fitljc rtgoix Slrgua. W. U SPINS, SDITOS AND raorslSTOS. OUOOZT OZTT i SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1888. KsilfrelUa Wmwiii The desire to move west teem to be in creasing In all the eastern Stairs. The New England bee Live U full and running over, and regular awarmi of young A nglo Saxooe, with now and then an old atUery beaded patriarch, anxiout to accompany hi household goJt toward the setting sun, ad inspired perhape by the aame western fever which hat occasionally moved him from boyhood to torn hit eyet in the direc lion of the Father of Rivera, are pouring io one constant stream over the Alleghanles and wending their way toward some fan cied locality in the Far West. This stream of emigration in a single decade immedi ately preceding the last general census added to the population of Illinois and Iowa alone 6 18,00, and the aggregate has probably been swelled sinoe then to more than a million. From newspaper accounts, more than a million of emigrants have left the New England Slates alone during the last year, aud the western fever is still ra ging to such an extent that editors are de voting labored articles to setting forth tho disadvantages of " moving," io order to quiet down the excitement and induco young people to content themselves with working the same atony farms on which their grandfathers before them curved their backs till they formed a regular sot semi circle in order to realize a comfortable liv ing. But the western nianin rages, and will rage, despite the logic of editors and the entreaties of the " old folk," just as long as tbe West proffers to the industrious young at comfortable a home, with its sur roundings of luxuries and conveniences, for five years of toil, as might reasonably be expected after twenty. fire years of patient labor in New England. The " WiJe West" between the Alle ghaniea and Rocky Mountains possesses no advantages, so far as health and climate are concerned, over the East. Indued we very much doubt whether it is not more unhealthy and more subject to great ex tremes of beat and cold, besides being more exposed to such evils as frightful tornadoes, which, as in several instances in the West this summer, have laid whole villages in ruins, makingdreadful havoc of human life. The only reason we see that would induce an emigration to the Mississippi Valley, is the great facility of acquiring properly and 'becoming comfortably located with a small amount of labor. But, once being located, and "comfortably fixed," as the good housewife would term it, the settler finds be has to contend with tbe same old difficulties in the way of extreme hent in summer and terrible cold in winter, which roust tend tu rack and twist a man's con stitution into a wreck and bring on pre mature old age, besides being compelled to go through the same old everlasting round of working all summer to provide for stock in winter, and wading in snow nil winter to feed it out to them. Like the poor old horse in a bark mill, he finds himself sub jocted by an inexorable law of fate to what Snobbs cnlls "the same old everlasting dom'd grind." If his nose isn't worn off by constant rubbing against the crriud stone, it will be very likely to be frozen offbefore the last lock of hay that is stacked under a snow.dn'A is dragged out and fed to his shivering kine. With such disadvantages staring a roan in the face, if Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois are rocoiving auch largo annual ac cessions to thoir population accessions which are thickly settling the country building railroads, bridges, mills, school houses, and churches, improving farms and adding vastly to tie price of real estate, i i.. ... . i . . uiiu prouueing uy tree labor an aggregate of substantial wealth that shall furnish the general statistics of 1830 with figures im posing enough to startle the old fogy polit icai economist, and through which the fu ture giant importance of the great North West shall begin to loom up what kind of a destiny awaits Oregon and Washing ton, when public attention shall become directed to our unparalleled advantages. and the swarming Anglo Saxons begin to pour in a living, moving avalanche down the Paolfio slope into the garden of the world, perennially green on tho surface, and bedded upon precious stones and gold t i M hand or God has done no more toward fitting any spot on the globe for a pleasant auoue ror man than it has done for Oregon. Our soil is so productive that it yields mere to a given amount of labor than the soil of any State in the Uuion east of the Rocky Mountains. We have a climate where the thermometer never sinks lower than four degrees below xero, and where, during residence of ten years, we have never seen fifty daya too warm to labor comfortably, or ten oights in which a person couldn't sleep, if he chose, with the cool breezes of heaven fanning his locks and gently letting film down to a depth of slumber that locked up all Lis faeulties in a repose that was a perfsct rest to both mind and body. From such a slumber man rises invigorat ed, and shoulders a burden of daily duties Ibat would appsl an eastern man from its magnitude, and walks off like a giant. Of course, such is the enchanting nature of repose that we are apt to sleep very late, but when we do rise, see art tip for all day. Having little to do ia the way of making winter provision for our vast herds of cattle and sheep, with our bands of horses, of course the labors of life are comparatively easy, and much time can be devoted to reading and intellectual culture, which, we are sorry to say, is but poorly improved by many of our citizens, whose unbounded avarice is constantly goading them on to make a fow more dollars for their children to squander after they are dead (and per haps damned.) The greatcry is " Wbat's the news from the mines t and that kind of news" even must be couched In very short article to insure its being read. The popular taste runs to scraps and squibs, and the publio generally sticks up its nose at long articles where subjects are fully de viloped and sound philosophy properly elucidated. Hence, on account of the length of this article, we fear that not more than a dozen will ever got to the bottom of it, and we shall for that reason stop right here, and defer many more things we wish to say about Oregon till a more convenient time. We will say, however, that Oregon wilt be filled with a dense population be. fere many years, and our broad acres will be appreciated at their real intrinsic worth, that is, about fifty dollars an acre. (let News. The Pioneer ii Democrat says the Bel lingbam Ray trail is nearly through to 1 hompson s river. The Suoqualinie trail is said to be in good condition, and good horses can pack 2.10 lbs. over it. It is said to be only forty-five miles from Seattle to the summit of the mountains. Several miners have come in to Bellinghnm Bay with from fifty to a hundred and ninety ounces of gold dust. All accounts from this section agree that, with the scarcity of provbiions, the difficulties and dangers of the way, the tax which is levied on miners by the Hudson Bay Company, &c., 6zc, it is indeed a herculean undertaking to gel to the mines by way of Frazier's river. W. II. Gray, of Astoria, writes to the Standard that at Fort Hope, only ISO miles from Vancouver's Island, up Fra- zier's liver, beef was 73 cents a pound, ba con CO cents, and flour 940 a barrel. Some miners who have returned say they lived on horse meat in the mines at three dollars a pound. On Frazier's river the miners are said to have a prospect of making about $18 a day when the water falls. On Thomp son's river they are said to be making from $30 to $50 a day, and some have made over a hundred, Ihose who write from Fort Hope advise all to go by way of the Dalles, with pock animals. They will thus be able to take their provisions into the mines, and save the annoyances of be ing stopped to take out lioense from the Hudson Bay Company, besides the great est dangers and difficulties that render a passage to tho mines by way of Frazier's river next to impossible. Capt. Robertson, who was with the com pany that met with a defeat from the In dians on the Yakima, starts from the Dalles next Tuesday (20lh) with about 300 men well armed. David McLoughlin's compa ny is waiting to join Robertson. A good many companies of miners from California had come through to the Dalles by way of Klamath Lake, and gone on to the mines. They had got along very well with the In dians so far as heard from. In the election for U. S. Senators the vote Ar Lane stood as follows Bonbam, Birch,' Dcrry, Bristow, Cochran, Colby, t urim, uaziy, urom, I 'orcnce, Craner, Harding, Hannah, Hedges, Hoyt, Elkins, Holton, Jenuings, Lassater, Mclninch, Mc Oee, Mclteeny, McCully, Morrison, Ncl son, Nichols, Norris, Patterson, Ruckle, buelby, Sievens, Scott, Shuck, Slater, I nomas, Tichenor Trovitt, Wait, 1" Vault, Wells, Waymire, Cozad, Cruzan, Crooks, Lamson, and Newcomb 48. Delazon Smith received the same vote, except McOee, McCully, Nichols, Shuck, blater, Gaily, and Mclteeny. David Logan received the voles of Bowl by McCully, Nichols, Shuck, Slater, Cor nehus, Mclteeny, and Williams. Dryer voted on the first ballot for Jake Woodsides, and on the second ballot Dryer voted for Jo Teal. (Republicans are marked thus . Hard locofocos in roman. Soft locos or " nation als" in italics. It will be noticed that all tbe " nationals" voted for Lane except Dryer. Those Re publicans who helped elect Jo Lane through such men as Shuck and his allies, must feel very comfortable under the consciousness of having indirectly supported one of the most obsequious tools of the nigger-driving fire-eaters a man who used all of his in- fluence to fasten the curse of slavery on Oregon. How Dryer, who tailed on to the Standard for natioual voles, can excuse limself with the leaders of that party for bolting Lane and supporting a bushite, we are at a loss io see. We shall look to see him read eut of the national party for this act of treachery. S.W In drawjm. 0u for terms of office. the four year term fell on the following State Senators-Berry, Colby, Drain, Elk ins, Florence, Grim, Mclteeny, and Wil- isms. 1 he following drew for two rears Bristow, Cornelius, Gazly, Ruckle, Scott, Wells, and Waymire. tftT Mr. Bacon has oar thanks for nu merous favors ia the way of looking after the interests of this office. He ought to have been elected Sheriff, and we art very sorry he wasn't. Although W. 0. TVault, tbe oldest and most talented member of the corps of dem ecratic editors, wss elected Speaker ef tbe House of Representatives of the Stats La gislature, ws ses that bis high talents, great moral worth, far-seeing political sagacity soundness on the goose, and dignity of years, have not protected him from the talons of the political harpies that swarm around tbe clique head quarters. Crap key's organ of this week contains a letter from a disappointed aspirant for the U. S, Benatorsuip, in wuicn tbie anonymous scribbler snarls and frets at the unwsshed for their love of Jo Lane and their apparent determination to keep him in office for life T'Vault Is charged with the terrible crime of being a " personal" friend of Jo, and the writer (either Deady or Williams prob ably) thinks that the election of T'Vault as Speaker, a man " who sometimes votes the democrat ie ticket and sometimes bolts it, just as suits his convenience, is a result which no democrat (sound bushite) can boast as being an honor to that party." Now, friend T'Vault is an old pioneer, and really the Nestor of the Oregon de mocracy. Ho Las a seat deep in the affec tions of the demooraoy, and the clique are jealous of Lim. They have kicked him considerably, but up to this, hour ha bas been a faithful leader in the party. He seems conscious of bis present position and influence, and if Le should happen to turn "national," be knows full well that there would also be a terrible " turning and twisting" in the ranks generally. That he has any such idea, we are not aware, but be told us day before yesterday that "if the Nationals had a good politician to lead them, thty could tarry this State in one year and it wouldn't take much to cut me looterom Grover." (The Colonel has rather a poor opinion of the "leading'' qualities of Leland and Dryer.) Um Valeals. Will somebody who knows inform us about how many centuries, under the oper ations of a black democratic administration in a Land Office, it will naturally take for patents to issue t If the Whigs or Repub licans had been in power since the passage of the Land law, we should have had an incessant howl from the locofoco press about the " delay in issuing patents." We recollect that the followers of Jo Smith had no other title to their real estate in Nauvoo than Jo's promise of a deed. Jo Smith died without forking over the deeds, and we predict that the locofoco party will be dead before those patents issue. S3T We had a debate in the Court House last Monday night for and against lager beer. As the speakers all seemed to be on one side, we volunteered to defend the lager side, thinking that the beer-drink ers would of course pluck up courage and come te the rescue. We had, however, to stand the wholo brunt of tbe battle. The anti-beer men seemed dissatisfied with the result of the fight and were anxious to " try it over again" next Monday night If the lager beer drinkers don't help us eut next lime, we shall conclude that they are ashamed of their practices, or else have great confidence in our ability to fight against a dreadful odds. 031 A good many people are waking up to the importance of sending an Oregon pn- per to their friends in the States, so as to koep them posted up in our gold and other important newa. Many of our patrons are sending tho A."U3 tp their friends tail, a good many of whom we hear have already got the Oregon fever, and think of emigra ting soon. We have stopped a good many papers sent to the States, because the lime paid for had expired. Some of them grum ble at this arrangement, but they must blame their friends and not us. We can not afford to send them the paper free. CSr We are glad to see that many of our farmers are beginning to turn their atten tion to raising more grain since the mines broke out. They intend to ret 82.00 a bushel for wheat this fall. At such prices, isn't farming about as good as mining t We have heard several men inquiring for chances to rent farms. OCT The steamers Enterprise and Swan have been purchased and taken below the Falls for Frazier's River. The Enterprise was sold for $10,000. Among the improvements which have recently been made in this city, which we have not yet chronicled, is the new store-bouse built by Cris Taylor, and a fine livery stable built by Gibson it Pot ter. Mr. Partlow is building a very com modious livery stable on his premises. 03 Our friend S. K. Barlow thinks the platform in front of our office looks more ike a "democratic platform" than a Repub- ican one. Will the proprietor of this building Ioek into that matter ? OCT Col. T'Vault, of the Jacksonville Sentinel, was in town this week and paid us a visit. He banded ns a short news item of public interest, which we have placed in our advertising columns. tW We intend to make a speech at McMinnville next Saturday (July 24), at o clock p. k. CST Ws hear that the Herald of Jackson ville is to be removed to Rosebnrg. Several hundred beef cattle passed through this eity last Wednesday en route for the new mines. JJT "Jenny GUn," In writing an ac count of tbe Lafayette celebration, says of the dinner: " Tbe dinner may well be called a ' feast of fat thing.' While it speaks volumes fur the liberality of our citizens, In furnish Ins ut with such a supply of meats, we think it denotes but little in the wsy of our advancement in the great work or relorin, Beloved and respected friends at Lafayette, we would like to teach you a little lesson of economy. The dollars you spent in the purchase of those meats, which we give vnu the credit to say arc first rate in their line. woutJ have purchased any amount of tropical and Oregon fruits. You could have furnished a vast quantity of other niceties, and saved yourselves a great amount of disagreeable labor in the bargain, and we'll venture to say, ynu would have been better satisfied with the result. We're not complaining, only throwing out a hint for " next Fourth," which we hope you will duly consider." They bad a celebration in Lafayette a few years ago and had no meat. This time they probably had a superabundance. "Jenny Glen" may admire a dinner with out meat, and think such a one a "step in advance in the great work of reform." For our part we go In for meat, and just aa many other good things as possible. If In addition to the meats in Lafayette they could have afforded " tropical and Oregon fruits," besides a bountiful supply of such coffee aa we once gave a receipt fur mak ing, it would indeed have been a glorious repast. But, like Jenny Glen, we have no disposition to 14 complain" under tbe cir cumstances. CO" The ever-attentive Sullivan of San Francisco, and S. J. McCormick of the popular Franklin Book Store at Portland, laid us under obligations for splendid selec tions of eastern exchanges per last steamer 03" Flour is selling in this city fur 822 barrel. Josxrut.NB Co., June 14, 1858. Dkab A rods The election is over, and the result in this county is a Isrge major ity for tbe regular Democrat io candidates. I do not, however, consider that a proof of the prevalence of Democratic principles ; it only provea how easily men, who are constantly boasting of the freedom thy advocate and profess to enjoy, may be co erced and oppressed by -the Demagogues who lead them. Yet, these very men of all others, in windy declamations of froth and fury, pro fess to deplore the influence that moneyed power possesses over elections ; pitying the poor artisan whose vote is controlled by bis employer, whose very life depends, per haps, upon his being employed, because he dared not express his will at the polls. I also pity auch, but I do neteame them : poverty is an exacting and inexorable ty rant; men may be coerced by poverty, and still retain the respect of their fellows ; but who can respect men who have no such excuse to plead. Every man who properly appreciates political liberty, must hold all such in utter contempt, who, at the cowardly dread of a party proscription, refuse to express their own convictions at the polls; and I know that there are hundreds, perhaps thou sands in Oregon who do so at every elec tion. Why are Democratic leaders so tenacious of the " viva voce" system of voting, unless to compel obedience to caucus dictates, from their abject followers and pliable puppets. To Lear such men boast of their liberty, is as nauseous to me as a dose of tartar emetic. Liberty is indeed within their reach, but they have uot ih? stamina to grasp it. I think, Mr. Argus, we bad better leave the negroes to their fate for a lime, and try to liberate these white democratic slaves. There is another class of voters, wh should be either scorned or pitied, I scarce ly know which ; it is composed of men who cannot bear to bo called Black Re publicans, Disunionists, Abolitionists, dec. although their sympathies are with the party to which these terms are applied. Poor fellows 1 I suppose you are constitu tionally afraid of ghosts and shadows. You had better take something for the ben efit ef your lives : a large dose of the Ar gus for instance might help you ; if not, try Sir Walter Scott's letters on Demon ology. It is rumored that the "gallant Colonel" Nesmith will be a candidal for U. S, Senator. I intend, bye and bve. as I am a lover of justice, to bestow upon him some laurels which I think he richly earned, in bis short but brilliant career in the Northern Indian war. Hia humanity towards the peer Indians, his energy and firmness in the field, his fatherly care for the safety of his men, and the condescend ing deference which ha accorded to Major Haines and his opinions, certainly deserve something from the people of Oregon. Whatever they may be, I for one, am anx ieus that the Colonel should have it. I am, Dear Argus, An Observer. Ft lit Argus. Slavery. Mr. Editor I propose to send you a few articles on the subject of slavery, ad dressed particularly to your Christian readers, believing it to be a moral as well ss a political evil. In this paper I will lav down three general propositions: 1. The unity of the human race. This I think the Bible so plainly tesches that I need not take lime to prove it. 2. Unity of race naturally gives equality of rights, tbs prln cipal of which ars life, liberty, and tha pur suit of happiness. 3. No man can right fully depriva a fellow man of either tboso rights without a clearly expressed divine warrant for o doing. That any roan can show such warrant, I fuel disposed to deny J and in the following articles pur pose to show that the assumption that the Bible supports slavery is founded upon misinterpretation and misapplication of the word of God. In doing this, I shall Art! examine some of the principal passages and arguments upon which slaveholders rely, and then present some proofs of the criminality of sll slavebolding, and es ptcially American slavebolding under the laws and regulations of all the Slave States, and that no Christian ought to vote for tho extension of slavery or support a party that would allow of Us extension. 1 am aware that this is laklng strong ground, and unless it csn be backed up by strong proofs will fail. For these proofs wait fur the next article. j. Marion Co , July 4, 1858. An Offer from Lmur. Porter. Tho repeated outrages on our vessels by British cruisers have induced Lieut. W. D. Porter, late of the United States navy, to suggest to the New York merchants to employ a pilot-boat, armed with a long 10 inch shell gun, to convoy their vessels from the coast of Cuba. Ho volunteers his services, and pledges himself to return the firo of the British steamer Styx. (&" Tbn Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer says: "I alluded, a day or two ago, to ihe hopes entertained, at least by some portion of the Deinocratie press, that Mr. Douglas was likely io be coaxed back to his old alle giance. I have since satisfied myself con. clusivcly that there is no prospect or possi bility of auch a contingency, and that, in this instance, with the papers alluded to. the wish is only the father to ihe thought. "Mr. Douglas carefully counted ihe cost, when be hrst decided upon Ins pros ent course, and he is not tho man to look back, ns did Let's wife." (rThe Courier des Eta is Unis fur nUhes a comparison between the navies of Great Britain and France, contending that however superior in number of vessels the former may be to the latter, yet in point of ability for effective service the ad van. lage is altogether on the sidu of France. Lnglnnd possesses 550 ships of war, partly sailing, partly screws, and 102 gun boats. To complete the equipsge of her men-of-war, England needs 100,000 men, and she is entirely without ability to fur nish them. Her present material for na val service including cabin boys, is but 69,380. On the other hand, France Las 460 ships of war and 30 gunboat, and ihe per sonntl of the French marine is perfectly organized ; in time of peace 50,000 suffio ing, in time of war 130,000 being necessary to comple te the armament of all the ves sels, whil6 the population of the French coast can furnish 102,000 sailors. Sacrileob. The bones of E llen Allen have been stolen I Perhaps his skeleton even now graces the dissecting room of some surgical vandal. At all events, he is not in the gravo. A thorough search to the depth of six or eight feet has been made in all parts of the family lot at Bur- lington, Vt., where his tombstone stood, and not the sign of human remains can be found. In consequence of this remarkable discovery, or rather, fuiluro to discover the laying of the contemplated monu ment to his memory has been indefinitely poj'noned, and there is great excitement In Burlington. Death of Mabtin KosTA.--Martin Kosta, the Hungarian refugee !;o was . j . . . . . . . . i rescuea irom me Austrian authorities in 1853, by Commander Ingrnham, of the U. S. Navy died recently, in very indigent circumstances, on a sugar plantation near tbe city of Guatemala. Progress of Iowa. The area of Iowa is 66,000 square miles. In 1838 its pop ulation was 10,531; in 1840, 43,106 j in 1844, 71,640 j in 1850, 102,204 ; in 1856, 603,625. The Presidential vote of 1856 was 02,644. The taxable property in 1851 was $28,464,550; in 1853, $44,540,- 804, in 1855 8116,895,390, and in 1857, 8210,044,683. The present population of ihe State is estimated at 800,000. 05" The State of Illinois ia said to con tain the most extensive coal deposits of any country of equal extent en the globe. It is more than is contained in all Europe. Nearly 60,000 square miles of surface rests upon basins of coal, at deptba convenient for profitable mining, and very often coal is found at the surface, and is obtained by ripping or casting off the layer of soil above. OCT The English claim, aa it is well known, the invention of the magnetic tele graph for one of themselves, a Mr. Wheat stone. The trans-Atlantic telegraphic enter prise has caused this matter to be much talked of io Europe, and the Paris Moni teur, the official paper of France, settles it thus: No doubt the discovery of the principle upon which the electric telegraph system is founded does not belong te Mr. .worse, but ha was the first to transfer that iscovery from the region of speculative science into that of practical application. It is owing to his labors and his investiga tions, the honor of which is incontwibly i due to him, that electrical cominuniosiioa which before bis tims was but a mr fa! asserted by science, has become a realit. and one of ihe most useful acqulsli which our age bas made and has to be queatb to posterity." Imfortant Gkommjical Facts. At tLs recent meeting of tbe American Assncla. tlon for tbe Advancement af Science, some' Interesting facts were presented In regard to tjie recent discoveries In the western ter. litorles of the United Slates, of f,i fi mains of the elephant, rhinoceros, .,,,' and other animals that have horetofor, been supposed to bave existed only , lDi torrid cone; also twe maeladons of ,. sual description, and otbsr evidences which seem to show that this part of ihe gout bas experienced a radical change ofclinw, since the ores lion of the world, snd that ) all probability our hemisphere is the older of lbs two. These facts present a most interesting field fur scientific investigation, which the geologisU will not fail to Improve. OCT The Democrats have very Inns- ft. ces when they think of the late election, everywhere through the country. If lue Democrats look pride now, ss they did in tho old Jackson time, in calling themselves " whole hops," we should say, while view, ing their visages, that pork chops Lave fallen. Louisville Journal. (KT East Tennessee pspers are discussing the propriety of reconstructing the State of Frnnkland. The Memphis Bulletin fvora a division of Tennessee, and the formation of a new State from the Western portion, with North Mississippi snd the Western cornor of Kentucky. fcThe Washington Union thinks that our republican theory of government has failed. It certainly expressed no such op inion bi fore 1853. And what soft 0f rule, American or Democratic, has the govern! ment been under ever since that lime I I it not LocofocoiMii that Las failed rather than nur theory of government I Louisville Journal. Death of Senator Henderson U. S. Senator Henderson, from Texas, died at Washington, June 3d. A Sacreo Relic lu Gironda ihe pub lic librarian has discovered a manuscript of ihe Bible, which is traced to the early part or ihe twelfth century. It it written on parchment of great fineness. The pa pes aro divided into two columns, and en riched with arabesques and ornamented tellers, painted with great taste. - Ancient Manuscript of the Greek Testament. It is staled in an Alliens journal, that a manuscript copy on parch ment of the Gospels in Greek, and bearing the dale 480, has recently been found in ibe garret of a house in that city. Ilia said to be in good preservation, and has been deposited in the public library ef Athens. 0" Hoops are now beinir so constructed as to serve for lents, and in cae of ashower, au mat a lady will have to Jo will be to touch a sprinj!, and in a moment, she will find herself ensconced (like a snail) in a little house of her own. When I his im provement is generally adopted, the streets during a storm will present the appesrance of an extensive encampment. 03 A California paper states that two "colored ctinmcn" recently' quarreled about a feminine, and met in mortal com bat. After an exchange of shots, ihe Sher iff arrested the parlies and carried them to jail, when a pistol bullet was found "flat tened our and lodged in the wool of one of the combatants, who was quite unaware of having been touched. An old toper chancing lo drink a glass of water, for want of something stron ger, smacked his lips, and turned to one of his companions, remarking, YV hy it don't taste bad. I bave no doubt 'tis wholesome for females and tender chil dren." 03" in !hi country success is the result of merit, for the keen observance of our countrymen i proverbial. We conceive that the unequalled L'cocss of MarsbsU'a Uterine Catholicon io all femJe diseases' is owing to its great superiority over all tho remedies of a similar nature; and al though we rarely advise the taking of any patent medicine, we know this to be so ben eficial in its effects that we commend il to the attention of all who are suffering from uterine complaints. JV. Y. Medical Jour. Notice. On Monday evening, July 19th, 1638, st7 o'olock r. M ., tht eitixent of this place will mwl st the Court I loose lo discuss the merits and denwils of Lager Bter. All persons sre invited lo altead and participate in tho discussion. By ordor of the meeting;. John T. Arrsasoa, Soc'y. On last Monday evening the Tempsraaos Bed' ety met and elected the following Ecs for tbs ensuing year: W.C. . Johnson, President) P. H. IhTCK, Vies it; and J. T. Arriuoa, BeoreUuy aad President ; Treasurer. Bona and Sot Jbr aUle. mUE property known as the - TVsull , X Properly," situate on ihe beak of Ihe jHJ'l river iiwt below R. Caufield's store. Ore-i m i f on City, is for sale. It is a delightful family iet idsnce, aud destined lo be valntblo. For terms, apply lo the subscriber or H. Ciuficld al Can6eld s store, W. G. TVAULT. July 17, 1858. M To those Going to the Mines. I TAKE this method of lolling MINERS saa traveler know tbal I bsve ploaly af PROVISIONS XORSE-FEDi AT THE Lower Crowd! of Saoelr, oat EsHlgrasal Rtal( (Eight miles above Philip. Foster's,) On dav's iourarT from there laths sumaiib 1 ess give all Beeetnry direouooa ss to lb r"' J Ibe bailee m lo water, gtus, Ae. Fresh soot always oa band. Prieee Vstv Rsawusi. Julyl7, Ig55, (KA.V-13