The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 30, 1858, Image 1

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.( ,, riSLISUSO ! MTUaDSV laNINoi
. TXRMS-Tka Aiiui i, furnUkid (
Tkrti Dollar and Fifty Cinti pir annum, in
i , adiinei, ti rintli mbicntiiriThru Dolkri
ittk la sluha if tin tt am fviin adaanei
Vfkm tki money it nit paid in advance, t'uur
Vauari MIU bi Chargii if paid within lit
w, sua rid tuuari at thi mU of Hi yar.
1 X3F T Vallar far lit mamthaNa mbiarip
Ileal Ttttittd far a Uu tutiad. i
I3f If ffr dlteantinurd until lit arrtnagti
L. Tipu,iit tiiMnptwnol Hit ptttilliher.
.1 - . Far tki Arum.
TV ion me In untnuglit mel.xlirs to mar
f To that West presence nil benign, j
t Where angul burps aud angyl v.iichs pour
" The blissful stri-aiiis of harmony divine. '
, Thojr iwoll ind break en tha eternal shore, .
V ! From sersuhs high and shining cliarubiin,
i From angel harps, while angel huau adore ,
' Th liviag Uud in t vwluaiing hymn.
" 1 Brook, holy virion t break upon my sight
' ' The vision of the Lamb upon the throne
The virion of the crystal river bright
';" ' The eternal city built by God alune.
Frr blessed bo Thv gl.irluus nsme,
11 , Maker and builder of the city bright!
Forevermore, ye angel hosts, proclaim
' .; Hi praiee who dweiMh aver In the light I
, Toncala,OctlO, 1858. . ... w.x.o.
,.!.i;-.Jj -,. ' - p (hi Argut.
rVdtreu to tie Comet.
u Cool Iveniof, gentle vuitor, tltuu faithful, lou?ly
... ranger, , ,
Thy visage boars peculiar marl of some distiu-
- guiahed atranger . . . . . i .
Long haet thou traveled far nway through distant
field elyeinn,
And long the time since thou hast deigned to pass
, vi. i within our vision. to
f Where hast thou been 1 where duet thou got
what is thy name and nation 7
We fain would Irani the foreign news, anj gain
some information ; . k i,
Oar Ideas must bo very vogue, w full to form
J (opinions : - .; I "
Of what eveuta are taking place beyond oat own
dominions. , ; i t "
What kind of worlds-are thoso 'monjrst which for
V . :i eeuturie thoa best wandered , ,
, . What kind of inigie scenes are those on which
. . thou oft has pondered, ...
What kind of people there reside, and whit is tlioT
condition f .
How do they 1'iveT how do they self what is thoir
I dtpomtionr ,'
An whisky stills and whisky shops and whisky
I. i i tubs the fashion! . i i- -
' b drinking whisky night and day with them the
r. . ; i ruling passiunr . . i-
Is whisky used at rural sports and village recrts
tiansf. s i i ; ' i 1 '
, IttslMft, is whisky all the rage with min in pubiiu
. stutioust
. . Hava they got Subliaths in those worlds and are
tiny consecrate I?
Or are the r Sabbatha there a hero by statute
And la an opeo rum saloon with harpiea making
.; i merry 1 . . .!. t
- By drinking frog and rolling balls considered
imeojnryl ' . I I ,-
1 Da legislators in their hall the mild pelit'on spurn
-1 Of km who did aot for them vole, and proudly
from him lorn,
,' And plead they only represent the interests of
I " " theil friends, " '
While to their party they are pledgod to aot for
' pirlv ennsr . .' .
. Do party judges on the bench decide for party hire,
- Aud Iran the ermine low n uie ai ms ol pirty
I'"- ' : miroT ! ' ' ' "
" And do their party friends succeed and ulwnys
rsin their oause, i
1 And id tha bench the medium for dispensing party
lawsl 1 1 - ' " ' "
"Do party leaders curse the soil that yeoman y
' da:en'ledt -
Do honest people sweat and toil on J see thoir
- riehle suspended?"" -
Doe public mouey buy the votes that should be
:" .. freely given? . .
Do seits and slaves sucoumb to knaves by party
. , lushes driven?
. , Is patrotuire executive dispensed by party favor.
And must a great success depend on democratic
'! . Mavorl
Do politicians wear their heada encircled round
with faces?
And are there any " Salem Cliques" in those far
distant plates?
' Do lawyers ever tell tbo truth by either ton?uo or
. pen,. 1 1 ' i : , , . " s . : , J
Or ever make the vain altompt to pass for honest
.' men? 1 ' ' ' '
Or can they ever hide the faults that memory ne'or
erases, "
" And have they fools as we hare here to trust them
' with their caws
i All this and in ire we fain would know, if it were
but thy pleasure,
For knowledge gained from such a source would
" ' be a lusting treasure '
' For thou from systems unto worlds, from worlds to
' ' systems ranging,
'A faithful minister hast been tho'r mutuai good
i: -I .i exehauging.
" But thoo art rolling on apace iu ailent contempla
. tion,
'And dost not seem the least disposed to hold com
munication; ' ' ' ' :
U may1 not stay thee in thy course my queries !
therefore cease ;
'Perhaps I muy have asked loo much Good night!
we part in peace.' " ' o. r. a.
GoTTAai Gaovi, Oct, 8, 1858. ' ' , )
mm in
, , IIhvMtion or a Flvino Maoiiinx. The Empe-
rror Napoleon has just made a present of 5tlUnf. U
. private in the line, who asserts that he has dis
. covered a solution for the great problem iu nero
j .nsuues the art of flying, lie fans invented a
' Ikind of air ship, consistiug of a platform of silk
.tretched over whalebone, to bo propelled by two
X'gontio wings of the same material, plaeed on
aeh side. The aerial navigator ia lo be suspended
., at a distance of about four feet from the platform,
while his feet rest on the pedals, by means of which
, the wings are set in motion, w hile his arms rest on
lever which imparts to the platform the direotion
be chooses to give it. . , .,
,. I
She Who wears fulse ringlets, is like a fire
f green wood J it ha curls of smoke, but ho- who
would kindle the flame must puff vigorously.
Mil . ,, ' .
Soros women's heart are brittle as glass ;
he thai would engrave his name on them, must
" ' sjs Jianiona's.' " . . '
'" Of the rib of man was woman made.
'aHbbenea. " t w
. TZ ee said, " Yoo never know
- IST Lord Byron e.
, , ' f -vebeen imprisoned on
nan s temper niUIyoa n ;
. , L- -.v . woman s nnul you
ttoaid wf a ship with lum, or a . 1
av married her. - :
ggT RtdtBeeka are only orjttn to ajoih"
i -t. - tlM .iniiotis to wear a - pair will fib.
' then where' the roses do out of doors. '. .
' ' The more our ladies practice walling, the
BMta graceful they become in tlaeair move meats.
Those ladies acquire the best earriago who don't
" ; aid ia one' '
(. ; " ' ' "
' CBTAt th first wedding ceremony tho biide
' groom atpt IIow many since have been led to
la altar lulled by some soft soap-orific
Hr tv ' said to resemble a caual boat, be
caoMftavawioteraallnnspar!.' , ' " ,
lTbebamin betrl n on irrlru.
mem, yet every bran baa mt the same
chorda; and lo all eternity new lone will
be discovered, as means of the constant
increase of thought and ow note in4he
etaoticte ofereatioo. i-
A Weekly Ncw6)ai)ur, devoted to the Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy, and advocating
Vol. IV. '
ExcLiHit Heraldic Devices. Tho
crciita iifinent every coiiccivulilo form of
ammul una uioiibUr lit every atUuduofre-
ty, rrinkncM, rngo and four. The supporters
are sometimes nntmuls and sometimes nun,
and the former are generally more Intellect-
usl in appearance than tho lulter. Some
times it is a striding unicorn talking loudly
across the cauldron to a frowmntr l.on.
Occasfonally it. Is a icouvcrslttion between
su indignant tiger and a inild-cyed,1iiehin
eholy pelican. Frecmently the supporters
arc two sturdy angels, with fat, solid wings,
and short) 'thick earthy tetn. " Sometimes it
is a pair of indecent giants with clubs, or
a couple of snarling tigers., or a pa:r of
largo cats, with heads like bunk directors,
and hiiid-quurtcrs shaved like poodles.
Sometimes a brace of resiivctablo muster
sweeps do duty ut the sides, or a couple of,
fruntic cuglcs diiuciitg ou a wild too and
heel dunce. Tiien animals of tnoro than
doubtful gonus point with' weak,, idiotic
smiles to tho figures on tho shield, which
ure quite ia harmony with tho crests and
supporters. Moors' heads, ships like sauce
turrcens, mallets, bellows, horse shoes, sal
mon standing up like raw recruits, helpless
dancing bears, dignified lions, marching
blackbirds, pot-bellied doves, acrobatic
swine, and a mass of inanimate objects, the
pictorial . and symbolical meaning of
which it is only given to a purctiivunt at
arms to understand. In the crests, besides
animals, there are tho dod trick, tho army
n Boiubnstcs Fui!om, the coiustuiit arm
sticking up liko tho pigeon leg out of a pie,
heads on tho point of daggers, men on
rocking-horses, fools' hcaify vcneruble
bearded faces looking over tho thield like
Socrates in a warm bath, and legs kicking
oue right aud left, as if the owner had fall
en head first inio tho heraldic cauldron.
Looking at tlu highly refined aristocracy
of the nineteenth century with their art
treasures, their pictures, their music, their
statues, their love of harmony and grace
in dress and furniture, it is marvelous to
Cud them struggling to trace themselves
back to u race of men, who could have been
nothing but rude, untaught, brutal savages.
Still inoro marvelous it is toGnd them
clinging to a set of uncouth symbols, that
wcro invented to convey ideas to a genera
tion of chine-splitting, bend-cracking rnffi-
uns, who could neither read nor write.
Household Wurds.
Terrific Advekure is the Mammoth
Cave. At the supposed end of what has
always been considered the longest avenue
of tho Mammoth Cuve, nine miles from its
entrance, there is a pit, dark and deep ond
terrible, known as the Maelstrom. Tens
of thousands have gnzed into it with awe
whilst bcngul-lights wcro thrown down it to
make' its fearful depths visible, bat none
ever had the daring to explore it. ' The
celebrated guido Stephen, who was deemed
insensible to fear, was offered six hundred
dollars by the proprietors of the Cavo if he
would descend to tho bottom of it, but be
shrank from the peril. A few years ago,
a Tennessee professor, a learned and bold
man, resolved to do . what no one before
him had dared to do, and, making his ar
rangements with great care aud precaution,
he hud himself lowered down by a strong
rope a hundred feet, but, at that point, his
courage failed pirn, and he called aloud to
be drawn out. . No human power could
ever have induced him to repeat the appall
ing experiment. " . ' "" 1
A couplo of weeks ago however a young
gentleman of Louisville, whose nerves never
trembled at mortal peril, being at the Mam
moth Cave with Professor Wright of our
city and others, determined, no matter
what the dangers and difficulties might be,
to explore the depths of, the Maelstrom.
Mr. Proctor, the enterprising proprietor of
the Cave, sent to Nashville and procured
a long rope of great strength expressly for
the purpose. The rope aud some necessary
timbers were borno by the guides and oth
ers to the point of proposed exploration.
The arrangements being soon completed,
the rope, with a heavy fragment of rock
affixed to it, was let down and swung to
and fro to dislodge any loose rocks that
would be likely to fall at the touch. Sev
eral were thus dislodged, aud the long-continued
reverberations, rising np like Distant
thunder from below, proclaimed the depth
of tie horrid chasm. , Then the young hero
nf th o'xasion. with several hats drawn
over his head t protect it as far as possi
ble agafct any !? falling from above,
tad with a light in t-f 1'and and the rope
fostered around bis body", took his place
over the awful pit and directed the half
dozen, men, 'wbq held the end of the rope, (
to let him down into the Cimmerian 3iww.
We have heard from bis own lips an ac
cOTnt of his descent Occasionally masses
or earth and rock went whizzing past, but
none struck bun. Thirty or forty feet from
4 AS It A
t irm he saw a leage, 'p
iudired by appearancea, two or three ave -
noes led off in different directiona. About
.hundred feet from tbe top, a cataract from'
'the sido of the pit wciit rusliing down the
uIjj-ks, ond as he ik-sccudi-U by the side of
tho fulling water and iu tbo midst of the
spray, he felt some, apprehension that Lis
light would be extinguished, but his care
! preveutcd this. lis was landed at tho bot-
torn of tho pit, a hundred and ninety
feet from the top. He found it al
most perfectly circular, about 18 feet in di
ameter, with a small opening at one point,
leading to a due chamber of no great ex
tent. Ho found on the floor beautiful
specimens of black silex of immense size,
vootly larger than were ever discovered Iu
any other part of tho Mammoth Cava, and
aho a multitudo of exquisite foruiutious as
pure and white as the virgin snow. Jink-
ing himself heard, with great effort, by bis
friends, ho at' length asked them to pull
him partly up. Intendinj to stop on the
way aud explore a cave that he had ob-
served opening about forty feet above the
bottom of the pit. Reaching the mouth of
thut cave, lie swung himself with much ex
ertion Into it, and, holding the end of the
rope in his hand, he incautiously let it go,
and it swung out apparently beyond his
reach. The situation was a fearful one,
and his friends above could do nothing for
him. Soon however ho made a hook of
tho end of his lump, aud, by extending him
self as far over tho verge as possiblo with
out fulling, he suecededin securing the rope.
Fastening it to a rock, he followed the
avenue 150 or 200 yards to a point where
he found it blocked by an impassable ava
laucho of rock, and earth. Returning to
tho mouth of this avenue, he beheld an al
most exactly similar mouth on the opposite
side of the pit, but, not beingablo to swing
himself Into it, ho rcfastcned tho rope
around his body, suspended himself again
over tho abyss, and shouted to his friends
to raise him to the top. ; The pull was an
exceedingly severe one, aud the rope, being
ill adjusted arouud his body, gave him the
most excruciating pain. But soon his pain
was forgotten in a new and dreadful peril
When he was 90 feet frotn the mouth of
the pit and 100 from the bottom, swaying
and swinging iu mid-air, he beard rapid
and excited words of horror and alarm
above, and soon leartied that the ropo by
which ho was upheld had taken fire from
tho friction of the timber over which it
passed. " Several momcuts of awful sus
pense to those above and still moro awful
to him below ensued. To them and him a
fatal and iustaut. .catastrophe seemed inevi
table. But the firo was extinguished with
a bottle of water belonging to himself, and
then the party above, though almost ex
hausted by their labors, succeeded In draw
ing him to tho top. ; Ho was as culm and
self-possessed as upon his entrance iuto the
pit, but oil of his companions, overcome by
fatigne, sank down upon the ground, and
his friend Professor Wright, from over-ex
ertion and excitement, fainted and remained
for a time insensible.
1 ho young adventurer left his name
carved in the depths of the Maelstrom the
name of the first and only person that ever
gazed upon its mysteries. Louisville
IS- The yonng gentleman who made
the descent spoken of above was William
Cocktlano Prentice, eldest son of Geo.
D. Prentice, Esq., editor of the Journal.
Tetkorapdic. From the Merchants'
Magazine we learn that there are In opera
tion 107,500 miles of telegraphic lines, of
which Americe has nearly as much as the
rest of tho wholo world combined, namely,
45,000 miles. It is estimated that 4,000,
000 messages pass over the American lines
annually, yielding, probubly, a net revenue
of $0,000,000. There are 050 miles of
snbmarine telegraph cable now in use, ex'
elusive of the Atlantic cable, ' - '
I&" A German paper gays, the quick.
est rate of locomotion, after the electric
spark, l'ght, sound, and cannon balls,
is ascertained to be tho flight of a swallow.
One of these birds, liberated at Ghent,
made its way to its nest at Antwerp, in
twelve minntcs and a half, going at the
rate of four miles and a half a minute. ,
Magxetism ih Scrgert. A smith In
Brighton, England, while at work felt
something strike his eye, which causing
great pain be went to a physician, who dis
covered that a piece of iron had imbedded
itself in the eyeball. lie tried to extract
it in the usual way, bnt not succeeding, ap
plied a powerful magnet, when a piece of
iron as large as a grain of wheat was in
stantly removed. j' . I
1 ' i
t&- It is stated that there is not a coun
ty in the Cnitcd States that produces from
her own soil more wealth than Washington
county, Pennsylvania. In ordinary years,
she sells $250,000 worth of wool, $300,000
wheat and flour, $500,000 coal, and $350,-!
000 sheep and hogs, making a total of
$1,400,000.;. : .
va. An Irishman cancht hornet in
bnt dropped it and exclaimed,
Be jabere, what kind of teeth do yer birda
hsrs in Amerikyr.. .
Utah. A new Hue of policy seems to
have been adopted by tho Mormon Priest
hood In their relations with the people.
They have come to the conclusion thut too
great au intimacy has a tendency to lessen
their Influence, and, therefore, have resolv
ed to keep themselves aloof for a season,
and to stop preaching the word as it Is in
the Book of Mormon.
Tho Indian tribes in the Valley and its
vicinity have been giving some trouble,
which Is believed to be the result of Mor
mon intrigue. The officers of the United
Suites Courts in the Territory find some
difficulty la properly pcrformlng-thcir du
ties, In consequence of the obstacle! thrown
in their way by the Mormons.
tor An important Army Order, issued
by the Secretary of War, provide for the
division of the present Department of the
Pacific into two distinct departments the
southern to bo called the Department of
California, with the hcadquaters at San
Francisco, to be commanded by Brevet
Brigadier-General Clarke, of the sixth In
fantry; and the northern to be called the
Department of Oregon, to embrace the
Territories of Washinjrton and Oreeon.
with the exception of the Rogue River and
Umpqua districts, with the headquarters at
Fort Vancouver, to be under the command
of Brigadier-General Harney. Tho great
extent of tho former department, and the
consequent length of time necessary for the
transportation of troops and supplies from
one extremity to the other, ore among tho
reasons which have induced this movemcut.
J Governor Denver, of Kansas, has
published a letter, by way of reply to vari
ous petitions presented to him by residents
of that Territory, requesting him to con
vene an extra session of the Legislature.
Tho Governor declines to call this extra
session, showing that at the present time
there are no members of the Legislature
whoso. official terms have not expired. He,
also expresses the opinion that the next
election should be held nnder the lost ap
portionment, according to the act of Feb
ruary 20, 1857. He concludes by saying
that he had consulted the President and
the Atorncy General of tho United States
on this point, and both agreed that the
next election should be held under this ap
portionment. i i !
J- Complaints having been made to
the Post Office Department that tho " care,
custody, and conveyance of the mails are
entrusted to persons not qualified, and un
der a suitable ago," the following regula
tions, which are of long standing, are pub
lished for tho benefit of all concerned
"Postmasters will cause their assistants
and clerks, as well as letter-carriers, con
tractors, and carriers, to tuke tho oath of
office required by law, and send them for
file to the Department, before they enter on
their duties." No person under the age of
sixteen years should bo employed as mail
carrier or clerk in a post-office. The special
agents of the Department, and all post
masters, will promptly report all instances
of non-compliance with these regulations.
5P The great slavcryi tournament be
tween Parson Brownlow, of Tennessee,
and Rev. Abram Pryne, of New York,
commenced at Philadelphia on the evening
of September 9, and was to continue five
successive evenings. , Mr. Brownlow wus
afflicted with bronchitis, rendering it neces
sary that his arguments be read by another.
&" Ex-President Pierce, with Mrs.
Pierce, was sojourning at Villenueve, Switr
zcrland, on the 10th of August. Mrs.
Pierce's health had greatly improved.
They were to visit Italy in September.
VST It is stated that Mr. Jacob Blant,
thirty-six years of age, died in Manchester,
Mass. on the 30th of August, of voluntary
starvation. Mr. B. was paying attention
to a young lady of the town some three
years ago, bnt his proposal for marriage
was rejected. The disappointment preyed
upon his mind, and he soon afterward at
tempted to blow his brains ont, but only
succeeded in destroying both eyes. . He
has consequently remained blind for three
years. Uunng tnat time ne once maoe an
unsuccessful attempt to starve himself, bnt
without success. The second time he was
successful meeting his end as above stated.
He had partaken of nothing for nine wekt
but coffee, sweetened water, and morphine
finding bis chief sustenance during that
time from the fat of his system. ,
Wfh. Israel Wasbburne, Jr., has been re
nominated for Congress in the Fifth district
of Maine; ElihnB. Washburneisupagain
in the First district of Illinois; and C. C
Washbnrne ia in nomination for another
term in the Second district of Wisconsin.
They are all Republicans, and brothess.
A Labt Fwra rot WiAWjro'CRiiro
lihi. The Independence 'Beige states
tbat a young lady living in Hanover has
been sentenced by a court of that town to
pay a fine of two franca " for having worn
a dress which, occupying the whole breadth
of the pavement, ia aa obttroclioa to tbe
public way
tho side of Truth iu every issue.
No. 29.
tir According to tho U. S. census of
1850, there were employed in all the States
and Territories 719,479 males, and 225,512
females, In the manufacturing and mechanic
arts, with an aggregate capital of $527,
000,000; annual value of raw materials
$554,000,000; annnal product of manufac
tures $1,013,000,000; but the samo vol
ume represented the productive annual In
dustry of Massachusetts as ouly 151 mil.
lions and thut of New York as 237 millions
when In fact, at this date it may bo safely
assumed as COO millions together. Accord
ing to the U. S. census, the manufacturing
industry of these two SUitcs amounted to
888 millions, or 26 per cent of the wholo
Union.,' Assuming the State census of
these two States to bo correct, showing
thoir Joiut product to be 613 millions, this
would show the aggregate results for tho
whole Union to be 2,458 millions; or if
the manufacturing resources of all the
States were equal to those of the two States
named, tho manufacturing product of the
Union would be at the present timo about
8,400 millions of dollars.; As it Is,' wo
think wo do not overstate the manufactur
ing product of the Union aa over 2458
millions. Manufacturers have derived a
powerful impulse since tbe year 1850, and
the annual increase in products is iu a
far greater ratio than tbat of the pop
ulation, i ' , .-...'.:.. ' 'I ; ..
Ahead or the Aoe. Mr. Levi Davis,
of Ridgwny, Orleans county, New York,
Is, undoubtedly, tho farthest ahead of the
age of any individual now living. "' Ho
writes to tho New York Tribune, proposing
a railroad from tho United States , to Eu
rope.' ,Tbo thing is to be done by chopping
down the hills of New England and Scot
land, and casting them into the sea until a
ledge bno mile wido and sixty feet abovo
the level of the sea shall have been mude.
The road bed being thus constructed, tho
laying of tho rails will be a small job.
Mr. Davis estimates that the mineral dis
closed by digging away the hills, ond tho
sale of town lots on the road, will pay all
expenses. .' '
The Milwaukee Free Democrat
states that the Universalists of Wisconsin,
at their late Convention appointed a com
mittee to visit the State prison, and ascer
tain the religious faith of the Inmates. The
committee performed the duty required of
them, and report that there are of Luther
ans, 37; Methodists, 3G; Roman' Catho
lics, 32; Nothingarians, 35; Presbyterians,
4; Episcopalians, 11; Baptists, 14; Mor
mons, 5; Annihilutionists, 2; Infidels, 4;
United Brethren, 1; Congrcgationalists, 1;
French Protestants, 1, Universalists, 1.
Whole number, 184.
t& There is a remarkable negro boy In
Polk county, Texas, no bus two faces,
fixed on opposite parts of the head, with
mouth, nose, and chin so perfect that it is
impossible to tell which is the front face
when tbe body is hid from view. Ho is
about six years of age, healthy, and of very
sound mind, and runs and plays w ith other
children with as much sprightliness as could
bo expected from one of his age.
1ST Fayette McMullin, Governor of
Washington Territory, was recently mar
ried In Olympia, to Mary Wood. It may
be mentioned as a remarkable coincidence
that Governor. McMullin's first wife, to
whom ho was married some years since in
Virginia, and who was afterward divorced
from him, was named Mary Wood.
Education in North Carolina. The
unostentatious State of North Carolina
disbursed from its literary fund, for the sup
port of schools and for tho deaf and dumb
children during education of the years 1855
and 1856, the sum of $306,660. '
Tug Rioiit Way.TIio world would
have fewer grumblers and sour faces if all
men followed tbe example of Souther.
He says In one of his letters!
" I have told you of the Spaniard who
always puts on his spectacles when about to
ect cherries, that they might look bigger
and more tempting. In a like manner I
make the most of my enjoyments; and
tbouirh I do not cast my eyes awar from
my troubles, I pack them in as little com
pass as I can myself, and never let tbem
annoy other.? . . ,
Sinoclar Palliative for Toothache.
A little horseradish scraped and laid on
the wrist or the side affected, will in many
cases give speedy relief. A better way Is
to place a utile scraped horseradish in the
mouth, or the tooth, or just around the
gum. , Jt relieves rheumatic pains in tbe
gum and face also. Tbe mouth may after
ward be rinsed with a little camphorated
water, lukewarm.
B Paddy's description of a fiddle can
not be beat: " It was the shape of a tur
key, and the size of a gooae; be turned it
over oo iu back, and rubbed its belly with
a stick, aodochl St. Patrick I bow it did
squalcr . , , .
T Tbat was beautiful thought of
B:her' ; We go to the grave of a friend,
saying " A man ia dead j" but anjjel
thronff about him, faying, " A mas ia
.'.-. t
IT -Jr-ni ir :
Qns tiraar (13 line or less) on Insertion, 3,00
J m . . t0 insertions, 4,('0
' three insertions, 4,10
Kaeh subsequent Insertion, 1 ,00
Reasonable deductions to thot who advsiUs l-y
.-.Hi lb ytr, i
Thi raorairroa or Tin ARCU8 if narrv
lo Inform th public that h ha jut received a
large stork of JUU TYI'E and other new print
ing material, and will be In th q eedjr receipt o
additions suited to all the rcqulremrn: of this h
and other kin-Is. dun to ordi r, on short tiolic.
jjV The Inhabitants of Europe ara of
the Caucasian race, excepting the Finns In
tho north, the Magyars hi Hungary, and
the Turks, who are mostly Mongolians.
Tho Russians, Poles, and inhabitants of
somo parts of Austria and Turkey, are of
the Slavonic family, and speak Slavonic
htnguages. , The Portuguese, Spanith, Ital
ians, French, and some of the Swiss and
Belgians, aro of mixed Celtic, Gothic, and
other families, and speuk languages derived
from the ancient Latin. Tho Wallaclilaus,
in tho N. of Turkey, also speak a dialect of
the Latin. The Scottish Gaels, nativo
Irish, Welsh and some of the Bretons (in
tho N. W. of France) aro Celtic, and speak'
Celtic languages. The other lending na
tions occupying tho N., aro of tho great
Gothic or Teutonic family, and speak
Gothic languages.
Theso lan-nmces are Scandinavian, as
the Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish; or
Germanic, as the Dutch, Flemish, English,
and German. The Turks speak an eastern
or Tartar tongue, and Arabic. Tho
Greeks speak the Romaic, like tho ancient
Greek. The Jews of tho Semitic family,
are scattered throughout Europe. Tho in
habitants of Europe aro Christians, except
ing tho Tut'kB, who are Mohammedans, ami
tho Jews. The western nations speaking
Latin languages (Portuguese, Spanish, It
alians, French, Belgians, and part of tho
Swiss), the majority of tho Irish, and tho
Austrians, Bavariuns, and a few other
Germans, are Roman Catholics, acknowl
edging the Pojhj us the bead of their church.
The northern nations, from Switzerland to
Norway, Brituin to Prussia, are mostly
Protestants, English, Scotch, Dutch, Ger
mans, Prussians, Danes, Swedes, Norwe
gians, Generally the Gothic races Incline
to Protestantism. The eastern nations, In
cluding tho Russians, Greeks, and many of
the Turks, are Greek Catholics. Gener
ally, the Slavouic races aro of this com
munion, - ' 1
Large Incomes in England. There
aro forty-six persons in England who have
Incomes of 450,000 a year, equal to two
and a quarter millions of dollars, while four
hundred aud forty-four persons havo In
comes ranging train titty to two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars a year, and eight
hundred aud eleven rrom twenty-llvo to
fifty thousand. In Ireland there is but ono
person who has an income of npwards of
two hundred aud i fifty thousand dollars;
tweuty-ouo havo incomes from fifty thou
sand to two hundred and Gfty thousand,
and thirty from twenty-five to fifty thou
sand dollars.
Complimentary Retort. " I knew Mr,
Lincoln in early life; ho commenced his
life as a grocer." Senator Douglas.
"Th only differenco between Judge
Douglas and myself on the grocery question
is, that while I havo stood on ono sido of
the counter ho has been equally attentive ou
the other." Lincoln.
BOX. An inquisitive gentleman, of a
mathematical turn of mind, is engaged in
calculating what would bo the rolmlilo
length of tho superfluous Atlantic cubic,
provided all the charms, four-inch bits, nnd
sections, now kept as curiosities, were unit
ed ia ono piece.
' i. The returns of tho Vermont elec
tion show that tho Houso of Representa
tives, which consists of 230 members, will
stand about 190 Republicans to 40 Dem
ocrats. S&. The Govermnont has been officially
notified by Minister Reed of tho conclusion
and signing of tho treaty with China.
' 10 Of the 48 Senators who took their
seats in the 18th Congress, in 1823, ouly
two survive, Martin Van Buren, of New
York, and John Branch, of North Caro
lina. Both of these gnutlemen, it will be
remembered, wero members of Gen. Jack
son's first Cabinet. :
Valuable Violin. The violin which
Ole Bull uses in his concerts is of very con
siderable value. It was made in 15C2, by
Gaspard do Sulo, by order of Cardinal
Aldobrandnl, (afterward Clement VIII.,)
and is ornamented with chasings, by Dtn
venuto Collinii The Cardinal gave the in
strument to the Treasury of Incpruck, but
iu 1800 it fell iuto the possession rf a
French soldier, who sold it to Dr. Pognni-
til, brother of the celebrated violinist, and
he bequeathed it On his death-bed to Ol :
Bull. . . :, '
' t&" A correspondent of the Bnltimore
Patriot charges that the Buchanan editor ,
have learned the art of lying. They didn't
have to learn it. Tncy knew it before.
LouiimlU Journal.
: JST Some writer says that the word
"would," in Rufus Choate's handwriting,
resembles a small gridiron struck by light
ning. ...
VS. Mr. and Mrs. Brewer, of Wayno
county, Kentucky, have twenty-two chil
dren. We doubt whether there is such
another extensive private brewery iu ti.o
country. -
tfK. Every man has in his own life fol
lies enongh, in bis own mind trouble enough,
in bi own fortune eru enough, without
being carton after the affair of other,
i i
i n