Onjurilan's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order of salo issued by lb Probata Cotirt (if Clackamas county, Oregeu, I Willi olftr for sale at public million lo lb highest bidder, til Hit .ists, r glil, tills, mil lata. eel of Mary Aua Maunder In anl lo lots HnUM four (4) aud (A; In block numbered twenty-two (3J) in Oregon Cily. Said rajerly will b mid subject to a moiiirmro irivcu b lbs adersignsd lo Abel Eu.ley on the 7ib day f oopiuort idjj, i.ir tiuu, snu interest. Tbt Ml will bo at Hit court-house in (Won City 8iMr, nil 8th da or Auovot, loo,ai 11 t viuvii A. a. MARY HUsTED, Guardianof Mary Ann Sauudm. August 7, ;SSB. 173 NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN that on Die ivMmii M. ...... .. U . - I a. i iir DirrKi. Hur, sou the aeit succeeding days, la front of my office lu virion vuy, on uiucn oi men intci, parcel, or lot of land described in Ilia following statement will bo (old aa will par for lazes and costs for lha yrat I860 aaid lota being assessed and relumed aa Boa-resident la lha towns of Oregon City, Ca eanah, Ma City, and Milwuukie, iu Clackamas Maty. Oregon Territory i Xn Oreroo City. Za Linn City. a lock, urn. BLOCK. I I 1 4 4 5 6 5 6 6 6 8 e 9 i 9 11 II II 6, 7, 8 4, , 7,8 ). 8, 3, S 1.9,3,4 1. i. 7, 8 3,4, 5,9 4,5 4,5 1.9,5 1.9,3,4 all of 45 4, 5 47 '7.8,9 5D 10 31 1 i 63 3 C7 1! 69 8 70 9 71 3, 10 77 7 78 8,9 79 8 1,9,7,8 M 9 i 3, 4, 5,6, 7. 8 8 5 " 1 MoT (16 10 " 87 3 " ' 88 1,3, 11,13 . " 89 3 - 90 4 3,4 . 91 5, A II all of 93 3.3,10,11,13 13 8,4,7,8 07 4,5,0 13 1.6,7,8 98 1 13 aHof 103 9,3 II " 117 7,8,9 14 9,4,6,7 130 4,.'), 6 14 1,1. 4, 6, 1 -i3 ' 1.3,3,4 15 ail of 145 1.3 19 " 151 10,11.13 33 4,5,6- 35 Za Canemah. 3. 6 i Xn Milwaokie. 4 1 3,6 14 9 9 7 15 5 9 1,3,3,4 l 3 5 37 5,6 5 6,6.7 40 1 6 9,3 6 9 7 4 7 1 8 4,6 liS 3 4 23 ' F. S. HOLLAND, Auditor of Clackamai Co. . August 7, 1858. 17w5 Land for Sale. ONE IIALFef Block No. 132 inOregon Cily. Ato fourteen acres of valuable laud adjoin ing Oregon Cily, on Holmes's claim cleared and (woken. Two lot in Albany, and una block in Corvalli. 4II the aliove are well located, and rill bo told on easy terms. illao 380 ncrea of good land in Clatsop county, part of Cofliiibury' cluiin, and 1 .'10 acres on thu Clackamas, about aix mile from Oregon Cite. A. HOLBROOK. Oregon City. Jary 31, 1858. 16 Removal, pilE OREGON CITY DRUG STORE ia L removed to building nearly opposite the Methodist church. . July 94, 1858. ale of School Lands. AC vrill'E.llu.1-' uy luu uillllliBOiullf)l 01 Clackamas voonly. acting in pursuance of an art of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory I Oregon passed January 30th, 1 858, entitled " Aa not lo amend hu ucl to provide for Hie sale of common school lands of the Territory of Or egrn," auch portions of the auhoul lauda in auid iMiiufy ue Ilia atute of the public urvi'ya will per aiiit will bu publicly offered fur aale lo the holiest Kd J at On gon Cily on the Saturduyn following Ilia firat Monday of September, December, April, and July, not more lhau ItiO avrea in oue lot. Termi ' f payment im follows: One fourth of the purchaae mmiey iliull bo paiil in hand, niul the remainder hi three tijual aininul iiintalmeuli, with ea per c nt. per annum intiTf t from the date of )'urchae, the intrrtwt to bo. paid aemi-annually in mdranco auch deferred payment to be arcured tiy notea of the piwuhaaer made payable lo the Treasurer of the county. The w hole amount may be paid down at the option of the purchaser. The Superintendent will give a bond for a died when the last puymeut with deferred interest shall brpaid. JOHN D. POST, Sup'l of Common Schnolt, July 31, 1808-1 Cwti . ClackamatCo. 4 Administrator's Notice. ALL permna indebted to the rstnte of J. U. Taylor, deceused, lute of the county of I lackamti and Territory of Oregon, are requrst tl to make immediate payment, ami nil those hav ing claims against said estate are requesteif lo resent them legally authenticated fur settlement Within one year. W M. A KM I'M KST, - July 39, 1858-16w4 Adm'r. ProC OBO. P. XmWSLL, ' TRACHF.R OF Vocal and Instrumental Music, OREGON CITY. Ha will also instruct clswa in instrumental nr vocal music, or both, in different sections of the country, when desired. July 34, lb58y. GP. N. continues to Import HOLDER'S SPLENDID PREMIUM PIANO FORTE8. Any person wishing one of thoeo in strument can have it at the New York price, adding freight, &.,with lOpercent. commission. FARM1NQT0N STORE. TIIE subscriber Would respectfully inform the publio generally that he has opened a NEW STORE AT FARMINGTON, -. On the Tualatin River, arbm h Intends carrying on the General Merchandise BuaiucM. Ha will keep always on band a good assortment of GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Boot t and Shoes, Confect'onery, Cigars, - 1 Stationery, te. ' To above will always be offered at the hu n da i mi wo i for Cash or Country Produce. y Pleas call and see for yourselves, and aava your aipeosu in going to Portland to buy goods. Motto "Small profits nnd quick returns." . THOMAS BAILEY. fWmsMgtea, July 84, 1858. Good Vheat Wanted, FOR which the highest market price will be paid ia cub or trade, at the JnlV34. ' FARMINGTON STORE. GOOD GRAIN CRADLES, Seythee, and Saiths, at BAILEY'S, July 34. FarmUgto Store. LADIES' and gent' KID GLOVES, at BAILEY'S, Fnmingfn. 5 CAPES " Crumptoa'e Medal Tobacco at acpU , WM C. DEMENT tO.S. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS-MAKING, O REG OX CITY. "I1EI.NG perumuctilly located In Or-rfk J J egunCity, I take this method oft?T owlifyiiitf lh publio that 1 am prepared to mako a uniierior arliel of llarnenri, Riding Saddlto, I'aek Saddlti, liridlti, and everything in my line, on very short notice and on Iho mom reasonable terms. I's:kers going lo th mines will Hud this the very plaxi to tnuk their ruling and packing outfit, as 1 keep Just III article llley need constantly on Hand. JulyV4,lA-l5w7 JOHN 8CIIHAM heriff'i Salo. NOTICE ia hereby given, that In obedience to an eteculion issued from the offico of the Deputy Clerk of the U. H. District Court in and for the county of Clackamas, I shall proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Oregon Cily, on MONDAY, the THIItTIETII iiv or AUGUST, . o. HM, nil the right, title, and interest of William li laser, of, in, aud to the following described property, to wit t " deginning at the North-east corner of lot numbered two (2) in block numbered thro (3) upon the plat of Oregon City iu said cofinty ; running thence, along the north side of aaid lot, on hundred and five fret thence alright angle, along the west end of said lot, twenty fret theuce at right angles, Iu an easterly direction, oua hundred aud live feet ; theuce, at right an gle, along the front of aaid lot, twenty feet to the place of beginning." ttaid sale is made lo satisfy judgment for the ram of three hundred dollars and nineteen cent, interest, cost, and accruing costs, rendered nirainst said Glaser, lu favor of Geo. Aberncthy, uiou the roreclosur of a miirtraire upon the premises nbovo described, aud will take place at the hour of i r. . of said day. A. IfOLCOMU, July 31, IH.iHwj . ShcriJJ Llackamuo Co. NEW STOltE AT McMiyxVILLH! HAVING permanently located myself at Mc Minnville for the purpose of merchandizing, I would call the attention of the cilizeusof Yam hill to the fact that I am now keeping a full as sortment of GOODS, such aa are suited to the country trade, such a DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Drugs, Oils, Medirines, Paints, BOOKS, hardware, tar, rice, fish oil, lard oil, linseed oil, bear'a oil, red lead, veuilian red, ahot, powder, lead, dried fruits, chain pumps, lass, rupee, sugar, syrup, indigo, spice, pepier, madder, ginger, sail, a very superior lot of BOOTS 4. SHOES, and a variety of such other article a are adapted to a country trade. All sorts of produce luken lu cichange Tor goods, 1 am determined to sell on such terms aa will justify the farmer iu buriuz of me iiwleiin of iro- iug below. S.C.ADAMS. AIcMiunville, July 10, 1.S5H. To those Going to the Mines. I TAKE this method of letting MIN'ERS and travelers know thut 1 have plenty of PROVISIONS L- IIORSE-FEMD, AT THE Lower Crowing of Sandy, oil the JUtiilgriuit Itoad, (Eight miles above Philip Foster's,) One dnyt journey from there to the summit. 1 cnu eive all necessary directions as to the mule lo the Dulles us to water, grass, &a. Fresh beef ulways on hand. Prices vkrv Kkasonam.r. July 17, 1858. IKAKCIS KliVNUW, BELLINGHAM BAY! JOHN A. HAWKINS WOULD inform his numerous friends among the miners from California and Southern Oregou that he has now at Belliugham Day a LARGE STUCK OF MINERS' GOODS, SUCH AS CLOTIIIXG, PROVISIONS, TOOLS, fc. His stock is a large one ($13,000 worth), and from long experience he is able to supply miners' Hants on reasonable terms. July 10, 18.'i8w3 Houso and Lot for Bale, fTVIE property known as the " T'Vault JL Properly," situate ou the bank of the ris'Br ...CI J..B iroran ... .uo.ie.u .u.v, v ' I i !.. f... ...I- I. ! Jl:l.r..l j ..,. k.l.m . I ...I.I ulnr. I Ir. gon City, ia for sale. It is a delightful family res idence', and destined to he valuable. For terms, apply to the subscriber or It. C'aulield at Canfield's atore. . W O. i'VAUI1. July 17, 1858. 14w2 For Salo r WISH to sell my property on the bill 1 shove I.inn fitv. necnoied at uresent U by D. H. Ferguson. Term very reamn-j able. Address me at valapooia, V. I. July 3, 1858-12 W. H1,AIN. SELLING OFF AT C03T, A n Exlensiec Assortment of CONSISTINO IN PAT OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Drugs, Afedkines, Books, Stationery, de. GIVE us a call, and we will (five yon bargains. June 26, '58. CHS. POPE, J. To Milliner and Other. ONNET SILKS, bonnet wire, do. milliuet, wholesale and retail, at C. FOl'li S. iall(lt, VanupurillH, GENUINE arti!e $10 per dozen, or $1 per bottle, at C. POPE'S. A 0 ATS FOU SALE, ut C. POPE'S. Just Received, A LARGE assortment of POORS, WIN DOWS, and Venitian BLINDS, which will be sold on Very favorable terms. June IU. jnujiAS juii.wu.. 30 BARRELS CsLiroaxiA LIME for sale by T. JOHNSON. LARGE assortment of FURNITURE jut received and for sale by T. JOHNSON. MATTRESSES of all descriptions for sale by T. JOHNSON. CARPETS, Oil cloth, aud Chinese matting, at T. JOHNSON'S. A SPRING CARRIAGE, for one or two horses, for sale by T. JOHNSON. T. CHARMAIf. A. WABMER. Charm an fc Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOUSALC 4. aTAIL Dealer in Dry Good, Clotlting, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots, Shoes, Paints, Oils, tc.. In their fire-proof Brick Mam rraiET, OB EGOS CITY, OREGON. New Arrangement! . HAVING formed a copartnership with Da. POPPLETON, recently from Ohio, w are now prepared to practice medicine upon more extended scale than I have hitherto been able lo do. I am also largely increasing the circulation of my medicines, aod hope ere many month to uddIv all the important points in the Territory. m V. D. HLTCHINS. isyete,Jnne 10.1P58. 9tt Land Warrants PrRCHASfcD BY jia.34. , W M. C. DEMENT CO. a. iiuaLir, D. SMITH. tfXLLAMSTTS IRON WORKS, OREGON CITY. WE beg to inform lh publio of Oregon and Washington that wo have completed our BOILER, PATTERN, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINE SHOP, and are prepared to build Doilers, Engine, Grist mills, Sawmills, and sll oilier kinds of machinery Our busbies conueution with lh Eastern Stales the grcnt convenience of our locality the superiority and number of our machine the use of water power instead of steam, and the per. feet knowledge of all branches of our business, will enable us to compete with California. Inviting tlie publio to give us a call, and to favor lis with their putronsge, we promise to execute their order ou the shortest notice, aud ' At Sau Fruuciaro Price. A. ROSSI & CO. June 19, 1K5S. Idyl THE SPELL 13 BROKEN!! The Election is Over ! ! AND DTJgSXTOBJULY Jt BROS. A1 RE selling, off at COST the best-selected slock or CLOTHING, mWXUJLT, BOOTS d SHOES, Ever offered in this market, to which they would respeotfully call the attention of merchants and the publio generally. They amure customers that they now otur the best inducement ror the invest ment of money by those who desire to purchase goods of an excellent quality and at extremely LOW KA i X.6 .' Their whole stock will be sold without reserve at cost prices, and all closed out as soon as pos. siblc. Oregon City, June 19, 1 8."8. Notice ! ALL who are Indebted to the firm of Di skm BKaav & liaoTHias are requested to call at their store aud settle by cash or moti. June 19. WELLS) FARGO & CO. NEW YORK, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS Si EXCHANGE 00HTAN7. CAPITAL, . . - $600,000. EXPRESS FORWARDERS AND COMMISSION MERCHAH TSi Ship Treasure nt tho lowest bates, and ituure under our own open I'olicies, held Willi the. best English Companies, vil s Indemnity Mutual Murine j Marino Insurance; Royal Exchange Insurance) and Loudon Assurance. Forward Freight and 'Parcels TO ALL PARTS OF THE ATLANTIC STATES, CANADA, AND EUROPE. EXCHANGE on the ATLANTIC STATES nnd EUROPE and check on SAN FRAN CISCO procured at the Agency. . O" For Hie belter seourity of ourselves and the public, Agents in California. Oregon and Wash ington Territories, are furnished with " Appoint incuts" or Commission, specifying their powers as our A gents. Such " Appointments" they are re quired lo keep exposed to tbe publio view in their places of business. Office at the CITY DRUG STORE, Oregon City. June 1,1858. A. II STEELE, Agent. Pianos and Melodeon. 17 L. BRADLEY 4. CO. will be in receipt J, of a few of Gilbert Sc Co.'s PIANO FORTES and Prince & Co. 'a MliLODEONS, on or about the 1st of July, which they will sell at Sun Fiuncisco prices. Oregon City, May Sj. ACRES OF GOOD LAND within JdJJ three miles of Oregon City, for sale. Time allowed on purl of purchase money. For particulars inquire at the CITY nOOK-STOItE iu Oregou City. May 32, 1858. mllREE FINE COVERED BUGGIES for X aale bv AINSWORTII & DIERDORFF. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. J. B. BLAftPIED &, CO. WOULD respectfully inform' the public that they have now on hand a large and well selected slock of ready-made HOOTS A SHOi'JS, which they oiftr fur sale on reasonable term. MAKING AND REPAIRING Done lo order, on short notice. Jfy 8, 1858. 4-y Bethel Institute. THIS School is under Iho personal control of Prof. Haley, of Bethany College, and is in flourishing ooudition. TERMS OF TUITIOM. Common English branches $1,00 prqr. Higher branches in Mathematics & History 6.00 Latin, Greek, &c, 8,00 " The resident of the district thut now live in it first. Board can be had at the usual prices. JAMES L. LADD, May 1,1858. Ch'nofCom. OUTGO MARKET. MESSRS. N. N. MATLOCK AND 8. L. . CAMPBELL desire lo inform the inhabitants of Oregon Cily .... . ..... Yl t. I.. and vicinity that incy navo lawiy ,.noitu their market up Main street, Nearly Opposite the Post Office, th.ti. m'tW bfn mtnstnntTv on hsnd the best qnality of FRESH BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, also Corn Beef, Bacon, Butter, Egg; and all kinds ol veoktables lo do ooa iu me country all of which will be offered at the lowest market rates. Cash paid for all the above-mentioned ar ticles. April 24, 1858. 25,000 for sale by Canemah, Apt 17. J' FEET OF FIR LUMBER JOS. BARSTOW. India Rubber Good. JUST RECEIVED, direct from New York, Hospital cloth, ' Breast pomps, Nursing bottles, Ac. &c at the Feb. 6. OREGON CITK DRUG STORE. To the Afflicted. DR. HDTCHINS' CELEBRATED BAL aam of Wild Cherry, with a variety of hi other popular Botanical Medicine; are aow for ale at CHARLES POPE'S, Oregon City, oni at JOSEPH BARSTOW'S, CaaestsA. 47y SAVE VOIB DOLLAR SI As teell as your Dimes I TF Ton want GOOD articles at the lowest pos ..L. ,.n .1 CHARLES POPE'S store, on Main sweet, where you will fioj larg aasortmeat 01 uww a cneap as .oej booght at any atore in Oregon City. D- 5, '57. , FOR SALlC A EETof aeeoiid-hsad TIN MA NS TOOLS and JMCi7.VeompVt,by t3ct.J,li57. E. MILWAIN. A. tossi, r. anaTKL, W. WJXATHXJUTOjU), WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, DEALER 1 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, INSTRUMENTS, Trusses, -Supporter; Shoulder Braces, Window Glass, Glassware, in oil. Paints, ground, colored, dry, t Linseed Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Tanners' OH, Sperm Oil, x Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Turpentine, Cainphene, Polar Oil, Burning Fluid, Furniture Varnish, Japan Varnish, Coach Varnish, Brushes, a large variety, . Artist Materials, Perfumery, Alcoiol, Gold Leaf, American, Bronzes, Vermillion, French, Chinese, and Withti full atlortment of ORAEFENBERO MEDICINES ; Iu a word, I nm now receiving a larje assort ment of the above, with a Ihonsaud oilier articles too numerous to mention, (purchased lint winter in New York very low for cash,) in additiou to my former stock, comprising one of the Larieat aid Mast Compute Atiortaeits On this Coast ! W. WE.VTHERFORD returns thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto received, and respect fully asks a continuance of thesaoie, aa he will sell at San Francisco price. Dealer and consumer will find it to their advaulage to call, aa Iho goods must be sold lo make room for more soon to arrive. PORTLAND, Oregon, May 93, 1858. CROW ELL'S Coanonad Extract of Manaparttla, Yel low Dock, anil loalae of Potass t AN invaluable remedy for impurilie of the blood, scrofula, king' evil, erysipelas, salt rheum, costiveneea, jaundice, dyspepsia, syphilitic symptoms, swelling of the glands, fever sores, pains in the bones, rheumatism, pimple on Hie face, neuralgia, aud all chrouio and long slauding dis ease. This article, in its strongest and most perfect form, contain all the active and well-established mcdicnl properties of SariapariUa, YelloU) Dock, and Iodide of Potaon, a combination unequaled iu its curative and strengthening effects. Thou sands of certified could be furnished of its pow erful eriecls as an excellent medicine. For sale by Dr. CRO WELL It CO., Druggists, 131 Commercial St., San Franciieo, aud by W, WEATHERFORD, Portland, Oregon. ni)S3 ATTENTION, FARMERS ANDMERCHANTS I TTTE ARE NOW. RECEIVING direct from V the Eastern State.h following atlicle of MERCHANDISE, which we will sell cueaI foR cash at wholesale or retail : Tlirciticrt and Reopen, Revolving hay and grain rakes, Hay presses, hay rakes, baud, I lay forks, scythes It, snaths, Grapevine grain cradles, Grant'a rive-fingered "grain cradles, Straw. &. hay cutting boxen, Gruin scoops, seamless sacks. Hoes, Ames' spades, No. 1 , manure forks, potato hooks, X 8 steel plows, X I ) steel plows, No. 6 & 7 Peoria plows, Extension cultivators, steel teeth, Hunt's axes, with & without hdlt. lliekox's cider mills, griudstoues, grindstone hangings, cow bells, , thermometer churns, self-sealing preserve jars horse brushes, horse Cards, eurry comb, horse covers, sheep shears, pruning knives, pruning shears, red clover seed, Ky blue grass seed, apple-parers & slicers, ox aud log chains, cable aud trace do., ox bows, stap binges, self-closing gato do., sheep bells, patent rat traps, sieves, wire for sieves, spun col Ion, all sixes, bark mills, tanners' tools, carpentms' tools of every description, boring machines, with setts of augers, Fairbanks' platform scales, carriage bands, wagon boxes, pipe ditto, iron axles, carriage springs, bolls & band, children' carriages, doers, sash, locks, latches, catches, butts, screws, paints, oils, mill saws, cross-cut do., lime, plaster, . trowels, paint brushes, shoe do., wheelbarrows? store trucks, steamboat do., clocks, coopers' tools, Iress hoops, spring clothes pin, smiths' bellows, anvils, crew plates, riveting hammers, smiths' do., breast drills, lever drills, horse-shoe nails, smiths' tongs, beeswax, rosin, India rubber bolting, do. packing, rope, nails, oakum, pitch, tar, spikes, and many other artiolea not here meutioued. Remember all to bc sold low roa cash. Bettor eall and see us before purchasing else where. Wm. C. DEMENT k Co., myl Opposite land Ofie; Oregon City. Just Received, A LOT of superior BED BLANKETS and Stockino Yabb, from the Willamette Wool, ten Manufactory, myl W. C. DEMENT At co. HERRING'S TATENT CHAMPION FIEE-PE00F SAFES, With Hall's Patent Powder Proof Locks, the same that were awarded separate medals at the World's Fair, London, 1851, and tlie World's Fair, New York, 1853, and are the only American Safes that were awarded medals at the London World's Fair. THESE Safes form the most perfect security against Fire and Burglars, of ny safe ever offered the public, and can only be had of the sub scribers aod their agenta; who have on band and make to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests aud Vaults, Vault Dooaa, II Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers, ft Private Families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other valusbles. And are also Patentees (by purchase) and manufacturer of Jonas' rATirr sesmvtaticn bakk lock. 8.C.HLI;R1NG 4. CO., No. 2.11 Broad oy, cor. Murray si., N. Y. tT AGENTS E. Fitxokbald at Co., ec W. G. Wendell. San Francisco, Col. 3m3 rnEMPLE OF HONOR. Tualatin Temple of J, Honor, No. , meets ou tlie 1st and 3d Hat nrday eveningsof each month at CJ o'clock, at their Hall, Forest Grove, Oregon. Members of the Order in good standing are in. ited to visit this Temple. M. M. SPENCER, W.C. T. cn.WatKEK,w. p. aa Caldron KetUei 0 F from sixteen i9 sixty gnl'ooe, at MIUVAI.VrJ. J.C. AINIWOITH. WM. DIRRDORPP. AIJSWOHTII DIERDORFF, WIIOUSAI.K AMD RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots it Shoes, and Crockery, In lh new Fire-pro. rf IJrkk Mai tbet, OREGON CITY, O.T. WTM. DIEUDOUFF V CO. HAVE RE V roovtd to lh NEW FIRE-VROOF BRICK, nel door to the brick Torinarly owned by Holme. Tha firm will hereafter be kiicwn as AINSWORTII It DIERDORFF. AINSWORTH&MERDORFF. J EAUE NOW OPENING I ? IN Till Zfew Fire-Proof Brick, A la so a and ell assostsu stock or GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure against fire, w will now Offer Greater Inducements than ever to the public. W nr constantly In receipt of lected with lh greatest car (aa lo prices and quality), and are conlident that ur facilities will enable us lo oner and sell g wde AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would advise all those visiting this city lo purchase goods, lo examine our slock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. have, and are just receiving, au iuvoice of S&7-OOOBI. consisting in part of the following article Coche co, Pacific, lladley, Conesteiro, Sprague, Philip Allen, Fall River, Merrimao, llrigga, nnd numer ous other choice PRINTS', all late atyleet Eng lish i: French merinos, Lyonese cloth, mohair and oilier Debate braze, wool, dt musliu delaine, black, blue, purple, et pink merinos, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, ,w, lc mull muslin, ladies enib. sel, collars, hdkrs aL skirts, dress K bonnet trim mings, trench & domestic g.nghama, rrcncu lawn from lij to 95o, blue, mixed, A grey sail uet, wool & cotton jeans, cnttouade, bleached aud brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and blenched drills, denims, hickory shirting; Silesia, marine, brown, and Irish linen, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a larg lot of linen and thread lace and edging, hosiery, &e. MEN'S $ BOYS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, and brown cloth coat ; tO dot blk cloth vents, 5 dot white and bull' Marseille do, velvet and satin do. 30 dux satinet pants, doeskin and fancy cession re do, 30 dot merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, St black cloth over coats, with a geuerul assortment ot geula furnishing goods. BOOTS d SHOES Men's, boys', and youths' boots; ladies', misses', and childrena' mo rocco, gout, kid, and call lougress boots, will) At without heels; ladies' kid slippers. Rio and Java coffee, black and ereen tea, N. O., China, Bulavia Island, Cul. refined, and orushed sugar, East Boston, Cel., sugar houso, and golden syrup j sall.olovuu lb sits j mu Bgs nails, ass a sue; Hills pate, chemical and Cnglisn soap, soap powders, powder, shot, and lead, yeast pow der, uleralus, cream tartar, smoking aud chewing tobacco, green corn, peas, tomatoes, straw ana blackberries, in 3 lb tine ; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, macaroni, venn.celh, corn starch, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, raisins, Chili peach es, dried fruit ; mackerel, ia qrt hlf bbls, sardiuea. A linn assortment of CROCKERY d TABLE CUTLERY.- SI) crates assorted ware, 40 dot steel picks, 90 " Dutch and Hdla hoe. White Lead, Oil, and Window Glass ; with a variety of other article usually kept. HJ" We will pay cash for wheat, Hour, bicnn, butter, rggs, aud almost everything the furmer has for sale. A. & D. Oregon City, April 10, 1R58. JUST RECEIVED, the latent style at bilk i katin BONNETS, leghorn ft straw flats. Al.NSVtUUill DIKlUIOItri'. Hl'.UOOl. BOUWMt HCnOOl. ltUOIAHtt 17 L. BRADLEY & CO. have, in addition !i. to their Well-selected stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, iust received the following direct from the publishers: S.'iO dim. Sanders' Series School Hooks, among whxli will be louiid ins pinners; 1st. 9d. 3d, 4th, & 5lh Younir Ladies' and lllifh School Readers ; also 85 dot. Thompson's Prac tical Arithmetic, 35 do. Willsou'a U.S. History, school edition ; 25 dot. Parley's Universal History, school edition ; 30 dox Intelligent Readers, 50 dot. slates, together with a large assortment of stationery, &o., Ate. Send your orders lo lha CITY BOOK-STORE, and they will be attend ed lo without delay. Jan. 33, 1857. OREGON HOUSE, CORNER Third and Water streets, J opposite the rerry Lauding. UKKUVn VII I. The traveling publio are resiiectrully invited lo give me a cull. The OREGON HOUSE ia tlie most pleas antly located hotel in the Territory, and has been so altered withiu the last few weeka as to make it one of tho most commodious Houses iu the Terri tory. The table will always be supplied with the beat that the Market affords. Good accommodations for ladies and families. Good stablimr aud feed for horses, with proper attendance. VX" The stage-couch to aud (rum Sulem slops at the Oregon House. r bices: Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Board, without lodging, per week 0 00 Single meal 51) Night's lodging 50 J. BAHM, Aug. 8, 1857m6 Proprietor. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID!! AND C hit mi mi V Warner HAVE REMOVED lo their Brink Building on Main it., formerly occupied by Wm. Holmes eX , where they nre prepared lo do busi ness on the same old plan. We have on hand a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, & Provisions, ami every other thing the farmer wantr. April IU, Ifi.io. Wvbaler'a UunbritlKcd DICTIONARY Revised and enlsrgnd edi tionfor sale at the ' CITY BOOK SiOHK. 25 SETS hollow augers, for wheelwrights, for aale by W.M. C. DEMENT H to. 2000 SEAMLESS sacks for, ale by WM.C. DEMENT & co. YAMHILL TRADE. T HE new and fine temer built expressly for lh Yamhill trade, will leave CAN EM All ou Monday and Fridays for La eavette, and Wednesdays for Davton ai B A. M. Nov.31, '57. C. E.SWE1TZKK, Msster. ZTotico to Shippers. OX and after Ihie date, Fit EIGHT will be carried on the steamer BUS by the rule " bhip Measurement." Nov. 3 1 , '57. C.E.8WE1TZER. tbarmau V Wariitr HAVE ree'd a large assortment of SHOES, embracing children's and ladies' shoes, and r Rmkin.. and Hooters ! also Kent" JlOOt and a'joes, and gaiters of all descr ption. ALSO, Cradle and cythee, soalhs, hoes, rake, forks, spaaes, ano ,n"""' ORRIS' Poetical Works for sale by . D ,!ARY and Covrespoadenee of Amo Law rence- for Ml y i -' & OREGON CITY Wholetalo Prlcei Currents COBBKOTEB WEEKLY. Sheeting, 4-4 14'50pr.el.ovr N. Y.cost Drilling IS raooica. , Bleached drilling I.I Wheat, pr. b a..... t)l,SJ " ahirling, 1 1 alb Data do II'J Striped do i;j Potatoes do 75 Ticking Hall, Onion do Vi HO Deuin Vi Hour $10 Blu drilling 14 Corn .Meal, fresh 10 Plaid husey....... (isS4; rsriT. H.il.u.t 7UsUO Apphs, dried ICalS Keutucky jeaus...?.'ia 15, Teaches, d.led J25 Tweeds 55a;ti! " do pealed raiNT. ; Chill, dried. 3tia35 Blue and while 13, raoviaioNa. Blue andoraug 13 Pork, clear none. Kancy iel3 " mess .$VHsjll Fumilur do I0al4 illanai 16 m do. wide.):) Haeon S3 M. de lain.e IHailll Butler 33 Ginghams 15a33 Eggs 35 Alpaca SSaliO- rowuaa. Table damask 5(a75,llazjird, pr cn $15 cloths UaHI4, l O'w Irish linens 40u$l,', "' mal , clotiiino. ."'"all sIats 1Jn3 Sheep gray pauls $3 Ia9. Uuck ttfaaj Satinet lo. .1- JJ'V ,.ri5ir.. ....15 lllsck ca. do. 5s7.bit lead, lo 01I...K', rniltVlall", WW st,p-a": Redllan'IshiiU $l lal8 CoEDAcin. Blue do. do. g l.iais: ""' Hickory shirl 5a7'.. " 'rl Calico do t)'JaiaumP ,u,a BOOTS X SHOE. J CANDLE. Men's kip boots 5.',a4 1.VJmantiue 30a37 sillier do. do... .9 1 -l"" u"'1"' II An Mwi.it 111 CIUABB. Bova' kip boot 93Haana JIOaH ' he'vy w i do$llaJ German "k1 Metis" brg'spr. doz..fjll7 American fJidajO " kipbrgsprdoz.?:ir ..v-- calf sewed do..'l Prideoflho Umon.40a45 Women'a h'vy ah'.$l3;ft''- M line do -aij i-uaes OaOUEBIE. ! IIAEUWAKK. Cffe 14al.V."hl' j," Tea (i0a75:'P',, ' ' ! Sugar, no. I Chi'a... . l.V ;r7 ' orushed o; ninsan.. ' Saleratus lOalti X outsaws "- Starch uMahccutlery, Pcrcr. Syrup E Boston 95! MKitc on f V s Island I ,75:PcKl"'l''"y.a5 prct NO Molasses i 'Ivaiice. Liv.Sult attji Other " "? h"r'i Table Sail 3..U war from 30 to j pi Sandwich 1. Salt . . 1 ,a3 ad'ance. Pepper ..;Na.l.,,,dc,prk 8 Allspice 40 " hon-.hoe...3540 Cinnamon OUnHll ...... Soap 8allI--""P 1 aS To Oresoniana ia Bid Health. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO TIIE SICK! Il Is awful to note the harfgard, sallow, ca- d'tferous faces anil wasted skeleloii forms we meet! This ai not conlined In the old, but we see the youug, able-bodied, and those in the prime of life,' complain alter bciug here om time of illuess ; some grow unnaturally fat suddenly J others waste and grow thin ; Ihey caiuioi localize or uusunos their disease, yet they feci universally unwell, menially aud physically ; some nave pains ana weakness in the breast, limbs, or body ; they feel a want of muscular and mental energy, a want of animation, and have fearful forebodings for the fu ture, poor appetite, nervous irritability, and sleep. lemiess; tbeirskiu is dry, and occasionally flushed and heated, thin, pallid, and yellow. Now aud leu deaths, lunacy, and universal de bility is loo, loo prevalent here ; and who wonders, when combined with a climate like Ibis, a dry air Impregnated with electricity and g;lvanisml We have many who have passed through aicknoss, whom life is Intemperate and debauched, or have seen others who have been nearly ductored to death by quack medicines, or by the advice of 'The Faculty," who have impregnated them Willi mercury, calomel, Ac. For all such cases is Dr. Jacub Webber' Invig orating Cordial Sangilifier most ee-wcially adapted, Inasmuch as Iho abovo case and symptoms did Dr. Webber minutely study in adapting Ilia cordial lo their cure. It enlivens the torpid liver, ejects all billions matter from the system, cttiwes smlalion, or free perspiration ( ncoenaary to health), purine and euriches the blood, giv-s strength to the liiiib and body, and is positively infallible iu all nervous diseases, trembling, or wakefulness. There uever wu a remedy hich gave such de light to the sufferer as this. The Agent can, from his own knowledge of cures effected by II, con saentiously recommend it in any of the following diseases: Nervousness, weakness, languor, loss of appetite, sleep, or strength, trembling, low spirits, decay of the natural functions, pains in the head, limbs, or body, neuralgic or rheumatic, uud it often restores those lo health and strength whose consti tutions are almost broken. DeBILITV THOU DISEASE, CLIMATE, DISSIPATION, oa uuoAUCiuay. Strength, vivacity, nnd vigor 10 Iho limbs, body, and mind, is given by Dr. Jacob Webber' Invigorating Cordial it sends an dec- trio thrill of lite through the worn-otii ooiiy, weas, limbs, and broken-down constitutions : gives an ap petite, removes dyspepsia, culmsiiritubility, causes quiet sleep, and ia indeed the lineal tonic, nervine and sunguifior, ever made. Il is purely a vegeta ble compound, and can be uml by the most deli cate female. Tho reader is conscientiously assured it is all it is represented. g r lu quart bottles pnee rr two mi j. Wholesale Arront. T. JONES. 115 Montgom ery at., Sun Frauuisco, to whom all ord.-racan bo addressed. ' il'lm'i ... k u.l. ..A ttlln. tar els. r 1 uv ..i.n. Weill West India Soap Tooth Root is a su perb dentifrice, lathers In the mouth like soap, ia delicious to the taste, whitens tha teeth, polishes (without injuring) the euainul, purifies the breath, and by its lathering property cleanses the mouth, For dressing and torcmg the growth 01 tne nair, 1 I II. .i. l.u. 'I'llIM MM itS OnCS VUIHI Hl. in"w.i-HTi - qualities: Il will fore the hair to grow dark, stop iU falling out, cure scurf, or dandruff, dress the hair beautifully dark, soil, silky, l'rioo 35 It 50 cents per bolllo. ' ' For curing eruptions, pimples, freckles, sunburn, tail, and discolored skin, the bsniitilul ell'col of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap delight all who use it. It makes the most coumn, red, and yellow skill white and clear as a young child's. It ia emollient and softening for infants, and is the best shaving soap made. Prico 35 cents. Sold at the above prices nt every respectable drug store in California and Oregon. Proprietor, T. JONES, 185 Montgomery si., San Fruncisco. E- L BRUDLEY d: Co., ARE agent for Fowler At ells' Life Illustra ted, WaierCure and Phrenological Journals. Vou that waut a good fumily paper, send in your names soon. , Subscription also received for Godey' Lady Book, Graham's Magazine, Hauler's do., Har per' Weekly Journal, bus. Beud 011 your name with the cuit, and yon will be attended I Ziand for Salo. 1 Illf r HI I'TlllV nt irood LAND JA. ia for sale, situated on Clarkamas, H fj'" mil.. N I.', nt l)r(rnn CitV 10 SITeS UII-sLaL. der fence, half of which is under cultivation) with a young oaciiASDof nbout 150 trees, some of which are bearing ; besides a small frame bousa and out-buildings. The properly will be sold for cash, or traded To property in Oregon City or Portland. For further particulars, enquire of the ed.torof the Argue. j2tf f'yc. CARTER'S PULMONAIIY HALS A. M, AJ just received by Etrssss at Ihe OREGON CITV DRUG STORE. March 27, 1858. SHINGLES ltiO.OOfl for sale, by CHARM AN r WARNER. ftJ YS, of different kinds, for sale by X CIIAR.VIAN St WARNER. 10 M ex. qaalily eignrs. CHARMAN It WARNER, ALL who are indebted la the firm of Chabman 4 Wabnek are requested to call at theif tor and sellle by cash or n forthwith. CHARMAN It WARNER. Oregon Cily, Feb. , IsiS, tit JISL I