ADVERTISING RATES. Out square (12 lines or hue) una insertion, $3,00 m h two iuaertioue, 4,00 Urn o inn rtkrns, MO Each subsequent insertion, 1,00 Reasonable deductions to I hose who advertise by th year. rviuatiso svsav 1ATVIIMV MOEKIKO, BY WILLIAM L. ADAMS. TKRMSTkt Aaooi vijf t furnitkid al , Tare 0eUr Fifty Ctntt prr annum, in adonntt, In ninglt tnkteribtrtTkrtt Dollar mtk In Un nl nnt ojictin odvanct Wkm Ikt it not paid in ndtnntt, Ftnr Vollnrt mill In tkargid if pud milkin lit mnnlki, nnd fin dnllnrt nt Ikt tnd of Ikt year. (9" Tin Italian for nit mtnthtNo tubtcrip- tinni rtetittd for n kit period. 0f No paper ditennlinnti unlit nil arrtnrngti art fid, anUtt al Ikt option of Iko puilUkir. JOB PRINTING. Tin rnoriiiToa or the AUGl'H is lurrv to inform the pnblie that he has just received a Urge stork of JOB TYI'E and other new print ing mnn-rial.'and will be in ihe qredy reee'pt o adJiliuus suited to all Ihe requirements of th s k cnliiy. llAMlltll.IJt, l'OSTKliS, UI.ANKH, CAUDS, CIRIX'LARH, I'AMl'lll.H'l-WOKK and other kinds, dune to order, on short notice. A "Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy, and advocating the side of Truth iu every issue.- Vol. IV. OREGON CITY, OREGON, AUGUST 21, 1858. No. 19. THE OREGON ARGUS, 1m Starve Tamer aaa (hi leara. From Ikt London Dniin Ntvt, May S3. Mr. Karey, the celebrated American horse-tamer, whom feats huve already at tracted the notice both of the public and the press of the United Kingdom, rclicncd hi school in Kliiuerson street yesterday, fur one flying lecture previous to his dciwrturo for Manchester, Liveriool and Scotland. On this occasion the little theatre was filled with the Professor's most distinguished pu pils, and the result of the lecturo was to convince ever one present thut his system is perfectly sound and legitimate sound in principle, and sound in application; thut it is based on a life long observation of the vquino Idiosyncrasy, physiologicul and psy chological, uud thut there Is not one purti cle of quackery or empiricism in it from be ginning to end. Although it Is part of our general human nature to be fond of the horse, it may often have been remarked that particular individuals have more of this sort of attachment than others; and whenever this is the case, and when )ecu liar circumstances fuvor the development of this feeling, the result generally Is tliut such individual soon throws new light on the rqnint ourrieulum, and introduces impor tant change into existing systems of train ing and breakiug the horse. Mr. Ilnrey is obviously one of theso individuals, and he luu devoted bis whole life to tlio study of the horse's peculiarities, his nervous organi zation, his strength, his weukness, and his tastes. Ho has plumbed all the depth of his passions, measured the full hight of his Intelligence, found out what ho likes and dislikes and is afraid of, and putting ull the isolated facts of a lifelong cxerience to gether, he has constructed a theory on the soundest principles of induction, and he ex emplifies it and carries it out with an uner ring skill and finish of manipulation which we fear few of his pupils will successfully imitate, even after they have been initiutcd into all the freemasonry of the science. Tbo only thing to be regretted in the mat ter Is, that Mr. Rarey's pecuniary interests, 4 the nymplicity of his system, require that only the favored few who become his pupils should have the advantage of his ad mirable instructions. The great basis of his system, and which may be divulged without any branch of the understood coin pact under which individuals are permitted to be present at the lectures, is the careful, patient, skillful application of the law of kindness, which Mr. Rarey triumphantly proves to be more potent with the strong und fiery horse than all the whips and spurs and snaffles in the world. l!ut to work out this law successfully with the horse the i teacher must himself be taught; 'that is to say, he mast in the first instance have thor oughly tamed and humanized himself. Ills temper must have become as even as a saint's his touch as gentle as a woman's; he must neither swear, nor bellow, nor stomp, nor call ill names; and therefore is the sys tem so based calculated, if widely diffused, to become a great national moral agent; and for that reason it is to be regrettod that the amiable, original and highly intelligent apostle of the new creed is obliged 4 To pufilt give up what wai meant for mankind.' ' Mr. Rarey, it appears, spent the early portion of his life in the State of Ohio, where he had frequent opportunities of studyiug the nature of the horse, both in his domestic state and when recently caught wild in the prairies. Even in childliood he "could manage horses which defied the most active and powerful grooms, and from that period to the present he has concentrated nil his intelligence upon the subject, aud Itow comes before the public, offering, aud ' We believe, with a certainty of success, to 'tunic the wildest horse, to make him as do vile an a lady's palfrey, and this, too, with out the slightest coercion or cruelty exer cised upon the four-footed pupil. Let all those who have horses, aye, children, to deal with, bear in mind that kindness is the most potent agent yet discovered for sub duing refractory spirits; and when they re member that Alexander tamed Bucephalus merely by turning his head gently from the sun, let them be prepared to believe the wonderful results which Mr. Rarey promises from the application of tenderness in the education of the noblest of our four-footed 1 friends aud servants. In the course of the most interesting lec ture which Mr. Rarey delivered yesterday, and which was all the more, impressive be cause it was delivered in an easy, natural raanuer, and with intrinsic evidence that the sneaker believed every word he uttered, Iia o&lled attention to the fact that the most unruly horses in the world were those of South America, wnere iney were cauguv uy ' the lasso and controlled by the spur; and that the most docile and obedient were the ' Arabian horses, which were treated as friends and companions by their wild Bo- rflouin master, shared the letter's frugal dish, -and often slept with bis infant children. The horse, he said, was an animal of fine ' oervous organization, and having much 'more intelligence than his master would - ie him credit for sometimes mucn more . than the said master himself could boast of . 8nd to bring him into complete subjection ' ft was necessary that due attention should ' be paid to these two points. The now cel ebrated "Cruiser" was then introduced, bearing on his body more than one mark of the injuries he had inflicted upon himself be ' fore he made Mr. Rarey's acquaintance, but . now as gentle as a lamb, following his teach er about the arena like a dog, stopping when he pointed his finger, lying down " when he was told, rising again when he ob " tained permission, and doing all this in a mild, good-humored sort of way, as if the wish to oblige was the sole ruling motive, , and that the now docile Cruiser was una ware that there were such things as whips - or spun in the world. Mr. Rarey exhib ited the terrible array of bits and muzzles with which Cruiser's first teachers bad ' sought to bring him to reason, and gave ' one or two interesting particulars of his own early tatmiews with the ferocious am ' mal. Cruiser's habit, it appears, was to , fcrnm and veil when any one approached him, to smash up his stull "into lucifer mutches," uud to attempt to bite and de stroy every living thing iu his neighbor hood. hen lie was to be fed or watered his groom was to ascertain, by thrusting a long polo in at the stublu door, where the enemy stood, und then to deposit the food, shut the door, and vanish as soon as pos sible. Mr. Rarey chungod all this In a moment. IIo ordered the stable door to be thrown 0en, introduced himself accord ing to his system, which is the very quint essence of Chesterfield, to his new friend without a moment's delay, and in half an hour the iudomitublo Cruiser might bo rid den by a child, could listen tranquilly to the beating of a drum, and stand unnppullcd, even if Mrs. Gamp were to flourish her most imposing nmbrellu iu Ins fuce. Cruiser, it is true, was a little out of condition yester duy, and his eye had a somewhat saddened expression, but his natural remorse for for mer turbulence was sufficient to account for these little symptoms, and the promptitude nnd dexterity with which ho performed ull that was required of hlin by his master, proved to demonstration that if he hud be come a sadder, ho was ulso a wiser horse than formerly. An ordinary hackney, the property of a gentleman present, was then introduced, and satiisfuctory evidence hav ing been givcu that he had only received his first lesson on Saturday last, he was du ly submitted to the civilizing process, Mr. Rarey lecturing as ho proceeded, and giv ing a clear, sutisfuctory, nnd sensible reason for everything ho did. The horse followed him ubout, lay down at the word of com mand, turned over on the other side at a motion of a finger, allowed Mr. Rarey to sit on his withers, to place his head between his hind legs, to knock his fore-legs together, nnd. finally, to beat a drum all round hint. In this case, the pupil was in the best of humors all through the lesson, Indeed, was quite frisky aud playful, volunteered an eu coro of the lic-down-uiid-tiini-over move ment, and seemed to be quite exhilarated with the consciousness of his own manifold accomplishments. But tlw trrcat novcltv of the duy was the introduction of the Zebra of the Afri can desert, tho latest pupil in Mr. Rarey's school, and one with which, although lie ul timately expects to drive him through Hyde Park, he yet makes his account to . .it, ii mi Iiuve a great ueni 01 irouuic. me siicci nicn introduced was the most beautiful four-footed beast we have ever seen, with his perfect symmetry of form, bright glossy coat of the richest cinnamon and deepest black, nnd a pair of eyes that flashed lurid fire as he made his appearance iu the lists. This pupil is still in the rudiments, and yells out his " Propria qua tnaribat" in a most uncivilized manner when politely requested to go through his task. But he does it nevertheless, lies down when he is told though not with the grace and readiness of his more civilized school-lcllows turns over with a helpless whine of despair nnd scusc of subjugation, nnd admits that even he, the hitherto untamenble steed of the desert, hns nt length found a firm although eeutle muster. Now, we must confess that when at first we heard that Mr. Rarey was going to introduce a zebra to his pupils, we had a shrewd suspicion that somctding like a theatrical covp was contemplated, nnd thut some venerable " woolly horse," who Imd nerlmns crndunted in a circus, was nbout to be introduced for the sake of nov elty and attraction. But all suspicion of that sort was dispelled when we saw that wild ferocieus animal, so beautiful, nnd yet so terrible iu his beauty, follow the great horse-turner reluctantly into the ring. There was something positively nnearthly.m the scream with whicli he saluted the com pany, and the fact of the barricade being on v breast hlsh set at least one person who was present about making nervous calcula tions as to his probable stock of agility. As he lay upon the ground he kept up a low whin ing soliloquy whicli a person acquainted with the Honyhnhmn language might, no doubt, havo translated, " It would give me intense gratification, to devonr this fellow where he stands, and to kick out the brains of these impertinent lookers on immediately afterward, but, unfortunntely, there is no 'justice for zebras' now-a-dnys, so I have nothing for it but to lie quiet, and to behave myself henceforth and forever like a civilized quadruped and a gentleman." A strong color of probability was given to this trans lation by the subsequent conduct of this beautiful and now sulidued demon. He re tired slowly and with dignity, rather sad than sulky in his deportment, gave one fly- in" scream as ne passed mrougn ins siuuie door, had one gentle nip at his groom who held it open for him, and subsequently per mitted a lady of distinction, who was pres ent to stroke him down as he lay in his sta ble exhausted after his recent exertions, or, possibly conning over his lesson against the next Instruction day. This terminated the day's lecture or lesson, whichever it may be called. All present expressed them selves not only completely satisfied, but profoundly impressed with the soundness and novelty of Mr. Rarey's system, and re tired with the most favorable reminiscences of himself, of his clear and natural intelli gence, his obvious earnestness and faith in and of approbation of the kindness, gentleness, and forbearance which he never failed to inculcate as the great leading characteristics of his school. Heavy Pcbchase by a Free egro. At Iberville, La., at a public sale recently, a free man of cokir became the purchaser of a sugar plantation in that parish, at the price of $240,000, making him the owner altogether of 4,500 acres of land and 200 negroes. Good Reply. A line in one of Moore's tongs reads thus: " Our conch shall be ro sea bespangled with dew." To which a sensible girl, according to Landor, replied, "Twould give me the rhrumatiz ana so it would Ton" The Paoauiuy Difficulty. Every body knows we have a difficulty with Par aguay. Hut very few Know wuat it is or what is the cause of it. The history of the case, from the documents recently published, appears to bo this. We copy from the Al buny Evening Journal: Twelve years ago tho Paraguayan gov ernment issued a decree encouraging and inviting "foreigners to settle thero aud en- gago in trade by offering them lands, nio- noK)lies, Slc. This was douo for the pur pose of developing tho resources aud increasing the commerce of tho country ' Tho Yankees' are always on the look-out for such openings, and tho invitation was responded to by the formation of an Emi grant Company in Rhode Island. Tho legislature incorporated it with a capital of $300,000. The Company bought and took to Paraguay steam-engines, vessels, saw mills, cotton-gins, planing machines, sugar mills, brick machines; rice mills, agricultu ral implements, &c, &c, enough for a large coldliy. A largo number of mechanics, fanners, and others, embarked in the enter prise, and the colony was formally planted iu 1853. The government received them, bestowed the promised privileges upon them, and encouraged them to enter upon a large business. Paraguay is one of the finest timbered countries in the world, and has some of the best tobacco land in America. The Com pany soon found that their saw-mill (the first ever built south of the Amazon and cast of the Andes) was a most lucrative property, and their cigar faetory was about equally profitable. It happened that Pres ident Lopez found it out also. Though nominally a Republic, Paraguay isiu fact a despotism, aun the President is un absolute dictator. With hiin, to covet the property and thriving business of ' los Yankees' was as natural, as to seize it was practicable. Ho fulminated three decrees rcvokiug their title to their lands, repudiat ing his contracts with them, .and confiscat ing their privileges for his own benefit. He seized their mills, vessels, and machinery, and would not even let them leave the country alive, unless they would formally relinquish everything to him. It happened that nn American man-of-war, the Water Witch, Commander Page, came along just theu, took the Americans on board in dell nnec of the President, nnd brought them home. They now demand reparation. Lopez, in reply, declares that the Water Witch committed a 'scandalous hostility' in taking them off, and sets up, in justifica tion of his conduct, the plea that they had practiced fraud in obtaining title to their lauds. A little prompt and firm action on the part of our Government would bring President Lopez to terms, quite easy. Growth of the Auf.ricax Union, The London Times, in a leading article, calls tho attention of tho British public to the wonderful expansion nnd prodigious de velopment of the American Union. " In reality," says the Times, "not even the marvels of American naturo arc compara ble in magnitude to the recent features of American progress, Tho new State of Minnesota contains an area exceeding that of France tho Territory did, but not the State, and Kansas is larger than Great Britain. The mighty process of coloniza tion, which goes on there With such rapid ity, is without a parallel in the history of the race." One of the Items. Among other items added by the Senate to the army appropri ation bill, is $80,000 for three regiments of Missouri desperadoes Blustered into the ser vice of Shannon and Woodson, and called " Kansas militia." These are the same cut throats who sacked and burned Lawrence and Ossawatomie. This is a sample of those extras which have swelled the expen ditures from about fifty-two millions under Mr. Fillmore to $83,000,000 under a simple-minded Democrat like Mr. Buchanan. The Iowa Gold Stories a Himbio. Mr. John Daily, of Osceola, Clark county, Iowa, writes to the Indianapolis Journal that the stories of large quantities of gold having been found in Iowa, are all fulse. Mr. D. says that he lives in the vicinity of the Clark county mines. tf A new material for paper is said to have been discovered in the fiber of the beet root, which remains after sugar-making and distillation. It is twenty per cent, cheaper than common paper, and has been used in cartridges at Woolwich arsenal. It is to be introduced and tested in this country. rs- A conference between the Lords and Commons of England has resulted in a compromise by which Jews will be admit ted to seats in Parliament The result will be the speedy admission of Baron Roths child. . I& In Louisiana, there are fifteen thou sand square miles of fine alluvial sou, which . . 1 , t 1 L L. . I. Kn,l MMItfi t A ne dmow nuru ! rn,tecte1 7 rt'fi,is' embankments. Improved Firearms. The Adjutant General of Massachusetts has recently drawn from the U. S. Arsenal at Spring field two thousand muskets, with which to arm the militia of that State. This is the first State to procure the improved muskets lately manufactured at tho Government Ar mories. This arm has the Muynard pri mer, the rear sight graduated for different distances, from 100 to 000 yards, and the improved plun for attaching the bayonet. Even tho ramrod is of an Improved pat tern, so shaped as to fit the ball when dri ving home, and with a swell stem which firmly secures it in the groove wheu not in use. This new musket carries an elongated expanding ball, weighing 500 grains only, aud with a charge of CO grains of musket powder (which has been found to answer better than one of 10 for the distunces of GOO and TOO yards), it has been found that there is very little recoil. One of the ob jections to the musket of 1842, and it was a serious one, was, that carrying a large ball (weighing 140 grains) necessitates a charge of 10 grains of powder; the recoil was severe, and in practical service would be uncudurable. Deatii of Hannibal. The following biographical sketch is copied from the Cleveland Fluiudcalcr: "This old and distinguished elephant died at Canfield, Ohio, recently. He was quite old extremely so. We have heard his age stated variously at from five hun dred to one thousand years. At times Hannibal was rather wild. Domestic trou bles may have been the cause of this. We believe his faults were of tho head, how ever, and not of tho heart. He never used tobucco in any form, aud in all his travels was never forced to ' spout' his trunk for his hotel bills. What other showman of any note can say as much ? Still the fact cun't be disguised, Hannibal cut up some very hard enpers during his life. In Maine, years ago, he was one night shut up hi u shed in the morning he was found three or four miles off, with the roof of the shed upon his back! " When connected with Juno & Titus's Circus and Menagerie, he had a falling out with some of the performers, and one day, whilst they were making their grand entree in the ring, on their high mettled and gor geously caparisoned horses, Hannibal burst his fastenings, rushed into the ring, and un horsed every mnu of them. After tossing them around for a while, he returned to his accustomed place and permitted his keeper to tie him np again. "Going from Boston to Salem some years ago, ho became enraged about some thing or other, and made terrific work on the road tearing down fences, tipping over wngons, and tossing men and horses into the air. " Traveling from one small town to an other, one Sunday afternoon in New Hamp shire, Hannibal met a long line of carriages filled with people going from church. The man in the head carriage struck the ele phant a smart blow with his whip as he passed. Hannibal immediately unlouded the entire line of carriages. No ono Was seriously injured. " Ouo night, as his keeper was driving him through a strip of woods in Vermont, a violent thunderstorm nroso. A tree Was struck by lightning, and one of its shattered branches struck tho keeper and killed him instantly. All night long the elephant watched the dead man closely and tenderly, even as a mother would watch the corpse of her child, and never from that moment left him until he was buried. Hannibal meant well. " We don't bear what ailed Hanuibal probably it was old age. We understand that he cost his last owners, Vim Ainburg Si Co., $14,000. ' Peace to his ashes.' " The Grasshopper Plaque ix Ohio.- Mr. Schenck, of Franklin, Warren county, Ohio, writes to the Ohio Fanner, that the grasshoppers are making their appearance there in Vast numbers. He says: " Last year we had millions of them, this year we have hundreds of millions." For fi ve years, he says, they have been increasing on his farm, and he fears that, unless some means are discovered for their destruction, they Will totally ruin bis own and his neighbors' clover fields. The Flood at Cairo. It appears the damage done by the flood at Cairo, 111., is far less than at first reported. The Mayor of that place writes to the Chicago Times ' Cairo is far from being destroyed. A con siderable portion of our town Is inundated, but no bouse of any considerable size has yet been destroyed or is expected to be. The loss principally is to fences, outhouses, goods, furniture, Ac. Principal business houses still above the water. The losses wul soon be repaired.' tef A down east woman, who is op posed to woman's rights, asks " If men can't do the voting, and take care of the country, what is the use of them V fff Never insult poverty. Pope's Ope. -The London Alhena-uin, noticing a new edition of Pojie's Works, gives a pleasant biography of the poet's exquisite ode, ' The Dying Christian to his teoul,' in which occurs tho following para fc!': " Considering that tins beautiful Ude has been for more than a century tho admira tion of everybody a sort of inspired thing, struck off ut a moment, in 1112 it may be interesting to compare the copy sent to Caryll in June, 1113, with the ' warm from the brain' copy, which is assumed to have been written in 1112, which was first pub lished In 113(1, and which has continued warm from the brain' from that hour to the present." Hie only change in the first stanza, Is In the second line, where, for 1 Quit, h quit Dili mortal framt,' we have, ' Dint thoa quit (hit mortal frame!' ' The second, commencing, ' nark! they whisper,' docs not appear iu the later copy, but, instead of it, 1 1 bear (round auft muiio play, And angvla beckon ni away I Calm aa forgiven barmita real, I 'll aleep, or iufanla al the bread, Till tlx last trumpet renda the ground Theu wake with pleaaura al Ihe aouud.' How beautiful is that closing strain, rich with an enthusiasm thut is near akin to in spiration! 'The world reoedea; ll dimppearal lleav'u oprue ou my eyea ! my tun Willi aounde atrophia ring ! Lend, lend your winga ! 1 mouut ! I fly I O Gran! here la thy victory? O Death! where ia If.y ating Tho later version is a faint and feeble echo: ' My twimming eyea are eick of light, The leaening world foriakea my eight, A damp crerpa cold o'er ev'ry part, Nor moyea my pulse, nor heavee my heart The hov'ring tuul it on Ihe wing; Where, mighty Death ! oh wht-re'a thy atingt' Mixing, it tiii Ciiildhx. The prac tice of giving children to mine, givca rite to tome ourioua aocial feature!. Ou the Northern railway there are apeviul nurse traina on Saturdaya. At the Taria itotion there ia a room where the chil dren may be deHited, if the train ia not ready lo alart, while the nureei go out to goasip, and to bid their lovere ajicu tho Lancer and the Carbiuiera of the Guard, to that wheu Ihe bell ringe for the train, a grne nil man of the nurave tukvt pluce, and aa French children are all dreawd alike, ll i eay to conceive how, in the confusion of the moment, a wrong aelectiou from the maaa mny be made. If the aecood nurse acea that her child li a atroti- ger, ahe must put up with her fortune juat aa gen tlemen do at a soiree, where the first out hare made a rau' of the beat hate. With tke nuraca it ia commerce, aud it makea little difference to them whether they have changed children or not ao that i chungo onco made, Ihe affair reata a se cret for all parties. What Jews can do Besides Mak Moxet. Who composed 11 IJarbiere! Roasiui a Jewi Who ia there that ndmirea not the heart-stirring music of the Huguenots and the Propheto? The composer la Meyerbeer a Jew I Who luu not been tjiell bound by the sorcery of Die Judint by H.ilvey a Jewl Who that ut Muuich haa stood before weeping Koniugsparke, whose harp silently bung on the willowa by Ihe waters of the Babylon, but boa confessed the hand of a master in that all but matchless picture f The artist of Bendeman a Jew I Who has not heard of the able and free sKken ajiostle of liberty, Boerne a Jewl Who haa not beeu enohanUd with the beautiful fictions of lyric poetry, and charmed with the graceful melodies, ao to speak, of one of Israel's sweetest singers, Heine a Jew 1 Who has not listened, with breathless ecalary, to the melting muse of the Midsummer Night's Dreamt Who has not wept with Klijuh, prayed with Paul, and triumphed with Stephen f Do you ask who created those wondrous harmonics? Fells Men delsshon Burtholody, who, alas that I must so write it, waa a Jew ! Bentley't Mitetllany. Jewish Tilmcu. The reading of Ihe Jewish Talmud was forbidden by varioua edicls of Ihe Emperor Justinian, of many of tbo French and Spanish kings, and of popes. All Ihe copiea were ordered to be burnt. The intrepid perseverance of the Jews themselves preserved that Work from annihilation. Iu 15CS, twelve thousand copies were thrown into the flames at Cremona. John Reuchlin interfered to stop this universal destruction of Tuhnuda, for which ho became hated by the monks, and condemned by the Elector of Menti. But appealing to Rome tin persecution wa slopped, and the traditions of the Jews were considered as not necessary to be do. strnyedi Destitution Anuxo English CLEaomEN. John Bull ia at times glaringly inconsistent. While he ia lavishing large sums in ostentatious public charities, devising menus fot the promotioji of great social ends and exercising excessive phil anthropies to foreign lands, the clergy at home are actually in as destitute a condition a the slaves of the lamp delving In her mines. The Rev. W. G. Jervis, Secretary lo the Fund, iys that in one year four hundred of them ap plied to him for any tort of relief clothes or food. Tie Bishop of Bodor and Man stales that the poverty of bis clergy is ao great that fresh meat is a luxury to them i and another Bishop lately slated uiat be knew many clergymen in his diocese, who, together with tin ir wives and families, seldom tooted meat. The Rev. O. Koduliffc, recently sentenced to ten years' penal servitude for for gery, naa a wrciciica - nving.- A tithe of the sum squandered upon an Idle pensioned nobility, would relieve the destitution of the clergy. tW " If yoa ever think of marrying s widow," aid an aniioua parent to hia heir, ' select one whose first husband waa bung ; that ia tbe only way to prevent ber throwing ha memory ia your face, and making annoying comparisons." " Even that won't do it," exclaimed a eroety eld bachelor ; " she'U then praise him, and say bang ing would be too good for yon." ty Youth, eutbusuum and nSectioa resemble three days of spring time ; let ue not, therefore, complain of their abert duration, bat endeavor to enjoy them. Adjournment or 1'aiiuamf.nt for a Honsr. Race. " Truth," they suy, "is stranger than fiction," and the most daring roiniiuccr would not venture to Imagine tho events of the duy. The Tutu of a gortru nicut, of a lcgitltiturc, of un empire of 300,000,000 of people, is hanging iu tho balance. A host of orators hnvo got up their speeches. Cupitul jjoints, fearful sur- casuis, solemn pcrorutions, aro ready for delivery on tho shortest notice. Europo anxioudy awaits the Issue of the conflict, which is to decide, no one kuows how long, who is to wield tho influenco of thin great empire In the politics of the world. Dut all is suspended. Forty-e'blit hours are suddenly lost to the history of nmnkiud. A durk chasm discovers itself in this most critical chapter of modern chronology, not by the sport of tho elements, or the history of time, but wilful and deliberate. As ar mies have stopped In full charge, aud at tho very niomeut of encounter, to gaze on sonio portent or some ridiculous spectacle, tho British legislature resolves for two whole duys to sit still and hold its tongue. Whence this awful pause ? "What suspcuds the thunder cloud ere it breaks on tho world f We must tell the homely truth. Last night the House of Commons was oc cupied in hearing Sir C. Xupier delivering himself on a subject which has kept, he said, for more than forty years, and which, it might be fairly Inferred, would keep a little longer; and to-diiy all London runs off to a chalk town distunt twenty miles to ascer tain which is tho fleetest of some twenty horses. It is hard to say which, in British estimation, is tho moro important question at ihsue. The same man has tho greatest interest in both. To-duy the question is whether Toxophilito (the Karl of Derby's horse) is the fastest horse iu tho country; on Friday the question is whether his mas ter is the best mnu for Premier. It is shrewdly observed thut tho stake iu both cases is 5,000, but honor is above all, reckoning. I'rofuno people wickedly sug gest that Lord Derby cares moro for tho success of his horse than for that of his administration, and that if Toxophilito wins to-day he cares not who grasps the reins of ' power on Friday. It is not for us to de cide. For to-dny even political rumor and thut fertile fancy whicli feeds best upon no thing, and which mukes Sunday its chit fest work-dny, aro content to bo idle. We should seem ourselves to infringe, on tho specialty of tho festival if wo went too deeply or too savagely Into such a question as the treatment of Tuloukdiirs or the mer cy duo to O ude. This is the Derby day; but Lord Derby himself to-duy gives pre cedence to his horse, and we cannot do less. London Timei. S3T In the Senate of tho United States there are now four printers, namely llnm liu of Muine, Dialer und Cameron of Penn sylvania, and Rico of Minnesota nnd we know not how many more besides. The has, imle.d, proved a better college to ninny a boy has gradu ated moro useful and conspicuous members of society bus brought more intellect out and turned it into practical, useful chan nels awakened more minds generated more active nud elevated thought than many of tho literary colleges of tho coun try. A boy who commences in such a school ns the printing-olTico will have his talents and ideas brought out; and, if he is a careful observer, e.erience in his profes sion will contribute moro towurd an educa tion than can bo obtained in utmost any other munncr. , Grasses. Over 400 varieties have al ready been noticed by naturalists. Over 200 varieties have been cultivated In Eng land. A dozen sorts cover nliii tccti-twcn-tieths of all the meadow hind from Maiuo to Texns. Herds-grass, whose other numo is Timothy (derived from a man by tho name of Timothy Herd), a hundred and fifty years ago was a wild plant growing only in Muinc. Botanical Cckiosity. Mr. Benjnmin S. Welton, of Watertown, has exhibited to the Wutcrbury American, a full blown white rose, growing upon the stem of a yellow sweeting applo trco, in his gnrden. The rose has eight or nine tiers oflenvec, and is in every respect as naturul as if grown upon a rose bush. jiajr Electricity is about to be applied to music. A performer seated before a piano, constructed for the purpose, iu Lon don, Moscow, or St. Petersburg, will piny a niorceuu, every note of which, by means of the electric wire, will be repeated by an other instrument in one of the concert rooms iu Faris. We already have music by steam; now wo are to have music by electricity. Lungs will go out of fashion. TnE Bihi.f.. In his last illness, a few days before his death, Sir Walter Scott asked Mr. Loekhart to read to him. Mr. Loekhart inquired what book he would like. " Can you ask V ' said Sir Walter; " there is but Ost," and requested him to read a chapter of the gpel of John.