- Napntcoa ad lUs lllblr. Flow truii it i that university U often found lo bo tha mm potent rcincdy for llio (iicnnes of the soul ! llowaver llie opinion of men may tliiTur M (o tlie mil conversion of llio great Na poleon lo " living fnitli'' in tlifl Savior of man, tlio fiillowiiijr wull nuilnMiticatcd incidents of liii closing lifo in dronry exilo, ' fumitli a profitable limine fur the contmn. jilalioo of nil. That Iho tliouejlits of this niijjliiy hnro of a hundred will-luii.'lit field woro flrst directed to tlio study of tlie liiblu, during Kit bnniJimont in St. llulcua, cau burdly be doubted. Soon after bis banishment in this dreary ihlc. an eminent Cliislinn of Fliisland, Itcv. Dr. David Bn;uo, Impressed with tlio be lief that lie religion of Christ could afliml thn moat elFi ctivo mliice to hi adversity, out to tho prisoner n copy of hi Hay on tha Divino Authority of the Now Tenia mont. Napohion re id ii ; and the effect of it wa ilrikingly evinoed in the course of a conversation subsciii'nllv held between between the Kmperur and hi friend, Gen eral Uertrnnd, who accompanied him in his exile. Hurt rand, perceiving thai tho divinity of ClirU whs fast Raining access lo tho mind of Napoleon, and being himself an infidel, Idrcssd him in these word : "I cannot conceivo, Sire, how a great man like you can believe Unit the Supreme Ueing ever exhibited himself to men under a human form, with a body, a fnce, month, and eyes. Let Jesus be whatever you please the highest intelligence, the purest heart, tho most prof mud legislator, and in all respects tho most singular being who lias ever existed. I grant it. Still ho was simply a mnn who taught Lis disciples, and deluded credulons people, as did Orpheus, Confucius, and llrahma. "Jesus caused hiinsulf to bo adored, bo came his predecessors, lit and Osiris, Ju piter and Juno, hud proudly made- them solves uhjiicls of worship. Tlio ascendency of Jesus over his time was like the ascend enoy of the gods and heroes of fable. If Je sus has impassioned nnd nttached to his chariot tho multitude if ho has revolution, izud the world I see in that only the power of genius, iho aciion of a command ing spirit, which vanquishes the world, as so many conquerors hnvo dono Alexunder, Cieib', you, Sire, and Mohammed, with a sword." To this appenl of Corlrand, Napoleon replied ia a strain ol eloquence every syl lable of which burned with the power of trulh in vindication of tho position ho bad taken. In tho courso of thai reply, he said : " I know wen, and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man. Superficial minds see a resemblance between Chrit and the founders of empires nnd llie pods of other religions, iliat resemblance docs nut ex ist. Thoro is between Christianity and whatever other religion the (list unco of in .(inily. No!' I summon eniiro Olvmpus to my tribunal. I jiid.' the gods, but nm very far from pros) rating myself before thoir vain images. The gods, tho legisla tors of India nnd of China, of Home and o( Athene, have no'.hing which can over awe me. "It it not ho wiili Cluisl. Everything in him astonishes mo. His spirit overawes me, ond his will confounds me. His birth, and tho history of his life; the profundity of his dooirine, w hich grapple the might iest diflicullies (showing that he had been no superficial student,) and which is of those iliflicul'ies iho most admirable solution ; his apparition, his empire, his march across the ages nnd the realms everything is, for mo, a prodigy, a mystery insoluble, which plunges mo into a reverie fiom which I can not escape n mystery which is there bo fore my eyes a mystery which I can neither deny nor explain. Hero I see nothing human. You speak ofCicsar, of Alexander; of ihvir conquest, and of the enthusiasm which I hey enkindled in the hearts of their soldier. Hut can you con. ceive of a dead mnn making conquests with an nrmy faithful, and entirely devoted ta his memory ? My armies have forgot ten mr-ppvpn while living, as the Car thn gonifln nrmy forgot lluiiuibal. Such is our power! A single battle lost cnuhc9 jas, and adversity scullers our friends. " Can you conceivo nf Ctr ttr, as the cter nal Emperor of the Itoinnn Senate, and from the depth of his mausoleum governing the empire ? Such is the history of the invasion and conquest of the world by Christianity. Nations puss away, thrones crumble, but tho church remains. What is, then, tho power which lion protected this church thus assailed by the furious billows of rngo ond the hostility of arus f Whoso is tho arm which, for eighteen !."ndied years, lias protected tho church from so many storms which have threatened to engulf it) Alexander, Cmsar, Charlemagne, and my self, founded empires. Hut upon v. but did we rest iho creations of our genius Upon font. Jesus Christ alone founded his em pire on love, and at this hour millions of jnen would die for him. May wo not exclaim, in view of the above, "how trilling nnd unworthy of consideration are the blasphemous cmnuuiions of lesser minds against the truth of religion, when it requires but an honest examination of the subject to wrest such confessions from a tniwl as great as Napoleon's! Vhiladd jtkia Prat. Correct Si'Kaki.io We advise all young peoplo to acquire in early lifo the habit of usinggood language, boll) in speak ing and writing, nnd to abandon as early as possible any use of slung words and tihrnses. The longer they live tlio more ilillicolt the acqusiiion of such language will be ; and if tha goMi n ago of youth, tho proper season for tho acquisition of lan guage be passed in its abuse, iho unfortunato victim of neglected education is very prob ably doomed to talk slang for life. Money is not necessary to procure this education. Every mnn has it in his power, lie has merely lo use iho language which he reads instead of the slang which ho hears; to form his taste from i lie best speakers and pools of the country ; to treauro up choice phrases ia his memory, and habituate him self to their use avoiding nt llie same time that pedantic precision nnd bombast, which show rather the weakness of vain ambition than tho polish of an educated mind. 03" In literature, our taste will be dis covered by that which w give, and our judgment by that which we withhold. (Kr Speaking without thinking is like hooting wiihout taking aim. BUSINESS GAUDS. W. T. MATMlCK. W.O. JOIIKanX. Matlock St Jotnson, ATTORNEYS it COUNSEI.01M AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery, WILL promptly alleml lo sny business which may bo committed lo their profwaMoiial charge before llie Putrid sad Hupreme Court Olti.'Oiu H.ghllcld's building, iiiliiiediut.ly op. puailo tlit Muiu Klrsct Mouse. Oregon City, Mureb 7, 1657. 47y JOHN R M BRIDE, ,TTOV AND COVXSKI.O AT LA W, lufayette, Yamhill County, O. T., WILL fullhfully att.ud to all business oa trusted to his professional euro. Wm. 0. Domont 4t Co., WIIOLKHALEsnd retail Dealers In Grocer Irs, Provisions, Paints, Oik Hoots and Shoes, Crockery, do. Oppoiilo tbe Laud (Mice, .Main Ml. Orcgou City. June I, lJJ. CHARLES POPE, JR., DK.V I, Kit in Hardware, Oroccri'-s. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots Sl KhoiS, Medicines, liook and Stulionery. Muin-st., Oiiwoii City, April 21, 1857-Ilf 33. Milwain, Manufacturer, It holt Kile anil Retail Dealer in COOK AM IMRI.OK STOVrS, 11M L CON'S WASH, IIAIIIWARK, C, MaiuSt., opposite Main Klrecl Hotel, OREGON CITY, 0. T. Klesmliout and jobbing work attended to with dirputth. Orders from the country promptly filled, ji-7 Timo. WF. Ill G 1 ! K I E L D , IV TC 11-MA K E R. I'ersotis desirous of g lling fjood work done will do well to give mo a cull, as my whole lime is du. voted to tlio repairing of Chronometer, Lever, Duplex, and Horizontal watches, An assortment of Jow-elry on hun l. Jewelry luudo to order, and repaired. I'ncei to suit the times. I am thankful for past favors, and hope to give satisfaction in future. ID Located at the old stand, 0pooito llie Tel egmph Offlcf, ORIiUOS CITY. Feb. 3. jt Draga, Medicines, Paints, Oils, 7J and Dye-stuffs, 1 nllhe OUKUU.N CITY DKl'O STOItE, wil5 Muiu Street, Oregon City, O.T. JOHN P. BROOKS, W'hulemlt ij- Retail Denier in Grorerivt, Produce, 1'ruciiiont, :., Main Street. A Goneral Assortment kept up of Selected Goods. Canemuli, March 58, 1837. GUN SMITHING-. "fEIXG permiiiieiitly lucattd iu Orepou Cily, J I nm prepared to curry uu the busiuess uf GUN-SMITHING IN ALL ITS BR AN CUES. Those who favor me with their patronage, may exH'd to have their work done right. Those rehu leave G lXS at my Shop for repairs, and do not cull for them withiu kink months of the time sot fur llie work lo be done, limy expect to huvo them ld lo xy charges. FEU DIN AND WILDE. Jane 27, 1857. llmltj Wells, Fargo d- Co.'s Express, Between Oregon, California, ths Atantic States and Europe. HAVING made advantageous .tv AVr4 arrangements with tho United A)rV SlMil Slates and Pacific Muil Steam- i&iit. ship Conipanics forlianssirlution, we are now pro pared to forward Gold Dint, Ilullion, Specie, Packages, Parcels, and Freight, to and fiom N Yoik, N. Orleans, San Fiaucisco, Portland, and principul towns of Cat furniu uu 1 Oregon. Our regular Senii.inonthly Kxpress between Portland unit Sau Fi uucUco, is di.-jiatched by the Pucilic Muil Steamship Co-'s steamship Columbia, comiecling ut Sun Fruucisco with our semi-inaiilli-ly Kxpress to Nru York and New Orleans, which is dispulched regularly on the let nnd 1 blh of each mouth, by the muil steamers nnd in charge of our own mcKtfeiigors, through to destination. Our Kxpress from New York leuves regularly on the 5tb and 20lh ofeneh month, ulao iu charge of messengers. Treasure insured in the best New York com panies, or at Lloyd's in London, at the option of snippers. Omens New Yoik, No. 1C, Wull si ; Now Orleans, No. 1 1, Excbungo pluce ; Sun Fruucisco, No. Il l, Montgomery street. A. H. STICKLE, Agent. Oregon City, April 21, 18.i7.-l If Reading for tho Million. S. J. McCORMICK HAS CONSTANTLY UN HAND AT Till PnANKLIN BOOK btokk, rsoNT-sT, ror.Ti.ANn, ointaoN, A Choice selection of Popular flunks, Nows mper, Muguzincs und Fancy Stationery. Among the books ou hund will bo found works uu Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, Poetry, Jiiography, Medicines, Iteligion, Science, School Hooks, ilonmnces, fte., &c, &.C. UJ-Suhscriptions received for Harper, Gruhum, liodey, Leslie's, or Putunin, nt Ijjl t a year, post age free. O" Subscriptions received for any newspaper published in any part of the I'liinn. ltenieiiilier the Franklin llouk Store and News paper Agency, Front street, Portland Oregon. UNITED STATES HOTEL. nAVINO leased tho MAIN ST. JIOl'SIC in tills eitV for a term of years, we Lava opened tho mine unui-r name of tho V NIT ED STATUS UOTEU, und, after a tiiohouiiii riTTixa up and Rsr.uiiiNa, so as to render it every way adapted to securing the comfort of tho traveling community, wo are now prepared to nail upon all who may favor us with a cull. OUR TABLE will be furnished with the best tho market affords. Rooms for Vi-lvtue Vamtttes can nlwuys he had. GOOD STABLING con nected with the establishment. Terms moderate. WM. MAYKS, J. L. UKOPHKY. Oregon Citv, October 3 1 , 1S57. SDinO CANX2MAH HOTEL, CAN EM All, O. T. I HAVE opened tho above House in Cauemuh.where I will be most happy frsnrV lo wail upon my friends ami the pnlilieJMillL generally. 110 BT. CONNOLLY. Jos. Barstow IS by himself, anil would respectfully say to his friends and the public generally that he is thankful for past patronage, and will continue busi ness at the old stand, and will ever be ready lo show his Goods lo those who may favor him with a call. Come one, come all, both groat and small, and give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, and exaimui for yourselves his splendid aud select stock of DRY GOODS, PROVISIONS. CLOTH ING, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, CofTee, Spices, 4o., 4.C., IIats,Nail; Itrooms, Sic., and almost every thing pertaining to t geueral line of business. All kiuds of country pnsluce taken in exchange. Country friends will lind it to llieir advantage lo give ine a call. Caiiemali.SepL 6. , 1)RESTON'S Sectional and County MAP of OltKGON and WASHINGTON TEIt KITOIt 1 KS for sale bv aug 16 CHARLES POTE, Jr. SelUn? Off I VAT.t'AIU.K asso.uueul of ROOKS and A slaliouery. Teachers and dealers and all interested are invited lo call aud exnm ue. March 9, 1W7. r. rorn, Jr. PACIWO UNIVERSITY, J'orett drove, lVuhhifftan Co., Oregon. I!nv. S. II. M.mit. A.M., PretUUnl, Itcv. II. Lyman, A.M., Prof. Mathemnliei. f PI Hi collrist year, aon.istiuj of one lorin of .1. uiiiu iiiouths, will coniiuuiics ou Uis first Wi-dnewlay of November. It is the d'siii uf this Institution la furnish a thorough ami cuinihtt eollfitiiite education. '1'here is a Library of 1UUU volumes for Iho use of Iho sludriiU Aplieante fur admission lo college must liuve kuort ledgo of the oommotl Knglish branches, and have studied the ancient languars so far ss lo liuve r-ad portioni of Ca-sur ud Cicero and tho Uierk Iteadnr. 't he luilioii feo is $39 r aunuin. Hludeiits flltiiiK fur college, as well as others wishing to pursue collrgisle stkdii-s without enter ing uxjn the rollega enurse, will be under the In sliueliou of the eollego leflclicrs. I lia fell term of 1 1 weeks in the preparatory department commences on the .'d Wednesday of tjrptcmbor. Tuition, $S per term. Tualatin Academy, Foreil Grove, Washington Co., Oregon. Ituv. Cusiiing EiiULs, PrindjMl. The fall term will commence ou Iho first Y d nrwlsy of November. Tuition In the common branches, IR(5 In the higher brunches, per quarter. Siliy TtlST ItKCKIVED, at llie Or. gon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran eisoo, a lurge assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent and Family Medicines, all of hirh will be sold as low or lower thun they can be had at uny other place in tho Territory. Country merchants will Und it to their interest to buy hero lniend of Portland. Call and see. Oregon Cily, May U, lKri7. VV XV5 Tho Gracfcalicrg Company. nUIIS IXSTITI'TION (iucoriwrated by the I Legislature of the Slate of New York, cap ital IjilUO.nO'J), was founded for the purpose of supplying the pulilic with tlio culeiirutcd oilAbr -ENUF.HG MKUIC'JNF.S. The series comprises mncdies for nearly every disease, adapted to ev ery climate. For families, travelers, seamen, and miners' use, thev are nneoiialed. All the medi cines are PUKKLY VKGKTABLK, and war ranted to cure the diseases fer which tliey aro sev erally recommended. The Grncfenbcrg Company Joes not profess'to cure all diseases with one nr Iwn medicines. Our series consists of ELEVEN different kinds, ad apted to the various diseases incident to the tern Iterate and tropical climates. The following com prise tbe scries of Graefeuberg Medicines: Tlio Uvacreulievu Vegetable Pltls Are considered the standard Pill of the day, und itrn inlinilelv superior to nay Pill before the public. They opcruto without irritation on all the excre- tioni, purging the blood by llio uowcu, liver, am neys, uud skin. ' lUarsiialPa IL'teriiio CnthuUcoii, jlu infuliblc remedy for all diseases of the womb and urinurv organs, weakness iu the back, pain in breast, nervouBiiers, debility, etc. In California uud Oregon, out of mora than a thousand cases where this medicine has been need, it has iu no single instance failed lo give permuueut relief or to elleet a certain cure. GRAEFKNBEKO SA RSA PA RILL A, A powerful extract. Ono battle equal to ten of the ordinary sarsapirilla lor purilying llie biunu, A suro euro for scrofula, rheumatism, ulcers, dys pepsia, salt rheum, mercurial diseases, cutaneous eruptions, iVc. Ttto (ivccit Mountain Ointment, Invaluable for burns, wounds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swcllinrrs, scrofula, etc. As a pain extract or, it cannot bo excelled, allordinij inime.liule re lief from the most excruciating pains. Tilt! firtAEFF.NBKRO DYSENTERY SYRUP. This extraordinary article is a Bpeedy nnd infallible remedy In dinrrlnca, dysentery, cholera morbus, uholern Infantum, and the txiulic cholera, if taken Willi the first symptoms of the disease. It is pure ly vegetable in its compound. tiritefenticrg C.hlltlren's Panacea, For summer complaint, nud moat diseases to which children arc subject. Its true worth can never be set forth in words, but it can be felt and apprecia ted by parents whoae children havo been saved. No mother should be without it. Uracfcnucrg Pile Ucmedy. Warranted a certain cure for this painful dis.ase, With the Ointment. uiarJ nro very few cases wuicu cannot ue r&uicauy uuu pcnuaueuiiy curcu. A surgical operation for Piles and Fistula should never be resorlod to until this ointment has been i i t. . i- ii.. i .I.. 1 thoroughly tried. It ucvor fails. u n .v v. v r.Mi r. u u fa t. lotion. Fur discuses of the eye, this Lotion has no equal It is a speedy and positive eure for inflammation of the eyes, weaknesses, dimness aud tailing of sight. It will always be bcuehVial iu acute inflammation of the eyes,und also as a wash on inflamed surfaces. GHAEFENMIRG FEVER AUD AGUE FILLS. ; A sp.'edy nnd positive euro for this distressing oompluint. Those Pills are composed principally of Quinine, with other vegetable Ionics, anti-spas-mndio nnd febrifuge articles. Thousands have been permanently cured by their use. tirncfoiibci-f Consumptive's Balm Sovereigu in all Bronchial and Pulmonary Dis eases. It is, beyond all question, true that con sumption is a curable disease, and the Consump tive's Balm is the best curative ever used. Uratreuncrg Health Bluer. These bitters are skilfully and eleguuily prepared from a number of invigorating, healthy roots. barks, herbs, and viuus. An invaluable tonic aud health restorer. I'.nverenlicrz Manual ot Health. A handsomely printed volume of 3U0 pages, con taining concise aud extremely plain descriptions of all mauiier of diseases, their symptoms and treat ment Every family should have one. Price only 'ii will. It will be sent, post paid, to any postolliee iu California or Oregou, ou the re ceipt of cents by mail or express. Ad.Iresa Kediugton ik Co., San Francisco. The (Jraefcnbere Medicines are for sale bv all Drtiggisls and apothecaries throughout the country. A ir CS'PLM.-I V A . r.-. t. i. U t l. neiii, v.regou ,uv. Ueueral Agents for California and Oregon It iiDINOTON &. Co., Wholesale Druggists, No. 107 Clay street, San Frnncncn. r IMFjut received and fm sale by UmySO F. CHA11MAN. rpOVS, of d.li'erent kinds, (.r sale hy , -A. CHXRMANA WARNKR. 1 W'x .V h it r- rurnlturo. fJMIE emWriber baa Just reeriv .1. ed a large eupply nf FUI1M 'I (J HE of all desoriplious, eoiui.1- ing iu part as follows Mufus, mahogany aud black waluutj Chamber sei Ituresus, with or without mnrble tojisj I Ullne desks! Hocking chairs, stnfTcd In hair, caqwl, and with cane and wood seats; Dining chairs, cane aud wood seats j Otlice chairs, do do do Children's do, high dining and rocking) Bedsteads, various kinds) Tables, center, card, and dining; Writing dusks; Sideboards; Parlor chairs; Settees; Reading, toilet, and woik tables) Looking-glasses; 0t Matlrea, hair,moss, and wool; Wiudow shades; Feathers; Paner hangings, of every style! Oilcloth; Chinese mntlinirs lluid lamps, nnd burn ing mud ; with a variety or other articles too numerous to mention. Persons wishing lo purchase will please cull aud examine for themselves. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange for goods. T1IOS. JOHNSON. March SI, Iojo. Now Books ! FT11IE subscriber has jimt received n lurge as. JL sortmnnt of BOOKS, direct from New York, among which are the following: Alisons Hist. of kurnpe.lAinericnn Institutions, Sillimau's il Lives of tho Signers, Democracy in Am.rica Mali) Inn and Nineveh, "Land and Lee," ''Sea and Sudor," Three Years in Califor. 'D. ck aud Port," 'Ship and Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Cyc. of Llti-ruluro, Kgyptaudthe HolyLnmJ Buchan's Fain. I'liys'n , IjirdneronSl'm Engine, Manual of Fine Arm, nc't Monasteries, Lecture's on the Arts, Choice Biography, Peruvian Antiquities, Choice Extracts, Travols iu Peru, Polar Regions, Muhsn's Philosophy, variety of Poets. 5U0 copies of Sunders speller, 500 " ' Readers, 2.-0 " MeOnfTey's do. 2 jO " ' Webster's Dictionaries. Davies' Algebra, iNewman's Rhetoric, lieumalry, . Uoys do. Bourdon, Parley's Univ. History, Surveying, Goodrich's Pitt U. 8., lgeodre, Monleith's Geography, Arilhmetics, "Little Speaker," . Thompsoa's do.. IN. American Speaker. ALSO, ATrosh Supply of Stationery. Dnv Hooks, dourtiuis, ledgers, Record Hooks, Momorundums, of all sites, Diuries, 4c, Note and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Pens, &.C., &.e. Eraser Knives, Erasivo Itubber, Cummcd Lubols, Faber's Pencils, INK, Iu quart and pint hollies. WHOLKSAI.K AND RKTAIL. CHARLES POPE.Jb. Oregon Cily, August l, 1S5U. Indies I YOU will find an excellent assortment of Dress and Bonnet Silks, Satins aud Veleetst ulw Bonnet Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Lai-es and Ribbons, Table Cloths, Lonntcrpancs, etc., at llie more of CHARLES POPE, Jr., (Main-st., opposite Abernethy's store,) where may bo found almost everything in llio line or Dry Goods: Such as Prints, Ginghams, Alpacas, Merinos, Plaid LiiiBcys, Muslins, Sallinetts, Jeans, Flail neis, Sheetings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Batting, etc. Oregon City, April 21, 18J7-llf Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POrE, Jn. STANDS' Sarsupaiilla, reek's Wild Cherry TJit JS ters, Balemau's drojis, llrandreth's pills, U-e's pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodeldoc, Gum Cam Arabic. British oil. Lobelia, Hot drops, 3d preparation, Roman eye balsom, Dalley's pain oxtractor, Laudanum, Faregoi-ie, Oil of Pepper mint, ljsenccs, uoniHmuou rowuors, varieri Pulmonary Balsom, Sulphur, Epsom balls, iw. April 1,1S57-Itf JUtore Hew Goods, AT CHATtMA.N it WAtlNEU's. IN ADDITION TO OUR USUAL STOCK, wo have just recoived, direct from Sun Frau cisco, a good and suilublo sujiply of Goods for this Season of the Year, which wo ofler for sale at prices which cannot bo bout in this market. Our tlock consists in part of 400 lbs sal soila, SO boxes English soap, SO " Clias. Hill's soap, 20 dot corn starch, 20 cases pie fruit, 13 pickles, 8 doz honey, 8 " lobsters, 13 " oystors, 20 hlf bids N O sugar, 4 bbls Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlf bbls dried apples, 8 rila mackerel, 2000 lbs slick candy, 500 " fancy do. . 1 case Gallipishcr toys, 1 " German loys, 400 lbs almonds, 12 hlf boxes raisins, ii whole boxes do., 43 pis good Mackinaw blankets, ' 2000 yds brown sheeting, 2000 ' calico, Hoots and shoes of every description. The abovo, with our usual assortment, wo think renders our stock complete. Cull and see ns. Terms cash. CHARMA N J- WARNER, December 20, 1857. . Experience JlaKts Perfect. Why Go lo Portland to Buy Goods f WE wish to inform our customers and the public generally that we have now on band, iu addition to our nsuul heavy stock of Gro ceries and Dry-Good.i, ono of the largest and best- selected stocks ot REJDY-MADE CLOTHING ever offered in this market. AVe also wish to sav that our goods are of excellent quality, nnd that we win sen A3 CHEAP AS AXV OTHER HOUSE IS OEKGO.N, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still eoverns nnr trndn nOoloL sales and small profits." Our stock of goods is now open for inspection to all who will favor us with a call. Call and see, sad let experience men i-p-us, tor itseu. ve sell as low as any in the Territory, for ensh, or produce al market rates. WIAUiHAiM 6L WA1UCU Oregon City, May 23, 1857. Wm. C. Dement Ot Co., WHOLESALE cV" RETAIL Dealers InGrocerles, Hardware, coots & snoes, crockery, &c, rPENDEIt their thanks to their numerous cus- J tomers for their past liberal patronage, and so- iteii a coiiuiiuauce 01 me same. They take pleasuro in informing the public that they have now ou band a large and desirable stock of Groceries, llardaare, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, and Boat Stores, to which they are making ennstaut additions from New York and San Francisco, purchased for cash only, aod are enabled to sell at lower prices than any other store in Oregon City. Jan. 31, 1857. IARY and Correspondence of Amns Law rencefor sal by C. POPE, Jr. JUST RECEIVED, a splendid lot of CLOTHING, BOOTS e SHOES, and Dry-Goods of nil Description. We can now fill almost any bill a farmer may call for. Call and see. Mi.-ch 1 1. CII I K.V.I .V WARNER. IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, Aud for Iho Cure of Benori i.s, MuwraiAb Dirss, Kti uihirs Vuirsss, lineewATPM. Ct-TAxnii-s Kiiiitioss, 1 ive kihia, l.ivtK Cohi-laint, Biinseurrn, Saw Itiitru, C'onsixi-iios, Fnvra Sohks, Eiivsiimxas, 'kai.s Couri.AisTs, Loss or Aits titi', I'mii.M, lltus, liKsraub JlUIILITV, Ao. T.vcrv rrn.lvlitff rear eonftnn suit spn-i'l. f.rtliif sin wM.Tlfi.- wrll-insrllMl niiilstlin sml .l. vrivil iiiillrlljr of this Inrsliialils UnlMna. pnoluc II to ho ifis m"l rHli-srlnus riMiu-llst s-viit known, f..r ths cure of all ili mm itrtniiir from imi linp'ire ustt nl llie tilmnl, A s nilU! lTii'iit, anllM-ptle u.l t.mli-, It mnt.iliis tho llirra iiiimI M.i-ftil prowrllw. uf nmllrlii. II nirr". iurllli-, sml re liirrs. 'I'iie raplilli.v u lib hlcli llie .jikiiil r.iun rs nuALTii aud DTxucsarn nil.l.T Ill's IrlpV lliflilrniv Is nrjtrlilnir. Knell row fiw In whn li It Is n..llf.l fiin.ll.ri. In llw riuH s now rcrllllot. of II" etiu lli'iuv ! suit we lisi i only In Point to the seMl liiulsh'il tf-llinoiiv of iniillllnilis li line expeili'imsl I s rilicls, lo euiitinie liieieilnllty lUelf of Its real istus. Another Curo of Scrofah. TnoT. N. Y Sept. t, IS.M. Mr. A. It. A I. Paspst llenllemen, I lisve marly ibri' yearn Ui'O troaliM wlih 111"' ilremlful M cmw. SrMfula; so murli so. s tu tm unnlv t my bus liaml sml lo limclf: atut to obtain rrllrf have Irlnl every klml of imillrl.H. lli it rams iiii.I.t nnr nil If wlllioot elfut. Ono f mv iicltrlil'.irs wlm liad bei'n curnd of s similar coinl.lalnt l.y your Sr.aiBrllla, s.IvIm.1 me to make a trial of It. ami I can truly )- that It has dona tus a world of kikiiI, lnivhiK niuipVtuly cnr.-J me. Iliiplnf that M'.y evhti'ni-e lll.r Inilit.v etlirrs sttnltarlr afltL-UHl lo ailopt tue ssuis ri'innlv. Willi Uu anuie satl.factory results, 1 r.inalii p-aii-fully youi, DAKAli A. 1. rOIII.MA. rrrnsmt sml sold hr A. II. it I). SASIIS, Whole sslo lriil Nk Ino ult.m-iriit, Now York. Fur sale bv DKW1TT. K1TTI.K Co.. 1I..IOIISSOM A fo.. sn.l ItKlllNHTON Co.. San rranrlueni IMl'K A nU-TIS. Murynllle: It. II. MelK(NAl.l) .V Co, Bsc ramenlo; sml by liruird-'lA irnioraMy. CLOYK ANODYiS'H TOOTHACHE DROPS. ConpUia no m:rs of Aohin-j Tsst'i. Tho-vt Tirol tiave liivn e xton.lvoly nvtl hv IhAiKaruK whie oxt'orloticu hs provoil lli;il iltn Anoilvno will ulre ItiiiiiiHtlttttf ami iiortnuiu'iit rWl.'f itilor llio lliliur of ovory nllior r.'moily. It ia li-a-Htit lo llio tn-to nn.l loni-tl, sml s fow stiplleationa will onlirolv romovo tic i-aln ami n.rotiena from a ili-eayp.1 im.Ui. mi tloit It may ! Illl 'it anil ro nloroil ss uaofnl na'evor. Wlton tlie pain pr.K-tfo.ls from tlu furo, or from llio cum nrotimt a loinh pi aronlty sonnit, llils Anmlrno will irlvo a rpexly relief l.y rubbing s fv Imi on the part a.rc't:ctctl. rrepnrcd sn.l mt.l br . 15. fc I). SANDrl, Whole sslo Druiilsts, No. Ino Fulton-ntr.!, N'ew Yorlc. ForsstebyliKWirr. KITTI.H Jb On.. II. .IOIINSOJI A I'rt. sn.t ItF.DINflTllN Co. Ssn rranc!-o: UICR k COFFIN, Marravilm; It. II. M. DONAl.K . Cs Sao rataento ; ami by IJnui'f-.V. fronently. BT Da. STEICEE, of the Oregon Ciiv Drug Store, is o 'ent fur llicsu medicines. jyl 1 LINN Cm STORE. rpiIE snlisetiber would rcspoctfully inform the L puLlio that ho has taken the store lately oc cupied hy Mr. IlKounirrox, al I. INN CI TV, with the design of continuing tho ticiacrn! lUeroli.iiMlise ntisiiioss. . IIo will keep always ou liaml a gooj assoi tinent of GROCERIES, MEDICINES, Crockery, Hardware, Ciulhiiir, Boots and Shoes, Confecl'oncry, Cigitrs, , Stationery, dr.. Tlie above will nlwayB be ofTerc.l at the LOWEST PRICES! ; For Cash or Country Produce. I t3J rieaso call und see for yourselves. JgJ THOMAS UAIIjEY. ' Linn City, Sept. CB, 183". 84 IT HAS BEEN EVIDENT TO ALL for some time put, tint MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS wero needed at llio LINN CITY; STORE, to meet the demands of its constantly increasing custom. These additions have now been mailo the store is enlarged, and the stock has just been replenished with a lare assortment of tirocerlei, Wry Goods, &c, among which are Panama Hats, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasuh; Ginghams, Ribbons, Mackerel, Raisins, Nuts, And a aamr nn.it. work, At tho 'jINX CITY STOllE.' Motto "Small prolits aud quick returns." April 11, 1857. Harness and Saddlery. THE undersigned having opeued anew in j;U TTEYILLK, Marion county, O. T-, is ready to munufneturo and furnish at short notice, and in Iho best and most substan tial style of the crnft. all kinds of HARNESS and SADDLERY WORK, Trunk and Car riage Trimming, J-J- A. COOK. MOFFAT'S Life Bitters and fins, nenmnrs Dysentery Syrup, Wistar's lialjam of Wild Cherry, al the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Central Produce Depot. CANEMAII. CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from ranch, wheat, oats, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes. AptiU, '57. JOHN P. HUOOKS. W. P. Barns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OEEGONC1TV, O.T. 17 Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis facUon to patrons warranted. - feb9-43 AT d DOZ. thumb latches, cheap, for sale by 9-9F WM.C. DEMENT & co. SHAKER Sursnpurilla. at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. R. Osgood's IudiaCholagogne.and Dr. Jones' Ameriean tliolagoene, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Uayai-rt Taylor's CYCLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and " Swan's Three Years' Residence ou the North West coast for sale at the CITY BOOK STORE. F LAX SEED tor sale al C. TOPE'S. G ILT MOULDING for picture frames, for sale by CII A K.MAN & WAKNfcK F I'LL assortment of Yankee Notions at nihil C1IARMAN & WARNER'S. S AN Da' Sarsaparilla, in aoy qoautity, at the untune cirr vul'u stoke. c IIAIN rUMPS prica reduced for sale by rants c rorrc, Jr. w A Tli.U E .V 1 J.31X OT tl.All IOI C it-TT T bit- lerr n-n t Tip r good WllbA I at the market price. I nivl5 16 DOZ. Ovstern. " CII ARM AN d WARNER. V. S. MAIL LDTXL Oregon City and Porlluud DaiUi purl,i sani'-jt i Ju'u Mvsica, .Mnstef. Will run dully, (Huiuliiys cc. pled,) In His elm... niiuu-d trails, h aving Oregon Cily every day at g o'clock, t. M. lieturiiiuu, will leava I'orii ' j " i r. M., touching ut all intermediate poittta. i rurlrelghl or passage apply uu boaid, Bally Line ' Between Portland ami Oreaon'riiu rpiIE new slern-wh'el steamer JL MS A i It ti i, a , '.Ig Wm. Isvino, Master, will run belweea I'ertUad nnd Oregon Cily dally (Hundaya eieepieo'). u,., Intr roi(TLAM) al It) a. m., and OliKdox CITYat4f.il. July ,'. U. S. MAIL LINE. Iorl IiiimI uud A si or I a'. His Ppli'iidid steamer Multnomah "ITT I LL couliiitie lo run reuitlarly between pur1. v v luini uiio naiuna, sin Vancouver, twics a wkkk, leaving I'uillauil on Mouday sn.l 'HiurisJa, iiiorniii(isof each w eek for Astoria t and Aslnsj for l'crlland on Tuesday and Friday momium tombing VAco0va,ST.IlKL!w,ItAi,M(; lahst, dec, eaeb way. For freight or pasaaae apply lo It. IIOYT, JIaiierT'' jclC Oratlloyl's Whatf-bont, I'onlsntf. - New Arranffomontv i i. I I HAVE bought out Ihs UAKKItY est,b!i.h. in. lit of Charman Warner, which have now opened under the moat favorable circum. stances la all old patrons, and as ninny new ones oa may chooao lo give me a call. My shop ,g be well supplied with . . . t. Bread, Cukes, Pics, Crackers, Nuts, Con. dies, Raisins, Figs, Ciyars, Toys, and almost every oilier variety of knick-kascts yet Invented by Yankee ingenuity all of whick w ill be all'orded AT THE WWES? rOSStULR HATES ! ' I shall occasionally receive Sophies from lit tropicul jatlttides. which will be duly announced upuu arnvul. All nrn invlled to give me a cell. ' FKEDEItlCK CHARMA ff. Oregon City, April 25, 1857. 2 JUST RECEIVED at the Oregon Cily Drag Sloro, direct from New York ami Raa Fran, cisco, s fresh supply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Family Medicines, Ac, Ac., which ttill be sold as low for task as I key can It procured in tlie Territory. Call aad examine lor yourselves, and f;et an Almunae for 1H5J, gratis, JAVNE'S Alterative, Expectorant, and PHIs, Cod Liver Oil, Castor O.I, nnd Sweet ( HI, al ths OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. A rEXIUAN Mustang Liniment, G. W. Msr 1)1. chant's Car-ling Oil, at ths ' j OREGON CITY DRUG STOItE. mUUSSES, right nud left and double, and Ab. I dentinal supporters, al the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE- 1)URE White Leud, raw and burned Umber, Crome, Green and Yellow, and other punts, ot the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. rERFUMF.RY.iit the OREGON CITY DF.UG STORE.' GRAICFENI1ERO MKDIOlNESt Graofeuberg Sursnpurilla, UtsrineCalholieos, ' Dysentery syrup, consumptive balm, -" Pile Ointment, " )lenlth Hitlers, ' " Eye 1ilion, &e., Su., To bo found at the ngeiiey of the Company, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. n A Y.MAN'S Dyspeptio Elixir warranted lo euro thn dvsprpsis just received sad foe ealeut the OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. DM. Gnysnlt's Compound extract of Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dork, at the - ' epl5 OREGON CITY DRUG STOP.E. 0 LD Dr. Jacob Towtisond'a Sarsaparilla, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. D It.J. Ay res' celebiate.l Cherry Pectoral for coughs, col.ls, and cniHumptiou, at llie . OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. M cLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge sad Liver Tills, OllliGOiS CITY J)Kl li S1UKB U. Townsend's Sursapnr'lla, at ths ' OREGON CITY DKL'u STOKK. 1)UI;UV1AN Febrifuge, for the cure of fevo and ngue. etc., &o., just received slid forsals ut tho OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. Har-iiux .lakcr fc Saddler. , rpiIE suliscriber bus bought onl the eslahlish A. nieul formerly owned by A.K. l'il, nd is now carrying on the It A UN ESS and SADDLE. (rinisin ss in nil ils branches; the LIVKItt STA1II.E belonijingto the establishment, is also kept up, where horses and carriagesnre constantly kepi fur Iheaccommo.lntion of Ihe public. Horse left at my stable, will always be treated with- par ticular attenlion, and well fed. 1 have been con nected with this establishment for some fouryears and nm now permanently located, where I shall ah ways lie happv to wuit on all who may favor mo Willi a call. W. II. PARTLOW. - The best of TIMOTHY HAY kept constant ly on hand. ' Oregon Cily, Oct. 18, ISSti-S'y. ' Ciuifinali, April II, 15T ON hand and for sale, lutv, for cash or produco rainls &.leud, ehromogreen, white lead, pmssiau blue i'p red do in oil, chrome yslle-w, J , blk. do" ' blue point, . litharge, Common and permanent green patty. gls &.c. . . JNO. P. BROOKS. E.L.DRADLEV. . : JlOMElt HOLLAND, BRADLEY & CO., 'I BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, 0. T., ' KEEP constantly on band a fflJttX geu"ral assortment of fcnTpW' MISCELLANEOUS anddarslrir , SCHOOL BOO K 8 j also, a fine assortment of ' " STATIONERY, f EVERYTHING ELSE generally kept in their line of business. X CiLL AT TUB SIOS OF TUB -CITY BOOK-STO BE,-" i 'i : . n u.l -'- nrl,i Rtnre.i J w Sept. 5,1857. - 21tf For Sale at the CITY BOOK STORE, THE following works Jlaeio Stall', bv A. J. Davisi t ! Great Iron Wheel, by J.R. Graves; ! Dred, in 3 vols, by Harriet Bcecher Stows The Home Cyclopedia s, of Ihe World's Progress, ' " " Useful Arts, . ' Europe, " Geography, . ' Fine Arts and Literature, . ' Itiornnhr. Are. Oct 3.. Groceries '. FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, J CJUGAR, Salt, Coftee, Tea, Syrup, Choe!! 3 Starch, Saleratus, Cream 1 artar, oi Carl. Soda, Pcpiwr, Spice, Alum, Borax, MT pera.tc. April l.l'-jtfj Hardware- t FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE, J BRASS and lion Butts, Screws, Locks .aad Latches, Hammers and Halchets, As Drawing-knivea, Handsaws. Curry Combs, lle" Broshes and Cards. Can Icks, Gun Cap. " Cards, Chest Handles. Plane. A e . .PA EBI.S. fresh "Santa Crni" v L OU 5 do. caldiKd plaster-reeeived and M sileby WM. C. DEMENT & CO-