A . t Hp ' .i v sad - t -r-.r Vr.i ; V3 4 .0.5 1 u tMeasar trwly. , . I low men would mnvk at Pleasure' sWs, Her golden praniiM, If Ihsv kits - What weary Wuik tu In those Who bit no bsllcr irurk te do. 1 Curved I th lin of beauty, ' Straight I lU lin of duty Wlk by lh Ust, and thoa thill tf Th oiber ever follow ilt. ' 0, rlghlsou doom, dial they who make Pitssur ibsii oaly mil, Ordsnug ihcir wbulo lift (ut Its sake, M-ss that wuarsUi Uiry loud. M'LH thsy who li!J hciii July lead, ' Contpoi to f.!low, they, Of duty only taking bee d, Find pleasure by llio way. Heart Mutit. Meetiko a Sermom. ArchJeneon Luightou, returning home one morning, wm asked, by lin sister, " Have jou iwoii bonrin;; sermon!" I hue mot er. mon," wm the answer. Th sermon lie hud met wit a corpso en iia way lo the grave; the preacher Deatli. Ijkii. tut of street preachers f No law nur pen. allies can n'lonoe him. No tramp of hor ses, nor rattling of carrines, nor rush an J din of crowded streets, can drown Li voice. In hcalheo, papal lod prolealant countries, in mo ii arch fit and free states, in town and country the solemn pomp of hi discourse ie ever poinjf on. In ome countries a man it imprisoned for even dropping a ' fact. t Dut whit prieon wilt hold thi aw. ful pcrachert 'What chain will bind himl Hti lifts up lil voice in tho very presence rf tyrant, and luoghs at their threets. lid walk unobstructed through ihe midst of their guard and deliver those rnMia. j?es which trouble their ccurity and embit tur their pleasures. If we do not inert hi sermon, dill wo cannot escape them. JJu cntnes lo our abodes, and, Inking dearest object of our love at I'ipdext, what terri ble sermons does ho dvjjter to ut! Oh what weeping audiences sometimes has this silent preacher 1 Yet there i a secret ductrine, an occult meaning, running through his discourses, which is net often apprehended. Few "lay it to heart." 11 is oft repealed sermons still enforce the siune doctrine, press upon us the same ex hortation. "Surely every m.io walketh in vain show." Surely they are disquieted in vnin. Here there is no continuing city. AVby are you laboring for that I will pro nily take from you and give l another! Take no thrug!:t for the morrow. Pre pare to meet thy fJod."- . v A J)lT OF FiiMALR rillLOSOPHV. To b hated by her friends is tho lot of every good-looking girl ; but lo lo secretly curs i d by the whole neighborhood, a joy re served for the trnuscendenlly beuuiiful only. Without ever seeing a young wo- mmr you can tell her appearance ly jua carefully analyzing the scundul in circula tion against her. C2TTh esteot lo which msnafaoturfi hart been introJuctd at tho South is not generally ap preciated. Iu Ooorgia ilone, there are mure than sixty CDttcu fucloric, while in oOier Stale, partic ularly iu . AUbamt and Luuiana, tuch faoloriti are cootiuuully erected. .' Ileiivy guoJa and coarse yarn are tin only products attempted as yut in'the Southern fucloric. fJfThe"OM Theology" woa probably never mora furcibly presented tbnn in the reply of a student at tho recent examination of Auduver The ological Setniuary. Uoing askc.!, u Iu what sense did Chritt die fur all V Ho auewered, " IIo died for the elect, to provide a way of lulvation, uud fur the non-elect that Uiry might be more tfTectually domncd." " , Bad rsACTire. ' Mnd.im, jou said your son was a lawyer has lit much practice?' Why, yci, ir, hs ha a priicLce of suioking c'gart.' ' hook bora, Jim, there is a hulo knocked out of this bottle you gave me.' ' Why, not at Ul ; there's tho hole In it now. If -it was knocked out, how could it be there?' tW II h computed that in the Crimean war the Briimli lost by the awurj, by diwase and other contingencies uf war, ono hundred and eleven lluiuiud three hundred and thirteen men. The new Testament is ubout to be publish ed in the Court dinlccl ot China, in ono octavo vol ume of about ISO leatcs, at a tout of from twelve to fifteen cents a epy. - ,- . r "Tho purest joy that wo enn expert, cuce in one we love is to see that person a bouico of happiness to other. iST A mnn of philosophic temperament Tescuibh's a cucumber; for even when completely cut up, he is still cool, t3T In Japan, what a guest leaves on Lis plato ia. wrapped in a pieceof paper nnd then given him to carry away, i 1 O-la ViitilocU's nok of Plate and Il lustrated Counterfeit Detector for lSiC, hunnvs; " Hosteller's Hitlers are really what their tiunie hnplie, a tonic anil frentie atimuhm, cnlcul.ited lo ael upon the lyntein an a medicine, nnd not, as is too often the ease, a mere invention under which tn indulge iu tippling. We would uot venture to muke this atuleinenl, did we lint feel sure it would he cr.-o Mated by the willing testimony of thmi iA nil aver the United Stutea, and e.-puciully throughout the western and southern parts, where certain dwonlers prevail, which require such a pre scription. Wo iiro assured by a gentleman of large experience, who is a ' traveled man' sud whose judgment and impartiality may be relied upon, that Hosteller's Bittern' are a suro thine on ever oim ARiie, inai scourge ot our newly set tled regions; which, indeed, has wuuiil Ihe past year, prevailed tn un alarming extcut in aeeliuua generally exempt." At Ihere are several imitations, be cautiou4and buy none but the Genuine. Sold by Dr. A.n.STIUiLK.flrnt SMITH cVDAV IS, Portland. I Oran Cilv. l'ARK & WH ITK, Utntril Afnu, 4m3 Vii WathiHgtiiH ., San Ptancim. IV D. yaui luroveTkxlrarl tt Yellow Dock and Sars.ip.irill is now put up in the largest sized (quart) bottles, and is acknowledged to be the best Smsupar llu made as is certified by the wonderful cures it ha performed, the original cupie of which are iu the hands ot tiie proprietor. Keniember, this is liic unly true and original arti cle. The medicine, if used according lo direc tion, WILLCL'KE, WITHOUT FAIL, 8cmf. ula, king's evil, rancera, tumors, eruptions of the kiu, erysipelas, chronic sore eyes, riugworm or tetters, rheumatism, pain in the bones or joint, old sorer and u'een, iwellingof the glands, vphi liH.dyfpeptiia, salt rheum, diseases of the kid'ueya, Iohs of appetite, dieeat arising froia the nse mercury, pain in the side nnd shoulders, general debility, jaundice and cosliveneo. 12 The genuine is put up in quart bottles. ' ' FAKK 4. WI1IT.K, Agmlt, , 132 Wtthingtm itSn Franriteo. Da. A. II. STEtLK, Agent, Oregon CUf. N 'EW LOT, just received, ami lor sals by eg U THUS. JOHNSO.V. G ILT MOLXDING for picture frnmet, for saieoy HIAKMA.N A. V AKNta , M ACAULAV3 HisUiry of Eafrand for y V. rVFK, Jr. BUSIN1CSS CA1JDS. w. t. isVuo., - -.V" '.X: w.aieaatuN. I Matlock A Johnaon, A1T0UXEY8 Si C0LKSEI.0K3 AT 1AVT, . An J Solicitor) tit Cutneerp, .'n WILL promptly attend to any biwfnees which may be committed to their professional oils rue b (ore the District and Supreme Courts, ' Utile iu II glifk ld'1 building, immediately op posite Ilia Msiu Hlreet House. Oregon Cily, Mre h 7, ISS7. ; 47y JOHN R M BRIDB, , " ITTOSSST iD oovasskoa t utm, Lafayette, Yamhill County, O. T. WILL failbfully attend to all busiusos eo Irasted to his professional ear. . , , . Vn, 0. Scment A Co., , WUULE.SA l,K and retail Dealers la Grocer Irs, Provisions, I'sinla, Oil, Hoot and Shoes, Crockery, Ac. Opposite the Laud OITic, .Main HI. Oregon Oily v " June I, 1855. CHARLES POPE, JR, DRALKK In Hardware, Grooeries, Dry Goods, Clothing, boots iV Khoea, Medicines, Books and Stationery. ' " Msin-.,Oretron City, April's!, 1857-llf ' - S. SrZilwsln, ' ' - Manufacturer, Wkoleiate orf fefi7 Dealer In COOK AtfD PARLOR STOVES, . Tr. a ejrma wo, uaidwass, c, , . MaieSt., opposite Mela Street Hotel, OREOOS CITY, O. T. ', , ' Steamboat sud jobbing work attended to with dispiicn. ( Orders from the country promptly filled. je7 T. C11AR.MAN. A. WAHNKIt. Charm an A Warner, G EXE PAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLSSALt av RKTAIL Dealer la Dry Uoeds, Clothing, Ilardicare, Crtxieri. Glassware, Moots, Short, faints, Oil, tic, la lhir fire-proof Brick Main strut, , 0KHC0.N CITV, ORElN. " m r-' t : i . l - Tims. WF. Hir.llHELD, - WA TCILMAK Elt. 1'en.onf desirous of r. tlinff cood work done w ill do well lo give ni a cull, as my whole time is de voted to Ihe repairing of Chronometer. Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal watches. Au R-osortmeiit of Jewelry on banj. Jewelrv mads lo order, nnd repaired.'' ' Price Ui suit the limes. I aia Ihaiikful for past lavors, ana nopo lo give saiislaction in tulure. ST I.oentrd at the old stand, opposite the Tel egniph OlTioe, OREGON CITY,- :: i'b.2.; n Sraga BSedicinei, Faints. Oili. fSf 'and Dye-staffs, nlthe OKKUO.N CITY DRUG STORE, septa Ala n Mreet, Oregon l,ity,U. T. GUN-SMITHING. BF.ING permanently located in Oregon City. I am prepared to carry on the busiues ol UUN-SMITHIXG 1 '7iY ALL ITS BRANCHES. ' Those who (sror ms with their patronage, may espect lo have their work done right. " Those who have GUNSal my Shop for repairs, and do not cull for them wilhiu rink months of the time sot for the work to be done, may expect to have them sold lo pay charges. FEKDLXAiNl) WILDE. June 27, 1857. . . .. - . , , Hinld . Beading for the -Million. ' 5. J. McCORMICK UAS CONSTANTLY ON IIANU AT Till) tSANKLIN S00K stork, rnosT-rr, f o&tland, orkoon, A Choice selection of Popular Books, News papere, Maguzines and Fancy Stationery. Among the bouks on hand will be found works on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, I'oelry, Biography, Medicines, Religion, Science, School Itooke, Romances, Sto., etc., Ae. XTSuhscnplious received for Hurper, Urabam, Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 94 a year, joC age free. UT Subscriptions received for any newspaper published iu uuy part of the Union, t ' 1 1 1 Remember the Franklin Hook Store and News paper Agency, Front strct, rortlaud Oregou. ' W. D. XXntchins, M. D., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. KEFFRS TO . .. i Prof. A. Curtis, Cinciunati, Ohio; . Prof. J. Koat, " ' Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Ini. l)r. W. Armiitrong, Fin lley, Ohio j J. Fisher, M. D., Tiffin, - " J. Chamberliu, M. TilTm, " Dr. li. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio) Prof. II. F. Johnson, 1'liiladulphiii, Penn. : Prof. J. llrown, N. Y.j Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwaukie, O. T, W. D. Hiitchlin' Balsam Wild Cherry.'.. ,..$1 S3 Jayne's Expectorant 1 35 " Alterative ,..',t 1 25 Ayrea' Cherry Pccloiul 1 25 and a general arsurtinent of BOTANIC MEDICINES kept at all times. And I am making arrange ments to manufacture my DaUam fur the lungs, from the Oregou cheiry. ang'l5 THE public are tespcctfully informed that the undersigned hnve 0eued a SHAVING MA LOON upposite Messrs. Gibson & Potter' Itill- ;ard Saloon. Hair (jutting, Shaving, Shampooing, ij-t.. dune in the lutesl and unci approved style. Also, liool-blacking, light jobbing,' &a.. Genlle ineu'e bed rooms taken oare of. and all other small jobbing done on the cheapest and most expeditious terms. JUII. & 1 IIU.YIAS W AUIT, Jan. SO, lrjjd. .Una si., Oregon City. Jos. 3arstow IS by himself, and would respectfully lay to hi friends ami tho publio generally that he is thankful for past patronage, and will continue busi ness ut the old stand, and will ever be reudv to show his Goods to thus who may favor him with a call. Come one, come all, both great and small, and give him a vail before purchasing elsewhere, aud examine for yourselves hi splendid and select stock or. , .., r DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, anil CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, CulTee, Spices, Ac, A.C., Hais.Xails, Urooins, Si.ii., aud ahuiMl every thing pertain in; to a general line of business. '-, All kind-of country pripduce tokeu iu exchange. Couutry frieuds will liud it to their advantage to give me a call, , Cnneinah.Sept. G. ... , Extra Notice I WE WISH to inform all who are Indebted to us that on the lO rii day or Ssptsmbss nest we rliall close our books nnd accounts, and yui ie ereiiil buexnete entirely ! We shall re lain our books and papers for one month for the pure of collection after which time all in oountsaot settled will be left with some officer for collection. ' - We hope one end all will come forward and close np their accounts with cash or such produce as we usually take it the market rates, or make satisfactory settlements with ns. . CHARM AN $ WARNER. Oregon City, ilug. 14, 1938. SAVE Torn DOLLARS! As veil as your Dimes ! IF yoa want GOOD article at the lowest pos sible prices, call at CIlARLKS POPES tore, 6a Main slrret, wber you will find a larg assortment of GOODS as cheap am ihey aaa be bought at ny store ia Oregon City. ! 5, '57. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Owe, Washington Co.. Oregon. , i lo.iuil.l ' - - t. .,. , 1 Rev, S. IT. Mamh, A. M.; President, Rov.lI. Lyman, A.M., Prof, Mathematics. ' l ? I ! . , t . i , i : i V ' . rpHE coltegini year, consisting of on term of I - l.a . ui. 1 1 ... nM t It Odd Wedi.esdsy of Seplenibor. Jt is the design uf this Instiliilion to furnish a thorough and euinpleto eolleglal education. There i a Library of lUUU volume forth use of the stsdenis .' -. . A pidicwnls for admission to eolleg mnet have s knowledge at Ihe common English branches, and hav studied the ancient languages so for a lo have read portions of Cwsar aud Cicero and lh Ureek Kesoar.- i " ' - '- -A The tuition fee is $33 per annum. , , i SludenU fitting for college, aa well a others wishing lo pursue collegiate stidies without enter, iug upon th college course, will be uudsr lh iu stiuclion of the eolleg teachers, The fall term of 1 1 weeks Iu the preparatory demr!ineiil eoinniencrs on lh 3d Wednesday of September. Tuition, 8 per term. ,. s . Saaiatin Academy, : ' ' Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. , (IIkv,Cu"ino Eeuls, PWncui. . ' The full term will eoinmence on the 2J Wed nesday of September, ' Tuition in the common brunches, $0 In lb higher branches, $S wr quarter. KCy JUST R EC KITED, at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran cisco, a large assortment of i ' Drugs, ' " ' ! , I ' , Chemicals, , ' , Patent and Family ' . Medicinei, all of which will be sold as low or lower than they can be had nt any other place In the Territory. Country merchants will liud it lo their interest to buy here Instead of Portland. Call and see. - Oregon City, May 9, 1857. Tio OraefonbcrkT Company. THIS lXSTlTL'TIOX (incorKirated by lh Legislature of the Slule of New Yoik, cap ital SIUU.IKKI), was founded for the purMMp of snpplyiug the public with Ihe celebrated GltAEF KNUIiUG MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies for nearly every disease, adapted lo ev ery climate. For families, travelers, eeamen, nnd miners' use, they are unequnled. All Ihe medi cines are PURELY VEGETABLE, uud war ranted to cure the diseases fer which they aru sev erally recommended. The Gruefeiibere Company does not profess to cure all diseases with one or two medicines. Our series consists of ELEVEN different kinds, ad apted lo the various diseases incident to the tem perate and tropical climates. The Pillowing com prise Ihe series of Graefeubcrg Medicines: , , 1 Tits Gracreobcrg Vegetable Pl Are considered tho standard Pill of the day, and are Infinitely superior to any Pill before the public They operate without irrilution on ull the excre- tiom, piirumg the blood ny the oowcis, nvcr, ma neys, and skill. , , , . Ulamlinll's L'lorino Cntliollcon, A n infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, weakness ill the hack, pain In breast, nervousness, debility, ele. In California ami Oregon, out of more Ihan a thousund eases where thi medicine bus bera used, it has in no single instance failed to give permanent relief or to euect a certain cure. 1 GRAEFENBERG SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. Ono bottle equal to ten of the ordinary sarsapurilla for purifying Ihe blood. A sure euro for scrolula, rheumatism, ulcers, tlyi pejisia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, &c. The A'.recn Mountain Olatmeat Invaluable for bums, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swelluvrs, scrofula, ete. As a pain extract1 or, it cannot be excelled, arlbrding Immediate re lief from the must excruciating pains. f , TUB GltAEFKNBERO" SEN TE R Y SYRUP. This extraordinary article is a speedy and infallible remedy In duirrhcca, dysentery, cholera morhus, cholera Infantum, uud the Asiatic cholera, if taken with the first symptoms of the disease. It Is pure ly vegetable iii its compound. Cracfcnbcrg Children's Fanaeea, For suuluier complaint, ami most diseuscs to which children are subject. Its true worth can nover be set forth iu words, but it can be felt nnd apprecia ted by parents whose children have beeu saved. 'o mother should be without it, Grac fenders Vile Remedy. Warranted a eertaiu cure for this paiuful disease. With ihe Ointment, lliare are very few coses which cannot be radically aud penusuently oured. A surgical operation for Piles aud Fistula should never be resorted to until this ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never fails, URVEFEMlERGi EYE LOTION. For diseases uf the eye, this Lotion has uo equal. It is a speedy nnd positive cure for Inflammation of Ihe ayes, weakuessei, dimness and fulling of sight. It wiil always be bsueliuial in acule iutisiurimiiun of the eyes.and also as a wash oa inflamed surfaces. GRAEFENBEBG, FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. A speedy and positive euro for this distressing complaint. These Pills are composed principally ol (Juiiiiue, with oilier vegetable Ionics, auti-spas-modic and febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently cured by their use. . ' . Urneft'iitM'rK Consnnipiire'a naln Sovereign in all Bronchial and Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, beyond all question, true that con sumption is a curable disease, and the Consump tive's lialm is the best curative ever used. (iraefenbrre; Health Utile r. These bitters are skilfully and eleguuily prepared from a number of invigorating, healthy roots, barks, herbs, and vines. Aa invaluable tonic and health restorer. (IraefrBheif naaaal af Ilratth. J A handsomely printed volume of 300 paires, con taining concise and extremely plain descriptions of all manner of diseases, their symptoms und treat ment Every family should hare one. Price only 25 O'lila. It will be sent, post paid, lo auy poslotheo ia California or Oregon, ea lb re ceipt of iii couia by niail or express. Address Rediagtosi Co., bsa Francisco. The Grstfenberg Medieiue are for sad by all Druggists and apothecaries throughout the couutry. A. H. S I'liliLE. Agent, Orr-rfc-n City. General Agents far California and Oregesj UEDIXGTOX 4. U.. Wholesale Druggists, ' No. 107 Clay street. Kaa Franeiseo.' ' SHAKER Ssrsaparilla, at lh OREGON tITY DRUG STORE. 5 CASES " Crumpton's Medal" Tehaceo at mf li WM- V. DEMENT CO.. 1 .V. S. MAIL LINBl .:iI Oregon City and Portland Daily Packet, IU. -t ' Jennie) Clark,' iiiTi ' ' ',o,',, laio, Masdl, . Will run daily, (Sunday eseepled,) in lh bev named trade, leaving Oregon City very day at 0 o'clock, . H. Itelurniug, will leave Porilaud at S r.., touching at oil Inlrrinodietc points, f For freight orpg apply on board. ' t MF . .. ft Jlftvcen '.Portland, tn4 Oregon .C'jr. THE new stern-wheel steamer . . ". EXPRESS, itimOlZ J as Stsano, Master, will run between Portlsod snd Oregon CitT daily (Sundays excepted), lea, incf PORTLAND at 10 a. si., and OKKGON ClTVateMi. . , a ; July 85. TJ. S. MAIL LIKE. ; Porllmirf nnd Alrln. Th Splendid Steamer 9 Ksltnomth ttZmSL WILL continue tn run regularly between Port land and Astoria, si's) Vancouver, twics a wr, leaving Portland on Monday and Thursday morning of each week fur Astnrlui and Astoria for Portland on Tuesday and Friday mornings, touching Yancouvss, St. II KLr.Ns.ltAisiKa.CATli. lamkt, &o., each way. For freifht or passage, . apply to It. IIOYT, Master, . jelP Or at Hoyl's Wharf-boat, Cortland, j JUST RECKIVKL) at Ihe Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York an I San Fran cisco, a fresh supply of DRVOS, MEDICINES, Psteul Medicines, Family Medicines, Ac, die, which will be tolil at luie for caek at they can te procured in the Territory. Cull ami examine for yourselves, and get an Almanac for 185'J, gratis. JAYNE'S Alterative, Expectorant, and Tills, Cod Liver Oil, Cantor Oil, and Sweet Oil, al the OREGON CITY DUUG STORK. MBXICAN Mustang Liniment, U. W. Mer. ohsut's (toritling Oil, at the OREGON CITY DltUO STORE. TRUSSES, right and left and double, and Ab dominal supporter, al Ihe OREGON CITY DUl'G STORE. TJUKK White Lead, raw and burned Umber- Cromo, Green and Yellow, ond other paints. al the OREGON CITY DltUtt S TOKE. ERFlTMKRY.nt the . OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GltAEFKNBERO MEDICINES: UraefsubergSaruparilla, Uterine Cat holicon. . . i ' ' Dysentery syrup, consumptive balm, . Pile Oinlmrnt, j . " Health iiittors, U M l'lyo Lotion, Ac, Sea., To be fonnd ot the sgenoy of lh Compeny, at OREGON CIl'Y DRUG STORK. HAY.MAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted lo cure the dvspepsin just received nnd for sale at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE,, DR. G uy sou's ooinpouiid extract of Sarsuparilla and Yellow Dock, at the sepl5 OREGON CITV DRUG STORE. OLD Dr. Jacob Towusend's Sarsnparilla, al the OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. DR.J. Ayres' eelebraled Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds,and oonsnmptiou, at th . OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. M cLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills, OREGON CITY DKLG o TOKK. DR. Towusend's Sarsapnrilln, at lh OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for the cure of fever and ague, Ac, Ac , just received and forsukt at tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. For Sale at the CIlY BOOK STORE THE following works ' ' Magio Start, by A.J. Davis; ' Great Iron Wheel, by J. U. Groves ( Dred, in ii vols., by Harriet Beecher Stow ; The HouioCycloiedius, , ' of the World s Progress, " " Useful Arts, ' Europe, ,' " Geography, Fine Arts ami Literature, Biography, &n. Oct 3. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. SUGAR, Suit, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Chocolate Starch, Sulcratus, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Curb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alum, Borax, Cop peras, etc. Aprii 21. IH.i7-ltf Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR BRASS and lion Butts, Screws, Locks snd Latches, Hammers and Hatchets, Axes, Drawing-kuives, Handsaws, Curry Comb, Horsti Brushes and Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cup, Wo Card, Chest Handles, Planes. Ae . . land Warrants PURCHASED UY .Ion. 24. WM. C. DKMF.VT CO. 7LAX St EL) lor sule at C. POPE'S. To I ho Afflicted. DR. HUTCniNS' CELEBRATED BAL sain Of Wild Chcrrv, with a variety of his other popular Botanical Mididiiet, or pow lor ale at CHARLES POPE'S, Oregon City, and at JOSEPH HAKS l'OvV'S, Caiwnnk. Wy SCIENTIFIC AMEKICAN. PROSPLUTUS. VOLUME FOURTEEN BEGINS SEPT. 11, 1859. BZSCHAXnCS, IWVErTTORS, Manufaelnrens and farmer. THE KctKNTirio Axksioan has now reached its Fourteenth Year, and willsjuter upon a New Volume on the I Ith of September. It is ths only weekly publication of the kiud now issued in this country, and it has a very extensive cireulutioa in all the States of the Union. It is not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on techu.cal science ; on the contrary, it so deals with the great events eo.ni on in Uie scientific, mechan ical, and industrial worlds, as to please aud instruct every one. If the mechanic or artisan wishes to know the best machiue in use, or how to make auy substance empioyea in nis business u me house wife wishes to set a rocipe for making; a rood color. &o., if the inventor wishes to know what is going ou in the way of improvements If the mouufac-tiu-er wishes Iu keep pasted with the times, and to enjoy the best facilities in bis business if the man of leisure and study wishes to keep himself familiar w.Ui the progress made in tlie chemical laboratory, or in the construction of telecrnphs, steam-hips. railroads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other machines auJ appl.acccs, both of peace and war all these desiderata cau be found in the Scu.i- Tina AMKaiCA.x, and not elteuhere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting form, ad.ip'eil to the eornprehensein of minds unwarned in the higher branches of science and art Texas : One copy, one year, $2 ; one copy, sis months, $1 ; five copies, six mouths, f4 i ten co ies,s x months, $8; ten copies, twelve m in: lis, $13; fifteen copies, twelve nvmlhs, $33; twenty copies, twelve months, $'-'8, in advance. Specimen copies sent gratuitously for inspection. Pitftage stamps Inken for subscriptions. Letters should b - d reeled to MVNN d CO, 128 FmltOHit.NeuiYari. 'Messrs. Mux St Co. are ex'cnsively engiircd in procuring pcUents far new inventions, and will ad vise inven or, without charge, ia regard u the aoTe'ty uf their improvement. FULL assortment of Yankee Notions at mhil CHARMAN A WARNER'S. AN assortment of Bibles and TesUiaeul Car :il at the Repository price by C POPE, Jr. Xfew Soeka f ' :' ' . rilllE sabseriher has just received a larg a. X sortition of IIOOKr4, direct from Nsw Voik amolig whloh are III following t ' , Alisou's Hist. of Lurope American Institutions, Live uf the Signers, Hilliuians . do. .. Democracy In Antutlca, lis hy ion and Ninevih, Land and Lee," 'Hea and Sailor," Thro Years iu Cslifur. Cvo. of Literature, ("Dock aad Port," , -1 Ship and Shore," lloui Cyclopedia, , Egypt aud the Holy Laud Uuchau'a Fain. Phys'n.J UirduerouMt in fcuglii Manual of ruis ArU, I.eetnresou the Alts, Travsls In Pera, -Polar Regions, Mahsu's Philosophy, Anc t Aionasterii'S, k'huie Uiugmphy, Peruvian Anliqnilies, I 'hole Klraols, a A variety of Poet. SOU eopies uf bouders' dpeller, uUU ' i " Kesdera, S.'iO " MeGulTey' do. S.'.O " Webster's Diclionsri, Dsvles' Algebra, Newman's Ithslorle, , Geomslry, " Bourdon, Surveying, " Legendrv, " Arithmetics, Thoiupsuu's do. Hay's do. Parley's Univ. History, tioounch s ricl. V. Monlelth's Geography, "Lilllu HH aker," M. American Speaker. ALSO, A Treih Supply of Stationery. Pay Hooks, JosrHsis, Ledgers, lluuer.1 llisiks. Meinoisn.lums, of all siies, Diur.r, & e., Note an letter Paper, Envelopes, Pens, die., oVe Kras.r Knives, Kriisiv llubber, tiumined babels, r aber Pencils, INK, Is) quart snd pint bottles. WIIOLtSAI.R AND KKTAIL. v CM MILKS P0PE,i. Oregon City, August 18, ISiG. . LUMBER. , . , A LL these who waul LU.MBKR can leave ii. their bills with Ciiabhan A. Wasski, which 1 will fill, aud deliver Urn lumber iu Orefon t iy, if desired. 11- S- UULH., Oregon City, Jan. 1, 18.'.9. 4Qlf JUST RECK i . ''. ' i splendid lot of I V E I) CLOTHING, HOOTS i- SHOES, . anil . , ' DrGood ol nil Dearrlptioua. We esu uow till almost auy bill a farmer nay ra for. Cull and see. March U. CHARMAN &. WARNER. HAVE JUST RECEIVED -. e - f A IISAVV ASSOSTSIKNT OS A.1D slAVR POT S' Prices Down to Ihe Lowest Figure ! Come in, thus who want goods curur. mil 13. CIIAKMAN Ac WARNrHt. ZX o r o ZsT o wCI o o 4 a, AT CHAHMA Si WARNKn's. IN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK we have just received, direct from Sou Fran Cisco, a good aud suitable supply ot Good for this'Seat'tn of th Year, which we oiler for sale at prices which cannot he beat in this market. Our slock consists in part of 4UU lbs sal soda, ' 50 boxes English soap, , 50 Chus. Illll'ssuap, 20 dux com starch, ' ' 90 eases pie fruit, ' 15 ' pickles, 8 dox honey, 8 lobsters, 13 " oysters, 20 lilf bbls N O sugar, 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried apples, R rits mackerel, SflOO lbs slick candy, 600 " fuiiey da 1 ease Gallipicber toys, 1 " German toys, 400 lb nlmouds, 13 hlf boxes raisins, C whole boxes do., 48 prs good Mackinaw blankets, . . 3000 yds brown sheeting, ' 3000 " calico, Hoots und shoes of every description. The above, with our usuul assortment, we thiuk remters our hock complete, l.all and see us. Terms cash. CHARMAN d WARNER, December 18, IboU. Iviperii'iict) iTiiike I't-rfccl. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods? WE wish to inform our customer od ths public genrrully that we have nw on hand, in addition lo our usual heavy aloek of Gro ceries and Dry-Goods, one of ihe largest and best selected stuck of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in this market. Via also wish to say that coir goods are of cxorllcut quality, aud tint wo will sell AS CHEAT AS ANY OTHBIt 1IOCSE IX OHKGON, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still governs our trade "Quick sules and small profits," Our stock of goods is now open for inspection to ull who will favor us with a call. Call and sco, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell as low as any iu the Territory, fur cash, or produce at market rates. CHARMAN &. WARNER. Oregon City, May 83, I8."itj. Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, Ja. P ANDS' Sareanaiilla. Peck' Wild Therrv P.li. iv? ten, Bulemau ' drops, Bruudrolh'e pills, Lee's pins, ferry s veriiiiiuge, upodetdoo, Uum Cam phor, Cum Arulrie, British oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, lid preparation, Roman eye balsom, JJalley's pain extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper. mint, Essences, Composition Powders, Carter's Pulmonary Balsom, Sulphur, Epsuin Suits, o. April SI, 18i7-ltf Baptist Books. TXTE EXPECT by next mail steamer n quan t V tity of the American Haptist Publication Society's Bouks, consisting of Fuller's Works, liitnyan s do., I he Psalmist, pocket, pew, and put pit sues, aud A variety of other work. We will state that we intend to keep a com plete assortment of the Society's books. Orders for single books, or by the quantity, will be promptly filled. Churches and libraries furnished at the lowest price. JOHN A. POST. Oregon City, Aug. 21, 1858. ' Barard Tarlor'a YCLOPKDIA of Modern Travel. and J Swau'i Three Years' Kesideuoe on Ihe North West cosst for sule at Ihe CITY BOOK STORE, SANDS' Sarsaparilla,in anyquantily, at Ihe OREGON CITY DRUG rlTORE. CHAIN PUMPS price reduced for sale by mrofl C. POPE, Jr. XJiyK WILL PAY CASH or TRADE fur Tf good WHEAT at the market price. novIS CHARMAN WARNER. XTotice to Snippers. OX and after thi dote, FREIGHT win be carried on Ihe steamer X1XS by the rule of Ship's Measurement." Nov. SI. V... C. K. 8WEITZER. 6DOZ. grape-vine cradles for sale by . WM. C DEMENT V 1 BRICK. 100,000 TOE 8y,n sep!9 WM. C. DEMENT, 4 CO. Cbarmasi Warner HAVE ree'd a large ssaonraent of SHOES, r.nlirse'iiir children's and ladies' ahaM, and Gaiters, Buskin, and lionises : ale gents' J Soots and shoes, and gaiters of all descriptions. ALSO, Cradles and scythes, snaths, loo, rake, forks, padcs, and shovels. wm o. EEitaitrTco OKKER fors.l.ibfcllow,.f0u4,. I d ...HI tm, TJ f1 " Xeuldo ' tk I 1 HO cow bells (superior), 10 hsndi.d sxi-sV i ) 'Iff 10" without do' ' I' X :,: r ----- "'inr. r i , IU " Aimn'wsdM. 30 - aurry eoiuks, ,'( 5IW lb wrapping twin. '. 100 R weking,.- ' . ,'iriT INDIA RVBBKH QOQPJ f In i.'. . ' ' OLgon City, JM, ti IJJJh ami imi i k ainf i , ATTllITTIOtT. TAt THRESHERS, RiAPCIL , A H U ,. " s WE hsveaowen th weyfru,,,, Sloles. . .. To Arrive nbenl ibe U. 9f -IL. ' " ' i SUPERIOR LOT - Z of ih sbov.meflilonc.l machine.. Tbeveul sill of lh latest improvements, IBd wi hesil.liou In saying l,.t w. bslisv then, "l?,!! . moht ri.Rnxr MAutrnt, . now b.ouuhl b. this ' They wer. . under our own .i.rvisin, h.vi,,, , TT-T?? , lion Messsary u. lender thru) s,uu. tT eouulry. " pa - Ths THRESHERS eonsist f t,: Lj-J, six-hors pow.rs (rsllway and swe.p)7iVT' tors sud ewy eMiilial couveaiene. ksxms ITS Machine. "bbi Our REAPERS sud MOWERS tro. msubiu, Buiusbl. j.ilif Bjo.j,,- i ney or Iroru two to four bores. wV williuol riilMa. mp i.. ..I.... i "" 7B , - vhivi wgras, oas k raksr. In .Addition to th AkaLtT W. k.S. lo ...Iu. ., .1 , . - - . ......... .,,lls.nn ume, IA AGRICULTURAL IMPLSMSxri Peoria Plows, Xi, V. - 2foon Cliir Plows, ... Extension Cultivators. ,t Grapevine Orain CraJtei, 1 -'.. &Jfrtw af Snath . ' . . Straw Cutters, ' AUV - Ilay Presses- i 5 : Hay Forkiand RtiuLf , HortRukt$, " ft . ', Wheelbarrow? ' Shovels, 5ita oxose nmi, BARK MILLS, A TANNERS' TOQli. Alsov a srlsel ossortntot f . s. SMITHS' AND CAR PR ITERS TOOli.'"- With muuy other articles not her n..iu2J 1 i , . , , ' We would ny to our customer and ia sssul. eenerolly, if Ihey or in want of any of Ibetsj mentioned article, tfvy tsrsJl ds veil tt sail aad sew our before purehasiiif ele here, u we ar sets, inined lo aril LOW FOR CASH. Tj We would also add that our Machines art Whtf rapidly sold lo arrive. Hotter call and sees te of them before ! late. If preferred. Usekl. delivered in Portland, if engaged before arrival wm.U UliMENT4C0., T Oregon City, Jan. 3U,'j8. OppotilsUndoiat Opptile LandOJaj THE SPELL 13 BE01QCI!! ...i Ths Election Is Ortr 1 1, s AND .. ; t :..,a STJSZIZTSSIULY Am"11 ARE selling oil at COST th best-stlstt4 stock of ' . I ! cx.oznu.0, rawiiuT. BOOTS d; SHOES, ,x Ever offered in this market, to which titer tseekt reajieot fully csll the silent on of rotMsasSsasi uW ' publie generally. They assure iiisubkis tksl they now off r the best inducer! fee skeisneV mem of money by llinso wh dssire to psrskssf grsNls or an excellent quality aad Ms LOW RATES! Their whole slock will te told without I at cost price, and all closed out as soosssseo. iblo. Orei'oo C it v, Jus 1, W Parm for Sale for $1500. OFFER for sale a h.lf section f LJ land situated about six mile east of PJ!!T .McDonald' terry iu Forks Saiiliam, Line i!i. Is county, nnd uhmil twenty miles from Salem. Th shape of lb land soils it Wed fs erdissry farming, and it is also one of the beet slwsaraj in Ihe eouulrv. The imnroveineut includes hundred ami twenty ppe trws of improved Mil nine peach, ptnr, an.1 cherry tree, all of whisk will soon he in plentful bearing. The localise w favorable to health, is beautiful und pleasant. Time will be given on a part of the mony a moderate interest, or good slock taken for tsW. For further Barlieularseall on m al th Store," Salciq, or ud dress by letter.' InformlM) concerning il can also be had by calling a W.U Adams of the Oregou Argus. ; Feb. 37, ISS8-4Unio u. nuti. - . .. . T.nAlam I i i h.s S" NI11UV. YOU will find nn ettellenl asserlnteal ot Vt nnd Bonnet. Silk: Satin, ani Vlll Bonnet Trimming: Hosiery, Glmet, Ribbon; Table Clot!,: Counterpane: etc.,U store of CHARLES rVrt Jw (Maiu-.U, opposits Ala rnethy s '"f'J ' be fouud almost everything in the lin Dry Ooodst ", , . ," Such a Prints, Ginghams, Alpeeas, 1Me Pl.i.l l.l.vs. Miishns. altlulul, neis, Sheeting, Bed Iiekmg, Hickory Cotton Ilatliug, ete. ' Oregon City. April 81, 1857-ltf Wm. O. Dement A 0Of . a v WHOLKSALB & RKTAIt , s Dealers In Oroeeriei. Hww Boots k Shoes, Orocke j, C TENDER their thank te thetr nwxmtmjm tomers for their past liberal palronas licit o continuance of the some. as They lks pleasure In iufonniaf JTZ iney navs now ou nsou jAr, st.k of Groceries, Hardware, '' .SL.k sWf SI Crockery, ant Boat blue, to making constant additions frors Nsw M Son Francisco. Dlirchssed for CSsh only, euabled to sell ut lower priees ""l.'gsT agJkW JF " i W ov thst superior GKBM iJ-tffr T MOFFATS Life Bitters ana "rSgJ DyHrry Syrup, Wistar's BJf ""f . BOt. - CW'1 Oregon city DROG8WRV WAGON AND CARRIAGE 3Uy ' oKBOOif ctri,'o.T.' rr Siriel ottentiM pail rpairug,aa4l, faction to patrons warranted. " DR. Osgrd'.lndiCholgogaadI.JJ OKW-un ui i v- .aw.- rWS UTlD SMsi t. UEGON CITY BOOK sWtl