The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, October 23, 1858, Image 2

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oar manifest destiny should work out iti
own result. He wished the country to
hare nothing to do with Mexico or Ccntrul
America. Not word of Cuba. The
re-opcnlng of tho glare trude in the Union
was out of the question, impracticable) and
Yislonsrv. Why should Southern territory
be Increased f Who would put slaren In
Kansas or in any doubtful position f Kan
sas was lost to the South, because there
were no slates to place there. Texas wot
only kept clear of Northern emigrants by
constant struggle. What, then, could the
South do with Central America or Mexico
I lie luttcr country wag a corpse uoutinir in
the sea in a state of decomposition. Slioul
we be anxious to tuke it aboard f Tli
South wanted nono of the tost South-west
ern regions now. What it was our maul
fust destiny to hare, manifest destiny would
at the proper timo bring. The South
ghould for the present address herself to tli
cnltiration of her own Internal rescourccs,
The honorable Senator lias certainly oc-
quired some valuablo Information since the
dclircry of bis " mud sill" speech Cinein
nati Commercial.
1ST Tho Oregon Sentinel comes to hand
considerably enlarged. The cditoriul force
has 'also been doubled, and we may now
look for a bolder push toward what the
Sentinel has all the time merited to be
the organ of the party. Col. TVoult says
" We have associuted with as Mr. Wra,
Robinson, who is well known iu this sec
tion of country as a round, rcliublc, pro-
slavery democrat." We Lave always ad'
mired the honesty and candor of the Sen
tincl In hanging out its true colors.
advocating modern democracy, it bus never
tried to deceive its party by a doughface
' ncithcr-slavcry-nor-ant!slavcry ' policy.
fng !;;
:t lint floatad at Us-aastJasA
has been woven from pure Congo wool,
black as night, and a fit emblem of the
principles of the slave-breeding democracy,
Unlike tho Jacksonville Heruld, which ad
Tocatcd a frco Stnte and then voted for
slavery, or the Times, which advocated
neither and feared to vote for cither,
even Czapkny's organ, which had a Hack
side for one wing and a pale side for tho
other the Sentinel has been consistently
black outside and in, both theoretically and
practically. It has fearlessly planted itself
alongside of tho Administration doctrine,
that freedom Is ' sectional' and slavery ' na
tional' that the Constitution carries slave
ry into a Territory despite the wishes of
the people, Congress, or the world that
squatter sovereignty is a humbug and thut
Kansas, with a pro-sluvcry constitution
forced upon her by fraud, . perjury, and
ballot-box-stuffing, was fully prepared to
enter the Union with forty thousand iahnb
itnnts; whereas, with a free constitut.on
fairly chosen by tho people, she was not
qualified for admission with less than ninety
three thousand Inhabitants that the polit
ical opinion of tho Supreme Court in the
Drcd Scott case, in reference to the uncon-
stitutionulity of tho enactments of the same
men who made tho Constitution, is the law
of the land, and every doughface Is ex
pected to off with his hat and drop on his
mnrrow-betics beforo Toombs, leading the
ran of his cofUc-gnng of three hundred
slaves over the hallowed ground even of
Bunker Hill, on his way to U. S. Territory
.once sacred to freedom, to settle down by
the poor white luborcr, and reduce liis
wages from two dollars to four bits a duy,
Such are some of tho gems of the creed of
this modern democratic party, fairly and
honestly stated, and those who aro really
. democrats as understood at Washington
City, would do well to patronize the Sen
tincl, which will always dish out to its read
ers the pure juice that runs from the South
ern wine-press, trod by nullifiers with gar
ments baptized in blood, and for 60und and
reliable democracy will ulwnys say to its
' Ilark ! from (lie Toombs," &0.
The Unio.v in Danger. Gen. Adair of
Astoria has published a severe letter in the
Sentinel, proving that Cznpknys ' organ is
not a democratic paper, as it has failed to
take sides with the Iiccompton policy of
Buchanan, and lias rather stood between
Douglas and the Administration, with its
usual milk-and-water policy on distracting
Issues. In speaking of the fealty due to
the Administration policy by every paper
belonging to the pnrty, the General asks:
" Have yon made any defense of its lead
ing measures ami policy f If you have, I
would be glud if you would direct my at
tention to tlio particular leader, article,
paragraph or extract in w hich you have
manifested your devotion. I will point
you to a numlx-r in which yon have not
only signally failed, but where you have
deserted your post and been found in the
ranks of the eucmy. So lately as January
5th, an extract is copied from Forney's
Tress into tho Oregon Statesman, bitterly
denunciatory of the President's Kansas pol
icy, and yon, sir, add a recommendation
that the Constitution be sent back to the
people for ratification. I give the extract:
' We think,' says the editor of the Oregon
Statesman, 1 that the better way to disjiose
of it, would le to incorporate a provision,
submitting the constitution to the people of
Kansas, and send it back to them; uo peo
ple should hare a Constitution forced non
them without an opportunity of declaring
whether or not they want ft.' i
Now this asking the Agr.t to. 'make a
d'fenst of measures and policy,' Is indeed
cruel. It Implies that ho hits the ability
to muke an argument. For shame, Gen
eral! why didn't you catec-hlae him thus
" Have you ever blackened and blue
guarded Douglas and Ills follower as
democrat with your modicum of brains
onght to have done f Show me tho leader,
article, or paragraph where you hare cull
ed them 'traitors,' 'abolitionists,' 'black
republicans,' ' dinorganizers,' ' nationuW.
' gore-heads ' stink fliigers ' floating polit
ical excrement,' or fired at them any other
ammunition usually used In that ' favorito
rifle' of yours and all other reliably demo
cratic guns." The suggestion thut it would
have probably been well enough to let the
people of Kansas choose their own const!'
tution, Is, we admit, a very heinous offense
for a democrat.
The following Is the concluding part of
the General's letter:
" As you are pleased to announce that
'you have the fullest assurance that the
new delegation in Congress will enter hear
tily upon tins work of 'weeding out:" al
lulling to my removal, I avail myself of
tins lust occi 8;on, as 1 liope, of addressing
you, to re-assure you that I not only did
not rote for you at the June election, lust
past, but thut I hare not repented of that
omission, and now add to it, with the ut
most deliberation, the additionul postivc
offence, in order 'to muke assurance doubly
sure' with you, of discarding your organ ?
tho Oregon Statesman, from the . list of
newspapers for which I subscribe; and to
say lurtlif r, tlmt I Uesiro to bo ' weeded
out' of any party that ymi can control, and
Uy any delegation In Congress, that yoii
can command. You will please forward
your account for my subscription, and dis
continue the Statesman to my .order and
address.'' , , " '
This looks as though tho General was in
rather a bad humor. It is to be hoped
that upon mature reflection ho will muke
acknowledgments to tho Agent for not
voting for him, resume his ' subscription,
and do all other acts that arc expected of a
democrat ' who is anxious to 'save tho
Union.' .
FoncB of Example. A correspondent
oijhjjjngei. .Fot"1 TTtbI'1 wl-.o-fc
abroad,' and discovered that several farmers
in Washington Territory have planted out
young orchards, some of which are begin
ning to bear, soliloquizes thns to himself
" Well, I will go home, if not a better
man. a wiser one. Ninety-one trees in
Mr. Bouney'g orchard! I will have the
big firs torn up, and I think every hole
they leave will hold half a dozen fruit trees.
So I hopo to have on orchard yet."
We admire the pluck that would attack
a forest of ' big firs', which being demolish
ed, ' every holo they leave will hold half a
dozeq fruit trees.' The thing can be done,
however, with the perseverance and stiekto-
ativeness of Jones nt'the bead of the Tort-
land canyon. ' Years ago we passed his
place, when he had barned down whole acres
of giant firs, and reduced their limbs to ashes.
The long, charred, aud black trunks lay
across each other at every angle, rearing a
formidable breastwork in front of his bach
elor domicil, and leaving open ground
enough underneath to raise a crop-of pota
toes. Jones told us that he sold the pota
toes for enough to pay for clearing off the
fallen timber. ,. We never passed that
place, and saw him emerging from his pota
to patch on all fours, looking as black and
diabolical as though fresh from the place
we road of, and with his. bread-hooks bent
backward, rigidly set almost at right angles
with the arms, from long using them to
grabble'', potatoes, but what it gave us a
never-to-be-forgotten lesson in perseverance.
We hope, our Washington Territory friends
will nil take tho Argus and Oregon Far
mer.'and, after rending of Jones's example,
go and uo likewise.' Industrious people
in tho prairie, however, can find enough
to do without coveting Jones's place. ' "
Can Fern be Killer. We have heard
many varieties of opinion expressed npon
the possibility of killing fern. It has been
mooted question for the last ten years,
with probably a majority of disputants on
the negativo, We propounded the inter
rogatory to a Yorker named Root In 1849.
His answer was 1 Yes, anything that grows
can be killed by cutting off the tops, if you
cut them off often enough.' Others have
uggested that thorough summer-fallowing
would kill It. We once plowed a small
patch in August and killed more than
three fourths of it at one plowing. Mr.
John Smith of Albany informs ns that he
as killed tho fern in his orchard by hoeing.
The tops have been cut off every week du
ring the summer (Jhirtccn times in all),
and the fern is dead. : A neighbor of his,
Mr. Lincoln, served his orchard thus
two ! years ago, and all the fern was
effectually destroyed. By ' continually
cutting off the tops, the remaining buds on
tho roots are induced to send up shoots for
atmospheric nourishment, and when the
last bud has sent up its shoot the root mnst
die. Let some one tako a patch of smooth
prairie and mow it close to the ground ev
ery week during tho summer, and we be
lieve he can sell the fern that crows on it
fter that for hay. Our fern land is said
to be the best we have, suffering less from
the drouth, and the information we have
given. in this article if correct (and we have
no doubt of it) will be worth much to many
of our suberiler8. - ;
Wool. The Woollen Factory at Salem
has resumed operations. The price of wool
is such (15 cents) that sheep raising is no
object, and we hear many offering to sell
their flocks. Sheep (ewes) bare fallen
from t) to $6 per head, and will probably
be much lower another year. '' -' " ' "
Oregon. The organs of black democ
racy In Oregon, ouo and all, seem to think
tlmt Oregon will not be admitted into tho
Union for long years, because Kunsas re
jected slavery, and still they have no word
of condemnation for the party in power
which holds us at arm's length for this rea
son. They still hare the audacity to tell
their diijiej thut 'our party ain't a pro
slavery party,' and Instead of raving aud
cursing as they would if it was the Repub
lican party thut was thus dealing with us,
they think It Is all right. They snivel and
slobU-r terribly because now and then a
Republican In Congress is unwilling to rote
for tho admission of a Stute tolerating sla
very or polygamy, but when prominent
men of their party voted agulnst the ad
mission of California because, ns Senator
Brown of Mississippi said, it ' was a tree
State,' and when tho whole party together,
embracing the nigger-drivers of the South
and the driven-niggers of the North In Con
gress, band together to crush out the liber
ties of tho people of Kansas because they
will not have slavery, and kick Oregon
away as she applies for admission, becauso
Kausas has refused to bo bribed by the
Administration, these same ' self-sold, soul
hired and scorned IscarloU' meekly bend
their backs to tho lush of their firc-cating
masters, and snivel out their assent to the
justice of the whole thing. One of the or
gans which strongly advocated tho accept
ance of our constitution by tho people, has
now made the discovery that this same con
stitution is too defective and rotten to build
a State government upon, and that It is best
for Oregon to remain out of the Union just
as the fire-eaters have decreed ! ! Isn't ' de
mocracy' a jewel ?
KgrMrs. Thomas of Yamhill was
drowned in t small creek near Amity a few
days ago. Mr T. hud moved to California
with his family, but, becoming dissatisfied
with the country, was on his way back.
When within fifteen miles of his old homo,
he camped on the bank of the creek. His
wife went to the creek, for water, when she
irobublv took a fit and fell liendlnnff Into
the stream, drowning iu six or eight inches
water. i .
Strance. We notice that Col. T Vault,
of the Sentinel, is secretary of the Jackson
County BMe Society. This, we believe, is
the first instance on record where a demo
cratic editor belonged to a Bible Society.
Tho Colonel must havo had o pious mother.
isd JJiu.. W. C. Dement has rig
gcd a wind-mill at a trifling cost to a pump
a his pasture which brings up a constat!
supply of stock water. Let our furmcn
who have dry pastures improve npon
example of Mr. Dement.
, tTJffTLE Bums. We have proposed to
some of our farmers to build long cattle
sheds, with racks in the middle running the
whole length, and baring straw and hay
stowed away in the loft for their stock du
ring the winter. Mr. Johns near McMin
villo thinks It will not pay, as the master
brutes will always keep the weaker ones,
which ' need tho shelter most, : out of
doors. Will some of our readers who have
tested the utlity of these sheds let us know
how they operate.
' - LJ
i New. Lewis and company of this city
havo rigged a circular saw to a one-horse
power, and aro. sawing cord wood into
stove wood at $1,50 a cord. They cut
seven or eight cords a day with one horse,
a man, and a boy. n,, ,
1 SiRAW-CmERs. We notice in passing
through the country that many of our far
mers are without straw-cutters and feeding
sheaf oats at a great waste. ' Buy a straw-
cuttor and save the prico of it in one year
Dy cutting your oats ana nay lor your
horses. ' 1 '
Fnurr. The Standard says the last
steamer took 2,200 boxes of apples away
from Tortland. Good grafted fruit aver
ages about 13 cents a ponnd in this mar
ket, wliilo Missouri Russets are dull at 6
cents. ,..,.
Our price current 'is correct this
week. : We Intend to keep it so hereafter,
to accommodate many of our up country
subscribers whom we aro constantly hearing
from about it. " "' ' "
To Correspondents. ' 0. T. Q.' is ac
cepted, ond will bo published next week.
Let us hear from you oftencr. , , , ,
' W. N. G.' will appear next week. . ...
' Laura' is declined. AH that is good in
your article is stolen from Tennyson, and
all tliaUis original hasn't a singlq spark of
poetic fire in it i . n . . ,.; , ,; ,
' Jonah.' -Your articlo is respectfully
' inserted' in our stove instead of the Argus,
It has many good points in it, but in other
places it lets, down dreadfully. If we
8lwukl correct it, you would think we had
' spoiled it' : If you are willing that we
should prune your pieces to our own fancy,
we may publish if not, we know of no
other plan for yon to get your productions
before the world but to ! start another
paper . . ;. -,
Winchester, Oct 10, 1858.
Eo. Argcs Sir: Your paper addressed
to John Coppell is not taken from the of
fice. .You will please discontinue sending.
Yours, &c,
; s.rlane,d.p.m.
We have 'discontinued sending the Ar
gus to John Coppell, alrhoogh he owes
us f 2,00. r - . , - ;
; ' : f .t
" The total population of. Clackamas
Comity is 3,331"' V :r-t-
Nuts. We hear thut our friend Amos
Harvey at Bethel lias walnut trees bearing,
Luelllng and Meek have also trees nearly
or quite large enough to bear. Thcro are
black walnut aud Bullish wulnut trees
growing In many parts of the country, and
It will not bo many years before our cliil
drcn will enjoy the same winter evening
sports thut amused us old folks so much
when we wcro young visiting tho neigh
bors, eating apples, cracking nuts, and
(we had utmost suld drinking cider.)
It-Tho Yrcka (Cut.) papers are rejoic
ing over a now kind of melon (some call it
apple melon, and some applo squash
which Is said to be equal to the applo for
pies, preserves, Ac. The seed has just
been brought from tho South Sea Islands,
by a lady.
Link City Road. Mr. Moore is at
work with several bands on the road from
bis mill to Linn City, grading it, prepara
tory to planking, we suppose. The work
is progressing finely, and, from what we
saw of it, looks like a good job, It will
bo finished to Linn City in a few days.
Doggish. The Standard complains that
Tortland is overrun with dogs, puppic
and hounds, and recommends the starting
of a sausage factory. In behalf of Jo
Lane, the Union, and sausage-eaters, we
beg of our Tortland friends to let the 'yal
ler dogs' alone. '
Weatuer. The weather for the past
ten days has been cloudy, with occasional
showers. Tho rainy season is closo noon
us, and it would be well to lay in a supply
of wood for winter, that is, if the potatoes
are all dug and put away. " . ,
Lidertt Hill, October Gth, 1858.
Mb. Adams: Yesterday evening I visited
the Division of the S. of T. at Sublimity..
This Division was organized last July and
is now in a flourishing condition, numbering
about 40 contributing members and quite
a number of visiting members. The officers
for the present quarter are D. Kirkpatrick
W. T.. N. Rice W. A.. F. B. BpmgraJLii s
S., Wm. Torter A. R. S., M. Matthews
P. S.; Wm. Vandcrvort T., J. Donake C.
J. M. Grccnstrect A. C, 0. II. Smith J
S.f W. N. Fullbright 0. S., C. 0. Kirk-
pntrick T. W. T. .
Sublimity is situated in a high rolling
country, about thirteen miles from Silver-
ton, on the road to Lebanon. ; There are
four stores, one blacksmith shop, and
flourishing institution of learning in the
place. The institution is called the Sublim
ity College. It will probably be a place of
considerable importance some day.
Yours as ever, W. R. Dcndar.
nr ucorge tomoe, toe autuor o:
Combe's Constitution of Man, died recently
in England.
J8-The African Methodist Church of
tho United States, which is of recent date,
already numbers 80,000 members, ond 300
miuistcrs. It owns Wilberforce Univer
sity, near Xcnin, Ohio, where Bishop
Tayne, the head of the church, resides.
The buildings have cost $65,000. 1 " '
-i .' 'i.
It is stated that below Point Cou
pee, in Louisiana, thcro is one broad field
of sugar-cane covering thirty thousand
acres. There aro rows four miles in length,
and as straight as an arrow. At one point
the traveler can count fifteen brick sugar
houses at one glance. ,, : . ,
The western waters were very high
in 1836 and '37. Seven years after in
1844, and in seven years again, in 1851,
and then again, in 1858, we have a great
flood. ' The superstitious can now exercise
their talents upon the magical number ttte
en. We are told by the Louisville Journal
that tho Indians of the West held such a
tradition also of a seven-year flood.
i. '
A man would have but few spec
tators, says Dean Swift, if be offered to
show, for three pence, how he could thrust
a red hot iron into a barrel of gunpowder,
and it should not take fire. . i
According to Monsieur Gcnin,
French savant, the sex of eggs can be dis
tinguished. AH eggs containing the germ
of males have wrinkles on their smaller
end, while female eggs are equally smooth
at both extremities. :' 1 .
A& 1 lie Louisville Journal says no
doubt newspaper subscribers are in the
main a good class of men, but we fear the
chief beverage of a considerable number of
them is coffee that doesn't settle.
'i r- ,., ;r
The London Lancet says, that to
determine the period of life which furnishes
tho greatest number of insane persons, it is
sufficient to bring together the records,
made np under different circumstances.
One of these, made at the Bicctre, France,
where poor men only are received, another
at the Salpctrie, a hospital for poor wo
men, the third, an establishment devoted
to the wealthy, have been examined, and it
appears that the age which , furnishes the
greatest number of insane, is for men, that
from thirty to forty years, while for wo
men it is that from fifty to sixty years.
The ages which furnish the least, for both
sexes, childhood, youth, and advanced age.
Among women insanity appears earlier
than among men, indeed from twenty to
thirty years of age. The rich are more
subject to insanity in proportion than the
poor. -
19 Nearly all the suicides in this coun
try are by foreigners. Yankees rarely, if
ever, make way with themselves; for nearly
every one thinks he has a chance of be
coming President and at any rate his cori-
ofiitv nromnts him to liv on., iut in m
I 4 I '
, what he will come to.
A Hunch or Kansas Questions. Tli
Democrat told u that I lie orluiiml Ks
as Quriiinn was "sriileil" Ut winter.
Perhaps It was ; but there Ik a whol
bunch of promising ynunir nueitiuiii grow
up from lli old ruot. We wMi soma of
lite rrmlite D. D' ( Ooutors of Democracy
would answer thcie nnmtions : re can'l.
All 1 ho Adniiiiittrniion supporter lolJ
us, and still lell u, ihot tho Leenmptoo
Constitution wan not submitted la Hit peo
die Lv tuo hi'iiliili Hill. Mow, then,
they account for tho fuel thai tli Lecuinp
lun Uunmituiion nas wen rrjeciear
F.ight mnth sgo, these Demoornit d
ulaiod ihni ill only wsv lo settle the nuei
lion was lo bring Kantus into tho Union
with the Ieoniplon Conmitution. 11
do they explain the phenomenon that ill
question is eitled (as they say it is), while
it it not, anil never will lie, in the Union
with the Leromplon Conntitution t
, The Washington Union of last Friday
says that the " hnulwi Dill lint been re
jected because the people of Kansas were
unwilling to lake upon lliemielves Ibe bu
di-o of sustaining a Stale Government."
Why, then, did the rretuleni and tb
Democratic party attempt, six month auo.
to ores I lie people of Kamat lo "take upon
themselves the burden of iiiiaining a Stale
unvirnment I
We might point out some other sprouts
from i lie old slump oltlm Kansas linbrog
lio; but these will do for the present Ht
Louis Jxews,
Trsatment or Witnessks. The Eng
Ilfh lord of the bench deemed at A) est
mimier about a month sgo, lhai it wm
a principle of common law that a counselor,
in questioning a witness, should add rem
him in ordinary tones and in language of
respect, such as is employed by one gen
lletnaii in conversation with another; thut
such lawyer has no right lo question the
nriVHte uniiness or moral character of
witness, any further than it it apparent ihey
absolutely affect hi reliability or touch
the coe in hand : and that a witness is not
bound to aiiawrr questions put to him in
an insulting and bull dmn'ish manner, f
lorecd to airawer by the court, ha will hnve
hit remedy in nn action for damages.
The Title or the J'hesidknt. Th
lilloofthe President ia the name of hi;
office, lie is not " Honorable, like mem
hera of Congress, of Stnte Senates and
andjudgesof the Superior and the inferior
cjiuijLi-Ji-4- net -ll f.xcelloncy, lis
Governors and Anibutsndors. He i aim
plv "The President." This is not nnlv
matter of usage, but it has ben settled by
Congress. A proportion was made to
jtive an official lido to the President, and
the one that wns received with the itiot
favor was " Ilia Highness (he President of
the United Slates and the Pro'ec'orof thei
Liberties.' Hut, alter dncuss on, il was
decider) that his title should be "The Tres
idem." The dienitv and simplicity of
this are far more effective than any of
those swelling titles that have comedown
to ut from barbarous timet. Any other
title is ridiculous, vulgar ami snobbish. -
t i .....
t3T The Ma?on:c fraternity of Lou Ik
ville have erected a building that has cost
from 8130,000 to $150,000. It ha been
built almost entirely at ihe expense of the
members of the fraternity.
Oriential Stoby or the Fhcsvix. On
the boundaries of Central India there is a
unique bird, called Scmeudn, in the beak
of which there arc, as it were, several dis
tinct pipes with many onetimes. When
death aimroachcs. this bird collects a ouan
tity of dry wood in its nest, and sitting
upon it, sings so sweet with all its pipes
that it attracts and soot ties tho hearers in
a marvelous degree; then lighting the wood
by flapping its wings, it allows itself to be
burnt to death. In a short time a worm
is produced from the ashes, and from this
worm the same kind of bird is again pro
duced. Ihe inhabitants have made a pipe
of admirable sweetness for singing imitation
to the bill or tho bird. ; .....
SOT True religion, says Bayard Taylor,
is never spasmodic. It is calm as the ex
istence of God. I know of nothing more
shocking than such attempts to substitute
rockets and blue-lights for heaven's eternal
sunshine. ,
.-. ' SAUM.Oet. 19, 1858.
r.D. or Allocs Dear sir: My attention waa
called tome time aro to an article in the Standard
lined U. v. Walling, ronectins upon me for an
llezed dereliction of duty in regard to the famoua
roar pound pear winch was entrusted to me Inst
full by George Walling, whilst on my way to the
State, to be left with the President of the Nation
al Agricultural Society in Washington City. The
article to which 1 now allude, although it contained
groundless and uncatled-ior attack upon me, I
then thought was unworthy of notice, as Mr. Wal
ling had never yet sought ine out or written to me
for any eiplnnation In regard to what appeared
mysterious lo him. Since that time, I have been
informed that Mr. V. ia orally givinir the imprea-
tion to his friends that I had not only been guilty
of negligence in not having the pear more speedily
conveyed to Washington, but that 1 had made
money out of it, either in exhibiting it for pay or
from the aale or photographio sketches. Alter
having heard of the above, I think it nothing but
right to make a full statement of the whole matter.
Last till while at Miiwaukie on my way east with
my family, Mr. Walling, who then waa a stranger
to me, aud a man whom I should not now proba
bly know if I should meet him, requested me to
ike a mammoth pear weizlung four pounds to
Washington City for him, and leave it with the
President of the National Agricultural Society.- I
told him that 1 would take it and do the best with
I could. I had it carefully packed in a box with
cotton, and everywhere, both by steamboats and
stage, when I waa absent, my wife always took
charge of it and guarded it with a vigilance that
could not have been exceeded if that little box had
contained all the wealth of Mr. Walling in gold.
Upon reaching San Francisco, I virited the interior
of California to see my friends, and carried Ihe
pear with me, never daring to leave it behind for
fear of some accident to it. I exhibited it on many
occasions to friends, always charging them to han
dle it with the greatest care. My wife generally
held it ii her own hand while exhibiting it. I nev
er got one cent fur showing it, neither do I believe
that anybody ever did after it had gone out of my
possession. After I had at length given out going
east, I sent the pear from I one City to Mr. Gnshee,
an honorable man, paying express charge myself,
and requesting Mr. Guahee to forward H t Yah-
igtnn immediately, if he thought It would possibly
keep p if not, n must do with it the beat he could.
This waa all that I could do, aud it waa done at the
suggestion of several friends at lone City with
whom I conferred upon tli matter. After aH my
trouti by ea and land with thai pear, it seen I
have got nothing but curses from the man I tried i
accommodate. lnenaoawhyIbaeKverealled
Walling and given aa aooount of my aleward
p, aa b eema to think I ought to bav doue, is,
that Mr. W. lives at place a much out f my
way erf travel that a visa to hisplac would bare
been attended with more trouble than I waa inclin-
bt make mvsfth" for aaseh an errand : r does be
k that I Mght la har had lb strainer haded
m I M up at 1.1. plao. n cem.B, n r,
wm: went on shore and m. ,i, ,i ' IT
.ran, where .U. have not reeog'V
I doe, a, r.gnl,. hi.n, I ah.ll
uch an account of my thankless a. L?T
A. BTtrr1
Ocl. 7, at the residence of Ihnbrld.'sV.L.
B.nlon county, by t,.T, Mi,q J
A. roars., of W..higlofl ,., u Mil! UJ
M.Munv.of Jl.nton Jounly. ! mm Um-
i . . Not!
Husband versus Wifm .
Nothing Itfiu.
"yj bav just received a heavy aasaraa
by the last steamer, whloh w. will ,i
ram tat gale for f 9.4otT
T OFFER m, farm, situated X '.
J. from Nalem an Uie Oregon Clly mad IT
for ail. Itoonlalns3'i0aon...i...o li:
of which are uuder fence and 71 in eulhrauT
I hav. about 1 .600 fruit tr. f ajTZ
m, pears, plum., and eherri- ii
of whh bearing, and all rf ihtn ,1
beautiful. Ther. is .U. . emfofUbk."J
bouse, a splendid well f wat.r. ..j . Jl'T
en the premise. The farm is sil sated oiul E?
den, of Lake U Dirt, . wa.Tadtlnt
rably adapted lo rtoek ralsiag, itd 'for (Zm
gram cannot be exctlM. Time will beaTena.
part of the money. f panic.!.,, nlai,?
Slsnton near Salem, to VVVL Adams af oZJZ
City, or lo me on lh premises.
uct. in, ibj.v;bw5 J.W.8TOVER.1
atvm .. aoarars. MOu. lf
'' ' ' ' : Dfltn In'"''' !
Tombstone, Obelisks, a4 Snlrea. ,
Counter Tops, Firs Fenders, GraUs, .
Hearth Stones, and Steps, ' ' "
Ship on Fronl at., opposite Commereiil Wh..f rax
ARE yon going to Oregon City In boy (
I fan, yon would probably like In know
know when
you can buy the mom and beat for tli least -
ney. 'that place is . i
establishment, nppoaile Cibnn'i Sal, sad it
mistake. We have just received a heavy aan
ment from San Francisco, which, bavin, battel
low, wo are able to sell in each a way teal ear
prices shall speak for thcnmlvc, nitlwat aasja
piimng. m e have , .
of ever' description, such a aaek & frock mis,
ragliina, lalmaa, iuckets, rests, pants, cravats,.
shirts, collars, drawers, under shirts, rashes, star.
hauls, and all kinds of India-lubbsr ejMaiaf. '
aiso, an ainn i v .. I .. . I ul
: Dl GOODS, , I I,-,,.,"-,,
French, EiipTsh, American, Il fumitar ealest.
ginghams ol all colors, all wool and hah MaitV
luines, French, English, At Anw can merino), at
paens, silk worsted, all color, all wool sad half
wool plaids, silk and woollen shawls, sinjlsardo.
ble, cashmeres, 1'erry's style of dreas cods, vel
vets, liusey, jane, brown II bleached shestief,
oilcloths, Irih linens, silks, cambrics, silk SLvsInt
bonnets, . arfs, sleeves, chemisettes, edgisf , rib
bons, hilkfs, gloves, hosiery, needles, pins, hssks
Il eye, perlumety, hair oil, jewelry, kraesHSa,
boots, shoes, rubbers, hats a caps, accordsons, ti
gar, tobacco, pine, aud about throe huadradaad
seventy-live other articles lo numerous and Is
cheap lo pay for advertising. ' . ,
' Juw the reel is, a we are permanently local,
wa are desirous of doing business on sack term
that we ahull not be eompelli d to sell eft' at cast,'
but we intend, by quick stile and small profit, I
lite and let live. Ladies and gentlemen art al
ways welcome, and will be promptly waited on."-
Remember, Remember, Rerser,'. .
that our store is opposite Oitm's Saleea. Til
ne trouble to show our goods, and w can bnl
Portland all ihe time in price. If Too deobtil,
call and satisfy yourselves that ther 1 no bsav in th matter. ....
r r.. A 1C-.0 i.'.:..f i . OSjtoS
KEEP always on hand STEEL FLOWS,
warranted to scour, una geoa
WAGONS. I can always be found
at mv ahon. iiDDOsite McKillUy's,!
rmwlu Id ninka DloWS. iron WaiTOn & BUfji!
shoe home, or do any other kind of work iainy
i home, or do any other kind of wort lainy
, 1 keep a large assortment f aw""
nail, either to tell or t use mpM IJ"
i a horse as toon aud as well aa tb bsel r
line. I
and naili
mhnm A K
them. If you doubt it, com end ee foi ' year.
" Y 117 f rwiu.
elve. " "l';r,
Oregon Clly. Oct. 9, 1858. ;
I Jhorse siioEsrt
at Troy, N. Y. have Henry Burden!
proved Howe-Shoe Machinery now "
operation and are prepared to exeenl 'VJ
and pattern, at a price but lilll above th I
of Morse shoe iron. V ' J , ". 1 ''Villa
. The quality of the iron used in these
warranted In every respect. These he m
been approved of, and am new used by
Government, exclusively, a also by .""J"""
principal stage and Omnibas companies
shoers in the country. Th " ' T J
chased through the principal Hsrdwar J"9."""
tore in the United 8talee. ' -j.
Order addressed to the uDuw
Y. will receive prompt '"''0f,;uriPV s,-i
WM. F. BURDEN, frs
Oct 9, 18J8 y. . '' '
j-MrtPWRI! Thifd and Walf : aire -4
Kj eppo..t. th. K.fry Jinjv i ;l
Th traveling public are respectfnUy mm "
give ma a can. , . '
The OREGON HOUSE - Ihe ljr
antly located hotel ia the Territory. and "T;
- altemd within th. M few s -an
of the moat emodwo """1,1,
lory. Tb Xmbi always ba topplw wwa
best that lb Market aflbrd. .. . ,.aii,
Good acommodalHna lur lames m T-"
Good and feed for bom, wi FT
attendance. ' ' . ., tbsjs
IT The sUffe-ooKh to nasi iroos -
usurepau"""."' .. ;
Board and lodging, per week....-- JJ
Beard, without lodging, per
Single meal "" ' m
Nigbt'a lodftrg . ""''''A'rlil.f
Aug. 8. ia57m ?tTT.
AXTitKoSid d aU r'-'.V