The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, July 24, 1858, Image 2

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    ffiljc rcgou 2trgus.
Miw Forty l'.l.
In our eastern exchanges we see sort
of skeleton political platform for a new
party jet to be constructed, said to Lave
been projected in Washington City by a
nu rubor of " proniinenl men of all political
parties" in private conclave assembled.-
Who these " proniinenl inm" were, we are
left to corn from I he specimen of their po
litical handicraft which i sent farth a a
ort of miniature model, ai a feeler, per
lisps, while the distinguished artists choose
to remain incoy. fur the present, ao that
public opinion may be formed entirely
upon (lie intrinsic menu of the project
without the undue influence of dialinguM
ed names. The new party, which is lobe
constructed afier ihe "modul" has been
duly approved by enough public men to
warraut the taking out of a patent, is to be
called (he "People's Party," and is of
course to embark Immediately upon the
great work of reforming and politically
regenerating the Government, by wresting
it from the hands of the corrupt parly now
in power. It proposes to unile (be "good,
conservative, and patriotic' of all political
parties into one grand opposition to the
pro-slavery sectional democracy an oppo
sition which shall be so intensely 'national'
by ignoring the whole nigger question that
s doughface cotton merchant in Wall
street, a slavery extension anti Admiuist ra
tion democrat in Lecompton, and a Union
loving, slave-breeding American in South
Carolina, can ait down and smoke tho pipe
of pesre (anti agitation) together, with
perhaps Gov. Wise as the Grand Sachem
of political ceremonies, with (wo or three
of his live thousand dollar niggers to brus
down the cobwebs and put things to right
generally in the ante chamber to the gran
council room.
We have read tho emhtyo platform of
principles carefully, and rind it made u
of a string of axiomatic truths which fe
would question, with a small sprinkling of
Americanism dono up in auch form as to
render it palatable to a Southern anti-Ad
ministration democrat, who is always sus
picious of nowly imported frpe-lubor voters,
and which at the same lime will go duw
as a sort of compromise" with tho North
and South Americans, who begin lo sec
thnt something of their former radicalism
must bo lopped off, in order to suit the
4uslcs of high toned conservative, and
make a formidable party. It is just sucli
a platform as might be expected from n
nights work of disaffected democrats,
whose stomachs are not lough enoti"h lo
digest the fanaticism and villainy of sucl
modern democrat to schemes as that of Le
compion nnd unglish, and who are not
I uite honest and patriotic enough to join
tho Republican party, with tho assistance
of such leading Americans as are discour
aged at tho future prospects of American
ism based upon a single idea, which, though
porhaps important, is as much absorbed by
(ha magnitude of more predominant ones
as Ihe brightest Used star in the firmament
is absorbed by ihe noonday rays of the
great dispenser of light and heat. To coin
pare great inings wmii smuii, tins new
"People's Parly," which is to be com
pounded from the fragmente of othvr par
ties struck off by the attrition of conflict,
or by a disappointed ambition, and such
floating material as from a want of settled
principle fails to attach itself to tho lio
publican cause, And from a fair stock of
intelligence and independence rendVrs ii
until for "sound and reliable-" democratic
material we say that this newly-projected
party has a prototype nearr home in the
" national democratic" fizzlo, which, by ex
ceeding bad counsel, momentarily succeed
ed the Republican party in Oregon, but
which we trust is now effectually buried
out of sight. It is perfectly useless to form
political panics upon minor issues, no mai
ler how good in themselves, so lung as the
public mind is convulsed by absorbing and
overwhelming ones. The Roman people
could never bo induced to discuss the petty
blunders of a triumvirate, or (he griev
ances of a small capitation tnx, so long as
a besieging army of foreign barbarians was
thundering at tho gates of Rome and the
American people will never be induced to
ground their arms and retire from the
watch-tower of American Liberty, so long
as the slave-driving democracy are persist
ently pursuing a policy which looks loan
Africanization of thisoontinont by a revival
of the slave trade a policy which, by the
repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the
opinion of the Supreme Court declaring the
Territories opened lo a nigger.Inbor capital
competition with free labor by ihe Consii
tution, aod which, by the recent I.ecomp.
Ion policy of the Administration, has en
deavored to crush out popular sovereignty
and inaugurate slavery in Kansas, in spite
of more than ten thousand free-State ma
jority, and which, by a late declaration by
the Administration organ that slavery is a
national institution and goes into all the
free States by the Constitution of the Uni
ted Slates, as also the present disposition of
the parly to adopt a rule keeping all the
Territories from taking the initiative step
toward applying for admission till they
havo S population which will soon be fixed
at 130,000, in order, under the ruling of
the Supreme Court opinion, to give slavery
a chance logeta permanent foothold, we
say, so long as this policy, which has beon
developed step after step, is being urged i
order to dethrone State sovereignty, tram
pie tho Declaration of Independence und
foot, violate the Constitution, and crush out
popular sovereignty not only In tho Tern
lories but the States, with an eye lo na
ionslizing slavery and sectionaliring lib
eny, and an Africanization of the conti
nenl by s revival ol the slave trade, it
perfectly useless to think of organizing
parly based upon axiomatic truths whicl
everybody will acknowledge, and which
looks morely to a political reform by plac
ing new men in oflico, so long as the great
Issues of Ihe day are ignored, and the black
cloud and muttering thunder that Judical
the gathering storm are entirely lost sight
of. Upon this issue, which has been pre
cipitated upon us by the advice of Calhoun,
who was a secessionist, and shaped
whole political nolioy with a viow lo an
ultimate rupture of the Union by the form
ation of a Southern sectional party, who
told his friends in South Carolina that the
" (arid issue would never do to effect the
breach, but it must be shifted to the slav
cry issue" upon this issue the slave
breeding democracy and the Republican
parly have locked horns; and all parties
gotten up upon side issues are bound to be
Hbsorbod by the two great parties that are
already in the field,
In Missouri there are three parties in
the field the frco democracy, which is
based upon tho idea that a gradual emnn
cipation act would work infinitely lo the
moral, social, and economical advantage o
the State, and the slavo-brccdirg democra
cy, who are of course In favor of perpetu
ating the rule of slavery. The American
party ennes in as a sort of mediator, de
p'ecuting all agitation, and proposing to
unite the people on other issues, while tho
"nit'err issue" is entirely ignored. Of
course this third party must bo eventually
swallowed up by the other parties, which
have joined issue upon a inattor which vi
tally affects ihe welfure of iho people in
more ways than one, and w hich must be
decided before matters of less cousequence
shall absorb the publio mind.
The Republican party throughout the
Union, while it joins issue with the false de
mocracy on alavcry extension and a des
potic rule for ihe Territories, is sound on
tho minor issues of tho day, and if its creed
is not s uflicicnlly amplo lo meet all the ex
igcncii s of a progressive people, there is
nothing to preveut another National Con
vention from getting up another platform
exactly suited to the times in which we
ivc. This changing names has a bad influ
ence, and much of the success of the dem
ocratic party is owing to its retaining its
old name, which became sacred with many
before the parly abandoned tho principles
of freedom and forsook the interest of the
hurd-handed luhorer, and sold itself to the
negro-breeding fire-eaters of the South.
Thcso are our views on tho subject of
portic', and we wish just hero to enter our
solemn protest ncainst our Republican
friends in the States offering tho least en
courogetnent lo any new project. Let us
stand by the Republican colors victory is
ours sooner or later, and wo are not going
to desert tho Republican ship,
UsU Xew Hearer.
All si onco the supply of gold news,
which two weeks ago overstocked the mar
ket, has stopped coming. Ths Washing
Ion Territory papers, for want of fresh ma
terial from Frazier's and Thompson's
river, are re-masticating the old budget
that cams down in Indian canoes when
WtlUssclU Basils! AMMlallsa
W. U. Johnson, Esq., has laid upon our
table ths minutes of the tenth anniversary
of Ihe Willamette llaptist Association em
braoing the churches of Weal Union, Ore-
con Ciiy, West Tualatin, French Prairie,
Clackamas, Portland, Sylvania, Clear
Creek, Eagle Creek, and Ml. Pleasant, (10
Frazier's river was very high high enough churches), containing an aggregaie oi vt
in ilmwn minors bv tha dozen, and entirely members.
We see by the last Standard that ibe Oc
cidental Messenger is about to suspend for
want of patronage. Whore are the 2,600
negro-worshipers who voted for slavery in
Oregon t Isn't there five hundred of them
who are able lo support a paper "sound on
the goose"! When the post master here
told us two weeks ngo thnt five or six had
ordered the Messenger stopped in one day,
we couldn't help feeling sorry for the pub.
ishers although tho paper is devoted lo the
propagation of such doctrines as we consid-
r nt war with everything good, pure, and
ovety. we must sny, However, that the
Messenger (excepting the Portland Stand-
rd) has been conducted in a more honora
ble and gentlemanly tone than any demo-
ratio paper in I ho valley, while its ability
nuld never suffer by a comparison with
any of them. Isn't there field enough for
the exercise of the talent nnd zeal of the
conductors of ihe Messenger without enter
ing the arena in favor of thnt which is ab
horrent to every Christian and every Infi-
ol who has a fair share of moral brain t
Great Godt what a subject is that of
wool" for a man to devote his tal-
ents tot It won't pay, even in Missouri.
So we are glad the Messenger has conclu
ded lo " dry up on wool" but we ahould
be glad to see it come out again bright and
smiling as a co-laborer in ths great and
good work of doing good to all men.
What think you, dear Messenger, of the
idoa )
GO" Whatever opinion may be enter
tained of Mr. Adams, the editor, no one ac-
uamted with him, we believe, would
impeach his veracity." Portland Stand,
Of course they wouldn't. Bui, by the
way, dear Standard, what have we been
doing T It isu'i long since several promi
nent "hards" told us that they looked
upon ua as an " honest and honorable pol
itician ;" now a " national" editor calls us
a man of" unimpeachable veracity." "An
honest and honorable politician of unim.
ptachahle veracity " according to ths ex
torted opinion of both wings of the de
mocracy. If Bro. Dryer begins to stick
any of that kind of flattering adjectives at
us, we shall conclude that we "have done
something" sure enough.
too high to reach tho pockets which con
tained exhausiless treasure low down on
the bars in tho bed of the river. Two or
three Oregoninns have lately returned
from a flying trip to Delllingham Bay,
thoroughly disgusted at the whole prospect
and wondering how any Oregonian could
think of taking that roulo to the mines.
One of them goes so far as to express his
belief that the Frazier river mines are a
grand humbug. While at Bellingham
Bay he says that everybody he saw was
duly impressed with tho great richness of
ths Frazier river bars, and no doubt seemed
to be entertained but what they would
"pan out" well " when the water full."
lie could however find nobody who had
seen the gold himself, or could exactly say
who had seen it. He saw two or three
men just in from Frazier's river who, upon
being interrogated, said, "Oh yes, there is
plenty of cold there." Upon being re
quested to show a " sample," it wasn't con
venicnt just iben, neither could they mnke
il convenient ts produce it when offered
(40 for s single ounce as a "specimen."
Our friend thinks that thousands of peo
pie who have staked their all on staked
out claims on ihe bars of ihe river, will be
badly deceived " when the water falls."
The Thompson's river mines he could get
little or no information from they were
too far away. I
The ruget Sound papers have just got
hold of the news (" five dollars to throe
pans" on the branches of the Yakima)
brought in by Copt. Robertson, who was
driven in by the Indians, whose exploits
we have already chronicled. These pa
pers are retailing this startling news under
very imposing headings, and we see that
propositions are made through the papers
by several men to pilot companies into
the Yakima country. Now there may be
paying mines on the Yakima, and there
may not. We have taken a good deal of
pains lo find out just what kind of dirt that
"three panfuls' containing the "five do!
lars" was, and we can assure our Puget
Sound friends that the dirt was taken from
bar covered w ith large holders and very
ard lo get Every miner knows that in
such diggings a man may make wages at a
dollar a pan, nnd he may not at two dollars
pan. The Yakima mines may pay and
they may not. Wo are inclined to think
the only mines that will pay well, are not
to be reached much short of Thompson's
river, and the news from there is, up to
this date, too meagre to justify a man w ho
as a farm in leaving home before he hears
something more reliable.
The Association wss held on the 25lh
20(li, and 27ih of June, at the West Union
meeting house Washington Co. Among
the resolutions adopted we quote the ful
Whereas, We rejoice to hear that God
is pouring out bis Spirit very graciously
upon his people in varioua sections of our
country: ana since ua uas pronuseu iu an1
swer the earnest requests of Ilis Children,
Resolved, That we recommend all our
Churches that I hey set apart the Saturday
before the ibird Sunday in August next,
as a day of fasting and prayer, that tho
same glorious work may also extend ovor
our Western shores.
The General Association meets with the
Pleasant Butte Church, in Linn county, on
Friday before the first Sabbath in October,
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The Corvallis Association meets with
the Umpqua Church, on Cow Creek, on
Friday before tha second Sabbath iu Sep
The Central Association meets with the
Providence Church, in the forks of the
Santiam on Friday before the first Sunday
in September.
Paelke V'alveraliy.
Upon a recent visit to Forest Grove we
were glad lo learn of President Marsh
that this popular institution is in a more
flourishing condition than usual for the
summer term. Rev. H. Lyman is new the
Professor of Mathematics, and Rev. C. Eclls
is Piincipal of the Preparatory Depart
ment. Wo think the institution is in a
fair way to become of commanding im
port an cc.
We learn that an effort was made lately
to poison Mr. Markham, who is now prac
ticing as a very successful oculist in Salem.
He with several of his patients were made
sick by the use of the water from the
well. Upon cleaning out the well, a largo
quantity of arsenic and cobalt was found
done up in on oiled pnper. Although sev
eral were made sick by the use of the wa
tcr, none of them were fatally poisoned,
The man who is suspicioned for having
done tho job, is nor, we are glad to say, a
resident of Salem.
VAger Beer.
The result of the debate last Monday
night, in this city, has been an unparalleled
excitement since, on tho lager question.
On Tuesday scarcely anything could be
heard on the streets and in all the stores
where groups were assembled but argu
ments on taper beer. 1 he gold excite
ment is entirely swamped by it. Such
was the public interest in the debate that
the Court-house was crowded to overflow
ing by men and women who manifested,
their pleasure by tremendous cheers at
regular intervals through a debate that
lasted till half after ten oclock.
This time Louis, who keeps the lager
beer brewery, came to our relief, and made
a speech on the negative. The anti-beer
men were dissatisfied with the result, and
the debate was adjourned over to next
Monday night. We hear that the anti
beer men are talking of sending abroad for
help. Our business calls us into the coun
try, and we shall not be here next Monday
night, but we presume Louis will attend to
the negative about right, notwithstanding
Esq. Johnson avows his ability and deter
mination to set the anti-beer cause on its
less again.
The annual communication of the Grand
Lodge of Oregon was held at Astoria last
week. We understand it was fully attend
ed, and the reports from subordinate
OCT We have received the first ntimbc
of the California Culiurist, a monthly pub
lication by Wheeler Js Wadsworth, San
Francisco, and devoted to Agriculture,
Horticulture, Mechanism, and Natural Ilia
lory. It is illustrated with superb cuts,
and in neatness of execution every way, it
is seldom equaled by an Eastern publica
tion. Its reading matter is what it ought
to be, and if this work meets with merited
success, it will have a large circulation on
this coast. Price $5 a year in advance.
All Right.
J. R. Williams, Esq., of Josephine
county, has our especial thanks lor his
successful efforts at procuring subscribers
in that section with pay in advance. We
intond to "spend an afternoon with him,
when we visit that section, and bring our
knitting Along."
Karl; Vruti.
Apples of the Red June, Red Aslrocan,
and Early Harvest varieties are in market.
We have seen none fully ripe however but
the Red June, which by the way is with us
the summer apple afier all.
The Riant of Search.
On the outside will be found an article
from the National Era en the right of
search and visitation as has lately been
exercised by the British cruisers in the
Gulf on our trading vessels. The Era is
one of the most conservative papers in the
Union, and a prominent organ of the anti
slavery sentiment of the country. In the
course of a previous article on the same
subject, the Era says
"This state of ihinjjs cannot be lolera.
ted it could not be continued without
war. Now and then, a piratical slaver
may prostitute our flag; but that is no
reasoo why foreign men of war may estab
lish espionage over our vast commerce,
and, at their will, fire into our vessels, bring
tnem io, oeiain mem, subject them to ex
and caution suggest thai there may be
great exaggeration think we should wait
patiently nil we near iu omrr mu.
Verv sensible: but would it not be well
for them ts add that, in no event, fur no
reason whatever, can this claim lo nrreal
and search our vessels be tolerated I The
Administration will be col and csullous
enouirh il has clven no indication rf an
perfluous spirit or zeal : we sco no evldpnee
of lis being moved by a belligerent spirit.
Our only apprehension Is, that it may not
be bold and decided enough in asserting
snd enforcing our rights.
Presidential Election is 16(10. The
Richmond Whig, in sn article on Northern
Congressional eleoiions, says :
" Unless there is a reconstruction of par
lies upon a conservative basis, in the course
of tho next year or two, ihe election of a
(Hack Republican President will be a thing
inevitable. Deprecate auch a result as
much as we may, il ia no longer doubtful,
and we may as well look it boldly in ihe
face, and prepare to acquiesce in il with ns
much grace as powiblo for, we lake it for
granted that no man at Ihe houtn will so
riously agitate tho question of a dissolution
of the Union, in consequence of the eke
(ion of a Black Republican President."
Tub PoruLATiox op tub United
States. The Railroad Record has an
able article on the physical development of
the United States and the laws of popula.
lion, in which the views of Mr. Darby are
intelligently considered. According to
what the Record consiJors the " sclunl
law" of population, the African race in
this country will amount in 18C0 lo 4,530,
000, and in seventy years ihe negroes will
number 20,000,000. The probablu results
of the general increase of the total inhab.
Hants of the United Stales are thus calcu
lated :
In 1850, 23,000,000
1P00, 30,000,000
1870, 40,800,000
1880, 8 1,000,000
1800, 72,000,000
1000, 0.1,000,000
1950,- 200,000,000
2000, 6-10,000,000
Is this result impo-siMe, or or even im.
probable ? The number of square miles In
ihe United States is near three millions.
With six hundred and forty millions T peo
ple, the density of population would be
about 214 per square milo. The density
ol lielgium, Holland, nnd England is
greater than that. The Density of Great
Britain and Ireland is about 225 per squni
mile, which is about the air ratio for a
country in high civilization, and wiih a di
versified soil
vets armed ship comoiUioned ss cruisers,
and actively engaged In lha t tr.i
against Ureal Britain, thronghosl th.
vuu ISM 'IS )! i .7
mi.- i, luueu at sno sail
Of these, the commercial city of Ileitis,,,
furnished fifly..ghl, or mors than one.
fifth ; New York sent out fifty, five; 8slm
forty; Boston, Ihlrly-ene; PhilsdW
14; Portsmouth, 1 1 j Charleston jo,
Mors than two thousand sail of llri,s'
armed vessels snd shipping Wert captured
during ths war; and of this number, two.
thirds al least, or mors than thirteen 'bus.
drcd, were taken by our privaUers and ,J
tors of mnrqne. Ths sale of all pri,
prixo good was invariably conducted
der the aupervision of United Slabs fl.
cent, and large amounts or money," u j
ttalod by the report, " were paid into the
national treasury out of the proceed of
such salea." The proportion of (his prfo
money which fell lo the share of lbs pf.
vatecr men was small, and as they re.
ceived no monthly wages from tin Gov.
eminent, 'their claim to ihe national bounty
would now seem lo be even grester Bi
that of Iho soamen who served in the pub.
lie armed vessels of ihe country, snd she
drew prize money in addition to their
monthly pay.
Jenny Lino an Effective Pkeaciif.r.
A recent convert in Boston stated that aime
years since he heard Jenny Lind sing '
know that my Redeemer liveth," since
which time be had never been able to ban
isb the worda from his mind.
Tiiat's So. A prodigious deal has been
said for nnd BcainH marriage for and
against celibacy and ihe question has
not yet been solved. Punch is too careful
to lay hands upon snch a thorny subject,
uut this much he does not mind saying
That il is always open to the bwehelor to
try marriage ns soon as he discovers the
error of Ins ways, but it is not quite so
easy for a married man to turn Whrlur
Official Uesnlt of the State r.leetloo.
fH t-, H
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Lodges showed great harmony and pros
perity. There are now twenty-four Lodges amination, and determine whether they be
iu the jurisdiction (eight having been char- engagea in ibwiui commerce. We cannot
tered at the last session), and the whole
number of members is About six hundred.
The officers for the present yesr sre,
Benj. Stark, of Portland, G. M. ;
A. Holbrook, of Oregon City, D. G. M. ;
A. A. Smith, of Eugene City, G. S. W.;
S. F. Ciiadwicr, of Roseburg, G. J. W. ;
R. Wacox, of Oregon City, G. Trees.;
C. J. Tr encuard, of Astoria, G. Sec. ;
Rev. Dr. McCartt, of Vancouver, G.
Chaplain and Orator;
J. R, Bayley, of Corvallis, G. Lecturer;
L. F. Mosher, of Winchester, G. Mar
L. Day and W. W. Fowler, O. Dea
cons. The next communication will be at Eu
gene City.
It will bo seen by reference to Prof.
Ne well's advertisement, thnt he is ready
to mako engagements for teaching music
to clatscs in the conntrr.
submit to such despotism without docrada
uon we cannot recojjoizo ihe nsbtefsuch
interference, without conceding supremacy
to England.
We learn that aoramunications have al
ready been made to the British Govern-
mcnt : thev cannot be too decided. Tha
President haa also ordered several Ameri-
can vessels to the Gulf, to protect our flag.
That is right : let aggressions be stopped
instantly, whatever Ihe cost. In all that
vitally concerns the freedom of the seas, the
independence of our commerce, and the
honor of our flag, there can be but one
heart and one mind io this country.
We bate blaverv, and abhor the Slavs
Trade, but duties are harmonious. There
need be no conflict between Patriotism
and Philanthropy. Contending for the
rights of elbers, we should jealously cusrd
our own rights. Nor shall we permit our
opposition lo the Administration to lead ns
into a false position on a Question which
rises infinitely above all party considera
tions. It has taken the l rue ground on
tbia question of the right of search ; it could
lake no lower, without a base belraysl of
the interests and honor of the United States.
5?im of nnrrntmnnr4MM ...... I !
j ---'ij ivuircei cuoiaess
Mariou.... 827 307 1 730 408 795 245
Linn 784 257 18 776 219 20 788 J51
Lane 448 417 5 481 393 5 450 341
Benton.. . 224 392 405 212 213 3S-3
Tolk 3Ci 273 1 3.19 259 1 407 200
Yamhill... 201 422 259 418 1 273 417
Clack'niBs 317 400 340 383 345 315
Multnom'h 396 543 398 530 1 407 518
Washi'gl'n 188 211 3 188 206 2 193 187
Columbia. 52 C3 55 59 55 56
Clatsop.... 44 60 2 37 61 1 41 46
Tillamook 17 6 16 6 18 4
Wasco.... 213 21 212 1.1 210 3
ITmpqna.. 121 95 108 93 118 58
Douglas... 342 289 301 307 5 2S3 289
Jackson... 023 243 8 440 433 6 542 280
Josephine 423 179 4 411 194 393 203
Curry.... 126 10 128 8 124 11
Coos 86 11 6 84 7 87 2
Total.. 5859 4190 47 5738 4214 43 5746 3714
4190 4214 3714
Maj...l669. 1524 2032
, Treat , r-Printer ,
B. & W 2. B 1
O. " D. O. s-
f g J ;
Morion.. 790 216 ' 85 706 361 40
Linn 783 120 147 728 215 119
Lane 413 380 80 3R3 423 45
Benton 308 394 181 407
Polk 375 217 3 343 2:.9 10
Yamhill 273 372 10 244 421 10
Clackamas 345 205 174 299 316 130
Multnomah.... 404 527 1 378 549 2
Washington.... 187 187 22 171 213 38
Columbia ...... 5s 51 61
Clatsop 4b 43 16 31 54 16
Tillamook 1 5 18 6
Wasco 207 3 209 21
Umpqua 110 12 32 95 114
Douglaa. 301 283 5 235 374 4
Jackson 531 283 10 323 507 7
Josephine 415 174 358 233
Carry 127 9 125 9
Coos 91 1 5 83 14
Total 5676 3531 590 4958 4557 413
3531 4557
Majority.... 2145 401
An Onlinauet lo tttabliik and riguUlt ssWim
and night natch.
De it ordained by tho City Council of OnM
City, Thai a night walch be
ot as many watchmen as the Mayor may
espedieut, to be nominated by bin and ftwfirnrd
by Ihe council, who hall be sworn bufort rat. ria
on their diuies. The watchmen shall have power
lo errent and di-Uio in custody all who dirtii!kir
pontic peace between sumel and aunrisr, sad f hall
be required to be on duly in Die ttneto of Ikecilv
from nine o'clock r. m. to sis o'clock a. a.
Sr.c. 9. The watchmen mar he Mn.j i
oiTice at any lime by Ike Ma)or for atfleet f 4s.
tr, snd shall be paid for hi aenricea iiwfc mb a
the city council may deem riveuaabU from Ike
funds of ihe oity.
rawed by lb Ceuncil June 10, 1658.
Alleati W.C.JussaoM.Reewu'rr.
An Oriinanrt to licemt aWau.
Be ll onlaiued by the Cily Council of Orrge.
Clly, That every p rion owuine or drinae dr..
or wagon for the purpoae of teaming for hire l
Orrgnn Cily, rlmll pay as s license therefor Ik
sum of $5 per niouili, able quarterly, la be eel.
Mi d by the cily collector, who ilull g b ta.
Cript therefor.
IWd the Council June 10, 185.
Alleat : W. C. Jmiiuox, Recorder.
An Ordinnntt taxing billiard talln.
Be it ord.iined and estahlielit-d by Ihe Cily Cun
oil of Oregou Cily, Thai if any penon ihall keep
in said city any billiard table for the purpose of at.
lowing the game of billiards to b- played thereon
for hiro, he ahull pay fur each labia k, pt Ihe
sum of $2 per mouth, to be collected quarterly by
Ihe city collector, who shall giro him a receipt
IhenTor, and pay over Ihe money ao collected as
other city las lo Iho treasurer.
Hko. 2. Any person keeping such lab who
fhall neglect or refuse to pay Kiid lu, shall be lia
ble in the turn of lifiy dollars, to be recovered,
wiih coals, iu an action before Ihe Mayor r Re
corder. Paed Iho Council June 10, 1858. '
Alleati W.C.Joiimos, Recorder.
?ro OBO. P. 2811 WELL, .
Vocal and Instrumental Muaic,
G1 P. N.
r. SPLEl
continues to import IIAI.DER'9
l'UKTEd. Any person wiaUtag one of iIiom In-
strumenis can have it ut tho iiew York price,
adding freight, Ice., wiih 10 percent, enmmiieioo.
He will aim instruct olames i liia:rumental or
vocal music, or both, in dim-rent sections of lbs
country, when desired. July 84, lbaey.
r. moved to a building nearly opposite Ike
Melhodiat church. July 24, 1853. !
TJEI.VG permanently located in Or-
A.) egon City, 1 take I hie method of
notifying tho Diiblio that 1 am nrepared
to make a snn-.rior article of thrnfttt, ilia'iagr
Saddle; rack Sadd".e$, Uridlei, and everything
in my line, on very short notice and on the mas
reasonable terms. Pa :kcr going to ths maer
will 6nd this the verv nlace lo make their riding
and packing outfit, as I keep just the article laey
need constantly on hand.
July 84, 1853-I5'7 . JUlia Mliua.
Sheriff's Sale.
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that in obedience lo
Jl an execution issued from the office f las
Deputy Clerk of the U. S. District Court Is snd
for thn eniintv of Clackamaa. 1 shall proceed t
sell to ths highest bidder for cash, at the Cenrt
House door in Oregon City, on MONDAY, th
all iI.a rlrrl.l lilliv end internet of William Glatsr,
of, in, and lo the following described properly, t
wit i , , .
' Beginning al Hie North-oast eosjer oi
numbered two (2) in block numbered tare w
upon the plat of Oregon Cily io said e0
ruuning thence, along the north aid of saw
one hundred and five feel) thence at right angles,
along tho west end of aid lot, twenty J
thence, at r ght anzlcs, along th front of ssal K.
twenty feet to the place of beginning-'' .
RniA .1. i. m..l. in uiurv indffltont for Uw
sum of three hundred dollar and nineteen eesl.
interest, costs, andaccruingcot,inrdsfjrs
said Glaser, in favor of Geo. Abernethy, P
foreclosure of a mortgage upon th premiey
deacribed, and will tak plac at Hie hr ol 1 1-
of said day. A. I'.OLCOMBV :
Julya4,18ja S'.trtjf vuKimmm. -
The Privateers of 1812. The Wasli
ngton Intelligencer, in advocating the ex
tension of the bounty land act to the priva
teersmcn engaged 0 the war of sajs
that during that war the nutnl-er of pri-
THE subscriber would respectfully Infons) the
publio generally Ihat ho ba p-d a 1
On the Tualatin River, ,",-
where lis intends carrying on the
General Merchandise Basl"
II will keepslwayaon hand a good assort!
Crockery, Hardware, Clothing, Boole V
Shoe, Confectionery, Cipr,
Stationery, tc.
TIi above will alway bo offered
For Cuth or Country Produce.
r-rieaae call and aeo for yoarwlrea, sW
aaveyour expemwin going to PorUan
l00,i . - i .
Motto "Small profit and qniek ?Ty
FarmingUm, July 24, lWi
Good Wheal Waal
"I70R wlik-h the hlgheel market priewal ;
X' paM in ea-h or trade, at II '
JulySI. r.R.MIXOTO stfOR-,