The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, August 07, 1858, Image 1

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i i rusi.isnau sviav asTvaiur moinino,
, . rijifymlt . annum, in
m-Zm m ' . ' W"Mrl ' VW.
tjr. Viilluriar lis montkiNn materia.
' ftttttdfor fees neriW.
OT ' aWeainurd nulil nil trrtnrngti
y Hero ii one of Viola's ImsI. Af-
ter a long repose on ilo enchanted luimnii
,of ',' Iris Hill," Viola catches the Inspira
lion of the sweet warbler, and mingle her
melody wiih that of the prince of aerial
'' Fur Mr Argnt.
Ts Ike Mradaw Lark,
Beauteous chil l of melody,
Ringing from out thul old ouk tree,
feuding thyself oo III topmost bough,
Who cau rival lliy niuaiunowl
Scattering song on I he muruiug brerse
Like shower of rain-drops from the trees,
Telling the listener's heart of spring,
(ilHing with hope-light every lliing,
Hopping about in the aunuy hour
O'er the yard's gay carpft of vcllow flowers,
Tbyecir like, limn wert hardly em u
If thy feathers wrru only tipped with green,
llul the russet browu of thy humble wing
la like leavra that grew in a former prim;
They ore withered now, and lie scattered round
Enriching and shielding the fruitful ground,
And thy coat ia ao like thon dead lenvea aero
f nl thy voice miut tell ua when thou art near.
Cheerily now thy warulinjrs fall
On my liaieulng can, and 1 Ireamre them all
Up In the choicret nook of my heart, (part
That their gladness and sunshine may never de
Often I wake iu the cool spring night
Aud listen to thee with deep delight,
Breaking out in a trill eo long,
Filling the Hill night air with mug,
Wakiug the eehoea at midnight huura,
Shaking the dew from the aleeping flowers,
,Aa if thou wert waking from some bright dream,
Or gazing with joy on the moonlit scene.
A treasure thou art of worth untold,
Yielding u mueio that never grows old.
but any, sweet lark, why ao hippy thou art '
why ao gay thy aoug, aud light thy heart ?
Why not grieve for plumage more rieh end raw, '
Ad complain to thy Maker of ' nothing to wear'T
uuresi iiwu ue seen in the summer light,
Whea eo many are dressed in colon more brL'hl t
. 1 lie bird H lied by, but sang as he went,
I'm teaching a lemon of sweet anient.'
' 'U lliu. July 12, I8."8. Viola.
SALEM. A short lime ago Sir E. Bulwor
lytton delivered a lecturo iu Lincoln,
which city ho has for a number of years
represented in Parliament, on tlio early
history of the Babylonian, Assyrian, Per
tiun, Egyptian, Greek, alffl Jewish nation,
and closed with the following powerful and
dramatic description of the destruction of
Jerusalem by Tilus
, ( "Six years after Ihu birth of our Lord,
Judoaand Samaria became a Roman prov
luce, under subordinate governors, the
most famous of whom was Pontius 1'ilate,
These governors became so oppressive (hat
tliH Jews broke out into rebellion ; and sev
enty years after Christ, Jerusalem was fi
nally besieged by Tilus, afterward Emperor
of Homo. No tragedy oo the stage has the
tame scenes of appalling terror as are to be
found in the history of this siege. The city
itself was rent by factions al the deadliest
war with each other all the elements of
civil hatred had bruken loose I lie- streets
were slippery with the blood of citizens
brother slew brother the grunnries werp
set on fire famine wasted those whom the
sword did not slay. In the midst of these
civil massacres, the Roman armies appeared
before the walls of Jerusalem, Then for a
short time ilia rival factions united against
the common foe; they were again the gal
lant countrymen of David and Joshua
they sallied forth and scattered the eagles
of Rome. Out this triumph was brfrf; the
ferocity of tha ill fated Jows soon again
wasted itself on each other. And Titus
marched on encamped his armies close by
the walls sod from the heights the Roman
general gazed with awe on the strength and
splendor of the city of Jehovah.'
''Let us here pause and take, ourselves,
a mournful glance at Jerusalem ;. as it then
was. The city was fortified by a triple
wall save on one side, where it was pro
tected by deep and impassable ravines.
These walls, of solid masonry, were guarded
by strong towers ; opposite to (he lufiies' of
those towers Titus had encamped. From the
height of that tower the sentinel might have
seen stretched below tho whole of that fair
territory of Judea; about to pass from the
coMQtry men oiaDavid. Within these walls
was the palace of the kings its roof ot ce
darj its doors of the rarest marbles, its cham
bers filled with the costliest tapestries, and
vessels of gold and silver. Groves and
gardens gleaming with fountains, adorned
wua avaiuMui oruiiir, uiviueu me cou.t.
-:.L ........ f W. Jl.'J.J .L. a,.
C;'1 nalace itself. ,
;' ''But lL above ... uPon precipitous
rock, rose the temple, fortified ana adorned
by Salomon. This temple was as strong
without as a taW within more adorned
than a palacs. On entering you beheld
porticoes of numberless columns of porphy
ry, marble, and alabaster; gales adorned
with gold and silver, among which was the
wonderful gale called the Beautiful. Fur
ther on throush a vast aroh, was the sacred
TOrtal which admitted into the interior of
he temple itself all sheeted over with
gold, and overhung by a vine tree of gold,
the branches of which were as large as a
man. The roof of the temple, even oo
(be outside, wss set ever with golden
worW 10 oreveni the bird, sitting there and
A.RV.nn rh hoi dome. At a distance,
ih. whole temple looked like a mount of
fwiiad Oitb srolian pinoscles.
r "But. alas, the veil of that temple had
already rent asunder by so tnexpi-
Vbl. crims. ai4 A Lord of Hosts did not
debt with Israel But the enemy is than
at the wall. AH around, ibe city
A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to tho Principles of Jeilcrsonian Democracy, and advocating
Vor,. IV.
arose immense maclimra, from which Tilus
poured down mighty fragments of rock,
and showers of nre. The walls cave way
-Iho city was enlorcd-ihe t..n..d It.nlf
... ..,.... i- i' i .. ...
ws stormed. -a,,no In the meanwhile
had made such havoc, that thn besieged
were mors liko spectres than livinir men
they dovourcd the belts to their swords
the ssndal. to lh,.ir f..o.. Pen .,..,'
... HHiiiiv II
seirso pen.hcd sway, that a mother do-
vourcd her own itifaut; fulfilling the awful
aords of tho warlike prophet who had first
'd the Jews toward tho land of promise
,'l'k.. . i . . i i .
I ho lender and delicate women amongst
u,l. ......l.l ..I ,
"wuiu uui uvriiiuro io sui tue
sole of her foot upon the ground for deli-
catencss and tenderness her eye shall bo
evil toward her young one and tho chil
drcn that she shall bear, fur she thall rat
them for want of all things secretly in the
siege and ttiaitness wherewith thine ene
my shall distress thee in thy gates." Still
ss if the foe and the famine was not scourgo
enough, citizens smotoand murdored each
other as they met in tho way false proph
ets ran howling through the streets every
image of despair completes tho ghastly
picture of the full of Jerusalem. And now
the temple was scf on fire, the Je s rush
ing through the flames to perish amidst its
ruins. It was a calm summer night the
10th of August; the wholo hill on which
stood the temple was one gigantic blaze of
fire the roofs of cedar crashed the gold
en pinnacles of the do mo were liko spikes
of crimson (lame. Through the lurid at
mosphere all was carnage and slaughter;
tho echoes of shrieks and yells rang back
from the Hill of Zion and the Mount of
Olives. "
'' Amongst tho smoking ruins aud over
piles of the dead, Titus planted the standard
of Rome. Thus were fulfilled the Inst aveng
ing prophecies, thus perched Jerusalem. In
that dreadful day men were still living who
might havo heard the warning voice of
flim they crucified "Verily I say unto
you all, those things shall como upon this
generation. ... O Jerusalem,' Jerusalem,
thou that killest the prophets and stonest
them that are sent to thco, . . . behold
your house is left unto you desolate I"
And thus were tho Hebrew prople scat
tered over the face of the earth, still re
tailing to this hour their mysterious identity
still a living proof of the truth of those
prophets they had scorned or slain still,
vainly awaiting that Messiah, whose divine
misson wss fulfilled eighteen centuries ago,
upon the Mount of Calvary."
C.rasstaopvipni in Texas IK-strncttna of the
l'.ropMwarai a aft Myriads of the Pests
HnnkUiiu an Trees anil Breaking Down
Ike Branckes.
. Corrcivnlenc qf the Jf. Y. Day Book.
DASTaoP, Texas, April 27, 1858,
During tho past month the grasshoppers
have azuin made lueir appearance in west
ern Texas, and have already destroyed our
garden!), also the corn and cotton in this
and adjoining counties. Tho grasshopper
of tho Middle Slates is very dillerent from
ours. With you the egg is deposited iu
the fall, and in ihe spring the young come
forth and feed all summer in Ihe same field
in which they aro hatched. Not so wiih
us. Here ihey are migratory in their hab
its. Last fall myriads of these pests ap
peared in ibis and adjoining counties, ap
parently blown from the west; they de
stroyed the fall crops and' gardens, and
deposited in the ground hundreds of eggs
for every old grasshopper. This spring
those eggs were hatched out, and the re
sult is a hundred-fold more grasshoppers
than we bad last fall. We know where
they come from, but no one can tell where
they go when they leave. After the hatch
ing nmpcess is gone through with, they
emerge from their nests in the ground, and
immediately commence feeding upon the
nearest vegetation.
For ihe first six weeks of their existence,
they uso their logs for tho purpose of loco
motion, as their wings do not appear until a
few days before their departure for parts as
yet unknown; but during the six weeks
they do incalculable mischief. On last
Monday wees, one ot our planters uaa six
hundred acres of corn knee high, prom
isinu to average fifty bushels per acre ; the
grasshoppers appeared in his field the next
It .' it'll I 111
uay 8nu on i riuay he hadn't a
: T I. h.Jn'l a hliniifAn ,
acres left standing. They resemble fish
in their habits in one respect, going in
shoals from field to field, but they do not
destroy vegetation promiscuously, seeming
to have a very discriminating Jasto. In
our gardens they eat tho cabbage and on
ions, and leave lue saisuy uu i--they
eat the Irish potato vine, and this, loo,
when these plants stand side by side. They
are fond of the grasses, but leave ihe
prairies to feed upon the corn and cotton,
the latter when both are found
in the same field. They are not to be
found lower down the Colorado river Ihsn
the 07th degree of longitude, but as far
west as the country is sciueu. i ,
already commenced immigration from this
aection of Texas. But where ihey go to
w, as I nave saiu, . ...j..j. --" i
' ,i:..i.,l i.n into the air until they
reach an elevation of about 100 feet, and j
then take an easterly course, u lny Pur:
sued ibis course in aright line, we should
find them eilher in the lower counties or in
tH Upon the hypothesis that they descended
the lower COUniiea win uiu wtt,....-..--
'"rr.r,:: kIiT;.;.. weld they - Wid i.,rna.." , where is
in me gruu..- - -j - , i ke p .. w rf , jj , where men, taken at random irorn any omer
MVhy: W logeder.m..;!sUit of ,lfc, of who th, M
Scropl rS? c.o ..Vi. or ucljou'pear.tob. berry 'licuiardi. mornmriS..d
ravel their mysterious nVlit i,v aunnositur
I H'1" to be drowned in the CJulf, for surely,
' 1 ' myriad or grasshoppers which Hew
?vr """ ; nj'w'nit. counties last year,
I nmi conllnued lluir flight to the Ouir. some
j ,,g,UB, Jatk Ur woufd ,v, ,efn , do.
scent and reported the fact. Last year
: "') emi Hucl' numbers from the West
1 "'' tl,f ' "'P"1 iun " Utrnf& dl,J
i i.'!,? nihl for . fcw "" d"'in8 ihv"
, tllielil Muai II. a .111 ri.i.l .1 1 I.. ..S M
sidcr this exaggeration, for I can assure you
llint In many instances they broke down
our peach trees by going upon them te
roost. I know this will set in very strange.
uui u is a iaci, uiai mo 1 rxis crassuopper
:,,k. willl ' lllfill niinolllilv . .
i I.... !. !. . e .1 m- i
. I ' . '
ctiickflis at sundown, to lind a roosiir-B
place. Our citizens here are now re plant-
m lheir fP nnd Bre l)unyed VP wit''
the reflection that notwithstanding tho
grasshoppers, Texas is tha greatest Slate
in tha Union, and tho West l ho loveliest
and most desirable portion of Texas.
OCT Robert J. Walker says he will go to
Kansas and speak against the English bill
if necessary to secure its rejection. Ilia seo
retary, Stanton, stil has his residence there,
and his wife remains ia the Territory.
Neither of these gentlemen show any
abatement of their hostility to the Admin
istration, and are apparently enlisted for
the war. - Secretary Stanton says the
courso of the Republicans in voting for the
Crittenden-Montgomery bill was "liberal
and palriotic," and that the Administra
lion, by its course in regard to Kansas, has
"assumed tho sectional and indefensible
ground, leaving the Democratic, and true
Constitutional platform in the po-scssion of
tho aiiti-Leoomptoti Democrats, Americans,
and Republicans."
Thr Atlantic TELF.nRAi n. About the
13th of June, both ships, with the accom
ponying frigates, make all speed to the
ceutrr of tho Atlantic, or rather to the cen
ter of the space to be traversed by the ca-
ble, which is about 32 deg. west of Green
wich. Hero the splice between the two
halves will be made without loss of time,
There is l,.ri00 fathoms water where this
join must be made, and both vessels will
remain stationary uniil the splice has well
settled on the bottom, when tho Niagara
will at once steer for the New World, and
the Agamemnon will return to the Old.
Each will steer as fast to her homeward
destination as is consistent with the safety
of the undertaking, fo the cable will bo ei
ther laid or lost within twelve or fourteen
days from starting. The depths to which
the Niagara will hare to sink her portion
vary quickly and irrcgulurly from 1,500 lo
2,000 fathoms, or from 1 to about 3 J
miles; and this is tho case also with the
Agamemnon's portion of iho distance.
But on the American side tire wator shoals
easily and gradually toward Newfoundland,
whereas, on the British portion of ihe
ocean the Agnmcmnon will have to sur
mount a tremendous ridge, which may be
called tho Andes of those vast submarine
plains of the Atlantic. It commences at
about 13 deg. west longitude, and in the
courso of a few miles the water suddenly
shoals from 1,750 fathoms to 00. Up
this vast rocky precipice almost as steep
as the side of Mont lilanc the cable must
bo laid with extremo care. The difficulty
once overcome, the way thence to Valen-
tia becomes comparatively of no account.
Past Pboobess of Christianity. The
following tabular statement, a conjectural
but probable representation of the progress
ive increase of Christians in the world, is
attributed lo Sharon Turner:
1st century, 500,000 10th cent'y, !i0,00n,000
2d " 9,000,000 1 1th " 60,000,000
3d " 6,000,000 12th ' 70,0(10,000
4th " 10,000,000 13th " 80,000,000
5lli 15,000,000 14th u 90,000,000
Cth " 30,000,000 15th 100,000,000
7lh " 25,000,000 Ifllh " 125,000,000
8th " 30,000,000 17th " 1 55.000,000
9lh " 40,000,000 16lh , " 800,000,000
In this nineteenth century, the Christian
population of ihe world cannot be far from
three hundred millions, and its progress
now is more rapid than in any period since
the Apostolic age. What imagination can
fnr7t ihs AAhitlnita nf hr. hnV) fif
....... .... j - t
years' T'1? leaven is working in every
land. The old empires of idolatry and su
perstition are effete and ready to vanish,
while new Christian empires are born al
most in a day. Every new discovery in
nature, or invention in art, helps to speed
the Gospel. Trade, commerce, revolution,
exploration, all prepare Ihe way, and her.
aid the approach of the heralds of ihe
Cross. This work of preparation has been
long going oil.
OCT Stone bullets were used until the
roar 1514. when iron came into use. It
j ...
was near the close nl the sixteenth centu
ry before leaden bullets were generally
Stone cannon-halls are yel useo
in the East,
(Or Gen. Scott was seventy-two years
old on the I3th of June lsst. Ue hss been
In the army fifty years.
rKr " Where is the hoe, Sambo !"
tlrpubllraa Patriotism.
" It is not our habit to suspect our fcl-low-citizens
when ihey utter sentiments of
patriotism, and give vent to apparently hon
est expressions of indignation against those
who wantonly assail the Uovernment and
i'eopie or the United states. It is delight
ful, indeed, to hear our Republican fricndi
drclare how valiantly they will maintain
the honor of the Republic, nnd how ihey
will put down its foes. Republicans do
not often utter patriotic sentiments; and
so we are more inclined to commend their
conduct in reference lo the outrages re
cently commiltod upon our rnercbsnt ships
in llie west India waters.
" Hut, sflnr'all, wecsnnot forego the op
portunny oi recording a propiieoy upou
this matter: we believe eur whole Repub
lican family, under ono pretext or another.
should the search question become serious,
will turn their backs upon the Government,
and trot over to the British side." Wash
ington Union,
The Union and its party are disap
pointed. I low they would have exulted,
had Republican members of Congress pur-
sued the course taken by the Tost and
Tribune, of Now York had they apolo-
gized for the British outrages, advocated
the British claim to visitation, and declaim
ed about the overwhelming power of Eng
land I " Behold these sectional fanatics !"
would have been lheir language; " willing,
in their mad crusade against Southern in.
stitutions, to sacrifice the honor and inter
ests of their country, to join with its en
emies, to pander to British schemos of uni
versal empire! Now, as always, it is left
to the South and lo the Democratic party
to maintain the honor of the flag aud the
independence of the Republic"
Belter counsels controlled our Republi
can friends in Congress. Much as they
abhor the slave trade and deplore the pros
titution of our flag, they could not, with
out denying a principle vital to the freedom
of the seas and the independence of sov
ereign States, admit for a moment the
British claim. They saw no conflict of
duties. They wero roady lo maintain alike
the independence and Arwor of ihe flag
to resist the establishment on tho high seas
of a despotism ; and at the same lime lo
hunt down piracy and the slave trade. So
they thought and spoke ; and the unscru
pulous Pro Slavery Party, which had fond
ly hoped to win glory by a cheap display
of patriotism, found, much to their morti
fication, a wonderful unanimity of opinion.
There was no chance at all fur sotting
themselves up as the peculiar champions
of the country's honor. In fuel, the pa
lriotic sentiment was so strong, that Mr.
Buchannn and his friends are constrained
to play the part of conservatives. They
have the responsibility, and it ia for them
to indicate what is to be done. So far,,
their policy is to await the result of com
munications with the British Government,
and meantime lo obtain from the Sebate a
calm assertion of the (rue doctrine in rela
tion to the claim of visitation, and a firm
expression of the determination of the
American people. The Republicans make
no opposition they unite in support of
this policy. Does the Administration want
anything more I What impertinence, then,
to be casting imputations in advance upon
party which has shown at least eq'ial
teeal for tho honor of the country, equal
jealousy of its rights! National Jira.
More Difficulties with England.
Tho National Intelligencer, under the head
of " rumors," has the following :
" We are likely to have a question with
the British government, as to our north.
western boundary lino, which is about to
be run and marked by Ihe Joint Boundary
Commission. Mr. Archibald Campbell is
the American Commissioner, and has taken
passage for California. He was employed
there the last year upon the duty, and now
returns lo it. The question which has
arisen is as to the title to the Important
group of islands in or near the Straits of
r uca, and between Vancouver s Island and
souib of the parallel of 40. By the treaty,
the 49tb parallel is our northern boundary,
till it strikes Vancouver's Island, but then
it turns south, giving the whole of that
::!und to England. The British govern
ment set up a claim to lbs small islands as
oppurtenanccs to the larger ones j while
on our side we claim everything south of
49, except Vancouver's Island. When Ihe
Oregon treaty was before the Senate for
ratification, Mr. iienton maae some state
ments as to the importance of these small
islands as a key to the Strait aod Gulf, and
claimed Ihem as belonging to the United
Slates under the treaty,"
A br Ministers' Sons all Rascals!
The Episcopal Recorder has an article
touching this class in which it deprecates
the idea that they are worse than other
sons, aod draws for important information
on Dr. Sprsgue's late work, which gives
the lives of several hundred ' Cslvinistio'
ministers. It takes the biogrsphics of the
first five hundred, and says :
' Of the sons of three hundred, over one
hundred aod ten became ministers. Of
ihe remainder, by far the larger proportion
rose to as honorable ar,u success
ful men in business, or in 'learned profes-
!s there, any body of one honored
can be
the side of Truth iu every issue.
No. 17.
Byiiiin Hm Marriaok, Etc. The fol
lowing is the solution of the mysterious
marriage according, to Mr. Trelawny's
comment and recollections :
"Byron's marriage must not he classed
with those of tho poets, but of the worldly
wise, he was not under the illusion of
love, but of money. If he had left his
wife and cut society, (the last ha was re
solved on doing,) he would have been con
tent ; that his wife and society should
have cast him off, was a mortification his
pride could never forgive nor forget. As
to the oft-vexed question of the poet's sep
aration from his wife, ho has told tho fads
in prose and verse ; but omitted lo Male
that he treated women as ihines devoid of
soul or sense, ho would no: eat, pray,
walk, nor talk wiih lliem. If ho had told
us ibis, who would have marveled that a
lady tenderly reared and richly endowed,
pious, learned, and prudent, deluded into
marrying such a man, should have thought
linn mad or worse, and sought safety by
flight. llyron loouitur.1 'As to my
m. .:...... I.:..L l . x . .t i-
iiiMiiinv, ivunv iiinufi vuen riuicu
lous stories about, it was managed by Lady
Jersey and others. I wss perfectly indif
ferent on Ihe subject ; thought I could not
do better, and so did they, I wanted mo.
nry. It was ao experiment, and proved a
The greate'r mystery than even iho mar
riage, the man himself, is resolved by Mr.
Trclawny into an imitation of George
Prince of Wales.
" His conversation wss anything but lit
erary, except when Shelley was near him.
The character he most commonly appeared
in waa of Ihe free and easy sort, such as
had been in vogue when he was in London
and George IV, was Regent; and his talk
was seasoned with anecdotes of Ihe ereut
actors on and off ihe stage, boxers, gam
blers, duelists, drunkards, &a., Ao., appro
priately tarnished with the slang and scan
dal of that day. Such things had all been
in fashion, and were at thai time considered
accomplishments by gentlemen ; and of
this tribe of Mohawks the Prinue Regent
was tho chief, and allowed lo be the most
perfect specimen. Kvrm, not knowing ihe
tribe was extinct, still prided himself on
having belonged lo it; al nothing was he
more indignant than al being treated as a
man of tellers:, inslead of as a lorl and a
man oe-fashinn ; this prevented foroiirnrra
and literary people from getting on with
him, for they invariably so offonded."
Served "Ciiaritaiiari" Right. The
New Orleans Picayune gives an account of
a very proper punishment inflicted on one
of those disgusting1 nuisances called Mar
rowbones and Cleavers Concerts, given as a
sort of Musard welcome to newly. married
ouples, for the purpose, no doubt, of keep
ing thorn awake. It seems thai a Mr. Sey
mour married a Miss Mary Horan, at the
house of the bride's mother, when a
party of dirty rowdies commenced
their diabolical musical devilry.
Upon their refusing lo desist when Mrs.
lloran entreated them, her son James, a
lad only eight years old, look a loaded re
volver and discharged several barrels into
the mob, wounding several. It has been
decided that it is justifiable lo shoot such
Ethan Allkn's Remains Discovered.
The Springfield Republican says that
the long sought remains of Ethan Allen
have now been found the doubts are for
ever put at rest. In more thoroughly re
moving tho earth at the place of burial in
Burlington cemetery, Tuesday forenoon,
for laying the foundation of the monument,
tho consecrated bones were found right be
neath tho place of the old tombstone.
They were boxed up and ro-inlcrred be
neath the new monument.
Insects Never Grow. Many people
fancy that a little fly is only little because
it is young, and that it will grow up in
process of lime to be as big as a blue-bottle.
Now this idea is entirely wrong; for when
an insect has once attained its winged stato
it grows no more. All the growing,
and most of the eating, is done in its pre
vious stales of life ; and indeed, there are
many insects, such as the silkworm-moth,
which do not eat at all from the time that
they assume the chrysalis stale to the time
when they die,
(& The French Gazette Medicale states
that by n accident charcoal has been dis
covered to be a cure for burns. By laying
a piece of cold charcoal upon the burn,
the pain subsides immediately. By leav
ing ihe charcoal on one hour the wound is
healed, as has been demonstrated on sev
eral occasions. The remedy is cheap and
simple, and certainly deserves a trial.
Q3 After various experiments with all
sorts of paving for twenty-fire years, Bos
ton has returned to cobble stones, as the
only convenient and practicable material,
The iron pavement is belter but too expens
ive. All other materials have proved infe
rior to cobble-stone. -
, t. i ,
OO-Jonathan Suggested to his sweet
heart tht i hair marriage should be in May
Susan though it an unlucky momn.
"Make it June, then," said Jonathan.
"Would not April do as well!" asaea ou
ssn, with a blush.
(VV Strain I ha bow and the arrow
v- . .
jwetrcs ; such is tha est'! wjih tbe mind
One square (12 line or Itsa) one insertion, f 3N)
" " two insertions, 4,00
" " thn-e insertions, 5,H0
Kach sulmniuent Insertion, 1,MI
Reasonable deductions to those who advertise ly
the year.
Tin raorairroa or Tim AftRl'S is lurry
lo inform the public that he has just rreeiveH a
large slock of JuU TVl'Ksnd other new print
ing nuiu-riul, and will be in tha S),erdy re. e pi o
additions suited to nil ihe nquirenirnts of ties Ii -ealiy.
nnd other kinds, dune lo ordrr, on short notice.
Books in Ancient Times The mod
erns, ovsn with the aid of the printing
presa, are not so f,ir in advance of ihe an
cimts in ihe power of multiplying copies of
hooks as is generally supposed. The rli.'
interment of buried cities revealed a sin
gular perfection in all that pertained lo
lheir domestic comfort, and in ihe orna-'
monis and articles of taste which marked
a high civilization, but later iuvesiigaiioii)
havo brought to lighl facts more surprising
in regard lo lheir literary labors nnd the
extensive diffusion of books among the peo.
In the timo from Cicero up to Marcus
Aurvlius, scarcely less was written and
read lhan in our day. This was effected
by slave labor. Slaves were the auiunu.
enscs of Romsn publishers. What the
printing press now does for the spread of
intelligence for bringing the pool and
the orator, ihe historian and the essayist
in communication with the minds of tliu
masses, bond-men then performed, and the
cheapness of lheir labor superseded tha '
necessity of machinery. " (
In tho large publishing establishments
a work lo be produced was dictated lo aev. -era)
hundreds of slaves at once, who were'
capalilo of an almost incredible precision
and celerity. Martialis tells us that tho
second book of his epigrams, which num
bers some six hundred and fifty versos, did
not cost mors than one hour to the copyist.
If three hundred were engaged al the samo
moment upon it, fifteen hundred could ,
have been produced in a single day. The
prico of this work was quite as cheap Is
one of similar diiuunsious printed at the
present day. , , j ,
The passion for literature, if we can
form a correct judgment from the broken ,
records that have come down to us, wss
equal la that manifested iiUlie present sge.i
From l'ublius Viutoriuus we learn that
during the second and third conturies after
Christ there were in Rome alone twenty,
nine public libraries, many of which as lo
he number of books, equaled the celebra
ted Alexandrine Library, which is sup. ,
posed lo have contained 700,000 vol-,
Freezino to Dbath. That to be fro-'
zon to death must be a frightful torture,
many would consider certain, front their
own experience of the effeots of cold. .
Uul here we full into Ihe usual error of.
supposing thai the suffering will increaso
with the energy of I lie agent, which ceuld
only be Ihe oaae if sensibility remained ilia
same. Intense cold brings on speedy -
leep, which fascinates ihe senses, nnd
fairly beguiles men out of lheir lives.
The most curious example of the seductive
powers of cold is to be found in the adven
tures of the botanical party who, in Cooke's '
first voyage, were caught In a snow mrm
on Terra del Fuego. Dr. Solander, by
birth a Swede, and well acquainted with
the destructive decoits of a rigorous cli
mate, admonished tho company in defiance
of lassitude, to keep moving on. " Who
ever," said he, "sits down will sleep, and
whoover sleeps will perish." The doctor
spoke as a sage, but he felt as a man. '
In spite of the remonstrances ol those
whom he had instructed and alurmud, ho '
was the first to lie down and dip.
The same warning was repeated a thou.
sand limes io the reircal from (Mocow,
Alison, the historian, to try the cxperi.
merit, sat down in his garden at tiiilit
when the thermometer had fallen four de.
grees below zero, and so quickly did thn
drowsiness come stealing on, that lie won
dered how a soul of Napoleon's unhappy .
band had been able to resist the treuchcr-
ous influence London Quarterly,
An Infidel Converted. Tim Eng-,
lish correspondent of the Ziuu'r Herald,
" TLomss Cooper, the noted skeptic, and
author of the ' Purgatory of Suicides,' has
rccontly become a convort lo Lliristmnily ;
and after having spent thirty years of his
lifo in lecturing and writing against the Bi
ble, he is now striving to make reparation
for the mischief he must have done, by
lecturing in defense of the Sacred Scrip
Hires." Well Said. A cotomporary says:
" In our estimation, the result of long expe.
rience and observation, an editor of a news
paper deserves far more credit for what he
kcqit out of his paper lhan for what he ul
04T Ii is said that, at Ihe very lowest es.
timate, Kansas has already cost this country
fifty millions of dollars.
New Orleans Battlr Monument.
A monumental obelisk is being erected on
the New Orleans battle ground. The
foundation is completed. The obelisk is to
be entirely of while msrblc, and one hun
dred and fifty feet in height. Ii is lo have
an inner stairway running up the entire,
r Mr. Buchanan, of Hamilton, has deA
. J .1.. ian,1ian Pttrliemunf. that
clarea in u . -
there are five hundred thousand persons
in Canada without employment, and with-,
out money,
(CT In order to live justly, and be re
spected, we must refrain from doing
we blame in others