THE OREGON ARGUS, rUiUlIKO IIT STUUT MOkKiau, , BY WILLIAM L. ADAMS. TERMS- Tht A to vt riVI 1 funitkti at Thru Dollar! and tifty Ctntt f.r annum. in adtanat, Wag titburihtriThrtt Dalian tatk ta clubt ttn at ,ffitt-in adoane, Wktn tkt wuntw it not paid in tdranct, four DMnn mill It charged if paid tellkin lit - mtnlkt, and Fin dollar, at tht ,ndf tht year. W Ta Dollar, for , it mantktNt tubterip. tiont rtetittd for a l,tt ptritd, Of As pitptr diietnlinurd until M arrtnragtt . art paid, unUtt at tht option of tht pahlitkrr. r.W Rata t taale. England bus now entered on the second Year of her cnmiiaiiru in Imliu: n ml from , the accurate Information tlmt can be frlcun- . cu iroin ail sources or intelligence, it would soera us if tho. spirit of the r:lxll;ii litis rather Increased than diminished; and tlmt we ultimate success or tho Kiiglwh iirnui in tnoro distant thun ever. Tlio assault and the jiossessiim of the two cities of IKdlii nd Lueknow nro undoiilitvdly brilliunt in stances of strategy and courage. But these victories liavo been followed ly no p-cat practical advantage; on the contra ry, England lion lost moro tliun she trained in these triumplis; English blood and Kng lislt treasure, when weighed In a just bul- , ducc, ore by fur a greater loss than all she has acquired by theso transcendent con flicts; and as an ancient general ouco said, after a successful battle " Another such Victory and I am ruined." The hot season has now set in, when the r . I m . .. ' . ocpoys can maren lony utiles a luy suc cessively for sevcrul days, and arc oven raid to bo able to accomplish, when hard press ed, sixty miles; while tho EunHan soldier can, with difficulty, for three successive days, perform half the distance. Knowing Well that climate, marching, disease, and fatiguowill thin tho English ranks more than tho bullet and the sword, the Hindoos are now "simultaneously" collecting sev eral small armies at several distant oiuts. Their movements are so rapid the Euro peans cannot overtnko them; their points of jiviiceiiiruiivn aro so utsiuui nicy can ma . ture their )lans, perfect their commissnrint, -organize their forces, and bo provided with all tho munitions of war without fear of molestation; and lastly, that as the Eng . lish army is so small the commander-in-chief cannot divido his forces Into sections to attack at onco tho various ond distant positions which they nt this moment occu py, in compact and well-appointed numbers, i Experience has taught them that their own forces, however numerous, Imvo been on almost all occasions beaten by a handful of :English troops; they have, therefore, in thii year changed their tactics. They now "assemble 0:1 several distant points; and they Jiope that sickness and climate will waste and conquer tho army which they nrj un able to withstand iu pitched battle or in a regular siege. '. Tills is the most dangerous feature which tho Indian war has ns yet assumed. . The "tilinnto is now so intensely hot theso men . require small covering, whilo they deep iu the open air on the ground; their constitu tion requires littlo food, and this food is merely boiled rico nnd vegetables; henee their commissariat is easily furnished; while they can run like hares, climb trees nnd rocks like cats, d'sappeuring and reassem bling before the enemy like a flock of wolves.' ' Iking thus educated in two modes "of 'warfare namely, their' own guerilla , fisliou and the hnglish sk.lled maneuver, t'10 E:wt"rn - mutiny has nssuuied a most formidahlo nspect; and no doubt is now en 'tertafned in France, in Austria, nnd in nus sia, that if tub sepoys CAiutY ocr Ihcir 'present military schemo with skill and per 3vcranc3, the Indian cmpiri must be neccs enrily lost to England. In the easo before m, tho defeat of a Sepoy army, tho taking 'of nrmod forts, tho possession of fortified cities, have no sensible effect on the rebel cause; they assemble again on new points , nnd make the .sams hostile demonstrations ns before their defeat. Neither do?s it ap pear that the slaughter of their battalions iu the fight or in the retreat diminishes, to nny despairing extent, tho surviving forces; ' tho hostile population being counted by itens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions; -it follows that ail the men who can bo killed by British valor make no sen siblo diminution of tho enemy. -. After tho .successful sieges of Delhi and Lneknow, their beaten forces seemed as unthinncd and as numerous as the day before the battle; ' tho hundreds of their spiked or captured guns, which are said to be lost to them, bo all repaired on the following i day; nnd the rebel troops, which have been ireported in telegrams as killed in heaps, ore all replaced within forty-eight hours, ns 'if the swords of Havelock, Outram, and ' Campbell had cut no crimsoned gaps in 1 their reeling and bleeding ranks. Like the planted dragon's teeth, the dead Sepoys , cem to rise np from their graves on the , Held of battle, and even to double their -numbers in men living men tho day af ter tho fightj The only hope, under these new circumstances, on which England can 'nqw rely 'for the final snhjugation of the country, is the interminable mutual jeal . ousy and contention of tho petty princes; their unsteady character; the want of union .amongst, the people, and their perfect in difference about what we value so mucli -namely, the love of country. . ' Sir Colin Campbell already feels the op " palling difficulties of his situation awl vshtrtver it can be done, he has ordered his - troops into summer quarters, to escape sun stroke, and fbver, and cholera, and dysen tery and be is compelled to be a motionless ptctator at? the present momenta while thousands and tens of thousands are as- sembled in front; and flank, and rear, defy- jng his learned strategy, his military feme, and mocking his northern constitution and hi vanishing host. " A In order to m?et this menacing disaster, 'En"tal has employed the Sikhs to con quer' the Mohammedans! She has taken the Pnnjanb into pay tosubdiie Hindostan! - The Times of tho 28th of May states that a last year she first employed 2,000 Sikhs, then 10,000, then 20,000, then 35,000; and that, from repeated trial, finding this - aation faithful, she has at the present mo r Bient not kss than 82,000 of these foreign troops In her Indian service! or, as the ' Times expresses it, she has foreign auxiliary c4diera who are in the proportion of the " English troops of three to one .' r Those who know England and ber policy " uurt that thesa new levies of the Nortn La i, mnMnai-nA than tSp late i tronw o." the E aid t!wt th fore? fro , Ik A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy, and advocating Vol. IV. tho runjaub will, iu time to come, not only avenge their defeat in Alliwnl, Cbilliunwul lull, (ionjerat, and the SutlcJ, but will also udd revenge for the conquest of their coun try ana me niootl or their companions. Who, rm rending of these new levies taken Into Englund's service, from bcliie former cncmii's, does not remember the history of ancient Koine under Vulentininn the Elder f The tottering empire received Its most deadly blow from the barbarian whom she once oppressed, whom sho afterward train ed iu her own discipline, took into her own service, and who, iu tho end. iu order to gratify tho revenge of ages, were tho chief assnilunts wlioso battle-ax shivered the im perial tyranny. , Tho llrst conquest of India by England was an easy achievement, compared with her present struggle. Sho then conquered her enemies In individual succession; she now contends against several combined chiefs. She then took advantage of party f.-uds, religious prejudices of class against class, of caste ngiiinst caste: but ut present sho disputes against universal combination, against the union of all classes, castes, and religions. In former time she advanced In her conquests from province to province; and in one hundred yeuri sho executed the final conquest of the country; but at pres ent her quarrel is with tho whole popula tion at once; nnd tho victory is to be won in one year, in pluco of one century. In the language of tho French press, which seems to know more of Indian politics than wo do, " if tho Indinns carry out their irescnt scheme of warfare witli England, icr .empire of tho East must necessarily be wrested from her hands." And if this un toward fate should thus befall the govern ment of "our Indian empire," tho future English historiun, in telling the story of 1 858, has only to copy the record on the fall of ancient Home. This statement will transmit to tho coming generations tho rc mnrknbln policy of England, so like that of ancient Itomo namely, that while she has carried into all hir dependencies, science, the urts, emmnerc?, literature, and an ad vanced civilization, she has never been able to awaken in htr for. 1 in subjects respect for her name, trust in h r national honor, or confidence in the justice of her policy. Dr. Cahill, of Bangor, W'alet. Trrrlble Affair In VlorliU. rot'R nEsPF.cT.Mii.r citizen's of tampa nrxo BY THE VICII.AXTS. The Savannnh Republican of June 30th says: " AVo received yesterday the follow ing letter from Tampa, in wdiich is recorded one of the greatest outrages that ever dis graced a country of law. 'Wo have no personal knowledge of tho writer, nnd the reader will form his own opinion of its reli ability. From recent indications from that quarter, wc entertain but littlo doubt of the correctness of his statements. We cannot believe, however, that mrre political hostil ity is sufficient to drive men to such desper ute extremities. , , , " Touching tho appeal of the writer for protection, we can only refer him to the Governor of Florida, whoso duty it is to crush out, by aid of the military if neces sary, all such diabolical proceedings nnd their authors." . Tampa, Fla., June 24, 1858, Tlio existence of nn Executive Commit tee in this place is doubtless known to you, and as a law-abiding citizen of this city I feel it to be my duty to state certain facts to the world with reference to said commit tee, and ask a pluce in your columns for tho publication of them, as our own paper here, and in fact every paper in this portion of the State, is either in league, or in fear of their vigilance and tyranny. This morning, four of our most promi nent men, to wit: Jqhn .1. Early, D'Witt Lucinn, Jeromo Baker, nnd Col. J. Alfon so Crockett, were found hung to as many trees in the suburbs of our city. Intense excitement exists, nnd many of our citizens are now under arms, for tho protection of law-abiding citizens, who dare to raise their hands against these midnight assassins. - Another remarkable feature is this: ev ery one of these men were members of the American party. Is it n proscription ? Col. Crockett and Mr. Early leave inter csting families to deplore their loss, while the death of all has cast, a gloom over this community from which it will not shortly recover. They were followed to the grave by about two hundred persons, and, remarka ble to say, there were bnt two Democrats in the procession, one of whom was the sex ton. !' : , You may rely upon this being strictly correct; and my only excuse for thus ad dressing a stranger is that " naked truths might come to light," and these damnable assassins may receive their just merits. Asa frieud of Americans, I ask that 50a make an appeal to the General Gov ernment for protection, or at least demand nn investigation.. Yours, etc., S. T. Bowex. ' Robert Dalb Owen Converted to Christianity. Private letters from the Hon. Robert Dale Owen, United States Minister at the Court of Xaples, written to his friends at New Harmony, announce the gratifying intelligence that he has become converted to the Christian religion. Terre UauU iJnd.) Expreu. Undoubtedly this is gratifying intelli gence, but some of Mr. Owen's ardent and intimate personal friends and associates as sured ns several years ago, on the alleged authority of his own declaration, that he had then become a convert to Christianity, and that his only reawn for not avowing it to the world was his apprehension that, u the wou(1 ta chargcd a M ..... to a desire to advance bis own political j pnwl'.--I"'W om(. raw 1111 OREGON CITY, OREGON, AUGUST 28, 1858. Acrtr tu rro4acltvi Viwcrt, kid Vro- We call tho attention of our readers to the following interesting extract from the last edition of the Encyclopadia Britunnlea. The high reputation of this work adds the weight of authority to tho statements of fact coiituined in the extract: "Paradoxical as tho fact may appear, we aro sutufied that the new continent t. 1. North nnd South America contains at least an equal quantity with tho old conti nent '. . Asia, Africa, Europe, etc., of useful soil and much more of productive power. America is indebted for this advan tage to its comparatively small breadth, which brings nearly all Its interior within tho reach of the fertilizing exhalation of the ocean. In the old continent, owing to its great extent from east to west, the centrul ports, deprived of moisture, are almost every where deserts; and a belt around the western, southern and eastern shores, comprises nearly all that contributes to the support of man. How much fruitful land, for instance, is there in Continental Asia f If we draw a line from the Gulf of Cutch (near the Indus) to tho head of 'he Yellow Sea, wo cut off India and China, with the intervening Bnrman Empire, nnd the south ern valleys of Tlillwt ; and this space, which comprises only about one-fifth of the surface of Asia, embraces five sixths of its product ive power. Arabia, Persia, Central Thibet, Western India, Chinese nnd Independent Tnrtary, ore deserts, with scattered patches of useful soil not amounting to the twen ticth part or their extent. Siberia, or northern Asia, is littlo better, owing to aridity and cold together. Anatolia, Ar menia, the Punjab, and a narrow slip along the western shores of the Pacific Ocean north as far as tho COth parallel, compose the only vulunblo agricultural territory be yond Judea nnd China. Europe, which is merely tho western margin of Asia, is all fruitful iu the south; but on the north its fruitfulness terminates at tho COth or 62d parallel. .Africa, has simply a border of useful soil round three-fourths of its sea const, with some detached portions of tol erably good soil in its interior. Of the 31, 000,000 of square miles which these three continents occupy, we cannot find after 801110 calculation that the productive soil constitutes one-third, and of that third a part is but poor. "Now, iu estimating the useful Boil in America, we reject, 1. all the region north ward of the latitude of 53 deg. amounting to 2,000,000 square miles; 2. a belt of barren laud about 300 miles wido by 1000 in length, or 300,000 square miles, lying on tho east side of the Rocky Mountains; 3. a belt of arid land, of similar extent, situ ated on the east side of the Andes, between 21 and 40 deg. of south latitude; 4. the desert shore of Peru, equal to 100,000 square miles; 0. an extent or 100,000 square miles for tho arid country of Lower California nnd Sonora; nnd 0. an extent of 500,000 square miles for the summits of the Andes nnd the south extremity of Pat ajroiiia. These make on ' aggregate of 3,900,000 square miles; and this, deducted from 13,900,000, leaves 10,000,000 square miles as tho quantity of useful soil in the new world. 1 : 1 ' . . " It follows that if tho natural resources of America were fully developed, it would afford 'sustenance to 3,GOO,000,000 of in habitants, a number nearly four times as great as the entire mass of human beings now subsisting on the globe I The novelty of this result may create perplexity and doubt on a first view; but we ore satisfied that those who investigate the subject for themselves will be convinced that our esti mate is moderate. But, what is even more surprising, there is every probability that this prodigious population will be in exist ence within three, or at most, four centu ries. ' ' "The imagination is lost in contempla ting a state of things, which will make so great and rapid a change in the condition of tho world. We almost fancy that it is a dreamy and yet the" result is based on principles quite as certain as those which govern men in their ordinary pursuits. Nearly all social improvements spring from the reciprocal influence of condensed num bers and diffused intelligence. What, then, will be the state of society in America two centuries hence, when two thousand millions of men are crowded Into a space compara tively so narrow, and when this immense mass of human beings speak only two lan guages pcrhapi, only one I Snch a state of things may be said to undo the curse of Babel, and restore the great mass of man kind to their pristine facility of intercourse: for the languages then spoken by the com munities of Europe and Asia will be as un important then, in the general scale of the globe, as the dialects of Ilnngary, Bohemia, and Finland are in Europe at this day. History shows that wealth, power, science, juteratnre, a ronow me train 01 numoer,, general intelligence and freedom. "The fan cause which transferred, the sceptre of civilization from the banks of the Euphrates and tho Xile to Western Eu rojie, must, In no long time, carry It from the latter to the plains of the Amazon. When we reflect on these changes, which nre not more extraordinary thun they ore near and certain, the conviction Is forced upon us that society, nter all its advances, is yet in its infancy; that the habitable world, when its productive powers are re garded, may be said to have been hitherto an untenanted waste; ond that we have at present only an imperfect glimpse of the stato of things nnder which the true destiny of man, and tho morul schemo of Provi dence hi this lower world, is to receive Its full development. Wc nre quite aware that some will smilo nt these speculations; but if any one suspects us of drawing on our fancy, wo would request him to exam ine thoroughly the conditfon and past pro gress of the North American Republic. Let him look at its amazing strides in wenlth, Intelligence, and social improve ment; at its habits of order, combined with an indomitable love for lilicrty; at Its mar velous instinct of self-government, which has made tho founding of a new State In the wilderness as easy as the building of a house or the planting of a vineyard; let him look at the prodigious growth of its population; and let him answer the ques tion " what power can stop the tide of civ ilization which is pouring from single source over nn unoccupied world?" Let him trace tho laws on which this progress de pends, and let him then apply them to unfold the future history of society in the new continent." Encyclopadia Britun- nica, 8th cd., vol 2, Edinburgh, 1853, tub voce " Americana." Truth Straxoer than Fiction. We yesterday lenmcd the denouement of a pain ful story, equal to the most thrilling ro mance in interest, but with tho circum stances and actors of which we were per sonnliy well acquainted. Some twelve years ago, two young men, named Clyma and Pnull, lired in a small village not far from tho sea coast, in the ex treme west of England. . Both were miners and worked in tlio samo tin mine near the village. Both paid their addresses to the same maiden though not with equal success. Clyma prospered so well in his suit that a day was apppointcd for the nuptials, and, in due course, tho banns of marriage were asked in tho village church on the three Sundays prescribed by tho English canon law. Before the second Sunday enmo round, the rivals met nt a wrestling match iu the village, nnd it chanced that the turn came for them to wrestle together. Poiill was excited and cudenvored strenuously to give his successful nvul in love a wicked full, but his eagerness worked hij defeat. He was thrown to the ground amid the shouts of the villagers. On springing to his feet he swore that he would be revenged, and that Clyma should never marry his in tended bride. From that day ho took to drinking deeply, and was fierce in his im precations on his rivul. The day before that uxeu for the marri age, 1 null told all his acquaintances that he would bo at the wedding and would find means to prevent its taking place. Know ing his determined character, Clyma ap peared alarmed at the threat, and got some friends to intercede witn him, but in vain. Late tlmt iniflit, Clyma left the house of his intended bride for his own cottage. Tho way lay ocross a patch of barren moor, where there were several open mam shafts, which had been deserted, and the bottoms of whoso black depths were now covered with several fathoms of water. About the same hour Puull was seen crossing to the same patch of moor from another direction. A miner, who passed a littlo Inter toward tho mine where he worked it being his turn for night work averred the next day that he heard a noise as if of a dispute and scuffle, but it was too dark to distinguish any one. , The marriage was to take place at eleven o'clock in the morning at the village church. Long before that hour tho village was the scene of great excitement. Tho hat and neckerchief of rnull the Intter torn and bloody had been found near the deepest of the abandoned pit-shafts, and of Paull himself nothing could be found, nor had lie been seen since ho Went toward the moor on the preceding night. The ground where the articles had been found bore traces of a scuffle having taken place, and to crown the whole, two buttons, recog nized as belonging to Clyina's coat, were discovered among the earth and stones. To these ominous facts Clyma could only reply that he had met PaUlI at the place mentioned during the night; that high words were followed by a scuffle; and that he had beaten Paull, who retired curs ing him. This account was not considered satisfactory, and Clyma was taken into cus tody to await further developments. Sev eral days passed away; an examination was made of the pit and the surrounding locality, but no trace could be found of the body. It was argued,, however, that if a stone were attached to the body before it was thrown into the pit, so as to sink It, there would be no probability of its ever being found. After several examinations before a magistrate the accused was released from custody, bnt only to be shunned as a murderer by the whole community. In the meantime the intended bride became skk through excitement; a violent fever was succeeded by a wasting illness, and after lingering some months, she died of a bro ken heart. These accumulated ills were too much for the unhappy object of general suspicion, and in lest than twelve months after what should hav been his wedding the side of Truth iu every issue. No. 50, ! day, he became the inmate of the insane 1 asylum, where he still reniuins a hoele&s 1 lunatic. I Among the relatives of Clyma was a sis- tpp niarrifwl in m fiirmni wlin t iva ai 4lip.n . r... AA 1 above, removed to this country, and settled down on a funn in Northern Illinois. I About ten days since, this sister, whilst I about taking the cars in Chicago for her home, suddenly encountered the supposed murdered man! Her excitement wus in tense. Drawing him on one side, she made I herself known to Paull, and wus imnicdi I ntely recognized by him. The explanation given by mm or his disappearance, was, that he' had met Clyma on .the eventful night witli the purK)so of beating and dis figuring him so that he could not be mar ried on the succeeding (lav, but that his ri val was moro than a mated for him. Burn ing with rage at his discomfiture, he had rushed off without knowing or caring what became of himself, and, on reaching the beach, had taken an old leuky boat, and pulled directly out to sea. Next tnorninir. when the bout was nearly sinking, he was picked np by an outward bound ship, which took him to New Orleans. Since then, he hnd resided several years in Cali fornia and in the United States, hud lie come moderately rich, and was now on his way to his nutive home, with which he had maintained no communication since his al rupt departure. On learning tho sad events which hnd occurred in tho mean time, he immediately accompanied the sis ter to her home iu Illinois, and after the necessary arrraugements were made, he started with her for England, in order to rcpnir, as far as possible, the mischief which hnd been done, They passed through Cleveland last evening on their way East, and, huppciiiug accidentally to meet them at the depot, wo learned the sequel to tho sad story, with tho earlier portions of which were already well acquainted. They go on a joyful, yet mournful, er rand. The good name of tho unhappy condemned can be reclaimed, but none can restore his shuttered reason, or rescue the broken-hearted dead from her curly grave. Cleveland Herald, Juue IS. VTiikrs will it ED f Tho North Amcricnn : "For niony yearn, wo Imvo been uliipplnj tone to England, to be there convrrtnl into ciij a and anucers, nnj into platea, from which we cat our own buckwheat caliee. The nyMem 'a now, however, aa wa believe, likely to be extended arrangcmenle being en foot for the exportation of iron ore, to be ainelted by menna of Kng!iih coal, and then returned to ua in the form of pigs. Pro graming Ihiw backward, aa we do, may we nol hope to lire to aee the day when our wheat ahull be required to ernaa the ocean, to be elurned to ua in the farm of flour 1" Strands and Revoltino CutroM. A recent communication to Ihe Indian olfico from the Su perintendent of Indian Attain at Ban Franchivo rrporta a atrnnge but allocking cuklom that pre vaila amoiii; almost all the Indiana of California. Thia ia tlint of burying alive. When a widow dire and leavca young children, rather than trouble thcinnelvea with their auppnrt, tho tribe to which alie belong! will bury .tho orphana alive. The Su perintendent italci that he will use all bia eflbrta to put an end lo thle cruel practioo, but it hue baen impotable to prevent it entirely aa yet, even on the Government reitervationi. A Hard Vitnm. The following dialogue, which occurred between a lawyer and a witnewi, in 1 justice) court, la worth relating : It eecma that Mr. Jonee loaned Mr. Smith a hone, which died while in Ilia (Smith's,) paracm on. Mr. Jonra brought amt to recover the value of the horn, attributing Ilia death to bad treatment.- During the courae of the trial, u witiieM (Mr. Hrown) wna colled to the Hand to textil'y u to how Mr. Smith treated horeea. Lawyer (with a bland and ennfidenee-invokina mile) Well, air, how does Mr. Hmjlh generally rina a none i Wilnesa (with a very merry twinkling in Ilia eye, olherwiae imperturbable; A-atraddle, I believe, air. Lawyer f!lh acarca'y perceptible flush of vexation upon hia cherk, but 'still aneuklng in hie smoothest lone) But, air, what gait lioea he ridef . Witness Ho never rides any gates, sir. His boys ride all the gates. Lawyer (hia bland smile gone, and his voice slightly husky) Hut how does he ride when in company with others f W lines Keeps up II h.s Horse is able, li not, he goes behind. Lawyer (triumphantly, and in period fury) How does he ride when alone, sir 1 Witneaa lWt know; never Waa With him when he woa alone. lawyer 1 have done with you, s r. Vermin HiunANcs. Half an ounce of soap boil ed In a pint of water, and put on witli a brush while boiling hot, Infallibly destroys the bugs and their eggs. Flies are driven out of a room by hanging tip a bunch of the Plantain or Flewort plant, after it has been dipped in milk. Rata and mica speedily disappear by mixing equal quantitiea of atrong cheese and powdered squills ; they devour this mixture with great greed- hiesa, while it ia innocuous to man. When It is remembered how many persons have lost their lives by swallowing, ill mistake, mixtures of strychnine, ratsbane and corrosive sublimate, it becomes matter of humanity to publish these item. House ants ravenously devour the kernels of walnats, abelbarka. or hickory puts. Crack some of these, and place them on a plate near the in fested places; and when the plate is full of ants, throw the contents ia the fire. Cockroaches, aa well as ante, are driven away by strewing elderbery leaves in the shelves and other places frequented by these troublssome in sects. Bites and Stihos. Hail'a Journal of Health saya: " As many of our readers aro preparing to travel or go in tho country for the summer, it may be useful to remind them, that an ounce vial of spirits of hartshorn should be considered one of the indwpensebles, as ia ease of being bitten or stung by any poisonous animal or Insect, the immediate and free application of thia alkali aa a wash to the part bitten gives instant relief, the bite of a mad dog (ws balice) oot eicapted j so will strong sbs rater.'' ADVEUTWINO HATK8, On square (11 lines or less) one Insertion, (3,n9 " two Insertions, 4 ,11') " tim e insrnlons, ,nu Each subsequent insertion, 1,00 Itsaannabla deductions to thus who advertise J the year. JOB PRINTING. ' Thi raornirroR or tiii ARUl'S n rurrr to inform the puliiio thai ha ha just received a large stork of Jolt TYI'E and oilier new print ing material, and will be In the speedy receipt o additions suited to all the requirements of this ! polity. IIANDIIII.18, lWriU'H, HI.ANKH, CARDS, CinCTLAIW, PA M I'll LET-WORK and other kinds, done to order, nn short notice. EwnnATioN to the United Status. Tlio New York Journal of Commerce stutra that though there has been a falling off In tho emigration to this country from various: quarters, yet tliut the avent(fo of capital brought by tho emigrants hag much In-' creased, tho proportion of those arriving in comfortable pecuniar circumstances' being much larger than In most former yearn. It in impossible to ascertain all the cash re sources of tho emigrants, an many of them studiously conceal their trensurt'. Thiw oil 0110 occasion the total report of capital among the pn.wngi-i-8 by a Mingle ship wus $23,500; but a more thorough Investiga tion having been culled for, the amount ac-' ttially counted exceeded $S00,000, anil even thia was more or less below the true total. roi.YOAMY in Utah. Jutlgo Ecklm, of tho United States District Court in Utttli, charged the grund jury, which recently n-. ecmblid in that Territory, very pointedly and decidedly against polygnmy. He in formed them that polygamy wus prohibited by tho Mexican luw in Utah when It was acquired by the United Stutes, nnd tlmt the municipal Htututes, in that respect, had not lieea changed by its cession to this country., Polygamy was, therefore, illegal in the Ter ritory, ami those guilty of it were liable to bo punished by tho statute which roado adultery a crime. Mormoxmv. Thurluw Weed sy, In the Albany Journal: "Within our rrcol-' lection Mormonism was ' a speck, not big ger than a man's hand.' Tho original im postor, Joe Smith, enmo to tho writer of this article, only thirty-two years ago, with the manuscript of his Mormon Hible, to bo printed. Ho then had but one follower, a respectable and wenlthy farmer of tho town of Jliiccdon, uanicd Harris, who offered himself ns security for tho printing. Hut, after reading a few chapters, it seemed such a jumble of unintelligible absurdities, that we refused tho work, advising Harris not to niortguge his funn and beggnr his fiimily. Hut Joe crossed over tho way to our neighbor Klilm F. Marshall, and got his ' Mormon Bible' printed." . American Tka a Faim-he. Those who have mado the experiment of raising ten in this country, sny: "The plunt will grow" well enough, but wages are too high. We cannot afford to pick, roll up, mid dry nny sort of leaves hero for half a dollar a pound. In China, where a man is hired for one dollar n month, and boards himself, it may bo done." ' JfoT An ollicer of the U. S. ship Tin-; count's, on tho coast of Africa, visited tho Liberiun Congress one day lost winter, and heurd n furious discussion in regard to tho propriety of increasing tho salaries of tho judges fifty dollars a yeur. One lionoriibhv mi'iuber, who made tho " big palaver" on the subject, said: "Mr, Speaker and Oemmen: Po gem man who spoko lust is 'pusetl to raise do siilnries ' he tinks Liberia is gwlnc to broke. (Jemmcn, I sny Liberia can't broke only rich folks broke. . Liberia eun't broke, 'cuuse she's too poor to broke 1 Yah! yah! ynh!'' , JK2T A candidate fur Congress in Or egon, and his editorial friend, whilo stump ing tho Territory, got belated, nnd asked to stay all night at a roadside cabin ; but tlifl owner thought tlioy looked so much liko horse-thieves Unit ho told them to move on. 1 ' . ; BGy An Irishman who was observed to build a wall nroniid his giirden four fuet high ami eix feet wido, was nsked his rea son for doing so. " To save cxpinso, bo jabers!" he replied; "if tho wind should blow it over, it would bo higher than it was nt first!" KuKNNd Ay Kvb ox yolu MkiohhoH. There is much satire in tlio following ironi cal advico by a sharp writer t " Keep your eyo on your neighbors; tnko caro of them; don t let them stir without watching -"they may do somethintr wromr. if you do. To be sure, you never knew them to do anything very bad, but It may bo on your account the have not; perhaps, if it had not liccn for your kind core, they might have disgraced themselves and families a long time ago. Therefore, don't relax any effort to keep them where they ought to be. Never mind your own business that will take care of itself." ' The Clinton Courier says .Mr. Eira Clark, of .Manchester County, has a sheep that ohewa to bacco with all tbe relish of 1 veteran lover of tho weed. A hired man of Ml. Clark was in l!w habit of stuffing the weed Into his mouth to prevent him from butting bim ; by this means the sheep acquired an appetite for it, and now rata all that is given him. There may be instances of Ilka depra vity iu dumb animals elsewhere, but we believe they are very rare. (7 Two Chicago ladies went to a ball, tho oth'-r evening, in a furniture-wagon ; no ordinary cerrLet eould contain the immense dresses they wore. 3T The euvstous person lives as if Ihe woi li were made altogether for him, and not he for tho world j to take in erarything, and part with o thing. 1- - f .