Th Sunset l-aa. Oh. dimly through the m sis of yr, That ro'l their drry m between, The gorgeous Sunset Land appear, Arrayed in huea of fadeless green. And, from I lie fur-ofr eutniy elinie, Old half-forgotten songs ariie, And, stealing o'er llio wuvea of Tim, The sweetly liiiffering inusiu die. Aa asm britiht bland of (lie aea, Forever blooming ever fair) Though xdd, dm k b'lkiws round It be, Eternal unhiue hovers there. Thus o'er tlie silent ea uf yean, , Our f eer, lancing looks are cust, Where, robed in fmieless spring, sppcara Tho auul.t Aidcu of I lie Past. There Memory weave her garlands green, Heside the lone, hope-haunted shore, And, musing 'mid the Aroudianacrue, . Twine Rower that blnum for u no more. . Oil, hallowed cliniel Ileal Land of Love I Sweet 1'arailiM of early dieamel Still through thy rale my fancy rove, Still bock beneath Uiim evening beam. And there lliry dwell thoae cherisheJ one, With mow-while brow nod waving hair I e them now I hear their tone Of aweeute sigh along the a'r. Hark 1 how (Mr iilvery voice ring In cadence with the wind' low sigh J Not sweeter i the wind-harp' airing, That wake at eve it melody. They call ui; aee, they ware their baud A by the mirage lifted high, Tliat clime in all iia beauty aland the forehead of the sky. With wreathed browa with laugh and ong With tender look band elwd iu bund Tln-y move along, that love-linked lluoug, Within the haunted Sunset Laud. Al'.-Saints'-dat is Pa his. The grave yard tro tlie spout lo vi-iton AII-SaitH'-day ; it lends a kindly view of tlio race, and of French raco specially, to are the garlands they bung 1 1ml day upon the tombs. They may bo Ktnululkini-t, Jit cobiu, Red-anything; but when wp aea them trooping, as we saw them yesler day, ta liung their gnrlanJ uf immortal flowers upon the lomb-sione of llio brave Cavaignao, the warm liuarietl fleranger, we forgive them, we love them, we trust them. How heart meet at grave! And would you believe it that the old gray tomb f Abulard and Eloiae, those ancieul fcentimciiUlUts, i every year cov ered over with the bright flowers which the young sentimentalists bring? Does anything tti tin' dying world live longi-i, after all, limn teniimeot I. Doea honor, tloea courago, dop. bravery! Who was Uernnrdin da St. Pierre Dor-s any body care! 'Docs any one out rf five, yuu mar ask, know! Yet who ha nut lent is nj(iKfir8fl irnicftiln ti5 liial litiitf siui i I of raul and Virginia, which ho wrote; and who doea not cherish I tin memory of itia weakness heanily ! We may not aneer, we must not ineer, and what lato - . "-- . .... i long. The Sphinx la only a granite riddle, not worth your thought or outs. Out go -down to Egypt, and there ho ia the great, aharp head ; il perishable, he would only puzzle. JJul, o old henweayou! Another aiiint among the All Saint in Ara'o, the astronomer. JIis tomb is not -complete a yet, but the masonry and all dra yaps were covered with immortttlrs. And bis memory carrieo them worthily a crent, good man; if France had . more of such 1 , : Epitaphs. We find iu a Wiscomin exchange the following : ' 1 " Died. Went home lo Paradian, July 20, Carrie, only daughter uf , aed eighteen years. ..-. "Gone to God," ii tho inscription upon a while slab in the ceinclcry at Aon Ar bor, Michigan, , . , ,. -: A band will) n finder pointing upwards 1s engrnved upon a plain cry stone in .graveyard in Burlington, N. Y. ' A broken column,' the fallen capital lying at the baae of the pillar, marked the -grave of a 1 ruinbull, in Lebanon, Con necticut. A severed chain and llio fragments of link, engraved upon a alone, set . n i by a little grave in liriatol, Indiana, tell of n fitesiile circle broken, and iia lost re in tho land of Edrn. ; ' 1 A roso treo with n bud mid nir as If viome breath of angel's wiug would waft it fa fa to lie-even, would not be inappro priate for an infanl'a ntiiet bed. "Went jn the morning" would be a befitting re cord. " . , ' A sweet girl, blind rom birth, wns laid Rlepp where God Miould find her and by, and upon the lablot wa written only these words, "Thore is no The moat touching emblem of I lie kind e ba twn, was a cradlp, in ' which the nwy pillow and bed, from which opotlcfls evrJigi had bepn lurnod down, 13re the imp of an infant form as though it had jt been lifted thence by .its mother in ini cave an arm moro tender than utothora had taken it from ita little bed, and now the impress, bad, iinu an, were mt6c.j Sy" Ignornnce in the one principal came of the want of virtue, and of the immoral. iiiea which abound in the world, aa deli 'Dented in the history ef nations, or as de picted by modern voyagers and travelers, we should Tiud, In almost every instance, that ignorance of the character of the true God, and fUe conceptions of the nature of 1 he worship and seivice he requires, hare led, not only tu l lie most obscene practices jtnd immoral abominations, but to the per metration of the most horrid cruellies. Dr. J) U k. T Wonders of LtoHT.Not only doea light fly from the grand "ruler of the day," with a velooily which is a million and a half limes greater than the speed of a cannon-ball, hut it darta from every reflect dng surf with a like velocity, and reaction the tender structure of the eye !o gently, that, as it full upon the little curtain of nerves which is there spread to receive it, it impart the mont pleating sensations, and tells its story of the outer world with a minuteness of detail and a holiceasof truth. 'Philosophers once sought to weigh' the sunbeam: they comirucied P most deli cate balance and suddenly let in upon it abeam of light: the lever of the balance was so delicately hung that the fluttering of a fly would have disturbed it. Every thing prepared, the grave men look their places and with keen eyes watched the re sult. The sunbeam that was to decide the experiment had left the sun eight min utes prior, to pas the ordeaL It had flown through ninety-five million 'of milra'of spnee in that short measure of time, and it hot uoo the balance with unabated eel,.. ity : but rbe lever moved jiot j am the ihtonp hers were mute. . BUSINESS CARDS. , , ' W. T. MATLOCK. ' W.C. JOUXSON. , Matlock til Johnion, ATTORNEYS Sc COUNSELORS AT LAW, And Solicitor) in Chancery, WILL promptly attend to any buaiiieM which niny be committed In llieir professional charge before the Piairici and Supreme Court. OffiYe in II ghfluld'a building, immediately op. poiile the Muiu Wtreel IIoum. Oregon City, March 7, 1857. 47y JOHN R M-BRIDE, attosnsv and covNaiLoa at Law, Lafayette, Yamhill County, O. T., WILL faithfully attend to all business an trusted to his profenional care. Wb. 0. Dement A Co., WHOLESALKand retail Denier In Grocer, lea, Provisions, 1'ainl, Oil, Hoot and Shoe, Crockery, Ao. Oppoaile the Land Office, Main St. Oregou City. June 1, 1855. CHARLES POPS, JR., DEALER in Hardware, Groceri.-e, Dry Gooda, Clothing, Boola Si Shoe, Medicine, Books - and .Stationery. Main!., Oregon City, April SI, 1857-Itf . . B. Milwain, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ia COOK AXD PA It LOR STOVES, tix k. corn waki, iiardwasb, 4C, MalnSt., eppoiite Main Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, 0. T. Steamboat aud jobbiug work attended to with dispatch. Older from the oountry promptly filled. je7 T. CH A KM A.N. ' , A. WARNEK. Charm an eSt Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WIIOLSMLB 4(aCTAII, . Dealers In Dry Uooda, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Iioott, Shoes, Paints, Oils, dr., Iu their fire-proof Brick Maim srasKT, OREfiOJI CITY, OREOON. Time. W 'F. HIGH Kl EL 1, r ''j. WA TCH-MAKER, Af Fernona driirou of gating good work doue will do well to give uie a call, aa my whole time ia do voted to tlie repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal watches. An naaorlinrut of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made to ordi-r, and repaired. I'ricea to unit the lime. I am thankful for punt lavora, and liopc to give aatisiaetiun In tut ure. O Ideated at the old aland, oppoaile the Tel esniph OfDue, OREGON CITY. Feb. 2. Drugs. Modlclnea, Faints, Oils, and Dye-stuffs, at the OKKUON CITY DKUG STORE, aepl5 Maiu Street, Oregon City, O.T. JOHN P. BROOKS, Whole talt if- Retail Dealer in Groceries, Product, frotmont, t.yc. Mam street. A General Aororlmeal kept up of Selected Good Cnnemah, March 28, 1837. . GUN SMITHING. T EIN'G permanently located in Oregon City. A) I am prepared to carry un the kuniuea oi UU-SMltltliU IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Thnw who favor me with their patrounge, may cxpeel to nave their work done righl. Those who leave G UNS at my Sknp for repairs, and do not call for them within nins iio.iTiu of the time set for Ihe work to be dune, may expect to have them enid lo pny chnrges. 1'EKDIXAND WILDE. Jute27, 1857. , n , ; llmlS , , Beading for the Million.' " S. J. McCORMICK has COWTANTLT ON HANU AT TUB VSANKLIN B00I . stose, raoNT-rr,, oaaaoN, . j AClwice ecleetion of Popular Dook, New, paper, Magazine and Fancy Stationery. Among the book on band will be found work on Temuenauce, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, Poetry, Uiogruphy, Medicines, Religion, Koience, School Bouku, Itoinnncee, ate, Sro., ice. tCTSiibaeription received for Harper, Graham, Uodey,. Leslie a, or 1 ulnain, at 94 a year, pt oar free. - I ' O Subscription received for any newspaper publmhed ill liny part of the Uuiou. , Iteineinber the Franklin Dook Store and New p iM'r Agency, Front street, Parllaud Oregon. W. D. Hatehins, M. J)., LAFAYETTE, 0, T: TIEFFr.S TO ' i J.V Prof. A. Curti, Cincinnati, Ohio; Prof. J. Koat, . " Prof. Courtney, La Fayette, Ind. Dr. W. Annelronsr, Findley. Ohio : . J. ruber, M. D-, Tiffin, ..' ,. J. Chamberlin, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr. H. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohioi - Prof. (I. F. Johnson, Philadelphia, Penn. t Prof. J, Drawn, N. V.; . , Dr. O. Kellogg, Milwuukie, 0. T. , W. D. Hutchina' BaUam Wild Cherry.. Juyne Expectorant " Alterative '. Ay res' Cherry Pecloiul $1 25 . 1 So 1 95 , 1 35 and a general assortment of . BOTANICMEDICINES kept at all time. And I am muking arrnngo. menu to manufacture my Balaam fur tile lung, from the Oregon cherry. angl5 sn.wiMC, HUAMPOOINU, die. THE public are letpectfully informed that the undersigned have opened a SHAVING SA LOON oppuite Mewr. Gibsou tt Potter's Bill iatd Salooii. Hair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, dj-c. dune in the latest and most approved atyle. A lo, Boot-blacking, light iobbinir, dec Gentle men's bed room taken cure of. and all olber small ibbing doue on the clicapeat and most expeditious term. JOHN & THOMAS WARD. Jul). 30, 1659. Main $1., Oregon City. Jon. Sarstow S by himself, and would respectfully lay to hi friend and the public generally that be is, thankful for past patronage, and willconlinuebusi- i at the old stand,, and will ever be ready to show hia Good to those who may favor him with a call. Come one, come all, both great and small, and give him call before ptirchnsiiig elsewhere, and exannue for yourselves his splendid and select stock of II !. i DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLdTtt- INO, BOOTS, SHOES, and. CROCKERY,'. Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, die., See, lint, Nail, liroome, Alc., and almost evey thing pertaining to a general Hue ol business. . All kindx of country produce taken in exchange. Country friend will lind it to their advantage to give me a call. , , Cnueinnh.Sept. 6. , . Extra Notice f , WE WISH to inform all who are indebted to u that on the IOtii oat or SirrsMsaa nr.xr we ihall close our book aud accounts, and suit tho credit business entirely .' We shall re lain our, book aud paper for one nonth for the purine of collection after which lime all me eounte not willed wdl be left with some olEcer for collection. We hope one and all will coma forward and close up their account with cash or euch produce a w usually Uka at th market rates, or make satisfactory settlement with ua. CHARMAN 4 WARNER. Oregon City, Aug. 14, ISiS. . ll i ..... ! i ' DtART ausl Correepoadence ef Amoe Law rear for snle by C rtrE, Jr. . PACIflO UNIVERSITY, Forest Orove, Washington Co., Oregon Rev. S. II. Marii, A. M., President, ' Rev. H. Lvman, A. M., Prof. Mathematics, rpHK eellegiala year, oooalatiog of on term of .L nine month, will eominoue on Ui Una Wi-duewlay uf September. It i ih deign uf llii Inttilutlon tu furniih a lliorouirh and complete oolleglute education. There i a Library of 1U0U volume forth n of Ihtf luilenl Applleanla fur adiniuiun to college muet have a knowledge of the common Englbh brauche, and have Mudied the ancient languagea u far aa to have read portion or Cawar aud Uicero and In Oreek Header. The luitiou fee b $39 per anuuin. Student fitting for college, a well a other winning lo punu collegiate alt die without enter ing upon the college courae, will be uuder the in. (tiucliou of the college lonelier. The fall term of 1 1 wreke in the preparatory department commence ou Ih 2d Wduday of September. 1 union, o per term. . Tualatin Academy, Forest Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Rrv. Cusiuno Eells, Principal. . The full term will oonuutnos on the 9J Wed neaday of September. Tuition in the common branch, $G in th higher branchea, gS per quarter. iiOy JUST RECEIVED, at the Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York aud Sao J'rou oiaco, a large awortnieul of Drugs, Chemicals, '' Patent ad Fvmily Medicine, all of which will be (old aa low or lower than they can be bad nt any other place In the Territory. Country merchant will And it tolheiriulemrit buy here intend of Portland. CM enrfeee. 1 Oregon City, May 9, 1857. The Oraefonberff Company. rnlllS INSTITUTION (iacor.ruted by Ihe JL Legislature of the Stale of New York, cap ital glOO.dOU), was founded for the purpose of applying Ihe public wild th celebrated GKAEF ENMCUTi MEDICINES. The series comprise remedies for nearly every distasc, adapted to ev ery climate. For families, travel en. seamen, and mi Hers' use, they are unequaled. All Ihe medi cines are PURELY VEGETABLE, and war ranted to cure the diseases fer which they arc sev erally reeommemled. The Grnefenherg Company does not profess to nus all diseases with one or two ineifeines. Our aeries consists of ELEVEN dillVreut kinds, ad apted to the tot to uu dieeasea incident to the tem perate and Iropienl climates. The following com pline the ria of Graefeubcrg Medicines i The Grncfcnberg "VcgctaBle Pitts Are considered the stsudard Pill of the day, and are infinitely superior to any Pill before the puWic They operate without irritation on all the excre liotri, purgiug the blood by tb bowels, liver, kid neys, and skin. ' iTJurshnirs Utcrliio Catbolieoii, An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womi and urinary organs, weakness in the hack, puin in breast, nervousness, debility, etc.- Ia California aud Oregon, out of more than a thousand case where this medicine bos been used, k ka in a single instance failed to give permaueut relief or to effect a certain cure. GRAEFENBERG SARSAPARILLA, A prrwsrful extract. Ouc bottle equal, to ten of the ordinary larsiiparilla for purifying Ihe blond. A sure euro for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcers, dys pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial d toe-as, cutaneous cruptiuus, Sec. t TUe Ursrw nnualala Olalweat, Invaluable for burn, wound, spmiua, chilblains, ore, swellings, scrofula, elc. Aa a pain extract or, il eaunot be excelled, afl'onling immediate re lief from the moot excruciating puios. THK GRAEFRNBERO 1 " DYSENTERY SYRUP.I This extraordinary article i a speedy and Infallible remedy in diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, and the jtxiatio cholera, if taken with the first symptoms nf Ihe disease. It ia pure ly vegetable in ile compound.' ' tuactenberg (-.ultiVren's Panacea, ' For summer complaint, and most disescto which children are subject. Ita true worth cau never be set foilh in words, but it can be felt and apprecia ted by parente whose children have been saved. No mother should be without it. . . Oraefemberg Pile Remedy.' i . Warranted a certain cure for thia paiuful disease. With Ihe Ointment, there are very few eases which oannol be radically and permanently cured. A surgical operation for Pilea and Fistula should never be resorted to until this ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never fails. 1 '. CvlE,FE.nERa sYVE, lyOTlO. For diseaws of the eye, this Lotion has no eWual. It is a speedy and positive cure for inflammation of Ihe eyes, weaknessea,dimuese and failing of sight. it win aiwnya be oeiienuial iu acute intlammaluai of the eyes.aud also a a wash on iatlamed surfaces. . ' GRAEFBNBBKO FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. A speedy and positive cure for this distressing complaint. These Pills are composed principally of Quiuioe, with other vegetable Ionics, anti-spas-medio and febrifuge articles.. Thousands have been permanently cured by their use. Graefeiiberff Consumptive's Balui Soven ign in all Bronchial and Pulmonary Die easea. Jt is, beyond all queation, Uue that con sumption is a curable disease, and the Consump- uve a uann is the beat curative ever used. i ' Oraefenberg llealth Dtlters, " pTheae bitters are skilfully end elemotly creoared from a number of invigorating, healthy roots, barks, herbs, and vines. Aa invaluable touic and health restorer. . . . ... . . ' feraefeaberg Maaaat of neattb. it handsomely printed volume ef 300 pages, con taining concise sad oxtremely plain descriptions of all meaner of diseases, their symptoms and treat ment. ' Every family should have one. Price only rrilta. It will be sent, post paid, to any post office in California or Oregon, on the re ceipt of 3S ceuls by mail or express. . it Address Redinglon & Co., San Francisco. The Oraefenberg' Medicine ara for sale by all Druggisia and apothecaries throughout thecoautry. ' A. il. STKliLE, Agent, Oregon City. - General Ageme for California and Oreron ' RKDINGTON fc Cov r' " Wholesale Druggist,' ' : : ' No. 107 Clay street. 8aa Fraoeiaen. : LIM KS just received and fvi vile by mySO F. CHAlV MAN! ! f l ORANGES a 6n rot just received and for sis y F. CHARMAN. WM.O. DEMENT Si CO., iTV FFKH (or sals Ihe following food I J l dot null saws, 7x rest, 9 Xcut do ' ; i 90 " eow bells (superior), ' 10 " handhd axes, 10 without do 10 " hsndlsd do, assMsisss, ' 10 " polstodiggsrs, 10 A ime' spadss, ' . 90 " curry combs, . 500 lbs wrappiiig twin, ' 100 " I R packing, SllOfsetl Itbel'iug; INDIA RUBBER OO0D9 of all descrip lion. Oiegou Cily, Jan, 33, 1 8 New Books I mllE subscriber baa lust received a laree as X sortmeul of BOOKS, direct from New York, smong which are Ih following I Alison's Hist. of Europe American Institutions, Sillimsn's do. peinocraoy In Amurioa Lives of tlie Signers, llabyloo and Nineveh, "Deck aud Pert,'' Ship and Shore," HomsCyclopetlia, Land and Lee," 'Sea and Sailor," Thre Years In Califor. Cvo. ef Literature, Egypt ndth HolyLand LnrdueronSl'm Engine, lluchau s r am. I liys a.J Manual of line ArU, Lectun-oon th Arts, Ano I Monasteries, Choics Uiogruphy, Travels iu Peru, I'sruvian Anuquities, Polar Uegious, .. Mahsu's Philosophy, Choice Krtraou, . A variety of 1'oeta. aUU copies of Sanders Speller, . 800 , " Itssders, 9.'i0 MeUufTey's do. 310 Webster's Dictionaries. Davies' Algebra, iN'ewinaa's Rhetoric ' Geometry, Days do. Bourdon, Parley's Univ. History, Survey lag, Goodrich's 1'ict. V. H., u ' Legendrv, Monleith's Geography, " Arithmetics, "LilHe Speaker," Tkonipson's do. iS. American Speaker. ALSO, A rrcah Bnnolv of tatlonorv. Day Books, Juurnuis, Ledgers, Record Books, Memorandums, uf all siies, Diaries, 4c, Not and Letter Paper. Envelop, Pen, &.C., dtc. Eraser Knivea, Enuiva Kuhber, Gaumed Label, Faber's Pencils, l-NK, iu quart and pint battles. WHQLESALR AND RETAIL. CHARLES POPE,Ja. ' Oregon City, Angus! IB, H3U. S ..SstUet I . TOV will find sn excellent assortment of Dress JL and Bonnet SHU, Satins and Ytlvttsl also Bonnet Trimmings, Husisru, Ounes, Laces and Ribbons, Table Cloths, Counterpanes, etc., at th store of CUAKLE3 furtfi, Jr., (Main-it., opposil Aberuelhy' slur,) where may be found almost everything in the liue of ,.. , , ' Dry Good: ' Such a Prints, Giurhsims, Alpaoaa, Merinos, Plaid Linsevs, Musliu, SultinetU, Jeans, Fluu- nis, Sheetings, Ued Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Batting, etc-. Oregon City, April St, IB3-1U Medicines for Sale, By WARLESTOTETTa. C4ANDS' SarsaparUI, Peck's Wild Cherry Bit t9 ters, Dalemau'a droiie, Braudreth'a pills, Lee' pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Aiubie.UsHish oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d prepeiutioa, Roman ey balsom, Dalley's pain extractor, Laudaiuun, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Cempoeition Powders, l arlers Pulmonary Uulsom, Suipnur, tom ouua, Oio. April 21, IBoI-ltr .. More ZCsw Goods, AT CHARMAN Jt WARNER'S. IN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, we have just received, direct from San Fran- Cisco, a good and suitable supply oi Goods for this Seasjn of the Year, I which wo oiler for sale at prices which cannot be beat In this market. Our stock consists ia part of . 400 lbs sal soda, , 50 boxes English soap, .50 ' Chas. Hill's soap, V7 , 20 doa corn slnrch, j , 20 cases pie fruit, - . . : ' . i. . 15 " pickles,, 8 del hoavy, ' 8 " losalers, 18 oysters, ' SO lilf bbls NO sugar, ' ' ' f . 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, : .-. ,',10 hlf bbls dnsd apples, ' 8 rits mackerel, ' , 1 3000 lbs stick candy, ' ' &0 ' fancy do. 1 case Gallipisher toyr 1 " German toys, 400 lbs slmonds, 13 hlf boxes raisins, 6 whoFe boxes do., ' 48 prs good Mavkinaw blankets, 3000 yds brow) sheeting, 3000 ealicoy Boots and shcx-s of every description. ' The above, with our nsual aasorlment, we think renders our ster.k complete. Call aud eee us. Terms cash. CHARMAN f WARNER. December 20, 187. , . Experience Makes Perfect, .. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods v. .. : . WE wish to inform our customers and Ihe publio generally that we have now un hand, In addition lo our usual heavy stock of Gro ceries and Dry-Goods, ono of the largest aud best- selected stuck of J READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered In this market. - We ab wish to say that our goods are of. sxeettent quality, a ad that we will sell , , , AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREOON, ,, Portland not excepted, , , Our old motto still governs oar trade "Quick sales and small profits." Our stock of goods Is now opeu !"r luspecoou u z.. ,,o w... Tavor a with a enll. Call and sec, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell a low a any Iu th Territory, for cash, or produce at market rate. CHARMAN & WARNER, Oregon City, May 33, 1857. U S T R E ' C E I V E D O a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES, Dry-Goods of nil Description. We can now fill almost tiny bill a farmer amy call ior. van ana see. March 14. CHARMAN tu WARNER. WTK HAVE JUST. RECEIVED . A BE.IVT isfokfMINT Ot)( ..i,,..AK HATB POT .. 3 Prices Down to the Lowest Figure J Come in, those who want gooda cheap. " ' mh!3. CHARMAN WARNER. LUMBER. L. ALL thoaa who want LUMBER can leave their bill with Chabaw 4. Warsis. which I will fill, and deliver the lumber m Oregon City, if desired. H. S. BUCK. Oregon Oily, Jan. 16, 1858. 40lf Kane's Arctic Sxpedittoii, RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and oth.r interesting works, for sale at the rep 12 ' CITY BOOK STORE. MACAULAY'S HUtory ile by of England fur C. PUPE, Jr. BRICK. 100,000. F0R8AA,. epl8 sVJtf. C. DEMENT. CO. A Few Caaet OF that superior GREEN TEA just received by WM. C. DEMENT 4. CO.. 5 CASES " Crumpton's Medal Tobacco at epH WM. C. DEMENT A ATT3XTOXOIT, TA&XtXSU ! THRESHERS) REAPERS, A N U 2JE TTTE have now on the way from th Esitsrn T T Blalns, , To Arrive about the last of April, A SUPERIOR LOT of the shove-mentioned machines. They combine all of the latest Improvements, and w hsvs no hesitatiou Iu saying that we believe them to be th MUHT rESFKUT MAtniXEH now brought to this coast. They were constructed under our owu supervision, having all the altera tions uecessary to render them suitable for the country. The THRESHERS consist of two, four, and six-horse powers (railway and sweep), wild elovu lurs sod every essential convenience koowu lo Ilia machine. Our REAPERS and MOWERS are combined machines, suitable fur either mewing or resping. They work from two tu four horses, with and without rakas j or, in oilier words, ou is a sell- raker. :',;- la Addition to the Above, W have, to arrive at Ihe same time, Ih following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, , , V I J 5 Peoria Plows, X 8, ," Boston Clipper Plows, Extension Cultivators, ,. Grapevine Grain Cradles, " Scythes and Snaths, ' Straw Cullers, ' Hay Presses,' , : Hay Forks and Rakes, Horse Rakes, Wheelbarrows, i , . i Shoeefs, Spades, CXDBB. KILLS, BARK MILLS, d TANNERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of smiths' ANO carpenters' tools, With many other artrefcs not here mentioned, . We would say to onr customers and the public generally, if tbey are iu wan ef any uf Ilia ubov mentioned article, tWy will dewell te cnll and aee ours before purchasing elsewhere,aa we are deter, mined lo tell LOW FOR CASH. We would also add that our Machine arc being raoidJ uld l arrive. Better call and secure owe of them before too lute. If preferred, Machine dMiveied m Portland, if eugngeil before arrival. Ww. C. IMS ME NT t CO., ? Oregon City, Jan. 30, '58. Opposite Lind Office. Patronize Homo Industry I I HAVE now in full operations CABINET -SfOi-in-thisrityrnearth Coiircguliuiml hsirch, where I an asunufucturisag , BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, ft. SOFAS, Is antbsueh other furnitur ns i wnnled by Ihe ' ft community eenernllv. There is connected with my shops TUKNING-LATim, where all sorts of turning can be done. Large ana small Spinning-W heels node lo order. 1 am making a belter article than imported fur- nitnre, ml selling it at a lees enst. Give me a call you wilt lose nothing by it. 1 ' UKMHIIU lilLMVbLb. Oregon City, March 97, 1858. fiOniC 1 BEFoniS AND AFTER I'SING DR. JACOB WEBBER'S SANGUIFIER, . , Or Invigorating Cordial . Sold only In Quast Dottle prico 83, or two fc fa by aU Uruggiat i Ccrfifwiiia and Or egon. ;, June xli, IBoH. Farm for Sale for $1,500. I OFFER for sale a half section of land situated about six miles east of MeDouald'a ferry in ForksSuutiam,Linnli county, and about Iwenly mileafrom Salem. ; The shape of lbs land nrils it well for ordiavy farming, and il 'm also ens of the best stock farms iu the country. The improvement includes one hundred and twenty apple trees of improved fruit; also peach, plum, and cherry trees, all of which will soon be in plentiful bearing. The location is favorable to health, is benutrfat mid pleasant, i Tim will be given on a part of the money at mojerals interest, or good dock taken for a part. For further particular call on me at the " Uirien Store," Salem, or address by letter. Information concerning it can also be had by culling on W.L. Adama of the Oregon Argus. .. j . , Feb. 37,loa8-4omb . V. HULL. MOFFAT'S Life Bitters and Pills, Bernard's Dysentery Syrup, Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry, at tho OIlEtiUM CITY DRUG STORE. Central Produce Depot. . CANEMAII. CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wheat, eata, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes. Apnn, a.. - . jutin f. utiuuKS. r W. P. Burns, . - WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITY, O.T., H7 Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis action so pairona warrantee. . feb!l-43 50 DOZ. thumb ratchea, cheap, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT &.eo. SHAKER Saraaparilla, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. DR. Osgood' ludiaCholagogue.aodDr.Jone1 American Cholagogue, at the - ( OREGON CITY DRUG STORE, Bayard Taylor'a , . CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, am! ,! Swan's Three Years' Residence on the North West coast for sole at the CITY BOOK STORE.' F LAX SEED for sale at C. POPE'S. GILT MOULDING for picture frame, for sale by CHARMAN A. WARNER FULL assortment of Ysnkee Notions at ' '! ml.21 CHARMAN & WARNER'S. s ANDS' OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. GHAIN PUMPS price reduced-tor aal by mr38 - . C. POPE, Jr. WE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for good WHEAT at Ihe market price. aovl5 CHARMAN d WAHNERj ' 1 (1 DOZ. Oyster. ID ' CHA CHARMAN 4 WARNER 6 DOZ. grape-Tine cradle for sale by ' WM. C. DEMENT St Co. A N assortment of Bibles and Testany XV. xtl at the Repotitory price .lU-foe c. rom, Jr. pPRCHASF - WTatS JT J- 54, WM. C. DEMENT CO. , U. S. MAIL uim Oregon City and Portland Daily pi &miSm Josuu MraioaMail" Will run dally, (Sundays excepted,) In ib. .LT named trade, leaving Oregon Chyrw, itZ'i o clock, 4. at. Reluming, will leave Perikili ' 9, touching at all uilermcdlste points. For freight or passsgs apply on board. ,' 'It ; tl Lis iffin Portland , and Oregon CiV THE new stern. wheel steamer EXPRESS, 'jU w a larmo, niasisr, win run belweea PshVi and Oregon Cily daily (Sundajsoxeepifdn... ing PORTLAND at 10 a. m , and ORTrm CITY at 4 r. si. ' i .2? IBGOS 5 U. O. CUAlu IsUfB, ' '' -'""I Portland and AMorli" The Sph-ndid Steamer , . savw. '! ' XtSnltnonnsb , grHJ WI LL continue to run regularly between Pen. land and Astoria, tin Vancouver, twic. wssx, leaving Portland on Monday and Thsrla.. morning of each week for Astoria, tnt AJz for I'crlland on Tuesday and Friday moraM? touching Vakcooves, St. HiLsas, Raisim,cK7 laust, &c, each way. For freight or pssssmT spplyto t R. IIOYT, Master, li je!6 OratHoyt'sWharf.boat.PertW.-' , ZsTew Arrangement!. '" I HAVE bought out Ih BAKERY Ubtk4 ment of CAormaa 4 Worser, which I bats, bow opened under lb most favorable eircsss. stances to all old palroue, and as msay new eass. a may choose lo give m a call. My .hoR"ZiB bo well .upphed with , Pwin Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, NuU, Cai. dies, Raisins, Figs, Cigars, 7Vn,i and almost every other variety of kaick-Kstel yet invented by Yankee Ingenuity ell ot whisk will be (ffbrded - f -, ATTH8 LOWEST POSSIBU tATES J -I shall oncnaioually reeewe sapplies frsra lit tropical latitudes, which wat fc y anaeunesd upon arrival. A II invited lo give me a ealL ' n- a,?'.8810 ClIAWlIS; Oregon City, April 25, 1857. , , J , ., JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon Cily hrac Slore, direct from New York and R. V... cisco, o freh upply ot DRUGS, MEDICINES I'attnl Medicine, Family Meilicine, 4e., A., winch will be sold as low for cash as then earn I procured in the Territory. Call sod examine fe. . 1 1 .... KH si - . ' j uiirKi,c,iiu Hu noiiunac lor Irst, grsia). JAYNE'S Alterative, Expeeternat, and Pills, Cod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and Sweet OH. si Ihe OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE1. EXICAN Mustang Liniment, G. W. Met chant's Gargling Oil. at the " i-. Off KtiUJ CITY DRUG STORR rnltUSSES, right and left and death, aad A L. dominal anpporters, at the . I - r . t ORkON CITY DRUG STORE. 13 UUE While Lead, raw aad burned Umber, . Creaio, Green and Yellow, and other paints, ul the OREGON CITY DRUG 8TORI PERFUMERY, at the ' i OUEGUN CITY DRUG STOKE GRAEFENBERG MEDICINES: UrnefeubergSuroparilla,l)teriueCtHllca. " . Dysentery syrup, coniuuipUrs balm, .. ... , .,. ., , , , Tile Oinlment, , , Health Hitlers, ' Lotion. a., tte.,- i.-.j' To be found at the ngeney of the Company, at Jiq OKEGQM CUT DRUG STORK. AYMAN'S Dyspeptio Elixir-warraatJ te curs the dyspepsia just received an fer auleatthe OREGON CITY DRUG ST0BB. DR. Gnysott's eomiound s.xtraol of Sarssftrilla, and Yellow Dock, at the ' ' seplS OR.EGON CITY DRUG STORE. o LD Dr. Jucob Townsend's Ssrsspartlle sf th OREGON CITY DRUG STOUaV- DK.J. Ayres' celebrated Cherry PeelorsKsl coughs, colds, snd consumption, at Ihe 11 ' OREGON CITY DRUG STORK Pills', OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. D R. Townsend's Ssrssparllkt, at the ' OREGON err i dkuu siuBs.; -TTwERIIVIAN FeUUuee for the cure of tevr if aud neue. &.C., die., just received and tarsal tit tho OREGON CUT DRUG STORIT. Caiiuiiiah, April 11, 185T. " iN hsnd nl for sale, low, for cash of prodat J Paints & lewd, chrome greeny white lead. prussian blue cbiome yellow,. Ma paint, 1 red do . iu oil, blk. do litharge, t n IV Common and peimanent grwpny.Ki . JXO. P. BROOKS. Slc BOOT AND SHOE STORE, ;: Oregon city,': J. B. BLAXPICD & CO. jj. x w OULD respectfully Inform the public itaai they have now on nana a ianr selected stock of ready-mad BUUi SHOES, which they oifti for sals oa re" terms. --, i r I (in . 11 ' ' " MAKING AND.REPAIRINQt 1 Done to order, on short aotios. " . May 8, 1858. ' : '' 1 " - ''' ' 4 For Sale at the CITY BOOK ST0S3, THE following work- - -') ' 1 ;"''1 ' The Home Cyelopedi, ' ( i of Ike Wtrldi Prog ' Useful Arts, ' u-i Issope, , ; ,(', M-f . ' " Geocrardiy, ' " '. i.,..ra . Fine Arte and Literature, Biography, dec. OcfT' ' Groceries v FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPS, J. SUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrap, C'' Starch, Snleraln, Cream Tartar, Sal Bom, Carb. Sod., PeW, r,SST permte. , " AprHl. lHW-i"! Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE. J BRASS and Itoa' Btt; 8J.V?. Latchea, Hammer and HstcheU, Axe,-Drawing-knives, Handsaws, Carry Comb, n Brushes snd Card, Gua Locks, t. Caps, , wee Cards, Chest Handles. f ' 1 L. Wm. 0. Pemenx WHnr.ESAta A RETAIL ,, rf Dealer In Orocsriss. Hard BaoU k Snoei, wrocseij. am TENDER their th.k to ?Tm--tomer for their pa liberal palroaage, a licit a eonlinnaoce of the sam. , jj. (,st They take pleasure la miormnig the hve bow on MB? a iars-. "Tsi-, stock of Groceries, HrrSrurt, B- , Crockery, and Boat Uteres, to ami making constant addition from 1 . j if San Fraaciscio, poreh for cn -g, t eaabW to eell at I , peioe tbaj any y- ' ' '' rTij..! . u us.ntaCras w-jsi T ; ' rrTsKB S.JJ three "" . '.'ie -'iot .lowed .on r$ZK-r rtical.r. i.o.oira at ft j,., !5, jn Orego Chy.