.M Uu U llrswa. !Itc In lit body ill, Absent from J Inn I mm, And nightly pitch my roving lent A day's march nesrvf bom. Mr Father's house on bi'te'. Home of my auul how near Al lime to Failh'e forsdng J Tlit guUn gale sppesr I Ah, then my spirit faints To reach the lund 1 lve, Til br gill Inheritance of saiuts, Jerusalem abut. Yt elua.l will Intervene, Ami nil my prwjM-ci lliesj Lik Noah dove, I lb: between Hough kiu and ttuimy sk.ee. Anon the eluiiie dirpcrso, TI.e w u Is an. I waters rease, While sweetly tiVr my gluddi nrd heart L .pui -i Ibo U.w of praC. Miutgimery. IUcovsr.v rana Sturm-im. Dr. Adibel Green, of Philadelphia, li.i rorkd, in his c count of I,- .irly hie, thai when a young man ha fell under irreligious influence among oHicir of the nrmy, an I at length b came a sceptic l'.ul his in ud v iu imt al rest, lie read the boding Work, on tiio evi lt iir. a of Chr siiun ity, and found that he could not withstand III argument, but even hi intellect needed somclbing luitber. lie ays: " To tlio Illb'e itlf I determined to iniike fi lial ajne:d. My Christian e lucalion bad already rendered me in a dcgivw fimi.iar with a large p lion of it content i but on lint I r solved tu ('luce no d-pciideiice. 1 took up III" New Testament oa if I had never opened it liefore, and with the ingle object of lo- klng out for Ignaturcs nf Divine-ly-inpired truth : and I prayed, si well na b.df an lnlidil could prny, that Go I, in nlexe existence and attributes I Inhered, would hrlp me to form a jiut opinion of the truth or fallacy of that bw.k. Proceeding In I hi way, 1 bad not g 'tie through the four Lvaiigd'sls when all my sceptic mii I'll me, aud to Uii hour i: ha never Mumed. My m nd, indeed, baa eomet mi hern harasied Willi almost every specie.' of inlidsl, am! rvi u athei.tic, suggestion ; but I bate, at Ihe very lime of their ovcurenco, been thoroughly convinced lli.it they were fjlso and groundless. It would be Hell if thoM troubled with ecrpti col doubt were to treat tl.em in tho manner tlat waa dmio In this instance. The word uf (iod, if houeatly atudicd, with prayer for euli;;hteutuciit, U Its own beat witness. A Hxr-nr Dkatii. We dike lliu following bi au tiful article out of the columns of tie Buslnu Fust. There is sweetness of sentiment in it, which we have uo need to commend to our friend every where t " la what variety of forms and shapes coniclh the loat aiumuoue to ua, fur thia bo ly to a p .ru!o from the aoul fur thia corruption to put on incor ruption, and lliu mortal immortality. " 'Tie belter in balUe lliun in bed, laid my uncle Toby. He hi very frightful in house, quoth Obe dbb. I never mind it mys.lf, aaid Jonathan, upon coach-box. It mint, in my opinion, bo most natural in bed, replied Susunno.li. And m each one ha hi or her particular desire, touching the mode and manner of their departure from earth to tho ' undiaeoveted eouutr) ,' ul;l:onr;li it cannot alway bo frrntilied. " We, with a party of friend, were discunin tlii) matter one evening, when one of our number, o physician, rem.il k d lli.it if ho could liuvo hi elioice of exit from thia world, he would prefer to go nff in a consumption. ' My wife,' euid he, died that ';iy. So gradually and bo gr-nlly wue bcr dein'ae, tluil the mound to Meal imperceptibly onayj and when the band of deuth waa 'really upon her, I termed uvrr her mid. linked her buw ho felt. She ojiencd her bright blue cy?, rn liant with a most happy extension of jiiy,Fbfleiied wi'li tranquillity, and whispered, 1 Do nut apcuk, dear Jiitliind, I pray yon, but fld Join mini nnmnd mo, darling, it nil! Lo a well. 1 iini changing Wurldii, ui.,1, oh ', how braiitifii! ! Good by '. ' " Knur in Coon lli-.'Jon. h is n it grra cukim iliea that eniLittcr ctlatence ; it ia the petty Vena tions, tho small jealousies, tho littlo disnjipoint liieiitu, the minor m'seriis, that mako the heart heny mid tho temper sour. Don't let them. An ger ia a pure waste of vituliiyj it isalwaya foolibh, and nhvays disgraceful, except ill Mime very rare cases, when it is kindled by seeing wrong done to another: and even that noble rnge seldom mends the mutter. Keep iu good humor. J'lio compuiiy of a good-liuiiiored man is a perpetual feast ; ho is welcomed everywhere. Eyes glittcn lit l.ia np preach, and difficulties vutiitli ill li: pretence. l'raiiklin'a iiidoinituhlu t:o xl huiimr did as niuili for his country in Iho old Congress as Adams's fire or Jifl'erson's wis loin. lie clothed wbilum with smiles, and softened cou'.eutious minds into ae ijiiiesceuce. Ikbesolition. Irresolution i n li.ilit wh'cli creeps upon its lietim with fatal fncilitr. It is not viciou.i, lint it leads to viee, and ni '.ny n fine heart lias puid the penulty of it at tho scnlUml. Trilling a it appi ars in tho wavering steps of llic young. its lorin ciiangeatutiiutol u ln l.leii monster, wh cli load thcm tii destnii'lioii with their eyes up, n. The Idler, the spendthrift, the cpleurenn. and the drunkard, rvro umong its victim. Perhaps in the latter il eliVet'i apj'ei.r in Ihe niont liiileous form. lie knows that the gidilel which he Is dhniit lo drain is poiion, yet ho bwuIIiiws it. Ilo kiiMVs, fur tlieexanijilo ol'thou ands has painted it in glar ing colors, that it will deailcii nil his faculties, u.ko Iho strength from his limlis and tho happinew from Ms heart, opprcru him with foul diseases, ami hurry his progress to a dishonored gruve, yet ho drains it under n species of dreadful spell, like that hv which small creatures ore said to approach and lenp into Iho jaws of the loitliesoinc serpent, wIiiho fiendish eyes have fuseinated them. J low beauti ful aud muuly is thut power by which the resolute irun passes unmoved through there dungers. . JIli'Siiino. Hlushiug is said to bo a sign that omething of the angel ia left in woman, beautiful to the eye, and bespeaking the imvnrd purity of the heart. When u woman ceases to blu.-li tlie has lost her greatest charm. t7 Could a memento he ruised on every spot from which nn ncecptahle praj cr has passed away, and on w hich a prompt answer has come dowii, we should rind Jehoruh-thammuh, ' the Lord hath been hero,' inscribed on many a cottage bcurlli and mauy a dungeon door. tW There are two extremes of feeling wherein w exierieuce happiness the excess of melan choly and the acme of luirth. Which is the sweetest aud most enduring, depruds upou the nat ural temperament of the individual. ty In the Bwcct remembrance of one we lorn, we ut timea aim to f irget that the loved one is not present. The bright minge is ever before our eyes, or perhaps we should nay, the dear rpirit i alwaya in communion with our own. tS?" A writer has compared worldly friendsh'pe to our shadows, and a belter comparison waa never made, for while wo walk in th eunslnue tbey stick to ua, but tho moment we enter Ihe ahude they desert us. - s tST Howadji Curtis has declared himself in favor of women voting, lie thinks it no more "unwomanly for a woman to drop a ballot in a box, than to w hirl iu a o!ka in the nnns of a man ahe nover anw before, aud have ber cheek fanned by his tipsy breath." HT" Kit North say it ia no wonder that womca lov cat, for both are (rrseetul, and both dotnestie. not to mention that they both acratcb. 1ST Never trust a secret with a married man who love hi wi:'e, f,.r he will tell her, and she will tell ber aiater, and her a ster will tell evervUdy. ISpHope i a ent'ment exhibited in the W3l' ml dog' tail, w baa waiting for ls. UUSINKSS CA1IDS. W. T. aUTUlC.. W.O. iOIIKaoN, Matlock St Johnsca, ATTOn.XEYS k COU NSKL0H.4 AT LAW, And Solicitor in Cltancery, "TTflLL promptly attend to any busine which M may t eoinmlltod to their prnfr-taioual eharc b. fore Ilia Pistricl and Hiiprenn Court. tUli. in II gliliold'a bii kliug, immediately op p-ant ihe Main Hlrret I Ioiim. t)iegn City, Mareb 7, 157. 47jr JOHN R M BIUDB, itroisit ki cotiaeiLO t htw, fafayrtle, Ytmhill ('nitty, 0. T., WILL faithfully attend to all birainen en truttrd lo liua profrasmual car. ' Win. 0. Dcmont Ji Co., TtT'llOl.KH M.liand retail Dealer in firoc-r. W lea, rriivisieus, Taint, Oils, I loots and Klines, Croekrry, Ae. Opp-a.le the Mnd liTier, Main bl.Orign'n (,'ily. June 1, Icjj. CIIARLE3 POPE, JH., DKAl.MI! in Hardware, Grorri, Dry (irl, Clothing, lluol A. Mhov, Medicius. Booka and Sintiiinery. Mnln-t.. Orchil City, April 21,157-1 S. r.-Iilwr.In, MmvfarturfT, Whu'.natt and K'tcil Drlr in cook a.i iMt::.03t ktovi::, Tin k coma waai, luanWAai, kc, MainSl, opposit Main Straet Hot I, OIILGOS CITY, O. T. Slesuiloul and jobbiug work attended to with diipateh. Urdrra from In country promptly filled. Je7 HIGH FIELD, ,?N IV ATC II. MAKER. AM Ferom dralrous of c tling L'oul work don will do well to give me a call, a my whole lim . de Vol, d to th repairing of Chronoiii'.r, Lvir, Duplex, and llorinmlul waleke. , Au nHirtmeut of Jewelry an hand. Jewelry nml to ordi-r, uud repaired. Prices to suit th times. 1 am thankful for post favors, and hope to give sal'ifaotiou iu futur. ID Lneateil at the old stund, npposit tho Tel egraph OlUee, OKEGOX CITY. Fb. 3. n Srugs, I.7cdicisos, Faluts, Oils, VV and ayc-stafl, ii nltheOUKUUN C1TV DICL'G STORE, eplo Mu'u Streot, Ore;;nCiiy,O.T. JOHN P. BROOKS, Wkvlemle Krlail Dealer in Urortrkt, Product, i'lon'iio.j, ej-c, .Vuiil Utreet. A Genrnil Asiorluieut kept up of Selected Good Cunenitth, March S3, loj". GUN SMITHING. BEING permanently located iu Oregon City, I am prepared lo carry ou Iho business of GUN -SMITHING .V ALL ITS DHANCJfS. Thoao who favor in with their patrouage, may expect la have their work dou:- right. Those teho leave G 'iYi al my Shop for repairs, and do not call for them within nidi months of the time set for ihe work lo be done, may expect lo have Ihrm wild to pay churge. FKHDINANU WILDE. June S7, 1857. llmlrj Eeadic for the Million. S. J. McCOKMICX HAS CONSTAVILT O.N IIANU AT'TIIK FRANKLIN BOOK sronK, moNT-sr, toi-.tlanu, okkgon, A Choice selection of Popular Books, News ijL papers Mazaxinea and b'uney Slaliouery. Among tiie hooks on h ind w ill be found work on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, l'oetry, lliogiupliy, Itleilicines, Religion, Science, School Iionki, Uoiiuiiices, &.O., &c, &.O. ' IMr'Siihsoriptious rceeivvd for Harper, Graham, Uudey, Leslie s, or I ulnaiii, at t a )'eur, pott at (ttt. Iirr Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in tiny part or tlie Union. liememher the Krankliu Hook Store and News-.iK-r Ag ncy, Front strael, Portland Oregon. W. D. Hutchias, fX D., LAFAYETTE, 0, T. REFFU3 TO l'rof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati, Ohio; , rrof. J. Kust, " " Prof. Cuiirlury, La l'uyette, In.; Dr. W. Amintroii'', Fiu llcy, Ohio 1 J. FiJier, M. D., 'Tiffin. J. Chumbcrlin, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr.!. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohio) 1'iof. II. F. Johiia.ii, Philadelphia, re ill). ; Prof. J. Drown, N. V.; Dr. G. Kellogg, Milwatikie, O. T. W. D. Itutchiim' Jiulsam Wild Cherry. J.iyno's Kxpecloraut , '" Alterative Ayrcs' Cherry Pectoral $1 2.1 , 1 i5 1 25 1 Hi and a general assortment of BOTANIC MKDICINES kept at all times, And I am making arrange ments lo miiiinfacliire my lialsain for the lungs, from the Oregon cheiry. augl." E T T H E U IA 1170 CAN! y oaani. r&ows, OK AU. SIZES, A' ME now being manufactured and offered for rule in Oregon City, at Ihe Blacksmith shop ueur Mr. Cuulield's store. The undersigned, Inivii-' had five years' expe rience in tho PLOW business in Oregon, begs leave to inform tho furmiiiir community thut he is conlnlcut of tieiin; uhle to supply their wants in the I low hue, if they win give h ni u cull. Dec. xt), 1S;W. . J. W. 11YV1S. KU.VV1NU, KUAUVU01U, A.C. rpllIO puhlic, are respoclfnlly informed that the X lindei.'giied have opened a oIIAv IM SA- HK)N oninwite Mcssm. Gibson & Putter' Uill- iaid Saloon. " Huir Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, $-e. done in the lulest and most approved style. Also, Iioot-blackiug, light jobbing, &s. Gentle men's bed room taken euro of. and all other small jobbing doue on Ihe cheapest and most expeditious terms. JOIJ. &. TIIO. MAS WAUD, dun. 30, lt:8. Main tl., OrrcroH Vity. "I S by himself, and would respectfully say to his X friends aud the public generally lliat he is thankful fur past patronuge, und willoominue busi ness al th old stand, and will ever be ready to show his Goods to those who may favor him with a call. Come one, come all, both great aud small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, and examine for yourselves his splendid aud select stock of vn' goods, vnorisioxs, CLOTU- ISU, BOOTS, &1IOES, and CKOCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Ac, &c, Hats, Nails, lirooms, &c., and almost every thing pertaining to a general hue of business. All kinds of country prmluc taken in exchange. Country friends will tind it to their advantage to give me a call. C'liuemnh.SepL 6. 1rtr.STON"S Sectional and Comity MAP of Oltl'.GON and WASHINGTON TKK- LITOKIbS for eale by ang 16 CHARLES POPE, Jr. Ocilia? OS I a VALU.VDLK a-Mimriii of HOOKS and alionery. Teacher and dealer and all iuierealed are iuviled to call aud xm ue. March Jl, !sj7. C. POPE, Jr. For Colo. ACRKS OF (JOOD LAND on lire! O Upper Mnlslla Prairie, h'or particulars ni'ia ro ef ii. L. Uxadlxt, at lh City Hock k'.era ia irgoa City. Fab. 6, liii. J PACIFI3 UNIVERSITY, t'ureit O'rore, Wathingtan Co.,- Oregon Rev. 8. II. Sfjtiisii. A. M., rreihlrnt, Ucv.ll. Lyman, A.M.,Vr. Mathematics mill' eolleo-lat vear.coiuistlni of on term of L mue inoiiihs, will eommeuce on tho Sud Widuesday of September. It I the design uf this Institution lo furnlah a thorough and complete eollririat education. There is a Library of IUUU volumes for lb use of III slu leni Applicants for admission toeollrfs must have a kuovi ledge of th eommou Knghsli branches, and hav studied lh ancient language so far as to luive read portions of Co-sar aud Cicero aud th Gieek Header. The tuition ft is $13 per annum. Students fitting for enll'ge, as well as olh wishing lo pursue collegiate slkdiea witlmul end iug upon the follrgo count, will bo under th i !.... I Inn nf tiim t nl!A tearhers. The fall term of II weeks In III" piepnrntory . i i . . i .. .i ilrpir'ineiil commence in in .i n cuiiouay rvpn mber. Tuition, per term. of Tualatin Academy, f'unst Grove, Washington Co., Oregon, Ur.v. Cu.hiino F.ells, Principal. Th full term will commeuco ou Ihe 3.1 Wed nesday of 6'epteinber. 'I'uiiion hi the l oiiiumn hrauches. 80 In tin higher biunchrs, gS per ipiurler. Wily T L'ST KECEIV ED, the Oregon City Drug fj bture, direct from New York aud Ban trau cbco, a large assortment of Drag, Chemicals, I'utentand Fumily Mtdicinet, all of w hicli will be sold a low or lower than they can be hud nl any olher place in th Territory, Coutilrr merchants will lind it to their interest lo buy here inieid uf Portland. Call and tet. Oregon City, May 9, 17. CUe Oracfonborg Company, THIS INSTITUTION (incorporated by the I.evislaluro of Iho Stale of New York, cop- ilul 11)0,111)0), wo founded for Ihe purpose of supplviii" the puMic with the celcliruteU OUAtr K.NUElUr MEDICINES. The series comprises remedies for neurly every disease, ndupied lo ev ery climule. l'or families, travelers, seamen, and niiuera use, they are unequaled- All the mcdi cine are PURELY VEGETABLE, and war runted to cure the diseusea fer which they urvsev erullv recomuiended. ' ' The Graefenberg Company does not profoss to cure ull diseases with one or two med.ctues. Our aerie consist of ELEVEN ditlereut kinds, ad apted lo the various diseases incident to the tem perate mid tropical climates. 1 lie luiiowutg con prise Ibo aeries of Graufcuberg Medicines: Tho Uvttctenberg Vegetable Pllli Are considered tho standard Pill of the day, aud am infinitely superior to any Pill before the public. They opcrato w ithout irritation on all the excre- lion i, purging the blood by me nowcis, uvcr, ma neys, uud skin. Murslinll'd t'lorliio Catliolicon, An infallible remedy fur all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, wcuknese iu the back, pain in breast, nervousness, debility, etc. In California ani Oregon, out of more than a thousund cases where this medicine bus been used, it bo in no single instance failed to give permanent relief or to eliset a cerium cure. CRA EFENBERO SA RSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. One bottle erpiul lo ten of the ordinary earsnpanlla for nurilvmg Ihe blond, A sure euro for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcers, dys pepsia, cult rheum, mercurial diseases, cutuneous eruptions, &c. The (ire en Mnnnlaln Ointment, Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swellings, scrofula, do. An a pain extract or, it cuiiiint be excelled, ull'ording immodiato re lief from the moat excruciating pains. THH GRAF.FF.N D-EHG DYSENTERY SYRUP. This extraordinary nrticlo ia a speedy and infallible remedy in diarrha-u, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, and tho Asiatic cholera, if taken with tho first symptoms of the disease. 11 is pure ly vegetable in il compound. ' tiraifenherg Children' Panacea, ' For summer complaint, and most diseases to which children are subject. Its true worth can never be set forth in words, but il can be felt and apprecia ted by parents whose children have beeu saved. iNo mother should be without it. tiraefenbevg Tile Remedy. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. Willi the Ointment, there ure very few cases which cannot be radically and permanently cured. A siirgicul operation for Piles and I'uUula should never be resorted to until this ointment ha been thoroughly tried. ' It never fails. ' ' tlttVtlUXIltlVU IVYE IAiTIOM. For diseases of the eve, this Lotion has no equal, It is a speedy and positive cure for inflammation of the eyes, weaknesses, dimness and failing of Bight. It will uiways lie beneficial iu acute Inflammation of the eyes, and also as a wash on inflamed surfaces. i . ' ' ' GRAEfE.NUBRO FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. , A speedy nml positive cure for this distressing complaint. T'lieso Pills are composed principally of tjuiuine, with other vegetable tonics, auti-spaa-modio and febrifuge article. Thousand have beeu permanently cured by their use. Ciracfciibcrg Coutrmptivc' Balm Sovereign iu all lironchial and Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, beyond all question, true that con sumption is a curable disease, and the Consump tive' liulrn is the best curative ever used. ' ' Graefenberg Health MUler. These bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared from a number of invigorating, healthy roots, barks, herbs, and vines. Au invaluable tonio and health restorer. i Graefenberg Manual of Health. A handsomely printed volume of 300 page, con taining coucise aud extremely plain descriptions of all mauiier of diseases, their symptoms and treat ment Every family should have one. Price only !i5 mils. It will be sent, poet paid, to any post office in California or Oregon, oa lb re ceipt of 25 cent by mail or express. : Address Uediuglou & Co., San Francisco. The Grat fenberg Medicine are for aale by all Druggista aud apothecaries throughout the country. A. (I. STKELK, Agent, Oregon City. Geuerai Agenta for California and Oregon REDINOTON at. Co, Wholesale Drngfisl, No. 107 Clav street, 8aa Francisco. T I.MES just received and for ail by .1 J my.'lO F. CHAKMAN. O RANGES a tut lot jnat received' and for ala bf . CHAK.MA.X. WM.C. DEMENT A CO., OFFER for al lh following goods I 1 doi mill an, 7x8 fret, 9 " Xcut do SO cow bell (superior), ' 10 " han.lM a sea, 10 " without do 10 " bandied do, ess'd sixes, 10 " potato digger, 10 A lines' spades, 30 " curry combs, : S00 lbs wrapping Iwlue, 100 " I II packing, Mill feet I K beMiiif 1 INDIA RUBBER GOODS of all derr Imiii. Olegnu Uly, Jan. VJ, ISjS Now Sooka t rrillE subscriber has just received a large as, X ortinenl of HOOKS, direct from New York among w hirh are lh fallowing I Alison's Hurt, of Europe American Institutions, Hillimaiie do. Live of tho ttignora, Democracy iu America, 1 1 ib) Ion and Nineveh, Land and le, "Hea and Sailor," "IJ. ck and Port," '.Ship aud Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Three Years in Califor.. C.ye. of Literature, Egypt and the HolyLand Itucbuh'a Fain. Phys'n., Lurdiieroust in hugiue Manual of rme Arts, lecture on Iho Arts, Travels iu Peru, Polar Region, Muhan' Philosophy, Vuo't .Muiiasti riei, Choice Uiogrnphy, Peruvian Anliquilic, Choice Krlrael, A variety uf Poet. .1110 copie uf banders' Kpcller, f,t)0 ' ' Headers, S.',0 ' McGufley' do. 2j0 11 Websler's Diutionarie. Davie' Algebra, iNewmau'aUhetorie, ' " Gemnelry. I Day' do. " Bourdon, Parley' Univ. History, " Uurveymg, tioodriclr riot. 0. Legeudro, I.Montellli' Geography, " Arithmetic, I" Little njKaaer, ' Tliompson's do. IN. American Speaker. ALSO, A rronh ftnoplv of Stationorv. Dav liooks. Journal, Lrduer, lloi'ord books. Memorandum, of all aixea, Diariea, Ac.Noleand Letter Pnner, Lnveloiie, Pen, ate., ichras Kuivea, Kmaive Itubber, Gummed Label, Faber' Pencils, I.N K, iu quart and pint bottlv. WUOLKSALR AND RETAIL. CIIAKLKS POPE, Ja. Oregon City, August 18, 1BS6. Xodioi! "aVTOU will Bud an excellent assortment of Dreu JBl aud Bonnet Silk; Satin and Velteti; ulso Honntt Trimming; Uotitry, Glutei, Lacei and Ribbon; Table Cluth; Ctmuler panel, ite., al th store of . CIIAKLKS POfE.Jr., (Main-st., opposite Abernethy' (tore,) where may be found almost evcrylntng in tlie Hue oi Dry Obodi Such a Print, Ginghams, Alpaca, Merino Plaid Linscys, Muslins, Sattinotts, Jean, Flau neis, Sheetings, lied Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Bulling, etc. Oregon City, April Si, 1857-llf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, Ja. d ANDS' Sursauarilla. Peck' Wild Cherry Tlit t9 ten, Batemau' drojn, Uraiidrelh'a pill, Lee' pill, Perry Vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Ouin Cam nhor. Gum Arabic, lirilisb oil, Lobelia, Hut drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dalley' pain extractor. LuudaiiMin, Pareuoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essence, Composition Powder, barters Puliuonury Dulaum, Sulphur, Kpaoiu Suit, &v. April 21, l9j7-ltf Store New Goods, AT CIIABMAN (St IVABNERS. XX ADDITION TO OUK USUAL STOCK I wo hav just received, direct from San Iran Cisco, a good aud suitable supply oi Goods for this Season of the 1 ear, which we offer for sale at price which oannot be beat in thia market Our stock consists in part of 400 lbs sal soda, SO boxes English soap, SO ' Chus. Hill's soap, 30 doi com starch, SO case pie fruit, 15 " pickle,. 8 dor honey, 8 " lobster, 12 " oysters, SO hlfbbUN O sugar, 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlf bbl dried apples, 8 rils mackerel, S000 lbs slick candy, 500 " fancy do. ' 1 caso Gallipishcr toy, 1 " German toys, 400 lbs almonds, 12 hlf boxes raisins, C whole boxes do., -48 prs good .Mackinaw hlunkets, 2000 yds brown sheeting, S000 " calico, Hoots and shoe of every description. The above, with our usual assortment, we think renders our slock complete Cull and see us. Term cash. CHARMAN $ WARNER December 20, 1857. Experience Makes 1'crfccl. Why Go to Portland to Bug Goods? WE wish to inform our customers and Iho public generally that we have now on hand, in addition to our usual heavy stock of Gro penes and Dry-Goods, one or the largest uud best' selected stud: of , READY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered iu this murket. We also w ish to say that our goods are of excellent quality, and that we will sell AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON, . Portland not excepted. Our old motto still governs 0nr trade " Quick sales and small profits." Our (lock of good is now open fur inspection to all who will I'uvor us with a call. Call and sec, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell as low as any in the Territory, fur cash, or produce at market rates. . , CHAKMAN & WARNER. Oregon City, May 23, 1857. JU 8 T R E C E a splendid lot of 1 V E D CL OTIIING, BOOTS $ SHOES, ; ,i . . . ami Dry-Goods of nil Description. Wo can now till almost any bill a farmer mav call tor. i,aii ana see. March 14. CHARMAN &. WARNER. AVE JUST RECEIVED A IIIAVV ASSORTMENT 0 AND HAVE PCT Prices Down to the Lowest Figure I Come in, those who want roods cheap. mhl3. CHARMAN & WARNER. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMBER can leave their bills with Chaman St Washes, which ill fill, and deliver the lumber in Oreron City. if desired. H. S. BUCK. Oregon Oily, Jan. 6, 1858. 40lf Hane'i Arctic Expedition, . . RUSSKLL'S CRIMEAN WAR, aiuj olher interesting work, for sale at the sep 12 CITY HOOK STORE. MACAULAY'S History nlebv of England for C. POPK, Jr. . BRICK. . 100,000 8,. epia iv.ai. o. xc.ajBv 4. CO. A Few Case OF that uperior GREEN TEA jnst received by WM. C. DEM EST & CO. CASES rpl3 1 Crumpton's Medal" Tobacco at WM. C. DEMENT 4 CCS. ATTENTION, T ASjaSBJI ! T H R E S H E RS7 REAPERS, AH O TVaiai WE have now on th way from Ilia Eastern Wales, To Arrive uboiil Ilia liial of April, A SUPERIOR LOT at the above-nienlioiied machines. They combiu all of lh latest improvements, and w hav no heaitaliuu iu saying thai w believ them to b lh MOHT rWHflXl MAI.UINV.H now biouuht lolhiseoKt. They were constructed under our own supervision, having all lh altera lion necessary lo render lliein suilubl fur lh country. The THRESHERS consist of two, four, and six-horse power (ruilwny and sweep), wllli.rluvs tor and every essential eouvuuiriic known to Ihe machine. Our ItlCAI'EKS and .MOWERS ore combined machines, sinlalilil for either mowing or reaping, They work from two In lour horses, with and without rakes; or, in other wards, 0110 i u (elf. raker. In Addition to tho Above, We have, tu ariivo at the same time, th following AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria rimes, X 8, Boiton Clipper Plows, Extension Cultivators, Gra peri tie Grain Cradles, Scythes and Sitalhs, Straw Cullers, Hay Presses, Hay Forks and Hakes, Horse Hakes, Whccllarroic, Shore's, Spades, CZDBR XaZLLS, DARK 31 ILLS, d TANNERS' TOOLS. Abo, a select assortment of SMITHS' AND CAnPENTRIts' TOOLS, Willi many other article not here mentioned, We would say to our customer and the public generally, if they are in want of any of Ihe above mentioned articles, they will do well te call and see ours.beforo purchasing elc liere.as we are aclcr mined to sell LOW 'OK CASH. We would ulso add that our Machines arc being runidlv sold to arrive. Hotter call and secure one of them before too Inte. If preferred, Machines dshvsred in 1 ortluiid, if eugageil lie Tore amvul. Wm. C. DliMIiNT it CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '58. Opimtitt L iud Ojjice. ratronlze XXomo Industry ! T IIAVK. liowin full operatioua CABINET X'SIIOP in this eily, near the Congregational church, where I am manufacturing BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, SOFAS, and such other furniture as is wanted by Iho community generally. There is connected with my shop a 1 uu.Mu-l.Alui., where all sorts of liirnliiircun be done. L-iree and small Sjiiilnilig-Wlieell made to order. 1 mn making a belter article man imported lur nilure, and selling it ut a less cost. Give ma a call you will lone nothing by it Oregon City, Merck 27, 1858. 50m6 BEFORE AND AFTER USING DR. JACOB WEBBER'S SANCUIFIER, Or Invigorating Cordial. Sold only in Quaiit Bottles price $.1, or two for $3 by all Druggist iu Culifomia and Or-. egou. Juno lib, leas. Farm for Sale for $1,500. I OFFER for sale u half section of land situated about six miles cust of McDotiuld's ferry in Forks Siinliom, Liuiic county, and about twenty miles from Salem. I he shape of the lund su.ts it well for ordinary farming, and it is also one of the bent iloek farms ill the country. The improvement includes one hundred und twenty apple trees of improved fruit ; also peach, plum, und cherry- trees, all of which will soon be iu plentiful bearing. The locution, is favorable to health, ia beautiful and plAisuut, J ime will be given on a part of the money at moderate intere.il, nr good stock taken for a part. for further particulars call ou me ut tho Union Store," Salem, or ud.lros by letter. Information concerning it can ulso bo had by calling on W. L. Ailums ol the Oregon Argus. Feb. 87,IS58-lCinfi - C. IIOEL. T1TOFFAT S Life Bitters und Pills, Bernard' 1YL Dysentery Syrup, Wistur ' Balsam of Wild Cherry, at the OKIiOOiN t llY UHLUSIOKK. Central Produce Depot. CANE MA II. 10NSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, j wheat, oats, bacon, lard, butter und potatoes. ApiU4,07. JOlliN V. llltOOKa. W. F. Barns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITY, O. T. ID Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis fuction to patrons warranted. feb9-43 DOZ. thumb latches, cheep, for sale by WM.U. VKMHa V Jl CO. s IIAEEU Sarsaparills, at the - OKKUON CITY DRUG STORK. DR. Osgood' India Cholagogue, and Dr. Jones' American Cholagoiriie, al the ' ORIiGON CITY DRUG STORE. Itnyard Tailor's CYCLOIEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swan's Three Y'ears' Residence ou the North West coast for auile at the CITY BOOK STORE. UAX SEED for sale at C. POPE'S. ILT MOULDING for picture frames, for KX sale by CHARMAN &. WARNER F ULL assortment of Yankee Notions at nih2l CHARMAN & WARNER'S. S ANDS' Sarsaparills, in snyqoantity, atthe UlitUD un UKUli STOKE. CHAIN PUMPS price reduced-for sale by mr28 C. POPE, Jr. WE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE good WHEAT at the market price. for novl5 CHARMAN 4- WARNER. 16 DOZ. Oysters. CHARMAN d WARNER. DOZ. grape-vine cradles for sale by WM.C. DEMENT Y cw. AN. irtment of Bibles snd Testaineut for aala at the Repository price by C. POPE. Jr. Land Warrants PURCHASED BY J as. 21. WM. C. DEMENT 4 CO. U. S. MAIL LINE. Oregon City and Portland Daily pt(hl P-, ItBBUOtrk .. .nT. Joiaii Mrsica. Mu. ' Will run daily, (Muudays rxoenleil 1 1.. ,1.. i i named trade, h aving Oregon city ivery mfrZZ oukick, a. m. Returning, will lest rwtlaai 1 I) .m., touching at all intermediate points For freight ornaeaage apply on board. ' ' Sally Lin '' Between Portland and Oregon Ci'f fllll E new stern-wheel steamer . 1 EXPRESS, lASS Wh. laviso, Master, will run between Partly and OreconCily daily (Hundaia taceiHed) LIr iw I'OUTLAM) nl 10 a. h., and OlSiSt OltrXiOir ' ' ii, ,, XT. S. MAIL LINE" Portland n ud Aslorli. ' The Snli'uili.l Steamer I! ' ' XVXultnomab feffij WI LL continue to run regularly between fZl lund and Astoria, tia Vancouver, Twies wr.KK, leaving l',.itl.,t,d ou Monday and UanLt nioruingaof each week for Astoria aud mm2L for I'crtland ou Tuesilay and Friday nxon touching VAKCot)VE,ST.IULiia.,Uiii, cAt UUKT, dco., rauii way. For frnehl or ..'.. apply to R. 1IOYT, M..H,, JelC Oratlloyt'sWhatf.bom, TorUtni - Wow Arrangoraonti. -' I HAVE bought out Ihe BAKERY sjUWU meiit of CAarmori . Ifarner, which I now opened under Ihe most favorable eireaa! stances to all old palroua, sud a many nw Zs a may choose lo giv m call. JIv sbo wai be well supplied with 7 Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Jfuts, C. dies, Raisins, Figs, Cigars, Toy,, and almost every other variety of kniek ksaek yt Invented by Yankee ingenuity all f aAi.. will be all'orded AT TUB LOWEST POSSIBLE lATEs! ;' ' I ahull oncaaionally receive supplies from lbs' tropical latitudes, which will be duly sauouBeti upou arrivul. All are invited lo give u t e,n "".p'KICK CHARMAN. Orecon City, April 35, 1857. j ' JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon City Drs .Store, direct from New York and Kan Frs. cisco, a fresh supply atDKVOS, MEDICINES I'ulent Medicines, Family Medicines, &e., Ae.', which will hi sold at hive fur caik at they can bi procured in thi Territory. Call and examine far yourselves, and get an Almanac for 1857, gratia. JAYNIi'S Alterative, Expectorant, and Pills Cod Liver Oil, Castor O.I, and Sweet Oil, st the OREGON CITY DRUG 8TOUE. MEXICAN Mustuug Liuimeul, G. W. Mtr chant's Gargling Oil, at Ihe i OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. ! nRCSSES, right snd left snd double, sad Ab JL domiual supiorters, at Ihe , OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 1)UKE While Lead, raw and burned Umber, Cronic, Green and Yellow, and other paints, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE. ERFCMKUY.ut the " OILEGON CITY DRUG STORE. GRAICFENBERG MliDICINES: ' 1 Graefenberg Sarsapurilla, UteriiieCalhollcoa. " , Dysentery syrup, coueuuipiivs balm, ( " Pile Olntnirnl, Health Itinera, ' " Eye Lotion, &e., kc, To be found at Ihe agency of the Company, st the OREGON CI I'Y DRUG STORK. HAYMAN'S Dyspeplio Elixir warranted t cure lh dysiiepsin iust reenived and Us sale at the OREGON CITY DRUG ST0RB. DR. G uysotl's cnmiound extraot of Ssrsapuika aud Yellow Dock, at lh ,i sept j OREGON CITY DRUG STORK, , LD Dr. Jacob Tuwiiseud's Sarsaparills, at OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. , D H.J. Ayrcs' celebrated Cherry rectors! la coughs, colds, and consumption, at lb OREGON CITY DRUO s i OKB. M cLANE'S celebrated Vermifug and Dtsj I'ilU, OUKGON CITY DRUG STOKK. i) R. Townsend's Siirsapnrilhi, at lh UKEGON CITY DRUG STOKK. TJIiUUVlAN Febrifuge, for the cure of ftve and ague, Ac, &.O., just received and farsal at the OREGON CITY VUVU Si UKD. Ciiiieiictili, Arll 11, 1857. ON hand and for sale, low, for cash or pruduc Taints & load, chrome greeu, white load, " ' prussiuublu - red do iu oil, chrome yellow, l.lk. do 14 blue paiut, litliiirrro. 0 ' 1 Common und permanent green pully. glass JNO. P. BROOKS. Ac BOOT AH3 SHOE STORE, OBKG QX CITY. J. II. EtLA.HFIED t CO. j WOULD respectfully inform lh pobliella tlx y have now on hand s large snd selected tiKk of ready-made B O O 1 SHOES, which lh) oiler fur sale on reasonaw terini. ' -MAKING AND REPAIRING-. Done to order, on abort notice. May 6, 185S. -r For Sale at the CITY BOOK STORB, mHE following works ...... , i X MagioStafi', by A. J. Dsviii . , Great Iron Wheel, by J. R. G"ML, Dred, in 2 vols., by Harriet Beeche" Sti The Homo Cyclopedias, of the World's Progress, " " Useful Arts, . Europe, . i ' Geography, Fine Arts and Literature, . ' Biography, &a. OetJ.. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES P0PB,JM CUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, CbceWM S3 Starch, Snleratus, Cresm Tsrhn. Bsl " Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spice, Alam, Borax, vr pTaa.elc. Aprii 21. lfr'-'u Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE. J BRASS and lion Butt, Screws, Lck ss Latches, Hammers ssd 'fh,"'"2 Drawing-knive., Handssws, Curry Cmb., n. Brushe. and Cards, Gun Locks, Gu Csp. Cards, Cheat Handles, Plsnea. fte " ' Wm. O. Dement fc Co., WHOLESALE t BBTAIL Dealeriln Orocefiei. Boots St. Shoes, Orocwry, TENDER their thank, to their 'JfJ, tomera for their past liberal patronH,"" , licit a eoutiuuanee of the same. . They lake pleasure in informing wi- they hav now on niuo s" - , eiseS, M-ck of Croeerie, llardaan. BosU 'n Crockery, an d Boat Store; to bich twy J ,nt additiooa frt '"" . ,. Durcbaaed for cash ouly, " makiue conatant San fruueuico, pureuaaco v - tair-ita enabled to sell at lower prices Ihsn snj "rj : . . . . j " " -ft - BBLS. fresh "Santa Crux" LDIB i- , a j- iimI nl.otler receive " . 50 WI. (DEMEST".. sale by n. -,,trn LAND sra 6111 AtKU or viv . JJ thre. mile, of Oregon City. ' TimeslUrwed em part .f PSrO particnlars inquire at tb CITY lJuu, .a-jj. . ia Oregos) City. KJ