puffing. Ws have GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, of every description, such a sack frock reals, ruglaua, luhnas, jackets, vests, paula, cravats, I'm shuts, r-ullare, diawers, under shirts, aahe, everhauls, and all kinds af ludia-rublwr (hulling Also, all kinds of SSLY.OOODS, French, English, American, a fiirnllure rallrns, giiiliheinaof all colors, all wool and blf aoal d laiues, French, English, a Amerieaa nieriuos, nlpacne, eilk wor.tid, all euloia, all wool and hlf Wol plaids, silk aud woollen ahaa la, singl ar dan. ble, caslimeiee, Perry' style of drc guods, vel vets, linsevs, jaues, brown a bleached sheeting, oil cloth, Irish limna, silks, cambrics, silk a velvet bonnets, scarfs, sleeves, clmiiiscilea, edging, rib bans, Inikfs, gloves, hosiery, needles, puis, hauks, eyes, perfumery, hair oil, jewelry, bracelets, hauls, shoes, rublwnr, hats, caps aeroideous, clears, to bacco, pipe, and about 375 other aili.-lrs list nu merous aud toe cheap la piy for advertising. Now the fuel Is, as we are permanently located, w ar desirotH of doing business on si'. h tei nis that wa shall uol be compelled la aril off a' ett,' but wa inieiid, by quick eales and small profits, ta live and let live, indies aud gentlemen ara al waya welcome, aud will be promptly wailed n. Htmreabcr, tUarmaer,' lint our store b opposil Gibson's Suluon. T s n trouble lo slww our giads, and wa eau heal Portland all lha lime iu prices. If yeu doubt il, eall aud satisfy yourselves thai there i uo hunt bugging iu the mutter. DROWN,. WOLF. Oregoa City, Oct. 9, 1858. 3timC Fariningtoii Store ! rpiIE subscriber would rrspivifully Inform the '-L public generally that he lias opened a SEW STORE AT FARMINOTON, Oh Ihe Tualatin River, where lie in tends earr) iug ou Ih Uoilt'rul Mttrt-liuudlatt Duaiueaa. II will keep alwaya ou hand a good aeaortmeul of . CTaSQfSll.Oaia GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardwur, Clulhiun, Root and Hhocs, Caufecl onery, Cigars, Stationery, dx. Th above will alwaya he offered at th LOWEST PRICES! For Caih or Country I'mluct). ILT Plea.e cull an 1 see for yourselves, aud sav your expends tat going lo I'arllaiul lo buy goods. Motto' Small profits and onirk returns.' TIIOS. UAILEY. Farmington, July 34, 1858. jiood It'llt'lll U'tuilvtl, 7OR which Ih h ghest market price will be L paid in cash or Ira.ie, al Ihe July V4. FAUMINUTON STORE. 'V.nnTi'TtTBTi'n rn. Ut a 4S1MAWSSIJWWAW rORTLAIfD, O.T., 2a$ WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braeei, Window Glass, Gtd'strare, in oil, I'ai ids, ground, colored, dry, J Linseed Oil, Nvatsfoot Oil, Tanners' Oil, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Brontes, Vermillion, French, Chinese, and Gold Leaf, American, Artist Materials, Brushes, a laryt variety, Furniture Varnish, Japan Varnish, Coach Varnish, Perfumery, Jiurninff Fluid, Polar Oil, Camphent, Alcohol, Turpentine, WilA a full assortment of Gracfenbcrg Medicines; In a word. I am now receiving a large ansortment of the above, with a thousand other articlea loo numerous lo mention (purchased last winter iu New Yoik very low for cash), in addition to my former slo:k, comprising one of the largest and most complete ASSORTMENTS OJV THIS COAST 1! W. WEATIlERFOltD return thsnkt for Ihe liberal patronage liilherte received, and respect fully asks a cniittuuauc of th same, as ho will sell AT It AM l&AXCIHV.O PRICK I D.slars and eonsumera will Hud it I their advan lago to call, as lha goods must be sold lo make room for more awn lo arrive. tny'J'J, '58. CROWELLB Caataaaad KMracl af Harssaarllla, Tfal. taw Uach, aa lalde af ralaata I 1 N invaluahle remedy for impurities af Ihe il. blood, scroluki, king' evil, rysipela, Ball rheum, cooiiveiiese, iaumlice.dvspi ptia, aypbilitie symptoms, swelling a', the glands, fever (ores, pain in lha boaee, rheumslwu, pimple on th face, aeuralgia, aad all uhroust aud long slua'mg diseaaaa. This articla. ia il strongest a, most perfeot form, contains all Iho alivv and Well-aslablished medical properties of 'aitapar,'a, Yellots Dock, ami Iodide of P'.fua, a 'oxmnation uueoualed ia iu car:a and strengthening erf. ctt. tow asU'tsef aerli(atea could be furuwhed of Ila pow- artul eff. cl aa an eseellenl roedieine. Vuraalcby Dr. CROWrJLL CO., Drug grata, lo Commercial St., San Franeisto, and by W. WE.VTIil.UFOliD, Portland. myti Jfotica. TliBpartaerahia hrrsua etbting awler the firm af J. B. ilLAXnta Co. b dsstulved. '1 fcosa having claima acaiaat Ilia Arm will present thasn tar aeuauksut, ami those irxltbted will pay an aad atv casta. r J. B. HLANP1F.D CO. OroaptC.OoS iriibj h. 0. A. & ASA M. WBSO, PHYSICIANS, OFFER their arafrsjsnl a. rvies l lha iltl' tsiiaof H.VI.KM aad ncia.lv. 'IVy will prselie Ih Hygea-Medical (Utter know a aa ll)drpelhie) sjsiem, Ulieving aH drugs lob ant auly uaaerssry ia Ih autteaalul Ireatmenl of diseassts, bat Injuns la lb eonalt. taiioa of lb pilwul, aad tsljiug uliily upon ll)genk apphaueca. hp.cial alti ulwa will b glvea I OsrrtTsirs, aad tlxaa die, uses pscuiiar la women and clnldri n, by Mia. Wako. i'siiruis at diilsac tfiatui upou raaaouabl terms. Urrraaat-aa: Hrs. R. T. Trail and O. W. May. of New Voikoiyi Dr. U. M. HvuiB,af Hsu FianeMo. OIBee-. Civr Boot Srota, Salsm, Oregon August 1, ti5. 17 To All Who Desire to Get Kiel, 01 TO LIVE COMFORTABLY! rilHE uuibrrs'gned, desiring In leara lha wmkl X In a bvllM- voudilioa than lie ioued il, is hap. py la hsre il ia lib powsr la offer an opporlneity lequH a large aumber of his felluwH-it tias on th western roust not only lo m.ik a Ixtua but I hv eomiorlably aud bav Ih auiue bU-saing lor Ins children aud giauuvhiUrcu. I llo ud, I offer fur sale, al reduced privta, al Ilia VHIT (illUVK MIXHV.HY, a the road from Salem lo Oregoa City, 6 milts from Iks former and 31 fmm Ike Uttttr, a larj lot f lw year eld rnurr Til EES of thrifty grolh, warranted lo he Ihe variety I sell them fnr aud should auy one purchu'e, and ha, Ireea when Ihe) com Into ueuiiug ui produea Ih fruit they are sold for, I w,l rtlund him hi money and lie may keep the lieea. I have all ihe be I vunel ea Unit nave ever oeen effered for sule iu Oreioa ta thai you may have fruil lha oral year after purchasing aisl may eon. tiuu to have fruil ai'ter that riptuuig " ' month in Ihe year.'' Older accoiiiiauied with the i'isii adJreawd lo meat llulrvdle, will be punctually alleuJed tu,. aud trees shipped lo auy knuI from Corvallia Iu Astwia, Tha mui irilv af mv Irest ara winter varieties, among w Inch b an abundjuc uf IVia Winter Ptarmain. K. A'iitexiciy. Y. d O. Nrietown I'ipmn, IMil'n ami Kt. Kuwri, mna i i der,and Wineeap, M. H Pippin, Batduin, NEII.L JOHNSON. Octobers. 1858. . ILmiJ a. aosst. a. luaLKV. WILlAMIITia IRON WOHKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to Inform Ih puhlie of Oregon and Washiugiou that w have campkled aur MTmwjmm Aetan.Wa) BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, fend are prepared to build boilers, Kngiiiee, O rial- nulls, riuwuulK aud all utiicr atuua oi naicniuery, Our buaiues connection wilh lha Eastern Stales tho great couvruienc of our luuahty Ih superiuiity and uuiiib. r of our machines tha use af water iower iiiatrud of sieam, and the per. fret knowledge uf all braueluaof our business, wdl enable us to compi le with I'uhforiua. Inviting the public lo g'va us a call, and lo favor us Willi their putrouege, wa promise 10 execuie their order on the shaiUsl uulicd, and At Suii FrautiM-a Price. A. ROSSI St CO. June 19, 1858. 10)1 Machino-Made Horse Shoes! fllll E TROY I HON AND X AIL r ACltHlr , X at Troy, N. Y. have Henry llurd.u's lm proved llorau-Shoe Machinery uuw ill successful t.nrnlinii aud are prepared lo execute ordera lor 110 KS E and MTl.li SHOES of any weight and imtteru, at a priuu but litllu above Ihe prlc af Horse shoe Iron. The quality of III iron used in these slim It warranted iu every resinl. I heso shoes have been approved of, and ara now used by Ihe V. 8. Uoveiuiiicnl, exclusively, aa also by many of th prineipil stage and oiiiiiiIhis cumpunies and horse sheers in the couutty. These shoes can be pur chased through the piiuc put Hurdware aud Iron stores in the United Slnle. Ordera uddreass'l to the subscriber at Iroy, Y. will receive prompt attention. V.. F. IJl'UDKN, AjsnU Oct. 9, uoa-y. AI.AIN s. soaasrs. Jacos r. SlUKTt.a. llonisltTS A. 8IIARTM', Dealers in H A ?. 2 L 2 Tombsloars, Utietlsk. aad Hptres, MA RULE MANTLES, TABLES, Counter Tops, Fire Fenders, GtakSj Ilea f th-stones, ttnd Steps, ALSO BUILDING STONK. OK ALL DE SCRII'TIONS, VUHTI.VMi, ORV.UOI. Shop on Front si., 1 si door above Ih ' llriilgo.' J6 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. 3. tt. DI.AHIMRD WOULD respectfully infurin his old friends and the puhliu generally that ha la by himself once more, and hat now on hand A LAROK AND WKLL BP.LECTE0 hTdCK Of BOOTS AND SHOES, which he will tell on Ih'i most rraionahle lernn. -MAKING AND REPAIRING will atill be dune to order, and ou lha shortest no lice. Water-proof Paste Blacking kept on hand. Oregon City, Nov. 6, 1 N58. Yamhill Farm for Sale. T OFFh.lt a braulilul lurm ol JM X acrea in Yamhill counly for aale. (imsl huildiiin ou the premises and a hi-. tie land under fence. The plac e ia admitted by all to b on of lb most delightful residences in Ihe country. Forpurticulara Inquire of Ihe Fdilor ef Ih Argil, who la ahlu lo give all necessary in. formalkm. i July 31, 1858-Hiwt Administrator Tutico. MIIE undersigned having been ai iioiiited by Ih" X Probata Court of (.'luckumii (..ui.ly O. T., administrator of the estate of I'.ithi. d 1'. Young,, deceased, notice n hereby ivcu tu all persona Lav-, iug claims against said fstr.it to priseut them to. me as re'iuired by Itw Within out year fjirj thie. daw-, and all iiersimi ow ug sa u emriieuw re.oiu.u ta mako Immwiale pajiiient to me at my reeolenca i. ..id county. JOSEPH YOUM., Nov. SO, I858-S3wj Admr. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS! By Ike Last Steamer l IIRENCh merinos, plain A. 6gured Eaglisb ' HK-riooa, all wool aud half we delaines aura plaids, aiohairs. silks, Istest style of wialar dresae and ladies' cloaks, unibreideries, eallars, ribbons, iawelry, St.:. te- A Is ooe of the lame stark of genUemeo'. CLOTHING, fiaa cloaks, oal. Dsota. St vesU, for sale curse by paota, ot VAlSXEflHAVJt J.lCOfl. Oregon City, Oct. , Ij 25,000 Utah. by jeaht?W- ... FEET OF FIR LL'.MUliU 108. BAB5TOW, 0 0 'A V! i.'i V- '.. 'i f I' si Al, V iv:. 'ii if "Si i I I i'S i:i t :r. r,i i., ' v. M. ?i s