ul l.ot, but Um Harare. 1 Tliea It. 14. Fay, wj.y should frimiMifp grieve for ihosa, 110 mio arrive on Canaan mors t Itilmard from all their hurtful for, They urn not lol bul gone before, II. iw many painful days on earth, Their fainting .pitita number'd o'er I Now they enj.ijf a titav'nly birth I They are out lost bul gone before Dear ii llio rii.it whero Christians sleen. And .weol Ihe strain hu ll augel. pour J w, wny snouiu we in align ll Weep! They are nut Ut but gone before Secure from every mortal care, lly iin and (arrow veed uo more, ' Eternal hnppiiicisi tliry sbare, Who are nut lint but gone before. To Ziou'i peaceful courti above, In fuilli triumpliaiil may we Mar, ninhraciog in the aruie of luve Tlie fricud nut lost but gone before. On Jiirilan'a bank whene'er we come, And hear thv swelling waters roar, Jesus, convey ua safely home, 'l'o friend not lout but gone before. Tin Ciirmtiam Woman. Tolerant oa any one might atrive to be towards man a a rejector of Christianity, be would scarcely bff able to feel the leait Meruliou for infidelity In woman. " An in- lidul woman '." Who can bear to pas the phrase through hi I.'jm f Christianity has done m much fur woman, Unit he would put herself in the light the durkueiw, ruther, shall we nut say of the dircat ingratitude, to ri jcet it claim in the uiual spirit of infidelity. We will not ay of " ntheiam," for In woman' heart there I no mil fitted fur o rank and poison. on a plunt, a it ha ever proved itself to be I An atheaitic womuu '." " a woman without a God !" Uow startling and forbidding 1 the very thought! Under Foganlmn woman wa woro than a cy idler, Shu w.isa slave. Such alio hoa ever been among the b.irbaroua and anvage tribe of the earth. Under Mahoimncdunisin her lot ha been made ecnreeiy, If at nil, better. In ouino respect it ho been made even worms. It i only in cuuii' trie whueo custom and law have taken their hue and tone from the doctrine of the " lowly Nuxa reue," that woman ha risen to any thing like her hoaven-nppu!nted ilntiou that of the equal a Welj ae the cuinpainon of muu. IhoAow Icslamcnt is woman' magna ehar- fa. Much yet remain to be done fur the applica tion of it blessed principle, to her Interests. A they come to bo more and mure applied, through ameliorated ci.il customs und luw, the Cliristiuu woman, in her various sacred rolulion to man a daughter, later, wife, mother shall rise higher and liigher in dcod bcncfiltiiig Ucr angcl-liko 1111311.011 ! 1 iwn UHIM or Blurs AND AUIIATU AMIUtta ii . ... . . Ina paper recently read before tho Society of nnm, oi i.onuon, uy a. .MaeUrcor, on Ihe paddlu wheel and screw propeller, it wan observed that iu tho inudc of pi-oMilion employed by aiiutic aui- nijiK may uo luumi uimoHt every pluu which has been uxed bv man iciil, imiriiiiii.pt, fri...u wutcr is ejected tor propulsion by the cutlle-fiali nud 1 paper iiuutilus sails uro used by the velclla num oii.in, iuilllllg ami lowing III' wnelki aim suine olliem; a loldinu; paddle by the lubaior j ,vuu,iiiMir (.uouies uy uucKsj and otiinpiu sui lu ees by foil of ull kin.l. A screw-like appendntra is found in the wius of nil Aiwtrulian lly, but it is euppwed to bo shuped thus only when diicd lifter .l..uil. 'I'l.n. .11 I . .... ncu kiiuwii insianccs oi siitMur ily of natural and artificial nieuns of propulsion : but thi author of tho above named paper ineiit'oiis u romarKuute aiiiuiat which propi'ln iuell by a ro tnry movcuieiit, noting mi tho water by menus mry simiiur to iiiubo oi tlio puddlu wheel uud screw propeller cuuib'ncd. This is the infusorial insect "parnmcciuin," which is of an ii regular ovulorotfir-shuped tbrm, with a sulcus or furrowed (froove or deprewiou running obliquely rouud its body. A wuve-likc protubcrniico passing along m ouiviu lniiu or turnout cilia; cuuses the body to rotate ou it longer nx s, nnd tlius propels it by the lore nud nil stroke of the puddles which tho cilia on its surface form, as well as by the screw. uno progress uuuccd uy tho spiral gruove Hci- ewyic American. A ftiivm . vn IVl... ...... ,,. .. w.. ....... , u.u.e ineit is u Handing uud uu uH.oui.sh'ng miracla. Wrilteu, ....B...v... iiuguiem, inrougnoui Hie courre ol lutecn ccnluiics, und. r dill'areut states of society and in dilUrent luuguages, by pcmoiis of Ihu mosil opposite tempers, taleiils, and conditions, learned und unlearned, prince and peusant, bond und free i east into every form of instructive composi- ...... Bu niiiiii, nisiory, proptieey, p elry, ullcgory, emblematic rcprosontuiiou, judicious in. terpretation, l.lcrul stulemeut, precept, ex.'inple. ju-oyeiis, dis(uieilioii, epistle, sermon, prayer; ., , auuinu aiUI,e n nuiimn discuurso, nud Iroulhip;, moreover, ou subject not obvious, but liioit dillicult ; it uulhure ura nni I'nuu.l 1,1,,. other wi-.tera, contradicting one uuuihor upon tho must ordinary matt. h.ct uud opinion, bul are -t .. a,. hum j ufMu mo wno:e or their sublime aud inoaienious scheino. VruJ. Maclngan. t2T " is a characteristic of narrow-minded men, that they grui-p the few ideas which lie within the hunted circle of their comprehension with a clearness which ofien doceives us in our es timate uf their intellect. They aro liko beggars, . ,.u i.u ,uu eianip ui,u tuto ul every penny in their pockets. IJT Words have a cloud of their own, some times beautiful, bound with u rainbow, or tiiinii c in ho sun, mm suineliuies cold and gloomy liko n I '"any imiu lias llio shaduw of an iiilo woid weighed inoio heavily upon n spirit, than hm ncary pacK on the shoulders of Pilgrim. ZW 5Ien who complain of tho miseries of th life arc, for Ihe most part, such as arc unwilling to l,p,il!..a a. If.. I.. ... ....!..'. .1 . n I irnciice si ll-uental, or mount to those rules of incir nniniui ami mural economy upon which salu tary aim uuiioini Happiness islounUed. tW It is hus been said that hull ei hnvA tnnnr. ally a great fcur of lightning, and this has been su IKsrfieiully nscribed to their natural timidity j but ne iriitn is, mat it arises trom their consciousness of ueing ullructivo. WA lady writer in tho Home Journal do linuncea tho old gentlemin with the scythe in a very hearty mm uer. Hear her tuik : "Time is uu old wretch ! He make men l.undsomc, but lie docs not improve women." tlj A young gentleman who has married a in m ueamy, says - she would have been made tullcr.but shea made of sueh precious materials nu, A.uuou euuiuu 1 auorii it. C3 I.o!a Montex says it is strange to see what pains men and women take to catch each other and how hltle pains they tako to hold ou. KTA man's character is frequently treated I ke a grate blackened all over first to come out the briyhter afterward. t"0en your heart to sympathy, but c!oe it to dcspon.U ney. The flower which open to re ceive the dew, shuts against rain. fir One should not dispute with a man, who, either through stupidity or sliaiiicksuess, denies plain and visible truths. Locke. Si'r-KRnriAL OusKRvRas. They are all discov erers that think thero is no land when they can ce nothing but sea. Karon. Shame ia a feeling that overtake people nut because they have done wrong, but because it ha bceu found out. tW Tower unobjected to the control of vir tue ia a poor guardian of civil liberty. tlT Nothing can constitute good breeding that has not good nature for its loundaiion. T,l,e fTll"7 ki,, ,h of nature fay. he Met ihe face of yuunj Indies better. W. T, MATLOCK. W. C. JOHN.. Matlock d& Johnson, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW. And Solid t,,rt in Chancery, "f Tf ILX promptly attend to any biwine which V T mny be committed to their D'nfsioiisl I cnarga before the llistricl and Supreme t.oiirts. (Mine In II ghlield s building, immediately op, posit the ,Muiu Street House.. Oregon Lity, .March 7, Ib37. 47y jonrr r. mbiuds, ATTORNKV AMD COIimilOl AT LAW, Lafayette, Yamhill County, O. T., WILL faithfully attend to all business en titled to In professional vara. Wa 0. Dement V Co., WHOLESALE and retail Dealer in Grocer ie, Provisions, Taint, Oil. Hoot and Shoes, Crockery, Arc. Opposite the Laud Office, .Mum hi. Oregon City. June 1, Wis. CHARLES POPE, JR., DEALER in Hardware, Groeerlc, Dry Omni; Clothing, Hook St Shoe, Medicine, lluoks and Stationery. Main-!., Oregon City, April SI, IW7-Itf 33. r.Iil wain. Manufacturer, Wholetult and Krtail Dtalrr in COOK AD IMItl.OIl stovi, Tta corrta waxk, iiakowaii, .c, Main St., oppoeite Alain Street Hotel, OREGON CITY, 0. T. Steamboat aud jobbing work attended to with dinputrh. Order from the country promptly filled. je7 Time. WF. IIIGIIKIKLD, , WA TUH. MAKER. AW 1'ernon deirouof ff. tliinr pood work done will do well to Rive mo a call, a my whole lime i de voted to the repairing of Chronometer, Lever, vupicx, and Horizontal watche. Au r.iwortment of Jewelry on hand. Jewelry made loonier, nud repaired. Price to suit the limes. 1 am thankful for nart fnvura, and hoc to uive satikfaetion in future. ID l-oeateil at the old stand, opposite the Tel egraph Ollico, OREGOX CITY. Feb. 2. 7 Drugs, rIodicinos, Faints. Oils. yj and Dye-stuffs, ntlheOKKUO.N CITV DltUG STORE, epl5 Jlaln Street, Oregon City, O.T. JOHN P. EHOOKS, Wholesale Retail Vcr.ler in Oroenivt, Produce, 1 rocition; iyc. .Vain Street. A Gencrul Assorlmonl k pt up of Selected Goods Ciineniiih, March SS, 1827. GUW SMITHING. BEING permanently located in Oregon Cily. I am prepared to curry uu Ilia busiuess ol IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Tleno who lavor me with their paliouaL'e. mov expect to huve their work done right. Those who leave G'L'XSat my Shop for reprtir, and do not cull for them wilhiu nink months of tho time set for the work to be dune, may expect to nave tliem sold In pay nhnrges. tt.um.AAU V1LDE. June 27, 1857. llmld Reading for the Million. S. J, McCOHMICK HAS CONSTANTLV 0.1 HAND AT Tllg KRANKI.IN BOOK srune, front-st, ror.TLANi), oiiroun, A Choice selection of Popular Hook, Nev 2m. papers, Alagaiincs and Fancy Slulionerv. Among the books ou hand u ill be found works on Temperance, Agriculture, llorticiillure, Ilia tnry, J'oetry, liiugrnphy, Medicines, Keiigion, Science, School llouks, HomnuccS, AiO., &c, &.C O'Sulweriplions received for Ilurgier, Gruliam, iiuuey, licstie n. or 1 utnniri, at S4 a yeur, pott. apt free. Uj Sulwcniitioiis received for anv newsnnner publifhed in nny purl of tho Union. Kemember the Franklin ""ok Store and News- p:iwr Agi uoy, Front street, Porlluud Oregon, V7. D. Kutchins, IUt. D., LAFAYETTE 0, T. EEFFKS TO Prof. A. Curtis, Cincinnati. Ohio : Prof. J. Kiwi, " Pruf. Courtney, Lu Fuyclto, Ind.; Dr. V. Aiinslruii":, Fiullcy, Ohio: J. Fisher, M. D., Titliu, ' J Chuiiiberlin, M. D., Tiffin, " Dr. II. A. Wright, Mexico, Ohioj Prof. II. F. Johnson, 1'liiludolphiu, ronn. : Prof. J. lii'ou n, N, Y. hi. U. Kellogg, Milwuukie, O. T. W. ). Iliiichins' Ilulsam Wild Cherry., Jnyne's Expectorant ..$1 25 .. i as .. 1 25 .. 1 25 Alterative Ayrcs' Cherry Pectoral... and a general assortment of HOT A NIC MEDICINES kept ut ull limes. And I am muking arransrc incuts to manufacture my Dulsuui for tiio lungs, from the Oregou cherry. nuglS BEAT THEM !A WHO CAN! X OK ALL SIZES, 4 RE now be in it nmniifiieliir,.,! sale III Oreou City, at tho Ulacksniith shop llear Mr. Cutilield's store. 'J'he iinilerslgned, haviiiff hud five rears' exne. rienco iu the l'l.OW liiisiiicss in Oregon, begs leave to inform tho fnriniuir coinmunitv that hu is cuiil'ulent of beius able to supply their wants iu Ihe Plow line, if tliey will give him a cull 1. ' b - . Dec. 20, 1S57 J. W. LUIWI3. KU.VI0, HH.VMPOOlMi, A:c. riAUE public are respectfully informed that the A. undersigned have opened a SI1AV1XU SA LOON opposite .Messrs. Gibson & Potter's Lill iaid Saloon. JIair Cutting, Shaving, Shampooing, ij-c. done in the latest and most approved style. Also, lioot-blucking, light jobbinir. .to. Gentle. men's bod rooms taken euro of. ami all other small jobbing done on the cheapest and most expeditious. terms. JOHN & THOMAS WAltli. Jim. 30, 1858. iliii'n ., Oregon Cily. Jos. Sarstow IS by himself, and would respectfully say to his friends and the public generally that he is inauKiiii tor past patronuge, and will continue busi ness at the old stand, uud will ever bo ready to show his Goods to those who may favor him with a call. Cume oue, come all, both great andsmull, aud give him a cull before purchasing elsewhere, und examine for yourselves his splendid and select stock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS, CLOTII ISC, ROOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Ate, dec, Hats, Nails, liroonis, i&e., and almost every thing pertaining to a geucrul line of business. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange. Country friend, will rind it to their advantage to give me a call. t'niieiiiuli.Srpt. 6. IJUKSTON'S Sectionul and County MAP of OHKtiON and WASHINGTON TKU hi TOMES for sale by "' CHARLES TOPE, Jr. Selling' OJ! t VAI,U.I!LK assoiUiieut of BOOKS and 2. stationery. ' Teacher and dealer and all interested are invited to call and examine. March'.'!), lb'57. C. I'OPE, Jr. For Sale. iiTd ACRES OF GOOD LAND on the ssi U I'l'Per Molalla Prairie. For particulars , enquire er K. L. Jla.mi.Rr, Store iu Orejou Cily. at the City Hook ' Feb.S, I85S. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forttl O'rove, 'ahinijton Co., Oregon, Kcv. S. II. M.tRxii, A. M., Prffidtnl, ltev.ll. Lv.man, A.M.,yVc. Mathematics, flllllC colleliile year, connistiug of one term of .1 nm months, will commence on tuo lint Viduedity of Novemlu r. It I the d'ign of thi luiilution to furn'uh a thorough and eumpleto olli i;i:ilo eilueallen. There ia a Library of 1UIU volume fur the uo of Ihu Ktudeiits Applienut for admiminn In college must hare a kiinwlrde of the common Kuglinh branches, and have iludied the ancient language so far as to huve r.ml Mrtions of Cusur aud Cicero aud the Greek Header. The tuition fee ie $33 per annum. Pludenls fitting for college, as well as others wUhiiiK to pursue collegiate aUdic without enter ing un the college court, will bo uuder the In alrucliun of the colleen (eiichers. 'Hie fall term of 1 1 weeks iu the preparatory department commences oil Ihe Sd Wednesday of neptcinticr. l uitiuu, per term. Taalatin Academy, I'vnst Grorr, Washington Co., Oregon. IU.V. Cvsiiinu ISklls, J'rincipal, The fall term will commence ou the first Wed lienday of November. Tuition in the common branches, $8 in the higher brunches, gS per quarter. Huy Tl'hiT l:i:Ci:iVKU, at the Oregon Cily Drug rj more, mi cct iroiii iew lomauu oaul ruu cUco, a lurge ussortiiieul of JJrugn, Chemicals, Patent and Famity Medicines, all of which will be sold as low or lower than thev can be had nt any other place In the Territory. Country merchants will tindit to Iheir interest to buy here inateud of Portland. Cull and tee. Oregon City, May 9, 1M7. The Crraefonbcrg; Company. rilHIS INSTITUTION (incorporated by the L Lcifclaturc of tho Sttito of New York, cap ita! ItiO.flOO), was founded for the purpose of iipptyiuj the piilihc with the celebrated GllAEr -EN lilllliJ 51 EDICIXES. The serie comprises remedies for nearly every disease, adapted to ev ery climate. For families, travelers, seamen, and miners' use, they are uneniiuled. All the medi cine aro PURELY VEGETARLK, and war ranted to euro the diseases fcr which they are sev erally recommended. I ho Gracfenbcrg Company does not profess to cure all disrnscs with one or two medicines. Our series, consists of ELEVEN different kinds, ad apted lo the various diseases incident to the tem perate and tropical climates. The following com prise Die writs of lraefeuberg aicuiciu.: Tho Uracreabcrc Vegetable VlUs Aro considered tho standard Pill of ihe day, and aro inliuitely superior to nny Pill before the public They operate without irritation on all the excre tion!, purging the blood by the buweU, liver, kid neys, uud skin. i fllarslmirs I'toriuo Cut hoi icon, .An infallible remedy for all diseases of the womb and urinary organs, weakness in the hack, pain in breast, nervousness, debility, etc. In California und Oregon, out of more, than a thousand cases where this medicine has beeil used, it hus in no single instance failed lo give permanent relief or to ellect a certain cure. GRAEFEXBERO SARSAPARILLA, A powerful extract. Ono bottle equal lo ten of the ordinary sarsnparilla fur purifying the blond. a euro euro tor ucroiiuu, rheumatism, ulcers, dys pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial discuses, cutaneous eruptions, i!cc. The Urccn Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for bums, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swellings, scrofula, eto. As a pain extract or, it cannot be excelled, all'ordinj immediate re lief from the must excruciating pains. Til K GRAEKENBKItQ DYSENTERY SYR UP. This extraordinary article is a speedy and infallible remedy in diarrlunn, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera Infinitum, und the Asiatic cholera, if taken with tho first symptoms of the disease. It is pure ly vegetable iu its compound. Uraetrntiprg Children's Panacea, For ainmner complaint, and most diseases to which children arc subject. Its true worth can never be set forth in words, but it can bo felt and apprecia ted by parents whose children have been saved. No mother bhould bo without it. ' ttraefenlierg Vllo Remedy. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. Willi the Ointment, there are very few cases which cannot be radically and permanently cured. A surgical operation for Piles aud Fistula should never be resorted to until this ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never fuils. Ii 11 1". V K Ml E IU1 EK LOTION. For diseases of the eye, this Lotion hus no emial, It is a speedy aud positive cure for inflammation of the eyes, weaknesses, dimness aud fulling of sight. It will always be beneficial iu acute inllummution of the eyes,uud also as a wash on intlamed surfaces. GRAEFENBERO FEVER AND AGUE FILLS A speedy mid positive cure for this distressing cuiiijiiuiiu. i ueso i nis are composed principally ui vuiiiuie, nun oiuer vegetable tonics, anti-spas, medio unit lebntuge articles. Thousands have beon permanently cured by their use. Cir;tott'ii!ci k Coiiiiiiiipiiv!, Ralm Sovereign iu ull Hronchial aud Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, beyond all question, true that con. sumption is a curable disease, and the Consump tive's IIuIju is the best curative ever used. 1. He Ten tier it Health Hitler. These bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared from a number of invigorating, healthy roots, barks, herbs, and vines. An invaluable tonic and health restorer. Craerenhcrg Manual of Health. A handsomely printed volume of 3U0 pages, con taining concise aud extremely plain descriutions of all muuiier of diseases, their symptoms and treat ment. Every fumily should have one. Price only 45 ''lll. It will be sent, poet paid, to any poatuiliee in California or Oregon, on the re ceipt of 2 j cents by mail or express. Address Uediuglou Co., San Francisco. The Uratfeuberg Medicine are for sale by all Druggists and apothecaries throughout the country. A I I O'IM.' 1.' II.- k ,x ' .n. ii.oi r.Dbr, rtgent, uregou i;ity. Geueral Agents for California and Oregon KEDINGTON A. Co., Wholesale Drnggist, . NA107 Clay street, San Francisco. TIM ES just received and foi sale by J mySO F. CHAR II Alt MAX. ORANGES a fin lot jrnt received and for Ml b.v F. CHARMAN. - mm OFFER for sale the following goods I I dot mill snws, 7xH feet, 9 " Xcut do SO cow hells (superior). JO 11 handM aaca, 10 " without do . 10 " handled do, aaa'd siiss, 10 " pulato diggers, 10 Aiini's' spailes, SO " curry comb, S00 lbs wrappinir, twine, 1(10 " I It packing, .Mill feel I It bel'inif ! IS 1)1 A RVUUUU OOODS of all desnr'p nuns. I'legou iity, Jan. VJ, ISuN, If ow fiooks I rpiIE subscriber ho just received larire as X aortmeut of HOOKS, direct from New York siiioiik which are the following: Alisou's Hist, of Europe, American Institution, Lives of tho Signers, ilubylun and Nineveh, "Deck aud Port," 'Ship and Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Silliinan'a do. Democracy In America, "Land and Ixe," 'Sea and Sailor," Three Years in Culifor. Cyo. of Literature, ICgyptaudthe HolyLand Uuclian's Fain. Phys'n.J LnnliieronSt m Lngine, Manual of rule Arts, Lecture on the Arts, Travels in Peru, Polar Regions, Muhan's Philosophy, Anc I Muiiastcrlc, Choice Iliogruphy, Peruvian Antiquities, Choice llrlraets, variety of Poets. Suit copies of Sunder' Speller, iUO " Reader, 2o0 ' McCufloy' do. 2 iO " Webster' Dictionaries. Davie' Algebra, Newman' Rhetoric, " Geometry, )ny' do. " llourdon, Purley'a Univ. History, " Surveying, Goodrich's Piet U. S., " Legendrc, Monlellh's Geography, " Arithmetic, "Little Speaker,1' Thompson's do. N. American Speaker. ALSO, A rrosh SuddIv of Stationorv. Day liooks, Journuls, Ledirers, Record Uooks. Memorandums, of nil sizes, Diuries, ic. Note nud Letter Piijier, Envelopes, Pens, &.C., &c, Erair Knives, Lrasive Rubber, Uummcd Label, Faber reucil, I A Iv, in quart nnd pint bottle. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES POPE, Jr. Oregon City, August 18, 1H56. Ladies ! YOU will find an excellent assortment of Drett nnd Bonnet Silk, Satiu and Velvet! also Bonnet 1 rimming, Ilonery, Glotel, Lace and Rtbhotit, Table Cloth, Counterpane, etc., at the store or iJHAKLES 1'OHS, Jr., (Maiu-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) where may ue louuu almost everything in the Hue or Dry Cioodi: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpaca, Merinos, 1 laid Lmscys, Muslins, Mnttinetls, Jeans, Flan neis, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Dulling, etc. Oregon l-Hy, April 21, 18j7-ltf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES TOPE, Jr. 1 ANDS' Sursuparillu, Peck' Wild Cherry Hit, t3 ters, Dalemau's drops, Uraiidreth's pills, l.ee's pills, t erry e vcrmiliigc, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam phor, Gum Arabic, Urilish oil, Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dulley's pain extractor, Laudaiium, Paregoric, Oil of Pepper mint, Essences, Composition Powder, Carter Pulmonary Ualaom, Sulphur, Epsom Salts, &c. April at, lbj7-ltt litre Now Goods, AT CHARM AN & WArtNEIt's. IN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, we have just received, direct from Suu Fran cisco, a good and suitable supply of Goods for this Season of the Year, which we offer for sale at prices which cannot be beat in this market. Our block consists in part of 4uu I us sul SOlllI, 50 boxes English soap, fiO Chios. Jllirssuup, 23 doz corn starch, Si) cases pie fruit, 15 " picklcs, ii doz honey, 8 " lobsters, 1) " cystcm, 20 hlf bbls N O sugar, 4 bills Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried applet), 8 rits mackerel, 2000 lbs stick candy, 500 " fancy do. 1 enso Gallipishcr toys, 1 " Gorman toys, 400 lbs almonds, 12 hlf boxes raisins, 6 whole boxes do., 48 prs good Mackinaw blankets, 2000 yds brown sheeting, 2000 " calico, Hoots nud bIiocs of every dnscrhiiion The above, with our usual assortment, we think renders our stock complete. Cull and sco us. terms cash. CHARM AN WARNER. December 20,. 1857. Experience Makes Perfect. Why Go to Portland to Buy Goods? WE wish to inform our customers and tho public eenorallv that WO llUVS linitf nn hand, iu addition to our usual heavy slock of Gro ceries and Dry-Goods. 0110 of the lurirest mi.l h.i. selected stocks of READY-MADE CLOTHING ever ofTered in this markot. We also wish to say that our goods are of excellent quality, and Ihut wo will sell AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER HOUSE IN OREGON, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still governs our trade " Quick sales nud small profits." Our stock of goods is now open for iimpection to all who will favor us wiiu a call. Call and ec, and let experience then speak for itself. We sell as low A. nv hi the Territory, for cash, or produce at market rates. a km an & Warner. Oregon Cily, May 23, 1857. U S T R E C E I 'V E D J a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS $ SHOES, and DryGood ol all Description. Wo con now fill almost any bill a farmer may call v.. van aim see, March 14. CHARMAN St WARNER. TTTE II AVE JUST RECEIVED sr. A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OS AND HAVE PUT Prices Down to the Lowest Figure I Come in, those who wont good cheaf. mni.r. CHARMAN & WARNER. LUMBER. ALL those who want LUMRER can leave their bills with Ciiasman Sc. Wane, which 1 will fill, and deliver the lumber in Orpimn f.ilv .. uucu. n.s. mil k Oregon City, Jan. 1 6, 1 858. 4Utf Kane's Arctic Expedition. RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, and other interesting works, for sale at the ep 13 CITY BOOK STORE. " TACAULAY'S History of England for llL sale by C. POPE, Jr. BRICK 100,000 F0RSavS seP19 WM. C. DEMENT, j CO. A Few Case OF thai superior GREEX TE A jmt received ty WM. C. DEMENT A. no XX. r CASES rj p 11 CrnmptoB Medal Tobacco at WM. C. DEMENT 4 CO."S. THRESHERS, REAPERS, A N U JVBCmMICBIalN. - WE have now on Ihe way from Ihe Eastern Stules, To Arrive nboiil Hie lutl of April, A SUPERIOR LOT of the above-mentioned inachilies. They combine all of the latest Improvements, and w have no hesitation in saying thul we believo them to bs Ihe most vr.nn i.v mu.hinkh now brought to this coast. They were constructed under our owu supervision, having all the altera tion necessiiiy lo render thrui suitable for the country, The THRESHERS consist of two, four, six-home power (railway and sweep), with eleva, tors and every rssoiiiiul convenience known to machine. Our REAPERS and MOWERS arc euibliisd muchiiies, suitable for either mowing or reaping. They work from two to four horses, with and without rakes j or, In other words, one ia a self, raker. In Addition to tao Above, Wa huve, lo arrive ul the sums time, Ihe following A GRICULTUR. 1 1 IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria Plows, X 8, JJoston Clipper J'lotet, Extension Cultivators, Grapevine Grain Cradles, Scythes and Snaths, Straw Cutters, Hay Presses, Htnj Forks and Hakes, Jlorse Rakes, Wheelbarrow, Shoee.lt, Spades, CXDBB. XVIXLX18, BARK MILLS, d TANKERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of SMITHS AND carpenters' TOOLS, With many other article not her meulioned. We would say to our customers and the public generully, if they uro iu want of any of the above mentioned articles, they w ill do well to cull and see our before purchasing elsewhere, a we are deter mined to sell LOW FOR CASH. We would ulso add that our Machine arc being rapidly sold to arrive. Hotter call and secure oue of them before too lute. If preferred, Machine delivered in Portland, if engaged Ix-foro arrival. Wm. V. mSJIENT & CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '58. Ojipatitt Lni Office. Patronize Home Industry ! I 1 1. VII now in full operation a CABINET SHOP in this city, near the Congregational church, whero I am luuniifucturiiig BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, SOFAS, and such other furniture ns is wanted by the community generally. There is connected with my shop a TURNINU-LATIIE, here all sorts of turning can be done. Large and imall Siiiniiiiif-Whrel made to order. 1 nm making a better article tha 1 111 po ed fur mture, and sell.ng it ut u It 1 cos', il ve me a cull you will leso nolliing by Ik ORLANDO R I DWELL. Oregon City, Mmk 27, 1858. 50inG liCFORE AND AFTUR USING DR. JACOB WEBBER'S SANGVIFIER, Or Iiivlscratin Cordial. Sold only in Quart Dottle price $3, or luo fur 5 by all Druggist iu California and Or egon. dim 26, 1858, Taria for Sale for $1,500. IOFI' ER for sale a half soclion of land siiiiuted about six inilos east of McDonald's ferry in Forks Suiitiani,Linnc county, nud uboul twenty miles fruin Sulem. The shape of the land suits it well for ordinary farming, uud it is also one of the best ttnek farm iu tho country. The improvement includes one hundred uud twenty nmilo tree of imnroved fruit i also peach, plum, and cherry trees, all of which will soon be iu plentiful beuring. The location is favorable to health, is beautiful and plensnnt. Time will bo given on a part of the inonev at moderate interest, or good slock taken for n port. For further particular cull on me at tho ' Union Store," Salem, or uddress by letter. Information concerning it can ulo bo had by calling on W. L. uaius oi ine uregou Argus. reti. y,jsa8-4mu C. IIOEL. MOFFAT'S Life Bitters and Pills, Uemard ' Dysentery Syrup, Wistar's Dalsam of Wild Uu erry, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAII. CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wneai, oats, bacon, lai d, butter und potatoes ApiiU, '57. JOHN P. BROOKS. V7. P. Burns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON CITY, O. T. ET Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis faction to patrons warranted. feb9-43 ' 50 DOZ. thumb latches, cheap, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT &co. SHAKER Sarsaparilla, at the OREGON CITY Dt DRUG STORK. DR. Osgood's IudiaCbolugogue,audDr. Jones' American Cholagogue, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Ilttvnrd Tavlor'a CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swau Three Year' Residence on Ihe North West coast for aula at the CITY BOOK STORE. HUAX SEED for sale at C. POPE'S. GILT MOULDING for picture frames, fur ale by CHARMAN & WARNER FULL assortment of Yankee Notions at nihil CHARMAN & WARNER'S. SANDS' Sarsaparilla, in anynnintity, atthe OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. CHAIN PUMPS price rcduced-for sole by ""23 C. POPE. Jr. "fTTE WILL PAY CASH or TRADE for T good WHEAT at the market nr- nor I a CHARMAN d WARNER. 1 ( DOZ. Oyster. AJ CHARMAN WARNER. f DOZ. grape-vine cradle for sale by J WM. C. DEMENT St, eo. 4 N asaortmenl of Bible and Testament for sale at the Repository prices by C. POPE. Jr." Land Warrants PURCHASED BY JaD,2t. WM.C. DEMENT t CO. U. S. MAIL.LIWS, Orrmn Citu .it.,1 ;.... ...i ,. .. ionium Huitii P.,t ,33.7 'ajnl..o.Ur?f. Jo.nu Mraic" M a ' I Will run daily, (Sunday. excep,,,,) ln''' ,-,uniiiig, wm p , ' - 9 r. K., loiielhug .I all ii,i, rim dial,. r or freight or pmsnga apply ,q bo,, 1 Dally Llna j lletween Portluntl and Vreno.' r! fPIIE new stem. wheel steamer 1- , I I ! X PRESS, Lgto Wm. hvimi, Master, will run belw,., ttT, and OiegonCity daily (ul,),,.tlrll ; - Jiyv, U. S. I.IAIL LtttE. I'orllnnd nud Alri. ' The Rd. ndld Steamer T' Srlnltaomth 5irK3 Wundrir. wraii, leaving Portlund on Muuday aud TW? morning, of each week for AMoriaT 1 ,,d for Pcrtland Tu.l.y .llu touching VAKCouvr.a,ST. lUi,,? LA-ar, Ac, e.el, way. For freigh, , l'lly lo II. IIOVT, MaZr I jelg "r.lIloyt.WI,,,- , and the Wow Arranyomenti. I HAVE bought out the UAKERV ..u; v 1.1 lit of Charmnn ,. Warner II Z now opened under the most favorable dc"' stance, to- all old patrons, and a. . n,;c' oa may choose In give me a call. My .ili be well aiipp'icd with '7a, Dread, Cukct, Piet, Crackers, Nutt Ct. dies, Raitins, Figt, Ciyurt, Top, . and almost every other variety of knick k.1 yet Invented by Yankee ;geuuity. c ,JJ will be allorded ATTHS LOWKST POSSIULK SATES ! ir I shall occasionally receive nntJIu V .1 tropical latitude, which will be duly anoMaeeJ upon arrival. All are invited to give me a ealL FREDERICK CIIaSM? ' Oregon City, April 25, 1857. ' o . JUST RECEIVED at th. Oregoa City Dra", J Store, direct from N, yerk Snd V. ' Cisco, a fresh supply of DRVOS, MEDICINES ' Patent Medicine., Family Medicines, Ae..' which spiH be told at lou for ea.k ,A... '1 1? procured in the Territory. Call and exsuiia, f,. jvi,inir.,qiiii ma nnnanac tor lfu7, gritis. JAYNE'S Alterative, Expectorant, and Pilb. tod Liver Oil, Castor Oil, and Sweet Oil si OREt.'ON CITV DRUG STORE. "It TEX IC AN Mustang Lhiiinent, G. y. Mer. llJL chunt's tliirt'ling Oil, at the ' - OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. l" rilRL'SSES, rfcht and left and double, aud Ab X douiiiuil supporters, at the , 1 OKEOON CITY DRUG STORE, : 1)UKE While Lead, raw and burned Umber, C'rnme, tlreen and Yellow, and other tuiats, at Ihe ORElJON CITY DRUtj STORE. 1 3 E R F V ME RY.nl Hie' - A. OKEUON CITY DRUG STORE, j R A E F E N HERO M EDICi.NESi T Uruefeuberg S.muparilla, UtetiueCulhulicj, " Dysentery syrup cousumptiv balm, " Pile Ointment, " Health Hitlers, . . , , " Eye 1otlon, Ac, iu., , , . To be found at llio ngeiiev of Ihe Company, it the OltEOON CI I Y DRUU STOBK. HAY.MAN'S DysieptiB Elixir cure the dvspepsiu ju-"l re xir warranted ta sneiisut mil received and Ike sale at the OREdUN CITY DRUU STORE, DR. Gnysoll's compound extract of Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, at the cpl5 OREOON CITY DRUG STORE. Dr. Jacob 'I'owimend's Sarsapnrilla, ! ORECON CITY DRUUSTOKK. ' J the T Alt. J. Ayres' ca'.obiuled Cherry Pectoral fef AJ coughs, colds.nud coiinmution,atllie ' OREGON Ci'l'Y DRUG STORE. M cLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liter Pills, OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. 1 "TVU. Townsend'sSnrapiirlIla,t the AJ OREGON CITY DRUG STOKE', T)EnUVl;w Febrifui-'. L the cure of feta-. A. uud ague, iVo , 1c , just received and forMi. at the OliEUOX CITY DRl'V SI UKB. , Cutiotstiili, Ajitil II, 1 557. , ON hand and fur sale, low, for cash or produce I'aiuts ileud, chrome green, . w hile lead, prussian blue : red do in oil, chrome yellow, . . blk. do " blue paint, .1 litharge, Common and permanent green putty, glan Jto. JNO. P. HROOKS. E. L. BltADLEV, HOMER HOLLAND, BRADLEY H CO., " 1 , BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, O.T., - i T7"EEP constantly on hand fmy A. geirral nMsorlmeiil of MISCELLANEOUS andialsJaoT SCHOOL HOOKS; also, a fine assortment of STATIONERY, $ EVERYTHING BLSX generally kept in their line of business. UALf. at the .ion or Till ,, CITY II O 0 K - S T 0 RE,-, Opposite Ilulinctt Brick Store. Sept. 5, 1857. 21tf For Sale at tha CITY BOOK STORE,; THE following works . .-,:' Magic SlafT, by A. J. Davis; " . . Greot Iron Wheel, by J. R. Grave j Drcd, in 3 vols., by Hurriet Ueecher Stow I The Home Cyclopedias, i '. ! . i '. .". ii ' ot the World I'rogrc, " ' Useful Art, i " Europe, ' Geography, - '' Fine Arts and Literature,' " Biography, &0. :.::;t i:.if-. Oct 3. ... Groceries , ,,, ,, FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, JR. CiUGAR, Salt, Coffee, Tea, Syrup, Chocotale, K5 Starch, Salcratua, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Carb. Soda, l'epper, Spice, Alum, Borate; Cop peras, etc. April 21. IBST-lM Hardware FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, J B1 RASS and lion Butts, Screws, Lock, a Latche. Hammer and Hateliet. Drawing-knive, Handsaw, Curry Combs, lr Brushes und Cards, Gun Locks, Gun Cap, " Cards, Chest Handles, Planes. Arc . Wm. C. Dement tfc Co., ' " WHOLESALE fe RETAIL Dealers la Groceries, Hardware, Boots k Shoes, Crockery, kc, 1 . TENDER their thanks to their numerooea tomers for their past liberal patronage, and J. licit a eontinnaaea of the same. ' Tliey lake pleasure in informing the puhlic la tbev have now on hand a large and ',7. stock of Groceries Hardicare, Boott ' " Crockery, and Boat Store, to which they J making constant additions from New Yor aa San Francisco, purchased for cash only, and l enabled to ell at lower price than any ether tar in Oregon City. 31, 18j7. f IiBLS. fresh "Santa Cru" LIME OU 5 do. calcined plaster received IM f$ ,le bv WM. C. DEMENT & Ci