' THE OREGON ARGUS. " ryitmuo avast nwstur Mussina, BY, WILLIAM L. ADAMS. ,THH)IS-ri A sues , JHi,k,i at t 'tkrtt UJUrt and Pily VmU pit annum, i j uitumt. It tmatt itUuriktrtihrtt Uuliurt ' tek it tMi tjieti mhnnet 1 Vfktn Ikt mini it tt paid in utmutt, hour Dtllmrt mill It ckarttd if J tfitt It t m mi mtmtk4 44 "Vw iLtUntg the tmiif ttii utar, i A V('Llv XcU'mmiK'P. Whi1 in tlm "Pr. ti..Jr.li.a Titir..iar.tiii.i Thtnni'nntf nrwl niltvwintintv tlii. ui.Ia nf Truth 111 PVITV isHllC.- (IT r VMart for til nwulhtSt lubtcnu. 1 ' " Hum ttmtti jut t Ittt ptrmd. ' " ' - Vol. IV. OREGON CITY. OREGON, JULY 31. 1858. Ao. 10. me XfflM& Df Na pvptr diteontiiiutd until oil trriiirngct ' tnpmtt), mint ntthttpthuiif the puhlitkir. " Sciiic Axiwrhimo Simth Qlkktionk. WLy it rain water tuft T Beoausu it U 1 hoi impregnated wilh vrtrtli nmi mineral. to - Why it it more usy lu wnh with soft ' tailor thnn with hard I Because soft waw-r a Uitllea freely with soup, and dissolves it . Instuad of JrcoiijHiiiig it at hard water : dor. ; i ''Why do wood n-lu-t mako hard water aoM ' V " " .' . .lit. IlecaUM lliu cn'tuiiic vciil of Wood . ahe combine with tho u!liute nf limp in 'the hard water, mid convert il into Chalk; 2dly, wood ashes comert tome of 1 Ilia soluble mill 'f water iii'u insoluble sippl and it triluiimifn ; of tho 1,507 po- Damascus. Independently of lit cm liiicnl iiciicr piiUilicd in llio United trl posiiimi, it Inn HitmcliuiK in iitdfiu. hintct in IMll, 853 nr Whig, and 742 porior prrlmpn to any city in the Kat. wi i D.'itinuialio. lliora ae four bun- ilrrd tlmiiitiind tndiann in onr' lorritoiy ; from tht AVy, Nrie York ilrJiral Juurntl, Tha Lair-Dtcr Huata. Wa have heard of ro,r.red ci.ie., half, nl"'"i individual, we par a old a. tin.o but IJ umucu i. at l,aat .u,VB ""'V ,or """V " fuver. In auth catei we have freuuiiilv ohcrvrd the child improve by Ix'inir wean- At certain period in the development of: f j Wt u,,, ,Le , o( B,,er bcfr I- naturally difaiiri-rablr, and that i' it de hi tho vWo of lliu Ruvnliilion, llirro were at old ai any received history ; nnd u in hut 3(1,U:0 in lliu old tliirtui ii Slulra, ac J fact tho ol ltat city know of whioli pre. cur Jiiijf to nil cilininto of (Ji ii. Knox ; di. ai-rve to (hi dy iin oriinul Importance rr-t t and iii'lir. cl lax paid by inch alii'.a I From the time wln ii Abraham left h'u) atruclive to br-uuty. Wumvn prrterra uu reraun in the country, 94 SI i number of home kri ween thetwo rivcra," to jouru,.y i I'gl'imrte, and barmoniw aitli nature'. r..i.t (..( ott..r. l i SUll .0(111. c on- In wutward to tho "Land of Promi.." ul'aw.orii, n.-y ua rK.......w .u about 919 of the frne inulca over twenty one year of age ; number of Federal office- holilerx, (cXL-lutivo of army nnd navy,) j sand yean, and il hai been n link never broken beiwecn tho patnarclial a'e and Ulance. An ill balanced Condition of ! imfnirfU lliair natural taiiea for a lonjjer mind or body tvmnt to invito amne ol.jeoi j pi.rio(1 ,(., mill . facl( ,l(.y Mj0In be. on which the predominant paa.ion or func M v,alej n ln(.r u M ,,., 1IUII till! U l ACIKIHU. 1 U1 VI'J' VI IHM wr and throw iliem dwn at a m-diiikiit by which lliu water feriiniiia nioro pure. Why hat rain watnrtiich an unph-aHant ' tmcll when il ia vollvcicd in a ruin lub or 1 tank ? Ik'cauxit il ia inipri-gnated with do ' t'otnpotvd organic mailer wu.licj from tin ' roof, treen, or the cu.ki in which il ia col lated. ' Why dnet water mrlt aalt ) Uucaue 'very inimilo partich't of water iii.inu:ilt' ihetiuelvea into tho purt-t of the null by Ltapillary attraction, and force lliu c'ystaU ' span Trora each other. '" How duet bloning hot ful iimko them tool I It C haunt t'io air wliiuh ha been healed by food to uhan;ji mure rapidly, ' and ' place to fruidi cold air. '"Why do ladiu fun thnmelvet in hot wenthurl Hint fresh paniulua of air may J be brought in cunlaci with thuir Tncv by lh action of :ha fan ; and iu every freli pnrii- vie of air abi'irbi aomu heal from I ho akin, . . . . . .thia coHiUiut chnngu 'nuke them cool. m Doc a fun Cool the air I No, il muko the air hotter, ly imartin to it the lrvM of our face but il caolii our face by trims furring its heat to lliu air. ' Why I there m! way a nUong drnu'lit through the key -hole of a door! Di cause r the air iii the pm we occupy ia warmer ' than tho nir in llio hull ; tliemfure the n'.r ,'frein the hall ruxh ihruugli tlio k'-y hule ' into lliu rown, and causes n draught, u 1 W liy ia thero olwraVa a alrong draught (under I lie door and ihrouh tho crevices fun each aide I Itcvaaao uld air rtiirai 'from the hull 10 nupply the void in the coain caused by tho escape of warm air up the chimney, &o- C j Why is there always a draught lliiouh the window crevice I llecausa iho ex'er 'Vil air, bt-iu colder limn iho air of the (room we occupy, rinV- ihroiigli iIih wiu duw vrevicea 10 aupply tho deficiency caused by iho escape of iho warm air up 1 the chimney, fee. ' ' i' If you open iW lower ah of a window there is more draught ihan if you open tho . upper u.sh. l'xplnin llio reasou of this. I If the lower wish be open, cold external air " will rush fredy into iho room mid tnusn n 'great "draught inwaid; but if the upper " tash bn open, tho healed air of llio room will rush out and f course lliera will be ' las draught inwatd. ' liy which iians ia a roam belter veiili- laled by opening the upper or lower aaslil l rjom is betier veniilaied by 'opening iha upper sash; because tho hoi, Nitiated air, which always ascends towards i the coiling, can caenpe more easily. .Bv, which nu-nni is a hot room more C quickly cooled by opening lliu upper or lower ash t A hot room is cooled more Quickly by tho lower sash, because the cold tAt can enter more freely at the lower part "of the roonvihan at tho upper. i Why doe he wind dry damp linen f Beoause dry 'kh1, like a dry sponge, im- iibes the part-ido of v ipor from the sur. face of tho linen a fast as they are formed. K , Which is ika 4rtHj9t place in a church ir chapel! Tho gallery. i .Why is the gaWerycf all publio places Tiiolior than the lower parts of the build ing! IJecauso Iho heated air of ihe build Jug ascends, and all the cold air which can enter through tho doors and wiudows ( Jieep to lb floor till U has become heated. Why do plant often grow out of walls n4 (o wrs ' Either bceuse t"a W'1I,J bleW iieaasu' tliere with the dual? or else be .MMMmv b'rd, flying over, dropped ecd here, wtiich it had formerly eaten. ; ' i .... nihpr interestinr facts of TTSe d''i atatiatical view 0r tho United fitartea; the fUton Transcript mentiows 'that tlie .oa.Ubold.ng Jiave a m. , greater popalatiou than the !avchoIdtng 1 Staves; that the foreign vote of the conn tcry one twelfth of iha whole; thai about Wthird of the white population of the 1 alate State are alave-owner ; that the State of New York has about one-eighth of the population of the Union ; that there .ia one house to ery aix person in the country ; that the Roman Catholics lave Vat one-eleventh a. many churches as the ' Methodists; that the number of persons ha lia east of the Mississippi e' ... hM who live west 'limes greiwr . thereof: ihe dwtsnce between ew ork .ml Vew Orlean. i more than that between ' London and Cooataniinople, or Taris and Su Petersbarg; over ww fifib of the na- 33,4"0, a ninefold incrcano since 1800 lie population haiiig increased about fivefold ; one fourth part of tho pcoplo re ide in villages, towns, and eilies ; the ii"in ber nf people to a dwelling lu New Yoik ciiy averages more than 13, in Boston iirnrly 0, in New Orleans in Kichmond about 0 ; iu 5 1 counties the females greaily pre'luiniiiale, in 153 tho sluves, and in 7 iho foreign burn.- To Manags a 1Ikaki.su Horse. Whenever you perceive a horse 'a inclina tion to rear, separate your rein and pro pare for him. The insiant he is about to rise, slacken nno hand, and bend or twist his head with iha other, keeping your hands low. Thia bending compels him in move a hind leg, mid, of necesity, bring his furo feel down, luttuully twist him com pletely round, two or three limes, which will vmifusn him very much, and com pluii ly throw him oir his gu ud. Tho mo in. til ou have finished twisting him round, place his head iu the direction you wish to proceed, apply the spu's and ho will nol luil lo go forward. It llio situation bo con-teiiii-ut, press him into a gallop, and ap ply tho whip and spurs two or llirco times severely. The horse will nol, perhups, be nulla Hiih.-difU witli i lio UlTcuI, but may have obsorved that they seldom drink beer. In all the saloons you generally tee somo oilier d i ink standing bvfure them. Wo name hat been familiar J iu U-auly and i n"'110' 11 ""'""ccss.ry io quoio ni.ny know by W0cn in Europ8 it u riches have been i.Mverbial for four thou- '''tB'' of ibis state in nations, and we Jerej n , dfj)k Mt,m&b w. uciicvc every one nn ooser'i'u ns i-uecvssi Wero nvcr jfuri)u,d why, certain period, in tho human subject. j , u lilllo uouJcr ih'at ,uf German na We fiud implanttd in man't moral, as ioj ,ion k10Uj roniain $uljca , lho rui uf hi material and physical r.alure, many de- ,i,iriy-six petty lyran's, when wo consider sires which are irrepressibls, and wl'icli tliatut uf iiidiirvroiice into wliivli indiviJ- demand an object, lake the religious, Uttj, may 0euiik by driiikins even quauti wlilL'b ia nut generally the ADVKKTIHINU HATK8. On Kuar (1;' loiea er hm) uiw intmUrn, .1, 0 i'i iuMrt i'W, 4,i H h ' Uirvo iiMniuns, SAU Kseh niliwuenl iiuwrtiwi, I ,i u licasonkkl JJuclioi, to Uium alio siiuitas I' lit ytar. thai of the steam engine. It has como uu der ihe dominion of lavid, of Jeroboam, of IMiaraoh Xecho, of Nebuchadnezzar, o Alexauder, of tho Ptolemies, of Cleoputrn, of llerod, of the Moslem, of the Crusaders, of Timoiir iho Tartar, of tho Sultan of Constantinople, and the l'achns of Egypt, yet it survives and still flourishes. Here i the "sireat called straight," where Ana nias enme, directed by a vision, to inquire sentiment, strongest in our nature, as an example: we find whole nation have been willing to deceive themselves by the worship of im age which they have created themselves, nnd to porsuade themselves that they real for " one called Saul "of Tarsus." Here is I ' Lavo ,,,e 6re.nl PweM Ibcm. i lie spiritual delirium wuicii soizeu upon lie of beer much too small te cause, by their alcohulio properties, anything ap proaching intoxication. This total annihi lation of the executive faculty can bo at tributed to no other cause than llio hops with which lager-hcer In particular is so highly impregnated. Whether or not the nurcolie proper! ici of this billor vegetable still shown a window from which il is said the Apostle was let down. Lie re is (he re. nnfad alia it fi .OnVPrwinn Snd i here are iho lon.b of Saladin. the head of common in SM wa "l!vatad, until, joc, incrc,.e ti,c .timuhiting and inloxicat John the Uaptist, the house of Naaman and 1,ko ftn ",ri!r,or I"18"0"' " n,aU9 for ,!,u'r iS propertiea of aloohulic mixtures, is well the mosquo of Sultan Selim. So varied an iJot uJ A we recover hoow ,0 uri,,kers of paikling wiuc. or our people but a abort liiue since, abow Lr, n(eM1(ifitj ly ,Uo carlonia acid, we how tho desire alW a future existence, Lro not ..rgna,.,! ,0 ntwett hut thai it are the associations, near and remote, real or apocryphal of a city which crowns them all by iia rare position and luxuriant ver dure, its garden, lis pastures? and its ri clear streams" : its A buna and Pilar par, "better than all tho valors of la-tael." slowly from ooo disease, another makes its appearance, and attacks some other por tion of the organization. Wo consider Ihe lager-bier niauia as typical of a great waul for something le gitimate, by which may be quieted that j wi,cn ti,0 announcement was made that i excitement consequent upon t lie diseased condition of our motive faculties and pas sions, which in our country are cultivated until they acquire an intensity as unnat ural as they are quickly matured. Tho same causo operates to produce this demand in those who habitually indulge in Immoiitaliiv. Men seldom think of tile trreal event of death until the shadow I'hi-I disposid to try again fur the mastery, fall across their own path, hiding forever Should this bu ihe cne, vou have only to from tin ir eyes the truces of the loved ones twist him, etc., as before, mid you will find whoso living smiles were the sunlight of that iu tho second .ini"i'le he will be more , their existence. IK-nth is the great antag. easily subdued than on the foriuer occa- jonist of lite, and thu cold thought of the ,,;. beverage, as may bo seen at work on sion j in fact, yo.i ill .'him quail under ( mmb is the .Melon of all feasts We do kUool),hU ,,0 , cprlail, )erio(Uli brcomo la l.orac,"-ftcr having been treated in I although its passage may had lo Para- addicted to the chewing of India-rubber, ... .. .. " . ... . 'r . . .1.1 II. I ..... I 1. cnaiK, couis, anu outer unuaiurui sue stances. It may be further traced in the extensive use of tobacco and ihe rapid in crease in llio consumption of oilier still nioro powerful narcotics. Lagier-bier drinking is another phase nf the samo dis ease, and produced by similar causes iho o rouriULf lliu way desciibed, will report to tl.is trick a ihiid lime.--.DWiVi Storlimttu. Ship ok I'toi.kmy Piiii.oI'atbk The description of this vessel, furnished by Alhciiieus iu his fiflli book, is almost in credible, li had forty banks of ours, was two hundred and eighty cubits in length equal lo four hundred and twenty English f.-ei Hurt y-c-iulil culsii or uiiy suven feci dise; ami. willi Charles Lamb, we do not want to ho down in the muddy grave, even with kings and princes fur our bed-fellows. But the flat of nuturn is inexorable There is no uppeal of relief from tho great law w hich dooms us lodusl. Wo flourish nnd wo fude as t lie leaves of tho forest, and ihe flower ihat blossoms and withers in a day has not a frailer hold upon life than Who nii'ihlieht monarch that ever shook earth with his footsteps. Generations of iu birndth. from entrance to entrance, and nearly eighty feel in perpendicular height from ihe ufl rail or liiHYail to the keel. Il was fiirrish. d with four rudder or steering oars, forty-live feel each in length, and the long' st cf llio oars by which it was propel l. d wrre eniial in l.-nmh (fifty-seven fiet) to the I'Xtrcmt breadth of the vessel. The crew consisted of upwards of four thousand , ,i..11,rillrul gui When about to yield his rowers, and four hundred, or, nccording to Lolln existence as a sacrifice lo fato, his some aicounte, three thousand oilier per-, ui;0Je d Cleinanthe asks if ihey shall nol suns wero employed in tlio navigation of L, again, to whioh he replies : "1 have this immense fabric. Il has been estimated a.ej (iat dreadful question of tho hills that this vessel had a lounugfl ot UJl-i ions, eiornal of the clear aircnms that mun appear aud vanish as the crass, and the countless nmliitudo that throngs the woild to day, will to-morrow disappear as thu footsteps on the shore. In the drama of Ion, the instinct of immortality, so eh qucntly uttered by ' i. r. i . - .1 I wrcca, nous h ut-t-i the ileatli-dovotud response in every builders' measurement, and an external bulk of 830,700 cubic feet. Winy HathinG. Tlio warm bath is a grand remedy, and will cure I lie most vir ulent oCdiseuses. A person w ho may be in fear of having received infection of any kind, as, for instance, having visited a fe ver patient, should speedily plunge into a warm bath, suffer perspiration to ensir?, nnd then rub dry, dress securely to guard ii"ainst cold, and finish off with a cup of strong tea by the fire. If the system has imim...d nnv infeciions mailer, it will cer. tainly ba removed by this process, if it be flow forever of tho stars, among whose fields of azure my spirit haih walked in lirlory. All were. dumb. Unt while 1 guie upon tuy living :acf, l ieei wiai mere is something in tho love that mantles through its beaaty thut cannot wholly per ish. We shall meet again, Clemanihe." SlanuRh. Vcs, you pass it along whether you believe il or not. You don't believe the ono-siJcJ whisper against ihe character of another, but will uso your in fluence to bear up ihe falsa report, and pass it on tho current. Strange creatures are benevolent deeds mankind. How many risorii A lo before the infection has time lo 1 1 vo u.en chilled bv the shrug of a shoul- spread over ihe svstem. And even it some I jcr j How many individuals hava been lime has since elapsed, n hoi hath will be pretty suro to remove it. Mmtcni journal. AmKrican Profanitv. In one of his recent lectures on Europe, Dr. Daird told the following interesting fact in regard to Young America : . " Another bad trait which the English and Americans have is profanity. Ihey are in tho habit of using the term uou damn so often, that ihey go by that title, a.l children in France are sometime seen to point at English aud Americans, in the streets, as 'God damns,' without being conscious of tho meaning of theterm. C3r The phrase, " A Roland for an Ol iver," signifies, giving an equivalent, the short history of which is this, Roland and Oliver were two knights, famous iu ro mance, i The wonderful achievements of lbs one eould only be equaled by those of the other. Hence the well-Known pnrase (r Daniel Dancer, when he had 3, 000 a year, used to beg a pinch of snutl from his friend-, and when hi box was full bartered its content for a tallow candle. But his parsimonious ingenuity appears contemptible in comparison with that of the Russian miser, who learned to barK mat he might avoid the expense of keeping a dog. shunned by a genilo mysterious hintl How many chaste bosoms nave oeen wrunif with a tingle nnd! How many urnves have been dug by false report ! Yet you will keep it above me water oy a wag of youi tongue, wlien you migni sum it forever. Destroy the passion lor iaio- te'ling, we pray. Lisp not a word that may iniure the character of another. Be determined to listen to no story that is re pealed to Ihe great injury or another, and, as far as you are concerned, the slander will die. But tell it once, and il may go as on the wing of the wind, increasing with each breath, till it has circulated through the State and has brought to the g'e one who might have been a blessing to the world. The Natural HisToar of the West Indus. Mr. Lawkins, who ia engaged by ihe British Government in the geological survey of Trindad, wrile to the Srnilhw nian Institution that "it is fact wilh which you may not be cognizant, con neeled with the natural hislirry of the West Indie archipelago, that no two islands have Ihe same species, but each its We shall not pretend to treat this sub ject extensively, in a medical point of viow. As a surgeon, pur attention has been con fined mora to tho external effects on the material conformation ; nnd if we do occa sionally go bcluw the surface, we trust it will be considered not ns tho complete dis section of the subject, but, like muscular anatomy, necessary to enable the observer to deliaeate his forms wilh correctness. Wo havo nKvsyi been iuclined lo a lilllo quackery in our artistic pretensions, nnd wc hold ourselves aincunblo to the higher science of organic luw. In iho April number 1850 we have shown that food has a great influence upon man's temperament and charactor. The history of the German nation furnishes a proof of the truth of this assertion. Tho character of that people in the days of Ar- miuius seems to have been very different from that of to day. The cause may be easily accounted for when their food is con sidered ; and it becomes still more evident when wc contemplate the efll-ct of ihe ha bitual use of liquors so highly impregnated with the narcotic hop. The lethargic and torpid stale which characterizes the old Bavarians, may be directly traced lo their beer. That il is not the effect of the alco- hoi it contains, is proved by the vivacity and activity of the wine-drinking Rhine lander end Frenchman. Chemistry has long since exploded the ideas wilh which the victims of this mania have flattered and consoled themselves concerning its strengthening effects, and, allowing its stomachic and tonio properties, we have yet to discover the philosophy which advo. cates the habitual use of stomachic or tonic mixtures. There can be little doubt that, ly re tarding the decomposition of the tissues in tho human organization, lager-beer causes an unnatural deposit cf fat all over the system in persons of sedentary habits, for we find that we suffer more from its inju rious effects than those who by aciive ex ercise accelerate its conversion into lit el ementscarbonic acid aod water. As an JOB PRINTING. Tu rtoraitroa op tub Altul't! is htm lo Inform ill MibUo lhl l.t lias jutf rrtoitrd a Urge stork ofjt ill TYi'K nd otlirr nw prut iukj innl.ml, sin! will ba in llis t ly r l o uiMiti.lii suiird lo nil llir n iiiitniriil uf llij k . slay. IIAMHItl.lJ. 1'til.Tl.ltr. Ifl.ANKH, caudh, man i.AUH, rAMriim'-woiik sml iriliar kiuls. ilune la unlrr. B short nol r. while its muscle are so much rlaxd at to niaks it, at it were, hang iu a defenceless tlale. The effects of lager beer in oth. r re spect are mailed. The dismvler of the head between the tart tppeaia tulargtd, hud with it ihe back part of I he jaws, giv. ing lo the countenance a three-cornered look, so characteristic of the low Dutch face; the neck become thick, ofuu hang- . ing over the shirt collar in w riuklcs, iu thu region where phrriiologil locate iho or gan of amativcncss : the skin becmii' red, with a blown up, aponjy surface, from which large quantities of fatty mailer of an offensive odor ate produced, giving ihe ivhulo surface a greasy and disagreeable aspect. Thu habitual imhibtri of ibis brvcrago are generally obliged lu hold their cigars to their mouths, which being used chit fly us funnels for their favorite drink, oeem iuca. pable of much iiiu-cu'ar tenacity. On men addicted to sexual excess, the neck ap pears lo diminish in size, w hilo the head swells out liko that of a young sparrow in proportion to his limbs, and thir skin, al though retaining il-grcay asprct, lose Us color and is more traiuluoeiit. Tho effcl of loger beer on the voice is very marked j aud iho rapid decay in iha voices of tho leiior-singers of the German glee clubt, who luso not only the quality of loiio, but iho high range produces in such societies always a great want of tenors J it has become a by word among llu iii to call a har-ti, drawling voice, a beer-barrti voice. This Tact is wall known lo opera singora, who intiinclively avoid it. Iu the intelligent circles in Germany the effects of the hop have already attracted at tention, and il has been diwuded in a new l...op whuli U fasl LMiiuiiiL' nupularily as a beverage. We ulludo lo ihe trr.rn or wheat beer, now generully known as Berliu white beer, from its pale Color. The effect of luger-kor on tho urinary orgnns, and oilier pans of the huimin or ganism, aside from its alcohol, or tho nar cotic properties of tho hops, is cry unfa voinbk When lukuu in largo quautiths, il has on somo persons decided diun tie properties, whilst lis evident action on the lower part of thu spine is shown by a fre quent loss of ihat power to which wo owe the must exalted and ennobling joy of heuRyand intellectual offspring. Every Burgeon whoso obsrrvaliout nnd induction have been correctly exercised can attest this startling liulh; the offspring of such falh. ers are always inferior in stature and s'int- ed in intellect, whiUl those who niutry later in life are often childless. Those whose souls appear to bo thu tail end of their appotito, say thai lager-buer produues a good appeliiu; bul wj are re liably informed that, although it may do so, it vitiates the tatc. Sj.no philosophors who reason by anal ogy, ay that beer adds to the longevity of man, because il reduce iho activity of lilo and llio oxidulion of the tissues. Accord ing to mathematics, what is lost in power and intensity, we gain in time; utid what we gain in lima, wo lose in power. But it is questionable whether such an existence is desirable, even should il be possiblo to 01 . . . .l. . ir ... ..I .: I t surprising that men sink, nndcr such ctr- fr,u0 "J "w " v,lJ" " cumstancos into a stnto of materialism, and j lager-beer. other tcratcd mixtures. We have, in tlio saloon in this city, watched the awakening fioin the lethargic stupidity into wh'uh a crowd of habitual imbibers of law-beer havo been unk, fresh barrel had been struck. Their greasy faces shine with additional lustre, and a perfect rush takes place to be first ready for thu waiter. They appear to Lave a keen appreciation of the diffusive proper ties of the extra quantity of carbonic acid present in bear. Il is iu such subterranean establishments as throng our city, that may be seen a class of wretches, who, lo crcalo thirst, eat chceso in an advanced slate of decomposi tion, tailed and sniuked eels, ike. : gluttons who neither eat to live nor live to eat, bul cot to drink. We way ba though! one-tided or partial, when wo ascribe these effects to the indul gence in narcotic beverages. Doubi'ce other causes havo a large share iu the same work ; but without its influence and it is one of vast iuiporlaiico might o not soon er hope for an ctnuncipniion from many of tho evils w hich detain nations nnd indi viduula on tho road to a higher cxistenco! Certainly, a state of indifference, which we, as a nation, are too apt to relapse into after the wild excitement of forluno-hiiuting, and the other excitements lo which wo are particularly liable, oven when not intensi fied by narcotism, is not favorable to the development of our moral and spiritual cul ture ull relaxation ia intended lo be char acterized by stupidity. Wu have always found that proper agitation, physically or menially, is generally favorable to thu de velopment of human morals at well as in tellect; mid we fiud ihe same hold good in tho recuperative condition called sleep; that from which we are most easily awuk cned is most refreshing. When wo consider these things, it it not own peculiar birds reptiles, ana " i! instance of ibis, compare the effect, of la in me uuii ul i . ... t nit nim of the fishes. Paria there is a very singular hsn called the 'Trumpet,' which rises lo the surface, blow off its music, and then descends." It is believed the fossils of ibese island are many of them new to science. ger-beer on our clerks and young men about tewn, and the German Tamers, and the loso their appreciation of tho boaaliful. In fact, boer by its properties destroys all fine distinctions, and its habitual use grinds tho edge from oar critical faculties The beer drinking portions of iho nations of Europe will furnish us with an example Look at the productions of tomo nf the Du.tch artists; their toult seldom ascend higher than slaughter house, kitchen-brawl, dog-and cat scenes. We are aware of the taste of the Germans for music, and of the great master in this art lo which their land ha given birth. But wo find the sublime creations of those minds ro lost to them when even slightly under the influ ence of their favorite narcotic beverage ; there Is something In them reproachful. At the glee club festival in June last, we did indeed see a lagcr-becr audience fascinated by a polka, aod struck wilh a swoon by a sentimental air, but they walked off from the melodies of their great composers, which to us appeared to fill the soul wilh aspirations after the beautiful and the infinite. It is little wonder if a nation addicted lo the use of a drink with such properties and iis effects are well known should be Wo havo no doubt that i's evil consr. quences could be traced through ull the mo. ciul relations uf man, and that its effect upon the human orgatiimlion, materially nnd spiritually, will ynl bo sscorlaiued and recorded. There can bo lilllo doubt thul ila use in excess, as we now see it, can exorcise no f.ivoiablu influence on our hap- piness as individuals, or our destiny as a nation. difference of its effects, or rather the effect eome jevoid of tpiriluality, and fall into a of it counteracting influence which are ' tUt6 0f materialitm, tuch a history hts working against it, will be immediately per-! u yet frnished u with no parallel, eeived. j ! effectt upon the external form, and In women who take liitle exercise, lager- faction of man, is already begin ning to awaken attention, tne oepress OCT Mr. Crittenden, in the U.S. Senate, in a few forcible remarks on the bill to re peal the fishing bounties, said that when be j beer acts as will doe on lsble-cow ; il Ctr The General Assembly of Tresby- i fif6t came ;nt0 public life be found these accelerates ihe secretion of milk, bul fur- terians, recently in session in Chicsgo, has J lo- to the fishermen a part of the es-1 nishes it wiib no caseine or other nitrogen- ublisbed policy of the country, and, wun md substances, by wnicnaiooe tne imaai Hnr Clsv always opposed interference i can be sustained. The child will, eonse- with them. He wold not but iew the ; qoenily, have a watery and oft appear- - . tt . ' I L. i.,t .tvi" st. k.a 1 1 U a uIa fiishorie a the nnrwry of Ibose K'Z-.r:LZiZl decided by a vote or 100 to 6-4, lust oi vorcet cannot be granted unles adultery be clearly showa, and that any one marry Ing a person divorced for any other cause, V If eniltv of .duller? in a moral seamen who bad won for ut such attonisb- It will be liable lo etiuMon oi water on in. 1, b.m elf guilty or adui.ery , fed; frOfr)er0or.or,r.,et and broad hads; the flat, though wide, shouldert and breast; the straight back, and cow-like tread of its vidian, are already known to keen observers. A crest change lakes place in tha eye when lager-beer it habitually drank. It hat inn OCT Who notninnted Washington, in the Continental Congress, for commander-m chief of the revolutionary army! Tho popular ttory was that old John Adams did it, aaving that be was a young man of equal modesty and bravery ; but Irving s life of Washington gives iho credit to Mr. Johnson, a delegate of Maryland, while IJancruft, in hit now volume on llio liovo lution, sayi Thomus, of Maryland, did il. Bancroft adds that he was brought forward at the particular rnqtiest of New HnglanH, who as commencing Ihe war, and furnish ing ihe groat body of the army, would seem entitled to a leading voice in tho v hoico of commander. The election y uongres. was by ballot, and Washington had every vote. So rally had he impressed the coun try wl'.h Ins power. 05- h i. ssid that Walkor, the filibus. ter is certainly preparing a third expedi ,ion against Nicaragua. His followers in. the South make no tecrel of the loallcr, and tho Administration has received offi cial information of the fact from the head quarter of tb movement, OCT Major U. R. French, an old lim, deuiocrallo polilbian of New Hampshire, for many years an office-holder at Wash ington, has become president of the nation al republican association in the capital, riably . turbid .ad .lMPr look, "WA i.not sgreealle to hi, old friend,.. lonal tertrory is diained Ir the Missis- view of the cate.