,OD JPXONBBR II . Trunk Factory, . J. W. ClILLEN & CO., . YamkM Ureal, hetunon Firii and Front ttrteli, PORTLAND. OREGON, . WHOLESALE A Retail Mamifaclurer md Commission Dsslers (n til kind of . Trunks, Valines, Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, ; Martingals, u-.n California and Oregon ' 8ftrt.11fl.TrrP. Block"TlIo6p Stlrrnfs,: Whips, ' 9 9 3 q !. Sours: Bittv i n t' T nd every description if Saddlery were, Trunin, r. .. ' Diddle, or turne. MABM-TO ORDER OR SHORT NOTICE. ' n All orders pertaining lo our business will receive atompt attention, r , . g3T Consignment received on the most liberal ' 4bjis ..- '.i i 'f-' ji mi. i i "ntry merchants wishing to ll In toek of .TRUNKS, would do well lo five ue a call, a we ' II . . 1 . I - I - 1 1. 1 1 . .1 ...... will try 10 supply mem uueupor man hip u . jwocnr ihem elsewhere. junSimO i . naacna sub. OTICE w han-by given that in obedience lo n certain elocution Issued out of llie District ' VnA Tor th Second Judicial District of the Ter ritory of Oregon, in favor of Win. Aniipricit .faiilerCaorr() Groom, Sir llie um of one bun ' aired ' and ffty-nlu dollnr and nineteen cents d accruing cost ($149.19), lo ma directed, Cmanding ma lo Mil all of Ilia right, tillr, and eat of George Groom In and lo lire following ' ieltrlbed attached property, to wit: The north Wf of the following descr.bed bind claim, lo wit : -Mm anjat half of the west half of eo. twenty-sit (96), and the north half of nee. twenty-seven (37), ' and the E. half of the snuth-eiisl quarter of are. Hrarty-etott (27), and Uie N. W. quarter of the rlh-Mat quarter of aeo. Iwculy-eewn, and the E. quarter of the soutli-we.t quarter of aeclion Vwaly-e-a (37), all being in Townahip five (S) eeath of range one (I) eant, situule in C'lucke auiewinty. Said aala lo tuko l:ice ou the 3 1 el day of January, 1859, at 9 o'clock r. H. of laid day, at the eourt-houaa door in Oregon City. A. HOLCOMB, . Jan. 8, 189-3) Skevf ClackamaiC: iN PROBATE COVKT, JANUARY TERM 18.-.9. Order for Appoaranco. WILLIAM ARMFItlKST, adminietrrlor of Uie sUI of J. E. Tuylor, drceuapil, ha. Sled hie petition in the lrobnti court for Clucka ana county, O.T., prnj ing for an Older to cell the fl Btoperty belongKig to aid ratute. It ia llure . for order) Ihul all prnune lnU!rttel in said ci tot appear before the Probule court of Clackamas ntmty on Tarsday the 8th dny of February, If 5!), 'wt ahow causa. If any they have, why uu order aboald aot be granted (a tb adiuinislralor to sell (he real property belonging lo the estate of niJ -aJaeeased N pay thi d bis and charts sgalnst ths MUte. ROBERT CAUFiELl, Jat.fl, 1859-393 ; ' Judge of Fmbate. 1 c" tUle of School Lands. Y'orderof the Uuurd l Couaty Communion- i As Vsan.lsil. rnuillu. I w ll olf r fur Kilt to aLa L:.u Kij4,t.. ml lis !niirt HoriKM ill Lit fit V It, on ION DAY the 1st day of February next, V the Ommo School LaaJs (of which a de aripliob can bo sbtsiiied from llie Land Office) lying in said county. : Sale Willi be between the ' town often.M. mid fours. ., aud eontiuue from 4ay to day until all is offered. ... . Tim No lands will be aoM for leas than Ufa dollsrs per acre, on third cnli in baml, the re- aaaiuiiir tw thirds t be paid in two year. Pur- IU lw r.aiiiro.1 M iriv tlrtif HOtCS Willi v. approved aecuriiy drawing teu per cent, interest - '"" A "cKO. W. ELMEIt, ' 4t4 i.-: -!i i ' Khui'I of Com. beboole, I ; Jn.l,18J9-38w5 . M rMST. J. M. MACOX. LA FOREST & BACON, JGrenerol Dealers in Dry - Goods, j: .?XsADiES' FANCY GOODS, , Jr;crir Crockery, Glaiw-warc, .a, BOOTS, SHOES, fe., - jUi ii tt'td La For ft French Stare, OREGON CITY. JTE W FIR .M: 'New Jlttraction! . u fonis. ' " ' 'Mi. aco.m. r LA FOREST & BACON WOULD Inform the ciliiena of Oregon City and Vicinity thut they have entered iuto tjapartnarshlp, and iuleud keeping a general supply f averytking in the fit ry -Goods !j.'r.Grocery, Crockery,'and ., Fancy line, kaal will be happv In aeo Iheir oid friends call upon them, and will proinis at all times to sell them foods ss cheap ua any ether boueu in town, our jmUb being Small Profits and Quick Returns. W would also say to the t-Krs jam. nan -anV (tb bone and sinew of th land,) wc intend keep bit everythiiif yon may require in the Grocery, Vraehry, Vhtking, Dry Ooade, floor and Shoe fan, te., which we offer at such pricea aa will be Mefactory to yon. We abo wish lo exchange sm goad for y'mr produce, and will give yon as sack lor it aa th market affords. Com and try ak ' Do not forget the place, but look for the sign at La Panel f Bocen, and then coma in. W would asy to the Mes rGod Bless You!) Jmmm jam wish It mperior articl of dress goods r m . J mU toil to call anon La FosMT Bscon, where yon will nlwaye find Ihem, and a rKaha thair graUful thank for your pat- :TY oiing Men, tJSitnre Hope of Oregon,) kas h Ik ptac t rapply yourselves with a supe rior articl of clothing in which to G&t :Mc tried I nisi, after row nr. irwrried, o OET YOUR OUTFIT FOR H0U3EKEEPM0. "!' COME AND SEE US! , ") n " iH youag and aid, , 1 ; And see if ws the truth bav told ; . I Hera lh plae I pend your cash, And get good goal nMtad of Irasb. . Orsfoa Cuv, Jau-1. H9j TBS OvO a 3 2) i2k 1 .- , V CONSISTINO OF k KKCALS, ALBUMS, rOETICAL J WarW. at bom JS ceuts to $20. fWmUWT Jt.T.!IBl AJSOTll?IT j ret t rwUaaa ExctVe t T V hai at JOHN A. POST'S, ' ' 0fa City, Dee. 1 $. , Crtjr Beak Store. NEW FIRM, fc '"JVc.c Goods! F. ClIAnilAlf MrKI.WEY fllAKE pleasure In Informlnr th raidte of -1. VKKUON CITY ud Hi puWio gsnsrslly ihil thsy hav fvrnwd ao-partnership iulh AND FAMILY GROCERY ' BUSINESS. '., At the aid ttond of F. Oilman, where they will keep on hand everything In their f'? ,,,d of "' ""J J VIY- No IrtiMiita will I mi iiartH In va nl!r ilra.iln u I'Ti i" 1-.. 7 .7: 7 jT " ..V .V From lung residence in Ibis pise and asneri- WIW 111) J IVVI UIWU K'TV I fill enc in this busiuess, lliry feel q'tnlidej I say that they can and will givsaliraction lo all who msg see fit lo patronize them wiih the r orders. N. D. All orders will be Ailed with as much promptness aud fairness as personal preseuc will secure. : , I PARTIES FURNISHED with mrylhiog ia cur hue on lb short! notic. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon City Dee. 18, 1858. II OLID AY GIFTS at CHARM AN 4 MtKINNEYS. The rineit IRGNCIT confectioneries, such as gum drops, Frondans, mottoes, coaoisk csavv, almoud rock candy, &e , at , Dec. 18. CIIARMAX McKINNEY'S. ' JAMS, preserved fruits, brandied fruits, etc., at CI1AUMAN i McKINNEY'S. BEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBUEIl'S SANGUIFIER, , Or Invigorating CordiaL What though the nun in beauty sVne, ' And you have c mnlloH hosrds ol ae.iith ; What though the world all, a.l was tliiua. If you but want the blessing, Health. Jin Honest Appeal! To all with bad or falling health. ARE you languid, inannnite, restleaa, appetite poi r. digtulii'n bad, aud pains in Mie limbs, body back, and head? Reader, much of Ibis ia caused from cold caught unwittingly or, in seven esses out of ten, slufgishusss of the liver and blood, and waul of natural perspiration, inJiscre. lion iu the tse of fiiud and drink, or from a dry ness in the atmosphere which is a very unheal thy part of this climate many of the awful, vio lent, and anudin deaths that occur here must be attributed lo this. Now, reader, I have made Ihia my study for many years, and I do auur you that my DR. WEOUr.lfS INVIGORATING CORDIAL 6ANUUIFIKR will cur these csusei it will insure animation of the liver, blood, and brains it strengthens the nerves, and giVea lo the sufferer a lightness of spirits, a mental and bodily feeling of strength thut is delightful. The many respectable persons who have been benefit, ed by and certified lo its oxtraordinsry qualitit in curing any of the following diseases, must satisfy all but the self-iv re aud ignoraut skeptic dys pepsia, or indigestion, loss of muscular or bodily Klrsngth and nu ntal euergy ; fever, ague, or chills rheumatic, neuralgic, or other pains; depletion ami weukiuas of the natural functions, debility frmn disease, dissipation, too much doctoring; de baucbery, and other causes; in esse of excitement from ouustant iutcmpsrance, aud where delirium tremens has occurred, 1 have seen it change the sufferer in half an hour from the most horrible stale lo culmness and placidity. It ran, indeed, be consc'entiuusly recommended to all suffering, and the proprietor regrela deeply thai il is neces. sary thus to odvertise ii, iu order that it merit may be known. Intemperance and Debauchery, Constitutional "Weakness, fcc, DECLINE OK NATURE, FRK MA TURE cm NATURAL WEAKNESS OK THE FUNCTIONS, NER VOUSNESS, WEAKNESS, CONSTIPATION, WAKEFULNESS and EX11AUSTION: Dr. Webber's Sanguifler is divine remedy. See ejidavite $ tertifieatee. K ease af f.hnu, Agae Tretaars, general eblllly ak III health aoaa caret. Mr. Uriah Weeks, who arrived from Panama March 2d, completely prostrate, weak, and acaree ly able to move; had th Panama fever three months ; had pains in the bones, chills, no appetite, strength or energy; he naed Webber's Cordial two weeka, and felt s strong aud well thai on the 17lh he went to me mines, wncro uo m mw working. SARSAPARILLA AND RITTER .' DRINKERS, KEAD! 1 ' Decs ara, snd Good Fatenn. I herewith in form you that 1 bav taken in even mouth over sixty hollies of Sarsaparilla, bitters, and other remedies for confirmed Dyspepsia, Weakness of lbs cheat, indigestion, and a geueral ,'eebleueas of my system, without getting any particular relief Two bottles of your Cordial have benefitted me a much that I am a different being. Plea lo end two bottle mora, which 1 feel sur will effect a perfect cure. If tbia will benefit you or the afflicted, yon are at b'berty lo publish it Faamsic Locate, Hans Paiutar Price reduced to $3, two for 5 larg quart bottles. Sold by every respectable Drugg, in California, and Oregon. PARK WHITE, San Francisco, Agents. Caution! Beware of Counterfeits! CT Buy noue that has not the signslure of T. Jones and Jacob Webber M- D. on the top of each wrapper nod blow a ia the glass of each boUl. IT LOOK OUT!'. J Lov lore lo kiss th rip that apart unfurls While, glistening, snowy teeth, like spotless pearls; Such b eath, such teeth a ever Love would suit. Are made by Latoul's Jamaica Soap Teeth Hoot And th worst lair soft, fiue, and dark doe live, Toocbeel by Jims' Coral Hair Kestoraliv -Aad par clear skin ia given, from which defect When wuhed with Jones' Italiaa Chemical Soap. CT These really beautiful reparation for lb teeth, th hair, aod skin, are aold for 25 k 50 cent each by all druggists in California aad Oregon. Wb wants a abasing aoapt a beautiful shaving soap. That lathers ha Cream, and heal sore skin. And aJlaosenes,sptia,orn-tarn make oa asp Fraca tb face or lb bands, r th bra at th chin? gueh that 6ne emobent skin purifier, Jon' Italiaa soap, (prie reduced as 25 cent.) Sold by sK dnfTs ia (Vp. dfc,S Dlt. D. D. STEPHENSON, or Removed next door to Holland at Daf. ' mm iiTiaCTio r (lictricitt. THE GENUINE ARTICLES J IJrincc illdoticoitG ! ' " AND UILHERT A CO.'8 ' AT THE CITY BOOK STORE. Dee. 1 8. Xy Boolu Kut b Closed I ' ALL h art Indebted to srs rquetsd I call forthwith aad arltl ap Ibelr aceonnl by by cash or not, ss my books are clot d, which yon will perceive by noticing the sdvsrlisomsul f th firm of Ciisaasn a kk'Kiaaav. TIiim hiving aceouuls against me will present Ihem for pay. mem. F. C11ARMAN. Dee. IS. 1 e:8. ' ' ' trayed or Stolen, I7ROM my place, 15 miles 8. E. of Oregon City, t YOKE of larp red OXEN-on psl red, while iu th face, horns slsnding up the other deep red, with some litll whit on him, a part of on horn broken off. Ear-marks of ei ther not recollected. Una is fiv and tb ihr seven )er old. They left m aboul Mr months sine. Any person tending m word to Oregon City, by letter, of their whwrcaUuta, shall b r. warded with $10. Dec. 18-30 CHARLES CUTTINO.Ja. DOSTOy FAMILY ' ' Jfrlee, At th . S75.00 CITY BOOK STORE. Short Notice! ALL person Indebted to th undersigned are hereby uotihVd to call and nettle on or before ths 1st duy of January or Iheir recount will be put in onr lawyer's handa for collection. DUSEN BERRY At BROS. Oregon City Dec. II, 1858. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! WE have just received 40,000 Havana Ci fare, alo a large quantity of tobacco Natural leaf, Buffalo chips, Pride of th Union, and many oilier brands. Also, PIPES of all kiuds, Match rs, eVo , As., al onr store. VANN E.I BALM f JACOB. Dec. 4, 1851. i NOTICE Is hereby given, that we, the under eigned, have bought the interests of our for mer partners, FcaniHANo Bti aud David Smith, in th firm of A. Rossi Co., Oregon City. A. ROSSI, UICI1ARD HURLEY. D.-c. 18, 1858. 3d , TEACHER OF VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL OREGOX CITY, . ) , - ORKUOS. . Ha will also instruct clsan In iiutrumeuutl or vocal music, or both, in different section of th country, when desired. . July 24, 1858y. GP. N. continues to import HOLDER'S SPLENDID PREMIUM PIANO FORTES. Any peraou wishing oue of those In struments can have it al tin JSeW Yoik price, adding fieighl, dec, with 10 per eenl. commisa on. Plows and Wagons! I KEEP ahvayson band STEEL PLOWS, man-anted to eeour, aud good WAGONS. 1 can alwaya be found at my simp, opposite MeKin lay's, ready to make plows, iron wagons &. bug gies, to shoe hones, or do any other kind of work in my line. 1 keep a hirgo assortment of horse shoes and nails, either lo sell or to use myself. I can shoe n horse as soon aud as well aa the best of litem. If you doubt it, com and sec Tor your selves. J. W. LEWIS. Oregon City, Oct. 9, 1858. 2fltf Selling Oil at Cost, , An Extensive Aisortment of mm goods, CONSISTING IN rAST OP DRY GOOI1S, GROCERIES, HAQDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINKJ, BOOKS, STA TIONERY, C. GIVE na a call, and wa will giva yon sasoains. . . CHS. POrE, Ja. New Arrangements. HAVING formed a copartnership with Dr. POPPLETON, recently from Ohio, we ara now prepared to practice medicine upon n more extended acale than I have hitherto been able lo do. I am also largely Increasing Uie circulation of my medicines, and hope ere many months lo supply all the important point iu the Territory. VV' W. D. HUTVHIMJ. Lafayette, June SO, 1858. tf Notice. THOSE having accounts against th " HOO SIER'' are requested to present them to m at Linn City before the first of January mst. GEORGE A. PEASE. , Linn City, Nov. 20, 1858. 32w5 Land lot Kale for 600. rnflE undersigned, intending to return I i. ttia Rikim. i.liM In Hi.nuMi of the ft- following described tract of land, namely:lii The S. W. quarter of sec. 1 , T. 5 8., R. 1 K. , sit uated on Bear creek, between Rnck creek and Molalla, and adjoining laud of Howard Ogle, John Ritter, and A. B. Patterson. It la fenced on three sides, and after fencing the remaining side, rails enough would be left to fence nearly a mile. Two fields containing 9 acre have bees cultivated ; and some mor land along the creek is partially cleared, and 8U acre could It cleared with com paratively little labor. It ia thought that sufficient water power ia on it to turn a mill for half the year, and good stock water ia on it all th year. Th buildings on the premise cost th ownsr about .mo. Th till is indisputable, and immediate posseasion could be given to the purchaser. For further parucuiirs, saure Krv. DAVID THOMPSON. Not. 13, 1858-31 w5 CortaUit, O. T. ram for Sale for i,0. -w nvwft mi form, situated sil miles l X from Sslem an the Oregon City road, fjjTij 1 U . .rw.. .1-..OUII 'H- of which are auder fene nd 75 in cultivation. i l i Aim fruit lim of th choicest va riety of apples, pears, plums, and cherries, half or which are bearing, ana bii j i ..1--1 m..M im .Un a comfortable frame boo, a sphmdid well of Water, and a good Urn th premi Th fafw ia sil us ted on the bor. j ..t i .l. i TtVi. U ll eraiered. and admi rably adapted to lork raising, and for fruit at grain cannot be aieellea. 1 im wm oe gi. .j .k. Tor hartieulara refer I A. Hianton near Salem, to W. L. Adam at Oregon Citv. or lo m n th preooises. likl6. 1858.28wr J.W. STOVER N asaortment of Biblea and Testament for L aai al lbs Repository price. y , C. POPE, Jr. wm. oiBiooirr. Jkl.tSWOaTII V DIERDORFF, WNOUIAI.K AND UTAIt DEALERS JS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. Bonti oS Skori, ond Crockery, In th new Firs-proof Brick MinmiiT oiiuon crrr, at. AIN$W0RTH&DIERDC3FF, WE ARE NOW OPENING in Tug Xfew rire-lroor Xriok, . . A LA IOB AND WII.L-AMOITED ITOCl P OESKRAL MERCHANDISE. Flig prrhelly aseare against fire, w will a Offer Greater Inducement than ever I lb public. W r coaslsally la rsosipt f GOODS selected with th granted tar (a to pries and quality), and ' eon rid nl that oar facilities will rnabl us to ailsr ud tell geoii AT PORTLAND PRICES i (fraighl a), aud would adriss all ths visiting tins city to porches goals, t siamm oat sues ad nnee tie tor purvltaamg lr her. W have, and ar Just rweiving, an lavtie af Mnswting in part of lb following artiolea Oeb eo, Pacific, llsdK v, Coneslego, Sprngne, Philip Allen, Fall River, Merrimae, Brigp, and numer ous other choic PRINTS, all late otytett Eng. lish i: t rrucb marl no, lya chMn, mohair ana hr Dbau bras, wool, a muslin d laine, black, blue, purpls, Il pink merino, fanoy plaid, jaconet, book,swiss, V mull muslin, ladies emu. arta, collars, bdafs skirls, drsas cs bonnet trim. mings,1 French 4. domestic ginghams, Frsni'h lawns from 12) lo 25e, blus, ntiasd, & gray ssti nel, wool A cotton jeans cotlonade, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 lo 10-4 wid. brow and bleacbad drills, denims, hickory shining Silesia, marina, brown, and Irnib hnen, nankeen, d aper, and oraah, a larg lot of kua and thread lac and edging, Iwsiery, Ac. ' MEJTS If BOYS1 CLOTH LVO : Blue, black, and brown cloth costs t 10 dot blk cloth real, 5 doa while aud buff Marseille do velvet aud satin do.; 30 dotsnlinet pauta, duaskia and fancy caMimvra do, 30 dm msriu and cotton undershirts, gray, blu, 01 olscs. cloth over coau, with a geueml asaarunenl of genu' furnishing ,0BOOTS SHOES.-Mto'a, hoy,', and youths' boots; ladies', muses', and children's mo rocco, goat, kid, and calf t'enfreee bo Is, with V without heel; Isdie' kid slippers. Rio and Java coffee, black aad grera tea, N. O., China, Dalavia Island, Cab r6ad, and crashsd sugar, K. Boston, Cel., auger-house, a gldn syr up; salt, 5 I 200 lb ak; 100 kg nails, aasdeiior, Hill' pale, chemical, a, English soap, naap pow der, aowdtr, shot, lead; yeast powder, salera- lua, crsstn tartar, smoking a chswmg too coo, green corn, feae, tamnloee, straw d ilsrsksr. nee, in 8 lb tms; spice, peppsr, ana cassis, pean barley, macearenl. vermicelli, corn March, alm onds, walnuts, Itmiil nuts, rsisins. Chili peachaa, Uliili pes ; aaraiu dried frutt; mackerel, In qr a nil utils; saruiuss. , A nne aasurlmrnl or CROCKERY TABLE CUTLERY t 20 eratea auertcd ware, ; 40 do ateel pick, 20 ': , Dutch m. lldla boss. , H7if Lend, Oil, and Window Clan; with a variety of other articles usually kept. (rr Wa will pny cash for wheal, Hour, bacon, butler, eggs, aud almost verythiug th farmer hue lo nil. Oregou City, April 16, 1858. fUST received, the lateet elfte at SILL a sat. in BONNETS, Leghorn and alraw flats. AINSWORTH A. DIERDORFF. GOLD MINES AT HOME! A. HOLLAND. L. DAT. HOLLAND & DAY Have just opened a nw & splendid assortment of At the old Hand of F.S.fA. Holland, OPPOSITE Geo. Abemethy' brick slor, where Ihey enn b found at all limes rsady lo wail on customers. They are now permanent ly located, and hop by strict attention to business lo merit a liberal sharo of palronogo. Thir stock in part consists of th following ar tide : Ginghams, lowns, delaines, priuts, mennost flannels, . alpaoas, bleached domestic, wool plaids, damask silk dross goods, hosiery, whit shirts, chock da, hickory shirts, over fe under do., shawls, fine 4 coarse, satinets, blk, brown, a whit linen ttjssd, ribbons, artificial flowers, Coati' epnol eotton, dt. BOOTS 4 SHOES, of all kindi and lioett ALSO E. Boston syrup, Cal. refined syrup. sugar of all kinds, tobacco, rone, tea, aaila, aalt, candles, and a thousand other Ihings. too numerous to mention, all af which they will sell a low aa any other house in Oregon City. They will pay canri or goods lor an una oi produce, such as butter, eggs, chickens, or almest anything Ih farmer haw lo sell. Thar I no thing likat trying. S glv them a trial. Aug. 7, 1858. pASH paid far LAND WARRANTS, by ILVSLlLiAn LI VS1, I, c. kiHOSLST. I. f. (Kb. ItlNGSLEY V BEES, PORTLAND. OREGON, ntADrACTaaa ado inronTnaa or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN f ENGLISH , SADDLES, Baggy, Carriage, and Team Harnett, Bridle, Martingale, Wkipt, Linen Horat-Cooera, Blankett, Carry-tombt, Fly-Nett, Bratkee, and Cireingie. . SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddlt-Treet, Stirrupt, and all kinie tf Uoodt heft at firettlatt tttahliikment. Work made to order, and repairing don with care and n reasonable torma. IT Shop on Front atreel, between Washington a Alder. P . ' Painting. I IE.1I.W ibiwiopwj r - -P, - J ' J) I take this method oi informing th cuiiean of Ihi vuiaity and the aajwaiag coanuy inn s am alwaya prepared to do HOUSE, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGN PA IN TINS, on th mast favornbw terns. Haviaf Mowed th buaiiMss for many yenre, I aa t)afidnt that I ... ia mnttrrn MtiafaCtiaa t Sil toaiSW. IT Shop on dr abov lb OregM City Drag gl,,.. C. MUMKAi, II IL'J. 92 r- Wane's MVrrMei SziMdltJaa. K USSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR. and atrtor interesting work, tor sal at 11m 3 CITY BOUK STORK. n nnt.a r.k mb..,. rr'' LIME. OU . sined plsstsr rwd ssd ft ank.lB(-nbf4a- lh sals kw wm- C VoNL law . C. AI.XIWOITU. EMPIRE Wholesale and Retail STORE! AR P. yj going I Of go City te bay CsJi f If aa, ya wuld prabnbly bk to knew wbr ya s buy llui Most aad best tot lb Wast bjm sny. That plae I BROWN & WOLFS estsblisbmsnt, epposil Gibton't Saloon, and ntisisks. W bv just rscsivsd a havy asaort. meal Irons tten Frnnessoa, winch, having bought lw, w nr abl I cell in such a way that our pries shall pk for themes I v, wiiheul much paSog. Wekar 1 OBNTLBMEXS CLOTHING, ol vsry deriptio, such as ek a frock roots, raglaas, talmas, jackets, vests, pants, cravats, fin shirt, ruflare, drawers, under shirts, euhe, vsrbsals, and all kinds af ludi rubber elethlug. Aa,allkiaf SIT.OOOBf, Frsaeh, Eaglish, Anxrlc, a furnilur calicos, Irlaghsm all soloes, all wol and bh wool d aiaea, Fraack, English, a American moriuoe, nlpa, adk worsted, all eulore, all wol aad hlf wsl plaida, ailk and woll sbswU, singls r dou ble, slinar(, Perry's slyls al dtorn good, l vsls, buay, jaow, browa a bleaobsd hting, oil clothe, Irian hnrna, atlka, Mmbriea, silk a velvet be Mi. Maria, sleeve, ebemieelte, tdging, rib baa, hdhfa, gloves, buaisry, adl, pins, books, yss, perfoiuery, hair il. jewelry, brsctlsis, boots, sajots, rubbers, ksis, ep. nceordeoos, cigars, lo bacea, pipe, aad aboat 375 atbor articl to au snsrn nnd looebtap I pay lor advertising. Now the fact is, as w ar parmaoenlly located, w ar desirous of doing busiiiee on such terms tbsl w hall not be compelled I sell ffal cost,' but w iniend, by quick aales aud email profits, I liv and lei lit. Ladies aad gentlemen ar l wy wclcoro, nod will k promptly wailixl n. emsaner, Keaieiaatr, that or tr k pposil fjioron's Saloon. Ti n troabl lo shew Mr goods, nnd w csn b st I'ortlsnd nil Ih lim In price. If ye dubt it, call and sat sly ynrslvu that there is no hum. bugging ia th matter. .BROWN V WOLF. Oregon City, Oct. 9, IS58. 2Cm6 Farmington lUorc! THE eubwriber woul.l respectfully Infsim th publia generally that ha has 0ened a NEW STORE AT FARMINGTON, On the Tualatin River, where tie inteujs carryiug ou Ilia tieMvral iHtirctaaudine Dualaeia. Ha will keep alwaya on hand a good asaurlmeul of mm . eta KJMnmmr&via) GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Clolltino, Boole and Shote, Confect onery, Cigare, Stationery, tie, Th abov will alwaya b offered at th LOWEST PRICES For Cuth or Country Produce. IT Pleas call and see for yourselves, aud aav your expenses in going to Portland to buy goods. Motto Smalt profile and qnick retarnt.' TIIOS. BAILEY. Farmington, July 84, 1 358. Uood Wilful Waiiu-d, FOR which Ih highest market price will b paid in oash or trade, at the July 24. FARMINGTON STORE. OH. AIT 9, o. ., WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Tmtee, Supporter, Shoulder Brace, Windine Glatt, Glattmre, in oil. Paint, ground, colored, dry, If 4 Limccd Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Tanner' Oil, Sperm Oil, . Lard Oil, fiteliln Oil. Bremiet, Vermtllion, French, Ckinttt, and Gold Leaf, American, Artitt Material, Bruthtt, a large variety, Furniture Varnith, Japun Varnith, Coach Varnith, Perfumery, Burning Fluid, Polar Oil, Camphene, Alcohol, Turpentine, Witk efull seerlswnt Graefcnknr Medicines; In a word, I am now receiving a large assortment T In aoovfl, wiiii n tnousanu oioo. numerous to mention (purchssed Isst winter in Nw York vsry low far cash), In addilicu to my former al :k, comprising one of llie LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSOKrUKaia ON THIS COAST 1 1 vr nvp ATHEBFOIID ralorMlhank for Ih liberal patranag bithert received, and respect- rnlly aak a ooaunnane oi in same, am wm AT A?I VaaHCIHl-. ait.EHI n..i. ..J .uiak.,1 .ill find it I their advaa tan to call, aa the oJs mast be sold to make room for more awn I arrive. my23, '58. CROWELLB Caaitaaaa Eitrael af Hrrtlt, et- t Dock, aa l4l4e of Hum AN invaluable remedy for Impurities of th blood, erelula, king' evil, erysipelas, sell .,... iansulics.dvBDeneie. svnhililie alliae of the (lauds, (aver sor. pain in to nones, nn-untauaa,, pi ui'. .h u fsce, nenrnlgin, and ail chronio aud loag ataading diseaese. Thai articl, I H ftmngeat nnd most per I so tsras. oMtain all Ih aetiv and well esisivtistosd medical properties of Sal eo for Ma, YeUou) Dock, and Iodide of Potaota, a combination oqoald in il onmliv ana trNgtrtening enucm. sow . oortificsle could be furmsrrsd at iu pow. enai rneet a aa ienni sms.. For sals by Dr. CROW ELL . CO., Drag gists, 131 wimreil l, 8on Francuco, nod by W. WEATHERFOKD, Portland. myifcl THEpartarskip brnuiur eiisuag sa-lr the lrn at J. B. Bi-AriSP Av Co. i dsnulved. l'ns having claims against th firm will present tfaent for wulrment, and thos iadebteJ w,ll pay nn nad aa eesss. v i. B. BLANPIED k CO. OrawaOH7,Oetl,18M. w1 O. A. A ASA M. WBSB, PHYSICIANS. OFFER their profess'onsl services to th clll in of 8ALKM and vicinity. They will prsclic Ih Hyg-Medical (bdtor known as Hydropalbic) sjsum, believing all drup lo b not only asascsssSry in Ih suoveedul trsstmsnt of dissas, but hijurion to Ih const I . lulion of the p.itieut, nnd itljlng snllisly apon Uygsnio appliance. tSpeeial atieulion will b given la OasTiraio, and those discuses peculiar to women aud children, by Mrs. Watn. I'atienl nl n dhrtane tiealrd upon naaonabl terms. Rsrcasncist lira. R. T. Trail and O. W. Mny, of New York city Dl. 0. M. ISourus, af San Francisco, Office Citv Boon Stosb, Sum, Oregon August 7, 1858. ... . . 17 To All Who Desire to Get Rich, , , on, , TO LIVE COMFORTABLY! TITE undersigned, desiring lo leave th world In a bettor rendition than he found H, is hap py te have II ia hi power lo offer nn opportunity to quit a large number of bis felluw-ctlinn n Ih western coust aot only to mak a fortune but to liv comfortably nud lesve Ih earns blessing for his children and grandchiMrvn. To this aud, I lfer fur ale, al reduced priors, al Ih WAUstT tmovR staita-v, Ike road from Salem to Oregon Ci'r, Cmiltl from the former and 31 frum (Ar latter, a large lot of two year oid FRUIT TREES of thrifty groth, warranted to b the variety I ell them for J and shoulj any oue purchase, and his trsea when they com Into bearing not produe Ih fruit they ara sold for, 1 will refund him hi money nnd b mny keep th tree. I have all lb best varieties Ihul have ever been offered for al in Oregon ; that you may have fruit the next year after purchsang. and may cou tinn to have fruit after that rieniiig " every month in th year.'' Orders accompanied with Uie cash addieswd to me nl Bulrville, will be punctually atleuded lo, aad tree sliippvd to any poiul from Curvallla lo Astoria. Tha majority f my trss ara winter varieties, among whiuh ia a ubuuduuca of IV Ail Winlsr . frsrisoin, t. Spittenburg, Y. 4 U. Nrwtoio Pippin, UolH'n and Hot. R asset, Smitk'l Ci der, and Wineeap, M. H Pippin, Baldwin, ee. NEILL JOHNSON. October 5, 1658. S5m3 WILLAEiaZTa IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to inform tha public of Oregon aud Washington that wu have completed ur MrtKMjmnMz:mm.-kT9 BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH, . AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers, Engines, Grist mills, Sawmills, and all other kiuds ef machinery. Our business connection with th Eastern States tho great convenience of our locality Ih superiority and number uf our machines th use of walr power instead uf steam, and the per fect kuowledge of all brauohc of our busiuess, will enable us to oompeta with California. Inviting the public to give us a call, aud to favor us Willi their palrousge, we promise to execute Iheir order ou III shortest uotloo, and Al Sail Frauclsew Price. A. ROSSI k CO. Junt 19, 1858. 10yl Machine-Made Horse Shoes! THE TROY IRON AND NAIL FACTORY, al Troy, N. Y. hav Henry Burdeu'a Im proved Horse-Shoe Machinery now in successful operation and are prepared to execute orders for HORSE aud MTLE SHOES of any weight and pattern, at a price but little abov lha price f Hone shoo iron. The quality of the iron used in these shoes I warranted iu every respect. These shoes have been approved of, and ar now used by tha U. S. Government, raclusivyly, aa also by many of Ih principal lge and omnibus eompaniea aud hora sheers In th eouutry. Theee ehoea can be pur chased through the principal Hardware and Iron stores in the United Sluice, . Order addresssd to the subscriber at Troy, N. Y. will receive prompt attention. WM. F. BURDEN, Agent. Oct. 9, lS58-y. Alain a. aosesTS. JACOB V. SltASTLB. ItODERTS A SIMBTLE, Dealer in il il ?a S L S Taasbstones, Obelisks, an Halve, MARBLE MANTLES, TABLES, Counter Top, Fire Fender, Grata, Ilearth.ttonet, and Slept, ALSO BUILDLNQ STONE, OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS, PORTLAND. OR.EUO. Shop ea Front st., 1st door above the ' Bridge.' 'if BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. JT. D. BLAJfPIEB WOULD respectfully inform his old frisnd nud Ih publio gsnerally that h is by himself one more, aud has now on baud A LAUGH AND WELL SELECTED STOCK Ot BOOTS AND SHOES, which he will sell on the moat reasonable term. MAKING AND REPAIRING will still b don lo order, and ou Ih ihortsst no tice. Water-proof Poete Blacking kept on band. Oregon City, Nov. 6, 1858. TamhlU Tarm tor tale. T OFFER n beautiful farm of 3) X acre in Yamhill county for Bale. (imul hailflinm on the nremises and a lit-. tla land under fence. The plae ia admitted by all to be On of tb moat delightful residences in iheconutry. For particulars inquire of lb Editor of tb Argus, who is able to give all necessary ill- formaliuu. . July 31, 1858-lbw41 sniinnim inn anww. fTHIE undersigned having been appuutsd by th at JmImI.mmiI. BTAiaa ' a rrooat iouti of uacssmts wuumj .j. administrator uf the eetate of Richard P. Young, deceased, notice is hereby given lo ail parsons hav ing claims against (aid ssists lo present them to m a required by law within mm year from Ihia Aile, aud all peiwma owing said esUts ara required to mak immedi! payiMiil t me at my reidue i.saidoouaty. JOSEPH YOUNO. Nov. SO, !858-33w3 jldm'r. A LABOR ASSORTMENT OP NEW GOODS! By Ik Latt Steamer I I7RENCh inwinos, plain Av figure! English 1 mrriaoa, al wool aad hah waul detain tnd plaid, aaobairs, silk, latest slyls of winter dreeee and HtdW elosks, ombreidsrise, eoL'srs, ribbon, jewelry. Ate., at. A Is one of the largest Mock ' ef gentlemen' CIOTHIAtV, la cloaks, coals, ante, Jr. vasts, far nl cwssr by .- DANNENBAUM o JACOB. Oregoa City, Oct. 2, 1858 25,000 " Celmek.Aplp. TOS. PAIVJTQ 0 0