The Oregon Argus. (Oregon City [Or.]) 1855-1863, July 10, 1858, Image 1

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TKHM-Tka Asuus wilt bt furnUhtd at
Thru VotUr. a4 1',tf w. ,,. anwum, ,
mdcmet, ft ii hi! It tuhtcribtrifkrr, IMImrs
..,'."' '? ''"4 '' ' t- Jr.i-
1M Ikt mimr It ul pvij i iJriutt, t'uur
DALu, mill h. rkrgtl if pa.J wilkin
moolhl, anil fire Hullurt al Ikt tmlaflkt year.
tiullnr, fur ait mantkaSa mbierlp
liou rtetlfd fur a hu ftriad.
IW W iimUna,4 !! alt arrearage!
art paiU.aaltaa allhtmplioaef I hi pahluker.
About five years .go there was published
t Lauianno, Swiizurland, pamphlet wiih
(lie abova tills. Ii is constructed very In
jjoniuusly.end summary of iu contents
cannot full to be instructive. We copy
frxtin the Ladle' Repository ;
Eight gentlemen, olj friend, enjoying a
good refutation at honorable and upright
men, are traveling together. While on
llieir excursion, they address loons another
tbie qurslion: "Are you happy fully
nappy f r.acn one or mem speaks from
tlio heart with frankness, and vithout re
serve; and tlio following are the answers
which they respectively givo :
Til lUMKJi. " I have acquired, by
long and honest endeavor, a lurge and
brilliant fortune. All my wants are easily
satisfied without diminishing tny cn;iitnl or
my income. I frr nothing for my lorrca
I rial future, My fnmla are plaoed in slock
t)t a reliable and solid basis; Tlio poor
envy my lot, wbilo the wealthy admire tho
success of mv operations, posses an
amiablo fumily. My v. if.) an J my chil
dren combine to spare mo the leant ilegroe
of troublo, and to render agreeable ench
day of my Ufa. Nevertheless, I am not
fully happy. There i one thing which
troublea me, wnicli poisons my joys, and
wbicb cntta a funeral pull over tho decline
of my life ; that ono thing 1 the thought
that all these goods, I time riches, this dear
family, iheio sweet affection, are transient,
perishable, and tlinl very soon I ahull lose
them forever. My heart is tad and cast
Tin CoLixBt.. " I have known the glory
of nrm, and the intoxicating triumphs of
war. Ilow hut my lieu r I swelled with
pride, when, at tho head uf my soldier, I
have proslruted the ballnlinn ami scaled
tho riimnuru of iho enemy ; nr when, lif
ter I ho victory, I have beheld my name
oiled i h honor in the hullntint of tho
commaudur-in-i'liiel! It seemed to mo that
no ho mu u destiny was. inoro noble than my
own. Hut now a tcrriMn sentence re
echoes in my ear. One day, ufier a deadly
ttombnt, I walked over the field of balllo.
Seeing an ndicor Weltering in hi blood, l
endeavored to lift him up. 'Thank you,'
said the dying one, in a languid voice ; and
turning hi head he Continued, 'Thank
you; but it ia too hue! wo must all die;
think upon it, think upon it!' And with
liia last sijih ho ulteri-d this solemn sen
tence, ' We must all t i !' Ii Ins fastened
itself lo my memory iko an iinplacuble
fury, from which there la ns deliverance.
I have eoino oilmen's of joy ; but, alus!
my friend, I mu not fully happy."
.The Diplomatist. " Honors b.ive been
heaped upnn me in my long career. My
country, to which I have rendered some
Mtrviee, hua generously recompensed ihe
trt which I have employed for its interct's
Mild dignity. Public gratitude has met me
nt every step ; and the testimony of estoeni
is greater than I could havo expected erer
to merit. Tho poor have been tho object of
my charities. 1 have fed them, and cloth
ed them ; and they have not been un
grateful. Noaviilistunding, I want some
thing; I know nut well what it is; hut my
honrt is omp'y. Often I feel myself un.
quiet, oppressed, discontented, without any
apparent en use fur sadness. I have vague
desires after an ideal something which I
can not reach, and all my honors are in
sufficient to euro the secret malady of my
heart. No, my friends, I am not truly
Tub Poet. "In my youth the Muses
were prodigal of their sweetest smiles. I
loved to pursue my delightful reverios in
the cool retirement of the loafy woods, or
or the flowery banks of tho streamlet. 1
soared like an eagle above all the little in
ercsta and the frivolous passions of the
World. My poetical inspirations were re
ceived with universal applause. My name
was heard in the most obscure hamlets of
iny native land ; and the fair and beautiful
in the public places whispered as I passed,
It is tlte poet Many, very many, assured
mo that my glory was immortal. But what
U such an immortality? If these are
dreamers, or rather fools, who demand no
thing more, I leave them to their folly. I
uppire to another immoitulity. The vain
incense of men does not satisfy mo. I look
nt final retails at the only true reality ;
nd, having no positive assurance of that
final result, gentlemen, I declare lo you
with candor, I am not fully happy."
The Mas or tuk Would." For my
self, I have not such bitter complaints to
make. I try to laugb at everything. My
wisdom consists in looking on the bright
aide of things. It is true that I have some
times tho ennui; but what signifies that f
I endeavor still to bo gay. I go to the
theater, to balls, to concerts, and to alt
sorts of amusements which 1 find. The
best ouilosophy is to amuse one's self as
suuen s po?ib!e." ' Hut," demanded the
diplomatist, "when" old age sickness; and
adversity come upon yM. what will be
come of year pleasures and amusements I"
.Then," replied the worldling, ffilh av,
dent embarrassment, ' 1 willsubm.t to my
destiny." " Hut," continued the d.ploraa
tist, "in thia uncertainty; are you fully
bappy I" " No," replied the gentleman of
the world, In a deep, low voice, "and, if
you absolutely wish that 1 should confess to
yeu, I avow to you that I am not fully
hPPr" , . . ,
The Ou Law tb4.u I have reached
the a"e of three score years and ten.
Health, fortune, reputatiod, domestic aflec
lion. a" 'ha ' Y"- SS 1 .WBV
(be midst of business, overwhelmed with
-j ..,i!n. nad not having a
moment for reflection. 1 sighed afte he
time wheal miKht lake repose. Ah . I
often aaid to myself, what a sad life ia that
of the advocate! Always processes al
ways feverish excitement, and heavy labor.
But patience and courage ! I will acquire
by my economies an easy fortune, and I
will enjoy perfect contentment before tbe
UJ of mv cajcer.' Will, my fricuJ, I
A Weekly NcpaH.'r, devoted to tho Principle's of Jellensonirm Democracy, nnd advocating
Vol. IV.
have reached the object of my desires no
more pro-occup.tions j no mora tangled
and painful cases. 1 have at much leisure
at an nn.osn mi.h . Inn ,.,,i,i..,..n
contentment is not my heritage. I he'
hour seem lo me so lung ; when 1 have
read my books and newnpaperi two orl
three hours, I have enough of them, rtd I '
do not know a in ,1.. i.h it,- ... .r .1.. 1
dav. Mv exinumni i. mnni,.n.. iik.l,,,e Molucca Islands. There, In the do
orcd; and I should be telling an u'niruth
in saying mat 1 am fully happy."
. um uKLio.oua i-hofbssor.-- for my.
holiness of tbe law ; I believe in Ihe jus-
lice of God; I bu'ieve in the final iudif.
meni. But my conscience is not tranquil ;
I"""" P?. " lU0,yenw ' "e Uw,le being auperior lo all othera in existence.
Peath, which is stealing on, fills me w lh''n10 ua i 1 rt .i i . i.
Inq tudo and fright. Evory day I rend I ' lHrse flocki' 8"J al n,B!"
my Bible, and nrav with rcculaiitv. OnlPcrchon m tree. They fly very
tho Subbath my placo is never empty in
the house ol (iod. I can assure you that
I nilcnd most fuilhfully to nil the ordi
nances of the church. Nevertheless.
troublo and anguish accompany me every-
where; lalwayaaeein God a severe and
aucry Judve; and the thought of anoeir
ing before his tribunal, with my innumer
able sin, fills mo wilh an insurmountable
anxiety. No, I am not fully happy ; I am
not happy al all."
The Christian Physician. " My dear
friends, your avowals have caused me no
astonishment. The Bible and experience
are united in teaching that neither fortune.
glory, honor, genius, nor anything else of
una world, can render ua rully happy.
God bus creatod our hearts for himself,
and so long as they are not given to him,
ihry are lilted with uneasiness and an
guish. I have gone through tho snmn ex
perience as ynurselvea. In my youth I
adopted the principles of materialism; and
notwithstanding the success which I ob
tained in my profession, 1 tasted no happi
ness. Rut, by iho grace of God, I have
been snatched from those dcnolHting doc
trines. The reading of the Scripturea
showed me that I was a sinner; and thia
conviction was mv first step in the new
way. Since then I have turned my eyes
to'Lhrtst and lit in crucified ; and a peni
Mil trust in my blessed Savior has given
inn a peace, a contentment, a joy 'which
piisseih all understanding.' I fear nothing;
I know the crown of righteousness is re
served for me in heaven." " You are then
fully happy V said one of the company.
" Yes, my friend ; I confide in the love, in
the ft Iclity of God, who has given for me
his Son, his own Son, in order that I might
be rendered happy in this world and in ihnt
which is to come." " Yeu therefore do
not fear the end," aaid the Colonel. " No,
my dear brother; for that which you call
the end is for me the commencement."
Tub Biro op Paradise. There are
birds that have more deceived and
puzzled tho learned lhau this. Sume have
described it as an inhabitautofthe air, living
only upon the dew of heaven, and never
coming down to earth. Others have ac
quiesced in the latlnr part of its history,
but have finally cut otTite legs before they
brought it to market. Thus concealing
its greatest deformity, they considered
themselves entitled to rise in their demands
when they ofTered it for sale. Ono deceit
led to another. The buyer, finding tbe
bird without legs, naturally inquired after
them ; and the seller as naturally began to
assert that it had none. Thus far, the
European 'was imposed upon by others;
in all tbe rest be imposed upon himself.
Seeing so beautiful a bird without legs, ho
concluded It could only live in tbe air,
where legs were unnecessary. The extra
ordinary splendor of its plumage assisted
this deception ; and, as it had heavenly
beauty, so it was assorted to have a heav
enly residence. Hence its name, and all
the false reports that have been made con
cerning it.
Error, however, ia short-lived, and time
has discovered that thia bird not only has
legs, but very large, strong ones, for its
size. Soon after Ibis discovery was made,
this harmless bird was branded with the
character of being rapacious, of destroying
all birds of smaller size, and from the ama
zing rapidity of its flight, as well qualified
for a vast deal of mischief. The real his
tory of this pretty creature la at present
tolerably well known ; and it is found to be
as harmless aa beautiful.
There are several species of the Bird of
Paradise. Some of them are as large as a
pigeon, though in reality the body ia not
much greater than that of the thrush. The
tail, which is about ix inches io length, ia
as long as the body. The wings are larg,
compared with the bird's other dimensions.
The head, the throat, and the neck, are of
a pale gold color, the base of the bill and
side of the bead and throat are surrounded
by black feathers, which are as soft as vel
vet, and changeable; like, those on the neck
of a blackbird. Tbe binder part of tbe
head is of a shining green, mixed with
gold. The body and wings are chiefly
covered with beautiful brown, purple, and
gold feathers. The uppermost part or the
tail feathers are of a pale yellow, and those
under them white and leuger than the for.
r. u,hi,fc muos tbe hinder part of
h. tail aDoers to be all white. But what
i.;,(W excites curiosity are the two long,
r.iK. .hich sDrinff from the up-
per rart of the rump, above tbe tail, and nothing else, H sticks la ihe party
tin.!, are usually about three feet .onj.lpiij.fsrm.MiihM
These are bearded only at the beginning
,j ihecnd. lht whul, ,haft fur abotll
, . , . , . , '. , , ,
l '' nl" 'ncboa, being of a deep black,
lns fc'"'l extremity isofach
u cow,
This bird, which for beauty e
0,hor .ni-cle. of thi. m.n. I. .
0,nor I"ol of ,hl Senn"
exceeds all
native of,
j liglstTuI and spicy woods of the country,
these beautiful creatures fly in very large
flocka, so that h groves which produce the
lu" lucmsoivea are periecuy
' of the great beauty of these birds,
and give them tho name of " Gou" birds,"
! rpidly, and are almost continually on the
wine, in nursuit of insects, whieli farm
their food.
A Caution to Conceited Young Men.
voun medical .tmlnnt i,,m M...I.!.
pan, who had been attending lecturea in
New York fur some months past, and con
sidered himself exceedingly good-looking,
knowing and fascinating, made a dead on.
act upon the heart and fortune of a bloom
ing young lady who was hoarding in tbe
house with him. After a prolonged aicge,
the lady surrendered. Tbey were mar
ried on a Vednosday morning. That
same afternoon, the "young wifV' sent for
and exhibited to the astonished student a
"beautiful lilile daughter," three and a
half yeare of age. " Good heavens ! then
you were a widow !" exclaimed the astoun
ded young man. " Yes, my dear, and this
Is Amelia, my youngest. To-morrow,
Augustus, James and Reuben will arrive
from the country, and tln I shall have all
my durlings together once more." The
unhappy youth replied not a word. Ilia
feelings were too deep for utterance. The
next day the "ether darlings" arrived.
Reuben was six years old, James nine, and
Augustus a saucy boy of twelve. They
were delighted to bear that they had
"new papa," " because they could now live
at home, and have all the playthings they
wanted!" The new "papa," aa aoon as
he could speak, remarked that Augustus
and James did not much resemble Reuben
and Amelia. " Well, no," said the happy
mother ; " nty first husband was quite a
different style of man from my second'
complexion, temperament, color of Lair
and eves, all different." This was too
much. Ho bad not only married a wid
ow, but was her third husband, and the as
tounded step-fuiher of four children.
" But tlio fortune," thought he ; " that
will make amends." lie spoke of her
fortune. "These are my treasures!" said
she, in the Roman matron style, pointing to
her children. The conceit was now quite
taken out of the young Michigander, who,
finding that he had made a complete goose
of himself, at once retired to a farm in his
native State, where be could have a chance
to render his 'boys' useful, and make them
sweat for the deceit practiced upon him by
their rhother.
Cr The London Times thus caricatures
our Congress t
" In Congress, on the other side of the
great sea, our transatlantic cousins manage
these matters expeditiously. When a
proposition is brought before the House of
Ueprebentatives at Washington, any hon
orable gentleman to whom it may bo ob
noxious may defeat it 1st, by knocking
down the proposer on the floor of the
House ; 2d, by slipping across the House
with a friend, and canine or cowhiclinc both
the proposer and seconder ; 3d, by a rush
of all the nays at all the yeas, and by a
general ' scrimmage ;' 4th, by speaking
against time to avoid an immediate decis
ion, and, during adjournment, by pistoling
or knifing at the bar of an hotel the pro
poser and all members wbo may aeem dis
posed lo lend him serious support. It is
quite clear that, by this mixture of force
and reason, quicker results are obtained
than by our own more wearisome forma."
Foreign Emigration. The falling off
in tbe number of emigrants thia season ia
very marked. The total arrivala of emi
grants at New York for the present year
up to May Stb, were 12,497, against 35,
4U7 for the same period last year. At
this rate the emigration for tbe present
year will be less than 30,0U0.
The report of the Commissioner of emi
gration for April shows thai 2,171 passen
gers were from Liverpool, 51 from London,
04 from Glasgow, COB from Havre, 105
from Bremen, 016 from Hamburg, and 34
from Aotwerp. Five steamers brought 1,
577 passengers, and 16 aailing vessels
Pcgh and THE President. Senator
Pugb, of Ohio, has only been in the Sen
ate a short lime, but he has gained a celeb
rity which aome of hia brother Senators
fail to achieva after a decade ofeemce.
Ha is quite young, and ia known as lb
! talented yoang Senator from Uhio. Ii.
is, perhapa, the most Democratic Demo-
crat living. 'w;eTes in the party, and
advocates all party measures, and supports
the parly's President.
But it appears that the President Is as
faithless to I'ugh as Pugh has been fuithful
lo the President. Through the whole of
.mv iiuroe nnu uvsperaie ivansas oailie, the
.u- c i .i i- i
Senator stood bv the Presidoi.t like a broth
er, and did nearly at much aa any other
man in Congress to aecure iho passage of
the English-Bill. Dut when, in return
for his arduous services, he desired to ad
vise tbe President in relation to some Ohio
appoiolment, the President insultingly turns
on his heel, and tells the "talented young
Senator from Ohio ' to go about bia bus
iness. The Washington correspondent of
the New loik limes says of the quarrel
"Tho difficulty which has occurred bo
tweon Senator 1'uuh. of Ohio, and tho Pres
ident, ia apparently irreconcilable, though
cuoris unve oeen maue to paten up a peace.
The quarrel has gone so far that Puph do
claro he will never again enter the White
House while Buchanan is President, and
tho President is reported to have said that
he regards I'ugh as no better than Male."
Kr Says the Louisville Journal " The
Philadelphia Pennsylvanian saya that all
parties have cause to thank the President.
If ever the American party thank him, it
will be for the good service ha has done in
breaking up the Domocracy."
03" The St. Louis Democrat refers to
the result of the lato municipal election in
Philadelphia as nn evidenco of tho prodi
gious power of tho Lecompton fraud. It
" The Republican candiduto for Mayor
was elected oy 4,300 majority. t,ast (Jo
tober the city gave Wilmot, the Republi
can candidate for Governor, 10,001 votes ;
llazelhurst American, 14,33o; Packer,
Democrat, 27,740. Combined majority
against the Republicans, 32,083. Repub
lican cam since Lecompton waa introdu
ced, 30,3831"
The Second Revival. A correspond-
ent of the Newburyport (Mass.) Herald, a
Democrat io paper, writes as follows recent
ly from Milwaukie, Wisconsin !
" Milwaukie has been visited by two re
vivals: one of religion, by which a great
and good work hat been accomplished;
and the other in politics, which have be
come sounder, purer, and bolter. Lecomp
ton has done the work for Democracy
here, as everywhere I have been, in passing
through eight Slates of ibe Union within
three months. This fact will show it :
Mr. Buchanan carried Milwaukie by 3,400
majority ; but on the 0th inst., at iho
charter election, the Anti Lecompton ticket
swopt the field almost without a struggle.
oo it ia all through Wisconsin, and all
through the Northwest. It U difficult to
find a man, the office-holders and a few of
the Irish excepted, wbo will own that he
ever was a Democrat. With one voice
they say that Mr. Buchanan's administra
tion is a decided failure, and his measures
are not to be indorsed by tbe freomen of
such a country as this."
An Incident. A Washington corres
pondent of a New York paper writes un
der date of the 10th of May:
"There ia a spicy story coine the
rounds, to tho effect that one day last week
a Western office-seeker, who has been here
a long time, and wbo baa been finally dis
appointed, called on the President in a rage,
and, after indulging in some pretty sharp
language, soized Mr. Buchanan by the col
lar, and shook a brawny fist under his nosel
Ihe venturesome individual was of course
immediately collared and kicked out of
the White House. The incident is not
believed by some of Mr. Buchanan's Penn
sylvania friends, because they say he could
and would have floored the disappointed
pugilist himself, which he did not do."
03" Iton. Eli Thayer, a member of Con
gress from Massachusetts, in a recent
speech, alluding 18 some assaults which
had been made on the history of his native
State, said, "There are some things which
I never attempt to defend. Among these
are the Falls of Niagara, tbe White Moun
tains of New Hampshire, the Atlantic
Ocean, Plymouth Rock, Bunker Hill, and
the History of Massachusetts 1"
A Snob. Senator Hammond, wbo in
his recent speech stigmatized the laboring
classes of tbe North aa " the mudsills of
society," and as " white slaves," is the tan
of a man who, in his younger days, was a
worthy and industrious butcher, and after
wards a worker of a saw mill. "Degen
erate son of a noble sire."
Sales of Public Lands. The aales of
public land for cash during ihe last quar
ter were large. The proceeds were $3,
056,236. This gratifying result was
wholly unanticipated by the Secretary of
the Treasury, who in December estimated
the total receipts from this source at 83,-
000,000 for tbe nine moatbs following tbe
30th of September.
Up to tbis time no sales have been made
of the reserved alternate sections with
drawn from private entry by tbe laws au
tborizing grants for Railroad purposes,
but when they shall become oj-en to pur
chase, the receipts train that source must be
very heavy. The qaaoiliy of land tboa ra-
, aerved ia not far from fifteen millions of
acres. Ii lies io the Stales of Michigan,
,ow,i Missouii, Arkansas and
the side of Truth iu every issue
No. 18.
Louisiana, and tho Territory of Minnesot
The minimum ptice is (2 00 per acre, and
as the lands will be in great request, ii
need excite no surprise if from this source
alono twenty millions of dollars flow Into
the Treasury within tho ensuing year.
The proceeds of land sales in Wisconsin
during the present quartar will be very
heavy, the lands previously offored for sale,
but withdrawn pending the adjustment of
the grants for railroads, having been this
month restored to privato entry, Ureal
public sulos of land will bo held in Iowa in
June, in rCausas in July, and in Nebraska
on the 0th of September. I am iuforiucd
at the Land Office that the quantity thrown
upon tho market in Kansas is three and a
half millions of acres, nnd in Ncbratka two
and a half millions. During tho coming
sum mer twenty, ihreo millions of acres
will be offered in California.
The U. 8. Senate. Tho Washington
correspondent of the Albany Evening
Journal writes as follows of (ho leading
members of the U. S. Senate :
" If a close aiudent of character and a
general reader of political biography were
asked to designate the five chief men of
the Senate, 1 think ho would promptly
name Seward, Douglas, Crittenden, Hun
ter, and Toombs. Of these. Suwsnl and
Hunter are the most philosophical thinkers.
and the most polished rhetoricians. Their
speeches will be permanently incorporated
among ino works- ol American Siatea
men. 8eward's will live longest, because
they are intrinsically the ablest, and discuss
topics of tho mast enduring interest lo
"Douglas and Toombs are the keencat.
strongest debaters; and, in impreasing an
immediate auditory, are the most effective
speakers. Of these two, Douglas is the
more subtle, terse, compact, and pointed.
lie nas more intensity but less fertility of
mind than Toombs; but the lllinoisan's
mail. coat ia closer wrought than the Goor.
gian'a ; so, though bo is equally daring
and vigorous in onslaught, he is less liable
to be pierced with the weapon of bis foe.
Indeed, in a hond-lo hand forum. Douulas
probably equals any mnn of tho times.
"Crittenden is in most respects not a
whit buhind his compeers. He is not so
ihilosoplucal as steward, nor se classical aa
luntcr, nor so dextrous as Dousrlas. nor
so impassioned as Toombs ; but, in calm
argumentation, loftiness of conception,
majesty of mein, and, warmed with hia
subject, in power of appeal and glow of
imagination, to this day, though silvered
over with ago, he sustains the reputation
he won in early manhood as second only to
Clay among the orators of the Southwest.
It is always a rich intellectual treat to hear
the Kentucky chief in high Senatorial de
Tub Effects of Gold. The present
state of the money and commercial world
is fraught wlih Interest in respect to the
future influence of the coutinued influx of
the precious metals. When the discover
ies were first confirmed io 1640, tbe world
was filled with discussions upon the prob
able effect ef tho new supplies Upon the
price of produce. If gold was to become
very cheap, all other articles would be rel
atively high. Thus all debtors would find
tbeir burdens lightened, and all credilors
and annuitants would find the purchas
ing power of their incomes annually declin
ing. Silver would, it was thought, rise
relatively to gold, and reassume something
of the proportion it held before tho discov
eries of Peru. These ideas generally pre-
vailed, and induced Holland to demonitiso
gold-'-adhcririg to silver. Ten years have
now passed, and $800,000,000 of gold has
been added lo tbe world's gold ! yet prices
generully are no higher than b fore. Sil
ver holds the same relation to gold that it
did, and money within six months has boen
higher in the open market than it ever was
before. Thus all the prognostics upon the
gold influence seem to have failed. The
stream ef gold has not lowered Its value,
although fed from the three new sourcoa of
Russia, Australia, and California. Tbe
question (hen recurs, will it so continue?
will gold continue to flow in and swell to
overflowing the vaults of the banks without
ultimately producing the effect anticipated I
If we look back upon the events of the
last ten years, we shall find that they have
been such as to counteract powerfully tbe
influence. The discovery of gold followed
disastrous famine, when still larger
amounts of capital were destroyed and gold
boarded. The advent of the French Em
pire was followed by a large absorption of
capital, in the shape of goods by tbe gold
countries. Ibe Kussian war followed,
swallowing op immense other sums, and
still greater ones were put into railroads
in America, in Western Europe, and in In
dia. At the same time tbe harvests again
failed. All these circumstances were pro.
ductivo of high prices, and these price
drew produce from Asia, for which ailver
waa sent Lack in larno masses. Tbe effect
df sending away ailver waa to reduce lU
mass of money relatively to commoditiea.
All these circumstances have caused gold
to fail of its effect. The large Uses by
war, bad harvests, and railways, could not
have been mct,bul from lha results of the
eitrsoidinary productive industry stimula
im linn -- niMsiimMMiaMi
Oat sqaara (13 bum or lew) uus insertion, 13,00
" ' twu iniwrtioM, 4IO
" " three Insertion., &,uv
Ksrii nilwMurat laMrtim, l.nrj
IteasnaafcU deductions to thus wbo advertise hf
Ilia year.
Tn a ranrsiKTus or Tin ARRI'S is lurVt
Iu Inform , puMie that Ut has just rece rrd a
largs Murk of Jolt TVl'K and oilier new print
Inn nuiteriul, and will ba in tit ajeedy receipt u
dlitkHis sailed la all lha n uirMiitats ef tfii tct
eafiiy, IIAN()tfl.lJ, I'OhTCftN, llf.ANKH,
CAKDH, ClllCL'I.AIlH, l'AMl'll!.KT-WURfi
and other, don to order, short nolle.
ted by the anticipated edict of gold. The
reaction has now come. All commodities
are abundant, and gold while accumulat
ing in swelling masses is still poaring (n,
the harvests are gooJ, peace onillsturbrd,
and prices moderate. What will now be
the effect of $800,000,000 more gold added
lo the world's stock in tbe next ten yeara t
There would seem lo be little doubt but
that ihe effects formerly anticipated are
now to be realixed lo aome extent, and
when confidents in this fact one mora i.
vivos, tbe activity of business will cornpeti-
sate fur the present stagnation. United
States Economist.
A Ghbat Gun Killing Madr Easv.
The Buffalo Express tells of a warlike
nventlon just brought out in llmt city
which is of an extraordinary character,
provided it possesses all tne qualities
represented i It was tested yesterday af
ternoon in a vacant building on Washing
ton street, between Seneca and Exchange
strcots. The piece is a beautiful little
brass gun of tbe, usual shape, mounted on
wheels, and so constructed that a rotary
cylinder constitutes the breech, which con
tains four chargos, replenished by meant
of a hopper, and fired as rapidly aa a man
can work an ordinary lever backward and
forward. The piece la discharged by elec
tricity, and from this results an important
and valuable discovery, which was devel
oped after the completion of the piece.
By means of the battery and wires connect
ing with the cyliudor by which Ignition is
caused, the cylinder becomes perfectly .
Icctrical, which keeps it as cool as if con
tinually bathed with ice. Some I wo bun
dred rounds were fired yesterday in rapid
succession, at lha rate of B0 rounds per
minute, at the end of which lime, without
using the swab once, the breech was much
colder than when the firing commenced.
The rapidity of the firing was much re
larded by Ihe bad quality of the cartridge
in use, but such as it was, it was sufficient
to demonstrate the complete success of the
invention. Even 20 rounds per minute
would seem to be sufficient for all reason
able or unreasonable purposes for thai mat
ler; but we cntortnio no doubt that with
cartridges properly prepared, the inven
tor'a expectation of 60 rounds per minute
be fully realixed. We understand
that as soon as all arrangements are com
pleted, tho inventors will proceed to Wash
ington and lay their plans before the gov
eminent. The neces-ary steps have been
taken to secure Enropean patents, and
when all Is complete, and the machine Is in
operation, we do not believe that nations
can hereafter afford to go to Hat.
Spain. It is confidently predicted by
American residents in Spain that a respect
ablo republican Government will be or
gauiaed in that country within a year.
The Democratic fercos are Well organised,
understand each other, and have agreed up
on a declaration ofprinciplcson which they
will establish tbe new Government. These
are entirely republican, and include the
equality of the citizens, universal suffrage,
freedom of the press and of speech, and re
ligious freedom! with tho severance of the
connection of church and Slate. Whether
the people of Spain are prepared to organ-,
izo and sustain such a (government may
be doubted, but '.hero seems to bo a strong
conviction that the attempt will soon be
made, and that it will bo a formidable one.
The New York Tribune publishes a
Madrid lcttor, Containing a manifesto of the .
Spanish Republicans, which embodies their
preparation for revolution, which la pro
claimed trt be at band.
OtT The Paris correspondent of the N.
Y. Commercial says I " An immense activ
ity reigns in the marilimo ports of France,
and ne nation of the world is Increasing
its naval strength at the present moment
with ihe same rapidity as this country.
Its army now numbers 020,000 men,- and
its navy is very nearly, and will soon per.
haps be quite, equal to that of England."
So.MF.THiNO Wrono. The Paris corres
pondent of the New York Times writes :
" A singular discrepancy is shown by
the last census of France. Thua In 1850
tho population ef the empire stood I Of the
male sex, 17,791,040, ef whom 0,072,232
were unmarried, 6,080,223 married, and
830,509 widowers. Of the female aex,
17,088,268 j of whom 0,,795 were
girls, 0,048.825 married, and 1,087,583
widows. How are we to reconcile ibis,
discrepancy! 201,801 more wires thsn
husbands ! The bureaucrats of the statis
tical department scratch their Leads over
tbis strange anomaly in ','ne figures, and
don't see how to 'nd tbe elua to it.
Popit'aiTV of Oksini. Madame Ois
siui U left Paris to return lo the Italia
village, where she baa long been a school
mistreat. It It stated that tie subscription,
io Italy and England for Orsioi'a family x
ceeds a million of franca.
If a fee of fifty cents was charged
to .sea the sun rise, nine-tenths ef the
world would be up in the morning.