8 to f .1 ' if "5 is .ii 5 v 1-1 a 3 m '. ! V r " ft? ST.' T Wise Hlreani. ' A Rnmlf earn Blaittntf fjHim ftha fffiimid , 2 You aoaroely eaw in silvery gleam . Among tli berhe thai hung around Th border of thai wu .inn stream, A pretty sirrem, plaoid tram, A sofllj' gliding, bashful aircm. A Rree cams waudcrlng from th sky , . L't;ht a III whispers ul a drauin lie iu( lh o'erhanging graees by, ! And (tily eluoped to kiss th slresm, 'l'h pretty ill Mm, Ihe Haltered stresm, 'J ho hy, yet unreleniiug Ireiro. Tl Wster, as Ih Wind peeil o'r, ' Kind upward miny glancing beam, Dimp'ed mill quivered mow in I more, An I tripped along livelier stream, Th flattered si'esni, lb impring stream, Th fund, delighted, silly stream. Awnv (lie airy wnnderer flew To.whcr llio fieldi wilb blnaaoms team, To sparkling spring nnl riven blue, A ail It fl alone that little stream, The Hilterei stream, the cheated dream, The sad, forsaken, lonely lieam. The careless Wind no more cam back 11 wanders yet the fields, I deem But on iu mekiucholy bark Complaining went the little stream, Th cheated etream, Uie hpi-lvaa eueam, The wr-iuurmuriiig, morning iiream. Atlantic Monthly. larLCEsci or Womam o SociKTT. - From an accurate account of ihe condition vt women in anj country, it ouM not be clifliculi to utiur Hie wimio tie or aocieiy. Ho creat it (lis influence lliey exercise on ill character of men, that t!i Utter will be elevated or derii'lml, accoidin to thtt gituaiion of tlie weaker aex, Where woinco are slave, as in Turkey, (lie mm be the anme: where they are treated Mi moral winai wiiore tnir minu are titiltivaled, and they are considered equal the state ofoociety must bo high, anil th character of the men energetic and nolile. Thsro is to much quickness or comprehension, so much susceptibiliiy of pure nnd cenerous emotion, ao much ar dor of atliclion in women, that they con atnnily tiimuliite men to exertion, and have, at the tame time, a most powerful agency in soothing the angry feelings, anil cnitig'iting the harsh and narrow propensi ties which are generated in the strife of the passions. Tha advanlngcs of giving a superior ed ucation to women are not confined to themselves, but have a salutary Influence on our rex. The ft-nr that increased in struction will render them incompetent or neglectful in domestic lift), i absurd in the. orv, and completely destroyed by fuels. Women, Hi well ai men, when mice est ah. Iilu:d in life, know that there is an end of trilling; its solitude and duties multiply u;ion them equally fast ; the former are npt t) feel them much more keenly, and Uij frequently nhandon all previous acquire ments to .devote themselves wholly to lliese. But if the one sex have cultivated and refined minds, the other must meet tlicm from shame, if not from sympathy. If a man find that his wife is not a mere niirao or a hoiHukeeper; that she can, vl,:i) the occupation of the day are over, enlivens winters evening; that she can converse on the usual topics of literature, and enjoy the pleasures of superior con versation or reading of a valuable book, ho must have a perverted taste, indeed, if it dues not mako home still dearer, and prevent him from resorting to taverns fur recreation. The benefits to her children need not be mentioned; instruction and culiivnted tnsin in a mother enhance their respect and affection for her, and their love f home, and throw a charm over the whole scene of domestic life. 2T " Whn Tamerlane hud finished building his pyramid of seventy thousand bku'l, and whs standing at the gate of Damascus gTiltering wiOi steel, with his battle-axe on liii shoulder, till his fierce hosts filed out to new victories and car nago, the pale on-looker might have fan eied that nature was in her death throes; for havoc and despair had laken posses sion of the earth, and the sun of man hood seemed setting in seas of blood.' ' "Yet it might bo, on the gala-day of Tamerlane, a little boy was playing nine pins in tho streets of Muntz, whose history was more imporlanl to men than Tamer lane's. Tho Tartar Khan, with hiashaggy demon's of the wilderness, passed awoy like a whirlwind, to be forgotten forever; and that German artisan has wrought a benefit, which is yet unmeasurable, ex panding itself thiough all time. Whut are the conquests and expeditions of the whole corporation of captains, from AV1 teethe Penniless to Napoleon Donaparte, compared with these moveable types of Johannes Fausil" Hoys out at Night. Night running is ruinous to the morals of boys in all instan ces. They acquire, under the cover of the night an unhealthy state of mind, bad, vulgar and profane language, obscene prac tices, criminal sentiments, and a lawless and liotous bearing. Indeed, it is in the streets after nightfall that boys principally acquire the education of the bad, and ca pacity for becoming rowdy, dissolute men. . S3T A French writer has said that " to ill earn gloriously, you must act gloriously while you are awake; and to bring angels down to converse with you in your sleep, you must labor in the cause of virtue da. ring the day." ! .." -. " ; 3T"I never complained of my condi linn," says tho Persian poet, " but ouce, when my feet were bare, and I had no money to buy shoes; but I met man without feet, and I was contented with my lot." ' , ' MT It is not in the triumph of arms, that mankind are to look for the establish, nitrnt of right and justice for true national glory but to the triumph of genius and intelligence, over , ignorance and superstition- , What is maa unless ha has been edu ct'. d unless he has faith in himself, as v,,'il aa in Divine rrovideuoel It is only by labor and faith in genius, that mountains can literally be removed -oceans spanned, distances annihilated, and thought tioliangsd for thought with the velocity U tli lightning's flash. Emrton't ting. JJjUSINEgS CARDS., W. T. OUTLOOK, -i - W.e.JOUNSuN. - SSatlook k Johnic-B, v ATTORNEYS ii COl'KflELOM AT tlwj And Solicitor! in Chancery, WILL promptly allend Is any bwioea whieH limy be committed to their prnfewioual ehsrf e bvtor lb Piairict and Supreme t.omt. Office in ti ghlleld's building, UnmeSiaUly e poaiM th Main Hlreet HouM. Oregon City, March 7, 1857. 4Ty JOHN R MB RID A tf Ttimr and coumsto t Law, UftytUt, Ytmhill Ciunly, O. T. WILL faithfully attend to all busineta o . trusttd to hn profeaaieual ear., j " Wm. 0. Dement A Co., WIIOLEHALR and retail Dealer, in Groe-r. lea, I'ruviniuii, I'aiiili, Oila, Roota and Bhoea, Crockery, ate. Oppoeit Ih Land Office, Main 81. On gou City. Juue 1, 1655. CHARLES POPE, JR, DEALER In Hardware, Grocnrlce, Dry Gonda, Clothiuf, Ueot St Ibt-a, MeJiciiiea, Dooka snd Stationery. Malnt.,Ortou City, April II, 1M7-Itf S. XtXilwain, pv',",,,r,Br,ff '""' Dttltr COOK A 3D I'AKLOn STOVES, rra o coma wane, luauwaas, ae., Main St., oppoiit Main 8 tree! Hotel, OREGON CITY, 0. T."" ' Steamboat and jobbing work attended to wilb diapalcll. ' Orders from the country promptly filled. je7 T. CHAHMAN. i A. WAHNKR. Charman fc Warner, ', ' GEXEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOI.ESALS SSTAIL' " Drnlcrs In lry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Crocktry, Glauwart, Jioatt, Shots, Paints, Oils, te., la their fire-proof Brick......! Mali stseet, OREGON CITY, OKKGoN. . Time. F. II IG II FI EL D, J WATCILMAKER. AM w. Pereons dnairous of fillinc eood work done will do well to give me a call, aa my whole lime ia de voted to Ihe rcpainng of Chronometer, Lever, Uuplcx, and Uoiiiimtul watvhea.' An oaaortniFiit of Jewelry on hand.- Jewelry made to ordi-r, and repaired. " ' I'ricea lo auit the lime. I am thankful for past favora, air liopo to give aatiafactlou in future '. O Locuted at tlie old atanj, oiiiwaile IhoTal- er.ipl, Oflioc, OREGON CITY. .Feb. 8. n Drugt, SfXedicinoi, Faints, Oils, J and Dye-stoffs, - iJ, attheOKKCiUN (J1TY DRUGSTORE, pla . Alaiu btreel, tiregonciiy,u. 1. JOHN P. BROOKS,. Wholesale f Retail Dealer in Oneeriot, Produce, Provisions, $c. Main Street. A General Aaeorlmenl kept up of Selected Goods Canemah, March 28, 1857., . ., . , GUN SMITHING. . BEING permanently located In Oregon City. I am prepared lo carry oa the buaiuei ui UUN-SMITIIING ' i. s.i.W; - i IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. : Thoao who favor in with their patroiisL'e, may expect to have their work doneright, . ;; Those who leave GUNS at my Shop for repair, aud do not oall for them witlnu mjt HONTii of Ih lime aet for Ihe work to ba duos, may expect to have them enld lo pay ehargea, . June 87, 1857. Ilml8 Beading for the Million. ' S. J. McCORMICK HAS CONSTANTLY ON I1ASU AT JUS FRANKLIN S00J. J llfIB, IKVAI'BI, rUI.l l.AnU, UKIUUffj A Choice selection of Popular Books, ' Now papers, Masaziues and Fancy Stationery. ' Among the books on baud will be found workt on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, Hia- try,, I'oetry, ltingraphy, Medicines, Kellgion, Science, School Books, Komnncra, io. jfec, &c. tTSubscriptiona received for Harper, Uraham, Godey, Leslie's, or Putnam, at 4 a year,po age free. ' ;;- , WT subacriptiona received Tor any newspaper published in any part of the Union. Kememlier the Franklin Book Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Cortland Oregon. . W. D. Hutchlns, ZkX. D., j; )LAFJVTTJi, 0,T. J E1 EFKHS TO , ., .... Prof. A. Curtis'. Cincinnati. Ohio: i roi. j. Host, '. " . . Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Iad. ' Dr. W. Armstrong, Fiudley. Ohio j 11 J. Fisher, M. .. Tiffin, " ' J.Chamberlin, M. I)., TifQn, '' " Dr. II. A. Wright, Moxioo, Ohlot Prof. H. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Feun. j Prof. J. Brown, N. Y.; Dr. G. Kellogg, MilwauVle, 0. T. W. D. Hntoliina' lialsam Wild Cherry... ...SI 25 Jayne's Expectorant.. 1 25 Allemtive i.. 25 Ayres' Cherry Peclot-al.... 1 25 1 ' and a general assortment of BOTANIC MEDICINES; kept at all times. Aud I am making arrange ments to manufacture my Balaam for the lungs, from the Oregou cherry. .. aug!5 : Buwixo, su.vnpooixo, Ac. THE public are respeotfully Informed that the undersigned have opened a SUAVINU SA LOON oppoiit Messrs. Gibeou & Potter's Bill- iaid Suloon. vui vil.'.'-V 'At ' 'J'..; Hair Cutting, Shoeing, Shampooing, -c. done in the latest and most approved style. Also, Boot-blacking, light jobbing, ' dee. Gentle meu'e bed rooina imken care of. and all other small jobbing doue on Ih cheapest and most expeditious terms. JOHN Jc THOMAS WAKD, Jan. 30, 1858. Hainst., Oregon City - : . Jot. Baratow - IS by himself, and would respectfully aay tolus friends' and the public generally that he is thankful fur past patronage, and willcontlnue busi ness at th old stand, and will ever be ready to ahow Ilia Goods to those who may favor him with a cull. Com one, come all, both great and small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere,' and exanuue. for yourselves hia splendid aud select stock of . ....... ; ( . t . , DRY GOODS. PROVISIONS, CLOTH ING, BOOTS. SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Ate.', &e!,'H.it,Naila, Broom, and almost every thing pertaining to a general line of basin.'! All kindsof country produce laken in exchange. Country friend will Hud It lo their advantage to give me s oalL Cnuemali,8ept. 6.- r :,,,:, - . Extra. .Notice l WE WISH to Inform all who are indebted, lo us that oo th I Oth bat or SarrsMsta' nkxt we shall close our books and ronaat, and quit tht credit business entirely ! We shall re tail oar book and papers for on month for th purpoa of eolleotioa ' afu-e which lime all ac counts aol Milled waU left witsi bmm srlaw fui eoHeetioa. .t i.. ' . We bop one and all will eon forward and cIom op tlieir accouats witli cash or each produce aa w usually take at Ih market rate, or make aataifactory aelllemofrts whb oa. 1 CHAR MAN d WARNS R. Oregon Ci'T, iug. 14, I85S. TVIART ad CasTespoadeoc' of A mo' LV- U tea for sal by C POPE, ii. ' PACinO UNIVERSITY, Rev. S. II. Minn. A. M., President, r f (lev. II. Lynan, A. M., Prof. Mathematics, rPlIE collegiate year, consisting of on term of l nine nionins, win comuiuue oa in vua Wedneadayof i'rlileinber. . . . hi ihe design of thl Institution 'to furnish a tliorous h and eoinplet ealleiai education. Then la a Library of 1U0U volumee forth as of Ihe students Applicants fur adiniaaion to college must hare a knowledge of Ih oommon Eugliah branchea, and lia studied ih ancient language eo far oa lo have read portion of Career sud Cicero and Ih Greek Header. . ' . Tli tuition fee 1 $33 per annum Stiidenla fitting for college, as well aa others wuihing lo pursue collegiate altdie wilhnut enter ing upon Ihe college course, will bo uuder th lu liuclion of the college lenchers. The fall term of 1 1 weeks iu Ih preparatory department commence on Ih Sd Wednesday of September. I union, SB per term. Tualatin Academy, ' Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Rp.v. Cusiiino Bells, Principal. ' The fall term will commence on the 2J Wed nesday of September. Tuition In the common branchea, 0 In th higher branches, per quarter. tlOy JUST RECEIVED, at Ihe Oregon City Drug Store, direel from New York aud Sao Fran cisco, a large assortment of Drugs, .. .. , Chemicals, ' ' Patent and Family Medicines,' all. of which will ba sold a low or lower than they can be had at any other place in th Territory, i Country merchanta will iindit to their interest to buy here iiu-tead of Portland. Call and set. Oregon City, Jly 9, lb57. , The Graefenber? Company. v THIS lXSTlT'CTION (incorporated by th Legislature of tho Stale of New York, cap ital $ IU0,000), was founded for th purpose of supplying Ihe public with the celebrated GUAEF KNUKItU MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies for nearly every disease, adapted to ev ery climate. For families, travelers, seamen, and miner use, Ihey are nnequaled.' All the medi cine are PURIiLY VEGETABLE, and war ranted to euro the diseases fer which they aro sev erally recommended. The Graefeuberg Company does not profess to cure all diseases with one or two ined.cmea. Our series consists of ELEVEN different kinds, ad apted to th various diseases incident to the tem perate and tropical climates. The followiug com prise the series of Graefeuberg Medicine: The Cratfcaberg Vegetable Pills At considered the standard Pill of the day, and are infinitely superior to any Pill before the public. They operate without irrilaliun on all the excre tion i, purging the blood by the bowels, liver, kid neys, and skill. ' narshnir Uterine Ciitholicon, iln infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb aud urinary organs, weakness in the back, pain in breast, uervousuess, debility, etc. In California aud Oregon, out of more llian a thousand cases where this medicine has been used, it haa iu uo single instance failed lo give permanent relief or to effect a certain eure. GRA EFENBERO SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extraxL One bottle equal to ten of the ordirSry sarsnparilla for purifying Ihe blond. A sure eure for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcere, dys pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, 4c. ' ' ' , "" ' i ' I tie tircca Mountain Otnlmciat, ,. .. (uvaluablo for burns, wounds, sprains,, chilblains, sores, swellings, scrofula, cto. As a pain extract or, it cannot be excelled, ati'ording immediate ro liaf from Ike most exoruoiuting pains.' , ' ' ! -THK GRAEFKNDERO ' '.DYSENTERY. SYRUP.- This extraordinary article la a speedy and Infallible remedy in diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, and the Asiatic cholera, if taken with the first symptoms of tho disease. It ia pure ly vegetable in ita oompouild. ' : Graefenberj Children's rauaee, " ' For summer complaint, and most diseases to which cliildreu are subject, its true worth can never b set forth ill words, but it can be felt and apprecia ted by' parents whose children have beeu saved. No mother should be without it. . ... I ., i . tiraefeauerf Pile Remedy. . Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. With the Ointment, there are very few case which eannot be radically and permanently cured. A surgical operation for Pile aud Fistula should never be resorted to until this ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never fails. '.. . tiflXEFEMiERO EYE LOTION. For diseases of Ihe eye, this Lulion has no equal. It is a speedy and positive cure for inflammation of Ihe eyea, weaknesses, dimueaa and failing of eight It wiil alwaya be beneficial Iu acute inflamiualion of the eyes,and also as a wash on inflamed surfaces. ,-ORAEFBltpKRO, U; FEVER AND AGUE FILLS, ; 'A speedy and positive cure for this distressing complaint. These Pills are composed principally of Quinine, with other vegetable tonics, auti-epaa-mndie and frbril'uge articles. Thousands have been permanently cared by their use. ' - Graefeub!rff Consumptive's Balm I Sovereign in all Bronchial and Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, beyond all question, true that con sumption is a curable disease, aud th Consump tive' Balm is the best curative ever used. . Cratfeaberi Ilea U a. Ulnars.' V' These bitters are skilfully and elegauily prepared from ' naniber of 'invigorating, healthy roots, barks, herbs, and vine. Aa invaluable touio and health restorer. ' ' ' wiefsabent Maaual of HeaV."' A haudsomely printed volume of 300 pages, con taining coueise and extremely plain descriptions of all meaner of disease, their symptoms aud treat ment Every family should have oae. Price only 315 (!. It will b seat, post paid, to any post office in California or Oregon, ou lb re ceipt of 25 cents by mail or express.' - ' ' J Address Redington 4 Co., San Francisco. ' 1 The Grstfsnbera; Medicine are for sal by all Druggists and npnthecariea throughout the country. 'A. U. STEELE, Agent, Oregon City., ; General Agenta for California and Oregon ..EEDIXUTUN kC, a Wholaaale Druggists, , . ' No. 107 Clayetreet. San Franeisro.' LI M ES jast reeeHwd and for axle by -unjSa i - K. CHAKMAN". I' ORsVKGEeW) 6a kst jos rewited'and kt ! by P. CHARMAX. wu. o. Dsmmt coy 'XFFE Air akt tpa following goods I J 1 dos mill saws, 7d feet. 9 " Xeut do , ,, ' ' ' 20 " cow hells (superior), 1 ' 10 " handled asea. ' 10" without do 11 " '' -10 handled do, s'dsliss, t '' 10 potato dlggere, , ' ' ', 10 A lines' spades, ' 20 " eurry combs, 800 Iba wrapping twin, 100 " I It peeking, ', ' 500 feet I It bsiine- ' 1 " ( INDIA RUBBER GOODS of all oW ions. uregonuiiy, Jan. 18S0 Xtew Booki I milE subscriber has just received a larira aa X aorliuenlof BOOKS, direct from New York, among which are tli following I Alisont Hist, of Europe,! American Institutions, Lives of the Sisnurs, Killnnana - do. democracy in Amurica, Bubylon and Nineveh, . "Land aad le," riwei ami rori, ' . Ship aud Shore," 'Sea and Sailor," Three Year in Califor.. Horn Cyclopedia, Cyo. at Literature, Egypt aud th UolyLand Uuehana ram. ruya, Manual of Fin Art, Lecture on Ih Art, LanlueronSt'm Engine, Aue I Mouastcriee, Choic Biography, Travel in Peru, Peruvian Antiquities, Polar Kegioua, Choice Ertraols, , Mahan'a Philosophy variety of Poet. ,. 600 copies of banders Speller, . 600 " . Ueadera, 950 ' MeGufTey' do. 350 " ' Webster's Dictionaries. Davies' Algebra, iN'ewmau's Khelorle, " Geometry, Day a do. ( Bourdon, Parley's Univ. History, " Surveying, Goodrich's Plot. V. S., " Legeudru, ' ' Monleith's Geography, " Arithmetics, "Little Speaker," Tbompaon's do. . I.V. American Speaker. ALSO, A Freah BiiddIv of tatlonerr. Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Record Books, Memorandums, of all aixea, Diaries, Sit., Note and Letter Paper. Enrrlopea. Pens, etc., 4V.O. Eraer Knives, Erasive liubber, Gummed Labels, Faber's Pencils, IMv.iu qusrl and pint bottles, ; ,1 WHOLES A LB AND RETAIL. CHARLES POPE.Ja. Oregon City, August 18, 1H56. : 1 Xiadiei I ' 7"OU will find an excellent assortment of Dress M. and Bonnet Silks, Satin and Velvets I also Bonnet Trimmings, Honery, Uteres, Loess and Ribbons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at th tor of CHARLES POPE. Jr., (Mitin-t., opposite Abemetliy's store,) where may be found almost everything iu Uie liu of "" ' ' Dry Goods: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinoa, Plaid Liuseys, Muslins, Satliuetts, Jean, Flau- nets, Sheetings, Ued licking, Hickory ptripe, Cotton Batting, etc. Oregon City, April SI, 1857-ltr Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, J. RANDS' Saraapatilla, Peck'a Wild Cherry Bit (9 ten, Baleiuau'a droiw, Braudreth'a pills. Lee's nills. Perrv'a vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, British oil, Lobelia, Hot dn, 3d preparation, Roman eye balnom, Uallcy's paiu extractor, Laudanum, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Composition Powders, ,Curter's Pulmonary Bulsom, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, &a. . April 21, 1857-ltf ' ." ;- More New Otodi, at chauman it Warner's., , i IN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, we have just received, direet from San Frau Cisco, a good aud suitable supply of Goods for this. Season of tht Year, which we ofier for sale at prices which cannot be beat in this market. Our stock consists ia part of 400 lbs sal aoda, . , , 50 boxes Eughsh soap, 50 -u . Choa. Hill'ssosp, I j - 20 dos eoru starch, , - r ? j . f- 20 eases pie fruit, . i - - ' ! 15 " pickles,, . . ( 8 dox honey, ' 8 " lobsters, ' . , i ' ' ' 19 " oysters, ' " : " " . ' f I 20 hlf bblsN O sugar, - " ' ' t (, 4 bbb Sapdwioh Island syrnp, :v ' " " . 10 hlf bbls dried apples, ., , , ' 1 ' 8 rils mackerel, ; 2000 Iba stick cuiidy, " '''' ' 500 " fancy do. . 1 ease Gallipisher toys, . I''"- German toys, i 400 lbs almonds, . ' - ' -i 12 hlf boxea raisins, 6 whole boxes do., ' 48 prs good Mackinaw klaukets, ' 2000 yds brown sheeting, . 2000"" calico, -, ' ' ' Hoots and shoes of every description. ' The above, with our usual assortment, we think renders our stock complete. Csll and sea' us. Term cash. CHARM AN f WARNER. ' December 20, 1857. .!; Experience makes Perfect. , Why Go to Portland lo Buy Goods? , 1; . (., . , , W E wish to inform our customers and Ih nuhiui renerallv that we have now oa hand, in addition to our usual neavy sioe.l oi uro eeries and Dry-Goods, one Pf Ibc largest and best selected stocks of . READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in this market. W also wish to eay that our goods are of excellent quality, and that we will sell AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOtTSB IN OREGON, .., ' ', i Portland not excepted. ', .,' Our old motto still govern oar trade "Quick aalea and small profit." Our atock of gooda is now open for inspection to all. who will favor a with a call. Call and eo, aud let experience then speak for Itself. W sell as low as any in the Territory, fur cash, or produce at market rate. ... charm an &. Warner. . Oregon City, May 23, 1857. - : . . . . . . . . .l -un ¬ JUST RECEIVED, - - -a splendid iolef .-f- CLOTHING', BOOTS $ SHOES, and . : Dry-Goods of all Description. ' We can iiow fill almoat any bill a farmer may call for. Call and aee. - " March 14. CHARM AN A WARNER. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A BIAVV AaSOSTMCNT Of AND HAVE POT ' ' Prices Doun to the Lowest Figure 1 Com in, thos who want goods chcap. mh!3. CHARMAN WARNER. LUMBER. . ,; , ALL those who want LUMBER can leaf their bill with CuAaaua J(. Waaiasa, which I will fill, and deliver the lumber in Oreeoa Ci'.v, if desired. t H.S. BUCK.' Oregon CityT Jan. 16. 1853. ' 40tf ; -v I Kane's Arctic Expedition, :. 1 RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR. aad other inlereatiug works, for sale at th epl2 . . CITY BOOK STORE. MACAULAY'S History W ' England fur snleby , - C. POPE. Jr. - . . BRICK. 100,000 8AA!fyu ep!9 ' WM. C. DEMENT, 4 CO. ,. A Few Cases 0 F thai superior GREEN TEA jant reoeiVed y w.m.a;. DfcMfcNrtCt. 5 CASES Cramptoa'a Medal" Tabaeed aj epl3 WM. C DEMENT ft CO.'B. THRESHERS, REAPER inn 1VK1 E have now on Hi way from Ih Eastsra . . ,. Htatea, , r,.,-.SrU To Arrive ofcoat I bo last of April, A SUPERIOR LOT of the sbove-menlloiieJ machin. They eombiae all of Ih lUl linprovemenla, and w bv no hesitation In eaylng thai we believe thsm to be III MUHT VKKVeCT MACUtafc now brought lolhiacoaat. They war eonslnicled under our own supervision, having all ih altera tion necessary lo render Ihein suitable for Ih country. ..'' The THRESHERS consist of two, four, and aix-hors power (railway and sweep), wilb eleva tors and every raaeulial couvenieuc kuuwa lo Ih machin. Our REAPERS and MOWERS are eoniblnsd mavhinea, aullabl for either mewing r reainng, They work from iwe lo four bore, wilb aad without rake or, ia other word, on Is a self- raker, ; . , la Addition to the Above, Ws have, lo arrive at Ih eeme time, Ih following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, vi x: ' Peoria Pious, X 8, Boston Clipper Plows, Extension Cultivators, ' Grapevine Grain Cradles, ' ' Scythes and Snaths, Straw Cutters, Hay Presses, . '- ' " Hay Forks and Rakes, Horse Hakes, ' Wheelbarrow, , . . ': Shovels, Spades, OZBB& BrX XL !.., . BARK MILLS, d TANNERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of SMITHS' AND CAirENTERS TOOLS, With many other articles not her mentioned. We would say lo our customers and Ilia publie generally, if Ihey are in want or any or Ih abuv mentioned articles, they will do wall lecnll and ae our before pnrvlioaing elsewhere, as we are deter. mined to sell LOW rOK CASH. Ws would also add that our Machines sre being raoidlv sold to arrive. Heller call and d-eure one of them before loo rule. If preferred, Maehinr delivered in Portland, if euyiged befor arrival. Wm. C. DEMENT di UO., Oregon City, Jun. 30, '58. Opposite LmJ Office. Patronize Borne Industry I I HAVE now in full operation a CABINET SHOP in this cily, ueur th Coii'-regalional church, where I am manufacturing BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, ( SOFAS, Ua. and such oilier furniture s ia wanted by Ihe T" community generally. There ia connected with my shop a TURNING-LATHE, where all aorta of turiiinjcan be done. Large and small Spinning-Wheele made to order. I am nuiking a boiler article than imported fur niture, and selling it at a Iras eeat. Give in a call you wiil lose nothing by it ORLANDO JJJDWrJLU Oregon City, March 27, 1858. 50mG BEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBBER S SANGVIFIER, "7 Or Invigorating; Cordial. ; Sold only in Quart Dottles price S3, or two for $5 by all Druggist in California and Or egou. June 36, 1858. Farm for Sale for $1,500. OFFER for aale a half seel ion of land situated about six miles east of McDonald's ferry iu Forks Santiam, Llun county, and about twenty miles from Salem. - I lie shape of the land su.ls it well for ordinary farming, and it ia also one of the best stock farms iu the country. The improvement inoludes one hundred and twenty apple trees of improved fruit ; also peach, plum, and cherry trees, all of which will soon be in plentiful bearing. ' The locatiou is favorable to health, is beautiful and pleasant. ' ' I line will be given on a part of the money at moderate interest, or good sloek taken for a part. for further particulars call on me at the " Union Store," Salem, or address by letter. Information conceriKPf (lean also be had by calling on W.L. rtJimaof the Oregon Argus. . Feb.av,;C:'8-46m6 C. HOBl. OFFATS Life Bitten and Pill, Reward's Dyseutory Syrup, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, at the i OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAH. ., ( CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, J wheat, oats, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes. ApiH4,'57. JOHN P. BROOKS. 1 f ; W. P. BoniS, ' I r - - WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER,' OREGON CITY, O.T. . , CT Strict attention paid to repairing, and soli, faction to patrons warranted. - febO-43 50 DOZ. thumb latches, oheap, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT etco. SHAKER Sursaparilla, at th OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Osgood' ludiaCholsgogue.and Dr. Jones' Amerieaa Cholagogue, at the 1 J OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. - Bayard Taylor's .. CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan' Three Yean' Residence ou Ihe North West coast for sul at th CITY BOOK STORE. UAX SEED fr sal at C. POPFS. GILT MOULDING for pictur frames, for aale by CHARMAN Ic WARNER F ULL assortment of Yankee Notions at mh21 CHARMAN WARNER'S. SANDS' Sarsaparilla, in any quantity; at th , OREGON CITY DRUG HTORE. CHAIN PUMPS price reduced for aale by mr38 C. POPE, Jr. WILL PAY CASH ot TRADE for sood WHEAT at the market price. bovI5 CHARMAN d) WARNER. 16 DOZ. Oyster. CHARMAN d WARNER. 6 DOZ. grape-Tine cradles for sale bw WM. C. DEMENT It i CO. AN. aaaortmaal of Bible aad TwUment for ale at Ik Repoaitory price by u. rurK. jr. Land Warrants " PURCHASED BY Jan. 51 WM. C. DEMENT CO. Will run daily. (Huuilava aamnl IreU ri. .., '' e'tloek, . M. Itelurnlngrwlll ktW I f. , U,uehlg ., , in,e,Hl.l. IVtnTiZ orfr.lghlerpa.g.,pp,0,l"2 PP'y o Board, Ball jtiTm Between , Portland and , p1' tf fPHE .w.l.ra.wh..let,.ai,r Wsj. laviao, Master, will ran belwsT lw, and OregoaCily daily (Bnnday. .se'ieiTSi' U. B. MAIL I.HTB. Porlla.4 A.i.rYi.1 Th Hl. u.lid Steamer ais-M Maltnomah' WILLeonllnualornn rgl.rly kirwZftf land and Astoria, ti. Vsneoav.vrav?" wsss, leaving Portland oa Monday aad Cl monilngaof .ch week for Astoria t and "12 for Portland oa Tuesday a.rf w.iJ 1 loiKdiingVANOoevss,8T.llataa,R1,Mi7c!f UST,ic.,ach way. For freigM r a-l T I..-U u m apply lo R. IIOYf, MastaT' )el Oratlloyt'sWbsrf.bost, r.rllss'. ZVew Arranfementi,' ' I HAVE bonglit out th BAKERY Juiul rn. nl o( Charms, Wrar, whisk 1 kat bow opened under Ik most faverabl u!T sisucea to all old patrons, and as aisay msiI ' u msy choose to give in a call.. J( JTl ' be well supplied with .. . . Dread, Cuket, Pie, Crackers, Nutr'vsd. dies, Raisins, Figs, Cigars, Toys,'"1 snd slmosl every other vsrisly of l.l.t.CL yet invented by Yankee ingenully. mt hui will be aftorded ' wla AT TUB LOWES? POSSIBLE tATlt! 1 I shall oooasiooally receive tuppli uvej lk tropical latiludea. which will ha dul upon arrival. A II are iavlled la air ai a e.lL REI)EUICKC11ARJiaii -wreKou viiy, nprn sa, 1847. . . JUST RECEIVED .1 ll.e Orego. CUy Drat J Store, direel from New Verk and Haa VeS. eiaeo, , a rreah aupply of DRUGS, MEDICI ttg$. it Medicine, Family Medicines, k.,At., h will be sold at low for cash at tas L Patent 1 which will be sold at low for cast at tas L procured in (A Territory. Call and emle he yoomlvea, ami gel an Almanac for 1857, gratia. JAYNE'S A Iteraliv, Epeetraot, and fui, Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and Sweet OiLjl ih OREGON CITY DRUG STOBeT MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, O. W. Met chant' Gargling Oil, at Ih si . OllEUON CITY DRUG STORE." TRUSSES, rhihl and left and double, aad Ab dominal aiipinrtera, at th OREGON CITY DRUG BTORR. 1UUE Whit Lead, raw aad burned UmWr, . C'roine, Green and Yellow, and other aaist. aiih.. t OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE : : : , I. PERFUMERY.atlkti ,...,?t OREGON CITY DRUG 8TORtV. GRAEFKNBERO MEDICINES ' Graefeuberg Saisaparllla, Uterine Cetoelie Dysentery syrup, consuniptlf ' balm, , " "k - " Pils Ointment, ' -"''"'a . ,, . , Health Hitlers, " '""I "l ' ' ' Eye Lotion, Ate, Iu., To b found at Ih; ageney of Ih Cempsay, l lb OREGON UH Y DR VG8TORK. HAYMAN'S Dyapepiie Elixir-warraaMla cur th dyaiienaia insl received aad la? ale at th OREGON CITY DRUG STORK, DR. Gaysott'a eompouud extrxel of Bvsanaa and Yellow Dock, alike i eept5 OREGON CITY DRUG 8TOR OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's 8raapariH,' a ihe OREGON CITY DRUG 8TOR' TR. J. Avrea' celebiated Cherry Pectoral a million, at Ih AJ coughs, coMa,aud consmnplioa, al Ih OREGON CITY DRUG STORE.. "I foL AXE'S celebrated Vermifuge sad-Lim 1TJL Pill, OREGON CITY DRUG STtUa i) R. Townsend's Sarsapnrilla, at th v. OREGON CITY DKUU tiiunm. . PERUVIAN Febrifuge, for lb eel f WW aud ague, eVo., 4.0., iusl received and faraale at the OREGON CITY DRVQ STORE. r Caiieuiali, April II, 1897. ON band and for aale, low, for cash or pnx.ee. Paints eV lead, chrome green,, white lead, prussiau oiu ... red do in oil, , cbroin yellow, . , blk. do ' ,' blue paint, ,.,.! litharge, . J Common and permanent green Ntly.glan &.e ,.. ; JNO. P., BKousf. For Sale at the CUT BOOK STCBX, THE following worka i ." i) vA MagioStaff, by A.J. DavUt tl t.. Great Irou Wheel, by J. It. ursvss, Dred. in 9 vuls., by Huniel licschei StswsJ The Home Cyclopedias, .i';., i .jmoat of Ihe World's frogrcss, . , , ' " Useful Arts, "'' Euron'e. .' ' '' . i ' I ' " Geograpi?, ' . 'V ' Fine Art and Lileraluri; t . ..!,, Biography, dL-a. ' I :' d H ! hi , . , Groceries , , ,r . FOR SALE' BY CHARLES POPB.J. 3 UGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Cbssehf1 3 Starch, Saleratu, Cream Tartar, Sal Sals, Carb. Soda, Teppsr, Spies, Alum, Borax, se , rx raa. etc, , - ' 'i Anrii2l. IM.-ia' : , ;::,'Hardw8jeC-Vv.-'Y FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPS, J BRASS and lion BotU, Screws, Leeki iss Latch, Ilommer aad; HatobWAxs. Drawing-knive, Handsaws, Carry Combs, sMtf Brushes and Cards, Gun Locks, GuB Csps, ss Cards, Chest Handles, Planes, are , , Wm. a Pement Co- i r . I ' -WHOLESALE A RETAIt f Dealers In Oroeerlei. Hawartj - Boots b Shoes, Crockery, , ...iiv t n e ,M 1 1, a!, i JL tomers for their put liberal patronsg, aaa i as- licit a continuance of toe same. ... . They lake pleasure In informing th puMW. they hav now on hand a targe ti 'V? etuck of Croeerie. Ihrdumre, iotts and Crockery, and Boat Stores, to ""("y maainr constaai Miwii n. - . San Francisco, Baeehaeed for easb eary, enabled to aell at loiror priee tbsj nlTTl, J.a.3l, li: in Oregon Cky. r A BBLS. freah "SanlaCras" LIME D) i 4a. 3lcined ljr- j 7 sal. by : ,. .,. WM- C- DEMENT ACQ. . , To the AMlcieal. , . f- DR. HUTCHTNS' CELEBRATED BAU earn of Wild Cherry, with a variety" s otheriiopalrBeiricf Medicintt, a" " t..lCHARLES POPE'S, OregonCUs, at JOSEPH BARSTOWS, Cantm-r SAVE YODR .p o I Is A As well as your Dtmtt lh t rrt TF yoa w.at GOOD M?5kZ L mU, pries-, eal! at UUABtM mon, .. Maia re. mbersj- uMtmeat ef GOODS a cheap as ""-", booght at any etoc ia Oregaa City. - 0 $ETf eoad.b.od TlNHAit&Jf A aad MAVUlfil toJr?"Si,.xaa,'- Oct. 3, 1S47, I, .ii" r '' I -i '