it sreraos, Hal Removed next door to Holland k Day. TEETH IXTEACTKB BT FMtCTR CITV. rox TBS a. a 2 ii a: . CONSISTING OF A KNUAL8, ALBUMS, POETICAL .i. Work, He., from I'-'J oeul to fJIO. 1B.KMOHT NI.F.!IIID AHHOIITMENT V la -AJregaat Fart lead ol Klcrplral T b had M JOHN A. POST'S. Oregon Cay. De. 1 9. C(y Book Store. THE GENUINE ARTICLES I Jkutre tflclo&cous ! AND GILBERT 4 CO.'S AT THE CITY BOOK STORE. .Dm. 18. Kane's Arctic Sxpeditioo, "DUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and olhar AX intareaUng work, for' at Ih ..deo23 CITY HOOK STORE. Sealed Proposals. ..'XIT'LL b received at the office of the Co Au. . ww di diior of Yamhill Couuly, up lo 13 o'clock. M., ef Ih first Monday In February, 1853, for Hi furniahiug material, and building a fir proof Brick at Hn.a at trim n m iaiii vtiii. a mill ii fooulv. O T at which place plu. pecifiia- SZ ' , '.ui Ind,ll". of oavmenT &c. Van be eeen. J. W. C0WL1M. Y Pea. 95, 1858-87w3 County Auditor, Adminiitrator'i Notice. TnTK'K ia hereby ffivtn. that leUer of ad- i min'jtration have bwu (ranted lo the under. eigoed by the Probate court uf Clackamai co , O. T., on Ih eaUtof Anaon Wright, deceaard, lata f aaid county. All peraon indebted lo eeid ia. late are renueated to make iinniediate piynient, nd all having claim agaiuet aaid eatat ar re. ueeled to nreaeut them lo me at my reaideuoe in aid county within one vear from Ih dale of llii I BJHIO. najiK.iva diuwimi Dm. 85 !B58-37w3 NOTICE ia hereby givou, that we, Ih under. aiuned. have bouxht the iulerealaaf our for. mar partner, Fidixand Baktil and Davib DMITH, In tlie nrm 01 A. I.oaai o ve., uit City. A. KOSSt, .' 1UCUAUU HURLEY. ' .' De. IB. 1638. 30 . TEACHER Of 'VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL ,l)BM(.wva ui m, - - He will aim rmwruet clawe in Inatnimenuii or ..1 ar both, n diffarcnl aecuon oi mo K ctuntry, when detirea. uiy ij. . . t4 i UCD.i . P W. iHHilinnea lo Import HOLDERS It. BPi.RNnii PRKM1UM PIANO '"' iuTRS. Anv neraun wiihinir one of llioae in- ". atrumaata can hav it at the Kew York price, y adding fielght, dee., with 1U per ceni. commit uo. Plows and Wagons! IKEE? alwayon hand STEEL PLOn 4, ajorrenled eour, aud good WAOONS. I an alway a f.iund at my bop, oppoaii MoKm- lay', reudy to make ptowa, iron w.R-... . - Wiee, lo aho Untttm, or do any other krnd of work ia my line. I keep a large amorlment of hone. i . ..j .iihp lo aell or to live myclf. 1 ' can ahoe a home a won and aa well a ihe beat f them. H you doubt It, come an nf- n-L 9. 1S58. 26if vavaa ' Selling VPJ1 til vuoij An Extensive Atsortmtnt of . NEW GOODS, ,,. (conmftino in mt or DoY (JOODS, GROCERIES, , aURDWAiE, BR06S, MEOICINliS, BOOKS, 8TA TIONBCV, 0. IVE Beaoall,adwowillirivyouiAaiiia. ;:; New Arrangements. avivo formed a copartnenhip with Dr. H POPPLE ' OH, recently irom uu, - . ao prepared w praou , "t..,d.d ecale U... 1 hav. bill.rto been able to " Z I am alo Lrgely In. circu ..Ion . . . .j t..,n am inauv month to . n.iiAin nmin a more B.Tr;n,ih in the Territory. appij ... .w D HUT, HINS. AUeyeln. Juno 10, 1858. For the Season, AT ' . HABJIAK WARNER'S 1 . nniTinM TO OUR USUAL STOCK, T h.v iuat received, direct from Saa Fran- . . . I I . nit. Aff , eioo, a good ana auiuioie au.j - ... Good for thi Seaton of tht Fear, . , , .. t ..I. .1 nriee which cannot be In thi. market Our atock cooaiiU in part of 400 lb al aoda, 1 50 boie Enghah aoap, ' SO " Ch. HiU'oap, ' t0 dot corn tarch, ,', SO caepi fruit, , , 1 ' $ piokle, " ' ' 8 dm honey, 8 " lebaten, 12 oyatera, ". " 20 UfbblNOugar, . ' 4 kola Sandwich Ulandayrup, f I9 hlfbbai dried apple, 8 ril mackerel, J- tOOO lktiek candy, J. 00 " fancy do. J- ' I ee 6allipihr toy, 1 " German toy, '.-' 400 lbealmouda, '" 1J blf boxe riain, t 6 wbol boxe do., , . . 48 pn good Mackiuaw blanket, i fOOO yd brown (heetiog, 9000 " calico, , -J .knu. ttt avarr aeeenDtion, jorj.Bu""--' J . .. . - i. .;ih .iir nenal aaaortment. we Inina inrk eomplele. Call and aee ue Jfa eh. CHARMAN WARNEK. r Peeember 18. 1858. Tea the Afflicted. CELEBRATED BAL- I )-. Wild Cherry, with rariety of bia I "Tf. i d. MrdieimtM. an now for ale alcHARLES POPEd, Or.g i Crty, and .a JOSEPH BARSTOVVS. CaaeaiaA. 47y BaMMMvilla. al thfl J5 OREGON CITY DRUG STORE- r i cpq rnimDioa'a Medal'' Tobacco at IS r 1 Wit C DEMENT A CO . psfEW FIRM, & Mw Goods! F. Cll.iltnAX t nrUIIVIIEV TAKE pleasure in Informing III resldsuls of OREGOX CITY aud Ih puWIo generally lhat lltay htvt formed eo partuer.hip iu III AND FAMILY GEOCEEY BUS LS ESS. At thi aid Hani of F, C human. Hilar they will keep mi hand everything in their line of kiisineaa, Mud uf Ih very best quality.i No pain will k (pared to giv cnlir saii.laciion to nil wlio niy fori di-provd la giv them t call. From buig reeidenc in lliii plac and etperi. flic In III batmen, I dry feel q'Vilified lo my that they can and will giv utilise I ion to nil who uiay fit lo patroiiit llirm wiili their order. IN. U. All order will be filled with a inuoh prompliiea and fairness aa pereoual preue will PARTIES FURNISHED rllh everything In our line on lite hortt notice. WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER. Oregon Cily Dec. 18, 1858. LIDAY 6IFT8 CHARMAN t McKINNETS. Toe Finest ITIRENCIT. eonfectioneriee, auch a gum drop, Frondan. motto,, coxdial oanot, almond ronk eanrly, 4e , at Dec. 18. CIIAKIIAS nlcMRlX8. TAMS, pnwnred frail, branded fmlia, etc., at J CHARMAN McKINNEY'tJ. BEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBBER'S SANGLIF1EK Or Invigorating Cordial What though th uo in beauty ahine, And you have countloa hoard ol weattn What though ihe wurld all, ail wa thine. If you but waut the bleating, ueallh. An Honest Appeal! To all with bad or failing; health 1 RE you languid, inanimate, reatlen, appetite J. Door, diffealicn bad, and paiua in 'he limbs. body back, and head! Reader, much of thi la earned from cold cauelit unwittingly, or, in even eaaea.out of ten, alurgiehne of th liver and blood, and want oi natural penpiraueu, wuiecro- tion in the uae or fowl and driuK, or irom a nry neat in th almOKpher which ie a very unheal thy part or tin clunaie many oi me awiui, tiu leut, and udd n death that occur hare mutt be attributed to llii. Now, reader, I have made thi my ludy for many yearn, and 1 do amure you Hint my DR. WKBBKR'S INVIGORATING CORDIAL SANUUIFIER will cur lhe cauaea it will insure animation of Ihe liver, blood and brain it Irengthen the nerve, and give lo Ihe auHerer a lightlies or spirit, a menial ana kadilv feelinc of strength that is dehshtful. Th muiv resectable paisoua who hav been benefit' ed hy aud certified to its oxtraunlinary qualitire in ..urinii anv af ihe followine diaeaae. must aatisfy all but Ui Kir-wM and ignorant Kpno uya nenaia. or lndiirrliio. loa of muscular or bodily Hlrenglh and menial euergy fever.ague.ornhill t rheumatic, neuralgic, or oilier paina) arFig.,uU and weuknea of Ihe natural functions, debility from disease, dissipation, too much doctoring, de bauchery, and oilier cause; in ese of excitement from constant intemperance, and where delirium tremens bus occurred, 1 have een It cnange mo ufferer in half au Ireur from the most nornoie stale to calmness and placidity. It "an, indeed, be conscientiously recommended to all suffering, and the proprietor regret deeply that it i nece aary thus to edvenise ii, iu order thai it menu may be known. Intemperance and Debaucnery, Constitutional Weakness, &c, flRPLlNE OK NATURE TKliMA- TURK or NATUULWEANl!,33 ' OF THE FUNCTIONS, NER VOUSNESS, WEAKNESS, CONSTIPATION. WAKEFULNESS and EXHAUSTION: Dr. Webber's Sanguifier it ditine remedy. Set aidatit$ d ctrtificatt: A. ease at CU. Am Tremor, general euimy III aeatia aooa earc. nt. tThl.h Weeks, who arrived from Panama March 2d, completely proetrate, weak, aud carce Iv able I move; had the Panama fever three months ; bad paias ia the bone, chills, no appeuia. strength or energy; no nseo ""o"''' v...-.- two weeM, ana leu so auouy .n " 17lh be went to th mutes, wnere as working. SARSAPARILLA ANU lillAiiK. DRINKERS, KEAD! n... and Good FaixHD. I herewilb in form you that 1 hv taken in even aionih ovr . -m o :u. U;ii Mail (klhr . . .nil i.. a. nanaiKimia. ji.wm remedie for eonnrmed Dyspepsia, Weoknea or th cheet, indigestioo, and general feebleoeaj of my .ytem. without geuing any r""''-"' n.l. ki,i rJ .sue Cordial have benefitted me ao much that I am a different being. Pkwea to two boUle. more, which 1 feel . will effect a perfect cure, ii mm wiu o..r. 7 -tb afflicted, y-H! are at liberty I publieh it i atnxato iici., .u j a i. 1 tivu for 85 lore quart botth Sold by every "f!' Calilomia, and Oregon. PARK a WHITE, San FroucUeo, Agent. Cautionl-Beware of Counterteits: CT Buy none that hu not the ignture of T. Jones and Jacob Webber M-1 on me too o. wrapper and blown in the gioe oi aaeu tT LOOK OUT!!S Love tovea to kua the fip that apart unfurl Wh;i. liauniue-. anowv teeth, like spotless pearls; a.-k k .ih. aueh teeth a ever Love would suit, Are mod by Lolout a Jamaica Boap A earn nam. A nd th wont hair sofl.fio. od dark doe live, Touched by Jones' Coral Hair Keetoroliya- And pure clear win giv, v- lope When wabed with Jouea' Italian Chemical Soap. rrThM raallv beautiful preparation for lb ii.. hair, aodakm. are old for iU a 50 eeou each by all druggi! ia CaWomia and Oregon. Who wnl nahariag aoopT a bennlifiil abaTnig That laiaer like cream, and heal on skid, And ail sorrues, eraptioa, or on-barn make aoa IfMIat r ram th laoe or lb bnd, r tb brow or tb ebia? Such i tbal fin einoUoidiiB potiner, Joa It.luo ap. 'jxice reduced Ie 25 eeU.) Sold by a drojjws iOr-go. - je Mjr Sooks Xbluit be Oloiedl ALL alio are Indebted to in r requested to oall forthwith and will up their counU by by eaah or nolo, a my book ar obiard, which you will perceiv by noticing Ih advrliMinnl of ih lirm of Chasma McKinnxv. Tina having aeouiit sgulnet me will present Hum for pay. irient. F. CHARMAN. Dec. 18. 1R.S8. Strayed or Stolen, 171 ROM my place, IS mile 8. E. of Oregon . City, a YOKE of large red OXEN on a pal led, white lu Ih fee, horn stsnding up theollur a dei'pred, with soma hill while on him, purl of one horn broken off. Enr-inrk of i llier not recollected. On ia five and the other aeven )r old. They left me about four moiiih ailica. Any peraon sending m word to Oregon City, by letter, of their whereabout, shall be re warded with 810. Dou. 18-88 CHARLES CUTTINO, J. . . BOSTON FAMILY .Price, 978.00 13 At the CITY BOOK STORE. Short Notice 1 ALL peraon Indebted to the undersigned ar hereby uolifird lo call and Mill on or before Ih lot day of January or their account will be put lo our lawyer hann tor collection. UtBLAUr.HHl OL DIIU3. Oregon City Dee. l, IMS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! TTTE bar iuat received 40,000 Humm Ci TT rare, alaoalarg quantity of toaoco Natural leaf, Buffalo chipa, Hrid of (he Union, and many oilier brand, aim, rirna oi an kind, Matoui, Ao , &e., at our alor. Deo. 4, 1658. Tor Sale in Oregon City. A HOUSE aud GARDKN, with HU it nnquectiunable. Th houa a lory ;!! and a half, in tolerable cond repair, withJ"rJL ix roma. Th garden, on that cannot be ex celled in oxeelleuce or noil, with between evenly and eighty fruit tree, Tit: Apple, pear, plum, and cherry, planted niiiele.111 feet apart I eat fall, and moat of them lour year oiu, niiu uomg wen. For further parlioulara apply ou Ihe premie, or to Mr. William Whitlock at Aiuaworin ot derff ' etore. JOHNSTON MeCOKMAO, Noy.aT, !858-33w4 Proprietor. DANCING ACADEMY. - fESSRS. BOHEN & SEIBERT wish lo itl inform th public of OREGON CITY nd vieinltv ihiit Kiev have taken UNION HALL, (over Ihe Union Marxet,) wnera tuey arc prepared t give iutructioua iu an in MOST FASniONBALl BALL ROOM DANCES, th eonrs of instruction commencing on Tvi- day Evknino, Nov.33d. For further particulars, inquir at the Hall. Nov. 80, 1858. 33w4 ZVotice. nAHOSE havintr acconnta against th " ffOO. X S1ER" arc requested to present them to me al Linn City before the hrst or January next. GEORGE A. PEASE. Linn City, Nov. 20, 1858. 32w5 Land for. Sale for f 000. THE undersigned, intending lo return . ,L. fil-lM WMhM tA Hi.lMMJI Af tllA followine described tract of laud, niimely: Jl The S. W. quarter of seo. 1, T. 5 S., R. 1 E., sit uated on Bear ereek, between Rock creek and Molalla, and adjoining lands of Howard Ogle, John Ritter, and A. B. Pattereon. It ia fenced on three sides, and after fencing the remaining aide, rail enough would be left to fenc nearly a mile. Two field containing 9 acre hav been cultivated ; aud win mor land along the creek ia partially cleared, and 8U acres could be cleared with coin narativelv little labor. It is Ihouzlit lhat sufficient water power ia on it lo turn a mill for half Ui year, and good itock water h on it all tb year. Th buildings on the premises cost the owner about $300. The title is indisputable, and immediate possession could be given to the purchaser. For further particular, iddres Rev. DAVID THOMPSON, Not. 13, 1858-31 w5 CorvaUit, O. T. farm tbr atala for M.400. I OFFER my farm, situated six mile from Salem m the Oregon City road, I roe aale. It contains 320 acres, about 280. of which are tmderdknee and 75 in cultivation. r h. alunt 1. 600 fruit tree of th choicest va- rietice of apple, pears, plum, and cherries, half f which are bearing, and all ot tnem inruiy anu heantiful. There is alao a comfortable frame house, a splendid well of water, and a good barn on the premieo. The form i tilunted on lh bor. ten uf Lake La Bish, is well watered, and admi rably adapted to slock raising, and for fruit or . 1 1 1 i rn : 1 1 l : n irrsin cannot be exceuea. a inie win w K"' nari of ihe nwntv. For particular refer to A. Stanton near Be tern, to vv. u. aoirai oi virjuu r ..V r i 1 1 City, or to mo on the premises. UCt. IB, lOJO-ZOWS (' BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. J. a0. BLAHPIED WOULD respectfully inform hi old frinds and the pubiio generally lhat Ira ia by himself once more, and ha now on hand a LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCt OF BOOTS AND SHOES, which he will eelloa the most reaonbk term. MAKING AND REPAIRING will Will be done to order, and on th shortest no Woter-fnof Potto Blacking kept on hand. Oregon Ciiy, Nov. 6, 1858. Vamnill ram for Sale. TOFFKK a beautiful farm of 30 aerea in Yamhill eounty for al- r.nrA kailrfinM m tb oremi and a lit-J tie land nnder renee. Th place is admitted by .ii k. anai af the most delightful reaideneee in th oenntry. For particular inquire af th Editor of the Argil, who w abl to giv an neooaaory m . " r 1.1. 91 IH:'.ft.lRaill O lonnauou. L" 1 i i At anlnlatratAr'a SsTotlee. mHE andeniigned having been appvinied by the I probata uoun oi viKssma. w."- dminiatrnlor of Ike Uto of Richard P. Young, A.A antie i hreby eiven to all persons hav ing claim gaint id eaial to prewnt thm to m aa required by law within on year from tha date, and all person owing said estate are required M make immediate payment to me at my residence in wid county. juaivrrA ivvww, Nor. SO, l858-33wj Admr. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS B the Loot Sttmmtri TIRENCh nwino, plain t figured English H 1 .aol and half wool delaine and pl.ioX mobaire, .ilk, lata yl. 'f"in,r1?-" and ladle eloalu, ombreideriea, eoflr., ribbons, .V" A.. Alt AkMoae of the largest .took. of genuemoa'. CLOTHING, fin. eUka, eoaia, paal. V veaU.for -If car.' ay DANNEPiBAtJM y wvo1 Oregon City, Oct 2, 1858- nrf FEET OF FIR LUMBER Z3.VJUU far ..1. hy Zhk.ArlV. J0S.BAFJT0W n. not a ffA aftisls Crax L1ME1 OU i toi4 Aat-reivod ad ! aai BT WM. . HI" A w WX. DIIRDORf f. AliltWORTII efc DIERDOBFF, AND UTAH DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Loott & Short, and Crocktry, In tb new Fire-proof Brick Main milt OREGON CIT7, O.T. AINSWORTH & DIERDORFF. w E ARE NOW OPENING IN Till ZTew Tire-rroof Brick, LABOR AND WRI.L-ASSORTEO STOCK Ot GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly ecure against Or, wa will aow Offer Grtatrr Jnductmtnli than tvtr to the public. W an eoiulsully in receipt f GOODS selected with the great! ran (ai to prices and quality), and ar confident that our facilities will nabl u lo slier ana tsii feoa AT PORTLAND PRICES I (freights on), and would advise all those visiting thi city I purchase (too-l. lo imio our siaca and price before purebnsing elarwher. 9 cansislinc in part of th following article Coeha eo, Pacific, Hadley,Coueateir.i, Sprague, Philip Allen. Ka liner. Meminac. Briif, ana numr. ou other clinic PRINTS, clt Uf Hylf! Eng lish i: French merinos, Lyonew cloth, mohair and other Debate ; braie, wool, dt muslin d lainee, black, blue, purple, dt pink merinos, fancy plaid, jaeouel, book, wiss, At mull muslin, ladies cmb. aeU, collar, hdals otsairis, arsis ez oonuei inm minga,1 French At doineetio gingham, rruen lawn from Ui to 25s, blue), mixed, grey aall. net, wool & cotton jeans, coltonade, bleached and brown (heeling from 3-4 lo 1(1-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, den. ma, hickory shirting J Silesia, marine, browu, and Irish liueu, nankeen, d.aper, aud crash, a large lot of liuen and thread lace and edging, hosiery, die. MEN'S d Boys' CLOTHING: Rlne. hlack. and brown cloth Coats 1 10 dot blk cloth vests, 5 dox while and buff Marseille do., velvet and satin do.; 3U dox cmtinet pant, duesxin and fanov enssimer do, 30 dot merino and cotton uudershirls, grey, blue, it black cloth over coats, .. .... i r r.iMt.lituff wuii a gcucrui awpiimvut -'-"'"a goods. BOOTS 4 SHOES. Men', boys', and youth' boots; ladies', misses', and children's mo rocco, goat, kid. and calf Congress boots, with sV without heel; ladies' kid slipper. Rio and Java coffee, black and green tea, N. 0.. China, Balavia lalsnd, Cal. retined, and crushed sugar, E. iloslon, Cal., sugar-house, a galden syr up; Hit, a to VUU ID BKa; niu aia nana, winti, Hill' pal, chemical, v Euglish Mip, oap pw der, powder, shot, a lead; yest powder, oarer. tus, cream tartar, smoking chawing tobacco, grtea corn, pet, itmalot; strum and nrar. rie, In 2 lb tins; spic, pepper, and caasia, pearl barley, macearoni, vermxelli, corn alnrch, aim nda, walnut, Braiil nut, rsnias, Chili peach, dried fruit; mackerel, in or blf bbl; sardine. A fiue aswirtment f CROCKERY 4 TABLE CUTLERY t 20 crates asserted ware, 40 do steel picks, 20 Dutch a Hdla Lees. Whitt Lend, Oil, and Window Glut; with a variety of olhar arliclts usually kept. CT W will pay caii for wlii, flour, kaeoa, butter, egg, aud almoat srerylhing lb fanarr ha to sell. Oregon City, April 16, 18jS. UST received, Ihe latttt ttylt ot ill a sat in BONNETS, Leghorn nd straw flats. AIN'S WORTH oi DIERDORFF. GOLD MINES AT HOME I HOLLAND. 1" HOLLAND & DAY Hay juslopened a new A splendid aaaortment af D 8 At the old Hand of F. S. d A. Holland, OPPOSITE Ge. Abemelhy brlek tere, whtre tliey can be found at all time ready to wait on customers. '1 hey ar now permanent ly located, and hope by atrict attentiou to business to merit a liberal share of patronage. Their flock in part consists ef tin luiiowing ar ticles; Gingham, lawns, delaiue, prints, meiinoo, minuets, alpacas, bleached domestic, - wool plaids, damask silk drew goods, hosiery, whit tniris, ciieca ao., hickory shirts, over a nnder da, shawls, fine a eosrse, satinets, blk, brown.a white linen thread, ribbon, artificial flower, Cent' 'f e(tei, de. BOOTS t SHOES, of mil kmdo and ; ALSO E. Boston syrup, Cel. refined syrup. sugars of all kinds, tobacco, eoffea, tea, nails, aalt, eandl, and a theme nd ether things, too numerou to mention, all of which llrey will sell a low a any other houa in Oregon City. ...... They will pay can or good lor mi ainue 01 produce, each butter, eggs, chickens, or lmoat anything th farmer hav to sell. Thr i no thing like trying- ao give mem a inai. Aug. 1, JBJB. CASH paid hr LAND WARRANTS, by HOLLAND 4 DAY. o. " KINGSLEY BEES, PORTLAND. OREGON, BUROTACTaaia Ann laroaTtaa or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN 4 ENGLISH SADDLES, Buggy, Carriage, and Ttam Harnett, Briiltt, Martingale, rraipa, uum BUnketi, Cnrrj-eomht, Fty-Nett, Brutktt, and Cireingtet. SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddlo-Trett, 8limft, and all kindl oGeedt kept at a Jirtt-elaei tetobtukment. Work mdtorder, and repairiag don with ear and oa raoaonabl term XT Bhop a Front atreet, between Washington a Alder. P 'M- Painting. a .1 . BEING permanently lciea ia uregoo unj, J tak thi method of informing tb Mtiieo oi thai Ti.inity and tha ndjoiaing eouauy that I am alway prepared to da HOUSE, ORNAMENTAL, AND B10N PAINTING, 0 tha mast tovorabl torn, Having followed the buaiaeaa for many yean, I am eotitodaal tbal I ea rv anlir aalajfectiaa I my eiajtonwr. XT bbop on door abov lb Oregja Oly Draf Store. Bept. 11.1858. C MURRAY. 22 MAC AULA Y8 H-tory oi Englaad - .1. by C. POPE. Jr. FULL aortateal of YaU Netioa al aaii2l CHARMAN A WARNER A M at oT HiMea aao lauaisv. A al at Dm lUpantory price by C. f OPE, Jr. J. C. AINIWORTH. EMPIRE Wholesale and Retail STORE! 1 ARE yon going to Ongna City I bay Goods 1 If o, yu would probably Ilk to know whsi yea eai buy lb moat and beat for lb least mo iuy. That plac la BROWN & WOLFS Mtbliabmnt, oppoalt Oibnn't Batton, and M mietaka. W hav just received a heavy assort, menl from Ban Francisco, which, having bought low, w an bl lo U in ueh a way Uiit our price shsll spoak for thsmselv, without Biueli puffing. W hav GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, ot vry deecriptkm, such a lack a frock eoata, raglaus, Uhnas, jackeU, vata, pant, cravat, fine shirt, rollers, diawers, nndtr shirt, awhes, varhaula, and all kind of ludia-rubbir lothing. AIo,ll kinds of SXtTOOOSS, French, English, American, k furniture ealieat, gingham ef all colors, all wool and hlf wool do lainea, Frenoh, Eugliah, a American merinos, alpaca, ailk worst, d, all colors, U wool and hlf wool plaid, ailk and woollen shawls, single or dou ble, cashmere, Perry' styls of dres goods, vel vets, llnseys, lane, brown a bleached hluig, il cloths, Irish linens, silks, cambric, ilk a velnl bonneu. scarf, slseves, cheralaeltes, edging, rib bon, hdkfa, glove, niaiery, needle, piua, hook, yes, perfumery, bair il, jwlry, bracelela, boot, hoe, rubbers, haul, caps, accordeoua, cigar, to bacco, pipe, aud about 375 olhr rticlea mo au nisrous and too chesp lo piy for advertising. Now Ihe fact ie, as we are permanently located, w ar deeirous of doing business on nch term lhat w shall not be compelled to sell oft" al east,' but we Iniend, by quiek sal and (null profits, to liv and 11 live. Lidiee and gentlemen are al way welcome, aod will b promptly wailed ra. that our si or la opnosit Oii-n't So.'. Tie as truubl to show our looda, and w can heal Portland all th Urn In price. If yu doubt It, call and satisfy youraelve that Ibcr I no bum buggiug m th matter. BROWN It WOLF, Oregon City. Oct. D, 1858. 2!oiG Farmington Htorc! mHE subscriber would respectfully inform Ui a puDtio generally uiai ne naa puu NEW STORE AT FARMINGTON, On the Tualatin Rivtr, wher h Intends carrying on th tivncral AltircliuudUe BualneM, II will keep alway on hand a good aaeurtnieul of GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Croektry, Hardware, Clothing, Boott and Short, Confect onery, ugart, Stationery, ie. Th abova will alway U offered at th LOWEST PRICES For Cuth or Country Product. tT Pleas cell and ses for yourselves, aud save your eipener in going to fortland lo nuy goou. AlOtlO OOWU proillS no onita rti.rn.. THOS. BAILEY. Farmington, July 24, 1858. Uood Ubeal Wauled, 70R which the highest market pric will b 1 paid iu cosh or trade, at in July 24. FARMINGTON STORE. rOKTLANO, O.T., miiai s a 1 r nitiiAnKT DEALER lit DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Trvtte, Supporteri, Shoulder Braett, Windtu Glatt, Giastwart, oil. Paintt,grtnd,olorei, dry, $ Linseed Oil, Ntattfoot Oil, Tnnnert' Oil, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Bnntet, Vermillion, Frmch, CAi'nne, and Go'dLeaf, American, Artitt Materials, Bruthet, a largt variety, Furniture Varniih, fopun Varnish, Voach Varnish, Perfumery, Burning Fluid, Polar Oil, Camphene, Alcohol, Turpentine, Witkafatl aiitrtmtnt of Graefenberg Medicines; t. - ., f am now reoeivint a lareo aaaortmanl of th above, with a thousand other article to numerous t mention (purchased last wiuler iu New York very low for cash), in aaaiimn w fnrm.r eto:k. comprising on of th LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS Off THIS COAST!! w WRATIIERFORD return thank for th liberal palronag hilhert received, aud respect fully ask a oonunuanc of th m, . oe will sell AT "AS FA!ICllH-.0 aiCEl nuaj anal Mriauimsrs will find it to their advaa ure I call, a the good must b aold I mak room lor mora aoon ie arnva. ... CROWELLS r..uaai Katraet af Manatartlla, Yl taw Pack, ana Mia af taa 1 I . N inTalnablo remedy for impuritie of th A. bloed, Krolula, king' avil, rysipls. aalt rliaam. eostivenes. lUnOIC,oypepaia, a, y n ymptom, cwelliug of tb glnds, fever sons, pain in lb bones, rheumatism, pimple on th fee, aeuralgie, and allourouie and long Handing Thi article, la It strongest and moat perfect farm, contain all th ctiv and well eeiauisnea medical proper! ie f SutapariUa, Yellow Pick, and Iodide of Pototta, a eombinalio niiequakd ia II enrativ and strengthening n ndf certificate could be funnelled of it pow .r.l mmmtm mm mn a.eallant msdiciO. ..1- h lie. fROWKLL 4. CO., Prog gHt, 131 Commweil t.. Fmtiact, and ay 1-. ...... siaiiii n tt-J whjJ for S. Alua. THE rtersh:p arretoiora existing under tna Arm of J. B. Buwnxo it Cu. ia dissolved. Tb. hmvinr claim Minsl tb Arm will present lboi tW (ouieBstat, aad Ikos iadebtod Will py mm "T J. B. BLANP1ED ot CO. Oref-Crfy.Oet W,1M. Jfirl i ii m ' i 1 l ' O. A. A AO A K. WZXD, PHYSICIANS, OFFER their profeaslon! scrvic l tb elll uii of SALEM and vleiailv. They will practice th llyg-Medieal (better known aa lljdropathio) sjrsiem, twlicviug all dnip lo b not only unncaary in Ih uoctul Iraatment uf diieaas, but injunou lo th consti tution of th patisnl, and relying anllrely upoa llyganio apuhauce. bpecial alleulion will be given lo OsrreTtic. and ihia disease paculiar lo wouiea and children, by Mr. Waxn. Palitnl al a diauae lratd upon reaaonahl term. Uxrxssacss; lira. R. T. Trail and O. W. May. of New York oily; Dr.U. M. Bourn, of Su Francisco. Office Citv Roox Stoxi, Sultm, Orr August 7, IH&ft. IT To All Who Desiro to Get Ricb, . Ok TO LIVE COMFORTABLYI 11I1E undart'gnrd, desiring to leave the world . In a belter cenditiou lhn h found it, is li.ip py lo hav It in hi power lo offer an opportunity ' lo quit a lrg number or his siiuw-cn it ns on Ih western coast not only to mak a fortims but U Uve coml'ortably aud leav Ih sum bleaing fur hi children aud grandchildren. To thi tud, I oiler for aale, at reduced price, at III WAI.SIT CROVB NVaMEEY, a thi road rem fiei n Ortgtn City, Mmitt rem thi oritur mi irm (A talltr, a Urge tot of two year old Fit PIT TREES of thrifty grolh, warranted to be Ih vrlsly I ell them for) and should auy on pnrohas,aud hi trees when they com lul Bearing w pnaiu.-o Ih fruit they are sold fur, 1 will isfuud lira h money and lis may keep th tree. I hav all Ih bet varieties thut hav sverbeen offered fur sale In Orrgou so that you may hav fruit th next year after purchasing, and may cou tiuu to bay fruit after that npouing Mvr nionili ia Ih year.' Order acoompanied with III can auarmwa is me at Buteville, w.ll be punctually atleuded to, and tree shipped to auy poiul from Corvall; to Astoria. . . Tb majority of my Ires ar winter varMlr. among which is an abundauo atAKe rVmsr I'sarmain, AM. Spiifniiurg, f u. nwwm P.ddih. Ooldtn ni Rox. Rufl, Smitk'l Ci- dtr.and Wintmp,M. H Pippin, Baldwin, fc. nr.iL.L juimou.). Ootoher 2, 1858. 95m3 4. aosat. - uuii-ay. V7XLLAXMX1TT11 IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg I inform th public or uregoa ana Washington that wa bv completed our .rX Wjm JiM33 m.'V) BOILER, PATTERN, BLAVKSMilu, AND MAVUl.llS Biivr, and are prepared to buitd boiler. Engln, Grist- mills, Sawmills, ana an oiuer awia u". Our busiues cunneelien wnn rue nwrin Stale Iho great couveuiene of our Itscatlity Hi. .uperiority nd number of our machines Ih use of waler power instead uf team, and Ih per. f.-ct knowltdg of all brauehc of our busiue, will enable ualo coiiipete with California. Inviting the public lo giv u call, aud to favor us with liieir palruuage, we promise to tecul their orders 011 Ih shortest notice, and At Sail Francisco Price. A. ROSSI & CO. Jun 19. 1850. 10 Oa chine-Made Horse Shoes ! THE TROY IRON AND NAIL FACTORY, ut Troy, N. Y. hav Henry Burden" Im proved Honw Shoe Machinery now in suoceaaful operation anil are prepared lo enecut erdcre for HORSE d MTI.K SHOES of any we aud pattern, at a priou but liule bIkiv the prico of lloree shoe Inm. The quality of th Iron ned In Itrese shoe I warranted ia every respeot. These shoe hay been approved of, aud ar now used by the U. 8. Gevemmenrf exclusively, as also by mauy f th principal stag nd omminai eompaniea aim n ahoere in Ihe country. These shoe cu be pur cho,ed throngli Hie prine'pal Hardwum sod Iron .totes in Ih United State. Onlers addressed to Ihe stibcriur at iroy, Y. will reoeive prompt allention. YiM. ff. ousoa.i) sj". Oct. 9, 1858-y. ai.aix a. iDaT. "". UOOlsBTS V miAUTLI., Dealers in TaaibHtaaea, Obrlttti. ana Hptre, MARBLE MANTLES, TAULtS, Courier Tnpt, Fire Fendert, Grtlet, Jkarth-ttotics, and Stfpt, ALSO BUILDING STONK, OF ALL DU.- SCUIPTIONS, fOIVTLAMO. OfXKUON. Shop en Front It., 1 at door bov th Brldg.' 28 Farm for Sale for $1,500. OKFKR for aale a half seolion of LX l.iwl .iiuated alioirt six mile esst of ;-;I I M.-lionald's ferrv in FotksSanliuin, Linn ' I la county, mid about twenty mile from Halem. The hp or in land it wen in u.u.,..., rining, and it is also one if tkt bett etockfarmi in th country. Th .mprosemeni memoes ou. hundred and tweuly apple lrc of improved mm ( also peach, plum, and cherry trees, all of which ... . ... . . .... ... I I 1. will uuu lie iu pieiiiiiui ueaioi(. favorable to health, is beautiful and pleasant. Tim will b given on a part of th money at moderate Interest, or good slock takn for a part. For further particulars call on me at tno em Store," Halcm, or address by letter. Information concerning tl can also be had by culling on W. L. Adams of the Oregon Argil. Feb.27,185B-4liniB . uvau. Win. O. Dement Co., WHOLESALE ii RETAIL Dealeri in Groceries, Hardware, Boots b snoei, urocney, ko., TENDER their lhauk to their numerou cu. turners for their past liberal patronage, and so licit a continuance of tlie am. They lake pleasure In Inrormmg we puuuu ..... e have now on hand a large and oV.irakl stock of Urottriee, Hardwire, or owea, CrecAery, ond Bool Stone, lo wnicn iney ... making oonstai.t additions from Nw York nd Han Franoiaoo, porohad for caah only, and ara enabled lo sell at lower pnee ma- a,,......... n O regon City. Jan. 31, 1857. 50 DOa. thumb lalohes, cheap, for sale bj WM.C. DEMENT at co. A Few Vmm OV F that superior GREEN TEA Iuat noelr! YIM.. v... 0 Xadlet! YOU will find an excellent assortment of Droit and BomI Silke, Satins and Vthttf, alaa Bmnel Trimminte, Hoeieri, Gtovei, Uutt and Rtkboni, Table Ctotko, Counterpane, si., at tha . CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Main-et., ppoait AbenwUiy ' torJ whr maj be found almost everytaing in tb Itn ' Dry Cioodaj Buck a Print, Oingliama, Alpaea. Msrlaoe, Plaid Liuwy. Mualina, 8alliUa, Jaaoe, Flan, nei. Sheeting, M Ticking, ilirkory Stripe, Cotton Betting, ete. Orego Cilyt April 21, 1837-W