THE OREGON ARGUS, . fUSLISIIKD inr lTUlDr NoKXIXO, BY WILLIAM L, ADAMS. TRIMS Tka Aaoos will hi fumithti at Thru Dollars and Fifty Vtnt$ prr annum, in adeanei, to tinflt lubicriltrtThrti Dollar! inch In eluht of tin nt tnt tffictin admnct Whin thi money it not paid in adeanee. Four DMart wilt it charged if paid within tit monlhi, and Fit itlinrt at tht tnd of tht year. tJT Tie Dullari for tix monthtNo tubtcrif tioni re.-ticed for a hit period. Of" Nt piper ditctntinutd until all arrearages art paid, at tht option of tht puhluher. ADVERTISING RATES. Out inart (19 Hum er less) on Insertion, 13,00 two inoai nous, uv 11 three Insertions, 6,10 Each suWuuent Insertion, 1,00 up ft Rsasnntble deductions to those who advertise hf th. year. JOB PRINTING. Tua raorsisTos or tiis AUGl'S n lurrs to iuform tli. public that lie has just received a large Monk of JOB TYl'B and oilier new print ing man-rial, snd will b In Ui. si-tedy rera'pt o A Weekly Newspaper, devoted to tho Principles of Jefl'ersonian Democracy, and advocating the side of Truth ill every issue. sdditions suited to all th. riijuirsmrnts of ihis It calily. IIANDHIUJI, l'OSTKKS, BLANK, t'AKUS, CIIICULAKS, PAMI'IILKT-WORK nnd other kinds, dune to ordrr, tin short notice. Vol. IV. OREGON CITY, OREGON, JULY 24, 1 858. No. 15. It mm ' Thi Right of Hrarcb. From the National Em, Wellington,!). C 1 In another column may le foiinj ilia re port of ilia Commiileo on Foreign Alia in of tli Senate, in relation to tha outrages Intcly committed on American Commerce liy British cruisers. It is calm, but do. eided. Il tnkes tho position, "not to bo controverted, I hitt by no principle of intor. national In can a vecsel under ihe flag of iu country be visited or detained on the high sens, in timo of pcaco, by any foreign power, under any protest, or for any pur. pose whatever, without the consent of thso over whom the flag waves." It speaks with just indignation of the extraordinary otilrsgos on our vessels, and insists that now i the tinio to settle, once fur all, thin question of sen'ch, which lint been no of s"en cause of controversy witli Ureal Brl tain. Il fully approves of the position la. ken by-the Executive, and of ita notion in ordering all our disposable nnvnl force to iho Gulf, to protect the vessels of llio Uni ted SlOtc from acnrcli or detention by the vowels of war of any other naiion, hut for bear at present to reou:nmniiiJ ny addi tional legislation, although il atiiiounc." that, should it become necessnry, such le gislation wilt be supplied in n!d of the lSxi'caiivo Tower as t-liw) I be required. We like the lleport and its determined tone. ' The Committee on Foreign Affairs ii under the control of men not likely to commit themselves or their country to tho maintenance of tintenubln or extravagant pfwitimu in an emergency like this. Recently, nt wo leurn, a proposition wan introduced in the Committee, in favor of m resolution recommending the abrogation nf so much of the Ashburton Trtaty as re quire a naval force of eighty (.'una to be maintained by this (Jovernnient on the Af ricm coat for 1 lie suppression of iheSUve trade, but it wan positioned. The Com mittee is continued ns follows: Messrs. Mason, DonglM, Polk, Slidell, Crittenden, tiewnrd, nnd Foot. Judging fmm the character and pecu liar positions of these geiitlenVn, we must infer that on a question seriously affecting nur relations with Great Britain, thuir joint action would be dutcrniined, not by impulse or mure resentment, but tho gravest con nideration of what the honor and welfare of the country demand. ,. Messrs. Mason, Slid.-ll, ami Seward rep resent Slates most deeply interested in any controversy threatening the interests of Commerce, nnd Messrs. Seward, Critten l"ii, nnd Fool have always been conspic tmus for their pacific counsels. When such ien unil in such a report, the English Government would do well to consider uhoth-jr it bo wise to proceed in a course which can result in nothing else than war, whether a miserable pretention, winch has n-ver been urged without provoking tho deepost indignation and most deter mined spirit of resistance in this country, nnd which can never be tulernled, unless we intend to surrender our indepondenc piiL'ht nntoiiCR for all to be renounced. It is vain to talk of substantial friendship be twecn England and the United Slates, un lil this nretension bo given up. We are among those who. in nearly all tho controversies in which England ha brum enoaned in the Old oild, have sym pathized with her triumph and regretted bar defeats : who have steaiiily utscoun tenanced all uttempls to poison the public mind with suspicion and prejudice against that great nation ; who have honored her fir strenuous exertions In suppress the lace trade, and to discountenance, wher over she could legitimately, the practice of Slavery; but this arrogant pretension of the rit'lil of visitation, which is nothing less than a claim to the absolute police of the sens, has always been in the way o tlia friends of pence, and for one we nover oould endure it for a mmnent. It is aso ciated in the American mind with all that is hateful nnd humiliating. We detest Slavery and the slave trade as tniie.h as our cotemporariea of the press in Now York city, and have given evidence enough of tins; but we oppose tne esiau ti.hinAnt of a nolicy." -which, ostensiuiy and perhaps honestly, aimed at the sub vnrsion of an infamous traffic, will, if allow ed, subject all commerce to the espionage and police or a gigantic commercial power, not at alf distinguished by its forbearance or Wit oT devotion to its own aggrandize- meni. A better way must he found to nnnress unlawful commerce, than Dy en slaving lawful commerce. Africa may be saved from pirates without sacrificing II independence of America. "No nation," says the celebrated Lon Stovcll, n jurist second in authority to no f?.r-t. indue but Lord Mansfield, "can T- . -iizht of visitation and search, eterc. -moa unappropriated parts pon thoco... ' . tw belligerent tfc ocean, txo. fc . to1w edm. No nation na t emim. i i:k.,.i.,i, a, Africa, by StaTe drt tho pretence of an em.nenl gooo, hv means that are unlawful, or lo pres. 5f-Tw great principle, by breaking Ibrliighoiliereatprincipleswhich stand 'mu'rednress our surprise that nny portion of the Americ.n Press sho-d.1 a Lttothisdngeron. pretension There hM beeneispration, it ;'" l.!IyJ;.Ln is reported. Twenty-one wVl authenticated w. believe are .nrf verr Arrival bring, inielli- ovrap. Uadbutoneor K . i,.r.f,end. they inmht hae iwo insi"" ""i i :, -ni,. r.,i i. accident. The fcU necn aurioa---- f. . , .,,.mu. a svslem. Van to .hi- f The pretension . .: . ":.:. .11 .e.seU suspicion. ones il mav oe iu , - - . . - -of .hi. valuably I The ' '.'T j.. nircnmsiance. snsll con inanou. , ., .nrance! lie musi amino -rr A.r iodga. The British navy, then, may, under .k;. rlenioo.s!p every Americao el ment upon him t Not the party whose ships are arrested j fur the assumption is, that I lie party arresting baa the right lodo so ; and if lliU be true, we have no right to complain. Perlmps we may be at lib erty to humbly suggest to the British Gov ernment thai ita olliccra are over sealnut ; but that Government may differ from us, and where is our redress t To allow such a pretention, is lo allow llriiish vessels of war lo stop and detain any American ves sel whatsoever. The pretension Includes the tight lo de tain any vessel as long ns the British com mander may think necessary or expedient, and to exnmine ita papers. Uow long shall be such detention t Who is to judge t The British commander. If he consult disown caprice- or convenience, who shall call him to account I The American cap tain may complain of unreasonable delay, shall our Government lay tbis humble complaint before the English Government I We will hear both sides, is the imperious answer; nnd the British officer, represent ing that he did not subject the vessel to unreasonable dulay, the complaint is dis missed. Where is the remedy! How shall he exercise this right of stop, psgi, detention, examination I Suppose he be drunli and insolent ; suppose he use toward the cnplain S.nd crew of tho vessel visited, such epithets as nre pot quite un known on shipboard, what is the remedy t Who is to avenge the affront! Mow are such annoyances to bo defined, reduced to form, made the subject of complaint to the British Government ! How would it suit the dignity of our Government to bj stand ing before the Throne of Hngland as a pe titioner for some kind of rebuke to bo ad ministered to Commander Bobadil, because le exercised the right of visitation on Am erican vessels in a very ungenucmninv mannerl Suppose tho American vessel, acknowl L'ioii no authority but that of its own oi eminent, refuse lo obey the summons to stop: may tho Hriush otlicerenlorce the summons! Yes if he has the right of imitation, lie may resort to all means ne cessary to its exercise. 1 lie vessel doming on its course, he fires a shot across her bow, Sho pays no attention to it, and he res into her riffninc: and, at lust, deter mined to bring her to, he fires a broadside. All ibis, we say, he has a right to do, if he as the right of visitation, lie has the ght to destroy our property and life. 'his is not all. Snpposo the American captain, standing upon bis rights, bid defi ance lo the Briti-h commander, nnd refuse to show hi.s papers J what is to be done ! If the cruiser has the right to visit, lor mo urnose of inspecting the papers, ho may use tho necessary means lo make it effect- nl. He mav detniu tho vessel for an in finite period ; he may order tho captain under arrest ; he mav institute a search for the papers. Surely Iho few editors who nave assent ed lo this arrogant nnd dangerous preten- ion. have not weighed deliuorately tne consequences which miglil and would fol- low Us recognition. 11 Hie Migiisn nave a right to visit nnd detain our ships, and ex. amine their papers, ihey nave a r'giu 10 use force, should resistance bo otic red, anu to use so much force as is necessary lo overcome tho resistance. If they may not use force, then the assertion of such a right is an absurdity for no American vessel need be stopped, detained, or examined, un- ess It please, i uo r.ngiisn uovenimeui takes no such view. It intends that the pretension shall be carried out. It assorts the right, and assumes the authority to en. force it. If we concede tbis ground, il is for that Government, not for us, to say how. when, tfAere, nnd or what, the right shall bo exerted. Now, it may be on the coast of Africa, then on our own coast. Now, it may be to examine papers, now, to see whether the object ot the voyage oe law ful, now, to arrest fugitive criminals, now to seize British deserters or seamen. The manner may be most gentle and respectful, or overbearing and insolent; suasive or coercive ; but, il must not be for us to say. Away with any such preiensioni e - , . r. .i care not now, or now uuen, wucu, m where, or for what this visitation is to he performed, it is in itseli an aouse, incom patible with the interests of commerce, a vicilminn of the cnualitv of Independent States, an invasion of the Freedom of the High Oeas, a gross luuignnjr iu nny acainst which it may be attempted, and is inevitably calculated to involve the world in the horrors of war. Kinds Akound tiik Uartii Curious' ing oil and rubbing down is continued un- The Cieat Srgxsiouiio Cloci. Henry Astronomical Spkculatiuns ix F.NO- ill sufficient quantity has been laid on to C. Wright, In Utter to tho Liberator, land. Professor Nichol, LL. D., dliv- prevent (he varnish from penetrating the thus describes the great clock In the Cathe- ered the third of a courso of lecture on leather. To the presence of so much lead drat ot Strasbourg ; Astronomy, at Manchester, F.ngland. The in Patent I.enther wo think we may ascrib subject treated upon had reference chiefly j 'bo prevalence of lender feet, corns, and to tho rings of Saturn, and oilier analogous j bunions, among those who are in the habit phenomena, lie re ferred to an observa- of wearing boots and shoes of this material, lion made in the introductory lecture rca- as II has a very drying ar.d drawing action ; peeling there being a ring, or probably sev- and persona who so lodulge, look shiny eral rings, round the earth. What lind about the feet at the expense ol their hitherto been colled the zodiacal light was health. They had belter exert ihemselves CO" The Washington Union, of May 22d in speaking of the right of searching Am erica n vessels by vessels of any other pow er, says : " We would as soon think of discussing lie question whether justice and truth should be recognized in the adminis- J.T'ion of the law, as the assumed right of resistance to earcb. So far as American ,hi?j are concerned, the ocean is the com mon highway of the nations, ana u,r of .,h recognized State in the family have .i . i absolute immunity ior iuc iiut their flaga. Whatever of convenience may be utged m resulting from a conlrary doc trine, with a view of suppressing piracy, only visible here In the form of a cone, but an American astronomer, who had gono lo Japan, and other favorable points, to investigate the subject, found that the cone opened out and extended across the henvens from horizon lo horizon, and that he had, by observation during the night, seen about three fourths of the circle. This observer found that we had been looking at the ring as we might do at a hoop held edgewise, thus making it assume a conical form. The learned professor now proceeded to say that the theory pre viously held, that the zodiacal light pro ceeded from a nebulous ring round the sun, was thought to be premature, and that the appearance came from a great nebulous ring surrounding the earth. Ho explained, by means of a diagram, that we should see the tnys from the ring reflect more strongly from our horizon than at its points higher up In the heavens. No ring round the aun could explain this ap pearance, hut ono round the earth would entirely. They wcic forced Mso to tho conclusion that it was not one ring only, hut perhaps several. Its distance was about 100,000 miles; its breadth 53,000; its depth was not yet known ; the mass of matter in il must be enormous, and no doubt it was fulfilling some important function in regard to the earth and the so lar system. Tno composition of Saturn's rings was then discussed, and an account given of the changes which had been no ticcd in litem by various observers. Fioin the dynamical conclusions of La place, combined with the changes ascer tained, the lecturer drew llm iufuicnce that the lings have no coherence; that they are neither vapor nor fluid; mid gave as a theory of their constitution that ihey are composed of millions of asteroids circula ting round the plitnel; tlia bright parts being where they are most thickly strewed and tho duik lines the absence of ihcm. There was a faint slate colored ring within the others, and this appeared grudually op- roaching the planet. Il had approached at the ralo of fifty miles a year; latterly about 80 miles a year; and if it increased to 100 miles a year, it would reach the anet itself in 180 years. Tho remain ing portion of the lecturo was occupied with a consideration of tho cause of tho ... .1 . -J T. sun s heat, and now u was sustained, us heat was estimated to be equivalent to one-tliTd of n ton of coa' consumed on every square foot of its surface in an hour. A certain amount of heat would produce certain amount of mechanical effect; and the converse was equally true that no mechanical effect or force could he des- troyed without evolving as much heat ns would reproduce il. The lecturer applied the latter part of this reasoning to the sun. If the planel Mercury were to fall upon the sun, it would be at the rale of 390 mil lions of miles iu a second. An amount of mechanical effect would thereby bo des troyed as would supply the sun with as much hent as he radiates in three years, and that hent would immediately flush through the stellar spaces. The lecturer attributed the sustained heat of the sun le vast numbers of meteorites falling upon his surface, some of which might cause cd dies in the atmosphere, and produce the snots which were freouently visible. Af- tcr expressing his belief that from the re tarding efP ct of ether in space, all bodies wete approaching thoir centers, he con eluded with some remarks of an itcpres-ire character. a little, by using paste blacking, anj thus be able lo walk in comfort and with ease. Tho leather beiug thus prepared, a mix turo of the linseed oil and lead with fine ivory black I made, and a little turpentine added, to make il flow easily ; tbis Is laid on by means of a soft brush, and five or six coats nre applied. This gives the sur face of the leather a rich black, shining, plinb'e surface, over which, when dry, the varnish may bo applied. The varnish is composed of either nsphalte, Prussian blue, or fino ivory black, ten pounds of thick co pal uarnish, twenty pounds of linseed oil, prepnred as before described, (by boiling with litharge and lead,) and twenty pounds of spirits of turpentine. The various tints aro given by the various coloring materials added ; thus, asphnlle gives a reddish col or, Prussian blue, a greenish blue metallic tint, and the Ivory black, which is most common, a beautiful and brilliant black. The chief uses for this leather are the man ufacturo of boots and shoes, nnd the aprons nnd fittings of wagons nud carriages. 03r Duiing the war of 1912, Mr. Buch anan, now President of the United States, volunteered (as he used to often tell the story himself) to go to Baltimore, and as sist in defending that city against the then expected attack of the British troops. On Lis arrival at York, Pennsylvania, on his way to Baltimore, news came that the British troops had returned to their shis, weighed anchor nnd left ; Mr. Buchanan then returned homo- Mr. Clay, who hated Buchanan, and hearing him repeat this story of his patriot ism at a dinner table in Washington, in quired of him : "At what place on your route did you hear that the British troops had left Baltimore, Mr. Buchanan. Buchanan" At York, Pcnnsjlva ma." Mr. Cla v " The object of my inquiry, was lo ascertain, if I could, whether you volunteered after you heard that the Drit'uh troops had left Baltimore, or whether the British troops left when they heard that you were coming It is said that Buchanan has never told that story since. Or Tho United Slates frigate Const! tution, now upon the railway of the dock at the Portsmouth navy yard, having been thoroughly repaired and coppered, will be floated out into the river soon. A corrcs pondent of the Boston Journal snya that the planking outside and in has been taken off, and between six nnd seven hundred new timbers hnve been put on ia place of tho rotten ones removed, and new plank ing, ceiling, clamps, and docks lake the Dlaceofold. " Old Ironsides is now as good as new, when first launched in Bos- ton sixty years ago. Sho will be fitted ilh a heavier battery than she has hitu- rto carried, and with all the improvements f the age, whilo the model, of course, re mains as she was originally constructed. The P'lesis and military have retired, and I am now sitting in a chair fuoing the giganlio clock, from tht bottom to the top not less than 100 fet, and about 30 feet wide and 15 deep. Around me aro many a'rangers, waiting to see the work ing of this clock aa it strikes the hour of noon. Every eye is upon the clock. It now itants five minute of twelve. The clock has struck and ih people are gone, except a a few whom the sexton, or head man, with a wand and sword, Is conducting round the building. The clock has struck in this way: The dial is some twenty feet from the floor, on each side of which I a cherub, or little boy, with a mallet, and over the dial is a small bell. The cherub on the left strike the first quarter, and that on Hie right the second quarter. Some fifty feet over the dial, in a large niche, is a huge figure ol lime, a bell In hi left, a scythe in his right hand. In Iront stands a figure ol a young man with a mallet, who strike the third quarter, on the boll in the hand of Time, and turns and glide with a slow step, round behind Time. Then comes out an old man, with a mallet, and place himself in front of him. As the hour ot twelve comes, the old man rais es his mallet, and deliberately strikes welva time on tho bell that - echoes through tho building, and is heard all round the region of the church, the old man glides slowly behind Father Time, and the young man comes on readily to perlorm his part, as the time comes round again. Soon a tn old man nas struck. twelve and disappeared, another set or ma chinery is put in motion, some 20 feet higher still. It is thus i I hero is a high cross, with the imago of Christ on it. The instant twelve has struck, one ot the apos tles walks out from behind, come in front, turns, facing the cross, bows, and walks around to his place. As he does so, an other comes out in front, turns, bows, nnd passes on. So twelve apostles as large as life, walk lound, bow, and pass on. As iho last appears, an enormous cock, perched on tho pinnacle of the clock, slowly flaps it wings, stretches torth us neck, anu crows three times, so loud as to be heard outside of tho church to some distance, and so nnturnlly as lo be mistaken for a rent cock. 1 hen all Is silent as death. io wonder this clock is the admiration of Eu rope. It was made in 1 751. and has per formed these mechanicol wonders ever since, except about fifty years when it stood out ol repair. Tim Chi.nkss. Bnyard Taylor, the well known traveler, thus speaks of tho moral ity of tho Chinese : " It is my delibcrnle opinion that the Chinese are morally tho most debased peo ple on the Tace of tho earth, l orms or vice which in other countries barely named, are in China so common, that they excilo no comment among the natives. They con stitute the perfect level, and below them nre doeps on deeps ol depravity so shocking and horrible that their charactei conuoi even bo hinted. Thero are some dark shadows in human nature which we natu rally shrink from penelrn ing, nnd I made no attempt to collect information of this kind ; and there were enough in the things that I could not avoid seeing and hearing which are brought almost daily to tho no. lice of every foreign resident to inspire me with a powerful avorsion to the Chinese race. Their touch is pollution, and, harsh as the opinion may seem, justice to our own race demands that they should not bo al lowed to settle on our soil." Scene on the Arrival of a Stp.amkr at San Francisco. It is the fashion, ou Patent Leather. The Scientific Amer ican says Ibat in the manufacture of Pat ent Leather there are two distinct opera tion,lhe first being the p.cparation of the leather for the reception of the varnish and ihe second, coating the leather with brilliant and transparent varnishes. The first thing i the preparation of the linseed or drying oil, which is done as follows: !Five gallons of linseed oil are boiled with there ia no right of active intervention .no - - . em ounws of wWu j, . -I A ffhA r iwll uw"" ' u... via a!.i v ia me commerce w llcJ V BO saw weaker powers, except in adherence to the .:-;nt iW the bi& carries with her, and maintains for her Government the laws and jurisdiction of it oWB country- 6- The Methodist Episcopal Cbnrch Sooth, in General Conference, at Nashville, are laboring with some of their brethren who are guil'j of the in of wearing gold toual amount of litharge, (each in . --, ..... , state of fine division,) until It becomes oi n.i.tsnev of syrup. Ihis mixture then united with an ochre or chalk, accoro- ing to ibe quality of the skins that are to spectacle. aui the surface is gronno oo-i (ftr-The TrineipaUturj jdrjingon arubbing down" .bale. U ...ppa to be .local., 1 jjjj ,,?-ng ha treated, and il t evenly spread on both sides of the leather, and well rubbed in. Three very thin coats are applied, allow in each to dry before the other ia put on and th surface is ground down with pum Thr process of laying on tb with pnmica oa the dry JC5T A subscriber in Connecticut has been so captivated by the following that he as scissored it and sent it to us, requesting its publication in the Argus ! The DulcbmsaH Hoas The Dutchman loieth hit dog, and tingtth Oh, vara ! and oh, vara ! Hash ter leetle lojrjy gone t Oh vara, and oh, vara Can the raacal log pa gone T lie's gone unto ter tevil, He's gone mit him, 1 fear ( lie may pa one pig sewage Mine log oh tear I oh tesr I Oh vara ! and oli vare Can ter yeller tog pe gonsf Oh vara ! and oh vara Huh ter scoundrel tog pe gone? I vood give von foot lallar To him ash talis lo me Vare I can fiat ter tnggy, Ol shows me vsre he pa. Hi park was full of aiuaehick. It goeejuat like ling, long i His ear. var. cut on short, tlia tail vas eat oft long I II. uah'd to trive ter chickens, And aay to tern pow wow ( But he'a gone onto ta dicken Vj ! her. cornea Schnapps bow I Oh vare ! and oh, var. Hash ter gnot for nolin peeoT Oh var. ! and oh, var. Caa ter raacal teggy peea T 1 link he's pean koon huntin I link he's goot for koene. Cans tere's notin else be's goot for, Cotet ter shtar aad moons. see, here, for everybody to go down to the steamer when she lands, lo twig ihe fash- ions and newly arrived cloths, and seo the kissing. There's some nwful " bouts" at it ; and the first rush of husbands nnd propri. otors of the crinoline aboard is very nva- iBnchv : they are utterly oblivious and re- gsrdless of starch, curls, hair, or ucw bonnets. " Go in lemons." You ill often see a chnp go in with n rush, nnd come out with the Iragmcnts ot siue-coinos in ins whisk? while the woman has an indistinct idea of having been sev rely hugged, ruthlessly kissed, and generally " mussed." As beards are very genernl In these uo oncings. and some of them " monstrous, it is imnossiblo in iho scrimmage for any nut an "exnen to n-ci kibi hi euiiei-- it is commonly left on the outside ana teie- eraphed back to the Hps. 1 here great run sometimes. lAlier jrom oan rmn titco. The Eclipse of the Sun in September, Sir John Pakington has offered to place vessel at the disposal of men of science for observing the great eclipse of the sun, which will take plac. in Septomber next Thi eclipse will be total, and it appear- anc will be beat seen in South America, particularly about Lima. It is anticipated that an astronomical expedition may be or ganized, and in this case foreign arArono mere would be invited to joiq the expedition. Byron. Mr. Trelawny, in his "Pkccol- lections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron," speaks ns follows of Byron's corpse, and of his feet and leg. The de- scription of his Infirmity is curious, and accounts for much of the irritability that appeared to the world the mere sensitive ness of vanity : " No one waa w iihin the house hut Flotchor; of which I was glad. As if h. knew my wishes, he led me up a narrow stair into small room, with nothing in II but a coffin standing on trestle. No wnid . was spoken by either of us; be withdrew the blink pall and the white shroud, nnd there lay the embalmed body of the Pil grimmore beautiful in death than in life. - ml . . . l - i... i I ns uoni Taction ui me musciea mm isin i had effaced every line that lime or passiou . had ever traced on it ; few marble busts ' could have matched ita stninless white, the harmony of ita proportions, and perfect finish : yet he had been dissatisfied with that body, and longed to cast it slough. , llow olten 1 find beard hi in curse it. lie was jealous of the genius of Shokspeare ' that might well bo but where had ho seen tho fuce or form worthy to excite his envy I I asked Fletcher to bring me a 1 glass of water. Un lite leaving the room, . lo confirm or retnoro my doubts as lo the , cause of his lameness, I uncovered the ' Pilgrim's feel and was answered the great mystery was solved. Both his feet were i clubbed, and his legs withered to the knee, ) the form nnd fenturcs of un Apollo, with , the feet nnd legs of A sylvan satyr. " Knowing nnd sympathizing with By ron's sensitiveness, his associates avoided ' , prying into the cause ef his lameness ; so did strangers, from good breeding or com. , mon humanity. Il was generally thought . his halting gait originated in some defect of the right footer ankle: the right foot was thn most distorted, and it had been mude worse in his boyhood by vain effort to set il right, lie told me that for sev- , eral years be wore sleel splints, which so wrenched the sinews nnd tendons of bis t leg that they increased bis lameness J the foot waa twisted inwards, only (he edge 1 touched the ground, and that log was -shorter than the other. His shoes were pe- , cnlinrj very high-heeled, with the soles uncommonly thick on the inside and pared thin on the outside; I he toes fere stuffed with cotton wool, and his trousers wern very largo below tho knee, and strapped down so as to cover bis fuel. The pecul- . iaritynfhis gait was now accounted for: he entered a mom with a sort of run, as if -he could not slop, then plan'ed his best log well forward, throwing back his body to i-. keep bis balance In early lilo whilst his , frame was light and clastic, with the aid of a stick he might have tottered along for a miln or two; but oner lie had waxed heavier, be seldom attempted to walk moio i than a fuw hundred yards, without squat ling down or leaning against the first wall, , bank, rock, or tree at liand never sitting t on Ihe ground, hs il would have been diffi cult for him to get up again. In tho company of strangers, occasionally, he would make desperate efforts to conceal , his infirmity; but the hectio flnsh on his fuce, his swelling veins and quivering ; nerves, betrayed him, and he suffered for many days after such exertions. Disposed to fatten, incapsblo of taking exercise lo check l lie tendency, what could he do f If ho added to his weight, his fuel w ould not have supported him : in this dilemma lie was compelled to exist in a state of semi starvation J he was less than eleven stone : when ol Genoa, and said he had been : fourteen nt Venice. Tho pnngs of hun ger which travelers and shipwrecked mar iners have described wcro nothing to what he suffered ; their privaliona were tem porary, bis were for life, and more tin endurable as he was in the midst of abundance." Com. bare, 7 m. wsgabon. ! Var. b.v yon peen, en r un, mio poi. rone aah von un sehkmkf 1 vip you bow mit tar proom, for having to do mit so pad peoples sah achkonka. II you rune away ag.n, i puia juu iu ter papers, aod yon iab raised forever. Fni Ardent Youno Men. Young men who would prosper iu love should woo gen tly. It is not fashionable (r young ladies to tk orient tpiriti. An Active Old General. It i aaid that Sir Colin Campbell, In twenty-one daya, traveled 900 miles, forced an en trance into a city defended by 60,000 fight ing men, relieved a garrison beasiged for five months, withdrew 900 women and children in the face of an overwhelming force, relieved bis detachment at Lawnpore, twice defeated an enemy thrice his own strength, and finally stripped them of every vestigs of artillery. Admirals in tub Navt op the United Status. Congress not long sinoe author ized the commanders of the squadrons of our ships of war to be designated " Flag Officers," I. e. Admirals. Acoording to tho etiquette of all the navies of the world, ' those who wear their flags at (he fore aro called ReAr Admirals, while those wearing them on the mizwn are Vice Admirals. The following order from the Secretary of the Navy rolors lo this subject: General Ororr. It is hereby ordered that in lieu of the Broad Pendant now worn by Flag Officers in command of squadrons, they shall wear a plain blue Hug, or the dimensions proportionate vu nm different class of vessels, prescribed for the Jack in the Tables of Allowance approved July 20, 1854. Flag Ufficers, whose oste oi commission as Captain is over twenty years, shall wear it at the fore ; all others at the mizzen. Isaac Topcet, ; Secretary of the Navy, Navy Department, May 18, 1858 The Union or the British American Provinces,. The New York Albion, a jhigh. class, independent journal conducted by Englishmen, and which never says any thing rashly or ill-acviseoiy, iook. wuu great favor on the project of a Federal Un ion of Ihe British American province. It advocates wresting the immense territory of the Hudson Bay Company out of the corrupt grasp of that gigantic monopoly, and then erecting th. different province into Sovereign States, belonging lo nn Federal Union. A glance at th. map will show what a mighty empire, reaching from the Atlanlio to th. Pacific, would thus bo added to th. roll of nation. (Cr W. have nothing to enjoy till wa j have somethipf to impart, 1; li that any of it officers may eboo to &m-1 :dcr'ticio:i,!' " " ,BJ',d'i areefen cu;ht pu inf