nnm nniww innncr ruaLisiiau KVKiir mwiiuu wosnino, BY WILLIAM L. ADAMS. TERWI-Tlit A It on a trill In fumiiht.il at ! Tkne DMnrs unl Fifty Vents per annum, in admiMt, to single mhsrritiert Three Vulture each Id clubs of ttn at one office in uihmrt When the mneu ii not paid in ml ounce, four , VMin will l' di'irqcd if u:ud within six months, and lure doliirs at the ewl nf the year, C2f I at Dollars for six months No subscrip- tiont renined fir a lest period, fc(f" 'Vi pifr discontinued until nil arrearages are finil, unlets ot the option of toe puliilnhrr. i . . ' I'jr the Argus, The Hold Kxcllrnu-nl--lluulrs, Vc. , Mn. KniTmt: It is diflleult to say any thing In regard to the gold mania which bus recently spread like a conflagration iilonu; our whole const, without duinnriiifr tlio (rcncr.d welfare liy uddiujr to tlie excite liient. Reports the most marvelous cou corning the discovery nnd yield of the gold divings huve fonml their way into the pa pers. .Some or these hnve been entirely un uuthcnlie and most huvu heeu exnjrgirated. Also glowing representations respecting the exclusive advuiilujresof particular routes to the mines ore constantly being mndo ly in terested partiis. Every place and route has had from the first its r.r parte ndvocat .'s, wliuea statements so conflict with each other that instead of enlightening the honest in quirer ufter truth, they only tried to cou- fuso or mislead him. The responsibility una censure for these exaggerated and un reliable reports must in great part full upon speculators and steamboat companies. They have " an axe to grind"; and many a poor miner will be made rich in anticipation only to discover sooner or later that he has been duped, and fleeced out out of a hand some competence. Therefore every natural feeling ns will ns every dictate of duty prompts me to lift my voice to dissuade all who have homes and are earning a livelihood from being hired tiw.iy to the land of gold. a laud of very doubtful locality and ex tent. TIw.kukIs of t!io.o who have set out for tho mines hnve gone at least a year too toon, and in inu.it cusls their adventures will end in dis.ippoiutin.iit, if not in disgust. Tie work of exploring, prospecting, estab lishing routes, an 1 providing facilities for lynching the gold diggings could hnve been done bitter, by a much smaller numb; r. lint in the eager haste of the masses to get yie'i, few luvo stopped to consider the diili- f ulties, dangers, or chances, nnd a rush has been nude fur the nearest point of approach liy witter, and foeennsa of their ignorance of the country a 'necessity has been created for information conf rning rouhR and the toon beyond. ...This necessity lui3 becu nio.it shamefully abided by misrepresenta tion. ' And a state of tilings is found to ex ist which is t iic occasion of deep regret to every. friend of justice and Immunity and to all who desire the prosperity of the country. JSut with ull this there, are many more who eland ready upon the first encouraging re port to start off in quest of gold. To those therefore who will uot lie dissuaded, but are determined to go to the mines at nil event:;, und to others who des're information con cerning all the routes to the Frazcr's and Thompson's rivers nnd Suswnp mines, 1 deem it proper to ciimuimiicatc some facts roiicprning the route through the Snoqualu iuic Pass that. m.:y be worth knowing. Having recently visifrd Seattle nnd ob tained my infonuation from men with whom 1 have long been acquainted, I feel safe in saying that their statements are entirely re liable. I deem it tlie'moiv important that these facts should have publicity, because of tiie seeming attempts of interested parties to turn the travel upon other nnd more dif ficult routes, by suppressing ull knowledge of this one.." ,. : ' ' It is ycll known that the route by way of the Dalles aud that by way of Fmzer's Hirer and tho still unfinished trail from tTiiateom have had their rival advocates, and their hdvant iges ami disadvantages havo been set forth. again aud again. It will be remembered that the Pnoqnalainie Tsli 'Jj'soiac twenty-five or thirty miles orta of tii9 'aehes Pass, and the one vkicu. Gov.' Stevt,::? has r?comuiended as the natural route thorugh the Cascade lmmulalus (or the JCorthcrn Pacific Rail road. The Indians say that snow seldom falls, so deep ia this Pass as to oltruct travel through it k the winter season. The following distances were given me by two men wImj assisted in opening out the trail from Seattle through the Tass: From Seattle to Black River, the outlet of Dua. wish Lale, the distance over a good wagon rood, is 12 miles. This river k fordable for teams and pack animal. From Rlack River to Meridian Prairie the distance is 14 miles. .From Meridian l'rair.'c to Rat tlesnake Prairie the distance is 18 miles. This prairie is situated at the entrance of tho Pa-ss, and tho distance from it to Sum mit Trairic is 20 miles. And 15 miles from Summit Prairie the road enters the open country beyond the mountains. From this point tlie Ween.ieha river is about 35 miles,' or to Fort Thompson, near the Sn swap Luke, about 170 miles making the whole distance from Seattle to Thompson's River, about 250 miles. Those who hare been over the trail from Seattle through the Pass say there are no difficult hills to climb and'juseend and ouly two streams to for J, Rlack nnd Cedar river?, which arc ouly , .dvj knee deep to a Lorse and tliat a iiocsl yagoa road can be made with no Other 1 ubur ibi that of cutting it out. Tiie whole fine use of ofwuintr the trail from Black "Rlrer to the Paw a distance of j a'Ktut oO miicc. Mr. II. L. Ye A r informed -A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to the Principles of Jefl'ersoiiian Democracy, and advocating Vol. IV. me, was only $U II), and us uu indication of the case with which this trail can be truv- neii, mt. lesier iiiui another person rode In from the Pass to Seattle in less than duy undahiilf. The country beyond the i uss in mo direction ot Thompson's River one fifth. is understood to be free Troiii timber ami' Double speculation upplics to ull Julior comparatively level. Mr. W. II. Pearson, ers. The cnicrative in tiie cotton mill pays the noted Rocky Mountain expressman, re-1 a large share of his labor, from one third to cenlly conducted a company of nearly a' one hulf or more, to the capitalist, then on hundred miners through from Scuttle to the other portion to the merchant. Rut the Weenucha River, nnd left them to go on tin-1 poor laborer is Hiibieet to more than this : der the charge oK'npt. Vantis while he came in with a delegation of Indian chiefs to White Sulinon. In my opinion, persons desiring to go to Thompson's River or to any point in the milling country cast of the mountains, would find it much more economical and ubout us expeuitious to go to t.ie hound und through comes discouraged. U-t mo nk the mor thc Snoqunluinic Puss, notwithstanding nil ulist or preacher if it is a mystery thnt the that is said in favor of the route by the Dalles. Miners may take their animals from Portland to Monticelloon tho steamer for three dollars or less, per head, and then ride them to Olympin, Steilaeoom, nnd Se attle, without further necessary expense. The distance from Monticillo to Olympia is about 75 miles; thence to Steilaeoom 25 miles; thence to Seattle 35 miles. 1). E. 0. Or.Kcox City, Aug. 3, 1858. For the Argui. t'.ovi'i'uor Whltrakcr's Kpei'i'U. His Excellency opens his inaugural by stating " that while the people of Oregon were preparing for a State organization, the government of the United States was menaced and grtally imperial by tho nets of a s'ster Territory, while framing for itself a constitution, preparatory to entering the Union." He then congratulates himself that no such lawless proceeding character ized the conduct of the citizeus of Oregon in their preparation for entering the sister hood of States. The peneeable and orderly proceedings of the Oregoniaus ho ascribes to tho fact of their being of a b'gh order of, citizens. Xow, there are three items in tho above paragraph that demand atteution. 1st, The eovcrnment of the United States was greutly imperiled by the acts of the people in Kansas, Ac. This is simply ridiculous the United States Government in danger of being overthrown by tho little wptad in Kansas!!! ' Fudge! 2d. Oregoniaus a higher order of citizens than the people of Kansas ; therefore, we get along peaceably. Now, his Excellency is either very ignorant or considerably dishonest. If he did not know that the muse of the Kansas difficulty (slavery) had been excluded from this coun try by her organic law, he is grossly igno rant; if he did know it, then he is dizhon- tsl in ascribing our pence to another cause. How silly nnd ungenerous and wiean for modem democrats to glorify themselves over Oregon tranquillity when slavery was prohibited in our organic act. If it had not been admitted into Kansas, who be lieves there would have been any trouble there ? No one. 3d. These superior citizens elected John Whiteaker Govunxon!!! That caps the climax! This is proof, ineontestible, of their superiority! If they had not been of a very high order they never could have per ceived his qualifications for Governor. They must have had "optics keen to see things, where nothing is to be seen". What will tho people in the States (those who were acquainted with John) think when thev learn that he is elected Govern- ? Will they not conclude that lahnt is scarce in Oregon ? Oiiskrver. EroEXE City, July 2", 1858 For the Argut. Protective Vnloa. Labor doubly taxeo. The fanner taxes his labor in two ways: he sells his grain at prices giving a profit thereon to the mer chant ; he buys boots and pays a profit on them. And yet how easy the working peo ple feel about it. Some, themselves, live in hopes of becoming rich liy speculation; others think that because inequalities will exist under the best circumstances, therefore speculation, monopoly, poverty, arc all right many must be poor that a few may be ridi some must be rich to enable them to help the poor; many plod along little car ing or thinking whether they receive fair play or not ns their fathers went to mill so go they ; others argue, the more lawyers, doctors, and speculators we have, the bet ter it is Pr the laboring man: he will have somebody to eat his wheat and apples. Yes, the young farmer should marry a widow with a dozen children to End a mar ket for his flour! Most beautiful logic! One cent on the tlollsr we would consider a burdensome tax to support government; we make pretty fa at the Mormons for paying one tenth of their increase to the church-, some of ns pay our preachers as much, each, as a dollar a year ud think we do well. But in face of this we pay at least one fflk nf our taming to tperula fort for jtut nothing at all. "What oa-ht a man makp, clear, on uregon fro- OREGON CITY, OKEGOX, AUGUST 14, 1 858. diiee" asked a trader lut winter, of one of our Suhin merchants. "Twenty jst cent." was the answer. That is on the trade o. one way: certuinlv the Ltiius of btivimr nnd'of the nlmsiire of enmiblinir. For inv selling, both considered, would overreach he not only pays profit but t!iu liigh.'st profits, lK-euuse' ho buys at retail. His I (inur ! sn " lii.r .w tt,n rt,.i, ,,,. Thus is he oppressed from all sides. No wonder Hint- ho can afford so few of the real comforts of lifi- tlint his children go without cducution that he frequently Im poverty-oppressed laborer should Ikk-oiiic not only discouraged but actually immoral. Is ho in a condition to entertain favorably morals and religion, m ho scarcely knows to day how food will bo obtained for to-morrow 1 Verily we may preach and pray, but one of the great and first conditions to suc cess in the case of the laborer is justice. " Render to Ciesnr the things that are CV sar's"; give tho luborcr the product of his lubor. Laiior is the riTt iiE. Labor in Ore gon notwithstanding the influence of our gold mines, will bow to the common lnw manifest in the cxperienco of al' old settled countries. How is it iu England? How is it in the large cities of our own United States? Thousands of nieu und woiueu working moro than nil day, and Sunday too, fail to meet decently their necessities. How many prostitute themselves body and mind from drra necessity! Without pre vention thus it will be in Oregon. In view of this what shall we do for Out iiiii.iiitK.v. True, nearly every one claims to be working for his children ; the fanner, tho mechanic, the greedy inouey- maker, the merchant, and even the druin-sel- ltT- 151,1 tvery blockhead ought to know tlmt having wealth for children is no insur- on ng-niiist poverty. A thousand times betler would it be to givo a child a practi cal education and leave for it good insti tutions. . Humanity don't need nhns-giving nearly so much ns justice, a fair chance to take enre of self. Poverty being the likely field for operation for the larger share of the children of the rich and many more besides, and labor the only true remedy, it is wis dom to secure justice to the laborer. But, The Uxtox What has it to do with nil this? Thus much: when by united effort we learn to protect ourselves from the spec ulations of trade, we will know enough to form labor associations for the direct pro tection of labor. The anion principle is thus applied, I am told, in Massachusetts; operatives owning and driving two or throe large manufactories. Union in trade, nnd union hi lubor, will effecluully cut off that double speculation so long feasting upon the energies of the laboring man. Then the operative will get nil that his labor makes, nnd then passing to union trade, can buy his bread without n load of profit. " In union there is strength." Labor is the basis of wealth; capital cannot compete with it properly directed; and it should rise to be master of capital rather than continue a servant. Injustice to labor is one of the great errors, if not the error of ull government. The Protective Union goes one step toward its correction. C. HoEL. Affair abonl PurWersvUle. Parkeiisvii.le, July 12, '58. En. Annus: As it is your design to keep your readers " posted tip" in all the inter esting topics, both religious and political, in which the minds of our people nre absorbed (and I fear that the political absorption has much the predominance), I have con cluded to contribute my mite, hoping that it will be as favorably received as was that which the widow of old cast upon the altur. I attended the Rock Creep camp-meeting during lust Suturduy and Sunday.'. I should have remained longer, but my busi ness required my services ot Parkersville this morning at eight o'clock. Of course there was the usual apportionment of horse racing, foot-racing, children-squalling, and various other pleasantries incident to all camp-meetings; and, iu addition to these, there were two cigar shops at a short dis tance from the camp ground, where cigars, cawiy, nuts, pies, and various other com modities anil " Yaukee notions" could le obtained in any quantity by Birnply paying the cash. There was also a boarding-house j c,HlrHfli where young ladies may enjoy ie on the ground, where a meal could be ob-, culinr advantages in acquiring a knowledge ..;..l t 1,,, t..f m Wh fr,.nM the ' of the refinements and eh gancies of lan- , ' ' i r r rr... . offender was required to forfeit fifty cents. . It may be an incredible assertion, but it is j none the I true, that with all these, by ome supposed to be nnisances, there was , better order observed on the ground this ! year than has ever been before, and thi. is j acknowledged by all who af5?B'itd( i J perhii a f. w individuals noted chi. fly for their qiU'ruloiiMicss, who would find fault with mo-ff anything rather than lie d irived part, I thought the new urraugiiiient was uu cxiH'lleiit one, nii'imiiiio luting ai'ke tin' gentleman und the loafer; for while the loaf ers und piinbli r were ainu.-iug tlicnwlves In racing, drinking, smoking, Ac, nt the groceries, the gentlemen and ladies could huve some satl.-factioii in listening to the preaching; whereas if the loafers were on the camp ground they would be so disor derly that the remainder of ihe congrega tion could eiiteh but a word here ami there, and thus neither would be in the least bene fited by going to camp-meeting. As great revivals are so common in the States ut present, there will doubtless be some of your readers who, before reading this Tar, will come to the conelusion that I nm going to tell obout great excitement, wonderful zeal in the cause of religion, Ac, but this, uliis! is not the case; were it so, gladly would I herald it through the hind, that, if possible, some sinner might through the stimulus of such examples be turned to the cniLxe of Christ. The jieople generally appear to think thnt earthly treasure is more desirable ut least for the present than is the treasuro which is so liberally promised to them by the church; in fact, there was more said about gold and the gold mines than uiiything else, religion included. Just here we have cut out a dozen lines which might give offense to the man with n "sensual look. Such strictures being ra ther theological in their cast, would be more appropriate in the Advocate En. The gold mines niv " all the rage" in this part of the w orld. Men are going crazy almost about the mines. Everybody is in n passion, and nil nre going who can go; nnd those who can't would like to go. It is feared by some of our farmers that it will be impossible to gather the harvest (which is not very exuberant in these parts, there being considerable smut in the wheat) on account of the general rush to the mines. I think, however, thut all or nearly all will be saved. I hojio so; we shall need it all, and more too. Flour will command nn ex travagant price this winter. I notice thut there is still a great lack of machinery in Oregon, particularly in the way of threshers and reapers. Wm. C. Dement A Co. niv entitled to praise for their efforts to intro duce them into Oregon; nnd if they will lerscvcrc they will surely reap a rich reward before they quit speculating in reaping ma chines. One good renper is worth more to nn Oregon fanner than ten buck negroes; besides, he can own a reaping machine without being stung bv his conscience, which can be avoided in the other disc only on the supposition that he who will own tliem is not blessed with so noble a possess ion. Perhaps you will hear from me again nt some future time. J. W. Meliiriji. For the Argut. Itnrsc-ItnctnK. A race enme off near Salem last Satur day attracting considerable attention. Let us suppose for a moment that the people of Salem vicinity and Oregon continue pro gress in this line for several years, and thut looking over a moral nnd religious newspa per corresponding to this development, we read: "The Races. The exercises were open ed with prayer by Rev. Mr. A., after which ciime the usual bantering, betting, swearing, maneuvering, Ac, nml finally the priucipul racci The horse ' Jiin Tick' won. We congratulate our friend and brother on his success. A thousand dollars is not picked up every day for nothing, these hard times, " We were much pleased to see the little boys on the ground. Their parents deserve praise for their thoughtfuluess in the mat ter. The little fellows, many of them, talk ed in the polite language of the race-course, and could swear us loudly ns tho men. Evidently they are all improving. One lnd bet against the judgment of his father, and won a pony. That boy will make somebody in the world mark our words for it. Among the distinguished persons present, with their Indie's, lending their in ilucnce to the good cause, were Dr. 15., Judge C, and our brother Rev. Mr. M. It sjK'aks well for the interest tliey leel in the upwurd tendency of Oregon society. God favor the races!" Now for the advertisements: "Sale C'olleoe. A new prof-ssorship will be added, on the science of llorsc-ruo ing, and the literature of the Rucc-course, Ac, Ac. Rest methods taught of getting the advantage in the sturt, or, as it is sometimes technically termed, ' getting the bulge on liiin.' " "School for Youxo Lames. This school is located near the Salem Race- gnagc and manners found in the society of .w- nowliere ete u A j,Axn.K MrH, ( oft-ors to M k.r haf m.t-lm (i lanJ t!lat . 01d ca, i.at 1 Old Jim' all to flinders. Who dare take the bet ? Come on with your chink, H' tl chance to get your money Wk. It is proper to remark that women have tho nido of Truth in every Issue. No. 18. jitrl ns good a right to bet us men, It is uousciiM) to hold thut betting is right for nmn nml morally wrong for woman. Ho far as morals und tiutnners nre concerned, what is lovely iu uiuu cannot lie essentiully otherwise in woman. Sucuriug, drunken ness, smoking and chewing tobacco appear worse in women because it is not common to seo them under the control of those huliits. Rut progress is onward if not upwurd, and here is un " OiiiTi'AitY. J tunes, youngest son of 0. and Surah II., was thrown from his racer at the Salem raees last week, and got his neck broke. His mourning parents find ((insolation in tho knowledge that he was prepared to meet his Maker. He w as a worthy member of Union church." Here is something cculiur from Dr. H.: "To the PtiiLic I lost my gold watch on the race last Saturday. I must have it buck, or lose two or three more in the ef fort. My credit is at stake; so any of our brethren of the church, who may have u gold wutch to risk nguiust my judgment next Saturday, will just 'pitch, in.' Here is nn editorial remark I omitted iu the proper place: "We could but notice how backward some of tho young men were. A couple rikcd the enormous sum of ' four bits,' nud the one that lost seemed very much down cast indeed. The winner seemed to feel sorry for his friend, nml there was talk of giving one 'bit' back. Theso boys no doubt were from tho country, nud rather new nt the business; but they will outgrow till such backwardness, no fear, if they will only continue to attend the races." The render is left to think how such a state of society would suit him. If betting on horse-racing is right, such exhibition of the principle could not be wrong. Where is the mun who would desire such a state of affairs ? and what is the duty of editors, nud good citizens generally, with reference to horse-racing and its devotees ? I pause, nnd let each give such practical answer ns judgment and conscience may dictate. A Citizex of Mariox. August 2, 1S58. For the Argue. Why Husk Reblnd hit Ticket i Ei-bene City, Aug. 1, 1858. Mu. Editor: I sec that Rush und some of his friends nro making great efforts to explain the circunistnnce of Rush being be hind his ticket, in, I believe, every county and almost every precinct in the Territory. I believe they huvo decided that it was iu consequence of his being a better mun thun his fellow candidates ? that is, he had done more for the party, and, by consequence, more for the country iu other words, Rush has been persecuted for righteousness' sake! Rut what perplexes me is, why so many of hit own parly have failed to perceive his merits it was not his enemies that forsook him at the polls, but his friends, that is, political friends men who sustain his party. Now, Mr. Editor, permit me to give my opinion on this important question. And I will say, in the first place, that it was uot in consequence of nny superior merit on his part that he fell behind the uuifurmily hi the matter tells a tale that is not easily misunderstood. There ure two classes of men connected with Rush's own party who will not suj) port him for nny ollice. First, those who arc determined to maintain nt least a por tion of their independence, and not be dri ven into the support of men and measures contrary to the dictates of their own belter informed judgments. The second arc those of a religions turn of mind, who have be come disgusted with the vile and sneaking infidelity constantly retailed iu the Slates man. I do not remember ever to have ta ken up n number of that paper in which I did not perceive some slur on religion, some dark insinuation against Christianity. It seemed to be one prominent object of thut sheet to inflict secret stabs upon the cause of Christianity. If this was only an occa sional occurrence we might suppose it was an accidental circumstance; but when it is so-uniform nud constant we are forced to the conclusion that it originates in the fixed and deep-seated enmity in the heart of the editor against IKhle religion. The editor of the Statesman seems to possess a large share of the instincts of the buzzard. That filthy bird sees no beauty in anything thnt is clean he eun sail over beautiful fields und flower-scented landscntH-s without being in the least attracted thereby; but let him scent the putrid cureass of a deod dog or cat, or the decaying body of any other un iiniil, and he at once w heels iu his course and lights npon it here he struts and swells himself ujion this he feasts his dis gusting nature. So with Rush. He can puss over all of the licuuties of Christian ity, all the lieiievolence of pious Christians, all the devotion and self-sucrifice of minis ter of tlie gospel who have sjient their lives iu heathen lands trying to elevate and im prove the wretched inhabitants thereof, in dead silence not a word of commendation from Liia. Rut let some church meutWr violate the rales of propriety, let some scandalous story start tion Mine deacon or elder, or some di-gracefid tale go forth on AUVKKTIKINO It AT KM. Ooe xpinrii (IS in or hm) une liierilm, lltfl imt iiiMrtiiilui, 4,01 - " tlm-e luwrtiuiii, &,(K) Kch niliNHuent Imrrlion, l,DU tea.nLI ilcjiieliunt tu Hkm whu sdu-rtiM by tlx jrrsr. JOI1 PRINTINtJ, Tin rsnrRirTos or Tin ARCI'S ii turn tu iuforin lh public thot Ii bu jiwl rn tived Urge Icxk uf JUIJ '1 VI' Kind other urw priut inf iiwU riul, ami will be in ihe iprrily receipt o dililiH luiird to all the ritiirrrnrlltl of lb' k cnliiy. IlAMMtll.lX. PtihTKItS, 1U.ANKS. CAUIM, CIKlfl.AIW, PAMl'lll-KT-WOItK mill oilier kiniln, dune to order, on eliort not're. koiiio minister of the go-M-l, and he in stantly seizes it and parudes it In his col umn, with exaggerations and additions to 8tiit Ids depraved nature. These seem to be his delight: scandal, filth, and defama tion of the Christian, nnd cspeeiiilly thut of the ministry. Here let me give a specimen or two from the Slutisnnm, vol. 8, no. 1 4 : First, a fling nt " Rev. Dr. Cox, nud those of his order"; second, "The effect of long sermons"; third, " A repentunt dry-goods merchant"; fourth, " Charitable sister." Vol. 8, no. 16: First, " Home without a mother"; second, "Sniggins finds a lost note"; third, "Da vid und Goliath"; fourth, " A minister hung." Now, this minister, ns ho calls him, says it had been fifteen yiai t since ho fell (from his position as a minister), and yet Rush heads the article " A minister liiing." Was it true that he was a minis ter when ho was hung? Xo, nor had ho been for fifteen years. Bush nmy excuse himself by saying thut he copied the articlo as he found it in other papers but I say he hud no right to circulutc a falsehood; but this shows t he buzzard. I uot ice this same case in other papers, beaded " An M-minis-tcr hung"; the Stiitcsinun leaves off the 'ex.' Now, suppose Rclazon Smith should bo hung ; would it be true to sny a " minister" was hung in that case ? Whut say you, Asahel? After ull Hush's thrusts ut Christianity and slander of the ministry, there nre , church members und ministers who take his paper nnd support him. I do not suy they are Christians lint they have the minie. I rejoice, however, that there nre so many or the Democratic party who when they . come to vote throw Hush's name off their ticket, und many others who voted for him did it reluctantly. Nothing but party drill saved him. Hush is a source of deep uior-' tilieution to many of his own party with the udviiutugcs he has had (being ut tho helm of their organ) lie ought to have led . his ticket, instead of hanging on ut tho tail. Ouskiiver. tSg The following statement by Dr. Livingstone, the traveler in Africa, makes ' a sad void in our poetical knowledge If there was anything that we did huvo faith ' in it was tho Majestic Roab ok the Liojj. "Tho . silly ostrich makes a noise as !'"td (ns the roar of tho lion) yet he never was feared : by num. To talk of the mujestio rour of the lion is mere majestic twaddle. Iu my mentioning this fact some years ago tho assertion was doubted, so I have been care- fill ever since to enquire the opinions of tho Eiiropcnus who have heard both, if they could detect any difference between tho , roar of a lion nnd that of un ostrich; tho ; invariable answer wus that they could not when the animal was ut tiny distance.- ' The natives ussert that they can detect a variation between the commencement of the uoiso of each." KnrK or Tim Gkkat Illinois Tornado. Tho Peoria Transcript of tho Will tells toiitfli yarn i At Kl l'nno itlilew somo Iiouhos to spliolers, mid yet tirnke nut ono pano of glum in llis windows it c.irried some distance. At KupW, two luilies wero blown nwiiy nnd have not sinue becu hoard from they prnbiilily wore lumps. At Chenoa it demol ished a house completely, and yet left a buok-csso that was in it without a svrntch or a broken pane of glass. It curried a largo mirror sinty foot and laid it down unbroken. The most wonderful feut of a!l, however, occurred at Chenoa. A frame houso was blown at two jumps not loss than two hundred feet from whero it slood, and set dowu so easily thut tho pliiHtcrinjf was not cracked or the dishea knocked oll'lhe lublo which was act for eupper. A similar occurrence took place ut Oilman, where a kitchen was blown from tiie side of a house into a slough, wilhout a plute being broken, and when mir informant left, tho inmates were joiirncyinp; hack nnd forth on a raft, to get the couk 1145 utemils for hrcakfusL Startlixo ma Wbak Nkrves.I lushes, of In diana, sent a chullenKe to ll.irris, of Illinois, for words spoken in debate. The correspondent of tho .New Y oik Tout says that Harris, who, being Ihe challenged parly, had choice of weapons, chobe musknts, to be loaded with buck shot, and tho iliaUiuce ten paeei. A might be excted, the mntlcr was soon settled by mutual friends. Mr. 1 1 ughia withdrew Ills challenge, then with drew the Uiiiguiige used by him towards Harris which caused Harris to charge Hughes with a falsehood, then Ilurris withdrew hie charge of fulsi hood against Hughes. Verily, a muak't load ed with buckshot, at leu puces, is a powerful pau ificalor. An Inciuknt. A corresionilent of the N. Y Tribune, writing from Beaufort, South Carolina, relates the following : " On tho plantation where lama temporary resident, we have a weekly Sabbath School for the blacks j daily evening prayers in Ihe cabin of one of them, who is a deacon and a model of Christian p ety t a Thursday evening prayer meet ing, more generul in its character, and often, when there is ministerial company in Uie house, on Sat urday or Sunday evening short familiar lecture at our vrayer-houee, at which some, if not all, the white fuinily are present. " On one occasion of this kind, about a year since, a little girl, a child of eleven years, whs) was with us cn a visit, accompnn'ed the mistress of the mansion to the prayer-houie, leaving the drawing-room full of company; and there, on her bended knees, among thoae euslaved Africans, her heart received the message God's minister address ed to them, and she lileuily, though tearfully, gave herself to tho Ird, in a covenant never, as we trust, to be broken.'' Verdict aoainst Hot Bisccit. Dr. Bunting, who has been experimenting with Alexia St .Mar tin, the l-'renchman with a window in hie stomach, through which can bo seen all the processes of di gestion, declare that hot bread never digests at alb It is tumbled about for soma time, till it be gins to ferment, when it ia foretd out with lis other useless debris. It never digests, and is swrer assimilated by the rgsns of nutritim. only efl'ect ia to produce dj-P ! , n" Vr ua ting's testimony M demonstrated by repeated e. penmenta npon lie tomecn of St Mania, S3 : , I s. I I'