Baptist Booka. WE EXPECT by nasi mail ale smer a qoan. lily of the American Baptist Publication Society's Books, ronh.lirig of Fuller's Works, Bunysn's da., Tba Fsshnlsl, pockul, pew, snd (ill sues, anj verlely of oilier works. Wt will aiala thai we Inland lo keep a torn plete assortment of Ilia Society's books. Order tot singla boolta, r b ilia quantity, will be promptly Ailed. Churches uud furnished at tht lowest prlct, JOHN A. POST. Oregon City. Aug. SI, IMS. : . Extra Notice! WE WISH lo Inform oil who are Indebted lo ua that oa Ilia IOtii dat or Htntuutt sjkrt wo shall clone our booka on J arvouiita, and ui( ths trtdil business entirely! Wo shall re lain our booka and papers for one mouth fur Ilia purMao of collection after which time all so eounla not Milled will ba left wilb aonie officer fur collection. Wo hope out and oil will coma forward and eloao up their account! wild cah or ouch produce ai wo luually laka at the market ratea, or make sallsfaillory settlements with ua, CHARM AN $ WARNER. Oregon City, Aug. 14, IbjN. Vapor Hangings, N KW LOT, just received, and for eale by aug u Tltua. iiuiiaaoA. o. a. & asa to. weed, PHYSICIANS, OFFER their professional aanriceeto ilia cili una of SALEM anl vicinity. They will practice lha llygeo-Medical (bailer known aa llj dropnlliio) system, bclieviug all drugs to be not only unnecessary in the successful tleatmaut of diseases, bill injurious lo the consti tution of the patient, and relying entirely upon liygeuic appliances. , Special attention will be given to Orstetrics, and those diseases p-culir lo women and children, by Mrs. Willi, Puticuts ut a distance treated upon reasonable terms. . iUriMxceai-Drs. R. T. Trail and O. W. May, of New York city ; Dr. G. SI. Uuurue, of Ban Frauoisco. Office Crrr BouE Stoat, Salem, Oregon. August 7, I SOB. 17 GOLD MINES AT HOME I A. HOLLAND. L. DAY. HOLLAND fc DAY HAVE just opened a new and splcud'd assort ment of GOODS At the Old Stand of F. S. d A. Holland, opposite Geo. Abernelhy'a brick store, where they oau be found ut all times ready to wait on cunloin ere. They are uow permanently located, and hope byatrict attention to busiueiai lo met it a lib oral share of pelrouuge. Their stock in part consists of the following ar ticles: Ginghams, lawua. clelanca, prints, meriuos, flannels, alpacas, blenched domestic, wool plaids, damak silk dress Roods, hosiery, white shirts, check do., hickory do , over At under do., boote 4 shoes of nil kinds & sixes, shawls, line k coarse, aaliuets, blk, browu & white linen thread, Coats's spool cut Ion, ribbons, artificial flowers, tie. Also, East Buatuu syrup, California refined syr lip, sugars of nil kinds, tohncco, entire, lea, ua la, salt, candles, and a thousand oilier things, loo nu merous to tnent on, sll of which Ihey will sell as low oa any other house iu Oregon City. ' They will pay cah or goods fur all kinds of pro duce, such hs butler, cgi, chickens, or almost any thing the farmers have to sell. There is nothing Irving. So give them a trial. - HOLLAND & DAY. ' Oregon City, Aug. 7, 1K5H. ASH paid fur LAND WARRANTS, by HOLLAND Sl DAY. . TTamhill rarm for Sale. T nPVh'.lt a beautiful furm of 3'.'0 I 1. Vun.Lill Mtinlu fne . 1 f:.Z JL. Dfcir. III I .. v. i:wul loi Idiim ou the Dremises and a lil-A tie land under fence. The place la udmitled by nil to be one of the mMt delightful residences in the country. For particulars iuquire of Ilia Editor of the Argus, ho is able lo give all necessary in formation. July 31, leiiS-liiwl For Sale at the CITY BOOS STORE, THE following works Magie Staff, by A.J. Davis; - Great Iroa Wheel, hy J. R. Gravea; Dred, in 3 vols., by Harriet Bceuher Stove The Home Cyclopedias, of the World's Progress, " LV-ful Arte, '' ' " Europe, " Geography, " Fine Arts and Literature, ' Biography, &n. Oct 3. Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. CJUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Cbocolnte, W Starch, Sulcratns, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Carb. Soda, Pepper, Spite, Alum, Borax, Cop peras, etc. Apriitfl. IH57-ltf PRESTON'S Seeiionnl and County MAP of OKEGON and WASHINGTON TEU lvITORIES for sale by aug 16 CHARLES POPE, Jr. Tor Sale. CJ( ACRES OF GOOD LAND on the W O Upper Mnlulla Prairio. For particulars enquire ef E. L. Bsadlsv, at the City Hook Store in Oregon City. Feb. 6, l?58. OT1" PaMockis WooU. of Ptatca anil Il lustrated Counterfeit Detector fur 185(1, lie says i "Hosteller's Hitters ore really what their name implies, a tonic and gentie stimulant, calculated lo act upon the eyslem aa a medicine, and not, as is too often the cuso, a mere invention under which to indulge in tippling. We would nut venture to make this statement, did we not feel sure it would be corroborated by the willing testimony of thou sands all 6ver the Uuited States, and especially luuughout the western and southern parts, where j: n-Avnil wliieh reniiire such a Dre- iceiuMu iiuoiui-f. .... ---, . acriptioa. We uro assured by a genUemnn of largo experience, 'no is a i.c.i;u ... -whose judgment and impartiality may be relied upon, that ' Hostetter's Bitters are a sure thing on Fever and Ague, that scourge of our newly set lied regions; which, indeed, has within the past year, prevailed to an alarming, extent in sections generally exempt." Aa there are several imitations, be cautious and hoy none but the Genuine. Sold by w. : Pr. A. H. STKELK, Agent, ' SMITH & DAVIS, Portland1. Oregon City. l". PARK & WHITE, General Agents, 4m2 132 Washington it., San t'ranritco. Yg- Wtstar'a Balaam af WtU Caerrj . iu.IIMnlntuiiL bronchitis, astlima. spit- line of Hood, cougha, colds, croup, whooping . n I ... i ... I ! I h M mAt. and cooen, mnuenia, ucr., , - " .. . : bretft, soreness of the breast and lunga, phthisic, wasting of the flesh, night sweats, mflatunutioo of the lunga and throat None geuuine without the name of Sakdmso it Piaa engraved on the ootekie wrapper. Da. A. II- STEELE, Agent. Oregoa CttS. PA RK & WHITE, Sole Agtt, Sm2 '. 13J rr'Aireii at, Sim Vrancuco. ST r. cuysoti laaorovt Extract of 37 n.-i j ia nnW ml on in the Urtrest (qnart) bottle, and . to be the beat the wonderful ures it has Irformed, thT-na' copies of which are in the hands of the proprietor. Bemember. tbia is the only true and I origins I an.- M. i : fMsad ftprrirdinfr to atrrc- Sr WILL CL' RE, WITHOUT FA.L.W-ul.rking-a.v.1. na torn-. ""P"? skio, o.illa, chrosic aore eyea, ringworm 01 UtuV.?beuL.lI.ln, fain in the bows or ,-ntt, . . .L.n,,rf lha ands. sphi- , :. i. .v..., of the kidaejs. loas of appente, disease arisiug from U "0 01 BMrrary, paia ia mo awe ai '""- iiebtMv, jaundice ass caaiveora. . rr Tbe rrosine is ami op in quart kottles. - PAkK WHITE, Suit Agemtt, )3i Vr4iges t, Sa Franeuc - Pa. A H STEELE, .V'af, Or;a City. VtoL OHO. T. NXWXLIi, TKACIIKR OK Vocal and Instrumental Masio, OREGON CITY. Us will also Instruct classes In Instrumental r vocal muMu, or both, In ditlersnt sections of ilia eouutry, wlieu desired. July 84, IbSby. C"i r. N. continues lo Import HOLDER'S To KI'LENUIU PREMIUM PIANO FOUTEd. Any person wishing una of those In- strumenis can have It at the rtuw York pries, adding freight, &..,wilh 10 par cent, eominissioii. Land for Sale. ONE HALF of Ulock No. 132 In Oregon City. Aito fourteen seres of valuable laud adjoin ing Oregon City, on Holmes's cluini clesrsd and broken. Two lots in Albany, and one block in Corvallia. Ail the ilnvo ars wall located, and will be sold on sssy It rms. A Iso 3SU acres of good land In Clatsop county, I art of Cofllnbury's claim, and LIU acres ou the Clackamas, about six milrafroin Oregon City. A. 1IOLUROOK. Oregon City, July 31, 18."iH. Ill FARMINGTON STORE, THE subscriber Would respectfully Inform the public generally that he has opened a NEW STORE AT PARTINGTON, On the Tualatin River, where lie intends carrying on the Cicnura! itlcrcbaiidlse DniineM. Us will keep always ou hand a good assortment of Ms) GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, llarduare, Clothing, Dooli and Shoe, Conftct'onery, Ligars, Stationery, lie. The above will nlwsys be offered at the LOWEST PRICES! For Cush or Country Produce. f-S" Please call and see for yourselves, tnd save your expenses in going to Portland lo buy goods. .Motto "biuall prolila nnd quick returns. THOMAS BAILEY. Farmington, July 34, 1H5H. Good When I Wanted, IOR which the highest market price will be . paid iu cash or trade, at the July r All.MlNUTON STUItlS. GOOD GRAIN CRADLES, Scythes, aud Hnnths, at BAILEY'S, July 24. Farmington Store. LADIES' aud gents' KID GLOVES, at BAILEY'S, Farmington. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, 0 REG OX CITY. BEING permauently located in Or egonCity, I take this method offT notifying the publio that I am prepared V to make s superior article of llarne'ttt, Riding Saddle, Pack Saddle; Bridle; and everything in my line, on very short notice and on Ilia most reasonable terms. Pn.'kcrs going lo the mines will find Una the very place to make their nling aud packing outfit, as I keep just the article Ihey need oonstanily on liana. July 84, 1BJS.13W7 JUll.-M SUIIKAM. i E W S T O It E AT McMINNVILLEl HAVING permanently located myself at Mc Minnville for Ihe purpose of merchandising, I would call the attention of the ciliieueof Yam hill to tbo fact that I am uow keeping a full as sortment of GOODS, such as are suited to the country trude, audi aa DRY AXD FANCY GOODS, Druys, Oils, Medicines, Paints. BOOKS, hardware, tar, rice, fish oil, lard oil, linseed oil, bear's oil, red lead, venilian red, shot, powder, lead, Sried fruits, chain pumps, glass, ropes, sugar, syrup, luuigo, spice, pepper, mauaer, glniier, sail, a very superior lot of BOOTS It SHOES, and a variety of such other articles as are adapted lo a eouutry trade. All aorta of produce tuken In exchange for goods. 1 am determined to sett on aucn terms aa wiu justify lite farmers in buying of me instend of go ing below. S. C. ADAMS. Mc.Minnville, July 10, 1858. To those Going to the Mines. I TAKE this method of letting MINEItSnnd travelers know thut I have plenty of rnorisioNs & horse-feed, AT TUB Lower Crolii3 of Sandy, on I lie Immigrant Road, (Eight miles above Philip Foster's,) One day's journey from there to the summit 1 can give all nccctsary directions as lo the route to the Dalles aa to water, grass, &a. Fresh beef alwayajm hand. Prices Risasonam.k, July 17, 1DJ8. rtlAttiia uevnew. For Sale. r WISH to sell my property on the hill J above Linn City, occupied at present ff uv Ut n. r eigiiooM. it..".i-r able. Address me at Calapooia, 0. T. July 3, 1838-12 v. BLAtn, JiimI Received, ALaRGE assortment sf DUO US, WIN DOWS, aud Venilian BLINDS, which will be sold on Very favorable terms. June in. THOMAS juiihwj. 30 UARUELS CsLirosms LIME for sale b T. JOHNSON. A LARGE assortment of FURNITURE just received nnd for sale by T. JOHNSON. M ATTRESSES of all descriptions fur sale by ... I . I I V.ll I XT T. CH.MA. A. WABNER. Charman di Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLKSALI k AETAIL Dealers In Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shoes, Paints, Oils, de., In their 6re-proof Brick Main strict, OREGON CITV, OREGON. . Wb. C. Dement & Co., WHOLESALE tt RETAIL Dealers in Groceries, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, be, TENDER their thanks to their numerous cus tomers for their past liberal patronage, aud ao a coutinuince of tbe oanie. . They lake pleasure in informing me punnc mi .i i AW ah IimiiH UrirA and desirable uiev nw - i- stock of Groceries, Hardware, Boot! and Shore, Crockery, an Uoai o lores, so wnicn ,nrj making eooatant additions from New York snd San Francisco, purebssed for cash ouly, snd are enabled to eel! at lower prices than any other ators in Ortgon City. ""' - nnrc r.k S.nti f!ruM LIME n() 1 do. calcined plaster received and r AA ACRES OF GOOD LAU wnnin J,)y) threa miles of Oregon City, for sale. lun. allowed oa pan fi---rr partkulars inqnirs at ths CITY fOWTOE Tand Warraats l'StUM.C DEMEM CO.. I a., n. surru. r. S4STSU, CTXLXiAXVXnZXB IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to Inform Ihe public of Oregon and Washington that we have completed our C.' JBS Ws, BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINE SHOP, snd are prepared lo build Boilers, Engines, Grist, mills, Sawmills, and all other kinds of machinery. Our busluess connection with Ihe Eastern Stales Ihe grea' convenience of our locality Ihe superiority and number of our machine the use of water power instead of steam, snd Ihe per. feci knowledge of all branches of our business, will enable ua lo compels with California. Inviting the public to give us s call, and lo favor ua with their patronage, wo promise to sasouis their orders on Ihe shortest notice, snd At Bun Frau'li:o Prices. A. KOSSI dc CO. Jons ID, 1858. lOyl- THE SPELL 13 BROKEN 1 ! The Election lVOver ! t A.ND 4 KE selling off at COST the best-seleoled A sloc k of ff&ffSIT o IDS, CLOTXXXXsXr, aTSWrXAT, BOOTS d SHOES, Ever olTerpd in tbia market, to which they would rcspeclfullyeslllho attention of merchants and lbs publio generally. They assure enstomers thai they now oiler the beat inducements fur the invest ment of money by those who desire lo purchase 5 ik ids of an escelleut quality snd at extremely ,01V RATES! Their whole slock will be sold without reserve sl coat prices, aud all closed out as soon as pos sible. Oregou City, June 19, 1858. Notice! ALL who ars ludebled to the Arm of Dussx sssav St Brothers are requested to call at their store and settle by CAsn or rots. June 19. WELLS, FARGO & CO NEW YORK, OREGON AXDjCALIFORNIA EXPRESS b EXCHANGE COMPANY. CAPITAL, 800,000. EXPRESS FORWARDERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS! Ship Treasure at Ihe lowest ratss, aud insure uuder our own open Policies, held with the best Euglish Companies, VII I Indemnity Mutual Murine , Marine Insurance; Royal Exchange lusurance ; and London Aasurauce. Forward Freight and Parcels - TO ALL PARTS OF THE ATLANTIC STATES, CANADA, , AND EUROPE. EXCHANGE on the ATLANTIC STATES and EUKOPE and checks on 8A.N Fit AN- CISCO procured at the Agency. O" For the better security of ourselves and the public, Agents in California, Oregon and Wash ington Territories, are furnished with " Appoint meuts" or Commissions, specifying their powers as oar Agents. Such " Appointments" ihey are re quired to keep exposed lo tbe public view in their places of business. 1 Office at the CITY DRUG STORE, Oregon City. June 1,1858. A. II STEELE, Agent. " SELLING- OFF AT COST, An Extensive Assortment of CONSISTINO IN rART or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Drugs, Medicines, Books, Stationery, cj-c. GIVE us a call, and we will give yon bargains. June 26. '58. CHS. POPE, Ja. To Milliner und Others. ONNET SILKS, bonnet wire, do. millinet, wholesale and retail, at C. POrE'S. Bunds' tfaraupurllla, 1 GENUINE article $10 per dozen, or $1 ii. per bottle, at C. POPE'S. 0 ATS FOK SALE, at C. POPE'S. THREE FINE COVERED BUGGIES for aale bv AINSWORTII A DIERDORFF. Bethel Institute. THIS School is under the personal control of Prof. Halrt, of Bethany College, and is in a flourishing condition. TERMS Or TUITION. Common English branches $4,00 pr qr. Higher branches in Mathematics & History 6,00 Latin, Greek, cVc, 8,00 " The residents of the district thai now liva in it free. Board can be had at Ihe usual prices. JAMES L. LADD, Jtay 1, 1858. Ch'noJCom. ORCCSO.t ItlARKCT. MESSRS. N. N. MATLOCK AND S. L. CAMPBELL desire to inform Ihe inhabitants of Oregon City and vicinity that they nave tawiy aLjiurau their market up Main street, Nearly Opposite the Post Office, lkv will lienenniitantlv on hand Ihe best quabtvof FRESH BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, also Coin Beef, Bacon, Butter, Egg; and all kinds of veoetablss to be had in the country- all of Which will be osered at tne lowest marsei ratea. Cash paid for all the above-mentioned ar ticles. . April 24, 1858. 25.000 for sale bv FEET OF FIR LUMBER CenA,Aifl7. JOS.BAESTOW. IitdiH Rubber Good. JUST RECEIVED, direct from New York, Hospital cloth, ' Breast pumps, Nursing bottles, Ac, Ac, at the Feb. 6. OREGON CTTF DRUG STORE. To llie Afflicted. Tvll. HI'TCIIINS' CELEBRATED BAl Jj sam of Wild Cherry, with a variety of his other popular Botanical MtdUine; are now for sale at CrlAKLbS rums, uregon tiry, sua at JOSEPH BARSTO WS, Canemak. 47y SAVE VOIIR DOLLARS! . As well as your Dimes t TF you want GOOD articles st the lowest pns- JL aibls prices, call si tnssiiM tons, oa Main street, where yos will find a large aasorlmest of GOODS ss cheap as they can be bought at any stors in Uregon uty. ute.a, at. FOR SALE, i SET of second-hand TINMAN'S TOOLS J and MACHINE complete, by tict.3.1i7. E. MILWAIV RMROVfJ. f PHK OREGON CITY DRUG STORE is JL removed lo a building aearty opposii ins JWliednt cborco. isiy i A. ROSSI, W. WJQATlXH&rOBJ), WHOLESALE DRUOQIST, DBALEI IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Window Glass, Glassware, in oil. Paints, ground, colored, dry, t Linseed Oil, Neiilifoot Oil, Tanners' Oil, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Turpenlint, Camphene, Polar Oil, Burning Fluid, Furniture Varnish, Japan Varnish, Coach Vtrnish, Brushes, large variety, Artist Materials, Perfumery, Alcoliol, Gold Leaf, American, Bronzes, Vermillion, French, Chinese, and Wilk full aitorinient of ORAEFENBERO MEDICINES; In a word, I am now receiving a large assort ment of the above, with a thousand other articles loo numerous to mention, (purchased last winter in New York very low for cash,) in addition to my former stock, comprising one of ths Larietl a as Host l'.aas.pleU ssrtsael Oa this Coast ! W. WEATIIERPORD returns tlmiks for the liberal palruasge hitherto received, aud respect fully asks a conunusoee of the same, as ho will sell at San Francisco prices. Dealers and consumers will find it lo their advantage to call, ss the goods must be sold lo make Mum for more soon to arrive. PORTLAND, Oregon, May i3, If 58. CROW ELL'S Compos aa Extract of tiarsaparttta, yet low Dock, and Iodide of Fotassa t AN Invaluable remedy for impurities of ths blood, scrofula, king's evil, erysipelas, salt rheum, costivsness. jaundice, dyspepsia, syphilitic symptoms, swelling of the glands, fever sores, pains in the bones, rheumatism, pimples ou the face, uturalgia, aud all cbrouio aud long slsudiug dis eases. This article, in ita strongest snd moat perfect form, contains all the active and well-established medical properties of Sareaparilla, Yellow Dock, and Iodide of Potatea, a combination uuequaled in its curative and strengthening sITecls. Thou sands of certificates could be furnished of lis pow erful effects as on excellent medicine. Foranle by Dr. CUOWELL & CO., Druggists, 131 l.ommcrcnil sl., San rrancisco, sua by w. WEATHEltFUUD, Portland, Oregon. m)Vi ATTENTION, FARMERS ANDMERCHANTS i TTTE ARE NOW RECEIVING direct from V V the Eastern States the following suicles of MERCHANDISE, which we will sell cueap roa cash at wholesale or retail: Threshers and Reapers, Revolving hay and grain rakes, Hay presses, hay rakes, hsud, Hay forks, scythes tt snaths, Grapevine grain cradles, Grant's five-lingered grain cradles, Straw & hay cutting boxes, Grain scoops, seamless sacks, Hoes, Ames' spades, No. I, manure forks, potato hooka, X H steel plows, X I ) steel plows, Nm. 6 & 7 Peoria plows, Extension cultivators, steel teelh, Hunt's axes, with &. without hdls, Ilickox's cider mills. grindstones, grindstone hangings, cow bells, thernionieterchurus, self-sealing preserve jars horse brushes, horse cards, aurry combs, horse covers, sheep shears, pruning knives, Eruning shears, red alover seed, 7 blue grass seed, apple-parers & slicers, ox and log chains, cable and trace do., ox bowa, slap hingea, self-closing gutu do., sheep bells, patent rat Imps, sieves, wire for sieves, spun cotton, all sites, bark mills, tanners' tools, carpenlnis' tools of every description, boring machines, with setts of augers, Fairbanks' platform scales, carriage bands, wagou boxes, pipe ditto, iron axles, carriage springs, bolls A bands, children's carriages, doom, saah,locks, latches, catches, butts, screws, paiuts, oils, mill saws, cross-cut do., lime, plaster, trowels, paint brushes, shoe do., wheelbarrows, store trucks, steamboat do., clocks, ooopers' tools, Iress hoops, spring clothes pins, srnilln1 bellows, anvils, screw plates, riveting hummers, smiths' do., breast drills, lever drills, horse-shoe nails, smiths' longs, beeswax, rosin, India rubber bolting, do. pocking, rope, nails, oakum, pitch, lur, spikes, snd many other articles not here mentioned. Remember all to be solo low roa cash. Belter call and see us before purchasing else where. W. C. DEMENT it Co., myl Opposite Land Office, Oregon City. Jiut Received, A LOT of superior BED BLANKETS snd l. Stockino Yarn, Rom the Willamette ttaoi ten Manufactory. my 1 W. C, DEMENT A, co. IIERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PR00F SAFES, With Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks, the tame that were awanled separate medals at the World's Fair, London, 1851. and the World's Fair, New York, 1853, aid are the only American Safes that were awarded medals at the London World's Fair. THESE Bursa form ths most perfect security against Fire and Burglars, of any safs evsr ottered the public, and csn ouly bo had of Ihe sub scribers and their agents ; who have on hand and make to order, ail kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vaixt Doors, ft, Monev Boies, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers, at Private Families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. And are also Patentees (by purchase; sad manufacturers of JOKES' rATENT riRSrvTATION BANK LOCK. S.C. HERRING . CO., A's. 3M Brotdtcai, ear. Murray st, N. Y. tT AGENTS E. FiTtoERAi.0 at Co., A W. G Wendell, ao franetsct. Vol. Jm.l rpEMPLE OP HONOR. Tualatin Temple of JL Hooor, No. 1, meets on tba 1st and 3d Sat urday sremngssf each month at o'clock, at their H sil. Forest Grove, Oregon. ' Members of the Order in good standing are ia- Itsd to nsit Hue Te mora. M.M. SPENCER, W.C.T. C.H. Walker, W.R. 33 Caldron Kettlei 0 F from sixteen to sixty gallons, at .MILWAINS. J.C. AINSWORTIi. WM. DIEIDniFf. AIJSWOUTII A DIERDORFF, WIIOI.HAI.K AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRV UOODS, CLOTHING, Boots tt Shoes, and Crockery, In ths new Fire-proof Brick Main street, OREGON CITV, O.T. WM. Dl K K Doll KK . CO. IIAVB HE moved to ths iVA'IV FIRE PROOF BRICK, nstt door to Ihs brick formerly swusd by Holmes. Ths firm will hereafter be kowwn as AINSWORTII fc DIERDORFF. AINSWORTHJDIEROORFF. WE ARE NOW OPENING IN Till If ew rire-rroof Brick, A uaoa and weU. assortsu stock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Fssling perfectly secure sgaiust firs, ws will now Offer Greater Inducements than ever Is ths publio. Ws ars cotulsnlly In rsesipt of selected with Ihe grea lest cars (aa to prices snd quality), aud ars confident (h it our facilities will enable us lo oflVr and sett goods AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would advise all Ihoss visiting Ibis oily lo purchase goods, to examine our stock snd prices before purchasing elsewhere. Us bavs, aud ars just receiving, su invoice oi D&Y-OOOBS consisting lu pari of the following articles Cochs cs, l'acifio, lladley, Couestego, Sprsgue, Philip Allen, Fall River, Merrimac, llriggs.and numsr. ous other choice PRINT, sil tats styles! Eng lish i: French merinos, Lyoiiese cloth, mohair and other Debate braie, wool, aV muslin ds laiues, block, blue, nurnlo. it pink merinos, fsncy plaids, jncouet, book, awiaa, & mull muslin, ladies emb. sets, collsrs, minis at, smrie, aresa oounei trim mings, French & domestic ginghams, rrencn lawns from I'H to 33c, blus, mixed, & grey sati net, wool le cotton jeans, cottouade, bleached aud brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting; Silesia, marine, brown, aud Irish linen, nankeen, d awr, aud crash, a largs lot of huen and thread laces snd edging, hosiery, &c. MEN'S c BOYS? CLOTHING : Blue, black, and brown cloth coots ; 10 dot blk cloth vests, 5 dot white and buff Marseilles do, velvet and satin do.; 30 dot satinet paula, dueskin and fancy cssaimrrs do, 30 dot merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, ct uiaca ciotn over coaia, with a geuerul assortment of gents' furnishing goods, BOOTS SHOES Men's, boys', and youths' boots; ladies', misses , and childrsus mo rocco, gust, kid, and calf Congress boots, with tt without heels; laities' Kid suppers. nia snd Java coffee, black aud green lea, N. O., China, Bulavia Island, Cat. refilled, and crushed sugior, East Boston. CsL, sugar house, and golden syrup; salt, 5 lo S00 lb sks ; 100 kgs nails, sas'd sues Hill's pale, chemical snd English soap, snap powders, powder, snot, and lean, yeasi pow der, salerutus, cream tartar, smoking and chewing lobscco, green corn, peal, tomatoes, straw ana blackberries, iu 3 lb tins ; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, macaroni, verm.celh, corn starch, almonds, walnuts, Braiil nuts, raisins, Chili peach es, dried fruit ; mackerel, in qr a blf bbla, sardines. A fine assortment of CROCKERY d TABLE CUTLERY t 30 crstes sssorted ware, 40 dot steel picks, 30 " Dutch and llilla hoes. White Lead, Oil, and Window Glass; with a vsriety of other articles usually kept. tT Ws will pay cash for wheat, Hour, bacon, butter, eggs, and almost everything Ihe farmer has for sale. A. & D. Oregon City, April 10, IR08. UST RECEIVED, tbe latest style at silk a satin BONNETS, leghorn Sl straw Hats. AINSWORTII & DIERDORFF. HCUOOL. UOOIAHt SH.UOOL, BOOtt.HU JOHN A- POST lias, in addition to his well elected stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, just received Ihe following direct from the pub- l! I A.vm fiuttrlaM HapImh NMinnl lisnen; Books, among which will bo found lus pinners; lst,2d,3d,4lh, &, 5th Young Ladiea' snd High School Readers ; also 35 dox. Thompson's True Ileal Arithmetic, 35 dox. Willsou's U.S. History, school edition ('25 dot. Parleys Universal History, nhnol edition: 30 dot Intelligent Readers, 50 dox. slates, together with a large assortment of stationery, oTc, 6i0. oouo your oruere 10 mo CITY BOOK-STORE, and Ihey will be attend ed to without dclny. .dug- 28, 1858. OREGON HOUSE, CORNER Third snd Water streets, J opposite tlm rerry I .aiming. The traveling public are respectfully Invited to give me a can. The OREGON HOUSE la the most pleas snlly located hotel in the Territory, and haa been so silt-red within the last few weeks as to mako it one of the most commodious Houses in Ihe Terri tory. Ths table will always be supplied with the best that the Market affords. Good accommodations for ladies aim families. Good slubling and feed for horses, with proper attendance. " The stage-coach to and from Salem slops at Ihe uregon House. raicxs: Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Board, without lodging, per week 6 t)0 Single meal 50 Night's lodging 50 J. BAIIM, Aug. 8, 18j"m6 , Proprietor. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID.'.' AND Charman A Warner HAVE REMOVED lo their Brick Building on Main St., formerly occupied by Win. Holmes Uo., where tney are preparea to uo uui am n ima .Mm n (l man. VI'- k... n,, l,nfl m irnf,ral kaaortmelit ef Drv Goods, Groceries, ds Provisions, and every ether .... - . . in iu-.u thing the Isnner wanu-. npni iu, 1000. Wi-bster'c- I'nubrldgcd DICTIONARY Revised and enlarged nil lion for ssls at Ihs urn Buun a ruuii. 4T)f? SETS hollow augers, for wheelwrights, for UJ sals by WM. u. ur-mcn 1 at co 2000 SEAMLESS sacks for inle by WM. C. DEMENT st co. YAMHILL TRADE. fpiIE new and fins steamer rfPSj buill supresily for the Ysmhiirtrade, will U-ave CAN EM AH ou Mondays tnd rriaaya tor u- rAVRTTE, tnd Wsdneadays for Uatton ai o A. at. Nov.2l, '57. C.E.8WEITZr.K,.Maater. Yotic to SUppers. ON tnd after Ibis date, FREIGHT will be carried an ths steamer SUE by ths rule of "Ship's Measurement." Nov. 21, '57. C. K. 8WE1TZER. d.'kiBrsttsisa AV Warner HAVE ree'd a largs aasorlmest of SHOES, embracing children's sad ladies sboee, sad Gaiters, Buskins, snd Bowtees : also feats' Boots and shoes, and gaiters of sil descriptieaa. AtSO, Cradles and scythes, sasthe, beea, rakes, forks, epsoVs. snd shovels. M ORRIS' Poetical Works for sals by m. rvrt, DIARY sad Cirw-iesee ef Amos Law rcAwfoiialakT C P0FB. if- oiiegon crry urhoesale Vrleot Oorrent. ooaascTEW wkeelv. par ooods. ! BRt'i.s Sl Mcmi'iass. Hheeting,4-4 14 '0pr.ot.over N. Y.soa Dnllinir 121' raopiiR. Bleached drilling 13 W Leal, pr. lu I,CJ shining, I lalti Oats do., .14 Hlriprd do 12i Potatoes do Ticking Haiti Onions do , Dsnins 12 J H. ur Illus drilling l4 Corn Meal, fre.l, I'lsid linsey I6a24 rsi iT. 75 2 CO ....I0 10 Satinet 70s!)io Arplis, Jiied... .ICalft Kentucky jeans. ..2.'ia45!l'eschts. dried Si Tweeds ....15a7l: " do pseud mints. ) " (bill, dried. Sve35 Blue and whits 19! rai'Visioas. Blue and orsugs 12 Pork, eh at none. Kancy 8s)2! " $2Mul0 Kurniture do 10al4 Hsna..., .16 do. wide. 1 21 I'seon ....33 33 . 35 ..5 ,. $10 M. ds Islm-s lhi.Hii Butter Giughatns Alpaca Table damask otolhs... Irish linens ..15s52 Etg. ..SSafill'' rowura. ..5tis7f Hsrd, r s... uSatlal " I" '- ,.40a9l' shot. .Small sines .... (2a3 13 Sheep gray pants 2Ja3 "nek Satinet ' do. .'.,.' j. i. Bar ci.otmino Br.Vkyc:::do:--5;7;hiw.e.d. iuii....2 Red flan'l shirts ftUailf' Blue do. do. $l5IKMa.lla, small.. Hickory shirts 5.7?,, "-rgc... ... ti 33 Ida! 5 sootb Sl snore. I, Men's kip boot. $5j.4'Adm.ut.u .-7 .,. Aa. do... . 14 Spo"f 5U,tS .. j i, ciuAsa. flue sewed. ''.. mA(.UO Boys' kip boots., t Iia'vv wh di . Kt-J. iiavBna v - . he'vy W. do$IJa2;U'r g.l Mens'brg'.nr. dot..l7;Arorlcs........ .. ti?.f J..-2..I, TOSAOCO. n.porepra.?.u- - , . . .',...'. h'.v 1,'a.sjt.i'Knn., calfeewed do.. ' - . , (In. Jo Luke's... ... 37 HARDWARE. Coffee HalS:"'0"1' Tea 6Ua75:pP"" 8ugar,no.lChi'a.... 151 ' crushed jilMlllsaws a.i. . in.iil.Teutsaws... .. :ral4 .. l4altf ,.SI2a20 ...OllaeU .75a$U5 35 pvrct Starch....'!! HiTaWfeullery, Syrup E Boat.n 95; ,'v"',"". si5 p, do. 8 Island ,73 Pocket cutler) , 1-3 P' N O Molaeses """.V.. ,.r l,.r,l. Llv. Salt Tabic Salt Sandwich I. Sail Pepper Allspice Cinnainou Soap ' 3,,'; warefr- mSO to5Upt ,'. UiiaS ct advance. ,...Nails,a-'dsis.prk ..!...4lij " Uorstslioe...J-a40 "litV.Ho UM tl. t0, .. Bull Ln'P ll"- n A I I llliv 1 nrueie - To Oregonlans in Bad Health- HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE SICK ' 1. 1. .rl in nniA iIim hmreard. aallow. ca- daserous facee and waated skeleton forma ws meet! This is not confined tn the old, but we see ins .. . .i.i..i..,ii;.J tt.l thiiM in ihe Driiue of l.fe. complain after beiug hero some lime of illness; some grow unnaturally inisuaueuiy , uun.w. and grow llliu ; Ihey onnnot locsliie or describe their disease, yet they feel universally unwell, mcutally aud physically ; aonie have pains and weakness in the brcaat, limba, or body ; liny feel a want of muscular and mental energy, a want of aninutlou, and have fearful forebodings for Ihe fu- ; ture, poor appclite, uervoua irritability, and sleep, lessness; their skiu is dry, and occusioually flushed aud heated, thiu, pallid, und yellow. Now sudden deaths, lunacy, aud universal de bility is loo, loo prevalent here ; and who wonders, when combined with a climate like this, a dry sir . impregnated with electricity aua gaivauium huve many who have passed through sickness, , whose life is intemperate and debauched, or have .,.. ...i.n haw hn HnHrlv doctored lo death by quack medicinee, or by the advice of "The raeulty, wno navs imprrnuiu i.m. with mercury, calomel, 4.0. , For all such caaea is Dr. Jocob WeWier alnvig orating Cordial Saiiguitier most especially adapted, t u ,i. ki...u viiuituiiis did Dr. IHIHIIIUbll oiv uw,v vv. 1 Webber minutely study lu adapting hia oordtul lo their cure. It enlivens me wrpiu ner, rjoew billious matter from Ihe system, causes sudalion, or free perspiration (so necessary to health), purities aud enriches the blood, gives strength to ths limbs and body, tnd Is positively infallible in sil uervous diseases, trembling, or wakefulness. There nover was t remudy which gave such de llghtlu Iho auflurcr ua thia. Tho Agent cun, from his own knowledge of cures effected by it, cen scisntinusly recommend it in sny of the following disrssest Nervousuess, weakness, languur, luasuf appetite, sleep, or streugin, ireiiiuiuiR, iuj. .j"...-i decay of the ualural functions, pains iu the head, .. . ' . . l. ,1.. ...I ll nllioi limbs, or oouy. neuralgic or riiruiumie m ...... restores those to health and strength whoso consti tutions ars almost broken. Debilitv raoni disease, climate, DissirTinN, ............ v,. vivacitv. nnd viL'orlo tho limbs, body, and mind, is given by Dr. Jucob Wehlier s Invigorating i-oruioi 11 1.1. .I..IN r nr. il,nnih the worn-out bodv. weak liml), and broken-down constitutions ; gives an up pellte, removes dyspepsia, culins i rrilability , causes mA 1. InHx.t ih finest tonic, nervine snd sitnguifier, ever made. It is purely a vegeta- ble compound, and can do useu uy um . aula female. The reader is conscionliotisly assured it is all it is represented. it iu quart Domes price . or v i..i. ,i-.;.i. a n T IIINK.4. 1 H.- Munlirom- iiwiowatr ...,, - : ' n ery St., Sun Fraucisco, to whom all orders run bs addressed. "' ' . via. Teeth.. Ulr. and Mktn. for 35 CU. Lnfoiit'e West India Soap Tooth Root is a su perb dentifrice, lathers in the mouth liku soup, is delicious to the taste, whitens the teeth, polishes (without injuring) tho enamel, puiifiea the breath, and liv iU lathering property uleauses the mouth, tongue, and lliroot. , For dressing and lorcing me growui 01 we ", -Jonea' Coral Hair Restorative. These sre its quelilieei It will fores the hair to grow dar, amp I .,it... ...... m.,Tf. nr dandrulT. dress the hair heautifullv dark, soft, silky. Price W5 at jO cents per bottle. t or curing eruptions, punpic, ihhi .- , .... j J u J .Win Ilia be.lltitul Streets of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap delight all who use it. It mnkesins mosi coarse, r. H,.i,u ,e..n ..... i . .. -j ..1... voniis child's, ll is emollient snd softening for infants, and ia llis bust shaving soap mads. Price 25 cents. Hold at ths sbovs prices nt every respectable drug store In California and Oregon.. Proprietor, T. JON K, 13J Montgomery si., nan t ...... New Arrangements. U AVI NO formed a copartnership with Dr. d.hoi lTON r.nllv from Ohio, ws nre - .--.v - now pr.piired to practict medicine upon t mure extended scale than I have hitherto been able lo j 1 i in.Miw infr.n.inff the circulation OO. 1 Bill MUfc. -'- . - of my medicines, snd hops ere many months to supply sil the important p.n u ... . v Ufayet s.June 10,1 85b! M A HALF SECTION of good i-and a I u r ..u .iin.i.Jsn Clarkamas.ak .n w 1 .r Citv 40 ncresuu-aU d.r fence, hall 01 wuicn w u" with a young orchard of about 150 trees, some of which ire beariug; beaides s small frame house snd eut-bildings. , , , The property will be sold for cash, or traded for property inOrego. City or Portland. or fu.tb.r f irticuisrs, enquireof thsed toruf ths Argus. 5','tf fR. CARTERS PULMONARY BALSAM 1 just received by sirs ess st Ihs J OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. March 27, 1H.W. SHINGLES 100,000 for sale, by " CHARMAN 4 WARNER. . , L I M,,lltv.linli 1 fTV) YS. of different kinda, for aale by rjwjS,oi on (;AKMANfc WARNER. 10 M ex. quality cigars. S CHARMAN WARNER. ALL whs ars indebted to the firm f C'masiui it Wasser srs requested to esll st then stors tod settle by cash or note forthwith. CHARMAN it. WARNER. Orrgoa Citr, rV 6, IS59. . . t