Shirt Notice! A IX peraona Indebted to Ilia undersigned are hereby notified lo call and stills oa or before Ik 1st day of January or their soeouut will be put il ear lawyer! banda fur collection. ' " ' 1 DUBENBERRY. oY BROS. " Oregon City Pre. II, IHitl. N" OTIOB k hereby linn thai a BAY HORSE tu left with ma f r keeping, at ilia Csne roah Dotal, on lha 37Ui Nor. laat. by aoma poreun Whose name ia unknown, anil unless Ilia ownsr ol se'd, bono bill appear and clam ihe aims, aud pay charges, I shall aril aaid homo at public sue lioa al lha aaid bolal on lha 18th Dae. at 2 o'o!u k t. a., Tor lha paymant of expenee incurred by mo. ; . HENRY WEBER. r Canamab, Dao. 8th, 185y 3jw3 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR STORE! CTK novo juxl received 40,000 Hntana Ci ' h for'j alM a large quantify of tobacco NattJtal IcarHuffaki chip, Pride of ilia Union, and niihiy other 'brands. Au, PIPES of nil kinds; Match r.s, tie , at our (lore. DAN N EN B AIM JACOB. "Deo.4, 1858. ' ., Administrator' Notice. NOTICE le hereby Riven, (bat letters of id i Jiiin Jlrallun have bean granted, to Ilia under signed by-Ahe Probate enurt of Clackamas co , O. 'rifOit lire estate of John Shoffnrr, deceased, lata f aaid cqunty. AH perrons indebted lo aaid aa late are requested la make immediate payment, Una all having 'tlainia against aiiid aalnle ninal preaeul-them lo Iheuuileraigned at Ira rcaideuce in aaid couuty within one year frin dale of Jbie aotiea. JOS1AH S ETTLE, Pre- 4, 1858-3 Iw3 Admr. ' i Frobate Notice. VrOTICE ia liarrby give lo all persons Inter XI csled, that Ihn liral Tuesday in January, I B.',9, ia appoiuted for the examination aud ad justment of lha aeeouuta of V. 'f . Torreiiee, ex eulor of the laat will of Let Whitcomb, deceased, Ian) of Clackarnaa cauuly, U. T, . v . . ROBERT CA WIELD, Pre. 4, 1858-343 Judge of Probate. j u.ror mm in wreron cur. .HOUSE and GARDEN, with title onqussHonable. 1 he house a etory and 'half, in tolerable rood repair, wilh W rooms. The garden, one Unit eaiinol bo ex celled ill exeellenca of ooil, with between seventy nd eighty frail Iraea, vix : Apple, pear, plum, and cherry, p'antcd fret apart lent fell, and miost of litem four yeara old, and doing wrll. " For further parliculara apply on the iremie, or to Mr. William Whitlock al Aiuaworlli it dorff 'a alore. JOHNSTON McCORMAC, Nor.37, 18j8-33w4 l'ruprirtor. " DANCING ACADEMY. MESSRS. BOH EN & SKIBERT wish to inform 'the of OREGON CITY and yiciuity llml they huve taken UNION HALL, "(ever the Uuiou Market.) where tboy are prepured 4o give instruction" in all the HnaT rIIIONM HALL ROOM DANCES, Hhe eourse of'itrstmclinna cotumenciug on Tula at Evkninu, Nov. 33d. , , Fur further pariculare, inquire at III JIall. ' N..v. SU, l.'8. 3r4 THOSE having accounla againat the IIOO HjBH'' are rvquealril te prraeiit thru! to me t Una City before the tirlf Jmiu.iry next. GICOUGE A. l'EASG. .iiiwCily, Nv. 20, I8jl). 3S .H',: TS brreliy glviti that an awwment'of Irn per " Jt cent haa been levied npna lire impaKi aiccK oi akoTualaliu River Traiiaportntten and Navigulion Cenvpaary, and nll'peTaoaa m irrivaraffea will be n . nuirrd to oaVto LranJtt lIo!iiua, 'l'reuaurvr, ten per cent, on their Block every twenty day till it ia allpaid. Jiy order ol me uirreiora, , JAS. M. MOORK, Sre'y, Nov. 20, 1858. -Hr4 land foi Sale for 9900, 'YPflE uu.lerai;neil, Inle mliiii; to return X to tin Stalea, n inhea lodupnae of the followim aVecribe d Iraclof lauJ. nnniply: The 8. W. durir of arc. 1, T. 5 S., K. 1 K., ait naled oa Pear creek, between Rock creek and . Melalla, -ami ailjeiliiug Innda of Howard Ogle, . John Killer, ana A. i. ruili rson. it ia fenced on three aidea, and afrrr feucing the remaining aide, raila eiHiugh would be Jtfl lo fence neiirly a m le. Two fie Ida eoutaiiiing 9 aorraeiave been culliviiled ; .and eonio more lime along the creek ia panutiy cleared, and e!U airrea ceul.l IraxHvared w.lh coin paralively lillle labor. It ia thought that aullic rut water wiwer ia on it to turu a mill for flair Ilia yur, ud good atnek walar ia on it all the year. '1 he CAildinga on the pramiaes coat the owner -about 1.4300. The title is indispuluble, and iminediule . iaaeaaieu could be (riven lo Hie purcliaavr. For luruier niriicuiiira, iu,ra Kav. DaVID THOMPSON, '""Xov. 13, Ibj8-3)w3 CorrWfca, O. T. ram for Sale for $3,400. . ,T OFFER my farm, aituatrd aix iiulea I , Uul.m mi tl, Oremm Lilv road. iar anla. Itcoulaina 320 acres, "bout 2bll of which are uuder fence and 75 in cultivation. I hen iheut 1 .600 fruit trees of, the choicest va- rieliva of apples, pears, pluma, and cherries, half of which are bearing, ana an oi incui ninny uu beautiful. Tnrre rs alao a comfortiible frame hoim. a anlendid well of water, and I good barn on Ibe premises. The farm ia ailunled on the bor. daraiif Ike LaBith, ia well watered, and admi drably adapted to stork raiiii?, and for fruit nr crain cannot be excelled. Time will be given on net .. iha mnnev. For parliculara refer to A ' Sianton near Salem, lo W. L. Adama of Oregon City, or lo me on Ihe premises. - 4eU6.l858.28w5 J. W. STOVER. tCOT ii , i ... ..' . AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. an I! - ,i : J. B. BLAHPIED TTTOULD reapeetfully inform hie old friends ' VV and lha poblio generally that he is by bimaeU oaoe mora, aid haa low oa hand A LAIGS AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ."v BOOTS AND SHOES, which he will sell on the most reasonabls terms. 'MAKING AND REPAIRING will still be done lo order, and on the shortest no tice. Wuter-TTtaf PatU BUeling kept on hand. Oregon City, Nov. 6. 1858. ' TambJll Farm for Sale. OFFER a beautiful farm of iM acres In Yamhill counly for Bale. imwi hmuiinn on UIB uii ini"r anu m .-b tie laid inder fence. The place is admitted by .11 ka h of the most delightful resideaeeo in lha oooBtry. For particular iiH)uire of Ihe Editor M the Anus, who is elite to giro an necasaery id fomralioa . July Jl, !858-iw4 Amlfitetraitar'a IbTotica. 'mHE aodersigned liavii been sppomied by the I Prubate Court of Clackarnaa eunnty O. T, rT: rj ihe ertate of Richard P. Young. deeeased, notice is hereby given lo all persons bar--tag uuma agaiaot said estate to pneent them to "sne as required by law wilhin one year from this dale, wd aR peraons ow ig e d eetate are reqmred .o sjika hnmedialo payment to me at my reaideoee .ia aaid coooty. jusurn iwoi'w, Ko.90, 1858-33w3 Adm r. Tea Ihe Ainirteol. -sr-vtr nnTrillXS CELEBRATED BAL- llanef Wild Ch-trT. with a variety of hie t -. - i., Batnitml Mtduiwet. ire now oale iTcllARLEJ POPE'S, Oeyoi WK. 1IIIDOirr. AI.1SWORTII efc DIERDOBFFa AND RKTAIl) DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY - GOODS, CLOTHING, Dooti tt Slton, and Crockery, In the new Fire-proof Brick Main rrat bt, ' " ' ' ' 'oKEOON CITT. O. T. ' ' ' AINSWORTHa DIERDORFF, WE ARE NOW OPENING IN TNI - Xfew riro-JProof Brick, A I.AiOE AND WELL-AASOITED ITOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure agalml Are, wo will now Offrr Crtalrr Inducement! than ever to the public. We are coiulaully In receipt of selected with the greateat faro (as to prices aod quality), aud are confident that oar facilities will rnable us le ofTer and gndi AT PORTLAND PRICES (freights on), and would advlss alt Ihoao viailing this city lo purchase gooils, lo examine our stock and prices before pun-baaing aleewbere. We have, and are jual receiving, an Invoice of conaiatiug in part of the following arliclea Coche cn, l'aeific, lladlry, Couesteun, Hpraguv, Philip Allen, Fall River, Merriinac, Brigga.and numar oua nihar chwee PRINTS, off (a y(e; Eng liah i: Pr-ncli ineriuoa, Lyonaae cloth, motiair and o'lier Debaze ( brate, wool, it niualm do lainea, bl.ick, blue, purple, k pink mer.uoa, fancy piania, jncunrt, book, awiaa, oV. mull mual.ii, ladiea einb. acta, collara, Inlkfa At skirts, ureas or nonnai irim- niiuga, l rench II doineatic ginghania, rreneh lawns from 124 lo 25c, blue, mixed, Ac grey aali- net, wool Se cotton jeans coltouaile, bleached and brown aheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drill, driiima, hickory aliirting; 8.leaia, murine, brown, and Iriah liuaii, nankeen, d'aier, aud craah, I large lot of liueu aud thread lecee aud edging, hosiery, &e. MEN'S d ROYS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, and brown cloth eoeta : 10 dot blk cloth vesta, 5 din white and buff Marseilles do., velvet and aatm do. ; 30 dox anliuel panla, duerkin and fancy caMiim-re do, 30 dux meriuo and cotton uudrraliirlB, grey, blue, At black cloth over coata, nil a gvuerul aasortmeat of gouts lurn ahing goods. BOOTS d &'aVOE5.-Men's, boyi', and yofilha' boola; ladies', miaaea', aud ehildrea'a mo reccu, goat, kid, and calf Congress boots, wilh At without heels; ladies' kid si opera. Rio and Java cofTee, black and green ua, N. O., China, Uuluvia hhrtid, i'al. refined, and eruahed augur, E. Iloalou, Cel., anar-hmiae, gitldeu ayr. up. aalt, & lo vOO lb elra; IHV kit luila, usMlaix.s; tiiil'a pule, clieiuicnl, Gugl.rh Hnip, soup Kw dera, powder, ahot, i lead; .yeast powder, aalrra lua, cream Uirlur, miokidg a chrWing lubaeco, tree corn, ptat, tomalwt, tfruw add lUrkber' nt; in II lo tins; rpce, prpifer, and asaiu, pearl burlrv. maccaioiii, Venn celli, corn etnich, aim oiide, wuhiuta, llriail uuta, ruia'na, Chili peuchcB, dri,d fruit; inncU r, I, m qr 4 hit bbra; aardmea. A hue aaMirimrut of CROCKERY d TABLE CVTIERY i SO crntea assorted ware, 40 d,u ateel picks, 20 Uulch fc lldla hoes. White Lead, OH, and Window Glass; with a variety of other arliclea usaully kept. : O Wo will pay caan fr wheat, Hour, bacon, butter, eptja, and almost everylhiug Ihe farmtr Ima lo ae!l. Oregon City, April 16, 18j8. JL'dT received, the Mat tlyli of sill a bat in BONNETS, Leghorn and at, aw flats. AINS WORTH it DIERDOKr r. GOLD MINES AT HOME! . HOLLAND. L. DAV HOLLAND & DAY Have just opened a new AS splendid atsjrlment of 1 the. old ttund of F. S. d A. Holland, OPPOSITE Geo. Abcmeihy's brick store, where ttiey ciin be foinrt at nil tifnes ready to wail on ouatunieii. 1 hey are now pernianeui ly locuU-d, and hope by atriel attiiitiuu to busiuesa lo merit n liberal rhmre of tMlronage. Their stock in part conairfB ef the following ar liclea: Uinghums, lawna, delaines, pr ills, meiinoa, tlaliuels, alpacua, bleached domestic, wool plaida, danioak ailk drcse goods, hosiery, white hirta, check do., hickory shins, over under do., ewawle, fine 4 coarae, satiuola, blk, brown, t while linen thread, ' ' t.bbons, artificial flowers, Coats' tfmil colon, ej-e. BOOTS d SHOES, of aU inda and ie AMO E. Boaton syrup, Cal. rttiued syrup, sugars of all kinds, tobacco, ponce, tea, - naila, aalt, candlea, and a thousand ether things, too numerous to mention, all of which they will sell as low as any oilier hoose in Oregon City. , They will pay cash or goods lor an linos oi produce, such as butter, eggs, chickens, or almost anything the furmrre have lo sell. There ia no thing like trying, so give tnem a mai. Aug. 7, iojo. CASH paid for LAND WARRANTS, by HOLLAND & DAY. i. c. kmosnT. . t- nnu. KIMGSLTGY oV II EES, PORTLAND. OREGON, 1 HAKefACTSnas and wroaTKM or CALIFORNIA, AMERICAN 4 ENGLISH SADDLES Buigy, Carriage, and Team Harness, Briilts, Martingals, Whips, Liaen Horse-Caters, Blankets, Curra-comhs, Fly-Ntls, Brothts, and CireingUs. SADDLERY HARDWARE, California Saddle-Trees. Stirrups, and all kinds if Uooeu kept at jirsi-eiai eKM'. . Work made to order, and repairing done with care and on reasonable terms. fJT Shop ea Front street, between Washington t, Alder. aep 4, '58. Painting. TiEIN'G Dermanentlv locatod in Ore roe City, JJ 1 Uke lliis nieihod ef informing the citrjees ol Uiia ei.-iuiiy and the adjuiuiug cuuuiry Mat I am alwaya prrpared to Oe BOUSK, ORNAMENTAL, AND SIGX PAINT! NO. . 1 1,. ,arf fneonb'e terms. Having followed the busiuesa for many years, I am eoutt leut that I ... mAm laiiii eaiiafaetiea le bt caoiomera. jr bbop ooo door above ihe Ore C.y Drug Store. v-saw.. Sept 1 f. 1858. M Sotiea to SUppen. ON and after ibis date, FuEIUHT wiO bo earned on tbo strainer SXJg by the rule of bbip'o Meaaureanaut" C. E. SWEITZER. jiov. xi, a. J, C, AINIWORTH. 25,000 C , Afl 17 FEET OF FIR LUMBER for nit by EMPIHE Wholesale and Retail STORE! ARE you going lo Oregon City to buy Goods t If so,) ou would probably liks bikuow where you csn buy ilia moat aud best for lha least mo Day. Thai place is BROWN & WOLFS estshliahinrnt, OhpaJle Oibttn'i Saloon, ind no mistake. We have just received a heavy assort' rncnlfriim San Franeieco, which, having bought low, we are able lo r.H In audi a wny that our prices shall apeak fur Ihrmaelvee, without inueb Dug. Wo have GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHINO, of every description, such ia sack frock roala, rnglaiia, tnlinaa, jackeU, veals, panla, cravats, fme shirts, rollers, diawers, under shirts, aaahes, overhauls, and nil kinds of ludia-rubber cleihiug. Also, ill kinds of OIT'OOODI, French, Ensliah, American, h furniture calicos, giauhama of all eolora, ill wool and hlf wool do lainea, French, English, a America! merisos, alpacas, silk worvt.d, all colors, all wool aud hlf wool plaida, ailk aud woollen shawls, single or dou ble, eaehmeies, Perry'a alyle of dress goods, vel vets, liueeye, lanes, brown a bleaebaid shseling, oil clollia, Iriah liiens, silks, eambrics, silk k velvet bon'ieU. scarfs, slsavea, chrmiaclles, edging, rib bous, lid k fa, gloves, hiaa'ery, needles, pins, Tiooks, eyes, perfumery, hair oil, jewelry, bracelets, boots, shoes, rubbers, hats, capt, aocordeona, eigars, to bacco, pipes, and about 37S other article loo nu merous and loo cheap lo p iy for advertiaing. Sow lha fact ia, aa we are permanently loeaiM, we are desirous of duing business on suoh terms that we shall uot be.compelled to sell off at ensl,' but wo iniend, by quick sales and small profits, lo live and let live. and gentlemen aro al ways welcome, aod will bo promptly wailed on. Aeatnker, Remeiaker, that our store Is opposite Oibmn't Saloon. Tit no trouble to show our goods, and we can neat Portlaud all lha lima hi prices. If you doubt it, call and aat sfy yourselves that there ia no hum bugging in the matter. 1 ' uiiuni ol nuur. Oregon City. Oct. 9, 1858. 26m6 Farmington Sitorc! THE siibrer'brr would respectfully inform the public generally that ho haa opened JVfilV STORE AT FARMIXOTON, On the Tualatin River, where lie intends carrying on the Ut'iii-rul lUitrHiiiudiie BnalneM. He will keep always ou baud a good assortment of GROCERTE3, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Confect onery, Cigars, Stationery, etc. Tbo above will always bo offered at the LOWEST PRICES For Cosh or Country Product. ID Please call and aea f,ir yourselvee, aud savs your cxprnsee Hi (eing to 1'orilaiMl lo ouy gooua. Moilo ' Small profits and quick returns.' TIIOS. BAILEY. Farmiagton, July 24, 18S8. Wood UlifUt Wanlvd, OR which the h'ghest market price will bo paid in cash or trade, lit the July 24. FARMINGTON STORE. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Trusses, Sup)orlers, Shoitltler Braces, JFWdft Glass, Glassware, in vil. Prints, gn.und,colored,4ry, Innseed Oil, Nealsool OH, Tanners' Oil, Hjierm Oil, Istrd Oil, Machine, Oil, Broniet, Vrrmiilton, FreitcJi, Llunese, ana Gold Leaf, American, Artist Materials, Brushes, a larrjt variety, Furniture Varnish, In pun Varnish, Coach Varnish, Perfumery, Burning Fluid, Polar Oil, Camphene, Alcohol, Turpentine, Wil I full assortment of Graefenberg Medicines; In a word, I am now receiving a large assortment of the above, with a thouaand other artielea too numerous lo mention (purchased last winier in New York very low for cash), in addiliou lo my former sto :k, comprising one of the LARGftST AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS '' '' ON THIS COAST!! W. WE ATHERFORD returns thanka for Hie liberal patronage hilherio received, and respect fully aaka a cmifuuance of the same, aa be will Bull AT HAS ASClHf.O PMCEHt Dealers and eonsumais will find it to their advan lace to bill, aa Ihe goods must bo sold to make room Mr more srn i r.i.. CROWLLS CeapoaaA Extract if fiaraanrtlle Vel low Dock, a lUc of rotataa t AN invaluable remedy for impurities of the bleu!.scrolula, king's evil, eryeipelss, suit rheum, eustivsuess, jaun.lice,dyapepaia, sjphihlic symptoms, swelling of the glonda, fevsr ourrt, Mine in the bones, riieumatiem, piuiplee on Wio face, neuralgia, aud all chronic and long sUndiug dlThTartH!lo. il lie strongest and most perfect .u ih aelive and WeH-oalabliabed Ndal proper! M of SapariUa, Yellow Dock, and Iodido of rsfssa, a como1,.i. d draiwtrrrbiiK eft-Cts. llwu- sends of eertdicales eooU be furmslied of its pow- artal eff-eie as aa sicellent iwww- v u .. lie. RUWELL . CO., lg (Mta, 131 Commercial sL, San Frantiseo. and by THE partnership here eiieting indef the firm of 4. B. Btm tls djssohred. Tboso having euume agaiaet the irm will preasat them fceosnlnot, aad those sadobted wdl pay p aod aavo eosta. BLANPIED ck CO. Orrgm C'y.Oct JO, 185. 3 0. A, ABA SS. WXS9, PHYSICIANS, OFFER their professional serviosa lo tbo citi una of SALEM and vloiuity. They will practice Ihe llygeo-Msdioal (belter known as Hydropathic) system, believing all druga lo bs not only unnecessary in the aucesealul treatment of diseases, but Injurious lo Ihe oonsti. tuiluo of Ihe pntienl, and relyiug sntltaly upon llygenio appliaucse. hpecial attviilion will bs given lo Osstitbics, aud ilmer diseases peculiar to wemeo and children, by Mrs. Wain. Palisut at diataueo treaUd upon reoauiablo terms, RiraaBNCics: Mrs. R. T. Trail and O. W. May, of New V ark city Dr. O. M. llouruo, of San FrsucMO. Office Citv Book 8tob, Sa'.tm, Ortgon August 7, 1858. IT To All Who Desire to Get Kicb, ' . oa TO LIVE COMFORTABLY I mllE undersigned, desiring to leave the world X I" a better condition than he fonnd il, le hap py to have it in his power to offer an opportunity to quite a large uumber of his felluw-cilixcns on the western coast uot ouly to make a fortune but to live comfortably aud leave Ihe aame blessing for his children aud grandchiMrea. To this aud, I offer fur saie, II reduced prices, al the WAI.JIVT liROVB NVKHeRVa in thread from Salem lo Oregon City, I G miles from tkt former and 21 from tkt Utter, I large lot of two year old FRUIT TREES of thrifty grolh, warranted lo bo Ihe variety 1 sell Ihem for ; aud should any one pureb.ise, and his trees when they come int.. besring not produce Ihe fruil tliev aro sold for, I wiM refund him his money and he may keep Ihe trees I havs all Ihe beat varieties thul Irnve ever been oflbred fur sale lu Oregou ; so that you may have fruil lbs next year aflrr pun liawug. and may con tinue to have fruit after that lipeniug " etery month iu the year." Orders accompanied with the casn addressed Is me al Uuteville, will bo punelually attended to, and trees shipped lo any point from Curvallia lu Anions. i The maturity of my trees are winter varieties, amono whieh ia ail iibundance of vVAile Hislrr .... . r a ftf . rrsrsiaia, til. Bptitenourg, I. qr u. jiwiwi Pippin, Onldtn and Rox. Ruotet, Smith's Ci der, and Winetap, Al. H Pippin, Baldwin, efc. riC.IL.Li juiinsuA. October 2. 185S. 25m3 A. aoeoi, r. BABTELS, ! s. MUBLBV, o. buitu. WXLLAMBTTB IRON WORKS, OREGON CITI WE beg lo Inform Ihe public of Oregon and Washington that wo have completed our BOILER. PATTERN. BLACKSMITH, AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build boilers, Engines, Grist mills, Sawmills, nnd all other kinds of machinery. Our business connection with the Eaeleru Suites tho great convenience of our localily Ihe aupsriority and number of our machine ths use ef wnler wwer inalead of steam, and the per fect knowledge of all branches of our busmen, will enable us lo compete with California. Iiivitiag the pjblic to give us a call, aud to favor us with Ibeir patronage, we promise to execute their orders on the shortest notice, and At Sail Fratuciaco Price A. ROSSI &. CO. June 19. 1858. 10yl 0 Machine-Made Horse Shoes! THE TROY IKON AND NAIL FACTORY, at Troy, N. Y. have Henry Ilurdcn's Im proved Homo-Shoe Machinery now in ueceaful operation and are prepared l execute ordcre (or HORSE and MTLE SHOES of any weight end pattern, al a price bat Hills above the price of Horse shoe ot. The quality of ths iron used in these nioce is warrauted iu every respect. These shoes havs been epproved of, and art now used by the U. 8. Government, exclusively, as ulao by mouy of the priucip il stage and omnibus compan'ea aud horse ahoers in ihe country. These shoes can be pur chased through ihe princ'pal Hardware and iron storea in Ihe Un led States. Orders nddreni-t lo the Binwcriber al ivoy, a. Y. will receive piompt attention. WM.F. BURDEN, Agent. Oct. 9, 1858-y. New Arrangements HAVING formed a copartnership ur. I'OPPLETON, recently from Ohio, we are now prepared to praclici medicine upon a more extended scale than I have hitherto been able lo do. I am l0 largely increasing the circulation of my medicinea, and Impo ere many moulln lo supply all the important points In tho Terrlro7. ,r' W. D. HUTl II INS. Lafayette, June JO, 1858. 9tf ALAIN B. RODKBTB. "COS f. BBABTLI. ROBERTS & SIIARTLE, Dtalsts in Tomfcatoaes, Obelisk, al Hklrev MARBLE MANTLES, TABLES, Counter Tops, Fife Fenders, Grates, Hearth stones, and Steps, ALSO UtTLDINO STONE. OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS, frORTLAXIH OAKUON. Shop eu Front st, 1st door above the ' Bridge.' 26 Selling Off at Cost, An Extensive Assortment of NKW GOODS, CoSsirrlKO I5t fast nr DRY (iOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWIRE, D"UO. MEDICINK8, BOOl,STA TIONERT, kC. GIVE us a call, and we will five you a.aot!rs. ' CHS. POPE, Ja. BEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBBER'S SANOVIFIER, Or larlf orating CordlaL field only ' Qoast Roll lee pries 13, or Iwo for mi by HI vruggtets ia vaiuoeoia ana in Jubo 36, IB58. ogeu. M ACALLAYB Uistory of England for saleiw C. POPE, Jr. f f BBLS. fresh "Santa Crux" LIME; O U S calcined plaater received sod fb sale by . W?l. r. yg.S" ty, 0 WHO, DEMENT CO., OFFER for solo Ihe following goods t I dot mill saws, 7 it fsel, 8 " Xcut do 30 M eow bells (superior), IU " handled Ilea, 10 " without do Id " baullol do, isa'd sites, 10 pulBlo dlggsrs, III Alines' spadea, 80 M eurry combs, 6(H) lbs wrapping twins, 100 H I R packing, .Mill feel I It beMiiiul INDIA RUBBER OOODS of all deserp lona. Oregou Cily, Jan. i!3, Ie).'i8. If ow Booki ! mllE subscriber haa just received lares is- X sortnieul of BOOKM, direct from New York, amoug which are the following t Alison's Hist. of Europe American Institutions, Lives of Ihe rtigners, Uabylon aud Nineveh, Billimans dn. Democracvln America, Land and Lee," 'Sea and Sailor,' (Deck and Port," Ship and Shore," Homo Cyolopedia, Three Years in Califor-.l Cvc. of Llleraluro, Egyptaudlho HolyLsnd Uuclisn's ram. rnys n.. lordlier on Him r.ngine, Ano'l Mooaaterlea,. Manual of Fine Arts, Lectures on the Aria, Choice Uiogrnphy, Travels iu Peru, Peruvian Autiquilica, Choice Erlrvta, Polar Regiona, Mahan'a Philosophy, A variety of Poole. SOU copies of Bandera Speller, A00 " Readers, 850 ' MctiuOey's do. 250 ' Webster's Dictionaries. Daviea' Algebra, Newman's Khetorlo, Ueomelry, " Bourdon, " Surveying, Legendre, ' Arilhmelica, Days do. Pariey's Univ. History, (loodrich's PieL V. 8., Monleiths Geography, Utile Speaker," Tbompoun'i do. IN. American Speaker. ALSO, jl lsroah dddIv of SUtionenr. Day Books, Joarnals, Ledgers, Record lionks, Memorandums, of all sites, Disriee, l e., Note and Utter Paper, Envelopes, Pens, ice., etc Eraser Knives, Emaivo Rubber, Gummed Labela, Faber's Pencils, lK, lu quart and pint bottles. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES POPE,Ji. Oregon City, August 18, 1850. Xtftdiei! YrOU will find nn excellent assortment of Dress M. and Bonnet Silks, Satins aud Velvets! also Bonnet Trimmings, lottery, Glares, Laces and Ribbons, Tails Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at ths tnreof uilAUi-ca run:, sr., (Main-at., oppoaile Abernethy's store,) where may be round almost ertryimng in me iiue vi Dry Oiood'i Kneh as Prints. Gim hsnia. Alpacas, Msrinoa Piaid Linaeya, Muslim, Satliuells, Jeans, Flan- nais, Hhealinga, Ued Ticking, lliuaory oinpe, Cotton Balling, etc Oregon City, A pril 31,1 857-1 tf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, Ja. SANDS' Sarsopaiilla.P.k'a Wild Cherry Hit lers, Batsmen's dro, B.aadrelb's pilU, U'e'a .ilU. IVrev'a vermifuiro. Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, Uriliah oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye bslaom, 1 (alley 'a pain ..i,ri.,r. Laudanum. Parrirorlf , Oil of Pepiier- mini. Eaaeiicea, Comiioaition Powdera, Carters Pulmonary Bulsom, Sulphur, Epson Salts, to, April 21, 18i7-ltf More W AT CIIAIIMAN it a o o d war.neh's. TN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, I wo have iusl received, direol from Sal Fran cisco, i good and suitable supply of Goods for this Season of the Year, . which wo otter for sale at prioes which cannot be beat in this market. Our slock consists in part of 400 lbs sal soda, 50 boxes English soap, 50 " Chaa. Hill's soap, 90 dot corn ataroh, 30 cases pie fruil,, 15 " pickles, 8 dothmiey, 8 " lobalers, 13 " oysters, 80 hlf blila N O sugar, 4 fclite Sandwicti Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried apples, H rils mackerel, 8000 Ibe stick euudy, 600 ' fancy do. 1 feasu Gallipishor toys, German toys, 400 lbs almonds, IS hlf boxes raisins, 6 whole boxes do., 4rl pro good .Mackinaw blankets, 8000 yds urowu snouting, 8000 " calico, Hools aud short of every description. The above, with our usual aaaorlment, we think rendeia out stock complete. Cull and aew lis. Terms cash. CIIAUMAN $ lV.titrT. December 30, 1857. Experience Mnk Perfect. Why Go to Portland lo Buy Goods t WE wili to inform our eeetninere and Hie public generally lhat we have now on ImiiH. in addition lo our usual heavy stock of Gro ceries and Dry-Goods, one ef tko largest and beil- Bcleeted slocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in this market. Wa also wish to say that our goods are of excellent snanty, lad that wo will sell AS C II RAP AS AKV OTHER HotSF. IN ORKUO.f, Portland not excepted. Our eld motto still governs oar trade " Quick sales and small profits." Our stock of goods la now open for inspection to all Who will lavor we With a ciill. Call and tec, arrd ret txperieoce then speak for itself. Wo sell aa low as any in lha Territory, for cash, nr produce al market rates. CHARM AN it WARNER. Oregon Cily, ally 33, 185T. . u s T R K C E I V K 1) I splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SlOES, nil DryGoodi ef till Dccristlon. We enn no fill almoat any bill a farmer aaay sail for. Call and see. March 14. CHARMAN itWARNER. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A niAVT AarvOBTIIBKT 0 mJstsimv fx3 AND HAVK PCT Prices Down tn ths Lowest Figure I Come in, tlioso who want foals CHBAP. h 13. CHARM.V i LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMBER can leave their bibs wilh Chabnan Aj. WAaaaa, which I will fill, and dslivsr Ibe lumber In On-eou I'I'y, if desired. tlUUIV. Oreg.,a City, Jan. 16, 40tf Snt'i Arctie Slxpeditioii, RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and olbor V interesting works, for sa'e st tbo rep 13 CITY BOOK STORK. BRICBL Aft alt aft FOR SALE. IVVsVin' Appl; nily lo .sepu .a . taraf W M. C. DEMENT, tharnai A Wanner TTll'g ree'd a larre aeaortnienl ci SHOl H .mhre-hie children's sud Isdies" shoes, and Oajiera. Buskins, aod Bootees : also gents' Boots aod sboes, aid gaiura of all aoser puous. ALSO. Crtdtej aid acylbae, aoaiba, boos, ralua, forks, epadso, f n lB7v . ... 1 -'J Farm for Sale for $1.500. ' " OFFER for sale half aeetioa of I.. .1 u,,iJ MhiHit ii miles sasi of !'- MeDonal I's ferrv in Forks Sauliam, Lino Jiii county, and about twsuty miles from Salsm. 'l ha shape of the land wits il well for ordinary farming, aad il b) also ens if ths lust stock farms iu the country. I us iinprovemsui mciour. oho hundred and Iwsuly apple Ireea of Improved fruil i aUo peach, plum, tu chsrry Ireea, ill of which Will SOOU 10 IU pieillliui oeenug. I n mwiww m favorable lo hvnilli, ia beautiful and pleaaaiil. Time will bo given on part or the money at moderate latere!, or good stock tsksn for a part. For further particulars call on mo al Ihe " Uuion Store," Kelvin, or adJrasa by letter. Information concerning it esn also be bad by calling on W.L. Adama of Ihe Oregon Argus, Feb.37,IH58-4um8 C. IIOEL. ATXEWTIOir, TAXKtm. ! THRESHERS, REAPERS, A N U WE have now on the way from the tailern States, To Arrive about the last of April, 4 SUPERIOR LOT of the above-mentioned machines. They combine all of the latest Improvements, and wo havs no hesitation in saying that we believe Ihem lo be tbo MUHT lEFrXT MACniXEM ow brought to this const. They were oonstruoted under our own auperviaion, having all Ihe oilers tiono necessary lo rsuder them suiublo for Hie eounlry. The TI1RESI1ER3 consist of two, four, and six-horse powers (i ail way and sweep), wilh slevo tors ami every essential convenience known lo the machine. Our REAPERS and MOWERS aro combined maebiiira, suitable tut either mowing or reapiug. They work from iwo lo four homes, with and without rakes or, iu other words, ouo is sell'. raker. Za Addition to too Abovo, Wo have, to arrive al the same lime, the following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria Plows, X 8, Boston Clipper Plows, Extension Cultivators, Grajierini Grain Cradles, Scythes and Snaths, Straw Cutters, Hay Presses, Hay Forks ami Rakes, Horse Jtukes, Wheelktrrowt, Shorels, Spade, OXSBB, MXL&ft, BARK MILLS, d TANNERS' TOOLS. Alao, a select assortment of smiths' ANO CARPSSTER' TOOLS. . With many other articles not hero ealieaed. We would say lo our customers nnd the public generally, if they are in want ofauy of the above mentioned artielee, they will do well to call and see ours before purchasing elaewheee, aa wo are deter inin, d to sell LOW FOR CASH. We would alo add that our Machines sre being rapidly sold to arrive. Better cell and sr-cur j ouo of Ihem before too lute. If preferred, Machines delivered in Porllsnd, If enirngad before arrival. Wm. c. dement w., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '58. Oppotite L tni Office THE SPELL 13 BROKEN ! Ths Election is Ovorl J AND inTSBffaSK&T A SS.OS. AKE selling off at COST Hie lust-selected stock of CLOTBZNO, JBWSULT, BOOTS d SHOES, Ever ofTered in this market, to which they would n epeclfullycsllthu attention of merchants and ibe public generally. They assure enstomers that Ihey now off, r the best inducements for the invest ment r money by those who desire lo purchase goods of an exi-cllent Quality and al extremely LOW RATES! Their whole slock will be sold without reserve at ciail priiics, and all closed out ua won as po jble. Oregon City, Juno li, H."'S. Baptist Books. WE EXPECT by next mull steamers quan tity of the Amer can llaptiet Publication Society's Books, cnnsialing of Fuller's Works, Banyan's do., The Paalmiat. wckel, pew, and pul pit " tea, aad a variety of oilier work'. We wiH atal that we intend lo keep n com. plete assortment of the Sooieiy'a bnoke. Orders, for angle books, or by trig quantity, will bo promptly Riled. Churches and libraries furnished; at ilea lowest price. JOHN A. POST. Oregon Cily,. Aug. 31, 1859. MOFFATSLifo Bitters and Pills, Bernard's) Dyseulery Syrup, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, ut lha ' OREGON CITY DRL'G STORK. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAII. (CONSTANTLY reteiv ng, fresb fiem, ranch,, J wheat, oata, bacon, lard, butler aud. polstoes, Apiil4,'57. JOHN P. BROOKS. W. P. Biirna. WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, DRIOON CITV, O.T. ST Strict ntlcttlioa paid to repairing, and snlis. faotioo to nnlraus warrauted, feb9-43 50 DO 4. iWumb lalehco, cheap, for sale by WM.C DEMENT Atco. C1I1AKEK riareapurdla. al lha O OREGON lU'Y URVG STORK- Tl R. Oog'iod'aludiiChalagiiM.aiAdLtr.Jauea' U Anurieau ChJMocue, at the rieau V'tirtKCogue, at ins OREUON CITY DRUG STORE, riiirnrtt Tnvlor'si CYCIiOPKlsIA o Modern 1 Swan'B Three Y oars' Reelde Travel, aud nee om Ihe Nortb Wjtt nf.aHt for aula at Ihe CITY BOOK BTOKE. ,UAX SEED for sale at C. POPE'S. ' 11.1 mvK s i . ; CHARMAN eV WARNER MULL asortmotof Vankso Notions at tli2J CHARM ANA WARNER iviu1 alMPMMt,arilia in any quantity, at tho OUKIf'IN Ul I lIH'l oiwiir. I.,,.,., u'Ki.lfl.' c HA IN PUMPS price induced for sale by mrijK . n'l r., tr. Wtf WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for good WHEAT al the market price. ,,tI4 VHARMKN tWARNV.R. 16 lOZ. Oysters. VII Alt MA KZ-. : 6DOZ. irape.vine cradles for sale by WM. C. DEMENT ek. co. AN assortment of Bibles aud Testniueule for sale al Ihe Repository prices by C. POPE, Jr. Xnd WeMTUta PURCHASED BY Jan. 34. W M. C. DEMENT CO. , A Few Cu OF thai superior GREEN TEA just rseeivej by WM CPEMENX CO. I tt I? i. a' v. : li ..J IV hi P. tt :t i :li' Si !;d i l'; Y "' m '.i".,f m ml I v 'hi '.V J n '1".'!! f:' .!, 4, 1 1 It JO Erll B AIM 1 U ' , l rrsw. i