m '1,1 a ', i JJ . T 'it aii'F :1 in il ifji - ' I ! mat law Haas. B'.ngatoweotig! J , A U-adel cradling mttwra, ei end plow, Kolsad, not louf, Bui "h a wu reinrtnVr, long ago, Wla Tim, now ulil. Hyi" Over llm unity a. eaa, hiiubt aud lll, And lli rl rose lying Among! emwd ol ltur, all too wet Kinx o'rr III birr! Tli bil iawiug eg in lU tlma-worn tower ll' riw who 11 here, Ai frh a mauhol in it luMirai hour. A wiitf t li brief .-an, Winter nudeli ning summer, doth belong, Fur uniiM awret, human reason 0'r erm.ll or th eofllu, ildl aung. Y.artlt Hf. Flower Ihitt bloom In wither ft j Light, who bein r eo.in 'reml ' Friendship, warm, but nil lo let Such by aarilt ar giveu. Peek lit nowr tint no'rr lia'l Kind lha light an cloud can tluult i Win th friend wlw ns'rr bctrnyrd Tbea ar found in Heaven. I.irit. Lif in no nr-r-cn'mive Venture with lhoe who M it valua and dtitie. Il tint deeper purpoie, ami it palh be. cornea disiinol and Hy iit iirr'pmti'in a H i earnestly otid fitlifully pursued. The rudest or the most refined iiui.u'n, ilHlujr. ed to iliw want ml capacities of the pur r.ir, ha a truth, a b .-iiiiy and a inl'infac lion. All lii on Ilia ociwi aria n"l stenmor or packet, but all freight beur m. fil'ed to their Hk, ami th imalle-l shallop nobly fulfill in rni-ii, whilu il 110-hr on toward it dfaiincd tiort, nur iliil'i it couM". becau larrr crHfi ca rwr to ii-r poin'i of lha comp. Lpi mint ri'tilit liiinrlfon the ocean of tinio. L' t him IfHrn lii'llirr Ik in hv nutur m almlliip or a uliip a emm'er or mi oc-ai; muwi: and llu-n, fr(ijtrina liimnflf HU' cinlin to hi r iputily ami tlm maiki-l lie slmulil mil k, flinii hi anil In lliu bri-i zc, ridiii!! with wind and lido, if ilipy go on liii cnurw, hill b'lililijr, rcduti'ly in-l iIiimii if ihfv criwi hi puMi. Uuveawpll cIhvu ii mid (Irfiiii'il piirimaii, and piirnuu it faiilifully, truslii.g in Ood, and all will bo well. BUSINESS CA11DS. w.T.iiti.oc. w.O.Jonm-11. Matlock ii JoUacou, ATTOnXKYS & Ot!SKI O!W AT U', And Suliufon in I'bnnetry, IIXr....,..lyi..:n "r!ZZZZ ' r w chare nn until th Mum Wrwl lloiwo. (Hi-K in tiiy, Mrjli 7, l-S7. nu Ka Mniiiiiiiiira in dure b lur th I'LTiel "d "l"" ' dir. .. in II .l.n. M m huildinl, liiim'diMy op- 47 JOnW It MBRIDE, TToaT xr cHctoa t law, Lofayrttr, Yamhill Cuuuly, O. T., WIU. fiiiihrnlly allmd lo all bniue id trnclril lo ln prufrmioiia! i-ra. Wax. 0. Dement l Co., TTr III il.KSAI.i: mid rt-iuil Uruli-m in tiwr V ip. I'mviMoii. ltnl. Oil". Hoot and Slnw., Crwkery, &e. Oipoile lha Uad llllice. Mam bLUngim tiiy. Juii I, iooj. CHARLES POPE, JR, "TVKAl.KIl In llnlwar.irnri-ri . Ilry CiKl, XJ Clothing, lloon X Sho.-. .Medicine, Doolu and hlutiunrrv. Min..t..Oruon Lily, April'SI. 1H.17-Itf S. BZilwain, iViKiiaelurir, W'ltulttalt and It'tnil Droler m COOK AH I) iMui.on stovi:h, tim a torrK w ahk, iiaruw, kc, MainSt, opioait Main Slrret llotl, OREUOS CITY, 0. T. Slfiiinlxinl ami jiibbing woik auen.lid to w'.lh Unlri tiuni llir country proniniy ni.ru. jn "P.ESURR vou'as Wioiit." A ludicrou iiicM 'iii look place at I'm Junction lluti'l LHfayrlto, In., upon thn arrival of a Irain of car. A gPiitlrmun and lady, inspired willi audili-n ri'Cisniiion, wmt oWrvr-d to rtiitli frnnlicnlly into ench olhcr' arms and th fun of it was, that afu.-r a hearty ciuliracf. the V dicovrrrd tliat liolli " ha'l llin Bivantao." They wore Klrniii'M but tlio lady, mislaking him fr her "doa cousin Cluirlio,'' had cinbrnoud him, whil ho, with a hulf d'Tuird recollection of Imv inu m'oii her biiforc. " wnt in K inons" and "got ')Ui'czd." Tln ir mutual vin'iarrasi intiil ou the discovery can well be iron; i tic J. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Furcit O'rott, Waahmpm Lo., Vttgan, Hoy. S. II, Mrh, A. M., Vreul'hl, Uev.ll. Lvma, A. M., I'rf. Mathematics. ... - . THR eoltrsilnl ynr, conlling or on wrm hi D'iif niimih. will commciic ou llio fimt V,'dHMy "I NoviiilM-r. i it the d.ii:n of Hi Inntllul'oa to fumUili a tliorougli and ooinplt' coll'BWH "-duoiilion. There I a Library of IUUU roluine for lha uu of t lie lii'lrnt ...i....,.i t..r nilmiiinM tnoiil'op mimt have a knowledii of Hi coiiiiiimi Ku!hh brnnlir. and hava eluiliril lb ancipiit laiiguaiiea m fir lo h ive rid portion of Cr ud Cicr and the Urrrk Itfiiil'r. 'fba luiliou fee II ffll H-r anuum. SlndniU filling for collfge. ' " 0,,",, wihiii!( lo punuwcollrglal .ttdii- without ault.-r ing iiwii lb collrito C"ure, will be uoJer lb iu. liurlinii of lb eollrgn Usiclirr. The f-ll term i.f 1 1 wrrk. iu th preparatory di-p-irtuirnt coninieucr on lha 2d Wediienuiiy of brptifinber. Tuition, pr term. Tualatin Academy, Forest Core, Wuilvhgtm l'o , Orcguti. Itiiv. Cusiiino Hulls, Principal. The full li-rin will comineiico ou the Grt Wcd ..J... ..I V.....lluT . .. .. i r,:.. n.. TUIlloll III HI tomill"D Drauuue, W" hiulier branclie, p-r quarter. uy rnrnitoro. fPUE ubcriber tin jui receiv.i . ufj 1 ,.ll.rg..upplyof KlIitNI-V- 1 1 UKK of all diripiion, coumt."W"-- ! ing iu part a follow Hofua, mahogany aud black waluulj Chauibrr !( Ilureuiw, with or without marble topj (iirirdok; lUxiking chair, tuliVd in hair, carpel, and Willi can and wood al; Dining chuir, cane uud wood eatj Uflio chair, do do do Children' do, hih dining and rocking) llrilli''l, variuu kiudf. Table, center, card, and dining; WritiUjl ilenk: X.d.board; I'arlor chair; Hellrea; Reading, toilel.and woik taoiea; iikinn-gbi"; MatireMk . buir.mo, and wool; Window ahade; r'enlln-r; Piipr hangin?, of every tyl; (lilcloth: rhiii.n inutlinr. Ilmd limp, and burn- ingllu d; with a variety ot oilier aruuie u nuinrroua In mention. IWui wmhing to purclia will plea eauaon ..MRiiiia rur thenuelve. A!l kind of country produce taken in exenang forgood. iiiua. wii.w.1 March 3, 1B56. w. ii ir; ii i i r. IV A l V II ill ,1 A 6 Ii . fd IVrMim di'iiiroii ol' ir. llin ijuod work done ui:l do well to cive mv a cll, tut my whole time a do- rnt.'d lo llm irpu.rmg ot Chrouo.iitter, Lvir, Unplt a, ud llonioiital w atohr. Au aMMiilinrnl ol Jewelry on ImiiJ. Jenrlrv made tuoid r, aud riMiuiied. I'rice In Mill the lime. I am thankful for pl fiivum, uud hoK' to tf.vr iitiil'a.'ti.iu in future. IT MM'Utrd at His old hIuii.i, oHW.te tne i ei ritraph Dlliui-, Oil HUOS VI I Y. i ib. S. Oils, nna Tlun.ttllftd. ift hi th 0Ki.L.u: u i v DitLitJ sToni:, keplS Mttill Street, Uii'R.m lNiy,l.T. ? Drugs, tflediciucs, Talats, l-'.y ana jvo-i.iu.i, JOHN P. BR00IZ3, Whuletule .V llclatl Pettier in (IrorerU-s, Product. Vrotiiiam, J-c , Main Street. A General Aworlineiit k. pi up of Selected Good Cuneiiiah, .Unroll iM, Ho7. rl'sT I'.Kf lMVi:!). at lli Dr. eon tiiy Drug J rjtore, iliienl from Ner York aud Suu Kraii- oico, a lurge auortmeut or JJruff, Chfmimh, Pule nt awl Family Medicines, .. . . . .... ,,l I .I.un (l.flU or Binrti wi t oe roiu urn. in i..r, nun he had at nuv other iil.'e ill llie Tcrrilory. C.Mintrv liier.hdiilwnl tmuit Minie.riiiirn.-w . tn,V her.- ilMleid of I'.irllatl I. "i" Oiet'Oii City. Ma)' 3. '1. 0 T An atlilriici.M Limnt of a man fiotn the Kincrnld Mo called in the ciiuiitiiifr room of one of our merchants. He took off hi lint to make his beat bow, "Tim top ofilie morning to ye, Misilicr Perot, I'va boon tuld j e'ro in want o' help." " I've but little to do," replied MrTt' rot, with mercantile gravity. " I'm ihe b'y for yoea. Il'n but litllo I care about duin' uro il'a llio money I'm afther." GO" There is an inscription on a tomb . alone ai La Puint, Liiko Supeiior, which read ns fullow ; "John Rinitli, aeculi'iiially shot i a mark ot ufli'ct'uin by hi bio In r." This ri'iniiid u of ono on a tombstone near San Oie'o, wltiuli runs us follows : " 'I'liia vera inkrid to the memory of William llunry Skraketi, w ho curmi to hi dcth by bfin hoi with colt's rovolver (jne of thn old kmtl, brnsn mounted, oiul ol Miuti ii thu kingdom of heaven. OT A pointed discussion U now (;uiii; on as to " wlietlior tho lii'du should he re vised or left alone," There may ho some propriety in revising it, but we think it is aullicicully "laftaloiio" ulr.-Mily. OCT In tho museum at Ililulirin, is a (lea-akin coiiiiiiiiinir seven miscra' souls. sovon rich men'a consciences, lhe"piitioi files" of seven leading politicians, seven teen old bachelors' Itoarls, the firttiiies of twenty three editors, and all the remaining aweeincs.s of seventy old maids GUN- BKING perinancnily located In Oregon City. I am p.rpnred lo curry on llio basilica ol GUN-SMITHING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Thui who luvor me with their pu'iouago, may criKCt to have their woik Uuiio ridiii. Those who leave GUNS at my Simp for rep lira, and do not call for tln-m wiiliin mm month of Ihe time eel for llie woik lo be done, limy upccl lo havo tln-m Bold lo pity clutl ifrM. iKUlJINANU WILUK. June 27, 1857. llml Wella, Fargo fe Co.'s Express, ; Between Oregon, CaHlnrina. lha Adaalh S'atrs an t Europe. Tl IVIVM .....a ).rk-n.tltt0nll. ii! arranzoineiitii with llio United &rM; Slate and Pontic .Mud bteuin- Ziib lipl'onipiinie I'orliunspiirtntion. we are now pre ared to forwurd Wodi r, liulltoii, Snrcte. l'aekuge, I'areel; and freight, to and from N Yoik. JJ. Orleans, San Finuolscu, I'ortlund, and oriiieiDal town of Cul fornia uu I Urcgon. ,1... . ..i... Ua...! ...tool l.lu livrtrnw. hilu'nf.n vur it-uiui iin-.i...t.iiij r" - Portland und San Franeinco, is dispatched by the acil'.c Mud Sloainslniit o. atcauieliip Coltunbttt, conncclinir ut San Fruncisce with mtr siinii-inoiilh- ly Kxprer to jsew ui k ana iVcui ucipiihj, which in disnali bed reiiulurlv on tho lut and 16'hof each liioulli, by the mail atouiuera uud in cti:irge oi our own messengers, tinoiiKii to ues.iuanoii. Our KxnreaH rom ai-w torn leave rcffuiuriv on the Sill uud SUlli ol' eueli mouth, ulso in cliur'e of nii'mriiLier. Treasure UHiirrd III the best iew 1 out coin pauies, or at l.loyd'e iu Loudou, at th optiuu ol Inppers. ' ' ' Urmca-New Yoik, No. lfi, WulWl ; Now Drleaiw, No. 1 1, Exchange place; San Francisco No. Il l, Montgomery stieet. j. 11. o i r.i.ue,, .ij-cMi. OreL"n City. April 31. IH;.7.-l'f jCJT"Did yuu evr go lo n military ball I" inouircd a Itvnlv cirl of an old sol tlier. " No, my desr," replied the old war rior : "in tnv 'livs the military balls al ways came to us." OiT An lii'lian being in a lurjjc city on a titihlio occasion, wu looking upon a ill play of firework, when ho was asked if he hud ever seen anvlhinil so extraordinary "Uhl" was the resjionso, " Indiun see burning prairie!" OrWit rosenihlea a coqui'tto: those who mnst cageily run after it, are ihe least luvoreil. OT In aiieii'tit days, the celebrated pre cent was, " Know thvself," In ni.iderii times, it has Ih-ph suiiplaiitcd liy thu far more fashionable maxim : " Know tliv neighbor, and everythinjs ahout him." ftCT A (iirl w ho had become tired of sin cle blewilness, wrole to her intended thus! "Dear Jim, cum rite oil' if you uik cummin ut al, I'M 1 1. 1 lerniiui is ini-iiii i hut I ahull have him, ami he liujj ntn kisses me so coiiiiiintilly lhat I ctin't hold out much longer." New Books t - HIE lulmcriber ha jusl received a large a- nortmeni of llOOhS, d reel irom nrw t ora annum whirh are the fullnwing: Alison' ll.at. of Eurojie, Ameneaa iiisiuiuion, T Sillimaii I lemocracy iii Am rica, Laud und l-e, Sea and Sador," Three Yearn iu Califor. Cyc. of l.ite.'ulure, Uachaa'a Fain. Thy Mnnuul of Fine Art, Leetun-aon Ihe Art, Travel in reru, Polar KeKiuu. M, .Inn's i'liilowiphy, Sill) cup.eiul buud.r speller, f,yU " ltauden, 3:.U McGuirey'a do. b:,0 " ' Webster' Oi.-lii.nnrie. Live of the Siuuers, llahylou aud Niurvth, I). ck au.l I on, Ship aud Shore," Home Cyclopedia, Kirvptaudthe liulyband n.. Lird tier on Sl'in En jjine, Alio t .Miaiasl.rii, t'h.iice liioxmphy, I'eruvian Autiqmlie, Choice Kilra-la, A variety of 1'oit. Davie' Algebra, a (.rumetry, liom-don, " HurveyiiiK, a l.egendre, 11 Arithmetic, ThompKiii' do. Newman's Rhetoric, I Ikv'i do. I'arlev'i Univ. History, Goodrich' Piet. V. 8., Monieith' Geouruphy, -Little Sneaker," N. American Speuker. K LSO, SiWUA MM W iUUl M For Purifying the Blood, ami tu Tin wu or Herorai. Jlerearlal WHre. umaaninn, Cuinaeea Krupiliw, nn,upr ,r.r, .lvert!mlali, UrrPl. Ilroarbllta, piall Kaae,I.MmiwMWll wll. Inn, Hip l)lee, Fever Hor, . yeMalr('iiiplnlul,r.rrlH-la, I'luiplra, lllli, llld Sore, (leaerul llibllllr, JISO CEXEB1L TOXIC FOR THE SYSTEM IT I VNltlVAl.LKD. n.. aiu.- whlM. h.v. llttflr InuirlnU ft llie nrfsra of llie boly, liny lal e..ulisrr.l t" IkiiI "' lUr.iwn i.iii bf Nslnro i is.llr.i. mat uw .w .,.... , tl.i uliluii nwsl.rlMii.il t'! pulifln . Tli Blirlelill l l-li.l. .1 tliat ai.u.iHl llhl llll U ' blood, it U at Iraat certain lliat HEALTH DEPENDS t Hie rcaiTT Wor.ifuW. If th kla In an un- n-ii.ir.l slsi. as In S.r..ful. U.r..y, and all I e.-r..n. Iiimni it to evl.l.-M lh lli. vr-eU wlilel. iwiiiry vr II,. ..iff... nl III. Issly li.ll-l U rhinrrd whb ilh.a. I.I.-hI ; mil i. ilio imlo viilinirt of I.iimL .ii"ii. ana art. rl'. to lin. Kel-K "'im m l jBeld Unite liiu.1 I a piirlSealliill "I llie tlll .in-aio. n " ret, lh..rH..r.. H to alM-naiii i.n.1 " r llie.-ti noon llie roi.nliuri.la f lli bl.l when In On- act ..I miiiuliiaUon. Kl"TlMi ..lrrali..is n. ri...... afllnrHrsralillllllieb''l U'at Uda .rr.aisll..ll I. l ih very li.a.1 ilii u. aim in "" " Istloa to Imldir auu by trsilieatiiif uw laiiitni of UI.MS, STILL FURTHER TESTIMONY. Wast Kit.t.lut.M, Ciinn lun Wth, Is.'". l.sr A. U. D f aki: lltliileiiHii. The (.lkilii ... ,.. i,n.rr inr vliwrvailu. m wnjeh y.eir Mr.u a rll rife- t.-d ihs tiif r a s.-vre raw -r Cl.n.iiio i.lir.ii.,1. llm. Tiw 1,.11,-n', Mr. J.r.li K. tli. en. I illtl- lea Hllli lb. um ili.ni lor yara by turns. a lit. li Miiiii llinr. 4 .lonlfl au irier.uii.i pin .'n sn ..... . .n . . - il-iy Hi- a-e-l rsrloiw rriiirdlas ii"'l-r Hi' H'J ' "I ! i.l,vM Isn. will, b iirnilinsel Imt M'tlal rell.fi ami In .re 'jt tv 1,1. ii.iiu.ry. If aniiHiUilii hum n"t b il"'i- n. vlr. t a Krmsiviil o.iia I mI.im-J 1,1.11 to u-- y.i.ir h..rcnil a II.. ,-r,.r.llily MinuiiiB -.-I ll uw. "'! lb" ". mari.r. lha. lie was b:c to sl -. li ibe rlrst nltht n.iii..r ilraiy flee fr..lll It. III. lie ctillllnnr I II. n, l.. r..rr h.- bail tlkrll tuel. V b...ll.-f ll ..' etlliri!,' fie. fli.lll ihe iln.a'e a.. I ha- reaia lieil an iii . Ii"l" "b' U. pur.il lea busl-ne-a. -i.l ta t ow a n-r..e-riiutlv. for the l..n ot Lrsyi tn our L-a-Watui Very rr-tiBrtfully ymii. wm. a. iii!KvsTr.n, m n. rreparavl and w'll by . B. it . HAN' II, Wli.il. at luul.to, Us) t'uliou-sircft, turner of William, .Nut Vnrk. For al br DF.WITT. KtTTLn A Co.. n JOHN nN Co. and UKlllN'O t'.I.N Vn, in rnnei-co; lill K . COKKIS. Mrv.ll'l It- II. M-UOSALU J. l'o, Ssciainaino; and by lining .mou.rally. U. S. MAIL LINE. ' Ort'jon City and J'ortland Daily radtt rflX Jennie Clark, JT..wJst Joauu MtaivK, Matter,. Will run daily, (Rutulnya toi pled,) In th above, minted trade, leaving Oregon City every day at 9 o'clock, a. a. IleturiiiiiK, will leave Purtlaud at 3 r. at., touching at all intcruivdiuUi point. For freight or paaaaga apply on bi.ard. i . ' ' Daily Line 7-1 Between Portland and Oreron City, mllB new rtern-wheel alramer , 1 n x i a 8 n , ahAa-sg Wh. Isvimo, Master, will run between Portland, and Oregon (iit v daily (Sun.lua eai ept.J), ,. in I'O It I'LANL) at 1 1) . and OUKGOX CITY at 4 r.tt. 1.'. July SS. A rrosh Supply of Stationery. tle It.u.ks. .Iiiuruuis, l.rd;era, Kee.onl Hook Meiiioiaiiduui. i.f all eie, liar e, Ac, Note uud l .ii.r r.nier. Kiirrlope. I'eiii, &e., 4to. Era Knives, Kranive Uul.her. Gummed Label, Kaber Pencil, INK, i" 1""" auo pan uutite. W1I0LLSAI.K A.NU KbTAlL. CliAKLKS l'orii.Ja. Oregon City, Anguit 18, 1X50. Reading for the Million. S. J. McCOUUICK IIAI CONBTANTLV ON HAND AT TIIK KRANKLIN IOOK BI'OIIK, VIIO.NT-ST, I'OI.TLANU, OSKUUN, l Choice sele.-tion of I'opular lliK.kn, Now, il ,iiii.rs. MaL-a.ine and Fanev Stutiunery. Amuiig tho books mi bund will bo found worka on Temperance, Agriculture, Horticulture, His tory, 1'oetry, Iti"t,'iupii5, ;ueuicino, neiii..u, Science, School Uoiiks, Itoinances, &o dec, Jkc. ILTSuhscript.ous received lor Harper, iirunain, Godey, Leslie's, or Tutnnin, al V-i u ycur, pool age free. IT Subscriptions received lor any uewspupet published in nuy part of the Union. 1 i, ... .. L I.I... II. ...1. Vl.,r n,,,l VulVU. Itemeui'ier ill" I i iiiimii. i.w. .....v . . ..... . i. ... i i . i paper A J. ncy, r runt siren, i orunnu "i"ua- UNITED STATES HOTEL II .WIXG leased the MAIN ST. a. IIOIISI-: in thi nity for u lerni of ft. veara, we have opened the sanieuu.U r tlie. name of the VMTKW KT.VTKS lUVl'l'.l., und, ul'ter a Tiioaouun t-irriNti upanu bci'aiiii.vu, an us lo render it every way adapted to ecurin ibe romlurl of lb" traveling cuiiimunity, wo aro now prepared to wait upou all who may favor us with u call. 0 UR TABL E will be furnished with the best the mnrket nflorda. ttnnin for Vvtvote Vamlllea can always be had. OOOO STAUUSG con nectrd with the eatablishnn nt. Terms moderate. WM. M Y KM, J. I,. UltOrilKY. ' Or?on City, October 31, 1157. 8lm6 C A N E M A II HOTEL, CAKEMAH, O. T. THAVK opened the alsiva House in i ... ......... I. v Inert I .illti.. must lianov to wsil iniou mv friends and the palilicji generally. ROUT. CONNOLLY OCT "Will you huve nin, Surah ?"said a yotinp; man to a hy youn lady. " No, John," said she, " bul j ou may have me, if you like." Oir Gentility i to be defined in 'he next edition of lha American dictionary " bating meat wi.h silver fork, neither being paid for." 00" A witiicis was called to the a;an.l lo five hi leatiinony. Hating taken Lis place, he turned to the coutiau-l at the bar, and, before testifyiii).', very earnestly maJa Jos. Darstow IS by himself, and would respectfully nay to lua fiiend and the public generally thut he I. Iliunkfiil for past patronage, and will continue busi ness at the old alalia, ami win ever tie roauy 10 how lua Good, to thou who may I'avor linn with a cull. Com one, contrail, both great aud small, and give him a call befor purchasing elsewhere, and examine for yours. lie in spUudid aud select tuck of ' dry noons, PRorisioys, cloth ISU, BOOTS, SHOES, and CROCKERY, Tea, Sugar, Coffee. Spiers, .Vc, Jtc, Rita, Nail, l! looms, .Vc., and almost every thing pertaining to a grurral line of business. All kind.ol country produce token in exchange. Country fr end will tiud it lo their advantage to give uie a call. CiUleiiinh.Sept. 6. IlRluSTON'S Sectional and County MAP of OKKGON and WASHINGTON TE lilTOKIKS foraale bv .,,.16 CIIARLF.S POTE.Jr. Tho Qracfonborj Company. rums IN'STITI I ION' (inci.riii'raie t by Ihe ' I . . : . - v. ... v - l ... 1 l.etr stature ot me niaie oi i. w ii, .-uK- tiu Qiiiil.utll!). founded for in purpose ainiolviliir thi'imldio with the oeleliruted GKA KF liNliKUU MlvUKTNr'.S. 'lha series comprise r,,....liu for neurlv every disrasc, ndapted to ev ery climate. For iumilies, Iravoler, aeainen, und iniuer use, they nre imeiiini."i. n mo oivu.. cities nro l'UKKLY VKGKTABLK, and war- nnled to euro th- diseuseB fer wli.clt t:iey urc rev orally recommoaded. T it- Oraerenl eri' lo:iipany iiom uoi pron-sa rum ull diejsca Will Olie or IWII tiled cine. Olir aerie consists of EhEVEX dillerent kinds, ud- ni,trd to the various dtseaia incident to the leut neralo nnd Iropicnl climates. The following com- prise tlio soncs oi vractviincrj J.euioiie... The Uraerenberg VcgcUUto Pllla Are considered the standard Pill of tit duy, and am infinitely stt-erior to any I'lll uelure uie putiiic. They operate without irritation on all the excre tion!, punjing the blood by the bowels, liver, kid neys, aud skin. ,11:1 retail' rtcilno Catholicosi, ,!n infallible remedy for all disease of the womb slid iii-iunrv oro-ntt. weakaeM in the hack, pain in breas', nervoiisnes, debility, etc. Iu California and Oregon, out nf more than u thousand cases where this medicine has been used, il has in no single instance failed lo give pcniianent relief or to clle. t a cerium cure. CRAEl VSBERr, SARSAVARILLA, a r,, ! -vino-i. Ouu buttle eouul to ton of the ordinary, sursiiparilla for purifying the blisid. sure cure for sciufulu, i heu.nutisin, ulcors, dya- pepsia, salt rhcuin, meictirial diseuscs, cutaneous eruptions, &c. 'the Hvcen Mountain Olutmcut, Invultmlile for burns, wounds, sprains, ch'dblaini, aores, swelling!, scrofula, etc As a pain extract or, it cunii'it b excelled, all'urdiiu immediate re lief from the nioal exc. ucialing pains. I TIIK ORABFKNBEBO DYSENTERY STRUP. Tliisextraurilinary nrlicle i a speedy and infallible remedy in diurrhoou, dysentery, choicra morbus, cholera infantum, uud the .-Malic cholera, if taken with the first symptom of the disease. It is pure ly vegetable iu us compound. Uraerenheru t.'.lillilven'is Panacea, Vnt auuimer cotiiDlainl. and most diseases to which children are .uhjmt lis true worth con uever be set forth ill words, but il can be Celt and upprec a- ted by paronts whoso children liuvo beeu saveaU. No mother should be without it Uracleuburg IMIo Ucmeily. Warranted a certain euro lor this painful disease. With Ihe Ointment, there aro very few cases wh ch cannot bo radically and permanent!)' cured. A surgical operation fur Piles uud Fistula should never be resorted In until tit s ointment has been thoroughly tiied. It never fails. UVWUVKXtlRVUl IVYU LOTION." I-'.t .liseusi-s uf Ihe eve, this Lotion has tin equal. Ii sm-edv and uw'tive cure for inllaininnliou of Ihe eves, w. ukuesses, dimness and failing of sight. It will always lie bouelK-iul iu acute lutt.uniimtK.il of the eyos.aud uls-. as a wash ou nitlaiiica surtaces. GBACFKNBISKO ! FEVER AND AGUE FILLS. A speedy and positive euro for this distressing complaint. Tluno Pill are composed principally ot tjuiniuo, with oilier vegetable tonics, unli-epas-ileal ic and frbriiuge articles. Thousauds have beeu permanently cured by their use. Ui'iiffftibcrK t witti! tiiplivvVa Kalm Sovereign in till llronehial and Pulmouury Di eases. It i, beyond all uueatiou, true that cou uiiipltoti is a curable disease, and the Consump tive' Halm b the beat curative ever used. . tiinereuUein Uraltb tltllers. These b tiers uie skillully aud elegantly prepared Irom a number of invigorating, healthy roots, barks, beibs, uud viues. An uivalaab.o touic and liea.lb re.ttiier. Ovaef.-nbcrj Manual of Health. A handsomely-printed volumo of 3dU pag, eon taiuiuK com-ieatid extremely plain descriptions of all manner uf diseases, the.r symptom and treut nient livery family should have one. Price onlv iM'tUa. Il aillba sent, post paid, to any ptwlollke iu California or Oregon, ou th re ceipt of -.'a cenu by mad or express. Address liediug.on & Co., San Francisco. The Gratleuuerg .Medicines aro for sale by all Druggists and .ipolheoarie throughout the country. A. 11. S I'LlliLE, Agent, Oregon City. Geaerm! Agrul for Californu and Oregon KKDINliTON A. Co, ' Wholeaale Druggist, No. lilT I'lav rtreet. San Franeisw. Ladies! . "ROU will fiud un excellent assortment of Drtst B. nnd flanif f SHU, Sntini und VtleetH vf.D timnet Trimmhig; llMiery, Oluce; Lm aud Rib'imi, Tutilt CMh: Counterpane, ete.., ut th atoreuf CUAKLKS PoPK.Jr., (Main-st., opposite Abernelhy'l store,) where ma) be l'uuud utmost eceiylliing in the line of Dry Good.: Such aa Print. Gingham. Alpaca, Merino Ptuid Linseys, iMushns, Sutliueits, Jhuus, Finn, liris, Sheotings, lied T.ckiug, Hickory Stripe, Cotton Hatting, etc. Oregon City, April 21, 1857 llf CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DROPS. Tbw who tiRf fr't the rulsfiit thmbhlnr "il rxerin-t. atlns iianaa of radial l.s.tbai'ti h..tu. ibnnit-b their ).au(tlie.il wbb ibe iii,a.lti.ruiri.tlli Iwraevrraiier. Mid i. l.i.fiun th. fti-e. lis. e n-rrlvrd bill bul- - tita hy fr frlen-.. wl I n.. n-uM l- imib .l.-'"l to know "I " ra irtiv that will never fall to qulel Ibe lilin.eri lint otTeiuler. . ..... .... , I.I .......it. In II. m lit.a.1 ali-l leave tut- It-em. wnr.r - ' . . The niiiiimnie nin-e tl tits ac'...i.'Urb..l are ell itrat. a. ti ll II has only t becn.nr tmera'll kln.x n In I s a- h'nl.'y .irei lslisl l-V Uu- pi.t.-le a- " na ion wth " Tlie nl! I'mr tftiin.'ii.v Is ft..in one of ihe must ilt.lin gul.liv'l praitual liintis's In thu nit) ot Naw Wki Messrs Samsi: Oenilemi-ii-In Ibe roam or my prv Hit I bsve ulsiislvely lise.l your I'love Amslrn wltb linicli fucews lor Ib- re.lvf uf lb Tntlii-lir; i"j a 1 ei.nstai.itr rvrniiur..-a.l It to my ji.lb 'it., I ile. ni It but just b. Inforni y..u nf the Mill opiiiloi. I bare of It over ulli.rretue.llii. I am y.1.11. very re.pr.-tf.il y. Al. LblM I, 1 1 .at.. P.....,1 .-,,1 .!il lor S. II. A' D. KAMI. Vh.il n'e I'runiMa, No. 100 Fultou-itreoL corner of Wiilliun, Ki-a- ti.rk For sate t.v PF.WtTT. KITTI.KACo. II. .10I1NS0N k Co.a-.t ltKlUMITliN Co.. Sun l-rslicln-o; KILB A Olt'KIN. MarnvlUn It. It. M. tioN ALU at Co, Bao tailielilo; anil l.y l.tmuli-ls ttrnersnj. O" Da. rVI'KKLli. ol the Oregon City Drug Store, is u'ent for lltcso medic u- a. jyll U. S. MAIL LINE. Portland iititl ikiarla,' The Splendid Steamer ' Multnomah i WILL eiiiitiniiloriinrnlnrly belweni Port, laud and Astoria, tin Vancouver, twici wr.K, leaving Purllaud on .Moiidnyand Tliursdny morning of euch week for Astoria) and Aatoria for Pcrtluttd on Turwlay and Friday morning, touching Vakcouvku.St. IIsi.kns, KaiaiKa.CaTH. Lamit, dec, each wuy. For freight or passage, apply to U. IIOVT, Mauler, f jelP Oral Hoyt'a Whurl-btml, Portland. I Now Arrangements. IHAVi: bouglit vitl the llAKKIIY eatablUh. in. tit uf Charman .j- Warner, which 1 have now np.-ii.-d under the most' favorable ciirum. atuncra In all old patron, and aa many new one a may choose lo give me a call. .My slup will be well auppllcd with . - . BrruJ, Cokes, Pies, Crackers, Nuts, Can. tV(i, lldisiii, Pips, Ciears, Toys, and nlmost every other variety of knlck-knacka yet invented by Yuukoc ingenuity nil of ah.ch will be all'orilrd - - - - AT TIIK I.0WF.S7 P0S-1DI.P. HATK8 1 I ahull uncnsionally receive upJie fiom lb tiiipcal Intiiude. which will be duly announced npuu arrival. All ar Invited in give me a call . I HKIiLKICK CliAK.MAN.il Oreion City, April S8, IH57. - - ,. : i JUST ItKCKlVtL) at Ihe Oregon City Drug Store, direct from New York and San Fran cisco, a fteah supply ol DRUGS, MEDICINES, Puletil Modieiiiea. Fatuity Medicine, die., ie, which will be sold ai tote fur eaik at Iktuean h procured in tht Territory. Call and examine for yourselves, aud uct au Almanuc for IHi?, grati. TAYNK'S Alterative, Kxpectorunt, and Pill, Cud Liver Oil, Custor O I, and Sweet OH, at the OREGON CITY DRUG Sl'tlltK. - M -;I(JAN .Mus.ung l.iiiimviil, G. W. Mir. chant's Garuling Oil, at Ihe I OKKGON CITY DRUGSTORE. Medicines for Sale, By CHARLES POPE, .la. - N DS' Sarsnpatilla, Peck a Wild Cherry Hit F9 ten", llalemau's drops, Br.iiidreth'spill, Lie's pills, Perry's vermifuge, Opodolduc, Gum Cam. phor, Gum Aratne, nriiisu un, L.ooen, iiui u..., Ud preparation, Roinun eye balsom, Ualley a extractor, Luudaiiuiii, Paregoric, Oil of Pc mint, KasenceB, Conin.saiou Powders, Cui Oalley'a pain pi-r. artcrs Pulmonary Ualsom, Sulphur, Fpsum Salts, iio. April ai, loji-m d s , A Soiling; OJ! VALUAI5LK iua.irueut of HOOKS and autnouerv. 'Teacher and dralcra aisd all ore, now v o u AT CIIARHAN d! WAll.NEIl S. .n.x. mt il., iTAf CT--f.LT TN ADDlTlO.,i IV uuti uouausiium I have ust received, direct irom ouu riau ciseo, a good aud luitublo upply of tiWi for this Scaion of the 1 car, ml,!, . I, ar.. offer for sale at price whicn catinot u beat in thi niurkul. Our stock consists in purl of 400 lbs sal aoila, . , , 00 boxes English soap, 50 " Chas. Hill's soup, SO doz eoru starch, SO cases pie fruit, 15 " pickles, 8 dux honey, 8 " lobsters, ' 12 i.yslers, . , -SO hlfbblsN O sugar, 4 b'als Sandwich Island syrup, 10 hlfbbla dried apples, R rits mackerel, 8000 lbs flick candy, - 5U0 " fancy do. 1 case Gadipisher toy, 1 " German toys, 400 lbs almonds, 13 hit' boxes raisins, 6 whole boxes do., . " ' "' ' ". 4rj prs good Muekiuaw blankets, 201 10 yds browu sheeting, 2000 " calico, Hoots und shoe! of evnrv description The above, with our usual assortment, we think renders our slock complete. Cull and see na. Termscash. CHARM AN d- WARNER-. . Diccuiber 20, leto7. i:xpetienfc Wnke l'fffecl. IF'iy f?o to Portland to Buy Goods ? WE wish to inform our customers nnd the public generally that wo have now un I hand, in addition to our usual heavy Block of Gro ceries and Dry-Goods, ouu of the largest and bust- selected stocks of RE A D Y-AfADE CL 0 THING ever offered in ibis market. We also wish to sny that our goods are of excellent quality, and thut we will sell AS CIIF.AF AS ANY OTIIEU HOUSE IN OREGON, Portland not excepted. Our old motto still tjovem oar trade " Quick sales nnd small profits." Our stock of good is now opeu fur inspection to all who will luvor us w.lh a call. Call and sec, and let expenene then speak for itself. We sell as low as any in the Territory, fur cash, or produce ut timrket rates. I ti A K M A if do WAKnfc.ll. Oregon City. May '.'3, l3,i7. Wm. C. Dement Co., WHOLESALE ifc HETA1L Dealers la Groceries- Hardware, Coots & Shoes, Crockery, &o., iTIENUEIt their thanks to their uumerotts ens- I tnmers for their p isl liberal patronage, and . licit a continuance of the same. Thev luke pleasure iu informing the public that they huve now on hand a large and d. sirable sliaik of Groeerie; Hardware, Root and Shoe, Crorkery, and Boat Stores, to which they are makiiiF constant addit.ouo from New York and San Fraueieco, purchased for cash ouly, and are enabled to Bell al lower price lhau uuy olhcrjrore in Orceno liitv. Jail. Jl, 13.il. LINN CITY STORE. rtVK suU-riber would respectfully inform the JL pui.lie ihul ho has li ken th.- store lately oc cupied by Mr. UiiuuuiiroN, at Ll-NS til l.w.tu the design ol cunt. lining Ihe l.'fiifial .MftfittiinHHO tlllliie. He will keep always on hand a good assortment of fT - r3j&awSis GnOCE-lISl, M.-DICINE3, Crockery, Hardware, Cluthiny, Boots and Qhoes, Conjert onery, Ligars, Sidthnefy, dc. The above will nltvay be offered at the LOWEST PRICES! For Cash or Country Prtxlace. J2f- rieose call und see for yotnselves. E1 THOMAS BAILEY. Linn Citv, Sept. SO, 1Sj7. 2- rnitl'SSICS, t i-lit und left and double, and Ab JL iloininal sopioilers, at the ouegon city nurd store. 1)UUIi While Lead, ruw uud burned Umber, Clonic, Green am! Yellow, aud other p-iiuta, at the OREGON CITY DRUG STORK. . 1-ERFU.Mi;RY.alihe OUEGON CITY DRUG STORE. G1 It MiKliNBERG .MEDICINES: , X GraefenbergSi.rsaparilla, UteriueCslliulioun. Jjysiutcry syrup, couauutptiri bal.u, , , Tile Ointment, ' lle.dili Hitlers, . " Eye L"tiou, Sec, ate.,' To bo found ut the agency of the Company, at tho OLF.CON CI I'Y DRUG STOItli. nAY.MAN'S Dyspeptic Elixir warranted to euro llie dyspepsia jut renetved nnd for sale ut tho OUEiiONClTY DRUGSTORE. DIt. Gitysotl's compound extruot of Sarsuparilla uud Yellow Dock, at th 1 sepia OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. 0 Suitaipaiilla, at 1.1) Dr. Jacob T .wusell i the OREGON CITY DRUGSTORE. cclcbiated Cherry Pectoral for OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. IMt. J. Avres' XJ coughs, colds, aud con-umpliou, at the ALL T'T HAS REEN EVIUEJi I IU X for soiiio ti ne past, that MORE ROOM AND MORE GOODS were needed ut tho LINN CITY STORE, to meet the demands of its constantly increasing custom. These additions have now been made Ihe store is enlarged, and the stock has just been replenished with a large uwoittneu'. uf tsi-occrie, Dry Uo, &c, among which tire Panama Hats, Gaiters, Cravats, Parasols, Ginghams, hlbbons, MMUerel, Raisins. Nuts, And a niimT oral mop.:, At the 'LINN CITY STORE.' Motto "Small profits and ititick returns." April 11, IH57. McLANE'S celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Phis, OREGON CITY OKI G STORE. DR. Tawnsend's Sarsaparilhi, at th ' r OREGON CITY DKL'G STORE.1 Jlilil'VlAN Febrifuge, for the cure of feva and uitiie. Aic. & C . ills! received and for sal OREGON CITY DRUG STORE. at llio Harness and Saddlery, Til E un 'ersigncd having opened anew in liCT T'EVILLE. Marion county, O. T.. is ready tn m iiiufacture and furnish al short notice, und iu the best an I most substan t.ul st vie of the itraft. nil kinds nf HARNESS land SADDLERY WORK, Trunk und Car- Iringe Trimming, CyC. .March 'JB, IS.K. a. miiv. A TOFF ATS Lifo Bitten and Pills, Ueruard a 1VL Dysentery S) rup. HuriM". Uttlivr & Kuddlcr. mllE subscriber has bought out th esiatii.sn X mcnl formerly owned by A.K. Post, and is now currying on the .-IK.Vfi ii' anda.it u uc MY business in all its brunches i ths L1VF.UY S'TAIILE belonging to the eatablishnn nt, is also kept up, where hnr.-eaund eat riugesure coiwtitnlly kept lor Ihoaccounnodatioii of llie public. Honr left at my stable, w.ll always be treated with par ticular attention, and wetl 'fed. 1 have been con nected ivilh ih.f establishment for some four yean, aud am now permutienlly located, where I shall al wuvs be happy to wail on all who may faior m withacall W. . PARTLOW. The best uf TIMOTHY HAY kept constant, ly ou hand. Oregon City, Oct. 18, IS5(i-S7y. tiUit'iiiiili, Api'H I I57' ON hand and for sale, low, for cash of produoa Paints it lead, chrome ereen, white lead, prttssian on o red do in oil, chroma yellow, blk. do " blue paint, 1 i;. Common and permanent tmaly.l" (te JNO. P. BROOKS. Wistar'a Uulsutu of Wild Churrv. ut the - ...... . t ...n.r x n t- Jiv.n 1.- (IKt.UM.t I'll I uutioiiuni. Central Produce Depot. CAN E.MAll. C CONSTANTLY receiv ng, fresh from ranch, J wheat, oats, bucon, lard, butter and potatoes. Apti!4,'57. JOHN P. BROOKS, W. P. Burns, WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKER, OREGON Cliy.O.T.' IT" Strict attention paid to repairing, and satis faction to patrons warranted. l'eb9-43 DOZ. thumb latches, cheap, for sale by WM.C. DEMENT at co. 50 SHAKER Sarsapartlla, at the OREGON t. TP Y DRUG STORE. D (ARILS for 1S57 lor Bale by C. POPE, Jr. E. L. BRADLEY. H0MKR HOLLANB. BRADLEY & CO., BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS OREGON CITY, O. T., :. T'EEP cotiftantly on hand a aYM X- central assortmeiit of i . 6 A-ISCELLANEOU3 and) SCHOOL BOOHI also, a fine assortment of STATIONERY, d EVERYTHING H getierally kept in their line of business. CALL AT THE SIGN OF THI ,t CITY B OO K -STORE, -Opposite Holmes's Brick Store. .. . IMS7 . .J-1'- v, . It. Osgood' ludial.'holagogue, nnd Dr. Jones' American I holagngne, at the ' ORE(;oN CITY DRUG STORE. L1 I MM just received and for sale by mvStl K. CHARMAN. the tuauiry, " S.ty, Stranger, a hieh f )! am ihlOTt-l9d .r.'inv,tt to eajl and exam tie. Ior Min hSH, 1637 C. POPH. Jr. MORRIS' Poetical Wotks fralby c. ri4:, ll.tvitrd Tailor's CY'CLOPEDIA of Modern Travel, and Swau' Three Yours' Residence on the North Wist coast for lale at Ihe CITY BOOK STOKE. 1LAX SfcED lor sale at C. POPE'S. 1 ILT MOULDING lor pcture from., for ale by CHARMAN At MAKaI.ii G"e IAKY and fence for anl by Correspondence of Ann Law- - c. i oris. jr. -raUTAUAGA aed-foraleby li mar-JX C rOPK.Jr. T L'ST RECEIVED, a new aupply of Rio and f I Java Coffee, Race, Sugar, Sal Soda. ate. nov-J'J C. POPE, Jr., Maia aL F 16 I'LL assorlin.-til f N nikee Notions at ' mhil CHARMAN H WAItt.KS- ANDS Sarsaparilla, in any quantity, at the OREGON CU I lUl l Btuin.. DOZ. Oyrters. CHARMAN 4 WARNER. i N assortment of Bible and Testaments for .' aula at lb Kepaeitory price! bv j, I C. POPE. Jr. TTTE WILL PAY CASH or TKAWL ro V g')od WHEAT at the market price. For Sale at the CIl'Y BOOK STORE, 1M1E following works , , . Magic Staff, by A.J- DaW j Great Irou Wheel, ft)' J- " Dred, in vols., by Harriet Bcecher Stow! , The Home Cyclopedia , of the World's Progress, - , , L'stful ArU, " ' a ' Europe, ' Geography, ' r " Kne Aria and L,tteraiarr, ' Biogrnphy, &n. OetJ-' Groceries FOR SALE BY CHARLES POPE.J esUGAU, Salt, Coffee. Tea, Syrup, Ci"" (9 Starch, Saleratn. Cream Tartsr. Sal SfJ Crb. Soal.. lppr, Spico, A lltf peraa, ete. npni i . Hardware 'J FOR SALE BY CHARLES TOPS, BRASS and lion Bulla. Sere, Lka Ulches. Hammer, and H.heA. Drawing-knive., Handnvra, Carry Comal, B Ilnishei id Card. Gun Lock. Gna Cap. Cards. Chest Handle. Plane. Ve rrv BBLS. fresh "SanuCnii" HM?j fee 50 5 da. 1