OOO GRAIN CRADLES, Scythes, and VJ Snaths, at UAILKV'H, I'lirmiiiglun Store. July 34, LADIES' aud gcniV KID GLOVES, at UAILEV'S, Furminglon. Bona and Lot for Salo. TUB pnip-rty known ai the ' T' Vault Property," liium on the bank of Ilia river lust below R, Cnnfield's atom, Ore-JU f oo City, is for aula. It la a delightful family t unncv. suu uesiiuen 10 n va iimIiim. fen,, i....... apply to Ilia subscriber or It. Cuuliold at Caufield a Ti .... W.G.TVAULT.' July 17, l8.-.a 0 - 1 1 ) To those Going to tho Minos. I TAKE llila method or lolling MINERS and travelers know thai I have plenty of MQ riSIOXS A HORSE-FEED, Lower Crossing of UnuAy, on tho ' Emlgriiul Itoud, (Eiglil milet aliove Philip Foster'.) Ons day", journey from there lo the eunimil. 1 ess give H necessary direction, aa to Ilia route In the Dalles aa lo water, grass, A o. Fresh beef Iwaya on hsnd. I'ricra Vksv IUaoviii.. . July 17, 1858. FRANCIS RKVNEW. BELLINOH AM BAY! ' JOHN A. HAWKINS WOULD inform hit numerous friends among tlie miners from California and Southern Vregon that he haa now at Ilellinghnm Hay a largf. stuck or MINERS' GOODS, SUCH AS CLOTHING, PROVISIONS, TOOLS, . . HiiPtock la a large one ($1.1,000 worth), and from long exerienee he ia able lo anpily miners' wants on reasonable term, July II), 18.Bw3 NEW STORE AT McMINNVILLE! HAVIXG permanently located myaelf at Mo Minnville for Ihe purpose or merchanditiug. 1 would call the attention of the ciiiiemof Yum hill lo tho fact that I am now keeping a full as sortment of GOODS, audi aa are suited to tho country trade, audi aa DRY AXD FANCY GOODS, Drug, Oils, Medicines, Paints, BOOKS, hardware, tar, rice, Huh oil, lard oil, linaeed oil, bear's oil, red lead, vruitian red, ahot, powder, lead, dried fruits, chain pump., glass, ropes, nigar, ayrup, indigo, apice,, milder, ginger, rail, a very superior lot of HOOTS & SHOES, and a variety of audi other arliclea aa are adapted to a country trade. All aorta or proiluco luken In exchange for good , I am determined lo aell nn micli lerma aa will justify the farinera lu buying or ine instead of go ing below. S.C.ADAMS. McMiunville, July 10, 18.18. Executor's Sale. NOTICE ia hereby given, that whereas W. K. Torrence, Kxeeutor or the luat will or Lot Whitcomb. deceased, late of Clackumn. county, Oregon Territory, did petition the 1'mbale Court of aaid county at Ihe .May U mi for leave to n il what is know n aathe Milwankie mill property, as well aa other portions or aunl estate, to pay the debts outstanding against said estate, mid the court eel for the hearing of Hie wtition Ihe seventh day of July, 1858, noli, a or Ilia same being pub lidied as requirnl by law ; and on the duy set uo objection being made lo the coiifirinut'ou of mid petition II ia therefore ordered by Ihe court thut the executor aell ut public auction on Saturday, Ihe 31st day of July, Iri.'iH, between nine o'clock ill the muruiug and tli- g'ling down or the sun or mid day, all the property aa prnved for in Ihe pe tition. For terms of suli), aec Hie Executor at his iraidence opposite Mdw initio. W. S. TORIIEXCE, Execulor. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set li my hand and seal of oflice this b'th of July, I S.'iH. KoaKRT Cai'F'iki.p, July 10, 1853-13 4 Judge of l'roottte. Xn Probate Court, July Term, 1858. Order for Appearand. TOTICK ia hereby given, that Mary Huste.1, jLl gnanliun of Mury Ann Sunndera, has peti tioned Ihe I'robatu court or Clackumna comity, O, T., for an order lo aell the intercut nf her ward in lota four ;4) and Ave (S) in block twenty-two ('.'2) in Oregon City in said county. It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of mid ward and all persona interested appeur before Ihe 1'robato court on the first Tuesday in August next, and ahow cnuse, if any they can, why a li cense should not be pr.-ntr.l for the sale of said lots. ROUIJKT CAUl'IKM), July 6, 1858-7w Jutlgt of Probate. Probate Notice. "JOTICE ia hereby given, lhal the first Tues JJi day in August uexl ia appointed for the ex amination and adjustment Tor final settlement or the accounts or A. G. Walling, administrator or the estate of George Crow, lute of Clackaniaa couaty, deceased. ROBERT CAUFIELD, - July 10, 18."i8-l:w3 Judge of Probate. Tor Salo. I WISH Is sell my property on the hill above Linn City, occupied at present by D. H. Fergnson. I ertn. very reason-. able. Addrena me at Valnpooia, U. 1. July 3, 1858-12 W. 1JLAIN. SELLINO OFF AT COST, An Extensive Assortment of coimlstiiq w fart or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Drugs, Medicines, Books, Stationery, J-c. GIVE as a call, and we will ive you smioains. June 26, 58J CII9. POPE, Ja. To milliner and Others. OXXET SILKS, bonnet wire, do. millinet, wholesale and retail, at U. rur. a. Sands' Kamapsirlllu, GEM'IXE arhcle $10 per doxen, or $1 per bottle, at C. rOPE S. o ATS FOR SALE, at C. POPE'S. JJuat Received, A LaRGE aartment of DOORS. WIN DOWS, and Venitian BLINDS, which will be aold on Very favorable terms. June 10. THOMAS JOHNSON. OA BARRELS CauroaniA LIME for sals JO by T. JOHNSON. A' LARGE assortment of FURNITURE juat received and for aale by T. JOHNSON. MATTRESSES of all descriptions for sale by T. JOHNSON. QARPETS, Oilcloth, and Chioeee matting, at T. JOHNSON'S. SPRING CARRIAGE, for on. or two . horses, for sale by T. JOHNSON. XTew Arrangementa. HAVING formed a copartnership with Da. POPPLETON, recently from Ohio, we are dow prepared t practice medicine upon a mors xtsaded seals than I hava hitherto been able to do. I an also largely increasing the circulation at my medicines, and hops srs many month, lo supply all tha important points in the Territory. vrt r sv, fj. HL'TCHINH. ffayetU, Jans 10,1 8S8. 9lf Vfi assortment of Bibles and Testaments for ails 1 lbs Repository prices by t POPE, Jr. a. iujslev, l). axiTit, VULAKSZIB IRON WORKS, OR KG ON CITY. "TTTK hog lo inform Ilia public of Oregon mid II ii aaiiuigloii that wo bare completed our ItOlLER, PATTERN. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINE SHOP, find are prepared lo build lluilere, Entriucs. Grist. nulla, Hitwmille, and all other kiuda of machinery. Our buaiiieaa connection wild the Eastern Mates Hie gnat convenience of our locality lie auperiorily and number of our machines the use of water power inatead of ilram, and the per- ieci snowirogo oi an uranciiea or our busiuc will enable ua lo compete with California. Inviting the public to give in a cull, and to favor ua wan their patronage, wo promiee to execute uieir omera on me .liurtcsl notice, and At San Prices. A. ROSSI & CO. June 19, 1K8. 10yl THE SPELL IS ' BROKEN ! ! The Election Is Over ! ! AND A RE selling off at COST the best-selected J.X. stock or CXOTHXXro, 7EW33L&V, BOOTS 4- SHOES, Ever oflercd in this market, lo which they would reeeclfully call tho attention of merchants and Ihe public geuerally. They assure customers thtil they now olKr ihe heat indueeinenta for Ihe invest ment of money by those who desire to purchase goods or an excellent quality and ut extremely JOIV RATES! Their whole slock will be sold without reserve at coat prices, and all closed out ua soon aa pos sible. Oregon City, June 1J, IBiS. Notice ! A I.I. who are Indebted lo Ihe firm or Drer.N- JY. steiiar & HaoTitKss are requested lo cull at Itieir aturoaud settle by cistt or kotk. June I'J. WELLS. FARGO & CO., NEW YORK, ORK.GOX AXD CALIFORNIA EXPRESS k EXCHANGE COHPANI. CAPITAL, ... $000,000. EXPRESS FORWARDERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS! Ship Treasure nt tho lowkst ratks, and insure under our own ofieu rolicies, helil Willi the heat English Conipaniee, viz 1 Indemnity Mutual Marine ) Marino InMurauee; Itoyul Exchange Insurance; and Loudon Assurance. Forward Freight and Parcels Ti) ALL PARTS OF THE ATLANTIC STATES, CANADA, AND EUROPE. EXCHANGE on Ihe ATLANTIC STATES nnd EUROPE and checks on SAN I' It AN CISCO procured nt the Agency. O For the belter security of ourselves and the pnblic, Agents in Cnliforuia, Oregon and Wash- ... :. : f...:..t.j it A IllguJll ieritiofir, niv lum.noru nun njipoiiii- nieuts" or Commissions, specifying their powers as our Agents, micli " Appointineuta they are re quired lo keep exiwed to tbe publio view in their places of busiuess. Office at the CITY DRUG STORE, Oregon City. Juno 1, 1958. A. II STEELE, Agent. Pianos and Melodoons. 17 L. IIUADf.lCr & CO. will be in receipt !ie or a few of Gilbert & Co.'a PIANO FORTES and Princo & Co.'a MhXODEONS, on or about the 1st of July, which they will sell at gun I raucisco pi-iCM. Oregon City, May 22. i)rr ACRES OK GOOD LAND within three milee of Orceon City, for le. Time alloweii on part or purchase money. For particulars innuiro ut the CITY HOOK-STORE in Oregon City. Way SM, I8.8. T HREE FINE COVEUEI) BUGGIES for sale by Al.xawuit nt or uifcituuur t. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, OREGON CITY. J. B. BLAXPIED A. CO. "TTTOULD respectfully iuform the public that T T they have now on hand a laro and well seleetrd stock of readvmado BOOTS & SHOES, which they otfer for aale on reasonable lerma. MAKING AND REPAIRING Done to order, on short notice. Jlfoy 8, 1858. 4-y Bethel Institute. THIS School ia under the personal control or Prof. llALKV.of Bethany College, nnd i. in a flourishing condition. TRRMS or TUITIOX. Common English hranchea 1,00 pr qr. Higher brunches in Muthematica & History 0,00 Talin. Greek. &c 8,00 The residents of the district thut now live in it free. Hoard can ue nau ni trie usual -prices. JAMES L. LA DD, May 1,1858. Ca n of Com. BEFORE AND AFTER. USING PR. JACOB WEBBER S SANGUIF1ER, Or Invigorating Cordial. finU nnli in Odast Bottle. price S3, or two for $5 by all Druggist, in California and Or June 26, 1858. egon. OREGO.1 ITIARKCT. MESSRS. N. N. MATLOCK AND S. CAMPBELL desire lo inform the inhabitant, of Oregon City and vicinity that they have Uuly REMOVED their market op iloin eireei, Nearly Opposite the Post Office, where Ihey will keep constantly on hand the best quality of FRESH BEEF. PORK. MUTTON, k Cora Beef, Bsesn, Butter, Eggs, and all kinds sf vsostaslss to be bad ia the country all of which will be offered at tbe lowest market rates. Cam paid for all the abrr.-rntiod ar- tides. "P"1 25.000 fofSeby' f.sM, Ap17. J FEET OF FIR LUMBER JOS. BAESTOW. 4-RANGES fins lot j rrwd I sad for J by X- i.u.u.n.w. A. Rossi, r. sartxij, W. WBATHE&rOBJ), WHOLESALE DRUGGIST. PEALRR IX DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS. INSTRUMENTS. Trunin, Supporter, Shoulder Rraeei, Window Glut, Gltianwart, fin oi l'uini,ground, colored, dry, rf- Hiifcta Uii. A'eahnot Oil, Tanner1 Oil, Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Machine Oil, Turixiiline, lumphrne, Fohr Oil, JJurning Fluid, Furniture Varniih, Japan Vartihh, Cotirh Varnith, Druthf, u large variety, Artint Materials, Perfumery, Alcohol, Uola JjCoJ, Americun Uronzet, Vermillion, French, Chinese, and With a full assortment of ORAEFENBKRO MEDICINES In a word, I am now receiving a large assort men! of Ihe above, with a thousand other articles too numerous lo mention, (purchased last winter in Iew lork very low Tor cash,) in addition loiny lormer slock, comprising one or the lArgetl aad Host C.omucle Astort meals On litis Coast ! XV. WEATIIERKORD returns tlmnk. for the liberal patronage hitherto received, and respect' fully aska a contiuuanea of Ihe same, aa he will eel at Han Francisco prices. Dealers and consumer, will find it to their advantnge t: call, aa the roods must be sold lo make room rr more soon to arrive. PORTLAND, Oregon, May 33, l!jj8. CROW ELL'S Compound I'.x tract of Haraaparllla, 'Vet- tow Dork, and Iodide of Polnasa t AN invaluable remedy for impurities of the blood, scrofula, king', evil, erysipelas, aalt rheum, coativeueaa, jaundice, dyxpepsia, syphilitic symptoms, swelling or the glands, lever sores, puius in the bones, rheumatism, pimples nn the nice neuralgia, and all chrouio and long standing dis- eaees. This article, In its stronccst and most iWfecl form, conluiua all Ihe active and well-established medical properties of Sarsanarilli, Yellow Dock, and Iodide of Potassa, a combination uneqtialed in Us curative and strengthening euccts. Thou sands of certificates could be furnished or its pow erful effects as nn excellent medicine. For sale by Dr. CROWKLL & CO., Druggists, 131 Commercial si.. Sun Francisco, and by W. WE.nilii;rUKO, I'orlland, Oregon, my S3 ATTENTION, FARMERS AND MERCHANTS I "TTTE ARE NOW RECEIVING direct ft T V Ihe Kaatern Slates the following aitieles or MERCHANDISE, which we will .ell ciirap ron cash at wholesale or retail: Threshers and Kcapcn, Revolving hay and grain rnkes, Hay presses, hay rakes, hand, Hay forks, scythes & snuths, Grapevine grain cradles, Grant', five-fingered grain craJIca, Straw & hay cutting boxes, Grain ciom, seamless saeks, Hoes, Allies' spades, No. 1, manure fork, potato hooks, X 8 steel plows, X I) steel plows, Nns. 6 & 7 Peoria plows, Extension cultivators, steel teeth, Hunt's axes, wilh &- without hdli, lliekox. cider mills, grindstones, grindstone hangings, cow bells, thermometer cliuriis,acir-seuling preserve jars horse brushes, horse enrds, curry combs, horse covers, sheep shears, pruning knives, pruning shears, red clover seed, Ky blue grass seed, apple-parera & slicers, ox and log chain., cable and truce do., ox bows, atap hinges, self-closing gals do., sheep bells, pateut rat traps, sieves, wire for sieves, spun cot tun, all sites, bark mills, tanners' tools, carpeutnia' tools or every desLription, boring machines, wilh setts of augers, Fairbanks' platform scales, carriage bands, wagon boxes, pipe ditto, iron axle., carriage springs, bolls & bands, children's carriages, doors, sash,locks, latches, catches, butts, screws, paints, oils, mill saws, crass-cut do., lime, plaster, trowels, paint brushes, shoe do., wheelbarrows, store trucks, steamboat do., clocks, coopers' took. Ires, hoop., qiring clothe, pine, smiths' bellows, anvils, screw plates, riveting hammers, smiths' do., breast drills, lever drills, horse-shoe nails, smiths' tongs, beeswax, rosin, India rubber bolting, do. packing, rope, nails, oakum, pitch, tar, spikes, and many other articles not here mentioned. Remember all to as solo low roa cash. Better call and see u. before purchasing else where. Wm.C. DEMENT Sc Co., myl Opposite Land Office, Oregon Ctty. Just Keceivcd, A LOT ofanperior BED BLANKETS and Ktockixo Yam, from the Willamette Wool len Manufactory. myl n.u, uchmi ot co. HERRING'S PATENT OIAMPION FIRE-PE00F SATES, With liall'i Patent Powder-Proof Lock, the tame that ttvre awarded teparate medal at the World? Fair, London, 1851, and the World' Fair, New York, 1853, and are the only American Safe that were awarded medal at the London World" Fair. THESE Bases form the most perfect security against Fire and Burglars, of any safe ever ottered the public, and can only oe nan oi me suo seribers and their agents; who have on hand and make to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bass' Chests and aclts, V ablt Doom, & Money Boxes, or Chests for Brokers, Jewelers, & Privste Families, for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. And are also ratcnteea (by purcbase; and mauufscturers oT jokes fATEtrr rranrrATioa iamk ijk-. S.C. HERRING k. CO., AV SSI Broadseau. tar. Murrau si., N. Y. U" AGENTS K. FrrxoraAi.D St Co., 6c W. G. Wendell, San rrameues, ai. mj mEMPLE OF HONOR. Tualatin Iempleof X Honor, No. 1, meets aa the 1st and 3d Sat urday eveningsof each mown at 6) o'clock, at their Hall, Forest Grove, Oregon. Members of the Or.ler in good staiiaiog are - ited Is visit this Temple- C. 11. Wausa, W. R. 33 Caldron Kettle 10 F from sixteen to sixty ga!W. at MIL." AL, S- Patroniza Some Industry! T II AVE now in full operetta, a CABINET l etnur in this city, near lbs Congregalluual enurcn, wners I am manufacturing UEVSTKAPS, CHAIRS, TABLES, m SOFAS, Vi. and such other furniture aa Is wanted by Ihe T community generally. Tli. ro ia csnnecled w.tli my ahopa TURNING. LATHE, where all sorts or lurningean be dons. lArte and tmau apinnmg-n aeels made lo onler. I sin making a better article than imported fur tutors, and selling It at a less cost, tilts uis call you a ill loss nothinir by it ORLANDO IIIDWKI.L. Oregon City, March !7, 18J8. MliuO J. C. AI.NriWlinTtl. Wal. UIKKOORFP. AI.WM'OKTII 0t DICKDOIIFF, n' AXD RRTAIh DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DUY - GOODS, CLOTIIIXO, Hoot Shoes, and Crockery, In Ihe new Fire proof Brick Main stseet, OREGON CITV, O.T. TIT.M. DIKRDORFF A. CO. HAVE II K. w moved lo ths NEW FIRE-PROOF BRICK, next door lu Ihe brick formerly owned by Holmes. I he firm will hereafter be known as AINS WORTH &. DIKRDORFF. AINSWORTH&MERDORFF. WT E ARE NOW OPENING V T IN Tilt Zffew riro-Proof Brick, A IMOt A NO WELL- ASSOETEU STOCK Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Feeling perfectly secure against fire, ws will now Offer Greuter Inducement than ever to the public. Ws ara constantly In receipt of SIS x M Saf selected with Ihe greatest care (as to prices and quality), and are confident that our futilities will euable us to oiler and sell goods AT PORTLAND PRICES! (freights on), and would advise all those visiting this cily lo purchase goods, lo examine our stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. m s have, aud are just receiving, an Invoice ut O&T-aOODI coni.isting iu part or the following articles Coche- co, Pacific, Hadk-y, Conestegu, Kprague, Philip Allen, Full River, Merrimac, llriggs,and numer ous other choice PRINTS, all lale styles; Eng lish -, French merinos, Lyonere cloth, niuhair and other Drhaxe ; braxe, wool, & muslin de laines, black, blue, purple, At pink merinos, fancy plaids, jaconet, book, awiss, ft mull muslin, ladies' emli. seta, collars, h.lkfs dr, skirts, dress A bonnet trim- niings, rrench et domes! ic gngliams, r reach lawns from 13 lo 33c, blue, mixed, fc grey sati net, wool & cotton jeans, cottonade, bleached and brown sheeting from 3-4 to 10-4 wide, brown and bleached drills, denims, hickory shirting; Silesia, marine, brown, and Irish liniui, nankeen, diaper, and crash, a large lot of liuen and thread lacea and edging, hosier', dec. MENS 4- BOYS' CLOTHING : Blue, black, and brown cloth coats ; 10 doi blk ctoth vests, 5 dox whits and buhT Marseilles do, velvet and satin do.; 30 doxantiuat pants, doeskin and tancy cassuncre do, ju doi merino and cotton undershirts, grey, blue, & black doth over coats, with a general assortment of gents' furuinhing goods. BOOTS A SHOES Men's, boys', and nutha' bouts; ladies', misses', and children.' mo. mcco, goat, kid, and call Congress boots, wilh St without heels; laities kid slippers. llio and Java cofiee, black and green lea, N. O., China, Ilalavia Island, t al. refined, and crushed sugur, East Boston, Cal., sugar house, and golden syrup; salt, 5 lo 200 lb sks; lllO kg. nails, ass'd sixes; Hill's pale, chemical and English soap, soap powders, powder, shot, aud lead, yeast pow der, salerntu., cream tartar, smoking and chewing tobacco, green earn, peas, tomatoes, straw and blacibrrnes, in 3 lb line ; spice, pepper, and cassia, pearl barley, macaroni, vermicelli, corn starch, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, raisins, Chili peach es, dried fruit ; mackerel, in qr a hlf bbla, aurdiuee. A lino assortment or CROCKERY d TABLE CUTLERY t 30 crates assorted ware, 40 doz steel picks, 30 " Dutch aud Ildla hoes. W7i Lead, Oil, and Window Glass ; ilh a variety of other article, usually kepi. O We will pay cash for wheat, tlour, bacon, butter, eggs, aud almost everything the farmer has for aale. A. & D. Oregon Cily, April 10, 18..8. JUST RECEIVED, the latest style at bilk a satin BONNETS, I-eghorn fc straw Data. AlNSWOKTJlcI LilKKUOKfr". Ht-.nonu nooKHi hi.uool rookhii 171 I BRADLEY 4, CO. have, in addition J, lo their well-selected stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, just received the following direct from the publishers: 2.'0 din. Sanders' Series hchnol Books, amoug which will be round hi. primers; 1st, Sd, 3d, 4th, it, 5th Young Ladiea' and High School Headers ; also 35 dox. Thompson s Prac tical Arithmetic, 35 dox. Willsou's U.S. History, liool edition : 35 doz. Parley . Universal History, school edition ; 30 dox. Intelligent Readers, fill ox. slates, together with a large assortment oi stationery, ore., vc. bend your orders lo the CITY BOOK-STORE, and Ihey will bo attend ed to without delay. Jan. 23, 1857. Iiidin Rubber Good. JUST RECEIVED, direct from New York, Hospital cloth, Breast pumps, Nursinir bottles, &ie.,&e., at ihe Feb. 6. OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. To the Afflicted. DR. HUTCIIINS' CELEBRATED BAL sain or Wild Cherry, with a variety of hie other popular Botanical Medicines, are now for le at UIIAKIjKS I'Uflift, Oregon oiry, aim at JOSEPH BARSTUW'S, Vanemah. 47) SAVE YOUR DOLLARS! - As well as your Dimes ! IF yon want GOOD arliclea at Ihe lowest p-s-aibls orices. call at CHARLES POPE'S store, on Main street, where you will find a large assortment of GOODS aa cheap na they can be bought at any store in Oregon Cily. Deo. 5, '57. CHARXAN. A. WABNES. Charm an 6t Warner, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLESALE 4 kETAIL( Dealers In Ury Goods, CUlhing, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Hoots, Shoes, J'aint, Otis, tr their fire-proor Brick Mali steebt, OREGOS CITV-, OREGO.f. IMPORTANT. THE WAR DEBT WILL BE PAID!! AKD Charrnan sV Warner TTAVE REMOVED ts their Brick Building XL. on Main St., formerly eceopied by Wm. Holmes A Co., where they sre prepared to do busi es on ths same old plan. Ws have on hand a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, and every other Ihicg the farmer wants. April IU, inao. Webster's Unabridged kICTIONARY Revised and enlarged edi r tion for sals at the CITY BOOK STORE. ORRIS' Poetical Works for sals by V. POPE, Jr. 6 DOZ- grape-vine cradlea for sale by WMC DEMENT A. co. ATxmrxio w, r akmsu i THRESHERS, REAPERS A It l tb u m mrm c . ai TTfE baverwwon Ilia way fruin Ihs Eastern 1 1 hlates, To Arrlre nbonl I lie Inst of April, A SUPERIOR LOT of the above-mentioned machines. They combine all of Ihe Isles! improvements, and ws have no hesitation in saying that ws believe litem to be Ilia moht rr.nvM.T maouixi-.h now brought b Ibis votL They were constructed under our swu supervision, having all ths altera lion, necessary lo reud-r Ihem auilubls for the country. Ths THRESHERS cons'st of two, four, and ix horse power, (railway and sweep), with eh-vn. lore aud every esMtiilal convenience kuown lo Ihe machine. Our REAPERS and MOWERS are eumbinad machines, euitablo fur either mowing or reaping. They work from two to four horses, wilh and without rakes; or, In other words, one Is a self. raker. Zn Addition to tho Above, We have, to arrive at the same time, ths following AGRICL'L TL'RA L IMPLEMENTS, viz: Peoria rioirs, X 8, Boston Clipper Plows, Extension Culiieutors, Grapevine Grain Cradle, Scythe and Snaths, Straw Cutler, Hay Presses, liny Forks and Rakes, Horse Rakes, Wheelbarrow, 9 Sltorefs, Spade, CXB2XL MXL18, BARK MILLS, d TANNERS' TOOLS. Also, a select assortment of smiths' AND CAkTK.NTERs' TOOLS, Wilh many other articles not hers mentioned. We would say to our customers and the public generally, if Ihey are in want of any or the above mentioned articles, Ihey will do well to call and ace our. before purchasing elsewhere, aa we are deter mined t sell Mli r OK CAII. We would also add lhal our Machines are being rapidly sold lo arrive. Holler cull and secure one or them before loo lute. If preferred, Machines delivered in Portlind, if engaged before arrival. W.m. C. DK.MKN T t CO., Oregon City, Jan. 30, '.18. Opposite Land Office. Form for Sale for $1,500. T OFFER for sale a half section of ImiuI nlmiit six miles east of McDonald', ferry in Forks Sanlium, Linn county, and about twenty miles from Salem. The shane or the land su.ts it well tor ordinary farming, aud it is also one of the best stock farms iu tho country. The improvement includes one hundred and twenty apple trees of improved fruit ; peach, plum, ami cherry trees, all of wlitel soon be in plentiful bearing. The location ii favorable lo health, is beautiful and pleasant. Time will be given on a part or the money at moderate interest, or good stock taken lor a part. For further particulars call on me at the ' Uuion Store, Sale nt, or address by letter. Information concerning il can also be had by oalliug on W. L. Adams of Ihe Oregon Argus. Feb. 37,1 SoS-ltiinli C. IIOEL. OREGON HOUSE, CORNER Third and Water rtrcel., optiosils the I'rrrv Lauding, OREGON CITY. The traveling publio are respectfully invited to give me a cull. The OREGON HOUSE i. the most pleas, anlly located hotel in the Territory, and has been so altered within Ihe lust few weeks aa to make il one or the most commodious Houses ill the Terri tory. The table will always be eupplied with the beat that the Market afTorda. Good aecoinmodaliona fur Indies and families. Good .tabling and feed for horse., with proper attendance fiT The atagc-coach to and from Suleiu .tops at the Oregon House. raicE.: Board and lodging, per week $7 00 Board, without lodging, per week 0 00 Single meal 50 Nidus lodging 50 " J. BAHM, Aug. 8, 1857ni(! Proprietor. WM. C. DEMENT L- CO , "VFFICK for sale Ihe following goods s J 1 dux null saws, 7x8 feel, 3 " X cut do 30 " cow liells (superior), 10 haudlrd axea, 10 11 without do 10 " handled do, ass'd sizes, 10 " ptilato dlgifcra, 10 Aimes' spades, 30 " curry combs, 500 lbs wrapping twine, 100 I R packing, 500 feet I R heMing; INDIA RUBBER GOODS of all descrip tions, Oregon City, Jan. 3.1, la.ia. LUMBER. ALL those who want I.UMIII.K can leave their bills wilh Ciiabman St- Wasnkb, which will fill, and deliver the lumber In Orcirnu (.My, If desired. H. S. BUCK. Oregon City, Jan. 1 fi, 1 8 .8. 4Utr Kane's Arctic Expedition, RUSSELL'S CRIMEAN WAR, aud oilier V interesting works, for sale at llio tep 13 CITY BOOK STORK. BRICK. 100,000 roR8AS,o spl9 WM. C. DEMENT, 4 CO. A few Cuss's OF that superior GREEN TEA just received by WM. C. DEMENT &. CO. r CASKS "Crumpton'e Medal" To'iaeco a O sepia WM.C. DKMENT & CO.'S. fii" SETS hollow augers, for wheelwrighto, for S i . . iiiii e iil'UL'VI1! . aWts sals ny WM.C. DKMENT Sl co. Xiand Warrants PURCHASl-D IV Jan. 34. WM. C. DEMENT it CO. 2000 SEAMLESS sacks for inle by WM.C. DEMENT & co. YAMHILL TRADE. rpilE new and fine stealer JfljSfc built espreesly for lbs YsmhilMrade, will leave CANEMAH on Mondays snd Fridays for La rAVKTTE, and Wednesdays for Davto!i at 8 a.m. Nov.31,'57. C. E. 8WEITZKR, Master. Notice to Snippers. ON and after this dste, FREIGHT will be carried on Ihe steamer BLK by the rule of Ship's Measurement" Nov. 31, '57. C. E. SWEITZER. Cbarmnsi aV Warner HAVE ree'd a large assortment of SHOES, embracing children's and ladiea' elioes, snd Oaiters, Buskins, snd Bootees :-elao gents' Boots and aboes, and gaitsrs of all descriptions. ALSO, Cradks aad scythes, .naths, hoes, rskes, forks, spades, and shovels. rosTsALE, A SETof seeond-hsnd TINMAN'S TOOLS A sad MACHINE Ust- 3, l-57, E. MIL." M- OREGON CITY Wnoloiale Prices Currents ooaasoTEU weeelv. uav uootis. . nanus & medicines. &heeling,4-4....llil3 N. Y.c Drilling I'.'j rsuincK. Bleached drilling 13 Wheat, pr, bu.....$..'o' shirting, I lull! Oala do SI. 0(1 Klriixd da I V 4 Potatoes do 'IVkng I -In lb Onions do (3 lift Henins 'J rL.r j'JJ lllus drilling H Cora Alesl, fresh 10 I'laid hussy IGa'M rsiiT. Xstinct 7ua'Jll Apnh a, dried I Cal 4 Kentucky eaus...3ra45 I'eachra, dried M 'J'weeds.. ,.S5aI do pealed mints. Hue and white lllue aud orange Fancy .'uriiitura do Chili, dred.VOsi'J 19 raovisioss. 13 Pork, clear. none, ,.sjJ8u:itl I .1.1 .10 3i ,.Hal3 ' in. ..MaU Hams...., do. wide. 131 "se n M. do Islucs I MaM Sutler Ginghams I5a33 Htf 1 Ahiecii vaawr . r" Tuhls damask 5a75 Haxnrd, pr ra.. ....$15 .... $111 .2a3 jtfuil, 1.1 cloth. 5alj I" Irish liuen. 40.l' r,j,ruima. Small sles Sheep gray pant. SCJaS Ruck Satinet do. ,3fi3 ' T iic ;mmt uvi . ay ... tit - .i.. Ais.1 n.-ir Black cs . do. 5s7. "lie lead, IU ...I... J - f RedHan'Ishirla l4al oar..-.. Itlue do. do. SlI.HilH Mumlla, aniail... .... B.1 85 , liialS Hickory .hirts 5.7 larg-.... fallen do SJul'J lll''"P ..kits Sc ks. i Men', hip boots S'.'lal A.lmaiiline J super do. d aj.npenu fiused lii; """'.,n..uc Boys' kip b.U 'J Havana v ; ho'vv w'x doSli i3 wennan ? Metis'brg'spr. do..l?Ainerican........ 'a.iu kiplirg sprdoxJjt.'if . n i- MirsstrsS da..'JI rrideofthe l'""" Womeu'sh'vy .,'a.ai3;-s"-;- fined $l.;-"ke """ oaocEaia.. ) . '' "".'.a ... C.m- NaLVM-oveto j Tea ;...0.75.S'des Sugar, no. I t'hi'a.. JjAxes 77. A, !'U crusheJ... ....II lable cutlery, 3 J Met Haleratua Starch Syrup E llostou ... . 9: ,-,! advance on . no. M isiana.., Puckel cutlery, J N O M.. lasses.... ... ) aivancr. odo Other articles or Hard 3aJ ware from 30 WW" il. Sail Table Sail Sandwich 1. Suit . . I J .3 - l"7V. , k fi0 Pepper Jli .iuiis.- -i- - - Allsisc. 4-H " hr-shoe...JW Ciiiuamoii liiiafti Soap Wall '-"'"r To Oregonlana In Bid Iljalth. nKHILY IMPORTANT TO TIIKSICbi! It ia awful to uote the haggard, sallow, ca- averous faces and wasted sk letun forms we meei: his ia not confined In Ihe old, but we sea the young, able-bodied, and those in the prune of life, complain after being hero some lime of illness i some grow unnaturally fut suddenly) others waste and grow thin Ihey cannot lap uliza or describe their disease, yet lin y feel uuivervnlly unwell, meiitully and pliyaicaliy ; some navo p uns anu weukiien In Ihe breast, limbs, or body; ihey feci a want or muscular and mental energy, a want oT animation, aud have fearful forebodings for the fu ture, poor appetite, nervous Irritability, ami sleep lessness) their skiu is dry, and occasionally Hushed and heated, thin, pallid, and yellow. Now sud leu deaths, lunacy, nnd universal de bility is loo, too prevalent here t and who won lers, when combined with a olimnte like this, a dry air impregnated with electricity and galvanism T Wo hnvo many who have passed through sickness, whoso life is intemperate an I debauched, r have seen other, who have been nearly doctored l death hy quack medicines, or by the advice of "The Faculty," who have impregnated them with mercury, calomel, Sen. For all such cases ia Dr. Joooh WJibor's Invig orating Cordial Siinguifior mnel especially adapted, In leiniich as Ihe abovo cases and symptoms did Dr. Webber minutely .tudy in adapting hi. cordial to their cure. Il enlivens Ihe torpid liver, ejects ull billious matter from the system, ceil essudatinn. or free uersnirution fso necessary to health), purifia and enriches III" blond, give, strength to Ilia limbs and body, and is pcisilively infallible in all nervoua diseases, trembling, or wakefulness. Thcro never was a remedy wmcn gave suon no. light to Ihu snll'crcr as this. The Agent enn, from his owu knowledge of cure. ell', cled hy il, con sc'etilioiwly recommend il in any of the following diseusoat Nervousness, weakness, languor, lie 'f appetite, sleep, ur strength, trembling, low spirits, decay of the natural functions, puius in Ihe head, limbs, or bujy.neurulgio or rheumatic, and il olteii restores those to health and strength whose consti tutions ara almost broken. IIKSII.ITV raOH IIISEASK. ci.watr, dissipation, oa DEa.iucuKBV. Strength, vivacity, and vii'irln Ihe limbs, body, and mind, is given by Dr. Jaaoh Webber's Invigorating Cordial l sends an elen trie thrill of life Ihrouglilhe worn-out body, weuk limbs, aud broken-down constitutions i gives an ap petite, reinuve. dyspepsia, culms irritability, onuses milet sleep, and is indeed the finest tonic, nervine and aanguifier, ever made. It la purely a vegeta ble coinpuilicl, nud can be used by Ihe m.t deli cate remale. The reader is conscientiously assured il is all il is represented. JT In qnurl bailies price $.1 or two r.n .i. Wholesale Atrent. T. JONES, 185 M'Mitg.un. ery St., San Francisco, to whom all orders can ho addressed. Feb. Si7iii l Fine Teeth, Hntr, and HUln, for 'IS ct. Lnfonf. West India Soap looth Root is a su perb dentifrice, luihers in the mouth like soap, is dulioious n the baste, whitens Ilia teeth, polishes (without Injuring) tho enamol, purilies the breath, aud by its lathering property cleanse, (he moulh, tongue, and throat. For dressing and forcing the growtn oi me niiir, Jones' Coral I f .air Raalurnlive. These are its lualilies t It will force the hair to grow dark, stop its falling out, cure scurf, or dandrulf, dress inn hair beautifully durk, soli, .ilky. Price 35 it. M cents per bottle. For curing eruptions, pimples, freckles, sunburn, Bin, and discolored skin, the beaiitiliil ellects ol Jones' Italian Chemical Soap delight all who use it. It makes Ihe most oourse, red, and yellow skiu white and clear as a vomiir child's. It is emollient and softening for infants, and is the best shaving soap made. Price 35 cents. Sold at the abovo pricea al every respectable drug store in California and Oregnii. Proprietor, T. JO.VKS, I o.i iMoulgomery si., nan rrauuiseo. E. L. BRADLEY A Co., A RE airentsfor Fowler Sc Wells' Life Ilhist-a- iV. ted, Wa'erCure and I'hrenulogieal Joiiruuls. You lhal waul a good family pap-.'r, send in your names soon. . . Subscription, also received for Godey a Lady a Book, Graham's Mugaiine, Harper', da, Hir- per'. Weekly Journal, oYc. Send on your names Willi the cash, and you win us auenueu n. Land for Salo. A TtU.F RW TION of sood LAn i. is for sale, situated on Clackamas, .''1 miles N V. nt Ore iron Cilv 10 aeresuu-. der fence, half of which is under cultivation f wllh a young oauiuao of about 150 trees, some of which are hearing ; besides a small Irani, nouso and out-buildings. The property will be sold for cash, or traded for propertv in Oregon Cily or Portland. For rurther rwrticulars.en'iuireof the editoridlhe Argus. j3if YvinJAlri'EKS PULMONARY BALSAM 1 just reeelvi-d by expsess at Ihe J oKt;nN CITY DRUG STORE. March 27, 1 "51. s H INGLES 100,000 for snle.hy CHA KM A .V Hs HIS UK. T 10 VS, of dilferent kinda, for sale by UllAK.MAiN WAKNKII. 10 M ex. qaality cigars. CHARMAN A WARN KB. ALL who sre indebted to the firm of Chabhas Sc Wassks ars requested lo call at their aiors and settle by cask at aois forthwith. CHARMAN A. WARNER. . Oregon, City, Feb. 6, 159.